I think solve drug abuse is the government build some rules”, …uh, well....
“Government should take the initial responsibility, and a possible / the most effective solution for drug abuse is to …..”
解释观点:To put it another way
补充观点:Similarly; Coupled with...
附带说明:In view of/in light of
总结内容:All things considered
It can broaden a person's horizons...
分析:这是雅思考官最不愿看到的表达,过于老套刻意,一般在形容看到非常震撼的事物时,用这句话比较合适,使用learning more 就很自然。
为了获取更多地道的语料,可以在谷歌、维基百科、Quora(国外知乎)、Reddit上搜索关键词,比如 “cause of drug abuse”, 你会得到成千上万条观点,这些观点与你自己编造相比,更加符合英语思维和逻辑结构,建议大家学会整合利用。
Advantage and disadvantage
Cause and effect
Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.
有些人认为,历史对我们来说用处很少甚至没有用处。 其他人则认为,学习历史有助于我们认识现在。 讨论这些观点并给出你自己的意见。
Weak:The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab.
Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语)
Or:The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green. (转换为并列结构作后置定语)
例如:1) Weak:The team members are good players.
Revision:The team members play well.
2) Weak:One worker's plan is the elimination of tardiness.
Revision:One worker's plan eliminates tardiness.
1) Weak:There is no opportunity for promotion.
Revision:No opportunity for promotion exists.
2) Weak:Here are the books you ordered.
Revision:The books you ordered have arrived.
1、Poor:My supervisor went past my desk.
Better:My supervisor sauntered (=walked slowly) past my desk.
2、Poor:She is a careful shopper.
Better:She compares prices and quality.
1、Weak:The organization has been supported by charity.
Better:Charity has supported the organization.
2、Weak:The biscuits were stacked on a plate.
Better:Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate.
1、Wordy:My little sister has a preference for chocolate milk.
Improved:My little sister prefers chocolate milk.
2、Wordy:We are in receipt of your letter and intend to follow your recommendations.
Improved:We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation.
3、Redundant:We had a serious crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.
Improved:We had a crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.
4、Redundant:My sister and I bought the same, identical dress in different stores.
Improved:My sister and I bought the same dress in different stores.
1、Weak:They will not agree to his proposals in any shape or form.
Improved:They will not agree to any of his proposals.
2、Weak:I need her financial input before I can guesstimate our expenditures next fall.
Improved:I need her financial figures before I can estimate our expenditures next fall.
1. Be in the air 将要发生的事情
The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change.
Example: Baseball is beginning to be in the air in China. 棒球运动在中国风行起来。
2.Clear the air 消除误会
To settle a dispute and restore good relations
Example: If they clear the air, they will be able to see more clearly and solve their problems. 当真相被澄清,误会被消除,他们就能够更清晰地看待问题并恰当处理。
3.Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵
To be very expensive
Example: She saw a beautiful coat but it cost an arm and a leg. 她看到了一件漂亮的上衣,但它的价格昂贵。
4.A bad egg 缺乏道德的人;坏蛋
Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided
Example: At first I trusted him, but soon I found he's a bad egg.
5.In the Bag 稳操胜券
Said of an achievement which is secure
Example: Our basketball team has been training for quite a while. They have the game in the bag. 我们的篮球队训练了一个阶段,这场比赛他们是稳操胜券了。
6.In the balance 未知的,不可预测的;悬而未决
Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictable
Example: Nevertheless, the future of Italy hangs in the balance. 不过,意大利的前途还是未知的。
7.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价
To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditions
Example: His ability to drive a hard bargain has often brought conflict. 他讨价还价的能力经常引发冲突。
8.Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉
To look, sound or seem familiar
Example: James Carson-the name ring a bell, I've heard it before.
9.Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食
To cut down on spending because there is less income than before
Example: There's only one way out of this. You're going to have to change your lifestyle, tighten your belt and keep tightening it. 这种情形,只有一种出路。你必须要改变你的生活方式,节衣缩食,并且这样继续下去。
10.Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟;一举两得
To complete two tasks together, with less effort than doing them separately
Example: I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut, that way I can kill two birds with one stone. 每次我去剪头发的时候都会修指甲,这样我可以一举两得。
在雅思写作思路指导方面比较有名的就有simon讲解的雅思的解题思路【ideas for ielts writing】
雅思写作6分在意料之中,也是我当时对雅思写作成绩的期望值。 (所以根据自身的能力来确定期望值很关键,目标设定高的话,自己对自己的练习要求就会不同。记得在一个雅思群里就有一位朋友的目标是8分,当时我们都很吃惊,他的理由就是这样,现在想来挺有道理) 考前最担心的就是口语和写作。我相信大部分的朋友也都较重视这两个部分。写作没有特殊窍门,就是多看范文,多记格式和套句,然后把它们转换成自己的写作思路。是啊,对于刚刚接触雅思的人来说听起来像是在讲大道理。如果深入了解了,就知道雅思写作其实是有“公式”的。无非就是提出观点、举例反对,或者好坏同时摆出来探讨。考的是英语行文的能力、句子段落的连贯性和词语使用的多样化。所以平时练习的时候一定注意同样一种意思要尽量收集3-5种的表达方式,这样才能保证在写的时候不会捉襟见肘。
举个很简单的例子,比如说要表达“我不喜欢sth.”,你第一个反应是什么?第一个反应之后会立马想到哪些关联的词语或词组?如果你就想到“I don't like”、“I hate”而在几秒钟内想不到其它的表达方式,那就需要多加锻炼了。正确地使用一些比较不常见的好词能够大大提高考官对作文的印象。但是要注意全文的一致,就是不能整篇文章一部分写得很随意很简单,另一部分写得很正统,这样即使正统部分写得非常优美,还是有可能被认为是盲目背诵或抄袭所得,照样不加分。还有,口语化的句子不要出现在雅思作文里。
关于写作顺序。我的习惯是先写大作文,再做小作文,这因人而异。我考的时候刚刚好用了40分钟赶完大作文,剩下20分钟写小作文。在动笔前要先构思好整体框架,可以大约地把条条和每个段落会涉及到的语句写在稿子上(不要多,点到就好),有助于思路清晰,动笔的时候再把这些点展开。当然这是很笨的办法,因为我之前很少练习。 所以平时一定要多烧香,临时就不会慌着抱佛脚了。小编预祝同学们在雅思考试中取得好的成绩。
疑问:先写Task 1还是Task 2?
专家:建议考生先简后难,Task 1 尽量控制在20分钟内完成,然后安心写 Task 2。所以考生在考前一定要多练多写,掌握时间。
专家:就Task 1而言,说明该考生对图表的分析能力还有待提高,多练习看图审题构思。如果Task 2字数不够,说明考生思路不开阔,论据无法扩展,考生需增加阅读量,多看和雅思写作话题相近的文章和精读雅思范文来掌握论据扩展方法。
大小作文在写作中所占比例大约是6比4。可见Task 2在最后写作得分中所占比重较大,但也不能忽略Task 1。
1. N2O wasn't produced until 1990, after which, its production grew rapidly.
雅思文章为正式文体,所以尽量不要出现缩写,wasn't建议写成was not 。
2. The bottles are first divided by color into clear, brown and clear ones which are then washed by high-pressurised water.
3. Nowadays, more and more people have private cars.
more and more词汇过于简单,我们可以用an increasing number of来替代。
4. Let all of us make great efforts to construct a more civilised China!
First,请各位3分钟时间默读下面的文段(以下范文出自KYLE DeNUCCIO 不同颜色的词请重点关注)
①Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective and informed money management decisions. Gaining the knowledge and developing the skills to become financially literate is a lifelong process that begins with something as simple as putting a few pennies in a piggy bank, and evolves to more advanced subjects such as risk and asset allocation.
②Because financial literacy is not emphasized in the education system - less than half the states have any financial literacy requirements for grades K-12, and only four states require high school students to take personal finance classes - most kids lack the necessary knowledge and skills to become financially responsible adults. The President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy wrote in its Annual Report to the President: “By almost any measure, today's school children are ill-equipped to understand personal finance and make their way in the modern financial world. Their rising debt and debt problems, along with their poor inclination to save, substantiate what the test scores show. Meanwhile, most students still graduate from high school without any formal classroom education in personal finance.”
③There is now - especially following the global financial crisis that began in 2008 - a growing interest in requiring more personal finance classes in the K-12 setting. Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve System has stated that, “One of the key lessons of the recent financial crisis is the importance of personal financial literacy. Besides improving their personal financial decision making, teaching students economic principles will help them as citizens understand and make choices about many of the critical issues confronting our nation.”
④Despite this recognition, most things money are still taught at home, where the role of financial educator falls primarily on parents, guardians and other adults in the home. For many adults, however, talking about money is akin to talking about other provocative subjects. Unsure of where to begin and worried about saying the wrong thing, many adults simply avoid conversations about money. This is often made worse by adults' lack of confidence in their own handling of finances. It is important for adults to remember that, even if they are not financial rock stars themselves, they have experience and perspective on their sides, and can draw both from their financial mistakes and successes to share essential knowledge and skills to their children. It starts with a conversation.
⑤In our first guide, Teaching Financial Literacy To Kids, we introduced concepts that are appropriate for the youngest learners, such as the difference between needs and wants.(细节!!) / In part two of the series, Teaching Financial Literacy To Tweens, we covered intermediate topics, including income and expenses, saving for long-term goals and entrepreneurship. / In this tutorial, designed especially for teaching teens, we introduce the more advanced topics suitable for teenagers, including budgeting, credit and debt, money management and investing.(细节!!)(473words)
读完了是不是有一种“好高大上啊” 我写不出来啊,没关系哈来下面BOMB老师帮你“庖丁解牛” 请动笔“记” 光看没用,快拿笔!
1.Financial literacy :翻译成中文的话就类似“理财的能力”
e.g.:Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective money management decisions, so children are obliged to get informed about.
2.informed decisions: 明智的决定 类似表达比如 smart move/sound decision
e.g.:School authorities might make an informed decision to put in a vast majority of money to hire famous teachers after researching hundreds of students’s needs.
3.lifelong process:一辈子的事儿
e.g.: Marriage is a lifelong process that we have to think twice to make an informed decision.
4.putting a few pennies in a piggy bank:把零钱装进存钱罐
“piggy bank”表示零钱罐,penny 一便士
5.asset allocation :资产分配
e.g.:Confronting financial crisis, government has to implement a proper asset allocation policy to avoid repeat financial depression.
6.be emphasized in: 被重视
e.g.:The mindset of “problem-solving” and “thinking-critically “ should be emphasized in the construction of teenagers teaching curricular.
7.require sb to do:要求某人做某事(一般与学生搭配在一起使用更佳)
e.g.:School should require students to attend to some extracurricular activities to strengthen their social abilities.
8.financially responsible adults:经济上有责任感的成年人
e.g.:In order to become financially responsible adults, children are supposed to engage in different finance-related activities to acquire more practical skills on issues of money autonomy.
9.be ill-equipped to:表示”做某事没有准备好“ ”缺乏某种能力“
e.g.:Parents are ill-equipped to understand their children and put in less faith in them such as restricting their money spent on entertainment; limiting their time spent on watching TV, and even prohibiting their freedom to choose majors.
10.have poor inclination to :表示有做不好的事情的不良倾向
e.g.:Children, especially for those rebellious adolescents, tend to have poor inclination to crime, so they should be guided in a right way by their parents.
11.show a growing interest in:表示在某方面展现兴趣
e.g.:Talent kids tend to show a growing interest in tackling difficult problems.
12.fall primarily on:主要属于某人/主要落在谁身上
e.g.:To address environmental problems, the duties will fall primarily on three aspects : governments ;individuals and small businesses.
13.is akin to: 与某事某物相似
e.g.: Friendship is akin to love.
14.provocative subjects:刺激的话题/争议的话题
e.g.:How to achieve a sense of happiness has long been the provocative subjects which are often discussed among scholars.
15.on one’s sides:就某人而言/支持某人/站在某人那边
e.g.:On my side, finance-related issues should be emphasized in the education of kids.
16.share essential knowledge and skills to :分享重要的知识技能给某人
e.g.:Teachers should share essential knowledge and skills to teenagers who are eager to learn and improve their abilities.
Which one of the following values is the most significant to share with a young kid (5-10 years old)?
A being helpful
B being honest
C being well organized
这道题目为一道“三选一”类题型,在回答这种题型的时候考生们可以不用写最令人头疼的让步段。刨除开头和结尾段,主体段的写作可以围绕着所选选项的优势和不选择的选项的弊端进行展开。针对于这道题做题比较多的同学会根据“题感”选择A和C 这两个选项,此时选择C选项的同学表示不服。吼吼~ 同学们先不要着急,因为我们今天要讲的分论点构思方法可以适用于这三个选项。
在审阅这道题目时,同学们应该首当其冲看到一些关键词“5-10 years old”。当题目当中出现一些表示特定时间段的词汇时,建议同学们使用“换时间点”法。所谓的换时间点法就是将文章主体段按照时间节点划分为两段。一段立足于当下,一段立足于未来。
例如:A选项所提到的helpful就可以用这种方法进行写作。第一段针对当下时间段的主题句可以写为:小孩子在5-10 岁之间养成乐于助人的品质可以使孩子们在班里结交到更多的朋友。第二段针对未来时间段的主题句可以写为:孩子小的时候养成乐于助人的习惯在未来会成为一个有责任感的人。同时B和C 选项也可以使用这样的方法进行论证。现在这篇文章看起来是不是更容易展开了呢?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at young age. Use specific reason and examples to support your answer.
在分析这道题目的时候我们要看到一个关键词“at young age”。这道题目所问的“为了使孩子成长为一个对自身经济状况负责任的年轻人,应该在孩子小的时候就让孩子学习理财。”如果这道题目没有了关键词“at young age”,题意就会变为“为了使孩子成为对自己经济状况负责的年轻人,应该让孩子们学习理财”,同时这道题目就失去了可讨论性,既然是一中贯穿终生的能力当然应该学习。
所以,通过上述分析,我们不难发现,这道题目讨论的重点在“at young age”上面。因为孩子年纪小,因此有些人会分析道:1由于孩子年龄小手头没有太多金钱,即使学习了理财也没有意义 2 小孩子的主业是学习,学习理财会浪费本应该用在学习上的时间。与之相反,当思考到“应该让孩子从小学习理财”这个论点的时候,同学们会出现词穷的现象,多数同学只能想到“由于理财是一个贯穿终生的技能,因此应该从小学习”。此时,推荐同学们使用“换时间点”法。首段我们可以去分析一下小时候学习理财对孩子小时候就产生的立竿见影的好处。比如:在孩子小的时候学习理财就可以帮助孩子们养成不乱花钱的习惯。第二段去分析一下小时候学习理财对孩子长大后产生的好处。比如: 年少时就学习过理财的孩子比起那些长大后才学会理财的孩子要拥有更丰富的理财经验,可以避免重大投资理财失败等等。
时限:50 分钟
问题:2 个任务
独立写作任务测试你依据自身的经历与知识写作的能力。你需要完成一篇写作,就某个议题阐述与支持你的观点。这里的关键是要以具体细节来支持你的观点或选择。文章字数达到 300 字左右才为有效。
Dramatically=considerably 剧烈地
Excessively 过度的
Intensively 广泛的
initially 首先
specifically 具体的说
increasingly 越来越
understandably 可以理解,
overwhelmingly 占绝对优势地 ,
instantly 快速地,
clearly, 清楚的
radically 基本上 ,
merely=just=only, unnecessarily 没必要,
impulsively 冲动地,
especially 特别地,
entirely =completely=totally=entirely, 全部地
partly 部分地
merrily 愉快地
mentally 心里上(psychologically) ,
physically 生理上,
generally 总的来看,
seemingly 表面上看,
strikingly 明显地,
Utterly=completely, 完全地
somewhat=a little,
moderately 温和地,
intensely=considerably 大量地,
fiercely=severely 激烈地,
superficially 表面上,
virtually 实际上,
greatly=highly 非常,大大地
Topic: It's the only way to improve the satety on our roads that give much strict punishment to driving offence.Are you agree that?
The issue of how to improve the safety on roads has always been the focus of much attention.people come up with various solutions,but some emphasize that the only feasible way is to give strict punishment to driving offence.Personally,I share these people's point of view.
It is much lesser punishment that makes those hit-and-run drivers devoid of the reverence for other people's life and close attention to road safety.---topic sentence An authoritative traffic analysis reporting indicates that approximately 80% of traffic accidents result from driving offence which occured in large and medium cities in China during the second half of , and the rest of traffic accidents are due to bad weather and poor quality of automobile. These statistics show that most automobile drivers lack the consciousness of safe driving.They deserve severe legal punishment.Only after stricter punishment is carried out can driving offence decrease.
In recent years,the Chinese government intensify efforts to publicize safe driving and traffic rules by the mass media(i.e. TV and radio, newspapers,magazines).But that has very little effect on reducing driving offence.Therefore,it's time to beat the dog before the lion! Only strict punishment can play a role of a serious warning to those reckless drivers.
Take an Asian country Singapore for instance.Singapore is well-known for its extremely stric trffic law worldwide.Those who break the traffic rules must be severely punished.Without the supervision of traffic police,an extraordinarily low rate of traffic accidents has been kept for years,which totally attributes to local people's following the traffic rules.
Undoubtedly,improving the unsafe traffic situation is the most vital thing these days.I firmly hold the view that giving strict punishment to driving offence is the unique practicable solution.
We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, What do u think? And what do you think is the important qualities that a journalist should have?
Prompted by the fast development of the media, people can get lost of knowledge and information from news, but whether we can fully trust the journalist has become a thorny issue. People have been attaching greater weight to this problem. In this essay, I will try to explore this controversial issue and seek out some effective factors.
When it comes to news of today’s newspaper, different people have different attitudes. Personally, I think some news in some newspaper are misleading and cheating, especially the news about entertainment。Some journalists even produce or imagine a story and write it as a piece of news. The only task for they do so is just to achieve the major’s attentions. However some news from some famous media, for instance, BBC and Guangzhou Morning Post are true and responsible. This kind of news are always accompanied by data and evidences which are much more believable. They just tell the truth and what happened exactly.
Why some news is unbelievable while some are responsible and true? I believe that the qualities of a journalist contribute to this complicated phenomenon. Firstly, as a journalist, he or she should have a strong sense of responsibility. The journalist needs to tell the truth and the fact, be responsible of what he writes and talks. Furthermore, he must have skills of expressing himself by writing. He just needs to use exact words and suitable phrases to tell the public the fact, with out any imaginations. The last but not the least, he should be objective. What he needs to do just to tell what the fact is, it doesn’t need any personal ideas or emotion.
It is a brazen violation of the people’s basic right to know the truth of the world that journalists are cheating in the newspaper. As we should read a novel when we want to read a story, we should read a Newspaper when we want to now the truth. It is high time that both the government and the whole media make concerted efforts to let all the news are believable. I strongly hope that we can know what we want to know and what we should know from our media.
Topic: some people say that the subject of international news should be taught in secondary school, other people say that it is a waste of valuable school time, discuss both sides and give your opinion.
We know that a lot of fundamental and useful subjects, such as mathematics, languages, chemistry and physics had been applied in secondary school for a long period. But nowadays, some people propose that the subject of international news should also be taught in secondary school. For my part, I think, before we add a new subject to our secondary school education system, both advantages and disadvantages of the subject need to be considered deliberately.
On one hand, the subject of international news really bring about a lot of benefits to the secondary school students. To be a modern and open-mind person, the knowledge of basic science will not adequate for his or her future career, other kinds of knowledge, such as the knowledge of society, the knowledge of laws is also required in his or her practical work, otherwise, he or she will meet lots of problems that he or she could not handle. Consequently, secondary school is supposed to play not only the function of providing students with systematic and disciplined basic science knowledge, but also play the function of helping students to be more social, more open-mind and more competent in their practical work. We could hardly imagine that a modern person claim no idea about the great event happened in the world. So, it is quite reasonable to add the subject of international news in secondary school to make the students more competitive for the society.
On the other hand, spending too much time on the subjects irrelevant with basic science could be regarded as a waste of valuable school time for the students in certain circumstance. We know that the main function that secondary school play is to help student lay a solid literature foundation and provide them with necessary preparation for his future education (university,college,etc.). Accordingly, secondary school is supposed to put their focus on the content and improvement of teaching basic science. As for social subjects, such as international news, the educators and school managers need to arrange a proper portion of time in teaching them and provide students with a more reasonable and perfect secondary school system.
In conclusion, the subject of international news need to be taught in secondary school because of its great importance, however, it is plausible to teach this subject at a proper portion of time.
第一, 相信有许多人都象初学写作的我那时一样,通常爱犯的一个毛病就是乱用词,乱造句,凡是自己知道的词就都往上写,生怕考官不知道你的词汇量有多大,凡是能用中文说的句子就想当然得翻译成英文。我还记得我第一次考之前拿着一篇我自以为写得不错的文章给一个老外看,结果他的评价是他根本就不知道我在写什么!他说如果一篇文章里有两到三个他看不懂的句子他就一定不会给这篇文章好分!因此建议大家不要一味得把提高作文成绩的宝压在单词上,我上面的文章大家也看到了,有什么难词好词么?没有!我觉得真正让你得高分的是你的逻辑结构和语言表达的清楚程度,思维一定要清晰,不要想到哪说到哪,语言不必刻意追求华丽,但一定要清楚明白。当然了,写作过程冲的语法错误是很致命的,英语基础不好的人一定要尽量避免写过长的从句,倒装句等等。我个人认为,只要你能做到我以上写的三点,逻辑清楚,语言简单明了,很少语法错误,那么即使你只有高中的英语水平,打六也是绝对不成问题的。
第二, 关于背诵范文的事。我曾经背过新东方和吴建业的范文,我不能说效果不好,我只能说他们的范文大致上只适合两种人,第一,写作基础很差想靠背模版纯考试的人,第二,记忆力超强能把那些好词难句都记下来在考场上默写的人。呵呵,我写到这里可能要被人扔西红柿了,我绝对没有任何对这两位老师不恭的意思,事实上何刚老师是我非常喜爱的老师之一,我只是想说,他们的书已经被太多的人背诵和模仿,他们只会使你更加深陷雅思的套路之中,如果你的目标是六,那你大可以去放心得背它们,但如果你的目标是七,我建议你省下背雅思作文的时间去背一背那写经典的外国人写的东西,比如新概念。一旦你背得足够多,量变导致成质变,你就行成了那种SENSE,这是非常重要的,我第二次考鸭之前用半个月的时间背了足有三十篇专家写的地道的雅思作文,于是背完之后我就有了这种SENSE,考了两回都是七,我不是开玩笑,我说的都是我的亲身经历。这不管对应付雅思考试很重要,这对于你出国之后经常被要求写两三千字的ESSAY的时候也是受益终生的。
第三, 这段有做广告的嫌疑,在我第一次考试作文打了五之后,我在我们英语系找了一个从美国留学回来的老师给我改作文。这非常有效,要知道你一周写七篇作文,要是没有任何长进,这种努力是毫无意义的,它不符合收获与付出成正比这一学说,因为这只会让你把五分或者六分的作文写得更加娴熟而已,仅此而已。但是如果你能够仔细的修改一篇,仔细分析你的不足之处,那样你的作文水平才会真的有长进。因此我强烈建议大家在每次写一篇新文章之前都能找人改过自己的上一篇文章,而且至少背过一篇范文。
为了避免背过的高级词汇使用不上,建议考生在平时用仿写范文的方法进行练习。具体的方法是,首先看一遍范文,理解了范文意思后,自己用英文写一遍,写完后把自己写的文章和范文进行对照,查找异同,找出自己的用词和范文的用词有哪些不同之处,并总结范文中的地道词汇,然后进行记忆。例如,在《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集5 》Test 2 的官方样文中,表示“学习”和“好工作”两个概念时,样文的用词分别是academic study and research、reasonable career ,而绝大多数中国考生的用词是study和good job 。碰到这种情况,考生就可以将官方样文中的地道表达记住,下次用时就可以把good job 替换成reasonable career。同时,如果想表达的是大学及以上阶段的学习,也可以用academic study and research来替换study。
3. 勤查字典
雅思写作真题范文:Many students are taught to push themselves to try and be better than other students, rather than work together for everyone’s benefits. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(许多学生被教导要努力学习,比其他学生更好,而不是为每个人的利益一起工作。利大于弊吗
It is common that we are living in a world filled with sever competition in both businesses and individuals, even in those who study at schools. Personally, I think the merits do not necessarily outweigh the demerits.
There are two benefits of developing students’ habit of competing with each other. Firstly, establishing a competitive environment is able to enormously motivate students of all levels to keep learning and working hard in order to keep up with peers and achieve more goals. In other words, this prevents ordinary students from giving up on themselves and makes them realize that being competitive is a quality that is capable of building up their perseverance. Furthermore, it is undeniable that competitive awareness can cultivate students to improve their problem-solving skills through coping with continuous challenges alone. Specifically, they are more likely to make great attempts to figure out problems in more effective ways rather than wait for others to find solutions.
When it comes to drawbacks, we cannot ignore the fact that cooperation plays an extremely imperative role in students’ whole life. Those who do not know how to cooperate may find it difficult to adapt to working environment in the future, for one-man team is less appreciated in a large number of firms. Another perceived disadvantage is that enormous competition has the possibility for students to accumulate more pressure, especially for those who are not good at dealing with stress, contributing to insomnia or other health issues. Therefore, it can negatively affect their learning attitudes.
In conclusion, although encouraging students to be competitive is beneficial for their academic studies and surrounding adaptability, it could become demerits when teachers only emphasize on teaching competition and ignore the impact of cooperation.
真题范文:People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. Why you think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology?(在高科技时代,人们仍然重视艺术家。你为什么这么认为?艺术和科学技术一样重要吗
The advanced technology and cutting-edge breakthrough of science usher in an age when the obsession with logic and rationality elbow its way to the spotlight of public. However, art or the artists, the relatively sentimental part of human mind, still deserves a place for its irreplaceable importance.
It is apparent that the intrinsic characteristics of human being’s mind make artists an indispensable role. The essence of arts is its natural outflow of human emotion and their perception to the world from a subjective and self-oriented perspective, which can arouse a mental echo of the thirst for beauty and the probation of the primitive state of mind. Although we have lived in a world beaming with the hustle and bustle brought by technology, we still need musicians to compose the melodious tunes and painters to depict the magnificence of landscape. Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night will not pale compared with the stunning Hubble telescope.
The importance of art cannot be underestimated for the simple reason that its benefits will make a difference to human, albeit the dominance of technology. The pace of modern life has been inevitably accelerated due to the penetration of technological devices such as new media and machines, whose tyranny drains energy and paralyses our sense to the beauty of world. This circumstance is likely to be eased because art can present the aesthetic bliss and therefore reduce the fatigue and tiresome. It seems that the exhaustive soul can be nourished in the company of a light-hearted classic music and a piece of oil painting. We need the soothing comfort of art, as the advancement of our logic is always entwined with the call of our nature.





