虽然我们ID check是不计入口语分值的,但是你不要忽略,你是会给考官烙下个印象分,而且这个印象分是影响非常大。所以希望大家不要怠慢了我们的ID check。其实无形当中,雅思口语考官就看重了这个对你的初步印象。如果你是碰到那些先入为主特别强的考官,那么等你ID check结束之后,你后面所有的考试都只是在让考官证明他的影响分,到底正不正确。如果你在这些小细节上 没有把握好,比如太紧张结结巴巴,抑或是出现了简单的低级错误,那么很可能你的分数要从5分开始计算了;如果你在这部分地地道道地表达,抑或是颜态举止得体,表达地道,人品爆满,那么很可能你的分数会从6开始计算啦!所以你的ID check就决定了你是在什么样的起点开始给自己加分的。
1. 雅思口语考官看重的那些:
1.1 ID check的初步印象
小编在这里在重申一次,在这个ID check部分,大家千万不要以为这个部分不关考试的事儿,其实考官在“走程序”的20-30秒问出那几个标准问题时,已经在心里默默给你打分了哦!那么如何快速获取考官好感呢,利用考前的ID Check过程来提高你的口语基础分!
那么小编就给大家示范一下,如何不能怠慢了我们的ID check,其实说到底就是为自己在考官心中的初步印象给提高呗。各位烤鸭们,来看看这些ID check中你需要注意的。
雅思口语考官在ID check部分需要在20到30秒内核实完你的信息,所以要注意你的回答要言简意赅,最好能表达地道哈!
雅思口语考官在ID check部分标准的4个问题为:
1)Q:“Good morning/ good afternoon. My name‘s X。 Can you tell me your full name,please?
2)Q: “What can I call you?”
3)Q: “Can you tell me where you’re from?”;
4)Q: “Can I see your identification, please?”
?Q: “Good morning/ good afternoon. My name‘s X。 Can you tell me your full name,please?“
a) 不要说“Good morning, Mr. John.”。因为Mr., Miss, Mrs. and Ms.只是用在姓氏之前。而考官告诉你的通常只有名没有姓。如果你真的听到了,非常确定才能这样称呼。比较合适的回答是:“Good morning, John.(留意考官的名字) My name is Yang Yimin but I go by Catherine.(如果你有英文名,其实没有也可以去一个呀!go by 会给你加好多好多分的,go by 是个地道表达,这句话的意思就是“我叫杨伊敏,但是我比较喜欢被人称呼我为Catherine”)”
b) 说自己的名字的时候一定要发音清晰,因为考官是在核实你的身份,不要因为你发音不清晰重复名字耽误考试时间。
c) 不要调整名字顺序,说成“Yiming, Yang”。按照正常顺序说你的名字即可。
d) 不要说“Yang is my family name and Yiming is my given name。”。这没有直接回答所提的问题。而且容易让考官联想到你是否在背模板。容易给考官不好的印象。
?Q: “What can I call you?”
a) 如果选择英文名,要尽量选择常见的英文名。
b) 要保证英文名发音清晰准确,自己英文名发音错误会给考官留下很不好的印象。
c) 不要说“You may call me Robert。”因为“may”这个情态动词一般表示允许的意思,感觉是上级在跟下级说话。可以说:“Please call me Robert。”或是 “ You can call me Robert。”
d) 不要说“All my friends call me Robert”。这个答案听上去很像雅思口语书上的模板句。同时会给考官不真实的感觉。
?Q:“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
a) 这个问题实际上等同于“Please tell me where you’re from。”所以不要用“yes”开头,然后再说来自哪儿。
b) 只是说你来自哪个省或是哪个市都不完整,正确的回答应该是两方面信息都涵盖,如:“I’m from Changsha, Hunan Province。”
c) 千万不要说:“I came from Changsha, Hunan Province。”这里需要用一般现在时态,而不是过去时态,所以发音一定要注意come不要发成came。不要说:“I come from Changsha, which belongs to Hunan Province。 ” belong to这个短语用在这里是错误的表达。
?Q: “Could I see your identification, please?”
a) 考官让考生出示准考证,所以这个问题不回答,只是将准考证给考官也不会有太大问题。
b) 如果确实要在出示准考证的时候说什么,建议可以简单的说:“Sure.” 或是 “Ok.”同时将ID card递给考官。
c) 千万不要说:“Here you go。” or, “There you go。”这两个短语太随意而且给人高高在上的感觉。一般是用在给乞丐钱或是给小孩子零食吃的时候。
d) 有些考生会说:“Of course。”或者是 “Of course。 Here you are。”建议尽量不要用“Of course。”这显得过于礼貌正式。一般而言,在餐厅吃饭的时候顾客问“Could I have a menu, please?”服务员回答时才说:“Of course, Sir。 Here you are。”
一般而言,开场的这四个问题没有出现明显错误的话不会给考生扣分。但是不太合适的回答会给考官不太好印象。第一印象对于雅思考生而言比较重要,所以还是要注意表达的准确性。注意一些细节问题。这四个问题尽量如实清楚的回答,便于考官及时核实完个人信息,展开下面正式的口语考试。大家除了重视ID check部分的初步印象之外,考官还看重这些:
1.2 你回答的内容
你试着想想雅思考官面对着千篇 一律的回答内容,都是模板而来的答案,再加上中国考生都差不多的表情,差不多的内容,你也就只能拿到差不多的分值了。所以考官其实想听到的是你的“干货”,其实他也挺想给你加分的。口试时间,仅仅10几分钟,他需要收取你足够的信息来确定他给你的分值,公平而有理。那么这个时候,你的回答就需要言之有物。再说的通俗一点,考官需要你的观点或立场,你的解释,你的举例来支撑这些。
?Q:How was your family dinner on this?
1.3 你回答问题的逻辑
1.4 你表达自然流利
2. 雅思口语考官不看重的那些:
2.1 你的口音
2.2 你的复杂词汇/句式
2.3 你的偶尔语法错误
Part 1
1. What is your favourite fruit?
2. When do you eat it?
雅思口语新题Part1之Your country你的国家
Part 1
Your country
1. Which part of your country do most people live in?
2. Tell me about the main industries there.
3. How easy is it to travel around your country?
4. Has your country changed much since you were a child?
Part 1
1. Which season do you like the most?
2. Do you prefer four different seasons or one season for a year? Why?
3. What do you do in different seasons?
4. What the weather is like in the place you live?
5. Where do you usually go to have fun?
6. The climate change in your hometown?
雅思考官,作为speak native,再加上雅思考官也是有专门的训练的。在你进门到check ID结束的时候,他就对你的口语水准有了一个粗略的估计了,也就是心里已经给你打了个分。
虽然我们ID check是不计入口语分值的,但是你不要忽略,你是会给考官烙下个印象分,而且这个印象分是影响非常大。所以希望大家不要怠慢了我们的ID check。其实无形当中,雅思口语考官就看重了这个对你的初步印象。如果你是碰到那些先入为主特别强的考官,那么等你ID check结束之后,你后面所有的考试都只是在让考官证明他的影响分,到底正不正确。如果你在这些小细节上 没有把握好,比如太紧张结结巴巴,抑或是出现了简单的低级错误,那么很可能你的分数要从5分开始计算了;如果你在这部分地地道道地表达,抑或是颜态举止得体,表达地道,人品爆满,那么很可能你的分数会从6开始计算啦!所以你的ID check就决定了你是在什么样的起点开始给自己加分的。
1. 雅思口语考官看重的那些:
1.1 ID check的初步印象
小编在这里在重申一次,在这个ID check部分,大家千万不要以为这个部分不关考试的事儿,其实考官在“走程序”的20-30秒问出那几个标准问题时,已经在心里默默给你打分了哦!那么如何快速获取考官好感呢,利用考前的ID Check过程来提高你的口语基础分!
那么小编就给大家示范一下,如何不能怠慢了我们的ID check,其实说到底就是为自己在考官心中的初步印象给提高呗。各位烤鸭们,来看看这些ID check中你需要注意的。
雅思口语考官在ID check部分需要在20到30秒内核实完你的信息,所以要注意你的回答要言简意赅,最好能表达地道哈!
雅思口语考官在ID check部分标准的4个问题为:
1)Q:“Good morning/ good afternoon. My name‘s X。 Can you tell me your full name,please?
2)Q: “What can I call you?”
3)Q: “Can you tell me where you’re from?”;
4)Q: “Can I see your identification, please?”
?Q: “Good morning/ good afternoon. My name‘s X。 Can you tell me your full name,please?“
a) 不要说“Good morning, Mr. John.”。因为Mr., Miss, Mrs. and Ms.只是用在姓氏之前。而考官告诉你的通常只有名没有姓。如果你真的听到了,非常确定才能这样称呼。比较合适的回答是:“Good morning, John.(留意考官的名字) My name is Yang Yimin but I go by Catherine.(如果你有英文名,其实没有也可以去一个呀!go by 会给你加好多好多分的,go by 是个地道表达,这句话的意思就是“我叫杨伊敏,但是我比较喜欢被人称呼我为Catherine”)”
b) 说自己的名字的时候一定要发音清晰,因为考官是在核实你的身份,不要因为你发音不清晰重复名字耽误考试时间。
c) 不要调整名字顺序,说成“Yiming, Yang”。按照正常顺序说你的名字即可。
d) 不要说“Yang is my family name and Yiming is my given name。”。这没有直接回答所提的问题。而且容易让考官联想到你是否在背模板。容易给考官不好的印象。
?Q: “What can I call you?”
a) 如果选择英文名,要尽量选择常见的英文名。
b) 要保证英文名发音清晰准确,自己英文名发音错误会给考官留下很不好的印象。
c) 不要说“You may call me Robert。”因为“may”这个情态动词一般表示允许的意思,感觉是上级在跟下级说话。可以说:“Please call me Robert。”或是 “ You can call me Robert。”
d) 不要说“All my friends call me Robert”。这个答案听上去很像雅思口语书上的模板句。同时会给考官不真实的感觉。
?Q:“Can you tell me where you’re from?”
a) 这个问题实际上等同于“Please tell me where you’re from。”所以不要用“yes”开头,然后再说来自哪儿。
b) 只是说你来自哪个省或是哪个市都不完整,正确的回答应该是两方面信息都涵盖,如:“I’m from Changsha, Hunan Province。”
c) 千万不要说:“I came from Changsha, Hunan Province。”这里需要用一般现在时态,而不是过去时态,所以发音一定要注意come不要发成came。不要说:“I come from Changsha, which belongs to Hunan Province。 ” belong to这个短语用在这里是错误的表达。
?Q: “Could I see your identification, please?”
a) 考官让考生出示准考证,所以这个问题不回答,只是将准考证给考官也不会有太大问题。
b) 如果确实要在出示准考证的时候说什么,建议可以简单的说:“Sure.” 或是 “Ok.”同时将ID card递给考官。
c) 千万不要说:“Here you go。” or, “There you go。”这两个短语太随意而且给人高高在上的感觉。一般是用在给乞丐钱或是给小孩子零食吃的时候。
d) 有些考生会说:“Of course。”或者是 “Of course。 Here you are。”建议尽量不要用“Of course。”这显得过于礼貌正式。一般而言,在餐厅吃饭的时候顾客问“Could I have a menu, please?”服务员回答时才说:“Of course, Sir。 Here you are。”
一般而言,开场的这四个问题没有出现明显错误的话不会给考生扣分。但是不太合适的回答会给考官不太好印象。第一印象对于雅思考生而言比较重要,所以还是要注意表达的准确性。注意一些细节问题。这四个问题尽量如实清楚的回答,便于考官及时核实完个人信息,展开下面正式的口语考试。大家除了重视ID check部分的初步印象之外,考官还看重这些:
1.2 你回答的内容
你试着想想雅思考官面对着千篇 一律的回答内容,都是模板而来的答案,再加上中国考生都差不多的表情,差不多的内容,你也就只能拿到差不多的分值了。所以考官其实想听到的是你的“干货”,其实他也挺想给你加分的。口试时间,仅仅10几分钟,他需要收取你足够的信息来确定他给你的分值,公平而有理。那么这个时候,你的回答就需要言之有物。再说的通俗一点,考官需要你的观点或立场,你的解释,你的举例来支撑这些。
?Q:How was your family dinner on this?
1.3 你回答问题的逻辑
1.4 你表达自然流利
2. 雅思口语考官不看重的那些:
2.1 你的口音
2.2 你的复杂词汇/句式
2.3 你的偶尔语法错误
最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a time you moved to a new home or school
You should say:
When did you move
Where did you move to
Why did you move
And explain how did you feel about that
I transferred to another school for just once when I was a grade three student in primary school. Actually I was forced by my mom; according to her I could receive high-grade English education in the new school while I did not want to leave my friends and teachers in the first place.
Sadly, I wasn’t the one to make the final call. On the very scorching morning in September I remembered clearly, my parents helped me to get enrolled in a private school in the inner suburb of Nanjing. The distance was not the most stimulating part of the whole story, for a 10-years-old pupil, how to live well in a boarding school was the biggest challenge.
To tell you the truth I was extremely excited to hear that I needed to live in the school for five days a week. No doubt that meant I could be completely ‘free’ from my parents. In the first three days everything went well; I had to adjust myself to the new environment and hardly had time to think of my dad and mom temporarily. However on the fourth day of my ‘independent’ campus life, when I saw one of my roommates crying on her bed at night, the greatest sadness was approaching towards me and I could not help crying loudly as well. I thought I was being too childish at the time so I seldom allow myself to recall that evening. When I looked back on my days in the boarding school I still felt grateful cause I not only learnt knowledge there but also mastered lots of living skills and obtained lifelong friendship.
最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a favorite sport which you watched
You should say:
What it is
When you watch it
Who you watch it with
And explain why you like watching it
I’m really into watching figure skating, I find that sport entertaining and relaxing. The athletes, it’s like they are dancing to the music, I mean, they cut patterns in the ice and do jumps and spins, so watching the game is just like watching an artistic performance.
When the players complete a skillful maneuver on the ice, all the audience would stand up and cheer for them, it’s just so exciting and enjoyable to look at.
This sport is really popular in my hometown, ‘cause winter here is so long that basically every kid knows how to skate. It’s our favorite pastime during winter. I fancy myself as an excellent skater, but I could never do those awesome movements in figure skating, like landing on the ice after a series of actions in the air. So I could tell from experience, this sport requires years of hard work and practice.
I still remember the first figure skating match I watched when I was little. It was … like, 10 years ago, my dad took me to a newly built ice rink to watch a game between our team and a team from a neighboring city. I don’t remember many details from that game, but I do remember the atmosphere in the audience. They were not like those crazy football fans who would paint their face and body with logos of their teams. That day, everyone just sat there quietly before the match, and enjoyed the ‘performance’ when the music started. So I guess that’s the beauty of figure skating. From that day, I just became fascinated by this sport.
The game was awesome, all the athletes were excellent and I have to say, it was really a feast for the eye. For me, the result is not that important, I mean, I don’t care at all who is the winner. To me, they are all winners. And I guess that’s the beauty of this sport.
maneuver = a movement performed with care and skill 例如:
a complicated / skillful maneuver
You will be asked to perform some standard maneuvers during your driving test.
pastime = something that you enjoy doing when you are not working = hobby
Like = used in very informal speech to show that what you are saying may not be exactly right but is nearly so
I'm leaving in like twenty minutes.
It's going to cost like a hundred dollars.
ice rink = a specially prepared flat surface of ice, where you can ice-skate; a building where there is an ice rink
Do you prefer to study in a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?
Well, I guess on the whole I prefer to study in a quiet environment, the main reason being that I find it easier to concentrate, because noises or sounds tend to distract me. So in other words, I tend to get more work done when I can't hear anything around me. But saying that, I do occasionally like to listen to some music while I'm studying, because it can make it a little bit more enjoyable.
Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
Yeah, I guess I'm quite lucky in this respect, because there's a pretty big library on our campus with loads of desks for studying, and I'm always able to get quite a lot of work done there, as it's really nice and quiet.
What natural sound do you like the most?
That's an interesting question, and I'm not really that sure to be honest with you, but I guess I would probably say the natural sound I like most is that of waves hitting the seashore, because it's just really soothing, if you know what I mean. And it's a sound I only really get to hear when I'm on holiday, so I also probably associate it with being on holiday, which would be another reason why I like it so much!
Are there any sounds that you dislike?
Yeah, for sure! I mean, firstly, I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise, so that would definitely be at the top of my list. And I guess the next one would be the sound of cars hooting, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live, and so it gets quite irritating after a while, especially when I'm trying to concentrate on something.
Are you ever bothered by noise?
Yeah, for sure, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep, you know, if there's a dog barking or something, it can really be quite maddening, but during the day I'd say I can put up with pretty much most noise, unless, of course, the noise is really loud and relentless, like if there's construction or renovation work going on around me.
Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
That's a hard question, and I'm really not that sure to be honest with you, but I guess my feeling would be that they probably will get noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it's obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
That's an interesting question, and I haven't really thought about this before, but off the top of my head, I would say that one sound that especially reminds me of my childhood is the sound of firecrackers, interestingly enough, because when I was young, I used to love setting off firecrackers with my friends, especially during the Spring Festival. So now when I hear firecrackers, it always brings back good memories of my childhood.
And another sound I’ve just thought of would be the sound of morning exercises going on, because schools always play music through a microphone along with a voice counting the beat of the music, which students have to move along with. So whenever I walk past a school and hear the morning exercises going on, it always makes me think back to when I had to do them, and I'm glad I don't have to anymore!
1. Are there many people living near you?
If yes:
Yeah there are, because I live in quite a residential area, and so most of the buildings around my home are apartment blocks.
If no:
No, I wouldn’t say there are, because I mean, a lot of the flats where I live are empty, which is probably due to the fact that most of the people who bought them didn’t actually plan on moving in, but instead bought them simply as an investment. So yeah, it’s a pretty quiet neighbourhood.
2. Do you know all your neighbours?
Answer A:
Well, I wouldn’t say I know all them, but I know a fair few, and that’s mainly because I spend quite a lot of time in gardens of my apartment complex, which is how I got to know them.
Answer B:
No not really, because my neighbours tend to keep (pretty much) to themselves. You know, I mean, if I happen to see them, we might say hi to each other, but that’s about it, and then they’ll just continue with doing whatever it is they’re doing.
3. When do you see your neighbours?
I guess the time when I mostly see them is when I’m in the lift of my apartment block. You know, that’s pretty much the only time I come into contact with them, because I don’t really know them all that well, so I’ve neverbeen round to any of their homes or anything like that.
4. How often do you see your neighbours?
Well I guess it depends, because I mean, during term time, I don’t see them at all, cos I’m away at university,. but during the holidays, when I’m back home, I guess I probably see them about three or four times a week, because I’m quite good friends with a few of them.
5. Do you think it’s important to know your neighbours?
If yes:
Yeah, I suppose it is, because I think it helps create a good community spirit if we know our neighbours. In other words, it kind of gives the neighbourhood a nice, friendly feel, instead of a cold, unwelcoming one, if you know what I mean!
If no:
No I wouldn’t really say it is, because for me I think friends and family are enough. And I mean, in my case I don’t spend nearly enough time with my family as it is, so I can’t really see the need to get to know my neighbours as well. And this probably goes for a lot of people, not just me.
6. What do you think of your neighbours?
They’re all really nice people. You know, they’re always very pleasant to me whenever I see them. And I can’t think of a single instance when I’ve had problems with any of them. So yeah, I feel pretty lucky to have such good neighbors!
7. What sorts of problems can people have with their neighbors?
Well I guess one of the main ones would be noise. You know, like putting on music too loud or having the TV on full volume, that kind of thing. So that’s probably the biggest complaint that people have with their neighbors. And as well as this, I suppose another problematic issue could be pets, because a lot of neighbors who have them don’t put their dogs on a lead when they’re walking them, which I think is quite in considerate, seeing as a lot of people are quite scared of dogs!
8. In what ways can neighbors help each other?
I’d say they can help each other in all manner of ways. For example, babysitting, looking after a pet while you’re away, um, what else, um, oh yeah, keeping a spare house key for emergencies, you know, stuff like that.
9. How has the relationship between neighbors changed between now and the past?
I’d say it’s changed a lot, and probably the main change has been that nowadays, people don’t really see their neighbors all that often, whereas in the past, they used to do quite a lot of things together. For example, people would often have their neighbors over for lunch or dinner, which doesn’t really happen that much anymore.
1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
Um…I suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um… as well as that, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I don’t really use it as much as I used to, cos I think weibo’s a bit better.
2. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
I’m not really that picky actually. I mean, if anyone’s interested enough to get in touch with me on a social networking site, then it feels quite nice, you know, someone’s gone out of their way to contact me. So I kind of appreciate it, and I’m generally willing to make friends with them.
3. Are you a social person?
Yeah, I’d say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And… yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, and you know, I’ve always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, I’d say I am quite a social person.
strike up conversations – start conversations
(If no:)
Not really, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you! Because um… how can I put it…, I’m just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me that’s just too much effort, and I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.
4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?
I’m honestly not that sure because I’ve never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably not that easy, although it’s definitely possible, cos um… I think you never quite know someone properly until you’ve met them in the flesh. At least that’s been my experience anyway!
5. What kinds of chatting APPs or software do Chinese people like to use?
Well definitely the most popular APP right now is WeChat, cos I mean, literally everyone in China uses it. And as well as this, QQ is the other really popular way of communicating with people, and if you’ve been in China for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve been asked for your WeChat or QQ number!
the equivalent of – 相等于(The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place, time, or system.)
Essentially -大体上;基本上(You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated.)
Chinese version – 中国版
Literally - 确实地;真正地;不加夸张地 (You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising.
Properly - thoroughly, completely; 彻底地
In the flesh - 本人
At least that’s been my experience anyway! - 至少按照我的经验是这样的!
how can I put it – 怎么说呢?
too much effort - 太麻烦
I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about – 我总怕想不出话说了
I keep to myself -不与人来往, 不交际; 杜门不出; 落落寡交
When I’m in a group, I often don’t feel completely at ease. - 跟别人在一起,我经常感到不完全自在的
Picky -挑剔
gone out of their way (to…) - 不厌其烦地… , 特意…
What kinds of books do you like to read?
I'd say I like reading quite a variety of books, both fiction as well as nonfiction. So for example, I'm a big fan of detective novels, because I enjoy trying to solve the crimes while I'm reading, although I have to admit I'm pretty useless at it most of the time! And as for nonfiction stuff, I'd say I mostly like reading things like self-help books and biographies of various people I admire, such as the new book on Steve Jobs, which I'm currently in the middle of reading.
Are you reading any books at the moment?
Yeah, I'm actually halfway through a couple of books right now. One of them's a novel which a friend of mine lent me, and the other is a book on business, which I bought about a year ago, but didn't get round to reading until now.
How many languages can you speak?
Only two, unfortunately, those being Chinese and English, but if dialects count, then I suppose you could say three languages, as I can also speak the local dialect of my hometown, which is actually quite a bit different to Chinese.
How did you learn English?
Well, I mostly learned it in class at middle school and high school, where we basically just went through the text book with the teacher and took notes. But in my spare time I would always try to memorize all the various words and phrases we had been through in class, which I think helped a lot. And as well as this, I would also say I've learnt a fair amount through watching English films and TV series, so it's basically been a mixture of things.
How long have you been learning English?
I've been learning for quite a while, – probably something like 9 or 10 years now, because most students here start learning English from a pretty early age.
Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?
Yeah, for sure! I mean, learning all the grammar's a nightmare, because there's just so much of it to remember. So sometimes it can really drive me crazy, especially trying to remember all the different tenses, which I find really confusing!
What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?
That's a good question, and I guess I'd say probably the fastest way is to immerse yourself in the language you're trying to learn. And one of the best ways of doing this would be to go and stay for a while in the country where the language is spoken, which is what quite a lot of my friends have done, and, as a result, they can now speak really good English.
What do you like most about your home?
Well, probably what I like most about my home is that we have a really great river view, because we live quite high up, on the 20th floor, and our flat is right next to the river. So I feel really lucky to have such a nice view, and I never get tired of it.
Is there anything you would like to change about your home?
Thinking about it, I’d say there probably is, yeah, for example one thing I would quite like to do is knock down the wall between my kitchen and the living room, because at the moment, there’s not much space in the kitchen, so if we got rid of the wall, it would make everything much more spacious, I think.
(Similar to above) What do you think could be improved about your home?
Well, I kind of like my home the way it is, but I guess if I had to change anything, then one thing I might do would be to get rid of the wall between my living room and kitchen, as it would then make things a lot more spacious.
What's your favorite’s room?
I would say my favourite room is probably my living room, firstly because that’s where the TV is, and secondly because it’s got big floor-to-ceiling windows which overlook the river, so we have a really cool view. Oh and one more thing to mention would be that it’s by far the most spacious room in the flat, because all the other rooms are about half the size, if not less.
How is that room decorated?
Well, regarding the walls, we’ve got a few family pictures hanging up, which gives the room a nice personal feel. And as for the flooring, we basically just decided to use ceramic tiles, because they’re very practical in terms of keeping clean, but we’ve also put a small carpet down by the sofa to make that area a little bit cozier. So all in all I’d say it’s a really nice room for chilling out in.
What furniture is in that room?
Well, on one side there’s a big bookshelf, which basically stretches across the entire wall, coz we’ve got a lot of books! Then against another wall, we’ve got a nice big sofa, which probably seats about 8 or 9 people, so it’s great for when we have friends over.
In the future, what sort of home (flat, house etc.) would you like to live in?
Well, thinking about it, I’d say I would like to live in a villa overlooking the sea, the main reason being that, with a villa, I would get my own garden, which wouldn’t be the case if I lived in a flat, and I think having a nice view of the sea would be great for helping me relax whenever I needed to.
Do you like the area where you live?
Yeah, on the whole I'd say it's a pretty nice place, you know, there are quite a few good restaurants and shops, and most of the buildings are pretty new. So it's quite an up-and-coming area, and I’m really happy to be living there.
Is that a very popular subject to study in your country?
(If yes):
Yeah, I suppose it is quite a popular subject to study, and one of the reasons for this would probably be that a lot of students feel that this major will be useful in helping them find a good job after they graduate.
(If no):
I guess I probably wouldn't say so, no, mainly because it's a relatively new major in China, and as far as I know, there are not that many universities in China which offer this course.
Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study?
(If yes):
Yeah, I'd say it is quite challenging, mainly because of the huge workload we get. So for example, we’re given a considerable amount of coursework to do, which always requires a ton of background reading!
(If no):
Actually, I wouldn't really say so, partly because we're not given that much work to do, and also because it's essentially not that complex (a subject), so everything's relatively easy to understand.
What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies?
I guess I normally either ask a coursemate for help or go on the internet to try and solve the problem myself. And if I'm still stuck, then I'll go and ask my lecturer for help, but this would be as a last resort, as I don't really like to bother my lecturers unless I really need to.
How did you learn science at school?
Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between.
Why did you choose ...as your major?
Basically it was due to the fact that my parents thought it was a useful major which would stand me in good stead after I graduate. Personally I'm not so sure, but seeing as I couldn't think of anything better, I went with my parents' decision.
What do you like about your major?
That's a good question, and I guess basically the thing I find most enjoyable about my major is analyzing case studies of various international companies operating in China, because for me, stories are the best way to learn things. And as well as this, I also like the fact that our lectures are quite interactive, because we are encouraged to ask questions instead of just sitting and making notes, and this tends to make the lectures much more interesting.
What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
Well it's really hard to say, because obviously both play an important role, but I guess I'd say the student is probably more important because generally speaking, most studying is done out of the classroom - at least that's the way I see it!





