We are all red under the skin.
Better alone than badly accompanied.
There’s something about knowing how to close the deal.
Her eyes narrowed.
I’ll come back to you later.
That makes no difference.
What’s your name?
Why are you laughing?
What does that mean?
How are you doing?
What’s distracting you now?
Don’t you get it?
Can I talk to you for a second?
Could you please get me a Diet Coke?
Isn’t it adorable?
然后是Non-final Intonation,就是在一个句子还没有结束的情况下,我们的语调先往上走,等到句子结束在下降。我们其实碰到过比较尴尬的情况,就是在听演讲的时候,因为说话者的语调没有把握好,导致掌声提前到来。下面几种情况就是我们要用到non-final Intonation的。
第一种unfinished thoughts,就是最直接的,我的话还没说完:
I judge people by what they do, not who they are.
The only way to love, is to love freely.
If I were you, I’d take the bus.
When I was a kid, life was so much easier.
第二种,introductory words,在你正式进入主题之前说的一些开场白:
At the end of the day, I was completely exhausted.
As a matter of fact, I never celebrate birthday.
Unfortunately, it rained too much.
In my opinion, it’s way too expensive.
Opportunity is not equally distributed across race, class, and gender.
We have all been taught in schools, through movies, and from family members, teachers, and clergy that it is important not to be prejudiced.
I’m taking math, biology, French, and history.
The oath taken by generations of graduates before you, to make your city and your world greater, better and more beautiful.
I judge people by what they do, not who they are.
The only way to love, is to love freely.
If I were you, I’d take the bus.
When I was a kid, life was so much easier.
语调的最后一种就是相同的句子用不同的语调可以表达不同的态度和感情,根据当时的情景你可以去变换你的语调,我们通过一个很简单的对话 来体会一下语调的魅力。
a. Did you do it?
b. No.
a. No?
b. No?
a. Why not?
b. I don’t know.
a. You don’t know?
b. I don’t know.
a. Oh really?
b. Yeah, really.
好了,下面我们一起来练习一下连读,让你的英语说起来上升一个档次,掌握了这些连读规则,你也可以更好地在听力中去辨别是哪些词被连在的一起导致你理解错误。同时大家要记住,连读不等于你的语速要变快,只是听得更流利一些。其实连读也是个习惯的问题,有些句子大家应因为不经意连读习惯的,要拆开读反而不习惯,比如Not at all, H&M, Rock&Roll,这些养成了连读的习惯,你不连读都觉得奇怪。
连读呢也是有些规则的,最常见的就是前面单词的结尾辅音连后面单词开头的元音,比如I like it, double l, What time is it?
而两个相同的辅音我们只发一个音,比如black cat, He speaks Spanish, what time
不同的辅音呢,当然首先你得学会分清楚stops和continuants,我们通常把前面单词的结尾辅音给hold住,其实这个在辅音的部分做过讲解,比如在单词内部,澳大利亚的城市悉尼,拼写中有个很明显的d,但是却被hold住了,给人的感觉是中间有个音但是没有被发出来,Sydney,注意不是直接删掉,而是要有个音节存在,类似的例子么我们可以一起联系一下,help me, that man, good food, pop music
元音和元音之间也是存在连读的现象的,比如我们会在/ei//i//ai/后面加上一个短短的/y/音,在/u//ou/后面加上一个短短的/w/的音,所以即使我们日常说的很多的那句How are you?里面也有连读,yes, I am也有连读,did you do it?这些都是元音连读的例子。
另外一个是缩写,一些助动词或者be动词通常被缩写,而这些在没有特殊情况下的话是要被弱读的,不然你说话的意图会被改变,比如当你说I’m happy和I am happy的时候,感情状态是不一样的,一个是说你开心I’m happy,一个是为了反驳别人说你不开心I am happy,常见的还有will, I’ll call you, It’ll rain;would, I’d like some tea, He’d go if he could;has和have, She’s left, I’ve had lunch.
虚拟语气的结构也有缩写If I’d known it was your birthday, I would’ve gotten you a present. I would’ve passed the test if I’d studied more.
My American Accent
I’ve been practising the yAmerican accent // for a while now. Atfirst, // it was kind of hard // to keep track of all the rules andexceptions. I had no widea // there was so much to learn. I’ve been practising// with the yaudio materials. // It’s somewhateasier // to pronounce some of the sounds // but it’s difficult to know // how wI sound to wothers. I think I’m getting better. One of the hardest things for me // is to stress some syllables // and to reduce certain others. When I yask my friends // how wI sound, they yall say // they hear a difference in my speech. My boss said// that I am making progress // and that I sound // more and more like a native speaker. My clients are not asking me // to repeat myself as much. It makes it all worthwhile. I won’t stop practicing.
重音,包括音节重音和句子重音,重点我们会放在句子重音上,其实大家如果练习雅思听力Section 4的强度够大的话会发现Section 4的填空题让你填的答案在句子中绝大部分都是被重读的单词,比如在剑10 Test 3 Section 4中,这个重音简直是在给考生送答案,”Promotion goals in different life situations emphasise achievement”,achievement简直被重读的太过明显,这个lecturer简直就是考生的亲爸爸。
首先,音节重音改变的话,单词的词性会发生改变,比如r e c o r d 读成/?rek?rd /是名词,读成/r??k??rd /是动词;d e s e r t读成/?dez?rt/是名词沙漠,读成/d??z??rt /则是动词抛弃的意思,还有一些会随着词性和拼写的变化而改变重音,来一波很有难度的练习,大家跟上。
policy politics political politician
photograph photographer photographic photography
necessary necessarily necessity
origin originality original
compete competitive competition competitor
接下来我们到句子重音,重音会让你的英语变得更有节奏感,如果重读错了句子中的单词,那别人可能会产生误解,比如 I went to the white house. I went to the White house,重音放在house上的话就是一栋普通的白色房子,而重音放在White上那就是白宫了。下面我们一起来熟悉一下单词重音的规则。
合成名词compound nouns,两个独立的名词合在一起变成了一个词,通常前面的名词会被重读,来一起练习
taxi driver computer programmer math teacher
bookmark credit card football airline pilot
有形容词修饰的名词,通常重读名词比如nice day small room blue eyes old man good job,两个形容词同时修饰一个名词时则重读第一个形容和名词,比如really nice day short black hair cute little girl,但是要注意,当形容词失去它原本的含义,和名词变成了一个新的词时,我们的重读要发生改变,下面这些词组就是大家需要注意的。
White House green house
hot dog blue jeans
high school green card
darkroom cold cut
Bluetooth high rise
动词:I worked out yesterday.
名词:I had a great workout.
动词:A lot of food was left over.
名词:We ate leftovers for lunch.
11:45 $37.99
New York Central Africa North Dakota
Taylor Swift Katy Perry Bill Clinton Barack Obama Donald Trump
讲了这么多的重音和重读,那么在句子中我们重读什么呢?我们需要重读的是content words,就是有内容而不是搭建语法结构的词,通常是名词、动词、形容词、副词以及一些疑问词,还有助动词的否定形式也会被重读,即使我们把一些语法词去掉,比如人称代词、介词、连词、助动词、冠词、不定冠词这些通常会被轻读,这些内容词还是会让对方明白你到底想说什么,比如went store morning,虽然没有说完整的句子I went to the store in the morning,但是别人还是知道你早上去了商店,通常句子中最末尾的词也是会被重读的,当然具体的语境肯定也会影响到说话者句子里的重音,接下来我们分别找一些例句来作为练习。
I like bacon and eggs.
I’ll call you.
I like that car.
That was a good film.
He shouldn’t try it.
I can’t do it.
上面提到,我们在具体的语境中还是有针对性的去重读不同的词,上面的内容都是general rules,就是在没有特殊情况下的重读,实际情况当我们的感情和意图发生变化时,那我们重读的单词也会发生变化,大家一起来感受一下重音对于说话者意图表达的影响。
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
He washed my car yesterday.
Did you say inside or outside?
a.It’s hot, isn’t it?
b.It is hot.
a.Do you like Chinese food?
b.Yea, I do like Chinese food.
1 to
I’d like to go.
I need to talk to you.
I’d like to go to the park.
2 and
bacon ’n’ eggs
black ’n’ white
in ’n’ out
3 for
Let’s go for a walk.
This is for Bill.
I’m looking for books.
4 can
I can do it.
You can call me.
When can you come over?
5 as
I’m as hungry as a wolf.
I’ll call you as soon as I can.
Keep it as long as you need it.
6 or
Is it this one or that one?
I’ll do it today or tomorrow.
I’m leaving on Monday or Tuesday.
a.Hello, dentist’s office.
b. I’m calling // to make an appointment // for a dental checkup.
a. I have an opening // on Tuesday // at 5 pm.
b. I’ll have to work late // on that day. Do you have anything // on Fridaymorning?
a. I don’t have anything // on Friday morning, but I do have // Fridayafternoon.
b. Hmm, let me check. I think I can make it. Yes, I can. I can make it.
a. Would you like three o’clock or four o’clock?
b. Four o’clock sounds good.
a. Will this be your first visit // to our office?
b. No, it’ll be my second visit.
好了,这一期的内容需要了解的规则比较多,还是那句话,发音不是看出来的,是练出来的,practice makes perfect!
辅音按照发音规则可以分为voiced和voiceless,字面的意思就是有声和无声,区别就是是否用到了声带,我们试着去感受一下声带的振动,小时候医生让张开嘴,说“啊啊啊”,我们把手放到喉咙上,靠近锁骨,喉结以下,张开嘴“啊啊啊”,那这时候你就感受到了振动,这个有振动的用到声带的就是voiced consonant;另外一种是用不到声带的,就是呼出一口气,比如我们模仿蛇走动的声音“SSSSSS”,手放到声带上就感受不到振动了SSSSS。按照这个规则我们把一些辅音来做分组练习。
/p/ pet rope /b/ bet robe
/t/ ten seat /d/ den seed
/k/ class back /g/ glass bag
/f/ fault leaf /v/ vault leave (这一组要用上齿咬住下嘴唇,气流从牙齿和嘴唇中间出来)
/θ/ thank breath /?/ this breathe (这一组音要记得咬住舌尖,气流从舌尖和齿缝中走,不能从旁边漏了)
/s/ sink price /z/ zinc prize
/?/ pressure wish /?/ pleasure massage
/?/ choke rich /?/ joke ridge
接下来这些辅音呢,都是声带有振动的,但是没有对应的无声辅音,所以都单独列出来,除了/h/ 之外,这个音是没有声带振动的,就是呼一口气出来。
/m/ mom from lemon
/n/ non fun any
/?/ going spring king
/l/ love will yellow
/r/ red four card
/w/ win lower quiet
/y/ yes mayor young
辅音练习的时候我们要注意,前面单词的末尾辅音如果后面跟的是另外一个辅音,那么前面单词末尾的辅音通常会被hold住,只能听到很轻很轻的气流声或者完全听不到音,如果不hold住的话呢我们会不自觉地加上一个e或者i的音,比如help that man,p和t后面跟的是辅音,那么我们就要hold住,读出来的话会很奇怪,是这样的help that man我们举几个例子。
keep talking job market
did that big park
could go cup cake
美音中的t也是有很多幺蛾子,就拿can和can’t来说,这个t在末尾通常是是被hold住的,几乎都听不到,那我们想说我会游泳和不会游泳的时候,区别不就是这个t吗,这个时候其实是重音的问题,比如“我不会游泳I CAN’T swim”重音在can’t上面,而“我会游泳I can swim”的重音则是让别人听到swim,下面我们一起来好好熟悉t在美音中的各种变化。
it was might do at work didn’t like eight weeks
football lately atmosphere outside nightmare
比如better later在美英里发的是better later
matter则是matter,英英It doesn’t matter, 美音It doesn’t matter.
比如little美音里发的是little, when I was a little boy.
最典型的就是数字,forty twenty
第三种 t+y的组合变成/?/
actually adventure nature picture
Don’t you? Can’t you? Won’t you? Aren’t you?
规则1,单词末尾以t或者d结尾,那这-ed结尾纪要发成/Id/ ,比如needed, wanted, decided, visited
规则2,单词末尾的音声带不振动,那么-ed结尾也不要振动发成/t/,passed, helped, stopped, watched
规则3,单词末尾的音声带振动,那么-ed结尾也要振动发成/d/,比如opened, loved, called, closed
第一条 s跟在voiceless辅音之后,也就是声带不振动的音之后,那这个s也不振动, books, cats, likes
第二条s跟在voiced辅音或者元音之后,也就是声带振动的音之后,那这个s就变成了/z/, cars, eyes, feels
第三条两个s通常发的是/s/, boss less massive essay,但是接下来这几个单词的两个s是发的/z/,possession, scissors, dessert
/?/ g /?/ sh /?/ ch /s/ s, ss, c /ks/ x
manages, changes washes, dishes churches, matches bosses, faces boxes, faxes
feel fear deal dear
stole store mole more
file fier tile tire
好了,这一期的内容需要了解的规则比较多,还是那句话,发音不是看出来的,是练出来的,practice makes perfect!
五个元音字母a e i o u,但不是代表单词拼写以这五个字母开头的可数名词前全都是用an,用a还是an取决于音标的第一个音是元音还是辅音,比如university,我们在说一所大学的时候所使用的冠词是a,因为在univeristy中,首字母u的发音是辅音;umbrella 雨伞
1. 挑选高质量英美剧
2. 模仿练习
关于看美剧做模仿练习,小站雅思君想强调两点:a.只模仿一个人的发音;b.不要模仿发音陋习。有的同学可能会有疑问,为什么只模仿一个人的发音?Native speaker也会有发音陋习吗?只模仿一个人的发音是为了让大家练习口音的时候更容易把握发音的精要,选择这个人发音一定要标准。第二个问题,Native speaker的发音陋习问题。其实很多英美剧中的人物表达都会有一些错误或者陋习(可能是导演安排),比如,what’s up?有的人会说what up?有的人还会在they、I后面跟is等等,这类表达错误虽然不影响理解,但是对于我们这些学习语言的人来说是一定要避免的。
有的同学学过英语语法规则以后就开始用语法造句,虽然一些句子是符合语法规则的,但却是非常中式的表达。比如我们经常会说“How to say(怎么说)”,其实正确的表达是“How do you say that”,还有很多根据中文直译过来的句子,比如I(我)very(很)like(喜欢)it(它).其实正规的表达应该是I like it very much。所以想要练好雅思口语,一定不要在英语表达中应用中式思维去组句子。学习英式思维不仅要将语法书系统学习一遍,然后要多读多听多看,形成英式思维的表达习惯。
三. 口语模考练习怎样做更有效
雅思口语Part2&3新题预测之范文和解题思路:一次投诉 a Complaint
Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And why were satisfied with the result
Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before?
Do yo think customer's complaints will improve products or services?
Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?
The complaint I am going to tell youhappened a few months ago. Then I was inthe middle of a financial crisis. I had to cutmy budget on other aspects so that I couldafford the textbooks that teachers required me to buy. After reviewing my bills, found I had spent too much money on my cell phone. So I decided to degrade the package.
When I called the customer service of the operating company the representative said that I could upgrade my package any time I wanted, but if I wanted to degrade it, I had to wait until next year. It was totally absurd but no matter what i said the staff insisted that this was the regulation and there was no room for negotiation. I called several times. Every representative gave the same answer.
I was enraged. i went to the website of the ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is a government body supervising all the mobile operating companies. I filled a form, explaining what happened in details and why I thought this was unfair. After I submitting it, the website said it would give me a reply in 7 working days.
In fact, it did not take that long. On the second day the company s customer service called. He said he was the manager of the relevant department and was sorry about the inconvenience his colleagues had caused. The package of my number was degraded immediately. I was satisfied with his attitude and the result.
Describe an occasion when you were scared
You should say
When it happened
Where you were
Who you were with
Why you were scared
How you felt about it
How do people usually get frightened?
Why is it easy for some people to be scared?
What should people do when they feel scared?
Do children like to scare others?
Is it OK to frighten others?
I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake but not awake, during a surgical procedure.In my dream, the nurse drugged me withome kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thoughtthe nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an peration. I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my wrists.I felt immobilized
Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant throughout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I struggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors' conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr.Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and methodical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions.I still couldn't speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.
首先,我们一起看看雅思口语评分标准中的四项要求,fluency and coherence流利性与连贯度, lexical resource词汇多样性, grammatical range and accuracy语法多样性及准确度, pronunciation发音,这四项评分标准同等重要,如果大家已经注意到自己平时练习过程中某项问题较大,那就要着重去提升,因为这是把你雅思口语分数拉低的原因,按照我接触的中国雅思考生情况来看,流利度和发音的部分问题会比其他两项更为严重。
Fluency and coherence 流利性与连贯度
Lexical resource 词汇多样性
Grammatical range and accuracy 语法多样性及准确度
Pronunciation 发音
雅思官方口语评分标准中对于每个分数段的考生发音部分的表现都有描述,以band 6为例,这个分数段的描述是:
uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control使用多种发音特点,但掌握程度不一;比如一些相近的元音没有办法让考官听清楚,seek sick, heat hit, seat sit sat set
shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained展现出某些有效使用发音特点的能力,但不能持续表现这一能力;这也就是说发音稳定性不够,时好时坏。
can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times表达过程中听者基本能理解,但部分单词或发音不准确导致有时清晰度下降。
练习发音的时候强烈建议打开前置摄像头或者在面前放一面镜子,这样可以观察到自己的嘴型和嘴巴张开的程度,因为一些非常接近的音在发音方法上其实就是嘴型张开程度的细微不同,比如bed床,和bad坏,这中间的两个元音很大程度就是取决于嘴型张开程度的不同,如果嘴型张开的程度区别不大就会导致听者没有办法辨别这两个音;再比如咬舌音th,/θ /,thank you, think, thesis,这个音在中文里不存在,需要强迫自己养成新的发音习惯,在发这个咬舌音的时候一定要确保听者可以看到你的舌尖,大家在练习的时候没有对照镜子或者摄像头的时候会觉得自己很努力在区分嘴型张开的程度,但实际上你的嘴没有那么听话,那这样的话其实就是在重复错误的发音方法,时间久了就很难再去纠正了,后面的几期的内容我们也会有针对发音练习的讲解,大家记得及时关注我们RealSkill微信公众号。
听力练习也可以是检测自己发音准确度的,自己在做听力练习的时候,尤其是听写练习的时候,原文里说的是一个词,自己听到的是另一个词,Laural和Yanny那种极端的情况除外,author听成了also,cooperation和corporation听不出来区别;连读在听力中造成困扰的情况也是很普遍的,比如Complete IELTS初级课本Unit 2的听力练习中,has done a ____ course,考生要听的答案是first aid,很多同学没有识别出来t和a的连读,所以有些同学尽管知道写成first day是不对的,但也无奈地填了进去,那这个现象也反映出来一些同学在平时说英语的时候也是没有连读习惯的,练习连读最好的方式我觉得就是听英文歌并且去跟唱,要选择一些节奏正常的,比如Whitney Huston的I will always love you, 这个will和always就会连在一起,唱起来的时候感觉是and I will always love you,而不是像Nicki Minaj的rap,那种跟起来就太困难了。
发音我个人觉得对于中国考生来讲,较难的部分是连读和语调,连读这个习惯大家在学校上课跟读的时候都没有注意,到后期再强迫养成这个习惯其实也有困难;语调的话一些考生认为比较做作和夸张,比如Do you like nature?会被经常读成Do you like nature?(此处的语调不同请听上文音频)非常不自然,而且考试的时候多少有点背诵答案的意思,所以语调会经常被忽略,听起来像一个没有感情的杀手,让考官觉得在背诵答案的的话口语分数也不会高,所以大家在练习的时候也要多注意这两项。
另外上课过程中一些同学对于“口音accent”也有一些疑问,评分标准中,band 8,对于口音的描述是这样的”is easy to understand throughout: L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility 表达过程中始终易于听者理解;母语的口音对听者理解的影响极小“也就是在8分以下口音的存在是被允许的,举个例子,带有浓重的北方口音的英语What are you doing?这个并没有造成听力上的理解,只是调子有些奇怪,但是如果口音导致听者理解困那就要花时间去纠正了,比如某些地区的人们分不清楚n和l, Nike Like;再有某些地区的人们h和f分辨起来也有困难,childhood听起来像child food,这个因为地区方言引起的发音不清晰就是发音错误,不再是简单的口音问题,而口音问题的话也相对比较难纠正,因为这毕竟是你从出生到现在一直浸泡的语言环境,所以需要很长的时间来摆脱。
还有一部分同学也会纠结是该说英式英语还是美式英语,雅思是British Council的考试,是不是考官更希望听到英式英语?其实并不是的,雅思口语考官并非全都是英国人,他们来自世界各地,所以没有说英式英语的考生会比其他口音的考生分数更高。当然平时说英语的时候能够选择一种纯正的口音然后尽量往那个口音靠近肯定更好,不管是英英,美音还是澳洲口音都可以,但是不能接受的是对于单词发音的控制能力不够强,以water水为例,你可以发美式的water,也可以发英式的water,但是不能接受的是一个单词,前半部分一个口音,后半部分另一个口音,变成water,这样听起来就很奇怪。
如果大家平时有看美剧或者英语的习惯,那这个习惯可以帮助大家去熟悉不同的口音,可能一些同学会有这样的感觉,连续看了几集英剧就觉得自己发音会有点靠英式英语What’s the matter with you?,追了几集美剧又觉得发音是美音What’s the matter with you?,这说明大家的发音稳定性还不够,很容易被带跑,举一个例子,一些认为自己说英式英语的同学在说’日程表“的时候还是会发成美式的schedule,而不是英式的schedule,所以大家如果有偏好的口音,那么平时在选择听力材料的时候就尽量多选择对应的材料,这样可以帮助大家去尽快熟悉这个口音的发音特征。
Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time
You should say:
Where you went
When you went out
What you did
And explain why you had a good time
Speaking of hanging out with friends, I haven't gone out to have a party with my friends for nearly a month, because I have been working overtime on a company project recently, so I spent the weekend catching up on sleep.Until last week when I was asked out by my friends to go shopping, they thought I should relax in a new way --shopping.
We went to a new shopping mall in the downtown, because Uniqlo has a 60 percent discount.Before I went out, I prepared two big bags and checked online clothes styles in advance. Women would lose their minds in front of discounted clothes.Sure enough, before the store opened that day, a group of women like the three of us stood in line at the door.
When the doors opened and everyone rushed into uniqlo, it was clear that a pair of sneakers had the edge.No fitting room, we grabbed our favorite coats, pants and coats and went to the counter.The whole process took only one hour, and everyone had a full harvest.Of course, to prevent myself from overspending, I limited myself to five outfits.
下午我们在后街酒吧喝酒,因为是happy hour,酒品打折,因为我们是女士,还有免费的沙拉赠送,于是我们就这样从下午2点一直坐到晚上6点,看人来人往,车来车往,有一句没一句的聊着。这样什么都不想,让时光溜走的感觉真好啊。
In the afternoon, we had a drink at the backstreet bar, during happy hour, the drinks were on sale, and we ladies had free salad as a gift. So we sat from 2 PM to 6 PM, watching people coming and going.It made me feel so good to think of nothing and let the time slip away.
Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
You should say:
What it is
Where you would like to try it
How difficult it is
And why you would like to try it
Well, it's a challenging topic for me because I'm not an athletic person, and I'm a landlubber who can't swim at all.But given a choice, I might be willing to try a high-altitude dive.From the height of the platform to plunge into the water, think about it is very exciting, isn't it?
The resason why I want to try this water sport is that I saw a diving video on youtube, a youtuber he jump into a deep pit,where is a cliff, the sourrding is clear blue sky white cloud. There is a famous scenic spot of Bali, a crush too, I also want to go this summer vacation to play.To be honest, I think the biggest challenge for me in this sport is that I'm a little bit afraid of heights, it takes a little courage to jump down, as for swimming, my friend told me that he would teach me.First of all, I may need to buy some insurance, haha.
For someone who doesn't know how to swim and wants to try such an exciting sport, it is worth remembering that I can jump off. I am 30 years old. I was always timid and didn't dare to try anything, but I want to make a change from this year.
雅思口语part 2话题思路拓展:互联网解决问题
雅思口语part 2话题:Describe a time you solved a problem through the Internet
You should say:
What the problem was
How you solved this problem
How long it took to solve this problem
And how you felt about it
The Internet is a great thing, especially for those of us who were born with it, and it has changed our lives dramatically.All you need is a phone and a browser to know what's going on around the world.
I bought a cooking machine at home before, but didn't use it. One day, I took it out, while I didn't know how to use it, so I wanted to look for the instruction manual.No way, I can only go online to try my luck, the results of a search brand, out of video and paper instructions, so I point to open video, god, detailed use of video, than text is too convenient.
According to the method of video, I successfully changed from a kitchen small white into a food expert, yes, I put my food online, the number of fans Dally Dally increase ah.I used to eat takeout for the weekend, but now my mother doesn't have to send food and vegetables to me every once in a while.I also save a lot of money by cooking my own food. As you know, eating in Shanghai is quite a big expense.
雅思口语part 2话题思路拓展:交通工具出故障
雅思口语part2:Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
Who you were with at that time
And what impacts this breakdown had
I am a person who doesn't like traveling very much, while my boyfriend likes self-driving tour.He perfers to travel by bike not by car. Yunnan is really a beautiful place, and lugu lake is extremely beautiful.At the end of last year, we decided to go on a road trip to yunnan with our friends, we planed to travel around the lake.
Before seting out, we inflated the tires, adjusted the body, and almost did a full body check. However, half an hour after the start of the ride, I suddenly felt that the rear tire had a flat air, because I could not ride any more.I pulled over and looked, well, I don't know if I hit a nail, the tire is flat. The whole team stopped because of me, and there were no drivers on the road stopping to give me a hand, so we had to stand by and they kept going.I called the hotel owner, who picked us up half an hour later.I found a bike repair in a street market and patched up my tires, but the plan was ruined so I had to give up.After checking the weather tomorrow, we decided to cancel the shopping plan and complete the rest of the miles.
I have to say that there are always accidents in life, although the bicycle leak delayed our journey, and make me a little depressed, but fortunately everything has been solved, in addition, the next day, we caught the sunset, the whole lugu lake was burning red afterglow, beautiful.So, it doesn't look that bad.
雅思口语 如何纠正发音
1.Listen to yourself.
2.Slow down!
很多雅思口语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。
3.Picture it…
4.Get physical!
发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。
5.Watch yourself.
站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。
6.Copy the experts.
7.Practice makes perfect.
8.Find a language buddy.
9.Be poetic.
好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。还是对intonation (声音的升降调)和 stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词更大声更清晰的发音)的理解。大声念一些诗歌,演讲,歌曲,集中练习单词的重音和音调。
10.Sing a song!
雅思口语part1话题范文:Outdoor Activities
1.What do you do in your spare time?
I like to do a few things in my spare time, like dancing, swimming, walking and going to the gym.
2.Do you like outdoor activities?
I love outdoor activities, as I love being outside in nature, in the fresh air.
3.What outdoor activities do you most like to do?
My most favorite outdoor activity is cross country running. I love getting away from the city and running through the beautiful countryside.
4.How often do you do that?
I do it every Saturday, as I belong to a running group that meets every week, and we run at least 5km every time.
5.What outdoor sports do you like? Why?
Outdoor sports that I like include swimming in the ocean and dancing on the beach. I belong to a dance group as well as a running group, and it is so much fun dancing together on the beach as the sun is setting.
6.How much time do you spend outdoor every week?
I do not spend much time outdoors during the week as I am so busy, but I spend most of my weekends outside, either running or dancing.
7.How often do you do outdoor activities?
I do outdoor activities every weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays, I run on Saturdays, and dance on the beach every Sunday.
8.What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?
The most popular outdoor activities in China are Tai Chi, mountain biking, hiking, and surfing.
雅思口语Part2话题范文:a famous person
Describe a famous person you are interested in
You should say:
who he or she is
how he or she got famous
when you first knew him or her
and explain why do you think he/she is interesting
I want to talk about David Beckham, who is not only a celebrity in the UK but also in the whole world.
David Beckham was born in Leytonstone, London in 1975. He now lived in London with his wife, Victoria Beckham, who is also a superstar, and with his four children. He is most widely known as a great English footballer but he is also a model, spokesperson and a businessman. He played football for the England National team from 1996 to 2009 and also for the famous football clubs like the Manchester United and Real Madrid. As a professional football player, he became an icon around the world and probably one of the most esteemed celebrity alive. He is a legendary footballer who had a unique style in his bending free-kicks as a right winger. In 2004, David Beckham was listed in the FIFA's 100 greatest living player in the world. He was twice the runner-up for 'FIFA World Player of the Year'. These statistics are only a few to signify how famous he really is. He was one of the highest earners as a footballer in his time and in 2013, he was the highest paid player in the world.
As a fan of the UK football team, I have always liked David Beckham. He is quite an extraordinary player and a fashion figure. In my early college days, he was the footballer I wanted to be! Besides, he is a fashion icon and young generation loves his unique style very much.
My interest in him increased, even more, when he announced the “7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund” to help protect children around the world. He has been a UNICEF ambassador and his recent philanthropic works are quite exceptional and for that, I admire him greatly.
He is a great person, legendary footballer, a successful husband, a doting father, a fashion icon and finally one of the most revered celebrities not only in the UK but also in the whole world. I guess anyone knows him would admire him.
雅思口语part1话题范文:Water activity
1.What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
Well, I’m a keen swimmer so I would make the most of the opportunity to swim in the ocean. I also like sunbathing, so, if it was warm and sunny, I would spend some time drying off in the sun. I tend to burn quite easily, though, so I wouldn’t spend too much time at the beach if it was hot.
2.Why do some people like water sports?
I think lots of water sports can be extremely exhilarating. I love to go windsurfing when I get the chance. I’m not very good at it but it’s a fantastic feeling when the wind catches your sail and you start skimming across the surface of the water.
3.Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?
Yes, I think it’s a good way to encourage local people to participate more in water sports. In China, the government runs various water sports centres. There’s one with a huge artificial lake where you can hire boats, canoes or windsurfers. It’s extremely popular.
4.Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?
Yes. Unfortunately, I think this is undeniable. Oil spills, toxic waste and all kinds of rubbish and plastic have contributed to the pollution of the oceans. Perhaps people assumed that because the oceans are so vast, the effects of pollution would be minimal but it is clear that this is not the case.
5.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the ocean?
I’m one of those people who love travelling by boat. It can be a beautifully relaxing experience when the boat rocks gently from side to side and you can hear the water lapping against the side. It can be a different story if the water is rough, though. I have a friend who was on a boat trip when the motor broke down. All the passengers were tossed around and pretty much everyone was seasick!
6.Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?
If they are going to spend time around water, then yes, definitely. In China, however, this is not so easy because of a lack of public swimming facilities. Most public pools in China are seriously overcrowded, especially in summer. For most Chinese people, going to the public swimming pool is just a way to cool off.
7.Do you think it’s best for a child to be taught to swim by a parent or by someone else?
That’s a good question. I think it probably depends on whether the parents are confident swimmers – and also on the relationship between the child and his parents. My Dad taught me to swim but because I always loved the water it never felt like a chore for either of us.
雅思口语Part2话题范文:a family member
Describe a family member that you are proud of
Who the person
What the person did
And explain why you are proud of the member
Today the relative that I will tell you about is my mother. My mother has been the most influential person throughout my life not only in my developmental years, but also as a young adult. My mom has provided me with unconditional love and an unyielding devotion that will never be matched by any other person in my life. Being my mother she and I are obviously close but an aspect of our relationship that is perhaps unique is our friendship. I can accurately tell you that I can share any facet of my life, positive or negative and from her I will receive encouraging, responsible and truthful feedback. While I was growing up my mother pos官方真题Officialned a promising career in banking to stay at home and raise me . My mother and I were always together throughout my formative years. Regrettably, as a young adult I seldom have the opportunity to spend time with my mother. She lives in America and I reside in China. However, we do speak and video chat several times a week. I am extremely fortunate that either from biological, psychological or sociological reasons I share many of the same personality traits as my mother. From her I have grown into a generous, humorous, extroverted and responsible young man. The characteristic that I am most blessed to have adopted from my mother is optimism. No matter what problem, big or small, life throws towards my mother she seems to have an innate knack for finding the silver lining. It seems she can take any negative issue and in some way find something positive to take from it. I have found that this positive mental attitude also thrives in me. My mother truly is my hero and make my deeply proud. Thank you.





