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Listen to the questions and give your answer. As you do this think about what else you can say: You can explain your answer, perhaps with examples. You can expand your answer with more details. You can rethink your answer, giving the other side of the question.There are many ways to generate answers, but the only important thing is to keep generating good English!





一系列连接词及语篇标记:这里面就不能只用“四巨头”:and/but/so/because,要能够多样连接词,而且要注意不要用一些特别“怪”的,比如说:moreover, nevertheless, in conclusion 这类的词用在口语中就会听起来怪怪的啦


使用复杂结构时经常出现错误: 雅思考试是一个鼓励尝试的考试,用了就好,所以大家可以多给自己准备一些比如定语从句,非谓语之类的。但是大家还是要注意,如果想要达到6分,基本的语法结构,比如说一般现在时,一般过去时,一定要尽量避免出错

使用多种发音特点,但掌握程度不一;展现出某些有效使用发音特点的能力,但不能持续表现这一能力: 总的来说,在发音这里大家注意的主要是语调和说话的节奏,我们中国人在说话的时候时会比较平的,再说英语的时候也是这样。所以在这里给大家两个实用的小tips




1) which 从句——6分保底。


a. 修饰先行词:

例:Where are you from?

I’m from Shanghai,which is the biggest city in China, located in the east coastal area.

这里的which修饰的是先行词Shanghai。大家可以把这个句子背下来,因为在口试当中,问到where are you from?的可能性还是很大的。其实,除了这个题目外,还有很多题目的回答可以用到这个句式,大家可以具体去发现。如:what’s your favorite dish? 答:My favorite dish is Stirred-fried shrimps, which is a Shanghainese local specialty。

b. 修饰整个意群:

例:How do you think about your job?

My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday, which is one of the major reasons leading to the loss of motivation.

这是一个7分的句式,因为which修饰的是整个意群(上面修饰先行词为6分),即:My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday,能够体现出考生灵活使用复杂句式的能力。没有大局观的人,是很难把这个句子说对的。在这种情况里,which一般翻译为:这(种情况、事情......),起到总结归纳的作用。如:Our government has realized the problem and is taking constructive measures to deal with it, which is a good sign, but if we don’t do it in a scientific way, I’m afraid the consequence could still be lethal. 政府已经意识到这个问题,正采取措施解决,这是个好兆头。但如果我们措施不够科学,恐怕结果依然是致命的。

2) 间接引语——简单,但是好用。


a. If I hadn’t taken a walk with him that day, I’m sure I wouldn’t have made big progress in English.

b. If I hadn’t gone to the Great Wall, I’m sure I wouldn’t have known so much about it.

c. If my father hadn’t encouraged me that day, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to overcome such a big difficulty.






例:Why did you choose that major?

I chose that major because I thought it would lead to a secure job. As well as that,......

I thought it would lead to a secure job就是间接引语,大家以后碰到这个问题,可以用该句式来回答。除了这里,只要是涉及到解释过去的事情都可以用。如:I shared the toy with my friends whenever they came to my house, because I thought they would like it, and they actually did(part2 describe a toy in childhood)。又如:Everytime I went to the museum, I would always bring a note book with me, because I thought I shouldn’t miss anything.


例:If I hadn’t got his advice on how to prepare for IELTS tests, I’m sure I would have met with big problems(part2 describe a piece of advice).


If....hadn’t.......I’m sure/ afraid... would/wouldn’t have happened。翻译成中文,是:如....不发生的话,我确信/恐怕....会发生。它的前后两部分都是虚拟语气,表示假设发生过的事情如果没有发生,结果会怎么样。例句可以用到part2 describe a piece of advice,其实除了这个话题外,我们还有许多地方可以用到它。大家不妨翻译以下句子,把它们背下来用用: a)如果那天我没有跟他散步,我相信我英语不会取得如此大的进步(part2 a walk)。

b)如果没有去长城,我相信我不会如此深入了解长城的历史(part2 a historical site)。

c)如果父亲没有鼓励我,我相信我不会克服那么大的困难(part2 a family member I admire)。





B: Well, that's OK. I enjoy swimming.

C: Good. It can be used from 7 to 11 at night. From 5 to 7 it's used for special classes. B: And what's here?

Well, that's OK. I enjoy swimming.

Good . It can be used from 7 to 11 at night . From 5 to 7 it's used for special classes.

And what's here?


B: 嗯,没关系,我喜欢游泳。

C: 好的,游泳池的使用时间从 7 点到晚上 11 点。5 点到 7 点之间要用来上特殊课程。

B: 这边是做什么用的?


听过这段音频之后,我们能够发现这段音频中出现了很多辅音对元音连读语音现象,比如,living alone,这里听起来像是一个单词。此外,这段音频中出现了失去爆破的语音现象,比如,had no,其中had中的[d]的音就失去爆破,不发音。所以大家在平时一定要在了解语音现象的前提下进行听音辨音练习,在练习的过程中,要针对自己的不足之处进行查漏补缺,这样我们的口语水平才能够有所提升。



当前面的单词以辅音结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时将前面的辅音同后面的元音连在一起,像是构成一个音节一样的读出来, 以使语言更具有流畅自然的特点.而且连读必须是发生在短语或句子的同一个意群中的, 在意群(及短语或从句)之间有停顿时,两个短语或两个从句间相邻的音不连读。


knock at

look into 失爆

顾名思义,指爆破音失去爆破。发生条件如下:当前面的单词以 [p][b][t][d][k][g] 这六个爆破音中的任何一个结尾,而紧随其后的单词是以辅音开头时,前面单词中的爆破音失去爆破(只阻塞气流却不将其释放,也就是只作口型不发音)。



一、模仿(Imitation)— 跟读是起点


1. 方法


2. 目的

① 语音语调


② 句式句型


二、复述(Repetition)— 背诵是基础


1. 背诵


2. 替换


① 词汇和句型替换

词汇和句型的替换是相对简单的。在考生们对自己的单词库和句型库做足储备时,这样的替换练习便可以开始了。如“重要”的表达除了“important”还有“significant”, “crucial”, “critical”…主动的句型可以改为被动或“There be …”等等。

② 意义替换

意义的替换指不拘泥于简单的词汇和句型等形式上的改写,而是将内容用其他的方式加以说明或呈现。如考生可以借鉴电影《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart)来呈现出对勇敢、信念的表达。这才称得上是真正的“换言之”。

三、原创(Creation)— 即兴是根本



以上就是雅思口语训练材料之搬家的对话及训练要点的全部内容。我们可以看出雅思口语的训练步骤和要点也是先要有足够的输入,这时我们的要点是模仿native Speaker的原声和原句。在进行了足够的输入之后,我们才有资本去进行输出。这时我们再进行一些词语的积累和原创。



lxl331977: dear john, can you tell me some skills about how to express myself clearly in stage 3 ?becase sometimes i can not express fluently when the topics refer to deeply dicussion .additionally, my vocabulary is limited.how can i use some relatively simple words to state more deeper thoughts.

John: Actually, as long as you can understand the interviewer's question,it's ok if you have a limited vocabulary--you can still do well in Stage Three.

One of the most important things is to stay relaxed; don't freak yourself out just because you feel that you're not as fluent as you should be. Stay calm, and express yourself as clearly as possible.

If you find yourself not knowing what to say, just say what you're thinking. For example, if you're thinking, “Gosh, this is really a tough question”, then tell the interviewer, “Gosh, this is really a tough question!” Talk it out!

Also, a great way to talk about the complex topics that come up in stage three is by giving simple examples. For example, if the interview asks you about divorce in your country, you could give an example of someone you know who's gotten divorced.






在雅思口语表达中学生经常展现的一个场景是英语说到一半转换成了中文:X我不会,X用英语怎么说?此时的流利度不就大打折扣了吗?我经常和学生说的一句话是: “你的英语口语可能比你想象的好哦,因为我们可以paraphrase。”


Cambridge dictionary上的解释,翻译成中文大致是用相对简单的方式去解释某个意思。在我提出这个概念之后,我真的遇到很多学生在我面前展现了paraphrase的能力,应证了我说的话:你的英语口语比你想象的好!


学生:Do you need to go to different learning centers?

我:Yes, we do. There’re 3 main learning centers in our city.

学生:How do you go from here to another learning center?

我:Sometimes by metro, sometimes by taxi if the time is quite limited between 2 classes.

学生:By taxi, then do you get emmm 车费报销?哎呀,老师我不会‘报销’,这个词怎么说?

我:Do you remember what we said before? If there is a word you don’t know how to express, then what do you do?

学生:Oh, paraphrase. So does XDF pay for your transportation fee?

我:hahaha. See, that was paraphrase, excellent but unfortunately, no.





但是此刻不知道plagiarism这个词又有什么关系呢,毕竟可以paraphrase。最终学生给出的版本是Copying others’ ideas is seriously banned. 不就是不准抄别人的观点呗。




上面这段话的截图是关于注意假说理论,来自Lightbown and Spada的著作How Languages are learned (4th edition ),如果对语言学习感兴趣可以看看。



记得看看它的英文解释和例句,首先这是一种检测这个词是否符合我使用语境的一种方式,另外英文解释都是paraphrase很好的例子不是吗?前边有查paraphrase这个词得到的paraphrase的英文解释“to state something in different words, usually in a simpler way to make the meaning clear.”,对paraphrase的英文解释不就是也是一个展现paraphrase的例子吗?


我口语里头可以paraphrase表达自己的意思了,另外呢,口语评分标准里会有speak at length。讲一句话肯定是不够的呀,那怎么办呢?

高中政治老师说的 “做问答题,你要多写点,你就说那么一句话,你指望阅卷者给你高分?做梦吧。你先从政治,经济,文化,哲学这四个方面去找知识点,再带入材料分析一下,不说给你满分,至少也给你一半分了。”



Do you give perfume as a gift?



e.g.Yes, sure. I’m a big fan of perfume and I have a wide collection of perfume. When I wear perfume, I feel I’m so refreshed and confident. You know, I just want to transmit my positive emotions to others, so I send perfume as a gift. (情绪)

Not really. Perfume is quite pricey. You know, for a bottle of Chanel perfume, it costs over 500 RMB. Well, I’m just a student who doesn’t own any salary. If I send those costly perfume as a gift, I’ll be broke in a minute. (金钱)


好吧,身经百战的雅思君觉得,考官真的是太懒了,Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person这道题分明就是的旧题,曾经考过认识却没见过的人,你喜欢的某个名人,这道题分明就是两者的混搭。这样看,考生们是不是素材多了?如果你是影视发烧友或者经常听外文歌,那就好办多了,《复仇者联盟》漫威的人物就够你介绍1天,欧美流行教主一抓一大把,ins上更是很多网红。那么我们就来拆解一下题目:这个人是谁,身份,获知途径以及想见的原因。

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew about this person

What this person does

Why you want to meet this person

Part 3

How can people become famous?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?

What influences can famous people have on the society?

Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?






Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person did to make you laugh

Why this person made you laugh

And how you felt about it

Part 3

What can make children laugh?

What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

Do you think childhood is the most important in one’s development?





雅思考试 口语部分如何突击











雅思口语题库Part2话题范文:a polite person(一个礼貌的人)

Describe a polite person that you met

where you met the person

How you met the person

How you met the person




Ok, right then, well the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew, the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know, which I’ll come to explain in a moment.

But firstly, as for how I know him, well we’ve basically known each other since middle school, because we were in the same class together, and we still see quite a lot of each other. You know, if I feel like going out and doing something, I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.

And moving on to why I think he’s so polite, well it’s basically because he’s just got really good manners. And just to give you an example, he always says thank you to people, even for the slightest thing. For instance,I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eating at a restaurant, he will thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that whenever he gets off a bus, he will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the bus drivers really appreciate it, as do the waiters and waitresses, because it’s not all that often they hear people thanking them!

So yeah, that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person, and I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add, um……, oh yeah, and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people. So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people, for example he might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking, or how good their cooking is, which I know might be seen as being a bit um,…what’s the word……um… insincere, but I think he genuinely means what he says, at least most of the time anyway!

And I mean, I can’t remember a single time when he’s ever been rude or unpleasant to anyone, and I also can’t really imagine him being nasty to anyone either.

So yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.


地道用词:meet up

bring a dish to the table


…which I’ll come to explain in a moment = …我待一会儿就解释

he’s got really good manners = 他很有礼貌

And just to give you an example = 给你举个例子呢 (this is a set-phrase which is used a lot in English, and is normally used for when the example is quite long)

not all that often = 不是那么经常

I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add = 我在想还有没有什么可以补充的!

he’s always very complimentary to people = 他总是对人很恭维

he tends to always = 他一般总

which might be seen (by some) as being insincere = 可能会被别人看作是虚伪

he genuinely means what he says = 他是真的认为的

at least most of the time anyway = 反正大多数时候是这样 (this is a useful structure: at least……anyway 反正……是这样)

what’s the word = 哪个单词怎么说?!(卡住的时候,可以用这句话 you can use this phrase when you are trying to think of what word to use.自言自语的话, it’s best to try and keep talking, even when you are thinking!

1-4月雅思口语Part2话题范文:exciting activity

Describe an activity that you feel excited.

You should say:

what it is

how much it usually costs

who you usually do it with

and explain why you like to do this activity


Recently I opened a WordPress blog and started writing blog posts and this is the first time I own a blog. This is not only a new activity for me but also very thrilling.

I am a regular internet user and I read numerous blogs quite often. But owning one is something which happened to me very recently. Earlier last month I opened a blog from wordpress.com and the blog address comprises my name and then .com. So far I have written 20+ posts and they are getting more than 200 traffics each day. I always wanted to own a blog and write things that would let me continue my writing habit as well as help others who are searching for the same thing I am listing down. For instance, one particular post which is getting much attention and comments from the users is regarding the best places and activities for the tourists in my hometown.

I opened the blog from my home computer and after few hours continuous effort I gave it a nice design. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform nowadays and it makes the content management and maintaining of the blog quite easy. After finishing the initial design, now I focus on writing new posts. I opened this blog to add posts that will work as a reference for me as well as help other searchers. For instance, I have visited almost all of the major tourist attractions in my hometown and I know them quite well. So listing down the major tourist attractions with some of the pictures and descriptions would help others who are planning to visit my hometown as tourists.

After opening the blog, I informed few of my very close friends who visited it and gave positive feedback. I also shared this blog on my Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles where all of my social connections were notified about this blog. I made Mark, one of my very close friends, an administrator of this blog so that he can also write his posts and help maintain this blog.

Opening a blog that would be popular among people of different countries was a dream for me. I am yet to go a long way but the starting is done and that’s very exciting for me. I have integrated the most popular statistics tool which is 'Google Analytics' and it gives many insights of the blog including the per day visitors, posts where visitors spend time, live visitor count, where the visitors are coming from, their visit duration and many other aspects of the blog. Creating something new that grabs people’s attention and help them is always exciting and motivating. Looking at the blog and statistics is something that gives me the inspiration to continue to write and write great posts to help others. The whole thing is quite exhilarating and I am sure I will continue it for a long time.

1月雅思口语part1范文:Indoor game

1.Do you play any indoor games?

I like to play badminton, which is usually played indoors.

2.Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

I actually prefer outdoor games, as I love to be in the fresh air, but the weather is not always appropriate for playing outside, so I do quite a few indoor activities, such as badminton and I go to a gym.

3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

When I was a child, I liked to play basketball, I was not very good, but I used to enjoy playing with my friends

4.Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?

Yes, I liked basketball, and table tennis. We had a table in our house, and my brother and I liked to play together.

5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

Nowadays, children do not play as much sport as in the past, and many like to sit at home and play computer games.



1. Record yourself and then write down your answer 自己录音再写下答案

This is something everyone should try. It is almost certainly a bad idea to write your answer first and then speak it. This is because we speak and write in very different ways and it is a mistake to try and train yourself to speak in the way you write. But you can learn a lot from recording what you say and then writing that down word for word.


Things you can learn are:


Do you say enough? Do you give very short answers? In parts 1 and 3, you should say at least a couple of sentences in answer to every question.


Is what you say organised? Can you see a structure to your answer? Is it possible to put in sentences and paragraph breaks? Do you have some organisation language like “The first point is..”


Do you speak too slowly or too quickly? Try counting the words in your part 2 answer. Most of my answers as a native speaker are about 240 words long. You should probably aim for around 200 or so. Less than that and you are speaking too slowly, but if you have more than that, it may be that you are speaking too quickly.

有没有说得过快或过慢?试着数一下Part2 你的答案的字数,一般native speaker能说到240字左右,烤鸭们一般要写到200字左右。如果字数少于这个值,那说明你讲话太慢,如果超过了,说明你讲话太快~~

How long are your pauses? You can pause, but your pauses should generally come between sentences/paragraphs and they shouldn’t be more than 2/3 of seconds


Did you answer the question?


Is your pronunciation okay? If you can’t immediately understand what you say, the examiner won’t either!


Are there some words you repeat a lot? You probably shouldn’t worry too much about content words such as “television” C native speakers will repeat those a lot when speaking. Rather you should look at more functional words/phrases such as “I think”. It’s very easy to repeat these a lot and it is also quite simple to train yourself to use more variety.

有没有重复很多词?不要担心重复实义词,即使是native speaker也会一直重复,因为你讲的就是这个东西~不过,你应该重点检查功能词汇,比如“I think” ,烤鸭们很容易老重复这些词,不过让自己练习用不同的词也不是难事。

2. Do it first in your own language 先用母语说

This is perhaps an unusual piece of advice. In the speaking, you should aim to be thinking and speaking in English as much as possible and not translating from your language to English. It can, however, sometimes help to practise the long turn part 2 in your own language first:

一般来说,最好是能用英语思维思考,并用英语回答。但是像Part2这种比较长的题目, 先用母语说可能会好一点。

some people struggle to speak in their own language for 2 minutes: they prefer short/concise answers and not longer more discussion type answers. So before you try it in English, make sure you can do it in your first language.


It helps you understand how long 2 minutes is and how much you need to say to fill that time.


if you record and listen to yourself in your first language, you will probably find yourself using quite a lot of “structure” language such as “As I mentioned before”. This is a lot of the language you need for part 2.


3. Don’t practise the whole part 2, do it bit by bit 不要一口吃成胖子,练习第二部分,慢慢来

Some people find part 2 frightening because they are worried they can’t speak for 2 minutes. Relax. You don’t have to. It’s much easier than that, you need to speak for 20 seconds and 20 seconds and 20 seconds and one minute.


This is because there are always 4 points for you to talk about on the cue card. You want to try practising talking about the first 3 points on the cue card for about 20 seconds each (the who, where, what type questions). Make sure you don’t say “last year”, but you extend that a little . Then all you need to do is talk for 1 minute on the longer question at the end that is almost always about explaining something.


4. Practise by describing photographs 通过描述照片来练习

In the exam of course you don’t get any photograph to help you. It would probably be easier if you did because when you have a photograph, you can see what you need to talk about. The idea is here that if you learn to see pictures as you are speaking, you find more things to say. I suggest:


find a picture about an IELTS topic e.g. a picture of a wedding C describe what you see 找一些跟考试题目相关的照片

then try talking about the same topic without the picture 然后不用照片试着将同样的事情

in the exam itself, all you need to do is imagine a picture in your head 在考试中,自己想象一张图片

What I strongly suggest is that you look at your own photographs, as what you will need to speak about are your own memories. 而且强烈建议看你自己的照片,因为你需要说的是你自己的memories

5. Read then speak 先读再说!

It helps to practise reading and speaking together because reading gives you words and sometimes ideas. This idea is a very simple one. When you read a passage in English, you should then try and summarise what it says speaking. The ways this works is:


To summarise a reading text, you are going to need to use some of the words used in it


If you say the word aloud, you have learnt that word better and are more likely to us fit for yourself in the future


If the text is longer, you should find yourself having to list the different points it contains. This should help the coherence of your speaking as you will need to use language like “Firstly…then… next …”etc


Two extremely good sources for this type of reading is 6 minute English and my favourite Words in the News. It sometimes helps to choose 5 words from the text you are reading that you want to use when you speak.


6. Improve your memory C write your life history 提高记忆力,写自己的故事

Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test are personal questions about who you are (part 1) and what you have done (part 2). One reason why some candidates have problems is not the language, but that they can’t think of things to say. The solution is simple C refresh your memory about important events in your life before the test.

Part1 和Part2 主要是关于你自己的一些问题,有些烤鸭的问题不在于用什么语言说,而是他们根本想不到要说什么。。那么就在考试前重温一下、回忆一下你生活中的重要事情吧!

The idea is not so much to practise exam questions (it’s hard to predict those), but to practise speaking about your memories of people, events, places and things. Do that and the exam should be simpler as you have memories you can use. Write down some personal memories and then try speaking about them. Some ideas here are:


Think of important/interesting people in your life: Ask yourself: When did you meet them? How long have you known them? Why are they important/interesting? Can you remember something you did together? What about a conversation you had with them?


Think of important events in your life: Ask yourself: What it was? Where did it happen? Who were you with at the time? What else was happening in your life then? What one thing stands out in your memory about it? How well do you remember it?


Think of places you have been to: Ask yourself: Where it was? How did you get there? In what detail can you describe the place? Can you describe the general area it is in? Would you want to go back there?


Think of your possessions: Ask yourself: How long have you owned it? Where did you get it? Is it special or something normal? How often do you use it? Do you associate with someone else?


7. Practise saying “I don’t know” 练习说“I don’t know”

Another reason why some candidates go wrong in the exam is that they feel they have to give a complete answer to very question and they think of IELTS as some academic test. It isn’t. It’s simply a test of your language. In parts 1 and 3, you may well be asked questions that you have very little to say about. That’s not a problem, there’s always another question coming. The big mistake is to try and give a full answer when you have nothing to say. What happens is that your language becomes confused and so do you, with the result that things get and worse and worse.


All you need to do is say you don’t know and explain why and then wait for the next question. This may take a little practice. You want to build a set of phrases such as:


Q. What colour is your favourite room and why did you choose that colour?

A. I’m not sure what to say about that. It’s not a question I’ve ever thought about before. I suppose yellow is just my favourite colour and so I painted my room yellow?

8. Talk to a mirror拿个镜子

This is another strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical C especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practise speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because:


Eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. As a former speaking examiner for other exams, I can promise you that examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact - even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language is around 70% of all communication.


the other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!


9. Write your own questions写下你自己的问题

This is another activity that I suggest everyone should try at least once. You should of course practise with “real” exam questions too, but there is a lot to be learnt from writing the questions first and then trying to answer them. The way it works is that if you write the question yourself:


you are more likely to try and answer it properly and give a full answer because you understand what the question is asking C good practice


you learn to add details to your answers by thinking of more question words. So when you answer the question “Are you a student or do you have a job?”, you are more likely to say “I’m a student at Wuhan University and I have been studying there for the last 3 years” C adding information by thinking of the question “How long” even though you weren’t asked it.


10. Improve your coherence and fluency C easy as 1-2-3 0r 3-2-1 提高你的连贯性和流利度

This is another of my favourite classroom speaking activities. Ideally, you need one or two more people to practise this with, but you can do it by yourself. The idea is that you don’t just practise speaking for 2 minutes. Rather, you start off by speaking for 3 minutes about that topic, then you do the same thing for 2 minutes, then for 1 minute. In the perfect world, you would also speak to a different person each time.


How does it work? The first time your answer is probably slightly incoherent and lacks fluency. The next time you speak though, you know what you want to say and, if you have listened to someone else speak, you now have more ideas. The result is that when you speak, you answer becomes more fluent and coherent. Then when you do it for 1 minute, your answer needs to become even more coherent because you now have lots of things to say but not very much time to say it.


I should add that this activity works best if you have different people to speak to. It works because each time you speak to someone different, it becomes a different conversation C even if you are talking about the same thing.



雅思口语 如何练习提高?

一、雅思口语 不能完全复制他人的备考方法















雅思口语考试 如何赢得考官好感









有些烤鸭们在备考时过分依赖模板,导致在考试时回答的很僵硬,考官一听就是在背答案。遇到(follow-up question)时很慌张,甚至硬套自己准备的内容,答非所问。这个时候尽管你的答案符合流利性,词汇语法等评分标准,但是由于太死板,还是得不到高分。所以我们在答题时,要调整自己的语速,像和考官在交谈对话一样自然。在日常练习时,可以多和自己的partner做一些小组训练,让他给你提一些意见。




口语考试中允许出现部分卡顿和重复的现象。但是需要控制停顿的时间和频率, 卡顿太多,会影响考官对你问题思考能力和语言表达能力的评估。 但是答题的流利不等于答题速度快,要让自己的回答自然流畅。















雅思口语说不满规定的时间 怎样丰富自己的口语


如果用数据说明的话,我们可以这样告诉大家:学生的回答语句要是考官问句的三倍以上,也就是说,回答太少或是一个字答题法one word answer是很不讨考官喜欢的。三倍以上的概念就是,当我们回答问题时,可以尽量展开,从一个话题聊到另一个话题。下面我们以例句为大家做一些示范。



What would you think your neighborhood? Do you think it is good for living?

Answer: I think my neighborhood is ok. It’s clean and beautiful.

扩展:My neighborhood is good for living. There is a small garden in my community, and in the afternoon, a lot of children will come out of their houses and play in the garden. The environment is clean, so the children can live in a comfortable surrounding. The grass and flowers are beautiful too. In summer, they are in all blossom, they are fragrant and fresh.




比如,Why is it important to teach cooking for children?

Answer: It is so important. Because children should learn to take care of themselves as they can. If the parents are very busy, they cannot cook for the children. Although somebody says that it is dangerous for children to cook, I think if they are careful and proficient enough, they can cook.



对于“去年发生的事情”,我们也可以放心地使用在自己的答案中,因为它可以瞬间将我们的答案增多一倍以上。比如,Have you received a letter from your best friend recently?

Answer: Yes, I have heard from my best friend Jane last week. She told me her experience of attending the new university. Last year, we stayed together and talked about going to the new school, and now she is a freshman in it. How time flies!



这也是罗嗦至极,但却是非常好用的口语话题技巧。在论证第三部分的时候,常会用到这样的论证方式。What will the TV program change in the future?

Answer: The TV program will change a lot in the future. With the development of technology, TV program will become more interesting. We will add the visual effects on it. Maybe it will appear 4D program or even we come into the scene as the actors. It’s hard to say. It can be imagined, but I don’t know. It’s my fine hope, anyway.














例如在考试过程中突然想不起advantages这个单词,那么其中一项对策便是使用good things等自己已知的单词进行替换表达,这样可以使回答顺利进行下去。此方法不仅可以避免表达的停顿中断,而且有利于接下来将要说明的得分点中与词汇相关的得分点。

eg:I think they will like to live in…(habitat)…where they rightly belong.



但即使准备充分也有可能遇到难以预测的话题。此时,如果因为慌张导致长时间的沉默,将很难得到高分。在这种情况下使用well或者let me think之类的词句来争取思考时间也不失为一种对策。

雅思口语分数:连贯性 Coherence





eg:Is it important to you to eat healthy food?

I think to eat healthy food is to eat more vegetables, fruits and corns. That will be more expensive. But it is worth doing.


I think it is vital for me to eat healthy food. It can bring us energy and prevent us fromillness. I can pay more to eat healthy food. It is worth doing.

雅思口语分数:词汇 Lexical Resources



先看题目:Describe a person who helps to protect the environment

You should say:

Who this person is

How this person is

How this person protects the environment

What difficulty this person has faced

And how you feel about this person












Is it important to teach students environmental protection school?


How can people protect the environment?


Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?




Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members.

You should say:

What the thing was;

When you borrowed it;

Whom you borrowed it from;

And explain why you borrowed the thing.







这是一个黑色的背包,有一个大口袋可以装手提电脑,还有几个口袋可以装小物件(small-sized items)。它有很大容量(capacity)可以装下所有我为这次旅途准备的东西。我妈经常出差坐飞机(commercial air travel),所以她不仅借我这个背包,还借给我一件羽绒服(a down jacket)。上海的冬天很冷而且风很大(feature strong winds),所以我借了这件羽绒服。

我认为我做了一个明智的决定,选择了一件手持行李(carry-on bag)来坐飞机。一方面,我可以带上足够多的行李,同时我可以节省非常浪费时间(time-consuming)的拿行李过程(baggage claim processes),还避免了行李被查之后可以损坏的情况。

两天培训结束后,我们坐飞机回去,到达机场,有些朋友需要等待他们的行李,需要30分钟。然而我已经上了一辆的士离开了。所以我觉得一个背包,或者其他的手持行李(hand luggage),真的在航空旅途中节省了大家的时间和经历。以上就是我曾经向我妈借了一个背包,并且它帮助很大的过程。




话题是这样的:Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result这句话包含2个要点,一个是投诉,一个是满意的结果,考生如何分配这个话题的时间显得很重要,一共2分钟,你需要说到具体的时间点、投诉原因、投诉对象以及为何投诉结果满意。















雅思口语 PART 1 论题:

有些考官会跟你先聊几句,有的直奔主题,先问what's your full name. 第二问你what I should call you. 之后一般都会问答what are you doing?是作业或许学习,针对学习或作业问几个问题。问hometown的几率也比较高。之后就不一定了,可能会问节日、电影、音乐、颜色、数字、鸟类等等论题,能够考前看下猜测,针对性温习,这个的考试时刻大约为4-6分钟。

雅思口语 PART 2 论题:(1个论题)


雅思口语 PART 3 论题:



In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for!


Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won’t upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not to offend or hurt the other person’s feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have a detrimental effect on business dealings。


The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don’t want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British way of doing business is often admired。


In this post, I’d like to share with your some common expressions we have of giving one’s opinion. I have used Liz Potter’s excellent article for Macmillan Dictionary’s blog as the main structure and made some changes to it。

在这篇文章中,我想分享一些在表达意见时会用到的常用词组。我用Liz Potter为麦克米伦字典的博客写的一篇优秀文章作为主要结构,并做了一些改动。

1. I think

This is the most common and general way of giving an opinion. You can use it both informally and formally

I think if you offer a consistently good service to your clients, they will keep coming back to you。

1.I think这是最常用、最普遍的表达意见的方式。正式和非正式情况下都可以使用。我认为如果你给客户提供始终如一的优质服务,他们会一直选择你们的服务。

2.I reckon

This is a more informal way of giving your opinion:

I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train。

2.I reckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

3. In my opinion (4) In my view:

These expressions are more formal and are often used when talking about important issues

In my view, they made a huge mistake in not selling the company when they had the chance。

In my opinion, the Bank of England should not raise interest rates this year。

3.In my opinion (4) In my view:这两个表达更加正式,并且通常在谈论重要问题时使用。在我看来,当他们有机会卖掉公司时却不卖是个重大的错误。在我看来,英国银行今年不应该增加利息。

5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:

When you’ve thought about a situation carefully you could use either of these two expressions。

It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to to attract new talent into the company。

All things considered, I think we made a wise choice in recruiting James。

5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:当你已经仔细考虑过一种情形时,你可以使用两种表达中任意一种:在我看来,在为公司引进新人才时,他们的花费比实际需求多很多。总的来看,我认为招聘詹姆斯是一个明智的选择。

7. If you ask me

This is used when your opinion is critical. Sometimes, people say this even when their opinion hasn’t been asked for! – “If you ask me,…。.” “But I didn’t ask you….!”

If you ask me, she has spoilt her children far too much。

7. If you ask me 当你的意见带有批评性质的时候使用这种表达。有时,人们甚至会在没有被询问意见的时候使用这个短语!-“依我看…”“但是我没有问你…”!依我看,她太过溺爱她的孩子了。

8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank

All three expressions are a way of giving your opinion when you know that people may not like what you have to say

To tell you the truth, your father was right when he said that you undersold the company。

To be honest, I preferred it when you were blonde。

To be frank, I thought her acting was simply terrible。

8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank





11. Frankly speaking

You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar and forthright way。

Frankly speaking, I don’t know what she sees in him。

11. Frankly speaking这是一种更亲近和直率的表达意见的方式。坦白地说,我不知道她看上他哪一点。

12. Personally

This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion

Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders’ meeting。

12. Personally这个短语通常用来强调你标的的只是个人意见。就我而言,我认为总裁应该为他在董事会的恶劣行为道歉。

13. To my mind (14) As far as I’m concerned

When you realise that other people may not agree with you you would use either of these expressions:

To my mind, private education is better than state education。

As far as I’m concerned, tennis is a much more interesting sport than football。

13. To my mind (14) As far as I’m concerned


So there you have it! You have 14 ways to give your opinion in English. Which expressions are you likely to use?











10、常见扩充答案的方法有三种:a. 给理由;b. 举例子;c. 做展望。

11、学会层次化信息,此时需要用到一些逻辑联系词,比如:first of all, besides, finally, etc.











22、如遇政府类或者抽象类话题,一个原则要记住:talk small, never talk big. 可采取以点代面的政策。

23、处理对比类问题,比如:Do you prefer A or B? 可尝试用“It depends”的方式作答。这样的答案好处有两点:a. 讨论式作答比单一式作答更合理;b. 讨论式作答会花费更多的时间,减少考官发问的频率。

24、回答对比类问题时,还应注意连接词的运用,比如:but, while, on the other hand. 同时,句型句式的重复也是这类题的死穴。





1)What's your surmane(last name family name)?

My last name is X.

2)What's your full name?

My name is X X.

3) What's your given name(frist name)?

Ying is my given name(frist name).

4) What's your English name?(And what shall I call you?)

My English name is Candy.( You can call me candy.)

5) Can I see your identification please?

Yes.Here it is.

6)Dose your name have any special meaning?(what's the meaning of your Chinese name?

My grandfather gave this name to me. It means original and brisk. And he gave this name to me because he wanted me to be out of the ordinary.

7) Have you ever changed your names? Why or why not?

No,never. Because my name was given to me by my grandfather. And I think this name concluded his hopeness, as a respect to him I'll never change it.

8) Do Chinese people like changing their name in china ? why?

Actually, I don't think people like their names.Because it's pretty complicated. I mean if you want to change your name ,you must inform your relatives,your friends and even the police station. Because you must give a notice to them for changing your identification. And then you must wait for a long period to get your new identification.

9)What's their purpose in changing their names?

They believe that their new names may bring them good luck.


1)Where do you come from?( where are you from? Where is your hometown?)

I come from hangzhou ,zhejiang province.

2)What's the most special building in your hometown?

I think the broken bridge is the most magical building in my hometown.

3)What does it looks like?

Well,the broke









4、改进发音 我的发音标准吗?




55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 5 - 6 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 5 - 6 )

As a matter of fact, I have very few spare times these days. My studies are so important to me that I have given up all my other activities. I used to love playing tennis, but now I simply do not have the time.

55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 7 - 8 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 7 - 8 )

Well, these days, surfing on the Internet has been my only interest in leisure time. I have just bought my first computer, and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before. Moreover, by means of web cameras I am able to watch what wild animals are doing in many parts of the world. I particularly like to watch the polar bears playing with their cubs. Surfing on the Internet is of course very time consuming, so I don’t really have time for anything else.

56. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program is called ‘Discovery’. It is not a science fiction but a documentary on real life events and happenings. For example, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year. The program also talks about nature. Last week it explained how some birds have adapted themselves to survive in a desert.

57. Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don’t think so. We can learn a lot from watching TV and it is a good way to relax. Soap operas help me to relax, while the documentaries are informative. Lastly, I believe that TV has become the best source of information these days. For example, it is a fast and convenient way to find out about the latest news from all over the world.


1.Describe a restaurant where you often go to

You should say:

what the restaurant is

where it is

why you often go there

and explain what is special about this restaurant.

2.Describe a shopping mall that you often go to

You should say:

what it is called

where it is

what is special about it

and explain why you like to go there.



考生可以从餐厅里提供的食物的类型或是菜系入手,如提及Thailand cuisine, Indian cuisine等等菜系的总称,然后再细节,具体提及有哪些菜肴,如Chicken curry, Samosa etc. 与此同时,考生还可以比较有针对性地提及其中的招牌菜,对其recipe 和 ingredients 给予细节化的描述。

如果是关于购物中心的话题的话,考生可以从购物,餐饮,娱乐等方面展开,如娱乐中有Tom World和影院;而餐饮又包括各色菜系的餐厅,甜点店,咖啡店;还可以提及各种国际国内知名品牌的店面等等。


首先为了保持一致性,如果考生选择描述一个西餐厅或日式料理,那么对于价位的描述考生可以具体说出人均消费,如300pp;但如果是比较经济实惠的餐厅,考生可以用reasonable, affordable来描述。其中,为了凸显价位的高与低,还可以借助其它同类型餐厅的情况进行比较。

对于购物中心,商品价钱公道合理,经常推出不同的sale 和 promotion 也可以一个亮点。



在每一个餐桌前设有叫服务生的按钮,还包括为等位子的就餐者安排飞行棋,象棋的娱乐区为之消磨时间等等。那么,服务生的service是一定要提及的,除了patient, kind 还可以用well-trained, politely-behaved, well-mannered来描述。

在购物中心的话题中对于sales assistants的描述可以用同一类单词。



而在购物中心里,light background music, centralized air-con system, decoration 都可以提及。


What is your favorite sport? ( 5 - 6 )

My favorite sport is basketball. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is very healthy for a young person like myself. For example, it will help to develop the muscles in my body. Secondly, it can be played outdoors, which means that I am able to breathe a lot of fresh air while I am playing. Lastly, it is not a contact sport. What I mean is that the chances of getting injured are not great.

What is your favorite sport? ( 7 - 8 )

My favorite sport is table tennis, also known as ping-pong. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is very healthy for a young person like myself. For example, it will help to develop my reflexes. Secondly, it is an indoor sport. What I mean to say is that we are able to play it irrespective of the weather conditions. In my hometown, this is important because of the long winters. Thirdly, the equipment needed to play table tennis is inexpensive. For instance, you can use any table of a reasonable size. Al you then need is a ball, two bats, and a net. Lastly, table tennis is a sociable sport. That is to say, two or four people can play at one time, while a number of spectators can enjoy the game as well.

Do men and woman prefer the same sports? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, there are few sports in which woman do not participate these days. For example, the woman’s football team from China did well in the Woman’s World Cup held in Germany recently.

What sports are played in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

There are many sports played in China. Allow me to mention a few examples. Basketball and football is played mainly by the younger generation. Football is popular amongst Chinese ladies. We have a strong national team who has done well in the recent World Cup. All age groups play table tennis, better known as ping-pong. Because it is an indoor sport, it is particularly popular in winter. Because of their relatively small physique, Chinese people play the so-called small-ball games like badminton well. Swimming, skating, and volleyball are popular as well.

What is the most popular sport in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a tough question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe football is the most popular sport. For example, all the big stadiums in our country are football stadiums. Secondly, the majority of youngsters are interested in the sport. For example, during the recent World Cup held in Japan and Korea, many in China followed the competition closely.

What is the most popular sport in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

Table tennis is extremely popular in China. That is to say, many people of all ages like to play it. China is often regarded as the world champions. For example, we often win a number of medals in this sport at the Olympic Games.

What are the sporting facilities like in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a good question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I suppose the sporting facilities are acceptable. For example, we are able to play any sport that we like. The problem is that the facilities are not available to everyone. At the moment many of the facilities are owned by universities and are available only to the students of that particular university only. Lastly, I believe the fact that the Olympic games are being held in China in 2008 will help to solve the problem to some extent. For example, the government will have to build many new stadiums and facilities in the next six years. Hopefully after the games, these new facilities will become available to the general public.

What other sporting facilities would you like to see in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

Firstly, I would like to see more baseball courts that are open to the general public. For example, at the moment many of the courts are owned by universities and are available only to the students of that particular university. Secondly, I believe more youth centers should be built in our cities. This would help in getting young people to engage in physically healthy activities, and not sit in front of computers and TV’s all day long.












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