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Rent control is the system whereby the local government tells building owners how much they can charge their tenants in rent. In the United States, rent controls date back to at least World War II.

In 1943 the federal government imposed rent controls to help solve the problem of housing shortages during wartime. The federal program ended after the war, but in some locations, including New York City, controls continued. Under New York's controls, a landlord generally cannot raise rents on apartments as long as the tenants continue to renew their leases. In places such as Santa Monica, California, rent controls are more recent. They were spurred by the inflation of the 1970's, which, combined with California's rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, as well as rents, to record levels. In 1979 Santa Monica's municipal government ordered landlords to roll back their rents to the levels charged in 1978. Future rents could only go up by two-thirds as much as any increase in the overall price level.

In any housing market, rental prices perform three functions: (1) promoting the efficient maintenance of existing housing and stimulating the construction of new housing, (2) allocating existing scarce housing among competing claimants, and (3) rationing use of existing housing by potential renters.

One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rental units. Rent controls have artificially depressed the most important long-term determinant of profitability — rents. Consider some examples. In a recent year in Dallas, Texas, with a 16 percent rental vacancy rate but no rent control laws, 11,000 new housing units were built. In the same year, in San Francisco, California, only 2,000 units were built. The major difference? San Francisco has only a 1.6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws. In New York City, except for government-subsidized construction, the only rental units being built are luxury units, which are exempt from controls. In Santa Monica, California, new apartments are not being constructed. New office rental space and commercial developments are, however. They are exempt from rent controls.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The construction of apartments in the United States.

(B) Causes and effects of rent control

(C) The fluctuations of rental prices

(D) The shortage of affordable housing in the United States.

2. The word They in line 9 refers to

(A) the tenants

(B) their leases

(C) places

(D) rent controls.

3. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the introduction of rent controls in Santa Monica,California?

(A) rapid population growth

(B) inflation

(C) economic conditions during wartime

(D) record-high housing prices

4. The phrase roll back in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) credit

(B) measure

(C) vary

(D) reduce

5. The word stimulating in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) experimenting with

(B) identifying

(C) estimating

(D) encouraging

6. It can be inferred that the purpose of rent control is to

(A) protect tenants

(B) promote construction

(C) increase vacancy rates

(D) decrease sales of rental units

7. The word depressed in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) saddened

(B) created

(C) lowered

(D) defeated

8. The information in the last paragraph supports which of the following statements?

(A) San Francisco has eliminated its rent control laws.

(B) Rent control leads to a reduction in the construction of housing units

(C) Luxury apartments are rarely built when there is rent control

(D) There is a growing need for government-subsidized housing.

9. According to the passage , which of the following cities does NOT currently have rent controls?

(A) Santa Monica

(B) Dallas

(C) San Francisco

(D) New York City

10. The word stringent in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) straightforward

(B) strict

(C) expanded

(D) efficient

11. According to the passage , which of the following is NOT exempt from rent control?

(A) Luxury apartments

(B) Commercial development

(C) Moderately priced apartments

(D) Office space.



By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been introduced into the American colonies through books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and traveling colonists who brought back copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with European art institutions.

By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: limner was usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's; painter characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface. By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.

Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste — a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) European influence on colonial American painting

(B) The importance of patronage to artist

(C) The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century

(D) Subjects preferred by artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century.

2. The word outbreak in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) cause

(B) beginning

(C) position

(D) explanation

3. The word undergone in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) led to

(B) transformed

(C) preferred

(D) experienced

4. According to the passage , before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to

(A) paint wheel carriages

(B) paint portraits

(C) varnish furniture

(D) paint flat surfaces

5. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England

(A) considered artists to be superior to painters

(B) barely painted portraitists

(C) were often very wealthy

(D) imitated English painters

6. The word consorted in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) made decisions

(B) studies

(C) agreed

(D) associated

7. The word sufficient in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) adequate

(B) temporary

(C) friendly

(D) expensive

8. According to the passage , artists such as Copley, West and Peal signed their paintings

(A) increased the monetary value of the paintings

(B) made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings

(C) supported the artists' image of professionalism

(D) distinguished colonial American artists from European artists

9. The author mentions James Bowdoin III and William Byrd in line 17 as examples of which of

the following?

(A) Art gallery owners who displayed only European art

(B) Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes toward art

(C) Artists who gave financial support to other artists

(D) Patrons whose helped to encourage artisans to become artists

10. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to develop great art.

(B) The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.

(C) The value of colonial American paintings decreased after the Revolution.

(D) Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving culture of the new nation.








3. 文章结构不够熟悉























略读又称跳读(reading and skipping)或浏览(glancing),是一种专门的,非常实用的快速阅读技能。

















这是真正能够提高阅读能力的环节。回到原文之中,逐句逐词读文章,遇到每一个自己不认识的单词都查一下,并且结合文章内容,把它背诵下来。每个意思不确定的词组,也要通过一切手段搞懂。在单词和词组的基础之上,搞懂文章每一句话的意思、每个段落的内部逻辑、段落之间的关系和文章的构成。托福作为一个标准化的考试,它的考点以及文章构造的方式总是固定的。而逻辑的展开方式,无非也就是因果、并列、递进、转折、让步那么几种。我们需要做的无非是多遍熟悉文章的写作和构建方式,之后在考试中,看到一个段落能够对段落的构建方式有准确的预判和把握。这是提高对 篇章把握能力的有效方法。






















在托福阅读考试中,能否准确找出正确答案很大程度上取决于能否辩认出同义词、近义词、相关词及不同形式的短语。 1.词形完全相同; 2.词义相同,即同义词 ;3.词义相近,但并非同义 ;4.词义相关。上述四种词汇/短语表达方式中,种当然容易辩认,第二种同义词也相 对不难,但第三种与第四种形式则不易辩认,所以要在阅读过程中多加比较练习。如能攻破这一关,则一定能够取得好的考试成绩。


托福阅读考试没有必要去读懂每一个词。如所遇到的词对理解全文及答题不构成任何困难,则不必理会它的词义,但所碰到的词使你在理解全文,甚至回答问题时出现困难,则要设法去猜测其词义。 猜测词义要从两方面着手:







1 前5套不计时做题,后面题都要严格按照20分钟一篇文章的限制来做题。

2 做题过程中不查词典。

3 做题后对照正确答案检查自己的答案。

4 检查自己错的题为什么错。不外乎如下几个原因:1)单词不认识或者认错了。 2) 语法点不懂。 3) 理解错了做完之后要有针对性的,把这些问题解决掉。


5 正确的题也要去理顺一下这些题的做题思路,方便以后快速的做题。

6 每做完4套题,就要把所有错的题横向比较一下,这是你马上就会发现某些题型经常错,这个时候只有把这个题型好好研究一下,以后做题才回来感。

7 如果每篇文章错的题的数目超过6个,则强烈建议多练习一下文章翻译,同时要比照后面给出的中文翻译来进行对照,分析自己哪里翻译错了,以及为什么翻译错了。





According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X?

The author’s description of Xmentions which of the following?

According to the paragraph, Xoccured because…

According to the paragraph, Xdid Ybecause…

According to the paragraph, why did X do Y?



除了用题干的信息定位,考生还常常会碰到用选项定位的情况。选项定位和题干定位大体的原则是一样的,但选项定位有这样一个特殊的地方——我们可以用“绝对性”单词去定位。什么叫做绝对性单词?顾名思义就是那些表达意义较为绝对的单词,常见的有best, only等等。这种定位方式仅适用于选项定位,因为选项通常较短,信息较单一,便于排除。



The sculptural legacy that the new United States inherited from its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculpture as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople. Stone carvers engraved their motifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds. Some skilled craftspeople made intricately carved wooden ornamentations for furniture or architectural decorations, while others caved wooden shop signs and ships' figureheads. Although they often achieved expression and formal excellence in their generally primitive style, they remained artisans skilled in the craft of carving and constituted a group distinct from what we normally think of as sculptors in today's use of the word.

On the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770's when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. Wilton also made a lead equestrian image of King George III that was created in New York in 1770 and torn down by zealous patriots six years later. A few marble memorials with carved busts, urns, or other decorations were produced in England and brought to the colonies to be set in the walls of churches — as in King's Chapel in Boston. But sculpture as a high art, practiced by artists who knew both the artistic theory of their Renaissance-Baroque-Rococo predecessors and the various technical procedures of modeling, casting, and carving rich three-dimensional forms, was not known among Americans in 1776. Indeed, for many years thereafter, the United States had two groups from which to choose — either the local craftspeople or the imported talent of European sculptors.

The eighteenth century was not one in which powered sculptural conceptions were developed. Add to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans — originally trained as stonemasons, carpenters, or cabinetmakers — attacked the medium from which they sculpture made in the United States in the late eighteenth century.

1. What is the main idea of the passage ?

(A) There was great demand for the work of eighteenth-century artisans.

(B) Skilled sculptors did not exist in the United States in the 1770's.

(C) Many foreign sculptors worked in the United States after 1776.

(D) American sculptors were hampered by a lack of tools and materials.

2. The word motifs in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) tools

(B) prints

(C) signatures

(D) designs

3. The work of which of the following could be seen in burial grounds?

(A) European sculptors

(B) Carpenters

(C) Stone carves

(D) Cabinetmakers

4. The word others in line 6 refers to

(A) craftspeople

(B) decorations

(C) ornamentations

(D) shop signs

5. The word distinct in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) separate

(B) assembled

(C) notable

(D) inferior

6. The word rare in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) festive

(B) infrequent

(C) delightful

(D) unexpected

7. Why does the author mention Joseph Wilton in line 13?

(A) He was an English sculptor who did work in the United States.

(B) He was well known for his wood carvings

(C) He produced sculpture for churches.

(D) He settled in the United States in 1776.

8. What can be inferred about the importation of marble memorials from England?

(A) Such sculpture was less expensive to produce locally than to import

(B) Such sculpture was not available in the United States.

(C) Such sculpture was as prestigious as those made locally.

(D) The materials found abroad were superior.

9. How did the work of American carvers in 1776 differ from that of contemporary sculptors?

(A) It was less time-consuming

(B) It was more dangerous.

(C) It was more expensive.

(D) It was less refined.






















A: 原始人阶段---能够准确的认出所读的文字,能够读出文章的语意内容和编排结构等。

B: 白领阶段---会看懂同义词或同意转述,能够准确明白所接触的词汇句子的含义等。

C: 土豪阶段---通过所读懂的句子进行判断,分析,推断,归纳等的过程。

托福阅读如果想考到20-25分,达到B 阶段就可以! 但是如果想当土豪,就必须达到C 阶段的阅读能力!很不幸的是,我们很多同学处在A阶段,甚至是A--阶段,就是说词汇还没有背完!托福词汇量核心要有6000以上,越多越好!如果这个没有,可以说就很难考到一个理想的阅读分数!

那么,想在短期内想达到C 阶段,有没有可能呢?当然有方法!就是要做精读托福文章!所谓的精读就是快速把握文章中的重要信息和内容,准确提高对字词,句篇的分析能力和解读能力,通过结合相关考点提高其准确性和速度,理解材料中的难点和要点并进行归纳推断判断等能力!最后达到人文合一的境界!

STEP1, 词汇要求各位同学每天至少浏览200-300个单词,争取一个月内识别6000+个单词,越多越好!市面上有很多背单词的书籍,大家可以用来研读,肯定会提高背词能力的!

STEP2, 迅速去掉修饰,直达主干结构。如动词不定时,现在分词,过去分词,关系词等技巧处理。


STEP4, 提高对某些重点句子的理解:如带转折的句子,带归纳字眼的句子,带概括动词的句子,设问的句子,段首段末句式等




The third main type of volcano is the extinct volcano .Extinct volcanoes are inactive and have never erupted over the course of human history . There are many extinct volcanoes around the world including Mount Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania),Mount Warning (in Australia),and La Chaine des Puys (in France).While they are inactive now, some volcanoes take more than a million years to reactivate after erupting. For this reason ,many scientist argue there is no point in determining whether a volcano is dormant or extinct.


The third main type of volcano (文章主题在讲火山,重复多的字眼不是重点词汇,忽略)is the extinct volcano(段落主旨) .Extinct volcanoes are inactive and have never erupted(否定词汇,考点) over the course of human history(时间状语不重要,忽略或快速阅读,除非题目考与时间相关的题目) . There are many extinct volcanoes (强调句型,关注)around the world including Mount Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania),Mount Warning (in Australia),and La Chaine des Puys (in France)(地点状语不重要,忽略或快速阅读,除非题目考和地点相关的题目).While they are inactive now(尽管,紧挨着的句子不重要,重点看转折后的句子!), some volcanoes take more than a million years to reactivate after erupting(对数字要敏感). For this reason(过度短语,忽略) ,many scientist argue there is no point(强调句型,否定考点,作者观点!必读)in determining whether a volcano is dormant or extinct. (具体结论,考点。)



Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. The cities predicted the future, wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China.

Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775.

The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it was virtually stripped of its timber. The available farmland was occupied, there was little in the region beyond the city to attract immigrants. New York and Philadelphia, by contrast, served a rich and fertile hinterland laced with navigable watercourses. Scots, Irish, and Germans landed in these cities and followed the rivers inland. The regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia became the breadbaskets of North America, sending grain not only to other colonies but also to England and southern Europe, where crippling droughts in the late 1760's created a whole new market.

1. Which of the following aspects of North America in the eighteenth century does the passage

mainly discuss?

(A) The effects of war on the growth of cities

(B) The growth and influence of cities

(C) The decline of farming in areas surrounding cities

(D) The causes of immigration to cities

2. Why does the author say that the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development

of North America (lines 1-2)?

(A) The influence of the cities was mostly negative

(B) The populations of the cities were small, but their influence was great.

(C) The cities were growing at a great rate.

(D) Most people pretended to live in cities

3. The phrase in place of in lines 4-5 is closest in meaning to

(A) connected to

(B) in addition to

(C) because of

(D) instead of

4. The word attendant in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) avoidable

(B) accompanying

(C) unwelcome

(D) unexpected

5. Which of the following is mentioned as an element of modern capitalism?

(A) Open competition

(B) Social deference

(C) Social hierarchy

(D) Independent craftspeople

6. It can be inferred that in comparison with North American cities, cities in Europe, the Middle

East, and China had

(A) large populations

(B) little independence

(C) frequent social disorder

(D) few power sources

7. The phrase exponential leaps in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) long wars

(B) new laws

(C) rapid increases

(D) exciting changes

8. The word it in line 15 refers to

(A) population

(B) size

(C) Boston

(D) Year

9. How many immigrants arrived in North America between 1760 and 1775?

(A) About 16,000

(B) About 25,000

(C) About 30,000

(D) More than 200,000

10. The word dictated in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) spoiled

(B) reduced

(C) determined

(D) divided

11. The word virtually in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) usually

(B) hardly

(C) very quickly

(D) almost completely

12. The region surrounding New York and Philadelphia is contrasted with the region surrounding

Boston in terms of

(A) quality of farmland

(B) origin of immigrants

(C) opportunities for fishing

(D) type of grain grown

13. Why does the author describe the regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia as


(A) They produced grain especially for making bread.

(B) They stored large quantities of grain during periods of drought

(C) They supplied grain to other parts of North America and other countries.

(D) They consumed more grain than all the other regions of North America.



The spectacular aurora light displays that appear in Earth's atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious phenomena. Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the aurora brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon sign.

To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region created by the Earth's magnetic field. Outside the magnetosphere, blasting toward the earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic filed. Charged particles in this solar wind speed earthward along the solar wind's magnetic lines of force with a spiraling motion. The Earth's magnetosphere is a barrier to the solar winds, and forces the charged particles of the solar wind to flow around the magnetosphere itself. But in the polar regions, the magnetic lines of force of the Earth and of the solar wind bunch together. Here many of the solar wind's charged particles break through the magnetosphere and enter Earth's magnetic field. They then spiral back and forth between the Earth's magnetic poles very rapidly. In the polar regions, electrons from the solar wind ionize and excite the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere, causing them to emit aurora radiations of visible light.

The colors of an aurora depend on the atoms emitting them. The dominant greenish white light comes from low energy excitation of oxygen atoms. During huge magnetic storms oxygen atoms also undergo high energy excitation and emit crimson light. Excited nitrogen atoms contribute bands of color varying from blue to violet. Viewed from outer space, auroras can be seen as dimly glowing belts wrapped around each of the Earth's magnetic poles. Each aurora hangs like a curtain of light stretching over the polar regions and into the higher latitudes. When the solar flares that result in magnetic storms and aurora activity are very intense, aurora displays may extend as far as the southern regions of the United States.

Studies of auroras have given physicists new information about the behavior of plasmas, which has helped to explain the nature of outer space and is being applied in attempts to harness energy from the fusion of atoms.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The methods used to observe auroras from outer space

(B) The formation and appearance of auroras around the Earth's poles

(C) The factors that cause the variety of colors in auroras

(D) The periodic variation in the display of auroras

2. The word phenomena in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) ideas

(B) stars

(C) events

(D) colors

3. The word picture in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) frame

(B) imagine

(C) describe

(D) explain

4. The passage describes the magnetosphere as a barrier (line 10) because

(A) its position makes it difficult to be observed from Earth

(B) it prevents particles from the solar wind from easily entering Earth's atmosphere

(C) it increases the speed of particles from the solar wind

(D) it is strongest in the polar regions

5. The word them in line 16 refers to

(A) polar regions

(B) electrons

(C) atoms and molecules

(D) aurora radiations

6. According to the passage , which color appears most frequently in an aurora display?

(A) greenish-white

(B) crimson

(C) blue

(D) violet

7. The word emit in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) change from

(B) connect with

(C) add to

(D) give off

8. The word glowing in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) shining

(B) moving

(C) charging

(D) hanging

9. Auroras may be seen in the southern regions of the United Sates when

(A) magnetic storms do not affect Earth

(B) solar flares are very intense

(C) the speed of the solar wind is reduced

(D) the excitation of atoms is low

10. The passage supports which of the following statements about scientists'n derstanding of


(A) Before advances in technology, including satellites, scientists knew little about auroras.

(B) New knowledge about the fusion of atoms allowed scientists to learn more about auroras.

(C) Scientists cannot explain the cause of the different colors in auroras.

(D) Until scientists learn more about plasma physics, little knowledge about auroras will be available.

11. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) magnetosphere (line 6)

(B) electrons (line 15)

(C) ionize (line 15)

(D) fusion (line 29)



Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of corruption, crime, poverty, and moral degradation. Their distrust was caused, in part, by a national ideology that proclaimed farming the greatest occupation and rural living superior to urban living. This attitude prevailed even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential feature of the national landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands abandoned the precarious life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. But when these people migrated from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicious with them. These new urbanities, already convinced that cities were overwhelmed with great problems, eagerly embraced the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the chaos of the city.

One of many reforms came in the area of public utilities. Water and sewerage systems were usually operated by municipal governments, but the gas and electric networks were privately owned. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who could afford them. Some city and state governments responded by regulating the utility companies, but a number of cities began to supply these services themselves. Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would insure widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price.

While some reforms focused on government and public behavior, others looked at the cities as a whole. Civic leaders, convinced that physical environment influenced human behavior, argued that cities should develop master plans to guide their future growth and development. City planning was nothing new, but the rapid industrialization and urban growth of the late nineteenth century took place without any consideration for order. Urban renewal in the twentieth century followed several courses. Some cities introduced plans to completely rebuild the city core. Most other cities contented themselves with zoning plans for regulating future growth. Certain parts of town were restricted to residential use, while others were set aside for industrial or commercial development.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) A comparison of urban and rural life in the early twentieth century

(B) The role of government in twentieth century urban renewal

(C) Efforts to improve urban life in the early twentieth century

(D) Methods of controlling urban growth in the twentieth century

2. The word bias in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) diagonal

(B) slope

(C) distortion

(D) prejudice

3. The first paragraph suggests that most people who lived in rural areas

(A) were suspicious of their neighbors

(B) were very proud of their lifestyle

(C) believed city government had too much power

(D) wanted to move to the cities

4. In the early twentieth century, many rural dwellers migrated to the city in order to

(A) participate in the urban reform movement

(B) seek financial security

(C) comply with a government ordinance

(D) avoid crime and corruption

5. The word embraced in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) suggested

(B) overestimated

(C) demanded

(D) welcomed

6. What concern did reformers have about privately owned utility companies?

(A) They feared the services would not be made available to all city dwellers.

(B) They believed private ownership would slow economic growth

(C) They did not trust the companies to obey the government regulations.

(D) They wanted to ensure that the services would be provided to rural areas.

7. The word exorbitant in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) additional

(B) expensive

(C) various

(D) modified

8. All of the following were the direct result of public utility reforms EXCEPT

(A) local governments determined the rates charged by private utility companies

(B) some utility companies were owned and operated by local governments

(C) the availability of services was regulated by local government

(D) private utility companies were required to pay a fee to local governments

9. The word Proponents in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) Experts

(B) Pioneers

(C) Reviewers

(D) Supporters

10. Why does the author mention industrialization (line 24)?

(A) To explain how fast urban growth led to poorly designed cities

(B) To emphasize the economic importance of urban areas

(C) To suggest that labor disputes had become an urban problem

(D) To illustrate the need for construction of new factories













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