IELTS Speaking C Part 1(4 C 5 minutes.)
Task Description
In this part, the examiner introduces him/herself and checks the candidate’s identity. Then s/he asks the candidate about familiar topics such as friends, hobbies or food. To ensure consistency, questions are taken from a scripted examiner frame.
What skill is being assessed?
The candidate’s ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences or situations by answering a range of questions.
Four functions of speaking
1. state facts (what questions)
2. explain reasons (why) 考官不关心是什么原因,但是关心你是怎么表达的
3. describe processes (how)
4. describe difference (prefer型)
考生进入考场,考官检查证件,核对无误后,对事先准备好的录音机说:“--- This is the Speaking Module for the International English Language Testing System conducted on 06/July/ at 农大,The candidate is X. Candidate number is X and the interviewer is Charles. ”
--- My name is Litianle. Can you tell me your full name, please?
--- Thank you. Where are you from?
--- Well, first of all, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
It is freezing cold out there. How are you? --- My name is xxx.
进考场的时候,考官都会跟你打招呼的,可是居然有很多的考生视而不见,你可一定要理他。美国人怎么打招呼,秀一下。考官喜欢问How are you? 不要千篇 一律地回答:“Fine, thank you and you?”,其实有很多种:
“Great, cheers!”
“Pretty good!”
“I’m okay!”
“Couldn’t be better. Thanks!”
“Not too bad. Thanks, yourself?”
What do you do? --- I am talking to you
Where are you from --- I am from China.
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
What do they do?
Are they married?
Do they have children?
一种是“冰山美人”型,简单的“Yes, No”。
Do you have pets? Yes, I do, it’s cute.
Do you have a girlfriend? Yes, I do, she’s lovely.
1. 有些同学害怕犯错误,就不肯多说,只回答yes, no, 这让考官无法考察你的真实水平。这种回答不可取,因为你丧失了展示你口语能力的机会,特别是本身水平有限的学员,在后两部分难以拿分,那就只有在这个比较好拿分的部分表现一下了。
2. 没有交流欲望,因为最重要的是communication,一定要考官察觉出你的交流欲望。
1. 回答一律拓展,深怕后面得分不高,尽量表现:
2. 担心质量而数量堆砌:
What is your mother like?
She is very nice, extremely nice to me. Very soft-spoken. I like her voice. You know she cooks three meals a day at home, and she does almost all the housework. Very busy lady. She is a good wife, married to my father for 30 years. I am going to buy her a present for their wedding anniversary next month. She was very beautiful when she was young…
正确做法应该是两到三个句子, 要表现出主动交流的欲望,但是也要注意communicate这个概念,让考官也参与进来。
sample 弄过来:
大家可以发现他说的东西有修改的地方,比方little, only two little,这反而说明他的自然,不是在背,同学们可以借鉴一下,中间稍作停顿,em, er, 当然也不能太多,反正看不出来你在背就好。
讲究自然的回答,自然的交流。在模考的时候,有个学生说他喜欢游泳,我问what style 他喜欢,就无语了,但是他用手比划出自由泳姿势,这就很聪明,达到了交流的目的。
在第一部分不要涉及你没把握的内容,你一说你喜欢极限运动,其实没真的玩过,那就麻烦了,一般他不会莫名其妙地乱问,都是有联系的。你说你喜欢音乐,他接下来可能问“Which is your favorite band?”
What is your occupation?
I am a teacher.
What do you teach?
How do you teach your class?
Suppose you are riding a bicycle to school, and there is a puncture in your tyre, your bicycle tyre goes flat, and you can not ride anymore, then what do you do to go to school?
I take a taxi. 这样的答案是不可取的; I ask the repairman to repair it for me,也不好,考官会问 How did the repair man repair it?
Avoidance can be easily perceived.
What do you do at home? --- I sleep. How do you sleep? Do you have a washing machine?
话题输入篇:Sports , mass media, hometown 占了话题的60%
About yourself/ About studying English/Age/ Agriculture/Ambition/Animals or pets/Birthday/Books/Clothes/Collections/Color/Computer/Cooking and food/Crime/Culture events and entertainments/Daily Routines/Educational backgrounds/Family/Festivals/Film/Friends/Games/Going abroad/Hobbies/Holidays/Hometown/Hotels/Job/Keep fit/Languages/Media/Museum/Music/Photograph/Places of interest/Possessions/Reading/Restaurants/Shopping/Time/Spare time/Sports/Telephones/Weather/Transport/TV/Wedding/Home
人:About yourself/ Family/ Friends
物品:Animals or pets//Books/Clothes/Collections/ Computer/ Photograph/ Telephones
地点:Hometown/ Hotels /Museum/ Places of interest//Restaurants /Home
事件:Culture events and entertainments/ Festivals/ Going abroad//Holidays/ Shopping/ Wedding
学习类:About studying English/ Educational backgrounds/ Languages/ Going abroad/
爱好类:Culture events and entertainments/ Collections/ Film /Games/ Music/ Shopping/ Spare time/Sports/ TV
About yourself
What is your surname/last name/family name? (弄清楚)
What’s your full name?
What’s your given name/first name?
What’s your English name/And what shall I call you?
Can I see your identification please?
Does your name have any special meaning/ what’s the meaning of your Chinese name?
Yes, my name was given to me by my father who wishes me to be happy everyday because tianle means happy everyday in Chinese. My brother’s name is Tianshu which means comfortable everyday in Chinese.
Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?
Do Chinese people like changing their names in China? Why?
What’s their purpose in changing their names?
古时和皇帝名字相同(be identical to),跟明星重名,父母离婚,犯罪,个人原因(李小强)
Could you tell me something about your family?
I have a very happy family with four members including my dad, my mom, me and 小白 who is a lovely dog and the most popular member of my family.(俏皮---创意加温馨)
例一、My father is an engineer. My mother works in a hospital.
例二、My father is a successful engineer; he builds aircraft engines and has two patents. My mother works in a hospital’s outpatient department; she is an eye specialist.
Who is the leader in your family?
Well, to be frank, I don’t think there is a certain leader in my family. All of us are ready to listen to other people’s opinions when it comes to making decisions. I am very much proud as my family embraces due democracy. (亮点设计:投其所好,民主狂人)
Do you prefer to live by yourself or live with your parents?
I prefer the former one, I think. Well, it is not bad to live with my parents, I mean, sometimes they can take good care of me. However (女生注意),I fancy a lifestyle of full independence. It is a matter of time for any premature birds to abandon the protection of their parents to fly in the sky freely. (独立个性,有比喻修辞)
黄金词汇:when it comes to, embrace, prefer, former, latter, fancy
/twin/finance/fiancée/widow/widower/ex-wife (MBA)
Marry with/Separated/Single/Get divorced/Get engaged to/Have a relationship with (NATO)/one-child policy/generation gap/ancestors/affinity/offspring/descendants/filial piety(孝顺)
Are you studying or working? What’s your major? Why do you choose this major?
套句一:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/postgraduate studying at 农大 majoring in agriculture.
身份(陈述事实/精确)+ 现在分词使用(句式丰富)
套句二:I majored in English specializing in interpretation, which is highly challenging and rewarding.
大方向+ 具体方向 + 复杂句式(定语后置/排比)
The reason why I choose this major is that I deem it a noble cause to contribute to the welfare of my country fellows by increasing the output of grains with the help of a technology breakthrough.
表语从句+ 正式语体词 + 高尚情操
黄金词汇: contribute to/ welfare/
What is your favorite subject in your college?
My favorite subject is history as history can be likened to a mirror to reflect our mistakes in the past and these lessons drawn from the past can serve well for the human beings to build a better future.
I have profound interests in xxx
It occurs to me that xxx is my favorite subject.
Actually, it’s very hard to pick up a favorite subject as I build interests in many subjects. (体现出你的博学,你的兴趣爱好广泛,建议不要选英语)
黄金词汇:profound, it occurs to, liken to
What do you think of English and other languages?
English is an important tool to survive and thrive (押韵)in our society。Statistics show that English possesses the largest number of users with 1.6 billion worldwide. Therefore, it is no wonder why there are so many English learners and so many IELTS candidates. That’s why I am here. 亮点设计:押韵+数据+调侃/交流
Other languages are important (发音亮点)as well (妩媚), due to the fact that (同位语从句)there are 7 official working languages recognized by the U.N. Besides, (联结词)language is beautiful in the first place, not to mention(联结词) it is a carrier of culture. Actually, (联结词)I know a little bit about German: I mochte sie zum essen einladen. Which means I want to invite you to dinner?
Examiner: Do you like your university? (你喜欢你的大学么?)
Candidate: Well, it’s ok. I don’t like things that are academic and theoretical, but there’s great campus life.(还可以,我不喜欢学术的东西,但是那儿的校园生活很棒!)――迂回思维就是旁敲侧击,不是正面接触而是绕道而行。思维时做到侧面多、角度多,从其他方面回答考官提出的问题也可以起到相同的效果。――口语考试中切忌紧张,如果能在回答时用上适当的幽默,不但能使答案增色不少,还可以让考场气氛轻松下来,何乐而不为。此类的例子不胜枚举,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答更加生动有趣。
Examiner: After you graduate, what effect do you think you will have on society? (毕业后,你认为你会对社会有何影响?)
Candidate: Well, it’s a tough question. Let me see. I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can. May not go down in History, but we may gain a place in someone's heart. That’s all I can figure out now. (这是个难题,我想一下。我认为我可以在社区里帮助那些需要帮助的人,可能不会留垂青史,但至少在一些人心中占有了一定的位置。)
――这种答题方 法又可以叫做:以小见大答题法。我们在口语中容易犯一些错误:其中之一就是很多同学喜欢说很深刻的大道理,但在雅思口语考试中应该以小见大,举小例子来说 明自己的观点。细节答题法的好处是能将“小我”的生活积累和人生体验与社会风云和时代精神连接起来,使难度较大或主题宏阔的写作内容简单化,同时也为真实 的、个性化的情感表达找到了一个合宜的方式和路径。“以小见大”常常是以实写虚,以小角度写大境界。其实,这样的例子还有很多。在此不一一列举。希望透过上面的例句,考生能够清楚一点,也是我在课上反复强调的:口语考试中,观点无所谓对错。
可能用得到的subjects: extra curriculum activities,
What is your job?
I am a salesman… I sell… I sell…how to say…how do I put it… some equipment to schools.
I currently work at/in/for xxx.
On behalf of Microsoft(固定词组), I negotiate business deals with its distributors. I am recently promoted to the position as a manager with 4 staff under my supervision. (每天自信多一点) I am content with my career development.
Representing IBM(分词状语), I traveled around the country to promote the sales of our products, which is very challenging and exhausting (抱怨一下下,交流), good money(口语表达:轻松、随意、自然), though.
My occupation is manager. (区别occupation, job, career)
As a Marketing Manager(As引导的状语), I work to develop strategic plan for the line of business, building on the available skills of the organization to facilitate the transition to an e-business vendor, and create promotional materials to market program.
黄金词汇:promote, facilitate, on behalf of, representing
How do people get paid in your country: weekly, monthly or daily?
Wages, salary. (区别,salt)
Are there any jobs that only men or women should do? (坚定的女权主义者)
Did you ever do a part-time job?
Doctor (surgeon/physician/dentist)/ police/sodier/accountant/cashier/journalist/farmer/receptionist/secetary/actor/mechanic/artist/consultant/referee/lawyer/judge/athlete/waiter/cook/driver/teacher/programmer/writer/engineer/head hunter/pilot/
Where is your hometown? /Where do you come from? /Where are you from?与其说成my hometown is Changsha, 不如说成 you know, i am a Changsha local, i have been living in Changsha for more than 15 years.
体现variety, 自然
Can you describe your hometown?
就是这样的:Changsha is a beautiful city, the river (大家都知道的湘江) is beautiful, , and the mountain (岳麓山) is beautiful……,people are beautiful too山也美啊, 水也美啊, 地也美啊, 人也美啊, 整就一美毙了的城市……..
既然一定要说 美….可以这样一直很美丽下去的…..问题是怎么个美法。老外说女人美,一般说gorgeous,说景色美,可以用很多词,amazing(很多人用 的),fantastic, terrific, wonderful, incredible, awesome, marvelous等等许多的词汇。就算按照上面学生的思路,也能把长沙描述成Changsha is an amazing city, with fantastic landscape, wonderful facilities, terrific environment and hospitable people. It’s an awesome place. 人杰地灵
My hometown, X, is located in the Y part of China with a population of Z
The weather in X is usually Y in the Z time.
Clear skies/cloudy/fair weather/foggy/humid/rainy/shower/stormy/sunny/windy/sultry
The weather in Changsha is usually very sultry and humid in the summer time,it can be compared to a hotspot where the local residents will be forced to flee to the north to escape from the heat in the summer.气候宜人agreeable
X is famous/known/for Y It boasts of … It features …
The local people are very hospitable. (人民是一定热情好客的, 人民的素质一定是很高的)
经典版 (年纪比较大的女性考官最爱)
Um,,,I am a local from Changsha. It is a beautiful scenic spot with a population of six million. It is also a famous tourist resort with many places of historical interests such as Yuelu Academy (该词很学术)and Tianxin Pagoda. Due to the hot and humid climate there, the local people are known for their preference for spicy food. (乡土特色,老外喜欢)
时尚版 (比较年轻的男性考官最受用)
My hometown is Changsha. As the capital city of Hunan Province, Changsha serves as a dynamic (活力无限) business hub connecting the adjacent (词汇变化)city groups. The city witnesses (拟人修辞) a dramatic change in the past three decades with emerging skyscrapers (现代化的标志)on the main street. It is also known for the colorful nightlife(全盘西化), some even compare it to Las Vegas in U.S.
黄金词汇:hospitable/ resort/boasts of/feature/hub/dynamic/witness
What are your hobbies? 音乐已经谈过了,重点谈两个:
词汇:jogging/tennis/table tennis/wrestling/volleyball/basketball/baseball/judo/Kongfu/gymnastics/mountaineering/soccer/hike/swimming/badminton/diving/skating/skiing/cycling/
亮点设计:谈运动(jogging,moutaineering),就要谈励志,在夏天炎热的天气挥汗如雨啊(under the scorching sun),在冬天寒冷的天气(Freezing cold)里坚持跑步啊,总之要展示自己的意志坚定,目标远大就是challenge myself, aim higher. I enjoy hearing my footsteps pounding on the road, no rules, no pressure, this is the moment of my own, this is my own journey.说的时候最好配合表情,做入神状,翻白眼流涎,考官会对你肃然起敬。
Influenced by my father(过去分词状语), who is a huge fan of football(后置定语), I am addicted to this amazing game.
When the player volleies the ball in the air, I just love the beautiful curve of the ball, it reminds me of the image of a bird flying in the sky. I thrill at the moment the ball rolling into the net, which is the most beautiful thing in the world. (唯美派,男女皆可)
The game is like life. You have only one opportunity to show yourself, to seize victory, there is no second chance, no turning back. It is a game of the brave ones. (勇敢者的游戏,男生专用)
It is a game of men. Legend goes that (引经据典)football originates from the tradition of soldiers playing the skull of slaves. Brutal as it sounds, I do enjoy the tough
field / pitch 足球场
center/cross 中场
side line/ touch line 边线
flank/ wing 辅位
woodwork 球门框
crossbar/ bar 门楣
goalpost/ post - 门柱
midfield 中场
backfield 后场
kickoff circle / center circle 中圈
halfway line 中线
goal line 球门线
end line 底线
penalty mark (点球)罚球点
penalty area 禁区(罚球区)
goal area 小禁区(球门区)
player/footballer 球员
striker/ forward 前锋
center/ midfielder 中场
winger 翼锋
wing-back 翼卫
sweeper 清道夫;拖后中卫
goalkeeper/ goalie 守门员
scorer 入球者
keyman 球队重心球员
referee 裁判
assistant referee 助理裁判
substitute/ reserve 替补
journalist 记者
ball picker 拾球童
crowd/ fans 球迷
linesman 司线员
coach 教练
head coach 主教练
referee 裁判
lineman 巡边员
captain / leader 队长
forward / striker 前锋
midfielder 前卫
left midfielder 左前卫
right midfielder 右前卫
attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)
defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)
center forward 中锋
full back 后卫
center back 中后卫
left back 左后卫
right back 右后卫
cheer team 拉拉队
offending 攻击型
central breakthrough 中央突破
defending 防守型
counter attack 反攻
side attack 边线侧击
overlap 叠瓦式助攻
wall pass/ one-two 撞墙式传球
set the pace 掌握进攻节奏
ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
break up an attack 破坏一次攻势
disorganize the defence 搅乱防守
total football 全攻全守足球战术
open football 拉开的足球战术
off-side trap 越位战术
wing play 边锋战术
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
4-3-3 formation 433阵型
4-4-2 formation 442阵型
beat the offside trap 反越位成功
break loose 摆脱
control the midfield 控制中场
set a wall 筑人墙
close-marking defence 盯人防守
chip 削球
dribble 运球
fake action 假动作
heading 头球
volley 抽射
dead chick 补射
half-volley 凌空抽射
clear 大脚解围
nutmeg 把球穿过对方两脚之间
shielding 用身体保护球
obstruction 站在对方带球方向以图抢断
marking 盯人
save 扑救
tackle/ hard tackle 拦截/硬朗拦截
sliding tackle 铲球
back heel pass 脚后跟传球
man wall 排人墙
trap 控球
pass 传球
kick-off 开球
bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球
chest-high ball 半高球
corner ball / corner 角球
goal kick 球门球
handball 手球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
place kick 定位球
own goal 乌龙球
hat-trick 帽子戏法
free kick 任意球
direct free kick 直接任意球
indirect free kick 间接任意球
stopping 停球
chesting 胸部停球
pass 传球
short pass 短传
long pass 长传
cross pass 横传
spot pass 球传到位
consecutive passes 连续传球
take a pass 接球
triangular pass 三角传球
flank pass 边线传球
lobbing pass 高吊传球
volley pass 凌空传球
slide tackle 铲球
rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球
flying header 跳起顶球
clearance kick 解围
shoot 射门
close-range shot 近射
long shot 远射
throw-in 掷界外球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 阻挡
fair charge 合理冲撞
diving header 鱼跃顶球
dribbling 盘球,带球
clean catching (守门员)接高球
finger-tip save (守门员)托救球
offside 越位
onside 不越位
deceptive movement 假动作
break through 突破
kick-out 踢出界
foul 犯规
technical foul 技术犯规
onside 没有越位
yellow card/ caution/ booking 黄牌警告
red card 红牌
sent off 驱逐离场
half-time interval 中场休息
round robin 循环赛
group round robin 小组循环赛
extra time 加时赛
elimination match 淘汰赛
injury time 伤停补时
golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法
eighth-final 八分之一决赛
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
semi-final 半决赛
final match 决赛
preliminary match 预赛
one-sided game 一边倒的比赛
competition regulations 比赛条例
disqualification 取消比赛资格
match ban 禁赛命令
doping test 药检
draw / sortition 抽签
send a player off 判罚出场
goal 球门,进球数
draw 平局
goal drought 进球荒
ranking 排名(名次)
tackles, I enjoy the sweats under the scorching sun, I enjoy challenging my competitors to win.
swimming pool 游泳池
breaststroke 蛙泳
crawl stroke 爬泳
back stroke 仰泳
side stroke 侧泳
butterfly stroke 蝶泳
dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳
treading water 踩水
underwater swimming 潜泳
It is said that infants are capable of swimming without training. So, swimming is a kind of human instinct. That might explain why I feel so comfortable in water. My favorite style is freestyle as I am not used to any restraints. (Discovery篇)
Water is the most amazing substance in the world. When I dive into the swimming pool, I can feel the water flowing over my body, and all my pressures and anxieties are gone. My favorite style is freestyle because it can totally relax every muscle of mine.(欲望都市篇)
I enjoy the feeling of freedom. I always think fishes are flying like the birds do (比较用法出现了)in the sky, they are just flying in different ways. So, when you (说的时候看着考官,交流了)say someone is swimming in the water, the more appropriate expression should be he is flying in the water. My favorite style is(抒情篇)
黄金词汇:appeal to/ addict to/Legend goes that
Dear John
这 本小说仍然延续了永不过时的爱情主题,
It is a heartbreaker.类似的说法It is a tear gas 整本书:Read between the lines. The words move easily. The story is beautifully moving. 仍然是这样一个俗套到经久不衰的主题:reveal the true meaning of unconditional love.是啊,深爱而又不求回报,世间又有几人能够做到。啊……貌似听过无数遍了!
The Notebook
Reading is definitely my favorite way of relaxation. I will shed tears for other’s stories and smile for their happiness. (具体、说明此人很感性)Basically, I am living in a fantancy world when I am reading. My favorite book is the notebook which tells a beautiful love story in a plain way. (文艺青年篇)
The Deep Impact
Being a science fiction fan(现在分词状语), I read quite a few of (a lot of 坚决不用)those classical science fiction novels like Frankenstein etc. Though, my favorite one is the Deep Impact, which is written by Bruce Joe. I was drawn by its suspension and thrills. (科幻迷)
Books are spiritual food to me. I absorb nutrition from the knowledge passed down to me from our ancestors.
--- Valuable assets/gold mines/treasures, source of wisdom or power
Books are soothing and comforting, whenever I am feeling blue, I will resort to them for healing and recovery.
Pens are mightier than swords.
Knowledge is powerful
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
Author: Francis Bacon
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island . . . and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.
Author: Walt Disney
Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.
Author: Jim Rohn
Science fiction/tragedy/comedy/action movie/cartoons/musicals/thrillers/kongfu movies/ethical movies
Dead poet’s society
This movie impacts on my visions fundamentally. I gain a brand new perspective of the world after watching it. I especially like the lines in the movie:” Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.“ (古诗文亮点)The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe Diem.(拉丁文亮点) That's ”seize the day“. (励志人生)
Love story
Love Story is a 1970 romantic drama film and is well-known as a tear-jerking (第三种说法)tragedy, it is considered one of the most romantic of all time. I am deeply moved by the unconditional love (套路来了) 套用台词:Love means never have to say I am sorry.
Mr. Holland’s Opus
Kongfu Panda
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
So we call it present
Usually, the pattern goes:
Item of clothing +color (with the right agreement) +material.
Ex: A blue cotton shirt.
A yellow silk blouse.
A green woolly jumper.
Black leather shoes.
Grey silk trousers.
Red cotton socks.
Please describe her clothes:
She wore a laced bodice the color of burlap over a white off-the-shoulder top with puffed sleeves, followed by a matching shin-length skirt with charcoal shoes. Around her neck dangled a necklace with a large crimson pendant. A torn white T-shirt could be seen beneath her laced black bodice, and her vibrant brown skirt brightened her appearance well .
Personal Preference for Clothes:
I tend to go for the glamorous gothic look, with long black skirts and corsets(紧身胸衣). Black Pinstripe trousers with black cleavage-showing tops. I guess I like black a lot.
I think my choice, when I am wearing my favorite outfits would be mixing femininity with a masculine edge-- normal looking clothes with one unusual item to add a bit of a twist to the look!
I’m not really a girly pink sort of a person, but I do seem to have an unhealthy amount of (非常地道/俏皮)pink/lilac(淡紫色)/red tops in my wardrobe.
UMMMM....... I hope I am stylish, I am a fashion follower, and usually I dress by my music tastes. At the moment, I am really into hip hop, so I tend to dress baggy trousers, t-shirts, sweatbands. (嘻哈系)
I try to be trendy but all my clothes come from places like Banelo that I can afford and I normally would pick relaxed alternative dress.(工薪消费)
Beckham is my ultimate style icon I think he is the only style icon around these days for men.
Staple--- diet/cuisine/grain/corn/barley/wheat/cornflake/porridge/toast/doughnut
mom good
文化方面的:bank holiday = 公众假日, Halloween, Saint Patrick’s Day.
考官最感兴趣的话题是考生所在国家或地区的文化和风俗习惯,如气候特征、特色食品、婚庆习俗、重大节日、名胜古迹、休闲娱乐等话题。宗教一定要了解一点,特别是基督教Christianity. 谈家乡,说情,家乡就是有家人的地方,house和home的区别。怎样感动考官?
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
I'm well, thank you. And you?
Pleased to meet you.
What exactly would you like to know?
Recently, I've been studying at ...
Recently, I've been working at ...
I've been studying English now for (1 year)...
The reason I'm taking the test is because ...
Would you like to know about ...?
Before that I studied at ...
Before that I worked at ...
At the moment I'm studying at ...
At the moment I'm working at ...
Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know?
现在社会上有各式各样的培训班,声称能通过传授考试的各种技巧来取得高分, 这给人一种误导,仿佛不管英语水平如何,只要掌握了技巧就能获得好成绩.这种不负责任的培训机构我是有切身体会的,因为我参加过这样的班,一般上来就会问:“大家想学好英语么?是真的想还是假的想?是现在想还是十年以后再想?”教口语是这么教的,模仿李阳的手势教apple, 教thank you.我的看法是:实际情况是实力+技巧,实力为主.因为我考两次雅思,从没参加过培训,技巧的东西我从来没去准备过,裸考的坏典型,口语部分都是8分.所以,实力是王道,怎么提高实力,我想先谈谈三大误区:
1. 语言天赋:有的同学喜欢讲这个学习语言是讲天赋的。没错,是有这个差别,但是,我觉得,我的口语主要还是靠后天练习出来的,特别感谢初中高中的英语老师,她的发音很标准,教学很系统,而且我还专门去一中练了一个暑假的集训,应该说,我的发音部分都是来源于那时打下的良好基础。这个是要练习的,而且老师手把手的教特别有用,因为他可以直接给你指导,比听磁带管用。所以有些同学口语的问题,先天有一部分,更多的是开始的基础就没有打好,养成了不好的发音习惯,而这个习惯是可以矫正的。所以我会安排一次课专门来讲语音问题。
2. 语言环境:很多同学认为,只要出国了,有了语言环境了,口语就会提高了,并把自己口语不好归因于国内没有语言环境。不见得,种族歧视的翻版(唐人街老人,在澳洲读完本科雅思考四次都是5.5的笨蛋,自己的经历,听得多,说得少)
3. 练口语找老外练:也是听得多说得少,问题在哪?在于输入太少,肚子里没货,怎么倒得出来?讲我自己怎么输入的,疯狂英语每次背十个句子,英语角,恐龙的故事。自己创造环境,自己和自己练,然后模仿。
兴趣是最好的老师。看电影电视,我读大学的时候,跟家看电影,跟爸说我学习哪。老友记I took credit for. Hotel Babylon: Do you need extra pillow? 这里呢跟大家透露一个秘诀,跟读训练,影子训练。刚才呢跟大家分享了一点自己的经验,其实是很cliché的,希望对大家有所帮助。一句话,我都可以做到,大家一定可以做到的,努力啦。
IELTS Speaking C Part 2 (3 C 4 minutes, including the preparation time.)
Task Description
This is the long turn section. The examiner gives the candidate a task card, and a pencil and some paper to make notes.
The task card gives the topic, some points to include in the long turn and a final prompt asking the candidate to explain one aspect of the topic. Using the prompts on the task card effectively will help the candidate think of appropriate things to say, organise what s/he says, and keep talking for 2 minutes. Making notes during the preparation time also helps the candidate structure the long turn. The candidate has a minute to prepare, after which the examiner asks him/her to speak about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. Then the examiner stops the candidate after 2 minutes, and asks one or two questions to round off (圆满结束)the long turn.
第二部分是个人具体表述部分 (Individual Long Turn), 也就是我们俗称的独白题,时间为3-4 分钟。考官会递给考生一张卡片,上面印有要求考生描述的内容以及提示:
Objects People Places Events Abstracts
What skill is being assessed?
The candidate’s ability to speak at length on a given topic (without further prompts from the examiner), using appropriate language and organising his/her ideas coherently. It is likely that the candidate will need to draw on his/her own experience to complete the long turn.
考官会说:Well you have told me a little bit about yourself, and the topic you are familiar with, and now, I am going to give you a card, and I would like you to talk about the topic on the card for 1 to 2 minutes. Do you understand?
You have one minute to prepare. Here is the pencil and a sheet of paper if you would like to take notes,here is your card;
一张卡片,一张纸,一支笔,这就是你所有的装备了,这个时候大部分考生的反应都是大脑一片空白,小脑开始抽搐,浑身发汗,脸色苍白,眼睛死盯着卡片,死活不肯抬头。这个时候,考官会和颜悦色地说:“Excuse me, sir; time is up, now I would like you to talk about xxx. ”
这个时候你从睡梦中惊醒,然后故作镇定地开口:“En, This is a very interesting question!”这个部分难就难在要不停地说上1、2分钟,最怕的就是出现冷场,两个人你看我我看你,大眼瞪小眼,非常尴尬。时间上大家不用担心,考官会制止你的,当你超时的时候, 考官会说:OK, your time is up, stop sir, stop
After that, the interviewer will ask you a few questions about the topic, one to two simple yes no questions
1. Reading the card (within 5 seconds) Don’t forget to say thank you.Four steps:
2. Make up your mind what to say (10 seconds)
3. Make notes (45 seconds) 时间有限,不要写句子, 单词和缩写
Intro: Wildlife programme --- Galapagos Islands
When/Where: last month, SKY TV at home
What about: scuba diving --- sharks, (hammerheads, white tipped sharks, etc)
Feelings: amazed, (cold water on the equator), excited, envious
Why interesting: didn’t know about Glas. V. informative prog.
Headings from candidate’s notes
Tapescript of candidates’s short talk
What about:
A TV programme that I’ve seen and found really interesting was a Wildlife Programme about the Galapagos Islands.
It was on SKY TV last month C I think it was just last month, anyway. And I saw it at home with my family and a couple of friends who came round for the evening. The programme was about scuba diving in the Galapaos Islands, and it showed all sorts of quite fantasic animals. There were lots of different types of sharks, including hammerheads and white tipped sharks. And there were turtles, stingrays and lots of really beautiful fish too. But the thing that surprised me was penguins and the seals, because I didn’t know there were penguins or seals living on the equator C I thought they only lived in the seas near the north and south poles. So I was amazed to learn that there are penguins and seals living there, due to the very cold water there. I was also excited to learn that the animals are not frightened of divers and that you can swim really close to them. Apparently, they’ve had almost no contact with human beings until recently and that’s why they are so unafraid of people. So I felt that it was a very special diving spot and I was actually really envious of the divers in the programme, because I’m a scuba diver, but I’ve never swum with those sorts of animals. So, in my opinion the programme was really interesting because it was very informative and because I knew nothing about the Galapagos Islands before. And now, of course, I want to visit the Galapagos Islands. The trouble is that it’s very expensive to get there, unfortuanately.
Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
You should say:
When and where you met him/her
What subject he/she taught
What was special about him/her
And explain why this teacher has influenced you.
Miss Song… a young lady…first math teacher…grade one, primary school… very kind/ soft-spoken… liked to play ping-pong and was a good singer… made numbers interesting to kids… taught us how to behave/had good manners. 列出这些关键词拓展,最大的好处是不会跑题,可以看着笔记说,没有问题。
About yourself/ About studying English/Age/ Agriculture/Ambition/Animals or pets/Birthday/Books/Clothes/Collections/Color/Computer/Cooking and food/Crime/Culture events and entertainments/Daily Routines/Educational backgrounds/Family/Festivals/Film/Friends/Games/Going abroad/Hobbies/Holidays/Hometown/Hotels/Job/Keep fit/Languages/Media/Museum/Music/Photograph/Places of interest/Possessions/Reading/Restaurants/Shopping/Time/Spare time/Sports/Telephones/Weather/Transport/TV/Wedding/Home
人:a classmate/a happy person/a person who has influenced you/a person you would like to spend a day with/an ethnic minority/character/child/college/family member/famous person/friend/men and women/movie star/music group/neighbor/old people/parents/personality/sportstar/teacher/无非就是凡人和名人
物品:a book/ a letter or a card/an invention before the computer/a pet/a photograph/a traditional Chinese dress/a work of art/advertisement/architecture/clothing or jewlry/expensive thing thing/gift/handicraft/letter/machine/possessions/product/something dangerous/ the style of clothes you wear/toy/
地点:a city/a hotel/a monument/ a place you have visited/a room/a school/a strange or unusual place/building/foreign country/historical place/hometown/house/ideal house/natural beauty/restaurant/river or lake/shopping centre/无非就是户内和户外
事情:a change a in your life/a cultural event/a family event/a meal/a memorable experience/a party/a school trip/a short course/a story you heard as a child/an achievement/an economic activity/an important decision/bad weather/birthday celebration/exciting period/festival/happy event/interesting trip/learning English/ success/useful website无非是经历和事件
媒体:Movie/Music/Newspaper or magazine/an advertisement/news/TV/online education/
雅思口语8分很难 但我做到了
其次是语调,我从大学时期开始一直看美剧,但并没有像一些答主反复地去听和练习,只是单纯地很享受地去看。遇到很好的句子,很搞笑的桥段才会加以模仿。这种模仿其实是很有趣,很有帮助也很有必要的。它可以训练你正常使用英文交流的能力,因为在模仿的过程中,你既练习了每个词的发音,也揣测了在说这句话的情感,有了情感,就有轻重缓急和停顿强调,才不至于听起来像一个机器人一样。我接触到很多学生,他们太强调每个词的发音准确,而往往忽略了语调的起伏和气息的分布,导致每一个词的时间都是一样长的。大家可以想象一下,如果我们说汉语的时候,每个词持续的时长都一样,那听上去是多么地死板和了无生趣。在雅思考试里,考官就坐在你对面,你的回答如果生动而具有感染力,这无疑会增加回答的趣味和说服力,听起来真诚而又令人信服。在各种机构模板到处飞的今天,如果你做到了真诚,那无疑就向7分迈出了坚实的一步。其实要做到有感情也非常的简单,适度地使用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I re~~~~~~~~~ally hate politics. It's extre~~~~mely boring and a~~~bsolutely useless. 我考试的时候并没有用到什么很大的词汇,都是很生活化的,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。
a. 元音[?]
很多单词都含有这个元音,比如man, and, hand, plant, can等等。由于跟拼音很相似,很多同学会运用汉语的思维,发成‘慢’,'按的'(尤其是这个), ‘汉的’, ‘普朗特’, '砍'(简直灾难。。。)。但其实这个音发音的要领在于嘴角要向两边咧开,嘴唇张开大概两个指头的宽度。大家可以练习这个绕口令。A can can can a can.
b. 元音[e]
pen, Ben, ten, Wendy, when常听见有人发成'喷', '笨', '疼', '温蒂', ‘问’。这也是把中文的发音套到了英文上,这个音同样需要嘴角向两侧咧开,张开大约一个指头的宽度。
c. 元音[ai]
这个音的错误主要在开口度不够大,尤其是跟辅音组合在一起之后,比如inspire, behind, shine等等。注意开口度到位就好。
d. 辅音[θ]和[s]
e. 辅音[v]和[w]
f. 辅音[p], [t], [k], [tr]在s后面的浊化
sport, special, store, star, school, skirt, strike, strand等等,在s后面不再念成[p], [t], [k]而是[b], [d], [g], [dr]。还有一些在x[ks]后面也会浊化,比如extraordinary。注意一下浊化发生的必要条件还有重读,这也就解释了为什么basket仍然读成[k]而不是[g],因为重音在[b]上面,而不是在[sk]上面。
g. 双元音
这个个人认为是见真章的时候了,尤其是在down, sound这种还跟鼻音配合起来的发音组合。一般学生在发的时候会发成'荡', '桑的',但你去听听native speaker的发音,他们往往发得非常饱满和夸张。我自己没有很系统地研究过,只是简单对比了一下中文双元音和英文双元音地感觉,中文的感觉是两者结合发成了一个纯粹的音,英文更强调两个元音的过渡,所以英文的双元音发出来感觉音长更长,变化更丰富,而中文更加干脆。这个恐怕需要大家细细揣摩和对比,通过长时间的模仿和训练来感知两者的差别。
进考场的时候,我很主动地跟考官套近乎,问他How are you?结果他没理我,我又问了一遍,他才说I am fine,当时有种马屁拍在马腿上的感觉。。。。下面说说考试。
Part 1
a. Can you tell me your name?
My name is .... My English name is Joy, which means happiness.
b. What's your job? Do you work, or are you a student?
I am an English teacher. I re~~~ally enjoy teaching. I think I was born to be a teacher.
c. Is there any teacher you like?
Yes. I admire my math teacher from middle school. I had a crush on him when I was a teenager. He not only teaches us knowledge, but also how to become a better person, how to find out who we really are.
(用了have a crush on,稍微有点夸张,但是自己觉得很真实,我觉得考官应该也bought my story)
Part 2
If you can work in another country, where do you want to go?
If given a chance, I would like to work in Canada. Edmonton, to be specific. First of all, I've stayed there for two years. I studied there to pursue my master degree. I also worked there as a Chinese teacher and I taught Chinese to undergraduate students. Absolute love this job. Secondly, the weather is pretty nice(扯的). You know Edmonton is very cold in the winter and it snows heavily. I am a big fan of skiing(扯的). So If I can live there, I can enjoy the weather. Last, Edmonton has the largest shopping mall in North America(应该不是最大的但是没有关系!Who cares?). And I am a shopaholic. So if going there, I can go shopping everyday.
大致记得这些,说到第三点快要词穷的时候时间到了。答part 2的时候还是简单句比较多,词汇也很生活和平常,所以没什么语法错误。刻意地使用了if given a chance,其他都是第一反应。应该是这三部分里答得最普通的一部分。
Part 3
a. Why do many people want to work in an international company?
An international company usually means it's huge and successful. So it's a better platform where you can meet different people and have better career opportunities.
b. What are the necessary skills if you want to work in an international company?
I think your language skill definitely matters because you need to communicate with people from all over the world. So learning English is important. Secondly, communication skill is important too, because you need to talk to people from different cultural background.
c. Are there any different requirements for skills if you work in a domestic company?
I think communication skill is still important, but not for your second language skill...
d. Are there any cultural differences?
Yes. Definitely. An international company is usually more open-minded, and a domestic company usually tends to ask you to follow the rules and do what the boss says. (对不起啦我滴祖国T_T)
e. So do you think we should understand the local culture?
That's definitely important. You should do some research before entering the market. For example, in China we don't like the number four because it sounds similar to 'death'. So if I am a food company, I would try to avoid the use of number 4. (这里我说的是am,但其实用were更好啊)
f. So do you think we should have a culture consultant?
It would be great to have a culture consultant so we can understand the target culture better. Or you can simply hire some local stuff and ask them about it. It would be cheaper too.
最后想强调一下,真诚真的非常重要。模板套路可以帮你从5到6,却无法帮你从6到7。真实而有趣的个性,其实是考试里最大的加分项。很多同学在准备考试的时候太过于强调难词偏词,复杂结构,但是却忽略了真实的自己。导致考官在听你这些答案的时候,觉得你talk like a book,不接地气,进而怀疑你答案的真实性,所以完全没有必要这样做。展现真实的你,无论是幽默的懒惰的笨的聪明的宅的,都是最真实最可爱的。
一、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:语法概念
许多同学对单复数和冠词之类的问题没有意识。在写作过程中,常会出现teacher ask me working alone 这样的句子,这是非常普遍的语法错误。经过稍微的思考分析,我们会发现,中国学生对于the的概念比较薄弱,他们觉得中文意思中没有的单词就根本不需要进行翻译,然而根据英语的习惯,对于单词可数名词,不加冠词的情况是不允许的,只有极个别的情况下表示总类或者个别特殊名词才会出现这种情况。因此上例所写的句子的正确版本应该是The/My teacher asked me to work alone.
二、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:正确的英语表达习惯
其实这也就是我们通常所说的中式英语。一般学生在写作的时候,脑海中浮现出的是中文,这一点对于中国学生来说是非常常见的,也是正常的,但是他们在进行中译英的时候,由于语法词汇和语言习惯的差异,没办法完整正确的翻译成英语,常常就是顾了意思忘了语法,或者是顾了语法词汇忘了习惯用法,实际上,中文中的许多表达,属于省略的形式,在翻译的时候,必须考虑到英语的句型的要求和习惯,不能也像中文一样省略。比如: 要取得事业成功,就必须坚持不懈。 很多学生会写成Want to get the career success, must persist in working. 且不论单词是否高大上,这样的句子单纯就语法角度来说也是完全错误的,对于相当于高中英语程度的大多数考生来说,最基本的语法词汇还是需要掌握的。写作的最首要要求,就是顺畅的表达出自己的意思,如果通篇都是语法词汇错误和破句,让读者如何来理解你要表达的意思呢。翻译功底对于学生来说,的确是具有一定难度的,在教学的时候,教师的适度引导和灌输也是非常重要的,比如上例,不一定要使用条件句的结构,也可以用类似必备要素的写作方法进行切入。Persistence is required for career success. 这样的话,即灌输了句型,又解决了翻译的问题。
三、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:把握词性
词性对于任何语言来说都是相当重要的,尤其是体现在写作方面,在听力和口语中,也许偶尔忽略下词性,还是可以理解意思,但是在写作这个板块,特别是考试的时候,由于书写下来的文字比较清晰,再加上学术类文章对于格式的要求,单词的词性表达就显得尤为重要。但是对于考生来说,由于单词基础不够好,对于词性的掌握经常是个很大的问题。比如People are more independence than before.. 当然在意思上是没有什么很大差别的,但是语言强调严谨性,对于外语来说尤其是这样,如果词性错的话,整个句子的正确度就会下降。所以对于A类考生来说,这一点特别重要。其实在批改和讲解学生作文的时候,我们经常会发现,有些错误其实不是意思上的问题,在传达意思方面,很完整到位,但是由于词性的错误,就等于给句子和段落判了死刑,特别是6分目标的考生,实在是很可惜。
四、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:两种语言的切换和对比
这个问题对于大部分中国学生来说永远是最难的,一是由于自身的基础,二是由于中国英语教学的弊端,到了出国考试的阶段,往往会遇到瓶颈。比如有的考生要表达:有助于推动。。。。。,他们一般都是写help to promote …….在词汇运用上,不会使用contribute to doing sth. 这样的结构。 其实对外语学习来说,思维永远比文字重要,这恐怕是雅思写作教学中最大的难关了。
随着科学技术的加速发展,科学家们在新能源的开发与利用方面取得了长足的进步。The exploitation and application of environmentally-friendly energies, such as wind energy, solar energy, hydro and tide, make it possible for more countries to lessen the dependence on the traditional fossil fuel, which, in turn, cuts down the emission of toxic gasses and saves the nonrenewable. 节约燃料的最大好处是减少碳排放,抑制全球变暖的速度,从而achieve the sustainable development of the human society.其实这些也是雅思阅读里经常谈到的信息。这里考生们可以注意到并没有提到nuclear energy, 因为这是一个有争议的话题,雅思写作就考到过专门针对核能的题目,为了避免观点上的冲突,我们就不提及了。
这个方面高科技运用的例子非常多。比如各大汽车生产商,诸如Toyota, GM, BMW等等都在研制并已经推出了自己的混合动力和电动汽车(hybrid car and all-electric car).此外,太阳能电池板(solar cell)也被运用到来提供很多楼宇的能源, 更是太空和宇航研究中不可替代的能量来源。而地热(geothermal energy)更是在一些缺乏化石燃料的国家如冰岛占据了人民生活所需能量的主导部分。
【雅思口语高分经验】2周首战6.5 练透题库是关键
Recently, 现象is increasing at an amazing rate, which has a strong influence on our life and society. What factors lead to this disturbing situation and how we adopt measures to solve this problem has become a major concern to many people. In my view, the following reasons can be listed to explain my analysis.
The first reason that can be seen by every person is that 原因1 . 解释1 . 例释1 . 例释1 .
What is also worth noticing is that原因2 . 解释2 . 例释1 . 例释2 .
The third and very important reason is that原因3 . 解释3 . 例释1 . 例释2 .
Regarding the above reasons, I think there are some ways we should put forward to deal with this issue. For one approach, 建议1 For another, 建议2.in addition,建议3.
In present day and age, in front of us appear plenty of problems among which 问题/现象 attract increasing attention from the general public. Although a sizable percentage of views go to the point that A说法/现象 offers us various kinds of benefits, whereas there are still others who are of the opinion that B说法/现象 results in a great many negative effect. Whether A or B +半个句子/现象is advantageous or not has become a controversial question. With both sides taken into account, we can seek some evidence in both of them.
Those who favor the point that A说法/现象 has an influence on us positively give reasons as follows. To begin with, 原因1 .What follows is that原因2 .In the final, 原因3 .
Others who despise the above point contend that B说法/现象’S drawbacks are needed to be noticed for the following reasons. For one reason, 原因1 .For another, 原因2 .Additionally, 原因3 .
Though both sides are well-grounded, they are much too one-sided. From my perspective, both A and B can not escape doing something but join hands to deal with this problem/both its strength and weakness can not be denied but instead we are supposed to take advantage of good points and avoid bad points to better serve our society.
G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略之投诉信
从官方介绍不难看出,G类写作任务一(以下简称T1)要求考生在20分钟左右完成一篇书信的写作,考生也许会被要求去询问信息或解释某些状况。但是,具 体而言,考生可能会碰到哪些形式的书信写作呢?根据剑桥2-9八本真题以及近三年考试回顾,雅思G类T1书信类型主要包括感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、求职求 学信、邀请信、建议信和咨询求助信等七种。新东方小编为大家收集了G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:投诉信,给出相应的解题思路(即书信写作文章结构)与写作句型。
三、G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:投诉信
1. 书信结构
2. 常用句型
1) I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with .
2) There are some problems with that I wish to bring to your attention.
3) I regret to inform you that .
4) You can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that _.
5) You can imagine my feelings when I realized that this would mean .
6) Even though I telephoned you about , .
7) I hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as they can.
8) We trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.
9) We will appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss.
复习过雅思的同学都熟悉第二部分的题目,总的来说,口语的题目就是由what、when、who、where、why 和 how/how often 组成,我们叫5W1H原则。
雅思的评分标准Fluency里就有一项要求叫做: students should be able to speak at length.也就是说学生在考官提出问题后要自己能够给出完整的答案,有理有据,而并非简单的yes or no就可以解决的。
那么我们怎么才能做到滔滔不绝呢?最简单的方法就是在when、who、where、how often之类的客观问题后面问自己一个why。我们下面通过例子来详述。
例 如
Describe another language (in addition to English and your own language) that you would learn, if you wanted.
You should say,
The name of this language
How you would learn it
What equipment or facilities you would need to study this language
And explain why you would choose to study this language.
我们就以法语来举例。那如果只是单单的说 the language I would like to learn is French 这样又是一句话就完了。我们还可以介绍法语的一些情况啊,比如 it is said that French is considered as the most romantic language in the world。
这样不但延长了时间,而且很具体。当然同学们还可以交代法语是联合国会议的重要语言等等信息。但此处谨记不要着急说为什么要学法语,因为后面有why, 可以慢慢解释,要不然整篇布局会乱。
我们看第二个问题how。学任何语言都是相通的,你是怎么学英语的,把这些方法说出来就可以了。你就可以说 joining a training session is the most effective way to pick up a new language.
当然还没完,这里就可以加上理由。比如:(接上句)since the professional teachers will introduce you the right techniques and tips to master it. 当然学语言不止一种方法,你还可以接着列举另外的方式。
有的学生会提到通过交法国朋友来学习,那么一定要记得加上理由,比如:I can practice my spoken French with some local friends. This is mainly because they can point out my mistakes and show me the right usage of the slang or idiom that Chinese teachers rarely use.
接下来第三个问题,equipment or facilities。同学们首先就想到了电脑。
In terms of the facilities, computer plays a significant role in the process of language studying.
还是记得加原因——we can download a large quantity of references which are definitely useful to our studie. 当然你还可以说看电影、报纸之类的都行。如果还有其他的比如mp3、mp4都可以接着说的。无论你选择什么,作者还是要不厌其烦地提醒一句,记得加原因拓展你的speech。
雅思评分标准里有一项叫coherence——连贯性、一致性。口语中的连贯性一定是要靠连接词或者连接句来完成的,比如最熟悉的已经用烂的and, also, 还有的童鞋可怜巴巴的只会用一个and。
延长一些连接词的好处有两个,第一它们会让你的答案的逻辑性非常明显,让考官很容易抓住你的观点;第二在你没有特别多话说的情况下kill time。
Why would you want to learn this language?
As for me, I would want to study French for a couple of reasons. The most important one would be that I've always dreamed of going to France for a visit. The ability of speaking the language could make my journey more enjoyable. In addition to what I've just mentioned, a plus point would be that being able to speak French would probably increase my chance of getting a job.
从范文可以看出,其实它是延长了同学们的口头禅firstly, secondly。既清楚明了地告诉了考官思路,同时又减少了说实际内容的时间,摆脱哑口无言的尴尬境地。
雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:small business
Topic:Describe a small business you would like to start.
You should say :
What it would be
When you would like to start
What you will need to start it
and explain why you like to run this business.
Sample answer:
Speaking of a small business what I want to run in the future. It will be a kind of childcare center in the neighborhood which is a place for kids to go after school. My community desperately needs a place like this. Honestly,I have no idea how to go about it. But common sense tells me that the key to starting a successful business is to develop a business plan and then get financial support. But unlike other businesses,this care giving business does not have to be a profitable organization. However,helping kids is the crucial thing that we should do. So I would contact some local non-profit organizations and talk with them to see if they can help me in any way. There will be food,video games,pinball and a dance floor.I will also hire coordinators there to help kids with homework and other kinds of stuff. The business would operate on a membership scheme, I mean those who want to join have to register and pay annual fee first. There will be individual membership fee and family membership fee which is quite a bargain.Then the members will be entitled to enjoy the refreshments in the member's lounge. I would like to start this business because first of all, there's great demand around my neighborhood.The typical primary schools or secondary schools in China normally end at 4p.m. But the working hours for most parents is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The center will be a good place for the child to stay until their parents come to pick them up after work. Also I could set up a nursery or a kindergarten catering for kids who are in tender ages. One of my friends works as a kindergarten teacher.She said that it was so much fun to work with children.They are cute,and very trusting....it is truly a very promising and worthwhile career--very rewarding as well...
雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:website you often visit
Topic:Describe a website that you often visit
You should say :
where th is place was
why ( & when) you went there
who you went there with
and explain why you liked this place.
Sample answer:
I like the website called Discovery Asia,wh ich is in both English and Chinese.
I started surfing this website when I was in middle school. It teaches us a lot of things around the world,from biology to astronomy,from history to culture.
There're a variety of video clips about different areas for us to choose from.Every video clip has a short description to help you decide if you want to watch it. Because of the website I began to know that the world was wonderful and there was so much more to learn. I've added this website as my favorite and I would always go to visit it to explore their up-dates.
I especially like the part featuring Egypt. At first,I was attracted by the beautiful pictures showing the ancient Egypt,like how they might built the pyramids and make mummies. They also suggested many possible reasons for making these things, which showed the unique culture and philosophy of the ancient Egyptians. Through that,I began to feel interested in history.
I've learned a lot through it. I think ifs really a good educational website,not only for children but also for adults. I hope one day China can also make such a good website to show our history explorations to the world.
雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:interesting song
Topic:Describe an interesting song
You should say:
where does the song come from
how do you know that
what does the song tell
and explain why do you think it is interesting.
Sample answer:
The legendary song Annie's Song'by John Denver is a piece of music that I really like. I like this song so much that every time I listen to it,I get a fresh and inspiring feeling. This is probably the piece of song that I have listened several thousand times.
This is a song that always inspires me and I like the lyrics and the music of this song. John Denver and his band Beatles and their songs are in my favorite lists. The 'Annie's Song'is a piece of work that the world will revere for a long. This is one of the most rated songs of the world history and I like it for the magical tone it has.
I listen to music almost every day and this song is in my music player. So I would say I listen to this music one in every two days on an average.
This particular song was sung by a gifted singer and the lyric is pretty impressive. The music and vocal was just perfect to make it a legendary song. I love it because of its appeal and magical power to me.
很多同学在初次接触雅思口语的时候不知道如何答题,此时可以使用雅思口语模板作为引导,帮助大家了解口语的答题方法和套路。举个例子,比如这个话题“Describe a time when you had some medicine.”这是Part2的一道口语题,当然了,后面还会跟上提示,你应该说(you should say):谁给你的?为什么要吃?你当时是什么感觉?对雅思口语不了解的同学看到这样题目可能就懵了,不知道该如何作答。此时我们可以利用模板来做引导,根据模板思路先思考,印象最深的一次吃药经历是什么时候,然后要想谁给你吃的药,是父母还是医生,亦或者是朋友或兄妹等等……考虑好内容以后,就可以根据模板来答题了。所以初期练习雅思口语的时候,口语模板是可以起到引导作用。
口语的模板也是答题的一种套路,雅思口语话题种类很多,网上有一些适用于各类的话题的万能模板,也有整合出来的分类话题模板,大家在备考中可以参考这些模板的答题思路,我们以网上流传的“万能TSE”模板为例来给大家举例解析,TSE分开来,就是Topic Sentence、Supporting Ideas和Examples,遇到任何话题都可以套用“TSE”原则来分析作答,先说主题句,然后说支撑观点的内容,最后再举例。所以大家在备考过程中如果针对某些话题实在没有思路,可以参照这样的套路去构思答案。
(1)How should I put it? 我该怎么说呢
好处:This phrase shows that you are looking for the best expression.It also gives a heads-up that you are about to say something that might be a bit tricky to explain.(这句话让你感觉你是在寻找最恰当的表达方式,同时也提醒对方你接下来要表达的内容是复杂的。)
(2)What’s the word I am looking for?
拓展:What’s the phrase/expression I am looking for?
不恰当句子举例:“What am I trying to say?” might make you sound clueless: “what am I trying to say?”
恰当句子举例:What’s the word I am looking for? Don’t remand me.(我想说什么来着,别提醒我。)
好处:It shows that you really care, when you use this phrase, you’re also not expecting an answer, but also yourself instead.(这句话表明了你是真的在认真思考,说这句话通常不是真的在提问,而是给自己时间过渡。)
(3)it’s on the tip of my tongue.
好处:“The tip of my tongue” is such a great image, as if the word is hiding on the tip of your tongue and it wants to be heard: “the tip of my tongue” (特别形象,好像词真的就在你的舌尖,马上要蹦出来一样。)
(4)I just had it
不恰当举例:I forgot
坏处:“I forgot” is in the same category as “what am I trying to say?”一样,都不是最佳的填充对话空白方式这样会显得你心不在焉,给人你不是很想聊天的感觉。
(5)it’s just not coming to me
拓展:it slipped my mind(我疏忽了忘了。)
恰当句子举例:Basically, her job is to deal with foreign customers.(基本上,他的工作就是负责国外客户。)
(2)For the most part
拓展:Overall, In brief, In short, All in all
恰当句子举例:For the most part, she is a good girl.(总的来说,她是一个好女孩。)
(3)Boils down to
拓展:It all boils down to:归根结底
恰当例子举例:The issue really boils down to whether customers will be willing to pay more for the same product or not.(这个问题归结于客户愿不愿意花更多的钱买同样的东西。)
例1:从 2 Broke Girls(破产姐妹)里, 我学到了一个说法:Just because … that doesn't…(不能因为X.X.X就X.X.X呀!)
然后在电影500 Days of Summer(和莎莫的500天)里我又碰见了同样的说法。
Just because most women choose to get married, (that) doesn't mean I should do the same thing.
Just because you fail this time, (that) doesn't mean you have to quit.
例2:在Desperate Housewives(绝望主妇)里,我见过无数次这个说法:Is it just me or…(只有我一个人觉得X.X.X吗?)
Is it just me or is she weird today?
Is it just me or is the floor really slippery?
例3:通过观看Emma Watson 在访谈节目Ellen Show上的访问,我能学到:be like可以用于引述说话或想法。
At that time, everybody was frustrated. Suddenly, he stood up and encouraged us to cheer up. He was like, ”Come on, guys! We can make it!"





