精听指的是一边看着正确的文本一边听录音,当听时,需要将自己并不熟悉的单词划出来,当第一遍录音结束以后查单词,然后再反复听,直到可以脱稿听为止。精听最为合适的材料就是SSS(Scientific American's Sixty-second Science),因为它非常短,只有一分钟,但信息量很大,更重要的是,其是托福听力出题的信息关键来源。
托福考试对考生能够一边听听力时一边记笔记是允许的,此不但是由于新托的听力变长了,更要求利用笔记,从而弥补大脑不能记住的不足之处,关键是符合美国大学课堂对学生课堂上课的真实需求。托福听力,特别是讲座,所考察的题目全部是关键资料,主要包含的 有话题、重要细节以及文章结构等。若是可以在听听力的过程中,将关键的内容记下,那么对于做题是帮助极大的。
一提到托福,大家会马上和出国联系起来。其实,学习托福绝不仅仅只是为了出国,它的意义主要在于以下三个方面。第一,托福高分对于申请出国读名校及拿奖学金有着不可忽视的参考作用。第二,在外企在招聘中,如果应聘者可以提供较高的托福成绩,也是非常有利的一项竞争指标。 第三,托福的内容能够真正帮助大家提高英语水平。其中的听力部分,绝对是练就一口地道美语和切实提高听力水平的利器。下面,我就结合托福听力部分的内容和大家谈谈如何提高自己的口语。
A: How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.
B: Sounds great, but I’ve got to put the finishing touches on my psychology research paper.
A: Let’s go to a movie after dinner.
B: That’s tempting. However, the tennis tournament’s tomorrow and I need to get a short practice session tonight.
A: A bunch of us are getting together to go to the basketball game on Saturday afternoon. You want to come?
B: Oh, I’d love to, but I have to work.
从上面的例子可以看出,只要听到外国人说:I’d love to, but.../ I’d like to, however…/ Sounds great, trouble is…之类的内容,后面基本上都是提出一个原因来委婉地拒绝第一个人的邀请。另外,我们一般都是在表示感谢时说thanks,而外国人也会用它来委婉的表达拒绝的。例如:
A: Would you like me to water your plants while you are away?
B: Thanks for the offer, but Mark already said he’d keep an eye on them.
A: Do you think you might like to join the university gardening club?
B: Oh, thanks for the invitation. But this is how I relax. I’d rather not make it something formal and structured.
A: Oh, we had the best tour guide when we were in San Francisco. I recommend him very highly when you go there next month.
B: Thanks, but I’ll be staying with my family and they are taking care of everything.
A: The drama club is holding auditions for their annual play, it’s a musical. What do you think?
B: To tell you the truth, I don’t really act or sin
实力的提高是最重要的.所谓听抄,就是一边听,一边写.每听一句,停下录音机,写;没写下来的,再导带回去,再听写(千万不要用复读功能,不然你实际上写下的是听了无数遍的).如果听了4,5遍还听不出来的,就先放过去.等整篇听完再回来看,用红笔记下--反复听还没听下来的部分就是你听觉形象比较弱的发音.针对弱的发音,再进行反复听,模仿的工作,就可以解决了.一开始可能进行的很慢,非常慢,但做过几篇之后你就会发现非常有效果,很多以前听不清楚的部分都能够听清楚了.至于材料,比较推荐旧t的听力段子.从小对话(part a)开始听写,然后是part b. part c自选,因为比较专业,会有不少生词.一开始可能会觉得比较失落,坚持就是胜利~!我是在绝望中听了几篇之后,就蹭的水平猛涨.而且最值得欣慰的是,听力这个东西一旦练上来,很长时间不练习也不会掉下去.
另外,我不大建议听读(就是一边听一边跟读).因为这个方法一开始是需要你先看着文本跟读的.这个时候,你其实没有练习到听力:你先在文本中看到(眼睛比耳朵快)文字,然后大脑里生成了一个对你所看到文字的预期发音,再用你耳朵听到的“听力”去向这个预期发音靠拢--于是大脑得出结论,我听到的是balabala. 不过,看电影模仿确实是个不错的方法--不是10部看一遍,而是一部看10遍.我比较喜欢律政俏佳人,最后法庭辩论如果能跟下来就很不错了.具体方法很推荐旧帖子“美剧是这样看的”.
1 听的时候,85%的注意力集中在段子上,手下写字能少就少(多利用通用符号.最好不要自己创造符号,除非你用的很熟悉.因为如果不是经常用的符号,反应什么意思该对应什么符号也是很分散注意力的)
2 碰到长的词汇,尽量替代.但原则是不要浪费精力去想.
3 碰到长或不熟悉的词汇,用音去写,不用强求单词非得写对.反正一会儿做题目的时候有的是时间看笔记.
4 (这个依据个人情况而定,因为这个可能是因为我的记性还行)我听的时候注意力很集中在段子上,而且听的时候会去考虑一下段子的结构(就是每部分他在说什么),所以听完以后除非是很细节的数字性问题,一般都能回忆起来.
5 用电脑做和用mp3什么的听是不一样的,尤其是在ets上如果做收费真题的时候,有的时候可能会在语段中间停一下(每次教授一要提问就停一下);或者在电脑上出现黑板(因为是模拟课堂嘛,所以有时候会把某个词写出来)的时候,会给几秒种模拟“记笔记”的时间.用这几秒种除了记下黑板上那些生僻词汇(也就是说看一眼就成,其实用处不大)可以反应或者在脑子里整理一下前面的东西.
6 熟悉题目,了解他们可能在什么地方出题目,出到什么样子.比如ets有可能给你河abcd的长度,然后后面说谁长什么的.我在这种时候从来不记数据,记一下顺序就行.它总不能给你四个数字选项问你是哪个吧~~(我没碰到过这样的例子哦.....)
7 该抬头一定要抬头,很多时候屏幕的图片(像地图什么的)是解说性质的,看了对后面段子的很有帮助.
A: 原始人阶段---能够准确的认出所读的文字,能够读出文章的语意内容和编排结构等。
B: 白领阶段---会看懂同义词或同意转述,能够准确明白所接触的词汇句子的含义等。
C: 土豪阶段---通过所读懂的句子进行判断,分析,推断,归纳等的过程。
托福阅读如果想考到20-25分,达到B 阶段就可以! 但是如果想当土豪,就必须达到C 阶段的阅读能力!很不幸的是,我们很多同学处在A阶段,甚至是A--阶段,就是说词汇还没有背完!托福词汇量核心要有6000以上,越多越好!如果这个没有,可以说就很难考到一个理想的阅读分数!
那么,想在短期内想达到C 阶段,有没有可能呢?当然有方法!就是要做精读托福文章!所谓的精读就是快速把握文章中的重要信息和内容,准确提高对字词,句篇的分析能力和解读能力,通过结合相关考点提高其准确性和速度,理解材料中的难点和要点并进行归纳推断判断等能力!最后达到人文合一的境界!
STEP1, 词汇要求各位同学每天至少浏览200-300个单词,争取一个月内识别6000+个单词,越多越好!市面上有很多背单词的书籍,大家可以用来研读,肯定会提高背词能力的!
STEP2, 迅速去掉修饰,直达主干结构。如动词不定时,现在分词,过去分词,关系词等技巧处理。
STEP4, 提高对某些重点句子的理解:如带转折的句子,带归纳字眼的句子,带概括动词的句子,设问的句子,段首段末句式等
The third main type of volcano is the extinct volcano .Extinct volcanoes are inactive and have never erupted over the course of human history . There are many extinct volcanoes around the world including Mount Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania),Mount Warning (in Australia),and La Chaine des Puys (in France).While they are inactive now, some volcanoes take more than a million years to reactivate after erupting. For this reason ,many scientist argue there is no point in determining whether a volcano is dormant or extinct.
The third main type of volcano (文章主题在讲火山,重复多的字眼不是重点词汇,忽略)is the extinct volcano(段落主旨) .Extinct volcanoes are inactive and have never erupted(否定词汇,考点) over the course of human history(时间状语不重要,忽略或快速阅读,除非题目考与时间相关的题目) . There are many extinct volcanoes (强调句型,关注)around the world including Mount Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania),Mount Warning (in Australia),and La Chaine des Puys (in France)(地点状语不重要,忽略或快速阅读,除非题目考和地点相关的题目).While they are inactive now(尽管,紧挨着的句子不重要,重点看转折后的句子!), some volcanoes take more than a million years to reactivate after erupting(对数字要敏感). For this reason(过度短语,忽略) ,many scientist argue there is no point(强调句型,否定考点,作者观点!必读)in determining whether a volcano is dormant or extinct. (具体结论,考点。)
Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. The cities predicted the future, wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China.
Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775.
The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it was virtually stripped of its timber. The available farmland was occupied, there was little in the region beyond the city to attract immigrants. New York and Philadelphia, by contrast, served a rich and fertile hinterland laced with navigable watercourses. Scots, Irish, and Germans landed in these cities and followed the rivers inland. The regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia became the breadbaskets of North America, sending grain not only to other colonies but also to England and southern Europe, where crippling droughts in the late 1760's created a whole new market.
1. Which of the following aspects of North America in the eighteenth century does the passage
mainly discuss?
(A) The effects of war on the growth of cities
(B) The growth and influence of cities
(C) The decline of farming in areas surrounding cities
(D) The causes of immigration to cities
2. Why does the author say that the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development
of North America (lines 1-2)?
(A) The influence of the cities was mostly negative
(B) The populations of the cities were small, but their influence was great.
(C) The cities were growing at a great rate.
(D) Most people pretended to live in cities
3. The phrase in place of in lines 4-5 is closest in meaning to
(A) connected to
(B) in addition to
(C) because of
(D) instead of
4. The word attendant in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) avoidable
(B) accompanying
(C) unwelcome
(D) unexpected
5. Which of the following is mentioned as an element of modern capitalism?
(A) Open competition
(B) Social deference
(C) Social hierarchy
(D) Independent craftspeople
6. It can be inferred that in comparison with North American cities, cities in Europe, the Middle
East, and China had
(A) large populations
(B) little independence
(C) frequent social disorder
(D) few power sources
7. The phrase exponential leaps in line 12 is closest in meaning to
(A) long wars
(B) new laws
(C) rapid increases
(D) exciting changes
8. The word it in line 15 refers to
(A) population
(B) size
(C) Boston
(D) Year
9. How many immigrants arrived in North America between 1760 and 1775?
(A) About 16,000
(B) About 25,000
(C) About 30,000
(D) More than 200,000
10. The word dictated in line 18 is closest in meaning to
(A) spoiled
(B) reduced
(C) determined
(D) divided
11. The word virtually in line 20 is closest in meaning to
(A) usually
(B) hardly
(C) very quickly
(D) almost completely
12. The region surrounding New York and Philadelphia is contrasted with the region surrounding
Boston in terms of
(A) quality of farmland
(B) origin of immigrants
(C) opportunities for fishing
(D) type of grain grown
13. Why does the author describe the regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia as
(A) They produced grain especially for making bread.
(B) They stored large quantities of grain during periods of drought
(C) They supplied grain to other parts of North America and other countries.
(D) They consumed more grain than all the other regions of North America.
The spectacular aurora light displays that appear in Earth's atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious phenomena. Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the aurora brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon sign.
To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region created by the Earth's magnetic field. Outside the magnetosphere, blasting toward the earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic filed. Charged particles in this solar wind speed earthward along the solar wind's magnetic lines of force with a spiraling motion. The Earth's magnetosphere is a barrier to the solar winds, and forces the charged particles of the solar wind to flow around the magnetosphere itself. But in the polar regions, the magnetic lines of force of the Earth and of the solar wind bunch together. Here many of the solar wind's charged particles break through the magnetosphere and enter Earth's magnetic field. They then spiral back and forth between the Earth's magnetic poles very rapidly. In the polar regions, electrons from the solar wind ionize and excite the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere, causing them to emit aurora radiations of visible light.
The colors of an aurora depend on the atoms emitting them. The dominant greenish white light comes from low energy excitation of oxygen atoms. During huge magnetic storms oxygen atoms also undergo high energy excitation and emit crimson light. Excited nitrogen atoms contribute bands of color varying from blue to violet. Viewed from outer space, auroras can be seen as dimly glowing belts wrapped around each of the Earth's magnetic poles. Each aurora hangs like a curtain of light stretching over the polar regions and into the higher latitudes. When the solar flares that result in magnetic storms and aurora activity are very intense, aurora displays may extend as far as the southern regions of the United States.
Studies of auroras have given physicists new information about the behavior of plasmas, which has helped to explain the nature of outer space and is being applied in attempts to harness energy from the fusion of atoms.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The methods used to observe auroras from outer space
(B) The formation and appearance of auroras around the Earth's poles
(C) The factors that cause the variety of colors in auroras
(D) The periodic variation in the display of auroras
2. The word phenomena in line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) ideas
(B) stars
(C) events
(D) colors
3. The word picture in line 5 is closest in meaning to
(A) frame
(B) imagine
(C) describe
(D) explain
4. The passage describes the magnetosphere as a barrier (line 10) because
(A) its position makes it difficult to be observed from Earth
(B) it prevents particles from the solar wind from easily entering Earth's atmosphere
(C) it increases the speed of particles from the solar wind
(D) it is strongest in the polar regions
5. The word them in line 16 refers to
(A) polar regions
(B) electrons
(C) atoms and molecules
(D) aurora radiations
6. According to the passage , which color appears most frequently in an aurora display?
(A) greenish-white
(B) crimson
(C) blue
(D) violet
7. The word emit in line 20 is closest in meaning to
(A) change from
(B) connect with
(C) add to
(D) give off
8. The word glowing in line 22 is closest in meaning to
(A) shining
(B) moving
(C) charging
(D) hanging
9. Auroras may be seen in the southern regions of the United Sates when
(A) magnetic storms do not affect Earth
(B) solar flares are very intense
(C) the speed of the solar wind is reduced
(D) the excitation of atoms is low
10. The passage supports which of the following statements about scientists'n derstanding of
(A) Before advances in technology, including satellites, scientists knew little about auroras.
(B) New knowledge about the fusion of atoms allowed scientists to learn more about auroras.
(C) Scientists cannot explain the cause of the different colors in auroras.
(D) Until scientists learn more about plasma physics, little knowledge about auroras will be available.
11. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) magnetosphere (line 6)
(B) electrons (line 15)
(C) ionize (line 15)
(D) fusion (line 29)





