雅思口语怎么才能变地道?雅思口语练习首先要做到的就是keep talking, 无论应对考试还是在国外生活,keep talking 都比语音和语法重要,而且在不断说英语的过程中,语音和语法自然会得到锻炼。
首先,要做到keep talking,大量的词汇量是必不可少的。如果想开口说一个句子,5个单词组成的句子,其中4个都不知道如何表达,还怎么说下去?其实词汇量也是造成“不敢说”问题的一个重要原因,因为不会说所以才会不敢说。
雅思口语练习听到英语—翻译成中文(脑中)—想好中文回答—翻译成英文(脑中)—表达英文而英语思维的人则是:听到英语—想好英语回答—表达英语 也就是完全的native speaker的思维方式,这种思维方式不仅是使得交流更快更流畅,也会使得你的表达更加接近于native speaker。要学会或是养成英语思维,首先需要有较好的英语基础,切忌不要想着一口吃成一个大胖子。要锻炼英语逻辑思维,不外乎多听、多练、多输出。
2. 更多的练习停止用英语思考英语母语思维,刚开始是非常困难的,但写作是一个很好的方法,因为写作不同于口语,写作将有更多的时间去思考, 不出国考雅思有用吗可以让这两种语言在你的头脑中经过碰撞解决一个美味的句子,只要多练习,并迅速在两种语言里传播。
也可以尝试复述故事或者制作自己的口语日记,描述一下今天做了什么事,然后录音也可以拿雅思part2的题目来练习,不过记得录下来,然后自己帮自己纠错,或者拿给专业人士批改也可以。最后强调一下,英语思维的培养一定是建立在有良好基础之上的,切不可打不好基础建空中阁楼,刚开始的挫折感一定是会有的,但一定不可轻易放弃。相信你一定可以很快keep talking的。
雅思口语考试中很少直接问到关于“传统”(tradition)的考题,但“传统”之所以作为雅思考试变态话题出现在我们的备考清单上,其原因就在于该话题具备了三大特性:隐蔽、广博、深度。首先,隐蔽是指涉及传统的考题往往用其它话题来隐藏自己,或者换句话说,很多其它话题中会隐含有传统的意味。举例来说,关于history, culture, arts,甚至关于wedding, handicraft, food的话题中,都有可能藏有“modern vs. traditional”的对立。
其次,广博的意思是该话题涵盖的领域极为宽泛,无论是谈论人物、描述事物、还是论证原因、阐述规律,tradition都是一个很活跃的展开点。比如要谈论老年人(old people),那么老年人具有的传统观念(traditional views)及固定思维模式(fixed mindsets)是一个必讲的要点;再比如谈论教育类的话题,传统教育模式(traditional teaching methods)和远程教育(distance learning)之间的差异和互补就是一个较好的切入点。
至于传统类话题的深度,可以说是不言而喻的 — 没有一定的词汇根底、没有驾驭复杂句型的能力、缺乏对社会现状的思考,这样的考生是很难把该话题说好的,不少人甚至都没有想到传统竟然可以作为一种有效的答题思路。下面将针对这三大特性之一,隐蔽性,给出真题实例及参考答案,并指出“传统”在其中扮演的角色。
【真题实例】 Why do you think people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?
【答题思路】 该题问的是为什么现在的人都不喜欢去参观历史古迹。由于历史古迹本身就是一种文化遗产(cultural heritage),因此参观历史古迹其实是对传统的一种继承形式。可以从两方面找原因:一是现代科技的发展速度过快,导致人们产生“重科技、轻人文”的思维倾向;二是对历史古迹的保护力度不够,其本身已经丧失了吸引力。
【参考答案】 Well, that’s right. Less and less people nowadays are showing interest in visiting a historical site. I think one reason is that modern science and technology is developing with a faster pace than ever before. So many high-tech products and devices are available for modern consumers that they tend to think science and technology is what life is all about, and they tend to care less and less about the humanities, histories and traditions. Another important reason is to be found in historical sites themselves, which are being damaged or even ruined due to the lack of protection and preservation. For many young people like me, these places no longer hold any appeal.
很显然,该回答把人们不爱去参观历史古迹的原因归结为“科技发展 VS 人文传统”的两元对立。于是,在我们阐述原因的同时,就很巧妙地把隐藏在深处的humanities, histories and traditions推到了台前,显示出讲话者的人文关怀。而在谈到年轻人不再对历史古迹感兴趣的时候,也折射出对于传统文化渐渐式微的一种忧虑之心。
三、千万不要捂住嘴巴。有些人习惯在思考时托着下巴,手指遮住嘴巴,这样会让雅思考官觉得很郁闷的,虽然说口语考试中要的是eye contact,但事实上他们还是很习惯地把眼神停留在你的mouth上,所以说,女生去考试那天可以稍稍涂点口红,不过切记不要很红的那种,血盆大口是超恐怖的。
六、不要突然提高语调。切记,雅思口语考试不是朗诵比赛,有些人认为在阐述中突然提高语调会加大效果,那么你错了,试想,雅思考官在面对了无数个考生后已经很昏昏欲睡了,虽然看起来他在听你讲话,说不定早在什么day dreaming 了,所以如果你突然提高音调,怎么会不吓着他呢。
雅思口语怎么才能变地道?雅思口语练习首先要做到的就是keep talking, 无论应对考试还是在国外生活,keep talking 都比语音和语法重要,而且在不断说英语的过程中,语音和语法自然会得到锻炼。
首先,要做到keep talking,大量的词汇量是必不可少的。如果想开口说一个句子,5个单词组成的句子,其中4个都不知道如何表达,还怎么说下去?其实词汇量也是造成“不敢说”问题的一个重要原因,因为不会说所以才会不敢说。
雅思口语练习听到英语—翻译成中文(脑中)—想好中文回答—翻译成英文(脑中)—表达英文而英语思维的人则是:听到英语—想好英语回答—表达英语 也就是完全的native speaker的思维方式,这种思维方式不仅是使得交流更快更流畅,也会使得你的表达更加接近于native speaker。要学会或是养成英语思维,首先需要有较好的英语基础,切忌不要想着一口吃成一个大胖子。要锻炼英语逻辑思维,不外乎多听、多练、多输出。
2. 更多的练习停止用英语思考英语母语思维,刚开始是非常困难的,但写作是一个很好的方法,因为写作不同于口语,写作将有更多的时间去思考, 不出国考雅思有用吗可以让这两种语言在你的头脑中经过碰撞解决一个美味的句子,只要多练习,并迅速在两种语言里传播。
也可以尝试复述故事或者制作自己的口语日记,描述一下今天做了什么事,然后录音也可以拿雅思part2的题目来练习,不过记得录下来,然后自己帮自己纠错,或者拿给专业人士批改也可以。最后强调一下,英语思维的培养一定是建立在有良好基础之上的,切不可打不好基础建空中阁楼,刚开始的挫折感一定是会有的,但一定不可轻易放弃。相信你一定可以很快keep talking的。
雅思口语高频话题之an educational trip
这其实是一道老题,是an educational visit 的变形。其实大家以前肯定都参加过的,像小时候去某某博物馆或天文馆或植物园参观啦,长大了去某个工厂参观,或者去革命老区红色旅游一下等等,素材还是比较多的,只不过没有用英语去准备过。样题中是一位考生讲自己的水族馆之旅。
Describe an educational trip that you made when you were in school.
You should say:
where you went
who you went with
what you did there
and explain what you learned on this trip.
When we visited Hong Kong during a winter holiday, my school teachers took us to the world famous Hong Kong Ocean Park. That was my first time to see so many live sea animals and got plenty of life experiencenot available on any of my textbooks.
The Ocean Park was very large indeed, and there was much to see inside. Nearly 3,000 fish of 280 breeds, in different colors and shapes were exhibitedthere. On the first floor, I was amazed by seeing such a big fish jar. As I took a closer look, I discovered really colorful fish inside, like a group of lovely little fairies. The fish were of all breeds, majorityof them I could not name.
I told my teacher that I wanted to see dolphins and sea lions, as I heard sea lions and dolphins in the Ocean Park were very lovely. We were led to the Dolphin Study where dolphins show how they learn from human beings. Dolphinsare lively creatures fond of making friends with people. They are the most intelligent undersea mammal. I really learned a lot that day. For example I learned that dolphins are good divers. They don't have gill, so they store much oxygen in their blood and muscle. The dolphins we saw were from one family; they stayed together all day long and would not separate, and accompanied each other all the time. I found that animals and human beings had so much in common.
That trip was fun and educational. From my personal experience, I believe field trips are essential in educating students in an all-around way.
回答:首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把这部分的问题自问自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多个,那么每天2个就可以了。
考过雅思的人都知道口语的分数有的时候要受外界因素的影响。首先如果你的话题卡是你熟悉的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的准备时间内,你应该后一个谈的好吧。其次,要达到6分,时态非常重要。考官问你, when did you last go to the park?那你必须要使用过去时,否则分数肯定在6一下。所以6分就是语法,词汇的运用。例如,beautiful campus是个错误的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.这种小细节也要注意。
你还在当别人问“How are you”时回答“Fine, thank you”吗?是时候让自己的雅思口语更上一层楼更地道了。先看下文。
1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。
2. 用一用 cos 引导原因
3. 用一用 like 举例
4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位。
5. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等”
6. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。
7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。
8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。
9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。
10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替
11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样 watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。
12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。
13. 说“很棒”的时候,用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”
14. 说 “很美”的时候,用 “really pretty,attractive 或 gorgeous”
15. 说 “很次”的时候,用 “terrible/awful”.
16. 说 “很丑” 的时候,用 “really unattractive/hideous”
17. 说 “假货” 的时候,用 “fake”
18. 说 “贵”的时候,用 “pricey/dear”.
19. 说 “某东西很火”,用 “a smash hit”.
20. 说 “睡一会儿”,用 “catch some z’s. or catch forty winks”.
21. 说 “放松”, 用 “take it easy/wind down.”
22. 说 “一会儿,一段时间”,用 “a while”
23. 说 “上升” 用 “go up”, “下降” 用 “go down”.
24. 说“人很现实”, 用 “realistic”.
25. 说 “人很物质化”, 用 “materialistic”
26. 说 “流行,时髦”, 用 “in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚 “innest”。
27. 说 “老土”,用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”.
28. 说 “最先进的”,用 “state of the art” .
29. 说 “我们玩得特爽” 用 “we really had a marvelous time”.
30. 英语 “寻找刺激”,英语是 “look for kicks”.
31. 表示 “很,非常”, 多用 “really”.
32. 表示 “极其,非常,绝对,相当…” 用,“absolutely, totally.”
33. 表示 “失落,沮丧”, 用 “down”.
34. 表示 “让…失望”, 用 “let sb down”.
35. 表示 “提神”,用 “pick me up”.
36. 表示“累”, 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”.
37. 表示 “买或受到,接到”,用 “get”
38. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”.
39. 表示 “和朋友一起玩儿”, 用 “hang out with my mates”.
40. 表示 “什么很好玩儿”,用 “…is great fun.”
41. 表示 “什么很搞笑”,用 “a good laugh 或者 hilarious.”
42. 表示 “荒谬”,用 “outrageous 或者 ridiculous”.
43. 表示 “什么的最大的好处”,用 “the best thing of ….is …”
44. 表示 “什么的最大的问题”,用 “The biggest problem with…is …”
45. 表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,” 用 “stuff”.
46. 表示“很多”用 “lot of” 或者 “loads of”
47. 表示 “有钱,条件好”, 用 “well off”。
48. 表示 “特别有钱”,用 “loaded”,或 “have money to burn.”
49. 表示 “穷”,用 “broke”.
50. 表示 “富人,穷人” 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”
51. 表示 “对…腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”。
52. 表示 “城市里的激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.”
53. 表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.”
54. 表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”
55. 表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”
56. 表示 “捐钱或鲜血” 用 “give money/blood”。
57. 表示 “简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.”
58. 表示 “换句话讲“,这个口头语,用 “to put it another way”
59. 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”,用 “how shall I put it?”
60. 说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”
61. 说 “消磨时间”,用 “kill time.”
62. 说 “乏味,无聊的人或事”,用 “a real drag.”
63. 说 “累赘”,用 “a drag on sb.”
64. 说 “体重增加”,用 “put on/gain weight”.
65. 说 “减肥”, 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.”
66. 说 “锻炼”,用 “get exercise或 work out.”
67. 说 “瘦身”,用 “get slim/thin.”
68. 说 “偶像”,用 “idol.”
69. 说 “崇拜”,用 “idolize.”
70. 说 “娱乐圈”,用 “showbiz.”
71. 说 “花哨,” 用 “showy.”
72. 说 “名人”,用 “ a big name.”
73. 说 “名声好坏”,用 “a good/bad name”.
74. 说 “从事某种活动所需要的最重要的东西或品质,” 用 “the name of the game.”
75. 说 “应有尽有”,用 “you name it.”
表示 “对…腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”。
表示 “城市里的激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.”
表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.”
表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”
表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”
说 “消磨时间”,用 “kill time.”
说 “乏味,无聊的人或事”,用 “a real drag.”
说 “累赘”,用 “a drag on sb.”
说 “体重增加”,用 “put on/gain weight”.
说 “减肥”, 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.”
说 “锻炼”,用 “get exercise或 work out.”
说 “花哨,” 用 “showy.”
说 “名人”,用 “ a big name.”
说 “名声好坏”,用 “a good/bad name”.
说 “从事某种活动所需要的最重要的东西或品质,” 用 “the name of the game.”
说 “应有尽有”,用 “you name it.”
说 “痘痘”,用 “spots”。
说 “造型师”,用 “stylist.”
说 “电脑出问题了”,用 “something is wrong with the computer.”
说 “太酷了,太棒了,” 用 “awesome”.
说 “干某事需要多少时间,需要什么能力素质等”,用 “it takes…to do…”
说 “多陪陪他们”,用 “spend more time with them.”
说 “他是一个特别好的人”,用 “He’s a terribly nice guy.”
说 “特别挤,”用 “packed out.”
说 “糟糕,差劲,次”,用 “lousy”
说 “误会了我的意思”,用 “get me wrong”.
Describe a piece of equipment you want to buy in the future.
You should say:
what the equipment is
where are you going to buy it
what features it has
and explain why you want to buy it.
I’m a bit behind the times, so I think number one on my list of most wanted, indeed most needed equipment, is a smartphone.
I’m not sure exactly where to by my new toy. On the one hand I could buy it on the Internet, where it’s likely to be cheaper, but on the other hand I prefer the more intimate experience of going to a shop and seeing the product first hand before I commit to buy it. Zhongguancun, an area of Beijing, has a huge selection of technological equipment, with mall after mall housing floor after floor of computers, phones and other tech. It’s a geek’s paradise.
My current phone has been described as an ‘old man’s phone’. It basically only calls and sends text messages. My new smartphone will have a plethora of features, including a high-resolution camera and the ability to download a wide range of apps, like WeChat. It can also play movies, which will be especially useful when I’m trying to kill time on the subway on the way to work.
Really, the soon I buy a smartphone the better. It’s high time I was brought up to date, I don’t want to be one of those technophobes who is dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age. I’d also like to start using WeChat as everyone I know has it and I don’t want to get left behind or kept out of the loop.
Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.
You should say:
what the news was about
when you got this news
where you got this news from
and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.
I once read a piece of good news on the website of the New York Times. It was two years ago, I was still a journalism student and one of my tutors assigned me to do a presentation for my news-gathering course. The time limit was five minutes and it was supposed to be a critique, i.e., stating clearly what was good and bad about the story.
So I started preparing for my assignment. I was skimming through pages and clicking around when this article caught my eye. Basically, it was about a high school student who got bullied because he stuttered. The news story was a good one because it wasn’t what I expected it to be — a one-sided story that went on about the poor boy.
This piece was actually rather fair and balanced. It tried to show the readers what had happened to the stutterer and they gave the alleged bullies a chance to give their side of the story. From the journalistic perspective, it was a neat one.
举个最简单的例子,你问别人“明白了吗?”如果用的是“Do you understand?”就不那么地道,因为“Do you understand”slightly carries the implication that it is your(the listener's) fault if you do not understand.(有点暗含“你听不懂是你水平不够、你的问题”的意味,不礼貌)而符合英美人常用习惯的表达应该是“Does it make sense?”, which carries the implication that it is my(the speaker's) fault if you do not understand(暗含“你没听懂都怪我表达能力差”的意味)。
其实要想使我们的英语听起来连贯通畅,只要我们在出现“黑色三秒钟”的时候迅速使用英语中地道的语气连接词(美国人叫 GAP FILLER)就可以了。这就像我们中国人在演讲忘词儿的时候总要使用“这个这个…”是一个道理。
那么美国有哪些最为常用的GAP FILLER呢?下面我就简单的给大家介绍几个:
美国人最为常用的GAP FILLER莫过于WELL。他们在交流时,当听话者想要让说话者知道自己正在准备说话时,就会先用一个WELL揽过话茬。通常这个词的要用升调。
A:When are you going to take a trip to Italy?
B: Well, I have been preparing for that for a long time and I think it will be in next month。
2. “UHMM”
A:Are you gonna be availalbe this Sunday afternoon?
B: Uhmmmmm… I am not sure and please let me check my schedule.
3. “You know”
A:What would you like to have?
B: Well,you know,like always,Orange Chicken!
4. “It‘s like…”
A:How was the show on Sunday?
B: Uhmm, it‘s like…it‘s like the one we saw together last year.
5. “I mean”
这个是我们考托福口语时的杀手锏,因为有很多的考生在回答问题时,说着说着就跑题了无法自圆其说。为了防止这种现象的出现,我们要迅速反应拉回话题。这时候我们就要用“I MEAN”
A: Would you please tell me more about your former university?
B: Oh,yes,sure, I went abroad when I was a junior and came back one year later.I transfered to another school right after I came back. Oh, I am sorry, I mean I do not really know that much of it。
除了这些语气连接词以外,我们还有好多方法拉长我们的语气以赢得更多的思考时间,例如转折词but 和 连词 and,当我们使用它们时,我们完全可以这样发音“butummmm”和 “andummmm”这样我们就可以获得充足的时间进行思考从而完美的说出下面的具体内容。
Task 1
学生写信建议学校应该禁止在图书馆睡觉,男生反驳:图书馆的位置一直都是available的,只是一些comfortable coach被占用。他在上这所学校前跟团来参观过图书馆,印象没有不好。
蝴蝶幼虫的保护方法:1.自己身体的特殊特点保护 2.借助其他昆虫保护自己
1.自然选择环境因素对蛾子的影响。 一种白蛾子一种黑色蛾子。开始白蛾子活的好,黑蛾子不好,因为会被发现。之后,工业革命了,树干都黑,于是白蛾子都要死翘翘了;但是之后开始治理环境了, 白蛾子又多了,黑蛾子又少了。并且这次的影响很大。
10.鱼怎么呼吸,用gill 和bubble
灌溉,carry water
可能是carry water,但是方向不对
雅思口语中 更加地道的短语表达
1. apple and orange
比方说 “You are talking about apple and orange here.” 你完全说的是两码事。
2. a sliver lining 不幸中的一丝希望
常用来表示虽然境况极坏,但仍有可能有一线希望尚存。Every cloud has a sliver lining. 黑暗中总有一线光明。
3. rub sb.'s nose in sth 用某物让某人感到难堪。
He is way across the line. I will rub his nose in his recent failure.他真是太过线了。我要用他近期的失败让他难堪。
4. hit Achilles' heel 触及致命弱点
You really hit the Achilles' heel of him. 你真是抓住了他的痛脚。
5. a spur of the moment 一时兴起
I guess it was a spur-of-the-moment choice。我猜可能是一时冲动的选择吧。
6. have cold feets 害怕 临阵退缩
I don't think I can do this. I already have cold-feets.
亚马逊销毁滞销品 环境问题雅思语料用起来
1、对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health
2、供应不足 be in short supply
3、化学污染物 chemical pollutant
4、节水的习惯 water-saving habit
5、水的分布 distribution of water
6、水资源保护 water conservation
7、水资源短缺 water shortage
8、饮用水 drinking water
9、有害物质 hazardous material
10、在危险中 at risk
11、被耗尽 be exhausted
12、城市垃圾 urban garbage
13、达到高效 achieve high efficiency
14、当场处罚 on-the-spot fine
15、对环境不利 be unfriendly to the environment
16、环境恶化 environmental degradation
17、火灾隐患 a fire hazard
18、垃圾的回收和处理 litter collection and disposal
19、垃圾分类 garbage classification
20、破坏环境 ruin the environment
21、提高大众的环保意识 promote the public awareness of environmental protection; arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection
22、采取强有力的措施 take stronger and harsher measures
23、有限资源 finite resource
24、电脑监控系统 computer monitoring system
25、缓解交通阻塞的压力 relieve the traffic congestion
26、加快车流量 acceleratethe flow of traffic
27、交通法规 traffic law and regulation
28、认识不够 lack adequate awareness
29、有损形象 sopil the image
30、遵守交通法规 observe traffic regulation
31、补救性措施 remedial measure
32、急性病 acute disease
33、慢性病 chronic disease
34、人口密集的 densely-populated
35、有益健康的 conductive to good health
36、致命的疾病 fatal disease
37、广泛的采用 be used intensively
38、想出一个可行的解决方法 figure out a feasible solution
39、一个公认的事实 a generally acknowledged fact
40、是某事成为当务之急 make something a top priority
1. 历史时期
Describe a historical period you would like to know.
You should say:
When it was
How you heard of it
What you are interested in
What you have known
And Why you would like to know more
Part 3:
How do you learn history?
How can we protect old buildings?
What’s the difference between history taught in primary school and the history taught in high school?
Why do some people have no interest in history?
2. 被蒙骗的经历
Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you whole truth about something.
You should say:
When this happened
What the situation was
Who you were with
And why this person didn’t tell you the whole truth
Part 3:
How would you define white lies?
Do you think it's important to teach children to be honest?
Why do people lie sometimes ?
Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory, what do you think?
What are the other ways to teach children about honesty except having parents or teachers teach them?
3. 想做但没时间做的事情
Describe something you want to do but don’t have time for.
You should say:
When it was
Where you were
Who you were with
What you tried to do or finish
Part 3:
Is time management important?
Do you think most people can manage their time well?
Do you think successful people have better time management skills than others?
What are the effective ways to manage time?
4. 糟糕服务
Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.
You should say:
what goods or services you bought;
who you were with when you were served;
why you went there;
and explain how you felt about the service.
Part 3:
What kinds of services are bad services?
Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?
Who should be responsible for bad services?
As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?
Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.
You should say:
When it happened;
what you taught;
who you taught it to;
why you taught it to this person;
and explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
What skills should be taught to children?
What can children learn from teachers and parents?
What are the skills that you want to learn?
What skills do adults need to have?
How can people be motivated to learn new things?
Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school.
You should say:
when it was;
Where you were:
what you did;
how long the free time lasted;
and explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
What do people like to do when they are free in your country?
Do you think parents should make plans for their children?
Do you think most people are able to manage their free time?
What’s the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?
雅思口语 怎样才能变得更地道
雅思口语怎么才能变地道?雅思口语练习首先要做到的就是keep talking, 无论应对考试还是在国外生活,keep talking 都比语音和语法重要,而且在不断说英语的过程中,语音和语法自然会得到锻炼。
首先,要做到keep talking,大量的词汇量是必不可少的。如果想开口说一个句子,5个单词组成的句子,其中4个都不知道如何表达,还怎么说下去?其实词汇量也是造成“不敢说”问题的一个重要原因,因为不会说所以才会不敢说。
雅思口语练习听到英语—翻译成中文(脑中)—想好中文回答—翻译成英文(脑中)—表达英文而英语思维的人则是:听到英语—想好英语回答—表达英语 也就是完全的native speaker的思维方式,这种思维方式不仅是使得交流更快更流畅,也会使得你的表达更加接近于native speaker。要学会或是养成英语思维,首先需要有较好的英语基础,切忌不要想着一口吃成一个大胖子。要锻炼英语逻辑思维,不外乎多听、多练、多输出。
2. 更多的练习停止用英语思考英语母语思维,刚开始是非常困难的,但写作是一个很好的方法,因为写作不同于口语,写作将有更多的时间去思考, 不出国考雅思有用吗可以让这两种语言在你的头脑中经过碰撞解决一个美味的句子,只要多练习,并迅速在两种语言里传播。
也可以尝试复述故事或者制作自己的口语日记,描述一下今天做了什么事,然后录音也可以拿雅思part2的题目来练习,不过记得录下来,然后自己帮自己纠错,或者拿给专业人士批改也可以。最后强调一下,英语思维的培养一定是建立在有良好基础之上的,切不可打不好基础建空中阁楼,刚开始的挫折感一定是会有的,但一定不可轻易放弃。相信你一定可以很快keep talking的。
1) In China, when will people send the present?
Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party.During Spring Festival; people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and foods.
2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, what’s the difference between them? (try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift
children received now )
Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a notebook as gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.
3) just image the gift in the future children will receive.
In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.
4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive. In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be the most popular present.
5) u can describe the ways people send others gift ?
An important letter
Describe an important letter you wrote.
Note: This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is coincidental.
注: 本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合。
①②Many years ago i once wrote a love letter to a girl - a Pisces girl. I remember I sent her favorite orchids with my handwritten love letter attached.
③She became my girlfriend not too long after she received my letter. I guess she really liked the way how the letter was written. It was more of poetry than prose. I poured all my love and affection like sweet real orange juice to a shiny glass. She decided to have the love letter read by all her dorm mates it was passed from one hand to another and she was so proud of it and she even framed it like it were the picture of a saint. NOS
④Why I wrote this letter? It's a love letter, surely because I loved her. I can explain a bit why I handwrote it. Sometimes a thoughtful handwritten letter is just what a girl needed, and it is sometimes better then an email. I just think it takes more effort to sit down to write and then send it through regular mail. That makes it more special. For a girl, it's satisfying to hold a letter written by a boy's hand, and it's lovely that the boy took the time and care to do so. WangDong
Nowadays, people tend to write letter by computers, there was a time, not so long ago, when letter writing was a real craft.
Lexical Resouce:
Pisces girl 双鱼座女孩
orchids 兰花
poetry 诗歌
prose 散文
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend.
So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl....the boy told the girl to “READ BETWEEN THE LINES”, meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers.) So.. please try reading it again! It's so smart & sweet.... It is betterto laugh about your problems than to cry about them.
Topic: TV
Question: Did you ever watch TV programs from other countries?
Model Response: Yes, I did. Many Chinese people are now able to have access to foreign TV channels and programs. Last summer I watched a series of TV programs called The Animal Kingdom on Discovery Channel from the USA. It was really exciting to know so many secrets in the natural world.
Topic: Magazine
Question: Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?
Model Response: Yes, I do. Learning a foreign language requires both patience and a lot of resources. And magazines and newspapers in that foreign language are an extremely valuable resource for learners. Personally speaking, I have learned a lot of great idioms, interesting phrases and insightful perspectives from Time Magazine.
Topic: Weather
Question: Do you often pay attention to weather forests?
Model Response: Well, yes and no, I suppose. If you are talking about weather forests on TV after the regular news report, I don’t give a damn about it. But I often check the local weather conditions in the next few days on the Internet, especially during the winter, to see if there is a sudden change in temperature.





