Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop
You should say:
What the service was
When and where it happened
Whom you were together with
How you felt about it
And explain why you think it was good service
Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.
I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store, wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.
雅思口语part 2范文内容:苹果商店的一次服务体验。我有一个小型的Mac Mini,我用了三年。4月的一天,机器毫无预兆地不能启动了。我尝试了各种方法,但无法解决这个问题,所以我把它送到了最近的苹果商店。一个年轻人帮我检修,重装系统,几分钟后,多亏了这个年轻人,我的Mac Mini获得了重生。
Let me talk about the experience in an Apple Store. I had a small Mac Mini which I had used for three years. One day in April, the machine could not boot without warning. I tried various methods but couldn’t solve the problem, so I sent it to the nearest Apple Store which was located in the Wangfujin. That shop was newly open and it was quite spacious and there were not many people in there. There was a young man who took my mac, and checked it thoroughly. He asked several questions politely about when the machine was black screen, and what I was doing the last time the computer was fine. After a couple of minutes, he advised me that the hardware of the machine was good, and there was something wrong with the software, and it was best to reinstall the operating system, which would take me ten minutes before it was finished and reminded me that all the data in the computer would be erased. After I agreed with his suggestion, the young man immediately started to install the latest operating system for me. Several minutes later, thanks to the young man, my Mac Mini was reborn.
I was quite satisfied with the service the young man provided, he was obviously well-trained, and he was quite patient to fully understand what problem was with my mac and used his professional skills to deal with it. Besides, he was very proficient in his field, and seemed very reliable to me.
Part2&Part3 新题部分——事件类:良好的服务体验
Describe a time when you received a good service from a shop or a company.
You should say:
What the service was
Who you were with when you were served
Why you went there
And explain why you think their service was good
What kind of service is not good?
How do you deal with impolite waiters?
Do you think that all waiters should be given training classes?
Would you like to work in the service industry in the future?
Why do some old people want to be waiters in big cities?
In the modern world, with the rapid development of economy, the service providing for customers is also becoming more delicate. On account of the small town I’ve lived for 18 years, it hardly appeared that I received an impressively good service. The first good service that impresses me is from the Uniqlo store that I went to on my first year in university.
The first-year study is relative easy. One day, I invited my roommates to go shopping with me. There was a big brand of Uniqlo in the mall we went for shopping. Out of curiosity, I dragged my roommates into that Uniqlo store. When I stepped into it, no one came to me and asked what I needed. It made me feel comfortable because sometimes I just wanted to have a look at clothes without buying them. If any salesman comes to me and asks, I will feel ashamed of not buying any goods.
I looked around and picked up one or two clothes that I wanted to try on. Waiting in the line of trying on clothes, I noticed that there were three to four salesmen standing in the entrance of the fitting room to organize clothes in order. It also relieves the guilty from me about trying on clothes without buying because these salesmen don’t just serve you. By the time I was ready to leave, no one had come out and say, “thank you for coming.”.
It might be little strange to call this service a good service because there isn’t any service provided for me. However, it provides me enough space to choose goods that I need or want to buy without putting pressure on me. It respects my right of free choice which lets me feel that it is a good service I had.
You should say:
How does it look like
Where did you see it
When did you see it
And how do you feel about this work
My favourite piece of art is very playful and a little bit sexy, and it’s one that I saw at the Musee D’Orsay in Paris. Paris is a very artistic city, so there’s lots of paintings I could talk about, but I’ll just stick to this one. I’m not sure what it’s called or even who painted it but it’s probably a few hundred years old. The painting shows a knight, wearing very shiny silver armor and standing in the middle of a meadow, and he’s completely surrounded by a group of beautiful naked women. I think they are meant to be magical fairies or sprites or something like that. Anyway, the women are looking at the knight and touching him curiously as if they’re not sure what to make of him. The painting is very colourful as all the women are covered in flowers and the grass of the meadow is bright vivid green and the knight’s armour reflects all these colours. Everything about the image is very fantastical and surreal and dreamlike, in fact, you get the idea that the knight might have died and gone to heaven. In any case, I like the painting because of its fanciful mood and interesting colours.
So…that’s that.
Describe a sculptureor work of art that you have seen.
You should say:
when you saw this work of art ①
where you saw it ②
what it looked like ③
and explain your impression of it. ④
提示:经确认,这个话题卡要求考生描述一个Sculpture(雕塑),或者其他形式的Work of art(艺术品)。生活中有很多东西可以用来取材。比如:大学校园里的毛主席塑像,兵马俑,佛像等等。如果是艺术品就更多了:玉器,油画,书法等。
① I can still remember the day I saw the Statue of Liberty when I was in New York 3 years ago.
② I was undertaking a trip to South Manhattan and took the ferryticket to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The Statue of Liberty is a must-see as it's one of the most famous monuments in the world.
③ The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France to United States. It is indeed a giant figure, almost 93 meters tall, one of the tallest statuesever built. Lady Liberty's right hand holds a torch that is a symbol of liberty and her left hand clutches a stone tablet.
④ I thought the Statue of Liberty was waving to me. I was totally shocked, how breathtaking! I think for many it symbolizedfreedom and democracy. But what impressed me most was the stone tablet close to her chest (heart). The tablet actually stands for a book, and that book represents the power of knowledge. Knowledge is indeed power, and the power is potent to change and reform society. I can sense how vital it is for a nation to instill the knowledge to the hearts of the people.
Anyway, this preeminentsculpture is worth to appreciate.
Lexical Resourouce:
must-see: 必看的东西
monuments: 纪念碑
clutches: 紧握
tablet: 匾
breathtaking: 惊人的
democracy: 民主
reform: 改善
preeminent: 优美的,卓越的
appreciate: 欣赏
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就以口语6分的Grammatical range and accuracy标准为例。雅思口语评分标准的public version中的标准如下:
? uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility
? may make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems
读者如果注意到其中用黑体字突出的部分(limited和frequent mistakes显然都不是什么好词),就可以明确知道,口语中语法项目的6分标准,不但不要求学生说出完美的句子,甚至容忍考生犯较多的错误。
即使是口语7分的Grammatical range and accuracy标准,也是容许学生犯错的。Public version中给出的标准如下:
? uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility
?frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist
由以上可见,雅思口语并不需要学生把英语学到完美的地步;事实上,只需要足够好的程度即可(不需要“the best”,只需“good enough”即可)。学生明确这一点后,会有更多的学生勇敢的突破只能“口蹦单词”的心理障碍,勇敢的开始说英语。
二是灵活使用雅思听力真题中的tape script。听力的tape script中往往包含很多有用的词组和句子,可供学生应用。更重要的是,在听听力tape script的同时,如果考生对听到的词组和句子进行模仿练习,能有效改善学生的发音。
作为一个曾经非常流程化的教师,上来第一句肯定是和大家聊评分标准。自己去搜过一点口语资料的烤鸭都应该熟知了这四个评分标准:Fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation. 这四点在备考大军中被奉为圣旨,但是大部分的雅思教师和烤鸭都在这四个标题下展开膀子YY,却很少有人踏实地去官网上体会剑桥考试委员会的初衷。首先,先贴一条SPEAKING: Band Descriptors (public version)
话说回来,这也不能怪大家YY,毕竟剑桥那帮老学究把这个标准设计得那么不user-friendly. 剑桥做得最不对的一件事儿就是把语言硬生生拆开成几个实际上没法单独存在的标准。人只要一开口说话,这词句发音连贯度都是一气呵成的,没有哪个正常人能够把词和语法分开说话的。
讲了那么多学术的东西,重点是什么?重点是雅思官方的研究结论其实抽了自己一个大嘴巴:在研究结论那里赫然写着:The quantitative measures showed that accuracy does increase in direct proportion to score. Grammatical range and complexity was lowest for band 5, but band 7 scored higher than band 8 candidates. The measure of fluency employed (pause length per 100 words) showed significant differences between score bands 5 and 8. The qualitative analysis did not identify any single speaking feature that distinguishes between the score bands, but suggests that in any given IELTS speaking test, a cluster of assessable speaking features can be seen to lead toward a given score
没错,从考生备考的程度上看,那铁人四项的雅思rubric顶多就是一个参考,开心就好,8分的Grammatical range and complexity居然还没有7分的程度高。
好,我们下面来讲重点中的重点:how can I make it ?
这本书的目录是:Day 1. 最真实的谎言(烤鸭高频提问的答疑)
Day 2. 雅思口语的本质是什么(Part1,2,3考啥)
Day 3. 雅思口语的词(这里开始狂背单词,真的很实用,很提升内力)D
ay 4. 说好雅思口语的句子(这里狂背链接词)
Day 5. 雅思口语的段落(说一堆话中会用的连接词。这节最后再看吧,能力没到的话看了也学不会。)
Day 6. 练出decent的发音(如题)
Day 7. 正反Part 1(分类整理Part 1的回答,可以用来学习词汇在相应题目和相应句子中的使用)
Day 8. 剑9时代的Part 2真题全集 (分类整理Part 2的回答,可以拿来当做参考,学习句子和小词儿的灵活使用,不用全都背,会背吐的。但是一定要自己说。)
Day 9. 激辩Part 3.(这里其实给了几个模板句,可以套用在不同类型的问题中作为一开始大脑空白时候的挡风板句子,给自己的topic expansion思考争取一些时间。里面还有一些口语词汇加成,又是背单词时间。)
Day 10. 黯然销魂者(几大经典考题的高分回答范文)
B: 给自己一个容易听懂的名字(这部分可以忽略)
C: 英语老话儿的新生(一些短语和词语的积累)
D: 紧张的120小时(建议以前没考过口试的定要看看,是考场指南)在拿到书以后其实地VI页有一个根据不同考期的学生的使用指南,但是这里如果我们讨论的是3个月的备考,那么具体的学习方法如下:建议考生先从Day 3的单词下手,重点把单词所在的例句搞定,做到张口能出来这句话,而且每天都要回顾这些词儿,起码保持两周,当然造句中可以融入自己生活中的场景。
比如spot这个词,例句给的是“I spotted some squirrels and woodpeckers in Stanley Park”,这句话和众多大陆烤鸭的生活环境就比较远了,可以换成“我刚在楼下看见俩美女”, I just spotted two hot girls downstairs. 另外一个spot同格的例句是:It looks like a nice spot for a picnic. 同样是Pat在温哥华的context,大陆貌似不常go picnic, 烤鸭们可以换一换,It looks like a nice spot for a dating. 于是画面切换到了新天地。。。是不是很应景.Day 3搞定了以后直接上Day 4 + Day7, 依法炮制,然后上Day 8. 这里注意一下,心理素质一定要好。
别被Day 8中大量的段子吓坏了。A-F的分类中每个分类取两个题目能说到溜就好。实战的Part 2攻克了上述的4部分以后,口语内容其实已经有了质的飞跃了。接下来锦上添花跟上Day 9, 和 Day 5.这本书有很多优点,配有光碟,配有便携小册子,够地道够全面够细致。。。。但是也有一个缺点,太高冷了。不少学生如果仅仅拿着这个练习,会觉得雅思口语的难度太逆天了,自己肯定来不了。
所以我们才需要《剑桥雅思4-10》.自己回答就好,如果想找native speaker来看看自己回答的内容是否妥当,可以参考这个网站:lang-8.com/native们会帮你修改。一般人会觉得这个是练习写作用的,但是口语内容写出来反而会有很多的native回复你,因为简短方便嘛。所以这个网站对于提升口语质量很有帮助。
Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people
You should say:
What it is
How big is it
How many employees work there
And explain what you think about it
Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about a company that employs a sizeable number of people from the locality. This is a chair manufacturing company and it has been manufacturing chairs for a long time in Greece. The company employs a good number of local people from the city to manufacture various types of chairs and other accessories to decorate chairs and tables in my hometown. This is a smart cue card topic and I am really happy to have this.
Around 900 people work here and most of them are workers. In fact, the job of manufacturing chair involves a huge number of hands to complete the process. Almost all the people of this locality are involved in producing chairs and they work around the day in the company factory. The majority of the people belong to the working class while some of them are working as high officials in the company. Actually, the area I live in is densely populated and most of the people are not that much educated. As a result, they are unable to manage a higher job for them.
A high school graduation is a must to get a job with this company and with a higher education, anyone can apply for some other positions than that of the worker. But if someone can show some extraordinary skills, educational barriers are relaxed for them. The authority employs them without a second thought and considers them as the asset for the company. The salary offered by this company is also higher and everyone working here is pleased.
I would be interested to work here if I get a chance. Actually, all the works are equal and contribute to building the society. So, I do consider the job of a chair company worker is respectable. Moreover, the benefits of this company are also attractive and everyone loves their job here. I am currently doing my bachelor degree in Business Administration and would love to get a relevant administrative job in this company.
地道用词:a sizeable number of
But if someone can show some extraordinary skills, educational barriers are relaxed for them.
without a second thought
高分句型:Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about a company that employs a sizeable number of people from the locality.
A high school graduation is a must to get a job with this company and with a higher education, anyone can apply for some other positions than that of the worker.
雅思口语题库Part2话题高分范文之:a company or organization that employs a lot of people(大公司)
Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people
You should say:
What it is
How big is it
How many employees work there
And explain what you think about it
A good number of successful companies are available across the world but none of them is as enriched as Microsoft Corporation. This is a big software company and it employs a lot of people.
Microsoft Corporation mostly deals with technological issues. The majority of the personal computers in the world now run with Windows operating system. This is the greatest invention of this company. Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication. Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry. The corporation is skilled in producing computer software and sells them at a reasonable rate. It also comes up with some other services like mobile phones and digital service market. The computer also started producing personal computers for the users, tablet computers and more. Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.
I believe Microsoft Corporation is a very successful company so far after its initiation. In fact, it has no noteworthy competitors in the market. It has happened for its specially made software and their unique features. The company is successful in almost every term. The services are unique and the users are satisfied with the software quality.
Furthermore, the corporation has always tried to bring the products in a user-friendly environment. Anyone can use the personal computers without experiencing any sort of troubles. Besides, the products are exceptionally simple and easy to use. But there are some complexities with some other operating system like Linux or Mac. So, I think this is a successful company and it is for the exceptional strategies.
地道用词:A good number of
a wide number of
run with Windows operating system
virtual networking and communication
comes up with
Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry.
高分句型:Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.
Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication.
1) X-factor
基础薄弱的考生几乎不可能在短时间内将自己的英文能力提高到一个能够应对任何雅思口语话题的水平。所以考生们如果要考到一个好的分数,最好的方法就是提前准备。考生可以事先编好大约8到10个比较长的故事,保证这几个故事基本上能够将一些经常考的话题都涉及到。这样一来,考生们就能在最短的时间内得到最大的效果。 当然,与此同时,考生还应该注意两方面:
1. 语法与简单词汇的应用。其实英语口语更加注重语法和简单词汇的应用,要求考生们能够很快地将自己的想法用英文表达出来。为了实现这个目的,考生们应该平时多说多练,学会用简单的单词表达复杂的意思。
2. 关键词。不同的口语话题所涉及的专业词汇是不一样的。如果关键词不会表达,这恐怕会对考生的表达造成很大的困难。
Describe a quiet place you like to go to sometimes
You should say:
Where is it?
How long do you go there?
What did you do there?
2.主题:比尔弗雷德里克公园 Bill Fredrick Park
Bill Fredrick Park in Orlando is a quiet place and I often go there to spend some leisure hours. This is a park that has an area of 180 acres and the environment is so amicable. The vastness of the park helps people to submerge into silence. This is a nice candidate task for me and I will explain the matter in brief here.
I like to go there for relaxation and I prefer the evening hours. After passing few busy days in the university, I really need some moments for myself. A tranquil place like this park is the right one for me. I also have plans to spend a night in the park by camping and count the unlimited stars in the wide open sky, hope this will happen soon. I like the place for some specific reasons. The park is one of the most impressive sites in the state. The golf course is adorable and boating is another interesting activity here. The sandy trails are awesome for hiking. Besides, the park contains some other amenities like clean and well-managed toilets, and the space for kids etc. is also notable. The park is not far away from the downtown of Orlando. It is only a 20-minute drive from the city. A large number of trees are available in the park and anyone can take shelter under the tree shades with nice sitting arrangements.
When I went at the park last time, I had a wonderful experience. It was a family get together. We reached there in the evening at the pre-booked location inside the park. We all stayed a night by camping in a camping zone. The barbeque party was amazing and it was arranged by my uncle. Fishing in the lake was another interesting event. We all were happy. I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.
地道用词:submerge into silence
be awesome for hiking
take shelter under the tree shades
A large number of
高分句型: I also have plans to spend a night in the park by camping and count the unlimited stars in the wide open sky, hope this will happen soon.
A large number of trees are available in the park and anyone can take shelter under the tree shades with nice sitting arrangements.
雅思口语题库话题part2高分范文之安静之地quiet place you like to go to
Describe a quiet place you visited
Describe a place that is quiet
You should say:
Where is it?
How long do you go there?
What did you do there?
Okay, there are just a few places that I know to be quiet. The reason is because nowadays there is just so much activity going on outside that it’s hard to find a place that is quiet. Anyway the place is the public library. This particular public library is located in the center of Guiyang near a McDonald's. Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement. When talking about how often I go there I have to say that in recent years I’ve stopped going as often as I used to. When the library was new I probably showed up there once or twice a week. But, nowadays, I only get in there once or twice a month. But that’s because I’m busy with other things. When I go there I usually find a book that looks interesting. Then I take the book and sit myself down in a chair and begin reading. Well, finally I want to reveal the real reason I liked going there so much to begin with. So, the library has a rather cool feature where you are allowed to bring in your own books to read and if you are willing you can leave them there in a personal book shelf which you have to pay for of course. Actually I have so many books at home already so this service was very appealing to me. I still pay the monthly subscription to store my books there to this day. It's very cheap only 2 dollars per month. Anyway that's about it, should I mention anything else?
地道用词:so much activity
show up
appealing to
fascinating achievement
Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement.
I still pay the monthly subscription to store my books there to this day.
雅思口语题库话题part2高分范文之安静之地quiet place you like to go to
Describe a quiet place you visited
You should say:
Where is it?
How long do you go there?
What did you do there?
高分语段:I know this place from my childhood as I was born and grown up here. This place is different to me. I leave behind my busy life and come here to relax both mentally and physically. The memory of my departed grandparents, my childhood and other happy events are related to this place. I can get fresh air, meet some of my relatives, enjoy the country life and stay close to nature here and for all those reasons, I like this place very much.
高分语段:Okay, there are just a few places that I know to be quiet. The reason is because nowadays there is just so much activity going on outside that it’s hard to find a place that is quiet. Anyway the place is the public library. This particular public library is located in the center of Guiyang near a McDonald's. Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement. When talking about how often I go there I have to say that in recent years I’ve stopped going as often as I used to.
版本3:雅思口语高分原创范文:比尔弗雷德里克公园 ?戳左可入
高分语段:When I went at the park last time, I had a wonderful experience. It was a family get together. We reached there in the evening at the pre-booked location inside the park. We all stayed a night by camping in a camping zone. The barbeque party was amazing and it was arranged by my uncle. Fishing in the lake was another interesting event. We all were happy. I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.
Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.
When and where you had the dinner
Who you ate the dinner with
What you ate
And explain how you felt with this dinner
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
You should say:
what animal it was
where you saw it
what happened when you saw it
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
Describe a long walk you ever had.
You should say:
when this happened
where you walked
who you were with
and explain how you felt about the walk
Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution
You should say:
? What the place is
? What type of pollution it is/ are
? Cause and effect of pollution
and explain how can this pollution be controlled.
As for the interesting animal, I’d like to tell you about the koi fish which is very popular in China, Japan and other Asian countries. As far as I know, the koi fish is colourful variation of the common carp. Some of the major colours are white, black, red, yellow and cream, so they look particularly fantastic.
The koi are hearty fish. They can thrive in cold, fresh waters. And they are opportunistic fish, which means they eat a wide range of food, including insects, fish eggs, juvenile fish of other species and a diverse range of plants. What surprise me most is that the koi fish can live up to 70-year-old, as long as human.
Chinese people feed the koi fish for more than 1000 years. In China, they symbolise bringing good fortune and wealth, that is probably the reason why some many Chinese people like to keep them as pets at home in the tanks or ponds, especially the businessmen. Besides, I once saw a great number of koi fish in the lake of Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, being fed by children and old people. They are very aggressive as they would struggle in water to get the food. Besides, they are quite human-friendly, they even are not afraid of being touched by people in the water.





