首先必须了解雅思考试内容,这样才可以对症下药,然后进行针对性的准备。雅思考试分为听、说、读、写四个部分进行。除了口语考试,其余 3 部分听、读、写是在一个时间段内完成的。
听力考试分为 4 个 section,总共 40 分钟,其中 30 分钟听录音材料,10 分钟誊写答案。考生听四段录音,每段录音只能听一遍。其中 section1 和 section3 以对话的形式出现,section2 和 section4 以独白的形式展现。Section1 和 section2 涉及内容是社会生活类,section3 和 section4 则是教育和培训类的话题。材料中会出现不同的英语口音和方言,包括英式、澳洲式、新西兰式和美式,但是主要是以英音为主。每段录音出 10 道题,考察难度随考试的进行而递增。
口语考试分为三部分,总时长 11 到 14 分钟。采用一对一交流形式对考生的英语水平进行考察,主要考察考生日常会话、对熟悉话题作一定程度的描述以及与考官之间的互动能力。三个模块中,part1 是一般性问题(通常是考生熟悉的话题,如朋友、兴趣、旅游的那个),part2 是卡片题(通常是可以联系考生自己经历进行回答的话题),part3 是考官和考生的互动问答(通常是考官就考生 part2 回答中出现的抽象部分进行双向讨论)。
阅读考试总时长 60 分钟,需要完成 3 篇文章,40 道题目。学术类文章从书本、杂志、期刊及报纸上选取,与考生未来在大学课程中阅读的文章极为相似,但是不会考察专业知识,所以不要求读者具备某一领域的专业知识。3 篇文章的写作方式多样,但是至少有一篇文章包含详细的论证。培训类文章则更富生活气息,从报纸、广告、说明书及书籍中摘取日常生活素材,考察考生对信息的理解及运用的能力。试题包括一篇较长的描述性,而非论证性的文章。
写作包括两篇作文,总共 60 分钟。A 类 Task 1 会给出一些视觉性的信息,比如表格、图表或者图解等,需要考生就这些信息写一篇大约 150 词的文章,主要考查考生描述和分析数据能力;Task 2 要求考生针对某问题或观点写一篇约 250 词的短文,并能使用恰当语气及语句讨论问题、展开论证,这一部分考察的是考生对一个论点进行论述、并提供清晰的论据或举例支持论点的能力。需要注意的是,无论是 task1 还是 task2,A 类写作的内容都是学术性的,所以要求考生用正规的学术写作的文体。G 类 Task 1 要求考生写一封约 150 词的信件,询问信息或解释一种情况;Task 2 要求考生根据所给问题或观点写一篇约 250 字的短文,并能使用恰当的语气和语言表达自己的观点、反驳其他观点。
听力录音只放一遍,对于大多数考生来说还是有点难度的,尤其是当录音中有非纯正口音的录音存在时。这就要求我们平时做好听力基本功。英语基础相对较弱的小伙伴,精听可以选用剑桥真题 section1 和 section2,基础好的可以选用 section3 和 section4 的内容;
写作是最能体现考生英语水平能力的模块,而这也是中国考生比较头疼的一个单项。所以,为了保证在考试规定时间内清晰、准确成文,有必要熟悉大小作文的题型以及写作要求。雅思小作文主要是图表题,数据分析(饼状、柱状、表格),流程图,地图题,考查的是对数据的分析处理能力;大作文考题按主题可大致为 14 类,频率由高到低依次为(教育、文化社会、商业、城乡、科技、媒体、环境、政府、全球化、犯罪、旅游、家庭、运动娱乐、健康),考的文章类型主要为论证和报告。
雅思大作文:it is important for all children to learn history
雅思大作文题目:Some people think it is important for all children to learn history in school. Others believe that other subjects are more relevant to children’s lives today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the contemporary society, the public’s sight focus on the future development, while history has been a mystery area which people can find only in the museum; as a result, there is a suggestion that all the schoolchildren should learn history as a compulsory course, but the influence brought by other subjects cannot be ignored.
Undeniably, although it seems that history is far from people’s life, especially for the young generation who have limited understanding of the meaning of history, it helps us identify who we are and where we are from, which is regarded as the root in many traditional cultures. Besides, history always contains a variety of knowledge, ranging from literature to science; as long as the children start and have access to history, they could gain the sense of appreciating the wisdom of the ancestors and cultivate the interest in certain academic fields, benefiting for the future development.
On the other hand, shaping these offspring to be the talents for a country cannot only rely on the humane study; science and other practical skills would be more effective to explore their potential and train the critical thinking. By taking the personality into consideration among such generation, it is acceptable that the significance of current curriculum is to connect the content with the reality, since the advent of high technology plays an influential role, and to work in the relative industries would be the prime option while making decision of career.
In conclusion, the advantages of these two kinds of subjects are not overwhelming, which means that the combination of all the development could create the most efficient blue print in educating the descendants to be outstanding in both academic performance and personal identity.
雅思大作文:parents give their children everything that their children ask for
雅思大作文题目:Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to do. Is this good for children? What could be consequences for these children when they grow up?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Raising a child is the life goal for most newly-weds; following is the real challenge how they can provide an appropriate way of education, which has been a fierce discussion around the society.
It is undeniable that the good wish of all the parents is to devote everything they have to guarantee that the youth can live in plenty, ranging from emotion and finance. The love and capital invested indeed are the necessity to be the sufficient support the children to be mature and grow up in a caring environment, and it is also regarded as much a factor as could they learn how to love. However, the fact is that the extent of care is hard to control in most families where the younger generation are spoiled or manipulated; driven by the motivation, the parental love, gradually, becomes the excessive permission to satisfy whatever children want; as a result, under such circumstance, the spoiled offspring are the “little emperor ” at home, cultivating some impolite behavior, especially lacking the respect of the elders.
Unfortunately, the negative impact can be enlarged when they growing. The most significant is that this group of spoiled children who lose the sense of responsibility and moral regulation tend to commit more crimes, because of the low tolerance of criticism or different opinions; or on the contrary, another feature of well-loved children is the ignorance of the outside world, and they believe that everything comes naturally, so that they cannot understand the tears and sweat behind the satisfaction of material, or look after themselves without the surrounding of the family members, not even mentioning to live independently.
In conclusion, although the love for the babies is the most valuable and beautiful thing for everyone, which can be totally acceptable, parents need to have a long-distance sight to notice the development of characters while providing a favorable environment.
1.They refused to foot the cost of the wedding.
2.Blue really becomes her.
3.Little is known about his early life, save that he had a brother.
4.Whether it is to be a 'working' visit or an 'official' visit is of little import.
5.He now addressed himself to the task of searching the room.
6.She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.
比如喜闻乐见的Justin Bieber梗
如果对连词,代词,句子结构等语法知识掌握不好的话很容易出现句子读不懂的情况。举个最简单的例子,“Angry as he was, he couldn't help smiling.”这句话是什么意思?
所以上面句子的意思应该是“Though he was angry, he couldn't help smiling.”
Someone believes that a tax-payer has done his part as a citizen. However, someone believes that a citizen should assume other responsibilities. Discuss both views and present your opinion. 有人认为纳税者就已经尽到了公民责任,有认为认为公民应该承担其他责任,讨论两种观点?(10月30日)
1. 公民纳税是自我价值的实现以及对社会的贡献。
2. 更多的财政预算可以用来提供给公民更好的社会福利,例如,推广免费的教育和医疗,以及加强基础设施的建设。
1. 在必要时候去服兵役以保卫祖国,体现的是一个人的爱国情怀。
2. 遵纪守法
3. 良好的环保意识,保护环境人人有责。
1. good citizens = highly qualified citizens = excellent citizens = well-behaved citizens n 好公民
2. honorable tax-payer n光荣的纳税人
3. increase governmental income v 增加政府收入
4. multiply the governmental revenue增加政府税收
5. …… is the embodiment of the realization of self-value and the donation to the community …… 是自我价值的实现以及对社会的贡献
6. It is the unshakable / compelling / compulsory duty of every citizen to pay taxes纳税是每个公民可推卸的义务。
7. More financial budget could be allocated to provide citizens with more beneficial social welfare such as popularizing free education and medical treatment or strengthening the constructions of infrastructure. 更多的财政预算可以用来提供给公民更好的社会福利,例如,推广免费的教育和医疗,以及加强基础设施的建设。
8. have other indispensable responsibilities to play v 还有其他不会推卸的责任
9. serve other more far-reaching social functions 类型其他的意义深远的社会职能。
10. strengthen /intensify / reinforce one’s environmental protection awareness v 加强环保意识
11. reinforce one’s law-abiding / lawful awareness v 加强守法意识
12. patriotism n.爱国心,爱国精神
13. embark on military service to safeguard one’s motherland when necessary v 在必要时候去服兵役以保卫祖国
14. abide by the law = observe the law v 守法
15. Ideal citizens should both perfectly act as the role of tax-payers and willingly serve other more profound social functions such as undertaking military service, strengthening one’s lawful and eco-friendly awareness. 理想的社会公民不仅仅是光荣的纳税者,还应该履行其他社会职能,例如服兵役,加强环保和守法意识。
8月雅思写作预测题目:孩子应该学会合作还是竞争。Some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
However protective children’s parents can be, they will one day have to face the society by themselves.
The society currently is undeniably competitive. In order to be able to stand on their own feet, children should be equipped with sufficient competence, such as knowledge, skills, and above all, a strong sense of competition.
The power of unity comes greater than the power of individuals. Take football match as an example: each Brazilian player is talented, however it is not unusual that they are defeated by those who are merely ordinary players but definitely know how to play as a team.
Think about how to present oneself when writing a CV, ‘be willing to cooperate’ appears to be a must.
The sense of competition and that of cooperation are equally appreciable. Yet, we should not ignore the fact that modern projects are often so complicated and challenging that they need both individual talents and excellent teamwork to be completed. 教育应该泛还是
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this.
Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
208月雅思写作预测题目:是否应该禁烟。Smoking cause serious disease, and therefore should be banned in all occasions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It breaks the freedom of choice, especially when people smoke at home alone.
For those who are engaged in intensive brainwork, smoking helps them to focus on their work as well as ease their mental stress.
The tobacco industry contributes to the government anuually astronomical taxation which can be taken advantage of and used on improving citizens’ welfare.
It is unquestionable that smoking largely endangers people’s health, because of the fact that it gives birth to the happening of heart attack and lung cancer.
Smokers will uncounsciously force people around, e.g. family and friends, into passive smoking. Unfortunately, many babies are born seriously sick because of it.
Some argue that in certain cultures, smoking functions to maintain people’s social network,
e.g. Chiense people are accustomed to send cigarettes as gifts to friends during festivals. However, not all social norms are necessarily reasonable, and people will be better off spending the money on buying other meaningful presents.
雅思零基础不要紧 扎实备考照样拿高分
语法很重要,但语言的本质是交流,深度交流需要读和写的技能,更广泛直接的交流需要听和说。语法分支很细,对雅思零基础学员而言,掌握雅思基础语法里的 基本时态、句型使用即可,切忌过多纠缠。因为在没有大量词汇、阅读的前提下,谈语法不啻于建造空中楼阁,更无法体会语法的灵活性。更会消耗无谓的精力和时 间,消磨雅思考试的信心。
走捷径是任何人最直观的想法,所以很多机经和模板才大行其道。开 头我们就明白了,现在雅思考试评分标准在收紧,模板风险只高不低。尤其基础不好的人背模板只会雪上加霜,基础好的同学利用模板才会个性化处理,形成锦上添 花的效果。对零基础学员而且,踏实、紧凑的学习态度是唯一保证。
对零基础学员而 言最有效的背单词方法就是背完后不要过多地孤立地去测试自己的词汇掌握情况,而是尽量去造句、说出来,每天保证至少四十分钟的听力量,通过一个月的时间将 听力量、口语训练量和基础阅读量累积出来,到第二个月学雅思时才能对语法、词汇更快更灵敏的反应,还能促进有效使用和正确使用率。
雅思口语part2高分话题范文:your favourite park/garden
Describe your favourite park/garden.
You should say:
Where it is
What can be seen there
How often you go there
And explain why you like it.
Well, as you can imagine, I've been to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, I guess I would probably say Taiziwan Park, which is somewhere in the centre of Hangzhou, not far from the West Lake.
And regarding what you can see there, well I guess the first thing to mention would be the tulips, which are really gorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, I'm sure if you look on the Internet, you'll probably be able to see some photos of the park and the flowers. And as well as the tulips, another thing that a lot of people go to see is the cherry blossom, which is quite literally stunning, especially in the spring time. Unfortunately though, I've seen quite a number of people shaking the blossom off the branches, which means it disappears quicker than it would do naturally. So it's a bit of a pity, as nothing much can really be done about it. But anyway, it's honestly no exaggeration to say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and that's why you'll also see a lot of young couples there taking wedding photos.
Anyway um, as for how often I go there, well if truth be told, I don't really go there all that often, probably only something like three or four times a year, the main reason being that it gets really crowded on weekends, and it's a bit of an effort to get to from where I live.
So finally then, with regard to why I like this park, well there's not really that much more to say about it, you know, it's just a really nice and scenic place to go and relax. Oh yeah, and the other great thing about it is that it's free entrance, which didn't use to be the case a while ago, so I guess I'll be going there more often in the future!
雅思口语part2高分话题范文:a positive change
Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.
You should say:
what the change was
when it happened
where it happened
and explain how you have benefited from this change
Ok, well the positive change which I would like to tell you about was actually a pretty simple one, but it's improved my life a great deal, and basically all it was, was getting up an hour earlier every day.
The reason I started doing it was because it got to the point where my whole day was taken up with various stuff, like classes and homework, and I found that I hardly had any free time left. So I kind of realized that the only way to make more time for myself was to get up earlier, and so that's what I decided to do. It wasn't easy at first, especially when it was cold, but thankfully it got a lot easier, and now I find it no effort at all getting out of bed at five in the morning,
Anyway, as for when I first started doing this, well, I guess it must have probably been about two or three years ago, round about the time I was busy preparing for my university entrance exams, and I was getting up at something like five or six every morning to revise. And after my exams finished, I remember thinking to myself, wouldn't it be good to continue getting up early and have all this extra time to do things at the beginning of the day.
So that's pretty much how it all started, and finally, with regard to how I've benefited from this change, well to put it simply, I'd say I've benefited immensely, in more ways than one. For example, it's given me time to do a bit of exercise every day, which I didn't use to have time for. So now I've become a lot fitter. And as well as this, I also now have the time to eat a proper breakfast every day, instead of skipping it, like I used to do, so I've basically become much healthier as a result.
That's more or less everything, I guess, so thanks very much for listening.
雅思口语part2高分话题范文:a wedding you attended
Describe a wedding you attended.
You should say:
whose wedding it was
who was there
where it was
and explain how you felt at this wedding.
Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.
And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests. And if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well. For example, one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.
Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from. And it was held in a hotel there. I can’t remember the name of it I’m afraid, but it was a really nice hotel, and probably one of the best in the city.
So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening. So I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.
That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.
理解 理解即我们在听一段录音材料时,必须要将这段录音的内容听明白,能够跟得上说话人的节奏,能够清楚整个讲话的脉络。事实上,在这点上文字的理解还是比较容易的,对于有些基础的学生而言大部分录音都是可以听明白的。我们不难发现,听力四个部分中,section1 和section3更容易理解,原因在于这两个部分属对话形式,人物一问一答可以很好的帮助我们来了解话题的转换,信息都分成若干个小块分散地表达出来,使听者更易接受这些信息。而section2 和section4则是个人独白,所有信息都是紧密的衔接在一起,对于听者而言,则加大了理解上的难度,尤其是后面的学术部分,若对此处出现的各种科普话题并不太熟悉,难度则会更大。





