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托福阅读时间掌控 教你如何高效利用阅读考试时间








By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.

Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcentury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.

But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the righttrack. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the villageof Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport hisbutter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs ofhis competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-poundbricks. One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have totravel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The influence of ice on the diet

(B) The development of refrigeration

(C) The transportation of goods to market

(D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century

2. According to the passage , when did the word icebox become part of the language of the

United States?

(A) in 1803

(B) sometime before 1850

(C) during the civil war

(D) near the end of the nineteenth century

3. The phrase forward-looking in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) progressive

(B) popular

(C) thrifty

(D) well-established

4. The author mentions fish in line 4 because

(A) many fish dealers also sold ice

(B) fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars

(C) fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice

(D) fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the invention of the icebox

5. The word it in line 5 refers to

(A) fresh meat

(B) the Civil War

(C) ice

(D) a refrigerator

6. According to the passage , which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the


(A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars

(B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice

(C) The use of insufficient insulation

(D) Inadequate understanding of physics

7. The word rudimentary in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) growing

(B) undeveloped

(C) necessary

(D) uninteresting

8. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would

(A) completely prevent ice from melting

(B) stop air from circulating

(C) allow ice to melt slowly

(D) use blankets to conserve ice

9. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been on the right track (lines 18-19) to indicate


(A) the road to the market passed close to Moore's farm

(B) Moore was an honest merchant

(C) Moore was a prosperous farmer

(D) Moore's design was fairly successful

10. According to the passage , Moore's icebox allowed him to

(A) charge more for his butter

(B) travel to market at night

(C) manufacture butter more quickly

(D) produce ice all year round

11. The produce mentioned in line 25 could include

(A) iceboxes

(B) butter

(C) ice

(D) markets



As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.

The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.

Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were one such population. Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.

Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children efficiently in their own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date.

1. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was

(A) the growing number of schools in frontier communities

(B) an increase in the number of trained teachers

(C) the expanding economic problems of schools

(D) the increased urbanization of the entire country

2. The word means in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) advantages

(B) probability

(C) method

(D) qualifications

3. The phrase coincided with in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) was influenced by

(B) happened at the same time as

(C) began to grow rapidly

(D) ensured the success of

4. According to the passage , one important change in United States education by the 1920's was


(A) most places required children to attend school

(B) the amount of time spent on formal education was limited

(C) new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education

(D) adults and children studied in the same classes

5. Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in lines 10-11 to illustrate

(A) alternatives to formal education provided by public schools

(B) the importance of educational changes

(C) activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.

(D) the increased impact of public schools on students.

6. According to the passage , early-twentieth century education reformers believed that

(A) different groups needed different kinds of education

(B) special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them

(C) corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress

(D) more women should be involved in education and industry

7. The word it in line 22 refers to

(A) consumption

(B) production

(C) homemaking

(D) education









1 即先阅读文章的首段前4行,注意这里不是前2行,因为现在很多文章首句通常是由专业名词组成或者是一些习语组成,首先读完前4行来了解文章主题方向。

2 直接做题,然后在题中找关键词回到原文进行点查。第一题通常是文章的主题题,跳过不做,放到最后来做,其他的很多试题都是标记了行号或者可以通过特殊字符来辨认,当一道题没有这些标示的时候要通过邻近的其他试题来定位本题在原文中的位置。这样就可以在最大程度上节省托福阅读时间。




One area of paleoanthropological study involves the eating and dietary habits of hominids,erect bipedal primates — including early humans. It is clear that at some stage of history, humans began to carry their food to central places, called home bases, where it was shared and consumed with the young and other adults. The use of home bases is a fundamental component of human social behavior; the common meal served at a common hearth is a powerful symbol, a mark of social unity. Home base behavior does not occur among nonhuman primates and is rare among mammals. It is unclear when humans began to use home bases, what kind of communications and social relations were involved, and what the ecological and food-choice contexts of the shift were.

Work on early tools, surveys of paleoanthropological sites, development and testing of broad ecological theories, and advances in comparative primatology are contributing to knowledge about this central chapter in human prehistory.

One innovative approach to these issues involves studying damage and wear on stone tools.Researchers make tools that replicate excavated specimens as closely as possible and then try to use them as the originals might have been used, in woodcutting, hunting, or cultivation.

Depending on how the tool is used, characteristic chippage patterns and microscopically distinguishable polishes develop near the edges. The first application of this method of analysis to stone tools that are 1.5 million to 2 million years old indicates that, from the start, an important function of early stone tools was to extract highly nutritious food — meat and marrow — from large animal carcasses. Fossil bones with cut marks caused by stone tools have been discovered lying in the same 2-million-year-old layers that yielded the oldest such tools and the oldest hominid specimens (including humans) with larger than ape-sized brains. This discovery increases scientists' certainty about when human ancestors began to eat more meat than present-day nonhuman primates. But several questions remain unanswered: how frequently meat eating occurred; what the social implications of meat eating were; and whether the increased use of meat coincides with the beginnings of the use of home bases.


1. The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of hominid behavior?

(A) Changes in eating and dietary practices

(B) The creation of stone hunting tools

(C) Social interactions at home bases

(D) Methods of extracting nutritious food from carcasses

2.According to the passage , bringing a meal to a location to be shared by many individuals is

(A) an activity typical of nonhuman primates

(B) a common practice among animals that eat meat

(C) an indication of social unity

(D) a behavior that encourages better dietary habits

3. The word “consumed” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) prepared

(B) stored

(C) distributed

(D) eaten

4.According to paragraph 2, researchers make copies of old stone tools in order to

(A) protect the old tools from being worn out

(B) display examples of the old tools in museums

(C) test theories about how old tools were used

(D) learn how to improve the design of modern tools

5. In paragraph 2, the author mentions all of the following as examples of ways in which early

stone tools were used EXCEPT to

(A) build home bases

(B) obtain food

(C) make weapons

(D) shape wood

6. The word “innovative” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) good

(B) new

(C) simple

(D) costly

7. The word “them” in line 15 refers to

(A) issues

(B) researchers

(C) tools

(D) specimens

8. The author mentions “characteristic chippage patterns” in line 16 as an example of

(A) decorations cut into wooden objects

(B) differences among tools made of various substances

(C) impressions left on prehistoric animal bones

(D) indications of wear on stone tools

9. The word “extract” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) identify

(B) remove

(C) destroy

(D) compare

10. The word “whether” in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) if

(B) how

(C) why

(D) when





Prehistoric mammoths have been preserved in the famous tar pits of Rancho La Brea (Brea is the Spanish word for tar) in what is now the heart of Los Angeles, California. These tar pits have been known for centuries and were formerly mined for their natural asphalt, a black or brown petroleum-like substance. Thousands of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil remains. Major excavations were undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site. The tar pits were found to contain the remains of scores of species of animals from the last 30,000 years of the Ice Age.

Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from invertebrates, have been recovered, often in densely concentrated and tangled masses. The creatures found range from insects and birds to giant ground sloth's, but a total of 17 proboscides (animals with a proboscis or long nose) — including mastodons and Columbian mammoths —have been recovered, most of them from Pit 9, the deepest bone-bearing deposit, which was excavated in 1914. Most of the fossils date to between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.

The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have been concealed by leaves and dust. Unwary animals would become trapped on these thin sheets of liquid asphalt, which are extremely sticky in warm weather. Stuck, the unfortunate beasts would die of exhaustion and hunger or fall prey to predators that often also became stuck.

As the animals decayed, more scavengers would be attracted and caught in their turn.

Carnivores greatly outnumber herbivores in the collection: for every large herbivore, there is one saber-tooth cat, a coyote, and four wolves. The fact that some bones are heavily weathered shows that some bodies remained above the surface for weeks or months. Bacteria in the asphalt would have consumed some of the tissues other than bones, and the asphalt itself would dissolve what was left, at the same time impregnating and beautifully preserving the saturated bones, rendering them dark brown and shiny.


1. What aspect of the La Brea tar pits does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The amount of asphalt that was mined there

(B) The chemical and biological interactions between asphalt and animals

(C) The fossil remains that have been found there

(D) Scientific methods of determining the age of tar pits

2. In using the phrase “the heart of Los Angeles” in line 2, the author is talking about the city's

(A) beautiful design

(B) central area

(C) basic needs

(D) supplies of natural asphalt

3. The word “noticed” in line 5 closest in meaning to

(A) predicted

(B) announced

(C) corrected

(D) observed

4. The word “tangled” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(A) buried beneath

(B) twisted together

(C) quickly formed

(D) easily dated

5. The word “them” in line 13 refers to

(A) insects

(B) birds

(C) cloths

(D) proboscideans

6. How many proboscideans have been found at the La Brea tar pits?

(A) 9

(B) 17

(C) 1.5 million

(D) 2.5 million

7. The word “concealed” in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) highlighted

(B) covered

(C) transformed

(D) contaminated

8. Why does the author mention animals such as coyotes and wolves in paragraph 4?

(A) To give examples of animals that are classified as carnivores

(B) To specify the animals found least commonly at La Brea

(C) To argue that these animals were especially likely to avoid extinction.

(D) To define the term “scavengers”









1 读标题

文章的标题能透露不少的信息,在看到文章的标题后对全文的结构可以进行一个预测。比如说Applied Arts and Fine Arts,这个标题很明显是对比类型的标题,文章中应该会有两个讨论对象,而且是分类进行阐述的。

2 读主题句


3 读段落的首位句群














Wild life zoologist Hulmut Buechner(1953), in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington through recorded time, says that “since the early 1940s, the state has had more deer than at any other time in its history , the winter population fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer ( mule and black-tailed deer), which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period”.


biotic /ba?'?t?k/ adj. 关于生命的,生物的

fluctuate /'fl?kt??e?t/ v. 涨落,波动

approximately /?'prɑks?m?tli/ adv. 大约

yield /ji?ld/ v. 生产,产生;屈服,让步


Wild life zoologist Hulmut Buechner(1953), (in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington through recorded time), says that (“since the early 1940s, ) the state has had more deer than at any other time in its history, (the winter population fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer (mule and black-tailed deer), ) (which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period”.)


修饰一:(in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington through recorded time),插入语,其中还有两个介词(in Washington) (through recorded time)


修饰二:(since the early 1940s) ,介词短语


修饰三:(the winter population fluctuatingaround approximately 320,000 deer (mule and black-tailed deer)) ,大家能看懂这个修饰即可。其实这里有一个独立主格结构,嗯,好吧,不知道也能看懂的。


修饰四:(which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period“.),从句,修饰winter population,其中for an indefinite period表示不定期


主干:Wild lifezoologist Hulmut Buechner(1953) says that,后面接宾语从句


野生动物学家Hulmut Buechner(1953)在回顾华盛顿有记录的时间内生物变化的特性之后说道:“从20世纪40年代早期,华盛顿州拥有鹿的数量比以历史任何时期都多,冬季鹿群的数量在大约32万只鹿(杂交鹿和黑尾鹿)左右波动,这些鹿群每年将会不定期繁殖出各个年龄段的公鹿和母鹿各大约6.5万只”。




For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to their well-being and abandoned them, nevertheless, they retained as parts of their oral tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.


cease /si?s/ v. 停止,中止

well-being n. 幸福;(尤指) 健康

retain /r?'te?n/ v. 保持或保留;


For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites (essential to their well-being) and abandoned them, nevertheless, they retained (as parts of their oral tradition) the myths (that had grown up around the rites) and admired them (for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.)


修饰一:(essential to their well-being),修饰rites,


修饰二:(as parts of their oral tradition) ,介词短语,修饰myths,这里有一个短语retain…as,本来myths要放在retained之后,但是由于myths后面有从句,宾语较长,所以置后了,大家要注意这里语序的问题。


修饰三:(that had grown up around therites) ,从句,修饰myths


修饰四:(for their artistic qualitiesrather than for their religious usefulness. ) ,介词短语,修饰them,这里有一个很重要短语rather than,表示而不是


主干:they retained the myths






At one time, the animals present in these fossil beds were assigned to various modern animal groups, but most paleontologists now agree that all Tommotian fossils represent unique body forms that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the period, leaving no descendants in modern animal groups.


paleontologist /?pe?l??n?t?l?d ??st/ n. 古生物学家

descendant /d?'send(?)nt/ n. 子孙,后代


At one time, the animals (present in these fossil beds) were assigned to various modern animal groups, but most paleontologists now agree that all Tommotian fossils represent unique body forms (that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the period), (leaving no descendants in modern animal groups.)


修饰一:(present in these fossil beds),形容词短语,修饰animals,注意是放在后面哦


修饰二:(that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the period),从句,修饰body forms


修饰三:(leaving no descendants in modern animal groups.),非谓语动词修饰前面的主干


主干:most paleontologists now agree that,that后面整个宾语从句,从all到groups







我们有时会担心,阅读速度的加快会影响阅读理解的准确率,其实这是一种误解。当然,盲目追求阅读速度必然要影响阅读理解的质量。我们应该做的是掌握正确的阅读节奏:“根据快和慢两种速度交替而成的节奏来变化自己的阅读速度。” 唱歌因韵律节奏而动听,说话因轻重缓急而悦耳,阅读也是一样,快慢相间的阅读速度才能收到良好的阅读效果。




A lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seems so ordinary that the people in the society think they are not significant.

阅读此句,我们不难找到一些关键词,如:cultural anthropology, the special and strange aspects of life, but, anthropologists, interested, ordinary, significant。这些关键词反映了此句的主要信息:“许多人认为文化人类学就是研究特殊而奇怪的社会现象,但人类学家有时还对一些人们认为不重要的、看起来很普通的生活现象感兴趣。”通过分析关键词,我们又发现“but”这个具有转折意义的连接词向我们显示了此句的后半句才是整个句子的核心部分,它提示我们阅读时应更加留心阅读后半句的关键词,提炼关键信息。因此,我们可以很肯定地确认此句最重要的意义应该是: “Anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life so ordinary that people don’t think they are significant.” 并且也可以很肯定地预测,如有下文,也一定是就后半句所反映的核心信息继续论述,而不是前半句的。这样,在阅读时,我们就会把目光把注意力更加有目的地集中在后半句的关键词上,而对那些附加修饰、说明的部分,如:修饰people的a lot of 、in the society就可以快速阅读,甚至略去不读,因为它不影响我们对中心意思的理解与把握。


Smell and Memory

Scientists are producing an increasing number of findings on the links between smell and memory. The most prominent scientist in this field is Dr. Alan Hirsch, a US neurologist who specializes in the treatment of patients who have lost their sense of smell or taste. He believes that the memories that certain smells bring back to people are not actually as important as the emotions that are associated with the smells. He also argues that our minds filter these emotions in a positive way, making past times seem better than they perhaps were.

我们注意到这个段落的题目是“Smell and Memory”,我们还知道题目是中心思想的反映。据此,我们可以得知本段主要论述的应是 smell and memory之间的联系,由此找到了关键词语“the links between smell and memory”(在段首),而能说明它们之间关系的句子又是最后一句。所以,这个段落的核心信息是: “Some smells remind us of a previous thing in a way that is better than the real experience.” 由此判定,本段的首尾都需细心地、稍慢地阅读,而对“最著名的;专门治疗何种病人的”这样相对次要的句子就可以加快阅读速度。


高中生托福阅读提分:速度+ 技巧

阅读是大部分中国考生的强项,但取得满分也实非易事。托福阅读考试严格限时,在20 分钟内读完一篇冗长的文章还要答完题,对大多数高中生来说非常困难。在平时训练的时候我们就要严格限时,培养略读、跳读的能力,练习精确概括主旨,准确定位细节的能力,要根据主旨题、推断题、词汇题等不同题型,灵活运用不同的答题技巧,定位到准确段落找到答题的依据,并学会识别常见迷惑选项。

高中生的知识面有限,而托福考试所模拟的是北美大学校园的真实学术环境,天文、地质地理、生物、心理、经济、艺术等各类学科文章都有可能出现,除了专业词汇多,涉及的背景知识也很复杂,比如生物钟、DNA、心理学认知实验等,扩大课外阅读量对高中生来说既可以弥补专业知识不足,又能够增加词汇。新东方有很多阅读获得满分的成功案例,这些高中生总结起来都有一个特点,就是课外阅读量大:除了英文小说,科学60 秒等传统资源,我平时还要求学生坚持在iTunes U 里同步学习一流美国大学公开课(Open Course),比如哈佛大学的《博弈论》(Game Theory),也会要求学生看Times、NPR等媒体的官网浏览新闻,并浏览Discovery关于行星形成、生物演化等和托福话题相关的专题纪录片,这样的课外学习不仅是有趣的,也是有用的,而且还免费。需要注意的是,即便是看美剧,遇到不懂的单词也要停下来查出来,并记在专门的本子上,不断积累总结。 (本文节选自《托福年度报告》)



1、逐字阅读 ---应该采用意群阅读法。

2、回读 ----阅读讲究一气呵成,不要遇到生词,难点就又从头读。容易割裂句子之间的语义关系。

3、指读。 用手,笔指着书一行行读。





方法一:快速泛读(fastextensive reading)


方法二:计时阅读(timed reading)












争分夺秒考雅思 雅思阅读高分技巧之时间掌控




除去时间掌控之外,考生们在考场上还要注意的是考试的题型安排。正确的做题顺序可以帮助考生更加有效的完成题目。雅思学术类阅读现在官网上分为十大题型:Multiple Choice;Short-answer questions;Sentence Completion;Notes, Summary or Table/Flow-chart Completion;Labelling a Diagram;Headings;Locating Information;Identification of Writer’s Views/Claims or of Information in a Text;Classification;Matching。这些题型绝大多数题目是细节型的题。一般来说,建议考生按照从大意题到细节题的做题顺序完成整篇试题。也就是说,在考试过程中,如果考生遇到“Headings”这种标准的大意题,当然是需要最先完成的。而其他细节题在考生对于文章大意有所了解的前提下去完成会很容易定位。在此需要特别说明的是最近很流行的细节配对题,一般建议考生安排在其他题目完成之后再去完成,这样考生对于文章的结构和各段的大意都有比较清晰的了解,在这个基础上再去完成细节配对题会节约很多定位的时间,而且正确率也会有所提升。



Coastal sculpture 艺术

New Zealand famous writer Margaret Mahy


Solving an Arctic Mystery 人文社科

When did music begin? 艺术

New Zealand Home Textile Craft人文社科

Sweet Trouble–Australia sugarcane industry农业

The Grimme Fairy Tale


Gesture 人文社科

Dust and American 环保

Birds intelligence 动物

Food Addictive 工业

Japan's ancient pottery 历史

Fish communications 动物

Darkside of Technological Boom科技

Children's adults 文学

文章题目 Children's adults

重复年份 1219 0802 1026

题材 文学

题型 选择 4+句子配对 4+判断 4+简答 1

文章大意 讲了儿童文学。探讨了从成人角度去写儿童文学的视角不同。



A Stories and poems aimed at children have an exceedingly long history:

lullabies, for example, were sung in Roman times, and a few nursery games and

rhymes are almost as ancient. Yet so far as written-down literature is concerned,while there were stories in print before 1700 that children often seized on when they had the chance, such as translations of Aesop’s fables, fairy-stories and popular ballads and romances, these were not aimed at young people in particular.Since the only genuinely child-oriented literature at this time would have been a few instructional works to help with reading and general knowledge, plus the odd Puritanical tract as an aid to morality, the only course for keen child readers was to read adult literature. This still occurs today, especially with adult thrillers or romances that include more exciting, graphic detail than is normally found in the literature for younger readers

B By the middle of the 18th century there were enough eager child readers, and enough parents glad to cater to interest, for publishers to specialize in children’s books whose first aim was pleasure rather than education or morality. In Britain, a London merchant named Thomas Boreham produced Cajanus, The Swedish Giant in 1742, while the more famous John Newbery published A Little Pretty Pocket Book in 1744. Its contents—rhymes, stories, children’s games plus a free gift (‘A ball and a pincushion’)— in many ways anticipated the similar lucky-dip contents of children’s annuals this century. It is a tribute to Newbery’s flair that he hit upon a winning formula quite so quickly, to be pirated almost immediately in America.

C Such pleasing levity was not to last. Influenced by Rousseau, whose Emile (1762)decreed that all books children save Robinson Crusoe were a dangerous diversion, contemporary critics saw to it that children’s literature should be instructive and uplifting. Prominent among such voices was Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, whose magazine The Guardian of Education (1802) carried the first regular reviews of children’s books. It was she who condemned fairy-tales for their violence and general absurdity; her own stories, Fabulous Histories (1786)described talking animals who were always models of sense and decorum

D. So the moral story for children was always threatened from within, given the way children have of drawing out entertainment from the sternest moralist. But the greatest blow to the improving children’s book was to come from an unlikely source indeed: early 19th-century interest in folklore. Both nursery rhymes, selected by James Orchard Halliwell for a folklore society in 1842, and collection of fairy-stories by the scholarly Grimm brothers, swiftly translated into English in 1823, soon rocket to popularity with the young, quickly leading to new editions, each one more child-centered than the last. From now on younger children could expect stories written for their particular interest and with the needs of their own limited experience of life kept well to the fore

E What eventually determined the reading of older children was often not the availability of special children’s literature as such but access to books that contained characters, such as young people or animals, with whom they could more easily empathize, or action, such as exploring or fighting, that made few demands on adult maturity or understanding

F The final apotheosis of literary childhood as something to be protected from unpleasant reality came with the arrival in the late 1930s of child-centered bestsellers intend on entertainment at its most escapist. In Britain novelist such as Enid Blyton and Richmal Crompton described children who were always free to have the most unlikely adventures, secure in the knowledge that nothing bad could ever happen to them in the end. The fact that war broke out again during her books’ greatest popularity fails to register at all in the self-enclosed world inhabited by Enid Blyton’s young characters. Reaction against such dreamworlds was inevitable after World War II, coinciding with the growth of paperback sales, children’s libraries and a new spirit of moral and social concern. Urged on by committed publishers and progressive librarians, writers slowly began to explore new areas of interest while also shifting the settings of their plots from the middle-class world to which their chiefly adult patrons had always previously belonged.

G Critical emphasis, during this development, has been divided. For some the most important task was to rid children’s books of the social prejudice and exclusiveness no longer found acceptable. Others concentrated more on the positive achievements of contemporary children’s literature. That writers of these works are now often recommended to the attentions of adult as well as child readers echoes the 19th-century belief that children’s literature can be shared by the generations, rather than being a defensive barrier between childhood and the necessary growth towards adult understanding.



新旧情况 旧

题材 历史类

题目 俄罗斯芭蕾历史


判断题 6 个

摘要题 7 个

整篇文章按照时间和人物顺序安排,第一段姜 17世纪俄罗斯对待芭蕾的态度。





The History of Russian Ballet

17th Century

Ballet in Russia was created by foreigners and yet it is most definitely ”Russian“. In the 17th century ballet was introduced into Russia by the second Romanov ruler Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich (1629-1676, reigned from 1645) for his wedding festivities.

Peter the Great (1672-1725, reigned from 1682) took a personal interest in dancing at his court by bringing in Western dances and taking part in them himself. With the help of his prisoners from the Swedish wars -- the Swedish officers -- he taught his courtiers.

18th Century

The dissemination of ballet in Russia and its deep rooted appeal to all Russians can be traced back to those nobles who, often living so far away from the capital, commanded their own entertainment, setting up ballet troupes often composed of serfs who had been trained at the Imperial School.

The formal beginning of Russian ballet can be traced back to a letter written in 1737 to the Empress Anne (1693-1740, reigned from 1730) by the teacher of gymnastics at the Imperial Cadet School.


中文标题:Living with uncertainty


重复场次:0109A 20140515

中文标题:The power of music




文标题:Does class size matter


重复场次:20160109 20131116

中文标题:Trade 发展史



中文标题:The history of Russian Ballet


重复场次:20160114 20150418 20121124






1 读标题

文章的标题能透露不少的信息,在看到文章的标题后对全文的结构可以进行一个预测。比如说Applied Arts and Fine Arts,这个标题很明显是对比类型的标题,文章中应该会有两个讨论对象,而且是分类进行阐述的。

2 读主题句


3 读段落的首位句群













Any rock that has cooled and solidified from a molten state is an igneous rock. Therefore, if the Earth began as a superheated sphere in space, all the rocks making up its crust may well have been igneous and thus the ancestors of all other rocks. Even today, approximately 95 percent of the entire crust is igneous. Periodically, molten material wells out of the Earth's interior to invade the surface layers or to flow onto the surface itself. This material cools into a wide variety of igneous rocks. In the molten state, it is called magma as it pushes into the crust and lava when it runs out onto the surface.

All magma consists basically of a variety of silicate minerals (high in silicon-oxygen compounds), but the chemical composition of any given flow may differ radically from that of any other. The resulting igneous rocks will reflect these differences. Igneous rocks also vary in texture as well as chemistry. Granite, for instance, is a coarse-grained igneous rock whose individual mineral crystals have formed to a size easily seen by the naked eye. A slow rate of cooling has allowed the crystals to reach this size. Normally, slow cooling occurs when the crust is invaded by magma that remains buried well below the surface. Granite may be found on the surface of the contemporary landscape, but from its coarse texture we know that it must have formed through slow cooling at a great depth and later been laid bare by erosion. Igneous rocks with this coarse-grained texture that formed at depth are called plutonic.

On the other hand, if the same magma flows onto the surface and is quickly cooled by the atmosphere, the resulting rock will be fine-grained and appear quite different from granite, although the chemical composition will be identical. This kind of rock is called rhyolite. The most finely grained igneous rock is volcanic glass or obsidian, which has no crystals. Some researchers believe this is because of rapid cooling; others believe it is because of a lack of water vapor and other gases in the lava. The black obsidian cliffs of Yellowstone National Park are the result of a lava flow of basalt running head on into a glacier. Some of the glacier melted on contact, but suddenly there also appeared a huge black mass of glassy stone.


1. In the first paragraph, the author mentions that 95% of the Earth's crust is composed of igneous rock to support the idea that

(A) the Earth began as a molten mass

(B) a thin layer of magma flows beneath the Earth's crust

(C) the minerals found in igneous rock are very common

(D) igneous rock is continually being formed

2. The word ”invade“ in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) move into

(B) neutralize

(C) cover

(D) deposit

3. The word ”contemporary“ in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) vast

(B) natural

(C) existing

(D) uneven

4. The word ”it“ in line 16 refers to

(A) granite

(B) surface

(C) landscape

(D) texture

5. Granite that has been found above ground has been

(A) pushed up from below the crust by magma

(B) produced during a volcanic explosion

(C) gradually exposed due to erosion

(D) pushed up by the natural shifting of the Earth

6. Which of the following is produced when magma cools rapidly?

(A) granite

(B) plutonic rock

(C) rhyolite

(D) mineral crystals

7. The word ”finely“ in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) minutely

(B) loosely

(C) sensitively

(D) purely

8. Which of the following is another name for volcanic glass?

(A) Plutonic rock

(B) Crystal

(C) Lava

(D) Obsidian





Plants are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate the potential colonists. These can be divided into preformed or passive defense mechanisms and inducible or active systems.

Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens,such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae. Other trichomes are sticky and glandular and effectively trap and immobilize insects.

If the physical barriers of the plant are breached, then preformed chemicals may inhibit or kill the intruder, and plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of which are highly effective deterrents to insects that feed on plants. The success of the Colorado beetle in infesting potatoes, for example,seems to be correlated with its high tolerance to alkaloids that normally repel potential pests.

Other possible chemical defenses, while not directly toxic to the parasite, may inhibit some essential step in the establishment of a parasitic relationship. For example, glycoproteins in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that degrade cell walls. These enzymes are often produced by bacteria and fungi.

Active plant defense mechanisms are comparable to the immune system of vertebrate animals,although the cellular and molecular bases are fundamentally different. Both, however, are triggered in reaction to intrusion, implying that the host has some means of recognizing the presence of a foreign organism. The most dramatic example of an inducible plant defense reaction is the hypersensitive response. In the hypersensitive response, cells undergo rapid necrosis — that is, they become diseased and die — after being penetrated by a parasite; the parasite itself subsequently ceases to grow and is therefore restricted to one or a few cells around the entry site.

Several theories have been put forward to explain the basis of hypersensitive resistance.


1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The success of parasites in resisting plant defense mechanisms

(B) Theories on active plant defense mechanisms

(C) How plant defense mechanisms function

(D) How the immune system of animals and the defense mechanisms of plants differ

2. The phrase ”subject to“ in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) susceptible to

(B) classified by

(C) attractive to

(D) strengthened by

3. The word ”puncture“ in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) pierce

(B) pinch

(C) surround

(D) cover .

4. The word ”which“ in line 12 refers to

(A) tissues

(B) substances

(C) barriers

(D) insects

5. Which of the following substances does the author mention as NOT necessarily being toxic to

the Colorado beetle?

(A) resins

(B) tannins

(C) glycosides

(D) alkaloids

6. Why does the author mention ”glycoproteins“ in line 17?

(A) to compare plant defense mechanisms to the immune system of animals

(B) to introduce the discussion of active defense mechanisms in plants

(C) to illustrate how chemicals function in plant defense

(D) to emphasize the importance of physical barriers in plant defense

7. The word ”dramatic“ in line 23 could best be replaced by

(A) striking

(B) accurate

(C) consistent

(D) appealing

8. Where in the passage does the author describe an active plant-defense reaction?

(A) Lines 1-3

(B) Lines 4-6

(C) Lines 13-15

(D) Lines 24-27

9. The passage most probably continues with a discussion of theories on

(A) the basis of passive plant defense

(B) how chemicals inhibit a parasitic relationship.

(C) how plants produce toxic chemicals

(D) the principles of the hypersensitive response.














Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories,which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups(these attitudes include,but are not confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.

=Historians/ such as Le Roy Ladurie/ have used the documents to extract case histories/,which have illuminated the attitudes/ of different social groups/ (these attitudes include/,but are not confined to/,attitudes toward crime and the law)/and have revealed/ how the authorities administered justice/.

#史学家/如Le Roy Ladurie/曾经利用这些文献去提取出个案史/,它们说明了态度/不同社会群体的/(这些态度包括/,但并非局限于/,对犯罪和法律的态度)/,并揭示出/当权者是如何妨碍司法的。

.个句子本来很容易理解,但是在中间用括号加了一个句子,打乱了读者的思路,使句子的难度增加。但是我们知道括号中的内容是补充内容,也就是可有可无,没有它原句仍然成立,所以我们可以跳过括号看全句,读完再看括号中的内容。这个句子如果变成…which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups that include,but are not confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law…难度又增加了,所以有些内容可以跳过,或者存放在脑中的另一部分,不去打扰句子的主要意思。




From early times pots were used in both religious and secular contexts. The imperial court commissioned work and in the Yuan dynasty (A.D. 1279-1368) an imperial ceramic factory was established at Jingdezhen. Pots played an important part in some religious ceremonies. Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots, although these sometimes confuse an already large and complicated picture.

12. The word “these” in the passage refers to(2)

A religious ceremonies

B descriptions

C types of ware

D pots

解析:画线句子中,although必然引导从句,所以these 应和主句的主语一样。主句Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots,中,因为状语和of之后的后置定语都不是主要,tion又一定是名词后缀。所以tions一定就是主句主语。因此答案是B. 看似很难的题目,很简单就可以得出结论。


Animals need natural periodic signals like sunrise to maintain a cycle whose period is precisely 24 hours. Such an external cue not only coordinates an animal's daily rhythms with particular features of the local solar day but also—because it normally does so day after day-seems to keep the internal clock's period close to that of Earth's rotation.

11. The word “it” in the passage refers to (1)

A an external cue such as sunrise

B the daily rhythm of an animal

C the local solar day

D a cycle whose period is precisely 24 hours

解这个题,同样的道理我们一眼落实到这个句子上了Such an external cue not only coordinates an animal's daily rhythms with particular features of the local solar day but also—because it normally does。。。;it 肯定和主句主语一致。找一下:not only do but also do明显是动词,前面的一定是主语。答案a


They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions. Thus it made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient. Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality. Other statues were designed to be placed within an architectural setting, for instance, in front of the monumental entrance gateways to temples known as pylons, or in pillared courts, where they would be placed against or between pillars: their frontality worked perfectly within the architectural context.

The word “they” in the passage refers to (1)

A statues

B gateways

C temples

D pillared courts

这个题我们应该落实到画线句子。Where引导的从句是必然了。那主句的主语在哪里?我们看到前面有效标点符号或者说,明显界标性质的地方是for instance,而后面不成一句(地点怎么会是一句话呢)所以我们界定这个for instance作为插入语是在影响我们思维的,那么删掉好了。往前找,主语是Other statues,很明显没有跟它争的了:) 因为后面是动词“是”。直接找ABCD里面有Other statues的就好了。














1 读标题

文章的标题能透露不少的信息,在看到文章的标题后对全文的结构可以进行一个预测。比如说Applied Arts and Fine Arts,这个标题很明显是对比类型的标题,文章中应该会有两个讨论对象,而且是分类进行阐述的。

2 读主题句


3 读段落的首位句群












地球的外壳并不是由单块石头组成的,而是由许多的“构造板块(tectonic plates)”紧紧拥抱在一起形成的,就像是一个灰常大的拼图。但是,不同地方的板块也各有不同,像有一些板块上住着小岛或是陆地,而另一些板块则形成了海底。据研究,所有的板块都处在不断地移动的状态,只是特别缓慢而已。那这是为啥呢?因为它们都漂浮在密度更大的半液体状地幔(mantlez),在地壳和地壳之间上。这导致板块的边缘则形成了扩张脊(spreading ridges)、俯冲带(subduction zones)、断层(transform faults) 等地理特征。也使得板块边界这一“动感地带”出现了火山鬼和地震妖这两货。


那么问题来了,为啥有些火山会发生在离板块边缘( boundary)那么远的地方呢?夏威夷群岛提供了一个比较靠谱的答案。这些群岛形成了一个岛链(chain),从夏威夷岛开始向西北方向延伸。美国地质学家James Daly发现岛屿年龄越往西北方向越老,一个加拿大地质老学霸Tuzo Wilson也同意这种观点并进一步解释:夏威夷向西北延伸(stretching)的岛链就是一个表现在表面的火山源。首先,位于西北尽头的岛是最早形成的火山岛,然后随着板块向西北漂移,形成新的火山岛。也就是说年龄最小的火山岛,位于在岛链的末端,也就是火山源处。虽然他的解释并未在学究儿界马上得到广泛认可,但是他的理论已然成为板块构造理论的核心。大多数板块内部的火山喷发都是由地幔柱引起,地幔柱就是从地幔深处涌出的熔岩柱体,只要火山在这种柱体上面,那么它们就会成为活动“热点(hot-spot )”,火山就会变得很活跃很暴躁很疯狂,并且持续时间还很长。而且大多数海洋中的岛屿也都是因为地幔柱的扩张形成的。



板块构造 tectonic plates

地幔 mantle

扩张脊 spreading ridges

俯冲带 subduction zones

断层 transform faults

安静的 uneventful

边缘 boundary

岛链 chain

延伸 stretching

热点 hot-spot

重建 reconstruction


提到蒸汽机(The steam engine ),大家好像第一时间想到的就是蒸汽火车,其实有个更贴近我们生活的东西也和蒸汽机有关,那就是铁。在英国,最开始人们是用木材作为燃料炼铁的,把铁矿放在大熔炉(furnace )里一点点的烧,所以就需要用到大量的(abundant)木材,可是随着人口数量的增加,没有足够的地方种树,慢慢的也就没有能源可以使用了。这时精明的英国人发现当时的俄国是个种树大户,钢铁工业发展得很是不错,就开始从他们那边进口铁材,俄国起初还特积极的供应(supply ),后来发现自己家的树都快没了,就不再搭理英国了,结果英国人又陷入了能源危机(The energy crisis) 。

经过不懈努力,英国gentlemen又开发出了煤这种燃料,之后就开始玩命使用,无论是家里面还是工厂里,都是用煤去提供热量的,成就了一大票的煤老板。那些煤老板那叫一个有钱啊,喝牛奶都是买两碗,喝一碗倒一碗…. 咳咳咳,好像跑题了。再说回来,当时的英国人为了得到更多的煤,把矿啊挖得越来越深,之后矿井就会充满地下水,人们又不得不开始抽水,这时候问题就来了,挖掘技术,不对,是抽水技术哪家强?由于当时的英国还没有blue 翔这种高大上的学校,最开始肯定还是一般工人来抽水啊,慢慢演变成人力达不到的时候就做个泵(pump),用马在地面上拉,虽然能达到一定的效果,但是这样又费时又费力。终于有人看不下去,冲粗来搞发明,这两个奥特曼呢,一个叫Thomas Savery 一个叫Thomas Newcomen 分别在1698和1705发明了最原始的(primitive )蒸汽机,一开始的蒸汽机效率比较low,功能档也比较少,但是还是广为使用。

当人们都以为Savery 和Newcomen的发明已经达到了挑战人类智慧极限高度的时候,一个砸场子的人出现了,这个人就是后来出现在我们历史书上要求背诵名字的James Watt。这位少年成功的改良(innovation )了原有的蒸汽机,增加了气缸(cylinder ),经过反复的观察实验,最终达到了降低成本,减少消耗,节能减排,功能繁多等一系列惊人的效果。毫不意外的,人们马上抛弃了之前的老旧蒸汽引擎,开始大量使用Watt牌蒸汽机,并将其用到各种工业上,而我们一直提到的炼铁工业也得到了非常大的发展。当然老百姓肯定也有所受益(benefit),炼铁工业的发展使得原来昂贵的铁制品慢慢变得便宜而又常见了,妈妈再也不用担心我带饭没有东西装了。


蒸汽机 The steam engine

熔炉 furnace

大量的 abundant

供应 supply

能源危机 The energy crisis

泵 pump

最原始的 primitive

改良 innovation

气缸 cylinder

受益 benefit


At the conclusion of this last political election (ending with my beloved country being more divided than ever) a friend wrote me a letter sharing her fears and concerns for the future. She ended it with this sentence: “We live in troubling times.” I couldn’t help but agree with her, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that these current times aren’t the only troubling times that mankind has lived through.


Ancient times were troubling times when crops could fail and half of all children died before the age of five. The first Christians lived in troubling times where they were persecuted, tortured, and even killed for their beliefs.


The fall of the Roman empire and the coming of the dark ages were troubling times.


The Bubonic plague killed half of Europe and the rest struggled with starvation and petty wars.


The hundred years war, the crusades, the American and French revolutions, the Napoleonic and American Civil wars were all troubling times where hundreds of thousands died.


In World War I and World War II those thousands became millions. With the end of them the Cold war with its threat of nuclear destruction made for more troubling times. Then came the troubling times of terrorism and the fear they bring.


In addition to these were the troubling times that included the struggles of slavery, segregation,prejudice, poverty, greed, the Great Depression, the Great Recession, the struggle for equal rights, the loss of jobs and security, population explosions, natural disasters, the threat of starvation, the risk ofepidemics, and even the fate of our planet being at risk.


It is clear then that we do live in troubling times and that we always have lived in troubling times. The question is how are we going to LIVE in them. Are we going to feed them with our fear or lessen them with our love? Are we going to grow apart in hatred or come together in kindness? Are we going to continue to go from war to war or are we finally going to bring lasting peace to this planet? Are we going to grab for ourselves or are we going to give to others? Are we going to be selfish or are we going to save the world? The choice is ours. I think we all know, however, which choice our Heavenly Father wants us to make. May we all then make our troubling times less troubled by living our lives in love, joy, goodness, kindness, and oneness with God.







1 读标题

文章的标题能透露不少的信息,在看到文章的标题后对全文的结构可以进行一个预测。比如说Applied Arts and Fine Arts,这个标题很明显是对比类型的标题,文章中应该会有两个讨论对象,而且是分类进行阐述的。

2 读主题句


3 读段落的首位句群











托福阅读TPO30第3篇:The Invention of the Mechanical Clock

【1】In Europe, before the introduction of the mechanical clock, people told time by sun (using, for example, shadow sticks or sun dials) and water clocks. Sun clocks worked, of course, only on clear days; water clocks misbehaved when the temperature fell toward freezing, to say nothing of long-run drift as the result of sedimentation and clogging. Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.

【2】Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time. The Catholic Church had its seven daily prayers, one of which was at night, requiring an alarm arrangement to waken monks before dawn. And then the new cities and towns, squeezed by their walls, had to know and order time in order to organize collective activity and ration space. They set a time to go to sleep. All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife. Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurement and found it in the mechanical clock.

【3】We do not know who invented this machine, or where. It seems to have appeared in Italy and England (perhaps simultaneous invention) between 1275 and 1300. Once known, it spread rapidly, driving out water clocks but not solar dials, which were needed to check the new machines against the timekeeper of last resort. These early versions were rudimentary, inaccurate, and prone to breakdown.

【4】Ironically, the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature’s time. Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons. But the mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning. The Catholic Church resisted, not coming over to the new hours for about a century. From the start, however, the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of a new, secular municipal authority. Every town wanted one; conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.

【5】The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanical ingenuity. Its general accuracy could be checked against easily observed phenomena, like the rising and setting of the sun. The result was relentless pressure to improve technique and design. At every stage, clockmakers led the way to accuracy and precision; they became masters of miniaturization, detectors and correctors of error, searchers for new and better. They were thus the pioneers of mechanical engineering and served as examples and teachers to other branches of engineering.

【6】The clock brought order and control, both collective and personal. Its public display and private possession laid the basis for temporal autonomy: people could now coordinate comings and goings without dictation from above. The clock provided the punctuation marks for group activity, while enabling individuals to order their own work (and that of others) so as to enhance productivity. Indeed, the very notion of productivity is a by-product of the clock: once one can relate performance to uniform time units, work is never the same. One moves from the task-oriented time consciousness of the peasant (working on job after another, as time and light permit) and the time-filling busyness of the domestic servant (who always had something to do) to an effort to maximize product per unit of time.

1.Why does the author provide the information that ”in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night“?

A.To emphasize the variety of environments in which people used sun and water clocks to tell time.

B.To illustrate the disadvantage of sun and water clocks.

C.To provide an example of an area where water clocks have an advantage over sun clocks.

D.To counter the claim that sun and water clocks were used all over Europe.

2.According to paragraph 2, all of the following are examples of the importance of timekeeping to medieval European society EXCEPT

A.the need of different towns to coordinate timekeeping with each other.

B.the setting of specific times for the opening and closing of markets.

C.the setting of specific time for the start and finish of the working day.

D.the regulation of the performance of daily church rituals.

3.According to paragraph 2, why did the medieval church need an alarm arrangement?

A.The alarm warned the monks of discord or strife in the town.

B.The church was responsible for regulating working hours and market hours.

C.The alarm was needed in case fires were not put out each night.

D.One of the church's daily rituals occurred during the night.

4.The word ”authoritative“ in the passage(paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to





5.The author uses the phrase ”the timekeeper of last resort“ to refer to

A.water clocks.

B.the sun.

C.mechanical clocks.

D.the church.

6.The word ”rudimentary“ in the passage(paragraph 3)is closest in meaning to





7.According to paragraph 4, how did the Catholic Church react to the introduction of mechanical clocks?

A.Its used mechanical clocks through the period of urban collapse.

B.It used clocks to better understand natural phenomena, like equinoxes.

C.It tried to preserve its own method of keeping time, which was different from mechanical-clock time.

D.It used mechanical clocks to challenge secular, town authorities.

8.The word ”installed“ in the passage(paragraph 4)is closest in meaning to


B.expected by the majority of people.


D.put in place.

9.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that medieval clockmakers

A.were able to continually make improvements in the accuracy of mechanical clocks.

B.were sometimes not well respected by other engineers.

C.sometimes made claims about the accuracy of mechanical clocks that were not true.

D.rarely shared their expertise with other engineers.

10.Paragraph 5 answers which of the following questions about mechanical clocks.

A.How did early mechanical clocks work?

B.Why did the design of mechanical clocks affect engineering in general?

C.How were mechanical clocks made?

D.What influenced the design of the first mechanical clock?

11.The word ”pioneers“ in the passage isclosest in meaning to





12.According to paragraph 6, how did the mechanical clock affect labor?

A.It encouraged workers to do more time-filling busywork.

B.It enabled workers to be more task oriented.

C.It pushed workers to work more hours every day.

D.It led to a focus on productivity.

13. Look at the four squares[■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? The division of time no longer reflected the organization of religious ritual.

Ironically, the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome,church time was nature's time.■【A】Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal;and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.■【B】But the mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning.■【C】The Catholic Church resisted, not coming over to the new hours for about acentury.■【D】From the start, however, the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of a new, secular municipal authority. Every town wanted one; conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war;tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The introduction of the mechanical clock caused important changes to the society of medieval Europe.

A.The increasing complexity of social and economic activity in medieval Europe led to the need for a more dependable means of keeping time than sun and water clocks provided.

B.Because they were unreliable even in sunny climates, sun clocks and water clocks were rarely used in Europe, even before the invention of the mechanical clock.

C.Before the mechanical clock, every city wanted a large number of timekeepers because more timekeepers allowed for better organization of collective activities.

D.Soon after the invention of mechanical clocks, sun and water clocks became obsolete because mechanical clocks were far more accurate.

E.Predators help maintain biological diversity by limiting populations of a dominant competitor species, thereby preventing that species from excluding others.

F.The removal of sea stars reduces the diversity of the community in which they are predators, and is therefore a bad idea.


1.从第一段的第二句开始,原文列举了这两种device各种的缺点,最后一句前半句说它们work,后面but表转折,证明要说有些情况它们不能用。所以选择B。A说人们在各种情况下都在使用这两种方法,与原文表达的意思相反,C将两种方法比较,原文没有这层意思。D整个和划线部分相反,原文说在northern Europe不能用。

2.虽然原文提到说城与城之间要保持一直,但其目的是organize collective activity,和ration space。 而collective activity对应了选项B,C对应set time to go to sleep,也就是结束工作的时间。D对应开头catholic church的prayers活动。

3.对应原文的第二句话,可根据alarm arrangement定位,前文说one of which was at night,后面说to waken monk before dawn,这两个都可以算是原因,选项中符合的只有D。

4.authoritative是权威的,A是真实的,B是重要的,C是官方的,D是有效的。因此C是正确的。文章中也说only one怎样的time keeper,所以应该是官方准确时间。

5.前文说需要它去check 这个machines,which前面说的是solar dials所以指的是the sun。

6.rudimentary是基础的。 A是稀有的,B是小的,C是不切实际的,D是基本的。所以根据词义D正确。这里我们可以看并列的词都是负面的,这里的rudimentary也是在强调未发展,有落后的意味。如果按照负面词来判断,C可能成为迷惑选项,但其词义不符。

7.可定位至相关段落,关键词为resisted,not coming over,所以证明church在拒绝新的计时方法,也就是在试着保护自己的方法。


9.根据clockmaker定位至倒数第二句,说制表人是正确和精密的领路人然后就对他们各种赞扬。B,C,D选项都是在贬低制表人,所以很容易排除。B,D选项又和最后一句话明显冲突。 A符合原文。

10.第五段主要说clockmaker引领了准确,精准工程的发展,他们是master,teacher等等,然后说他们是先锋,但这些都是因为他们是制表人。所以这道题选B。 ACD原文都没提到。


12.定位到原文最后一句,说使人们从task-oriented和 time-filling busyness的模式变为maximize product per unit of time,从而提高了productivity,所以选择D。A,B原文都提到了,但是是转化前的状态,C没提到。

13.原句中no longer反应宗教仪式了,那么此句前后应该有对现在的计时制度的描写,另外句末提到了religious ritual,所以附近也应该有对宗教组织的态度描写,满足这两个条件的位置是C。

14.A对应第二段倒数第一句和倒数第二句后半句”with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife. Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurement and found it in the mechanical clock.“正确。B与原文第一段矛盾。不选。C原文并没有提到说有大量的timekeepers,而第三段还说只能有一个权威的timekeeper不选。D对应原文第三段,说应用mechanical clock之后water clock很快被弃用了,但sun clock依然留下用来对照mechanical clock的准确性,错,不选。













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Fungi, of which there are over 100,000 species, including yeasts and other single-celled organisms as well as the common molds and mushrooms, were formerly classified as members of the plant kingdom. However, in reality they are very different from plants and today they are placed in a separate group altogether. The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll, and since they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the breakdown of dead organic matter or from other living organisms. Furthermore the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are, but of another complex sugarlike polymer called chitin, the material from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps,spiders, and insects are made. The difference between the chemical composition of the cell walls of fungi and those of plants is of enormous importance because it enables the tips of the growing hyphae, the threadlike cells of the fungus, to secrete enzymes that break down the walls of plant cells without having any effect on those of the fungus itself. It is these cellulose-destroying enzymes that enable fungi to attack anything made from wood, wood pulp, cotton, flax, or other plant material.

The destructive power of fungi is impressive. They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses. Entire crops can be wiped out by fungal attacks both before and after harvesting. Some fungi can grow at +50°C, while others can grow at -5°C, so even food in cold storage may not be completely safe from them. On the other hand, fungi bring about the decomposition of dead organic matter, thus enriching the soil and returning carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. They also enter into a number of mutually beneficial relationships with plants and other organisms. In addition, fungi are the source of many of the most potent antibiotics used in clinical medicine, including penicillin.


1. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?

(A) differences between simple and complex fungi

(B) functions of chlorophyll in plants

(C) functions of sugar in the walls of fungal cells

(D) differences between fungi and plants

2. Which of the following is mentioned as a major change in how scientists approach the study of


(A) Fungi are no longer classified as plants

(B) Some single-cell organisms are no longer classified as fungi.

(C) New methods of species identification have been introduced

(D) Theories about the chemical composition of fungi have been revised.

3. The word ”principal“ in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) true

(B) main

(C) logical

(D) obvious

4.According to the passage , how do fungi obtain carbohydrates?

(A) The absorb carbohydrates from their own cell walls.

(B) They synthesize chlorophyll to produce carbohydrates.

(C) They produce carbohydrates by breaking down chitin.

(D) They acquire carbohydrates from other organic matter, both living and dead.

5. The passage mentions shrimps, spiders, and insects in line 9 because their skeletons

(A) can be destroyed by fungi

(B) have unusual chemical compositions

(C) contain a material found in the walls of fungal cells

(D) secrete the same enzymes as the walls of fungal cells do

6. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) ”chlorophyll“ (line 5)

(B) ”polymer“ (line 8)

(C) ”hyphae“ (line 12)

(D) ”enzymes“ (line 14)

7. The word ”those“ in line 13 refers to

(A) tips

(B) hyphae

(C) enzymes

(D) walls

8. Fungi have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

(A) They grow hyphae.

(B) They secrete enzymes.

(C) They synthesize cellulose.

(D) They destroy crops.

9. The word ”Entire“ in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) certain

(B) whole

(C) mature

(D) diseased

10. The passage describes the negative effects of fungi on all the following EXCEPT

(A) buildings

(B) animals

(C) food

(D) soil

11. The phrase ”bring about“ in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) cause

(B) join

(C) take

(D) include

12. The passage mentions ”penicillin“ in line 25 as an example of

(A) a medicine derived from plants

(B) a beneficial use of fungi

(C) a product of the relationship between plants and fungi

(D) a type of fungi that grows at extreme temperatures.





Television has transformed politics in the United States by changing the way in which information is disseminated, by altering political campaigns, and by changing citizen's patterns of response to politics. By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates. By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizen's focus on character rather than issues.

Television has altered the forms of political communication as well. The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were. The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 11/2 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the 10 second ”sound bite“ in broadcast news. Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news.

In these abbreviated forms, much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of earlier ages has been lost. In 15 or 30 seconds, a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others. In snippets, politicians assert but do not argue.

Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it require a changed political style that was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old-style stump speech.Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable pictures rather than memorable words. Schools teach us to analyze words and print. However, in a word in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.

Recognizing the power of television's pictures, politicians craft televisual, staged events,called pseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage. Much of the political activity we see on television news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relations advisers for televised consumption. Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates increasingly sound like advertisements.


1. What is the main point of the passage ?

(A) Citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issues because of television coverage.

(B) Citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead of in person.

(C) Politics in the United States has become substantially more controversial since the introduction of television.

(D) Politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television.

2. The word ”disseminated“ in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) analyzed

(B) discussed

(C) spread

(D) stored

3. It can be inferred that before the introduction of television, political parties

(A) had more influence over the selection of political candidates

(B) spent more money to promote their political candidates

(C) attracted more members

(D) received more money

4. The word ”accelerated“ in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) allowed

(B) increased

(C) required

(D) started

5. The author mentions the ”stump speech“ in line 7 as an example of

(A) an event created by politicians to attract media attention

(B) an interactive discussion between two politicians

(C) a kind of political presentation typical of the nineteenth century

(D) a style of speech common to televised political events

6. The phrase ”given way to“ in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(A) added interest to

(B) modified

(C) imitated

(D) been replaced by

7. The word ”that“ in line 12 refers to

(A) audience

(B) broadcast news

(C) politician

(D) advertisement

8. According to the passage , as compared with televised speeches, traditional political discourse

was more successful at

(A) allowing news coverage of political candidates

(B) placing political issues within a historical context

(C) making politics seem more intimate to citizens

(D) providing detailed information about a candidates private behavior

9. The author states that ”politicians assert but do not argue“ (line 18) in order to suggest that


(A) make claims without providing reasons for the claims

(B) take stronger positions on issues than in the past

(C) enjoy explaining the issue to broadcasters

(D) dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens

10. The word ”Reliance" in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) abundance

(B) clarification

(C) dependence

(D) information

11. The purpose of paragraph 4 is to suggest that

(A) politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizens

(B) politicians who are considered very attractive are favored by citizens over politicians who are

less attractive

(C) citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who does not

(D) citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political images in order to become better


12.According to paragraph 5, staged political events are created so that politicians can

(A) create more time to discuss political issues

(B) obtain more television coverage for themselves

(C) spend more time talking to citizens in person

(D) engages in debates with their opponents

13. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?

(A) Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past.

(B) Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizens than in the past.

(C) Citizens today are less informed about a politician's character than in the past.

(D) Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past.














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