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主题题,态度题如何解决呢?首先我们需要了解GRE考试的评价体系。对于激进的(进化论)左的(马列)上纲上线的,通常不与支持,对于以政治干涉学术,尤其反对。对于歧视弱者,损害弱者尤其反对,弱者恒强。Should, must, should have 等词也是负评价,应然不然。选项中极端的,进行人生攻击的,模棱两可的,谄媚的,马上排除,因为这是学术考试。选项过分极端的副词,也要小心,如表示绝对的言辞。








在说备考建议及指导前,笔者在此先简要说明关于GRE考试语文部分的算分情况。在第三版官方指南第8页关于语文部分算分有一个简短扼要的说明:Within each section, all questions contribute equally to the final score. 大家需要注意的是,在一个语文部分中,不管是单空题还是双空、三空还是句子等价题甚至是阅读题在这一个section中分值一样,并不存在一道多空题分数就比一道单空题要多的说法。

此外,第三版的官方指南48页说道:Single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank; no credit for partially correct answers. 即每个空格选择一个选项,多空题必须每个选项全对才有分,部分正确没有分。


此外,对于一个Verbal Section的10道填空题,不论本section的难度是Easy、Medium抑或是Hard,逻辑强度和选择难度相对较低的“6选2”句子等价题占到填空题目数量的40%,笔者在实际教学中对于任何层次的同学都提出了句子等价题最多错1个(因为该题型空格少且选项绝大多数情况下为同、近义词)且单空题少错(单空题相比较于有错不得分的多空题得分难度相对较低)的要求,在实际的备考中能够按照科学备考计划来备考的考生基本都可已达到上述要求。






美国文艺复兴时期又称新英格兰文艺复兴 (New England Renaissance)。指1830年代左右到南北战争结束的一段时期,这一时期美国文学日趋成熟,成为一种反映民族精神的文学。美国文艺复兴被认为是浪漫主义的继续(详细可查阅英国的浪漫主义时期,由浪漫主义诗人拜伦,伍德华尔兹,济慈等定义的一个文学时期,后续的文章我会和大家分享),尤其在爱默生的超验主义 (Transcendentalism) 哲学中得到展现。

这时美国文坛由一批新英格兰作家所主宰,其中著名的有华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859),代表作品《见闻札记》(The Sketch Book, 1819-20);詹姆斯·费尼莫·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper,1789-1851),代表作品《皮袜子五部曲》(Leather stocking Tales):《开拓者》(Pioneers, 1823)、《最后的莫希干人》(The Last of the Mohicans, 1826)等5部;拉尔夫·沃尔多· 爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882),代表作品《论自然》(Nature, 1836);亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau, 1803-1862),代表作品《沃尔登湖》(Walden, 1854);埃德加· 爱伦· 坡 (Edgar Allan Poe,1809-1849) ,诗人、短篇小说家、文学评论家、侦探小说之父,代表作品《乌鸦》(“The Raven”, 1844)《厄舍古屋的倒塌》(“The Fall of the House of Usher”, 1839)。

“在这一时期的代表性的美国作家中,最具特色的莫过于 Edgar Allan Poe,埃德加·爱伦·坡181月19日生于马萨诸塞州的波士顿,他年幼时父母双亡,随即被弗吉尼亚州里士满的约翰和弗朗西丝斯·爱伦夫妇收养,在弗吉尼亚大学就读了短暂的一段时间后辍学,之后从军,爱伦·坡离开了爱伦夫妇。爱伦坡低调地开始了他的写作生涯,匿名出版了诗集《帖木尔和其它的诗》。1835年他在巴尔的摩和13岁的表妹弗吉尼亚·克莱姆结婚。1838年《阿瑟·戈登·皮姆的故事》出版并被受到了广泛的关注。1839年夏天,爱伦·坡成为《伯顿绅士杂志》(Burton's Gentleman's Magazine)的助理编辑。这期间他发表了的随笔、小说,和评论,加强了他在《南方文学信使》工作时期开始确立的敏锐批评家的声誉,同期,《怪异故事集》上下卷在1839年出版。1845年1月,爱伦·坡发表诗歌“乌鸦”,一时声誉鹊起。1849年10月7日逝于巴尔的摩”——引自百度百科











主题题,态度题如何解决呢?首先我们需要了解GRE考试的评价体系。对于激进的(进化论)左的(马列)上纲上线的,通常不与支持,对于以政治干涉学术,尤其反对。对于歧视弱者,损害弱者尤其反对,弱者恒强。Should, must, should have 等词也是负评价,应然不然。选项中极端的,进行人生攻击的,模棱两可的,谄媚的,马上排除,因为这是学术考试。选项过分极端的副词,也要小心,如表示绝对的言辞。







Of Homer’s two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it includes more features of mythology that are accessible to readers. Its subject (to use Maynard Mack’s categories) is “life-as-spectacle,” for readers, diverted by its various incidents, observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without; the tragic Iliad, however, presents “life-as-experience”: readers are asked to identify with the mind of Achilles, whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero. In addition, the Iliad, more than the Odyssey, suggests the complexity of the gods’ involvement in human actions, and to the extent that modern readers find this complexity a needless complication, the Iliad is less satisfying than the Odyssey, with its simpler scheme of divine justice. Finally, since the Iliad presents a historically verifiable action, Troy’s siege, the poem raises historical questions that are absent from the Odyssey’s blithely imaginative world.

17. The author uses Mack’s “categories” (lines 4-5) most probably in order to

(A) argue that the Iliad should replace the Odyssey as the more popular poem

(B) indicate Mack’s importance as a commentator on the Iliad and the Odyssey

(C) suggest one way in which the Iliad and the Odyssey can be distinguished

(D) point out some of the difficulties faced by readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey

(E) demonstrate that the Iliad and the Odyssey can best be distinguished by comparing their respective heroes

18. The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from

(A) concentrating on the poem’s mythological features

(B) concentrating on the psychological states of the poem’s central character

(C) accepting the explanation that have been offered for the poem’s popularity

(D) accepting the poem’s scheme of divine justice

(E) accepting Maynard Mack’s theory that the poem’s subject is “life-as-spectacle”

19. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) distinguishing arguments

(B) applying classifications

(C) initiating a debate

(D) resolving a dispute

(E) developing a contrast

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a reader of the Iliad is likely to have trouble identifying with the poem’s hero for which of the following reasons?

(A) The hero is eventually revealed to be unheroic.

(B) The hero can be observed by the reader only from without.

(C) The hero’s psychology is not historically verifiable.

(D) The hero’s emotions often do not seem appealing to the reader.

(E) The hero’s emotions are not sufficiently various to engage the reader’s attention.

Flatfish, such as the flounder, are among the few vertebrates that lack approximate bilateral symmetry (symmetry in which structures to the left and right of the body’s midline are mirror images). Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates, so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. While in most species with asymmetries virtually all adults share the same asymmetry, members of the starry flounder (starry flounder: (美洲)箭齿鲽,星斑川鲽) species can be either left-eyed (both eyes on the left side of head) or right-eyed. In the waters between the United States and Japan, the starry flounder populations vary from about 50 percent left-eyed off the United States West Coast, through about 70 percent left-eyed halfway between the United States and Japan, to nearly 100 percent left-eyed off the Japanese coast.

Biologists call this kind of gradual variation over a certain geographic range a “cline (cline: n.[生]渐变群(一种生态特征))” and interpret clines as strong indications that the variation is adaptive, a response to environmental differences. For the starry flounder this interpretation implies that a geometric difference (between fish that are mirror images of one another) is adaptive, that left-eyedness in the Japanese starry flounder has been selected for, which provokes a perplexing questions: what is the selective advantage (selective advantage: 选择有利性) in having both eyes on one side rather than on the other?

The ease with which a fish can reverse the effect of the sidedness of its eye asymmetry simply by turning around has caused biologists to study internal anatomy, especially the optic nerves, for the answer. In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa. This crossing introduces an asymmetry, as one optic nerve must cross above or below the other. G. H. Parker reasoned that if, for example, a flatfish’s left eye migrated when the right optic nerve was on top, there would be a twisting of nerves, which might be mechanically disadvantageous. For starry flounders, then, the left-eyed variety would be selected against, since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost.

The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed, an natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation. As other explanations proved equally untenable, biologists concluded that there is no important adaptive difference between left-eyedness and right-eyedness, and that the two characteristics are genetically associated with some other adaptively significant characteristic. This situation is one commonly encountered by evolutionary biologists, who must often decide whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral. As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring (red herring: n.熏青鱼, 转移注意力的话).

21. According to the passage, starry flounder differ from most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder

(A) are not basically bilaterally symmetric

(B) do not become asymmetric until adulthood

(C) do not all share the same asymmetry

(D) have both eyes on the same side of the head

(E) tend to cluster in only certain geographic regions

22. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about left-eyedness and right-eyedness in the starry flounder?

I. They are adaptive variations by the starry flounder to environmental differences.

II. They do not seem to give obvious selective advantages to the starry flounder.

III. They occur in different proportions in different locations.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and III only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

23. According to the passage, a possible disadvantage associated with eye migration in flatfish is that the optic nerves can

(A) adhere to one another

(B) detach from the eyes

(C) cross

(D) stretch

(E) twist

24. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?

(A) A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected.

(B) A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed.

(C) A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified.

(D) A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory.

(E) A hypothesis is introduced and corroborated in the light of new evidence.

25. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed?

(B) Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral?

(C) Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral?

(D) How do the eyes in flatfish migrate?

(E) How did Parker make his discoveries about the anatomy of optic nerves in flatfish?

26. Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin

(B) A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit

(C) A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price

(D) A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill

(E) A national park in which the ranger stations are placed so as to be inconspicuous, and yet as easily accessible as possible

27. Which of the following phrases from the passage best expresses the author’s conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?

(A) “Most striking” (line 4)

(B) “variation is adaptive” (line 19)

(C) “mechanically disadvantageous” (lines 3738)

(D) “adaptively significant” (lines 48-49)

(E) “evolutionary red herring” (line 54)







当然,还可以看一些英美杂志或者报刊,比如:TIME, NEWSWEEK, THE ECONOMIST, CHINADAILY, 21st CENTURY等。因为雅思考试与时代紧密相连,具有一定的时效性,所以报刊文章为泛读的首选。









首先略读每章或每页的大概内容,例如:可从书本的序言和目录开始,通常作者会在序言中交代撰述的重点及动机,而目录则可帮助你了解课本的组织架构及章节层次;阅读课文的名称 title,主题 main headings 及副题 sub-headings;注意每一主题的头一句,导言 introduction 和本章提要 summary(如果有的话),图片说明 captions to all graphics 等,这样,你不用十五分鐘便对内容有概略的了解。

(2)提出一个全面的问题Write a general question


(3)提出各别问题来引导阅读Write questions to guide your reading


(4)寻求问题的答案Read to answer the questions


(5)在答案下划线Underline words that answer the question

在了解一段内容后,找出解答问题的重要字key words及短语phrases,并划记下来。在划记时可选用荧光笔,既方便又快捷。

(6)修正问题 Revise the questions


(7)举一反叁Use examples



















1. 从心理学的方面来讲,记号可以起到突出重要内容,加深记忆的作用,因此考生要学会把任何重要信息都打上记号,比如所有的问题题干中的重要信息,比如list of headings 中所有的选项的关键信息等。考生对题干中的重要信息记忆深刻了,那么定位就会相对更快更准确。

2. 去文章定位一些非特殊印刷体的关键词时,带上笔,用笔指引读者的视线,一方面可以加快阅读速度,同时又可以防止漏掉文中的重要信息。雅思阅读的文章乍一看上去就像是天书一般,如果考生在查找细节时光依靠眼睛很容易出现走马观花的现象,考生自认为在读其实什么都没看进去。

3. 解题时用笔可以加快速度,比如,考生在审题时圈出关键词,就可以果断的进入解题的下一步-----去原文定位了,同样,在原文找到关键词后,赶快圈出关键词,就可以快速进入下一步。如果考生不习惯打记号,就可能出现迟疑犹豫不决的情况,尽管看到了重要信息但还是不往下走,视线仍旧在某地徘徊。因此,可以说在解题的每一个环节,用笔可以帮助考生加快解题速度。

4. 最后,用笔可以让考生做到心中有底,满怀信心。比如,考生在解每道题时如果用笔把文中答案的依据圈出来,就会底气十足(一般有十足的证据的话,答案的正确率就非常高),考生就会一直保持良好的心情和状态,这样就容易考出理想的成绩。






(1)Topic 话题:即文章的主角是什么。比如讲解某个科学理论、研究某种社会现象,探讨某个历史事件;


(2)Aspects 方面:即将篇首的话题延伸拓展为若干个方面进行阐述说明。若话题为某个科学论点,则方面可能分为若干个支持论据;若话题为某种自然现象,则方面可能分为若干个内外成因;若话题为某个历史事件,则方面为几段发展时期;



在托福文章中,态度往往是被较多的淡化甚至有可能省略不提。Topic话题 + Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,这三要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的“T+A+A篇章结构”。托福文章大都遵循这种结构,考生通过篇首段落信息来把控整个文章话题及大致讨论方向,再抓住文章的各个段落主旨,便可洞悉整个文章脉络和逻辑结构。


托福阅读学术性文章的自然段落,一般需要具备两个组成部分:(1) Topic Sentence


(2) Detail 细节:为了详细说明段落中心含义,所罗列的相关支持内容,即本段通过哪些例证来阐明主旨句。

Topic Sentence主旨句 + Detail细节,这两个要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的“TS+D段落结构”。托福文章段落大都遵循这种结构,考生通过段落主旨句就可以把握该段的中心含义。





In the late 1700s James Watt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon applied to a variety of

industrial uses as it became cheaper to use....A rotary(转动的,旋转的)engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts (转动轴)to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton.


The availability of steam power and the demands for new machines facilitated the transformation of the iron industry. Charcoal(木炭),made from wood and

thus in limited supply, was replaced with coal-derived coke(焦炭)(substance left after coal is heated)

as steam-driven bellows(风箱)came into use for producing of raw iron. Impurities were burnt away with the use of coke, producing a high-quality refined iron(精铁).Reduced cost was

also instrumental in developing steam-powered rolling mills capable

of producing finished iron(高纯度的铁)of various shapes and sizes.


纺织产业(textile industry):

纺织机的演化:飞梭(Flying shuttle)→杼箱→珍妮纺纱机(Spinning Jenny)→骡机(Spinning Mule)→水力织布机→蒸汽动力驱动运输行业革新:






1750年,坩埚炼钢工艺(steelmaking process),欧洲历史上钢首次被熔化冶炼(smelt)。


The first flying vertebrates were true reptiles in which one of the fingers of the front limbs became very elongated, providing support for a flap of stretched skin that served as a wing. These were the pterosaurs, literally the winged lizards. The earliest pterosaurs arose near the end of the Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era, some 70 million years before the first known fossils of true birds occur, and they presumably dominated the skies until they were eventually displaced by birds. Like the dinosaurs, some the pterosaurs became gigantic; the largest fossil discovered is of an individual that had a wingspan of 50 feet or more, larger than many airplanes. These flying reptiles had large, tooth-filled jaws, but their bodies were small and probably without the necessary powerful muscles for sustained wing movement. They must have been expert gliders, not skillful fliers, relying on wind power for their locomotion.

Birds, despite sharing common reptilian ancestors with pterosaurs, evolved quite separately and have been much more successful in their dominance of the air. They are an example of a common theme in evolution, the more or less parallel development of different types of body structure and function for the same reason — in this case, for flight. Although the fossil record, as always, is not complete enough to determine definitively the evolutionary lineage of the birds or in as much detail as one would like, it is better in this case than for many other animal groups. That is because of the unusual preservation in a limestone quarry in southern Germany of Archaeopteryx, a fossil that many have called the link between dinosaurs and birds. Indeed, had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils, they might well have been classified as dinosaurs. They have the skull and teeth of a reptile as well as a bony tail, but in the line-grained limestone in which these fossils occur there are delicate impressions of feathers and fine details of bone structure that make it clear that Archaeopteryx was a bird. All birds living today, from the great condors of the Andes to the tiniest wrens, trace their origin back to the Mesozoic dinosaurs.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Characteristics of pterosaur wings

(B) The discovery of fossil remains of Archaeopteryx

(C) Reasons for the extinction of early flying vertebrates

(D) The development of flight in reptiles and birds

2. Which of the following is true of early reptile wings?

(A) They evolved from strong limb muscles.

(B) They consisted of an extension of skin.

(C) They connected the front and back limbs.

(D) They required fingers of equal length.

3. The word literally in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) creating

(B) meaning

(C) related to

(D) simplified

4. It can be inferred from the passage that birds were probably dominant in the skies

(A) in the early Triassic period

(B) before the appearance of pterosaurs

(C) after the decline of pterosaurs

(D) before dinosaurs could be found on land.

5. The author mentions airplanes in line 8 in order to

(A) illustrate the size of wingspans in some pterosaurs

(B) compare the energy needs of dinosaurs with those of modern machines

(C) demonstrate the differences between mechanized flight and animal flight

(D) establish the practical applications of the study of fossils

6. The word They in line 10 refers to

(A) powerful muscles

(B) bodies

(C) jaws

(D) flying reptiles

7. According to the passage , pterosaurs were probably not skillful fliers (lines 10-11) because

(A) of their limited wingspan

(B) of their disproportionately large bodies

(C) they lacked muscles needed for extended flight

(D) climate conditions of the time provided insufficient wind power

8. In paragraph 2, the author discusses the development of flight in birds as resulting from

(A) a similarity in body structure to pterosaurs

(B) an evolution from pterosaurs

(C) the dominance of birds and pterosaurs over land animals

(D) a separate but parallel development process to that of pterosaurs

9. The word classified in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) perfected

(B) replaced

(C) categorized

(D) protected

10. Which of the following helped researchers determine that Archaeopteryx was not a dinosaur?

(A) Its tail

(B) Its teeth

(C) The shape of its skull

(D) Details of its bone structure

11. What is the significance of the discovery that was made in southern Germany?

(A) It is thought to demonstrate that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

(B) It is proof that the climate and soils of Europe have changed over time.

(C) It suggests that dinosaurs were dominant in areas rich in limestone.

(D) It supports the theory that Archaeopteryx was a powerful dinosaur.



















Currently, the paramount problem in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants, is control over the interface, or surface, between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. The physical properties of most tissues can be matched by careful selection of raw materials: metals, ceramics, or several varieties of polymer materials. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants. But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other—an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly. Although recent research has allowed us to stabilize the tissue-biomaterial interface by controlling either the chemical reactions or the microstructure of the biomaterial, our fundamental understanding of how implant devices adhere to tissues remains woefully incomplete.

17. According to the passage, the major problem currently facing scientists in the field of biomaterials is

(A) assessing and regulating the bonding between host tissue and implants

(B) controlling the transfer of potentially toxic materials across the interface of tissue and implant

(C) discovering new materials from which to construct implant devices

(D) deciding in what situations implants are needed

(E) determining the importance of short-term implants to long-term stability of tissue-implant interfaces

18. The passage suggests which of the following about the recent research mentioned in lines 19-25?

(A) It has solved one set of problems but has created another.

(B) It has concentrated on secondary concerns but has ignored primary concerns.

(C) It has improved practical applications of biomaterial technology without providing a complete theoretical explanation of that improvement.

(D) It has thoroughly investigated properties of biomaterials but has paid little attention to relevant characteristics of human tissue.

(E) It has provided considerable information on short-term implant technology but little on long-term implant technology.

19. The author’s primary purpose is to

(A) answer a theoretical question in the field of biomaterials

(B) discuss the current state of technology in the field of biomaterials

(C) resolve a research dispute in the field of biomaterial

(D) predict an ethical crisis for biomaterials researchers

(E) suggest some practical benefits of biomaterial implants

Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of “sacred law.” Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned—that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law (canon law: 教会法规), are perceptibly different.

Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law. Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel institutions. This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.

In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law. Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. Canon and Islamic aw, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state, where the state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion. But the conflict between state and religion took different forms; in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons. Islamic law, on the other hand, was never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength. There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.

20. The author’s purpose in comparing Islamic law to Jewish law and canon law is most probably to

(A) contend that traditional legal subject matter does not play a large role in Islamic law

(B) support his argument that Islamic law is a unique kind of legal phenomenon

(C) emphasize the variety of forms that can all be considered sacred law

(D) provide an example of how he believes comparative institutional study should be undertaken

(E) argue that geographical and historical proximity does not necessarily lead to parallel institutional development

21. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Does Islamic law depend on sources other than Arab legal principles?

(B) What secular practices of Islamic states conflicted with Islamic law?

(C) Are Jewish law and canon law the most typical examples of sacred law?

(D) Is Jewish law more uniform than canon law?

(E) What characterized Arab law of the pre-Islamic era?

22. According to the passage, which of the following statements about sacred law is correct?

(A) The various systems of sacred law originated in a limited geographical area.

(B) The various systems of sacred law have had marked influence on one another.

(C) Systems of sacred law usually rely on a wide variety of precedents.

(D) Systems of sacred law generally contain prescriptions governing diverse aspects of human activity.

(E) Systems of sacred law function most effectively in communities with relatively small populations.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the application of Islamic law in Islamic states has

(A) systematically been opposed by groups who believe it is contrary to their interests

(B) suffered irreparably from the lack of firm institutional backing

(C) frequently been at odds with the legal activity of government institutions

(D) remained unaffected by the political forces operating alongside it

(E) benefited from the fact that it never experienced a direct confrontation with the state

24. Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A universal principle is advanced and then discussed in relation to a particular historical phenomenon.

(B) A methodological innovation is suggested and then examples of its efficacy are provided.

(C) A traditional interpretation is questioned and then modified to include new data.

(D) A general opinion is expressed and then supportive illustrations are advanced.

(E) A controversial viewpoint is presented and then both supportive evidence and contradictory evidence are cited.

25. The passage implies that the relationship of Islamic, Jewish, and canon law is correctly described by which of the following statements?

I. Because each constitutes an example of sacred law, they necessarily share some features.

II. They each developed in reaction to the interference of secular political institutions.

III. The differences among them result partly from their differing emphasis on purely ethical rules.

(A) I only

(B) III only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

26. The passage suggests that canon law differs from Islamic law in that only canon law

(A) contains prescriptions that nonsacred legal systems might regard as properly legal

(B) concerns itself with the duties of a person in regard to the community as a whole

(C) was affected by the tension of the conflict between religion and state

(D) developed in a political environment that did not challenge its fundamental existence

(E) played a role in the direct confrontation between institutions vying for power

27. All of the following statements about the development of Islamic law are implied in the passage EXCEPT:

(A) Pre-Islamic legal principles were incorporated into Islamic law with widely differing degrees of change.

(B) Diverse legal elements were joined together through the application of a purely religious criterion.

(C) Although some of the sources of Islamic law were pagan, its integrity as a sacred law was not compromised by their incorporation.

(D) There was a fundamental shared characteristic in all pre-Islamic legal matter taken over by Islamic law.

(E) Although Islam emerged among the Arabs, Islamic law was influenced by ethnically diverse elements.





一般而言,托福阅读中的说明文会说明某个现象,文章的第一段是:介绍背景及引出下文;之后的主体段,结构也很清晰:主旨句Topic sentence + 解释句Explain + 举例子Examples + 总结句Summary。 其实跟我们高考语文有异曲同工之妙。下面来看实例解析:

官方真题Official-19 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain

In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.

留下 these troops had a considerable impact on Britain;也就是第一句说的是罗马军队对英国有影响。这句话相当于对题目的阐述,交代了文章的整个大背景。 之后2~4句其实交代前提,开始具体的说开,要估算军队对平民的影响首先要了解一个事实:士兵不是平均分布的。那既然不是平均分布,肯定是有多有少的。所以,第三句接着说了有些地方士兵少:很快融入帝国的区域;第四句说有些地方士兵多影响大:军队驻扎的地方。第5~7句说回重点,也就是what,到底有哪些影响:军营先要征地;然后会抢走当地领导参与政府的机会;之后社会发展受阻,人民不满而反抗,最后军事镇压。


所以总共7句话的段落,分层三个层次,主旨句+前提说明+重点阐述。事实上,段落第一句就完成了background+introduction双重目的:英国被罗马帝国征服+ 士兵的营地/防御工事以及参与当地经济所造成的影响。

Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. …… Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.


Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. …… These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.


The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. …… By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.


This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.







3. 文章结构不够熟悉





定位词的称呼有很多,如关键词,主旨词,功能词,中心词等等。这些只是个名称罢了,含义都是一致的:一个可以根据题干回原文定位,并能够找到出处的词,这个题干中的词就是定位词 or key word。





如,95年英国剑桥委员会British Council给出的唯一样题文章的题目是: The Spectacular Eruption of Mount St. Helens

下面有一道选择题是“According to the text the eruption of Mount St. Helens and other volcanoes has influenced our climate by…”

拿这道题为例,如果大家把Mount St. Helens 作为关键词回原文进行定位,那你会郁闷致死,全文主要讲的就是圣海伦斯火山的喷发,原文有N多个Mount St. Helens,所以即使这个词属于大写的专有名词,但他违背了细节性,是概括性的词汇,也不能作为定位词来寻找答案。










Sequoia 美洲杉 ---特殊怪,很好定位,也经常作为考点。

sodium 【化学】钠---特殊难,大家只要知道是一种化学元素足矣。

Simultaneous 同时的---特殊长,这种词本身的特点决定应作为定位词。



“What are the dates of the TWO major eruptions before 1980?”

那么像1980 3185$ 69%这些词因为长相原因,段落全是英文,突然跑出来几个数字,十分显眼,也就很好回原文找到他们。




在特殊符号里或者旁边的词,最好通过符号回原文进行定位,如“paper conversation”,(three cubic miles) 这些词本身并没有什么特别,但放在符号里面,就可以根据符号回原文进行寻找。




英语阅读其实远没有我们想象的那么简单。从19前后开始,阅读行为研究作为一项跨学科性的研究,已经在各个方面持续性的进行。阅读行为的产生和人们其它的很多行为一样,受到各种因素的影响,无论是直接还是间接,都能使阅读行为因人、因时、因地而异。其中,时间是一个重要的因素,不同的时间会影响读者阅读行为的产生。许多考生可以利用电脑做各种事情,但是面对电脑屏幕做一两个小时的托福阅读,就不能集中注意力,很容易分神。当然,我们得承认在一个人际交流手段以及获取信息方式不断丰富的社会,人们的时间利用率反而越来越低,专心致志的做一件事情对于很多人来说似乎是一件不可能的任务。瑞典著名的时间管理专家Staffan Noteberg提出了一套专心管理时间的方法,即“番茄时间管理法(Pomodoro Technique),用以提升个人效率,从而改进工作和学习的流程。

一 番茄时间管理法是什么?


二 番茄时间管理法如何操作?


三 哪些考生适合用番茄时间管理法?

1. 阅读训练时很容易分心做其它事情,做题目的过程中易被微博、微信、电话等外部事件干扰,影响做题的连续性

2. 看文章做题漫无目的没有时间控制,没有目标性,大段的时间一篇文章都没有真正完成,有一种挫败感和焦虑感的考生。对他们来说,采用番茄时间管理法可以逐步的克服这些不良的习惯

四 番茄时间管理法的原则

1. 不可分割性。在一篇阅读的训练过程中,没有任何事情是可以影响甚至是可以停止不做题目的,为了维护番茄时间的原则性,为了保证训练的高效,是可以对其它事情“say no”,在练习之前,合理的安排其它事务。

2. 适度休息。每一个番茄时间之后,一定要休息调整,放松大脑,从而保证有充足的精力进入后面的练习。

3. 长期坚持,循序渐进。番茄时间管理法需要一段时间内的长期坚持,偶尔一练没有明显的效果,一旦停止会让原来的不良习惯快速反弹。对于自控力确实差的同学,也可以先尝试5分钟内不被打断干扰,然后逐渐增加时间至25分钟。



















But those of us who hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb’s newly published complete edition of Proust’s correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed.


解释:该句考察的也是复杂修饰和插入语。首先是受who引导的定语从句的影响,主语those of us与谓语的距离很远是造成该句子你难以读懂的原因之一;修饰主语those of us的定语从句who hoped之中又套了一个of引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的主语complete edition又被一前一后的两个定语所修饰,让整个句子显得错综复杂难以理解是造成句子难懂的原因之二;再者,本就是从句套从句的句子当中又加入了一个小小的插入语with Kolb,这个句子虽小,但是却打断了定语从句前后完整的连接,这可谓是造成整个句子难理解的原因之三。

解法:放眼一望,不难看出本句是从句中套从句,还连带有插入语。为了避免干扰,考试可以直接跳过who引导的定于从句和with引导的成对出现逗号的插入语,直接定位到后面的句子谓语部分,化繁为简:But those of us are disappointed. 如此以来,此题志在必得。


Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve‘s blindness to the real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments, and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.


解释:本句主要考察的是句子的复杂修饰。从that引导的宾语从句开始,以列举的方式描述其动机的变化。但是因为abandoned之后的状语 for…的结构复杂、用词抽象,并且for后面是what 引导的宾语从句中套的另外一个宾语从句,如此以来这个复杂的结构就隔断了句子前后的整体逻辑,干扰到考生对整句话的理解,所以这个结构不太容易被看出来。

解法:看到句子比较长又比较难理解,就先找句子的主谓结构,然后就不难发现该句子的大致结构为Proust had tried to…, abandoned…,found…,and allowed.。。之后再逐一解决各个小分句后面的部分,各个击破,最后整个句子的意思就迎刃而解了。





GRE阅读大量模仿了GMAT逻辑题的出题方式。一言以蔽之:新GRE阅读 = 老GRE阅读 + GMAT逻辑。




五选一( Multiple-choice Questions—Select One Answer Choice )

三选多( Multiple-choice Questions—Select One or More Answer Choices )

句子功能题( Select-in-Passage )

其中第一种“五选一”就是目前GRE阅读的题型。而第二种“三选多”(从三个选项中选出所有适合的答案,正确答案数不定,只选出部分正确答案者 不得分)与第三种“句子功能”题(找到原文中与选项描述相一致的句子并点击该句子)都是阅读理解部分新增的题型。对于新GRE语文部分的内容考生不用慌 张,主要还是对单词和阅读的把握。





个人观点:在每个Verbal Section中最多一篇长阅读,由于时间限制的原因,这在超时的OG和限时PP软件上的套题中均有所体现.在题型方面,相较于旧GRE传统的5选1题型,新G在5选1题型基础上,新增了句子选择题以及三项多选题.



1. 按题材分:文学评论, 美国历史, 弱势群体, 生命科学

2. 按写作方法分:presentation[立论], argument[评论]

3. 按写作套路分:新旧观点型、现象解释型、结论解释型、问题解决型


Over the years, biol.ists have suggested two main pathways by which sexual selection may have shaped the evolution of male birdsong. In the first, male competition and intrasexual selection produce relatively short, simple songs used mainly in territorial behavior. In the second, female choice and intersexual selection produce longer, more complicated songs used mainly in mate attraction; like such visual ornamentation as the peacock’s tail, elaborate vocal characteristics increase the male’s chances of being chosen as a mate, and he thus enjoys more reproductive success than his less ostentatious rivals. The two pathways are not mutually exclusive, and we can expect to find examples that reflect their interaction. Teasing them apart has been an important challenge to evolutionary biol.ists.

Early research confirmed the role of intrasexual selection. In a variety of experiments in the field, males responded aggressively to recorded songs by exhibiting territorial behavior near the speakers. The breakthrough for research into intersexual selection came in the development of a new technique for investigating female response in the laboratory. When female cowbirds raised in isolation in sound-proof chambers were exposed to recordings of male song, they responded by exhibiting mating behavior. By quantifying the responses, researchers were able to determine what particular features of the song were most important. In further experiments on song sparrows, researchers found that when exposed to a single song type repeated several times or to a repertoire of different song types, females responded more to the latter. The beauty of the experimental design is that it effectively rules out confounding variables; acoustic isolation assures that the female can respond only to the song structure itself.

If intersexual selection operates as theorized, males with more complicated songs should not only attract females more readily but should also enjoy greater reproductive success. At first, however, researchers doing fieldwork with song sparrows found no correlation between larger repertoires and early mating, which has been shown to be one indicator of reproductive success; further, common measures of male quality used to predict reproductive success, such as weight, size, age, and territory, also failed to correlate with song complexity.

The confirmation researchers had been seeking was finally achieved in studies involving two varieties of warblers. Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs without repetition. For the first time, researchers found a significant correlation between repertoire size and early mating, and they discovered further that repertoire size had a more significant effect than any other measure of male quality on the number of young produced. The evidence suggests that warblers use their extremely elaborate songs primarily to attract females, clearly confirming the effect of intersexual selection on the evolution of birdsong.

17.1. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) showing that intrasexual selection has a greater effect on birdsong than does intersexual selection

(B) contrasting the role of song complexity in several species of birds

(C) describing research confirming the suspected relationship between intersexual selection and the complexity of birdsong

(D) demonstrating the superiority of laboratory work over field studies in evolutionary biol.y

(E) illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to experimental design in evolutionary biol.y

17.2. The author mentions the peacock’s tail in line 8 most probably in order to

(A) cite an exception to the theory of the relationship between intrasexual selection and male competition

(B) illustrate the importance of both of the pathways that shaped the evolution of birdsong

(C) draw a distinction between competing theories of intersexual selection

(D) give an example of a feature that may have evolved through intersexual selection by female choice

(E) refute a commonly held assumption about the role of song in mate attraction

17.3. According to the passage, which of the following is specifically related to intrasexual selection?

(A) Female choice

(B) Territorial behavior

(C) Complex song types

(D) Large song repertoires

(E) Visual ornamentation

17.4. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the interaction mentioned in lines 11-13?

(A) Female larks respond similarly both to short, simple songs and to longer, more complicated songs.

(B) Male canaries use visual ornamentation as well as elaborate song repertoires for mate attraction.

(C) Both male and female blackbirds develop elaborate visual and vocal characteristics.

(D) Male jays use songs to compete among themselves and to attract females.

(E) Male robins with elaborate visual ornamentation have as much reproductive success as rivals with elaborate vocal characteristics.

17.5. The passage indicates that researchers raised female cowbirds in acoustic isolation in order to

(A) eliminate confounding variables

(B) approximate field conditions

(C) measure reproductive success

(D) quantify repertoire complexity

(E) prevent early mating

17.6. According to the passage, the song sparrow is unlike the warbler in that the song sparrow

(A) uses songs mainly in territorial behavior

(B) continuously composes long and complex songs

(C) has a much larger song repertoire

(D) repeats one song type before switching to another

(E) responds aggressively to recorded songs

17.7. The passage suggests that the song sparrow experiments mentioned in lines 37-43 failed to confirm the role of intersexual selection because

(A) females were allowed to respond only to the song structure

(B) song sparrows are unlike other species of birds

(C) the experiments provided no evidence that elaborate songs increased male reproductive success

(D) the experiments included the songs of only a small number of different song sparrows

(E) the experiments duplicated some of the limitations of previous field studies








(d) 有印象的话这种结构只在第二段出现过,错。

(e)看到most马上就知道错,不仅仅是本段,即使放在全文也没有出现过最高级,至出现了大量的比较级,而比较级中没有出现过than any这样的字眼,因此最高级必错。









(b)simulation model为4段内容。

(d)(e)benefit/benefitial莫名其妙。并且(e)中的have been found原文中没有。










(b) 先不管到底这句话对不对,至少一眼要能看出这是细节内容,错。

(c) 看到explain就知道错了。








GRE阅读主题句写法特点分析 找对主题句看清文章套路


美国人的思维和我们并不一样,和国内考生写文章也不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子)。

2. 概括文章将来结构。

比如下面的一个句子:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有加入情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是:Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.



Many critics of Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint (a complementing or contrasting item: OPPOSITE) that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel’s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel’s diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?

(A) The second part has received more attention from critics.

(B) The second part has little relation to the first part.

(C) The second part annuls the force of the first part.

(D) The second part provides less substantiation for a “romantic” reading.

(E) The second part is better because it is more realistic.

18. Which of the following inferences about Henry James’s awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?

(A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of novelistic construction.

(B) James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.

(C) James’s awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading of Bronte.

(D) James’s awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentators to see unity in his individual novels.

(E) James’s awareness of novelistic construction precluded him from violating the unity of his novels.

19. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should

(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel

(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel

(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure

(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novel’s main structure

(E) primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of which the author of the novel was aware

20. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet?

I. Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses.

II. Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation.

III. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassing critical interpretation than is Wuthering Heights.

IV. Hamlet has not received a critical interpretation that has been widely accepted by readers.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and IV only

(D) III and IV only

(E) I, II, and III only

The determination of the sources of copper ore used in the manufacture of copper and bronze artifacts of Bronze Age (Bronze Age: n. 铜器时代) civilizations would add greatly to our knowledge of cultural contacts and trade in that era. Researchers have analyzed artifacts and ores for their concentrations of elements, but for a variety of reasons, these studies have generally failed to provide evidence of the sources of the copper used in the objects. Elemental composition can vary within the same copper-ore lode, usually because of varying admixtures of other elements, especially iron, lead, zinc, and arsenic. And high concentrations of cobalt or zinc, noticed in some artifacts, appear in a variety of copper-ore sources. Moreover, the processing of ores introduced poorly controlled changes in the concentrations of minor and trace elements in the resulting metal. Some elements evaporate during smelting and roasting; different temperatures and processes produce different degrees of loss. Finally, flux, which is sometimes added during smelting to remove waste material from the ore, could add quantities of elements to the final product.

An elemental property that is unchanged through these chemical processes is the isotopic composition of each metallic element in the ore. Isotopic composition, the percentages of the different isotopes of an element in a given sample of the element, is therefore particularly suitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore. Of course, for this purpose it is necessary to find an element whose isotopic composition is more or less constant throughout a given ore body, but varies from one copper ore body to another or, at least, from one geographic region to another.

The ideal choice, when isotopic composition is used to investigate the source of copper ore, would seem to be copper itself. It has been shown that small but measurable variations occur naturally in the isotopic composition of copper. However, the variations are large enough only in rare ores; between samples of the common ore minerals of copper, isotopic variations greater than the measurement error have not been found. An alternative choice is lead, which occurs in most copper and bronze artifacts of the Bronze Age in amounts consistent with the lead being derived from the copper ores and possibly from the fluxes. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another, with variations exceeding the measurement error; and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform isotopic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. While some of the lead found in an artifact may have been introduced from flux or when other metals were added to the copper ore, lead so added in Bronze Age processing would usually have the same isotopic composition as the lead in the copper ore. Lead isotope studies may thus prove useful for interpreting the archaeological record of the Bronze Age.

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the techniques of analyzing lead isotope composition

(B) propose a way to determine the origin of the copper in certain artifacts

(C) resolve a dispute concerning the analysis of copper ore

(D) describe the deficiencies of a currently used method of chemical analysis of certain metals

(E) offer an interpretation of the archaeological record of the Bronze Age

22. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting (lines 18-21) in order to

(A) give a reason for the failure of elemental composition studies to determine ore sources

(B) illustrate differences between various Bronze Age civilizations

(C) show the need for using high smelting temperatures

(D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotope composition

(E) explain the success of copper isotope composition analysis

23. The author suggests which of the following about a Bronze Age artifact containing high concentrations of cobalt or zinc?

(A) It could not be reliably tested for its elemental composition.

(B) It could not be reliably tested for its copper isotope composition.

(C) It could not be reliably tested for its lead isotope composition.

(D) It could have been manufactured from ore from any one of a variety of sources.

(E) It could have been produced by the addition of other metals during the processing of the copper ore.

24. According to the passage, possible sources of the lead found in a copper or bronze artifact include which of the following?

I. The copper ore used to manufacture the artifact

II. Flux added during processing of the copper ore

III. Other metal added during processing of the copper ore

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

25. The author rejects copper as the “ideal choice” mentioned in line 33 because

(A) the concentration of copper in Bronze Age artifacts varies

(B) elements other than copper may be introduced during smelting

(C) the isotopic composition of copper changes during smelting

(D) among common copper ores, differences in copper isotope composition are too small

(E) within a single source of copper ore, copper isotope composition can vary substantially

26. The author makes which of the following statements about lead isotope composition?

(A) It often varies from one copper-ore source to another.

(B) It sometimes varies over short distances in a single copper-ore source.

(C) It can vary during the testing of artifacts, producing a measurement error.

(D) It frequently changes during smelting and roasting.

(E) It may change when artifacts are buried for thousands of years.

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of flux in processing copper ore can alter the lead isotope composition of the resulting metal EXCEPT when

(A) there is a smaller concentration of lead in the flux than in the copper ore

(B) the concentration of lead in the flux is equivalent to that of the lead in the ore

(C) some of the lead in the flux evaporates during processing

(D) any lead in the flux has the same isotopic composition as the lead in the ore

(E) other metals are added during processing







(1)Topic 话题:即文章的主角是什么。比如讲解某个科学理论、研究某种社会现象,探讨某个历史事件;


(2)Aspects 方面:即将篇首的话题延伸拓展为若干个方面进行阐述说明。若话题为某个科学论点,则方面可能分为若干个支持论据;若话题为某种自然现象,则方面可能分为若干个内外成因;若话题为某个历史事件,则方面为几段发展时期;



在托福文章中,态度往往是被较多的淡化甚至有可能省略不提。Topic话题 + Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,这三要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的“T+A+A 篇章结构”。托福文章大都遵循这种结构,考生通过篇首段落信息来把控整个文章话题及大致讨论方向,再抓住文章的各个段落主旨,便可洞悉整个文章脉络和逻辑结构。



(1) Topic Sentence主旨句:表达段落的主旨,即本段想要表达的核心内容是什么;

(2) Detail 细节:为了详细说明段落中心含义,所罗列的相关支持内容,即本段通过哪些例证来阐明主旨句。

Topic Sentence主旨句 + Detail细节,这两个要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的“TS+D段落结构”。托福文章段落大都遵循这种结构,考生通过段落主旨句就可以把握该段的中心含义。

总结:当考生们了解了这种TAA 篇章结构和TS+D段落结构的行文规律后,对文章框架的把握就会做到心里有数,更有利于提高托福阅读速度和定位有效信息的准确度。


1. 人:学术型的新托福阅读中最常出现的就是各种科学家,以ist和er结尾居多。




2. 地质、地貌:这类文章在新托福阅读学术中比重很大,建议大家对常用词汇进行积累。



3. 气候、动物与生态:与生物和地球有关的话题是新托福阅读永远的宠儿。

例如:unpredictable,vary,range from,extinction,endangered,tropical,jungle,equatorial


4. 历史、考古,这类题材是分水轮流转的对象,也要加以注意。尤其是历史文章的考法不是单纯的讲古,而是从各个层面切入,有很多的表现形式。可能是古人类的迁徙,那就是人类历史。贸易和交通运输的发展,那就是经济史,等等。



5. 关键副词,这类词往往在托福阅读中很不显眼,但是会左右整个句子的含义,他们是最需要加以注意的对象。一些看起来含有否定前缀的词可能是肯定含义,而一些完全没有否定词缀的副词却可能是真正的杀手!





1. 帮助申请人制定申请目标

2. 根据申请目标,分析申请人背景优劣势

3. 制定各项出国考试时间规划

4. 针对目标专业和目前背景,确定专业相关成绩提升,选修课以及辅修专业方案

5. 制定学术、研究背景提升计划

6. 制定实习工作计划,指导制作实习简历,提供面试辅导

7. 制定社会活动方案及国际文化交流计划

8. 制定名校/奖学金申请方案

9. 初步选定推荐人,指导申请人联系合适的推荐人

10. 制定适合申请人的个性化《教育规划方案》



要读懂一个段落我们只需要抓住几个关键词而已。那么关键词怎么抓呢?一是看逻辑信号词;二是读句子的时候一定牢记只看主干!下面我们就以托福TPO25中的文章The Decline of Venetian Shipping为例,说说如何巧抓关键词。

TPO25-2 The Decline of Venetian Shipping:

Paragraph 2 This decline can be seen clearly in the changes that affected Venetian shipping and trade. First, Venic’s intermediary functions in the Adriatic Sea, where it had dominated the business of shipping for other parties, were lost to direct trading. In the fifteenth century there was little problem recruiting sailors to row the galleys (large ships propelled by oars): guilds (business associations) were required to provide rowers, and through a draft system free citizens served compulsorily when called for. In the early sixteenth century the shortage of rowers was not serious because the demand for galleys was limited by a move to round ships (round-hulled ships with more cargo space), with required fewer rowers. But the shortage of crews proved to be a greater and greater problem, despite continuous appeal to Venic’s tradition of maritime greatness. Even though sailors’ wages doubled among the northern Italian cities from 1550 to 1590, this did not elicit an increased supply.

以上算得上是托福阅读中较长的段落了,在快速阅读这个段落的时候我们要找的关键词是:逻辑信号词—如段落中所标示的first, but, this… 我们不难发现这些信号词所在的句子基本都是解题的信息点。那么在做题定位时不妨多加留意。当然,抓住这些关键词并不难,难在理解。

接下来我们就来看看理解这些句子时的关键词。每段话的首句是必定要读的。This decline can be seen clearly in the changes that affected Venetian shipping and trade。这是包含了一个定语从句的复杂句。先看到核心词changes,再看到Venetian shipping and trade。这篇文章接下来具体要写的内容就展露无遗,也就是威尼斯船业和贸易的变迁。

First,这当然是开始写shipping的标志了。Venice’s intermediary functions in the Adriatic Sea, where it had dominated the business of shipping for other parties, were lost to direct trading. 我们一直强调句子要读主干,那么简单地看这个句子就是Venice’s functions were lost, 核心词很显然是lost,也对应了整篇文章的主题 decline. 接下来两句写到了15和16世纪遇到的船员难招的问题。…there was little problem recruiting sailors to row the galleys (large ships propelled by oars): guilds (business associations) were required to provide rowers, and through a draft system free citizens served compulsorily when called for. 这句话中有冒号的出现,阅读冒号之前的内容there was little problem;到下一句:the shortage of rowers was not serious because the demand for galleys was limited by a move to round ships (round-hulled ships with more cargo space), with required fewer rowers. 这句中要看到的核心是not serious;再往后看到But….to be a greater and greater problem. 到这里意思应该已经一目了然了,就是讲威尼斯船业在招聘船员方面所遭遇的变迁:little problem—not serious —greater problem.


TPO25-1 The Surface of Mars

Paragraph 5 As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface. Age estimates ranging from four billion years for Mars’s southern highlands to a few hundred million years in the youngest volcanic areas were obtained in this way。

According to paragraph 5, what have scientists been able to determine from studies of large impact cratering on Mars?

A. Some Martian volcanoes are much older than was once thought。

B. The age of Mars’s surface can vary from area to area。

C. Large impact craters are not reliable indicators of age in areas with high volcanic activity。

D. Some areas of the Martian surface appear to be older than they actually are。

划出选项中的关键词后,定位到原文迅速浏览发现原文中并无如A和D选项中的比较,C中的否定词not和原文是明显相矛盾的,故而选择B,而B选项对应的恰好是本段末句:Age estimates ranging from four billion years for Mars’s southern highlands to a few hundred million years in the youngest volcanic areas were obtained in this way。













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