举个例子:9-12月雅思口语高频题型话题之Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result描述一个投诉成功的案例。
几个关键词:成功的 投诉经历,所以考生的关注点一定要落在成功这个结果上。
1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?
Um… when was it?...Let me have a think…I guess it was probably um… a few weeks ago, when I was on holiday, and I had booked a taxi to arrive at the place where I was staying, at about noon-ish, and I still had some clearing up to do, you know, I didn’t want to leave the place in a mess. So yeah, I was basically in a hurry tidying everything up and getting all my things packed before the taxi arrived.
2. Do you like to finish things quickly?
Yeah I do, cos I really don’t like things to hang over me, you know, it’s just not a nice feeling when you’ve got stuff to do hanging at the back of your mind. So I like to get stuff done as quickly as I can,but saying that, I still want to do it well of course! I mean, I’m not gonna do something haphazardly just to get it done quickly, I still wanna make sure I do it well!
3. What kinds of things do you never do in a hurry?
It’s an interesting question!... I’ve never really thought about that one! What kinds of things will I never do in a hurry?...um… I suppose things I would never do in a hurry would be important things, like coursework which counts towards my final grade, and what else?...I’m kind of hard pressed to think! Um… oh yeah, getting to the airport to catch a flight! You know, I’ll always give myself lots of time to get there, even if it means I arrive at the airport several hours in advance, cos it just gives me peace of mind. I mean, if you miss a flight, then your holiday’s probably gone down the drain, so it can be pretty disastrous!
4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?
Um… well thinking about it, I suppose it’s simply because when people are in a hurry, they’re not really thinking clearly. You know, their mind’s kind of um.. how can I put it… I guess you could say flustered, thinking about lots of things at the same time, and not really being focused. So in that state of mind, I think you’d agree it’s easy to overlook things, especially small details, which will likely lead to mistakes being made!
Noon-ish – about noon (if you add “–ish” at the end of a time, it means about that time) 中午左右
I still had some clearing up to do – 我还有东西要收拾
In a mess - 杂乱
Getting all my things packed – 整理行李
how can I put it – 怎么说呢
I guess you could say - 应高可以说
Flustered -慌张的 激动不安的
state of mind – 心态
overlook -忽视
I’m kind of hard pressed to think (of…) – 我很难想到… (If you are hard-pressed to do something, you have great difficulty doing it.)
it gives me peace of mind – 让我安心
gone down the drain - 泡汤了, 化为泡影 (another phrase is “gone up in smoke”)
I don’t like things to hang over me - 我讨厌让未做完的工作使我牵肠挂肚
hanging at the back of your mind – (see above)
But saying that – 但话又说回来
Do something haphazardly = do something without care.
雅思口语考场技巧 掌握这5条口语高分不再难!
一. 雅思口语考场技巧之微笑+自信
二. 雅思口语考场技巧之知考官所想
三. 雅思口语考场技巧之巧用连词
雅思口语考试中连词的使用非常重要,巧用练习可以让你的口语答题显得更加连贯,也更容易取得高分。雅思口语考试三个版块的连词使用也各有不同,第一部分答题更偏口语化,使用基本连词即可,比如and、but等等;第二部分主要是考生自我陈述,这部分大家可以使用一些诸如first、next、after that等连词;第三部分是针对第二部分的深入讨论,连词的使用要稍微“高端”一些,可以用subsequently、further more等等。
四. 雅思口语考场技巧之表达地道
五. 雅思口语考场技巧之注意part2和part3的联系
Describe one time some one say good words about what you have done?
You should say:
When was this happened
What did you do
What did this person say
And explain how you felt about it
1, Do people in your country like to give other people compliment?
2, Do you think children need encouragement?
3, Whether it is necessary to punish children?
4,Do adult need feedback on their work?
5, Which one do you think it more important?Encouragement or punishment?
Speaking of the topic, I suddenly think of something happening last summer, when I was still a t university student. During the vocation, I went to have a short trip to Taiwan. I was so afraid to be asked where the destination was and my parents also empha sized that talking with strangers was a dangerous behavior.
However, the words didn't work for me. One day, I met an elderly woman standing in the right side of the road and her face was pale, hair was messy and hands weretrembling. She looked very anxious and nervous like losing her way. The curiosity inside pushed me to ask her what hap pened and then I said some words to ex press my care. Her pale face turned to the rosy cheek gradually, and she was a little shy to tell me that she came here with her family. When she returned from the washroom, she forgot the right di rection and lost contact with others. After listening the story, I was willing to offer a help and called the police to make an announcement. Then I waited with her until her family came and picked her up.
She gave me a high appraisal to my behavior and also said she was fortunate to know me in the awkward situa tion and invited me to have a dinner together. I was inspired by her words and had more motiva tion to give a hand to strangers.
Describe a recent happy event that you had
You should say:
when this happened
what the event was
who was with you
and explain why you felt happy about it
There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall.Among them, I would like to falkabout the day that I was biessedwith a little brother. This was anevent that I still rec?ill vividly. I wasithe only daughfer of my parents and when I heard that I would:have another Sibling, I got very excited and I was counting days"when thisbrother or sister of mine would come. I speculated and imagined lots of things I would do with my sibling.The day that my brother came to the world was one of the happiest days of my life. I was then only 7-8 years old and when i saw a little angel was crying on my mother's lap, I became the happiest girl in the world.
For the first time I felt a strong urge to kiss this little fairy child. He was so adorable that I thanked God for the gift. My mother asked me to hold him and kiss him but I wasafraid to touch.him as I thoughit that might hurt him. I stayed in the hospital cabin for about 4-5 days till my mother and-brother came home. I came back home with the most pretious gift of the world.
一. 雅思口语考场技巧之微笑+自信
二. 雅思口语考场技巧之知考官所想
三. 雅思口语考场技巧之巧用连词
雅思口语考试中连词的使用非常重要,巧用练习可以让你的口语答题显得更加连贯,也更容易取得高分。雅思口语考试三个版块的连词使用也各有不同,第一部分答题更偏口语化,使用基本连词即可,比如and、but等等;第二部分主要是考生自我陈述,这部分大家可以使用一些诸如first、next、after that等连词;第三部分是针对第二部分的深入讨论,连词的使用要稍微“高端”一些,可以用subsequently、further more等等。
四. 雅思口语考场技巧之表达地道
五. 雅思口语考场技巧之注意part2和part3的联系
Describe a film that made you think a lot.
You should say:
What it was
When you saw it
What it was about
And explain why it made you think a lot
A film that made me think a lot was the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. It’s a film set in a mental institution in the United States. The leading character is a man called Randle, played by Jack Nicholson, and he is admitted to the mental home after serving a short sentence on a prison farm. On arriving at the mental institute he instantly gets along really well with the other patients, in a very amusing and mischievous manner – he connects with them on an emotional level as well, and starts to help them deal with their issues. He constantly runs into conflicts with the staff at the mental home and they have trouble trying to control him. As the plot evolves he becomes more and more cantankerous and mischievous and gets up to all sorts of antics. Personally, it touched me because it shows how an individual who is very different to the conventional norms of society can actually touch the hearts and minds of others in a profound and moving way. It’s a movie that speaks of independence, creativity and freedom in an unusually touching and moving way. I saw the film with my college friends in our dormitory when we were studying a short course in American Cinema with a foreign teacher at university. We had to do a few assignments based on this film and a few others. I really enjoyed the course actually, and I learned about how cinema has influenced western thought and morality in some curious ways.
Part 3
1. How do you define a good film?
I think a good film has an interesting theme, a strong plot, and engaging and inspiring characters. I also think that a good film needs to teach us something or inspire us in some way – if you remember a film for years after watching it, and it has had some influence on you then I’d say this is a decent definition of a good film.
2. Is film industry important in your country?
Yes, my country has come on in leaps and bounds with its film industry. Although in my honest opinion I think we are copying the Hollywood model too much and films are losing their sense of real meaning. But, yes, the film industry is a big industry in China and an important part of our modern cultural developments.
3. What kinds of films are popular in your country?
All sorts of films. Hollywood blockbusters, action movies, superhero movies, crime and detective, police dramas, romance… Lots of different genres, really. If I was asked which are the most popular out of all of these, I’d have to say Hollywood Blockbuster action films and superhero movies. These are still really popular with Chinese young people.
4. Why are special effects often used in some movies?
Special effects are used to create a lot of films, especially films that are about fantasy, or in the superhero genre. Also special effects are so lifelike today that they can make the impossible possible – I mean, you can have real space scenes, huge battle scenes and all sorts of things without having to actually set these things up with real people or real props and studio sets – you can do it all on the computer, which sometimes can also save money.
Describe a sport you would like to learn in the future.
You should say:
What it is
When you first learned it
Whether it is difficult
And explain why you would like to learn it
I would really like to learn to play tennis. It has become increasingly popular these days, and I think it’s a great sport. I first watched it on television, as a child, because my mother always followed tennis and watched Wimbledon. I always enjoyed the dynamics of the game, the running around, chasing the ball, the speed, the power of the rallies…It’s a game where you have to be really physically fit but have excellent hand-eye co-ordination too. It’s much faster than badminton and requires more strength and agility I think. I think it’s easy enough to play tennis in a simple way with a friend, but if you want to be really good at tennis, and play against really good players, then you have to have lessons, proper coaching you know, and really practice a lot and practice very regularly. I don’t really know any places near to where I live where I can have proper tennis lessons, so I haven’t had the chance yet, but when we move house I am going to make an effort to find a tennis club nearby and start taking beginner’s lessons. I’d really like to learn how to play tennis properly and become a good tennis player. I think it’s a great form of exercise and an exciting sport. Also, if I’m honest, I quite like the culture of the game… the etiquette, the really cool skirts and tennis outfits and the whole environment that surrounds the game. I could really get into this!
1. What are the benefits of doing sports?
There are multiple benefits of doing sports – both physical benefits and mental benefits. For example, as we all know, sports keep you physically fit and in good shape. Many sports offer good cardiovascular exercise. They’re also very good for one’s mental health – it’ proven that doing physical exercise releases chemicals in the brain which make people feel happier, more confident and more alert. So, sports provide a lot of mental and physical benefits – not to mention team sports; they teach us cooperation, working with others strategically towards a common goal, as a team. This is always good.
2. What is the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in a group?
There’s quite a significant difference actually. Playing sports in a group or a team help us develop teamwork skills – working with others, co-ordinating strategies with other people, and working together towards a common goal. Individual sports tend to be more personal – you’re aiming to beat a personal record and you have to have a lot of intrinsic motivation and determination to get ahead in these kinds of sports. And be someone who can motivate oneself alone, rather than alongside other people in a team.
3. Do you think international sport can help ease conflicts between different countries?
Yes, I think so. Sports go beyond cultural and political differences and I think that it’s very important that people from different countries recognize their common humanity and put aside these kind of differences that can cause people to disagree, not see eye-to-eye, and even fall out. Sports are unifying rather than dividing – or at least they can be if we approach them with the right attitude.
雅思口语考场生死时速60s 让你鹤立鸡群
考官在ID check部分标准的四个问题为:
“Good morning/afternoon. My name is X. Can you tell me your full name, please?”
“What can I call you?”
“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
“CanI see your identification, please?”
雅思口语暖场问题1:“Good morning/afternoon. My name is X. Can you tell me your fullname, please?”
不要随意加Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. 举例,如果考官说 “My name is Jack “, 回答时不要说 “Good morning,Mr. Jack. “ 因为John是名而不是姓啊!最好的回答应该是:Good morning, Jack. My name is .x. 说名字的时候发音要清晰,语速可以适当放缓。也不用特地强调你的family name和given name,有点画蛇添足。
雅思口语暖场问题2:“What can I call you?”
不要用生僻的名字,选越常见的越好。很多学生喜欢自编名字,或者有些容易引起歧义的名字,比如我碰到一个学生叫Luther,人家都以为他在说Loser……建议回答:You can call me Jessica./ Please call me Jessica.
雅思口语暖场问题3:“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
其次,最好省市都说,地理位置加上就更好了。比如I come(不是came)from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province,which locates in the southeast part of China.
雅思口语暖场问题4:“Can I see your identification, please?”
可以简单地什么都不用说,就直接将身份证递过去。也可以自然地说OK或者Sure。但是不建议说Here you go或者There you go, 这两者过于随意。而Of course会显得过于礼貌正式,所以也不建议说。
一般而言,开场的这四个问题没有出现明显错误的话不会给考生扣分,但是不太合适的回答还是会给考官不太好的印象。虽然都是小小的细节,还是希望大家能够注意起来,因为第一印象对于考生而言比较重要,表达的准确性还是会给考试加分的。ID check时间非常短,大家一定要利用这段时间迅速进入考试状态,开启brain storming。祝愿大家取得好成绩~
1 你们要是这么使用素材,最终只能是5分!
2 你们这么用的话,好点儿,但也只有5.5分!
3 最好的用法,就是【取其精华,去其糟粕】
雅思口语考场经验 如何应对口语考官及考试
考官会问你叫什么名字,注意这里的回答,My name’s…要连读哦,因为这是老外的习惯,而将其分开,老外会觉得你说话不流利。
在口语考试中,能连读就选择连读,除非是要强调一些句子才分开。最好给自己起一个英文名字,因为考官还会问你怎样称呼你比较合适,你可以说 Please call me John,这样的回答老外会觉得比较的亲切和自然。还有在比如,问你从哪来,也要注意连读,I’m from China。
雅思口语part 1 准备
Part 1的问题相对简单,所以回答起来比较地轻松。值得注意的是,我建议大家在平时准备Part 1的时候不要去背别人的内容,重要的是,结合自身的情况去准备,这样在考场你也可以回答的比较的自如。
Part 1的回答遵循一定的回答方式,反应-答案-详细内容,这样可以让自己的回答比较的丰富,而且也不会冷场,没有话说。
所谓反应,就是当考官问问题的时候给出最为直接的反应,这里带入一些口语化得东西比较好,比如,well,look,you know, let me think之类的话,因为老外说话基本都这样。
所谓答案,就是给出一个简单的句子来回答,比如考官问,Do you like swimming, 你可以说,well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming.
所谓详细内容,就是利用一些连接词使自己的内容更完整,更有趣,更丰富。比如,有on top of that, for the simple reason, having said that, for example或者加入一个从句也可以。
雅思口语Part 2 准备
Part 2是大家最为头疼的部分,对于我也是。在之前我准备一张话题卡要一天,但是后来学会了一些方法后,就觉得其实没有那么难了。
雅思口语Part 3 准备
Part 3 在我的考试经验看来是最为提分的部分,尤其是大家心中想要的分数。前两个部分主要是一个自我表现的部分,让考官了解到你的实力和你有实力向高分冲刺。
在这里跟大家分享一个口语考试的「 潜规则 」,这是一般规则,不适合考试非常灵活的考官。
Part 3在考官的手上实际上是分为三个分数档的,每个档有三个问题,第一个分数档5分,第二个分数档6分,第三个分数档7分。一般来说,考官先分5分档,根据你的回答选择下一个题的分数档,你会答的不错,就向高分数档跳,所以在考场觉得被问的很难,那么恭喜你,获得高分的机会很高。如果你被问到的题目你回答的不够好,那么考官就会跳回低档去问问题。
Part 3考官一般会问4个问题。如果被问的问题比较多,那么很可能是拿了高分。如果被问的问题少于4个,很可能是因为你回答的可能不是很好。
Part 3部分的回答方式和上述Part 2很像,不过大家要学会将话题的范围缩小,narrow down topic,然后充实话题,采用举例子,举原因,对比等方式。
一个成功又爱冒险的我崇拜的家人,一个曾经帮助我的良师益友,一个小时候认识的邻居。一个认识的小孩 (可以说自己小的时候)。
A classmate, 还可以用来形容 best friend,happy person,A good friend
A family member,an old person who influenced you the most,someone you admire
A happy person,a successful person,A person who has influenced you
A person you would like to spend a day with,successful person,famous person
A character in TV show or films,happy person,successful person
Describe a colleague,successful person
Describe a music group or singer in your country,famous person
Describe your neighbor,your best friend
Describe your parents,family member
Describe your personality and its advantages
Describe your teacher,a friend
Describe your favorite book选一本熟悉的书,小说什么都可以,不用很详细的介绍内容,一定要多谈书的作用。
Describe a invention before computer 也就是谈谈电话,收音机。
Describe a letter or a card说说学校的录取信,应聘兼职成功的通知信等,可以和success in your life结合着准备。
Describe a pet 有养宠物的话就说自己的宠物,一定有很多可以说的,没有宠物可以说说自己在网上云养猫,为什么不养宠物的原因等等。Describe an animal也可以用同一个回答。
Describe photography 可以同describe a card or letter。
Describe a product that you bought but not satisfied with. 剁手党应该会有很多这种经历。
Describe a traditional Chinese dress 可以描述汉服或者是旗袍。
Describe your favorite advertisement 简要描述情节,重点说为什么喜欢。
Describe a special piece of clothes or jewelry 简单描述一下外形,主要说说背后的故事,哪怕是现编的也可以啊。
Describe an expensive thing you wan to buy 说清想买的理由,可以具体到价格。Describe a food that you enjoyed. 除了说明喜欢的原因,还可以说怎么做。
Describe a problem you’ve met in your life。参考a success in your life,先说有什么问题,然后说怎么解决的
Describe a thing you are interested in doing in the future=describe a book you want to write
Describe a your favorite way of communication=mobile phone
Describe an artistic skill you wish to learn=write a book或者绘画
Describe a small business you want to start=可以结合自己以前的兼职工作或者未来的计划来说
Describe an important decision you’ve made=describe a change in your life可以说决定要出国
Describe your ideal job着眼于现在工作的不足来写理想工作的特点
Describe a special meal讲第一次约会的晚餐好了
Describe pollution in your area说说雾霾就可以了,再说一下如何改善环境
Describe a skill or subject you want to study结合自己的兴趣来说
Describe something you are good at说自己的特长
Tell me about how you can improve your work or study参考advantage of your character
Describe your favorite period of time during a day具体到一小段时间,例如after lunch, 或者on my way to work
Describe a project or work you finished with others=每天的工作=describe your colleague
Describe a youth culture in your country=describe a singer, band or singing group
Describe something you’ve learned from foreign culture=describe eastern wedding and western wedding
Describe an ambition in your life=describe an ideal job=describe and ideal house
Describe one or two bad habits or yours 应该比较简单,例如no exercise, too much coffee, too much pressure
Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.
what it was
when you received it
who gave it to you
and explain if this gift was important to you.
I have got a beautiful suite from my dad marking my 20th birthday this year. It was a nicely made suit with the finest clothing. The fabric was attractive and the colour was impressive. I felt lucky to have that on my share.
I received the suit on the evening before my birthday party began. My dad rushed to the home and asked me to meet him in his room. I knew that he was trying to surprise me with something. But I did not understand that this would be a nice piece of a suit. In fact, it was out of my idea that he would bring the suit for me. I did not know how he got the measurement of my body as the suit took me in perfectly. My father is an interesting man. He loves to surprise people. But most of the time, the people – whom he is trying to surprise, get ideas about the surprise. So, he is unable to surprise them in most of the cases. But in this case, I was really surprised and my dad was happy to complete his mission. He gave me the costume and it cost him a lot, I know.
Of course, it was an extraordinary gift to me. It was from my father whom I adore the most in my life. Besides, it was my birthday gift from him. So, definitely, this was an important gift for me. Moreover, the suit was made of the colour I really like. It was dark blue and sewed from a renowned and specialized tailor of the city. I have been using the suit to attend formal occasions and take the right care of it.
考官在ID check部分标准的四个问题为:
“Good morning/afternoon. My name is X. Can you tell me your full name, please?”
“What can I call you?”
“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
“CanI see your identification, please?”
雅思口语暖场问题1:“Good morning/afternoon. My name is X. Can you tell me your fullname, please?”
不要随意加Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. 举例,如果考官说 “My name is Jack “, 回答时不要说 “Good morning,Mr. Jack. “ 因为John是名而不是姓啊!最好的回答应该是:Good morning, Jack. My name isx. 说名字的时候发音要清晰,语速可以适当放缓。也不用特地强调你的family name和given name,有点画蛇添足。
雅思口语暖场问题2:“What can I call you?”
不要用生僻的名字,选越常见的越好。很多学生喜欢自编名字,或者有些容易引起歧义的名字,比如我碰到一个学生叫Luther,人家都以为他在说Loser……建议回答:You can call me Jessica./ Please call me Jessica.
雅思口语暖场问题3:“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
其次,最好省市都说,地理位置加上就更好了。比如I come(不是came)from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province,which locates in the southeast part of China.
雅思口语暖场问题4:“Can I see your identification, please?”
可以简单地什么都不用说,就直接将身份证递过去。也可以自然地说OK或者Sure。但是不建议说Here you go或者There you go, 这两者过于随意。而Of course会显得过于礼貌正式,所以也不建议说。
一般而言,开场的这四个问题没有出现明显错误的话不会给考生扣分,但是不太合适的回答还是会给考官不太好的印象。虽然都是小小的细节,还是希望大家能够注意起来,因为第一印象对于考生而言比较重要,表达的准确性还是会给考试加分的。ID check时间非常短,大家一定要利用这段时间迅速进入考试状态,开启brain storming。祝愿大家取得好成绩~
Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
Where this building was
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you liked going there
The library in New York City. This is the building I’d like to talk about. It’s a magnificent building not far from Times Square. It’s a majestic stone structure with an amazing entrance way with steps leading up to it and two large stone lion statues flanking the grand entrance as you go up. Huge columns support a massive triangular stone fa?ade at the top by the roof. As you go in through the huge wooden polished doors, you enter into a beautifully tiled entrance hall, and from there sweeping stone staircases lead into the different rooms. The main library room smells of wood and leather as you enter… And the wood is so wonderfully crafted and polished and the leather chairs and benches are kept in perfect condition. It really is like stepping into a wonderful old library that is maintained to preserve its former glory back in the days when it was new! I went there when I was sight-seeing in New York and I had spent a day on my own. In fact, I was visiting Times Square, but wasn’t that impressed with that, so I took a short walk around the neighbourhood, found a wonderful park to grab a cup of tea in, and then walked around and suddenly quite by accident, came across this huge building, and soon realized I was standing outside New York Library. I didn’t know that anyone could freely walk inside, so I was really pleased when I strolled in. Nobody stopped me or asked me to buy a ticket, and most of the rooms I could wander around freely. I sat in the main library at one of the desks reading my guidebook, quite peacefully, and watching the afternoon sunlight shine in through the tall, high windows, then I went back to my hotel room. It was a great discovery and I think I’ll go again when I want to be in a beautiful place that is also very quiet and calm and peaceful. It’s not only a fine example of city architecture, but it’s a nice escape from the bustle of the city.
1. Do you think the appearance of a building is important?
I think the appearance of a building is indeed very important. Buildings are not just functional but have a strong aesthetic impact on a neighbourhood or area of a city. Some modern architecture, for example, makes an area look beautiful, adds a certain flavor to an area, whereas other examples could be argued to be ugly, an eye-sore, and unfitting with the general architectural theme of the area. So, the appearance of a building is important, as it can have a big impact on the general look of an area of the city. Buildings, ideally, should be designed to be in harmony with the rest of the district, and not be jarring or too different – or at least not in a way that spoils the look of the neighbourhood.
2. What is the most important thing to consider in planning the construction of a public building? Design, location or facilities?
Well… all of these things really. But I’d say the first thing that should be considered would be the function of the building, the facilities it offers and whether they are essential or beneficial to the area and the people who will use it. That’s also a question of location as well – it has to fulfil a function which is going to be useful to as many people as possible in that area – and relevant. There’s no point in having a fancy office building in an area where most people are not likely to be able to get there easily to get to work. So, facilities and location are of primary importance. Then comes design and look – also important, of course, but of secondary importance, I’d say.
3. Who should be responsible for conserving old buildings?
The government should have the main responsibility for the conservation of old buildings. They should appoint a specific urban planning office or division dedicated to the preservation of the city or country’s old buildings, and there should be fairly strict rules, budgets and things like this, to make sure that buildings are maintained according to certain rules and regulations. At least I think this should be the case with most buildings of national historic interest, especially cultural symbols, tourist sights and buildings of great historic value to the nation. A government body should be in charge of this kind of conservation to make sure it’s all done properly and professionally.
Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve.
You should say:
what it was
when you set it
what you did to achieve it
and explain how you felt about it
A goal that was particularly important to me was when I decided that I would learn to play the piano. At least I wanted to get to the level of grade 3, a level where I could play a number of pieces in front of people, and sing a little bit at the same time. I wanted to be able to perform in public, is what I am saying. That was my aim, and at grade 3 you can sort of achieve this, at least playing pieces which are not too complicated. I am not talking about playing Rachmaninov’s 4th Piano Concerto or anything like this! Anyway, so I had a teacher, and to be honest I found it really really difficult at first… well, not just at first, I found it really hard all the way along. It took me a couple of years, I went twice a week to my piano lessons, I practiced on an electronic keyboard at home, and I was pretty determined. I think the reason I eventually achieved this aim, this goal, was because I was very self-motivated. I was not doing it because of being pushed by my parents, or school teachers or anyone – I was motivated purely by my desire to be a performer – to succeed in playing to a level when I could perform in front of others and entertain them. This would be about 5 or 6 years ago now. I think it was around the summer holidays when I set this goal and made this decision for certain. When after a couple of years I passed the exam and got my results, I was really delighted. And that’s why now I am continuing to study the piano, with even more motivation, because when you achieve one step, one stage of success, you feel inspired to continue on, you feel encouraged, you feel confident and capable of doing anything! So, I felt great, yeah, and I still feel great about this!
1. Do people usually set long-term goals or short-term goals?
Some very organized people set goals for almost everything. It’s actually a really good habit. If you set goals, you are also likely to be more motivated. Everyone needs to see a ‘path before them’ and see milestones, points of achievement along the way. It’s important to set short-term goals as well as long-term goals. If you set small goals, you then become better at managing your longer term goals.
2. Why is setting goals important in the workplace?
Goal-setting is essential for getting any projects done. So, when talking about the workplace, usually we are talking about groups of people - teams. And when dealing with teams and managing projects, there need to be goals, there need to be aims, there need to be set, agreed-upon steps that everyone has a responsibility to play a role in, in order that the larger end-goal can be achieved successfully.
3. What’s the difference between goals set by old people and young people?
Emmm I’m not really sure actually. In some ways there is no difference, it doesn’t really depend on the age of the people, but the type of person and the nature of what they seek to achieve. But, one difference might be that older people do have different types of duties and responsibilities and aims in life, so they are likely to have different goals and perhaps different ways of try to reach those goals. Young people’s goals are more related to examinations, study achievements and work achievements. Older people’s goals might be more family oriented or perhaps hobby oriented. To make a generalization, I guess that’s the best way to answer that question!
雅思口语考场急救手册 专治话题不会说
纵览卡片题,一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题)...
以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It‘s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。
这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know.
而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space
很多同学没话说,特别是抽象话题,如Describe a success.总觉得success肯定是像选美国总统一样的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。
其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。
又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people‘s life? 如果单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。
Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.
如A piece of good law,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律。
而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;或者转成工作问题,讲”劳工法“(The Labor Law)。
雅思口语:When do you study more efficient
1. When do you study more efficient, in the morning or in the evening?2. What is the time you do your work the most efficient?
Sample Answer
1、When do you study more efficient, in the morning or in the evening?
Sample answer:Well, I have to say I tried both before, and finally it comes out that I study more productively in the evening. Actually, I don’t know why, maybe it is because I am always sleepy in the morning, especially in the early morning. You know, people who has a sleepy head can not do anything efficiently. Now I am used to learn or work in the evening, and my mom always called me “the night owl”.
Vocabularynight owl [na?t] [a?l] n. 夜猫子productively [pr?'d?kt?v] adv. 高产的sleepy ['sli?p?] adj. 昏昏欲睡的
2、What is the time you do your work the most efficient?
Sample answer:
I think it all depends, so it is quite hard to give you a specific time. To me, there are many factors which may affect my mood, such as the climate, the environment and even the workload. As long as the most of factors are guaranteed, I can totally get focused on one thing.
Vocabularyworkload ['w??kl??d] n. 工作量As long as…只要 (还有和…一样长的意思哦)guaranteed ['g?r?n'ti:d] v/adj 担保,担保的get focused on… 关注于…
Describe a famous athlete.
You should say:
Who the person is
How you got to know this person
What he or she has achieved
And explain why this person is famous
Do teenagers like exercising in your country?
Do you prefer staying at home to going outside on holidays?
Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?
What kind of physical exercise do Chinese people like?
纵览卡片题,一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题)...
以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It‘s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。
这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know.
而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space
很多同学没话说,特别是抽象话题,如Describe a success.总觉得success肯定是像选美国总统一样的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。
其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。
又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people‘s life? 如果单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。
Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.
如A piece of good law,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律。
而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;或者转成工作问题,讲”劳工法“(The Labor Law)。





