一. 所有问题都要如实回答
二. 说的越多越快越好
三. 书面式表达更能体现口语水平
Descrbe a time when you arrived very early for an appointent
You should say:
when and where it happened;
why you arrived early;
what you did while waiting;
and explain how you felt about arriving early.
What occasions should people arrive early?
When do you think people should arrive on time?
Why do people need to be on time?
Do you think doing nothing means a waste of time?
Do you think if it is important to be punctual?
I think being late forappointments shows impoliteness.And I really don't like to be friends with those who often kiss the hare'sfoot with lots of excuses. So, I always try my best to be punctual and sometimes be early. The last time when I arrived before the appointed time was last Saturday, when I had to meet my tutor to discuss about my dissertation.
As the traffic is always so busy on weekends, I left for destination one hour and a half earlier by bus. But unexpectedly.there weren't so many cars on the road and I got to the place only in thirty minutes. Then of course, I had to stayed there and wait for the tutor and other group members for an hour. But I actually made the most of the time by enjoying a cup of coffee in a café nearby, and again making some amendments to my essay. So it wasn't a hard time at all.
As for how I felt, well, as I mentioned before, I think that' fine for me. As far as I concerned, sometimes it's much better to be earlier, coz in this case you don't have to rush and everything can be well prepared.
Descibe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is intersting
You should say:
where you would like to go
how you would like to go there
who you would like to go with
and explain why you would like to go there by car motorbike or bike.
I had great fun visiting theWorld Park, which is located inShenzhen with my family last year.We went there as my graduationaceremony trip. We stayed there forabout two days. After manydiscussions with my family members, we finally went there by car.The reasons why we decided to go there by car for several reasons.First of all, we not only told jokes, but also listened some music on the way, it made us relaxed. Also, it is convenient for us, too. We could have our own plans and choose the most favorite places togo. After getting there, could not wait to visit the miniatures in the park, including the Eiffewel Tower, the Big Ben, the Great Wall and so on. They were so attractive that we took many photos of them. There was also an artificial lake in the middle of the park. Some people were walking around the lake and some people were boating on the lake. We played near the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Then we watched a show which was performed by some foreign performers.
In short, there is no doubt that it was an exciting and meaningful family trip. It broadened my horizons and refreshed us. Though the trip ended, Its influence would last long.
国内由于多年的应试教育影响,学生考试能力极佳,背功(reciting ability)也很厉害,主动学习的能力却极为欠缺,灵活不足,故而在面对雅思口语(IELTS speaking)时纷纷落败。
虽然把考试技巧(skill)和指导(instruction)铭记在心,也将备考资料(material)倒背如流,但是当真正需要自己表达(expression)的时候却束手无策,普遍得分很低(low),最后总结(to conclude),认为雅思口语考试很难(difficult)。其实,真正的原因(reason)是中国学生习惯了考试,习惯了背诵,而口语需要现场发挥,仅靠背诵几个话题远远不行。
一、尽管单靠背诵不能保证(to guarantee)口试的成功(success),但是如果应对策略(strategy)得当,也可以取得比较满意的(satisfied)分数的。这就要求(to ask)所有的考生们要在考试之前做好准备(preparation)的前提下,做出灵活机敏的反应(reflection)。首先我们要了解一下雅思口语考试,它注重的是考生的英语交际(communication)能力,目的是测试(to testify)英语国家学习(learning)和生活(living)的能力及英语的交际能力(ability)。这必然与交际过程中所运用的策略和技巧密切相关(close connection)。因此,语言能力并非绝对保障口语考试的成功。面试时要有个人的风格(style)和特色(characteristic),要处于放松(to be relaxed)状态。
二、怎样在面试中运用(to apply)自己有准备的材料,以免陷入被动的境地(situation),也是一个相当重要的问题。面试(interview)过程中必然会出现考生未能准备的问题,如果考生对有准备的问题和未能准备好问题的回答语言表达(包括语言风格和流利程度)反差较大,考官首先就会对有准备的回答产生怀疑(doubt),认为由此判定考生的水平不可靠,往往未等考生说完便打断话题(topic),接着转换到另一个话题上去,或者就考生回答的内容提更多的问题(more question)。被打断的次数越多,考试也就变得越被动。因此,考生在考试中对所背材料必须做技术处理,使整个面试过程保持整体一致性,从语言(language)到表情动作(expression and action),给考官一个自然而无斧凿之痕的印象(be natural)。
三、影响口语成绩的因素(factor)主要包括考生的英语口头表达能力、心理素质以及考试策略。可以说,口语在短时期(in short period)内得到明显提高几乎是不可能的(impossible),因而考生的临场心理素质和考生的交际策略与技巧成了应考的关键因素。可见,参加口试必须在各个方面都要做好充分的准备(preparation),才能立于不败之地。考生们也可以随时来澳际咨询有关雅思考试的一系列问题。
还有就是发音差不多就可以,反正外国人理解就可以。中国地大物博,南北方的口音有很大区别,所有在说英语时会有不同的发音错误,如北方学生容易把/ ?/发成/ai/或/a:/,表面上没有什么,事实上如果你说cat时候,老外一直听成kite。而南方学生容易把/r/发成/l/,你说writer时,老外脑中出现的确是litter。这种例子在生活中是很常见的,只是外国人比较礼貌,通常听完你所说的一整句话才会问一下,或是猜测内容。所以在日常生活中,我们应该主动把自己发错的音找出来,找老外或是老师改正。还有的同学说,我发正确的音不舒服,所以我还是按照自己舒服的方式发音,这是一定不可以的,因为英语的发音方式本身就和汉语不一样,一定严格按照国际音标的发音方式进行改正,平时可以多听英文材料进行校正。
多和native speaker 聊天。本人有一次和韩国人说英语,没有任何成见,只是真的会听不懂,因为太多的发音像韩语,所以奉劝各位想学好口语的朋友多听纯英式和美式英文,把自己的发音问题彻底解决。
Describe an interesting place in public
You should say:
what it is
how you can go there
what people do there
and explain why you think it is an interesting place.
For my job I currently live in the capital city of our country which is ... (say the name of the capital city in your country...). It has been more than 5 years since I left my hometown and yet this is the town where my heart belongs to. I will always remember the days and places where I spent my childhood and teenage, the golden years of my life. The name of my hometown is (...say the name of your hometown...) and it is located in the northern part of the (... say the city/ district name where this town belongs to...). This town will always be special to me, no matter where I go, how far I go. There are many interesting places if I consider from different perspectives in my hometown that I can recall now. Out of these places, the rail station, which is located at the southern corner of our city is the one I would like to talk about.
In my childhood, the rail station in my hometown was the most mysterious and interesting place for us. We, as children, were not allowed to enter the main premises where the train stopped and this prohibition made us more curious about this place. This is still a place which is quite interesting for me. This is possibly because this rail station is the entry and exit point for me- to and from my hometown. When the train drops me in this station, I feel a sensation of being home. On the contrary, during the time of my departure, I feel an acute melancholy that I won't be able to express in words. This place has always been a mystery to me and it is still a place full of happiness, sadness and enigma.
From two other perspectives, this place is quite interesting to me. One- the surrounding view of this station is quite spectacular and would give someone an impression that he is standing on a tall mountain and can see the green fields below all around him. The view gives the first impression of the natural beauty this area has. In fact, I have never seen any other train station which is located in such a higher place and gives such a beautiful view. Second- the different types of people who come here each day is an interesting thing to observe. Some people come here to sell numerous products, some wait for their relatives or family members to arrive, some to see off their relatives or friends, and finally, some are part of the administrative office of the rail authority. In my opinion, this is an interesting hub for people of different ages, places and purposes.
If I am to suggest a foreign tourist about the interesting places of my hometown, I would suggest him to start with this rail station. This rail station will give a very good idea of our town, people and places to be there. To me, this is the gateway to a beautiful town where my heart belongs to.
Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life
You should say:
what is it about
who is the singer of this song
when you first heard it
and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.
My mother often sang me a lullaby titled “Oh my sweet angel look the Moon has come to play with you…” in my bedtime and I have heard it so many times in my childhood that I can still remember it very vividly. This was a song usually famous in the rural area of our country that mothers often use to soothe the baby and to send them to sleep. It was an 8-10 lines song with great harmony and the way my mother sand it was extraordinary. It still echoes in my head and I miss those days.
I can remember my mother often sand this song till I got admitted in the school and I heard it from my father as well in my bedtime. I was pretty touched by the lyrics and in my childhood, I often imagined that the verses used in this song were true and would happen to me as well.
We often remember things from childhood especially the stories or songs we hear with great enthusiasm. This song was no exceptions. I heard it hundreds of times and as a child I fanaticized those things to be true. Thais is the main reason I still remember it. Maybe, someday when I will become a father/ mother, I will sing thins song to my children as well. This has in fact become a permanent memory and I still love the great and calming piece of music.
Describe an interesting novel or story.
You should say:
what it is about
who told you this story
when you heard this story
and explain why this was an interesting story to you.
Thank you very much to let me talk about this cue card topic. The story that I am going to talk about is a fascinating story on how an eight year’s old kid saved more than 500 people from possible fatal casualty. I read this story a year ago in a daily newspaper.
This story was published in a popular newspaper that I used to read every day at that time and it was featured as a story of bravery and exemplary one.
An eight years old boy was playing with some other kids in the evening near a rail junction and suddenly noticed that a part of the rail track was severely damaged. While other kids ignored that and returned to their houses, this particular boy was different and he went home and persuaded his father that something bad is going to happen. He came back to the train junction with his father and took a great deal of hassle to convince the rail officers to actually go to visit the damage. They officers were reluctant to do so and thought it was a child’s imagination or lack of comprehension. But the boy was adamant and with his father, they were able to finally convince them that something terrible might happen if they do not take prompt actions. When all of them saw the severe damage on the rail track, it was almost the time for a passenger rail to pass this junction using this particular rail track. It was evening and very few people were in the station. The railway authority understood that repairing the harmed railroad was impossible. They immediately informed the nearby station and warned them so that the train does not leave that junction.
Next day many rail supervisors and employees visited the place and they were amazed by the bravery the boy showed to save people from an approaching peril.
I followed the news story and next day it made the headline of every local newspaper. As far I remember the boy was given many gifts by the rail authorities as well as the local administration.
The story was an exemplary one to remind us how a small sacrifice and bravery can save others. The eight years old boy showed his utmost intelligence, heroism and prompt actions to save people from unforeseeable dangers. The event was so touchy that it went viral in a day and that hit the headline of many newspapers. I did not watch TV that time, but I am sure that was also in TV news.
From the very nature of this event, we can understand that we revere the good news and we are not used to the bad news only. The great courage of a small kid saved the lives of many and that was an indeed worth news story to let the people of the whole country know and feel proud of.
1. 像Native Speaker那样发音就一定能得高分?
在备考雅思口语的过程中,你如果依旧抱着练好发音成绩就能上7分的心态,或是认为将发音练到跟老外一样就能考到9分的话,那真的要好好看下面的内容了。首先,很多考生在学英语的过程中一直存在一个很大的误区,总觉得好的发音就代表好的英语水平。实际上,雅思口语考试共包含四项评分标准,除发音(Pronunciation)以外,还包括考生在口语表达中的流利性与连贯性(Fluency and Coherence)、词汇多样性(Lexical Resource)以及语法多样性和准确性(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)。所以除了发音,其他三项评分标准也十分重要。
其次,发音准确并非是说要没有口音,说得和native speaker一模一样。它强调的更多的是单词本身的发音、重读、语音、语调等,而不是要求考生用僵硬的发音去进行毫无感情色彩的对话。当然,考生即便有口音,对每一个单词也还是要清晰、准确,毕竟“清洗sheet”和“清洗shit”的含义是大不一样的。
2. 流利和连贯就意味着语速快?
3. 生僻难词是考官的最爱?
4. 靠背诵答案和题库就能高枕无忧?
众所周知,雅思口语考试的话题库范围十分广,每逢1月、5月、9月还会换题。但随着考试人数和次数的逐渐增多,市面上出现了通过汇总考题而筛选出的每个月的大范围题库和小范围高频话题。很多考生为了摆脱“哑巴口语”的烦恼,开始背诵题库和高频话题中的答案,以便能在考官面前说得流畅、通顺、内容丰富。然而,这种方法是万万不可取的。首先,考生可能会因为背到和他人一样的答案而被考官发现,直接“game over”。其次,Part 2话题卡和Part 1日常对话的题库背诵量特别大,考生即便花了大把时间将其全部一字不漏地背下来,还要应对Part 3分析讨论部分的现场作答。因此,无论考生如何伪装,考官都能检测到考生真实的口语水平。
5. 和听力、阅读一样,口语也有标准答案?
很多考生在刚接触雅思口语时的第一反应是:有标准答案吗?答案是:No!笔者曾经在给一个考生进行“模考”时问过这样一道题:“Do you think it’s suitable to give money as a gift?”当时那个考生迟迟没有作答,事后笔者问他为什么不回答那个问题,是没有听懂吗?他说:“老师,我个人觉得这样做很suitable,我也很喜欢别人给我发红包当礼物,但是我怕这么说考官会觉得我贪财,对我有不好的印象,给我低分。但我当时也想不出其他观点,所以就一直没有回答。”听完他的回答,笔者哭笑不得。
6. 拖时间、绕圈子、不停说就能拿高分?
口语考试中,考生们最容易犯的错误之一就是在答题时拖时间、绕圈子。一般在答题时喜欢这样做的有两种考生:一种是英语水平一般,总说不到点子上,于是说很多废话来延长自己的答题时间;二是参加过太多语言考试的培训,掌握了很多应试技巧,却不会真正表达自己的观点,这种现象在Part 2部分表现得尤为明显。比如有一张Part 2的话题卡要求考生“Describe a magazine or newspaper you enjoy reading.”有些考生觉得对此无话可说,于是在开头表述道:“Oh, that’s a good topic. You know I love reading newspapers and magazines, but I’m too busy to read them these days because I’m preparing for my IELTS exam. To talk about a magazine or newspaper I enjoy reading, I think is …”再如,有的考生认为应该在Part 1部分和考官拉近距离,所以当考官问道:“What outdoor activities do you like to do?”时,这些考生就开启了唠嗑模式,从有哪些户外活动讲到他上次打篮球摔断了胳膊进医院还错过期中考试的故事。
然而,这两种做法都未必能使考生得到高分,甚至会影响考官对考生口语水平的判断。因此,应对雅思口语题最简单也是最好的方式就是在考官问完问题后直接开门见山地回答,比如对之前提到的Part 2的题目直接回答说:“A magazine I enjoy reading is …”或是对那道Part 1的题目回答说:“I’m really into doing …”言简意赅的答案才会使考生的答案内容更有逻辑性,重点更加突出。
7. 被考官打断回答或者考试时间很短一定意味着“完蛋”?
其实考生完全不必担心自己的表现,考官打断回答或是提前结束考试都是其根据考试时间进行的自主调节。比如Part 2部分规定了考生的个人陈述时间在2~3分钟,考生一旦超过了规定时间,考官就会打断考生的回答。再如,前面几位考生的答题时间稍长,影响了整体考试的节奏,又或者考官通过与考生短时间的交流就了解了考生真实的口语水平,便都会提前结束考试。被考官打断或口试很快结束但最终拿到7分的考生比比皆是。同样,说了很久结果却只得了5分的考生也大有人在。所以考生们不必对考试时间的长短耿耿于怀,用心准备考试才是王道。
8. 大城市都压分,偏远地区一定能考高分?
雅思口语Part3话题范文:future job
1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?
Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs you’re looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, it’s quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduce you for the job, but for something in private companies, it’s quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, it’s a piece of cake.
2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?
I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.
3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?
Well, I’m not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and real estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, there's so much money invested in property here in China, so the salary's bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!
4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?
Yeah, I'd say it's perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I can't see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if you're bored out of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what you're doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.
5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?
Well, it's really kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as they've finished high school, and a lot of people who've done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or surgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonald's, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.
6.How do you think work will change over the next few decades?
That's a good question, and thinking about it, I guess one thing that could happen is that more people might start working from home, simply because it's becoming more and more inconvenient travelling to work due to traffic congestion. So that's one thing, and I guess it's also quite possible that work, in general, will become more internet-based, because the influence of the internet on people's work has increased incredibly in the last 10 years or so, and I can't see this changing. I mean, more or less everything we do now can be done on the internet, and because it's so convenient, I would say it will play an even bigger role in our lives in years to come.
7.Is it easier or more difficult to get a job today than in the past?
Well, I would say it's definitely more difficult to get a job nowadays than it was in the past, and one of the reasons for saying this is that in the past, there was generally less competition for jobs, because not that many people went to university, whereas nowadays, there are millions of graduates looking around for jobs, which has made it extremely difficult finding a decent, high-paid job, unless of course you have good personal connections! And as well as this, another point I should mention is that 20 or 30 years ago, people were actually assigned jobs after completing university, so getting a job was pretty much guaranteed, whereas nowadays this is not the case at all.
Useful Vocabulary
to apply for a job / post / promotion
to get / have a part-time/full-time job
to work in [field / place]
to work for [a company]
to specialise in [field]
to be a qualified [job]
to work shifts / unsociable hours
to get / have an interview
to be shortlisted for an interview/job/post
to be demoted / promoted
to be transferred / to put in for/request a transfer
to be fired / sacked / dismissed
to be made redundant
to get/take voluntary redundancy
to retire / to be retired
to get a pension / to be a pensioner
the perks of a job (benefits)
to work from home (home-working)
to be self-employed / to work for yourself
to work/do flexi-time / overtime
雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:gift you gave to someone
Topic:Describe a gift you gave to someone.
You should say:
What the gift was
Who you gave it to
Why you gave it
And explain whether this person liked the gift or not.
Sample answer:
Alright,so,the gift I'm going to talk about is a scarf that I gave to one of my high school classmates.
The person I gave it to was one of my closest friends back at high school whose English name is Nancy. We were both fans of doing hip-hop dance. For this reason,we just ended up spending tons of time together.
The gift I gave her was a blue,woolen scarf. In fact,I gave it to her on her 17th birthday,which was February the 26th. The reason why I chose the scarf as a gift was that she had been complaining a lot about how freezing our classroom was and she had caught a bad cold a couple of times before. Because of this,I believed it would be a great idea to give her a scarf,especially a woolen one,cause it was much warmer.
Anyway,how she reacted to the gift …Vell,she was pretty happy with it and wrapped it around her neck right away. What she said was that it was a really warm gift that she was pretty thankful for.I felt quite content when she said so,cause that was exactly what I hoped she would feel.
雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:equipment at your home
Topic:Describe a piece of equipment at your home.
You should say:
What it looks like
what functions it has
where/when you got it
And explain how it can be used to improve the quality of your life.
Sample answer:
Well, I would love to talk about my little girlfriend’s iPod, a trendy mp3 player, which I would always take along with me wherever I go. Though it is an mp3 player I seldom use it to listen to music, but to something called a Pod cast, which basically it is a kind of “radio” program broadcasting on the web. There are so many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning. I am particularly fascinated by the free educational resources it provides. Now I have French, German and Japanese learning programs on my iPod. Given me some time, I am pretty sure I can speak some French, German or Japanese or at least some daily phrases. In a word, iPod is special to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning .
雅思口语考试误区1 说的越快就越显“牛”
雅思口语考试误区2 拘谨的表现形成紧张氛围的“导火线”
雅思口语考试和大多数国际标准话考试不同,(例如托福就是机考)考官会亲自面试,并且考试形式是讨论加交流的形式,也就是说临场过程中,你的一举一动都在考官的注视中,那么过于拘谨或者紧张势必产生语言和肢体上的僵硬和迟钝,因此彼此之间的沟通没有得到有效的建立,你的表现一定会给考官留下不够良好的印象,影响你的口语成绩。这就是我们为什么一定要强调eye contact和smiling。
雅思口语考试误区3 说长句就是好事
在评分标准中,对于语法和流利度以及连贯性两项中,都有对句型运用的语言概念在各项分数级别中做了不同程度和侧重的解释,一般来讲,在口语表达中,能够运用不同形式的句型和语法可以从一方面体现一个人的语言能力,可是对于高分级别的语言标准,需要说明的是不同形式的复合句的使用是建立在充分的信息依据和明确的语音特征基础之上的,包括自然停顿、重音、语气、升降调等诸多体现情感态度的表达因素,由此可以看出没有任何语气特征上的指示和表明,也没有任何可以过渡不同形式的复合句之间的连接成分,势必会让考官怀疑你是在背诵已经准备过的答案,或者像是没有情绪的机器人在朗读,这样势必会降低考官对于你communication skills的评价。
雅思口语考试误区4 问到有关自己的问题必须说事实
雅思口语考试误区 5 交流是目的,语言本身是其次
雅思口语考试误区6 考场外面我的“地盘”我做主
雅思口语考试误区7 考试时间是几点就几点到
Describe one area of science (medicine, physics and etc.) that sounds interesting to you.
You should say:
What it is
When you knew it
How you knew it
And explain why it sounds interesting to you
An area of science that really interests me is geology. I mean, I don’t have a deep interest in the field to be honest, but I had a collection of interesting stones when I was a child and I used to look them up in books and learn about where they came from, how they were formed and things like this. I got quite into it for a time, and I used to read some National Geographic magazines, so this led me into finding geography interesting, especially anything related to volcanoes. So, I guess you could say I am mildly interested in geology and geography and the science behind the earth and plate tectonics and how physical geography works. I also watch, occasionally, documentaries, with my grandfather, about natural history and dinosaurs. I think this kind of fits into the same or a similar area of science really, because we have found a lot of fossils of dinosaurs and other creatures from millions or billions of years ago, in stones in mountains and quarries and other areas. So, all in all I’d say that I’m interested in this field more than any other field really. I’ve never really had an interest in space, or technology or military science, or physics or chemistry really, or the kind of things we learn in school. I don’t read about any of these things today – but when it comes to geology and geography I still have quite an interest. In fact, now you mention it, I think I’d like to develop this interest a bit more, especially as I enjoy travelling to natural places. I once visited the karst mountains in Yangshuo, near to Guilin, and I found this especially fascinating. You can even go into the caves on foot, or in a boat through some underground rivers and tunnels. I’d love to do this again.
1. What kind of qualities should a scientist have?
A scientist, I guess, should be very careful about details. Should have a great attention to detail. This is the first thing that comes to mind anyway. Unlike art, a scientist should have a solid foundation in mathematics and therefore have a strong ability to understand numbers and complex equations. This is the very basis of most science. Secondly, I think a scientist needs to be very calm, controlled, and have a strong and long attention span. When you are reading specific reports or doing experiments or putting together research papers you have to concentrate very calmly and in a very focused manner – there is no room for error or “vague thinking” in science.
2. Should children be encouraged to learn science?
Yes, of course, science is very important and children should be encouraged to have at least a basic knowledge of the physical sciences – and I think teachers and parents should make science interesting for children, show them how it relates to the real world and not just force them to learn endless sums and equations, but tell how things work in daily life in the home and on earth. How the seas come in tides, how mountains were formed, how crops grow, how the weather works – things like this will inspire interest in children, because they are always asking and wondering why things happen the way they do in life.
3. Can science be applied in life? Can you give me some examples?
There are loads of ways in which science can apply to life. In fact, science is really the basis of how all life is… well, “life”! Examples are numerous, but some that come to mind are things like gravity: why do things fall to the ground when we drop them? Why does water go down a plughole in the bath or sink in a certain swirling direction? How were mountains, rivers and valleys formed all those millions of years ago. All these things can only be explained by science.
4. What influence will international cooperation on technology bring to the society?
International cooperation and the sharing of technology, advances and discoveries can help everyone on the planet speed up in terms of developments in all fields. One example is medical science – if we share medical knowledge then more people in the world can be cured of diseases or at least develop possible medicines and vaccinations much quicker. If the world makes a “team effort” with things like this then it’s beneficial to everyone, especially the poorer nations that cannot afford the research and development, themselves.
5. What do you think about unmanned cars?
I think they are definitely something that is coming in the future, but we aren’t quite there yet. Currently they are in very early stages of development so there are a lot of issues with potential dangers and accidents, and it’s still not clear how automated cars will work on busy city roads and places with heavy traffic and quite disorganized roads and road systems. For unmanned cars to work effectively, we will have to overhaul our entire road systems, and this will take many years. So, I think we have a long way to go yet before we can trust such vehicles, but we are slowly getting there. They will certainly bring a lot of advantages when they finally reach the stage when they can be introduced and used on mass, but I think we’ve a long way to go yet!
Describe a movie/film that made you laugh.
You should say:
What it is
When and where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain why it made you laugh
A film that made me laugh is actually quite an old film now. I watched it in my dorm at university with my classmates in my first year. It really sticks in my mind because it was the first time I’d seen it and there was a really fun and communal atmosphere in the dorm. The film is called “Crazy Stone” – it’s a sort of gangster movie directed by Ning Hao, and set in Henan. I think it came out in . Anyway, we all loved the film. It’s even more amusing because the gangsters, or thieves, who steal the precious stone have a really strong Henan accent, which is both endearing and amusing. Also, something which is common in Chinese humour in films, they slip into various Cantonese idioms and expressions, which makes it even more funny. Anyway, there are actually about two groups of thieves, if I remember correctly, who are basically competing to steal and keep this incredibly expensive, priceless, jade stone. I couldn’t stop laughing throughout the whole film, because they keep failing in their attempts all the time, in amusing and entertaining ways. In some regards, the comedy is a bit slap-stick, and this appeals to my sense of humour a lot. Like I said, the atmosphere in our dorm was really good at the time too, and the whole dorm was full of students, all pulling their chairs in and sitting on the beds around the TV screen, as we drank some beers, ate some snacks and watched the film. We watched it twice, in fact, two nights in a row, and talked about it a lot afterwards, quoting some of the great lines in the film and repeating them throughout the week after. It was a great memory and a brilliant film. I’d certainly recommended it to anyone, and for those who have seen it before, I’d strongly recommend they watch it again. I think a lot of the latest Chinese films are not that good to be honest, either they’re heroic war films or copies of Hollywood-style movies. I do think that the Chinese films about five or ten years ago, and even before, are a lot better and have a stronger and more amusing Chinese flavor to them.
1. Do people enjoy watching comedies?
I think everyone enjoys watching comedies, yes. Pretty much everyone. There are lots of different types of comedies though, to cater for varying tastes, so it depends. But in general I think most people like comedies because they love to laugh. Everyone enjoys laughter and humour and it makes light of the more serious things in life and gives us all relief from the pressures of society and the stresses and strains of everyday life. Comedy is a kind of medicine, some people say, in fact, and we all need to have humour in our lives. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t like comedies, actually. I have also heard that laughter is actually good for our health, physiologically it helps to improve our general well-being both physically and mentally, so I think more comedies should be promoted on TV and in the cinema.
2. Do people of all ages like watching cartoon?
I think so yes. There are, in fact, cartoons for people of all ages, and I’d say that it’s quite common in Asia, especially China, Korea and Japan, for adults to watch cartoons, or animations, as well as children. Of course, there are different styles and types of animations aimed at adult audiences than those aimed at children, but still, I’d say that a lot of people in my social groups and in my society enjoy watching cartoons. Japanese cartoons have always been quite popular actually, and perhaps the Japanese have become the most famous for a huge variety of cartoons and cartoon characters – animations that also cover a wide range of genres, from the quite horrific and brutal adult films, to the sweet, endearing and entertaining films of people like Miyazaki. I think they capture aspects of life in a unique and also magical way, and there’s often a very nice message in them too, that is both inspiring and educational for children and adults alike.
3. Why do some people like to make others laugh?
I think some people are very good at humour and jokes and making other people laugh. Others are not so good at it or interested in it. Some people pride themselves on a sense of humour and see it almost as part of the “art of conversation” – others perhaps are insecure and like to make people laugh to lighten the mood, or keep things light and entertaining because they don’t want to take life so seriously, or engage in serious or heavy topics of conversation. Some people simply have a very positive outlook on life and are able to see the humour in a lot of things, and they enjoy sharing this humour with their colleagues, workmates or family and friends. There are many reasons why people enjoy making others laugh, but generally I think it’s because it increases positivity and that’s always a good thing for everyone!
4. Should teachers in school teach students in a humorous way?
Yes, I believe so. Some of my best teachers were those that have a great way with words and a brilliant sense of humour. You see, if a teacher is humourous, then children and students are more likely to pay attention and get drawn into the subjects, because humour makes things more entertaining, and when things are more entertaining they are obviously easier to get into. I think one of the signs of a good teacher is having a sense of humour and knowing how to make a subject interesting and engaging to a wide variety of students. Humour also helps to break down social barriers and win people’s attention and confidence. Humour should be a part of teaching more than it is now, in my opinion.
这类问题通常出现在基础比较薄弱的学生中。由于词汇量的有限,也想要避免使用不熟悉的词汇出现错误,在口语考试中,常常缺乏词汇的变化,也就是说,过多的使用某些词汇。像because, beautiful, like等用的比较滥的词,而不会用其他的词去替换它。比如说到喜好,如果每一个考生在考试过程中都在用like,那么考官听得多了,一定不会给很好的分数。而我们学过的,还有很多词都是可以表达喜好的,比如enjoy, be interested in, be fond of, be crazy about,这些都可以给考官带来焕然一新的感觉。
Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 能说之人(新题)
Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 戏剧演员(新题)
Describe someone who is very professional专业的人(新题)
Describe a businessman you admire.尊敬的商人
Describe someone who is a good parent.好家长
Describe an interesting person from another country.有趣的外国人
Describe a sportman you admire(运动员)
Describe a popular person受欢迎的人
Describe someone who is knwledgeable.知识渊博的人
Describe something important that you lost丢失的重要东西(新题)
Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school数学课上习得的技能(新题)
Describe something you own and want to replace.想替换的东西(新题)
Describe one magazine that you like喜欢的杂志(新题)
Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future看过且想要尝试的运动(新题)
Describe an occasion when someone visited your home(新)家庭访客
Describe a situation when you have to be polite.(新)礼貌
Describe a time when you saved money for something存钱(新)
Describe an important event to celebrate.(新)重要的庆祝
Describe a time you had an unforgettable meal特殊的一餐
Describe a special day out which didn't cost you much特殊外出
Describe an experience when you pleased with you moblile phone.用手机的开心时刻
Describe something or activity you do to keep healthy.保健方法
Describe a time when you received a good service from a shop or a company优质服务
Describe a (long) car journey you went on.汽车旅行
Describe a time when someone said something positive about your work工作上的积极建议(新)
Describe an experience that you taught someone something.教他人
Describe a time when you enjoyed doing something (activities) with an old person.和老人锻炼
Describe a good photo you had 好照片
Describe something you bought recently that made you happy.开心购物
Describe a traditional product in your country.传统产品
Describe a piece of furniture.家具
Describe one of your toys in your childhood 儿时玩具
Describe a piece of technology you like using(not computer)喜爱科技[新题]
Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw.因广告而购物
Describe an important letter you received.重要的信
Describe an exciting book you have read.令人兴奋的书
Describe a public facility that you think need improvements改善设施
Describe an important river/lake in your country河流湖泊
Describe a public park or garden.公园
Describe a place where you can listen to music.听音乐的地方
Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your home town休闲设施
Describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future 想去的国家或城市
Describe an interesting place that few people know.很少人知道的有趣地方
Describe a public facility (road, shopping mall) that has developed recently in your city.
Describe a dream home you would like to have.理想之家
Describe a good photo you had.好照片
Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching.电视节目
Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).广告
Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.未来假期
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.校规
Describe an important skill which not be learned at school校外技能
Describe a subject of science that you learned in high school科学课
Describe a season or a period of the year you enjoy喜爱的季节
Describe a period in history历史时期
Describe a(good)decision someone made.一个决定
Describe a story someone told you that you remember well.故事
Describe an achievement that you are proud of.骄傲的成绩
雅思口语part1答案解析:Meeting new people
1. Do you like meeting new people?
Yes, I’m a really sociable person. I enjoy meeting new people and I’m pretty confident when I am with others. I like small-talk, entertaining people, telling stories and generally getting into engaging interesting conversations. New people can be a refreshing change, and I think you learn new things from chatting a lot to new people.
2. How do you feel when people welcome you?
I feel great usually. I’m a big fan of social situations, and social gatherings. I find it’s nice to be welcomed by people and get to know them, and let my hair down in situations like dinners or parties. So if I’m welcomed to an occasion like this I feel really content and even a bit excited.
3. Do you often meet new people?
Not very often really. I usually spend time with family, close friends, and of course, at work. But on the occasions that I do go out socially, maybe once a month or two, then I usually will meet new people – friends of friends, or friends of workmates. Not that often really, but often enough!
4. Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time?
Sometimes you meet someone and there is an immediate spark – you instantly click with them, connect with them, and find common ground in humour, perhaps hobbies and interest, things like this. But on other occasions, with other types of people, it might take longer to warm to them and get to know them. Everyone is different really, so it honestly depends on the type of person.
Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.
You should say:
Who or what made the noise
What the noise was like
What you did when you heard the noise
And explain how you feel about it
Well, I am quite sensitive to noise, actually, so I can think of quite a lot of things that make a lot of noise, or have made a lot of noise on occasions when it has irritated me. In fact, the one time that really sticks in my mind is when I was studying for my final exams, just days before the exams, and they decided to renovate a building right next to our dormitory. All day, and for some hours at night there was a terrible noise of mechanical diggers, drilling, vehicles moving soil and bricks and rubble, and workmen shouting and banging. I was really angry, actually, because I really couldn’t concentrate at all. It went on for several days – scraping noises, digging noises, machine noises, the sound of banging. It seemed endless. When you live in a city, or a place which is developing quickly, there are always projects like this going on and it can be really annoying when you need peace and quiet to study, or relax or even sleep!! I am pretty sensitive to noise, you see, and I have a fairly quiet disposition, so these things are a real test of my patience!
1. What places are noisy? Can you give some examples?
Cities are usually noisy places, at least big cities. Most cities in my country have a high population and huge roads to accommodate all the traffic, so there’s a lot of traffic noise in the central areas of the cities. If you live near an airport then you have to suffer the noise of planes flying overhead day and night… Perhaps also if you live near to a school, then at certain times of the day there’ll be a lot of noise – screaming children running around shouting and playing and having fun!
2. What can happen if a neighbor or family member insists on listening to music really loudly all the time?
Haha, well most people will get really bothered by this kind of thing. I don’t think anyone likes their personal space to be invaded by other people’s music, especially if it’s loud and aggressive music like heavy metal. If it is something like light classical music then it might be bearable, or even very pleasant, but most family members or neighbours would complain if someone played loud music all the time. Maybe if it were occasional, then that wouldn’t be an issue. It also depends how sensitive people are. Some people are more tolerant to noise than others.
3. What might be the dangers of listening to music with earphones when running or walking in the street?
Well, this is a curious question because there are quite a few examples of people running, jogging or walking down the street and crossing a road while listening to music on headphones, and getting hit by a motorbike or scooter simply because they haven’t heard the noise of the engine, or the beeping of the horn – and because the motorbike rider didn’t know they couldn’t hear the horn beeping as they tried to warn them. Especially today with these small wireless headphones – you often don’t know that the person cannot hear you, because you don’t know they’re wearing earphones or headphones.
4. What can be done to reduce traffic noise?
Well, there are a few measures that I think are often used to reduce traffic noise in cities. One is prohibiting people from using their horns on main roads through residential areas, another is constructing barriers by the sides of major roads to prevent the noise getting into residential communities nearby. I also heard that some car manufacturers are building cars that are increasingly quiet on the roads.
5. Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?
Not really. I think that the world will be much quieter than it is today because of the kind of technological advances that are being made to reduce noise, and also because people are becoming more sensitive to noise and value personal space more than in the past.
3大雅思口语词汇误区分析 在脱口而出与冥思苦想之间
这类问题通常出现在基础比较薄弱的学生中。由于词汇量的有限,也想要避免使用不熟悉的词汇出现错误,在口语考试中,常常缺乏词汇的变化,也就是说,过多的使用某些词汇。像because, beautiful, like等用的比较滥的词,而不会用其他的词去替换它。比如说到喜好,如果每一个考生在考试过程中都在用like,那么考官听得多了,一定不会给很好的分数。而我们学过的,还有很多词都是可以表达喜好的,比如enjoy, be interested in, be fond of, be crazy about,这些都可以给考官带来焕然一新的感觉。
Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 能说之人(新题)
Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 戏剧演员(新题)
Describe someone who is very professional专业的人(新题)
Describe a businessman you admire.尊敬的商人
Describe someone who is a good parent.好家长
Describe an interesting person from another country.有趣的外国人
Describe a sportman you admire(运动员)
Describe a popular person受欢迎的人
Describe someone who is knwledgeable.知识渊博的人
Describe something important that you lost丢失的重要东西(新题)
Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school数学课上习得的技能(新题)
Describe something you own and want to replace.想替换的东西(新题)
Describe one magazine that you like喜欢的杂志(新题)
Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future看过且想要尝试的运动(新题)
Describe an occasion when someone visited your home(新)家庭访客
Describe a situation when you have to be polite.(新)礼貌
Describe a time when you saved money for something存钱(新)
Describe an important event to celebrate.(新)重要的庆祝
Describe a time you had an unforgettable meal特殊的一餐
Describe a special day out which didn't cost you much特殊外出
Describe an experience when you pleased with you moblile phone.用手机的开心时刻
Describe something or activity you do to keep healthy.保健方法
Describe a time when you received a good service from a shop or a company优质服务
Describe a (long) car journey you went on.汽车旅行
Describe a time when someone said something positive about your work工作上的积极建议(新)
Describe an experience that you taught someone something.教他人
Describe a time when you enjoyed doing something (activities) with an old person.和老人锻炼
Describe a good photo you had 好照片
Describe something you bought recently that made you happy.开心购物
Describe a traditional product in your country.传统产品
Describe a piece of furniture.家具
Describe one of your toys in your childhood 儿时玩具
Describe a piece of technology you like using(not computer)喜爱科技[新题]
Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw.因广告而购物
Describe an important letter you received.重要的信
Describe an exciting book you have read.令人兴奋的书
Describe a public facility that you think need improvements改善设施
Describe an important river/lake in your country河流湖泊
Describe a public park or garden.公园
Describe a place where you can listen to music.听音乐的地方
Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your home town休闲设施
Describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future 想去的国家或城市
Describe an interesting place that few people know.很少人知道的有趣地方
Describe a public facility (road, shopping mall) that has developed recently in your city.
Describe a dream home you would like to have.理想之家
Describe a good photo you had.好照片
Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching.电视节目
Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).广告
Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.未来假期
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.校规
Describe an important skill which not be learned at school校外技能
Describe a subject of science that you learned in high school科学课
Describe a season or a period of the year you enjoy喜爱的季节
Describe a period in history历史时期
Describe a(good)decision someone made.一个决定
Describe a story someone told you that you remember well.故事
Describe an achievement that you are proud of.骄傲的成绩
NO.1 A Historic Site
Describe an interesting historic site that you visited.
You should say:
· where it was
· what you saw at this site
· what role it played in history
and explain what interested you about that place
备考策略:考前可以结合其它描述地点或建筑的话题一起准备:Describe a museum/an old building/your favorite building/an important traditional building等,例如北京故宫里的建筑,即是古老而传统的建筑,又是很重要的博物馆,也可以是自己最喜欢的建筑。甚至还可以把它放到Describe the best tourist attraction in China,或者可以描述里面的an interesting exhibition,所以只要提前做好充足的功课,遇到其它问题也都可以迎刃而解。
NO.2 A Place Not Polluted
Describe a place which is not polluted.
You should say:
· where this place is
· what it looks like
· what kind of place is not polluted
and explain what you think about pollution
Right in the center 市中心
In the suburb/ outskirts 在郊区
Spacious 宽敞的
Cramped 狭窄的
Detached house 独立别墅
High-rise flats 小高层
Cosmopolitan/ Modern metropolis国家大都市
Picturesque 风景如画的
Hustle and bustle 城市喧嚣
Historic architecture 历史建筑
Stunning views 非常棒的景观
a fast-growing city in the world 发展很快的城市
Green spaces and parks 绿地和公园
Within walking distance of shops, restaurants, and bars 距离商店,饭店酒吧只有步行的距离
Two -thirds of the city comprised of water and green space 城市三分之二是水和绿地
Give its residents an amazing high quality of living and safety 居民有高质量的生活和安全感
……. Is home to such iconic structures as (the opera house) 有一些标志性建筑
draws so many people from the world 吸引了很多国外的有课
具体类物品 如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;
抽象类物品 如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。
1)当我们要描述一个具体类事物时,要把它与人物类以及地点类联系起来,丰富自己的内容。例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物具体是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?朋友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,如果是手工制作的那一定是很用心,同学们可以仔细描述一下。
雅思考场具体案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others
Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch 十字绣;Knitting 编织品;Shell craft 贝壳制品;Mug 杯子;Multi Purpose Tools 多功能工具
Think out of the box有创意的;User-friendly方便使用的;Durable耐用的;Decent不错的;Portable便于携带的……
1)The monetary value of the gift is not relevant, it‘s the meaning that is more important. 礼物的价值不在于它的价格而在于它的真情实意。
2) Charm bracelets(幸运手链) are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma(好运) to the person wearing it.
1. 人物题分类:小孩、老人、名人、同龄人
可爱的 cute; adorable
天真的 naive
认真的 conscientious
勤奋的 hardworking
害羞的 shy
好奇的 curious
依赖的 dependent
多才多艺的 versatile
诚实的 honest
懒惰的 lazy
听话的 obedient
顽皮的 naughty
聪明的 smart
恶作剧的 mischievous
Old people
聪明的 intelligent
幽默的 humorous有进取心的aggressive
乐观的 optimistic
值得信赖的 trustworthy
2. 雅思口语常考人物题:
1) A child;
2) A friend you admire, a good neighbor, a family member you admire, a person you helped, one of your own good personalities, a person who is a good leader, the oldest person you know, a student with high scores, someone you know who has a healthy lifestyle, a childhood friend, two people from the same family
3) An adventurous person, someone in the news you want to meet, a famous person, a successful person, a presenter you like.
4) A character from a childhood story
3. 常用开头:
①I want to talk about…., who is….②I firstly knew him/her….from….③He/she is good-looking person with …., ….and….④Generally speaking, he/she is…., ….and…., so he/she is very popular with…
4. 中间展开:
① He is quite into watching cartoons.
② (In fact, he began to watch cartoons at the age of two. )
③ As soon as he arrives home, he turns on the T V to watch cartoons. He doesn’t stop until his mum asks him to have a dinner. On average, he can watch cartoons at least one hour per day. Every weekend, he will surely watch cartoons for two hours if his parents are not at home. Also, he likes stickers of cartoon characters. He told me that his favorite stickers are happy sheep and big, big wolf.
① He is a modest guy, always very quite.
② He never shows off what he knows or what he is good at, which is quite opposite of me.
① She has got a quick temper. When she is happy, she smiles; when she is angry, she will let you know.
② She just can’t cover her real emotion. Pretense is the last thing she will do.
① He is an excellent singer who has released more than 10 albums and held hundreds of concerts.
② Many people like his songs, because his songs have pleasant melody and meaningful lyrics.
③ Along with that, he has written a lot of songs for other singers, including his ex-girlfriend, Jolin.
④ Surprisingly, Jay can play nearly ten kinds of musical instruments.
其实呢,使用惯用语是可以的,但是必须保证你是在正确合适的场景下使用的,不准确的使用反而会降低LR(Lexical Resource)词汇项分数!请看:It drives me up walls when it rains dogs and cats.
哇塞!!很高大上有木有?很炫技有没有?但是考官形容他看到这话的感觉却是如同脸上突然被对面的小烤鸭重重地打了一拳。因为,正确的俚语是‘drive me up THE WALL', ‘It rains cats and dogs',是猫和狗!猫和狗!猫和狗!同《猫和老鼠》一样的顺序,记住啦?所以,用俚语一定要要求自己,不用则已,一用必对!
尽量模仿native的语音语调,让自己听起来更像一个native speaker
雅思口语Part 2新题范文之好的服务
Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop
You should say:
What the service was
When and where it happened
Whom you were together with
How you felt about it
And explain why you think it was good service
1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:好的服务(an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop)
Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.
I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store, wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.
雅思口语Part 2新题范文之喜欢的季节
Describe your favorite season of the year
You should say:
How is the weather like
Why do you like this season
What activities do you usually do during it
How would different kinds of weather affect people
1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:喜欢的季节(your favorite season of the year)
My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, the temperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day time is longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.
The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.
Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.
Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.
工业革命 industrial revolution
耗尽枯竭 exhaustion
环境 environment
环境恶化 environment deterioration
辉煌的 glorious
机器人,遥控设备 robot
家庭电器 household appliances
家务管理 housekeeping
家务杂事 chore
见多识广的 informed
精神生活 spiritual well-being
久坐的,沉积的 sedentary
就近的,敏捷的 handy
科学发现 scientific discovery
科学知识 scientific knowledge
克隆 cloning
能源短缺 energy shortage
奇迹的,不可思议的 miraculous
前进,进步,发展 advancement
前进 advance
前进 go ahead
全球变暖 global warming
全球的,全世界的 global
人工智能 artificial intelligence
人类 mankind
天然资源 natural resources
自动化的 automatic
自给自足的 self-sufficient
自动化系统 automated systems
自动控制,自动操作 automation
自动生产 automation production
生产自动化 manufacturing automation
水电站 wind power station
太阳能 solar energy
以电脑为基础的 computer-based
永不枯竭的 inexhaustible
工业自动化 industrial automation
能源 energy resources
三维的 3-dimensional
生产自动化 manufacturing automation
手工制品 handmade products
风力发电站 water power station
编程 programming
智能科技 intelligence technology
神经网络 neural network
神经细胞,神经元 neuron
生物学上 biologically
实际应用 practical application
自动包装 auto packaging
自动化生产线 automated assembly line
机器,机械 machinery
机器控制系统 machine control system
机器人技术 robotics
机械装置 mechanical device
降低成本 lower the cost
降低风险 lower the risks
模拟世界 analog world
(1) 几乎不看考官,可能被扣0.2分。
(2) 虽然看着考官,但是表情和口语答案并不配套。
(3) 因为考官面无表情,你原先勉强保持的微笑逐渐僵硬,直至像考官一样面无表情,这样,你可能被扣0.05分。
(1) 在备考阶段,一定要注意”表情和语言配套“!
(2) 在实际考试的时候,无论你紧张与否,无论考官是否面无表情,请你脸上保持微笑,哪怕很生硬。





