是新托福考试(iBT)的写作部分包括两篇作文,第一篇为综合写作(integrated writing),写作时间20分钟。
托福考试作文题目:Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
It makes me sensitively to think of Hollywood place where movies were first made before World War I. In those days, Hollywood movie was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world.
Up till now, there is nothing that can substitute the position of movies that is the most efficient way to relax us. I prefer movies designed to make the audience think. As far as I know, most movies are supposed to be made from the source material that mirrors a part of the social events. That means there is another methods to force us to think about what we have done for our country, what is our responsibility in the society and so on. In fact what kind of information we need can be gain from different media including television, the Internet, radio, newspapers, especially from some movies.
Tracing back to my childhood, I like watching the first work directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca. So young though I was, it did make me sunk into contemplation. Not only did the plot make me a little confused, but also it really told me the truth that whoever is right or wrong, no one can live in the shadowy place and everyone must live his or her own live, enjoy the sunshine belonging to their own.
A movie worthy thinking about should conquer everything, including one's heart, which never fade with time going by, even be possible to change our lives. Here I cannot help siding with the other view; however it does not mean that we should totally ignore it, this is not a matter of making an “either-or” judgment. What we want to clarify here is what is primary and what is secondary.
If permits, a movie primarily designed to make audience think add some amusement and entertainment, just like tasting a cup of cappuccino.
话题类别:儿童教育类What is the most important do you think to share with a young child (age
1. Being well organized
2. Being honest
3. Being helpful to others
本次托福独立写作是儿童教育类,新题,但也是传统的儿童教育类,意思是你认为要跟小孩分享的事情最重要的是哪一个,第一是要让他们生活有条理,第二是要诚实,第三是要乐于助人,典型的三选一题型,还是用上课时候讲过的文章结构和方法去写作即可,可以两段支持段加一段反证段,也可以一段支持段加两段反证段,灵活使用即可。这里选择第一个。 首先,being organized是他们今后独立生活的必备能力。其实现在很多孩子的小时候的生活都是父母在安排,孩子只要被动的接受并且执行,其实没有自己的想法,而这则会使他们对父母产生过度的依赖,会对他们独立生活会产生消极影响,导致自己无法自理生活,而如果从小就学习如何能够井井有条的安排自己的生活的话,他们以后就可以自己很独立很好的生活。
其次,being organized能减轻他们以后生活和学习的压力。其实,现在很多学生都有拖延症,就是因为不会安排自己的时间,导致拖到最后自己压力很大,这甚至到high-level education还会发生,所以being organized是一种管理生活和学习的能力,能够考虑好每件事情要做的时间点,知道在正确时间做正确的事情,这样的话不仅可以按时完成自己的学习或者工作任务,还可以让自己的生活压力减缓很多。
另外,being honest虽然也很重要,但其实在今后的生活中,一个人是很难保持百分之百诚实的,因为有一些场合是需要说谎的,比如说有些善意的谎言,而且在某些情况下,诚实反而会冒犯到他人,比如直接指出他人的缺陷或者短处,所以说孩子应该要在自己的生活和社交过程中去体会如何在不冒犯他人的情况下去保持诚实,这是在他们小时候可能无法理解的事情,这是需要时间去磨练和积累的。当然,being helpful也是一个很重要的品质,但同样地,帮助他人也要看情况,不能一味的帮助他们,这样的话有时候使得他人对自己产生过度的依赖,反而对他们的能力产生负面效果。而这些也是孩子在小时候难以学习的道理。
1. traditional virtue 传统道德
2. absolute truth 完全的事实
3. Confrontation 对抗
4. Blotch 弄脏
5.dilemma 困境、窘境
6. in the long run 长期
7. betrayal 背叛
8. overwhelm 胜过
9. derive from 从...获得
The traditional virtue of honesty in all situations is increasingly doubted by many in today’s world. Many believe that being honest is not always the best policy when dealing with people and shall not be shared with children. Be that as it may, this essay will explore the importance of being honest in relationships between people.
Undeniably, Sharing values of being honest exposes children to the cruel world. We all understand that often the truth is offending and may not be a very nice thing to both hear or say. Even, many would agree that if a company is to tell the absolute truth about it’s products, no one would be interested in even having a look at the products. The same logic also applies to human relationships. if your friend had worn a newly purchased dress on her birthday and energetically asked you if it was a worthy buy, would you freely express your opinion that you had never seen a dress as the one she’s currently wearing? and spoil her birthday? unarguably, hiding(entirely or particularly) the truth in some situations can be quite handy indeed. confrontations and disputes can seemingly be avoided.
However, there is always the risk factor of the truth emerging sooner or later when telling an untruth. the basic trust in any relationships friends,parents and children will be blotched, and would have an impact on the future relationship between both parties. the story of the “the boy who cried wolf” fully illustrates the consequences of telling lies. no one will believe you when you’re telling the truth. Therefore, after presenting the value of honesty to children, they will avoid falling in the dilemma.
In addition, another “bad factor” of telling untruths is that you have absolutely no control over when the truth will emerge. untruths breed pain in both parties: tears when the truth is uncovered after a period of time; in the long run, it seems that hiding the truth is not beneficial to either party. In contrast, delivering the value of being honest to children, children will have no worries of fearing the truth to be exposed. Therefore, the life will be easier than those choosing to cover up the secrets.
Everyone hates betrayal. even if it is the trend to occasionally hide the truth in relationships, it is strongly recommended that not to follow that trend as the risk and the consequences of the truth unfolded overwhelms the minimal advantages one can derive from not telling the truth. After all, it is understood that relationships are founded on “trust” which goes hand in hand with “truth”. Indeed honesty is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. As a result, this value should be shared greatly.(word count: 472)
A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections。
需要注意的是,这部分对词数和时间都是有要求的,官方的规定是150-225词,我的建议是180-260词,时限是20分钟。关于summary的结构,一定是四段??introduction+3对detail,不需要conclusion。总体来说,这部分得高分的一定是把听力写得很清楚的同学,事实上听力才是考察的重点,阅读是用来帮助对听力进行理解的,同学们在写听力内容的时候切不可有“这个也要写啊,没必要吧”的想法。另外,阅读的内容在写 summary的时候决不可照抄。
首先,大家要对自己的阅读和听力能力有一个认识,的测试题就是ETS发布的TPO(toefl practice online),大家不妨在复习初期拿来“裸测”一下。对自己的能力有大概认识之后,同学们一定要注意复习方法。很多同学认为自己阅读差就是因为不认识单词,所以拼命背单词;有些同学觉得自己听力差,就花大量时间练习听写。这些方法本身都对能力提高很有好处,但是大家一定要记住,实战才是锻炼能力的方式,所以还是希望大家多做全套的综合写作习题,TPO有二十多套,就是很不错的选择。
一. 托福写作Fair和Good的差距
1. Effectively addresses the topic and task
2. Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
3. Displays unity, progression, and coherence
4. Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors。
1.Addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
2.Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured
3.May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning
4.May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
二. 如何提升托福独立写作?
1. 学习语法句法,灵活运用
2. 写作词汇积累
3. 积累素材,准确应用
4. 写完以后要检查
1. 在并列连词(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。
The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll, andsince they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the breakdown of dead organic matter or from other living organisms.
2. 用逗号来分隔一系列单词、词组和从句。
Furthermore the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are, but of another complex sugarlike polymer called chitin, the material from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps, spiders, and insects are made.
They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses.
3. 逗号用来分隔与句子其他部分密切相连的简短插入语或旁白。(较长的,更为突兀的或复杂的插入成分的则用破折号或圆括号。)
Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment.
4. 在并列形容词,即分别修饰同一个名词的形容词之间使用逗号,但也有的形容词之间不加逗号的。
For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active, successfulovercoming of adversity.
5. 用逗号来分隔非限定性修饰语,即该修饰语对于句子的意义并非必不可少。非限定性修饰语与限定性修饰语的区别在于,它即使被省略,也不会改变句子的主要意思。
(1) 同位语
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
(2) 从句
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
6. 在以“月、日、年”为次序排列的日期间使用逗号。如果这种次序的日期出现在句子中间,则在“年”后也加上逗号。
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, and died on April 4, 1968.
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on 15 January 1929, and died on 4 April 1968.
The events of July 1789 are as familiar to the French as those of July 1776 are to Americans.
7. 在表示地名时
Pandas come from China, Asia.
8. 用以将一导言的或转变语气的词或短语(如therefore, however, by the way, for instance)与句中其余部分隔开。
On the other hand, fungi bring about the decomposition of dead organic matter, thus enriching the soil and returning carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
9. 书写对话时用于某某说等词语前后。
“Come back soon,” she said.
10. 用于短小的引语前。
Disraeli said, “Little things affect little minds.”
in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.
in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as
whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while
4.因果(Cause and effect)
because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus
certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant
although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....
for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.
to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary
therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise
10.时间和空间(Time and space)
afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of
是新托福考试(iBT)的写作部分包括两篇作文,第一篇为综合写作(integrated writing),写作时间20分钟。
2. 虽然学生在运动场上运动也有好处,如放松减压等,但也有其他途径也可以帮助实现这个目标,如在健身房运动、与朋友聊天等。
1. 有利于高中生放松减压。高中生普遍学业压力很大,不仅每天要上多门课,还要完成各种作业。如果能在运动场上做运动,就可以暂时摆脱学业的压力与烦恼,心情也会变好。运动完毕再回归学习时,也能感觉更神清气爽有效率。在花园赏花固然也能让人放松以及平静心绪,但是在运动的过程中,身体各部位得以锻炼,也会汗流浃背,这会让人感到更畅快。
2. 在运动场运动可以培养团队合作意识,增进友谊。可以拿足球篮球等团队运动举例。.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
In most cases, one should never judge a person by external appearances. Sometimes when I walk down the street at night, I avoid people who are acting tough and loud, but in general, I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person reinforce stereotypes, and are superficial and limiting.
In high school, I stayed away from students who were called the “bad students” because they dressed a certain way. I wanted nothing to do with them. I later had the chance to meet one of these “bad students” because of our mothers, we started talking and I realized that we had a lot in common. My impression of him was very different once I got to know him.
If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to know someone who is different. You may are be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance. If you take the time to get to know the person, you might become friends.
Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you don't know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylish clothes your friends wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you are.
People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get to know them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend.
Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
People often say “ Those who don’t understand history will repeat the mistakes of the past.” I totally disagree. I don’t see any evidence that people have made smart decisions based on their knowledge of the past. To me, the present is what is important, not the past. I think that people, the weather, and politics determine what happens, not the past.
People can change. We can’t assume that people will continue to hate one another just because they have had hated one another for years. Look at Turkey and Greece. When Turkey had an earthquake, Greece sent aid. When Greece had an earthquake, Turkey sent aid. Now, these two countries are cooperating and looking forward to improved relations. No doubt, if we looked at the past, we could have thought this was a lost cause. But people change.
The weather can change. Farmers think that they can plant certain crops because these crops have always grown well in their fields before. But the weather can change. There can be a long drought. The crops that have always worked well , will die. A drought-resistant crop needs to be tried. If we looked at the past, we would not have changed our crop and we would have lost our farm. Weather changes.
Politics an change. According to my way of thinking, politicians must be responsive to changes in the people. If politicians looked only at the past, they would always say the same thing. People change. On the whole, people today care about human rights. They warn all people to have the equal rights. If we looked at the past in the United States, we would see a lot of discrimination against races, women, and sexual orientation. Now, that is changing. Politicians changes, too.
As a rule what is important today is to follow the mood of the moment. We can’t be looked in the past. It doesn’t do us any good to think about the past. People, the weather, and politics can change in any direction. The direction of this change, in my opinion, can not be predicted by studying the past.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Yes. Yes. Yes. The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. When I get a job. I want to earn a lot of money. If I earn a lot of money, people will know I am successful, smart, and a good candidate for marriage.
Money equals success. If I earn a lot of money, I can wear nice clothes, get a big car, buy my parents a nice apartment, and spend a lot of money on my friends. Everyone will know I am rich and very successful.
Earning a lot of money will show people how smart I am, Everyone knows you can't be stupid and earn a lot of money. Who will trust someone stupid to do a job?
When I earn a lot of money, my mother will be able to find me a good wife. She will be able to tell everyone what an important job I have. It will make it easy for her to find someone for me since all girls want to marry a rich man.
I don't care what kind of work I do as long as I earn a lot of money. That's the most important thing for me. Having a well paying job will show everyone that I am successful, smart, and a good catch!
1. 压缩审题的时间:
如果不能保证文章的质量,可以从数量入手,记住我在课上讲过的托福写作黄金法则“the longer, the better”!学员中曾经有位写作30分的获得者,独立写作30分钟写了600字,拿了满分。当然他肯定有一些不足和错误,可是仍然不影响满分。可见如果不能把文章写得很漂亮,不能写出亮点,那就多写点吧,字数多也是亮点。只要大家按照我上课讲授过的方法来扩充论据,写出“长篇大论”是很容易的事。
3. 提炼自己的模板
假设你的文章字数是400字,那么你大概要写40~50个句子。把这40~50个句子,排成编号,从第一个到第40个,也就是从文章的第一句话到最后一句话,你都知道要写什么,并且知道怎么写,甚至每个句子你都掌握了2~3个漂亮的句式,那么你还怕自己不拿高分么?再假设,这40~50个句子,你有50%都已经是固定句式了,也就是成了自己的写作套路,那么你还愁文章写不完么?比如说,我总是喜欢在文章最后一句话说:In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that.........+观点,给个真题例子:In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.用一句话说,简单地认为父母是最好的老师是相当肤浅的。 大家想一想,任何事情simply say都可以说是相当肤浅的。因此这句话就是一句比较万能的结束语。这句话怎么来的呢?这是官方题库里的第2篇,是我和大家在课上积累来的。只要大家一起努力,我们一定会成功提炼出自己的高分模版。
4. 压缩题库
A. 将题库分类。每个分类写1~2篇就可以解决这个类的题目。
B. 文章之间的互相转化:
ANSWER: 毛泽东。原因:A.B.C
TOPIC2: 如果你能回到过去,你想见谁?why ?
TOPIC 3:如果you could invent something new ,你想发明什么?why?
ANSWER: time machine 原因:回到过去,见毛泽东
TOPIC 4:你最喜欢的gift
TOPIC 5:一空地,你想用来干嘛?
ANSWER: 建毛泽东雕像
TOPIC 6:一个外国人来到你的国家,你推荐她去哪
ANSWER: 毛泽东纪念馆
综合写作 (20分钟)
阅读学术短文(1篇),记录观点和词汇 3min
听课堂讲解(记录反驳理由和例子) 2min
总结/解释听力材料要点 20min
检查/完善 5min
独立写作 (30分钟)
a.各段写作时注意对段落的不同部分给予不同的重视。主题句给予最大重视,注意炼句,别说你不想写主题句,主题句可以使读者和笔者本人更清晰该段落写什么。各段中支持性细节写作不必遵循相同的模式。有n种选择可供参考:1. 举具体事例 2. 说对方相对缺点3. 使用数据 4. 使用假想例子 5. 使用类比、比喻、引用等修辞手段来论述。 哪一种你最容易想出来,就用哪一种。
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions. However, to learn about something more complex, it's always best to have a teacher.
Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. They've been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. For instance, some students learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way that's best for each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus they're only as helpful as your ability to understand them. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs.
Teachers help you focus on what you're learning. If you're learning something by yourself, it's easy to become distracted and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, it's tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you don't need. That can hinder your ability to really understand the subject.
Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use the information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the written materials as well as the teacher's own knowledge of the topic. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what you're learning.
There's nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have.
What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
Even though job situations can be very different, there are several qualities that all good supervisors have in common. A good boss treats all her employees fairly. She doesn't single out one employee for better (or worse) treatment than the others. A poor supervisor has favorites. Sometimes she'll even use her favorites to spy on other employees. She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her. This can cause a lot of bad feelings among employees.
A good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions, She doesn't constantly change her mind about what she wants employees to do. She also doesn't get angry with an employee who is confused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully. Delegating authority well is another quality of a good supervisor. She knows how to use the skills of her employees to best advantage. A poor supervisor insists on doing everything herself. She is unwilling to give any authority to others.
A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable set of criteria, not on how she feels about them personally. And she lets the employees know what those criteria are, so they have a fair chance of meeting them. She gives both praise and criticism in a straightforward manner. She also offers guidance when needed. A poor supervisor will criticize without giving any suggestions on how to improve.
Most importantly, a good supervisor sets the standards for her employees by her own behavior. She works hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company. This promotes good morale among her workers, and this is of great benefit to her business.
1. Why are groups or organizations important to people?
Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
It was said that human beings are social animals. Some might argue human beings should be not called animals, but it's true that human beings are social. Therefore, it's of no surprise that groups or organizations are almost an indispensable part of most people's lives. Most people are afraid of being alone, and for them, being with others is one of the most natural needs. Being a member of a group is comfortable. If an individual has gone so far as to being considered isolated, rumors arise.
Others might ponder: what is the matter with that solitary individual? No one would like to be wondered that way.
Being a member of a group is also interesting. Every one has his/her own special means to pursue happiness, for example, he/she might be keen on music concerts, or be fond of stamps collecting. By joining a special interest group on his/her pet topic, he/she can easily find many people whose interests are similar to his/her, and can share his/her pleasure with those who can really appreciate it in a proper way.
Many people find group or organizations are essential because they know a simple and never-changed fact that every single individual on this Earth has only limited resources. Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself/herself from limitation. By joining a group, an individual is able to share his/her limited resource with others, and share others' resources in turn, therefore is virtually able to reach a much larger amount of resources. The most popular resource-sharing activities exist in the Internet. There are numerous BBS on almost every particular topic on various websites, which always makes copious valuable materials readily reachable. No matter what a person is interested in, for example, music, movie, books, or whatever, he/she will find a right group to join on the internet.
In fact, any individual in a sense exists in a certain group: either he/she is a member of some groups, or he/she is a leader of a group. Either way, the group is critical to him/her. People cannot achieve greatness solely by themselves, regardless of their status in the group; they need others, for help, for support, and many other things, since nobody is entirely independent and omnipotent.
2. What would you take when preparing for a one-year trip in addition to
personal necessities?
Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
计算机、全家福照片、书、光盘……(但是要注意,根据题目,不能选clothing and personal care items)
During the planning of an extended trip away from home, we have to decide what items to carry with us.
While considering this problem I pondered many possibilities, such as a family photo album, my journal, my music collection and many others. Finally I realized that the best thing for me to bring on an extended journey would be my laptop.
A laptop computer can act as a journal. In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences. With this added functionality, I could add pictures, captured with the web cam and sounds, captured with the built-in microphone, to the text. As there is a diverse range of software available for computers, there is an added possibility of loading my experiences on to a web page and publishing them on the Internet.
While traveling or living abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with loved ones or business colleagues.
In spite of the ever-decreasing cost of international calls, long distance telephone bills can quickly add up. Once again a laptop computer has the ability of solving this problem. With a relatively inexpensive Internet connection, a person can harness one of the most powerful attributes of a computer: communication. This form of communication adds the extra abilities of being able to see the person you are contacting and allow people to share files, information and even programs.
A new city can be a lonely place and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. During such a transitional period, it can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment:
reading a book as an e-book, playing a video game, or watching a DVD, all of which can be done on a laptop.
Entertaining oneself can also be a marvelous way to pass the time on a long bus ride or flight.
Hence, I posit that a laptop is the ultimate travel companion, whether for a short journey or an extended voyage. Personal computer seems to solve many of the problems that arise from travel.





