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2023-12-21 08:59:23 收藏本文 下载本文




我的托福写作分数还可以29分,原来预计会的满分的,估计是语法的问题,其他实在想不出来还有哪里会扣分,我这段时间也一直在帮助童鞋们改作文 ,看 到了很多童鞋在写作上的缺陷,实际上很好改正,但由于这样或那样的问题,虽然一再将自己的文章发上来,但是问题却依然得不到有效地解决,说实话,我很生 气。每天花费那么多功夫帮助改作文,但是同样的问题却一而再再而三的发生,这也是导致我这段时间改作文积极性不高的原因。


这个要说根本不是问题,因为每个希望那高分的童鞋都应该有很端正的态度。所以,这里要澄清一下,这里的态度,不是指你对待考试 ,而是 指你对待方法的态度。不知道为什么,好像有很多童鞋都认为练得越多,自己的分数就应该越高。很多童鞋还向我抱怨,为什么自己努力了这么长时间但是分数依然 很低。这就是你的态度问题,你太执着于错误的学习方法,而且不远听从别人的劝告。我在作文帖里很多次都告诉同学,你先把上一篇文章的错误改正,然后再发上 来。但结果却是,很多童鞋却依然执着的每天写一篇新作文,甚至每天写好几篇新作文,这样根本不可能对你的分数有任何帮助。真正的联系写作方式应该是:精写 一篇作文,自己先修改,然后找别人修改,然后根绝别人的意见在对自己的文章进行修改,这样反复好多次,最后把最终的文章和第一次写的文章做一下对比。找出 缺点,自己记下来。然后在开始根绝改正后的缺点,练习下一篇。我最讨厌有的人一下子发上来好多篇文章,然后说麻烦楼主,我快考试了……你说你既然快考试 了,时间这么紧迫,为什么还不赶紧提高效率?还在这里浪费时间。


这个只是针对那些距离考试还有至少1个月的童鞋写的,既然离考试还有那么久,那就不要去使用什么模版,现对自己不做任何约束的写一次, 然后再采用上边的方式进行修改。最后总结出一套自己的模版。这样写出来的文章才会出彩。没有人会喜欢千篇 一律的文章,就算他是考官。我见到有的童鞋离考试 还有2-3个月,就开始采用模版写,最后写出来的文章都有一股模版的味道,改都改不掉……这样的文章就算能得高分,也不会达到28-30这个水平。当然, 那些句子写得特别出彩的童鞋除外。就比如衣服,就算再落伍的衣服,模特穿起来的效果都不一样。如果自己不够天生丽质,就要突出自己的个性。


这个是我写作的习惯,考虑到这里只是分享,所以如果童鞋们不同意,可以skip这一段。我的作文首段通常都是一个简单例子,然后加主题 句。例子一定要精简,主题一定要深刻,而且再写主题句的时候,一定要把自己的主题句写的尽量和题目意思相似,


但是切忌直接说I agree +原句,这样 你会死的很惨……如果你没死,那说明你很幸运,但是如果有下次,切忌拿自己的作文分数冒险。主题句最多3句话,一般两句话就应该解决首段,而且两句话一定 要短,尤其是例子,这里的例子最好事那种罗列形的例子,就是单词的堆积,千万不要写那种4-5句话的长例子,否则我相信改卷老师在看完你例子以后,就不会 再有耐心看你后边的文章了。


关于主题句的写作,我的建议是最好全部用简单句,而且一定要在每一段的段首写清楚。有好多童鞋说看李笑来的满分作文书上就没有这样写, 但是你不要忘记,为什么你要看他写的书?因为他是李笑来。他的英文写作水平和你根本不能算是差距,而应该是天壤之别。如果你有至少两年,在这两年里每一点 都能够用至少8个小时在英文写作上,而且还能时不时的去参加一次托福考试(没有压力)来验证你的作文水平是否进步。那你当然可以按照李笑来的文章风格和格 式写,但是可能么?至少我相信对95%的人来说,不可能,既然不可能,作为一个江湖菜鸟的你为什么要按照绝顶高手的方式来比赛呢?(不好意思,我是金庸 迷)另外,李笑来所谓的满分作文,并没有真正经过托福考试的验证……


有好多童鞋在写作文的时候,要不然一高兴忘了些例子,要不然就只有主题句和例子,论证性的文字一点没有。这里要说明一下,例子和例句一 定要平衡,最好能够做到一个段落里例子:例句=3:7,这样给人的感觉会很舒服,感觉这个主题论证的很清楚,当然,具体比例我也不知道,只是我用这个比例 写的文章,老外给的分数都不低。声明一点,再写例子的时候,一定不要写那些名人的例子,尤其是西方名人的例子,有些例子根本就是国人的胡编乱造,没有一点 依据,你用一个个所有人都知道的假例子来证明你的观点,那不是自投罗网么,所以,在些例子的时候,写一些你身边普普通通的例子,这样看起来既真实,还准确 (另外,就算是假的,也没人知道,他们总不会让FBI来查吧……哈哈)




这个不说了,语法都不过关……就别考托福了,你如果像语法这种最基本的问题都解决不了,那还追求什么高分,你应该对自己的水平有正确的 评估。当然,这里的语法不是说你能够成为语法家,而是一些最基本的语法,日常用的语法。有的童鞋上传文章还特别强调,我的语法不好,能不能帮忙 检查…… 这是最基本的东西,如果每次都是我帮你检查,那考试的时候怎么办?所以,如果觉得自己语法不好,多看一下语法书,稍微注意一下就好。

最后:我说的都是自己的感受,结合着自己的分数和改作文的感受写的。如果你绝的不对,可以完全忽略我的文章,如果你绝的有用,可以尝试 一下。但是我想说,无论什么样的方法,都不能够完全的照搬,毕竟人和人不一样,我的缺点说不定正是你的优点。所以,如果你想用我的方法,请先对自己又一个 正确的认识,然后结合自己的实际情况使用。



1. 注重词汇积累


2. 作文词汇需从作文中积累


3. 学习基础语法


4. 练习翻译


5. 参加写作课




1. Why movies are so popular all over the world?

Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.









One of the most popular pastimes today is movie-going. With what started as moving-picture shows has dramatically developed into an industry that spends millions upon millions of dollars while still turning a gigantic profit.

Movies are so popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. Combined with acoustic and visual effect, movies are definitely more appealing for audiences who have exhausted themselves in the real world than are those printed novels. It must have been much easier to see a movie than to read a novel, since all the audience should do is simply to sit there in a soft chair in the dark about 150 minutes. Captured, involved, the audience in a movie theater will forget everything but the story in action on the screen.

Movies have magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction. The point is that almost everyone long for the power of snapping his/her fingers and seeing his/her wishes and dreams instantly granted. Everyone long for eternity of love, many idealize about it but now in the theater it's time to “feel” it. Every move the character makes, every breath the character takes, all seem to happen around, and clearly sensible. On the screen, no entire life needed, movies illustrate all aspects of love we can imagine: all aspects of love, from the mushy warm and fuzzy feelings we feel with our children and companion animals, to platonic love we have with friends and acquaintances, to the romantic soul mate kind of love, to the agape kind of unconditional love, it's the full gamut. Dramas are created in order for us to play out different sides of ourselves. In short, movies are so popular because many can escape into the world of fantasy and live vicariously through the characters and in doing so, work out different feelings and emotions that they may not have the opportunity to do in their “normal” lives.

2. Land In your country: needs to be left in its natural condition or needs to be


In your country, is there more need for land to be left in its natural condition or is there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.








With a population accounting nearly for one quarter of the world population, my country, China, has been suffering from serious loss of arable land, which now hardly accounts for 7% of overall arable land of the world.

Yet some people simply do not realize that land loss is so crucial that we one day might incapable of averting that catastrophe if we now close our eyes to it.

Industrial development without careful consideration regarding land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine. Take the great Three Gorges dam for example, which will be put into operation next year. While the country benefits from gargantuan potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues concerning geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper reaches. The professional designers of the great dam now have to work out a practical way to prevent and remedy pollution effectively, which has already been the focus of world attention.

After the entrance of the WTO, industry development is more and more important for our country, yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitably caused by industry. Recent surveys have shown that refuse treatment engineering is not well financed in China, while attentions are drawn to those much more obvious achievements. Industrial pollution accidents occur far more frequently in our still developing country than in other more advanced countries. Urban population also produce astoundingly large amount of pollution. Today the alleged white pollution is creeping all over the country—people throw plastic bags, films everywhere, never feeling anything wrong.

We no doubt need land either for natural condition or for industry, and it seems we need more if possible.

Nevertheless, we live in a world where everything has its cost, and some day in the future, I believe, we will inescapably pay for what we have ignored.



Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.





I hate uniforms! It makes all the students look the same. When I am trying to find my friend from a group of student, I always make mistake because I cannot tell the difference among the girls who are all wearing the same clothes. Moreover, I am always nervous about my uniforms since I may not have another one to change into. The other one is still waiting to be washed or is still wet. After P. E., you cannot identify which coat is mine, so I just take one that looks like it. I am sure the coat I am wearing now is not the one I had first. That is my life with uniforms.

Because everyone is against it, my school revoked this rule. Then, we could wear everything we want to. But new problems came up. Everyone began to buy new, brand name, expensive clothes and the campus because a big stage in no time. At last, the uniforms came back to our lives.

Undoubtedly, everyone has the freedom to choose what to wear and, of course, everyone wants to make himself/ herself good-looking. But when we are just students, study is our first important thing to do. Paying too much attention to attire can influence our study. Furthermore, we may spend too much money that is not earned by ourselves but come from our parents' hard working.

The reasons above cause more and more schools make a rule to forbid trendy dresses or make students wear uniforms. It is not a good way but an effective way to solve these problems.

If we want to get rid of uniforms forever, we must solve these problems by ourselves instead of the schools rule. We should earn school's trust by our behavior, then we can thoroughly say goodbye to uniforms!



1. 更广泛的阅读拓展视野


2. 更细致的观察积累经验


3. 练习其它形式的英语写作



1. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and

how would you want people to celebrate it?

Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



Holidays are an excellent way to allow societies to honor people or events that have helped their country or the world. There are many things that deserve to be recognized in our culture, but there is one group of people that is underappreciated in society today: inventors. If I were to create a new holiday, it would be to pay respect to these important people and their creations. Inventors are members of the most unappreciated profession in society today. Without inventors, all civilizations would still be living in the stone age, with no running water, no electricity, and more generally, no comforts. Many inventors create simple objects that do not seem that amazing, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that all inventions contribute greatly to convenience. All societies should pay homage to these great people by honoring them with a holiday.

The first way we could honor inventors is by opening exhibitions in galleries and museums dedicated to the inventions of current and past inventors. Many people have no idea where the greatest inventions came from. By displaying the life work of inventors, people will gain a new appreciation for them. This would also be a learning experience for the public, as they could see what current inventors are working on, and get excited about the upcoming progresses in society.

We could also honor inventors by having a school day dedicated to inventions. It is important to encourage school-aged children to use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own. The school system is excellent in China, but it does not promote free thinking. Children need to be given the opportunity to discover new creations on their own. By having a day dedicated to this, young people would become more interested in the manufacturing of new products and ideas.

So, I believe that inventors deserve their own holiday. They have provided society with so much comfort and convenience. By honoring inventors, we will show them how much we appreciate their efforts, as well as encourage our children to come up with new ideas of their own.

2. The advice you would give your friend on how to use his or her money A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation to buy a car Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend's two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.




Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always a difficult choice. What it comes down to, however, is the individual's personal preferences, lifestyle, and priorities. If one of my friends has to choose between buying a car and going on vacation, I would carefully consider their lifestyle and advise them based on their wants and needs. Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car would bring many conveniences that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very quickly and directly. This would be an important factor if my friend goes to school or works far away from home.

Second, a car offers privacy. If my friend does not enjoy public places, then a car would be an excellent option. Cars also have their disadvantages. A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. One must pay for insurance, gasoline, and any incidental fees such as repairs. If my friend does not have a lot of extra money besides his/her inheritance, a car may not be the best option. A vacation is also an excellent decision. If my friend works at a high-stress job, then a vacation is sometimes the only way to relax and forget about one's worries in the work world. Vacations to faraway lands can give a person more perspective on the world, and can also provide excellent memories. However, vacations always have to end, and one must return to his/her everyday life.

Therefore, I think that if my friend lives far away from his/her work or school and has a little bit of extra money, then a car would be the best option. However, if he/she lives near his/her work and holds a high-stress position, I would suggest that a vacation would be a better option. As mentioned above, how we spend our money is a very personal decision, based on one's own priorities. In the end, only my friend can decide what is best for him/her.


1. What changes the 21st century will bring?

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.



Technology is being developed at an unprecedented speed. The 21st century is bound to be very different from the previous one, as we can expect that the speed at which new technologies are invented and expanded upon will continue to increase. I believe that the major changes that we will see in this century will be found in environmental issues, health issues and knowledge access. The situation of the environment in today's society is precarious at best. The world is continuing to build new and more wasteful production plants, filling the atmosphere with poisonous gases. There are many environmental scientists working to create new ways of cleaning our air. I believe that these technologies will apex in the 21st century, thus solving the world's pollution problem. In addition to this, I also believe that we will come up with new, less dangerous methods of producing the goods we have come to depend on. Many new diseases have been discovered in the last fifty years. AIDS and SARS are excellent examples of this terrible fact, and alone, these two viruses have killed a large number of people.

Cancer and heart disease have also become much more widespread in the last hundred years, shortening the lifespan of millions of people. Doctors are working all over the world in hopes of eradicating these diseases. Every day they come one step closer to finding cures to all of the above-mentioned ailments, and many others.

Moreover, our ability to access knowledge will become much more advanced in this century. More and more countries are getting “plugged in” to the Internet, and are adding their information to the vast collection of knowledge already found on this medium. The sharing of knowledge will also help to increase literacy around the world. People will be more interested in having this skill if it means they can have better, more efficient means of communicating.

In conclusion, I am very optimistic about the changes that will come during this century. Environmental issues will cease to be a problem, people will be able to live longer, richer lives with the eradication of diseases, and more people will be able to share knowledge due to the advancement of the Internet. Everyone has good reason to be excited in this fast-paced, evolving time.

2. What makes a good parent?

What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.



Being a parent is the oldest job in existence. Even in the time of the cavemen, it was important to be a good parent. What it means to be a good parent has evolved greatly over the years. In today's society, however, I believe that there are three important characteristics that indicate whether a person is a good parent or not.

The first of these traits is the capacity for love. Children must feel loved by their parents if they are going to grow into well-developed, stable adults. Children who grow up in a house filled with love are relaxed and peaceful, and do not cause trouble. These children demonstrate good social skills, and are usually well-liked by others. In contrast, it has been shown that children who grow up in unloving families are anxious and mean-spirited.

Trust is also very important for a child's development. If a parent is always prying into a child's privacy, the child will think he/she is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust. This leads to the child hiding things from the parent, which therefore leads to dishonesty. Also, trust leads to independence. When children are trusted, they feel more pressure to keep that trust, and therefore act honestly. They will make wise decisions, which will allow them to grow into independent adults.

It is also of utmost importance for a parent to have a well-developed sense of responsibility. A parent must be able to be present for the child twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The parent must organize everything for a child, especially one under the age of ten. This requires careful planning and multi-tasking. If a person is ready to become a parent, they must be ready for all of these added responsibilities.

In conclusion, a good parent has a large capacity for love, is trusting, and must be very responsible. Without these key attributes, the child will suffer and grow into a dysfunctional adult. One must take the job of parenting very seriously to ensure the child's healthy development. By harnessing the above-mentioned qualities, parents will ensure that their child will be the best they can be.












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