此gre写作考试步骤主要的作用是使整篇文章既有“骨架”,又有“血肉”。需要注意以下两点:一是要 注意全文的时态运用,保持一致性;二是要讲究布局谋篇。恰当的段落划分,前后语句的连贯,句型的选择,连接词的运用都是考生需要考虑的内容。
19“If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.”
社会成功首先体现在个体的 well-being,个体利益得到满足后(research; invention; business) 才有动力促进社会利益
2 、如果只注重社会整体的成功,而忽略社会成员的幸福,整体的成功也不会久远。比如,一个国家倾尽所有财力(impose high taxes)去研究外太空,而不去发展经济,导致人民生活困苦,即使研究很成功也不能说这个国家是繁荣的,相反还有可能造成社会的不稳定。
business; economy 个人成功后有 drive and resources for social sucess
19T “If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual
③长远来看,必须把个体利益放在社会利益之上。A 社会的发展是由一个个的个体所做出的。有责任使他们生活幸
福。否则,会引起** B 存在risk ,政府以社会的整体利益为借口来满足个人利益。
The achievement of social entire success owns much to ceaseless an d assiduous hard work of every citizen.
If a country overemphasizes the priority of its overall success in the process of thriving, it risks to obtaining the achievement at the expense of individual’s interest.
However, not every individual’s interest accords with th at of society.
Tim: A society is a community comprised by the members. It exists because its members exist. In my opinion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of its individual citizens. Such welfare should be prioritized.
Prior to our analysis, we need to agree upon the definition of “overall success”. Hypothetically, if we eliminate the elderly, the weak, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consists of only healthy and intelligent members. It will likely become productive, and thus make considerable advancement.
Does this considerable advancement mean overall success? If it does, then we should indeed adopt a policy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. We should place our emphasis on the society's success ahead of the welfare of individual members.
My definition of overall succe ss, however, is different. Rather, happiness of its members is the main criterion. If members are stressful throughout their life, this society is not deemed successful even if it enables its members to land on Mars.
Again, hypothetically, let us say that our world population is reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit have been annihilated. These 100 million people are good looking, tall, smart, young, and healthy. Their earth is filled with bountiful food and is equipped with advanced technology. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy.
First, this master race still cannot defy agin g and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulations, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you think that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel?
Second, other than aging, the members do not dare to show any sign of weakness. If they are sick, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to accomplish some tasks, they will appear to be competent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety.
Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfitness be defined? It is law of nature that nobody on earth is perfect. Nobody can possibly possess every nice attribute in him. If he is bright, but physically weak, will he be eliminated? The society will become chaotic, as there will be constant debates over the definition of unfitness.
In summary, based on three reason s stated above, members of this society will not likely live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, is not successful. If I am allowed to uphold my own definition, then clearly we should accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he is, and prioritize his well being. The society does not necessarily have to make progress.
20“National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults.”
20 部分同意
孩子和成人都很重要,但不可能付出大量精力,所以要平衡;assign priority according to the importance of the program; 失业服务项目优先于儿童after-class activity program; 儿童健康项目优先于garbage recycling programs
【Position 】: 尽管儿童的成长关系国家发展可持续性,但成人才是社会的中流砥柱,因此国家应该优先为成年人提供服务。
20T “National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults.”
①成人是社会财富的创造者,是社会的中坚力量。Adults, who make up the major work force of our society, are where the fortune and power of the nation lying, thus the premise of the social stability. 如:从古代的埃及金字塔、长城到现代的农民、工人或是白领阶层。从公平原理上来说,应该回报给他们一定的 programs and services.
②另一方面,许多社会问题的存在都是由于成人所引起的。如:老龄化,失业。要解决这些问题,就要给予成年人足够的关注。反面说:如果没满足,会引起人们对于政府、社会的不满。Faraway from the superficial impression that national government has set enough social programs and services to help adults, the fact is that, such help still can not meet the request and even worse is that some of them are not adequately conducted to bear the assumed outcomes.
③小孩应该给予足够的关注,A 因为是社会的未来。B 许多现在社会问题的解决要依靠今天对他们的教育。As we have to keep sufficient notice on adults’ affairs, we shall absolutely never fail to provide children a safe, clean and nice environment for them to grow happily and robustly.
21“Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any ot her institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world.”
1、只顾自己的 reputation and social standing 的人无法带来真正的革命
rebellion instigated by farmers; finally yield to the governer who garentee the head of the rebels official oppsition and wealth
2、真正带来革命的人不关心自己的 reputation and so cial standing
Martin Luther King
Mahatma Gandi
21T “Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are re ally in earnest about reformin g a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world.”
① 因为改革总是对于利益的重新分配,因而不可避免的会引起一部分人的不满,所以想要改革的人不可避免的要接受一部分人的蔑视。如:对贵族 noble 权利的剥夺
② 在乎自己声望和社会地位的人是不能带来改革的。一方面,他们可能只是想被选举上,没想过要改革;另一方面,当改革遇到困难时,他们会倾向于退缩
③ 当改革的长远效果显示出来时,真正英明的人的声望会加倍。如:Gandhi, Roosevelt
Though no explicit static data, it’s not difficult to find that earnest in seeking personal reputation is always bound with eagerness to involve in social affairs such as reforming.
Then there seems to be a paradox, since earnest in social affairs always goes with ardor for personal reputation, how one manages to sacrifice the latter for the former?
Yet it’s unfair to ignore the contribution to any beneficial reforming of common people who may not show so much care for earnin g reputation or standing.
此gre写作考试步骤主要的作用是使整篇文章既有“骨架”,又有“血肉”。需要注意以下两点:一是要 注意全文的时态运用,保持一致性;二是要讲究布局谋篇。恰当的段落划分,前后语句的连贯,句型的选择,连接词的运用都是考生需要考虑的内容。
Although innovations such as video,computers,and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students,these technologies all too often distract from real learning.
Nowadays there is a growing concern about the role that innovations have played in the field of learning. While most people think that innovations benefit learning process in various ways,different opinions arise that these technology advancements actually distract students from real learning. On balance,according to my personal observation,whether innovations can be beneficial or detrimental to real learning depends on the students and the teachers,not on these innovations themselves.
To begin with,technological innovations do help teaching and learning in various ways.With the aid of these technologies,the process of teaching and learning can be shorter and easier than before. For instance,if a student want certain published papers of an academic discipline,he/she may look through considerable catalogs to find the ones he/she needs. However,with the help of Internet innovation,at present most of these papers are published online. Consequently,to find certain paper the procedure is much easier and shorter, the students just type the key words and other information of the paper,and then the system will search the database,and the papers are there waiting for them. As this new approach can save a lot of time for the students,he/she could have more time reading the papers and absorbing the knowledge rather than checking and looking for the papers that could be a waste of his/her time. This example aptly illustrates how technology advancement benefited the students and their learning process.
Secondly,while innovations can help learning in various ways,it is more important that the central role of the pursuit for knowledge and wisdoms are maintained. What real matters is not the approach but the purpose of learning. In India,where modern technologies are less applied to the learning process than in the US and other developed countries,still a lot of distinguished students achieved their academic goal with their hard work and desires to knowledge. In the US,where the software engineering students are given the most advanced facilities and apparatus for their learning and research,however,it is wildly accepted that they are far less outstanding compared to the Indian students of software,who may share computers in groups. From this comparison we can see that the real and core push of learning is the desire for knowledge,not the help of innovations.
In addition,if not guided properly,the technology advancement might inhibit learning.In other words,innovation can distract the students from real learning than helping them. It is obvious that a computer can help students of science to calculate mathematical equations but can also be used for recreation such as net surfing or computer games. It is highly possible that these students can spend more time and energy on recreations rather than learning when using a computer. Thus,learning is inhibited. Under this circumstance,guidance and restrictions are needed to ensure the right use of innovations for learning,or the consequence may be on the contrary to the students and teachers' desire.
To conclude,technological innovations are beneficial to learning in many ways,but when using these technologies,one should not forget the real purpose of learning and remember not to be distracted for other usages of these innovations that are irrelevant or detrimental to learning. On balance,innovation here serves as a double-edges sword,and its right use is dependent on the students and the teachers.
Much of the information that people assume is‘factual’actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus,any piece of information referred to as a‘fact’should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future.
Should we be doubtful to all the information at hands because the rightness of which is uncertain? The speaker claims so,I concede that people often commit various fallacies in the course of cognizing things,however I fundamentally take exception of the arguer's assertion to mistrust every fact we might encounter. And I will substantially discuss my views thereinafter.
To begin with,the speaker seems to implicate that a fact would be proven false in the future under numerous circumstance. Nevertheless I prefer to arguer that facts never change. No matter how did the Medieval Church and Inquisition persecute Bruno,the fact never changes that the earth is far from being the center of the universe as the religious sovereigns had assumed or hoped for,while just a minor particle in it. Equally,no matter how Edison had tried to incite the public fear and distrust to the alternative current electricity,the fact never changes that Teals’ electrical system is vastly superior to his direct current electrical one,and would be accepted and applied in larger range.
However,what do change are the human's objective interpretations to facts. One compelling argument to this point is that,due to the limitation of human’s knowledge and comprehensive capability,they tend to make insufficient or even false understanding to the certain fact. An apt illustration is the changes of cognition to disease. While at the ancient time,our progenitors believed the a man becoming a patient for the reason that he had conduct crimes or offended some ghosts or spirits,the contemporary people have well know that the varies of pathogens are the basic causes to our diseases,and the defects of our immune system and so forth are also the factors as well. Another argument for the change of comprehension to fact is that different people always observe and interpret from different perspectives. Though the Relativity theory is not well compliable with the Quantum mechanism,no one call the greatness of both Einstein and Bohr,because their theories are based on distinct views,the former from the macrocosm and the later from the microcosm.
Notwithstanding the foregoing reasons for that human tend to make fallacies during the cause of comprehending and cognizing facts,these reasons should never be the excuses to doubt every conclusion we might draw from facts. Based on certain rational inference and proper knowledge fundament,the conclusions we make might well be justifiable,if not completely right,to certain degree. What we need to do is to promote the enterprise of pursuing the better answer and try to use the result we have get to application,instead of wasting our time to undue doubt and suspicion. Though the medical scientists have not fully understood the mechanism of how the does the implanted organ interact with the wounded body,they are not refrain from using the implanting skill to save patients,of course the precondition or which is that this technology is much well established than the fundamental theory.
To sum up,while I advocate the speaker's opinion that it is inevitable for human to comprehend facts inaccurately,for the reason of the limitation of the abilities,I essentially disagree with his assertion that facts will continually alter themselves,as well as his recommendation to discredit any piece of fact. In the final analysis,I would arguer once more that facts never change and although the misunderstanding to them is inevitable,we should not defer ourselves from the pursuit to fully comprehending them.
Most people often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms: we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else.
In the age of accelerating changes, the eagerness to understand things in an effective and equally efficient way is more than ever. Although all kinds of complex techniques, skills and equipments helpful for understanding and studying the objects are easily accessible to people, the basic strategies stay the same as before: one is starting from similarities and the other from distinction. From my personal point of view, only by using the two in proper proportion and order can one achieve his/her goal to understand a thing.
Looking for similarities is a proper starting point. When we first meet something new,we need to clarify its basic attributes, finding similarites with other familiar things and classify it according to those attributes. Classification according to similaties is of great assistance to provide us with an outline, basic knowledge which we can base further investigation upon. Although things in contemporary age represent themselves in various forms and styles, similarities exist in any pair as long as certain perspective can be found. For instance, Bookcase and window are so different that at first glance, one
may not be able to find the similarities, or even such an effort seems to be meaningless. Yet, they are both part of a house, something that must be taken into consideration when decorating or refurnishing the house. Such a comparison would be helpful for us to realize that “buy” and “sell” are two basic operation we can have upon window even though we have no idea what window is made of, how it is produced or what its function is.What’s more, looking for similarities not only refer to the object itself, but the relationship with others. Similar relationships helps people understand things in groups or pairs using the strategy: analogy. Analogy is especially useful when the charactertistics of a relationship rather than the objects themselves are the focus of understanding and when similar relationships are known and objects unknown. For example, if told that the relationship between window and ASVE is similar to that between book and read, one can safely guess that ASVE is the operation people can take on window although ASVE stays an unknown action.
Definitely, mere similarity usually exclude the distinctive characteristics of a thing. We need to investigate its own terms for deeper understanding. Within the rough outline sketched by similarity, a more detailed and well-articulated picture can be drawn by grasping own terms of a thing. Still take window as an example. From careful observation, we know that it is transparent, it consists of different chemical materials, it performs the function as to protect privacy, to preserve desirable temperature indoor, and sometimes to prevent rains and snows from going inside. Deeper and further understanding of window can only be gained when we take its own terms besides those it shares with bookcase into consideration.
In the newly development software engineering model named Object-oriented model,the strategy “similarity first and differences later” functions as the core and focus of the whole model. Objects sharing common points are put into same “classes” and common points are processed together, later they are defined, discussed and processed respectively according to their own characteristics. This method greatly reduces the repetive time and energy spent over and over again on similar, if not utterly same, terms. Translated into daily life, starting from similarites for a quick outline and transferring to grasp distinctive characteristics for deeper understanding isthe approach we should always bear in mind when hoping to understand a thing with effectiveness and efficiency.
1. 写作宗旨
2. 如何审题
“题目中的话说到绝对的,就diagree。比如题目中有这些词的as long as,anything,everything,all,only,我们可以把它们作为一个论点进行攻击,这是很容易找到反例的。我考试的时候就遇到了这样的情况:题目是:Practicality is now our GREat idol,which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today s world.可以看到题目中有三处很绝对的地方(all,anything,little ),一一反驳就是三个论点了。
题目会很明显的提示你从哪些方面来写,比如说:In any realm of life--whether academic,social,business, or political--the only way to succeed is to take a practical,rather than an idealistic,point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival,whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler,more immediate options.你可以看到破折号里面的academic,social,business,or political,所以你就跟着他一个个举例子。”
3. 例子
“第一种是经典型:比如说Einstein,Newton,Galileo,Edison这些科学家的例子被用的烂了,不过也不失为好东西。the earth orbiting around the sun;Copernicus,Bruno等等。Picasso,Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky,Nixon Watergate等。
第二种是时尚型:为了与众不同,胜人一筹可以找一些新的例子。比如文艺类的,电影Matrix,可以用于arts;the project of Three gorges;High speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai;可以用于政治类的政府决策方面。以及写道Scandal时,Tony Blair和那个倒霉的武器核查专家也可以用。还有Iraq和USA的战争,朝鲜的核弹问题,都可以从不同侧面来分析。
1. 内容与GRE作文范文高度相似
官方说明:“text that is substantially similar to that found in one or more other GRE essay responses.”
2. 部分句子来源于出版或未出版资料
官方说明:“quoting or paraphrasing,without attribution,language or ideas that appear in published or unpublished sources.”
3. 观点来自他人
官方说明:“essays that are submitted as work of the examinee when the ideas or words have,in fact,been borrowed from elsewhere or prepared by another person.”
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.
With the development of the society, natural science and social science help people learn more about the world and the things seems to be clear, actually, under some circumstance, in-depth researches on things cause three consequences at the some time: comprehensible, complex and mysterious rather than merely understand.
Accumulated knowledge helps problems or theories to be expressed clearly and lucidly so that people feel easy to understand the issues. For example, Galileo, who was a famous Italian astronomer who despise the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his question to the nature instead of the ancient, and who drew his conclusion fearlessly. Eventually, his experiment and observation established a new theory and overthrew the old one from Aristotle. Because of his success and theories,people learn how to observe the sky with telescope and begin to understand another space, which is far from the earth. Obviously, without knowledge from Galileo’s theory, universe might also be a inspiration and even a vacancy. Take another scientist for example, Edison, who invented electric bulb by making thousand experiment and brought the society into a brilliant century. Recently, people live in a society which full of light and help them to learn what they can see and observe. With the revolution of human beings, knowledge solves various problems and creates a more comprehensible and comfortable life to the people.
However, those knowledge makes us to considered the reason and origin for human nature of curiosity, as a result, the world become increasingly complex. Take the same instance what have pointed above, although people learn to use telescope to observe the sky, people unsatisfied with such a “observation” and desire to touch with the outer space and understand other planets. In this case, scientists invented the spacecraft which have successfully landed on the Moon and Mars, after these experiments, people know that there are no water and few gravitation in Moon, and the Mas might have the similar condition of the earth. however, the complex problems come out, because people feel difficulty to explain the phenomena in the outer space.
Therefore, the research on astronomy becomes complex and involved. Not only this field, but also all scientific area becomes complicate. When people understand a surface of things, they will feel anxious to learn the core of them, however, the deeper people do researches, the more complications exist.
Additionally, in-depth learning causes desire of researching for mystery, which follows the existence of complication. Indeed, there are many uncanny problems in process of doing research when people hope to point out the reason of complex issue. For example, the construction of pyramid has been an enigma for a long time, because people fail to imagine that the ancient people can construct such a palatial with old and traditional method. Moreover, “black hole” would be a mysterious place that astronomers desire to touch and understand because no one know a little about this untouched field. Faced with these things, human nature motivates and stimulates people to purchase the reason and the secret.
In sum, people learn more about things by accumulating knowledge and then establish new theory and system, and at the same time, complex and mysterious problems exist simultaneously for the desire of exploring secret and untouched field-all of these constitute a process of learning and researching.
It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds.
Ever since the Code of Hammurapi comes into being, laws have begun to put restrictions on people's behaviors and have played an important role in the maintenance of social order. But aside from its impact on shaping public deportment, legislation is of no avail to reform human nature as well as mankind thoughts.
Our collective life experience is that we make choices and decisions every day--under a legal system. No one is ever granted the rights to surpass the boundary of laws; otherwise there may be lack of protection for private property and personal right from being violated. Common sense tells us that the laws will punish the wrongdoers severely sometimes so harshly even to sentence the felons to death. It is the awe to controlling authority as well as the fear of castigation that made most of the people away from the illicit behaviors. Laws, for better or worse, have put up a paradigm on which people abide by, for the sake of personal interests and the social stability as well.
Laws can exert their influences on people’s “hands and legs”, but when it comes to man’s hearts and minds, it cannot. In the long history of its development, laws change over time and vary from region to region not to alter human nature but to be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times and places. The end of a legal system impels laws to evolve to keep pace with changing mores, customers, and our collective sense of equity but with little concern for the reconstruction of human thoughts. Bigamy, to be commonly regarded as illegal in most countries, is yet legitimate in some Arabian countries. For Islamic, outlawing bigamy seems an impinge upon their religious freedom of choosing mates. Instead of bringing about a revolution in the conception of marriage among Islamic disciples, laws give way to the entrenched customers. Still more, from the psychotic analysis angle, that laws will change nature is further doubted. Sigmund Freud has divided the individual personality into threefold: the id, the ego and the super ego. The ego, as the surface of the nature and the part you show the world, is governed by the “reality principle,” otherwise known as laws.
However, so powerless are laws to extend its impacts on the id and the superego remains below, each has its own significant effects on the personality. A rapist, for example, despite years of imprisonment may still relapse into outrages in that laws fail to civilize the id desires composing of instinctual drives. By no means can laws alone alter our nature. Were laws by itself be able to cause a change in the human nature and exercise a fundamental influence on people's hearts and minds, then it would probably be no need for its existence. People at no time can ever have imagined this.
In fact, to truly change the human nature, it is through the synergic efforts associating the education, moral and ethic social interactions altogether that brought about a reconstruction of human nature.
In conclusion, in spite the fact that we may live in a harmonious society with the implementation of the laws, it seems unthinkable for laws to undertake the role as a reformer in rebuilding man's nature as well as hearts and minds.
1、 论论据、论据和论据
2、 论证方法
GRE argument应如何进行有效分析
● Assumption:也就是文章中的evidence 要推到conclusion必须满足的条件。
● Weaken:指出有哪些细节和其他可能性的存在能够削弱这个推理过程。
● Strengthen:通过什么样的改变能够让argument的推理过程变得合理。
The following was written as a part of an application for a small-business loan by a group of developers in the city of Monroe.
“A jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremendously profitable enterprise. Currently, the nearest jazz club is 65 miles away; thus, the proposed new jazz club in Monroe, the C-Note, would have the local market all to itself. Plus, jazz is extremely popular in Monroe: over 100,000 people attended Monroe's annual jazz festival last summer; several well-known jazz musicians live in Monroe; and the highest-rated radio program in Monroe is 'Jazz Nightly,' which airs every weeknight at 7 P.M. Finally, a nationwide study indicates that the typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz entertainment.”
Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
前提4:Monroe获得评价最高的广播节目是平时每天晚上7点播出的“Jazz Nightly”,这意味着该地区爵士乐很流行。
削弱:很有可能同时段其他节目太差了,人们收听这个节目也仅仅是为了打发时间或者躲避更加恶俗的节目,这不代表人们喜欢爵士乐;可能这个节目在电台覆盖时间长,所以很多人在听这个节目;还有可能”Jazz Nightly”和C-Note的风格完全不一样。
The following appeared in a memorandum from the planning department of an electric power company.
“Several recent surveys indicate that home owners are increasingly eager to conserve energy. At the same time, manufacturers are now marketing many home appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, that are almost twice as energy efficient as those sold a decade ago. Also, new technologies for better home insulation and passive solar heating are readily available to reduce the energy needed for home heating. Therefore, the total demand for electricity in our area will not increase—and may decline slightly. Since our three electric generating plants in operation for the past twenty years have always met our needs, construction of new generating plants will not be necessary.”
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
GRE作文范文:Reclaiming Our Roots
Some cultures are more rooted to the earth and connected to their inherent spirituality. But every one of us, even those of us who have been disconnected from our roots for hundreds of years, comes from a place that was once inhabited by people who worshipped and honored the earth on which they lived. In other words, we can all claim this wisdom as an essential part of who we are.
One way we can begin to rediscover our roots is to explore the early earth-based religions practiced in the parts of the world that birthed our ancestors. If we explore the ancient spiritual practices of our ancestors, we will find that their practices and beliefs share many elements with Native American, African, and aboriginal religious traditions. People who are connected to the earth and honor her share a fundamental philosophy that we can claim as our own because we too are of the earth. Many of us have become so disconnected from the earth that it feels foreign and awkward to imagine communing with her or performing a ritual for her. If we are honest, though, we will find within ourselves a yearning to feel more connected, more grounded, and more at home in this world. This yearning can lead us back to our disowned roots, which, of course, leads us right into the heart of the earth.
As we begin to see more clearly the people we come from, we can begin to alter our perception of who we are now, laying claim to our inherent relatedness to the earth. We might celebrate this by observing the ancient calendar of solstices and equinoxes, celebrating and honoring the cycle of the seasons as our ancestors did, or we might explore any one of the many earth-based practices through reading or participating in ritual. When we do these things, we tap back into our roots, finding nourishment at the wellspring of our earthly origins, the source we share with all of humanity.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
从这个instructions可以看出,我们绝不能单纯地从正负观点去展开文章。因为,它明确说了你需要在写作中讨论“命题”中的陈述在何种情况下成立“true”,在何种情况下不成立”not hold true”.如果你在写作时仍然持有单一观点,你最后的得分可想而知。但是,实际情况是,对于大多数中国考生来讲,他们往往受困于单一观点“黑白分明”的思维定式,不善于从多角度分析一个问题。而这里各位考生需要明白,ETS对于GRE高分作文有一个很重要也是最基本的要求,那就是complexity,也就是“立场和角度的多样化”。为了去应对这样的写作要求,小站教育老师在这里介绍几种实用且又符合instructions要求的破题方式。
例如:It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.
2. 那些流传远久有永恒价值的艺术都是批评家们帮助筛选出来的。
很多题目的key point就在于如何定义关键词,题目给出的概念不够明晰的时候,可以有不同的理解,而不同的理解就可以有不同的方向破题。
例如:“facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, or our inclinations.”
我们可以看出,本题中的 “facts”意义就非常模糊。因此,我们可以通过对于其不同定义来题目。
怎么模仿,首先要分析文章,分析每一句和上一句是什么关系。我给大家举个例子:美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句都包含了整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence.。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要问WHY。你提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。





