在此情况下,考生应该机警的应对,采用风险转移法。以第一部分考到的“鸟”的题目为例。考官问道:“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings do they have?” 其实先别提大多数考生是否知道在中国流行的鸟究竟有哪些,事实上应该连鸟的英文名字都叫不上来一两个,就更别提他们的含义了。这时候怎么办?总不能不回答问题吧?好办。考生可以坦然地告诉考官:“I don’t really know much about birds.”或者干脆说:“I don’t know.”但是记住,这永远不是问题回答的结束。接下来一定要说“but”。可是but之后又该说什么呢?胡侃瞎侃可以吗?完全可以,但是风险要转嫁出去。考生可以用一个简单的转移技巧:“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me...” 你看这样子即使考生接下来乱侃一通,考官也不能指责考生,因为这些内容根本就是听别人说的嘛,要怪也要去怪别人吧。
所谓昵称法就是给自己所要谈的人或物冠以昵称,以体现考生对英语更灵活的掌握和对问题更巧妙地回答而使之成为一个闪光点。就人来说,考生可以使用Mr., Miss或 Mrs.加上一个人的特点或者直接用一个描述性的名次短语来给一个人昵称。例如:Mr. Handsome 可以指一位相貌出众的帅哥, Mr. Big Nose 可以用来称呼一大鼻子哥们儿, Mr. Determination 可以形容以很有决心的人, Mr. “I don’t know”可以用来称呼凡事总是 “I don’t know”的哥们儿。遇到物品,例如谈一样有用的设备,我就会说“well, I am going to talk about my little girlfriend then…” 考官听到这里刚要纳闷怀疑我是不是没读懂题目,就听到我接着说到“…my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”此时,考官就会恍然大悟。“哦,原来这哥们儿在运用修辞,在玩幽默,还把自己的iPod当成了女朋友。呵呵,真是有心了。”当然还有很多其他的例子,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答更加生动有趣。
大多数中国考生要么往往因为自己根本没有思路不知道如何回答考官的问题,要么就是因为英文能力不足,无法用抽象的语言把自己的论证用流畅的正确的英文表达出来。可是话说回来,如果让任何一个考生用英文描述一个故事,应该还是很容易的。大家论证问题不行,讲个故事还是蛮可以的嘛。也就是说,如果考官让考生解释一个想象,阐述一个原因,考生完全可以用讲故事的方法代替。例如,在第二部分就考过describe one important decision的主题卡片。考生要回答这个决定是什么,在什么情况下作出这样的决定,为什么做出这样的决定,以及这个决定为什么重要。假如说我们讲这个重要的决定是去英国读书,有的学生可能就将英国的教育质量如何得好,在英国可以如何的提高英语,还有可以如何的开阔眼界。难道中国的教育质量就不好吗?在国内学习英文就比国外差了吗?去其他国家就不能开阔眼界了吗?从所有这些都看不出去英国去得那么必然。即使有道理,那么用英文又能流利的表达这些意思吗?可是如果采用讲故事的方法不但很容易用英文进行表达,而且也能够用自己真实的(或者是虚构的)经历来说明自己去英国留学是这么的必然。考生可以从自己去机场送女朋友或者男朋友去英国读书开始,描述当时离别时的痛苦因为自己很爱他/她,不能失去他/她,所以自己在那个时候如何promise him/her 无论有多么困难都一定也会去英国陪他/她,不让他/她在那边孤独寂寞。这就从一个侧面反映了自己做出的重要决定以及为什么。这样完全规避了长篇空洞的论述,而能够收到一种以情动人的效果。具体还可以参考一下第二部分重要决定哪个主题卡片的回答与讲解。
Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity.
You should say:
when that happened
what you have planned to do
what you did in the end
and explain how you feel about it
There is one occasion that really sticks in my mind. This was when I went to England to stay with a friend of mine. He was a university friend who had gone off to do a master’s degree in Warwick university. Anyway, he had a few foreign friends who were studying Asian studies, English guys. And one of these guys invited us to stay at his parents’ house in the countryside for a weekend. I thought this was a really cool invitation and a really cool experience, so of course I went. I bought some nice cheeses and a few bottles of wine, as I heard they wanted to prepare a sort of buffet lunch and barbecue outside, in the back garden. It was summer you see.
Anyway, we arrived in just a couple of hours (England is small and everywhere seems really near compared to my country) and we chatted to the family, drank cups of tea, had a bit of a rest, then everyone started to help prepare the tables outside, the cutlery, the dishes and things like this. The men got to work on making the barbecue and the women and the girls sat around chatting drinking some white wine, and preparing the table. It was a really lovely garden too - the English seem to have really nice, slightly wild, but beautiful gardens -and I was pretty excited about the whole experience.
Then, suddenly just as we were all about to sit down to eat, the sky opened and it started bucketing down with rain. Really, it was torrential rain and very very sudden. This is the funny thing about England, people even joke that you can experience four seasons in one day in the UK, and I think this is true… one minute it was warm and sunny, then the next minute a dark cloud passed over and it started thrashing down with rain. We all rushed in a panic to get all the main dishes inside before they were spoiled. On the one hand it was pretty funny, as they said I had had a really “authentic British experience”, but on the other hand it was a real shame. However, we did manage to put everything pretty safely onto the dining room table and continue eating and drinking there, so it was okay in the end, and we had a good laugh about it all. Actually, in a way, it did create a nice feeling of bonding between everyone and certainly broke the ice!
1. Do Chinese people enjoy talking about weather when they meet? Why?
I don’t think so really. I mean, a little bit, but I don’t think they talk about the weather more than anyone else. Certainly, they don’t talk about the weather as much as the British! We might comment about the weather if it’s especially cold – we are a bit sensitive about the cold – or if it’s especially hot or these kind of extremes. But maybe it depends which part of China you are from - it’s a huge country and the weather systems, even climates are radically different from, for example, Harbin, to Sanya… it’s almost like going from one country to another! I’m from Beijing, and we don’t talk about the weather too much here I don’t think.
2. What kinds of weather do Chinese people prefer?
I think it depends. People favour different types of weather. I have friends who like warm or even really hot dry summer weather, others like hot humid summer weather, and others that actually enjoy cold weather – personally I prefer hot weather, but there are people that enjoy a long cold winter. So, honestly it depends. I don’t think we can make a generalization about all Chinese people’s preference in weather!
3. Does weather have any impact on Chinese people’s daily activities? Why?
Yes, of course, like anyone’s daily lives, the weather affects what we choose to do outside, how we get about, whether we go to a park or stay indoors and watch a movie with friends – whether we go to eat at a place with outdoor tables, or go to a warmer place nearer home. Whether we do indoor sports or sports outside. All these kind of things are affected by the weather.
4. What do people do in different weathers?
In summer people get involved in more outdoor activities -and if they live by the seaside they might spend time on the beach or do water sports. In winter people stay indoors more, play indoor games or just watch TV. It depends really…
Describe an experience when you were as a member of a team.
You should say:
when it was
who you were working with in the team
what you did in the team
and explain how you felt about the teamwork
I’d like to talk about a time when I participated in a team project in history class. It was when I was in middle school. The teacher divided the class into several groups and set us the task of choosing an event, time or a period in history that we found interesting, then make a presentation about it. We had one week to prepare our presentations, in our free time outside class, and we were told to use pictures, images and any other visual aids or multimedia we wanted. My team consisted of me and three other girls. We chose the period of the Roman occupation of Britain, and we decided to talk about the time when the Romans were flourishing, when their societies in Britain were advanced, and their cities developed – at least for their time, the Roman civilization was the most advanced in the world. You see, the Romans were incredibly advanced for their time, in many ways. We talked about the Roman baths in the city of Bath, and the hot springs that the romans found there. I enjoyed working with the other team members and as a group we decided who would do what tasks to contribute. I was the best at art, so I drew pictures of the goddess of the hot springs and found facts, images and photos of the architectural design of the baths. My colleague, Liu Wei was really good at writing in an informative, engaging and amusing way, so he wrote the description of the building of the famous baths, and my other two colleagues did most of the research in the local library and online about the mythology surrounding the goddess and the hot springs. On the appointed day, we did the presentation in front of the class, and each took turns to talk about a different aspect of the roman baths. It was very well organised, informative and quite funny in places. I found it was a great success and the teacher was very happy with it, and the rest of the class seemed to find it entertaining. I also think that we learned about how to distribute the different tasks in a way that was fair and used each person’s personal talents and abilities to the maximum. We were also quite patient while preparing the presentation, even when we didn’t really agree upon certain things. So, I think these kind of projects are very useful for children to take part in, and an important part of education.
1. Do you think it is important for children to have experience as part of a team?
Yes, I think it’s very important that children learn about teamwork and how to work with other people as a team – when we work in teams we learn the skills of cooperation, patience, listening to other ways of doing things and considering other people’s points of views and perspectives on how to do something. All of these skills are very important for their future life and getting along with others in society, as well as for working with others in adult life, in the working world.
2. What do you think is the most important quality to be a good team member?
A good team member is tolerant, patient, understanding of other people’s perspectives and opinions, but also able to clearly and honestly express their own opinions, with diplomacy when necessary.
3. Would disagreement bring heavy impact to a team?
Disagreement shouldn’t really be a bad thing if it is expressed and handled maturely. There are ways to express disagreement politely and it’s best that team members learn to talk to others without losing respect even when we disagree. Sometimes, we must also bear in mind that people get passionate and expressive and sometimes their emotions come out too strongly – we must also try to be patient and understanding when others lose their patience or temper and try to deal with it diplomatically and calmly. If we deal with disagreement in a positive and constructive manner, it shouldn’t be a bad thing.
From The Economist print edition
How shops can exploit people’s herd mentality to increase sales
1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is, how ants, bees or any social animal, including humans, behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy.
2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes, also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying.
3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani’s supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information, and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.
4. Mr Usmani’s “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts. And it gives shoppers the satisfaction of knowing that they bought the “right” product—that is, the one everyone else bought. The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain are interested in his work, and testing will get under way in the spring.
5. Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could, indeed, be boosted in this way. Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York and his colleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs. The researchers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they had been downloaded, they followed the crowd. When the songs were not ordered by rank, but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.
6. In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies. The shops sell only the most popular items in each product category, and the rankings are updated weekly. Icosystem, a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also aims to exploit knowledge of social networking to improve sales.
7. And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet. Online retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers. Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part of the swarm.
Questions 1-6
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales of food products.
2. In shops, products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if they are more _______________.
3. According to Mr. Usmani, with the use of “swarm intelligence” phenomenon, a new method can be applied to encourage _______________.
4. On the way to everyday items at the back of the store, shoppers might be tempted to buy _______________.
5. If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high, other customers tend to follow them.
6. Using the “swarm-moves” model, shopowners do not have to give customers _______________ to increase sales.
Questions 7-12
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 7-12 write
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contraicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage
7. Radio frequency identification technology has been installed experimentally in big supermarkets like Wal-Mart.
8. People tend to download more unknown songs than songs they are familiar with.
9. Songs ranked high by the number of times being downloaded are favored by customers.
10. People follow the others to the same extent whether it is convenient or not.
11. Items sold in some Japanese stores are simply chosen according to the sales data of other shops.
12. Swarm intelligence can also be observed in everyday life.
Answer keys:
1. 答案:(freshly baked) bread. (第1段第2 行:Shoppers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they intended.)
2. 答案:expensive. (第1段第4 行: Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.)
3. 答案:impulse buying. (第2段第1 句:At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan- ul- hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon.)
4. 答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products. (第2段第2 句:Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.)
5. 答案:screen. (第3段第4 行:As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.)
6. 答案:discounts. (第4段第第1句:Mr Usmani’s “swarm- moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.)
7. 答案:NO. (第4段第3、4 句:The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal- Mart in America an Tesco in Britain are interestd in his workd, and testing will get under way in the spring. 短语 “get under way”的意思是“开始进行”,在Wal-Mart的试验要等到春天才开始)
8. 答案:NOT GIVEN. (在文中没有提及该信息)
9. 答案:YES。 (第5段第3 句:The reseachers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they have been downloaded, they followed the crowd.)
10. 答案:NO。 (第5段最后两句:When the songs are not ordered by rank, but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so. pronounced 的词义是“显著的、明显的”)
11. 答案:YES。 (第6段第1 句:In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies.)
12. 答案:YES。 (最后一段最后一句:Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part of the swarm. home应该算是everyday life的一部分
1. A controversial theory of how we smell, which claims that our fine sense of odour depends on quantum mechanics, has been given the thumbs up by a team of physicists.
2. Calculations by researchers at University College London (UCL) show that the idea that we smell odour molecules by sensing their molecular vibrations makes sense in terms of the physics involved.
3. That's still some way from proving that the theory, proposed in the mid-1990s by biophysicist Luca Turin, is correct. But it should make other scientists take the idea more seriously.
4. “This is a big step forward,” says Turin, who has now set up his own perfume company Flexitral in Virginia. He says that since he published his theory, “it has been ignored rather than criticized.”
5. Most scientists have assumed that our sense of smell depends on receptors in the nose detecting the shape of incoming molecules, which triggers a signal to the brain. This molecular 'lock and key' process is thought to lie behind a wide range of the body's detection systems: it is how some parts of the immune system recognise invaders, for example, and how the tongue recognizes some tastes.
6. But Turin argued that smell doesn't seem to fit this picture very well. Molecules that look almost identical can smell very different — such as alcohols, which smell like spirits, and thiols, which smell like rotten eggs. And molecules with very different structures can smell similar. Most strikingly, some molecules can smell different — to animals, if not necessarily to humans — simply because they contain different isotopes (atoms that are chemically identical but have a different mass).
7. Turin's explanation for these smelly facts invokes the idea that the smell signal in olfactory receptor proteins is triggered not by an odour molecule's shape, but by its vibrations, which can enourage an electron to jump between two parts of the receptor in a quantum-mechanical process called tunnelling. This electron movement could initiate the smell signal being sent to the brain.
8. This would explain why isotopes can smell different: their vibration frequencies are changed if the atoms are heavier. Turin's mechanism, says Marshall Stoneham of the UCL team, is more like swipe-card identification than a key fitting a lock.
9. Vibration-assisted electron tunnelling can undoubtedly occur — it is used in an experimental technique for measuring molecular vibrations. “The question is whether this is possible in the nose,” says Stoneham's colleague, Andrew Horsfield.
10. Stoneham says that when he first heard about Turin's idea, while Turin was himself based at UCL, “I didn't believe it”. But, he adds, “because it was an interesting idea, I thought I should prove it couldn't work. I did some simple calculations, and only then began to feel Luca could be right.” Now Stoneham and his co-workers have done the job more thoroughly, in a paper soon to be published in Physical Review Letters.
11. The UCL team calculated the rates of electron hopping in a nose receptor that has an odorant molecule bound to it. This rate depends on various properties of the biomolecular system that are not known, but the researchers could estimate these parameters based on typical values for molecules of this sort.
12. The key issue is whether the hopping rate with the odorant in place is significantly greater than that without it. The calculations show that it is — which means that odour identification in this way seems theoretically possible.
13. But Horsfield stresses that that's different from a proof of Turin's idea. “So far things look plausible, but we need proper experimental verification. We're beginning to think about what experiments could be performed.”
14. Meanwhile, Turin is pressing ahead with his hypothesis. “At Flexitral we have been designing odorants exclusively on the basis of their computed vibrations,” he says. “Our success rate at odorant discovery is two orders of magnitude better than the competition.” At the very least, he is putting his money where his nose is.
①Be formal表现地正式
②Give a full answer完整地回答
完整的回答是指避免one word answer ,推己及人,作为中国人我们都是讨厌别人说中文只说单个字回复的,外国人又怎么会喜欢呢?何况雅思考试是展现自己英语能力的考试,在自己的能力范围内,应该尽可能以完整的句子作答,才能让考官欣然给出高分。
③Be polite 保持礼貌/礼仪
保持礼貌/礼仪是印象分的一部分,这就是说要保持交流中的基本礼貌,比如微笑、注视考官以及不打断考官提问,如果出现了自己没有听懂的提问,可以礼貌地请考官重复,以could you please/would you mind开头来礼貌询问,这样的询问并不会影响自己的分数。
④Maintain good posture 维持好的坐姿
⑤Speak clearly 说话清楚、语音清晰
⑥Use descriptive words 使用新颖的描述性的词汇
⑦Speak up 声音洪亮
⑧Keep a steady pace 语速合适
⑨Explain foreign words 解释外国词汇(地名等)
⑩Stay on topic 紧扣话题
?Don't use slang 拒绝俚语
?Don’t memorize answers 不要背答案
雅思口语part3话题范文:old people
1. At what age are people considered to be “old” in China?
That is really a big question. People’s views much be divided on this. From my perspective, …
The easiest way to divide the old from all is to judge according to the chronological age. In the past, people over 70s are considered to be old, but this line has been shifted gradually with the time goes by, because people nowadays live much longer than before. Many older people can still make great contribution to the society, so broadly speaking, I think, those over 80s, or those who are no longer physically capable can be regarded as just entering the twilight life.
The biological age has no longer been the only judgment, because the real psychological age and the physical fitness differ from person to person, and they seem to be more important for others to decide whether the person is qualified as “old” or not.
Broadly speaking, when people are over their 50s, they will gradually feel that they are getting older. Indeed, the physical and mental condition do decrease year by year, with a higher possibility of suffering from diseases and less tolerant and acceptable to different opinions and new ideas.
I firmly believe that being “old” is simply connected with the state of mind. If one loses passion for life, they are indeed becoming old. This is why, in China, we tend to describe someone who show very little enthusiasm to life as an old bookish man.
2. Why do old people today live longer than in the past?
The advance in medical service means that more diseases become curable and can be easily diagnosed at an early age. Senile diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are less common among the older pensioner and most of them can even live very long with the illness being uncured permanently.
Food nutrition has also been largely improved, not only because of the development in farming skills but also because of the fertilizers that are used to ensure a higher proportion of diverse types of vitamins being reserved during the planting process within a less time period.
Another important factor is the widespread scientific reports that emphasize the positive effects of regular exercise on people’s physical fitness, so most of the modern people become more aware of the importance of doing sports and many older people, with more time available after retirement, participate actively in various sorts of sports.
Besides, regular health check has been required by most companies nowadays in China and younger people also arrange this activity for their aging parents. It is now fair to say that many potential health hazards can be easily found in advance and therefore be avoided eventually.
More attention has been paid for the aging society, so government and private charity groups have set up many nursing house and other accessible facilities for the senior citizens, which means generally, a higher living standard can be expected and people then live much longer under a better welfare system.
3. What are some things a person can do to help them live longer?
An obvious answer is to take part in more outdoor activities because it can enhance the immune system and further build up the physical fitness. Especially in an outdoor atmosphere, we can breathe more fresh air and speed up the process of metabolism.
Regular health check should be taken on a, at least, yearly basis. So that diseases can be found well before it poses any threat to our body and our mind.
Also, I would suggest people to frequently talk to their friends and family members, particularly on the occasion of feeling stressful or facing difficulties. By expressing one’s emotion feely, one can actually easily release the negative emotion and find hope in life, which seems to be more important than just being healthy physically.
Even though the modern life has set higher demand for most people, in order to live longer, people should constantly adjust their goals to keep pace with their ability at the time. Pushing oneself too much is definitely detrimental to the expansion of longevity.
In any stage of one’s life, people should choose to participate in the things that interest them most instead of those impose heavy mental pressure and make them hopeless all the time.
A simple solution could be the reduction of TV time and Internet addiction and to spend more time on reading books or other mentally healthy activities, such as playing chess or listening to the music.
4. Are the attitudes of young people today towards old people the same as they used to be, years ago?
I personally didn't see any change in recent decade. Younger people are still very respectful and willing to talk and receive suggestions from the older ones.
As for me, I usually believe that the elderly are more vulnerable than the younger people, so I’m always willing to help them and I think this attitude is shared by most youngsters.
Unfortunately, we become less respectful of the older people, and almost indifferent to their request. For example, when an older person fall down on the street, very few people, especially the youth, will step up and give a hand immediately, because we worry about being defrauded of money by them, since similar occasions did happen in the past when some unlawful old people commit crime like this.
In previous time, we believe that older people have very rich experience, but the world is changing too fast. The wisdom they have become less practical in the modern-day society. So we are less likely to rely on them.
Some of the older generation are indeed more conservative, so younger people, who are interested in making changes and trying new things, are not very much willing to spend time with the aged.
Generally, it depends on the personality of each individual. Some may only want to communicate with people in similar age, others value the intrinsic character more, rather than the age.
1. What kinds of music are suitable for children? Why?
reason:这样的旋律学起来很容易,也让孩子们开心(cheer them up),他们可以快乐地跟着音乐唱跳(sing/dance to the music)
example:Gangnam Style是韩国流行音乐(K-Pop),歌词也听不懂,可是孩子也喜欢,就因为其旋律很好被孩子接受(well-received among children)
reason:歌词很生动(vivid),有画面感(have pictures/images in mind),更容易吸引孩子们的注意力(draw their attention),并引起他们共鸣(relate to)
sample answer:
Well, I’m no expert on this, but I suppose one of the most important thing is the melody should be upbeat and catchy. Kids are always happy, so naturally they’d love music that cheers them up. On top of that, most children can’t handle complicated melody, what they need is something simple and memorable, so they can sing and dance to it easily and happily. Another thing I guess is the lyrics should be about subjects children can relate to. For example, the little ones normally adore songs about animals.
I’m no expert on this. 我并非这方面的专家
2. Do you think people’s tastes in music will change as they get older?
reason:人的一生有机会接触到(get exposed to)不同的音乐类型(music genres),然后就会喜欢上(fall in love with)一种新的音乐;又或者是跟个性特点(characteristics/personal traits)有关,年轻人精力充沛(energetic/enthusiastic),喜欢追求刺激(look for thrill/excitement),因此更容易跟动感的(dynamic)流行音乐产生共鸣,而随着年纪和经历(life experience)的增长,很多人的个性变得温和沉稳(calm),这样的心态更容易接受古典音乐(classical music)或者交响乐(symphony)这样的类型
example:很多人年轻的时候痴迷于(be crazy about)摇滚乐(rock music),觉得非常热血沸腾(thrilling/energizing),然而等年纪增长以后就失去兴趣,觉得这种类型太嘈杂(noisy),甚至听了身体都会不舒服
reason:因为热爱,人们对于一种事物的热情不会衰减(the passion never fades)
example:我的伯伯是个死忠的爵士粉(a diehard Jazz fan)
sample answer:
Well, I think my answer is yes and no. On the one hand, people have lots of chances to get exposed to different types of music at different stages of life, so it’s very likely that they will find something that fascinates them, and their tastes in music will change. On the other hand, people just love what they liked in their youth, and his/her passion for a certain genre just never fades. Take my uncle for example, he’s been a diehard Jazz fan all his life. He just can’t get enough of it.
3. Has Chinese music been influenced by western music?
肯定有影响(definitely/absolutely)-全球化(globalization)不断推进,加之网络的推波助澜(with the help of the internet),我国人民可以与世界人民同步(keep up with the global trend),有机会听到来自西方的音乐,影响是难以避免(inevitable)的,尤其是流行音乐-西方国家有很多才华横溢的(talented/gifted)音乐人,他们激励了(inspire)我国的音乐人,同时西方音乐在音乐类型,创意(creativity/innovation),技术(techniques)等各方面都有很多值得我们学习的地方-当前国内的流行音乐深受西方影响(have a big impact on),有很多西方音乐的元素(element),比如像是饶舌(rap)。
sample answer:
Yeah, definitely! It’s almost impossible to not get influenced, thanks to globalization, and I think it’s fair to say that pop music in particular has learned the most from western music. There are so many truly talented musicians in western countries, and they have inspired Chinese musicians tremendously. Nowadays you can see lots of western elements added into our pop songs. For example, rap is all the age these days in my country, and the younger generation just love it. They think it’s cool and fun.
all the rage,大行其道,很受欢迎
4. Shopping malls and shops often play background music. Can you suggest why they do that?
这是重要的营销手段(marketing tool),而且非常有效(effective)-音乐是很有力量的(powerful and magical),可以影响人们的心情(have an effect on/affect people’ mood)-像是快节奏歌曲(fast-tempo songs)能让人振作起精神(lift someone’s spirit),甚至听到以后会开心起来(put someone in a good mood)-音乐营造了(create)很好的一个氛围(an inviting atmosphere),顾客在店里会感到放松(chilled out)快乐-这样的心态下, 人们就更愿意(be willing to do)呆在店里,多试(try out)几套衣服(outfits)然后买走(pay for)
sample answer:
The way I see it, it’s just one of the marketing tools that business people use to boost sales, and I must say it’s pretty effective. We all know that music is powerful and magical. For instance, fast-tempo music has the ability to lift our spirits and put us in a very good mood. I mean, the music creates an inviting atmosphere in the malls or shops, which makes customers feel chilled out and happy. Then people are willing to stay for a little bit longer, try out different outfits and then pay for them eventually.
其实呢,使用惯用语是可以的,但是必须保证你是在正确合适的场景下使用的,不准确的使用反而会降低LR(Lexical Resource)词汇项分数!请看:It drives me up walls when it rains dogs and cats.
哇塞!!很高大上有木有?很炫技有没有?但是考官形容他看到这话的感觉却是如同脸上突然被对面的小烤鸭重重地打了一拳。因为,正确的俚语是‘drive me up THE WALL', ‘It rains cats and dogs',是猫和狗!猫和狗!猫和狗!同《猫和老鼠》一样的顺序,记住啦?所以,用俚语一定要要求自己,不用则已,一用必对!
尽量模仿native的语音语调,让自己听起来更像一个native speaker
雅思口语Part 2新题范文之好的服务
Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop
You should say:
What the service was
When and where it happened
Whom you were together with
How you felt about it
And explain why you think it was good service
1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:好的服务(an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop)
Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.
I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store, wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.
雅思口语Part 2新题范文之喜欢的季节
Describe your favorite season of the year
You should say:
How is the weather like
Why do you like this season
What activities do you usually do during it
How would different kinds of weather affect people
1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:喜欢的季节(your favorite season of the year)
My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, the temperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day time is longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.
The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.
Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.
Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.
工业革命 industrial revolution
耗尽枯竭 exhaustion
环境 environment
环境恶化 environment deterioration
辉煌的 glorious
机器人,遥控设备 robot
家庭电器 household appliances
家务管理 housekeeping
家务杂事 chore
见多识广的 informed
精神生活 spiritual well-being
久坐的,沉积的 sedentary
就近的,敏捷的 handy
科学发现 scientific discovery
科学知识 scientific knowledge
克隆 cloning
能源短缺 energy shortage
奇迹的,不可思议的 miraculous
前进,进步,发展 advancement
前进 advance
前进 go ahead
全球变暖 global warming
全球的,全世界的 global
人工智能 artificial intelligence
人类 mankind
天然资源 natural resources
自动化的 automatic
自给自足的 self-sufficient
自动化系统 automated systems
自动控制,自动操作 automation
自动生产 automation production
生产自动化 manufacturing automation
水电站 wind power station
太阳能 solar energy
以电脑为基础的 computer-based
永不枯竭的 inexhaustible
工业自动化 industrial automation
能源 energy resources
三维的 3-dimensional
生产自动化 manufacturing automation
手工制品 handmade products
风力发电站 water power station
编程 programming
智能科技 intelligence technology
神经网络 neural network
神经细胞,神经元 neuron
生物学上 biologically
实际应用 practical application
自动包装 auto packaging
自动化生产线 automated assembly line
机器,机械 machinery
机器控制系统 machine control system
机器人技术 robotics
机械装置 mechanical device
降低成本 lower the cost
降低风险 lower the risks
模拟世界 analog world
①Be formal表现地正式
②Give a full answer完整地回答
完整的回答是指避免one word answer ,推己及人,作为中国人我们都是讨厌别人说中文只说单个字回复的,外国人又怎么会喜欢呢?何况雅思考试是展现自己英语能力的考试,在自己的能力范围内,应该尽可能以完整的句子作答,才能让考官欣然给出高分。
③Be polite 保持礼貌/礼仪
保持礼貌/礼仪是印象分的一部分,这就是说要保持交流中的基本礼貌,比如微笑、注视考官以及不打断考官提问,如果出现了自己没有听懂的提问,可以礼貌地请考官重复,以could you please/would you mind开头来礼貌询问,这样的询问并不会影响自己的分数。
④Maintain good posture 维持好的坐姿
⑤Speak clearly 说话清楚、语音清晰
⑥Use descriptive words 使用新颖的描述性的词汇
⑦Speak up 声音洪亮
⑧Keep a steady pace 语速合适
⑨Explain foreign words 解释外国词汇(地名等)
⑩Stay on topic 紧扣话题
?Don't use slang 拒绝俚语
?Don’t memorize answers 不要背答案
Describe a popular person.
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he or she is
Why the person is popular
And explain how the person influences the public
What are the qualities of being popular?
Do you know any pop star who really likes helping others?
Do you think children should imitate their idols?
What influences do pop stars have on teenagers?
Do you think pop stars have more freedom or less freedom?
Describe a famous person that you are interested in.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you got to know this person
What sort of life he/she had before he/she became famous
How this person became famous
And explain why you like this person
How do people become famous?
What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?
Do you think people are famous as a result of their real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?
Describe a famous athlete.
You should say:
Who the person is
How you got to know this person
What he or she has achieved
And explain why this person is famous
Do teenagers like exercising in your country?
Do you prefer staying at home to going outside on holidays?
Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?
What kind of physical exercise do Chinese people like?





