一. 雅思口语范文使用价值
二. 雅思口语范文请勿背诵
三. 雅思口语范文使用方法
Describe a mistake you have made.
You should say:
What it is
When it happened
How you made it
And explain how you felt about this experience
A mistake I made, a big mistake, that really stands out in my mind is when I left my mother’s handbag on the roof of the car by mistake! You see, she had gone into a store to buy some groceries, and took out her handbag and purse. She took her purse with the money in it, and because she needed a free hand to carry the shopping, she gave me the handbag and said, hold this for me while I go into the store. I stood outside the car with the handbag waiting and thinking about nothing in particular. Then I heard my mobile phone ringing in my pocket. So, I put the handbag on the car roof right next to me, to take my phone from my pocket and answer the phone. I chatted to my friend for a while, until my mother returned from the store with the shopping. We put the shopping in the boot of the car, got in, and we drove off. It was only when we were half way home that she said to me “You have the handbag, yeah?” And suddenly my face went white with the realization that I had actually put it down on top of the car to answer the phone and forgot. I told her, in sudden shock, to stop the car. But it was too late, we looked all over the road where we had just been, but it was busy with traffic and impossible to see… also we were quite far from the store at this point so it must have fallen off miles away. She was really really angry with me, and I felt guilty. It was an innocent mistake, but it was very careless of me. I really regret this even today. I feel really stupid and irresponsible about it.
Part 3
1. Do you think people can learn from mistakes?
Of course. In fact, many psychologists say that one of the key ways we learn is from making mistakes and solving problems ourselves, with some guidance occasionally. Children learn a lot of trial and error – doing something, getting it wrong, thinking about why it went wrong, and trying another method. So, most definitely, we learn a lot from mistakes.
2. Do children make mistakes very often?
Yes, we all make mistakes often, but especially at the early-learning stages of life, children continually make mistakes, and require some guidance from adults. A combination of self-directed learning and adult guidance is best to help young learners develop at a good rate, so I understand.
3. What would parents do if their children make mistakes?
Parents should be supportive and encouraging of children making mistakes. As we now know, it’s an important part of the learning process. If you discourage people from making mistakes they will be intimidated and scared to try things out for themselves, and simply rely on adult instruction, copying peers and regurgitating learned materials. It’s a good thing that children, and adults to some extent, make mistakes and this should be encouraged not discouraged.
Describe a risk you’ve taken which has a positive result.
You should say:
What it was
Why you took it
What the result was
And explain how you felt about this experience
A risk that I took, which I am actually a bit ashamed of in retrospect, was the time when a friend and I, when we were kids, stole some sweets from a store in my grandma’s hometown. I know, it was a bad thing to do – but I think all kids do things like this occasionally. At the time we had run out of money and really wanted some sweets – we waited for the shopkeeper to leave the shop to go get his lunch, then we quietly crept into the shop, went behind the counter and took some sweets from big jars that were on the shelf at the back. Just as we had taken the sweets, we heard the bell on the door ring, and he was coming back into the shop! The owner had come back really quickly! We dashed through a back door into the store cupboard and we hid there for a short time. Then suddenly a dog started barking!! And the owner came into the back room and saw us there hiding behind some boxes! He was really angry, and asked us to empty our pockets, which we did, and he saw we had stolen a few sweets. He immediately marched us across town to my grandmother’s house, and both of them gave us a huge scolding. That night my grandmother refused to speak to me and for several days after she was really livid – saying we had damaged her good reputation in the village, and made her family lose face. She made me go back to the shop the following day and give the shopkeeper a gift of wine, and offer a more formal apology. I learned a lot from this risk – and although we were just kids having a bit of fun and being naughty, I realized soon after that there are wider implications to this kind of behavior. Anyway, that’s my strongest memory of a risk that I took – and I got myself caught in the act of!!
1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?
I think that energetic and adventurous people enjoy doing challenging sports or more extreme sports. It gives them a sense of great excitement to take on challenges, risks and push their minds and bodies to the limits. Some people get a real kick out of these kinds of activities – an adrenaline rush – and a sense of pride and achievement.
2. Are action films popular in your country?
Films are really popular. People watch a lot of Hollywood action movies, superhero movies and there is also a strong, growing film industry in my country – we are making some fantastic movies these days, though I think that in recent years the storylines are becoming a bit weak and predicatable in favour of special effects.
3. Do you think it is a good thing that a leader likes taking risks?
Yes, it’s not just a good thing, but it’s essential. It’s a key quality in a good leader – risk-taking. And knowing what risks to take and what risks to avoid – this is where a leader must be well-informed, smart and have a bigger-picture vision of a situation, whether it be with a project at work, or a big political decision.
4. Do you think men and women would make different choices when facing a risk?
It depends on the individual, I’m not sure it depends on gender that much. It’s hard to say. I’ve not seen any real research or data on this, so I can’t say for sure. I think that they might have slightly different approaches to risk though – though off the top of my head I am not really sure I can think of a good example. I’d say that men tend to be more impulsive, which can be a good and a bad quality, whereas women might be better at assessing a risk more carefully.
I'd like to talk about a popular program among drivers in Hangzhou. It is literally named My Car Has Something to Say.The program is broadcast by. Hangzhou traffic radio stationevery noon at workdays. It islosted by Yu Hu, a famous localhost with profound professional knowledge on the cars and the laws. This program is aimed at providing a medium for common audience to complain about problems relating to their cars.
During the program, the audience can call the program team and complain directly to Yu Hu about the problems of theircars or the problems they meet wa ht when having their cars repaired. Hu will ask the program director toF1283.0 contact the car manufacture or sellers immediately. Then three parties will negotiate during the orogram. The negotiation is usually very effective and can solve m any problems which remain unsolved for long time. With his efficiency, Yu Hu is considered as “the spokesman of the drivers”.Moreover, Yu Hu's sharp but humorous style also contributes to the popularity of the program.
In fact, in this age of Internet surfing, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep people occupied and we seldom listen toradio. But this program attracts alot of audience, including me.From the program, I can learnabundant professional knowledgeEon cars and I am frequently amused by the host. It is myfavorite program.
Describe an intelligent person you know.
You should say:
Who this person is
When and where you first met him or her
What kind of person he or she is
And explain why you think this person is intelligent.
The most intelligent person I have ever met is Linjun, we call him Mike, which is his Englishname.If I don't remember wrong, I met him about two years agoin a party held by one of my friends, and we really hit it off(合得来). As for his personality, I would characterize him as thoughtful, sociable and humorous.And overall, he is just a bright and likeable guy,who is very easy to engage a conversation with.
I can provide plenty of evidence to prove that he is a smart person, but I'll just pick some to share with you, and I believe they would do the job.
Firstly, his academic performance is remarkable.Outstanding as he is,he never spends much time studying or staying up late, which means that he is either extremely efficient or intelligent. His high IQ is the only explanation coz I don't think he is efficient.
雅思口语Part2&3新题预测之解题思路和范文:重要时刻 important event
Important Event
Describe an important event to celebrate(personal important events)
You should say:
What is itWhen did it happen
Do you prefer to celebrate it with a group or people
And explain how you felt about it
1, Describe other important event.
2,Is it possible for the Chinese chairman write letters for citizens who over 100 years old as the queen write etters for them in her country?
3,How people celebrate public events?
4, Do you think it is important to celebrate event?
5, Should the event prepared in advance?
6, How to prepare an activity?
The important event that I would particular ly to mention today is Spring Festival.It is now well-known over the world thatChinese Lunar New Year is called springfestival. But little is known that there is alegend about a violent flesh-eating predatory mammal with the name of Nian. Nian destroyed all newly-harvested crops, swallowed people and other living creatures in one winter. So everybody was in great fear and anxiety. However, the villagers accidentally found out later that Nian was so afraid of very loud noise and red-colored things. People then get together to crack the bamboo to make very loud noise and stick red paper on their doors and windows to scare Nian away every year.The celebrating activities have not changed much among Chinese. Family members always get together to have dinner at home and set off fireworks which sounds like the cracking bamboo. Couplets written on red paper can be found easily everywhere. Elders give lucky money in red envelopes to younger generations as a symbol of best wishes. As the lucky money usually comes in new bills, banks are also very busy at this time of year.
Although some customs is fading away among the younger generation, for instance, people now choose to have their Spring Festival dinner out in a restaurant, I believe Spring Festival would always be one of the most important tradi tional events in China. The primary reason for this is the tradition that Chinese cherish family a lot, Spring festival provides us a great opportunity to get around the tableand toast each other.
这样的认知也不是空穴来风,因为大部分的同学出分情况确 (can) 实 (bu) 如(ren) 此 (du)。还有很多的同学为了口语小分愁白了头,一次又一次的去(song) 考(ren) 试(tou)。
在进行跟读前,首要的任务就是 挑选好合适的素材。如果素材挑选的不合适,那后面的努力也就打水漂了。
首先,不同于听力、阅读甚至写作,雅思口语考试需要考生在考察过程中 即时做出回答,或者针对某一具体话题进行集中描述。
练习雅思口语,一个非常重要且有效的方法就是录音。许多小烤鸭会在备考时找到一个小伙伴陪练或互练,但是有一些同学在这个过程中会因为害羞、尴尬等种.种原因无法正常开口。在这种情况下,跟读并录音 非常适合你啦!
很多同学在跟读练习时 有一个误区,就是致力于把素材读得非常完美流利和酷炫,而且不允许自己犯错,一旦读错了一个词或卡壳了就要重新读,进而浪费非常多的时间。
software 常用软件
Describe a piece of software you use often
You should say:
What it is
What does it use for
How did you know it
And explain why you use it
What are the advantages of using instant messengers?
Will instant messengers replace Email?
考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?
我的内心:Have you ever heard of 葬爱家族?
考官:How often do you have your hair cut?
我的内心:I thought I was going to do it very often but ...
考官:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?
我的内心:Oh I never cut back on my vanity project ...
考官:Do you often change your haircut?
我的内心:Yes. Sometimes I just want to be bold ...
我 不 是 !!!我是一个有尊严的8分选手!就算题目再奇葩!就算场面再尴尬!我也要有8分的气势!
考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?
我:(装没听见)My favourite what now?你说啥?
我:(卖萌)Okay. Didn’t see that one coming.好的吧。没想到您还会问这个问题吼吼吼吼(杠铃般的笑声)
我:Well I guess my favourite is mycurrent one, which, according to my barber, is called the Classic Elvis Roll.Basically I just comb up the front and use some hair spray to fix it backwards.And the barber leaves some low fade on the sides, so that it looks rather neat and old-fashioned.
欲 言 又 止
我马上补充道:But I didn’t get to finish my look this morning, ‘cause it takes forever and I didn’t dare to be late for this test.但是我今早就很匆匆忙忙嘛,没时间做发型,口语考试不敢迟到嘛。(敲了敲自己的手表然后发现自己没有带手表,尴尬.jpg)
考官:How often do you have your hair cut?
我:Every 3 weeks, at least. I think it’s because my hair grows exceptionally fast, and if I don’t go to the barber’s as often, it would be too thick for me to do the style and the sides will just go crazy and completely out of shape, making me look like a homeless person!
我马上补充道:And that’s why sometimes I wanna be completely bald, which saves all the trouble!所以啊!我就很想剃光啊!再也没有三千烦恼丝啦!
只见考官的身体僵硬了一下,缓慢地抬起头,充满杀气的眼神中燃烧着火焰,狠狠地从牙缝中挤出下一个恶毒的问题:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?
紧张的我:Not too much. I don’t think it’s sensible to get my hair done at an unreasonable price. So 200 is the maximum amount I’m willing to pay. But there are also exceptions when I decided to dye it on a whim. That would cost a lot more than a simple hair do and I usually regret it immediately.
考官面带假惺惺的微笑:Do you often change your haircut?
Not really. It actually took me quite a while to finally find my look. I have had this hairstyle for 2 years and people actually dig it, saying that I give out a Californian-realtor-who-just-started-his-career kind of vibe. Also switching to another hair do takes a lot of courage and effort which I think should be put into my studies right now.
考官心满意足的坐定,淡淡地说道:Let’s move on to the next topic. Let’s talk about islands ...
雅思口语高频:a person in the news who you want to meet.
Describe a person in the news who you want to meet.
Personally, the person I would like to meet most will be Murakami Haruki. He is a writer. He was my favorite writer back in middle school and still remains one of the writers whose books I will buy, in no time, whatever they publish. For me, still a middle school student, he was like a bridge linking between my prisoned youth at school and the mysterious adulthood lost in some metropolis. I could not help bringing the author himself into the world of his novel as a symbiosis of the protagonist and these two persona will coincide in a very interesting way. Is he a womanizer or ascetic? Is he proactive or docile? These questions walk me through many nights wondering what kind of person I am and will be. As far as I know, Mr. Murakami himself is quite a reserved-to-himself man, which conflicts his protagonist sometimes. However, for me at present, restless pursuit of knowledge, power, love, etc., seems quintessential so I do not read too much of his writing anymore. But I am still grateful for what he created in his career and would like to reread his works in a fresh angle as a grown man.
1. mysterious:strange and interesting because you don’t know much about them
Eg. A mysterious young woman is living next door.
Mysterious adulthood 指的是未知的成年人的世界
2. protagonist:the main character in a play, film or book
Eg. at that time, films rarely had a woman as the main protagonist.
3. Reserved-to-himself: slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions
这个短语可以用来形容比较内向 不爱表达情感的人
我们用写作话题举个例子:Studying abroad has benefits for both students and the country itself.To what extent do you agree?
Every coin has two sides, and Now I willexamine the complex issues around …, On the one hand, On the other hand...Inaddition, Thus…
雅思写作题目:More and more people tend to accept education through the internet, and therefore, face-to-face communication is decreasing. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Information technology is playing an increasingly important role in our lives, especially in education. Although many people are able to acquire a higher academic qualification by attending a virtual college on the Internet, some people doubt the effectiveness of on-line learning and prefer the traditional way of education.
Compared to distance learning, physically attending a school has some intrinsic advantages for the students’ overall development. Also, teachers can adjust their teaching styles and their instructions to best suit the characteristics of their students. In addition to academic pursuits, students’ emotional and social development can be significantly improved in school due to students’ participation in extra-curricular activities and events. The emotional connection that often helps to generate inspiration, creativity and emotional wellbeing is vital for young students. In essence the experience in the non-virtual world cannot be substituted by simply receiving lectures electronically and submitting essays.
Admittedly distance learning programs offer a valuable option for people with special needs, such as the disabled, full time workers or those who have families to take care of and are not able to attend class at regular hours. Another advantage is the relatively less expensive tuition fees of distance programs due to the exclusion of financial cost of campus facilities. But this way of education is restricted to knowledge delivery and requires sufficient self-discipline and time-managing abilities; therefore it is not suitable for young students except as a complimentary source, as it can act as a virtual tutor or a tool for review or reinforcement of what is learned in regular schools.
Overall, I would like to conclude that remote learning programs are making a contribution to wider education receivers by supplying more chances for the acquisition of knowledge. But they cannot be expected to surpass the overall quality of education available at a college which provides both knowledge and an environment for students’ overall development. This is the key factor in education.
雅思写作题目:Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons? What are the effects on the society?
第一段:science 不像以前那么流行,很多学生转向business, accounting, economics.
第三段:负面影响例如:科学与物质生活的紧密联系, science是很多实用学科的基础。
In some rapidly developing countries, increasing university students major in business, accounting, communication or computer programming rather than science. I personally believe that this is an inevitable transition in the era of information and globalization when capital flows worldwide and communication technology play a role in almost every field. The changes in technology and social involvement are being reflected in the university subject preference.
The first reason that science loses its popularity to other disciplines relates to the employment rate and starting salaries upon graduation Science undergraduates risk higher unemployment and earn less than computer programmers or businessmen and the gap may be wider in Master degree. During the economic recession, some students with interest in science may give in to the pressure in reality. Another contributor is the difficulty of science subjects that prevent many potential students from enrolling in this faculty Picturing oneself as a scientist is not easy for a high school leaver. On top of the difficulty of this discipline itself, the application in practice and transforming into profit is harder.
However, science is so crucial to our human society that no country can afford the consequences of ignoring it. Science is the basis of many practical disciplines such as environment science, medical science, space science, engineering, genetic science and so forth. Without the support of general science, many other fields would find it very challenging to get further developed. What’s worse, science is directly related to our material life. We live on scientific research findings and products, ranging from energy supply, aircraft to numerous consumer goods. It is hard to imagine living a life without these scientific advancements.
To sum up this report, science is less popular than before because the society demands more professionals in other fields such as business and communication. However I’m convinced that the potential implications are negative to the health of society, hence requiring relevant solutions to reverse the trend.
1.The debate these days draws our attention about whether
2.It goes without saying that
3.There is no avoiding the fact that
4.There has been a long-term dispute over whether
5.have found their popularity and acceptance among citizens.
6. in my country have become the focus of public concern.
7.Even three-year-old children know about severe problems brought
by in cities around the world.
8. It wasn’t until that
9. is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen’s concern around the globe.
10. When economy is running on the right way for a relatively long period, and commercialization is sweeping across the world, the issue of……has been mentioned and emphasized in our society more frequently than ever before.
11. It is not uncommon these days to
12. there is a belief that
13. It is reported that
14. Over the last half century, the pace of change in …… has increased beyond our wildest expectations.
例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their
模板 What I want to add here is that ...
变异成了What I want to here is that ... (add 丢了)
其次,有限的用对了模板的句子,在模板以外的自己填充进去的部分,语法还是有问题,比如:The reason may have something to do with the fact that stress.显然 that之后并没有一个完整的句子跟着,所以前面一大串的框架,因为后面的内容而功亏一篑了。雅思口语考试范文大家还是需要慢慢总结的。
罗列观点的模板:The first point I'd like to make is...
给出理由的模板:The explanation for this is that...
混搭后: The first explanation for this is that...
说了半天,小编带大家侃侃最近考试中常出现的高频话题“Fruits”。很多同学反映说这个话题在生活中非常熟悉,但是一到考场上,头脑中蹦出来的词无外乎是“apple”, “pear”,“peach”或者“delicious”...那么到底如何玩转这个话题,说出的东西让考官“耳”前为之一亮呢?
1. Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?
2. What kind of fruit do you like?
3. What’s your favorite fruit?
4. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?
5. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?
6. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?
Apricot 杏——常被加工成 (processed into)果脯 (dried fruit)
Avocado 牛油果——并不是国内常吃的水果,但在西方的饮食文化中常常出现:比如带有牛油果的色拉,或者牛油果冰沙 (smoothies),有时也可作为装饰菜 (garnish)
Blueberry 蓝莓——甜,有营养,而且广受欢迎 (sweet, nutritious and widely popular);富含著名的花青素,常吃可起到抗氧化的作用 (a good source of anthocyanin and have the highest antioxidant capacity)
Coconut 椰子——夏天还可以吃到美味的椰子冻 (coconut jelly)
Date 枣——维C含量最高(a good source of Vitamin C)
Mangosteen 山竹——果实的形状比较特殊,像梨子的形状。新鲜的果实是雪白色,味甜而多汁,而且香味扑鼻 (the fruit is unique pear-shaped, snow-white, sweet and juicy; the flavour is tangy and fragrant)
Pomegranate 石榴——外皮儿是微红色的,厚,不可食用;可食用的是里面的籽儿,而且籽儿长得也比较特殊,是那种像水包起来的果肉 (The reddish skin is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible (可食用的) seeds inside; Each seed has a surrounding water-laden pulp)
Why do we eat MORE fruits?
从小,爸爸妈妈没少说:多吃蔬菜水果--有益健康。水果们酸酸甜甜的口感(sweet and sour)不仅能满足你的味蕾 (satisfy your taste buds),也藏着身体最需要的各种能量。
-- 好吃多汁scrumptious and succulent
-- 增强免疫力,医生医生远离我boosts your immune system and keeps your disease free
The health benefits of fruits guarantee you optimum health and a well-built body in the long run. The combination of powerful minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids and the countless nutrients make fruits very advantageous for your health. The daily consumption of fresh fruits lowers the risk of strokes/ high blood pressure/ indigestion/ cancer/ heart disease/ diabetes/ and other chronic diseases.
If you've ever smelled a durian even once, you probably remember it.
Regarded by many people in Southeast Asia as the notorious “king of fruits”, the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk.
The fruit's flesh is sometimes eaten raw, or is cooked and used to flavour a number of dishes and candies.
Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering with an unpleasant odour.It smells like shit and tastes like farts...and gym socks. The smells evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust.
For whatever reason, people continue to be drawn to durian.
To durian lovers, the taste is mildly sweet, almondy and very creamy, not unlike a rich cheesecake. It has a whiff of alcohol about it, which explains why eating it gives you this hot feeling inside--like you've downed a shot of vodka.
You either hate it, or you love it. Intensely.
Kinds of fruits:
Blackberry 黑莓
Blackcurrant 黑加仑
Cherry 樱桃
Cranberry 蔓越莓
Dragon fruit 火龙果
Fig 无花果
Grape 葡萄
Grapefruit 葡萄柚
Goji berry 枸杞
Honeydew melon 白兰瓜(伊丽莎白瓜)
Kiwi fruit 猕猴桃
Lemon 柠檬
Longan 龙眼
Mango 芒果
Mulberry 桑葚;深紫色
Nectarine 油桃
Orange 橙子
Plum 李子
Peach 桃
Pear 梨
Pineapple 菠萝
Papaya 木瓜
Raspberry 树莓
Star fruit 杨桃
Strawberry 草莓
Tangerine 橘子
Tamarind 酸角
Watermelon 西瓜
Words Related to Fruits:
Seed 种子
Peel 果皮
Stalk 茎;梗;柄e.g.celery stalks 芹菜茎
Flesh 果肉
Segment 瓣 e.g. Orange segments 橘子瓣
Pit 果核 e.g. A peach pit 桃核
把题库的考题按照话题划分为6份。Part1可以按照数量分(36/6)每天6个话题;Part 2可以分为人、地、事1、事2、实物、虚物。前6天每天完成1份任务,完成的质量视你拥有的时间和学习效率而定。
1) 第1个小时读完所有的任务,Part1大概想好答案,Part 2将话题归类并想好素材,Part 3将题目全部读一遍,扫除生词。这一步的目的一是为了防止考试听不懂问题或者完全没思路,二是通过分类提高学习效率。
2) 第2个小时准备Part 2:查找或复习话题词汇&表达句型,并写出其中一个最典型话题的逐字稿。写完检查完语法表达错误,反复诵读,背下来。这一步非常重要,不可忽视!
3) 第3个小时把其他话题的最后一问写下来,熟读。如果还有剩余的时间,最好也背下来。
1) 第1个小时同上:读完所有的任务,Part 1大概想好答案,Part 2将话题归类并想好素材,Part 3将题目全部读一遍,扫除生词。这一步的目的一是为了防止考试听不懂问题或者完全没思路,二是通过分类提高学习效率。
2) 第2个小时查找或复习话题词汇&表达句型,并一句一句写出其中最典型的素材,并检查完语法表达错误,反复诵读。把其他话题的最后一个小问题(explain why / how…)的答案想好,说一遍。
l 把Part 1的必考题Hometown、accommodation、study/work这三个话题刷掉。其他问题有时间就看一遍,没有时间就只能靠发挥了……
l 把Part 2所有话题看一遍!想一下相关的思路和素材,复习一下学过的话题词汇。
l 复习所有学过的话题词汇、短语、句型。
l 做一套真题,模考一下,找感觉。





