一. 雅思口语提升只有毅力是不够的
二. 雅思口语如何备考才会有提升
1. 基础
2. 技巧
3. 心态
Describe a sport you would like to learn
Please say:
What sport it is?
When will you learn it?
How will you learn it?
Why do you want to learn this particular sport?
If I get the chance and nothing unusual happens, I would like to start playing basketball soon. This is a sport that fascinates me a lot and after 4-5 months when I will finish my graduation, I will start playing this game on a regular basis. In fact some of my neighbours already play this game every evening in a nearby basketball playground and all I have to do is start playing with them.
They are very close to me and they’ll definitely welcome me to join their team. I will need to buy a pair of sports trousers and shoes and spend some money to start playing it. Actuality the expense is very low and that wouldn’t be a problem for me to start the activity.
Though I often watched this game on television or in our local play-ground, I never played it myself. May be I was bit anxious about the performance or skill of mine in this game and that’s why I have not started it yet. I planned to start playing it when I was in grade 9, but because my family had to move to a new city, I could not start it.
This is a game that fascinates me and since I often watch it on television, I have a great passion about it. Two of my previous attempts to start playing this game were ruined and I feel somehow that has enhanced my interest about this game even more. I need to shape my body and I found it would be a great game to do so. That’s the most important reason I want to start it as soon as possible.
一、模仿(Imitation)— 跟读是起点
1. 方法
2. 目的
① 语音语调
发音正确与否直接决定说话对象是否能领会自己所要表达的意思。英语的发音方式与汉语肯定有很大的不同,如果从一开始就不能很好地掌握英语的发音,或是形成了较为奇怪的语调,养成习惯之后就再难纠正过来。所以从最基本的词汇开始对语音语调的训练是模仿最直接的目的。有时只听录音还不能完全了解个别发音的过程,如θ和e 的音,所以通过录像来学习就可以更加直观,让发音得以完善,变得更加到位。
② 句式句型
二、复述(Repetition)— 背诵是基础
1. 背诵
Describe a smartphone APP that you think is useful.
You should say:
what the app it is
what contents it has
how do you use it
and explain why you think this app is useful.
The App I would recommend is called Instapaper, which you can download from Apple Store.
Instapaper is one of those tools you didn’t know you needed until you use it. It’s my latest go-to tool for remembering and organizing what I want to read. I think this is useful coz I always find myself browsing the web and happening upon a story or two that I definitely want to read, but for whatever reason I just cannot read it at that particular moment. Most of this resort to saving it as a bookmark so you can read it later. But bookmarks are difficult to access on multiple computers.
Instapaper allows you to easily save them for later, when you do have time, so you don’t just forget about them or skim through them. While you’re browsing the web, when you find something you want to remember to read later to click a little icon in your web browser toolbar. That saves all of the text of the article. That’s Instapaper: the critically acclaimed, award-winning app to read web pages on the go, in the air, or on the couch.
难点一 没时间构思完整答案
托福口语部分共有六道题,每道题的难度递增。以最容易的第一题来说准备时间只有15秒,回答时间只有45秒。这对于很多没有做好准备的考生来说根本还没来得及思考,准备时间就结束了。刚要开始回答,第一个句子还没来得及展开,回答时间就结束了。我们知道:People are very, very emotional. 正常情况下,人们是很容易受到自己情绪影响的。第一道口语题如果发挥失利,必然会影响到后面的表现。每道题衔接紧密基本没有让考生喘息调整的时间。所以很多考生都是从第一题开始一败千里,可能到了考试结束都不敢回顾自己在口语部分的表现。
难点二 答案不能太笼统
在托福口语部分的评分细则当中,考生回答中的details, examples and specific reasons被明确规定为评分的重要标准。许多考生背了一大篇模棱两可的句子。如: “Generally speaking, in current world we have some conflicting theories…”等等,打算在托福口语考试滥竽充数,但这在其他考试中行之有效的手段,在托福口语考试中是不会有好的效果。如果参与评分的美国教育考试中心的两位考官不能在回答中找到具体的细节,那么这位考生的回答立刻会被评为劣等。
难点三 高分需要脱离简单句
这一点要求考生在回答时,不能只使用单一的“this is a book.”, “that is a pen.”这样的句型。想要取得一个好分数,考生所使用的词汇和句型是需要能匹配自己的教育背景。要能表明该考生在真实的北美学术环境中可以很好的进行学术交流。
难点四 逻辑能力要求高
B、当考生对考题作了充分的研究准备,并按照事先准备的回答流畅的进行背诵时,考官会主动打断这位考生的背诵,且有意转换到生僻话题。目的仍然是要考察该考生真实的英语水平。 这样我们就能知道在雅思口语考试当中,侧重进行考察的是,真实的交谈能力。,但托福口语考试与此恰恰相反。因为没有考官的参与,整个的考察过程更类似于一个自我陈述,考生只需要围绕着考题进行回答,整个的回答过程都不会被打扰。这就意味着:提前准备好回答的魔板,完全可以减低口语回答的难度。
The school is going to play some student-produced TV shows. Which would you like to watch the most? Choose one and explain why.
1)Interviews with student leaders and professors
2)Debate on social and political issues
3)Comedy about different aspects of student life
Sample Response
I would like to watch student-produced shows that feature interviews with student leaders and professors.
First, such shows would demonstrate the students’ ability to make a good production. It would be interesting to watch how my classmates have learned to create and edit interesting video footage into a coherent program.
Second, I could learn more about the people in my school. For example, I might decide to take a class with an interesting professor I saw. Alternately, I might see a different side of a person I already know.
Therefore, I think interview programs would be a good choice for the school to broadcast.
If you run a small business with your friends, what do you want to do?
Sample Response
I would like to start a business making and selling handmade accessories.
I really love fashion, so it would be fun having a career related to the fashion industry. If I sold handmade accessories, I could attend trade shows and follow the latest trends as part of my work.
I also like making things by hand. If I sold the accessories I make, I could earn money from my hobby. It would give me a chance to get paid for doing what I enjoy.............
Important Plant
Describe an important plant in your country
You should say:
Where you see it
What it look like
Why it is important
What is the main plant in your country?
How do schools teach students to grow plants?
Do old people grow plants?
Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?
Ok then. well after a bit of thought. I've decided to talk to you about bamboo. However, I honestly don't know if I'm gonna be able to talk for two minutes about it, but I'll give it a try!
So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I can't really remember exactly how I first got to know about it, you know, it could have been in a biology class at school, or when I was out somewhere with my parents, but my guess would be that I probably first knew about it at primary school, because that was about the time when we first started learning about things like that.
Anyway, moving on to why bamboo is important, well I'd say it's pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring, what else.um......oh yeah, and musical instruments, like the bamboo flute for example.
And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I've seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it's also very flexible, so it won't break, even with very heavy loads.
以上就是雅思口语新题之重要植物important plant的全部内容,在雅思口语的part1当中,也有一个话题是关于植物的,内容为关于植物的养殖等方面,part2和3的内容主要偏向于某种植物的具体介绍和描述。不论哪一种,我们都可以将part1的一些表达活用于这篇重要植物中。
范文成灾 叫我如何好好备考雅思口语?
1. 找中心思想
2. 分析范例的答题思路以及主要内容结构
3. 记录地道词汇和高分句型
4. 按照笔记(记忆)复述,巩固记忆
摘选了卡片题Positive change in your life中的一道提高题来和大家举个例子:
How has modern technology changed people's lives?
Technological advances have done a lot of good to work and life.
As far as work is concerned, well, the invention of the internet has managed to connect people from around the world, allowing us to tap into resources and talents in a way we had never had before. And more advanced public transport means that more deals and transactions could be made in a shorter span of time. So that’s why working people are more productive and businesses are thriving.
And our life has been made easier thanks to the fast-developing technology. Airplane and high-speed rail enable us to travel long distances within one single day. And home appliances have shared much of our domestic duties, from cooking, sweeping to laundry.
Step 1 中心思想,native speakers习惯把重点的points放在话的前面来说,因此口语救生圈中的范例也一样,重点的points很明显就可以找到:Technological advances have done a lot of good to work and life. 所以我们清楚,这个范例中主要是会将科技发展带来的益处。
Step 2 内容结构,虽然说文章很长,但是毕竟是高分范例!因此结构十分清晰!先谈工作,比如说资源更容易寻找,而且交通便利也方便商务合作等等;再聊生活,比如搭飞机能让我们一天之内就达到目的地,而且家用电器也能分担家务,让人轻松不少。
Step 3 词句积累,在这段话中很多词语和句式都是十分经典的高分口语表达,比如说As far as work is concerned,in a shorter span of time,domestic duties 等等。
Step 4 复述文章,到了这一步的时候,烤鸭就可以根据自己的笔记来进行复述了。要做一篇original 的文章,烤鸭们可以自行发挥,添加或更改自己的内容和信息。比如说聊到对生活的益处,可以不说airplane或home appliances, 而是聊一聊socials network 和 movie entertainment。
A Subject You Didn't Like
Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest in now.
You should say:
what it was
when you studied the subject
why you didn't like it before
and explain why you have interest in it now.
Part 3
Do you think teachers have a great influence on students' studies?
Is interest important for student?
How to develop interest in a school subject?
How to learn English in a fun way?
Do you think students should spend more time on one subject or equally spend time on all subject?
雅思口语Part3范文:favorite part in your city
1.Why is it important to have parks in a city?
People value the time they spend in city parks, whether walking a dog, playing basketball, or having a picnic. Along with these expected leisure amenities, parks can also provide measurable health benefits, from providing direct contact with nature and a cleaner environment, to opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. However they work, they act to define the shape and feel of a city and its neighborhoods.
2.What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?
I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local shops as well as access to larger shopping malls in the city centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the suburbs away from the busy traffic …
3.In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?
Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocks … multi-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city, doesn’t it?
4.What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?
I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good quality housing … I think these are the major challenges …
5.Why do most people live in cities?
Ans. Because in cities, People get better lifestyle and facilities of fast transportation, quality education and medical facilities within quick time. In addition, many scopes of getting employment because of prevailing many industries.
6.Would you prefer living in city or in town?
Ans. Definitely in city because as in city many institutions of education and sports and hobbies are located and recreational places like multiplexes, restaurants.However, I will visit once in a blue moon to the towns even to get different experience of fresh air and wondering in farms and watching natural landscapes with great panoramic view. so would love to exploit the fun of living at the both places.
新人雅思口语备考攻略一 了解雅思口语考试
新人雅思口语备考攻略二 打好基础很重要
新人雅思口语备考攻略三 备考资料选用
雅思口语自我训练1. Listen to yourself.
雅思口语自我训练2. Slow down!
很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。
雅思口语自我训练3. Picture it...
雅思口语自我训练4. Get physical!
发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。
雅思口语自我训练5. Watch yourself.
站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。
雅思口语自我训练6.Copy the experts.
雅思口语自我训练7. Practice makes perfect.
1 What do you usually do on weekends?
On weekends I do a variety of things. I rest, I read, I go out with friends to a park or go to the cinema. Occasionally I go have dinner in a restaurant – there are lots of new restaurants opening up in my city so I often go with a group of friends to a restaurant, usually a hotpot restaurant. I like eating out with friends and family – it’s a popular communal activity in my country, actually.
解析:communal的意思是共享的,共有的;不同群体的。周末大家为了放松一下,经常会约上三五好友在饭店小聚,所以答案使用communal activity来形容。
2 Would you say weekends are important to us?
I think they’re very important. It’s when we get time to spend with family and friends and kick back and relax and forget about work or the hassles of daily life. Weekends are when we can wind down, recharge our batteries and relax a bit after a working week. I think everyone should have free weekends.
解析:这道题的答案无疑是肯定的,想必没有人会觉得周末休息不重要吧~ hassles的意思是困难,麻烦。除此之外,答案提到了三个表示“放松”的短语:kick back, wind down和recharge our batteries。这样一来,大家就可以用来替换在自己答案中高频出现的“relax”。
3 Do you often go to the cinema on weekends?
From time to time, depending on what’s on. I wouldn’t say I go that often, perhaps once every couple of months. But when I do go I enjoy it immensely. I love seeing a film on the big screen and eating popcorn and maybe going to dinner afterwards and discussing the movie with my friends.
解析:答案中的immensely替换了very much,这个单词还是很加分的,建议掌握。
4 What do you plan to do for next weekend?
I have no plans next weekend. In fact, I’ve got some work to catch up on so I will work half of the time and the other half of the time I’ll do odd jobs around the house, run some errands in town and then just get an early night. These days I don’t go out much on weekends really. It’s been a busy few months for me and I’ve got all sorts of random things to do by the time the weekend comes around.
解析:do odd jobs的意思是干一些杂活,get an early night的意思是尽早入睡,早点休息。
雅思口语备考绝招 拯救5.5分的你
当你练习发音时,学习如何连读尤其困难。当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。在“jumps over”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。例如,“She works in an old office”听起来的发音应该是“She work-si-na-nol-doffice。”
--利用录音 App,自备一个话题,然后对此话题进行一至两分钟的陈述并同时录音。
--再次听录音。 注意听本次录音与前次录音的不同之处以及你在口头表达所取得的进步。
雅思口语Part3话题范文:historical event
1. Do you think museums should be free?
Um….yeah, ideally I think they should be, because they’re great educational resources. But if it’s not possible, then a small entrance fee I guess is acceptable, cos that will help a museum cover its costs and stay running. alternatively, museums could be free and have a donation box, so that if you can afford to donate something towards the upkeep, then you have the opportunity to do so.
Ideally - 理想情况下
Cover its costs - 收回成本
Stay running – stay in operation维持运转
Alternatively- 要不然;You use alternatively to introduce a suggestion or to mention something different to what has just been stated.
Donation box - 捐款箱
Upkeep– 维护;保养;养护 The upkeep of a building or place is the work of keeping it in good condition
2. Are young people in your country interested in historical museums?
Yeah, I think most young people are, to a varying degree. So in other words, I think young people here have at least some level of interest in them, although it’s probably fair to say that they’re not that high up on the list of favourite things to do! You know, I’d say the young here are generally a lot more interested in stuff like computer games and foreign TV series, but history’s deeply rooted in our culture, so I think it will always hold some level of interest for anyone in my country, both young and old.
To a varying degree -在不同程度上
Deeply rooted in - 深深植根于
3. How can more people become interested in history?
I’m not that sure, but I suppose um… the way it’s taught at school could be improved, and possibly made more interesting. So for example, instead of simply staying in the classroom, teachers could take students out more to visit historical sites and anything of historical relevance. So that’s one thing, and as well as this I guess, um…, increasing the amount of history documentaries on TV could also have a positive effect on developing people’s interest in history.
And finally I think parents can play an important role by introducing history and all its wonders to their children, and if they do it well, then I’m sure it’s going to help children develop an interest in it.
History and all its wonders – 历史和所有的奇迹
4. Tell me some movies or music about history in your country.
There are countless! Um… where do I begin?! Let me have a quick think! Um… Ok, well, one that comes to mind is a film called Hong Gaoliang, which I think was directed by Zhang Yimou. And you might have heard of him, cos he also directed the Beijing Olympics. But anyway, going back to the film, it’s set in the early 1900s and it’s basically about what happened during that time, which included the War of Resistance against Japan. That’s about all I can remember because it was ages ago when I watched it.
One that comes to mind is – 一个想到的是…
(But) anyway -(用于转移话题或回到原话题)对了,好吧 You use anyway or anyhow to change the topic or return to a previous topic
The War of Resistance against Japan – 抗日战争
5. What do most people like to do when they visit a historical site?
I guess what the majority of people do is just, like, take photos of the place. That’s really the main thing. But as well as that, most people will also look at the things on display and uh, what else? Um… Oh yeah, and maybe buy one or two souvenirs to take back home as mementos. So that’s pretty much it really!
Like– here, “like”, has no meaning, it’s just said during a pause.
So that’s pretty much it really – 差不多就这些。
6. Would you say movies help people develop more interest in history?
Yeah, I’d say they can, because after all, movies are quite vivid and so they make history come alive. And another thing is that a lot of people can’t be bothered to read a book about history, but they’d gladly go and watch a film about it, simply because movies are a bit more entertaining. So yeah, I’d say they generally do help people become more interested in history.
And another thing is that– 另外一点就是….
Can’t be bothered to… - 懒得做某某是
Gladly - 乐意地
1-4月雅思口语Part3话题范文:family member
1. What are the values of family in your country?
Answer: That's a really important question. First of all, I believe that family values don't differ from country to country and allow me to say that they should be the same throughout the world. As far as I’m concerned, the most important values of a family are the so-called moral values, which enable people to draw plausible distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false. The lessons learned from the family are invaluable throughout our life.
Furthermore, the family values are vital in making decisions and can be obtained by personal and life experiences with close relationships with family members. To be more specific, some examples could be: being honest and trustworthy, courageous and patient, taking up responsibilities as well as adding values to the world are the norms of our family and society. A family is so important and we stand for our family members no matter what. Thus the family comes first is the morality everyone in our country believes. We also consider a family as the unit of a society or a country and bonding, relationship, trustworthiness, helpfulness are lessons that come with the close family ties.
2. How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?
Answer: Our parents are the reason for our existence and with them, we get a family. Parents are the persons we see and rely on when we open our eyes for the first time. Moreover, parents are the primary educator and they teach their children how to develop confidence, socialisation skills, morals, values and views in life. Since they are the base of our family, closeness in a family leads people to have an intrinsically fulfilling and flourishing life.
This can be justified by the fact that kids who enjoy strong family bonding tend to be happier and mentally healthier that those who are in a dysfunctional family environment.
3. What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?
Answer: That’s really an interesting question! My personal opinion is that a nuclear family is much more preferable to me compared to a joint family. The reason for my preference is possibly because I grew up in a nuclear family and it was a pleasant memory for me. Besides, in a nuclear family there are the couple and their children and in this situation anything is manageable and family members have a stronger relationship. Fighting and quarrel are rare in nuclear families.
On the other hand, the second type of family is extended family or joint family and includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and so on. I prefer a quiet environment than a noisy one. In a joint family, this is unlikely to happen and people always do not have privacy. Therefore, I strongly believe that a family only with mum, dad and siblings works better for me.
4. How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?
Answer: Unfortunately, the sacred notion of a family has lost its meaning to a certain extent in the last ten years. People don’t invest in feelings anymore and don’t retreat as well. Nowadays quarrels between couples are a frequent occurrence and because women are financially independent, they don’t step back like they did many years ago. Moreover, a principal cause that has led to this situation is the internet. When family members have some spare time they prefer to consume it by going online instead of having some family conversations. I would jump to the conclusion that people who decide to create a family should let go off their ego and in difficult times they should also think that their children want their parents to be happy and together.
5. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?
A. The families have changed greatly in my country for different reasons and situations. Earlier the families were united but currently they have been shaped into nuclear families. When people used to live the in the country areas, the families were large but with the advancement of time, the families have broken and took their own shares and formed small families instead of the large ones with the excuse of extensive maintenance cost, misunderstanding and more other issues.
6. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why / why not?
A. A husband and a wife should play different roles for different reasons. From time immemorial, males are considered as the bread earners while the females are the homemakers. But the ideas have changed massively in the current days. Now, both the husband and wives are seen engaged in money-earning activities. Moreover, they are sharing their responsibilities between them and thus they are playing different roles in the family.
7. Which are more important to you - your family or your friends?
A. My family is the most important thing to me than friends. A Family is a place where you will have everything. The family members will try to support you reasonably; both in good and bad situations and in return, they do not expect anything. It is the most important feature of a family. The family members will never leave you forever, but the scenario is just the opposite with the friends. When there are no benefits in helping you, the friends will be nowhere to be found! They will avoid you in every possible manner. So, my family is my top priority.
8. What conflicts can arise between a person's family and a person's friends?
A. There are different issues that can create trouble between you and your family or you and your friends. Regarding the familial issue, your family members may guide you to the right way but due to your lack of knowledge, you may get involved into arguments over the guidance. You may prefer following the one which appears better to you (although in reality that is not meant for you).
On the other hand, conflicts with friends may range from any trifling matter to a major issue like business loss or life or death situation. Family members are always with the well-wishers or try to make better but the friends are not always with the same thought to make you feel good unless they have any hidden benefit with the issue. The common conflict can arise when someone spends most of his/her time with friends and family members starts complaining about it.
雅思口语考试有四大评分标准:发音(pronunciation),词汇(lexical resources),语法(grammatical range and accuracy)和流利度(fluency and coherence),相信大家都已经不陌生了。四个标准看似简单,但每个里面都暗藏玄机。例如我们今天要进行探讨的“发音”,它对我们的分数影响不仅取决于考试时我们对词语的发音和重音,同样包括我们答案中。
句子的重音(sentence stress),断句(chunking),语调(intonation)等细化项目。理论上来讲,后面这三点不会直接影响到我们语言中词汇或语法的准确性考量,但在口语上,它们不仅参与了直接评分,同样是考官间接判断我们是否在进行背诵的重要依据。
答案当然是否定的,因为“背”考的是我们的记忆力,但雅思考的是我们的语言能力,既然答不对考,何来高分之说呢。如果你背的流利,考官兴许会给你个 4 分或 4.5 分以示安慰与对你背诵英语的认可,但死背题目的时代早已过去,这也就回答了我们很多考生在“遇到原题却依旧低分”的问题。
重音体现的是我们句子中所要说的重点内容,一般要进行语气的加强,或是语速上的减慢,以表示一句话中部分内容的强调,例如在 Part 1 提到关于喜好类和最爱类的问题 时, 考 官 问 道“What is your favorite fruit?”, 而 我 们 想 要 说 明 这 个 水 果 是 苹果,那在这句答案“My favorite fruit is apple.”的时候,自然 apple 就是我们的句子重音,因为我们想要强调,针对于这个问题,答案核心是 apple。
在考试答题时,一成不变的语调就会让你在回答问题时过于死板平淡。同样,在说到喜好类的答案时,既然我们要谈及到这些自己喜欢的东西,是否也应该加上一些愉快的情绪?反之,说到 something you dislike 的时候,我们是否应该耸耸肩,皱一下眉头呢?这样,才能避免考试所说的单一语调(monotone)问题,或是避免考官抓到背诵的破绽。
在我们追求高分答案的时候,势必要进行有逻辑且有长度的答案输出,以满足考试speak at length 的要求。较长的答案输出时,我们要学会依据答题逻辑而进行适当的断句,这将会使我们的答案更加具有层次感,而不是像“速读”一样,一口气说完自己脑中或准备好的内容。这种语速上没有变化的答案回答会让考官产生“过于流利及背诵”的疑虑,导致我们失分。我们在进行一些从句和复合句的回答时,一段话里是包含不止一个内容成分的,在成分间隔的时候,适当的断句,不仅可以留给自己思维反应的时间,也可以更好地给答案分出逻辑层次。
口语高分的诞生不仅需要我们语法和词汇的积累和准确的使用,也需要在考试时的适当的表演。雅思口语考试的独特之处就在于真人考官面试,不管是一来一回的 Part 1 和 Part 3 对话,还是个人表现的 Part 2,都需要我们考生生动的答案展现才能综合提高我们的考试分数。更加真实立体地“表演”出每一段口语答案何曾不是一种高能高分的体现?
Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.
You should say:
When it was
Who you met
Where it was
And explain why you were surprised to meet him/her
The time I was really surprised to meet a friend, quite by accident, was when I was in Venice on holiday. I was crossing St. Mark’s Square with my mother and father and suddenly I saw an old university friend, standing there in the square about ten meters away taking photos. At first I thought it was just someone that looked like him, but as I tentatively approached I realized it really was him! It was incredible really… I went over and said hello, and he was as shocked as I was! He was on holiday, on his own in fact, staying in a small hotel in Venice. You see, he was studying in Milan at university, studying fashion design… and he had come to Venice for a few days for a short trip and to take photos – he’s a huge photography fan. We all went out that night for a meal in a restaurant together and he told us about his experiences in Italy and how much he loved the country and how he was doing on his design course. Then after my parents went to bed we went out for a few drinks in some of the more local bars and got to know a few of the local people – which was pretty interesting. It was such a great and unpextected encounter, I’ll never forget it!
Part 3
1. Are there any meetings that people need to prepare in advance?
Yes, sure. Lots – usually work meetings for new projects – or maybe even meetings about buying a house or getting a loan. Things like this. You usually need to prepare in advance for most kinds of meetings to be honest – so that you can get the most out of the meeting by being informed beforehand of what is going to happen, and the possible outcomes. A good meeting can be highly constructive and productive – but a meeting where a bunch of people don’t know what’s going on or don’t bother prepare anything, can be a waste of time.
2. Are there any jobs that often deal with unexpected things?
Yes, I think so. Perhaps if you are in the police force or the military you might have to deal with all sorts of things that happen, with no real warning – like emergency situations, if there is an accident, or a robbery, or any sort of crime situation. I’d say these professions usually have to deal with unexpected things fairly frequently.
3. What makes a good friend?
A good friend is someone who is loyal, understanding, shares the same or similar interests as you do, and will always be there to listen to you when you need help, or support emotionally or practically. These, in my opinion, are the key qualities of a good friend.
Describe an occasion when you lost your way.
You should say:
Where you were
What happened
How you felt about it
And explain how you found your way
I’ve lost my way many times actually – I have a terrible sense of direction! But the one time that I remember when I got really stressed and worried was when I was with a friend in London. We had gone on a holiday together and we didn’t go out with our mobile phones so we couldn’t use GPS maps to help us. We went to see the Tower of London, which was a long walk from where we were staying, and on the way back we got completely lost, and then it started to rain. We managed to get a paper map from a friendly hotel receptionist, but the map was confusing and we got even more lost, especially as the map started to get soaking wet with all the rain. The English weather is really unpredictable. Eventually we gave up and hailed a taxi – taxis are really expensive in London as well, but anyway, eventually we got back to our hostel, showered and dried off. The thing I got nervous about was that London is quite big and we ended up getting lost in some areas that seemed a bit run-down and perhaps not very safe. You have to be very careful in big cities that you don’t know, because you don’t know which areas are safe or not to go wandering around in, especially when the sun sets and it gets dark. I felt a bit scared at times. Also when you get lost in a foreign country you feel more nervous because you don’t feel in control, you’re not on familiar territory, so getting lost can be a very unnerving experience. I was so relieved when we eventually got back to the hostel though. Next time I’m in a foreign country I will certainly make sure I have the international service on my phone open, and take my phone so I can use GPS maps!!
Part 3
1. Why do some people get lost more easily than others?
Some people, like my brother, as one example, have a great sense of direction – it’s as if they are born with it! Other people just can’t find their way around even familiar places without easily getting lost. I don’t really know why. I think it might be related to their notions of spatial awareness or how they find landmarks and compass directions in big cities or not. Others have a better awareness of how maps work, and can use online tools on their phones really well. Older people may have trouble with this modern technology.
2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?
Yes, I think before going to a new place it’s important to find out about the language, the culture and the general layout of a new city. Just so you have a basic idea of what lies ahead of you, what to expect and also what areas of the city are safe, as well as what behavior is appropriate or inappropriate in another country.
3. How can people find their way when they are lost?
The best way to find your way when lost if either use a mobile phone app or ask locals along the way to help you. In most places locals are pretty helpful if they see a stranger or a visitor who is lost, so I think it’s always a good idea to ask people for directions. Some people get nervous about asking others for directions. I’m not sure why. But it’s always a good idea to try to prepare in advance so that you know where you’re going and know how
雅思口语话题参考答案之A perfect trip/holiday
Describe a perfect trip or holiday. You should say:
Where you would go.
When you would go.
Whom you would go with.
What you are going to do.
Why you think it was perfect.
a) If I had to describe a perfect trip, I would like to tell you that I would love to undertake a trip to the zoo.
b) I am not sure if you have been there before.
a) I would like to go there in the summer.
b) That is to say, I want to go there when the weather is fine, and all the animals are active.
a) I would take some of my friends with, and also my Biology teacher.
b) What I mean to say is that I would like some nice company, but would also want somebody who would be able to explain many of the things that we are going to see there to me.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to go to the zoo. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.
a) First of all, I love nature and the outdoors.
b) What I mean to say is that we would be out in nature the whole day.
a) Secondly, I would be able to see many interesting animals.
b) For instance, I have heard that there are tigers, bears, wolfs, and many other animals.
a) Lastly, it would be a perfect trip for me because of the scenes that I would be able to see.
b) I have heard, for instance, that there is a beautiful lake, and that one can actually climb the Qi Pan Mountain.
7. So, those were some thoughts on what I believe would be a perfect trip.
雅思口语话题参考答案之A famous person
Describe a well-known person. You should say:
Who he/she is.
What makes him/her famous?
Why you admire him/her.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) The most important person that I would like to talk about, is a man called Confucius.
b) I am sure you have heard or read about him before.
a) He is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times in China.
b) For example, he is regarded as the founder of the Chinese literature.
a) He lived about 500 BC in the region that is known as Shan Dong province today.
b) The site of his tomb was later developed by his followers into the first university in China.
As to why I would like to talk about him, there are several reasons. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them shortly.
a) First of all, I firmly believe that he was a very gentle and easy-going person.
b) In other words, he did not believe that problems and conflicts should be solved by violence.
a) Secondly, he obviously was a man who possessed great wisdom.
b) You just have to read his writings, and listen to his sayings to agree with me.
a) Lastly, he is my favorite famous person because of the influence that his teachings have in Asia to this day.
b) For instance, countries like China, Japan, and Korea, still use his teachings as the basis to arrange their societies.
7. So, that in brief, was my favorite famous person.
雅思口语话题参考答案之A school friend
Describe a friend in your school time or whom you like most.
You should say:
Who he/she is.
When you became friends.
How he/she influences you.
Why you like him/her.
a) I made many friends in school, but the friend I would like to tell you about is called _X.
b) I am sure you have a friend like this in your life as well.
a) I met _X about _X years ago at the school that we attended together, and we soon became friends.
b) Our friendship has lasted to this day.
a) Our friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.
b) These days, for example, we share all our secrets with each other.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about _X as a friend. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.
a) I guess the main reason why _X and I became such good friends, is that we have the same interests.
b) For example, we both love listening to music, and we spend many hours together listening to our favorite CD`s.
a) Another reason why we have become such good friends is that we both would like to go and study abroad in the near future.
b) So we often chat about what possible majors we would study, and what university we would like to attend.
a) A third reason why s/he is my friend is that we share many principles.
b) For example, we both believe that we should not damage our health by smoking cigarettes.
a) Lastly, I believe that _X has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.
b) _X is always friendly, cares about his/her family and friends, and is always willing to listen to others.
8. So now you know why _X is such a good friend.
跟读法的推广者 Alexander Arguelles 亚历山大·阿奎列斯毕通晓数十种语言,他在韩国 Handong 大学任职时,甚至同时教授学生法语、德语和西班牙语三门语言。
Alexander Arguelles 说,其实关于语言学习,他并没有什么特殊的秘籍。每当学习一门新语言,他会把它们像种子一样种植到他的大脑中,然后通过持续的学习给予滋养,让它们生根发芽。如果非要说“秘籍”,他只是使用了 “ technique of shadowing ”,也就是我们中文中惯常引用的 “ 影子跟读法 ”。
1. 准备一份双语材料。
2. 为第1项准备一份雅思口语音频材料。
■电视类:较多见的有game show、soapopera、talk show、TV drama program。又如电视对生活产生的影响,我们plan our lives aroundTV;对孩子,电视则会affect schoolwork。再如在没有电视的年代,一家人会在晚饭后playfamily games,如chess、card、board game等。
■电影类:常考的有comedy、animation、horror film、thriller、action、romance、classic、mys-tery、science fiction、drama、documentary等。
■电影组成:常考的有crew、leading ac-tor、leading actress、plot、story、race car scene、chase scene、shootout、action scene等。我们不妨通过中英结合的模式来记:现代高科技电影中,special effect必不可少,能stun audiences。此外,一部好电影还要好的soundtrack,它的photography必须是real,不能一眼看上去就是fake,再加个surprising ending就完美了,一定能成为一个blockbuster、hit、top grossing film。一流大片当然要角逐OscarAwards或nomi-nation的热门。电影的制作着实不易,每个scene都要film、shoot好几次,还会shoot fromdifferent angels直到完美。有机会要去studio看看电影的拍摄过程。一般的电影主题都是积极健康,宣扬growing up、friendship、love、goodagainst evil,那样才能win our hearts。
■书本分类:分成fiction和non-fiction。novel就是最典型的fictional book,小说有几个要素必不可少,它们是plot、setting、theme以及character。小说可以是whimsical,serious,也可以是controversial的。一本好的小说会有surprising ending,故事情节要紧凑,要movealong fast,配有illustration的comic book是小朋友的最爱。 non-fiction包括almanac、en-cyclopedia这些reference book,这些书中有很多in-depth article。书的封面也有很多种,较多的是hardcover book和paperback book。
■报纸种类:分 daily、weekly、morningpaper、evening paper,还可以按内容分成tabloid、broadsheet newspaper等。 tabloid的特色是specialize in news aboutpeople,通常比较sensational,语言较为simple,里面会有很多half-truth,观点也时常是biased的,总体来说是为了娱乐大众,比如里面会有一些明星的slander。
而broadsheet newspaper的版面比较大,是multi-section newspaper,比较serious,文字也较为difficult,作者多为well-informedjournalist。这些制作精良,内容严肃的报纸也被称为quality newspaper。无论哪份报纸,frontpage和headline始终都是吸引人眼球的重点。
翻越雅思口语大山:攻克口语靠自己 千万不要崇拜疯子英语(即泡沫英语,看着挺大,其实什么都没有)的学习方法,所谓疯子英语就是像神智混乱的人那样毫无逻辑可言地排列些单词,庆幸的是神智清醒的外教总能“听”懂,这样一来疯子的自信心神奇般地大增,从此自认为潇洒地开始了疯话连篇。Crazy English?No!English is not crazy—you are crazy!我个人认为,对一个缺乏广泛英语环境的中国学生来说,提高口语能力的最好办法:首先是最简单的背诵,再找个外教进行实弹演习。因为既然是实弹演习就不打无准备之仗,至少也得像“大专辩论会”那样,选个话题找好资料做好充分准备,只有这样的“交流”才能真正获益。





