You should say
Who this person was
How you knew this person
What impressed you about this person
And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person
Over my teenage years, I always want to be a good leader. I think the stuff a leader should be made of is a high sense of collaboration, a stable and sound personality and the spirit of sacrifice. If I take these 3 properties into consideration, I think there’s only one person need meet this requirement, his name is José Mourinho, one of the best soccer coaches ever. He first masterpiece in the soccer arena was back in , he led FC Porto, a team which is made of promising young minors to the summit of Euro Champion, which is called “the mission impossible” by the fans and soccer world. Mourinho started his career as a translator for the most famous soccer club FC Barcelona. After years of following the team, he learnt a lot about soccer and the mechanism of how to run a football team and how to be a brilliant coach. It’s really hard to believe that a man with such a humble birth could deliver so many miracles to the soccer arena, from 2003,he brought his career to a brand-new stage, leading FC Porto,FC Chelsea, Inter Millano and Real Madrid to the top of the league and achieve 2 times of Euro Champions during the years. Such great success in his coaching career is one of the kind, despite he wasn’t served for professional soccer in his preliminary career stage but an outsider, his later on boost in coaching was even more astonishing.
I first get to know José Mourinho was in year , when he was the coach of FC Chelsea, that year Chelsea was just a second class club in the premier league but after he’s on the coach, everything’s changed, they started the season with an irresistible momentum and took hold of the rest of the competitors. Finally they embraced the champion of the league.
I think the most thing that he impressed he was his way of leading his group When the team fell, he always attribute the failure to his own reason but not anyone of the team to fault. When the team rose up and succeed, his never take it as his own merit but act as if there’s nothing to do with him but only his boys. Moreover, when someone come up and accused his teammates, he will try whatever he can to protect and defend him. All of these aspects are what I think valuable properties of a great leader.
The reason why I want to be similar to him is because I always want to lead a group of people to achieve the common goal of us. In the school, I was also the kind of guy that want others follow my idea and carry out thing good together. But you know, everyone in a team need to be motivated and encouraged by the leader. Such quality and inter-personal skills need a long time to build up. But through learning the way Mourinho leading his team. I don’t think it’s that hard anymore. I’d like to apply his way of being a responsible leader to my life too.
1. What kinds of people do children in China want to be similar to when they grow up?
Most children in China want to be similar to their parents. Parents are the people who are most involved in a child’s life, thus he or she wants to be most like them. Also children always think that their parents are the greatest people in the world. They often brag about their parents’ achievements to their friends. I once read a psychology book;it said that you can always see people from three different aspects, as a child, as a sophisticated adult, or as their parents. I believe this idea has a lot of significance in a person’s character.
2. Do you think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models?
No, I do not think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models. One reason is that many young people get depressed,because they cannot measure up to the impossible standards that the entertainment industry sets. Another reason is that many celebrities live very immoral lives. Many celebrities abuse alcohol and drugs, and many are in constant troubles with the law. Basically, the majority of entertainment stars are not fit to serve as role models for young people today.
3. Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?
Some companies use famous people to advertise their products,because many people aspire to be famous or at least respect famous people’s opinions. It is also a well-known fact that most famous people are also very wealthy. So, if people see that someone famous using a certain product, they get the impression that it is a quality product. Another reason is that famous people are usually attractive. Having an attractive person in your advertisement draws in people’s attention, and will keep people’s attention longer than unattractive person.
4. Do you think this is good?
It is good for the company that is trying to sell the product, because it gets their product some recognition. So when consumers go to buy something at the store this advertisement will be in their mind. As a result it can increase their sales. It is good for the economy because people are spending money on these products and cash is continuing to exchange hands. Production and transportation continue, thus, creating jobs for the common man and lowering unemployment.
我的优势在发音,能随机应变和心理素质比较好。我说的是美语,发音比较标准,被同学和老师说过像外国人,做过学校英文播音员,外教也说过我的speaking skill is pretty strong,基于这么几点我就没特意准备口语,考试的时候也一点不怕,因为平时经常有事没事就去找外教聊天,常常没什么事也逼着自己去说,就是要练这种临场应变的能力。我的雅思口语7分的经验是:
三,学会避重就轻。无论你多会说,考试总有一定的不确定性,总有可能遇到那种一听就不知道怎么答的题目,所以一定要学会怎么避重就轻,换句话说就是临机应变的能力。二战口语的part 2考官要我描述一个我喜欢的花园和我会在这个花园里做什么,这个题目我从来没准备过,而且我最讨厌也最不会描述空间,花草动物之类我也是最不会说的。但是我还是保持冷静,相信自己肯定能自圆其说,于是我抓紧那一分钟好好准备,看看能不能从其他我熟悉的角度来描述花园。因为我比较会描述建筑和艺术相关的,于是我说我喜欢花园里有特别的architecture style, 例如Renaissance (文艺复兴)时期的,还有别致的stone road,许多available facilities like swimming pools,我喜欢在这个花园里have a picnic,take photos and vedios by my digital camera等等。这样就扬长避短,反而让考官觉得我说得很有新意,虽然我描述的其实和花花草草没什么关系。
在说之前,我先说说我前两次考鸭的口语成绩吧,分别都是4分。惨! 考的时候,我并不知道为何这么低分的,我可是有充分准备的,而那些并没有我这般充分准备的战友们,却个个都至少考5分,甚至更高,why? 但现在我才知道,就是因为这个该死的评分标准。
I don't know, but my brother thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。)
I don't know, but my father thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。)
I don't know, but my friends think that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。)
另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i'm sorry, do you want me to talk about __X?
总结:反正在F这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来>=5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。明白吗?(P.S.: 我在前两次考鸭中,口语都是停停说说的,怪不得我才得4分了。在第二次考试中,我还故作沉思状,哎,怪不得死得一样惨。)
I think that ....
I figure that ....
你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明?,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure却是informal(不正式的),而且还是very informal(非常不正式的)。英国的雅思老师告诉我,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是very informal的!所以如果象这样用错了词汇,你就肯定在这部分被扣分了。
(P.S.: 我在前两次考鸭中,每当说到“我认为”时,我都说“I figure that...”,当时我还以为自己很牛B呢,没想到。。。怪不得才得4分了。)
“我更喜欢......” 应该说:“i prefer like to...”,不应该说:“i more like to...”
“我不擅长于...” 应该说:“i am not be good at...”,不要说:“i am not good for...”
“....是如此简单” 应该说:“It's so easy for ...”,不要说:“.... is so easy”
总结:如果你可以好好地,熟练地掌握中学所教的英语语法以及短语,而且把它转化为口语去掌握,那么你在这部分至少有6分的水平(P.S.: 俺的语法水平从来都不好,说得急了,就忘了什么时态了,所以前两次才得4分。大家要留意这点血的教训!)
(P.S.: 我上一次考鸭中,口语考官皱了好几次眉头,看来我的发音不好,他没有听明白,怪不得4分了)
1、进入考场的时候,一定要和考官打招呼,讲句“good morning”什么的都可以,而且要有精神和很神气地说,让人家在第一映象上觉得你是懂英语的,且让他感觉你在说:“come on! ask me question!”
To sum up:
Describe your job in detail.
I am an Engineer. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I work for a large construction company. To be more precise, we specialize in the building of railway bridges. Secondly, I would like to mention that I am in the designing department. We have to look at the site for a new bridge, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.
Is your job important to you?
That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, my job is important to me because by doing it I can serve my community and my country. For example, when my company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. Secondly, it makes me feel good about myself. For instance, I am earning enough money to be able to rent my own apartment.
T:代表的是Topic Sentence
S: 代表的是Supporting Ideas
E:代表的是 Examples
S:支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用For example,First , secondly, last but not the least来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。在S这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。过渡词用什么好呢?最好用well , also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。
Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who you were with
Why you felt happy by using your cellphone
When it comes to the experience, the most impressive memory in my mind was happening in last summer.
During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death. One day, suddenly, I wanted to find a foreign pen pal on the Internet. It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World. Then I used my phone to register an account by instinct. After that, I uploaded some personal information and my email address. Finishing, I started to browse others' home page in order to find more fascinating and excellent pals.
I was attracted by a Belarus boy's introduction and his smile looks like an angel, and I saw that he can speak fluent English, Russian and German. I was so amazed by that he also had gift in playing musical instruments.So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time. It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way. I was touched by his behavior, I mean, I was a totally stranger to him. So it's just organically happening that we became pen pals.
From that moment on, I was so delighted to use my mobile phone to check my mail box. It was quite a pleasure for me to share my happiness and troubles with a stranger. I felt so magical to get in touch with a stranger through my mobile phone.
地道用词:gift in
get in touch with
register an account by instinct
高分句型:During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death.
It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World.
So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time.
It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way.
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who you were with
Why you felt happy by using your cellphone
When it comes to the experience, the most impressive memory in my mind was happening in last summer.
During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death. One day, suddenly, I wanted to find a foreign pen pal on the Internet. It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World. Then I used my phone to register an account by instinct. After that, I uploaded some personal information and my email address. Finishing, I started to browse others' home page in order to find more fascinating and excellent pals.
I was attracted by a Belarus boy's introduction and his smile looks like an angel, and I saw that he can speak fluent English, Russian and German. I was so amazed by that he also had gift in playing musical instruments.So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time. It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way. I was touched by his behavior, I mean, I was a totally stranger to him. So it's just organically happening that we became pen pals.
From that moment on, I was so delighted to use my mobile phone to check my mail box. It was quite a pleasure for me to share my happiness and troubles with a stranger. I felt so magical to get in touch with a stranger through my mobile phone.
地道用词:gift in
get in touch with
register an account by instinct
高分句型:During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death.
It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World.
So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time.
It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way.
Describe an achievement that you are proud of
You should say:
What it was
How it was made
What difficulties have you encountered during the process
Why you are proud of this achievement
Well, it's probably difficult to believe but last year I knocked off X kilos in about 6 months, and this is what I am still enormously proud of. I have to confess...I used to be a very lazy girl who loved fast food and hated sports. And at that time I was so slim that I didn't even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem. So when I realised that I'd put on X kilos, I decided to lose weight and get fit, no matter what.
And so it began. I started exercising daily. I went jogging in the mornings and I walked in the evenings. Also, I ditched junk food and stopped buying snacks, which I couldn't live without. I started sticking to a diet. You know, no sweets, no rice, no cheeseburgers, and French fries. Not only salads, vegetables, fruits and plenty of fluids. I ate only healthy food and drank a lot of water daily. I cooked foods in healthier ways such as boiling, baking and stewing. I read somewhere that it is better to have a few light meals instead of on main meal. So I followed this advice too. I continued this practice for six straight months. As a result, I lost more than X kilograms.
Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that I achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself. This is something I never thought I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would even say I was fighting the battle of my life. And I won.
地道用词:knocked off
be overweight
lose weight
stick to
boiling, baking and stewing
高分句型: And at that time I was so slim that I didn't even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem.
I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself.
Describe a car journey you went on
You should say:
where you went
when and why you went there
what landscapes you saw
and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip
This summer,my family took a car journey to the south of China where there was a famous resort by the sea.
My uncle lives and works abroad. He rarely gets the chance to go home because his workis very demanding. Recently however he was able to take a few weeks off, so he came back.My uncle had told us about a plan he had to take a long trip through the country and all of us agreed. He said that it had always been his dream and now we are going to share in it.We all packed our bags and he rented a vehicle large enough to accommodate all of us. He volunteered to drive the first few miles but since it was a long and exhausting drive for just one man, he and my father took turns on the wheel.
The resort was everything it promised to be and more. There were many activities for us to do like the usual sightseeing and picture taking. We also got the chance to try scuba diving, snorkeling and parasailing.
Since it was the first time we had a trip by car, we felt so excited that we made as much noise as we could. We were all singing, telling jokes and sharing stories.
a famous resort 胜地
demanding 高要求的
on the wheel 驾驶
everything it promised to be and more 名副其实
scuba diving 水肺潜水
snorkeling 浮浅
parasailing 帆伞运动
高分句型:We all packed our bags and he rented a vehicle large enough to accommodate all of us.
The resort was everything it promised to be and more. There were many activities for us to do like the usual sightseeing and picture taking.
雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe a car journey you went on
1. How can people benefit from traveling? 人们在旅行中能够收获什么?
Well, travelling is wonderful in many ways, and there are a lot of benefits people can have from it. First of all, travelling lets people disconnect from their regular life, relax and get new experiences. It also helps them open their eyes to how the rest of the world lives and, as a result, gain a broader worldview. While travelling, people get to know different places, get accustomed to different cultures, increase their general knowledge and make friends from all over the globe. All these things and experiences make them inspired and happy and create memories for a lifetime.
2. Do you like to travel on your own or with your family? 你喜欢自己旅行还是和家人一起旅行?
Well, I really enjoy travelling on my own 'cause from time to time I need a break from my family and friends. I like to feel freedom, do what I want without being judged and be flexible with time, destinations and decisions I make. Travelling alone also lets me learn more about myself and what I am capable of, overcome my fears and achieve focus of mind. What is more. it lets me learn to listen to my heart, make new friends and experience new things, choosing those people and activities I really want but not have to choose.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone and travelling with friends? 一个人旅行,和朋友结伴出行,各有什么优缺点?
I adore travelling with my family. It gives me a lot of pleasure and joy, it fills me with energy and inspiration, it makes me really happy! Travelling with family members lets me enjoy spending time with my beloved ones, experience new things together with them and create lasting memories linking our hearts, it also lets us follow our dreams together and, as a result, enhances and strengthens our family bonds.
4. Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places? 你喜欢去热门旅行景点还是不太著名的景点?
Well, I would say it depends on my travel goals. I usually opt for popular destinations when I want to get some enjoyable experience, see lots of beautiful things and attractions, make new friends with people from different countries and have a lot of entertainment and fun. But when I am really tired and dream to get away from all the noise, walk along less crowded streets and beaches, enjoy more privacy and downtime and spend all my time with people I travel with. I go to off the beaten path places and enjoy peace and quite which I lack in my daily life.
5. Do people prefer long trips or short trips? 人们更喜欢长途旅行还是短途旅行?
Well, I think it depends on what they want from their trip or vacation. If they want to fully immerse in the place or places they visit, they definitely opt for longer trips. Such trips don't only let people gain more knowledge and experience but also give them more time to really unplug and refresh. What is more, they let people save money on lodging costs because the longer you stay in the hotel, the less money you pay for extra nights. But if people just want to quickly recharge the batteries and get back to routine, they choose shorter trips which are a quick way to relieve stress. This kind of trips gives people a chance to seize the moment and go on vacation whenever they want. Moreover, it takes less planning time, costs less, exposes travelers to more surroundings and makes them feel happier than on long trips because enjoyment wanes as people get accustomed to their holiday lifestyle.
6. What kind of problems do people have when traveling? 在旅行中会遇到什么困难?
Well, first of all, these are the problems connected with safety issues, I mean being robbed in the street or having valuables stolen from the hotel room. One more common kind of problems people face is budget problems like running out of money or just not having enough money to deal with problems or mishaps. Speaking another language is also quite a big problem for the majority of travelers. And, of course, flying problems such as delayed or cancelled flights, not enough leg-room on the plane, long queues at check-in and jet-lag if people fly across the Atlantic.
7. Why are more and more young people going on long trips nowadays? 为什么如今越来越多的年轻人去长途旅行?
Well, I guess, first of all, because only long trips let the young to escape from the daily grind and everyday stressors and reset before returning to their normal life. One more reason why young people opt for long trips is a chance to see more places of interest and learn more about the world and themselves getting awesome and unforgettable experiences, expanding social networks and developing skills in problem-solving and creative thinking. Long journeys al youth become more independent, mature, get food for thought and have tons of stories to recall. I think these are the main things that make long trips appealing to the young.
8. Why do people need holidays? 为什么人们需要假期?
Oh, I guess for a variety of reasons. First of all, people need rest just because they need to switch off from time to time, I mean leave their worries behind them. let off some steam and spend quality time with their families or friends. Secondly, it's really important for people to go on vacation in order to avoid monotony and prevent their mind and body from stagnating. A change from daily routine always lets people get back to work refreshed, in better form and ready to take on the world. I would also add that holidays are essential 'cause they help people broaden their horizons and memorable experiences, which lets everyone feel more fulfilled in the long run.
雅思口语话题Part3范文:historical person that you are interested
雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe a historical person that you are interested
1. How can people learn about history? 人们如何学习历史?
Well, in a variety of ways, I guess. For example, by attending History classes and listening to an experienced teacher who won't just retell past events making everyone fall asleep but connect those events to today placing a great emphasis on how people could learn from past mistakes and succeed in the world of tomorrow, which will hold attention during the lecture and survive in memory for years. One more fun and enriching way to learn history is visiting historical sites, memorials and museums. Such places help to bring history alive in a very specific and unique context letting people be active in their learning a construct their own knowledge of history. People can also learn about the past talking to those who lived it, I say grandparents or veterans, watch films and documentaries which depict historical events and even reading historical novels. So, there are lots of options these days indeed.
2. Will museums be replaced by technology someday? 有一天,博物馆能被科技代替吗?
un, it may well happen. In the grand scheme of things, society doesn't need museums, it needs mechanisms for selecting, preserving and communicating information about our past and present. Even these days a powerful website can deliver much more information than a powerful exhibition, and that gives rise to a suggestion that museums can be totally replaced by technology in the future. But I think it's a long-term perspective. Considering a short-term perspective, I think technology will replace not museums themselves but staff working in them. I am certain quite soon digital tickets will replace physical ones as well as personal digital guides will replace interpretive staff. Oh, and one more thing I can predict for the coming decades is that hand-craft will be replaced by 3D printing.
3. Are history museums useful? 历史博物馆有用吗?
Definitely, yes. They are great informal learning environments for both children and adults. They bring history to life giving people a chance to get up close to artefacts which are a kind of portals to the past. Museum exhibits always inspire interest and engage with history, especially when visitors can not only take a closer look at them but also perform different tasks with their help. Doing so helps visitors make connections between objects and specific past events. In making these connections, people are challenged and encouraged to think in new ways. To sum up, objects and interactive experiences offer countless possibilities and endless discoveries, for each museum visitor and that's why history museums which provide this unique Interactive experience are really useful.
4. Should museums be free? 博物馆应该免费吗?
Well, it's a tricky question. There is no doubt everyone should have access to cultural resources and educational opportunities museums offer. But I don't think museums should be free for everyone or all the time 'cause they need to pay the bills somehow. I mean they need money to advertise themselves and this way inform people about their exhibitions and installations. They also need financial resource to obtain and restore artefacts for museum exhibits, create engaging educational tools, personal digital guides and interactives exhibits. I don't think all this is possible without money or only with government grants. So, I would say museums can be free for students and the elderly but shouldn't be free for solvent men and tourists.
雅思口语话题Part3范文答案:特殊的蛋糕you have a cake that is special
雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special
1. Do people in your country like to eat at home? 你们国家的人喜欢在家做饭吃吗?
Well, I don't think it's a good idea to paint all people living in my country with the same brush as, to my mind, what they like, first of all, depends on their mood, preferences and finances. I would say many people do like to eat at home 'cause, on the one hand, it saves their time and money and, on the other hand, lets them enjoy nutritious and healthy food. What is more, it brings family together, lets people control their and avoid food poisoning. But there are various reasons for people to opt for going out too. Let's say, they don't time to cook or, what is worse, don’t know how to do it. Some people just don't like to cook for themselves or enjoy only the feeling of eating food that someone else has made. Being at a restaurant also appeals to people because it invites them to interact with others in a social way, which adds to eating occasions, making them more enjoyable.
2. What's the difference between having meals at home and at a restaurant? 在家和在餐馆吃饭有什么不同吗?
Well, to my mind, it's much faster L cheaper to eat at home, so the first difference is that having meals at h' saves us time and money. What is homemade food is more nutritious and homemade food is more nutritious and healthy, which lets us control our weight and avoid food poisoning. One more thing that appeals to home cooking is the fact that it brings family together letting all family members enjoy both a delicious meal and communication with each other. As far as having meals at a restaurant is concerned, it makes life easier and more pleasant. People can enjoy the flexibility of choosing an eating whatever is offered on the menu. They don't need either to cook or clean ye. They can take pleasure in food itself as well as in the outing and event eating out.
3. How often do people in your country like to eat out? 你们国家的人多久会外出聚餐呢?
Well, eating out is more or less affordable in my country 'cause it's relatively cheap, so a lot of people do go to restaurants time and again. Some people do it quite often, I can even say almost every day either for business or for pleasure because they like a varied menu cafes and restaurants offer or just want to relax after a hard day at work enjoying not only the meal itself but also a pleasant atmosphere. Others do so quite seldom either because they think it's appropriate only for special occasions and celebrations or bee, they prefer to save money for something more important like travelling or making a big purchase.
4. Why do some people like to eat alone? 为什么一些人喜欢一个人吃饭?
Oh, I guess they enjoy solo dining for various reasons. For some people eating alone is the only way to be totally on their own enjoying their own company as well as the peace and quiet of a nice setting. For others it's a perfect way of focusing on the dining experience taking their time to savor the food. It's also some kind of freedom for people as it gives them such benefits as ordering whatever strikes their fancy without opinions or influence from fellow diners, choosing how to spend their time while waiting for food either by reading a book or gazing the window, eating in any manner want or ordering the most expensive dish on the menu without feeling guilty.
6. Are there any disadvantages of eating outside? 外出吃饭有什么缺点吗?
Well, I think everything has both advantages and disadvantages and eating out is not an exception. The first thing that usually puts people off eating outside is that it costs a lot more than making food at home. Another unpleasant factor, to my mind, is that it can be unhealthy. I mean eating out is typically less nutritious than eating in. What is more, many restaurant meals are portioned excessively or just higher in calories, which is not under our control because of a limited ability to know food ingredients.





