(上海市闸北区教育学院 胡惠芬)小学英语有新授课、巩固课和复习课等课型,而讲练则是各种课型的基本活动形式。这种活动有讲有练、边讲边练,是以学生语言实践活动为主线的小学英语课堂教学模式。
从小学生的学习过程来看,我们可以将讲练活动分解为理解──操练──表达三个部分,这三个部分组成 一个结构,具体演绎为如下模式:
语言的交际功能是指人们在特定时间、地点、就特定事件运用语言来交流思想、表达感情的作用,换言之 ,语言的交际功能是在特定情景中体现出来的。因此,在教学中,为学生创设情景,例如借助图片、玩具、幻 灯、录像等引出教学内容可大大降低学生理解语言材料的难度。学生可根据他们的生活体验、已有语言知识来 揣摩、领悟语言材料的发音、意义及其使用场合。
受课堂教学时空的限制,我们不可能将生活搬进课堂,因此只能借助教学手段,通过讲解、演示等方法来 创造出模拟生活的语言情景,让学生在眼观、耳听活动中感知语音和领悟语义。
例如在教“公园”一课时,教师可事先准备一幅公园的大图片和若干与教学内容相关的小图片,在边演示 、边讲解过程中让学生听音会义。教师可先指着大图片说:Look. This is a park.然后贴上树木的图,说:Theseare trees. There are some trees in the park.接着按叙述顺序将各种颜色的花分别贴上:There are many flowers,too. some flowers arered,some are pink, and some are white.就这样, 学生在边看边听过程中较快地接受了语言信息。
情景中引出语言材料省却了教师用中文进行解释的时间,有助于学生通过视觉形象来加深对语言的理解, 还能帮助学生在语言与表述对象之间建立起直接的联系。
小学生学习外语的'主要方法是模仿,这已在儿童练习母语的过程中得到了验证。仿说是一种机械性的语言 操练,也是语言操练中最初级和最基本的形式。其目的是让学生在听音会义的基础上,学会语言材料的发音, 并通过发音加深对语言材料的理解。在仿说练习中,我们不仅要注意学生对单词、词组的发音,更要重视对句 子的整体模仿。因为句子是相对独立的交际语言结构,受语言内容、说话人感情的影响,不少单词、词组在句 子中读音会发生变化,再加上句子中的语音、语调又常常起着重要的表情达意作用。因此,模仿不单纯指单词 、词组的语音模仿,还包括对句子重音、语调、节奏上的模仿。
教师可自行发音或利用录音让学生听音、模仿。但不管用何种方法,我们都要注意示范发音的准确、清晰 ;除机械模仿外,教师还应抓住发音要点进行讲解、点拨,以提高仿说练习的质量。
机械代换的句子要求简短、容易上口,操练速度要快。通过这一步操练培养起学生能不假思索套用句型的 能力。例如在教句型This is a…时,教师可提供替换词,让学生套用句型,快速说出句子,教师可给词pen, 学生则应答This is a pen;若教师不提供替换词,而由学生自选单词说话,那么这就是造句形式;教师还可出 句子,要求学生进行句型或句式上的转换,如“Thepen is on the desk.”可改成“There is a pen on the desk.”也可通过给陈述句要求改成否定句或疑问句。
复用练习抓住语言材料的深层结构,引导学生从对语言的机械识记转向理解识记,也就是说在进行这类操 练时,要求学生不仅注意语言结构上的正确性,更要注意语言运用上的合理性。
常用的复用练习要求学生将语言与表述对象联系起来,如根据实际情况进行问答、或结合具体情况作专题 说话等。在教了Is this your…的句型后,可要求学生套用该句型来辨认各自的物品;在教了there be这一句 型后,既可要求学生就地点、场所用该句型进行描述。
[1] [2] 下一页
五、活用练习(表达)交际是语言的最基本功能,在教学中,语言交际既是出发点,同时又是归宿,教师要将重点转到教会学生 如何在具体情景中运用恰当的语言来表达思想这方面来。如果说前几步操练的目的在于教学生说什么,那么, 活用练习则要引导学生自由表达,能说什么就说什么了。
自由表达既是对前几项操练效果的鉴定手段,同时也是在前几项操练基础上的高一个层次的操练。常用的 活用练习有专题说话──专题问答,还有对话等。上述的各项活用练习中,教师既要引导学生结合生活实际选 择话题,同时还要注意引导学生综合运用各知识点和各种语言材料,从而培养起学生能就具体情景准确、灵活 运用语言的交际能力。
上一页 [1] [2]
篇2:理解,操练,表达──小学英语讲练教学结构 论文
理解,操练,表达──小学英语讲练教学结构 论文
(上海市闸北区教育学院 胡惠芬)
从小学生的学习过程来看,我们可以将讲练活动分解为理解──操练──表达三个部分,这三个部分组成 一个结构,具体演绎为如下模式:
语言的交际功能是指人们在特定时间、地点、就特定事件运用语言来交流思想、表达感情的作用,换言之 ,语言的交际功能是在特定情景中体现出来的。因此,在教学中,为学生创设情景,例如借助图片、玩具、幻 灯、录像等引出教学内容可大大降低学生理解语言材料的难度。学生可根据他们的生活体验、已有语言知识来 揣摩、领悟语言材料的发音、意义及其使用场合。
受课堂教学时空的限制,我们不可能将生活搬进课堂,因此只能借助教学手段,通过讲解、演示等方法来 创造出模拟生活的语言情景,让学生在眼观、耳听活动中感知语音和领悟语义。
例如在教“公园”一课时,教师可事先准备一幅公园的大图片和若干与教学内容相关的小图片,在边演示 、边讲解过程中让学生听音会义。教师可先指着大图片说:Look. This is a park.然后贴上树木的图,说:Theseare trees. There are some trees in the park.接着按叙述顺序将各种颜色的'花分别贴上:There are many flowers,too. some flowers arered,some are pink, and some are white.就这样, 学生在边看边听过程中较快地接受了语言信息。
情景中引出语言材料省却了教师用中文进行解释的时间,有助于学生通过视觉形象来加深对语言的理解, 还能帮助学生在语言与表述对象之间建立起直接的联系。
小学生学习外语的主要方法是模仿,这已在儿童练习母语的过程中得到了验证。仿说是一种机械性的语言 操练,也是语言操练中最初级和最基本的形式。其目的是让学生在听音会义的基础上,学会语言材料的发音, 并通过发音加深对语言材料的理解。在仿说练习中,我们不仅要注意学生对单词、词组的发音,更要重视对句 子的整体模仿。因为句子是相对独立的交际语言结构,受语言内容、说话人感情的影响,不少单词、词组在句 子中读音会发生变化,再加上句子中的语音、语调又常常起着重要的表情达意作用。因此,模仿不单纯指单词 、词组的语音模仿,还包括对句子重音、语调、节奏上的模仿。
教师可自行发音或利用录音让学生听音、模仿。但不管用何种方法,我们都要注意示范发音的准确、清晰 ;除机械模仿外,教师还应抓住发音要点进行讲解、点拨,以提高仿说练习的质量。
[1] [2]
Teaching aim:
Knowledge aim:掌握with的复合结构特征。(展现一些生动的图片)
Ability aim:学以致用,并结合高考题目讲解,达到能力提升。
Teaching ways: 讲练结合
Teaching Aids: teaching material, blackboard Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); software:
Teaching procedure: Greetings,
Step1 依葫芦画瓢 :模仿例子, 总结结构特征.
With 复合结构一 With + n + prep.
With + 名词 + 介词短语
With 复合结构二 With + n./pron. + -ving.
With + 名词 + 动词的现在分词
With 复合结构三 With + n./pron. + -ved
With + 名词 + 动词的过去分词
With 复合结构四 With + n./pron. + adj.
With +名词/代词 + 形容词.
With 复合结构五 With + n./pron. + adv.
With + 名词/代词 + 副词
With 复合结构六 With + n./pron. + to v.
With +名词/代词 +动词不定式
Step 2 .学以致用 说出下列句子中with的结构特征.
1. You musn’t talk with a person with your finger pointing at her.
2.He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.
3.He entered the room, with his nose red with cold.
4.A man broke in , with a knife in his hand.
5.He felt asleep, with the radio on.
6.With the new term to begin soon, we’ll be very busy again.
Step 3.深层理解 把下列句子改成同义句
1. With a lot of homework to do, I can’t go to bed early. 2. The woman with a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy.
3. With the bike repaired , he rode on.
4.With the discussion over for a long time, we still remember everything discussed.
5. The teacher came in , with her cup in her hand.
Step 4实战演练 高考链接(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement _________ (reach).(NMET) 2. _______ (介词) production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.(NMET)
3.The murderer was brought in, with his his hands _______(tie) behind his back.(NMET)
4. He lied on the chair , with a newspaper ________ (cover) his face. (NMET) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body ________ ( cover ) by a bag. (NMET)
6.With nothing _______ (eat), the three children had to go hungry. 7. With the fire ______, we saw nothing around us.
1. He was taken to hospital, ____________________ ( 腿在流血bleed).
2. The fellow stood there, _____________________ (双手交叉cross在背后)
3. Don’t talk _________________(嘴里满满的)
4. I told her the bad news, ______________ (心跳动beat地厉害).
5. ______________ (嘴里含着一根勺子fork), the little girl cried.
6._________________(电视机还开着), the old man fell asleep.
Step5. 能力拓展 写作练习
The little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩
根据图片提示及部分翻译补充适当语句写 “The little match girl” 卖火柴的小女孩的故事梗概.
2.适当使用with 的复合结构.
Step6. summary (2m)
Step6. homework
Step 2 .学以致用 说出下列句子中with的结构特征.
1. You musn’t talk with a person with your finger pointing at her. 2
2.He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head. 3
3.He entered the room, with his nose red with cold. 4
4.A man broke in , with a knife in his hand. 1
5.He felt asleep, with the radio on. 5
6.With the new term to begin soon, we’ll be very busy again. 6
Step 3.深层理解 把下列句子改成同义句
1. With a lot of homework to do, I can’t go to bed early.
---Because I have a lot of homework to do , I can’t go to bed early
---The reason why I can’t go to bed early is that I have a lot of homework to do.
2. The woman with a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy.
---The woman who wears a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy.
---The woman wearing a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy.
3. With the bike repaired , he rode on.
---After he had his bike repaired, he rode on.
4.With the discussion over for a long time, we still remember everything discussed.
---Though the discussion has been over for a long time, we still remember everything discussed.
---The discussion has been over for a long time, but we still remember everything discussed.
5. The teacher came in , with her cup in her hand.
---The teacher came in ,carrying a cup in her hand.
Step 4实战演练 高考链接(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement _________ (reach).(2007NMET) 2. _______ (介词) production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.(NMET2000)
3.The murderer was brought in, with his his hands _______(tie) behind his back.(NMET2005)
4. He lied on the chair , with a newspaper ________ (cover) his face. (NMET2003) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body ________ ( cover ) by a bag. (NMET1998)
6.With nothing _______ (eat), the three children had to go hungry. 7. With the fire ______, we saw nothing around us.
答案:1.reached 2. With 3. tied 4. covering
5. covered 6. to eat 7. out
4. He was taken to hospital, ____________________ ( 腿在流血bleed).
5. The fellow stood there, _____________________ (双手交叉cross在背后)
6. Don’t talk _________________(嘴里满满的)
4. I told her the bad news, ______________ (心跳动beat地厉害).
5. ______________ (嘴里含着一根勺子fork), the little girl cried.
6._________________(电视机还开着), the old man fell asleep.
答案:1. with his leg bleeding
2. with his hands crossed behind her back
3. with your mouth full
4. with her heart beating fast
5. With a fork in her mouth
6. With the TV on
Step5. 能力拓展 写作练习
The little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩
根据图片提示及部分翻译补充适当语句写 “The little match girl” 卖火柴的小女孩的故事梗概.
2.适当使用with 的复合结构.
On Christmas Eve,it was snowing fast.A poor little girl with head and feet bare, was still wandering alone the streets.The snow-flakes fell on her long, fair hair and she sat down, drawing her little feet close under her .Motionless, she sat there with the matches in her lap(腿). She lightened /struck a match, so the flames shot up and then she saw a most beautiful Christmas tree .Hundreds of candles lighted up the green branches,then gentle and loving grandmother appeared.she flew with the little girl in her arms, till they were in that place where neither cold, nor hunger, nor pain.
Composed by Chinephone Lew
1.__________no bus, we had to walk home.
A.There being B.Being C.Having been D.There was
2._______no bus, we had to walk home.
A.As there being B.As there was C.Being D.There was
3._______Sunday, the library doesn't open.
A.Being B.There being C.It being D.Having been
4.______Sunday, the library doesn't open.
A.As it being B.Being C.It is D.As it is
1._________, the train started.
A.The signal given B.Giving the signal B.The signal being given D.The signal giving
2.__________, the train started.
A.After having given the signal B.After the signal given C.Giving the signal D.After the signal was given
3._________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A.Explaining new words B.New words explained C.Being explained new words D.Having explained new words
4.______________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A. When new words were explained B.Explaining new words B.New words explaining D.Being explained new words
1.___________, the patient can leave the hospital.
A.Better conditions B.Conditions better C.Conditions are better D.Being better conditions
2._________, the patient can leave the hospital.
A.If better conditions B.If conditions better C.If conditions are better D.Being better conditions
3.________, we’d like to go outing.
A.Being Sunday B.Sunday OK C.Sunday is OK D.If Sunday OK
4.___________, we’d like to go outing.
A.If Sunday is OK B.Sunday being OK C.Sunday OK D.A,B and C
5._________, you can wait a while.
A.The play being still on B.The play still on C Being still on the play D.A and B
6._________, so you can wait a while
A.The play is still on B.The play being still on C.As the play is still on D.The play still on
1.The boy followed the nobleman here, ___________.
A.a sword in hand B.a sword in his hand B.Being a sword in hand D.sword in hand
2.The boy followed the nobleman here ___________.
A.with a sword in his hand B.with a sword in hand C.with a sword being in hand D.a sword being in hand
3.He left the office, __________.
A.tears being in eyes B.tears in eyes C.being tears in eyes D.with tears being in eyes
4.He left the office __________.
A.with tears being in eyes B.with tears in her eyes C.being tears in eyes D.tears being in eyes
1.________ no bus, we had to walk home.
A.There being B.As there was C.There was D.A and B
2._________Sunday, the library doesn't open.
A.It being B.As it is C.Being D.A and B
3.____________, I had to ask for two days’ leave.
A.Mother being ill B.Bother ill C.As mother was ill D. A,B and C
4.____________, we have to work late into the night.
A.The exam near B.The exam being near C.As the exam is near D. A,B and C
独立主格结构作时间状语时相当于一个由when, as soon as, after等引导的时间状语从句。如:
1.__________, the train started.
A.The signal given B.After the signal was given C.Given the signal D.A and B
2.__________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A. New words explained B.When new words were explained C.When teacher explained new words D.all above
1.___________, we'll go to visit the Great Wall.
A.Weather permitting B.If weather permits C.If permitting D.A and B
2._________, the patient will recover himself soon.
A.If the treatment is in time B.The treatment in time C.The treatment being in time D.A,B and C
1.We have lessons every day, ___________.
A.Sunday included B.Sunday including C.Sunday is including D.all the above
2.The boy fell asleep,___________.
A.cap on head B.with a cap on head C.a cap on was on head D. all the above
3.Father came home,_________
A.a dog following him B.a dog followed him C.being followed by a dog D.all the above
with + 复合宾语结构常见类型及其用法
Composed by Chinephone Lew
“with + 复合宾语”结构是指“with +宾语(名词或代词)+ 非谓语动词(分词、不定式)、介词短语、形容词或副词等”所构成的一种介词短语。该结构内部若是动词,则其非谓语形式的选用要注意三点:若内部动词表示将来(无论主动还是被动),则用不定式;若内部动词表示被动且属过去,则用过去分词;若内部动词表示持续主动动作,则用现在分词。该结构在句子中可以作以下几种成分:
1.With the man ______ us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village.
A.To guide B.Guiding C.Guided D.To have guide
2.With a lot of work_____, she doesn’t have time to rest. A.to do B.to be done C.doing D.done
3.With the machine _____all the time, we finished harvesting crops in time.
A.to work B.worked C.working D.Being working
1.The street looks more beautiful with all the lights _____.A.are on B.on C.to be on D.been on
2.With our problem ________, we all felt happy.
A.to settle B.to be settled C.settled D.being settled
3.With his work______, the secretary began to walk home. A.to do B.doing C.done D.to be done
1.She left the offices with tears ________.
A.in her eyes B.in eyes B.being in eyes D.to be in eyes
2.The man found the door with both his eyes ______.
A.to be closed B.being closed C.closed D.closing
3.We felt uncomfortable with two waitresses_______.
A. standing by B.to be standing by C.stood by D.being standing by
4.The murderer was brought in, with his hands________.
A.to be tied behind B. tied behind C.tying behind D.being tied behind
5.You can’t see well ________.
A. with the glasses on B.being on the glasses C.with the glasses to be on D.with the glasses
1.Do you know the man ______ a book in his hand? A.with B.having C.being D.A and B
2.Please offer your seat to the woman _____ a baby in her arms.A.carrying B.having C.with D.all the above
分词、独立主格和“with + 复合宾语”作状语的区别
分词结构、独立主格结构、with + 复合宾语结构在句中均可作状语,其区别是这样的:
1._______late, we had to walk home. A.Being B.As we were C.We being D.A and B
2.______ busy, they had no time to play. A.As they were B.Being C.Because they were D.all the above
1._______ the students' homework, the teacher found a lot of mistakes.
A.When he was correcting C.When he corrected C.Correcting D.all the above
2.________by your teachers, you are supposed to be modest.
A.When you are praised B.Praised C.When praised D.all the above
1.______ more time, he is sure to finish his test paper. A.If he is given B.If given C.Given D.all the above
2._______ another chance, I'll do my job better.A.If I have B.If having C.Having D.all the above
1.Father came back, _______ a bag of money on his left shoulder.
A.carrying B.he was carrying C.and he was carrying D.all the above
2.Father came back, _______ by a monkey.
A.and he was followed B.followed C.and was followed D.all the above
二、独立主格结构和with + 复合宾语结构在句子中作状语时,这种结构内部的分词或介词短语的逻辑主语不是整句的主语,即主句主语与分词的逻辑主语不一致。如:
1.______, we’ll go fishing in the country.
A.Permitting weather B.Weather permitted C.Weather permitting D.Permitting
2._________, he finished playing the game of chess.
A.His eyes closing B.With his eyes closed C.Closing his eyes D.Closed his eyes
3._________, I couldn’t get the book I wanted.
A.Closed B.Library closed C.Closing library D.With library closing
三、使用分词短语、独立主格结构、with + 复合宾语结构分别在句子中作状语时要注意:它们与主句之间不应有从属连词(如when, if, as soon as, as, while等)或并列连词(如and, but, or, so等)。例如:
1.____________ the teacher told the class to go through the text
A.Checking the answers B.Checking the answers and C.When checking the answers and D.all the above
2._________a rainy day, so all the farmers had to stay inside.
A.It being B.Being C.It was D.all the above
3.As_______a little sick, he remained at the clinic.
A.feeling B.he felt C.he felling D.all the above
四、在使用独立主格结构、with +复合宾语结构、分词结构作句子的状语时,一定要看句子主语同这些结构的逻辑关系。
1.______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A.Lost B.As he was lost C.He lost D.A and B
2._______for the bus at the stop, he suddenly caught sight of a thief.
A.Waiting B.When he was waiting C.As he was waiting D.all the above
2、若句子主语与状语内动词之间不存在逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系且状语内有自已的逻辑主语。则该状语不能用分词结构,只能用独立主格结构、with +复合宾语结构或从句。如:
1.The soldier fell asleep ___________.
A.with the candle burning B.burning the candle C.when he was burning the candle D.when burning the candle
2.__________, the Tiananmen Square looks more beautiful.
A.Being on B.When being on C.With all the lights on D.When it turns on all the lights
3.________ the notice, he had an idea.
A.When he was watching B.Watching C.When watching D.all the above
4.________ the notice, an idea came to his mind.
A.When he was watching B.Watching C.When watching D.all the above
篇5:是doing还是to do----讲练 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)
是doing还是to do----讲练20例
1.1)John came and ______me with my English yesterday.
2)John came ______me with my English yesterday.
A. help B. helped C. to help D. helping
3)John came ______ all way home.
A. run B. ran C. to run D. running
答案:1)B 2)C 3)D。 句1) helped 与came 构成并列谓语;句2) to help作目的状语;句3) running 作方式状语。
2.1)She looked forward to seeing her parents.
2)She looked forward to see what was happening.
析:句1) look forward to意为“期望做某事”中的to是介词只能用v-ing作宾语,类似的有stick to, object to, refer to, belong to, devote to, be/get used to, get down to ,pay attention to, look up to, see to, be familiar to, admit to; 句2) look forward 意为“向前看”;to see 作目的状语。练习:
(1)Every minute is made full use of ______ our lessons.
A. studying B. studied C. to study D .being studied
(2)The way they talked ______ the problem seemed impossible.
A. about settling B. to settle C. of settling D. about to settle
(3)The day we looked forward to ____ at last.
A. come B. coming C. comes D. came
3.1)He did what he could to calm her.
2)He spent as much time as she could going over her lessons.
析: 句1)中could后省略了do, to calm做目的状语。句2)中she could作定语,could 后仍省了do,整句是spend……(in)doing……结构。练习:
(4)They did all they could_____ the old man from the fire.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. to saving
(5)She spent all the time she had_____ scientific researches .
A. made B. to make C. being made D. making
4.1)Sorry, I forget to return the book, I’ll go back to take it.
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2)I forget returning her money, so I gave her the money again.
析:forget, remember, regret等动词后跟动名词的一般式、完成式或动词不定式的完成式表示已完成的动作,意为“忘记/记起/后悔(已做过的事)。其后跟动词不定式的一般式,则表示未完成的动作,意为”忘记/记住/遗憾(要做的事情)。练习:
(6)She didn’t remember ______ him before (88NMEET)
A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met
(7)----The light in office is still on. ----Oh, I forgot ____.(91NMET)
A. turning it off B. turn if off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
(8)----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.(95NMEt)
----Well, now I regret ________ that.
A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done
5.1)Sorry, we don’t allow taking the magazines out of the library.
2)Sorry, we don’t allow anyone to take the magazines out of the library.
析:advise, allow, permit, forbid, encourage等后只跟v-ing 作宾语,作补足语时要用to do。 练习:
(9)Mother advise _____ before deciding to accept the job.
A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. will wait
(10)Will you permit me______ to the cinema ?
A. going B. to go C. go D. to going
(11)We are forbidden ______ in the room.
A. smoking B. to smoke C. being smoked D. to be smoked
6.I like swimming , but I don’t like to swim today.
析:like后跟to do表示具体某一次的动作,跟v-ing表示习惯、经常性的动作。但在feel like后须跟v-ing , 在would / should like后须跟to do. 练习:
(12)----Do you like ____ there or shall we take a bus ?
----I’d like ______, But Since there isn’t much time left. I’d rather you ____a taxi.
A. walking , walking , take B. walking , to walk , took
C. to walk ,walking ,took D. to walk , walking , took
7.He was heard _____ in the next room at 6 this morning.
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A. to sing B. singing C. sing D. to be singing.
析:答案:B。感观动词hear , watch , feel , notice等均可用to do或v-ing作补足语,前者表示做某一动作的全过程,后者表示某一动作正在进行。练习:
(13)The missing boys were last seen _____ near the river (94NMET)
A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play
(14)Though I have often heard this song _____ I have never heard you ___it.
A. being sung , sang B. sang ,singing C. sung , sing D. to be sung , to sing
8.1)I stopped to have a look at the old man and found he has stopped breathing.
2)We should stop our air from being polluted.
3)We must stop the pollution to live longer.
析:stop to do sth “停下来做另一件事情” ,stop doing sth “停止做某事”.
stop / prevent / keep……(from) doing sth意为“防止……做某事”如句 2)。
句3)中的to live作目的状语。练习:
(15)The teacher told the students to stop _____ to him.
A. to write and listen B. writing and listening
C. to write and listening D. writing and to listen.
(16)She reached the top of the hill and stopped___ on a big rock by the side of the
A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest.
9.The policeman consider the young man to have robbed the bank. So they are
considering arresting him.
析:consider后的宾语要求用v-ing,不用to do。但consider , think , believe,
suppose , understand , imagine , feel等表示主观意念、心理状态的动词常用to
(17)We are considering _____ a new plan.
A. making B. to make C. to be making D. to be made
(18)Charles Babbage is generally consider____ the first computer.(93NMET)
A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented.
(19)What do you imagine _____ in the past ten days.
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A. has happened B. happened C. happening D. to happen
10.1)I can’t help ___ the work for her because she is too busy.
2)I can’t help ___ the work for her because I am too busy.
答案:1) C 2)A。can’t help doing sth“忍不住(情不自禁)做某事”,can’t
help to do sth“不能帮助做某事”。练习:
(20)Don’t take the medicine; it can’t help ____ rid of your cold.
A. to get B. getting C. gets D. to getting
11.I want _____ you that your hair wants______
A. tell , being cut B. to tell , cutting C. telling , cutting D. telling , to be cut
答案:B。want , need , require可跟to do作宾语(主动表示主动、被动表
示被动),也可跟v-ing 作宾语(主动表示被动)。
12.1)He had the boy _____ the box for him.
2)He had the boy _____ earth all the morning.
A. carry B. to carry C. carrying D. carried
答案:1)A 2)C。 have, make , let可跟不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,
意为“使……做某事”,也可跟v-ing作补足语, 意为“使……一直做某事”
(21)Whom would you rather _____ with you to the theatre.
A. have to go B. have go C. to have go D. to have to go
13.1)He made up his mind ______ a teacher.
2)Do you mind ______ a teacher.
A. to be B. be C. being D. was
答案:1)A 2)C 。made up one’s mind to do sth “决心做某事”,mind doing
14.1)He is used to _____ early.
A. getting up B. get up C. got up D. geting up
2)Skin of snakes ___ some kinds of musicial instrument.
A. is used to make B. are used to make
C. is used to making D. are used to be made
答案:1)A 2)A 。be used to doing sth “习惯于做某事”,be used to do“被
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15.1)I like music, but my sister enjoys ____ the piano.
2)I like music, but what my sister enjoys____ the piano.
A. playing B. to play C. is to play D. play
答案:1)A 2)C。enjoy后须跟v-ing作宾语如句1)。句2)what my sister enjoys
16.1)He started /begin _______ English in 1980.
A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. to be learned
2)When I was still a child I began ______-.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
答案:1)B C 2)C。begin / start 均可跟to do和v-ing作宾语,意思区别不大
这三种情况下 跟to do较好:①主语是物不是人时②begin /start用于进
(22)The ice began / started ______.
A. melting B. melt C. to melt D. melted
(23)He started _____ who had done it.
A. to wonder B. wondering C. wonder D. wondered
17.1)She had nothing to do but____ in bed.
A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried
2)He wanted nothing but _____ here.
A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed.
3)He thought of nothing but ______ his homework as soon as possible.
A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes
答案:1)A 2)C 3)B。but(除…..外)前面的句子有do, but后的不定式无to,
前面的句子无do,but后的不定式带to 如句1),句2)。若but前的动词只跟
v-ing ,but后也须跟v-ing如句3)。另can but(只能),can not but(只好做),
can not help but(不得不)后只跟动词原形。but还可用作关系词,相当于
who(that)……not。 练习:
(24)There was no choice but_____
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A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. slept
(25)There is no one but_____ it.
A. know B. to know C. knows D. knowing
(26)He is all but(=almost) _______.
A. drown B. drowns C. drowning D. drowned
18. 1)She telephoned rather than ______
2)She preferred telephoning rather than _______.
3)He decided to telephone rather than_____
A. writing B. to write C. write D. wrote.
答案:1)D 2)A 3)ABC。Rather than(=and not)并列连词,连接两个相同的
词项,即前后须是同类的句法单位,但其前是to do 时,其后可跟动词
原形、带to的不定式或v-ing. 练习:
(27)Rather than _____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ___ a bicycle .(94NMET)
A. ride , ride B. riding , ride C. ride, to ride D. to ride , riding
19.1)I’m busy ______ him with his English.
2)I’m too busy ____ him with his English.
A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help
答案:1)B 2)D。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”. 句2)是too…..to结构。
20.1)I got to his house , to find the door was locked and nobody was in.
2)I got to his house ,finding the family were at home.
析:to do和v-ing均可作结果状语,前者表示发生了某种意想不到的结果
(28)He worked hard , (only) _____ in the end.
A. failing B. succeed C. to fail D. to succeed
(29)He fired , one of the robbers.
A. to kill B. killing C. kill D. missing
练习答案:(1)C (2)D (3)D (4)B (5)D (6)A (7)C (8)C (9)A (10)B (11)B (12)B (13)A (14)C (15)D (16)C (17)A (18)C (19)A (20)A (21)B (22)C (23)A (24)B (25) C (26)D (27)C (28)C (29)B 字数:2,475 中文:950 英文:1,525 行数:181
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篇6:定语从句讲与练 (译林牛津版高二英语下册教学论文)
a beautiful girl ( ) three boys ( ) a shoe factory ( )
Jim’s father ( ) our teacher ( )
the man in the car ( ) the man standing at the door ( )
the man who is talking with Sam ( )
The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.
2. 定语从句的主要特征:
1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。
The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。
分析:先行词the boys 在从句中作主语。
Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. 想去博物馆的人必须在明晨7点到大门口集合。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 那就是教我们物理的老师。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
You needn’t talk to the people who you don’t like talking to.
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。
Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. 刘先生就是你们在公共汽车 上谈论的那个人。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 李明正是我想要见的男孩。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。
The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend.
3. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。
I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country. 我拜访了一个全国知名的科学家。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 译成汉语:_________________________________
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
I lost the book whose cover was blue. 我把那本封面是蓝色的书弄丢了。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
We live in a house whose windows face the south. 译成汉语:_________________________
The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.
=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.
Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?
=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow?
自己总结一下:在定语从句中,whose + 名词= ___________________________
4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。
Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很远。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. 译成汉语:____________________
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The house which is by the lake looks nice. 湖边的那幢房子看上去很漂亮。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 译成汉语:___________________________
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。
The number of people that / who come to visit this city each year reaches one million. 每年来参观这座城市的人数达一百万。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
Where is the man that / whom I saw this morning? 我今天早上看到的那个人在哪儿?
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The person that / / you introduced to me is very kind. 你介绍给我的那个人很友好。
The season that / comes after spring is summer. 春天以后的季节是夏季。
Yesterday I received a letter that /_______ came from Australia. 昨天我收到了一封来自澳大利亚的信。
(二) 关系副词引导的定语从句
1. when 指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。常可以用in/on/at which代替。
I still remember the day when I first came to this school. 我仍然记得我第一次来到这所学 校的那一天。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The time when we got together finally arrived. 我们团聚的时刻终于到了。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
October 1, 1949 was the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded. 1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
Do you remember the years when he lived in the countryside with his grandparents. 你还记得在农村和你祖父母一起生活的那些年吗?
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
2. where 指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。常可用in/on/at which代替。
Shanghai is the city where I was born. 上海是我出生的城市。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 我十年前住的房子已经被拆掉了。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
I visited the farm where a lot of cows were raised . 我参观了那个饲养了许多奶牛的农场。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
Is this the place where they fought the enemy? 这是他们当初打敌人的地方吗?
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
注意:当先行词是situation, occasion, point时,且又在从句中作状语时,常用where来引导定语从句。
Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you felt very embarrassed(尴尬).
He has reached a point where nobody can compare with him.
3. why 指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。常可用for which来代替。
Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 请告诉我你误机的原因。
分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。
The reason why he was punished is unknown to us. 他受惩罚的原因我们都不知道。
I don’t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 译成汉语:____________________
From the years when (=______________) he was going to primary school in the country he had known what he wanted to be when he grew up. 自从他在农村读小学时,他就已经知道长大后要做什么。
I will never forget the moment when (=______________) the blind students moved us.
Great changes are taking place in the city where (=______________) they live. 他们生活的城市正发生巨大的变化。
The reason why (=______________) he refused the invitation is quite clear. 他为什么拒绝接受邀请的原因是十分明了的。
The teacher told me that Tom was the only person that I could depend on. 老师告诉我说汤姆是我唯一的可以依靠的人。
China is a country which has a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。
In the street I saw a man who was from Africa. 在街上我看到一个来自非洲的人。
非限制性定语从句举例 :
His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him. 他妈妈十分地爱他,对他要求很严格。
China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 中国是1949年成立的, 现在正变得越来越强大。
Last summer I visited the People’s Great Hall, in which many important meetings are held every year. 去年夏天,我参观了人民大会堂,在那儿每年都要举行许多重要会议。
Xiao Li came to see me off, which was very kind of her.
He didn’t pass the exam, which surprised us.
最 不 序 正是 疑 表 人物
1. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如:
This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。
2. 当先行词是不定代词everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时。如:
Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said? 李老师讲的你都记下来了吗?
There seems to be nothing that is impossible to him in the world. 对他来说似乎世界上没有什么不可能的事。
All that can be done has been done. 所有能做的都做好了。
There is little that I can do for you. 我不能为你干什么。
He stayed in the library and looked up any information that they needed. 他呆在图书馆查找所需的资料。
3. 当先行词被序数词修饰时。如:
The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。
4. 当先行词被表示“正是”的the very, the only修饰时。如:
This is the very dictionary that I want to buy. 这正是我要买的词典。
After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owns. 家里发生了火灾过后,那辆旧车成了他的唯一拥有。
5. 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时。如:
Who is the man that is standing by the gate? 站在门口的那个人是谁?
Which is the T-shirt that fits me most? 哪件T恤衫最合我的身?
6. 当关系代词在从句中作表语时:
Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.
China is no longer the country that it used to be.
7. 当先行词为人与动物或人与物时。如:
They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school 他们谈论着他们所能记起的在校时的人和事。
Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来的人和他的 毛驴。
思考:什么时候只能which 而不能用that呢?1.在___________中;2.在____________之后。
The factory we visited yesterday was really old. (请将省略的关系代词补充在正确的位置)
The man you just talked to was my English teacher. (请将省略的关系代词补充在正确的位置)
The school (which / that) he once studied in is very famous.
=The school in which he once studied is very famous. 他曾经就读过的学校很出名。
This is the boy (whom / who / that) I played tennis with yesterday.
=This is the boy________________I played tennis yesterday. 这是我昨天跟他打台球的男孩。
We’ll go to hear the famous singer (whom / who / that) we have often talked about.
=We’ll go to hear the famous singer ________________we have often talked.我们将去听那位我们经常谈论的著名歌唱家演唱。
The manager whose company I work in pays much attention to improving our working conditions.
=The manager ________________ I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions.我工作的那家公司的经理十分注意改善我们的工作条件。
注意:1. 含有介词的固定短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of, give up等。
This is the watch (which / that) I am looking for. (正) 这是我正在找的手表。
This is the watch for which I am looking . (误)
The babies (whom / who / that) the nurse is looking after are very healthy. (正) 那个保姆照看的小宝宝们都很健康。
The babies after whom the nurse is looking are very healthy. (误)
2.若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom,不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that。关系代词是所有格时用whose。
The man with whom you talked just now is my neighbour. (正) 你刚才跟他谈话的那个人是我的邻居。
The man with that / who you talked just now is my neighbour. (误)
The plane in which we flew to Canada was really comfortable. (正)我们去加拿大所乘坐的飞机实在很舒服。
The plane in that we flew to Canada was really comfortable. (误)
3.“介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。如:
He loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. 他深深地爱着他的父母,他们俩待他都很好。
In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. 篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。
There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 我们班总共有40个学生,大多数来自大城市。
Up to now, he has written ten stories, three of which are about country life. 迄今为止,他写了10部小说,其中3部是关于农村生活的。
(四)当先行词被one of修饰时,若one of前有the only,则从句的谓语动词用单数,没有only的话则用复数。
He is one of the students who ________ never late. 译成汉语:________________________
He is the only one of the students who ________ never late. 译成汉语:_________________
I will never forget the days ________ we climbed the mountain together.
I will never forget the days ________ we spent together.
We visited the house _______ Lu Xun used to live.
We visited the house _______ Lu Xun used to live in.
This is the reason _______ he was unhappy.
This is the reason _______ he explained to me.
(六)当先行词被such, the same 修饰时,关系词常用as。 如:
I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过象他讲的这样的故事。
He is not such a fool as he looks. 他可不象他看上去的那样傻。
This is the same dictionary as I lost last week. 这部词典跟我上星期丢失的一样。
注意:当先行词受the same 修饰时,偶尔也用 that引导定语从句,但与as引导的定语从句意思有区别。如:
She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary’s wedding. 她穿着她在玛丽婚礼上穿过的同一条连衣裙。
She wore the same dress as her younger sister wore. 她穿着跟她妹妹所穿的一样的连衣裙。
(七)以the way为先行词的限制性定语从句通常由in which或that引导,而且通常可以省略。如:
The way ________he answered the questions was surprising. 他回答这些问题的方式令人惊奇。
I don’t like the way______________ you laugh at her. 我不喜欢你冲她的样子。
Test yourself:
1. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, , of course, made the others unhappy.
A. which B. who C. this D. what
2. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town he grew up as a child.
A. which B. when C. that D. where
3. The gentleman you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.
A. who B. about whom C. whom D. with whom
4. Please take any seat is free.
A. which B. where C. in which D. that
5. The old man has two sons, is a soldier.
A. one of whom B. both of them C. all of whom D. none of them
6. This is the ship we crossed the Pacific(太平洋).
A. by which B. by that C. where D. in which
7. New York is famous for its sky-scrapers(摩天大楼), has more than 100 storeys.
A. the higher of them B. the highest of which
C. the highest of them D. some of which
8. My home village is no longer the same it used to be.
A. which B. as C. where D. when
9. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., many people have gone home.
A. whose time B. that C. at which D. by which time
10. The boy composition won the first prize is the youngest in the group.
A. who B. whose C. that D. which
11. The weather turned out to be very good, was more than we could expect.
A. what B. which C. that D. it
12. Mr. Wang is a boss, factory Li Ping worked.
A. in whose B. whose C. in whom D. of which
13. I don't like the way you speak to her.
A. / B. that C. in which D. All A, B, and C
14. I shall never forget the years I lived in the country with the farmers, has a good effect on my life.
A. that, which B. when, which C. which, that D. when, who
15. is known to all, China will be an advanced and powerful country in 20 or 30year’stime.
A. What B. That C. As D. It
16. Is this book you want to borrow from the library?
A. that B. which C. the one D. /
17. Such a book you showed me is difficult to understand.
A. that B. which C. as D. like
18. The speaker spoke of some writers and some books were popular then.
A. / B. that C. which D. who
19. This is the store we visited the famous shop assistants.
A. where B. there C. that D. which
20. I’m going to spend my holiday in Beijing, live my old parents.
A. which B. that C. where D. there
1---5 ADBDA 6---10 DBBDB 11---15 BADBC 16---20 CCBAC
篇7:新高二英语Unit 8 First Aid 讲析练(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)
What is first aid?
1.Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident.
(1) down 在此处意为“along”,“沿着”的意思。
(2) when 是并列连词,连接两个并列的分句,意为“这时”,“就在这个时候”,表示没有料到的事情的发生。例如:
I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.我正在马路上走着,这时忽然有人从后面拍拍我的肩膀。
We were about to start when it began to rain.我们正要动身,就在这时下起雨来了。
2.Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.
(1) reach 在此处意为“伸手取物”。又如:
The man reached for the gun but it was too far away.
(2) 句中的 while standing on a ladder 是 while you are standing on a ladder 的省略。
在有些表示时间、地点、条件等的状语从句中,如果谓语包含动词 be,而主语又和主句的主语一致,那么,从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是动词 be)常可省略。又如:
Look out for cars when crossing the street.
= Look out for cars when you are crossing the street.
1.I think she must be injured.我想她一定受伤了。
(1) must 在此处表示推测。may,can,must 都表示推测,can 用于疑问句和否定句中;may,must 用于肯定句。
-Can it be Tom?
-It can't be Tom because he has gone to Shanghai.
(2) injure 的用法在词语辨析中有讲解。
2.Leave her where she is.让她留在原地。
leave 在本句中是“让某人/某物处于某种状态”的意思,为及物动词。
leave 作此义解时,通常跟形容词、分词、名词、副词、介词短语的复合宾语结构,有时也跟从句。例如:
(1) You'd better leave the door open.(1eave + n + adj.)
(2) I left them waiting outside. (leave + n + doing)
(3) Don’t leave such an important thing undone. (leave + n + done)
(4) When he was twelve,his parents died,leaving him an orphan.
他十二岁时,他的父母去世,使他成了孤儿。(leave + n + n.)
(5) Don’t touch my writing table;leave it as it is. (leave + n + 从句)
(6) Leave the knife in. (leave + n + adv.)
(7) Leave him/her in the car.(leave + n + 介词短语)
3.She's beginning to move a little.
英语中 begin 和 start 作“开始”讲时,后面可接不定式,也可接动名词。两种结构表达的意思是相同的。但在下列三种情况下,用不定式较好:
(1) 当主语是物而不是人时。例如:
The ice began/started to melt.冰开始融化。
(2) 当 begin 或 start 用于进行时态时,如本句 She's beginning to move a little。再如:
The water is beginning/starting to boil.
(3) 当 begin 或 start 后面的非谓语动词指心理状态或精神活动时。例如:
I began to understand (realize) my past mistakes.
She started to wonder who had done it.
4.Take it easy.别着急。
Take it easy 有时也用 Take things easy. 是一种安慰人的用语,意思为“别紧张”;“别着急”;“多休息”或 “慢慢来”。
5.Right now you need to stay still until help comes. 现在你要静静地一直等帮助到来。
(1) right now 意为“现在”,“此刻”,是 now 的强调形式。
(2) need 在这里是实义动词,后面跟不定式作宾语; need 还可作情态动词跟动词原形连用。在反意疑问句中要根据 need 为情态动词还是实义动词来决定反意部分内容,如果为情态动词反意部分用 need,如果为实义动词则用 do (does)等。试比较:
Did you really need to spend all that money on one pair of shoes?
You needn't do that. I can do it for you.
You needn't come tomorrow, need you?
注意:need 用作实义动词时,如果其主语是要接的非谓语动词的承受者,可跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式(与 want,require 的用法相同)。例如:
Your hair needed ;I’m glad you had it cut.
The old man needs
(3) stay still 中的 stay 是连系动词(remain, continue to be),意为“停留”,“维持”; still 为形容词(not moving),意为“静止的”,“不动的”。例如:
Please stay still while I take a photo of you. 我给你照相时请别动。
6.First aid, if it is quickly and correctly given, can save a person's life.
save one's life 是一个短语动词,意为“挽救某人的生命”,life 在此处为可数名词,意为“生命”。例如:
The doctor has saved more than twenty people's lives since he came to this village.
7.If this is not done within five minutes, the person will die.
within five minutes 意为“五分钟之内”,“不到五分钟”。within 是介词,意为“不超出多长时间”,“在多长时间之内”(after not more than the specified period of time)。又如:
She returned within an hour. 她不到一小时就回来了。
If you don't hear anything within seven days,phone again.
介词 in 指“最多过多长时间”(after a maximum length of time)。例如:
She will return in a few days. 她过几天就回来了。
It will be ready in a week. 再过一星期它就准备好了。
8.Lay the person on his/her back,close his/her nose with your fingers and breathe into his/her mouth.将这个人仰面平放,并用手指捏住他的鼻子,再向他口里吹气。
lay sb on his/her back/face/side“使某人仰卧/俯卧/侧卧”。试比较
He is lying on his back/face/side.他仰卧/俯卧/侧卧着。
这两个句型的主要区别在动词,lay 是及物动词,后面跟宾语,意为“放、搁”;而 lie 是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语,意为“躺,位于”。其次这两个动词均为不规则动词:
lay-laid-laid-laying; lie-lay-lain-lying
lie 如果为规则动词则意为“说谎”: lie-lied-lied-lying。例如:
He lay on the grass,enjoying the sunshine. 他躺在草地上晒太阳。
Lay the books on the table, please. 请把书放在桌上。
Don't believe him.He is lying. 不要相信他的话,他在撒谎。
I found her lying on the floor asleep. 我发现她躺在地板上睡着了。
9.Repeat this as often as is necessary. 根据需要,尽量多次重复这个动作。
as...as 作“像……一样地”解,引导表示比较的状语从句。第一个 as是副词,后常跟形容词、副词或形容词加名词结构;第二个 as 是连词,常跟句子,但为了避免重复,相同成分常被省略掉。但注意,比较对象不能省略。例如:
Jimmy is as tall as his father (is tall).
He can write as fast as I (can).
He can help you as much as (it is) necessary.
Please come as soon as (is) possible.
在状语从句中,如果从句的主语是it, 谓语是 is, it is 常可省略,有时也单独省略 it。
10.Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries:
(1)advice 是不可数名词,表示一条建议用 a piece of advice。
(2)deal with 处理,对付,应付。例如:
That man is difficult to deal with. 那个人很难对付。
How are you going to deal with the water pollution of this area?
注意:do with 的意思和 deal with 基本相同,但用法不尽相同:do with 常和 what 连用,且多由疑问句或由疑问词引导的名词性从句,意为“怎样对待”。试比较:
What will you do with so many letters? = How will you deal with so many letters?
The boys didn't know what to do with themselves when school ended?
11.Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.
out of one's reach 是个介词短语,作“够不着”,“拿不到”解,其中的reach 是名词,意为“(手所及的)范围”。同 out of one's reach 相对应的短语是 within one's reach 意为“(在手可取的)范围内”。例如:
Put those bottles out of the reach of children. ( = Put those bottles out of the children's reach.)
The child likes to have sweets within their reach.
12.Don't leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.
(1)“leave + 宾语 + 介词短语”构成了 leave 的复合宾语结构。详细讲解已在第三条讲过。
(2)in its mouth 里的 its 是 it 的形容词性物主代词,it以指人,尤指小孩。例如:
Who is this baby? Is it your brother?
13.What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?
by mistake 是一个固定词组,意为“错误地”、“无心地(做错了事)”。例如:
Sorry,I have taken your bag by mistake.很抱歉我拿错了你的书包。
14.Make the person throw up. 使这个人呕吐。
throw up 和第五单元学的 bring up 意思相同,作“呕吐”解。又如:
The baby was ill and threw up (brought up) everything he ate.
15.He'll be here in a short while.他一会儿回来。
in a short while = in a short time = very soon,意为“很快”、“一会儿”,while 在这里是名词,作“时间”解。
情态动词 must,should 和 ought to 的意思都是“必须”、“应该”,都可以表示义务或职责。
1.must 的用法
(1)must 表示义务或职责时,语气比 should 和 ought to 重得多。表示说话人强烈的主观意志,要求对方必须服从,不容争辩。例如:
You must be back by twelve o’clock.
must 表示义务或职责,只用于肯定句和疑问句,其否定形式要用 don’t have to 或 don’t need to (needn’t),意为“无须,不必”。must not 的语气相当强烈,意为“不可,不准”,表示“禁止”、“不准”。例如:
① You mustn't talk in the library.
② -Must I do it now? -No,you________.
A.needn't B.don't have to C.mustn't C.A or B
正确答案是D,不可填 mustn'to。
must 和 have to 的区别在于:must 表示说话人的主观看法,have to 表示外界客观需要,有“不得不”的意思,而且 have to 比 must 有更多的时态。
(2)must 还表示推测,意为“必是,一定”,在语气上要比 may 肯定得多。例如:He hasn’t been here for two days.He must be ill.
(3)“must have + 过去分词”用来表示对过去事情的推测。例如:
It must have rained last night for the ground is wet.
注意:must 表示推测时,其否定形式不是 mustn't,而是 can't (不可能)。例如:
He can't be in the classroom.I saw him playing football just now.
2.should 和 ought to 的用法
(1)should 和 ought to 也表示义务或职责,但语气较弱,有劝告或建议的含义,意为“应该”,但 ought to 的语气比 should 强。例如:
You should study first aid with a teacher.你应该跟老师学习急救。
You ought to drink large quantities of water.你应该大量喝水。
(2)should 和 ought to 两者都表示推断或必然性,意为“按理说,总该”。例如:
She should be in the classroom by now,I think.
If he started at two,he ought to be here by now.
(3)“should (not) have + 过去分词”与“ought (not) to have + 过去分词”两者都表示某事应该做而未曾做或不该发生的事却发生了。例如:
I should have come here early.我本来想早点来这里。
You oughtn’t to have crossed the street when the lights were red.
(4)should 和 ought to 的否定形式是 shouldn’t 和 oughtn’t to,表示“不该”,语气比 mustn’t 婉转,一般表示说话人认为按常理不应该如此。例如:
You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.如果你伤很得重,就不该起来。
You ought not to write so carelessly.你不应当写得这样潦草。
注意:should 可直接提到主语前表示疑问,但 ought to 变疑问句时,ought 提前,to 则需放在后面的动词原形前。例如:
What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?
Oughtn't we to give him a chance to try?
1.-Will you stay for lunch?
-Sorry, ________ My brother is coming to see me. (NMET’99)
A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.I won’t
点拨:情态动词否定式的辨析。mustn’t 表禁止;can’t“不能”、“不可以”,表能力、不许可或禁止;needn’t“不必”,表必要性;won’t“绝不”、“绝对不”,表决心。从上下文看“兄弟要来,所以不能”,故选 B。
2.Two years ago,my husband bought me a bicycle.If you live in a town,it is often faster than a car and you ________ worry about parking.
A.must not B.may not
C.should D.don’t have to
点拨:答案D。根据语境可知“不必担心车的停放”问题。don’t have to“不必”, 相当于 needn’t。
3.-Shall I tell John about it?
-No, you ________ I’ve told him already. (NMET'94)
A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't
点拨: 答案 A。needn't 不必,没有必要;wouldn't 不愿意;mustn't 不准;shouldn't 不应该。从“I've told him already.” 可知应先 A,“不必”。
1. A computer ________ think for itself; it ________ be told what to do.
A. may not; must B. mustn't; might
C. shouldn't; could D. can't; must
2. He's two hours late. What ________ to him?
A. can have happened B. may have happened
C. must have happened D. should have happened
3. I missed the bus, so I ________ go home on foot.
A. must B. need C. may D. had to
4. Hurry up! Our teacher ________ for us in the office now.
A. may be waiting B. can be waiting
C. must be waiting D. will be waiting
5. You ________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week.
A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. may not
6. I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She ________ it.
A. must receive B. can't receive
C. might receive D. must have received
7. He ________ you more help, even though he was very busy.
A. might have given B. might give
C. should have given D. might give
8. The plant is dead. I ________ it more water.
A. will give B. would have given
C. must give D. should have given
9. The red light is on. I ________ stop.
A. can't B. need
C. must D. don't have to
10. There was plenty of time. You ________.
A. mustn't hurry B. mustn't have hurried
C. needn't hurry D. needn't have hurried
11. -Alice, you feed the bird today, ________?
-But I fed it yesterday.
A. do you B. will you
C. didn't you D. don't you
12. -When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.
-They ________ be ready by 12: 00.
A. can B. should C. might D. need
13. Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
A. must B. may C. can D. will
14. -Could I call you by your first name?
-Yes, you ________.
A. will B. could C. may D. might
15. Michael ________ be a policeman, for he's much too short.
A. needn't B. can't C. should D. may
16. -There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.
-It ________ a comfortable journey.
A. can't be B. shouldn't be
C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been
17. Jenny ________ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.
A. must B. should C. need D. would
18. -Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
- ________.
A. I don't B. I won't C. I can't D. I haven't
19. He ________ without saying goodbye to them, for he always has good manners.
A.mustn't have left B.may not leave
C.shouldn't have left D.couldn't have left
20.-I am sorry that you were late for the meeting.
-You ________ on time this morning.
A.should be B.would be
C.ought to have been D.ought to be
1 - 5 DADCC 6 - 10 DADCD 11 - 15 BBBCB 16 - 20 DBBDC
1.hold up 的用法
If it is possible,hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.
(1) hold up 在此处作“抬起”、“举起”解:又如:
Hold your hand up if you have any questions.要是你有问题就举手。
Hold up your head! 抬起头来!(意即别垂头丧气!)
此外,hold up 还有以下几种含义:
The strike held up production for several weeks.罢工使生产停顿了几个星期。
The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.
2.draw 的用法
draw 作为动词,除了作“画”以外,还常有“吸引;不分胜负地结束;提取(金钱);吸(气);拖拉;得到结论”等含义。
(1) The football match between the Korean team and the American team was so wonderful that it drew a lot of people,though in the end they drew the match.
(2) I drew money from the bank.我从银行提出钱来。
(3) She drew a deep breath.她深深地吸了一口气。
(4) She drew the curtain.她把窗帘拉上。draw a cart.(动物)拉车。
(5) It was difficult to draw any conclusion from the discussion.那场讨论会很难有什么结果。
1.hurt,injure,wound,harm 的区别。
(1) hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。例如:
The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.
She hurt her leg when she fell.她跌倒时,一只腿受了伤。
What they said hurt his sister greatly. 他们所说的话大大地伤害了他姐姐。
注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt 可与 badly,slightly,seriously 等连用;但若指精神上的创伤,只能用 very much/rather/deeply hurt。
(2) injure 比 hurt 正式。hurt 多指伤痛,而 injure 则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。例如:
He injured an arm in a car accident.他在一场车祸中伤了一只手臂。
I hope I didn’t injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情。
Drinking can injure one’s health.喝酒对人的健康有害。
(3) wound 主要指外来暴力造成的创伤,尤指刀、箭、枪、战场上等受伤,程度较重,有时也可用于感情上所受的创伤。例如:
The soldier was badly wounded in the right leg.那士兵右腿严重受伤。
The robber wounded him with a knife.那强盗用刀刺伤了他。
(4) harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。例如:
Don’t harm your eyes by reading in dim light.
Bad books do great harm.不健康的书危害很大。(不能用 hurt )
(1) still 主要指“静止”、“不动”,可以指环境的安静,也可指姿势保持不动,强调没有动作。例如:
The little girl stood still,except that her lips moved slightly.
How still everything is! 一切是多么安静啊!
Still waters run deep.静水流深(大智若愚)。
(2) quiet 主要指“安静”,强调没有声音或动作;也指性情温和、安祥、文静或生活悠闲,环境寂静、平静。例如:
He has always lived a quiet life.他一直过着悠闲的生活。
She is a quiet girl.她是个文静的女孩。
(3) silent 指“沉默”,强调不发表意见;也指“寂静”,强调没有声音。例如:
He said he could not keep silent any longer.他说他再也不能保持沉默了。
The hall was silent.大厅内鸦雀无声。
(4) calm“平静”、“镇定”,既可表示外界的安静,又可表示内心的镇静。例如:
He remained calm in face of the danger.面对危险他镇定自若。
The sea was fairly calm,and I could see all about.大海风平浪静,我能看到周围的一切。
表示建议和禁止做某事 Oligation
① You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.
② We must carry her to the side of the road.
③ You should/shouldn't do...
④ I ought to go home.
⑤ Don’t do...
⑥ I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
A:What’s the matter,John?
B:Ouch! My knees and my hands!
A:You hurt yourself.
C:Let me have a look at your wound.
A:Oh,no.You shouldn’t touch him.
C:What should we do then?
A:Don’t worry. We mustn’t move him now.Otherwise his wound could be worse.Let him stay still.We have to get him some medicine as soon as possible.
C:If necessary,I think we should send him to see a doctor.
A:You are right.
非 if 条件句表示的虚拟条件
一般来说,在表达虚拟条件时,通常用 if 条件句,其基本句式为:if 条件句 + 主句。主、从句中的时态也是根据时间的不同而不同并相对固定。例如:
If I were you,I would buy a car.(和现在事实相反)
If my lawyer had been here last Saturday,he would have prevented me from going.(和过去事实相反)
He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he ________a goal.
A.had scored B.scored
C.would score D.would have scored
本题意思是:他犹豫了一会儿才踢出这个球,不然他就进球了。其真实含义是:他没有进球。“进球”是虚拟的,但“犹豫了一会儿”是真实的。所以本题还可理解为:如果他不犹豫的话,他就进球了。因此,这里由 otherwise 代替了一个条件句。从 hesitated 的时态可以判定本题表示的是和过去事实相反的含义,故本题答案为 D。本题中用 otherwise 表示条件,这种情况语法上称为“含蓄条件句”。
1.用介词短语表示条件。这些介词通常有:without,but for (要不是)等。例如:
Without air and water(If there were no air and water),all living things on the earth would die.
But for the car accident (If there had not been the car accident),we would have arrived there much earlier.要不是车祸,我们早就到了。
2.用连词 or,otherwise,but,once,though 等表示条件。例如:
He was taken to hospital at once yesterday,otherwise/or he would have died already.= If he had not been taken to hospital at once yesterday,he would have died already.
Einstein cared little for money,though he could have been very rich.= If Einstein had cared much for money,he could have been very rich.
Once lost,it would be very hard to find again.= If it were once lost,it would be very hard to find again.一旦失去了,就不容易再找回。
Given more time,we could have done the task much better.= If we had been given more time,we could have done the task much better. 如果再给我们点时间,我们会做得更好。
Supposing it should happen,we would have to stay at home.= If it happened/should happen/were to happen,we would have to stay at home.假使那件事发生的话,我们就不得不呆在家里了。
1.Each of the boys have got a pen and some paper.(has)
2.Gone is the days when the Chinese people suffered greatly.(are)
1.The hard you study,the better you'll study English.(harder)
2.While he was in the office,he preferred doing something to do nothing.
1.There can be no doubt whether English is.one of the world's widely used languages.(that)
2.None of them do not smoke.A packet of cigarettes will be enough.(All)
1.She is the best alive novelist in England.(living)
2.I always thought very high of him.(highly)
Lesson 31
4 Practice
1. should/must 2. have to/must 3. need not/don't have to 4. should/ought to
5. do not have to 6. must/have to 7. should not/ought not to/mustn't
8. must not/should not 9. must not 10. should/ought to
5 Practice
该练习是复习be able to,have to 的用法。参考答案如下:
1. was not able 2. will be able 3. were not able 4. will have 5. had
6. If it rains tomorrow, we won't be able to go to the park.
7. We weren't able to get the tickets for the concert, so we returned home early.
8. My brother was bitten by a dog, so we had to take him to hospital.
9. If you fall into the pool, you will have to swim to the bank.
10. If you do not feel better tomorrow, you will not have to attend that meeting.
Lesson 32
2 Writing
1. Were you able to go everywhere you wanted?
2. Did you have/need to take medicines with you?
3. Did you have to take(all the) food with you?
4. Did you have to walk all the way?
3 Writing
Dear Tom,
I have just spent 2 months learning how to do first aid. We had to learn three important things if someone had an accident. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the back of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breath, do your best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth - to - mouth way. Third, if a person is injured badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a hospital.
Soon we were able to know how to deal with common injuries. When a person is bitten by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn.
I hope you will enjoy the lesson. You will have to practise it with your teacher many times. And then you will be able to give first aid to someone who is in need of help.
Best wishes !
Checkpoint 8
这个单元是学习情态动词 must, mustn't, should, shouldn't, ought to 的用法
本单元的中心话题是校园生活,语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕校园生活这一中心话题设计的。Welcome to the unit版块介绍了英国校园生活的四个方面,引出话题,让学生对中国中学校园生活和英国中学校园生活进行比较,通过Reading和阅读练习,来提高学生略读(skimming)和搜读(scanning)两个方面的阅读能力。Word power版块强化了校园设施、活动器材等方面词汇的学习。在Grammar and usage版块中,学习定语从句的基本概念,关系代词和关系副词的功能,并重点学习关系代词that, which, who, whom 及whose的用法。接下来的Task版块主要介绍了校园的一些活动,在了解这些活动的同时,来练习听、说、读、写几个方面的技能,让学生学会如何谈论校园活动以及写一份举办某一活动的通知。在Project部分,通过学习两篇介绍关于学校俱乐部的文章,学会设计一份关于创办一个新校园俱乐部的海报。学生通过本单元后面的Self-assessment版块,来对本单元所学各个项目进行自我评价,为下一步学习制定行动计划。
本单元要求掌握的词汇和短语主要有:attend, earn, respect, achieve, grade, literature, average, challenging, lunchtime, e-mail, extra, cooking, prepare, drop, woodwork, miss, dessert, field, experience, article, penfriend, introduce, immediately, former, recently, culture, develop, photograph, donate, gift, display, kindness, guest, speech, flat, bookcase, attention, please, title, dynasty, cover, recent, professor, regret, inform, run, host, approve, broadcast, preparation, close, outing, continue, poet, generation, poem, select, require, scary, nature, for free, pay attention to, make preparations for 。语法项目主要掌握定语从句的基本概念、关系代词和关系副词的基本功能以及关系代词that, which, who, whom及whose的用法。
1. Going to a British school for one year has been a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
此句中going to a British school for one year为动名词短语,做句子的主语。如:
Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火很危险。
It’s no use arguing with him. 同他争论是没用的。
2. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.
此句中不定式短语to earn respect是 way的后置定语,修饰way。如:
There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。
I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉你。
I have a pen to write with.我有一支可写字的钢笔。
way作“方式,方法”讲时,其后常跟to do sth.或of doing sth.作定语,两种形式基本相同。 如:
I had no way to get in touch with him.我无法跟他取得联系。
Soon he got used to the American ways of doing things.不久他就习惯了美国式的做法。
此句中另一个不定式短语to work hard and achieve high grades作 that引导的宾语从句中的表语。如:
His job is to water the flowers. 他的工作就是浇花。
To see is to believe.眼见为实。
3. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.
We went out, though it was raining.虽然下着雨,我们仍然出去了。
Though they are poor, they buy a great many books.尽管他们穷,他们还是买许多书。
He was happy, though poor.他虽然穷,却很快乐。
It was hard work; I enjoyed it,though.那工作很辛苦,但是我却喜欢。
There’s no excuse, though, for hurting her feelings.伤到她的感情一事,还是不可原谅。
4. This is about the average size for British schools.
此句中的average为形容词,意为“平均的,一般的”,如:the average age emperature,平均年龄气温。另外,average还可用作名词,意为“平均数,平均水平”,常见的短语有: an average of…平均(有)…;on (the) average平均,一般说来;aboveelow (the) average在平均水平以上以下
5. Going to a British school for one year has been a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
I was very lucky to experience this different way of life.
Our journey by camel was quite an experience.我们骑骆驼旅行真是一次令人难忘的经历。 He will make a speech about his experiences in China. 他将做一个演讲,讲述他在中国的经历。
He has a lot of teaching experience.他有许多教学经验。
Have you ever experienced real hunger?你体验过真正的饥饿吗?
He experienced many difficulties during his study in Britain.在英国学习时,他经历过许多困难。
experienced为形容词形式,意为“有经验的”,常构成的短语有: an experienced doctor 一个有经验的医生;be experienced inat 对…有经验。
6. She seems to be a person who can’t pay attention to one thing for long.
此句中的pay attention to 意为“注意”,其中的to为介词。如:
He didn’t pay attention to me. =He paid no attention to me. 他没有注意到我。
Too much attention was paid to the details.太过于注意细节了。
attention常构成的短语还有:attractdrawcatch one’s attention吸引某人的注意力;
focus one’s attention on集中注意力于…; turn one’s attention to将注意力转向…。
7. We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday for the sports meeting.
此句中的regret为动词,意为“遗憾,抱歉”,常用结构有: regret to say tell you inform you that…或regret that…。如:
I regret to tell you that I can’t come today.=I regret that I can’t come today.我很遗憾今天不能来了。
当regret作“后悔”讲时,常说 regret sth.egret (not) doing sth.egret that…。如;
He regretted his carelessness.他对自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。
=He regretted having been careless.
=He regretted that he had been careless.
另外,regret还可用作名词,意为“遗憾,后悔”,常用短语有: without regret 没有后悔;feel regret感到后悔;to one’s regret(对某人而言)可惜的是…。
8. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.
During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should or shouldn’t do for preparation.
第一句中的prepare为及物动词,意为“准备”, prepare sth.意思是“准备某事,做某事”。另外,prepare还可用作不及物动词,prepare for sth.意思是“为…做准备”。
When I got home, mother was preparing supper.当我到家时,母亲正在做晚饭。
People are busy preparing for the new year.人们正在忙着为新年做好准备。
短语be prepared for 意为“为…做好准备”,意思同be ready for ,强调一种状态。如;We are well prepared for the exam now. 现在我们已为考试做好了充分的准备。
第二句中的preparation是prepare的名词形式,常见的短语有:make preparations for为…做准备(意思同prepare for,其中preparations常用复数形式); in preparation在准备中; in preparation for作为…的准备。
9. I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to group.
此句中的require用作动词,意为“要求“,常用作 require sb.to do sth.或require that sb. (should) do sth.,意思是“要求某人做某事”。如:
He required me to attend the meeting.他要求我参加会议。
=I was required to attend the meeting.
=He required that I (should) attend the meeting.
另外,require 还可做“需要”讲,意思和用法跟need相似,常用作 require sth.或
require + v-ing ,意思是“需要(被)…”。如:
This suggestion requires careful thought.这条建议需要仔细考虑。
This wall requires repairing.这面墙需要修理。
10. First of all, let me introduce myself to you.
此句中的introduce是动词,意为“介绍”,常用在introduce sb.( to sb.)结构中,意思是“(向某人)介绍某人”。如:
May I introduce my friend George to you? 向你介绍我的朋友乔治好吗?
introduce也可作“引进”讲,常用在introduce sth. into o some place结构中,意思是“把某物引进到某地来”。如:
New Paris fashions are introduced into Shanghai every year. 巴黎的新流行式样每年都被引进到上海。
另外,还可作“引导初学者认识…”讲,常用在introduce sb. to sth.结构中。如:
The teacher introduced his young pupils to computer science. 这位老师引导他的学生了解计算机科学。
教你一招: 何时只用关系代词that?
that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。
①当先行词为all, much, little, few, none, something, anything, everything, nothing等不定代词时,如:
a. All that can be done has been done.
b. I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow.
c. There is little (that) the enemy can do besides surrender
② 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much修饰时。
I’ve read all the books that are not mine.
This is the best book (that) I’ve ever read.
This is the first composition (that) he has written in English.
④先行词被the only, the very, the last 修饰时。
That white flower is the only one (that) I really like.
This is the very book (that) I have been looking for.
⑤ 当有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时,这个定语从句要用that而不用who (whom)和which引导。如:
He talked about the teachers and schools (that) he had visited.
⑥以who, which, what 开头的疑问句,定语从句用that而不用who, (whom)和which引导。
Who is the person that is standing at the gate?
Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this?
What that is on the table belongs to me?
⑦ 当关系代词在从句中作表语时。
Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.
1. All ________ is useful to us is good.
A. which B. what C. that D. whether
2. This is the very factory ________we visited last year.
A. that B. which C. what D. the one
3. The text is one of the most interesting stories ________ learnt in the past three days.
A. that have B. that have been C. which has D. which has been
4. This is the only thing ________ I can do now.
A. what B. which C. that D. all
5. I saw the boy and his dog ________ were walking in the park.
A. which B. that C. who D. whom
6. Which is the book ________ you borrowed from the library.
A. which B. what C. whom D. that
7. China is no longer the country ________ it used to be.
A.what B.which C. who D. that
I. 单词拼写(根据首字母提示写出该单词的适当形式):
1. They had a quiet wedding(婚礼) - only a few friends a_______ it.
2. As students, we should show r_______ for our teachers.
3. Mary is interested in the classical (古典的) l_______ of France.
4. Department stores d_______ their goods in the windows.
5. The boy is brave enough to accept the c_______ job.
6. Before Christmas, the bus company provided e_______ buses because there were so many people.
7. I knew there were problems, but I was not p_______ for this.
8. He had many interesting e_______ while traveling in Africa.
9. Keeping a p_______ is a good way of practising your writing.
10. The headmaster i_______ a new teacher to the students yesterday morning.
11. I haven’t seen her r_______ and I don’t know how she is getting along with her book.
12. Your garden looks so beautiful! May I take a p_______ of it?
13. The White House didn’t a_______ the plan until recently.
14. The football game was b_______ on TV and millions of people watched it.
15. This custom (风俗) has been handed down from one g_______ to another.
II. 单项选择:
1. Have you seen the famous writer ________?
A. that our teacher told B. who our teacher told you
C. our teacher told you of D. our teacher told you of him
2. Much attention should ________ science and technology.
A. pay to develop B. pay to developing
C. be paid to develop D. be paid to developing
3. What they are doing is ________ some money.
A. more than donating B. much than to donate
C. more than to donate D. much than donating
4. David thought a while and then decided to ________ the meeting.
A. attend to B. join C. take part in D. attend
5. I never feel ________ in his company.
A. easily B. at ease C. comfortably D. pleasing
6. English is spoken as the native language in countries ________ Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia.
A. for example B. as C. like D. in other words
7. His health was getting worse and he regretted _______ his doctor’s advice. A. not to have taken B. not having taken
C. to have not taken D. having not taken
8. All the students ________ three tests in English literature.
A. require to take B. require taking C. are required to take D. are required taking
9. Beijing, ________ the Olympic Games, calls on all its citizens to learn English.
A. are preparing for hosting B. are prepared to host C. are prepared for hosting D. preparing for hosting
10. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ________ it more difficult.
A. to make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make
11. I expect you are right - I’ll ask him, _______.
A. though B. although C. as though D. even though
12. – What do you think made him so upset?
A. He lost his new bike. B. Because he lost his new bike. C. Having lost his new bike. D. Because of losing his new bike.
13. Mr. Green knows how to deal with children well. He has ________ in a primary school.
A. ten years’ experience in teaching B. ten years’ experiences in teaching C. ten years’ experience to teach D. ten years’ experiences to teach
14. The mother ________ her daughter’s safe arrival.
A. informed of B. was informed on C. informed on D. was informed of
15. What do you think of the way ________ this problem.
A. he thought of solving B. that he thought to solve C. he thought of to solve D. which he thought solving
III. 句型转换(每空一词,注意保持句意一致):
1. While in Britain, he became interested in teaching Chinese to English students.
When he was in Britain, he ______ ______ ______ ______ teaching Chinese to English.
2. Students at that school can give up some subjects if they don’t like them.
Students at that school can ______ some subjects ______ they don’t like.
3. I usually went to the computer club at lunchtime, so I could get in touch with my friends by e-mail without paying any money.
I usually went to the computer club at lunchtime, so I could ______my friends ______ ______.
4. Tom is six years old this year and old enough to go to school.
Tom is six years old this year and old enough to ______ ______.
5. An average of 20 students went abroad to go on with their English studies in this school
each year from to .
______ ______, there were 20 students who went abroad to ______ their English studies in this school from 1998 to 2004.
6. John used to be a lazy boy, but now he isn’t.
John is ______ ______ the lazy boy ______ he used to be.
7. Mary has a very good friend, but I can’t remember her name.
Mary has a ______ friend ______ ______ I can’t remember.
8. As soon as he finished his studies, he started traveling in China.
______ ______ his studies, he started traveling in China.
9. When David returned to Britain 2 months ago, he brought many books back from China and gave them to his school library for free.
When David returned to Britain 2 months ago, he ______ the books ______ he brought back from China ______ his school library.
10. After the journey his clothes looked so dirty and needed to be washed.
After the journey his clothes looked so dirty and ______ ______.
11. When you rang me up last Friday, I was busy preparing for traveling to China with my parents.
When you rang me up last Friday, I was busy ______ ______ ______ traveling to China with my parents.
12. Each day our canteen serves three meals, and you can also buy soft drinks during break times.
Each day our canteen serves three meals, and soft drinks ______ also ______.
IV. 单句改错:
1. The teacher brought in a boy and introduced him for us. ________
2. That morning I got up an hour later than usually as I had no classes. ________
3. The homework here is not as heavy as I was used to get in my old school. ________
4. Man can’t go against the nature without being punished. ________
5. The boy who you saw him at the school gate was from the UK. ________
6. This is the most interesting book which I have ever read. ________
7. Father was sitting on the sofa at ease while mother was preparing for lunch. ________
8. More equipments has been introduced into our school since last year. ________
9. Though the family was very poor, but the parents wanted their daughter to continue her studies. ________
10. Mary is the only one of the girls who were invited to the party last Sunday.
V. 根据所给单词或短语完成句子:
1. 每周一早晨,所有同学都被要求参加集会.(require, attend)
2. 最后他通过努力工作达到了目标.(achieve one’s goal)
3. 我没花钱从别人手里拿到了这张票,他不想要.(for free)
4. 谁被选中来朗读这篇课文的?(select)
5. 对于如何经营商店,他一无所知.(run)
6. 这个孩子从未受过善待.(experience)
I. 单词拼写:
1.attended 2.respect 3.literature 4.display 5.challenging 6.extra 7.prepared 8.experiences 9.penfriend 10.introduced 11.recently 12.photograph 13.approve 14.broadcast 15.generation
II. 单项选择:
1---5.CDADB 6---10.CBCDB 11---15.ACADC
III. 句型转换
1.developed an interest in 2.drop, that 3.e-mail, for free 4.attend school 5.On average , continue 6.no longer, that 7.close, whose name 8.UponOn finishing 9.donated, which hat, to 10.requiredeeded washing 11.making preparations for 12.are, available
IV. 单句改错:
1.for改为to 2.usually改为usual 3.去掉was 4.去掉the 5.去掉him 6.去掉which 或把which 改为that 7.去掉for 8.equipments改为equipment 9.去掉but 10.were 改为was
V. 根据所给单词或短语完成句子:
1. Every Monday morning, all the students are required to attend assembly.
2. Finally he achieved his goal by working hard.
3. I got this ticket for free from somebody who didn’t want it.
4. Who has been selected to read out this text?
5. He knows nothing about how to run a shop.
6. This child has never experienced kindness.
篇9:模块9 Unit 3 and unit 4 单元考点讲练(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)
东海高级中学 (222300)
1. value
夯实基础:1)n. value用处,用途 ;价值
What is the value of your house? 你的房子值多少钱?
Don’t throw anything that may be of use.不要把任何有用的东西扔掉。(=Don’t throw anything that may be useful.)
Your help has been of great value.
2)vt. 估价,定价; 尊重;珍视
He valued the ring at $80. 他估计这枚戒指值80美元。
I value your advice. 我尊重你的劝告。
1) valueless a. 无价值的,不值钱的,不足道的,相当于worthless
2) value / price
东西的“价值”( value)指它“值”( be worth) 多少钱;东西的“价钱”( price) 指买者“花费”( cost)多少
备考必备: 1) be of +名词=be +名词同源的形容词形式,常用的名词有use/importance/help/value/interest/quality/service/benefit/necessity等。说明被修饰词具有某种特征或属性。
I don’t want to hear what you are saying. It is of no interest to me. 我不想听你说,我对此不感兴趣。(of no interest=not interesting)
Doing morning exercises will be of benefit to your health. 做早操对你的健康有利。
Coal is of great importance to the development of industry. 煤对工业发展是相当重要的。(of great importance=very important)
2). “(be)+of +名词”结构中的名词表种类、数量、度量等时,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,此时名词前通常带有冠词。常用的名词有size/kind/type/price/height/depth/width/length/weight/age/shape/colour等。如:
Machines are of different types and sizes.机器有不同的型号和规格。
3). “(be)+of+名词”结构可以表示主语的根源关系,此时的名词多是表示亲属、血统、种族、国籍及出处的名词,常用的名词有family/blood/race/origin等。如:
We are of the same blood. 我们是同一家族。
They are of noble race. 他们出身名门。
2.unfairly ad.公平地,
夯实基础:. I do think I was treated unfairly . 我的确认为我遭到了不公平的待遇
1) fairly公平地,相当; ad. 相当地
It’s a fairly good book 这是一本相当不错的书。
I felt I hadn’t been treated fairly. 我觉得我没有受到公正的对待。
Her suggestion fairly took me by surprise. 她的建议真叫我大吃一惊.
I fairly jumped for joy. 我简直高兴得跳了起来.
2 ) fairly / rather
前者通常用于令人愉快的场合, rather 则表示令人不十分愉快的场合
The car is fairly large for the four of us. 这辆车我们四个人勉强坐得开。
To make matters worse, the room is rather small.
备考必备:This book is rather too difficult for children.这本书让孩子们读太难了。
fairly 不能和too连用,而rather可以。
3. conclusion n.终结, 结局 结论; 决定; 推断 缔结; 议定
夯实基础:All the evidence pointed to the conclusion that he was guilty.所有的证据表明他是有醉的。
备考必备:arrive at a conclusion 得出结论, 告一段落
come to a conclusion 得出结论, 告一段落
draw a conclusion 得出结论, 告一段落
reach a conclusion 得出结论, 告一段落
at the conclusion of 当...完结时
bring to a conclusion 使结束; 谈定(买卖等)
come to the conclusion that...所得结论是..., 断定
in conclusion 最后, 总之(表明即将结束谈话的内容)
4.equality n. 同等,平等,相等
夯实基础:All three children have equality in our family.三个小孩在我们家都是平等的。
equality between the sexes 男女平等
1)equal adj. 相等的,平等的
She feels equal to the task. 她认为能胜任该项工作。
Everyone should enjoy equal rights.每个人都应当享有平等的权利。
Women demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女要求同工同酬。
2)v. 等于
None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。
Two and five equals seven. 二加五等于七。
(误)He divided the apple into four same parts.
(正)He divided the apple into four equal parts.
be equal to sth.等于,与……相等,胜任……
One li is equal to half a kilometer.一华里等于半公里。
It is equal to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都一样。
He is equal to this task.他能胜任这项任务。
be equal to doing sth. 能胜任……
He is equal to doing this task.他能胜任这项任务。
5. strengthen
Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks. 和谈期间,敌人力量已大为增强。
The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。
1)energy, strength, power
He has so much energy that he can work as hard as three men. (energy指精力)
The successful carrying out of the work is due to his youth and energy. (energy指活力)
The energy of the sun has been widely used now. (energy指能量)
All the passengers pushed the bus with all their strength, but it refused to move. (strength指力气)
As the saying goes, “Unity is strength”, let us work hard together to overcome the difficulties. (strength指强度。)
power为“力,力量,能力,权力”。 它是力的总称,指各种力,如电力,动力或某事物的能力。它也可指人所具有的力量,能力,权力及势力等。当指人所具有的力气时,它与strength同义。
A football player needs power/strength to run with the ball. (power指体力。)
I'll do everything in my power to help that old lady. (power指能力。)
Electricity gives us power and makes machines work. (power指电力。)
备考必备:in strength 大批的,批量的
Go from strength to strength 不断取得成功,日益状大
6. rid…of…摆脱……,去掉……
夯实基础:It’s the time we got rid of all these old toys.该是把这些旧玩具都扔掉的时候了。
A detailed plan will rid the world of Aids. 详细的计划会使爱滋病在世界上绝迹。
备考必备: get rid of+名词为一个完整的词组,不能分开,即不能写成get rid somebody of something. 而get rid of the world
7.elect 选举
She was elected to a new leading position.她被推选到一新的领导岗位上。
select, elect
1) select指在广泛的范围中进行有斟酌的“精选”,淘汰的意味较重,其后须跟名词或代词作宾语。
Most of the delegates to the conference are selected from advanced workers.
It is difficult to select good materials for middle school students to read.
2) elect的最普通意思是通过正式手续或投票形式的“选举”,其后须跟人或职称名词作宾语,亦可跟名词+名词,名词+as短语,名词+不定式短语的复合结构。
They elected him to take part in the competition.他们选他参加竞赛。
1) 在“elect sb. +职务”句式中,表示独一无二等职位前不用冠词;若同样的职位有多人存在,则必须加不定冠词,以示其中之一:
We elected him monitor.我们选他为班长。
They elected Jimmy Carter (as) President.他们选吉米卡总统。
相似的动词还有:call, name, make, appoint, keep, think , consider, find, leave等
2) 作出选择;决定 ; 与to 连用
He elected to become a doctor. 他决定当医生。
She elected to return to work after her baby was born..她决定孩子出生后再去做工作。
8. make up 为“构成,组成”,主语为构成一个整体的各个个体,宾语是一个集合体。
夯实基础:Ten doctors make up a visiting team. 十位医生组成了一支访问团。
相关链接:此结构用于被动语态时,需加介词of,构成be made up of短语。
A car is made up of many different parts. 一辆汽车是由许多不同的零件组成的。
Life is made up of both sweetness and sorrow. 生活中既有甘,又有苦。
make up 和解;和好 ;化妆;化装
She made up her face to look prettier. 她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些。
The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的。
make up for补偿
make up for lost time 补回失去的时间
They hurried on to make up for lost time. 他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。
9. oppose 有“反对;对抗;反抗”、“以……对抗”、“使对立/对照”等含义。
夯实基础: 主要用于以下句式:
I’ll not oppose you.我不反对你。
We’ll oppose force with force.我们反对以暴力对抗暴力。
We oppose copying everything foreign.我们反对样样照抄外国的。
相关链接:oppose object resist 都含“反对”的意思
oppose 为常用词, 指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”, 着重动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”
The father opposed to his son’s marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。
object 常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”, 着重“个人嫌厌”和“(由于与个人有关因此)提出反对意见”
I objected to his plan.我反对他的计划。
resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗”、“用武力阻止...的前进”, resist the enemy抵抗敌人。
1).Oppose oneself/ sth. to….如:
I oppose myself to the training plan.我反对那项训练计划。
The soldier opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier.那位士兵用手臂挡住敌兵的打击。
2).be opposed to…反对
I’m much opposed to your going abroad.我非常反对你出国。
He had been violently opposed to this plan at first.起初他强烈反对这项计划。
10.date back to 从...时就有, 回溯到, 远在...(年代) ;多用一般现在时
夯实基础:It is said that the custom can date back to the 18th century.
相关链接:date back to = date from
date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有)
This kind of music dates from the 18th century. 这种音乐可追溯到18世纪。
out of date 过时的,陈旧的
to date 到此为止
up to date 现代的;直到最近的
date back to 追溯到;从…开始有
夯实基础: It’s foolish to idle away one’s precious time.把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。
a foolish person 愚蠢的人
How foolish I was not to have bought it. 我没买下它真是太傻。
It was foolish to take the test without preparation. 没有准备就去应试是愚蠢的。
He looked foolish in his red pants. 他穿着红裤子看上去真可笑。
1) fool n. 傻瓜,笨蛋 .V. 愚弄
fool sb. out of 骗某人的东西
fool sb. into doing 哄骗某人做
2)foolish “蠢”,着重缺乏智慧或判断力; silly “ 傻“,着重头脑简单、不懂事,有单纯、糊涂的意味; stupid“笨”,着重生理迟钝,反应迟钝.
1) 句型:foolish of sb. to do sth…
It was very foolish of you to park the car near the bus stop.你真愚蠢,竟然把汽车停在公共汽车站附近。
12 .take place发生,举行
夯实基础: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.
1)take the place of 代替,替代
2)take one’s place 代替某人,接替
3) take place , happen, occur, come about和break out用法区别
(1). take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:
The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.
(2) happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:
What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?)
Maybe something unexpected happened.
I happened to see him on my way home.
= It happened that I saw him on my way home.
(3). occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen,例如:
What has occurred? (=What has happened?)
A big earthquake occurred (=happened) in the south of China last month.
(4). come about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句,例如:
When Mother woke up, she didn’t know what had come about.
I’ll never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week.
Do you know how the air accident came about?
(5). break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等,例如:
A fire broke out in the hospital in the mid-night.
After the flood, diseases broke out here and there.
备考必备:take place是不及物动词,没有被动语态,此外要记忆以下常考的不及物动词: go, arrive, break out, take off, belong to等
13) calm平静的
After the storm it became calm again.暴风雨过后,天气又恢复平静无风。
He was calm when I told him the bad news. 当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静
calm vt, vi (常与down连用) 使安静
The nurse calmed the little boy by giving him some candy.
The mother calmed her child.母亲使孩子安静下来。
It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。
14)for instance
夯实基础:for instance用于句首还是句末都可以
You can’t rely on her. For instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.她这个人靠不住。比如说,昨天有个重要会议,她就晚来一个小时。
take his example for instance.
for instance, he is such a damn guy.
相关链接:for example, for instance 两者基本相同,用哪一个由个人喜好而定。
1)instant n 片刻 in an instant = immediately
2) the instant : as soon as 一……就
The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for.我一 看到他,就认出他就是警方正在找的人。
1. instruct vt 教;教授
夯实基础:instruct a class in history 教授一个班的历史
She instructed me in the use of the telephone. 她教我使用电话。
After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.
1) instruction n. 指示,指导;
The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up.
2) instructions 使用说明书,操作指南
Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的说明。
3) teach, instruct
他教我们化学。 He instructs us in chemistry
He teaches us chemistry.
1) instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事
He was instructed to sail for New York. 他奉命前往纽约。
2)instruction 后that引出的同位语从句,谓语用“should +V”
2.salary n.薪水
Teachers, government officials and clerks receive salaries. 教师,政府官员和职员接受薪水。
相关链接: salary, wage, fee
salary 指按月发的薪水,领取薪水者通常是经过培训而具有特殊技能或专门知识的人
He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.
What’s your salary? 你领取多少薪水?
The young wage -earner often earns good money挣工资的年轻人往往挣很多钱.
His wages are high, prices are high, too. 工资高,物价也高。
The doctor’ s fee is $ 25 a visit.这位医生一次出诊费是25英镑。
School fees are high in that country.那个国家的学费很高。
3.influence 感化;影响力;感化力 ;可以用名词、动词
The moon has an influence on animal behavior.
Many a woman has had civilizing influence on her husband.许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。
相关链接:influence , affect, effect
What we read influences our mind
Any change in the weather affects the crops 任何天气的变化都会影响庄稼的生长。
effect 名词,着重指影响“affect”的结果“效力”“作用”等,常用词组have effect on 相当于affect;
One of the effects of bad weather is poor crops 恶劣的天气产生的后果之一是庄稼的歉收。
备考: exercise / have influence on / over…
Use one’s influence with sb.
Under one’s influence / under the influence ofsb.
4.remind (常与of, to + inf, that连用);使想起;使记起;提醒
1) remind sb. todo sth. 提醒某人做某事
Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。
Please remind me again nearer to the time of the interview.到快面试时请再提醒我一下。
2) remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起 某物
This reminds me of last year. 这使我想起去年的事。
3) remind that…Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.
rob/ cure/ inform/ accuse sb./ of sth,
They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch.他们将他击倒并抢了他的手表。
1.You’ll find this map of great ________in helping you to get round London.
A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness
2.---You are always full of ________ . Can you tell me the secret? (07福建)
---Taking plenty of exercise every day.
A. power B. strength C. force D. energy
3.The conclusion they finally _______ was unreasonable.
A. got to B. arrived in C. arrived D. reached
4.I ruled the world. I would______ the world_______ everything that is bad.
A. get rid of; by B. be rid of; by C. rid; of D. get rid ;of
5.It’s the sort of work that -------a high level of concentration. ( 07山东)
A.calls for B.makes up C.lies in D.stands for
6.I’ve been ________ to wait here until the lecturer arrives.
A. instructed B. called C. wished D. hoped
7.The sea was ________ at the beginning of our voyage. But soon it began to roar.
A. quite B. calm C. lovely D. live
8.____________, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.
A. For conclusion B. Under conclusion C. In conclusion D. To conclusion
9.The film _________ him of what he had seen in China.
A. kept B. told C. informed D. reminded
10. The husband strongly _________ his wife’s going there alone.
A. opposed B. opposed to C. against D. for
11. How can we make up to you _______ what you have suffered?
A. from B. in C. for D. by
12. The church , ________ 1173, was burnt up last night.
A. that dates back to B. dating back to C. dated from D. that dated from
13. It _________ to me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house.
A. occurred B. happened to C. took place D. came about
14.When the rain started, the crowd disappeared __________.
A. in a hurry B. soon C. at an instant D. in an instant
15.If I forget , please _________ me.
A. tell B. announce C. remind D. reply
16. She equals me in intelligence but not in __________..
A. strength B. power C. energy D. source
17.He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.
A. payment B. salary C. fee D. wage
18. They are both _______ pretty and they can both run ________ fast.
A. equal, equal B. equally, equally C. equal, equally D. equally, equal
Keys: 1-5 CDDCA 6-10. ABCDA 11-18 CBADCABB
篇10:牛津教材 模块1 unit 1 语言点讲练Welcome to the unit ---- Reading(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)
1. listen to a headmaster talking about school activities
listen to sb do / doing sth
现在分词强调动作正在进行, 而不带to的不定式则强调过程
The thief was caught stealing in the supermarket.
I saw the old man cross the street.
We can hear the birds singing in the forest.
Did you hear her read Chinese in the garden?
[拓展] 这一类的词: see / hear / watch / observe / notice / catch / find / listen to / look at 等
[练习] 1. --- Do you often hear her _____ the song?
--- Yes. When I was walking past her house, I heard her ____ it.
A. to sing, singing
B. singing, singing
C. sing, singing
D. singing, to sing
2. He looked around and caught a man _____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting
2. discuss the following questions with a partner
v. 1. 跟随
Follow me!
The boy followed his father out.
2. 沿着, 遵循, 照…办
These orders must be followed at once.
You must follow your teacher’s advice.
3. 听懂, 理解
Can you follow me?
1. following adj. 接着的, 下述的 与the 连用
The following / coming year the war came to an end.
= In the year that followed the war came to an end.
3. as follows 如下
The rule is as follows. 规则如下.
4. at ease with our teacher
ease 1) vt. 使轻松, 使安静
I gave him some medicine to ease the pain.
2) n. 轻松,自在
at (one’s) ease 轻松,自在
He didn’t feel at his ease in the strange room.
with ease 容易地, 轻松地 = easily
They are expected to win the game with ease.
take one’s ease 休息,轻松一下
5. do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?
辨析: know, know of, know about
know 表示直接地认识,知道具体的人或事
know of 间接地了解, 听说, 知道有关…的情况
know about 与know of 意义相同, 但含有更详细,具体的了解
I happen to know of him, but I don’t know him.
我碰巧听说过他, 但我不认识他.
Knowing about a language doesn’t mean knowing the language.
6. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (Page 2, line 1)
1) Going to a British school for one year 是动名词短语作主语, 动名词短语一般充当主语, 宾语,表语等.
Learning English will take you a lot of time.
Teachers’ job is teaching.
Missing the first bus means waiting for an hour.
2) experience
a. experience作不可数名词。意为“体验”“经验”“从经验中获得的知识和技能”。后接介词in或of短语,表示在某方面的经验。如:
Have you had any experience in work of this sort?
Experience comes from practice.
She is a teacher with more than 20 years' experience in teaching but not in driving at all.
The car accident was a terrible experience to him.
Please tell us your experiences of living abroad for so many years.
Do you have such experiences as diving 100 metres in the sea?
c.作及物动词,意为“体验 u有……经验”.如:
Have you experienced real hunger?
He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life.
Experiencing pain is as valuable as experiencing pleasure.
d. experience的形容词为experienced,意为“有经验的”。如:
The job calls for an experienced man.
An experienced doctor is operating on the wounded soldier.
be experienced in (doing) sth
I know from _______ that I can’t believe in a person like him.
A. experience
B. an experience
C. experiences
D. the experience
7. I was happy with the school hours in Btitain. (Page 2, line 2)
be happy with sb / sth = be pleased / satisfied with 对…感到满意
Are you happy with the result of the test?
I’m happy with what he has done for me.
be happy to do sth 乐于做某事
The students are very happy to have a long holiday.
8. this means I could get up an hour later than usual. (Page 2, line 4)
1) mean (meant, meant, meaning) vt.
① 表示…意思 mean + n. / that
The red light means “stop”.
② 意欲,打算 mean to do sth 打算做某事
The class teacher means to punish the naughty students.
③ 意味着,意指 mean doing sth
Independence doesn’t mean shutting the door to the world.
④ mean sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事
I mean you to work as our spokesman.
⑤ means n. 方法,方式 单复数相同
by means of 以…, 借着…
Thought can be expressed by means of music.
by all means 无论如何, 务必
Finish it by all means.
by no means 一点也不Most teachers are by no means happy with their income.
---- You are so lucky.
---- What do you mean __ that?
A. for B. in C. of D. by
2) than usual比平常
as usual和往常一样
than expected比预料…
as expected正像预料的那样
than supposed比推测…
In the summer vacation, he is as busy as usual.
I got a higher mark than expected.
Our team won the game as expected.
9. On the first day, all students went to attend the assembly. (Page 2, line 6)
1) attend
We’d like as many people as possible to attend.
They are sure to have attended Mary’s wedding.
take part in, join, join in, attend
①Take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等, 着重说明句子主语参加该活动并在活动中发挥作用.
We will take part in social practice during the summer vacation.
② join 有两种用法
Ⅰ. 指参加某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一, 如参军, 入团, 入党等.
join the army / the Young Pioneers / the Party
Ⅱ. Join sb in (doing) sth 和某人一起做某事
Will you join us in the discussion?
He will join us singing the song.
③ join in 多指参加小规模的活动, 如球赛,游戏等Come along and join in the ball game.
④ attend 是正式用语, 及物动词, 指参加会议, 婚礼,葬礼, 典礼,去上学,去上课,听报告等
attend the meeting / lecture /
My brother ______ the army in .
A. joined B. joined in C. attended D. joined with
---Would you like to _____ playing basketball?
A. join us B. join us in C. join us with D. take a part in
Yesterday my parents went to _____ an evening party.
A. attend B. take part C. join D. join at
We should ______ the sports and games.
A. take a part in B. take active part in C. take an active part in D. attend
2) assembly
They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
The headmaster will give a speech at the assembly.
assemble vt.聚集,集合,收集
All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.
1) 在第一天所有学生都去参加集会。
On the first day, all the students went to attend assembly.
2) 所有学生都被要求在操场上集合。
All the students were asked to assemble on the playground.
10. He also told us the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. (Page 2, line 9)
1) earn
He earns about £20,000 a year.
As a teacher, she had earned the respect and admiration of her students.
作为一名老师, 她已获得了她的学生们的尊敬和敬佩.
earn a (one’s) living earn one’s bread 谋生2) respect
n. 尊敬,敬重
win / earn respect 赢得尊敬
have / show respect for sb 尊敬某人
lose the respect of sb 失去…的尊敬
The students have great respect for their history teacher.
Give my respects to your wife.
The teacher lost the respect of his students.
Vt. 尊敬
respect sb for sth 因…尊敬某人
respect oneself 自重,自尊
in all respects 无论从哪方面来看
in respect of 关于,就。。。来说
without respect to 不管,不考虑
with respect to 谈到It is good manners to __________ the elders.
A. show respect for
B. show respect with
C. have respect to
D. have respect of
3) achieve
Vt. 赢得,取得,实现,成就
He finally achieved success.
All you have achieved is to upset your parents.
achievement n.成就,成绩,功绩
It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.
① 我今天没做成多少事。
I haven’t achieved very much today.
② 他们对孩子们的成绩感到自豪。
They were proud of their children’s achievements.
③ Although medical science _______ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.
A. achieved B. has achieved C. will achieve D. had achieved
④ As long as you study hard, you are sure to _____ your goal.
A. arrive at B. get to C. reach D. achieve
4) way n. 方式, 办法
(1) + to do / of doing sth
They had no way to communicate with him.
I don’t like his way of talking.
(2) + clause
I admired him for the way (in which / that ) he faces his difficulties.
10. So it was difficult to remember all the faces and names. (Page 2, line 18)
Sth be difficult to do = it is difficult to do sth
The question is difficult to answer.
= It is difficult to answer the question.
It is difficult for sb to do sth
have difficulty (in) doing sth
They had difficulty in finishing the work.
11. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. (Page 2, line 20)
1) what 在句中引导名词性从句, 在句中作get的宾语. 名词性从句包括: 宾语从句, 主语从句, 表语从句, 同位语从句; what 在句中充当相应的句子成分. That 也可引导名词性从句, 但在句中不充当成分.
What he said is true. (主语从句)
I still remember what he told me. (__________________)
The fact is that no one likes him.
2) a bit / a little
① 都用于修饰形容词, 副词的原级或比较级
稍加努力, 你就可以得到更高的分数.
Work a bit / little harder and you will earn higher grades.
② a little 可直接修饰名词, a bit 需加of
a little / a bit of water
③ not a bit = not at all 一点也不
not a little = very 非常,很The snake is ugly. So I don’t like it a bit.
The cat is lovely. So I don’t like it a little.
3) used to do sth 过去常常做…
be used to do sth 被用来做…
be used to doing sth习惯做…
There used to be a tree in front of our yard.
他过去总是起床很晚, 但是现在他习惯于早晨锻炼.
He used to get up late in the morning, but now he is used to taking morning exercise.
Wood is used to make paper.
12. cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. (Page 3, line 30)
1) fun [U] n. 乐趣
for fun 为了乐趣
have fun 玩得愉快make fun of 嘲笑,取笑…
funny adj. 滑稽的, 好笑的
2) learned how to buy … 为 “动词+ 疑问词 + 不定式”的结构. 有些动词: learn , expect, decide, know, wonder, ask, tell, explain, show, find out, understand, consider, teach, promise 等后面可接 “疑问词 + 不定式”. 这种结构在语法上起名词作用, 作宾语时可替换成宾语从句.
Can you tell us which answer to choose?
= Can you tell us which answer we should choose?
We must decide whether to go or stay.
= We must decide whether we shall go or stay.
[拓展] “疑问词+不定式”还可以用作主语,表语.用作主语时谓语动词根据不定式的数来决定.
When to camping depends on the weather.
What we are discussing is what to do next.
When and where to spend the holiday is still a problem.
When to spend the holiday and how to get to the seashore are our main problem.
3) prepare
prepare sth 准备某物
The secretary worked into the night, preparing a long speech for the president.
prepare lessons 备课
prepare for =make preparations for 为……作准备
prepare to do sth 准备做…
prepare sb. for 使某人为……作准备
be(well)prepared for sth.=be ready for 为……作好(充分)准备
be(well)prepared to do sth.=be ready to do sth. 准备(好)干某事
Mother is busy preparing breakfast for us.
妈妈正忙着给我们做早饭。He had a speech to prepare that evening.
The students are preparing for the coming sports meet.
They were prepared for the worst.
I'm not prepared to listen to your excuses.
12.My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.
as 作连词的用法
He speaks English as well as I.
Do as I say.
He saw her as he was getting off the bus.
He sang as he worked.
As she has no car, she can’t get there easily.
Tired as he was, he went on with his work.
1) The roof fell ____ he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.
A. after B. as
C. before D. until
2) This year they have produced ______ grain _____ they did last year.
A. as less; as B. as few; as C. less; than D. fewer; than
a lot 的用法
He travels a lot and knows every corner of the country.
The book is a lot more interesting than that one.
I have eaten a lot.
可用于礼貌用语 Thanks a lot.
后面加of,表示“许多” a lot of students, a lot of water
13. …, so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free. (Page 3, line 29)
free 的用法
We are free at last.
Are you free tomorrow?
All the soup here is free.
His wife is very free with her money.
They freed the birds from the cage.
be free to do sth 随意做某事
for free = free of charge 免费的
free from 摆脱(不好的东西), 无…的
You are free to do as you wish.
They let me have these books for free.
You may park here free of charge after 6 p.m.
My father is a man free from prejudice.
freedom n. 自由
freely adv. 率直地
1. They claim to ____ the country _____ its enormous debt.
A. free; from B. get; from C. rob; of D. take away; from
2. ----Does the ticket cost you a lot of money?
----No, it is ________ .
A. costly B. expensive C. high D. free
3. It will be repaired ______ if it goes wrong.
A. freely B. free of charge C. free from charge D. with freedom
14.as well as 的用法
as well as 强调的是它之前的部分,它连接并列主语时,谓语动词跟前面的名词保持一致。 它还有“和。。。一样好”之意。
The teacher, as well as his students likes this book.
Some girls, as well as this boy like playing basketball.
E-mail, as well as telephones, _______ an important part in daily communication.
A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play
1. 高中是发现,学习和勤奋工作的一段日子.
High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work.
2. 看以下的图画 look at the pictures below
3. 与某人讨论 discuss sth with sb
4. 正在讨论中 under discussion
5. 低层楼房 low-rise buildings
6. 感到舒适 feel at ease
8. 放松一下 take one’s ease
9. 轻而易举的 with ease
10. 减轻疼痛 ease the pain
11. 一次非常愉悦和激动的经历 a very enjoyable and exciting experience
12. 对…感到满意 be happy / pleased / satisfied with
13. 起床 get up
14. 比平常 than usual
15. 参加集会 attend assembly
16. 学校规则 the rules of school
17. 赢得尊重的最好方式 the best way to earn respect
18. 取得高分 achieve high grades
19. 听起来像 sound like
20. 班主任 class teacher
21.平均规模 the average size
22.平均 on average
23. 搬到不同的教室听不同的课 move to different classrooms for different classes
24. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth
25. 有点挑战性 a bit challenging
26. 有很大的提高 improve a lot
27. 在午餐时间 at lunchtime
28. 免费地 for free / free of charge
29. 额外的一节法语课 an extra French class
30. 在学期末 at the end of term
31. 放弃一些学科 drop some subjects
32. 正餐 main meal
33. 体验不同的生活方式 experience this different way of life
34. 逐词地 word by word
35. 网上冲浪 surf the Internet
36. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do sth
37. 向某人自我介绍 introduce oneself to sb
38. 准备做某事 prepare to do sth
篇11:牛津译林高一unit 1 school life 第三板块 语法讲练(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)
1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:
Is he the man who/that wants to see you?
He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.
2) Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:
They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。
Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。
3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:
A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)
The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)
代替人 代替物 代替人或物
主语 Who which that
主语 Whom which that
宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)
1. 语法专练
1. 请完成书上P11 练习!
1) which 2)whose 3)who 4)whom/who 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) which/that 9) who
2. 单选:
1. The house _________ the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.
A. that B. where C. what D. when
2 .The book ______ cover is broken, is not mine.
A. which B that C whose D of which
3. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _____ could speak Chinese very well.
A. who B. which C. when D. he
4.This is Mr Smith, ____ I think has something interesting to tell you.
A . who B whom C. that D. x
5. The radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.
A.I bought it B. which I bought it C.I bought D. what I bought
6. In the police station I saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the TV set.
A. whom B. which C. that D. whose
7. .His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.
A. that B. whom C. of whose D. whose
8. A football fan(球迷) is _____ has a strong interest in football.
A. a thing that B. something that C. a person who D. what
9. A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.
A. who B. who’s C. whose D. which
10. He made another wonderful discovery ____ of great importance to science.
A. which is B. which it is C. who is D. it is
11. Those ___ _____ break the rule will be punished.
A that B who C they D whom
12. Do you still remember the days ______ we spent together then?
A when B during which C / D on which
13. 1) Do you know the girl _________ is talking with the director?
2) Do you know the girl _________ the director is talking with?
3) I like the flowers __________ you bought for me very much.
Key: 1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DDCCA 11-12. BC 13. that/who ; whom/who ; which/that
篇12:模块5 Unit 1 语法:非谓语动词讲练(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)
Teaching aims:
To recognize the basic forms of the to-infinitive and the bare infinitive.
To learn how to use to-infinitives and bare infinitives in different situations.
To recognize the basic form of the verb-ing.
To learn how to use the verb-ing form as a noun in different situations
Teaching Key Points:
The usages of persuade and discourage
Teaching Difficulties:
The usages of infinitive and verb-ing
Teaching procedures:
1. Free talk: show Ss some sentences and ask them to pay attention to the structure.
1. We all like listening to music.
2. If I have a chance to enjoy music, I will not refuse it.
3. I want/desire to make friends.
4. It is not easy to make a real friend.
5. I will try my best to help her/him out.
2. 解释非谓语动词。
3. Practice: To find the finite verb(谓语动词) in the sentences above.
Summary: 非谓语动词使用条件:
一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时,这些动词就充当了非谓语动词。
4. Three types of “Non-predicate verb”
to do
Ⅱ. To-infinitive
1. Show Ss some sentences and ask them to find out the functions of each “to-infinitive”
To do that sort of thing is foolish. 主语
I want to see you this evening. 宾语
All you have to do is to finish it quickly. 表语
We found a house to live in. 定语
She came here to study English. 状语
I warned the patient not to eat cold water after the operation. 宾补
2. 考点难点归纳
1. 不定式的作用:
1) ______ (see) is to believe.
2) It’s difficult ________ (find) a best friend.
To find a best friend is difficult.
3) My wish is ______ (be) a scientist.
4) Your task is __________ (clean) the classroom.
1. Our teacher promised ______ (see) the film with us.
2. The workers demanded _______ (get) better pay.
3. We think it important ______ (obey) the law.
4. He advised me _________ (read) English as often as possible.
5. I expect you _________ (give) me some help.
6. I made him _______ (do) his work.
1. He got up early to catch the train.
2. Tim sat near the fire ______ (get) warm.
3. He is brave enough _______ (go) out alone at night.
4. I’m not such a fool ___________ (believe) that.
作结果状语常用于一些固定搭配中如:too …to, enough to,only to,never to,so + 形容词/副词 +as to, such+名词+as to do引导.
He is the man to see you. 主谓关系
Please find me something to drink. I am very thirsty. 动宾关系
We all have a chance to go to college.同位关系
归纳: 不定式的时态一般有:
to do (be done)动作尚未(被)发生
to be doing动作正在发生;
to have done (have been done)动作已经(被)发生
e.g. 1. No one likes to be laughed at.
2. When the teacher came in, we pretended to be reading.
3. They seemed to have lost something.
不定式在一些动词后作宾语补足语时, 不定式省略to.
“前有do,后无to; 前无do, 后有to”.
1.不定式用在介词but, except, besides后时,如果这些介词前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么介词后的不定式不带to,相反则带to.
2. 不定式在系动词 后作表语时, 当主语部分有行为动词do, 作表语的不定式to可省略。
1. had better do/ had better not do
2. would rather do sth. than do sth.
3. cannot but do sth.不得不------
4. why not do sth? 表建议 why do sth? 表责备
有两个以上的不定式并列在一起时,第二个不定式的 to 可以省略
1. I promise to finish my homework and hand it on time.
2. Do you want to go shopping or watch a film.
3. I decided to write rather than phone.
1. 动名词在句中的作用
1. Swimming is good for your health.
2. My favorite sport is swimming.
3. I love swimming in the sea during the summer.
4. I keep fit by swimming every day.
5. There is a shoe in the swimming pool.
“It is no use/ no good/ fun / a waste of time/ a good pleasure 等名词 + doing”
1. ______ (see) is to believe.
2. ______ (see) is believing.
3. Missing this bus means ______ (wait) for another.
综合考查二: 宾语
1. --- Do remember _______ it to your mother.
--- But I remember _____ my mother. (tell)
2. Tom, the windows are too dirty. They need _________________. (clean)
讲解:1. 结合课文举例探讨一些动词后跟ing与to do所表示动作概念的不同
2. want/require/demand/need 后跟 ing=to be done
______ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.
A. The walk B. Walking
C. To walk D. Walk
Ⅲ. Practice
1. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____ it more difficult.
A. not make B. not to make
C. not making D. don’t make
2.I found the German language hard ____.
A. learned B. learning
C. to be learned D. to learn
3. ---What do you think of the school?
---It is a very good _____.
A. school to study in B. school for children to study
C. studying school D. school to study
4.The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth
_____ for him without delay.
A. to have woven B. to be woven
C. to be weaving D. to weave
5. _________ more about university courses, call (05920)746-3789.
A.To find out B. Finding out
C. Find out D. Having found out
6. I can’t stand ___ with Jane in the office. She just refuses ____talking while she works.
A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping
C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop
7. The teacher asked us ____ so much noise.
A. don’t make B. not make
C. not making D. not to make
8. Isn't it time you got down to _____ the papers?
A.mark B. be marked
C. being marked D. marking
Ⅳ. Homework
1. Finish the exercise in the text P8~11
2. Do the exercises in “ The Great English Class”
1. To see; to find; to be; to clean; to see; to get; to obey; to read; to give; do; to get; to go; as to believe;
2. 综合考查:
To see; Seeing; waiting; to tell; telling; to be cleaned=cleaning; B
3. B D A B A C D D
篇13:译林模块5 Unit 3 同步讲练及单元自测练习(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)
Welcome to the unit & reading
1. Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination.(page 41)
(1) beyond是介词,常见用法为:
Don’t stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。
② 超出(某种数量、限度);超出……的范围;非……可及
The switch on the wall was beyond the baby’s reach. 装在墙上的开关婴儿是摸不到的。
We saw a building some distance beyond the woods.
It’s beyond human power. 它超出了人的力量。
If the work is beyond Tom, it is certainly beyond me.
③ 除……之外(常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中)
I didn’t notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
④ beyond作副词时表示“再往前”或“再过去”。例如:
There is nothing beyond. 再过去就什么也没有了。
The hill blocks our view. What’s beyond? 小山挡住了我们的视线。再往前是什么呢?
(2) imagination n. “想像力、空想、幻想物”,多用作不可数名词。例如:
The story shows plenty of imagination. 这个故事表现出丰富的想像力。
Poets and artists have imagination. 诗人和艺术家都有想象力。
It does not take great imagination to guess what happened next. 随后发生的事情不难想象。
2. A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world.(page 42, lines 1-3)科学家最近宣布,他们已克隆出第一个人类胚胎,这在全球范围内引起了沸沸扬扬的辩论,许多人为之感到震惊。
(1) 句中that引导同位语从句,对抽象名词announcement做具体说明。announcement 与引导词that之间被by scientists隔开。例如:
They made a public announcement that the wages of the workers would be increased.
His sudden announcement that she was leaving took us quite by surprise.
他突然说要离去, 这使我们非常惊奇。
(2) announcement n. “通告、公告”,可数名词。例如:
There are several announcements in the newspaper today.
The company put up an announcement on the wall. 那家公司在墙壁上贴了一个通告。
The announcement about their marriage has appeared in the newspaper.
3. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human life.(page 42, lines 3-5)一方面,一些科学家指出,如果你能够克隆出人类胚胎,就可以制造出拯救人类生命的宝贵的组织和器官了。
(1) on the one hand意为“一方面”,on the other hand意为“另一方面”。两个短语都是表连接作用的副词性短语。可以同时用在一个句子中。例如:
On (the) one hand, I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying at home. 一方面我想去参加宴会,而另一方面我应当在家学习。
On the one hand this job doesn't pay very much, but on the other hand I can’t get another one.
(2) 辨析:point out, point to, point at
① point out“指出、使注意”的意思。例如:
This guide book points out the main facts of early American history.
Can you point out the church in the picture? 你能指出图片里的教堂吗?
He pointed out that the road was not safe that day. 他指出,那条道路那天不安全。
② point to “显示……的位置/方向”。例如:
The building points to the east. 这座楼面朝东。
The hands of the clock pointed to half past eight. It was time we put our children to bed.
钟的指针指在八点半上, 我们该让孩子们上床睡觉了。
③ point at (把.……) “对准、指向”。例如:
The guide pointed at a tower and told us that it was built hundreds of years ago.
导游指着一座塔, 告诉我们说这是数百年前修建的。
It’s rude to point your fingers at people. 用手指指人是很失礼的。
4. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with nature in this way, they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.(page 42, lines 5-7)
(1) interfere with sb./sth. “干涉、干预;摆弄、妨碍”。例如:
I am not going to be interfered with. 我不想别人干预我的事情。
He was afraid this would interfere with his study. 他担心这会妨碍他的学习。
I don’t want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
我不想打扰你了, 你继续工作吧。
Who interfered with my camera? 谁擅自用过我的照相机?
(2) on one’s (the) way to/towards (doing) sth “即将做……”, 如果to后接一表地点的名词,应理解为 “在去......的路上”。例如:
We’re on the way towards an election victory. 我们即将赢得大选。
He’s well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world.
I came across him on the way to work. 我是在去上班的路上遇见他的。
I bought some bread on the way to the company. 我在去公司的路上买了些麵包。
5. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough.(page 42, lines 12-13)但整体而言,科学家因为杰出的科学突破而受到赞扬。
辨析:in general, as a whole
① in general强调“个体或局部”。例如:
Women in general like to shop for new clothes. 大多数妇女喜欢逛街买新衣服。
The class are, in general, very bright. 总的说来, 这个班级的学生都很聪明。
In general, Alexander was a peaceful, loving man.
I like games in general, and especially football. 各种运动我一般都喜欢,尤其是足球。
② as a whole 强调 “整体或全局”。例如:
Therefore, …in order to understand the meaning of the text as a whole. (page 43)
We must consider these matters as a whole. 我们必须从整体上考虑这些事情。
There are some areas of poverty, but the country as a whole is fairly rich.
这个国家有些地区比较贫困, 但总的来说是相当富裕的。
As a whole we tried our best. 总的来说我们尽力了。
(2) praise的用法
① praise sb. for sth. “因……称赞、表扬某人”。例如:
He was praised for his neat and careful work. 他因工作认真、利索而受到赞扬。
He praised his team for their performance. 他称赞他的团队表现出色。
The teacher praised her for her courage. 老师赞扬了她的勇气。
② 做名词用“称赞、赞美、赞扬、表扬”。例如:
He earned praise for their efforts 他们由于努力而赢得赞誉
The audience was full of praise for the whole production. 观众对整部作品称赞不已。
③ in praise of短语常见在句中做状语。例如:
He gave a speech in praise of the school. 他在讲话中称赞了这所学校。
The teacher spoke in praise of the child for his honesty. 他很诚实, 老师表扬了他。
6. However, some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.(page 42, lines 18-20)但也有人认为,怀着摧毁它们的意图来克隆人类胚胎,是对人类生命的不尊重。
(1) with the intention of “抱有……目的、打算”,是一短语介词,在句中做状语表目的。例如:
He returned with the intention of spending New Year with his family. = He returned to spend New Year with his family. 为了和家人共度新年他回来了。
I went to the supermarket with the intention of buying some food. = I went to the supermarket to buy some food. 我去了超市,打算买些食物。
He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa. = He left England to travel in Africa. 他离开英国打算去非洲旅行。
(2) 辨析:intention, goal, aim, purpose
这些名词都指人想要达到的 “目的”,但各有侧重。
① intention 只指某人想要追随的行动方向。例如:
Do you have any intention of applying for the job? 你打算申请这个工作吗?
It is not my intention to argue with you. 我不是想和你争论。
If I've hurt your feelings, it was quite without intention.
② purpose 强调决心或决定的想法。例如:
He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.
他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。
His purpose was to discover how long these guests intended to stay.
③ goal 可指理想的或甚至遥远的目标。例如:
Our goal is to earn enough money to keep the business going.
We are all working towards a common goal. 我们都在为一个共同目的而努力。
④ aim 强调为追寻某种目的而努力奋斗的方向。例如:
His only aim in life is to enjoy himself. 他人生唯一的目的就是享受生活。
It is important to have a clear aim in view. 心中有明确的目标是十分重要的。
(3) show respect for“对……表示尊敬”,respect是名词可带修饰语。例如:
You make me wait and don't show me any respect.
You shall show greater respect for your elders. 你应该对长辈尊重些。
The boss showed little respect for the employees. 那个老板对雇员一点也不尊重。
He is a selfish fellow, who has no respect for anyone.
7. While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.(page 42, lines 27-28)尽管克隆人类胚胎在很多国家属于非法,有些科学家已加紧研究,以便降生一个克隆的人类婴儿。
(1) push ahead with短语在句中做“推进、推行”理解。例如:
Whatever happens, we must push ahead with our plans to increase production.
无论发生什么情况, 我们都必须推行我们的增产计划。
He promised to push ahead with economic reform. 他允诺继续推行经济改革。
We are pushing forward with our plan. 我们正坚决实施计划。
(2) 辨析:push ahead,go ahead
① push ahead强调“向前推进、急速前进”
If we push ahead, we can get home before dark. 如果我们抓紧, 天黑前我们还能赶到家。
I want to push ahead on this project. 有关这个方案我想继续取得进展。
② go ahead “前进、继续向前”, 在口语中有多种意义。例如:
The project will go ahead. 这个项目会做下去的。
We feel you should go ahead. 我们觉得您应该干。
Go ahead and do what you like. 去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。
-Can I use the bathroom? 我可以用一下卫生间么?
-Go ahead! 当然,请便!
Go ahead, we’re all listening to you carefully. 开始吧,我们都在认真听你说。
8. Human life would no longer be unique; it would just be a product for sale. (page 43, lines 39-40)到那时人类生命将不再是独一无二的了,将只是一个可供出售的产品。
(1) 辨析:unique, only
① unique强调的是“区别和与众不同”。例如:
The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world. 敦煌的美在世界上是独一无二的。
She’s proud of her ring because of its unique design.
② only强调的是“数量”。例如:
It's the only place to be seen these days. 这是这些天惟一值得看的地方。
He was an only child. 他是独生子。
The only French city she enjoyed was Paris. 巴黎是她惟一喜欢的法国城市。
Practice is the only way to learn a language well. 学好一门语言的惟一途径就是实践。
(2) 辨析:for sale, on sale
① for sale 是介词短语,在句中作后置定语,修饰a product。for sale 相当于intended to be sold “待售”。还可以做状语和表语。例如:
These are cars for sale at reasonable prices. 这些是价位合理的待售小轿车。(定语)
She has put her house up for sale. 她现在的房子在出售。(状语)
I’m sorry this painting is not for sale. 很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品。(表语)
② on sale 表示“出售”、“上市”的意思。on sale还可表示“廉价出售”。在句中也可以做定语、状语和表语。例如:
The new model is not on sale in the shops. 这种新款式在商店尚未上市。(表语)
I got this hat on sale; it was very cheap. 我在大减价时买到这顶帽子, 价格很便宜。(状语)
There are some nice apples on sale in that shop. 那家商店有些很好的苹果出售。(定语)
9. The human race is using up Earth’s resources. (page 43, line 41)人类正耗尽地球上的资源。
(1) use up “用光、耗尽”,use仅指动作过程,而use up则强调结果;英语中不少动词都是如此。例如:
He knows how to use the savings and before long he will use up all the money.
She didn’t want to end the relationship. But she finally had to end it up.
He was eating a hot dog when I came in. A few minutes later he ate up all the food on the table. 我进来时他正在吃热狗,不一会儿他吃完了餐桌上所有的食物。
She had to dig the garden. As a result, an old coin was dug up in the garden.
她得把花园挖一挖, 结果在花园里挖出了一枚古硬币。
(2) 辨析:use up, run out, run out of
① use up是及物动词短语,其主语是人。例如:
I’ ve used up all the glue. = All the glue has been used by me. 我把胶水都用光啦。
② run out是不及物动词词组,表示“被用完了(become used up)”,含被动意义,其主
His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。
Food supplies had run out towards the end of the trip. 在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了。
③ run out of 含有介词of,作及物动词用,“用完(=use up)”的意思。例如:
He ran out of gas a mile from home. 他在离家还有一英里的地方把汽油用完了。
What if I've run out of money?我把钱花光了怎么办?
10. I am in complete agreement with human cloning.(page 43, lines 49-50)我完全同意克隆人类。
(1) in agreement with 是一短语介词,句中be in complete agreement with/about 是系表结构= quite agree with /about,意思是“完全同意;意见一致”,其介词短语还可以在句中做其他成分。例如:
We are in agreement with their decision. 我们同意他们的决定。
I am quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你说的话。
I find myself in almost total agreement with Tony. (宾补)
He nodded in agreement with me. 他点头表示同意我的意见。(状语)
11. Seven years ago, my 10-year-old daughter died of heart failure.(page 43, lines 52-53)七年前,我10岁的女儿死于心脏病。
辨析:die of, die from
① die of“死于”,常常表示由于疾病、情感、饥饿等原因死亡。例如:
The baby died of a fever. 那婴儿因发高烧而死。
In a cold winter, many wild animals may die of hunger.
The old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s death.
② die from意思是“由于……而死”,一般指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡。
He died from a chest wound. 他因胸部受伤而死亡。
In a cold winter, wild animals may die from lack of food.
He’s so busy, I am worried he’s going to die from work too much.
12. Question things you do not understand or that do not appear to make sense. (page 43) 对于你不了解的地方,或者似乎讲不通的地方,要提出问题。
辨析:appear, seem
① appear暗含“的确如此”含义,如果要表示某种判断而得出的印象最好用appear。appear还可以是行为动词“出现,显现”的意思。例如:
It appeared that he had a taste for music. = He appeared to have a taste for music.
They appear / seem to have misunderstood me. = It appears /seems that they have misunderstood me. 他们似乎误解了我。
The actress is thirty-five years old, but she appears a lot younger. = The actress is thirty-five years old, but it appears that she is a lot younger.
② seem所表示的“似乎”或“看来”是以客观的迹象为依据。还可以有It seems as if…句型,而appear则不能用于此句型。例如:
She seems a clever girl. = It seems that she is a clever girl. 她好像是个聪明的姑娘。
The baby seems (to be) asleep. = It seems that the baby is asleep. 那婴孩好像是睡着了。
He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request. = It seemed that he was disappointed when the man refused his request. 当那个人拒绝了他的要求时他看起来很失望。
It seems that you are lying. = You seem to be lying. 看来你在撒谎。
It seems as if you are the first one here. 看起来你是第一个来这儿的。
It seems as if she has been to England. 好像要下一场雷阵雨。
13. Why do some people think they have the right to go against nature?(page 45)为什么有些人认为他们有权与自然对抗呢?
辨析:go against, be against
① go against sb. /sth 指“动作”。例如:
Don’t go against your parents /your parents’ wishes. 不要违背父母亲的愿望。
He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. 他不顾同事们的劝告辞了职。
② be against指“状态”。例如:
Are most people against the proposal? 是多数人都反对这项提议吗?
It was against his will to do such things. 做这类事是违背他的本意。
14. I believe that strict laws should be put in place and governments should do more to stop human cloning.(page 45)我认为应该严格立法,政府也该采取更多的措施阻止人类克隆。
in place 在句中作状语,意思是“在对的位置”、“在适当的位置”,其反义短语out of place“不合适; 不恰当”。在句中做表语有“合适的;恰当的”的意思。例如:
She likes everything to be in place before she starts work.
Some of these books are out of place. Please put them in right order.
有些书位置不对, 请把它们按顺序放好。
With everything in place, she started the slide show. 一切就绪,她开始放幻灯片
The proposal is not quite in place. 那提议并不十分恰当。
Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思或首字母完成句子。
1. It has helped Chinese scientists make breakthroughs.
2. Other women are desperate to get back to work.
3. The aim is to reduce anxiety and help the patients relax.
4. Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.
5. He received four years of normal education at college.
6. The building was totally(完全地) destroyed by the fire
7. We shall do this for the benefit(利益) of the patients.
8. You’ll succeed (成功) only if you put all your heart into it.
9. Another agreement (协议) to be signed tomorrow will concern technical co-operation.
10. She finds it difficult to grasp the basic concept(概念).
II. 选用表格内短语动词词语的适当形式完成下列句子。
go against, interfere with, concentrate on, push ahead with, succeed in, point out,
show respect for, end up, use up, praise…for, come across, be delighted to
1. Anxiety can interfere with children’s performance when they take an exam.
2. The election went against him at first, but he won at last.
3. You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.
4. At last the climbers succeeded in climbing up the top of the mountains.
5. Don’t use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.
6. Everyone shows respect for her contribution to peace in the country.
7. They were praised by police for reporting the theft.
8. If you go against nature and do things, you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good.
9. I felt I could not move another step, but after lunch I pushed ahead with the rest.
10.Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.
Ⅲ. 选用表格内所给短语完成下列句子。
in general, with the intention to, for sale, in agreement with,
on the one hand, one one’s way to, in place, on the other hand
1. I’m well on the way to completing the report.
2. On the one hand they’d love to have kids, but on the other, they don’t want to give up their freedom.
3. In general, this type of cars is very functional and failures are rare.
4. I am in agreement with you that she should be given more responsibilities.
5. Before the examination, please put everything for it in place.
6. On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.
7. Last week my wife and I arranged to see a house that was for sale.
8. I worked late into the night with the intention to earning enough money.
Ⅳ. 单项选择。
1. -Your tie goes very well with your shirt.
- A .
A. Oh, I got it on sale B. I bought it at half price
C. Does it really look OK? D. No, not so nice
2. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has B ?
A. run out B. put out C. held up D. used up
3. In this state, all the adults who D laws were to be severely punished.
A. went for B. stood for C. stood against D. went against
4. Father likes everything to be D .
A. in place B. in the place C. in its place D. in a place
5. The earth’s resources C very quickly.
A. are used up B. will be used up C. are being used up D. have used up
6. Jim was very happy yesterday because he B the book that he wanted.
A. came to B. came across C. came about D. came out
7. The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to C one.
A. adapt B. receive C. adopt D. keep
8. Many children think they are A with when their parents are trying to show concern about them.
A. interfered B. separated C. disturbed D. informed
9. The baby reached out his hands, crying in B want of his mother.
A. curious B. desperate C. sincere D. serious
10. They’re travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.
A. ended up B. ending up C. end up D. to end up
Word power & Grammar and usage
1. This is the organ that controls the rest of the organs, just like the headmaster controls the school.(page 47)正是这个器官控制其他器官,正如校长控制学校一样。
辨析:the rest, the other
① rest是名词,即可指人也可指物,多指某一整体范围之内的其他;the rest (of +名词) 做主语时,谓语动词可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式,应视the rest所代替的那个名词而定。例如:
I have got two bright students in the class, but the rest (of the students) are average.
I’ll keep one third of the money and the rest (of the money) is for you.
The beginning of the lecture was boring, but the rest was interesting.
The rest of the bicycles are on sale today. 其余的自行车今日上市销售。
② other是代词,单数是两者中的“另一”,复数才指“其余的(人或物)”;多指若干个个体中的其余部分。做形容词用时亦是如此。例如:
She gave me one book last week and promised to bring the other on Wednesday.
I went swimming while the others played basketball. 我去游泳, 其余的人都去打篮球了。
There must be some other reason for him refusing to help. 他不肯帮忙, 一定另有原因。
Are there any other problems? 还有其他的问题吗?
Other people found it difficult to get along with her. 其他的人觉得她很难相处。
2. He is always working in his lab, trying to figure out all the mysteries that make him puzzled.(page 49)他总是在实验室工作,尽力去弄明白所有使他困惑的奥秘。
figure out在句中意为“弄明白”; figure out还可表示“计算出”或“解决”。例如:
I just can’t figure him out. 我简直摸不透他。
No one can figure out how the fire started. 没有人弄得清这场火灾是怎么引发的。
Could you help me figure out this problem? 你能帮我解决这问题吗?
I have figured out how much during the week I spent. 我算出了这个星期花了多少钱。
3. He must have been working too hard to notice!(page 49)他可能太专注于工作了,根本没有注意到。
must have been working是情态动词must 接动词的现在完成进行时,表示对过去事情的推测,意思是“肯定一直在……”,“想必一直在……”。例如:
John must have been playing football and Mary must have been doing her homework.约翰肯定一直在踢足球,而玛丽想必一直在做作业。
You must have been overdoing things a bit. 想必你一直以来都过于劳累。
3. I think we should be cautious and use good judgment when making decisions about cloning.(page 49)我认为在就克隆问题作出决策时,应当慎重行事,作出理智判断。
辨析:cautious, careful
① cautious adj. “小心的, 谨慎的”,语气比careful强,指十分小心,防止出现危险或差错,带有提防的意味,强调“意识”。常用句型:be cautious of/about sb. /sth./doing sth. 提防某人;注意某事;仔细干某事。例如:
If I had been more cautious, I might have done better. 我要是再谨慎一点,可能做得更好。
We should be cautious of strangers. 我们应该提防陌生人
The bank is very cautious about lending money. 银行在贷款方面十分慎重。
② careful侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方,着眼于“行动”。例如:
I begged him to be more careful. 我求他更谨慎些。
Be careful not to lose her address. 小心别把她的地址给弄丢了。
4. Although it involves some cost on your part, you will definitely agree it’s worth it! (page 49)尽管要支付一笔费用,但你肯定会认为是值得的。
(1) involve vt. "使卷入、牵涉、包括”,常用句型:involve sb. in 使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
involve sb. with 与(某人)有密切关系。例如:
Buying an expensive car involved him in debt. 买一辆昂贵的汽车使他负债累累。
The project involved great expense. 那项工程开支巨大。
Don’t involve me in your quarrel. 不要把我卷进你们的争吵中。
Don’t involve yourself with those people. 不要和那些人混在一起。
(2) on one’s part 就某人而言
I will never do such a thing on my part. 我永不做这样的事。
It was a mistake on your part to meet him. 和他见面是你的错误。
There was a series of errors on my part. 我犯了一连串的错误。
5. Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.(page 50)采用电疗,这个细胞的组织会分裂成几个部分。
split into, divide into, separate into
这一组短语都有“分成 /为……”的意义,在句型结构上也非常接近, 归纳如下:
① 主语是sth.动词与介词into不拆分。例如:
The river splits into three smaller streams at this point. 这条河在此处分成三条小河
The class separated into several smaller groups to talk about the subject.
His lecture divides into three parts. 他的演讲分三部分。
② 主语是sb.动词与介词into拆分。例如:
She split the class into groups of four. 她把这个班班分成4个组。
Divide the cake into quarters and share it equally. 把蛋糕分成四份, 大家平均享用。
I separated the documents into two piles. 我把文件分成两摞。
③ 都可以用于被动结构。例如:
The old farm has been split into house lots.
After World War Two, Germany was divided into two separate countries.
The land was separated into small fields. 那块地被分割为小块的田地。
词根加上前缀或后缀而构成的新词叫派生词。通常前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性。如unbelievable一词,其构成为:un-believe-able,前缀un- 表否定,形容词后缀 -able表示“能够的”,由此可推断unbelievable的意思为“not able to believe”(难以置信的)。因此,掌握一些有关前缀的和后缀的知识对学习英语词汇有很大的帮助。
1. 常见的前缀:
un-, im-, in-, dis-, ir-, non- 不;无
unfair不公平的 uncover揭开(盖子) imperfect不完美的
incorrect不正确的 dishonesty不诚实 irregular不规则的
nonstop不停的 nonsmoker不抽烟的人
anti- 反;抗
anti-war反战的 anti-aging抗衰老的 anti-smoking反对吸烟的
auto- 自动
autoalarm自动报警器 automation自动控制
mis- 错
misunderstand误解 misfortune不幸 misspell拼错
inter- 在……之间
interact相互作用 interschool学校间 international国际的
over- 过度
overload超载;overwork 过度工作;overweight超重
pre- 前;预先
preface 前言 prewar战前的 preschool学龄前的
post- 后
postgraduate研究生 postwar 战后的 postposition后置词
multi- 多
multi-purpose 多种用途的 multimedia多媒体 multimillionaire 千万富翁
re- 再
semi- 半
super- 超级
tele- 电
kilo- 千
kilometer千米, 公里;kilogram千克, 公斤;kilowatt千瓦
vice- 副
2. 一些常见的后缀:
-er, -or, -ian, -eer, -ist 表示“人”
teacher 教师 reader 读者 sailor 水手
actor 演员 historian 历史学家 musician 音乐家
magician 魔术师 engineer 工程师 volunteer 志愿者
scientist 科学家 artist 艺术家 physicist 物理学家
-ese 通常加在国名或地名上,表示“人,语言”
Chinese 中国人,汉语 Japanese 日本人, 日语
-ance 通常加在动词或形容词后,构成抽象名词
importance 重要性 assistance 帮助 guidance 指导
-tion 通常加在动词后,构成抽象名词
education教育 pronunciation发音 production 生产
-ment 通常加在动词后,表示“行动,结果”
movement 运动 achievement 成就 development 发展
-ness 通常加在形容词后
weakness弱点 happiness幸福 kindness好意
-ity 通常加在形容词后
activity活动 equality平等 electricity电
-ship 加在名词后
leadership领导 sportsmanship运动员精神 friendship友谊
-ism 表示“主义”
socialism 社会主义 communism共产主义 colonialism 殖民主义
-hood 表示“时代,境遇,身份等”
childhood童年 neighborhood邻近motherhood母亲身份
-ty 通常加在形容词后
difficulty 困难 variety 多样化 anxiety焦虑
-th 通常加在动词或形容词后,构成抽象名词
growth 成长 truth 事实 strength力量
-al 通常加在名词后,表示“与……有关的”
cultural 文化的 musical 音乐的 natural 自然的
-able, -ible 通常加在动词后,表示“能够,适于”
eatable 可食用的 suitable 合适的 visible 可见的
-ful, -ous 通常加在名词后,表示“充满,倾向”
beautiful美丽的 powerful强大的 careful仔细的
poisonous有毒的 famous著名的 various各种各样的
-less 通常加在名词后,表示“无”
fearless无畏的 endless无尽的 careless粗心的
-ern 加在名词后,表示“方向”
eastern东方的 western西方的 southern南方的
-ive 通常加在动词后
active积极的 protective防护的 collective集合的
-some 表示“易于,引起”
troublesome麻烦的 tiresome引起疲劳或厌烦的 quarrelsome 好争吵的
-y 通常加在名词后,表示“充满,倾向”
dirty 肮脏的 noisy 喧闹的 rainy下雨的
sunny 晴朗的 easy容易的 thirsty口渴的
-like 加在名词后,表示“……似的”
childlike 孩子似的 womanlike 女人似的 manlike 男人似的
-ly 通常加在名词后
friendly 友好的 leisurely 悠闲的 daily 每日的
-en 加在名词后,表示“由……制成的”
wooden木制的 woolen毛纺的 golden金的
-en 加在形容词或名词后,表示“使”
shorten 缩短 deepen加深 strengthen加强
-fy 加在形容词或名词后,表示“使”
beautify美化 classify 把……分等级 simplify 简化
-ize 加在形容词或名词后,表示“使”
realize实现 modernize使现代化 apologize道歉
-ly 通常加在形容词后
happily 愉快地 really 真正地 terribly可怕地
-ward(s) 表示“方向”
backward(s) 向后地 upward(s) 向上地 onward(s) 向前地
-teen 表示“加十”
sixteen十六 seventeen 十七 nineteen 十九
-ty 表示“乘十”
sixty 六十 seventy 七十 ninety 九十
-th 构成序数词
sixteenth 第十六 seventieth 第七十 ninetieth第九十
1. 用法
定语 The injured boy was sent to hospital.
He carefully studied the stamps collected in London.
表语 The glass is broken.
宾语补足语 You must get your hair cut.
状语 The old man stood up, supported by his son.
He came into his office, followed by two guards.
Seen from the top of the hill, the city is more beautiful.
① 作定语。单个过去分词或复合词一般放在所修饰的名词前;过去分词短语作定语时,则放在所修饰的词后面,被修饰的词和过去分词应是被动的逻辑主谓关系即主动意义上的动宾关系或逻辑上的系表结构表状态,都可以转换成一个含有被动语态或系表结构的定语从句。例如:
man-made satellites(人造卫星),school-run factories(校办工厂)
Students always grow with newly found knowledge. (page 47)
A surprised look appeared on his face when he heard that his friend had died.
A letter(that is) posted today will reach him the day after tomorrow.
今天发出的信后天他能收到。(post与a letter存在意义上的动宾关系。)
I want a child (that is) genetically related to me. (page 42, lines 24-25)
② 作表语。表示主语所处的状态; 除了系动词be外,还有其他的系动词也常见用过去分词做表语。常用作表语的过去分词有interested,excited,disappointed,delighted,discouraged, drunk,amused,astonished,tired,surprised, pleased,satisfied,worried,upset,married,frightened等。例如:
That’s disappointed. I think you’ll be pleased when it’s finished. (page 51)
He sounded so thrilled. (page 49) 他听起来如此激动。
Otherwise you will get bored. (page 49) 否则你会觉得无聊。
I’m totally burnt out. (page 51) 我完全筋疲力尽了。
③ 作宾补。和宾语一起构成复合宾语,宾语是其逻辑主语。 have, make, get, keep, hear, feel, see, find, watch, notice, imagine, consider, want, wish, desire, like等动词常接过去分词作宾补。
He is always working in his lab, trying to figure out all the mysteries that make him puzzled.(page 49)他总是在实验室工作,尽力去弄明白所有使他困惑的奥秘。
He spoke loudly in order to make himself heard.
I’m gong to have my house repaired next week.
He had to get the form signed by a doctor.
He heard his name called.
I found the city greatly changed.
④ 作状语。常修饰谓语动词所表示的动作,可表示时间、原因、方式、伴随等,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,主语和过去分词同样构成逻辑主谓的被动关系,可以同相应的状语从句进行转换。例如:
Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.(page 50)= When it is treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.
Given more time, I’ll work out all the maths problems.=If I am given more time, I’ll work out all the maths problems.(表条件)
Driven by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. =As they are driven by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (表条件)
⑤ with+名词(或代词)+过去分词
在介词with的复合结构中,过去分词和前面的名词或代词构成逻辑主谓的被动关系, with复合结构在句中做状语。例如:
I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling.
She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(表原因)
I had the TV on with the sound turned down. 我让电视机开着,但音量调低了。(表方式)
2. 分词的独立结构
当过去分词做状语表时间、条件、让步或方式时,可以在分词前加上相应的连词when /while / before /after /since /if /unless /though等;在状语从句中,当主从句的主语一致且谓语中含有系动词或助动词be时,从句的主语和be就可省略。例如:
Unless invited to speak, he remained silent.
When offered help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”
When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year.
When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight.
3. 过去分词与现在分词完成被动式的用法比较
Having been discussed (Discussed) many times, the problems were settled at last.
Having been shown around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the Olympic Games.
4. 作状语时表示主动意义的过去分词
有些过去分词因为来源于系表结构,其本身已经是形容词了,作状语时不表被动而表主动意义。常见的这类词有:lost(迷路的、迷失的),seated(就座的),hidden(隐秘的、隐藏的),absorbed in(投入的、全神贯注的),born(出生的、产生的),dressed in(穿戴好的),tired of(厌倦的、厌烦的)等。例如:
Absorbed in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.
Born in this beautiful town, he hates to leave it.
Faced with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.
Interested in the subject, he spent much time reading the books.
Ⅰ. 单项选择。
1. Some of the wheat is from China. What about D ?
A. another B. the other C. others D. the rest
2. We can’t wait. We have to A the direction and the distance before we take action.
A. figure out B. make out C. think out D. turn out
3. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They B at least 150 kilometers an hour.
A. should have been doing B. must have been doing
C. could have done D. would have done
4. I’m lucky enough to find the same knife D I lost yesterday.
A. which B. what C. like D. that
5. He is a B investor who studied the market before buying.
A. careless B. cautious C. hasty D. impatient
6. He has nothing to do with the murder case. He is not C in it.
A. concerned in B. concerned for C. involved in D. related in
7.-Jack bought a new mobile phone A .
-Did he? That’s his third one in just one month.
A. the other day B. by now C. some day D. for the firs time
8. He reached the top of his D in very little time.
A. judgement B. comment C. concept D. profession
9. He B as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
A. has behaved B. behaved C. is behaving D. behaves
10. All of them are experts in their chosen C .
A. effect B. position C. field D direction
Ⅱ. 用适当的非谓语动词形式填空。
1. She caught the student cheating (cheat) in exams.
2. When I got there, I found him repairing (repair) farm tools.
3. When I got there, I found the farm tools repaired. (repair)
4. Just then he heard someone calling (call) for help.
5. He worked so hard that he got his pay raised. (raise)
6. The missing boys were last seen playing (play) near the river.
7. Compared (compare) with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.
8. The workers had the machines running (run) all night long to finish the work on time.
9. People in the south have their houses made (make) of bamboo(竹).
10. Lost (lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
Ⅲ. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
1. He did not seem at all interested (interest) in the subject.
It will be very interesting (interest) to see what they come up with.
2. I am always pleased (please) to hear from former students.
He is a very well mannered and pleasing (please) young man.
3. It was surprising (surprise) that he finished writing a novel in only twenty days.
Are you surprised (surprise) to see Einstein on a Chinese stamp?
4. It is said that the team made a disappointing (disappoint) start.
We were disappointed (disappoint) that they could not learn the lesson of history.
5. When she had finished her meal, she gave a satisfied (satisfy) smile.
The work proved to be more satisfying (satisfy) than being a teacher.
Ⅳ. 单项选择。
1. She wants her paintings D in the gallery, but we don t think they would be very popular. ( 上海春)
A. display B. to display C. displaying D. displayed
2. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless A every day. (2007 四川)
A. watered B. watering C. water D. to water
3. A by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (2007 浙江)
A. Driven B. Being driven C. To drive D. Having driven
4.- Can those C at the back of the classroom hear me? (2008福建)
-No problem.
A. seat B. sit C. seated D. sat
5. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English C as much as we can. (2008江苏卷)
A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak
6. B and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (全国1)
A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising
7. They have a very practical little table that folds up (折叠起来) quickly when B .
A. not to be needed B. not needed C. needed not D. to be n
8. With the money C , he couldn’t buy any ticket.
A. to lose B. losing C. lost D. has lost
9. -How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?
-The key B the problem is to meet the demand B by the customers.
A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made
10. Deeply B , I thanked her again and again.
A. being moving B. moved C. moving D. to be moved
Task & project
1. I am writing to complain about your plans to start cloning human beings in the UK.(page 56)我写信投诉你准备在英国开始克隆人的计划。
complain vt. & vi. “抱怨、诉苦、投诉”,其常用句型有:
① 不及物动词。例如:
You have no reason to complain. 你没有理由抱怨。
② complain that从句 抱怨……。例如:
She often complains that he is dishonest. 她常埋怨说他不诚实。
They complained that the wages were too low. 他们抱怨工资过低。
She complained (to me) that he had been rude to her. (她向我诉说)他曾对她有粗鲁的行为。
③ complain of/about (doing) sth. 抱怨, 抗议做某事。例如:
Jean is always complaining about something. 琼总是满腹牢骚。
They complained about the food. 他们抱怨这糟糕的食物。
④ complain (to sb) about sth. (向某人)抱怨/投诉什么事。
All the guests complained to the waiter about the noise.
I’m going to complain to your manager about this! 我要向你们经理投诉这件事!
2. I understand that other countries have already begun trying to clone human beings, but this does not mean that we should follow in their footsteps.(page 56)我获悉其他国家已经开始克隆人,但这并不意味着我们就要步其后尘。
follow / walk in sb.’s footsteps “仿效某人、步某人后尘”。例如:
She works in theatre, following in her father’s footsteps. 他继承父业,也从事戏剧工作。
His daughter followed in his steps (footsteps) and became a doctor.
Are you going to follow your father’s steps as a policeman?
3. I’m sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people would not advocate this type of scientific research. (page 56)
(1) conduct vt. & vi. “组织、实施、进行”= carry out。例如:
The survey must be conducted / carried out in secret. 这次调查必须悄悄地进行。
They will carry out / conduct experiments. 他们将进行实验。
(2) 辨析:majority, most
这两个词都有 “多数,大多数”的意思,但区别较大。
① majority 是名词,做主语时,如果of所有格的名词是复数,其谓语动词应是复数形式,如果是不可数名词,其谓语动词应是单数,如果仅majority做主语,其谓语动词单复数均可。例如:
The majority of his books are kept upstairs. 他的大部分书收藏在楼上。
The majority of the workers voted to go back to work. 大多员工投票主张复工。
The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的大部分损害容易补救。
The majority was / were in favor of banning smoking in offices and some other places in public. 大多数人都赞成在办公室和其他一些公共场所禁烟。
② most是代词,其前不可能加冠词,其谓语动词和majority一样也应视情况而定。例如:
There are thousands of verbs in English and most (of them) are regular.
Most of the people are aware of it. 多数人知道这个。
Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分书都被偷走了。
Most of his time is used to read. 大多数时间他用来阅读。
③ most可做形容词用于修饰名词。例如:
Most students passed the examination. 大多数学生通过了考试。
These types of buildings are seen in most European countries.
(3) advocate vt. “提倡、主张、倡导”,可接名词或动名词做宾语。例如:
Our premier advocates higher salaries for teachers. 我们的总理主张提高教师的工资。
I don’t advocate doing such things. 我不主张干这样的事情。
Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior.
4. To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of the UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately.(page 56)总之,我迫切要求你听听英国人民对这件事的看法,以便我们能够立刻终止这种不道德的做法。
(1) to conclude =in conclusion=finally, 意为“最后、总之、总而言之、综上所述”,用在发言或演讲结束时的总结项标志,在句中做插入语。例如:
To conclude / In conclusion / Finally, I wish the Summit a complete success!
T conclude / In conclusion / Finally,I wish you every success in your work.
最后(一句话), 我祝你们工作顺利。
In conclusion, nanotechnology holds some very exciting promises for the future, but we must use this technology wisely. (page 110)
综上所述,纳米技术前景很好; 我们必须很好的利用这项技术。
In conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing.
(2) urge vt. “力劝; 敦促”的意思,其主要句型结构有:
① urge sb. to do sth.。例如:
We all urged him to go ahead with his plan. 我们都鼓励他实施他的计划。
She urges me to take steps in the matter. 她催我处理此事。
② urge sb. into doing sth.。例如:
My friend urged me into applying for the job. 朋友们力劝我申请了那份工作。
He urged her into studying physics. 他极力劝她学习物理。
③ 接宾语从句时要用虚拟语气,从句中should可省略。例如:
He urged that they (should) go to New York. 他极力主张他们去纽约。
The report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim.
(3) 辨析:seek, search for, look for, hunt for
① seek vt. & vi.
We sought long and hard but found no answer.
我们作了长期的艰苦探索, 但没有找到答案。
Police are still seeking / searching for the missing child.
He is seeking / searching for the answer now. 他现在正在寻找答案。
We shouldn’t seek after comfort, personal fame, or gain. 我们不应该贪图安逸, 追名逐利。
② search (for) 还带有“搜”的含义,其宾语不仅有人或物,还有地点,其他词或词组显然不带此意义。例如:
She searched the house from top to bottom. 她将整个房子找了个遍。
I must search the Internet for one of his pictures. 我必须上网搜索他的一张照片。
After he felt better, he searched for work at the various mills.
他感到好些后, 就在各工厂找工作。
They searched all the drawers for the missing paper.
③ look for是常用语,除了具体的人或物外,其宾语还有较抽象的内容。例如:
Why are the police looking for / search for/ seeking you? 为什么警察在四处找你?
He has come all the way from Leeds to look / search for a job.
That foolish fellow is looking for trouble. 那个愚蠢的家伙在自找麻烦。
It’s too soon yet to look for results. 要想知道结果那还太早。
④ hunt for除了“寻找”意义外,还有“猎取……”之意,其他无法替代。例如:
The whole neighborhood have been hunting for / searching for /looking for/ seeking the missing child. 整条街的人都在寻找那个失踪的孩子。
He has been hunting for / looking for/ search for a job. 他一直在找工作。
Police are hunting / searching for the killer. 警察在追捕凶手。
He’s on holiday in Africa, hunting for animals. 他正在非洲度假打猎呢。
The natives live by hunting for their food. 当地人以猎取野兽为食。
6. The very genes that make crops resistant to pests and disease could be harmful to animals.(page 57)正是那些使农作物抵抗害虫和疾病的基因,可能对动物有害。
(1) very 在句中是形容词,用以加强语气,意思是“正是那个”、“正是所要的”、“恰好的”、“极其”。例如:
This is the very book I want! 这正是我所需要的书。
At that very moment the telephone bell rang. 恰好在那个时候,电话铃响了。
These pills are the very thing for your cold. 这些药丸治你的感冒正合适。
(2) resistant to是形容词短语,意为“对……有抵抗力的”或“耐……的”, 在句中做后置定语。例如:
A healthy diet creates a body (that is) resistant to disease.
We need building materials which are resistant to heat. 我们需要耐热的建筑材料。
(3) 辨析:be harmful to, harm, do harm to, be bad for
① be harmful to = be bad for。强调的是状态。例如:
The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to / bad for health.
Sugars can be harmful to / bad for the teeth. 糖可能会损害牙齿。
② harm是及物动词,主要指对人身或健康的伤害,强调的是动作(过程)。例如:
I have never harmed anyone. 我从没伤害过任何人。
Smoking harms our health. 吸烟有害健康。
There was a fire in our street, but no one was harmed. 我们街上发生了火灾, 但无人受伤。
③ do harm to中的harm是不可数名词,do harm to即可指对人身或健康的“伤害”,也可指对其他方面的“损害”,强调的是动作。例如:
Pollution does great the harm to the environment. 污染对环境造成损害。
It’s unlikely to do much harm to the engine. 这不大可能会严重损坏发动机。
The drought did a lot of harm to the crops. 干旱给庄稼带来许多危害。
④ be bad for除还有“对……有害”的意思外,还有“不利于“的意思。例如:
People often think economic development is bad for the environment,but this does not have to be true. (page 23) 人们常常认为经济发展对环境保护不利,但这个提法不一定正确。
Breathing in other people’s cigarette smoke is bad for / harmful to you (= has a harmful effect on your health). 被动吸烟对你健康有害。
Often they do not realize that the choices they make are bad for / harmful to the environment. (page 58, lines 23-24) 他们往往没意识到自己所做的选择对环境是有害的。
7. So far, research has been limited to increasing production profits, rather than ensuring safety.(page 57)到目前为止,研究一直局限于提高生产利润,而不是确保安全性。
① limit vt. “限制、限定”,用名词或代词做宾语。例如:
We must limit our expenses. 我们必须限制我们的开支。
Having so little money to spend on an apartment does limit you in your choice.
② limit…to sth./doing sth.,意为“对……的限制”。例如:
They limit their food to bread and butter. 他们的食物仅限于面包和黄油。
The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions.
She limited her job to looking after the child. 她把她的工作限制在照看孩子上。
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.
8. We further damage Earth by constructing new water channels for shipping, building new factories and creating pollution with industrial waste.(page 58, lines 4-6)我们还修建新的水上通道,建造新工厂,用工业废料制造污染,这些都是对地球更大的破坏。
(1) 辨析:farther, further
① farther可以做形容词或副词用,一般只用于表示距离的“较远的/地、更远的/地”= further。例如:
The farther hill is five kilometers away. 那座更远的小山在五公里以外。(adj.)
I can throw the ball farther than you can. 这个球我能比你扔得远。(adv.)
② further可以做形容词或副词用表距离时 = father,但further用作副词可以用来强调程度,father则不能替代,其意为“更进一步、更深层、而且”等意思。例如:
The church is much further / father than you think. 教堂比你想像的远得多。(adj.)
For some time I had wanted to move further / farther from London. (adv.)
She refused to further talk of her own worry that evening.
The house isn’t big enough for us, and further, it’s too far from the town.
那住宅对我们来说不够大, 而且离城又太远。
The police decided to investigate further. 警方决定更深入调查。
(2) construct vt. “建造、建设、构成”, 其句型结构有:
① construct sth.。例如:
They are constructing / building another bridge over the Xiangjiang River.
He has constructed a new theory. 他建立了一种新理论。
② be constructed of sth. / be constructed out of sth. “用某材料建造”, 指状态。例如:
The bridge was constructed of / made of stones. 这座桥梁是用石头建造的。
The house is constructed out of bricks. 这栋房子是用砖头建造的。
9. Would anyone say that economic development should be stopped in favour of nature? (page 58, lines 9-10)会有人说为了照顾自然就该停止经济发展吗?
in favour of 是介词短语,意思是“赞成……或“支持……”,在句中常做表语或定语。例如:
Personally speaking, I ’m in favour of the scheme. 就本人而言,我赞同这个计划。
Those in favour of this plan will have a meeting. 那些赞成这个计划的人会开一个会。
“in +名词+ of”结构的常用短语还有:
in search of 寻找 in hope of 希望着
in want /need of 需要 in charge of 负责,掌管
in memory of 为了纪念…… in honor of 出于……的敬意;为纪念……
in control of控制,管理,掌握
10. Most of the time it turns out that humans are not really profiting when they damage the environment.(page 58, lines 29-30)多数情况下的结果就是,人类在破坏环境之际并没有真正受益。
turn out常用于两种句型结构。
① It turns out that … “结果是……” ; 如果that从句中是一般过去时,可以表示“没想到是……”,“原来却是……”。例如:
It turns out that the method doesn’t work well. 结果是这个方法不管用。
It turned out that his best friend was a thief. 他最要好的朋友竟然是个小偷。
It turned out that the driver was just the boss. 没想到那司机居然就是老板。
It turned out that he was never there. 原来他根本没去过那儿。
② sth. turn out (to be) + 接名词或形容词:结果是……;原来是……;证明是……;最后情况是……
It was cloudy this morning, but it turned out fine. 早上多云,最后却是晴天。
The job turned out to be beyond his rather limited abilities.
He said he was a doctor; but later he turned out to be a cheat.
他自称是个医生, 原来他是个骗子。
(2) profit 的用法
① 做名词用,表示“好处、益处、利益”。例如:
Small profits and quick returns. 薄利多销
The company started to show a profit in its first year. 公司在第一年就开始赢利。
He’s only interested in making a quick profit. 他只对尽快获利感兴趣。
We will all profit by the experience.我们都将从这次经验中获利。
Not all children would profit from this kind of schooling.
It would profit us to change our plans. 改变计划对我们有好处。
11. It is mankind’s responsibilities to find solutions that are acceptable for everyone, and everything. (page 58, lines 32-33) 找出对任何人、任何事物都可以接受的方案,是人类的责任。
① 这是一强调句,强调部分是句子的主语mankind’s responsibilities to find solutions
② be acceptable for / to sb. 可理解为“为……所接受、对……适合”。介词for多用来指物,而to较为多见用来指人。例如:
Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.
The plan is acceptable to both sides. 这个方案双方都可以接受。
He tried to find a solution that was acceptable to everyone.
12. As you get more excited, you may off the point.(page 59)
go off有许多不同的意义。例如:
① 跑题、离题
The speaker has gone off the subject. 讲话人离题了。
② 离开;消失
I’d better have waited till the rain went off. 我当时要是等雨停再走就好了。
The headache went off quite suddenly. 头疼突然消失了。
She went off with the gardener's son. 她跟园艺工人的儿子私奔了。
③ 开始变坏;变质;变差
Fish soon goes off in this hot weather. 在这么热的天气里,鱼很快会变质。
The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now.
这个演讲者以前讲得很好, 但如今似乎变差了。
④ 睡着
He has gone off by the fire. 他靠着火炉睡着了。
How to write a formal letter
1. 正式信函的写作原则
in the correct format 格式正确
short and to the point 简短,切中要害
relevant 具有相关性
free of any grammatical or spelling mistakes 没有语法和拼写错误
polite, even if you’re complaining 有礼貌,哪怕是投诉信
well presented陈述恰当
2. 正式信函的写作格式要求
称呼:用“Dear+姓”,不知道姓名时用Dear Sir或Dear Madam。不知道是Mrs 还是Miss时,可以使用Ms。
结尾:使用Yours Faithfully,Yours Sincerely结尾。
3. 信的内容
Awaiting your good news.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
We await your good news.
I hope to hear from you very soon.
We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 静候佳音
I look forward to our next meeting in Los Angeles. 期待我们下次在咯杉矶的会面。
Your early reply will go highly appreciated. 急盼佳音。
We shall be pleased to send you what you wanted, 如果你需要些什么,我们会非常乐意给
你寄过去 。
The help you give me is sincerely valued. 你给我的帮助非常宝贵。
I hope everything will go well with you. 我祝你万事如意。
Please let us know if you want more information. 如果需要更多的信息,请尽管通知我。
I hope you always enjoy yourself. 我希望你永远开心。
I wish you every success in the coming year. 我祝你来年一切如愿。
Please remember me to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。
All the best. 祝你万事如意。
With love and good wishes. 给你最好的祝愿。
现在,假如你叫Louise Longford,是个健美教练,想要去一家叫做Fitness First的公司应聘,请给Mr G. Sands写一封求职信。
Louise Longford的求职信:
12, Kenmore Road
LT12 9BH
1st December
Mr G. Sands
Fitness First
Lake Road
Dear Mr Sands
Re: Fitness Instructor FF/32
I am writing to apply for the job of Fitness Instructor, as advertised in Thursday's Courant. This is an ideal job for me given my enthusiasm for sport, my related experience and qualifications.
Sport and fitness training have always been important to me, which is why I chose to take a BTEC Diploma in Sports Science. I obtained distinctions in the Sports Anatomy & Physiology and Sports Injuries modules last year and am confident that I will get similar marks in Exercise Physiology, Mechanics of Sport and Sports Supervision & Management this year. I am a confident user of Microsoft Office xp and have worked extensively with Fitness Publisher, a program for analysing fitness.
As you can see from my CV, I've taken the opportunity to gain extra qualifications that were on offer at college, which has helped me get part-time work as a pool attendant. I'm called on to provide cover during busy times so am used to working irregular hours at short notice. I've also run a lunchtime aerobics class at college since the start of this year.
I finish college in six weeks and am keen to find a job rather than carry on with further full-time study. I could start any part time work or training sooner as many of my classes are finishing and most of my assignments are done. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Louise Longford
书信写完后,要根据上述原则进行检查,以保证书信质量。相信看过你写的求职信,Mr Sands会很乐意招聘你。
Ⅰ. 用每组所给单词的适当形式完成随后的句子。
1. over, for, up to, against, up, up, after, into
1) -Are you for or against this proposal?
-I think the proposal is good. I’m for it.
2) Class was over. The students went home.
3) What are you after in life?
4) I hate hiking and I’m not into classical music.
5) He is not up to his job.
6) It is up to parents to teach their children manners.
7) Time is up.
2. end up, end up with, in the end, on end, put an end to
1) The meeting ended up with the singing of the International.
2) I’m sure you’ll succeed in the end .
3) How can we put an end to the arguing?
4) It made my hair stand on end .
5) He started with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up by ruining himself.
3. way, by the way, by way of, in a way, in no way, in the way, in this way, on the (或one’s)way, under way, all the way, the other way around, give way to
1) The barren land has given way to green vegetation.
2) Do your work in the way I have shown you.
3) Teaching in school can in no way be separated from practice.
4) By the way, which train goes to Shanghai by way of Changsha?
5) On the/my way to the station ,I bought some food.
6) A hurricane is on the/my way. The preparations against it are well under way.
7) In a way , he has been very successful.
8) I saved old envelops. In this way , I have collected a great many stamps.
9) We flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.
10)The eart
篇14:译林模块5 Unit 2 同步讲练及单元自测练习(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)
Welcome to the unit & reading
1. Read a debate on the environment and a report about the Yangtze River.(page 21)阅读一份有关环境的辩论稿和一篇有关长江的报道。
① debate在句中是名词,意为“讨论”或“辩论”。例如:
Our class will hold debates. 我们班将举行辩论。
Television actually encourages public debate about such issues.
(2) 辨析:debate, argue, quarrel, discuss的用法比较
① debate vt. & vi. “辩论;争论”,侧重双方各自申诉理由,“交锋”意味较强。例如:
We debated the proposal for three days. 那个建议我们辩论了三天。
They debated until ten o’clock. 他们一直辩论到10点钟。
② argue vt. & vi. 也有“辩论, 争论”的意思,为支持某一想法、行动或理论而提出理由或证据,侧重于摆事实,试图说服对方,也可能是激烈的交换意见,以致争吵。例如:
She was too tired to argue the point. 她太累了,不想再就这一点争论了。
She argued that she should not go. 她争辩说她不该去。
He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。
③ quarrel vi.“吵架,争吵”,因生气失态以至于会伤害到对方。例如:
Those children are always quarrelling over little things. 那些孩子们总是为小事而争吵。
We quarreled with them about the plan, in fact we supported them.
④ discuss vt. “谈论, 讨论”,重在交换意见。例如:
We will discuss what to teach during the next term. 我们将讨论下学期要教什么。
They discussed selling the house. 他们商讨卖房子一事。
We discussed when we should go. 我们商量什么时候动身。
2. By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800?(page 22)自18以来,世界人口增加了多少倍?
① population n. 人口;全体居民
population是不可数名词,但常和不定冠词连用。表“多少人口”要用what或how large。
The United States has a population of more than 200 million. 美国有两亿多人口。
The population of this city is in the neighborhood of three million. 本市人口接近300万。
What / How large is the population of Hong Kong? 香港有多少人口?
② 当population做主语指一特定人群时,谓语动词单复数都可以。例如:
Most of the population in our village factory are women workers.
The population in these villages still uses well water. 住在这些乡村里的人依然饮用井水。
There 50 percent or more of the population is illiterate. 那里50%或更多的群众是文盲。
One third of the world’s population consumes / consume two thirds of the world’s resources.
3. With me is Mr Lin Shuuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr Qian Liwei, an economist.(page 22, lines 5-6)与我一起的是来自环境保护协会的林水清先生和经济学家钱利伟先生。
这是一个完全倒装句。这个句子由于主语较长,为避免句子头重脚轻,往往把介词短语或其他成分提到句首。这种句子的谓语多为连系动词以及lie, stand, sit, fly, come, go, run, rush等动词。例如:
After the banquet came a firework display in the square. 宴会后在广场上燃放了烟花。
Seated on the ground were a group of young men playing guitar.
At the top of the hill stands a weather station. 山顶上有一个气象站。
4. Then we will open the floor for discussion.(page 22, line 8)之后我们将展开讨论。
open the floor for discussion意为“展开自由讨论”,其中the floor意思是“(大会)发言权;发言机会”,可构成“open/take/have/get/obtain the floor for+名词或to do something” 等短语。例如:
The TV presenter will take the floor for his own opening speech at 3:00 pm.
He has the floor to express his own view / point at the meeting.
Next, the chairman asked Ms. Jones to take the floor. 随后,主席请琼斯女士发言。
5. If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to voice them.(page 22, lines 8-9)如果大家有任何问题或评论,可以利用这个时间说出来。
辨析: voice, express
① voice在句中用作及物动词,指(用言语)“表达……”, 用名词做宾语时,可以与express替换。例如:
A spokesman voiced / expressed the worker’s dissatisfaction.
Get teachers to voice / express their opinions on important subjects.
He voiced / expressed the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。
② express也有 “表达”(思想,情感)的意思,除名词外,还可以用反身代词做宾语。例如:
Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. 也许我没能把我的意思表达清楚。
She expresses herself most fully in her paintings.
He can express himself in good clear English now after four years’ hard learning.
6. Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.(page 22, lines 14-15)污染情形如此严重,致使许多河流饱含化学物质,河水流入海洋,杀死海洋生物。
(1) full of在句中作表语,意为“充满”。full of还常做后置定语。例如:
It is bad manners to talk with a mouth full of food. 嘴里塞满了东西说话是不礼貌的。
A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
(2) 辨析:so…that, such…that
They were so busy that they forgot their meal.
They were such busy men that they forgot their meal.
2)但如名词前有表数量的many,few,much,little修饰时,则要求用so。即:so+many (few, much, little)+名词+that从句
Bill Gates was so interested in software programming that he quit school in his first year at college.比尔盖茨对于软件编程是如此的感兴趣,以致于他在大学一年级时就退学了。
3)当单数可数名词前又有形容词修饰时,既可用so,也可 用such,但冠词的位置有所不同。若是复数可数名词,即使有形容词修饰,也只能用such,而不能用so。例如:
It is such a good dictionary that all of us have bought it.
It is so good a dictionary that all of us have bought it.
=The dictionary is so good that all of us have bought it.
7. In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.(page 22, line 16)此外,捕捞船正将大量海洋生物赶尽杀绝。
(1) in addition副词短语,“此外;而且”的意思,可以和 besides互换,做状语时在句中的位置比较灵活, 但应注意in addition to是短语介词。例如:
In addition / besides, they do not match very much. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。
They eat a great deal of fruit in addition / besides. 他们还吃大量的水果。
Peter is our youngest child, and we have three others besides / in addition.
彼得是我们最小的孩子, 我们另外还有三个孩子.
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
(2) wipe out在句中意为 “消灭;摧毁”;wipe out还可以表示“(用抹布把器皿)擦净”、“擦掉(符号)”。例如:
The earthquake wiped out the whole town. 那次地震毁掉了整个城镇。
The plague once could wipe out a village. 鼠疫曾一度可以夺走整个村庄村民的生命。
Wipe out the bath before you use it. 使用浴盆前先把里面擦洗干净。
These cups have been thoroughly wiped out. 这些杯子已经擦干净了。
She got angry and wiped out her name on the blackboard.
她生气了, 于是就把黑板上她的名字擦掉了。
8. While we damage our environment, we keep producing more and more people who need more land to live on and more food to eat.(page 22, lines 19-20)毁坏环境的同时,我们仍在生育越来越多的人口,他们需要更多的土地来居住,需要更多的粮食来食用。
(1) keep producing 不停生产
keep doing sth.的意思和用法与keep on doing sth.相同,但后者更多地强调重复性和决心。
Our line can get very busy but please keep trying and you will eventually get through. (page 13) 热线有时候可能会很忙,但请继续拨打,最终你会拨通的。
He caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning.
He kept on phoning me, and I really didn’t want to talk to him.
(2) more land to live on短语中不定式作后置定语,more land是不定式的逻辑宾语,与to live on之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,而live为不及物动词,后面必须有介词才可带逻辑宾语,live on后的on不能掉。
After she considered the problem, she got a tall box to stand on. 她考虑这个问题后,拿出个大盒子,站在上面。
9. My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.(page 22, lines 22-23)我的建议是我们应当尽量削减生产,减少制造和购买的物品数量。
(1) suggestion /suggest虚拟语气用法
① My suggestion is that…后的表语从句中should + 动词原形是虚拟语气。主语是suggestion, idea, proposal, request等表建议、要求和看法的名词时, 作表语从句的谓语动词为原形动词或should + 原形动词,should可以省略。例如:
My suggestion is that we (should) go and help him. 我的建议是我们应该去帮助他。
Our only request is that this problem should be settled as soon as possible.
② suggestion后同位语从句的谓语动词为原形动词或should + 原形动词,should可以省略。例如:
He made the suggestion that the political prisoners (should) be set free. 他提议释放政治犯。
He made the suggestion that we (should) go by train. 他建议我们坐火车去。
He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date.
③ 动词suggest表“建议”时其后的宾语从句谓语动词为原形动词或should + 原形动词,should可以省略。例如:
Mr Lin suggested we (should) cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment. (page 23) 林先生建议削减生产来保护环境.
I suggest you(should)set about your work without delay. 我建议你马上开始工作。
④ suggestion除“建议”意义之外,还有“暗示; 迹象; 说法”的意思,动词suggest也有 “暗示;使人想到;意味着” 的意思,其后接同位语从句或宾语从句时不应用虚拟而应是陈述结构,例如:
There is no suggestion that he was involved in any wrongdoing.
They dismissed the suggestion that they hadn’t worked hard.
His attitude suggests that he isn't really interested. 他的态度表明他并不真的感兴趣。
Her face suggests that she’s bored. 从她的面部表情可知她生厌了。
(2) cut back (on) “削减;减少; 减低”,
We shall have to cut back on our spending. 我们将不得不削减我们的经费。
If we don’t sell more, we’ll have to cut back (on) production.
我们若不能增加货物的销售量, 就必须大幅度降低产量。
We must cut back on expenditure in order to save more money.
我们应减少开支, 以节省更多资金。
cut back 缩减(生产,开支); cut down 砍倒,减少;
cut in 插入,插嘴;cut off 切断(电力、煤气等); cut out 删掉,裁减
10. It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry, and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.(page 22, lines 24-25)发展循环再造业,教会人们有益环境的生活方式,会很有益处。
(1)It would be beneficial to…是形式主语的句型,“it”是形式主语,真正的主语是不
定式to expand our recycling industry。又如:
It requires courage to do this kind of work. 干这种工作是需要勇气的。
(2)beneficial adj. 有益的;有利的
I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有益。
常用句型:be beneficial to 对……有益处
同义短语:be of benefit to sb. 对某人有益处;do good to 对……有好处
I would imagine that they’ll want to keep it.
I guess some people would consider it brutal.
It would seem to be getting warmer. 天气似乎变得更暖和了
11. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.(page 23, lines 29-30)显然,你对我们的环境现状很担忧。
(1) It is obvious that…是形式主语句型,it作形式上的主语,that引导的主语从句是真正的主语。形容词obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, quite clear, unusual, etc.常用于此句型中。例如:
It is certain (that) he will come to the discussion. 他肯定会来参加讨论。
It is probable that she might change her mind at the last minute.
It was surprising that he finished writing a novel in only twenty days.
他在二十天内写完了一本小说, 真令人吃惊。
It is strange that nobody knows where he has gone. 说也奇怪,无人知道他去哪儿了。
(2) 辨析:be concerned about, be concerned for, be concerned with
be concerned可以和不同的介词搭配,构成系表结构的惯用语,也都有基本相同的意义“关心;关注”,但在着重点上还是有微细的区别。例如:
① be concerned about着重于“非常重要的位置或分量”。
They appeared completely unconcerned about what they had done.
You should not be too much concerned about saving appearances. 你不该过于计较面子。
Everybody is concerned about the future of his country. 每个人都关心自己国家的前途。
② be concerned for着重于“为……担心;担忧”。
We’re all concerned for her safety. 我们都很担心她的安全。
Naturally we were concerned for him when we heard of the accident.
当我们听到那意外事件时, 自然地为他担忧。
Some people don't show much concern for our environment.
③ be concerned with着重于“对……感兴趣”。
What parts of this issue would they care about or be concerned with?
It is reported that the pop singer is concerned with selling drugs.
(3) concern n. “关心; 关注”
You need feel no concern about the matter. 你不必担心那件事。
China expresses its profound concern over such a development.
12. When people think of factories, they think of clouds of dirty smoke or a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river.(page 23, lines 31-32)每当人们想起工厂,就会想到滚滚烟尘,或向河流倾泄化学废物的管道。
(1) pouring chemical waste into a river是现在分词短语做后置定语。
(2) 辨析:pour into…, pour…into…
① pour into(不断地、大量地〕“流进;涌入”。例如:
The river pours into the sea. 河水奔腾流进大海。
The crowd suddenly poured into the store. 人群突然涌进商店。
② pour…into“把……倒入、投入”。例如:
She poured a little whisky into a glass. 她往杯里倒了点威士忌。
The government poured a large sum of money into the project.
13. What I’m here to say is that having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. (page 23, lines 36-38)在这里我想说的是,与很多环保人士共同努力过后,我知道健康的环境和稳定的经济并存是可能的。
(1) 这是一个比较复杂的长句;what I’m here to say是主语从句, 系动词is后的that引导一表语从句;在整个表语从句中having worked side by side with many environmentalists现在分词的完成式做状语表时间,谓语动词know后面是that引导的宾语从句。
(2) side by side意为“并肩地”,其中by表示以连续的单位、批量或程度计。类似重叠短语有:
day by day 一天天地 little by little逐渐地
one by one一个一个地 step by step 逐步地
14. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.(page 23, line 45)我的确赞同循环利用是助益两者的关键。
the key to sth./doing sth.意为“是……的关键”。此外,key还有“钥匙”、“答案”等意思。to 是介词,其后接名词、代词或V-ing形式。例如:
a key to the grammar exercises 语法练习答案
the answer to the question 问题的答案
the key to the door 房门的钥匙
secretary to the managing director 总经理的秘书
notes to the text 课文的注释
the key to the success 成功的秘诀
the solution to the problem 对于这个问题的解决办法
a monument to the martyrs 烈士纪念碑
15. This might make wood and seafood more expensive, but paying a higher price for some things is not always bad for the economy. (page 23, lines 49-51)
(1) 这是一并列句,but后第二分句中paying a higher price for some things是动名词短语做主语。
(2) is not always bad for…是一部分否定句结构,部分否定句型结构归纳如下:
① 否定词not与表频率的副词always连用时(not always = sometimes),可理解为“并非总是”。例如:
He isn’t always late for school. 他也不是上课老迟到。
I don’t always begin work at nine in the morning. 我并不总是上午9点开始工作。
② 定词not与all, both, every及其复合词(everything、everybody、everywhere)等词连用,表示不完全否定。例如:
All the boys don’t like football. =Not all the boys like football.(Some boys like football but some of them don’t.)不是所有的男孩都喜欢足球。
Every horse can not run fast. = Not every horse can run fast. (Some horses can’t run fast.)
Both of the answers are not right. (One of the two answers is wrong.) 并非两个答案都错。
This kind of thing is not found everywhere.(You can find this kind of thing somewhere.)
③ 含有seldom、hardly、little、few等准否定词的句子也应属于部分否定范围。例如:
You have done little for us. 你几乎没为我们干什么。
Very few people understood what he said. 几乎没人懂他的话。
Hardly anyone believes that. 怕没几个人相信。
16. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.(page 23, lines 51-52)我征询周围很多人的看法,许多人愿意花稍高的价格来买环保产品。
(1) ask around “到处打听”, around是副词。
I do not know , but ask around-somebody will know.
Well, I guess one thing I can do is to ask around. 我想我能为你做的事是去四处询问一下。
look around四下观望 get around随意走走
move around走来走去 run around 到处跑
drive around 到处驾驶 walk around 到处走动
show sb. around带领某人参观
(2) willing是形容词。它意为“愿意的”或“情愿的”时多作表语。常用句型有:
① 系动词 + willing to do sth. “乐于、愿意做……”.例如:
What dose Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do? (page 24)
We are quite willing for you to have dinner with us. 我们很乐意你和我们一起吃饭。
They appear /seem willing to talk to us. 他们看起来愿意跟我们交谈。
② willing其后可以接从句。从句中的谓语动词习惯用虚拟语气should加原形动词。例如:
He is willing that she (should) marry him. 他愿意她和他结婚。
Are you willing that he (should) be allowed to join in? 你愿意让他加入吗?
(3) pay a / the price for “为……付出代价”。例如:
They will have to pay a high price for it. 为此他们得付很高的代价。
17. People should take responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean.(page 25)人们应该负起责任来,拒绝购买某些种类的鱼,因为这些鱼类在海洋中所剩无几了。
(1) 辨析:take responsibility for, be responsible for
这一组短语在意义上有点相似, 都有“对……负责”的意思,但不应忽视他们的微细区别。
① take responsibility for “对……负起责任”, 侧重于动作的过程;与不同的动词搭配,产生不同的意义。例如:
If anything goes wrong, I’ll take responsibility for it. 出了问题我兜着。
Will you take responsibility for arranging the food? 你能负责安排食物的事宜吗?
He has no responsibility for that accident. 他对那个事故没有责任。
The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake.
② be responsible for “对……负责任”,这是一个系表结构,侧重于动作后的结果,例如:
You are supposed to be responsible for them. 你是应当对他们负责的。
He must be responsible to me for this matter. 这件事他必须对我负责。
They’re responsible for cleaning the engine. 他们是负责清洗发动机。
Who was responsible for the mistake? 谁应对这一错误负责?
(2) 辨析:certain, some
① certain意为“某, 某些”,即可修饰单数也可以是复数名词。例如:
To a certain degree, he has failed. 从某种程度上说,他已经失败了。
A certain person called on me yesterday. 某个人昨天拜会了我。
Certain plants don’t grow well in this country. 有些植物在这个国家生长不好。
② some做 “某个, 某一”理解 , 其本身已涵盖“一”的概念,因而仅用于修饰单数可数名词。修饰可数名词复数,其意思是“一些”。例如:
There must be some / a certain mistake. 这肯定有某种错误。
He is working at some / a certain place in the north. 他在北方某地工作。
He has gone to some / a certain place in Asia. 他到亚洲某地去了。
18. What if we run out of space? (page 25)
(1) What if…? =What would happen if…?“要是/如果……又会怎样?”,和“what about…?”一样已成为一约定俗成的句型。
What if you should fail? 假如你失败了, 该怎么办呢?
What if we move the picture over here? 倘若我们把这幅画移到这儿来,怎么样呢?
What if you go instead of me? 你替我去会怎么样?
(2) run out (of)在本单元是 “用完、耗尽”的意思,强调动作的结果。例如:
Our food soon ran out. = Soon we ran out of food. 我们的粮食很快就吃完了。
You have run out of money. What if he comes back? 你已经把钱花完了,他回来怎么办?
19. My dad says he doesn’t mind a little bit of pollution, as long as it means people have jobs.(page 25)我爸说并不介意少量的污染,只要这意味着人们有就业的机会。
① as long as =so long as“只要”,是一从属连词词组,可引导条件状语从句。例如:
So long as we live, we must serve the people heart and soul.
You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back.
I’m sure we are safe as long as (we are) in his care.
② as long as=since / now that,也有“既然、因为”的意思, 引导原因状语从句。例如:
As long as we’ve driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进.
As long as you’ve offered, I accept. 既然你已给我,我就接受
Ⅰ. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子,注意词形变化。
1. As winter approached, the days became shorter.
2. We’re just debating the question of environment protection.
3. It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
4. The agreements will be effective from November.
5. The figure of an angel appears on the coin.
6. I’m quite willing (自愿的) for you to go with them.
7. You can’t appreciate (赞赏) English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.
8. People who refuse to pay tax (税)can be put in prison.
9. The father of a family
篇15:Unit 1 laughter is good for you语言点讲练(译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)
By Miss Gu
1. Seeing the funny scene, the man roared with laughter.
He who laughs last laughs longest.
a laughable mistake laughing-gas laughing faces
After his words, they burst into laughter//burst out laughing.
2. Eat more fruit: it is good for your health!// it will do you good.
He says he is leaving the country for good and all.
The matter is as good as settled.
Half of his goods were stolen.
3. The teacher agreed to the boy’s suggestion.
I agreed with him/what he said. I am in agreement with his opinion.
The weather here doesn’t agree with her. 这里的气候不适合她.
Your story agreed with what I had already heard. 你讲的情况和我听到的一样的.
We agreed to the plan he had made. He agreed to make a speech.
They agreed on a date for the next meeting. 他们就下次会议的日期达成了协议.
达成协议 reach/come to/arrive at an agreement
Do stay here for supper. Is it agreed? 一定留下吃晚饭, 说定了吧?
4. He has a good sense of humor. 他很有幽默感。
5. A stand-up comedian may tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience.
They responded quickly to the appeal from the government. 他们迅速回应了政府的呼应.
When asked, he made no response. ( didn’t answer)
Her cries for help met with no response.
Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.
In response to complaints, the company reviewed its safety procedure.
Her proposals met with an enthusiastic response.
Management has granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.
The tax cuts produced a favorable response from the public.
5. `我不喜欢你和你妈妈说话的方式。
I don’t like the way (that/in which) you talk to your mother.
The way he thought of to solve the problem is a clever one.
6. The children queued up to get the tickets. (排队)
We should not jump the queue at any place. (插队)
8.live alive living lively
English is a living language. He has a lively imagination.
He has a special way to make his classes interesting and lively.
Let’s keep the fish alive. He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present.
We are watching the live coverage if the World Cup.
This evening there will be a live broadcast of the debate.
living expenses The injured man is living /alive. a lively boy
He failed to live up to his parents’ expectation.
I don’t like the noise, but I learnt to live with it./
Cattle live on grass while man live on wheat.
He has lived through two wars and three revolutions.
9. 克里斯托没有讲预先准备好的笑话,而是即兴编了一个。
Instead of telling the joke he had planned, Crystal made up a new one.
She never goes out without making herself up first.
Farming and mining make up most of the country’s industry.
The committee is made up of seven members.
They quarreled with each other but soon made up.
We must make up for the lost time somehow.
He soon made up the lessons he had missed.
make up take up put up come up keep up be laid up look up
He took up cycling to keep healthy when he retired.
We must find a place where we can put up for the night?
We can look up the word in the dictionary.
If this rain keeps up, all the crops will be ruined.
I was laid up for six weeks with a very serious illness.
The teacher asked us to make up a dialogue.
Some interesting questions came up at our discussion.
She looked up his number in the phone book to make sure that she got it right.
10. People made fun of her because she wore such a strange hat.
Don’t be serious. He just played a trick on you just now.
Don’t play jokes on that poor girl.
11. We amused ourselves by watching the passers-by. (entertain/make..laugh/smile)
She looked at me in amusement.
To our great amusement, the teacher sang a funny song during the class.
12. Who acts the role of Hamlet?
He ran into the burning house and saved the child. That was really a brave act.
An act of Congress 美国的法案
1. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ________ jokes.
A turning up B putting up C. making up D showing up
2. We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _________ as our guide.
A played B showed C acted D performed
3. Some aspects of a pilot’s job _________ be boring and pilots often ________ work at inconvenient hours.
A. can; have to B may; can C have to; may D ought to; must
4.----There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.
----My goodness! I can’t imagine ______ that old.
A to be B be have been C being D having been
5. He _____ the insult _____ punch.
A. respond; in B. respond to; in C. respond; with D. respond to; with
6. The advertisement received quick ________.
A. response B. recognize C. reaction D. refuse
7. Stand-up ______ is special because the _____ may talk directly to audience members.
A. comedy; comedian B. comedies; comedians
C. comic; comedian D. comedian; comic
8. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a _____ its economy.
A. response B. revolution C. reaction D. reflection
9. The policeman _____ the thief saying that all these evidences ______ your guilt.
A. pointed to; pointed to B. pointed at, pointed at
C. pointed at, pointed to D. pointed to, pointed at
10. We ____ that the two strangers have been up to no good lately.
A. have pointed them out B. have pointed to them
C. have pointed out them D. have pointed out to them
篇16:模块9 Unit 2 Witnessing time 单元语言点讲练(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)
Unit 2 Welcome-Reading
1. While the pace of change in the modern world gets faster and faster,people are becoming more and more aware of the need of preserve the world’s heritage.
①the pace of change (社会)变化的步伐
It is very difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.
keep pace with与……保持同;跟上……步伐
②句中be aware作“意识到”解,后可接of短语或that从句。
She was well aware that he was married.
I suddenly became aware of (= started to notice) him looking at me.
increase one’s awareness of
2. Higher wages have already had a major impact on spending.
The book has a great impact on its readers.
The inflation will surely have a great impact on everyone’s life.
3. be responsible for表乐“对……负责;承担……义务;作为……的原因”:
= to be in charge of; to be the cause of
The police are responsible for he preservation of public order and security.
Police believe that the same man is responsible for three other murders in the area.
The careless driver was responsible for the accident.
Last month's bad weather was responsible for the crop failure.
be responsible to sb/sth to be controlled by someone or something:
In Australia, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers are responsible to the House of Representatives.
4. as is the marathon是一个非限制性定语从句.as是关系代词.
as (通常后接be或do +主语) 也一样
The film is so boring,as is its music.这部电影很乏味,其音乐也是如此。
she’s unusually tall, as are both her parents.
He’s a doctor, as was his wife before she had children.
5.In the West, acupuncture has become very popular, as has Chinese traditional herbal medicine ….也是
I voted Labour, as did my wife.
The situation is completely different here, as are the problems.
Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.
The Beatles, _____ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.
A. what B. that C. how D. as
5. altitude
We're flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet.那架飞机以3 千英尺的高度飞行。
seize/take control of掌控;获取……的控制权
6. particularly是副词,意为“尤其,特别”,如:
He isn’t particularly clever but industrious.
Goods which are easily damaged,glasses in particular/especially glasses,need special packing.
She is very particular about/over her dress.她对衣着很讲究。
My brother likes eating very much but he isn’t very _____ about the food he eats.
A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. unusual
Margaret liked all her classes, but she liked sewing class _____.
A. above all B. in general
C. after all D. in particular
7. house
A villager offered to house the sick traveler.留宿, 供给某人住宅
The gallery houses 2000 works of modern art. 美术馆收藏,存放…
8. seize an opportunity.抓住机遇
seize the city攻占城市
seize your meaning. 理解你的意思。
seize control of 夺取
By defeating his political opponents one by one,he seized control of the parliament at last.
The dictator took/seized control of the country in 1933.
Their conspiracy to seize control of the government became known to the police.
9. occur (HAPPEN) verb [I] -rr-
occur to sb (想法、念头等)想起,浮现
When did the accident occur?
An idea suddenly occurred to me.
It never even occurred to us that he hadn't been invited.
Does it never occur to you that I might like to be on my own occasionally?
10. transfer (MOVE) verb -rr-
We are going to transfer these books to the new library.
Wait until the cakes cool before transferring them to a plate.
I need to transfer 500 yuan to my son’s account.
11. on display意为“被展出;被展览”:
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.
These pictures are on display in the shop windows.
12. under the title of作“在……名下;冠以……名”解 。
Works by many famous artists from china will be on show in the gallery under the title of ‘The Century’s Masterpieces”.
He made a few records under the name of Joe Ritchie.
His poems were published under the title of ‘Love and Reason’.
13. carry out完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行
carry out a policy/plan/task /survey/promise/ an experiment/ research
14. in a gesture to do: in order to
In a gesture to reduce pollution, the government tried all means.
15. undertake undertook undertaken
undertake a task/a project/research/a study etc 承担(工作,责任),承办;着手,进行
Dr Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.
16. preparation
He is practising every day, in preparation for the ice-skating championship.
The servants were cleaning the house in preparation for the return of the family.
We had only a week to make preparations for the wedding
Preparations are being made for the President's visit.
17. care about关心, 担心
care for(否定,疑问)喜欢 想要; 照料[= take care of]:
The only thing he seems to care about is money.
Would you care for another drink?
I don't care for his parents.
He thanked the nurses who had cared for him.
18. appoint sth. For sth.
appoint sb. (to be)/as 任命,委任
appoint somebody to do something
We will appoint a date for the examination.将指定考试日期
They appointed White (to be ) manager.
A committee was appointed to consider the plans.
The time appointed for the meeting was ten o'clock.
at the appointed time 在约定的时间
fix/make an appointment with sb.
19. be assessed at something
Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.损失估计达一千元人民币。
20. (not) bother to do something
Don’t bother to come to my home.不要特地来我家。
He didn't bother to answer the question.
not bother (sb.) about/with
Don’t bother about/with it.不要为那事烦恼。
I don’t want to bother her with my problems at the moment.
(not) bother doing something
Many young people didn't bother voting.
Why bother asking if you’re not really interested?干嘛费口舌打听
That story has a great impact on children.
Bad weather was responsible for the accident.
I can’t help associating her with my younger sister.
A temple was built in honour of the brave dragon.
What event occurred in1991?
In a gesture to reduce pollution, the government tried all means.
We should be polite, in particular, to parents.





