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2024-03-25 07:50:09 收藏本文 下载本文






古人说:“知己知彼,百战不殆。”要解决这种新近开始频繁起来的较难的题型,我们先要了解这种题型本身的一些设置考查的目的和特征等等。 Locating the information题型指的是文章中的某个段落与给出的题目所表达的信息之间的配对。这种题型的标识是,在题目中有这么一句话:Which paragraph contains the following information/ discusses/ points. 题目数量一般为4—8道。与以往的其他题型的分布规律“题间无序,题内有序”不一样,信息定位题型题目中的信息无规律地分布在全篇各段。答案可以复选,但复选概率较低(看题目中的提示即可)。从考查目的来看,此题型属于混合型考点题,即考点为细节+主旨+观点。也是说我们在找一个题目所表达的信息与文章中某个段落配对时,有可能是某段里某句话的同意转换,也有可能是某几句话的同意转换,还有可能是某段的主旨思想也是你得把此段看懂了看明白了而且还能概括其段落大意。这要求有扎实的英语基本功了,所以这种题型被认为是雅思阅读考试中难的题型。


在对于这种题型有了了解之后,接下来我们来看看如何解决它。先,我们和处理其他细节定位题型一样,先把题目中的信息浏览一下,确定每点信息的核心词汇,即 key word。带着对关键词的瞬间记忆,以文章的自然顺序开始解题(由于信息定位题本身是乱序的,故不可按题目顺序解题,小编建议答案尽量不要在耗时过久,往往答案在后面)。如果遇到不太确定答案的题目,暂时空出,继续按文章顺序往后解题,可根据对于文章前后关系的了解锁定答案。另外,由于这种题型本身难度系数较高,解题的正确率很低,建议考生一定在解答过当篇文章的其他题型之后再来解答信息定位题型,也是说,不管这种题型在哪出现,都把它放在当篇文章的去解题。因为很多时候其他题型中的一些考点信息会再次在信息定位中出现,这样我们可以很快的确定答案了,却避免了重复阅读,并且节省了时间。万一很不幸的时间来不及了,也可以快速的猜测一下答案,这样也不至于很大的影响自己的情绪和考结果。


先确定关键词:14. improving trade,future 15. electronic delivery 16. abroad,local supplier 17. value of goods,cost of delivery

确定好关键词后可以先解决后面的True/False/Not Given 和 Summary 题型。通过后面两个题型的解题,我们会发现15和16两题的答案可以基本确定了。因为在解23,24题时,发现全文只有E ,F两段在讨论电脑相关的内容,而electronic delivery很可能是跟电脑联系的,所以答案锁定在E,F两段,大致阅读一下可以确认答案是F段。24题的关键词 overseas 和local supplier 等同于16题的关键词,所以确定答案是E段。剩下的14题可以通过future 大致猜测一下很可能在文章结尾部分,所以可以先看看一段,找到了对应信息 Bring these barriers down would help the world‘s economies grow even closer. 确定14题答案是I段。然后在回文中搜索17题的关键词,终在D段找到对应词 goods whose worth … less transportation is required for every dollar’s worth of imports or exports。


Short-answer Questions 简短回答问题

(1) What are candidates required to do? 考试要求

This task type requires candidates to answer questions about details in the passage. Questions usually relate to factual information. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the Answer Sheet.

(2) How many words are candidates asked to write? 字数要求

Often the instructions will state ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, but sometimes ‘ONE word’, or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. Numbers can be written using figures or words.

(3) Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words字数限制

Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s).

(4) What about contractions or hyphenated words? 缩写和连字符号

Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

(5) What skills are tested in this task type? 测试技能

This task type tests candidates’ ability to locate and understand precise information in the passage.

(6) Are the questions in text order? 题目顺序

The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.

(7) What text type is this task type used with? 文章类型

It is most likely to be used with a passage that contains a lot of factual information and detail.


A cookie-favoring physicist has created what appears to be the world's first Oreo separator.


David Neevel, an artist and inventor based in Portland, Ore., was commissioned by the popular cookie brand to produce the machine as part of its “Cookies vs. Creme” campaign.

David Neevel是俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名发明家,也是一位艺术家。他受到这个著名饼干品牌的委托,为该公司的“饼干VS奶油”广告制造出了这台机器。

“My Oreo machine is based entirely on my dislike for creme and my preference for cookie,” Neevel said in a short video.


The OSM, as Neevel calls it, was constructed of scrap aluminum, wood, a hatchet and floss in a Portland garage.

Neevel 把发明简称为OSM (奥利奥分离器),这是他在波特兰的一个车库里用一些铝的废料、废木材、一把小斧头和一些金属丝制成的。

After the hatchet blade is lowered to split the Oreo, a pair of mechanical arms are dispatched to collect the cookie halves, which are transferred to a router table where the creme is removed.


The electric-powered contraption took about two weeks to build. “It was a big time commitment,” Neevel said. “I had to work some long hours—I didn't see my girlfriend or my dog for hours at a time.”


“Outstanding. I applaud your efforts,” one YouTube commenter wrote. “For your next design, how about an automatic sock pair singlifier?

“赞一个。为你的发明鼓掌,” 一个YouTube用户这样评论道。“下次造一个袜子配对机怎么样?”

Three other inventors were commissioned by Oreo to come up with concepts, with the next one slated to be unveiled later this week.











例:What is the smallest species of Bovid called?

学生看到介个题目,内心是奔溃的。怎么定位呢?Bovid是文章主题词,文章多次重复出现,不具备定位的价值。找smallest species,文中压根木有出现啊。怎么定位呢?这个时候,其实可以预测答案和原文的形式,来定位。谈到一个物种的大小,要么就是说高度,要么就是说重量,是不是?所以,结合题文同序的原则,去文中快速锁定出现讲身高或是体重的地方,快速定位,预测一下看是不是出题点。文中符合这个特点的原文是:

This diversity of habitat is also matched by great diversity in size and form: at one extreme is the royal antelope of west Africa, which stands a mere 25 cm at the shoulder; at the other, the massively built bisons of North America and Europe, growing to a shoulder height of 2.2m.(答案:royal antelope)






词性互转(如loss-lost, confidence-confident)

抽象具体/上下义词的同义替换(如fire fighting tools-- fire engine, helicopter等)







This reading test contains 14 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes

on this task.

To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and


Read the passage below and answer 14 questions.

Bird Body Language


Birds are becoming popular as pets, but unlike with more common pets,

owners of birds are often not familiar with the behavioural patterns of the

animal which allow them to recognise what the pet needs and wants. For example,

most of us can recognise the behaviour a dog exhibits when he is hungry or wants

attention, but how many of us know how birds go about showing the same feelings?

By learning about the behavioural patterns of birds, its owner can forge a

stronger relationship with his pet. Owners can learn how to read bird body

language, including movements of the eyes, wings, tail and beak. In addition,

the sounds the bird makes can also indicate the mood, desires, and requirements

of the pet.


A bird’s eyes are different from a human’s. While both birds and humans

have pupils and irises (the black and coloured parts respectively), birds have

the ability to control the size of their pupils by enlarging and reducing their

irises quickly. This behaviour, flashing, is something birds may do when they

are angry, interested, or frightened.


A bird also communicates through the use of their wings. A bird may lift or

open his wings as a sign of happiness. But if the bird starts opening and

closing their wings, it may signal anger or pain. If a bird fails to fold its

wings against its body, and instead lets them hang by their side, the bird may

be ill. Healthy adult birds will typically tuck their wings against their bodies

when they are at rest.

D Birds often use their tail feathers to communicate, so an understanding

of this behaviour will help the pet’s owner. A bird may move his tail from side

to side, called wagging, to express happiness (similar to dogs in behaviour and

meaning). Happiness is also the emotion expressed by other kinds of tail

movement, such as up and down. However, if a bird fans his tail feathers out, it

is usually a way to show anger or aggression.


While the bird’s beak is used mainly for eating and grooming, a bird may

also communicate by using beak movements. For example, a bird may click his beak

once as a greeting, and several clicks can be taken as a warning. Birds may

sometimes bite, but it is often difficult to determine the reason behind it –

birds bite as a way to defend territory, show anger or express fear.


Finally, the sounds a bird makes are very important in communication. Birds

use vocalisations to communicate with each other (and with their owners).

Singing is the sign of a happy bird, and many birds love to sing when others are

around. Birds may also purr, though this is not the same as a cat's purr. A

bird's purr sounds more like a low growl, and may indicate annoyance. Finally, a

bird may click his tongue against his beak, and this often indicates a desire to

be picked up and petted.


Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Part of the body










Rapid change ____(1)____ size of pupils, called ____(2)____

Wings in an ____(3)____ position

____(4)____ of wings

Wings ____(5)____

____(7)____ in any direction

Fanning out

One click

Several clicks Reason

Anger, interest


Anger or pain






The Reading Passage has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.NB You may

use any letter more than once.

9) Mentions behaviour connected to a bird’s state of health

10) Describes how birds say hello

11) Compares the behaviour of two different pets

12) Compares humans and birds

13) Discusses the importance of learning about bird behaviour

14) Describes how birds indicate they want physical contact



1) in

2) flashing

3) open

4) movement

5) hanging down / at side

6) illness

7) wagging / movement

8) greeting

9) C

10) E

11) D/F

12) B

13) A

14) F



完成句子题型 (sentence completion tasks)



1. 详细阅读答题指引,获取必要的`答题信息。

2. 参考例句,确定答题形式。

3. 利用语法知识确定句子缺失部分。

4. 仔细查看所给句子的含义,并找出关键词语。

5 利用所给部分的关键词语在文章中找出相关句子。

6. 在文章中的相关句子里,选取缺失部分(即答案)。










如:C10T1P3的第34题:Peopleworking under a dominant boss are liable to

这道题目我们的定位词用dominant boss 是没有问题的,可是你通篇去找你会发现根本找不到类似的词,这个时候我们发现,他就是定位词被同义替换了,大家看下下面这个出题段,看看同义替换成了什么?

没错,就是Authority,dominant boss就是支配型的老板,那么衍升一点就是有权利的老板,对应我们的Authority,所以这道题目的对应出题段就是文中的倒数第三段。碰到这种题目怎么办呢?


另外,还是想说,把全文定位变为局部定位,各位如果从全文去找dominant boss这无疑是大海捞针,所以为什么不先做33题,然后做35题,然后根据顺序原则在35和33的中间去卡34的位置呢。这样加上前面对同义替换的准备,我们找起来,也会方便很多。





雅思阅读素材积累:A Drier and Hotter Future

While I was reading William deBuys's new book, A Great Aridness, two massive dust storms reminiscent of the 1930s raged across the skies of Phoenix and of Lubbock, Texas. Newspapers blamed them on the current drought in the West, which is proximately true. But what ultimately is causing this drought, and why would any drought produce such terrifying clouds of dust? The answer is that they may be portents of a more threatening world that we humans are unwittingly creating. As deBuys explains, ”Because arid lands tend to be underdressed in terms of vegetation, they are naturally dusty. Humans make them dustier.“

Agriculture is the main reason for those dust storms—the clearing of native grasslands or sagebrush to grow cotton or wheat, which die quickly when drought occurs and leave the soil unprotected. Phoenix and Lubbock are both caught in severe drought, and it is going to get much worse. We may see many such storms in the decades ahead, along with species extinctions, radical disturbance of ecosystems, and intensified social conflict over land and water. Welcome to the Anthropocene, the epoch when humans have become a major geological and climatic force.

DeBuys is an acclaimed historian turned conservationist in his adopted home of the Southwest. A Great Aridness is his most disturbing book, a jeremiad that ought to be required reading for politicians, economists, real-estate developers and anyone thinking about migrating to the Sunbelt. In the early chapters he reports on the science of how and why precipitation and ecology are changing, not predictably but in nonlinear ways that make the future very uncertain and dark. In later chapters he visits ancient pueblo ruins left behind by earlier civilizations that were destroyed by drought, and he follows the grim trail of migrants crossing the border from Mexico, stirring up a controversy that climate change can only exacerbate. The book is an eclectic mix of personal experience, scientific analysis and environmental history.

Smoke as well as dust is spoiling the southwestern skies. As deBuys points out, forest fires are getting much bigger. In June the Rodeo and Chediski fires erupted on Arizona's Mogollon Plateau, soon merging into a single conflagration that consumed nearly 500,000 acres. It was Arizona's largest fire—until the Wallow Fire eclipsed it in June . Another devastating effect of climate change has been the explosion of bark beetles among western pines, which in turn contributes to the new fire regime; in , dead trees covered 2.6 million acres in Arizona and New Mexico. Could anything be more demoralizing than the sight of green forests turned a grisly brown, then bursting into flame and left charred and black?

Even more depressing than declining forests are mountains bare of snow. When future springs arrive, the sound of running water will be much diminished. The biggest environmental catastrophe for the Southwest, already our most arid region, is losing the melting runoff from snowpacks into rivers, canals and irrigation ditches. An ominous chapter in the book examines the future of the Colorado River, which for decades has been the ”blood“ of the Southwest's oasis civilization. In the 1920s Americans divided the river between upper and lower basins, allocating to each a share of the annual flow. California, which contributes almost nothing to the river, sucks up the largest share of any state, spreading it across the Imperial Valley's agricultural fields and diverting the rest to Los Angeles. Years ago policy makers assumed that the river carried about 17 million acre-feet of water per year—that is, enough water to cover 17 million acres to a depth of one foot. They overestimated, as people tend to do when hope and greed outrun the facts. Now comes a drier and hotter future, when the Colorado River will carry even less water—perhaps as little as 11 million acre-feet.

Tim Barnett and David Pierce of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography estimate that to adjust to a sustainable level of supply, consumers of Colorado River water will have to get along with 20 percent less water than they use today. That is still a lot of water to lose, but the loss may not be catastrophic. Urban users are already conserving about as much as they can per capita. Farmers, on the other hand, who consume about 80 percent of the western water supply, including in California, are wasting much through inefficient management and low-value crops. Half of the water goes to raise alfalfa to feed cattle, and much of the rest evaporates or soaks into the sand. If some of agriculture's share could be diverted to cities, there might be enough to sustain the current population. Rural communities would decline, some lucky farmers would retire with a potful of money, and the public would have to figure out where to get its lettuce, tomatoes, oranges and meat. The cost of water would go up dramatically, and those without money would go thirsty and leave. New hierarchies would take the place of old ones.

Thirty million people now depend on the Colorado River. Perhaps they can manage to adjust to a diminished flow and to declines in domestic food supplies and hydroelectric power. But more people are on the way: Demographers calculate that the population of the Southwest may increase by 10 or 20 million between now and 2050. Some of those people will come from other parts of the country, some from Mexico and Central America, and some from other nations that are coping poorly with their current problems or are overwhelmed by climate change. Whatever their origin, the new arrivals will go to the familiar oases, hoping to find the good life with a swimming pool and a green lawn.

Developers are eager to make money by selling homes to these newcomers. The political and economic culture of the Southwest is dead set against any acknowledgment of limits to growth. In the last few chapters of the book, deBuys shows that even now those in power refuse to accept any check to expansion; business must be free to do business. Others say that they are helpless to stop the influx: Patricia Mulroy, general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas, declares, ”You can't take a community as thriving as this one and put a stop sign out there. The train will run right over you.“ Her solution is to create an expensive ”straw“ to extract water from a shrinking Lake Mead, drawing on the ”dead pool“ that will be left below the intakes for generating electricity. She doesn't have the money to build that straw right now, but she is working hard to keep her improbable city from drying up and becoming a casualty like ancient Mesopotamia. Similarly, Phoenix continues to issue building permits helter-skelter and counts on ”augmenting the supply" of water sometime in the future. But where will the state and city go for more supply, and how will they bring it cheaply over mountains and plains to keep Phoenix sprawling into the sunset?

DeBuys gathers enough scientific evidence to make a convincing case against that growth mentality. A similar case could be made against growth in the rest of the United States, although in the East the threat may be too much water, not too little, and too many storms, not too much smoke and dust. The past warns us that ancient peoples once failed to adapt and survive. Will theirs be America's fate? Perhaps. But past human behavior may not be a reliable indicator of how people will behave in the future. If the environment is becoming nonlinear and unpredictable, as deBuys argues, then human cultures may also become nonlinear and unpredictable. No other people have had as much scientific knowledge to illuminate their condition. What we will do with that knowledge is the biggest imponderable of all.





Question 1-6

Reading Passage 1 has nine sections, A-l.

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-l, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

6. The estimated proportion of children in New Zealand with auditory problems


The Impact of Hearing Loss on Young Children

A. Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to lean at school. This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole. The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.




Question 8-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 8-J3 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE:If the statement agrees with the information

FALSE:If the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN:If there is no information on this

12. Johnson only received payment for his Dictionary on its completion.


Johnson signed the contract for the Dictionary with the bookseller Robert Dosley at a breakfast held at the Golden Anchor Inn near Holborn Bar on 18 June 1764. He was to be paid? 1,575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his 'dictionary workshop'. James Boswell, his biographer, described the garret where Johnson worked as 'fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up.

原文说的是分期in installments,而题干说的是only...completion,因此是False。



Question 27-29

Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraphs A-H.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.

27. Mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon


D.The concept of releasing aerosol sprays into the stratosphere above the Arctic has been proposed by several scientists. This would involve using sculpture or hydrogen supplied aerosols so that sculpture dioxide would form clouds, which would, in turn, lead to a global dimming. The idea is modelled on historic volcanic explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, which led to a short-term cooling of global temperatures by 0.5℃.Scientists have also scrutinized whether it's possible to preserve the ice sheets of Greenland with reinforced high-tension cables, preventing icebergs from moving into the sea.

原文出现时间的地方描述historic volcanic explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines,such as举例子,historic volcanic explosions对应natural phenomenon,因此选D.

四、雅思阅读隐性定位词中Refer to as= proper nouns.

当我们遇到像refer to as,这种表示要解释一个现象,一个单词意思的隐性信号词的时候。在选看选项的时候可以优先看那些专有名词的选项,换句话说就是选项有某个单词不熟悉,然后出现频率高的名词。通过下面的例子,我们可以看出:

Question 34-40

Complete the sentences.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet.

35. Plants which do not respond to light levels are referred to as.


For example, some species of birds' breeding can be induced even in midwinter simply by increasing day length artificially (Wolfson 1964). Other examples of photoperiodic occur in plants. A short-day plant flowers when the day is less than a certain critical length. A long-day plant flowers after a certain critical day length is exceeded. In both cases the critical day length differs from species to species. Plants which flower after a period of vegetative growth, regardless of photoperiod, are known as day-neutral plants.

回原文寻读,找到day-neutral plants是以斜体形式出现,且前面有限定are known as,可以确定是专有名词,do not respond to light levels对应regardless ofphotoperiod,所以填day-neutral plants.


Diners are being asked to sign a waiver before eating a fiery chilli burger - after it put five people in hospital.


The X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger - dubbed the hottest dish in Britain - is served to over 18s only at Burger Off in Sussex.

这款被称为英国最辣的热辣汉堡,是苏塞克斯郡汉堡店Burger Off 的料理,仅卖给18岁以上的成年人。

It is topped with chilli sauce worth a staggering 9.2million on the Scoville scale - a measure of the 'hotness' of foods. In contrast, the average chilli pepper comes in at just 500 Scoville Heat Units.


One diner was taken to hospital with a suspected perforated bowel after eating the spicy dish, while four others were admitted for treatment on the same night for suspected anaphylactic shock.


Now, restaurant owner Nick Gambardella is asking customers to sign a legal disclaimer that prevents them from suing him if they fall victim to the red-hot burger.


The document reads: 'I the undersigned accept all responsibility for any effects incured due to the consumtion of the above mentioned X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger and release Burger Off, its owner and staff from any liability.'

声明中写道:“我签署同意,在Burger Off食用热辣汉堡所带来的一切后果责任由我个人承担,餐厅和餐厅老板、服务员免责。”

Mr Gambardella, 55, said he was 'amazed' that he was allowed to sell such a spicy burger - adding: 'It has been a massive hit with the customers'.


'I have to admit I’ve not dared to try one of these burgers myself as they are so spicy,' he said. 'One guy came in and he was just a little bit cocky and when he left he was admitted to hospital because prior to eating the burger he had a stomach ulcerand we believe it perforated his bowel. He wasn’t in a good way but he pulled through.


The burger, which is on sale for only £3.90, features sauce based on a Piri Piri chilli concentrate, created through steaming and later infused with carbon dioxide.


So far, only 59 out of 3,000 challengers have succeeded in eating the entire dish. Many of the burger's conquerors have taken to Twitter and The Burger Off Facebook page to spread the word of their victory.

截至目前,3000名挑战者仅有59位成功吃完整个汉堡。许多挑战成功者在推特和Burger Off餐厅的脸书页面上炫耀自己的胜利。

Mr Gambardella said the burger had caused customers to adopt a number of undignified coping mechanisms, including stripping naked, begging for mercy, punching windows and vomiting.


It has also left many diners suffering from anaphylactic shock - a severe allergic reaction that can cause swelling, rashes and difficulty breathing.


'The burgers are cooked properly - it’s the sauce that is maybe too hot to handle,' said Mr Gambardella.




STEP ONE:分析文章后的题目


STEP TWO:带着问题扫描文章

1. 扫描标题

考生拿到一篇雅思学术类阅读文章,首先应该看一下文章的标题,而迄今为止,雅思学术类阅读理解考试中大致出现过下列三种题目类型:第一种是正规标题,始可用来判断文章大意、类型、而得知文章结构;第二种是主标题加副标题,副标题有时承担揭示文章结构的重任;第三种是无标题,这种考试形式自99 年开在中国考区出现,一般文章较长而且难,但仍然可以在文章第一段发现揭示文章主题的主旨句。考生应注意:描述性标题应该予以忽略;如果文章分几个SECTION 论述,则SECTION 的标题也应该加以注意






首句 --→ 第二句 --→中间句--→ 末句

注意:如果首句是描述性语句则应该予以忽略,通过段落首末句判断段落主题的关键是找准中心词(KEY WORD)中心词最可能是表示主要概念的名词,一般是句子的主语和宾语;表明状态的动词;表示程度高低、范围大小、肯定或否定的副词;中心词会在题目及原文中以同义词形式大量出现。比如:famous - prestigious;restructure delayer.

4. 扫描连接上下文的信号词

5. 扫描文章文章中是否有图表或示意图
















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