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什么是快速阅读(fast reading)?









1. 按照意群浏览,而不是一个单词接一个单词地看,以减少眼球的移动。我们来看下面四个句子:


World science/is dominated today/by a small number of/languages。

World science is dominated today/by a small number of languages。

World science is dominated today by a small number of languages。


2. 紧抓段落的主题句。抓住主题句就等于掌握了段落大意,略去细节不读,以求得略读速度。


略读在雅思阅读考试中的运用非常广泛,当学生拿到一篇文章时,他如果想要拿高分,首先要对文章进行一个全面的概括性的了解,那么他就需要花一分钟左右对整篇文章进行一个整体性的把握,这时就需要运用到略读;在做list of headings,段落加信息的匹配题,都可能运用到略读,尤其是段落加信息的匹配题需要我们快速浏览一个段落,发现与题目相匹配的有用信息,没有这种快速阅读的能力,势必会浪费大量的时间,而且正确率还得不到保证。









文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness

重复年份 0920 0622

题材 人文社科

题型 配对 6+选择 4+判断 4



文章题目 Children and robots

重复年份 0305 20141002

题材 科技

题型 小标题 5+配对 5+填空 3


机器人对孩子学习的影响。主要讲到把机器人放在学校可以辅助老师还有陪学生玩,还可以让它们拥有表情促进交流,但是过度使用可能会造成伦 理问题,此外还提到了几个科学家和他们的观点。

文章题目 Typography Introduction of Printed books

重复年份 20160312 0127

题材 发展史

题型 判断 4+填空 9

文章大意 活字印刷的历史。两个德国人去 Italy 的一个地方,后来又搬去了罗马,之后很多商人就开始注意到印刷的潜在经济价值。



1. Early books have many errors – F

2. 活字印刷里就记得在 M.某个地方只有富人才买得起书– T

3. 刚开始 printing 的书,插图 illustration – T

4. Business man in Roma begin to notice the value of printing can make

money F


5. 类似流程图从上往下一步步说怎么印刷

6-7. Assembling Fonts: sheet of paper

8. 第 1 版是用来更正错误的 proof reading

9. types……pages are in right sequence

10. Local newspapers 做宣传

11-12. 问两种印刷方法的单词: binding and simulating

13. They lived very near to the book industry

雅思阅读模拟题:Why did a promising heart drug fail?

Why did a promising heart drug fail?

Doomed drug highlights complications of meddling with cholesterol.

1. The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on

the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels. But many

researchers remain confident that drugs to boost levels of 'good' cholesterol

are still one of the most promising means to combat spiralling heart


2. Drug company Pfizer announced on 2 December that it was cancelling all

clinical trials of torcetrapib, a drug designed to raise heart-protective

high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). In a trial of 15000 patients, a safety board

found that more people died or suffered cardiovascular problems after taking the

drug plus a cholesterol-lowering statin than those in a control group who took

the statin alone.

3. The news came as a kick in the teeth to many cardiologists because

earlier tests in animals and people suggested it would lower rates of

cardiovascular disease. “There have been no red flags to my knowledge,” says

John Chapman, a specialist in lipoproteins and atherosclerosis at the National

Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris who has also studied

torcetrapib. “This cancellation came as a complete shock.”

4. Torcetrapib is one of the most advanced of a new breed of drugs designed

to raise levels of HDLs, which ferry cholesterol out of artery-clogging plaques

to the liver for removal from the body. Specifically, torcetrapib blocks a

protein called cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP), which normally

transfers the cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins to low density,

plaque-promoting ones. Statins, in contrast, mainly work by lowering the 'bad'

low-density lipoproteins.

Under pressure

5. Researchers are now trying to work out why and how the drug backfired,

something that will not become clear until the clinical details are released by

Pfizer. One hint lies in evidence from earlier trials that it slightly raises

blood pressure in some patients. It was thought that this mild problem would be

offset by the heart benefits of the drug. But it is possible that it actually

proved fatal in some patients who already suffered high blood pressure. If blood

pressure is the explanation, it would actually be good news for drug developers

because it suggests that the problems are specific to this compound. Other

prototype drugs that are being developed to block CETP work in a slightly

different way and might not suffer the same downfall.

6. But it is also possible that the whole idea of blocking CETP is flawed,

says Moti Kashyap, who directs atherosclerosis research at the VA Medical Center

in Long Beach, California. When HDLs excrete cholesterol in the liver, they

actually rely on LDLs for part of this process. So inhibiting CETP, which

prevents the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to LDL, might actually cause an

abnormal and irreversible accumulation of cholesterol in the body. “You're

blocking a physiologic mechanism to eliminate cholesterol and effectively

constipating the pathway,” says Kashyap.

Going up

7. Most researchers remain confident that elevating high density

lipoproteins levels by one means or another is one of the best routes for

helping heart disease patients. But HDLs are complex and not entirely

understood. One approved drug, called niacin, is known to both raise HDL and

reduce cardiovascular risk but also causes an unpleasant sensation of heat and

tingling. Researchers are exploring whether they can bypass this side effect and

whether niacin can lower disease risk more than statins alone. Scientists are

also working on several other means to bump up high-density lipoproteins by, for

example, introducing synthetic HDLs. “The only thing we know is dead in the

water is torcetrapib, not the whole idea of raising HDL,” says Michael Miller,

director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center,




引出“原因”的常用表达:because, because of, as a result of, result of, due to, thanks to, owing to, since, for, grateful for等,如:

“Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another.”

(剑桥雅思真题6, Test 3, Reading Passage 2)


引出“结果”的常用表达:so, therefore, hence, thus, result in, lead to, consequently, as a result等,如:

“Such findings suggest that one person’s equity is another’s inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.”

(剑桥雅思真题6, Test 3, Reading Passage 2) :重点看“so”所在的后半句;

“Speech is often unclear and ambiguous. Where possible, therefore, the recording has to be supplemented by the observer’s written comments on the non-verbal behaviours of the participants, and about the context in general.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 3, Reading Passage 3):重点看“therefore”所在的第二句。





“Down the centuries, thousands of wells were constructed throughout northwestern India, but the majority have now fallen into disuse…”

(剑桥雅思真题10, Test 1, Reading Passage 1) :无论前面说了什么,也改变不了“the majority (of wells)”被弃用的现实。重点显然在转折词“but”之后。


引导“让步”的常用说法有:whereas,although,though,while,whereas,despite,in spite of,for all等,如:

“Where as most exercises are designed to build up strength or endurance, plyometrics focuses on increasing power – the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1) “whereas”所在的半句为让步状语从句,重点看另一个半句(转折的内容)。



常见表达“递进”的说法有:furthermore,moreover,not only…but also…,in addition等,如:

“The psychiatrists felt that ‘most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts’ and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts. ”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2) 即便不读前面的句子,光靠“Furthermore”后面递进的内容也可知,精神病学家预测:会执行高伏电击的人是少之又少的。


承上: 以“代词”或“所以”为开头的段落首句,一般都是承接或总结上一段话的内容。借助这样的句子,可以得知上一段话的内容重点。如:


“These research findings are exciting. There is growing evidence in New Zealand that…”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 3, Reading Passage 1) 这是文中最后一段的开头。

从首句的代词“These”可知,首句是对上一段内容的承接,并可知上一段讲述的是一些“exciting research findings”。


“Thus ageing and death should not be seen as inevitable, particularly as the organism possesses many mechanisms for repair. It is not, in principle, necessary for a biological system…”

(剑桥雅思真题8, Test 3, Reading Passage 3) 从段落首句的“Thus”可知,首句是对上一段内容的承接,而并非本段内容的重点。


“问句”: “What were the actual results? (借此问句可知本段的重点是“actual results”)Well, over 60 per cent of the teacher-subjects continued to obey Milgram up to the 450-volt limit in repetitions of the experiment in other countries, the percentage of obedient teacher-subjects was even higher, reaching 85 per cent in one country. How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative ‘teachers’ actually do in the laboratory of real life?

(最后的问句揭示,后面段落的重点内容是解释“this vast discrepancy”的原因)” (剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2)

“量词+复数词”:“Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 3) “four factors”告诉我们,接下来的段落中,重点应该是关于这四种因素的描述。



常见的表达有:that is (to say),i.e.,namely,put another way,in other words等。如:

“The state has no obligation to provide a health-care system itself, but to ensure that such a system is provided. Put another way, basic health-care is now recognized as a ‘public good’, rather than a ‘private good’ that one is expected to buy for oneself.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 3) 略掉“Put another way”后面的内容,只看前面。



含“举例”的句子:for example / instance,e.g.,such as,like等;



以some,a few,others等表达“某些”的单词为开头的句子。


冒号(“:”) / 一个破折号(“-”) ,引出解释,看前面。如:


“In 1890 he proposed that evolution was irreversible: that ‘an organism is unable to return, even partially, to a previous stage already realized in the ranks of its ancestors’.”

(剑桥雅思真题10, Test 4, Reading Passage 3)


“...plyometrics focuses on increasing power – the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1)

两个破折号 / 括号:信息插入或解释,不用看。如:


“For the so-called power events – that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump – times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1)


“This is not to say that infants recognize the reflection as their own image (a later development).”

(剑桥雅思真题9, Test 4, Reading Passage 2)


(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1):

Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space. For the so-called power events - that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump - times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent(数据). In the endurance events(具体到某类运动,类似“某些”的用法) the results have been more dramatic. At the 1908 Olympics. John Hayes of the U.S. team ran a marathon in a time of 2:55:18(数据). In , Morocco's Khalid Khannouchi set a new world record of 2:05:42(数据), almost thirty per cent(数据) faster. (虽然段落原本有点长,但借助各类小信号,我们能快速地把文段删减一大半,最终只剩下第一句话,那么自然,阅览的时间也就跟着缩了一大半。)



Cheap signs scattered on lawns and along the corners of busy intersections are hard to miss.To city officials,the signs are costly litter that requires city workers to pick them up.


Putting them up is deemed a crime as well,albeit a relatively minor offense that carries a fine of up to $250 in Hollywood,Fla.


While stopping for a red light a few months ago, Hollywood Mayor Peter Bober studied the ghastly signs and came to a realization that would help him stop them from spreading:The criminals had left their calling cards in the form of business phone numbers.


“These people want us to call them, so let's call them so often util it makes their heads spin,”said Bober, who bought a $300 software program in March that robocalls the businesses.The number of the calls has gone up as high as 20 calls per program, made to 90 businesses per day.


In , Bober held a citywide contest, offering $500 in non-public funds to whoever collected the most signs.The signs disappeared overnight, with the winning resident collecting nearly 500 of them.Yet over time,the city was again plagued by signs cluttering the sights.


“For two whole years,I was asking myself what to do,”the mayor said. The robocalls,which leave pre-recorded messages,have been so successful that city officials say certain areas have seen a 90 percent reduction in signs .



One of the intriguing things about a relationship is figuring out the exact words that will woo him, wow her, and win his heart. Here are some suggestions for the men and women in your life.


1. “Yes.”


And we are not talking about the obvious “yes.” Men want love too, and emotional intimacy, and the security that comes with committed partnership. And it all begins with a positive response from the woman he wants. “Yes, I noticed you too.” “Yes, here is my phone number.” “Yes, I’d love to meet you for dinner.” Both men and women love someone who is willing to try new things, go to new places, and have a “yes” attitude in general.

此处我们说的可不只是简单的同意“好的”哦。男人也渴望被爱,需要亲密感情,以及伴侣关系带来的安全感。只要心爱的女人给予肯定的回应,对他说:“对,我也注意到你了哦”;“给,这是我的电话号码”或 “嗯,非常乐意跟您共进晚餐”,他就会得到满足。一般,男人女人都爱跟态度积极、勇于尝试新事物新地方的人交往。

2. “I’d rather be with you … ”


... than do whatever it is that’s keeping you apart at the moment. Let’s face it, these days, life moves at a crazy pace. The demands of work, family, friends—and even mundane tasks like grocery shopping—can consume every spare minute. It’s easy to let optional items, like time together, slip to the bottom of the “to do” list. But even when unavoidable things get in the way, your partner likes to hear that they are also important to you.


3. “Are you free Saturday night?”


Date nights are important—even if you have been together for years. A man also likes to be pursued as much as he likes to pursue, so don’t be afraid to ask him out once in a while, ladies. Don’t ever stop carving out that quality time for each other.


4. “There’s something you do that I find adorable.”


When you notice—and love—something about your partner that isn’t obvious to world, it tells them you’re interested enough in them to pay attention to the small things. It also confirms the intimate nature of your relationship. Be aware of the cute, charming things they do that you find irresistible. Then tell them what you admire!


5. “That looks good on you.”


This is not a revelation, but how many of us forget to acknowledge our loved ones when they are looking good? It is well understood that women appreciate positive feedback about their appearance—but so do men. He wants to look good … and often works hard to get there. How nice to be told sometimes that it’s working.


6. “You know what? You are right.”


The ability to admit when we are wrong, and give credit to your partner when they are right, is BIG! It’s not easy to put our ego’s aside, but it’s important to be able to do so, because a relationship is not about winning.


7. “I really like your friends (or kids or family members).”


Most women are communal creatures, and relationships are very important to them. So it means a lot when you say something wonderful about the people she loves. Tell her you think her dad is wise, or one of her kids is especially talented, or her close friend is fun to be with. By complimenting the people closest to your partner, you’re affirming them as well.




“…If the subject was still reluctant to proceed, Milgram said that it was important for the sake of the experiment that the procedure be followed through to the end. His final argument was ‘you have no other choice. You must go on’. What Milgram was trying to discover was the number of teacher-subjects who would be willing to administer the highest levels of shock, even in the face of strong personal and moral revulsion against the rules and conditions of the experiment.”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2) 原文中,此段很长,但全部都只是属于一次实验过程的描述。最后才以“what”为开头的句子,总结性地道出了实验的目的,使得此句成为全段重点。


很多考鸭把雅思阅读题作为自己提高雅思总分的稻草,然而,奈何文章太长,题量巨大,1个小时的时间根本不够,讲真,native speaker也未必做得到。事实上雅思阅读考试的目的不是让你通读全文,而是学会提取阅读文章中的关键信息。跟着小站雅思君一起学习雅思阅读提分小技巧,学会一目十行的技能吧。




引出“原因”的常用表达:because, because of, as a result of, result of, due to, thanks to, owing to, since, for, grateful for等,如:

“Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another.”

(剑桥雅思真题6, Test 3, Reading Passage 2)


引出“结果”的常用表达:so, therefore, hence, thus, result in, lead to, consequently, as a result等,如:

“Such findings suggest that one person’s equity is another’s inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.”

(剑桥雅思真题6, Test 3, Reading Passage 2) :重点看“so”所在的后半句;

“Speech is often unclear and ambiguous. Where possible, therefore, the recording has to be supplemented by the observer’s written comments on the non-verbal behaviours of the participants, and about the context in general.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 3, Reading Passage 3):重点看“therefore”所在的第二句。





“Down the centuries, thousands of wells were constructed throughout northwestern India, but the majority have now fallen into disuse…”

(剑桥雅思真题10, Test 1, Reading Passage 1) :无论前面说了什么,也改变不了“the majority (of wells)”被弃用的现实。重点显然在转折词“but”之后。


引导“让步”的常用说法有:whereas,although,though,while,whereas,despite,in spite of,for all等,如:

“Where as most exercises are designed to build up strength or endurance, plyometrics focuses on increasing power – the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1) “whereas”所在的半句为让步状语从句,重点看另一个半句(转折的内容)。



常见表达“递进”的说法有:furthermore,moreover,not only…but also…,in addition等,如:

“The psychiatrists felt that ‘most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts’ and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts. ”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2) 即便不读前面的句子,光靠“Furthermore”后面递进的内容也可知,精神病学家预测:会执行高伏电击的人是少之又少的。


承上: 以“代词”或“所以”为开头的段落首句,一般都是承接或总结上一段话的内容。借助这样的句子,可以得知上一段话的内容重点。如:


“These research findings are exciting. There is growing evidence in New Zealand that…”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 3, Reading Passage 1) 这是文中最后一段的开头。

从首句的代词“These”可知,首句是对上一段内容的承接,并可知上一段讲述的是一些“exciting research findings”。


“Thus ageing and death should not be seen as inevitable, particularly as the organism possesses many mechanisms for repair. It is not, in principle, necessary for a biological system…”

(剑桥雅思真题8, Test 3, Reading Passage 3) 从段落首句的“Thus”可知,首句是对上一段内容的承接,而并非本段内容的重点。


“问句”: “What were the actual results? (借此问句可知本段的重点是“actual results”)Well, over 60 per cent of the teacher-subjects continued to obey Milgram up to the 450-volt limit in repetitions of the experiment in other countries, the percentage of obedient teacher-subjects was even higher, reaching 85 per cent in one country. How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative ‘teachers’ actually do in the laboratory of real life?

(最后的问句揭示,后面段落的重点内容是解释“this vast discrepancy”的原因)” (剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2)

“量词+复数词”:“Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 3) “four factors”告诉我们,接下来的段落中,重点应该是关于这四种因素的描述。



“…If the subject was still reluctant to proceed, Milgram said that it was important for the sake of the experiment that the procedure be followed through to the end. His final argument was ‘you have no other choice. You must go on’. What Milgram was trying to discover was the number of teacher-subjects who would be willing to administer the highest levels of shock, even in the face of strong personal and moral revulsion against the rules and conditions of the experiment.”

(剑桥雅思真题5, Test 1, Reading Passage 2) 原文中,此段很长,但全部都只是属于一次实验过程的描述。最后才以“what”为开头的句子,总结性地道出了实验的目的,使得此句成为全段重点。



常见的表达有:that is (to say),i.e.,namely,put another way,in other words等。如:

“The state has no obligation to provide a health-care system itself, but to ensure that such a system is provided. Put another way, basic health-care is now recognized as a ‘public good’, rather than a ‘private good’ that one is expected to buy for oneself.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 3) 略掉“Put another way”后面的内容,只看前面。



含“举例”的句子:for example / instance,e.g.,such as,like等;



以some,a few,others等表达“某些”的单词为开头的句子。


冒号(“:”) / 一个破折号(“-”) ,引出解释,看前面。如:


“In 1890 he proposed that evolution was irreversible: that ‘an organism is unable to return, even partially, to a previous stage already realized in the ranks of its ancestors’.”

(剑桥雅思真题10, Test 4, Reading Passage 3)


“...plyometrics focuses on increasing power – the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1)

两个破折号 / 括号:信息插入或解释,不用看。如:


“For the so-called power events – that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump – times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent.”

(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1)


“This is not to say that infants recognize the reflection as their own image (a later development).”

(剑桥雅思真题9, Test 4, Reading Passage 2)


(剑桥雅思真题4, Test 4, Reading Passage 1):

Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space. For the so-called power events - that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump - times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent(数据). In the endurance events(具体到某类运动,类似“某些”的用法) the results have been more dramatic. At the 1908 Olympics. John Hayes of the U.S. team ran a marathon in a time of 2:55:18(数据). In , Morocco's Khalid Khannouchi set a new world record of 2:05:42(数据), almost thirty per cent(数据) faster. (虽然段落原本有点长,但借助各类小信号,我们能快速地把文段删减一大半,最终只剩下第一句话,那么自然,阅览的时间也就跟着缩了一大半。)



The Triumph of Unreason


Neoclassical economics is built on the assumption that humans are rational beings who have a clear idea of their best interests and strive to extract maximum benefit (or “utility”, in economist-speak) from any situation. Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rational. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotions—even when reason is clearly involved.


The role of emotions in decisions makes perfect sense. For situations met frequently in the past, such as obtaining food and mates, and confronting or fleeing from threats, the neural mechanisms required to weigh up the pros and cons will have been honed by evolution to produce an optimal outcome. Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences for utility in these cases. But does this still apply when the ancestral machinery has to respond to the stimuli of urban modernity?


One of the people who thinks that it does not is George Loewenstein, an economist at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt. To prove the point he has teamed up with two psychologists, Brian Knutson of Stanford University and Drazen Prelec of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to look at what happens in the brain when it is deciding what to buy.


In a study, the three researchers asked 26 volunteers to decide whether to buy a series of products such as a box of chocolates or a DVD of the television show that were flashed on a computer screen one after another. In each round of the task, the researchers first presented the product and then its price, with each step lasting four seconds. In the final stage, which also lasted four seconds, they asked the volunteers to make up their minds. While the volunteers were taking part in the experiment, the researchers scanned their brains using a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)。 This measures blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain, as an indication of its activity.


The researchers found that different parts of the brain were involved at different stages of the test. The nucleus accumbens was the most active part when a product was being displayed. Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.


When the price appeared, however, fMRI reported more activity in other parts of the brain. Excessively high prices increased activity in the insular cortex, a brain region linked to expectations of pain, monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures. The researchers also found greater activity in this region of the brain when the subject decided not to purchase an item.


Price information activated the medial prefrontal cortex, too. This part of the brain is involved in rational calculation. In the experiment its activity seemed to correlate with a volunteer’s reaction to both product and price, rather than to price alone. Thus, the sense of a good bargain evoked higher activity levels in the medial prefrontal cortex, and this often preceded a decision to buy.


People’s shopping behaviour therefore seems to have piggy-backed on old neural circuits evolved for anticipation of reward and the avoidance of hazards. What Dr Loewenstein found interesting was the separation of the assessment of the product (which seems to be associated with the nucleus accumbens) from the assessment of its price (associated with the insular cortex), even though the two are then synthesised in the prefrontal cortex. His hypothesis is that rather than weighing the present good against future alternatives, as orthodox economics suggests happens, people actually balance the immediate pleasure of the prospective possession of a product with the immediate pain of paying for it.


That makes perfect sense as an evolved mechanism for trading. If one useful object is being traded for another (hard cash in modern time), the future utility of what is being given up is embedded in the object being traded. Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. Buying on credit, though, may be different. The abstract nature of credit cards, coupled with the deferment of payment that they promise, may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。


Whether it actually does so will be the subject of further experiments that the three researchers are now designing. These will test whether people with distinctly different spending behaviour, such as miserliness and extravagance, experience different amounts of pain in response to prices. They will also assess whether, in the same individuals, buying with credit cards eases the pain compared with paying by cash. If they find that it does, then credit cards may have to join the list of things such as fatty and sugary foods, and recreational drugs, that subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable at the time but can have a long and malign aftertaste.


Questions 1-6

Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this

1. The belief of neoclassical economics does not accord with the increasing evidence that humans make use of the emotions to make decisions.

2. Animals are urged by emotion to strive for an optimal outcomes or extract maximum utility from any situation.

3. George Loewenstein thinks that modern ways of shopping tend to allow people to accumulate their debts.

4. The more active the nucleus accumens was, the stronger the desire of people for the product in question became.

5. The prefrontal cortex of the human brain is linked to monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures.

6. When the activity in nucleus accumbens was increased by the sense of a good bargain, people tended to purchase coffee.

Questions 7-9

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-9 on your answe sheet.

7. Which of the following statements about orthodox economics is true?

A. The process which people make their decisions is rational.

B. People have a clear idea of their best interests in any situation.

C. Humans make judgement on the basis of reason rather then emotion.

D. People weigh the present good against future alternatives in shopping.

8. The word “miserliness” in line 3 of Paragraph J means__________.

A. people’s behavior of buying luxurious goods

B. people’s behavior of buying very special items

C. people’s behavior of being very mean in shopping

D. people’s behavior of being very generous in shopping

9. The three researchers are now designing the future experiments, which test

A. whether people with very different spending behaviour experience different amounts of pain in response to products.

B. whether buying an item with credit cards eases the pain of the same individuals compared with paying for it by cash.

C. whether the abstract nature of credit cards may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。

D. whether the credit cards may subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable but with a terrible effect.

Questions 10-13

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

To find what happens in the brain of humans when it is deciding things to buy, George Loewenstein and his co-researchers did an experiment by using the technique of fMRI. They found that different parts of the brain were invloved in the process. The activity in …10… was greatly increased with the displaying of certain product. The great activity was found in the insular cortex when …11…and the subject decided not to buy a product. The activity of the medial prefrontal cortex seemed to associate with both …12…informaiton. What interested Dr Loewenstein was the …13… of the assessment of the product and its price in different parts of the brain.

Part II

Notes to Reading Passage 1

1. the nucleus accumbens, the insular cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex:

大脑的不同部位 (皮层,皮质等)

e.g. cerebellar cortex 小脑皮层cerebral cortex 大脑皮层

2. hone:


3. subvert:


4. piggyback:


5. deferment:


6. aftertaste:


Part III

Keys and explanations to the Questions 1-13


See the second and third sentence in Paragraph A “Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rational. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotions—even when reason is clearly involved.”


See the third sentence in Paragrph B “ Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences for utility in these cases.”


See the second sentence in Paragrph C “In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt.”


See the last sentence in Paragrph E “Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.”


See the second sentence in Paragrph F and G respectively “Excessively high prices increased activity in the insular cortex, a brain region linked to expectations of pain, monetary loss and the view.





递进关系: also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore

时间先后: now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally

排列次序: another, the second…even more…the most… the best… the least…



对比转折: but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand...

相似关系: like, as, similar to, in the same way, or...



as, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, so, cause...



that is to say, in other words, e.g. such as, for example, for instance...



最高级 –est, most, best...

唯一性 only, unique, merely, barely, exclusively...

比较级 –er, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable...



In order to, so as to, to, for...



人名 地名 专有名词大写名词




idea, thought, concept, view, opinion, perspective, explanation, prediction, result, consequence, summary, aftermath...

notice, indicate, say, believe, suggest, allege, conclude, appear to, think, point out, argue, remark, note, report, reason, discover, propose, imply, study, refute, claim…


时间 打上方框(文字表述的写出数据)

数字,特殊符号 圈出来


表示态度的形容词/副词/动词 标正负号

?:advantegeous, pessimistic, positive, effectively, praise…

Θ:Strange, difficult, devastating, harmful, shameful…Surprisingly, ironically…Ignore, blame, doubt, reject, question, balk…

Practise makes perfect,方法再好,自己如果不练习,考场上也是用不出来的,大家一起加油!!



很多考生在平时的练习和考场上面对划keywords总是单一的跟着感觉走,或是将一道题目中大部分的词都划下来作为keywords, 完全失了方向和重点,直接导致答案很难在原文锁定。所以,keywords是对题目的浓缩,也是题目的线索词,更是考点。考生们应该在平时的课堂和练习中,多加总结考点词的特点,以达到用一到两个词就涵盖整个题目的效果。利用keywords定位答案,更集中目标,更有方向性。

例如:在剑桥7,“Why pagodas don't fall down”的分类题中,“size of eaves up to half width of the building”, 这道题目看似比较长,信息多,其实如果了解数字是一个考点,就能果断划出half这个keywords, 并且根据做题经验,预测到其在原文必定会变换形式成fifty percent。如果在原文寻找答案前就把握了以上这些,找起来自然速度快了许多。


很多烤鸭在面对雅思阅读考试时,都会感叹时间不够,有的考生会剩下半篇文章没有读完,更有甚者,一个小时只够用来做两篇文章。其中做题速度无法达到要求的原因有很多,词汇量,阅读方法,做题技巧无一不是。此外,还有一个很重要的因素:不会取舍,不会衡量做题的优先性。专家提示,雅思阅读3篇文章,存在难易程度的差别。考生应选择自己擅长或熟悉的话题文章优先做。而对一篇文章而言,做题顺序可以如下排布:Heading题 ---- 填空型题(表格,图示,简答,summary, 完成句子) ---- 判断题 ---- 选择型题(单选,多选),平均每篇文章的做题时间控制在20min, 如时间到,还有少量题目(1-2题)没有做完,可放宽少许时间完成。若还余留多题未完成,建议先舍弃,做下一篇文章,因为不排除下一篇文章,看似文章话题难,但题目容易的情况。难度系数高的题目在每个人面前都一样,我们希望确保容易的题目百分百的拿下。



A. 有时候生词属于比较专业的词汇,它们的出现不是为了考察考生的词汇量,更多的是检阅大家的应变和判断能力。尤其在题目中出现的所谓生词,更是可以坏事变好事,成为考生定位答案的线索词。

比如:在剑桥7 “Why pagodas don't fall down”一文,5-10题的分类题中第6题“tiles on eaves”,很可能考生在三个单词中有两个都不认识,这时候如何是好呢?首先,先观察这两个生词的词性。在介词“on”的前后,且分别加了“s”, 可以判断是名词。在这篇建筑类的文章中论及我们不认识的名词,想必不是日常词汇,所以完全可以把“tiles”和“eaves”作为定位词去原文寻找答案。

B. 有时候生词的含义可以在上下文中直接得到。在雅思阅读文章时遇到的生词,有相当一部分的含义可以通过多种猜测单词的方法得到,所以,在生词的周围或上下文寻找其解释不失为有效途径。

例如,剑桥4的文章“How much higher? How much faster?”中,有这样一个句子:“One of the most important new methodologies is biomechanics, the study of the body in motion.” “biomechanics”这个单词从构词法上看,我们只能够知道其和生物有关,此时,看后面的同位语部分就能很好的帮我们解释这个词的意思,直接且易懂,即对身体在运动状态下的研究。




There comes the bus.

Now comes your luck.

There goes the bell.


Here(There)we are.Here you are.



Off went the teachers.

Ahead sat an old woman.

Out rushed the boys.


Mary has never been to China,neither(nor)has her husband.


Happy indeed are those who received good news.

What she did Was important,but more important was the way she did things.


Lying on the floor was a boy aged about five.


谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或“to be”)置于主语之前,引起部分倒装。

(1)由否定词(not/never/little/no sooner/not until/hardly/rarely/scarcely/seldom/nowhere)开头的句子引起部分倒装.

Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.

No sooner do I get one problem settled before another appears.

Never before have we made so great achievement in science and technology.

Not until dark did he got home.

In vain did we try to persuade him to give up smoking. (我们都没有办法劝他戒烟。)

On no account should any money be given to a small kid.

By no means are we satisfied with the success we have achieved.

At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.

(3)当频度状语(often/always/once/many a time/now and again/every other day/every two hours)等及方式状语“thus”等置于句首时,引起部分倒装

Thus was the Emperor deceived.

Not only did I forger to close the window, but also I forget to lock the door.

(5)从属连接词 “no sooner..than, scarcely..when, hardly..when”等表示“一…就…”概念时,且“no sooner, scarcely,hardly’’置于旬首时,引起部分倒装。此结构中的谓语动词用“过去完成时(从句)+过去时(主句)“

Hardly had he arrived when she heard the telephone ring.

No sooner had we gone home than it began to rain heavily.


Only in the street did I meet him.

Only then did he realize the importance of learning English.

Only when the war was over in 1948 was he able to get happily back to work.


Should it rain tomorrow, I shall stay at home.

Were I you,1 wouldn’t buy this book.

Had we not helped him, he would not have succeeded.

Business is risky.But should we succeed,we would be rich.

(8)当“So…that”中的“so”位于句首时,引起部分倒装;如果谓语为“be”,则引起全部倒装。其构成倒装的基本结构为”So+形容词/情态动词/to be十主语"

So fast did he run that I couldn’t keep up with him.

So loudly did he speak that students at the back heard him clearly.

The question we have already discussed at some length.

A very reliable person she is.

Terribly cold it certainly was.

Two years ago that was.



Gone were the restrictions that prevented blacks voting.

Such was Albert Einstein.a simple man of great achievements.

More serious was the question of how the president would present the joint announcement.


You should leave to us what you haven’t finished.

Please translate into English the following sentences.

The site of the battle brought back to him memories of the Anti-Japanese War.

I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I’d prepared in advance for interviews.


There is a labeler the handle with my name and address on it.

Word came that a typhoon had hit several cities along the coast.

A new book will come out on how to memorize words in a scientific way.












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