托福阅读水平得分快速提升3大实用方法分享 阅读突破25分这么练才靠谱
Glaciers are large masses of ice on land that show evidence of past or present movement. They grow by the gradual transformation of snow into glacier ice.
A fresh snowfall is a fluffy mass of loosely packed snowflakes, small delicate ice crystals grown in the atmosphere. As the snow ages on the ground for weeks or months, the crystals shrink and become more compact, and the whole mass becomes squeezed together into a more dense form, granular snow. As new snow falls and buries the older snow, the layers of granular snow further compact to form firm, a much denser kind of snow, usually a year or more old, which has little pore space. Further burial and slow cementation — a process by which crystals become bound together in a mosaic of intergrown ice crystals — finally produce solid glacial ice. In this process of recrystallization, the growth of new crystals at the expense of old ones, the percentage of air is reduced from about 90 percent for snowflakes to less than 20 percent for glacier ice. The whole process may take as little as a few years, but more likely ten or twenty years or longer. The snow is usually many meters deep by the time the lower layers are converted into ice.
In cold glaciers those formed in the coldest regions of the Earth, the entire mass of ice is at temperatures below the melting point and no free water exists. In temperate glaciers, the ice is at the melting point at every pressure level within the glacier, and free water is present as small drops or as larger accumulations in tunnels within or beneath the ice.
Formation of a glacier is complete when ice has accumulated to a thickness (and thus weight) sufficient to make it move slowly under pressure, in much the same way that solid rock deep within the Earth can change shape without breaking. Once that point is reached, the ice flows downhill, either as a tongue of ice filling a valley or as thick ice cap that flows out in directions from the highest central area where the most snow accumulates. The trip down leads to the eventual melting of ice.
1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The effect of glaciers on climate
(B) Damage from glaciers
(C) Glacier formation
(D) The location of glaciers
2. Which of the following will cause density within the glacier to increase?
(A) Increased water and air content
(B) Pressure from the weight of new snow
(C) Long periods of darkness and temperature variations
(D) Movement of the glacier
3. The word bound in line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) covered
(B) chosen
(C) planned
(D) held
4. Which of the following will be lost is a glacier forms?
(A) Air
(B) Pressure
(C) Weight
(D) Rocks
5. According to the passage , which of the following is the LEAST amount of time necessary for
glacial ice to form?
(A) several months
(B) several years
(C) at least fifty years
(D) a century
6. The word converted in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) changed
(B) delayed
(C) promoted
(D) dissolved
7. What is the purpose of the material in paragraph three?
(A) To define two types of glaciers
(B) To contrast glacier ice with non-glacier ice
(C) To present theories of glacier formation
(D) To discuss the similarities between glacial types
8. In temperate glaciers, where is water found?
(A) Only near the surface
(B) In pools of various depths
(C) In a thin layer below the firm
(D) In tunnels
9. The word it in line 21 refers to
(A) formation
(B) ice
(C) thickness
(D) weight
10. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that a glacier
(A) can revert to a fluffy mass
(B) maintains the same shape throughout the glacial process
(C) is too cold to be thoroughly studied
(D) can contribute water to lakes, rivers, or oceans
托福阅读水平得分快速提升3大实用方法分享 阅读突破25分这么练才靠谱
列举指的是: First,... Second,... Third,.。。等逐条列出。并列句是指:A ,B and C,即逐项列出。它们共同的特征是列出二点或三点以上的条目。该类型语言点常考的题型是“细节性问题”,主要有两种:
1. Which 题型
2 . EXCEPT 题型
该题型俗称“三缺一”题型,即题目 4 个选项中有三个符合文章内容,剩下一个不符合,题目便是要求选出这个不符合文章内容的选项。例如: All of the following are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT ??? 这种题型只适合于考并列、列举句,这是因为它要求其三个选项一定是文章中出现的,也就是并列或列举之处。利用这一特点。我们在读文章的时候就可多留意,如看到并列、列举句,可预想其有可能被考到;如发现题目中有“三缺一”题型,则应到并列、列举处找答案。
否定句是指带有 NO 或 NOT , NEVER 等否定词的句子,而转折句则指带有 HOWEVER , BUT 或RATHER 等关联词引导的句子,它们可以用下面的句型说明: A is not B , as C , but is D 。对于以上的句型常出“推断性问题”。
句中由 as 或 such as , for example 等引导的短语或句子为举例句,常考“推断性问题”和“细节性问题”。上面句型中的 as C 为插入的举例句。
文中的数字、年代、日期等常常是出题者注意的考题点,如 年 10 月第 48 题。
文章中若出现 must , all , only , anyone , always , never 等绝对性词汇或 first , most beautiful 等最高级词汇,往往是考题要点,一般出“细节性题目”。这是因为它们都有一个共同的特点,那就是 概念绝对 , 答案唯一 ,无论是出题还是做题,不会产出歧义和疑问,因此很容易出题,答案绝对正确。相反地,如果文章中出现相对性的词汇、例如 Some of the people chose red hats,some chose green hats,and others blue ones. 其中 some 为相对性词汇,如果我们出这样一道题: What color hats did some people choose? 那么就没有唯一正确的答案,因为有可能为 red,green 或 blue ,给评卷带来困难。
如果文中含有 more than 或 as ??? as ,like ( a fly )等句型,则为比较级或比喻句结构,往往也是考题点,一般出“推断性题目”。
文章中带有由 that is ,i.e. ,or 等词汇引导的名词词组,放在一个名词后面,为同位语;插入语是指副词、不定式、分词、从句等结构故在句首,句中或句尾,不做句子成分,但修饰整个句子、表达作者感情的语法结构。 这些用逗号隔开的持殊结构往往也是考查的重点,一般会出“细节性题目”。
(1) 因果连词:because,since,for,as,therefore,so,consequently 等
(2)表示因果的动词:cause ,result in ,originate from 等;
(3) 表示因果的名词: base, basis, result,consequence 等,这些因果句都是指明某两个事件之间因果关系的,尤为出题者所青陈。因为通过出题可以考查文中两个事件内在的因果关系。此种句型一般出“推断性问题”。
文章各段第一句( 段首句 )和末段员后一句( 文尾句 )都是十分重要的地方,往往是文章作者表达中思想,进行总结综述的地方,因此常出(1)主题性问题,(2)细节性问题(3)结构性问题。
(1) 破折号,表示解释。考细节性问题;
(2) 括号,表示解释。考细节性问题;
(3) 冒号,一股同上,有时冒号也表示列举,则考“ EXCEPT ”题目;
(4) 引号。表示引用,考细节性问题:
(5) 惊叹号,表示作者感情,考态度性问题。
托福阅读水平得分快速提升3大实用方法分享 阅读突破25分这么练才靠谱
Glaciers are large masses of ice on land that show evidence of past or present movement. They grow by the gradual transformation of snow into glacier ice.
A fresh snowfall is a fluffy mass of loosely packed snowflakes, small delicate ice crystals grown in the atmosphere. As the snow ages on the ground for weeks or months, the crystals shrink and become more compact, and the whole mass becomes squeezed together into a more dense form, granular snow. As new snow falls and buries the older snow, the layers of granular snow further compact to form firm, a much denser kind of snow, usually a year or more old, which has little pore space. Further burial and slow cementation — a process by which crystals become bound together in a mosaic of intergrown ice crystals — finally produce solid glacial ice. In this process of recrystallization, the growth of new crystals at the expense of old ones, the percentage of air is reduced from about 90 percent for snowflakes to less than 20 percent for glacier ice. The whole process may take as little as a few years, but more likely ten or twenty years or longer. The snow is usually many meters deep by the time the lower layers are converted into ice.
In cold glaciers those formed in the coldest regions of the Earth, the entire mass of ice is at temperatures below the melting point and no free water exists. In temperate glaciers, the ice is at the melting point at every pressure level within the glacier, and free water is present as small drops or as larger accumulations in tunnels within or beneath the ice.
Formation of a glacier is complete when ice has accumulated to a thickness (and thus weight) sufficient to make it move slowly under pressure, in much the same way that solid rock deep within the Earth can change shape without breaking. Once that point is reached, the ice flows downhill, either as a tongue of ice filling a valley or as thick ice cap that flows out in directions from the highest central area where the most snow accumulates. The trip down leads to the eventual melting of ice.
1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The effect of glaciers on climate
(B) Damage from glaciers
(C) Glacier formation
(D) The location of glaciers
2. Which of the following will cause density within the glacier to increase?
(A) Increased water and air content
(B) Pressure from the weight of new snow
(C) Long periods of darkness and temperature variations
(D) Movement of the glacier
3. The word bound in line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) covered
(B) chosen
(C) planned
(D) held
4. Which of the following will be lost is a glacier forms?
(A) Air
(B) Pressure
(C) Weight
(D) Rocks
5. According to the passage , which of the following is the LEAST amount of time necessary for
glacial ice to form?
(A) several months
(B) several years
(C) at least fifty years
(D) a century
6. The word converted in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) changed
(B) delayed
(C) promoted
(D) dissolved
7. What is the purpose of the material in paragraph three?
(A) To define two types of glaciers
(B) To contrast glacier ice with non-glacier ice
(C) To present theories of glacier formation
(D) To discuss the similarities between glacial types
8. In temperate glaciers, where is water found?
(A) Only near the surface
(B) In pools of various depths
(C) In a thin layer below the firm
(D) In tunnels
9. The word it in line 21 refers to
(A) formation
(B) ice
(C) thickness
(D) weight
10. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that a glacier
(A) can revert to a fluffy mass
(B) maintains the same shape throughout the glacial process
(C) is too cold to be thoroughly studied
(D) can contribute water to lakes, rivers, or oceans
Potash (the old name for potassium carbonate) is one of the two alkalis (the other being soda,sodium carbonate) that were used from remote antiquity in the making of glass, and from the early Middle Ages in the making of soap: the former being the product of heating a mixture of alkali and sand, the latter a product of alkali and vegetable oil. Their importance in the communities of colonial NorthAmerica need hardly be stressed.
Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass- or soap-making either would do. Soda was obtained largely from the ashes of certain Mediterranean sea plants, potash from those of inland vegetation. Hence potash was more familiar to the early European settlers of the North American continent.
The settlement at Jamestown in Virginia was in many ways a microcosm of the economy of colonial North America, and potash was one of its first concerns. It was required for the glassworks, the first factory in the British colonies, and was produced in sufficient quantity to permit the inclusion of potash in the first cargo shipped out of Jamestown. The second ship to arrive in the settlement from England included among its passengers experts in potash making.
The method of making potash was simple enough. Logs was piled up and burned in the open, and the ashes collected. The ashes were placed in a barrel with holes in the bottom, and water was poured over them. The solution draining from the barrel was boiled down in iron kettles. The resulting mass was further heated to fuse the mass into what was called potash.
In North America, potash making quickly became an adjunct to the clearing of land for agriculture, for it was estimated that as much as half the cost of clearing land could be recovered by the sale of potash. Some potash was exported from Maine and New Hampshire in the seventeenth century, but the market turned out to be mainly domestic, consisting mostly of shipments from the northern to the southern colonies. For despite the beginning of the trade at Jamestown and such encouragements as a series of acts “to encourage the making of potash,” beginning in 1707 in South Carolina, the softwoods in the South proved to be poor sources of the substance.
1. What aspect of potash does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) How it was made
(B) Its value as a product for export
(C) How it differs from other alkalis
(D) Its importance in colonial NorthAmerica
2.All of the following statements are true of both potash and soda EXPECT:
(A) They are alkalis.
(B) They are made from sea plants.
(C) They are used in making soap.
(D) They are used in making glass.
3. They phrase “the latter” in line 4 refers to
(A) alkali
(B) glass
(C) sand
(D) soap
4. The word “stressed” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) defined
(B) emphasized
(C) adjusted
(D) mentioned
5. The word “interchangeable” in line 7 is closest in meaning to
(A) convenient
(B) identifiable
(C) equivalent
(D) advantageous
6. It can be inferred from the passage that potash was more common than soda in colonial North
America because
(A) the materials needed for making soda were not readily available
(B) making potash required less time than making soda
(C) potash was better than soda for making glass and soap
(D) the colonial glassworks found soda more difficult to use
7.According to paragraph 4, all of the following were needed for making potash EXCEPT
(A) wood
(B) fire
(C) sand
(D) water
8. The word “adjunct” in line 22 is closest in meaning to
(A) addition
(B) answer
(C) problem
(D) possibility
9.According to the passage , a major benefit of making potash was that
(A) it could be exported to Europe in exchange for other goods
(B) it helped finance the creation of farms
(C) it could be made with a variety of materials
(D) stimulated the development of new ways of glassmaking
10. According to paragraph 5, the softwoods in the South posed which of the following problems
for southern settles?
(A) The softwoods were not very plentiful.
(B) The softwoods could not be used to build houses.
(C) The softwoods were not very marketable.
(D) The softwoods were not very useful for making potash.
Perhaps the most obvious way artistic creation reflects how people live is by mirroring the environment — the materials and technologies available to a culture. Stone, wood, tree bark, clay, and sand are generally available materials. In addition, depending on the locality, other resources may be accessible: shells, horns, gold, copper, and silver. The different uses to which societies put these materials are of interest to anthropologists who may ask, for example, why people choose to use clay and not copper when both items are available. Although there are no conclusive answers yet, the way in which a society views its environment is sometimes apparent in its choice and use of artistic materials. The use of certain metals, for example, may be reserved for ceremonial objects of special importance. Or the belief in the supernatural powers of a stone or tree may cause a sculptor to be sensitive to that material.
What is particularly meaningful to anthropologist is the realization that although the materials available to a society may to some extent limit or influence what it can do artistically, the materials by no means determine what is done. Why do the artists in Japanese society rake sand into patterns; and the artists in Roman society melt sand to form glass? Moreover, even when the same material is used in the same way by members of different societies, the form or style of the work varies enormously from culture to culture. A society may simply choose to represent objects or phenomena that are important to its population. An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine. In addition to revealing the primary concerns of a society, the content of that society's art may also reflect the culture's social stratification.
1.According to the passage , gold, copper, and silver are
(A) more difficult to handle than wood and
(B) of their stable social conditions
(C) of the unique stylistic features of their art
(D) available only in specific locations
2. The word “conclusive” in line 7 is closest in meaning to
(A) definitive
(B) controversial
(C) concurrent
(D) realistic
3. The word “apparent” in line 8 is closest in meaning to
(A) attractive
(B) logical
(C) evident
(D) distinct
4. Why does the author mention the “supernatural powers of a stone or tree” in line 10?
(A) to show that some sculptors avoid working with specific materials
(B) to emphasize the unusual properties of certain materials
(C) as an example of how art can be influenced by cultural beliefs
(D) as an illustration of the impact of the environment on religious beliefs
5. The word “it” in line 13 refers to
(A) realization
(B) society
(C) extent
(D) influence
6. It can be inferred that the author mentions the Japanese and Roman societies because
(A) they influenced each other stone
(B) commonly used by artists in all societies
(C) essential to create ceremonial objects
(D) they used the same artistic material in very different ways
7.According to the passage , all of the following statements about sand are true EXCEPT
(A) It is used to create glass.
(B) Roman artists mix it into their paints.
(C) Its use varies from culture to culture.
(D) Japanese artists use it to create artistic patterns.
8. The word “Moreover” in line 16 is closest in meaning to
(A) similarly
(B) in addition
(C) in contrast
(D) frequently
9. The word “preoccupation” in line 20 is closest in meaning to
(A) involvement
(B) separation
(C) relationship
(D) argument
10. The word “primary” in line 21 is closest in meaning to
(A) discrete
(B) preliminary
(C) ideal
(D) fundamental
2 、对于听力中的句子听不懂,那么可能的问题有语法逻辑,语音现象,比如连读轻读弱读。
其次,对于听不懂的句子, 一般跟读也会很不顺畅,踏实的进行跟读,首先能够熟悉英文的逻辑思维。
然后, 由于跟读要求对语音语调完全模仿,所以可以克服对语音现象不熟悉导致的听不懂。
最后, 跟读是要说英语的,跟读的熟悉了,自然而然就能开口说英语了,对于备考托福的同学们,跟读可以同时提高托福听力和托福口语,何乐而不为!
篇6:把握3大核心问题 快速提升托福写作
把握3大核心问题 快速提升托福写作
例如 speed and comfort中描述坐火车的无聊时就运用了很多细节:Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection. Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
托福的官方指南(official guide)里也凸显了细节的重要性。P264中给出的4分的范文充分说明了这一点。这篇文章的作者讲了一个情侣间不相互信任的故事,讲得很完整,前因后果都交待清楚。而这篇文章只有一个分论点,只举了一个例子,遣词造句都很平庸,但是拿到了4分,关键点就在于此文对细节的描写很到位。
因此我们的学生在进行托福独立写作的时候,要注意对于be more specific这一标准的把握。很多时候,细致的例子能够弥补遣词造句上的不足。
1. 英语再好,不练习都会退步
How many Mainland Chinese can learn English to the level that we can? A very small percentage. They are using Mandarin all the time, they will lose their English. I will give you an example. I used to meet the Taiwanese ministers, the older generation - all Harvard PhDs. In other words, they wrote their theses in English but worked in Taiwan in Mandarin. When I went to Taiwan, I spoke to them in Mandarin, first two days (my Mandarin was) very stiff. At the end of the week, I was more fluent. They came here to meet people from our ministries, first two days their English was halting, at the end of the week they became more fluent.
2. 流利比词汇量更重要
Learn young, never mind the standard, capture the fluency, capture the way you speak it, capture the grammar, never mind if your vocabulary is limited, you can expand it later on.
3. 多开口才能活学活用
You need to spend the time and effort. You must have the interest. At the end of the day, it must be a live language. Apart from watching it on the TV or reading the newspapers, you must meet people and talk. Then it is a live language.
4. 从小学语言记得更牢
Language is heard and spoken long before people learn to write and to read. The more frequently one uses a language, the easier it is to express one's thoughts in it. The younger one learns to speak a langugae, the more permanently it is remembered.
5. 西学为体,中学为用
I may speak the English language better than I speak the Chinese language because I learnt English early in life. But I'll never be an Englishman in a thousand generations and I have not got the Western value system inside me; it's an Eastern value system with the western value system superimposed.
Finnish education often seems paradoxical to outside observers because it appears to break a lot of the rules we take for granted. Finnish children don’t begin school until age 7. They have more recess, shorter school hours than many U.S. children do (nearly 300 fewer hours per year in elementary school), and the lightest homework load of any industrialized nation. There are no gifted programs, almost no private schools, and no high-stakes national standardized tests.
Yet over the past decade Finland has consistently performed among the top nations on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a standardized test given to 15-year olds in 65 nations and territories around the world. Finland’s school children didn’t always excel. Finland built its excellent, efficient, and equitable educational system in a few decades from scratch, and the concept guiding almost every educational reform has been equity. The Finnish paradox is that by focusing on the bigger picture for all, Finland has succeeded at fostering the individual potential of most every child.
I recently accompanied Krista Kiuru, Finland’s minister of education and science, when she visited the Eliot K-8 Innovation School in Boston, and asked her what Finland is doing that we could learn from.
I visited four Finnish schools while researching my book Parenting Without Borders. While there, I frequently heard a saying: “We can’t afford to waste a brain.” It was clear that children were regarded as one of Finland’s most precious resources. You invest significantly in providing the basic resources so that all children may prosper. How do these notions undergird your educational system?
We used to have a system which was really unequal. My parents never had a real possibility to study and have a higher education. We decided in the 1960s that we would provide a free quality education to all. Even universities are free of charge. Equal means that we support everyone and we’re not going to waste anyone’s skills. We don’t know what our kids will turn out like—we can’t know if one first-grader will become a famous composer, or another a famous scientist. Regardless of a person’s gender, background, or social welfare status, everyone should have an equal chance to make the most of their skills. It’s important because we are raising the potential of the entire human capital in Finland. Even if we don’t have oil or minerals or any other natural resources, well, we think human capital is also a valuable resource.
How well do you think Finland’s educational system, one based more squarely on equity rather than high achievement, is working?
What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success
We created a school system based on equality to make sure we can develop everyone’s potential. Now we can see how well it’s been working. Last year the OECD tested adults from 24 countries measuring the skill levels of adults aged 16-65, on a survey called the PIAAC (Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies), which tests skills in literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments. Finland scored at or near the top on all measures. But there were differences between age groups. The test showed that all younger Finns who had had a chance to go to compulsory basic school after the reforms had extremely high knowledge; those who were older, and who were educated before the reforms, had average know-how. So, our educational system is creating people who have extremely good skills and strong know-how—a know-how which is created by investing into education. We have small class sizes and everyone is put in the same class, but we support struggling students more than others, because those individuals need more help. This helps us to be able to make sure we can use/develop everyone’s skills and potential.
I remember being struck by how many vocational or hands-on classes (home economics, art, technology, and so forth) were available to students at every Finnish school I visited. At one secondary school I visited, kids were cooking breakfast; at another, I saw that all the kids had learned how to sew their own bathing suits. More than one teacher remarked, “It’s important for students to have different activities to do during the day.” And there seems to be no stigma about vocational education. Is this attitude true of all schools in Finland?
Yes, we definitely believe that for young people handcrafts, cooking, creative pursuits, and sports, are all important. We believe these help young people benefit more from the skills they’re learning in school.
Do you think that this takes time away from academics?
Academics isn’t all kids need. Kids need so much more. School should be where we teach the meaning of life; where kids learn they are needed; where they can learn community skills. We like to think that school is also important for developing a good self-image, a strong sensitivity to other people’s feelings … and understanding it matters to take care of others. We definitely want to incorporate all those things in education.
I also believe that breaking up the school day with different school subjects is very important. We offer a variety of subjects during the school day. We’re also testing out what it’s like to have breaks in the middle of the school day for elementary school students. At a few elementary schools recently we’ve been offering sports, handcrafts, or school clubs during the middle of the school day, rather than just in the morning or after school as we already do. This is to help kids to think of something else, and do something different and more creative during the day.
An American librarian I spoke with, who was a visiting scholar in Finland, was struck by things like the fact that there was no concept of Internet filtering or censorship there. She was struck by how much autonomy was given to children as well as to teachers. At the same time, she noticed how much support teachers in Finland get. She visited one first-grade classroom that was taught by a relatively new teacher, and seven adults were standing in the back of the room watching the teacher: the master teacher, a specialty subject teacher from her teaching university, her advisor from university, and a couple of other student teachers. Right after the class, they got together and talked about how the lesson went. This sort of observation/debriefing seemed to be quite common. Finland is also well known for investing heavily in continuous professional development. Can you tell me more about this combination of independence and support?
Teachers have a lot of autonomy. They are highly educated--they all have master’s degrees and becoming a teacher is highly competitive. We believe we have to have highly educated teachers, because then we can trust our teachers and know they are doing good work. They do have to follow the national curriculum, although we do have local curriculums as well. But we think that we’ve been able to create good results due to our national, universal curriculum.
We don’t test our teachers or ask them to prove their knowledge. But it’s true that we do invest in a lot of additional teacher training even after they become teachers.
We also trust in our pupils. Of course we give them exams and tests so that we know how they are progressing but we don’t test them at the national level. We believe in our schools because we consider all schools equal. We don’t school shop in Finland and we don’t have to think about which area to live in to go to a good school.
In Finland we are starting to have some issues … in some suburban schools with more immigrants or higher unemployment, but we support those schools by investing more in them, in the struggling schools.
But you know, money doesn’t make for a better education necessarily. We don’t believe that spending on a particular school will make any one of them better so much as focusing on the content of what we do and giving children individual support.
最近,我陪同芬兰教育和科学部长克莉丝塔·克以伍卢参观了位于波士顿的艾略特学习创新学校(Eliot K-8 Innovation School),并且向她咨询了我们可以向芬兰学习的地方。
为了著书《育儿无国界》(Parenting Without Borders),我来到芬兰的四所学校参观、调研。当时,我反复听到一句话:“我们无法承担浪费一个大脑。”很明显,孩子被视为芬兰最珍贵的资源之一。你们大量投资来提供基本的资源,为的是所有的孩子都能有所作为。这些概念是如何从底层加固你们的教育体系的呢?
还有些人,说自己阅读水平不错,怎么一个不错法儿呢?是做阅读题。但是真的抛开选择题,自己动笔写(译)一写,就会发现,脑中空空如也。 那么我们要如同通过阅读,提升语言水平呢?
也许有人玩过日本CAPCOM的「逆転裁判」(现在也有动漫,B站可看)里面有一句名台词——「発想を逆転させるんだ~」 (逆向思考一下吧)
不会!绝对提高不了。TA的交流肯定没有问题,但是仅仅通过上面的方式,我们可以断言,其语言造诣绝对提高不了。2那要如何提高中文造诣呢?①系统选择一些精品、精读、思考乃至背诵②通过自己的写作、发言去刻意模仿③坚持 所以,我们不难发现,母语尚且如此,要提升外语的水平,就更需要精读了。 那么外语要如何去精读呢?关于外语学习,此前有“单词论”(以单词为中心),后来还有“句子论”(以句子为中心),实际上,要想真正提升语言能力,必须要大量练习篇章阅读能力。 理由如次:
3.在语篇中,如果理解错了关键的词句,可能会对整篇文章产生理解错误,所以需要具有快速把握能力。这也是必要能力。 以上这些能力,都不是单凭什么“单词”或者“句子”可以练出来的,更不是单靠选择题可以解决的。
下面,我就通过一些具体的问答,来说明一下,如何练习“ 篇章阅读能力”。
Q1.为什么要精读?在大学有泛读课,有的老师说泛读也很重要 唯斯的答复:尤其在初中级阶段,学习文章必须精读。外语必须以精读为主,这是概念是坚定不移的。在初级阶段,你的单词量非常有限,做泛读是不可能的,所有的阅读必须100%是精读,此时所谓的泛读不过是在“骗自己”,那不是学习,那是解闷儿。 在中级阶段,精读应该占到70%以上,泛读则多以练习题的形式出现,学习者也可以找一些简易读物。即使是高级阶段,也要花一定的时间去精读。 (拓展:做翻译也是如此,一开始你翻译经验非常少,你看着原文,听着原文,只做“视译”乃至“默译”,你会觉得“哈,我都会”,但是你也是骗自己。你实际一篇一篇自己翻译一下试试,感觉肯定不一样。)
唯斯的答复:实际上只有精读,没有泛读。我们试想一下,如果遇到不懂的东西,不查,不记,不求甚解,这样的阅读就是浪费时间。 但是,如果我们每读一些东西,就记下来新的单词和语法,久而久之,水平上去了,遇到的生词少了,可以减少查和记,这样精读不就渐渐就变成了泛读了吗? 在初中级阶段,不宜做大量的泛读,因为泛读,往往没有词汇表,注释等等辅助内容,学习者需要花大量的时间去查词典,或者问别人。这样就会因为索然无味而坚持不下去。泛读主要是高级学习者的享受。
Q4:怎样精读呢? 具体要注意些什么呢?
1 词的层面→包括新词的学习,还有词组的用法,习语,俚语等等。要特别注意每种语言的单词并不是一一对等的。比如“健康”“保養”,这些单词。中日的义项只是部分对应,不是完全对应。不可生搬硬套,平时认真精读,对翻译会大有裨益。
2 语法点→语法现象理解不透,则会影响文章的理解。
3 在查字典方面,除了查“外语-中文”字典外,还必须查用外语解释的词典。这样不仅可以积累外语里面的同义词,近义词,还能对单词的理解更精确,单用汉语解释可能会造成你的理解“偏差”。
4最重要的一点:复述课文(或者用外语讨论课文):读与说结合,即输入又输出,这样才能发现读时漏掉的部分,中国人在读与听的时候,往往不自觉的用中文思维才代替所读或所听的外语,只有认真复述,才会注意到外语的思维。 许多人到了“中高级阶段”,还做着“偷工减料”的阅读,或者说还没有学会阅读,当你问他们读了什么的时候,他们可以用中文告诉你文章的内容,但是往往不能用外语复述出来。其实这对于翻译能力,至关重要。





