If you are going for an interview as a prospective employee then you should do some research. Read the job description and requirements carefully. Browse the web site to see how the organization presents itself. Search for news items and comments about the company on news sites and blogs.
For the interview itself you should dress smartly and appropriately. It is important to have some questions prepared and here are a few that could really help:
1. What exactly would my day-to-day responsibilities be?It is essential that you clearly understand your role and the tasks that you would be expected to undertake. It is easy to make assumptions and get the wrong impression of what the work would be so it is vital for both sides that there is clarity in what is expected of you. If the interviewer cannot give a clear answer then this is a worrying sign, so politely follow up with more questions. Some people even ask to see exactly where they will sit.
2. What are the opportunities for training and career advancement?This question serves two purposes. It helps you to understand where the job might lead and what skills you might acquire. It also signals that you are ambitious and thinking ahead.
3. What is the biggest challenge facing the organization today?This sort of question takes the interview away from the detail and towards strategic issues. It allows to you see and discuss the bigger picture. It proves that you are interested in more than just the 9 to 5 aspects of the job. It can lead to interesting discussions that can show you in a good light - especially if you have done some intelligent preparation. If appropriate you can follow up this question with some questions about the objectives of the department and the manager who is interviewing you.
4. When did you join?After the interviewer has asked a number of questions about you it can make a good change to ask a gentle question about them. People often like talking about themselves and if you can get them talking about their progress in the company you can learn useful and interesting things.
5. What are the criteria that you are looking for in the successful candidate for this position?The job advertisement may have listed what was wanted in a candidate but it is very useful to hear the criteria directly from the interviewer. The more that you can discover about what they want and how they will make the decision the better placed you are to influence that decision.
6. How do you feel that I measure up to your requirements for this position?This follows on naturally from the previous questions. It may seem a little pushy but it is a perfectly fair thing to ask. In sales parlance this is a ‘trial close’. If they say that you are a good fit then you can ask whether there is any reason you might not be offered the job. If they say that you are lacking in some key skill or attribute then you can move into objection handling mode and point out some relevant experience or a countervailing strength.
7. Would you like to hear what I could do to really help your department?If you want the job then this is a great question to ask at the end of the interview. Most interviewers will reply, ‘Yes.’ Drawing on what you have learnt in the conversation, you can give a short sales pitch on why you fit the criteria and why your strengths and ideas will siginficantly assist the boss to meet their objectives. Make it short, direct and clear with the emphasis on the benefits for them of having you in the team. At the end ask something like, ‘how does that sound?’
Many candidates take a passive role at the interview. They competently answer the questions that are put to them but they never take the initiative by asking intelligent questions that steer the interview in a helpful direction. If you are a proactive candidate who asks the sorts of questions given above then you will be seen as more dynamic and you will significantly increase your chances of being offered the job.
If you are going for an interview as a prospective employee then you should do some research. Read the job description and requirements carefully. Browse the web site to see how the organization presents itself. Search for news items and comments about the company on news sites and blogs.
For the interview itself you should dress smartly and appropriately. It is important to have some questions prepared and here are a few that could really help:
1. What exactly would my day-to-day responsibilities be?It is essential that you clearly understand your role and the tasks that you would be expected to undertake. It is easy to make assumptions and get the wrong impression of what the work would be so it is vital for both sides that there is clarity in what is expected of you. If the interviewer cannot give a clear answer then this is a worrying sign, so politely follow up with more questions. Some people even ask to see exactly where they will sit.
2. What are the opportunities for training and career advancement?This question serves two purposes. It helps you to understand where the job might lead and what skills you might acquire. It also signals that you are ambitious and thinking ahead.
3. What is the biggest challenge facing the organization today?This sort of question takes the interview away from the detail and towards strategic issues. It allows to you see and discuss the bigger picture. It proves that you are interested in more than just the 9 to 5 aspects of the job. It can lead to interesting discussions that can show you in a good light - especially if you have done some intelligent preparation. If appropriate you can follow up this question with some questions about the objectives of the department and the manager who is interviewing you.
4. When did you join?After the interviewer has asked a number of questions about you it can make a good change to ask a gentle question about them. People often like talking about themselves and if you can get them talking about their progress in the company you can learn useful and interesting things.
5. What are the criteria that you are looking for in the successful candidate for this position?The job advertisement may have listed what was wanted in a candidate but it is very useful to hear the criteria directly from the interviewer. The more that you can discover about what they want and how they will make the decision the better placed you are to influence that decision.
6. How do you feel that I measure up to your requirements for this position?This follows on naturally from the previous questions. It may seem a little pushy but it is a perfectly fair thing to ask. In sales parlance this is a ‘trial close’. If they say that you are a good fit then you can ask whether there is any reason you might not be offered the job. If they say that you are lacking in some key skill or attribute then you can move into objection handling mode and point out some relevant experience or a countervailing strength.
7. Would you like to hear what I could do to really help your department?If you want the job then this is a great question to ask at the end of the interview. Most interviewers will reply, ‘Yes.’ Drawing on what you have learnt in the conversation, you can give a short sales pitch on why you fit the criteria and why your strengths and ideas will siginficantly assist the boss to meet their objectives. Make it short, direct and clear with the emphasis on the benefits for them of having you in the team. At the end ask something like, ‘how does that sound?’
Many candidates take a passive role at the interview. They competently answer the questions that are put to them but they never take the initiative by asking intelligent questions that steer the interview in a helpful direction. If you are a proactive candidate who asks the sorts of questions given above then you will be seen as more dynamic and you will significantly increase your chances of being offered the job.
1、Please tell us about your work experience.
“Work experience” is the type of work you've done in the past. If you haven't started working yet you can say, “Right now I'm still a student” or “I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet.” In the second sentence, “recent grad” is short for “recent graduate” and means that you have just finished school.
工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I'm still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。
2、What's your greatest weakness? 你最大的缺点是什么?
This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous! In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to difficult questions. You shouldn't answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job! Instead, you can tell them something that isn't directly related to the job position.
3、Why do you feel you are qualified1 for this job? 你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?
This question is a good opportunity to brag2 a little bit. You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe weren't included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.
4、What kind of salary did you have in mind? 你期望的薪水是多少?
Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it's best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.
5、If hired, when could you start work? 如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?
When answering this, it's best not to say you can start right away. This might make you seem very desperate for the job. A safe answer would be “I can start at the beginning of next month.”
A-Interviewer B-Interviewee
A: Please tell me something about your insurance background.
B: I majored in international banking1 at college so I took many insurance courses. I also worked at an insurance company for my graduate field work.
A: Why do you want to be an insurance agent?
B: I care about people and I know the importance of insurance.
A: Do you have any work experience in promotion2?
B: Yes. I do. I worked as a salesgirl for P&G Company Ltd.
A: Do people respond well to you?
E: Yes, I'm good with people.
心理引言:职场面试找工作,很多人都有一个思想误区或内心胆怯,总觉得我是去给别人打工的,我应该低姿态去表现好,好让人家把我给要了。如果自己表现的很好,公司很满意答应你来上班,这个时候恐怕很多人都很高兴,不过有多少人会关注公司的问题,会问一些除了自己工资和待遇外的问题呢? 入职场,找工作,很多人都有一个思想误区或内心胆怯,总觉得我是去给别人打工的,我应该低姿态去表现好,好让人家把我给要了。如果自己表现的很好,公司很满意答应你来上班,这个时候恐怕很多人都很高兴,不过有多少人会关注公司的问题,会问一些除了自己工资和待遇外的问题呢? 根据人力资源和职场达人们总结了七个问题,这七个问题如果面试者会在考官面前提问的话可以给自己加分,让公司对你刮目相看。那究竟是哪七个问题呢? NO1.我所应聘的这个职位为什么会出现空缺? 弄清楚为什么你应聘的职位会出现空缺,以及这个职位空缺了多长时间,这一点非常重要。绝大部分职位空缺的产生都是因为公司内部升职或是前任员工离职,而且通常会在一个合理的时间段内被填补上。所以,如果这个职位已经空缺了几个月,那么你就得知道其中的原因才行。是否因为前一个应聘者拒绝了这份工作?如果是这 样,你也得在跳进有可能成为虎穴的职位之前弄清对方拒绝的原因。是因为管理层对这份工作的期望不够现实?还是薪水太低?如果这个职位是新近才出现的,或许你就拥有了一个理想的、开辟属于自己的道路的机会。 NO2. 请问贵公司最成功的员工为公司做出了什么样的贡献? 其实提出这个问题的主要目的是在于了解该公司的优秀员工主要具备哪些优秀品质。而对于面试官来说,他会认为能够提出这样的问题的`人应该是志在成功公司最优秀的员工之一。你也可以通过这个问题强调自己身上相关的专业技能和曾经做出过的成绩。对于这个问题的答案还会让你对该公司的企业文化有所了解,并对这个职位是否适合你做出一定的判断。 NO3.如何评估自己在三个月试用期内的工作表现?何种标准算成功? 有上进心的求职者一定会非常渴望能够马上开展工作,而这个问题就会让面试官将你归入这样的员工中。同样,这个问题也会帮你揭示你所应聘的这家公司做事的风 格。如果公司对试用期内的员工有不切实际的要求和期望,那么在六个月后公司又会对这位员工提出什么样的要求呢?所以,请务必弄清这个问题的答案,并谨慎对待抛出橄榄枝的公司。 NO4.在试用期期间,该职位遇到的最大的挑战是什么? 在最初几个月的工作中,潜在的难题和挑战也许会让你无法完成既定的目标,所以你得对这些挑战有所了解并提前做好准备。与此同时,面试官也会认为能够提出这个问题的应聘者一定那种对成功志在必得的人。而且面试官也许会利用这个机会告诉你公司内部冲突的一些真相,你就会对该公司的企业文化有更进一步的洞悉。 NO5.目前公司所面对的最大的挑战有哪些? 该公司现在能够盈利吗?在过去五年内该公司是否有过大规模的裁员?在面对当前困难的经济形势上,公司是如何应对的?公司如何调整自身的模式以适应各种技术上 的变化?作为一名潜在的新员工,这些问题对你来说都是非常重要的。如果导致你目前的失业状态的正是前公司的大规模裁员,那么你就得确保下一份工作能为你的 经济生活提供保障才行。 NO6.公司如何来保证人才不流失? 一般来说,优秀的企业都会执行一系列职业发展计划,从而为员工提供一条清晰的职业发展道路。这个问题会告诉面试官,你不仅是以严肃、认真的态度对待这份工作的申请,同时你也愿意长期为一家公司工作——当然前提是公司能够为员工提供很好的发展机会。 NO7.请问您为什么要为这家公司工作呢? 如果面试官在回答这个问题的时候犹豫不决或者语焉不详,你就要在心中亮起警报了。每个人都期望能够在一家可以回报其员工,并为员工提供实现长期目标的机会的 公司工作。而如果连面试官自己都不知道为什么要为这家公司工作,你觉得这样的公司会给员工提供多少机会呢?这样的公司又是否值得你的信任呢? 去面试工作,是一个相互合作的过程,并不是说哪一方成为主导。你为公司工作,公司给你报酬。而对所有公司来说它总希望找到那一种类似合作伙伴的员工而不是仅仅是来打工的。所以,在面试的时候除了展示你自身特长和文化外,还要表现出一个对公司前景关心和一种参与者的心态来。这样能让公司的管理者对你更有好感!这不仅为了进入这个公司也为了以后的发展!篇5:面试时的7个常规问题如何答才好
俗话说,是骡是马拉出来遛遛。是不是人才一看就知道八九分,所以任何公司招聘时,都会对求职者进行面试。显然,在求职过程中,对于求职者而言,面试是最重要的一步。想要在面试中有突出表现,除了撑握一定的面试技巧,还得在事先有充分的准备。当然公司有意留用你时,你也千万别忘了问一些跟你工作密切相关的问题,不然正式上班后,后悔就晚了。 一、工作内容 是什么样的工作,一般在看到招聘岗位就能明白的。但是现在的公司工作岗位越分越细,再加上有的招聘者为了提高自己的招聘档次,会将一些名不见经传的'岗位说得诱人无比。比如明明是招聘一般的维修人员,却说成是招聘维修工程师。在这种“光环”的照耀下,很多人都会花了眼,所以在面试时你一定要问好你的工作内容是什么。不然,到时给你增加一些莫明其妙的杂事,会吃哑巴亏的。 二、工作地点和时数 在面试时,一定要问清工作地点。因为公司在各地有很多分公司的话,可能在不同的地方都会工作。应试者最好能问清楚上班和下班的时间,以及加班的时数限度。这样,你就可以根据自身的条件考虑是否能承受。一般来讲,在面试时,应聘者提出类似的适当的问题,对方都会做出解答。 三、试用期限和培训机会 不管你是不是刚毕业的大学生,公司招聘新人时都会提出一定的试用期限,从三个月至一年不等。应聘者可用较委婉的方式询问,如:“有些公司有新进员工的试用期限和培训机会的相关规定,不知贵公司是否亦有此规定?”如果公司有这些规定的话,应聘者应确认其试用期限及其待遇。一方面可以避免不讲信用的公司欺骗新人,另一方面也可以避免彼此因为沟通的不畅而引起的尴尬。 四、薪水及福利 薪水的多少对任何求职者来说,都是很关心的事情。一般来讲,在面试时,招聘人员都会主动给应聘者说明试用期、正式聘用期的薪水及福利情况。但有时,也有工作人员忘了的时候,面对这种情况,如果应聘者如果直截了当地问薪水可能不是很好,这时,你可以用旁敲侧击的方式,比如以同类公司的薪水为话题,来探询该公司对新进人员的薪水做法。另外,也可以公司的年度业绩为话题,来探询公司对于福利奖金的作法。【双语面试:面试时该考虑到的7个问题】相关文章:





