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Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.


Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.


However, the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.


To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.





Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.


Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.


However, the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.


To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.



雅思写作题目:There is a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?








In many metropolises around the world, especially in English speaking countries, it is not surprising to see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and what influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow?


Such co-existence of races in many major cities can largely be attributed to modern transportation and telecommunication technologies, to be specific, airplanes, computer and the internet. This advancement increases mobility of human and promotes communication and interaction between people without limitation of space and time. The earliest and most obvious representation lies in the globalization of trade and business which expand beyond the national border and facilitate people involved to immigrate permanently or live overseas temporarily. Some countries like USA or Australia have tradition of immigration and they welcome distinctive cultures and ethnics or at least they tolerate differences well. In these places, multi-culture is the embodiment of a high level of civilization.


Of course melting pots have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different religions sometimes collide due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The dominant culture may have the tendency of assimilating or marginalizing other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political identity. Multiculturalism aimed at establishing an egalitarian society is deemed by some people to be over simplistic and idealistic.


However, this trend of globalization seems impossible to reverse and trying to deny it would not be as wise as to keep pace with it. Cultural diversity is believed to stimulate open-mind of people and the creativity and innovation of a society due to accommodation and communication of different ideas, therefore enhancing productivity and prosperity of a society in both economic and cultural terms. Looking back human history, brilliant ancient civilizations always featured a high level of inclusiveness of exotic cultures and religions.


To conclude this essay, the integration of cultures and ethnics in many areas in the world reflects the desire of human beings for widening their horizon and exploring the unknown world and this in turn accelerates more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be more dependent on each other and realizing this sooner would be helpful for us to adapt to the current trend.



雅思写作题目:An increasing number of museums tend to charge admission fees from tourists rather than providing service free of charge. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?






While the economy is booming in many countries, the funding for arts has been decreasing. The main reason is that some people overly emphasize social services such as medical care and education, but underestimate the intangible role of the arts as they find it difficult to quantify their benefits.


If we were to judge something by its material value, social service surely plays a more direct role in benefiting people’s life than the arts. For example, education empowers people with knowledge and skills that make capable workers. Improving healthcare system leads to better public health and better quality of life. Tackling environmental issues can make the earth a better place for us to live. If the taxpayers’ money is put into the development of infrastructure, living standard would be increased. However, these do not necessarily increase the happiness of people as they are by nature emotionally connected to the world around them. That is to say the quality of life does not solely depend on materialism.


Humans are emotional beings and need not only bread to eat but also roses to enjoy. It is the arts that deal with the non-material aspects of life such as passions, values and relationships which significantly influence people’s feelings and judgments. The arts in many various forms have to do with human’s inner feelings and value system which are ultimately central to people’s behaviors. Another important benefit is that the arts inspire people to see their world from a personal point of view which is usually very unique and creative. And creativity and innovation is a crucial quality for an individual to excel in society and make the best of their life. Other values of the arts include relaxation and entertainment, safe way of channeling energy and passion, enhancing understanding between cultures and races.


To conclude, the arts are as important as basic social services for humans, although they benefit us in different ways. To maintain a healthy and robust society, governments should offer financial support in all areas of society including the arts.



以科技类话题为例:Space exploration like looking for life or resources on other planets is a waste of money, because there are many problems on the earth to solve. Do you agree?




关于太空探索与科技发展的讨论是所有争论中最古老、最核心的一个。(The oldest and purest argument for space exploration is the advancement of science and technology.)那二者的关系如何,太空探索是科技发展的因还是果?其实,两者是相互促进的。

要想论述好这一问题,首先我们要意识到:航空航天科技是一项综合性高技术,它依赖于一系列相关高技术的发展。(Astronautical technology is a comprehensive high technology that widely depends on a series of modern techniques: electronic technology, computer science, remote sensing technology, new materials science and engineering, etc.)其次,许多我们日常生活的一些功能服务,如:天气预报、GDS导航、卫星电视等,都离不开太空基础设施。(Many common everyday services such as weather forecasting, GPS systems, satellite television, and so on critically rely on space infrastructure.)

综合以上两点,航空航天科学技术的重要性可见一斑,事实上,它常被看作是现代化国家综合国力的一个标志。(Advanced space technology is a symbol that stands for the power of a country.)也正因为如此,太空探索能够刺激和带动一系列相关科技产业的发展,因此应当被鼓励。(Developing space technology in turn helps fuel the development of correlated industries.)


我想将太空探索定义为是人类对于未来的一项投资(Space exploration is an investment in the future),解决现存于地球上的迫切的现实问题是人们对太空探索寄予的最大期望之一。开发太空有希望解决两大现实问题,一个是地球上资源与能源的匮乏。(With finite resource and exhaustible energy on the earth, there is a growing demand to exploit the outer space for human benefits.)另一是人口不断膨胀所导致的粮食、耕地、生存空间、环境承载力紧张的问题,探索太空即是寻找人类的第二家园。(As overpopulation is becoming a serious worldwide crisis, we are in desperate need to search for a new planet for crops planting or even making it our home.)

与此同时,对于宇宙的探索也有助于人类更好地了解地球自己,随着人类知识的增长和眼界的开阔,现在困扰我们的一些现实问题也许在将来就迎刃而解了呢!太空探索有可能为人类解决现实问题提供意想不到的新途径。(Meanwhile, in the wake of ever-increasing knowledge about the universe as well as the earth, human beings may somehow be able to solve those long-standing problems that seem to have no solution for now.)



(Our wonder and imagination about the outside world have never stopped since we were early hominids. Actually, it is the very human instinct -- curiosity -- that impels people to constantly explore and expand, pushing new frontiers from lands to seas, venturing out from Earth to the universe. The strong need to take risks and expand into new territory is rooted in our genetic make up and essential to our species’ success. Therefore, exploring into the solar system and other worlds of the space is an imperative rather than a luxury, as we’ve already occupied the surface of our planet.)


关于“What is science?(什么是科学?)”这一问题,我们中国人的认识也许不太准确。Science一词源自于拉丁文scientia,即为“knowledge about the world(关于世界的知识)”之含义;科学的诞生是希腊文化的结晶,其目的在于理解世界的本质、探寻永恒不变的真理。它本身是不带有任何实用主义色彩的。古希腊的先民们热衷于探讨地球是方的还是圆的、地心说和日心说哪个正确……这些问题无一有关于实用主义,而仅出于人天性中对“我们是谁?”、“我们来自何方?”、“我们在宇宙中处于怎样的位置?”等未知问题的困惑。为了弄清楚这些问题,诸如苏格拉底、亚里士多德等哲学家们发展了一套逻辑的和实验的方法,由此诞生了西方的自然科学。而我们东方人对于这种“无用的知识”很不理解,并发明了“杞人忧天”一词去讥笑这种行为;试想一下,“天究竟会不会塌下来?如果会,我们又该怎么办?”若放在古希腊文化里会是多么重要的一个课题!再加之,西方科学的传入正值近代中国落后挨打之时,很自然地,中国人就形成了“科学是第一生产力”的观念偏误。


(Who we are, where we come from, these are the questions we have been asking ourselves. In understanding the world where we live, came the birth of modern natural science; in looking for a place where we belong, started a new field of astronomy. Science is never meant to be anything practical or functional, and not every scientific research would seem relevant to our life right at this minute. But it has to go on, because after all, the challenge and conquest of the unknown are the highest ideal of human beings and the eternal drive of all human progress.)



第二段:优点:1. 公平:不是每个纳税人都要为博物馆做贡献。2. 补充运营经费。3. 不会威胁其他独立的竞争对手。

第三段:缺点:1. 导致减少参观者,影响文化和知识的传播。2. 剥夺贫穷孩子的受教育机会。



In many countries, museums used to be free for visitors to enter. But recently, admission fee is introduced due to a cut in funding from the government.


There are reasons for such proposal. Firstly, charging admission keeps a museum run healthily because it provides museums some funding for maintenance and expansion. As we generally know, building a museum with special characters and functions costs substantially more money than an ordinary residential building. Operation spending including security, staff salary and enriching the collections also need constant financial support. If all this cost has to come from taxation, that would be unfair to some taxpayers who do not visit museums at all. Also charging admission can compensate publicly funded museums for cuts in subsidy granted by the government and do not drop their service quality and security. Meanwhile this would not threaten other independent competitors which rely on their income from entry fees.


However, some people disagree with charging entry because they are convinced of some adverse impacts on the society. It is true that a museum is a venue about learning and enjoying as well. It is the access to vivid presentation of knowledge and local culture and history, and charging admission would decrease the number of visits, hence undermining the inspiration for knowledge and cultural heritage preservation and transmission. Another concern about charging admission of a museum is that a museum, as an important educational resource, may lose its educational function because some students in a disadvantaged position would be deprived of a museum tour.


In conclusion, although free access to a museum can promote culture and education, it leads to financial pressure on a museum. Accordingly students should be given a preference treatment and this can be effective with the government’s constant funding for student museum visit. Adults should be charged of admission to a museum. A virtual museum can be another promising option for those less well-off because it is much cheaper to build and run, and therefore can be provided free.




女性是否应该休产假这个写作题目是:In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?



女性:家庭责任、身体状况和工作事业之间的矛盾; 产假既是让女性休息也是让女性有更多时间照顾孩子,对于竞争激烈的现代社会,女性长期离开事业,对于未来女性升职加薪带来了不小的影响。当然,女性也会有更多选择,比如回归家庭做全职妈妈或开展另一番事业。总之,产假期间如何规划自己的未来,才是女性最该重视的问题。





产假工资:maternity pay

升职加薪:Raising Pays and Promotion

开拓视野,寻找新机会 launch the enterprise, seek the opportunity

经营成本:operating cost

职位空缺:job vacancy

生育金:maternity benefits

暂时的离开:temporary departure

政府负担:government burden

财政支出: fiscal expenditure

产假时间延长Extended maternity leave














(一) 名词性从句


1. that 引导的从句 e.g. It is reported that one third of Guangzhou citizens plan to buy a private car. (据报道,三分之一的广州市民打算购买私家车。)

2. whether/if 引导的从句 e.g. Whether motorcycles should be banned in Guangzhou has become an issue of controversy.(广州是否禁摩托车成了有争议的话题。)

3. how/why/when/where引导的从句 e.g. This essay aims to explore why so many white collar workers suffer from insomnia. (本文将探讨为什么这么多白领失眠的原因。)

4. who/whom/whose/what/which引导的从句 e.g. Who should be responsible for the environmental degradation is still unknown.(谁对环境恶化负责还不清楚。)

(二) 形容词性从句


(1)由关系代词 who, whom, whose, that, which, as引导的从句。 例如: People who are strongly against human cloning claim that it is immoral and unethical. (强烈反对克隆人的人们认为这样做不道德和不合伦理)



To tackle the problems of traffic congestion and the shortage of housing, it is suggested that large companies and factories in major cities should be relocated in the rural area. I think this policy can be effective to some extent, but it is difficult to implement, with possible objections and negative outcomes.

There is no doubt that the dense population and limited land resources are responsible for housing shortage in major cities, while the rural area is sparsely populated with sufficient land supply. If some companies, factories and their employees moved out of town, there would be more vacant buildings to meet the demand of city dwellers. Besides, with fewer people travelling to and from work inside the city, traffic is expected to be reduced and pressure on the public transportation system eased.

However, the strategy of business relocation seems to be infeasible, considering the negative outcomes that may ensue. It may impact the sales of some companies whose customers mainly come from the urban area.

Also, the employees may reject to move to the countryside, as they can no longer enjoy the high quality educational resources, medical services and entertainment facilities in the city. The rural infrastructure is relatively backward and life is less convenient. People need to travel between the countryside and the city frequently, leading to new traffic problems, especially on the weekend.

Overall, moving some companies to the rural area can reduce the population and traffic in the city and more houses can be vacated. However, this policy is difficult to put into practice, as some companies and their employees may be unwilling to move.


原题是:Some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather than sending to the school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?




paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述在家接受教育的缺点。(1. 学习知识的不全面 2. 家长教学方法的缺失)

paragraph 3: 论述在家接受教育的缺点。(1. 缺乏与同龄人的交往)

paragraph 4: 论述在家接受教育的好处。(1.灵活性和便捷性更强)

Paragraph 5: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点。


In contemporary society, due to the easier access to learning and teaching resources, as well as the higher level of education possessed by parents, some of them contend that their children can be better educated at home than at school. From my perspective, such practice exerts more negative impacts on children’s development both in academic attainment and social skills.

The most distinct demerit is that children who receive education at home may fail to have the comprehensive coverage of knowledge. It is ubiquitous that not all parents are generalists although parts of them are granted with Bachelor or even Master Degree. In contrast, teachers at school specialize in different domains; for example, arts teachers gain expertise at literature, history and language while science teachers at physics, chemistry and mathematics. Apparently, learners can be imparted with professional theories or guidance via attending board curricula. What’s worse, it is conceivable that some parents lack teaching strategies and methodology. Unlike them, through years of teaching practice and training, teachers are equipped with the ability to explain complicated equations, illustrate the theme of poetry and the aesthetic value of art works in a simple and understandable way. In this scenario, students’ learning efficiency can be boosted dramatically.

Apart from these, another underlying downside is the scarcity of interaction with peers. Human beings are social animals and children are no exceptions. At school, they are encouraged and required to engage in abundant sports or outdoor activities, communicating and sharing happiness and sorrows with classmates or friends. During this process, they have learnt how to be acceptable and accountable for their behaviors in a community. Conversely, fewer opportunities are provided for them to be in company of others who are at the same age if they are taught at home.

On the flip side, we can not deny the fact that self-paced learning offers students conveniences and flexibility. To be specific, gifted students are allowed to study subjects ahead of their level and accomplish their compulsory education in a shorter period, instead of being restricted by the routine steps of school education.

In conclusion, even though teaching children at home is geared to talented students’ needs and capabilities, I still believe that formal education at school can not be substituted for its purpose for cultivating children to be well-rounded individuals.

字数 384 words


题目是:Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic (educational), social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?





What do you think makes children unhappy today? Researchers are pointing at the pressures from various perspectives—academic, social and commercial. While the causes of these pressures seem clear enough, there are no simple measures to reduce them.

It is easy to explain why children are facing academic, social and commercial pressures. Firstly, although as parents there are few pleasures greater than their children succeeding at school, sometimes the pressure is way too much. Parents’ unrealistically high expectations can backfire severely and end up causing their children to be unhappy. Secondly, all children have to face peer pressure in school, which is generally beneficial to kids’ growth, yet the ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its highest intensity at just the age when children tend to be so insensitive, unkind, and even cruel as to purposefully make others unhappy. Thirdly, children are easily affected by advertising that attracts them to buy things they cannot possibly afford, and as a result, they may feel unhappy.

Though it is never easy to fix these feelings of unhappiness, there are possible measures to be taken to enhance the wellbeing of children who are under constant pressures. To begin with, parents have to draw a line on the expectations of their children and find out their true potentials, rather than pushing them to unrealistic limits. Meanwhile, with patience and guidance, parents should keep an eye on their children who fall victims to online pressure through social networking. Simultaneously, the authorities should do more to regulate advertising that are intended for children who are anxious to buy unnecessary things.

In conclusion, there are no easy solutions to the increasing academic, social, and commercial pressures children face today. Frankly, I am quite pessimistic because those factors that bring pressures to children are not likely to go away, at least in the foreseeable future.


Point at 指向......

Perspective 角度

Reduce 减少;减轻

Pleasure 快乐;愉悦

Way too much 太过了

Unrealistically 不切实际地

Backfire 回火;事与愿违

End up 最终落得个......

Peer pressure 同龄人压力

Intensity 强度

Purposefully 有意地

Afford 负担得起

Fix 解决

Enhance 提高

Constant 长期的

Potential 潜力(的)

Keep an eye on... 关注......

Fall victim to... 沦为......的牺牲品

Simultaneously 同时

Frankly 坦白地说

Pessimistic 悲观的

In the foreseeable future 在可见的未来












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