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The TV quiz show that I would undoubtedly most like to take part in is Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. The reason is quite simple: the top prize is one million pounds. Get all of the questions right on the night and your life will not be the same ever again.

The setup of the show is quite simple: there are 15 questions to attempt, each worth an increasingly large sum of money. The first few questions, worth relatively small amounts, are easy and straightforward, but as the prize money increases, so does the difficulty of the questions. The questions can cover any range of quiz topics, including general knowledge, history, science, famous people &etc., but many of the later questions are extremely obscure in nature. When you feel that you don’t know the answer to a question, the quiz show offers you a choice: leave with the money that have already gained (from answering preceding questions correctly), or ask for help. One of the ways you can get help is by phoning a friend and asking them if they know the answer. This is why one of the things I would need to prepare before entering the show is to pick a friend who I could count on – and one who is good at quizzes! Of course I would also to prepare myself for the questions by reading up on quiz books, and watching previous episodes of the quiz show. It may sound like a lot of work just to appear on a TV quiz show, but when the prize is ?1,000,000, I suspect that it will be worth it!


Why do people like to watch TV shows?

It relaxes us, many people associated feeling calm with sitting down and watching TV. So it makes sense people continue to watch it for hours on end.

We use it to escape,Just like reading a book, watching TV allows us to escape our own world and enter into a world of crime, fantasy, romance or whatever your heart (and Netflix) desires.

They know how to work us. Because we get so involved, we can’t help but watch the next one to find out how the story ends. But of course, the next episode has a cliffhanger too, and it’s a vicious cycle.

What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

1.soaps 2.sports 3.documentaries 4.sitcoms 5.reality Tv shows 6.game shows 7.other

What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

The gaming industry has gone through countless eras based on the latest technologies, but one of the most disruptive additions was the birth of the Internet. The Internet has changed the face of gaming as we know it, from connecting gamers across the world to changing the way we envision, play, and even purchase games.

Why do some people watch TV shows online?

Movie theaters feel suffocating. I need to be able to fast-forward and rewind and accelerate and slow down, to be able to parcel my attention where it's needed. And the rising popularity of video streaming services like Netflix, and the number of shows made available through streaming.

finally, if you're on a long train or bus ride you can't just bring your TV with you.


雅思口语part2:Describe an advertisement you remember well

You should say:

Where you saw it

What it was about

What it was like

Why you remember it well

Part 3

Why do some people hate advertisements?

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Is music useful in advertising?

What are the advantages of TV advertisements?


Well, I think in the present scenario, advertisement is the best tool for marketing. With the help of these advertisements, we know about the different types of products which are launched in the market.

In fact, nowadays we are flooded with a lot of advertisement through t.v, newspaper, magazines, and billboards. Here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I saw on television approximately 5 years ago. This advertisement is about a soft drink ” Mountain dew”.

In this ad, a young boy is trying to learn “parachute jumping” which is the most dangerous and adventurous sport in the world. In this ad, he is trying to jump from an aircraft with wearing a parachute. Firstly, he is feeling very scary and take his steps back. However, his friend motivates him to jump then he gathered all his courage as well as, confident. after getting a lot of confident, he drinks “mountain dew” and jump from an aircraft. Interestingly, he is lending safely in the end.

I remember each and every scene of this ad because it broadcast repetitively in between daily soaps. Secondly, the model of this ad was Salman Khan who is my favorite actor. Apart from it, the tag line of this ad is quite attractive and fascinating. I remember this tag line “Dar ke aage jeet hain” which means ” fear brings victory”.

On that time when I heard these lines the first time, I repeated it so many times because I feel relaxed and confident after sung those lines. I also believe that nothing is impossible in this world if we put or great effort then, we definitely achieve success. All in all, this advertisement gives a beautiful message and I remember it yet.


Why do some people hate advertisements?

People feel overwhelmed, interrupted, and stalked by bad digital ads, but they don't really mind the good ones.

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

An ad works if it is well targeted and solves a problem a user has.From what I know, it depends on the product that is being advertised on fb and if the niche/market is the type of market who will spend money. I have friends who have marketed supplements and have had zero luck through fb ads and success elsewhere but then on the flip side, I know people who have started selling really niche apparel products and have made a ton of sales through fb ads.

Is music useful in advertising?

Music in advertising affects the way viewers perceive the brand by different means and on different levels, and "can significantly effect the emotional response to television commercials.

What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?

Grabs attention. One of the biggest advantages of TV ads is the ability to call out to your potential customers right where they are.

Combines sight and sound. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch.

Fosters emotion and empathy.

Reaches a wide, targeted audience.

How about internet advertisements?

Extremely low risk

Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media

Faster response to both marketers and the end user

Increased ability to measure and collect data

Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation

Increased interactivity

Increased exposure of products and services

Boundless universal accessibility


雅思口语part2:Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner

You should say:

When you invited them

Where you had the dinner at home or at the restaurant?

Why you invited them

And how you felt about this dinner

Part 3

Where do Chinese people usually eat?

At restaurants or at home?

Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?


I am a social Butterfly and I love to connect with people. I also love to try new restaurant or cuisines as they are really scrumptious.. So, I usually go out for dinners or invite people for the same. Recently, one of my pen pal was visiting us from Italy with his family, so I decided to take them out for dinner. I asked them about their preferences for food but they said they would like to go wherever I took them.. Finally, I decided to take them to Sukhdev Dhaba because one can enjoy multiple cuisines there and the best part is that one can have unlimited food. This restaurant is located in the heart of Panipat and the best part is that one can have unlimited food. This restaurant is located in the heart of Panipat and Delhi and there is always a huge waiting list. So, I made a booking in advance with them for us. My Friend had never been to this restaurant before. When we reached there, he was really felt over the moon to see the interiors of the restaurant. I then explained them about the unlimited food concept and they got really excited as they were looking forward to trying Indian food, none other than 56 bhog. At this restaurant a charcoal grill is placed at the table and one can barbeque the starters on it. After few minutes, we got a big platter having 56 items in it. There was also a big screen which was running Live Cricket Match from IPL tournament and since we both are fans of Cricket, we enjoyed watching cricket along with really tasty food. I believe people should often have dinner together as it is a good way to spend time and build healthy relationships.


Where do Chinese people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?

People still cook alot at home, but keep in mind that there are tons of restaurants and small kitchens wherever there are people and these places are often quite affordable.

Things are going to vary with demographics, but I've spent time in both heavily urban and rural areas. Urbanites tend to be more wealthy and can afford to eat out frequently. At the same time, urban areas tend to have much much higher concentrations of restaurants, eateries, and cafes. Rural is just the opposite.

Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

Someone in the city with working hours of 9–6 would probably eat out as they are too tired to cook food for themselves. And,if many people are invited for certain occasion , not possible for many to cook and serve at home.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

The biggest advantage of eating in restaurant is that it helps in families getting close and spending good time together because when one is at home than there are many distractions which do not allow all people of the family to eat together but when it comes to going out for dinner there are no such distraction which help the families in creating a strong emotional bond between family members.

while,when it comes to taste of food and also nutritional contents of the food eating outside may not be the best option as only a few restaurants concentrate on nutritional contents of the food. Another problem with eating outside is that there is no surety that one will get tasty food in a restaurant; hence even after paying so much money, you do not get the right food then it will naturally be a disappointment for the whole family.


自我雅思口语训练1. Listen to yourself.




雅思口语自我训练7. Practice makes perfect.




答:首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把这部分的问题自问自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多个,那么每天2个就可以了。参加雅思口语考试时大家一定要记得提前了解一下雅思口语标准,多做练习。

考过雅思的人都知道口语的分数有的时候要受外界因素的影响。首先如果你的话题卡是你熟悉的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的准备时间内,你应该后一个谈的好吧。其次,要达到6分,时态非常重要。考官问你, when did you last go to the park?那你必须要使用过去时,否则分数肯定在6一下。所以6分就是语法,词汇的运用。例如,beautiful campus是个错误的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.这种小细节也要注意。


雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之一:Part 3为何“难”

谈到part 3,多半会听到烤鸭们从牙缝里挤出一个“难”字,而且无论你水平怎样,感受都很相似——感觉考官好似要打破砂锅问到底,每次刚费力回答完一个问题,考官都会从刚刚的答案中找到“漏洞”,然后针对它继续“为难”你,似乎更像是参加了一场辩论赛。其实之所以难,是考官有意而为之。在你较为轻松地通过了Part 1和Part 2之后,考官已经基本了解了你的日常沟通以及描述能力,甚至在心里已经给出了大约的分数,而这最后一步便是通过挑战你的语言极限(linguistic limit or upper limit)来定乾坤了,方法是根据你的水平使用更为复杂的问题以及话题。而且,因为问题的灵活性和广泛性,背诵答案变得几乎不太可能。这就是为什么不管是得5分还是7分的同学,都会觉得Part 3 “难”的原因了。

所以,如果你感觉“难”并不意味着成绩会低,只是考官想要多挖掘一下你的潜力,努力“抬高”你的分数而已,所以你应该放松心情,不要轻易放弃展示语言能力的机会。同时,这也提醒我们在准备一些常规问题时要未雨绸缪,内容最好是你能够驾驭的,不要给考官太多抓住漏洞的机会。比如有同学在回答“what will houses be like in the future?”(预测未来类问题),信口开河地回答“I think people will live under the sea.”,接下来考官问了句 “why do you think so?”他只有卡在那里半天没反应。但如果他从现实出发,事先想好“未来人口过多,地面空间拥挤,科技发达”等因素,就不会尴尬了。

雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之二:How to say it 比What to say更重要

很多人感觉Part 3的好多问题很像雅思写作的Task 2,因为它们比起Part 1和Part 2更学术,抽象,还要随时准备对问题进行评价与预测。所以考生们为了Part 3做的所有的准备就是事先背诵很多ideas来准备回答问题。当然,这无可厚非,因为可以节约考场上的思考时间,避免长时间停顿。但如果仅仅是简单的ideas堆砌在一起,却并不能给你带来高分。因为与口语考试的其他部分一样,Part 3的评分点是你的语言能力而并不只是你的观点和内容。换句话说,只要你没有跑题,你可以发表任何观点,永远没有正确和错误之分。在Part 3,考官最关心的是,你有没有抓住机会展示你能驾驭的高级词汇,语法以及连贯上下文的能力。

Vocabulary:词汇的基本要求当然是准确,因为交流永远是第一位的,所以你完全可以使用比较常用的简单词汇与表达,但是相对于主要谈论personal life的Part 1和Part 2,老师建议考生在Part 3的用词应该稍正式,但是不要照搬雅思大作文里的学术词汇。 比如:bad effects可以用negative impact来代替,consequences比results更能给考官留下好的印象。同时,花点功夫记一些地道的表达是很值得的,例如‘come up against’ difficulties; ‘look forward to’ something in the future。

Grammar:除了基本的时态与句型结构要正确,在Part 3了解常见问题类型,是拿下语法分的主要方法,例如:

“How do you think transportation will change in China in the next twenty years?”


准备句型:I believe/There’ll be….


Sample: “I think there’ll certainly be many electric cars on the roads twenty years from now.”


Coherence:语言是否连贯是part3能否顺利过关的关键,因为当你讨论一些比较有深度的抽象问题或学术问题时,适当的逻辑连接可以直接决定考官能否跟上你的思路,理解你的意思。而且,我们都知道大部分的雅思口语问题的回答是需要在主要观点的基础上扩充相关细节信息的,part3尤其如此,因此,为了避免让考官觉得你“跑题”的危险,保持整个答案的“一致性”,必须熟练使用连接词或表达,例如常见的 “Therefore, ...”; “So, ...”; “As a result, ...”; “On the other hand, ...”; “Although X, ... Y”; “In contrast to that, ...”; “In other words, ...”; “As well as that, ...”; “For example, ...”; “As I mentioned before, ...”

雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之三:为什么叫做“Further discussion”

虽然Part 3算不上一场真正的“讨论”,因为基本上只有考生在回答问题,但是考官还是努力地营造出discussion的气氛,比如会针对一个topic提问几个相关问题,并且根据你的回答有针对性地提出新的问题等。其实,了解到Part 3具备discussion的特点,对考试是很有帮助的。例如,在discussion中,当你被问到一个比较有挑战性的问题而不确定答案时,保持沉默是不对的,因为会使对方觉得你因为不满或生气而不愿谈论这个话题。所以我们当然也不应该在考试时这么做。老师对此给出如下建议:首先,可以使用一些表达为难的句型,比如“oh,that’s a difficult question to answer,you sure seem to know how to ask hard questions!”来赢得思考时间。其次,你完全可以尝试用猜测的方式来回答问题,例如“I’ve no idea,but if I were...,I would probably...”因为这在discussion中是完全可行的。

有时细节可以决定成败,希望考生们通过对以上一些信息的了解,可以化解对Part 3的恐惧感,对症下药,合理正确地准备考试,争取拿到理想分数。



自我雅思口语训练1. Listen to yourself.


雅思口语自我训练2. Slow down!

很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。

雅思口语自我训练3. Picture it...


雅思口语自我训练4. Get physical!

发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。

雅思口语自我训练5. Watch yourself.

站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。

雅思口语自我训练6.Copy the experts.


雅思口语自我训练7. Practice makes perfect.




1. The house is really A-1.



2.He bought a baker’s dozen of biscuits.



3.A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise.



4.He was a cat in the pan.



5.A cat may look at a king.



6.Even a hair of dog didn’t make him feel better.



7.Is he a Jonah?



8.Jim is fond of a leap in the dark.



9.A little bird told me the news.



10.Angela is a man of a woman.



11.Nellie is a man of his word.



12.He paid a matter of 1000 yuan.



13.It is a nice kettle of fish! I have a stomachache.



14.She is a nose of wax.



15.Glen spent a small fortune on a tour round the world.



16.He is very glad that his wife’s going to get a visit from the stork.



17.Archibaid was a whale at fishing in his young days.



18.Is there a world of difference between Kenneth and Louie?



19.The ABC hopes to settle in China.



20.Bruce was taken up above the salt.



21.These commercial transactions are aboveboard.



22.Colin is absent in Shanghai.



23.I only use Accent for soup.



24.We should call him Adam.



25.Donna can sing after a fashion.




Some general questions about work in IELTS speaking.

1 Are you working or studying?

2 what is your job?

3 How do you think of your job? / do you love your job you are now doing at the moment? why?

4 what's the thing you like / loathe most in your job?

5 What is your ideal job?

6 Do you think you will change your job if you were given the chance some day?

7 Do you think it is easy to find a job recently?

8 Do you think it is easy for newly graduates to hunt for a job?

9 Experience, certificates, which is important in job hunting?

10 what jobs most of the people would like to engage in?






在雅思口语表达中学生经常展现的一个场景是英语说到一半转换成了中文:X我不会,X用英语怎么说?此时的流利度不就大打折扣了吗?我经常和学生说的一句话是: “你的英语口语可能比你想象的好哦,因为我们可以paraphrase。”


Cambridge dictionary上的解释,翻译成中文大致是用相对简单的方式去解释某个意思。在我提出这个概念之后,我真的遇到很多学生在我面前展现了paraphrase的能力,应证了我说的话:你的英语口语比你想象的好!


学生:Do you need to go to different learning centers?

我:Yes, we do. There’re 3 main learning centers in our city.

学生:How do you go from here to another learning center?

我:Sometimes by metro, sometimes by taxi if the time is quite limited between 2 classes.

学生:By taxi, then do you get emmm 车费报销?哎呀,老师我不会‘报销’,这个词怎么说?

我:Do you remember what we said before? If there is a word you don’t know how to express, then what do you do?

学生:Oh, paraphrase. So does XDF pay for your transportation fee?

我:hahaha. See, that was paraphrase, excellent but unfortunately, no.





但是此刻不知道plagiarism这个词又有什么关系呢,毕竟可以paraphrase。最终学生给出的版本是Copying others’ ideas is seriously banned. 不就是不准抄别人的观点呗。




上面这段话的截图是关于注意假说理论,来自Lightbown and Spada的著作How Languages are learned (4th edition ),如果对语言学习感兴趣可以看看。



记得看看它的英文解释和例句,首先这是一种检测这个词是否符合我使用语境的一种方式,另外英文解释都是paraphrase很好的例子不是吗?前边有查paraphrase这个词得到的paraphrase的英文解释“to state something in different words, usually in a simpler way to make the meaning clear.”,对paraphrase的英文解释不就是也是一个展现paraphrase的例子吗?


我口语里头可以paraphrase表达自己的意思了,另外呢,口语评分标准里会有speak at length。讲一句话肯定是不够的呀,那怎么办呢?

高中政治老师说的 “做问答题,你要多写点,你就说那么一句话,你指望阅卷者给你高分?做梦吧。你先从政治,经济,文化,哲学这四个方面去找知识点,再带入材料分析一下,不说给你满分,至少也给你一半分了。”



Do you give perfume as a gift?



e.g.Yes, sure. I’m a big fan of perfume and I have a wide collection of perfume. When I wear perfume, I feel I’m so refreshed and confident. You know, I just want to transmit my positive emotions to others, so I send perfume as a gift. (情绪)

Not really. Perfume is quite pricey. You know, for a bottle of Chanel perfume, it costs over 500 RMB. Well, I’m just a student who doesn’t own any salary. If I send those costly perfume as a gift, I’ll be broke in a minute. (金钱)


好吧,身经百战的雅思君觉得,考官真的是太懒了,Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person这道题分明就是的旧题,曾经考过认识却没见过的人,你喜欢的某个名人,这道题分明就是两者的混搭。这样看,考生们是不是素材多了?如果你是影视发烧友或者经常听外文歌,那就好办多了,《复仇者联盟》漫威的人物就够你介绍1天,欧美流行教主一抓一大把,ins上更是很多网红。那么我们就来拆解一下题目:这个人是谁,身份,获知途径以及想见的原因。

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew about this person

What this person does

Why you want to meet this person

Part 3

How can people become famous?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?

What influences can famous people have on the society?

Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?






Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person did to make you laugh

Why this person made you laugh

And how you felt about it

Part 3

What can make children laugh?

What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

Do you think childhood is the most important in one’s development?





B: Well, that's OK. I enjoy swimming.

C: Good. It can be used from 7 to 11 at night. From 5 to 7 it's used for special classes. B: And what's here?

Well, that's OK. I enjoy swimming.

Good . It can be used from 7 to 11 at night . From 5 to 7 it's used for special classes.

And what's here?


B: 嗯,没关系,我喜欢游泳。

C: 好的,游泳池的使用时间从 7 点到晚上 11 点。5 点到 7 点之间要用来上特殊课程。

B: 这边是做什么用的?


听过这段音频之后,我们能够发现这段音频中出现了很多辅音对元音连读语音现象,比如,living alone,这里听起来像是一个单词。此外,这段音频中出现了失去爆破的语音现象,比如,had no,其中had中的[d]的音就失去爆破,不发音。所以大家在平时一定要在了解语音现象的前提下进行听音辨音练习,在练习的过程中,要针对自己的不足之处进行查漏补缺,这样我们的口语水平才能够有所提升。



当前面的单词以辅音结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时将前面的辅音同后面的元音连在一起,像是构成一个音节一样的读出来, 以使语言更具有流畅自然的特点.而且连读必须是发生在短语或句子的同一个意群中的, 在意群(及短语或从句)之间有停顿时,两个短语或两个从句间相邻的音不连读。


knock at

look into 失爆

顾名思义,指爆破音失去爆破。发生条件如下:当前面的单词以 [p][b][t][d][k][g] 这六个爆破音中的任何一个结尾,而紧随其后的单词是以辅音开头时,前面单词中的爆破音失去爆破(只阻塞气流却不将其释放,也就是只作口型不发音)。



一、模仿(Imitation)— 跟读是起点


1. 方法


2. 目的

① 语音语调


② 句式句型


二、复述(Repetition)— 背诵是基础


1. 背诵


2. 替换


① 词汇和句型替换

词汇和句型的替换是相对简单的。在考生们对自己的单词库和句型库做足储备时,这样的替换练习便可以开始了。如“重要”的表达除了“important”还有“significant”, “crucial”, “critical”…主动的句型可以改为被动或“There be …”等等。

② 意义替换

意义的替换指不拘泥于简单的词汇和句型等形式上的改写,而是将内容用其他的方式加以说明或呈现。如考生可以借鉴电影《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart)来呈现出对勇敢、信念的表达。这才称得上是真正的“换言之”。

三、原创(Creation)— 即兴是根本




Concentration 专注 (New)

? What do you do to help you concentrate?

? What might distract you when you’re trying to stay concentrated?

? Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

? When do you need to concentrate the most?

? Is it easy for you to do two or more things at the same time?

? Did you find it hard to concentrate when you were a kid?


Animals 动物 (New)

? Do you like animals?

? What’s your favorite animal?

? What kinds of animals as a pet do people in your country like?

? Did you have any pets when you were a kid?

? Do you often go to the zoo to see animals?












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