graduation photo 毕业照;
graduate and leave school 毕业离校;
farewell dinner party 散伙饭;
farewell present 饯别礼物
commencement/graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;
marshal of graduation ceremony 毕业典礼的司仪;
graduation party 毕业晚会;
graduation song 毕业歌;
farewell dinner party 散伙饭;
farewell present 饯别礼物
commencement/graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;
marshal of graduation ceremony 毕业典礼的司仪;
graduation party 毕业晚会;
graduation song 毕业歌;
graduation photo 毕业照;
graduate and leave school 毕业离校;
I got a bachelor's degree.
I got a degree of Bachelor of Arts/Science.
bachelor n. 学士
degree n. 学位
I got a master's degree.
I got a degree of Master of Arts/Science.
master n. 硕士
I obtained a doctor's degree.
I got my doctorate in Chinese.
doctorate n.博士学位
Have you decided if you want to become a graduate student?
become v. 成为,变成
It won't be easy lo get back and do a graduate program once you start working.
once conj. 一旦
Have you found a job?
What are you going to do out of college?
My future boss graduated from our university in the class of 1990.
They were both members of the class of 1985.
To Graduate毕业之际
Samantha: Have you decided if you want to become a graduate student?
Robert: Actually I have. I know I like studying. And besides. it won't be easy to get back and do a graduate program once
you start working, especially if you have a family.
Samantha: I couldn't agree with you more. I don't think I'll be a graduate student in the future though I do want to study more.
Robert: In a few years what we have learned in university now may not be enough for work. The world is changing so fast
now. So I think you should go back to study in a few years. Work harder and you will pass the graduate students entrance
Samantha: Thanks. I'll try if I feel that it's necessary for me.
1.“graduate”一词需要注意,这个词用作动词时意为“毕业”,用作名词时则含义较复杂,它可以表示“毕业生”,也可以表示“大学毕业生”,还可以指“研究生”。表“大学毕业生”时相当于“undergraduate”,表“研究生”时相当于“postgraduate”或“graduate student”。因为这些表达法在口语中都比较常用,所以大家要熟记。
2.“I couldn't agree with you more.”也可说成“I couldn't agree more.”,相当于“I quite agree(with you).”,意思是“我再
同意不过了,我非常同意”。例如:-We have to talk. -Absolutely. I couldn't agree more.(-我们得谈一谈。-没问题,我非常同意。)
3.“in the future”意为“将来”,“in future”意为“今后,往后”,这两个短语看似简单,但很多人都不会区分,以致在口语表达中乱
大学生在毕业典礼上穿学士袍、抛学士帽,几乎是所有大学在毕业典礼上的指定动作。不过,英国安格利亚鲁斯金大学( Anglia Ruskin University)却以安全为理由,反对这一流传多年的传统。
该校学生代表表示,校方的反应似乎有些过头。学生认为,抛帽子是由来已久的毕业传统,在毕业典礼上抛帽子砸伤别人的可能性非常小。“如果说抛帽子会砸伤人的话,那前往毕业典礼的路上发生意外的可能性更高,按照这个道理,干脆取消整个毕业典礼算了。” “现在人们不论做什么,都想完全避免任何危险,但这不仅是不可能做到的,而且也让人生变得更无趣了。”
熟悉雅思口语考试的同学们都知道,雅思评分有“四大怪”,即考官按四项标准分别评等级分:流利性与连贯性(fluency and coherence)、词汇多样性(lexical range)、语法多样性及准确性(grammaticalrange and accuracy)、发音(pronunciation)。
而这“四大怪”之首——流利性与连贯性着实给很多烤鸭挖了个大坑,许多同学觉得流利就意味着说得快,因此一个劲地想要提升自己的语速,恨不能练成英文版的“报菜名”。而很多同学常用的伎俩就是背诵大段的成文,然后在考试的时候一字不漏地以迅雷不及掩耳之势背出来,彰显自己的语速。殊不知语速(speed of speaking)这个要素却丝毫没有出现在雅思官方对于流利性与连贯性地解读中。
其次呢,就是要学会语义指示,也就是要学会用一些表达方法,包括词、词组、句式,来暗示自己的思路,告诉别人你下一步要说什么。这类表达方法包括表示比较对比的similarly, in contrast;表示回应他人观点的I agree/disagree with this point;表示举例的for example, a good case in point is that…等等。
在这部分,非常重要的一个能力就是要能够详尽地论述你的观点(build on your point of view)。尤其是在回答part2的时候,很多同学在表述了自己的基本观点后会发生脑子“短路”的现象,完全不知道接下来该说什么,从而出现大量的空白时间,还怎么可能显得流利连贯呢?针对这种现象,大家可以记住几个常见的论述套路,到时候就不怕无话可说啦:
原因与结果(reasons and effects)
举例 (examples)
个人经历 (personal experiences)
是,担心怎么才能说快,并强迫自己使用超出自己能力的语速,这样做是会占用脑容量的!其结果就是你没有脑子来整理思路,准备接下来要说的内容,并且容易过度紧张,导致瞬间智商降为负,“卡壳”的尴尬情况就这样产生了。所以,想要做到不卡壳,除了咱们硬实力要过硬外,一个重要的小技巧,就是宁可语速适当放缓一些,把意思说完整、发音弄清晰,当然了,这里说的是适当放缓,大家还是要注意时间哦。另外,大家要放轻松,谨记在你对面坐着的是一个活生生的human being,咱们人人对话的好处就在于,你说错了可以改一下,说偏了可以解释回来,毕竟在生活中表达出错也是难免,雅思考官本着实用为本的原则,也会谅解不影响表意、意外发生的小错误的。
VOA - Voice of America:learningenglish.voanews.com/
2.练习阐述一个观点,最好找一个speaking buddy(不一定是外国人,中国小伙伴也是可以的),两个人共同讨论一个话题,练习对对方的论述做出回应
4.Practice, practice, practice!语言学习没有捷径,方法可以总结,苦功还是要下,没有环境,创造环境也要练,常常和你的小伙伴们用英文对话吧!
雅思 口语 描述自己性格
Describe a character or personality of yours.
You should say:
What it is
How it affects your life
Where you get it from
and how you feel about it
Sample answer:
Thank you very much for the topic. It’s kind of tough to talk about someone’s own personal characteristics as I believe, the way we judge ourselves differs from the perspective (观点)other people judge us. Nonetheless, we all have our own idea about our own characteristics and I would like to talk about my ability to stay calm even in the time of distress(危难).
I am not hot tempered and I try to remain clam no matter how severe(严峻的) the situation and I find it as a helpful characteristics. From my own experience I can say that, whenever I got very much vibrated and acted very promptly(迅速地) without giving much consideration about the situation, I did not take the right decision and I repentance(后悔) for that.
In my opinion that should be a common characteristics among other people but my personal experiences sometimes contradicts(反驳) my opinion as I often find people who can’t remain calm in adverse(有害的) situation and act very weirdly(古怪地). So to say, this is not a rare quality but many people lack it.
Remaining calm and using brain rather than the tongue(舌头) is a helpful characteristic as it would help you taking the right decision and would show you the right way and course of actions. Being very fragile(弱的) in action and taking prompt decision without thinking can sometimes lead us to misunderstanding and can ruin (摧毁)relationship. Not being able to remain calm also shows your weakness and that often allure(诱导) you to take a completely wrong decision.
To me this is a very important characteristic. This quality has saved me from making many mistakes and saved me from lamenting later on. Being able to remain calm in an adverse situation helps me taking the right decision and that’s something which I find very helpful in my personal and professional life.
雅思 口语人物类高频话题:
Describe an old person you know and you respect
Describe a person you enjoy talking with
Describe a good neighbor
Describe an interesting person/a friend you first met
Describe a person has important job
Describe a polite person
Describe a child/teenager
雅思口语 范文答题思路
第一段: 总体介绍general introduction
第二段: 人物的外貌描述the description of appearance
第三段: 具体特点的描述:
第四个: 人物的个性 personality
第五段: 对人物的评价 your comments to this person.
Ambitious 野心勃勃
Considerate =thoughtful 体贴的,周到的
Devoted =dedicated 奉献的,
Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝啬的=economical节俭的,会过日子的。
Hospitable 热情好客的
Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humor
Loyal to=faithful to 对。。。忠诚的
Open-minded 思想开放的--- traditional 传统的=conservative 保守的
Pessimistic 悲观的---- optimistic 乐观的
Responsible 负责任的----Irresponsible
Unselfish 无私的
Confident 自信的
Courageous =brave 勇敢的
Dependable =reliable 可靠地
Gentle ----rude
Humble =modest 谦虚的
Reserved 不爱说话的=quiet Talkative 爱说话的=outspoken
Hard-working=diligent 勤奋的
Outgoing=extroverted 外向的, introverted 内向的.
当人物被引出,接下来就需要考生将人物的基本特征介绍给考官了。这里老师要提醒考生注意的是,介绍外貌应避免俗套的一些表达,比如:She’s tall and thin, and she has two big eyes. Her hair is long and black. 这样的表达只能使你的分数停留在5分,甚至更低。其实描述人物外貌的方式有很多,首先在描述人物身材的时候,tall and thin已经俗不可耐,tall还尚可,thin本身是个贬义词,意为削瘦的,稀落的。在夸一个人瘦的时候,外国人通常不用thin,而是用slim(苗条的)来表达。其次,two big eyes在英语国家里并不常用,基因原因big eyes并不是大多数西方人关注的重点,所以这种表达可能会让考官不明所以,无法感同身受。
再者,关于头发,描述方法有很多种,比如thin hair头发稀,wavy hair 卷发,波浪发,curly hair 卷毛,straight hair 直发,bald 秃顶的,dishevelled hair凌乱的头发。其实考察考生描述人物外貌描述的好不好,关键是看考生能否让考官听后抓住人物的特色、对人物留下印象。这需要考生选取一些有特色的地方来描述,让考官印象深刻。比如面部特征:freckle 雀斑,dimple 酒窝,oval face 鸭蛋脸,big-featured 五官较大的,double-chinned 双下巴的,high-cheek-boned 颧骨很高,sharp-featured 五官分明的,well-featured 五官端正的,pimpled 有粉刺的,wrinkled 起皱纹的,high-bridged nose 高鼻梁,bright eyes明亮的眼神,broad face 宽脸,clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净等。考生只有说出与以上这些类似的细节特征才能抓住听者的兴趣,令读者印象深刻,否则做无用功。
可以描述人的特质的加分表达有:aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的,dynamic 生机勃勃的,enthusiastic 热心的,faithful 守信的,忠诚的,frank 坦率的,forceful (性格)坚强的,honest 诚实的,humorous幽默的,independent 有主见的,industrious 勤奋的,trustworthy可信赖的,sincere 真诚的,motivated 有动力的,responsible 负责任的,determined 坚定的,cooperative 合作的,strong-willed 意志坚定的等。考生可从以上词汇中挑选,并选择合适的故事进行包装,进而突出人物特点。
不难发现,这个话题的关键词是“polite”,就像an interesting neighbor, a good parent,这些话题一样,考官让大家描述的这些话题都凸显出其人物的性格特点。而这些性格特点往往在我们在日常生活中最容易被忽略。因为中文的语言思维会让我们在聊天时对某一个人的性格下结论,而非延伸出来聊为什么你认为这个人有礼貌或是他怎么有礼貌。所以思维的差异是难点之一。
· He always says thank you to people, even for the slightest things.
· When we eat at a restaurant, he would say ‘thank you’ to the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table.
· Whenever he gets off a taxi, he would always say ‘thank you’ to the driver.
· He might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking, or how good their cooking is.
解决了思路上的bug,我们再来看看语言上的,既然我们需要举例来描述人物的性格,那么举例的表达储备,我们有多少呢?除了常规的表达,比如for example, for instance,take something or somebody as an example, 我们还需要一些句型来为高分添砖加瓦,因为句型也是雅思口语评分标准之一,以下就是列举:
1. Just to give you an example……
2. Another example would be that…….
3. One other thing to mention would be that……
Well, the person I’d like to talk about is a good friend of mine called Nick. He must be one of the most polite people I know, which I’ll come to explain in a moment.
But firstly, as for how I know him, well, we’ve basically known each other since primary school, because we were in the same class and we still see each other quite frequently. You know, if I feel like going out and doing something, I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.
And moving on to why I think he’s so polite, well it’s basically because he’s just got really good manners. And just to give you an example, he always says thank you to people, even for the slightest things. For instance, I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eating at a restaurant, he would thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that whenever he gets off a taxi, he would always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the taxi drivers really appreciate it.
So yeah, that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person, and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people. For example, he might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking is or how good their cooking is, which I know might be seen as being a bit insincere, but I think he genuinely means what he says, at least most of the time anyway!
So, that’s pretty much it, I suppose.
Part 1基本题:
Are you a student or do you work?
What is your job?
Why do you choose this type of job?
Do you love your job at the moment?
Is there anything you dislike at your job?
Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?
Part 2话题:
来源:北京环球教育培训学校-07-30|已帮助:313 人工作类话题在雅思口语考试中始终占有一席之地,尤其是一些年纪稍大的G类考生始终对此感到困惑。下面是关于工作话题的雅思口语,一起来了解下吧:
Part 1基本题:
Are you a student or do you work?
What is your job?
Why do you choose this type of job?
Do you love your job at the moment?
Is there anything you dislike at your job?
Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?
Part 2话题:
Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)
Part 3考题:
Do you think some jobs are more important than others?
Do you think people who are doing unpleasantjobs should be paid more?
How do young people choose career these days?
Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?
Why do some say they cannot work in the samecompany for too long?
1. 关于“Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?”, 答案显而易见,无非是“parents”, “school”,以及“social resources” etc.
The explanation for parents:
In China, it is a usual practice that parentsalways shoulder the responsibility to planthe careers for their children. They claim that they know their children wellenough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope theirchildren to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social statusand economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over thecareers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.
The explanation for school:
In the graduating periodfrom university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to huntfor a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, seniorstudents can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would betrained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.
The explanation for socialresources:
Social resources, whichrefer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays,Internetis widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in somekey words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will presentthe information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates beenprovided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.
2. Why do some people say they cannot work inthe same company for too long?
这道题是典型的Part 3个人观点题。考生需在较短的时间内,罗列出“跳槽”的理由,的确存在一些挑战。以下,我们分别来分析“终身职业”及“跳槽”各自的好处与坏处。
Alwayswork in the same company
it is more possible to get a promotion
fullydeveloped in the certain area
can earn respect from “late comers”
it is so boring to do the repeated work
people who always doing the same work will losepassion gradually
Changefor different jobs
people can get higher pay and higher positionfrom the right change
a wise change will lead to a new stage and newenvironment
frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust
job-hopping is risky
You should say:
- what kind of job it was
- where did you learn about it
- what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job
and explain why it was your dream job.
雅思口语part 2范文
When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.
I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.
Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs.
The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.
I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.
1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?
Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs you’re looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, it’s quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduce you for the job, but for something in private companies, it’s quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, it’s a piece of cake.
2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?
I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.
3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?
Well, I’m not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and real estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, there's so much money invested in property here in China, so the salary's bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!
4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?
Yeah, I'd say it's perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I can't see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if you're bored out of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what you're doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.
5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?
Well, it's really kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as they've finished high school, and a lot of people who've done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or surgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonald's, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.
6.How do you think work will change over the next few decades?
That's a good question, and thinking about it, I guess one thing that could happen is that more people might start working from home, simply because it's becoming more and more inconvenient travelling to work due to traffic congestion. So that's one thing, and I guess it's also quite possible that work, in general, will become more internet-based, because the influence of the internet on people's work has increased incredibly in the last 10 years or so, and I can't see this changing. I mean, more or less everything we do now can be done on the internet, and because it's so convenient, I would say it will play an even bigger role in our lives in years to come.
1. Do you work somewhere?
Yes, I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. the name of this company is IT Vista and I joined there 2 years ago.
2. What do you do for living?
The job is my main source of income. Apart from that I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some professional content writing as a free lancer.
3. How much time do you spend at your job?
I spent around 8 hours everyday in my day job. I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family. I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday. Apart from that my free lancing career requires me 2 hours approximately each night. So on an average I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.
4. How long have you been working?
As a full-time employee I am working for the last 4 years. But I started my freelancing career far before than that.
5. Do you like your job?
Definitely I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field. In fact my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a prestigious organisation.
6.What are you doing these days?
You mean in my office right? In my office I am working on requirement creation for a large software and I need to report the progress everyday to the team lead. Apart from that I am writing a pdf manual for a client.
7.What do you do in a typical day at work?
I mostly research different software and try to understand what the market leaders of a particular software are doing. I document their strong and weak points and then call a meeting to describe my findings. Then I take feedback from the developers and other senior managers to finalise my software requirement. I often attend meetings with my CEO and team members to track the progress of a project.
Part 1基本题:
Are you a student or do you work?
What is your job?
Why do you choose this type of job?
Do you love your job at the moment?
Is there anything you dislike at your job?
Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?
Part 2话题:
Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)
Part 3考题:
Do you think some jobs are more important than others?
Do you think people who are doing unpleasantjobs should be paid more?
How do young people choose career these days?
Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?
Why do some say they cannot work in the samecompany for too long?
1. 关于“Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?”, 答案显而易见,无非是“parents”, “school”,以及“social resources” etc.
The explanation for parents:
In China, it is a usual practice that parentsalways shoulder the responsibility to planthe careers for their children. They claim that they know their children wellenough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope theirchildren to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social statusand economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over thecareers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.
The explanation for school:
In the graduating periodfrom university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to huntfor a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, seniorstudents can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would betrained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.
The explanation for socialresources:
Social resources, whichrefer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays,Internetis widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in somekey words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will presentthe information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates beenprovided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.
2. Why do some people say they cannot work inthe same company for too long?
这道题是典型的Part 3个人观点题。考生需在较短的时间内,罗列出“跳槽”的理由,的确存在一些挑战。以下,我们分别来分析“终身职业”及“跳槽”各自的好处与坏处。
Alwayswork in the same company
it is more possible to get a promotion
fullydeveloped in the certain area
can earn respect from “late comers”
it is so boring to do the repeated work
people who always doing the same work will losepassion gradually
Changefor different jobs
people can get higher pay and higher positionfrom the right change
a wise change will lead to a new stage and newenvironment
frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust
job-hopping is risky
You should say:
- what kind of job it was
- where did you learn about it
- what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job
and explain why it was your dream job.
雅思口语part 2范文 When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.
I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.
Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs.
The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.
I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.
雅思口语话题:描述你的工作 让你成功通过雅思考试
( 这里回答已经工作了, 关于学生学习类的话题会在其它文章中单独介绍, 记得关注太阳花说英语, 阅读其它相关文章)
其次,考官会接着问: 你是做什么工作的? 你为什么选择这个工作?你现在喜欢你的工作吗?
最后,考官还会问: 你在工作中有什么不喜欢的地方吗? 如果某天有人给你一天假,你会换工作吗?
关于怎样回答“你是做什么工作的?”, 我的文章“最地道最实用的基础英语口语1 (工作篇)”中有写道如何地道地回答这个问题, 所以这里就不详细介绍如何了, 省得重复,没有意义.
这里额外介绍一个其它的方法来回答你做什么工作的: I work with...
I work with computers.
I'm a teacher. I work with special-needs children.
“I'm responsible for…”
或者 “ I'm in charge of…”
再或者“My job involves…”
I'm responsible for updating the company website.
I'm in charge of interviewing candidates for jobs.
My job involves giving tours of the museum.
I'm unemployed.
I'm between jobs at the moment.
I'm a stay-at-home mom/dad
如果你在自主创业,为自己工作,you can say “I'm self-employed.”(“我是个体经营者”)
如果你有自己的公司,你可以说“I own a small business,”
或者更具体地说,“I own a restaurant“.
雅思口语Part 2&
My job is interesting / exciting.
The work is quite challenging”
My job is tough / tiring / demanding.
The work is ratherdull / boring / repetitive.
When you are officially accepted into a new job at a company, you are hired by the company.
“I was hiredby an insurance company just two weeks after graduating from college.”
When you’re hired, you become an employee of the company。
The company becomes youremployer。
The other employees in the company are your colleaguesor coworkers。
The person above you who is responsible for your work is your boss or supervisor.
You can work full-time.
A small number of companies offer flex-time, meaning the employee canset his/her own schedule.
In some jobs, you work shifts – meaning the hours aren’t the same every day.
Instead, you work a specific block of hoursthat the manager schedules. If you work overtime, it means you work extra hours in addition to your normal schedule.
英语中, 上班通常使用“go to work”来表示;下班用“get off work” 来表示.
I go to work at 8:30, and I get off work at 5.”
Your commuteis how long it takes you to arrive at work by car or public transportation.
例句: “I have a 20-minute commute.”
Some jobs allow you to work remotely.
– that means you can work from home or another place with an internet connection, and you communicate withyour coworkers by phone, e-mail, and video conferencing.
you earn a salary.
不要说“win a salary”的错误,正确的动词是“earn“.
加薪 升职 奖金
If you're good at your job, you might get a pay raise(or a raise).
– an increase in your salary.
或者, 你也可以升职。
You could alsoget a promotion.
– an increase inimportance and authority(提高重要性和权威性).
At the end of the year, some companies give their employees a bonus.
– extra money for work well done(额外的钱用是因为工作出色).
The opposite of “hire” isfire.
– when your company forces you to leave your job(当你的公司让你辞职时). 例句:
Peter was fired because he never came to work on time.
I'm going to quit my job.
I'm going to leave my job.
I'm going to...注意: ”quit”是非正式的英语, 最好不要用在你的写作里, 口语使用则OK. “leave”是正式的, 口语可以用, 写作时也可以使用.“be going to”介于“quit”和“leave”之间.
在大多数国家,人们在65岁左右退休。如果你比这个年龄大,并且退休在家,你可以说“I'm retired.”这句话就是来描述你目前的状况的。
Describe someone you know who has an interesting job
You should say
Who the person is
How you know them
What job they do
And explain why you think their job is interesting
Ok then well the person that I’d like to talk about is actually my sister, who is an events manager, and from what she’s told me, it sounds like a really interesting job, as I’ll come to explain in a moment.
But um, firstly, I guess I should briefly explain what she actually does in her job, and uh, to put it simply, she basically manages the planning and running of events. So that would include things like um, arranging the venue, uh getting everything set up, um.. what else…uh,…oh yeah, food of course, invitations, all that kind of stuff. So she finds it pretty challenging, what with all the responsibilities that come with the job, but also very rewarding, especially if the event went well.
Anyway, as for why I think it’s an interesting job, well um, I think it’s mainly due to the fact that it kind ofen compasses so many different things. And I mean, you know, every event she does is, in some way, different to what she’s done before. So as a result, she’s constantly, like, experiencing and learning new things. And also, you know, she travels all around the country putting on various events. Um… and in the process, she gets to meet a lot of different people, including celebrities, occasionally.
So yeah, I think these things are basically what make her job so interesting, and that’s kind of why she’s been doing this job for as long as she has. You know, I think she’s been doing it for something like 10 or 11 years, and I’m sure she wouldn’t have stuck to it for that long if it wasn’t interesting! Um…yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.
I’ll come to explain in a moment = I will explain soon.
Venue = 地点. The word “venue” is used when referring to the place where an event is being held.
Encompass = cover, include 包含;包围;包括
What with – 考虑到
Something like = about
Stuck to it = stayed doing it
1、西方人(主要指有一定修养的欧美人)在与他人交流时,比较多地使用情态动词:can、could、may、might、would等等。情态动词(Model Verbs)又称为情态助动词(Model Auxil-iaries),表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,使得说话的语气比较有礼貌。
2、往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。当please用在句首的时候,语气听起来就比较强,听起来像命令。比如请求别人做某事的时候,我们中国人会说“请在周一前给我回复。谢谢。”但是如果你直接用英语说“Please reply to me by Monday. Thank you.”听者会觉得你是在命令他,一点礼貌也没有。而如果这样说:“Could you please reply to me by Monday? Thank you.”就显得有礼貌了。
3、比较多地使用虚拟语气,比如would (had) rather、would (had) sooner、would (just) as soon等等,或者在陈述句中使用过去式表示虚拟语气,或者使用if等引导的从句表示“可能性”。这样说话可以使人感觉表达者是在考虑达到最佳的结果或方式,尽量避免不好的结果或方式,或者推测可能出现的问题,并找出可能解决的办法。
5、说话要以他人为中心,以肯定他人、赞同他人为前提,让自己显得谦卑、渺小。说完之后,还要附带一句“Thank you”或“Thanks”。其实这种礼貌的表达方式是来自古老的中国。这是东西方文化的共同点,也是为人处世的基本原则。了解英语中礼貌的表达方式,尽量让自己的英语表达更有礼貌,融入社会。
1.Do you think you are a polite person?
Very much depends on the situation. I am by nature a very friendly and polite person but I’m also not at all a pushover.
2. Who taught you to be polite?
My mom. She told me to be polite when I was young. I'm sure that sometimes, I'm rude or outspoken, but I try to have a good manner. As an idealist, I know that everyone is different, and there are many reasons why people behave the way they do.
3. Do you think people should be polite?
(Why?) Having polite manners is a huge part of the society because a lot of people do not have good manners and it could ruin a relationship. If you practice good manners, you'll notice that people respond much better to you. They'll listen to what you say and won't feel put off by your bad manners.
礼貌是社会构成的重要部分,因为很多人都不懂礼貌,它会破坏关系。 如果你锻炼良好的习惯,你会发现周围的人对你也更好。他们会听你说话,不会因为你的不礼貌而退却。
4. How do people in your culture show good manners towards others?
Say please and thank you whenever you can. People are more likely to respond to a request if they hear please at the end of it. Use the right tone of voice. No one appreciates an abrasive speaking of voice when in conversation.
5. Have there been any changes in politeness in the past few decades?
Nowadays people especially youngsters, most of them tend to behave less polite. In fact, you can see all these impatient and inconsiderate sight almost everywhere in the world. It is really a pity to see all these unwanted sight in public.
1.What is politeness in your opinion?
Mmmm… for me politeness is treating other people like you would want to be treated, and remembering to say please and thank you, that was something my grandmother always reminded me about.
2.When you were child who taught you to be polite?
My parents, and especially my grandmother, she was always telling me to say please when I asked for something and to remember to say thank you when somebody gave me something or did something for me.
3.Why is it important to be polite to people?
It’s one of those things that just makes life nicer, isn’t it? When people are polite, or courteous, it’s just nicer than if they’re not. It makes everyday activities better… if people weren’t polite then maybe we wouldn’t speak to so many different people every day or help people… or ask for help either.
4.Do you think people became more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?
I believe, people have become more of open minded, less formal and more bold in making statements. So, they tend to just say as it is. But, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t respect their parents or elders. I think the problem is that people are not able to express what they feel in a better way.
5. In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
To start with, a simple but convincing indicator of good manners, in my opinion, is saying “thank you” to those who help us, “sorry” when we’ve done something wrong and “please” when we ask someone for a favor. What’s more, as you probably know, Vietnam is a hierarchical society, which means it’s crucial for the people here to be respectful of their seniors, by using honorifics for instance. Of course, there are many other examples of politeness, but I’m pretty sure the ones I've mentioned above are two of the most fundamental expressions.
6.Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
I suppose it's normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say ”please“ and ”thanks“, but it's fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would never use with someone you didn't know.
7. Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?
I remember reading somewhere that we should be pleasant to everyone, not because they’re nice, but because we are, and that “manners maketh man”. Just because someone is misbehaving doesn’t necessarily mean we should act as badly in return. There’s no point of downgrading our manners! This only makes other people look down on us. Instead, we’d better try to stay calm and courteous, even to those who don’t really deserve our politeness. And I said “try” because I know that it’s not always easy.
Please – This is one of those words that can show good manners or come across as sarcastic, based on your tone. Any time you ask for something, it's always a good idea to add this word to soften the request.
You're welcome – When someone says, ”Thank you,“ your instant response should be, ”You're welcome,“ ”You're certainly welcome,“ or some variation that feels comfortable to you. Another way to express the same thought is, ”I was happy to do it,“ or, ”My pleasure.“
Thank you – When someone does something nice for you or gives you a gift, you should always say, ”Thank you.“ Not doing so gives the impression that you feel entitled to whatever it is, and that can leave a sour taste in a mannerly person's mouth.
May I – The phrase ”may I“ puts you on the same side as the person you are speaking to. It gives the other person the feeling that you empathize, without your having to say that. For example, when you say, ”May I see that book?“ you give the person an opportunity to share what she is looking at.
Excuse me – This is an acknowledgment that you are asking forgiveness for leaving the table, coughing, or otherwise disrupting something you are engaged in.
Pardon me – This phrase is interchangeable with ”excuse me.“ Pardon me sounds more formal.
I beg your pardon – Some people, particularly those who learned manners from Southern belle moms, would never have said, ”What?“ when asking someone to repeat what they'd just said. I was always told that ”I beg your pardon“ was much more polite and less harsh. The origin of this phrase makes me smile because it means to release someone from punishment.
I'm sorry – When you make a mistake, hurt someone's feelings, or do something that you know you shouldn't have done, saying, ”I'm sorry,“ is always the first thing you should say. You're letting the other person know you regret having done whatever it was.
Talk about a game you liked to play when you were young.
Your answer could be about how it was played,
How it affect your growth?
Where you played?
and why you liked it very much.
a) Childhood games: 童年游戏
b) Throwback games: 怀旧游戏
1. 老鹰捉小鸡
1) 你需要的词汇普及:
a) Eagle, chick and hen: 老鹰捉小鸡
b) Eagle: 老鹰
c) Hen:母鸡
d) Chick:小鸡
This is a showdown between the eagle and hen. 这个游戏是老鹰和母鸡间的对决。
2) 组织答案
When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Eagle, chick and hen”.
What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like.
At the beginning of the game, the first part of the role, that is, when a hen, a person when the eagle, and the rest when the chicken. The hen will always protects her chicks from eaten by an eagle hence usually a leader will act as a chicken and others more timid will rely their trust and burden onto the leader. The attacker will act as the eagle to catch the chicks queuing behind the leader as the chicken. To win the game is when the eagle catches all chicks through grabbing behind the chicken therefore is a win-lose game whereby no time frame limitation. This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.
I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.
2. 丢手绢
1) 知识普及
你也许知道,手绢是由handkerchief来表达,但是这个游戏的名称,哈哈哈你猜。在北美,这个游戏和手绢无关,而是“鸭子和鹅”:Duck, duck, goose
小朋友围成圈,然后一个小朋友念念有词:Duck, duck, duck, 然后忽然说:goose。
这个Goose小朋友就要开始跑啦。其实这个游戏的名字就叫“Flag Tag Games”.只是大家所用的是旗帜,标签,还是手绢?
Tag 打标签 选一个小朋友,拍一下然后说:You're it.
Musical chair 抢椅子 When the music stops, you have to rush for the chairs. 音乐停了,就去抢椅子。
2) 组织答案
When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Flag Tag Game”.
What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief for tagging.
Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then we choose a hunt-the-thimble people, and the rest of the people a big circle squat. The start of the game, someone was elected as throws handkerchief of people along the circle walk. Throws handkerchief people imperceptibly to her handkerchief in one of them. Be lost a handkerchief who want to quickly find you behind the handkerchief, and then rapidly rose to chase hunt-the-thimble people, throws handkerchief of people along the circle to be run, releasing this position when the squat, if caught, then to a performance, can perform a dance, songs, stories . This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.
I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.
3. 捉迷藏
1) 只是普及
Hide and seek: 捉迷藏。要注意and的发音,一般不会清晰的发[?nd]而是[ha?d ?n ?si?k]
2) 组织答案:
When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Hide and seek”.
What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief or the like for covering eyes for a seeker.
Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then someone was elected as the seeker. When the game starts, the person who is seeker counts to 20~30 or more,(you could decide it yourselves),at the same time the rest run to hide. After the person who is IT says “Ready or not here I come”. Then he tries to find the others. As you can probably guess, the person who is found, he or she will be the next person who is a seeker.
I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.
a) Play marbles: 打弹子
b) Marble也是大理石。我们基本都在光滑的地面上进行此项游戏的吧,所以marble会是你的一个选择。另外还有marble cake: 大理石蛋糕。当时大家拓展的知识啦。
a) Hopscotch: 跳房子
b) Chalk: 粉笔
a) Cradle: 摇篮
b) Cat's cradle: 翻花绳
a) Skip rope: 跳短绳
b) Jump rope: 跳长绳
c) Double Dutch:跳双股绳
d) 毽子:Featherball或Shuttlecock
a) Play house: 过家家
角色扮演类的游戏,就是play + 角色
b) Play ninja turtles: 演忍者神龟
c) Play policemen: 扮警察
d) Play bus ticket lady: 扮售票员(很多中国女孩小时候的梦想啊)
Connect Four玩法和我们的五子棋很像,唯一不同的是四子连起来就赢了。
另外还有一个游戏叫Tic tac toe: 圈圈叉叉,三个连一起就赢了。
Monopoly: 大富翁
Yoyo: 溜溜球
Hula hoop: 呼啦圈
看到某个英语论坛的一个问题:what are some joys that come really cheap?很多人就忍不住sense of nostalgia,回忆起童年的各种innocent games,那时候,天空是蓝蓝的,空气是香香的,世界就是我们的游乐场,万事万物都可以成为我们的玩具。似乎快乐,童年,游戏三者就是一个统一体,可as a chronic fun-spoiler, I have to say it is just a romantic version of childhood when you see it through rosy lens.
排除掉从魂斗罗(contra),俄罗斯方块(brick game),超级马里奥(Mario),拳皇(king of fighters)到魔兽世界(world of warcraft),刀塔(DoTa),英雄联盟(league of legends),穿越火线(cross fire)等一干video games,即with limitation on TV and computer,有些什么游戏能闪回(flash back)。排名第一位的,好似是hide and seek,其次有tag(追逐游戏),还有hopscotch(跳房子),还有本人觉得很具有成就感的游戏stone skipping(打水漂)。男孩子比较多的marbles,还有女孩子比较多的rope jump.
魔幻角色扮演 magical role play
Me and my sisters spent our childhood playing a game that could turn into anything from treasure hunt, adventures in strange lands to magical wars.
I thought I was a great adventurer and kept exploring this small forested place around my house seeking treasure (It looked more like a deep mysterious jungle to us). I had a goat who was a great climber. He taught me to climb the hills. I would pick up weird seeds and bring them to my sisters as the eyes of strange animals. They particularly liked a red-black seed which we thought belonged to the fire crow. Once we found a pit that had a lot of broken toys. (Later we realized that we were plundering someone's garbage dump)
round our house we spent most of the time warring invisible forces. The tree below was my favorite horse and I used to shoot arrows at other tree monsters while riding it. But sometimes it became my castle too. The defense strategy of my castle was to shake vigorously if enemy came nearby. It had a lot of heavy green seeds that fell when shaken. So me or my sisters couldn't attack each other when it shook. It also had beautiful yellow flowers that made my sisters' long witch nails.
And sometimes my sisters would dress up as princesses from strange lands. I would enact various strange animals. They used to run around when I became the flying tiger. Their favorite strange animal was the octopus who loved to drink the tea they made. The octopus could sing Arabic songs too.
动作角色扮演 action role play
We roared around on our horses (sticks) shooting each other with rifles and handguns (sticks) and dying in agony, only to get up again a few moments later to resume the fighting. Sometimes we would be horribly wounded and the game would morph into Nurses and Doctors with much bandaging and splinting (sticks), injections (sticks), thermometers under tongues (sticks) (... in retrospect I am delighted that we had no idea there was any other way to take temperatures!)
I have no idea if there was any plan or strategy to our games but they were always outdoors, often involved co-opting our willing pets as playmates (we lived in the country and didn't always have enough victims for our shoot-outs). The dogs, we found, quickly learned they were supposed to ”die“ when shot, the cats however, were hopeless for that. We had to send them off as ”carrier pigeons“ with notes attached for reinforcements.
We had court cases and put our cowardly teddy-bears on trial for desertion and hanged them, afterwards having lovely ceremonial funerals, complete with flowers and everyone (including the pets) dressed up in mourning clothes.
Oh it was all such fun.
A century ago now, it seems. I can't wait for my second childhood to begin!
追捕 ”Manhunt“
There were two versions of this game, similar to ”It“ or ”Tag“, that we used to play. They both had the same name.
One kid would start off as the bounty hunter (although I doubt we called them that at the time) while all the other kids would run off and hide. The bounty hunter would then have to find them and physically touch them in order to catch them. Once caught, the fugitives turned bounty hunter too, until eventually there was a group of them and only one fugitive remaining who was declared the winner. Basically ”Hide and Seek“ but on a bigger scale.
There was a team of bounty hunters against a team of fugitives. The bounty hunting team simply had to catch every member of the fugitive team within a set time period to win. If they failed, the fugitives won. The fugitives did not join the bounty hunters in this version. This version can also involve the fugitives trying to reach a particular point (a base) where they must tag something. I remember we used to use either a giant log near the entrance to the woods and in the middle of the field, or a particular tree that stood in the centre of a glade. The final dash for the base was the most exciting part of this version.
This game was great because where I grew up we were lucky enough to have a sizable, but not excessively large, wood near my estate. This consisted of a woodland area, a couple of open fields, a pond area and a hilly part. The fence surrounding it acted as a boundary for the game (you couldn't hide outside the boundary) and we would synchronize our watches for the games with a time period. The first version of the game, at which I excelled, could go on for hours as the last two kids held out like Japanese soldiers in the hills of the Philippines. I had a real knack for finding hiding places and staying dead still and silent. I was also quite adept at running through bushes, climbing trees and leaping over fallen logs. Ah, those were the days
丢沙包 dodge ball
I never played this game, but it was a craze amongst most of my friends in school. Two teams are selected at random, and then people scatter in a open area. A person needs to hit a person of the other team with a sponge ball( Sometimes, even cosco balls are used. The plight of the person getting hit!). There is no winner in this game( But you will feel very sore at the end of it!). Whoever gets the ball, gets the chance to hit any person from the opposite team. Passing is allowed too.
亲情角色扮演 ‘mother, may I?’
We used to always play this game during recess in elementary school. This game was so much fun!
This game is for as many people that want to play. Everyone, except one person who's alloted the title of ”mother or father (in case it's a boy)“, is supposed to stand at least 6 feet away.
Each person will ask ”mother/father“ a question such as, ”Mother may I take two steps towards you?“ If the mother says, ”Yes, you may.“ The person who asked the question takes two steps forward. If mother says, ”No, you may not.“ The person stays in their spot.
The objective of the game is to reach mother/father. Whoever does this, is the next parental figure in the next round.
I don't remember if there were different rules, but we used to play this game almost 16 years ago. It was extremely fun because people would get creative, such as, ”Mother, may I jump 3 steps ahead?“ People would always get pissed if they didn't get to be the parental figure.
It's a shame to see kids stuck on their phones, video games, and laptops instead of playing outside. I can definitely say that the 80's and the 90's were the best!
打水漂 stone skipping competition
We used to go to the ponds where we would get a lot of flat shaped chunks of stones/mud cups which have been rejected after having tea. We would break them and compete with each other, how many times we could bounce those chunks on water before dispatching it to the diametrically opposite side of the pond. Bouncing stones on water, you must be joking, right? Hell no. Well i found it in the wiki. And it is a serious game with championship. It is called stone skipping. Also you can search how to skip rocks. Here you go:
Step 1: Hold the piece of rock
Step 2: Face the water side ways, legs wide apart, slightly bent on your waist.
Step 3: Bending your wrist and snapping the stone
Step 4: The follow through
Step 5. Practice and more practice. The current record is 40 jumps.
How much to practice? Well till one of the village elderly notices and takes you by the ear and dispatches you home. Yes, you read it right, any village elderly.
蒙眼追逐 blindfold tag
The kids in my family used to play a game we made up called Blindfold Tag. It's pretty self-explanatory. Go into a room and close the door. Blindfold ”It“. They chase everyone around until they tag someone. Repeat.
If you were ”It“ you relied on your hearing, feeling, and memory of the room to find players to tag.
Most rounds consisted of leaping off the furniture to get away/tag someone. One time, in a stroke of genius, we silently moved the furniture forward so it was really easy to escape a dead end. That round went on for about half an hour. Another time, my sister tried to jump from one bed to another, and misjudged which bed she was on. She jumped right into the wall and slowly slid down it.
I honestly don't know how this game never resulted in any hospital trips. Also, the adults did not know we played this game until years later when we told them.
中国跳绳 Chinese rope jump
First you begin with the rope around the ankles of two children.
Another child jumps in the rope with both feet. Then the child jumps out of the rope with both legs straddling each outside rope. Next, the child jumps from side to side. (Straddling each side of the rope.) Then the child jumps on the rope. Then out again. Finally, the child takes the rope, crosses it using their legs, so that their legs are in side of an x. Then the child has to jump out and straddle the rope.
With each jump if they land on the rope when they are not supposed to, then they are out. Or if they are trying to land on it and miss they are out. Once you accomplish the ankles, you move up to the waist, then below the arms, then finally the neck (I have never seen it go that far.) With each sequence you say, ”in, out, side, side, on, in, out.“
雅思 口语 描述童年有趣经历
You should say?
When did you have this experience? 这段经历发生在什么时候?
Where did you have this experience? 这段经历发生在什么地点?
Who were with you? 你跟谁在一起?
What did you do? 你做了什么?
And explain how you felt about it 你感受如何?
The enjoyable experience I am going to tell you happened when I was 12 years old. Then a new amusement park opened at Ji’nan, the capital of my province. Ever since I saw its advertisement on the television, I had been harassing my father to go there. Eventually he yielded and promised to take me there on weekends.
We set out very early in the morning on Sunday that week, since the park was a little far away, which took an hour’s drive. At the arrival, I was astonished by the variety of entertainment facilities. Some of them were beyond my imagination and had not even appeared on the television. We tried Pirate Ship Ride, which swung back and forth, subjecting me to various levels of angular momentum, bumper cars, which we drove to crash each other, and the Mega Drop, which fell from a height of 15 meters. But my favorite was the roller coaster. It was designed to follow an elevated railroad track with tight turns, steep slopes, and inversions. There was an almost vertical slope and the coaster would stop for a moment at the edge of it in order to elicit your fear. My heart was literally pumping at my throat.
“I need to learn English, which is very important because it’ll help me get a good job in international trade, which I‘m studying right now.”
“I work in a software company as a computer programmer, which is quite a challenging job because our clients usually want us to write programs in a short period of time.”
“Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although (or, but) I don’t like films with a lot of violence or horror films.”
“I don’t ride my bicycle very often because (or, since) it’s faster to take the bus to university although (or, but) I do use it on the weekends when I have no classes.”
“Yes, Chinese people do like growing flowers but since(or, but because) many people live in apartments in cities it’s not easy to grow flowers although people who have a balcony, especially retired people, sometimes grow flowers on their balcony.”
“Well, not really, no, because although (or, even though or, despite the fact that) the apartments are all modern and clean, there are very few places for children to play outside.”
“I’m interested in sport but, besides that (or, as well as that), there are many other things that I’m interested in, such as (or, like or for example or for instance) computers and music.”
“Three years ago, my father gave me some good advice, which was very useful because it saved me from making a very unsuitable career choice.”
“When I was in Second Year of high school, I had a math’s teacher named Mr. Wang who really changed my life by inspiring me to love mathematics.”
“To tell you the truth, I don’t play much sport nor do I walk much because I drive my car everywhere, even to my office, which is near my home although I sometimes play table tennis, which I‘m quite good at. I know I’d have more energy if I did more exercise but I just don‘t seem to find the time for exercise because I’m too busy with my work.”
Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh
You should say
What the program is
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
Why it made you laughed
What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?
Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?
A TV program that I found really funny was an American show called “How I met your mother” which was broadcast every Sunday last summer.
It was a sitcom with 9 series, each of which included about 24 episodes. I watched all of the episodes and found them absolutely hilarious. The series followed the main character, Ted, who recounted to his son and daughter the time when he met and got married to their mother. The special thing was this – all the events Ted had experienced with his best friends before meeting his wife were illustrated in a highly amusing way. For example, in one episode, Ted described his dates with a girlfriend whose name he had forgotten, so Ted and the other characters had to refer to her as “Blah-blah” all the time.
Because of the characters’ eccentric humor and natural acting, this show made me laugh a lot. So, at present, whenever I feel stressed, I replay this series so that I can just put my feet up and have a good laugh.
absolutely hilarious绝对搞笑
put my feet up把我的脚放上去
雅思口语Part2 范文:一个有幽默感的人
Describe a person who has a good sense of humor
Ok, I've been asked to describe a person with a good sense of humour, and the person I've chosen is my classmate Zhang Hui. Zhang. Hui is a boy from Henan. He comes from Kaifeng. He majors in Economics and well, I guess you can say that Economics is not the most interesting subject, especially when the teachers start drawing graphics on the blackboard. Zhang Hui just seems to know how to make a joke out of it all. He has this funny face, which just adds to his humour.
I'll give you an example of how sharp his wit is. The instructor was talking about the relationship of supply and demand, and was looking for examples. So Zhang Hui stuck up his hand and said his mother is an example. He said the more money he spends on university, the better grades she demands. After he said that, everyone laughed so hard the professor had to wait for five minutes before he could continue.
I guess the way this person affects me is that he teaches me that there is nothing very serious in life. He puts me at ease and he reminds me that we are all human. I don't get overstressed when I spend time with him because he knows how to make a joke out of everything.
1. 童年经典梗:西瓜种子会在肚中发芽生长
One day as I was eating watermelon, I accidentally swallowed its seeds and my grandma told me that now its tree will grow inside my stomach and leaves would come out of my nose and ears. I was really worried, on my way to school I asked everybody I met, whether it was true. To my tragedy many of them said yes. I cried really very hard and was frightened even when my parents told me nothing like that would happen. It was only after they gave me a fake medicine, I stopped crying. After that I never ate watermelon, fearing that it might happen again, until I was 9.
My grandma still makes fun of me for that :)
2.changing my underwear in open
I Was in 2nd standard.
I went to my aunts house..
I was changing my underwear...(in open)
My aunt started teasing me...”shame shame shame..o o o ...shame shame“
I answered innocently
” Please Aunty don't make fun of me....And what’s wrong in it...
It's a body part only...Everyone is having...Don't you have...“
(Every one burst out in laughter and I started crying thinking That everyone is making fun of me)...
Today.I feel ...ohh shit man..!!!...What did I say...And giggle..!!
3. I believed I was as small as a finger when born.
”You know, you were so little when you were born, that i used to carry you around in my pocket. “
My uncle used to tell this to little me when I was 5-6 years old.
I bought the story and was curious about how I used to drink and eat when I was that small.
He told me that they used to pick me up with fingers and make me sit on the edge of a cup and I would sip some tea from the cup, while they watched over for my safety. And then they were feeding me little crumbs of bread.
he told me stories of how he carried me around, in his pocket, saving me from birds and assorted animals who wanted to pick me up.
When he told me that I was only as tall as my finger, I would get annoyed and run to my mother to verify his story. And my mother played along her part well.
At the end of all that, maybe several months later, I figured it out. I remember I coming to him to tell him something like this, ” If i were that small when i was born, even you must have been that small too, when you were born. And somebody must have took you around in their pockets and picked you up with their fingers. But you are so big now, that i don't think you were ever that small. And so, even i were never that small“. Haha, uncle had no answer for that.
Funeral of the story.
4. 见死不救的熊弟弟
I was 8-9 years old and my brother was around 4...my dad had just bought me a new pretty bicycle and after I learnt how to ride it my brother asked me to take him for a ride...I asked him to open the gate and wait outside and I will get on the bike and come outside and then he can sit behind...I hopped on andn started riding it...somehow lost balance...went outside fast and fell into the sewage gutter in front of the house which was left open for cleaning...I was covered from top to bottom in dirty water and stuff and my bicycle fell on me...my brother, instead of calling my parents for help...was jumping, clapping and shouting...”yay, u fell down!!“...meanwhile people in the street gathered around and pulled me out!
It took 3 showers to free myself off that stench
5. 字写得差的烦恼
As a child I used to fear Chinese the most , because of so many strokes for each character ).
So my elder cousin was teaching me Chinese one night, scolding me for not getting the handwriting right. Someone knocked the door and he went to entertain who-so-ever was outside.
In the mean time I tore a page from the notebook and wrote a note to him, stating that ”I am leaving the house because of your scoldings; don't search for me.“ And I hid underneath the bed, hoping he'd get all tensed up and start searching for me and that he'd not teach me after this.
After he returned I couldn't see his reaction. After sometime he went out of the room. I sneaked my head out to see where he went. And he returned back the same instant.
I got another bashing for tearing pages from my school notebook and for not writing characters which he had asked me before leaving for the door.
Apparently I had written my note in Chinese in very bad handwriting and he couldn't even read it.
6. the meanest dad
My father told me that the school had put mini CCTV cameras in classrooms, and the live stream was provided to all parents so that they could keep an eye on their children.
He basically convinced me that he was monitoring every move of mine in school.
What's worse is, my dad was a master of reverse psychology. Every time he saw me look even remotely guilty, he'd ask, ”Well, why did you do that at school today?“ Cleverly, he never specified what 'that' was. I would think, ”oh God! He knows!“ and would be left with no option but to confess and apologize.
The consequence: Me were scared to spend more than 30 seconds in any one place (even for sharpening pencils!). If it was extremely necessary, I would talk to my classmates in as discreet a manner as possible. I used to be at my best behaviour even during recesses. And when I made slightest mistakes (for example: losing my eraser), I'd feel so guilty, I'd confess to him with tears in my eyes.
Fathers can be mean.
As young kids, my sister and I would love to sleep in on weekends if we could. So even if we actually woke up a bit earlier than usual, we'd lay in bed and pretend to be asleep when our dad came in to wake us up.
Dad would always catch our bluff, though, and tricked us into proving we were in fact awake by saying ”Are these kids still really asleep? I would believe it if they shook their legs a little bit." Indeed, being the little suckers we were, we'd fall for it and shake our legs ever so slightly. Each and every time.
How fun for my dad. I never figured out how he knew we were really awake until much later. Such a eureka moment. :D
8. 人小孩与猫妈妈之争
My grandmother had a ton of feral cats that hung out under her house (the house was on blocks or something so there was an under the house). When I was small, probably around 5 or so, we went to visit and one of the cats had just had kittens so my grandmother had brought her into the house. I was told not to bother her, but it was kittens so I had to go look. As I approached her in her 'bed' with all the itty bitty kittens around her feeding, she hissed at me. Well I wasn't about to take an insult from a cat so I got closer, leaned over, and hissed back. I got a wonderfully deep and long scratch in the middle of my forehead for that.
9.You are an pure evil
I was in grade 4 and we were sitting in the gym for our monthly school assembly. I had to fart really bad. Normally my farts are silent so I didn't think too much about it but this time it was different. I think it might have been due to the way I was sitting with my legs up and crossed together or something but when I let it out it sounded like some little girl was screeching. It lasted forever too.
The gym was dead silent at that time so the whole school could hear it. Everyone turned to me and I was mortified. But thanks to my quick thinking I blamed it on the girl in front of me. The poor girl...
I guess this is more of an embarrassing or evil childhood story
Describe your favourite season or time of the year.
You should say:
when that season is
what the weather is like at that time of year
and explain why it is your favourite season.
Sample answer 1:
My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would last around 4 or 5 months between November and March, but when I say that I like the winter, I’m really thinking about the coldest month or two each year.
During those really wintry (寒冷)months, the temperature drops below zero and it often snows.
Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads have been blocked and schools have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of the window one morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of(一层) white.
Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other seasons, but when it doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between winter, autumn and spring; winter is just a bit colder.
The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like the snow. I live near the countryside, and the landscape(景观) looks beautiful when everything is covered in white. We also celebrate Christmas and New Year in the winter, and these are my favourite festivals.
Sample answer 2:
Well, I love Fall and Winter but Spring is the season I love most from my own experiences. Spring marks a transition(过渡) from Winter and Summer, so it’s normally(正常地) start from February and last to April, however it might change a little bit depend on climate on that year.
Spring is really nice to me with temperate weather, not too hot or too cold. The average temperature is about over 20 Celsius, it’s very ideal(理想的) in tropical country like Vietnam(越南). Air is very fresh with the smell of grass and new born trees and flowers.
In my opinion, the rain make Spring become very special, compare to other seasons. Because it rain all the time on Summer, Fall and Winter, people have to bring raincoat follow. In addition to this, it’s extremely(极其) hot in summer make me feel that I can not live in places without air-conditioner. However, it’s dry in Spring and nice weather allows people enjoy long trip or picnic, outdoor party.
And the reason why I love Spring. Many people say that Spring is time for re-birth, re-growth and renewal and that make me feel very comfortable with bird singing and flower everywhere. For me, it gives me hope for a brighter future. Spring is a time for Tet Holiday, it’s the most important festival in my country, it’s also Reunion Festival, people from city or foreign will back to hometown to visit their family and relatives.
雅思 口语范文最喜欢的季节
Describe your favorite season of the year
You should say:
How is the weather like
Why do you like this season
What activities do you usually do during it
How would different kinds of weather affect people
My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, the temperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day time is longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.
The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.
Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.
Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.
2016年雅思口语最新高频Part2话题参考答案--Describe a season
Describe a season you like best in your city.
You should say:
what season it is
what the weather is like at that time
what do you usually do at that time
and explain what is special about this season.
关于“Describe a season”这个话题卡,需要注意的就是尽量避免讨论你所在的城市没有的季节,比如你在上海,就千万不要说零下30度你在滑雪,看冰雕,这是万万不可以的!在回答这个话题卡时,首先你要开门见山说你喜欢的是那个季节,然后可以说说你的城市里,这个季节大概会延续多久,描述一些这个季节人们通常会的事情。最重要要谈论在你的城市,这个季节都有一些什么特色。
Sample answer:
My most favorite season is fall and I love everything about it. Usually it starts at the end of May in our country and lasts till the middle of July.
The weather is best during fall and you won't feel the heat of summer or the cold wind of winter. The nature arranges itself with the beautiful green and flowers are noticed all around the places.
I like the scenic beauty, charming weather, festivities and freshness of this season. This is a distinctive season and is known as the queen of seasons in our country. The newly grown green leaves of trees, the colorful flowers, the chirping of the birds and crisp and mild air of fall are some of the noticeable changes in our country. After the hot summer ends, the falls comes and people in our country love this season.
Fall is season that marks the transition from summer into winter and the night falls later than winter. The farmers start harvesting seeds in this season and they become quite active during this season.
I usually get vacation at the beginning of the fall and visit my hometown. This is a perfect vacation for me as my hometown becomes even more beautiful. Because of geographical location and culture, we have 2-3 major festival during this time and people enjoys the festivals and weathers.
1. favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it’s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months. During summer, you’re free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a beach or simply having dinner together.
I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. The weather allows people to go outdoors to do fun activities. You wake up in the morning to the sun beaming in your room, birds chirping, and the aroma of the delicious food that is cooking downstairs. The outdoors are alive with the freshness of the air, the smell of flowers and a freshly mowed lawn. During the warm summer nights, you can sit outside on your porch and chat with your neighbors.
2. The season of the year between summer and winter, during which the weather becomes cooler and many plantsbecome dormant, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice andpopularly considered to include the months of September, October, and November; fall. In the Southern Hemisphereautumn includes March, April, and May.





