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2023-04-19 08:00:44 收藏本文 下载本文






Dear _,

Knowing where one is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Computer Software, I began my odyssey four years ago. Now, after the initial mysticism was gradually unveiled, my curiosity remains the same. Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new.

From the beginning of my study, my endeavor was fixed on the underlying branches of Computer Science, particularly System Software development. Novel applications on other’s platform may be fruitful, but I think it’s more appealing to act as an independent “manager”. In fact, mathematics, OS, DBMS and modern compiler are all the examples, any breakthrough of which would push forward the whole industry. Individuality is achieved in this unique position.

My paces toward this goal are always steady. As mathematics permeates to the every corner of Computer Science, I am eager to see how it functions. I took courses offered by the Mathematics Department including Mathematical Analysis and Advanced Algebra. The curriculum also covered Discrete Mathematics, Probability & Statistics and Theoretical Computer Science. As supplement to my scope of knowledge, I learn by myself Combination Mathematics and the Science of Programming. This really made a hard period of time, but the harvest was rewarding. I come to understand that even the most irrelevant software disciplines have the origins in common. The importance of Fractured Geometry in Computer Graphics is already obvious. What if a step furthers toward TSP or Bin Packing? Immeasurable. Then came my favorite topics: Operating System, Compiler and Database. I worked hard and derived bits of my own insight. In fact, I was greatly encouraged to find some of my ideas successfully implemented in the corresponding course projects. My final grade is straight “As” in these coursed. In short, although my experience in Computer Science is still limited, I believe its depth is well accessible. As my advisor, Prof. Fang Yu, put it figuratively in one of his lectures: “ It makes no difference whether a hunter captures 5 or 7 rabbits. What counts is he knows how to use his gun.”

I think I can be the qualified shooter now. in my undergraduate years, I have earned various kinds of scholarships, among which were “Peking University Fellowship” and “Excellent Academic Scholarship”. My overall GPA ranks upper 10% among 48 students of the same grade. Because of my satisfactory performance, I was granted the honor of entering the graduate program at Peking University directly, waived of the admission test. In retrospect, my workload is always heavy but it is worth my time of effort. Presently, I have both adequate theoretical understanding and rich programming experience. READY I AM.

Of all the sub-areas of Computer Science, my major interest is parallel processing and the related compiler construction. The terminology of parallel processing came to me when I read an article about digital circuit testing. According to this article, there exist many serial approaches of solving the automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) problem. Though certain method of solving ATPG sometimes proved efficient, the computation time for a method of solving ATPG sometimes proved efficient, the computation time for a complete result is intolerable, the a parallel processing machine is proposed. Using paralleled ATPG method, this NP complete dilemma is ingeniously handled. After reading, I surprisingly realized that parallel processing opened a new window for the computationally intensive problems, which prove intractable for the VON NEUMANN Architecture. You can always first split a specific computational task into several independent divisions, then assign each part to a certain processor. With reasonable partition and proper synchronization, most grueling scientific applications can be reduced to normal scale problems.

With the advent of the multiprocessor architecture, compiler optimization faced a new challenge. A compiler not only has to translate, but it is also responsible for generating parallel-processing loop provides a rich opportunity of exploiting parallelism. Therefore, finding an optimum strategy for loops because a hot research topic. On the whole, parallelism changes our view toward the conventional computer architecture so that the compiler’s construction must make the corresponding modification. Because of this challenging characteristic, I choose them to be my interest of future study.

Yet parallel processing is far from maturity. It has been observed that some sequential algorithms can be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms while some others may not. Is every sequential computation can be done efficiently in parallel? If not, what properties result in such distinction? Another unsettled problem is programming parallel computers now is like programming serial computers in the 1960s. Programmers get locked into a particular manufacturer’s computers. Is it possible for us to design a higher level language for parallel computers that hides the underlying machine architecture from users? Both are crying out for solution.

Without advanced knowledge, I can do nothing but wait. In order to convert my undergraduate study into full play, graduate education is a necessity. From the college guide and my advisor’s recommendation, I am pleased to learn that your department has an academic atmosphere where originality is appreciated and individual potential is explored. It will be the best place for my specialized study. If possible, my main interest in the future will be in the following areas:

Parallel processing, Compiler construction.

Distributed/concurrent systems, Operating system.

Machine learning, Automated fault diagnosis.

As my undergraduate education is very basic, if you feel that I am more suited for some other areas, any of your suggestion would be highly appreciated.

Upon the completion of my study, I would return to Peking University and teach what I’ve learned to the students. Then I shall establish a research center to experiment new ideas. It is my ultimate goal to see the Chinese computer products leading the global market in the next century. After all, the navigation is not over yet!

Yours sincerely,



















奥地利全国有18所公立学校,大学学习年限一般为4至5年;没有本科,直接获硕士学位(起也将学士和硕士学位分开)。奥地利大学虽然较其他国家多受一年的教育,但毕业后直接获得硕士学位,省去考研一大 麻烦,这点对外国留学生有很大吸引力。





















Dear _,

When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers. My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed. All questions have definite answers; we just need to construct ways of reaching them.

Mathematics at AS Level opened my mind to several new areas of algebra, sequences and series, and functions. I keenly welcomed the new techniques and enjoyed all aspects of the course. Some of my favourite areas, however, were trigonometry and calculus; it was fascinating to see how trigonometric functions come together in a few simple identities! Being new to the methods of differentiation and integration, I spent extra time going over examples, which soon became clear in my mind. I look forward to investigating these topics further in the A2 modules.

In addition to retaining a strong interest in Mathematics, my fascination for computers has grown. Nevertheless, I was unsure of whether or not I wanted to pursue a joint honours course of Mathematics with Computer Science, or a single degree course of Mathematics. My decision to apply for the joint course was confirmed after I attended a number of Computer Science Summer School courses in London.

Joining Dubai College has given me the chance to explore new horizons. Responsibilities, such as being a prefect and Year 7 liaison, have made me realise our importance in the school as sixth formers. I am currently in the process of completing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, for which I successfully finished an 80km expedition through the mountains of Mauritius. I will never forget the feelings of pure enjoyment and adventure; it was truly a challenging experience!

Although A Levels take up a great deal of time, I manage to maintain personal fitness by horse riding daily. I routinely enter dressage and show jumping competitions throughout the U.A.E., where I frequently achieve a medal place. Riding horses brings on a sense of freedom and allows me socialise out of school.

I have also obtained an understanding of what it is like to work amongst a large group of people through working in various companies around Dubai. These included Barclays Bank, Prolab Digital and Palms Nursery. I particularly benefited from my experience at Barclays, as it introduced me to many fields, such as trading, accountancy and exchange, and taught me to appreciate the evident need for teamwork.

Although I am still unsure of the path I will take after graduating, I know that having a Mathematics/Computing degree will give me many transferable skills. I am currently investigating a number of regions that appeal to me, which include actuarial science and further postgraduate study. For now, I intend to approach the future positively and have many exciting thoughts. I hope to encounter new opportunities, make new friends and rise to the challenge of university!

Yours sincerely,



























奥地利维也纳音乐学院由音乐家Josef id教授和Eva Maria Schmid教授夫妇共同创建。是经奥地利联邦教育部批准的,具有公共教育资格的私立音乐学院。 维也纳音乐学院颁发的毕业文凭与奥地利国立高等学院颁发的文凭具有同等效力和资格。被世界多国所承认。维也纳音乐学院制定了科学合理的必修及选修课程,它们又划分为理论课和实践课。

















学士:歌舞剧 演戏专业 学士:演戏





















Dear _,

Pursuing a masters degree is a responsibility I owe to myself as well as a commitment I have to others. I refer to it as a responsibility because I have a proactive outlook on life, which makes me actively seek and go after the things that I want to accomplish in life. I refer to it as a commitment because I want to be an example to others of the attainments and contribution to society that women can make.

My first introduction to human resource management came as a result of an encounter with Victor Banjo, General Manager Human Resources Oceanic Bank Plc. It was as a result of this encounter that I was able to get detailed understanding of the roles played by human resource in tackling human issues and consequently in organizational success.

In light of this, I have decided to take up the masters program in Human Resource Management because I am interested in the role it plays in achieving organizations goals and objectives, key among them being hiring and training the best employees, and dealing with performance issues.

I am a graduate of Mass Communications from Bowen University. My Mass Communications degree has provided me with a strong foundation as well as fortified me with good communications skills, personal communications as well as organizational communications skills, bearing in mind that the importance of proper communication in the business environment cannot be over-emphasized. In the same vein, professionals of communication recognize the importance of good business practices.

My career goal is to work in a leading firm that places priority on professionalism and lead such organization towards attainment of set goals by making use of knowledge garnered as well as experience. Ten years from now I see myself as a human resource consultant, providing professional advice so that others can make the best decisions. I believe a masters degree in Human Resource Management is all I need to make this dream come true. It fits the profile of this goal.

Perhaps some of my greatest attributes is that I am smart, hardworking, and inquisitive. I am always willing to learn and I appreciate every opportunity to learn new things or old ones differently. I am sensitive and genuinely interested in others, which makes me confident that HRM is the path I want to tread. Human resources are vital to any organization: without people the organization would not function.

I chose this university because of its great reputation, its renowned academic excellence, and good industry links as well as flexible postgraduate schemes. I look forward to being a part of a renowned institution as your institution. I firmly believe that the right education in the right school will open doors of advancement in my chosen field of study.

Yours sincerely,


















































Dear X,

By serving as a noncommissioned officer in theUnited StatesMarine Corps, Ilearned and developed valuable leadership skills that would prove crucial to mysuccess as a leader and to my ability to gain the respect of my subordinates.The Marine Corps places great emphasis on leadership characteristics, believingthat great leaders are not born, they are properly trained. I submitted togrueling training on my way to becoming an officer in the Marines, and believethis training gives me the foundation of strong leadership skills that I willneed in every day corporateAmerica.

Leadership in the Marine Corps is more complicated than the simplemanagement of employees. I learned this lesson the hard way, being thrust into amanagement position as my unit was being shipped over seas during the PersianGulf War. As a newly promoted Corporal, I was given the job of night crewsupervisor in charge of 15 other marines. In the Marine Corps, leaders are notonly held accountable for the work getting done but also for the performance andconduct of their marines. At the age of 21,I had the responsibility not only tocarry out my orders but also to safeguard the personal lives and protect thegeneral welfare of my men. This being my second time over seas, I understoodmany of the difficulties that a young marine can have on their first extendedtrip away from their family. I enjoyed helping my marines over come theirproblems, and learned that the benefits were well worth the time that Iinvested. I discovered that employees who have the support of their managementtend to be more focused on the tasks at hand, gaining levels of trust andloyalty that can only benefit the organization.

Related to this issue of gaining trust and loyalty through managementsupportiveness is that the Marine Corps requires creative means to motivatesubordinates. It can be very difficult at times to be in charge of individuals,yet have no direct control over their salaries or advancement in theorganization. The government decides military salaries, and promotions arecontrolled by boards with the primary means of measurement being time inservice. For this reason, I learned to manage through mutual respect. I believeit is much more important to gain the trust and confidence of your employeesthan to use direct compensation to motivate them.

Throughout my Marine Corps career and beyond I developed many strongleadership skills, but most of all I learned that to be effective as a managerone must remain focused on the human aspect of leadership. By concentrating toomuch on the goal and not on the people needed to meet it, leaders riskalienating their employees and thus failure in achieving the goal itself. Byleveraging the lessons and qualities I gained while serving as an officer in theMarine Corps, I hope to meaningfully contribute to the academic environment atthe Anderson School of Business.

Yours sincerely,


Dear xxx,

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not inlove with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost ofnot loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can everbe known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutelydefend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life,but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything,but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability,but so does nature…probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free todo as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would neverprofess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, buttrust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religionis among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it isperhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their moralsfrom religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead ofmorality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do notbelieve that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study thelaw just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law andeconomics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that eitherone can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize thereis more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize theimportance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law andphilosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation aboutthe two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passionmakes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed byeconomics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track ofwhich beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about thepractical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me twoundergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarilyentail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feelmost like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at acollege where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for mymajor, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incrediblypassionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only onepassion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hatethe accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper startingfrom the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal onsome issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I willalways be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I thinkeverything through completely, but I am never through thinking aboutanything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people withoutwhom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point offorgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry aboutthe next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize thatit is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person,but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more thanjust a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

Yours sincerely,



Dear _,

From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do.

This interest never left me, only growing more profound and passionate with every new discovery I made. From communicating with an artificial intelligence to seeing the wonders of the Internet for the first time, computers have left me fascinated with just how much power yet mystery they hold.

The A-Levels I chose to study have all helped me to develop both myself and my understanding of the subject. Physics for example has helped me to understand how certain parts of a computer function, while Computing has given me a greater insight into the business aspects of the computer industry.

Chemistry and Physics have both helped to improve my analytical and evaluative skills. Within maths I have been lucky enough to have a teacher who was very interested in computer science. He has been especially helpful, lending me books such as G?del, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. This has given me an insight into the richness that is computer science.

My interest in computing has not been restricted to the classroom and college life. Within the last twelve months I’ve used the knowledge that I’ve gained over the past twelve years together with the help of my family to set up my own computer related business. This has given me a totally new perspective on how certain things function, and how business operates. The writing of a business plan was a totally alien experience for me, but over the course of 9 months I researched and planned, and finally when the plan was complete I was rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing that I had completed something that most people would never have the chance to do especially at my age.

Through the setting up of the company and its subsequent running I have learnt many things. These include how to balance tasks effectively, how critical teamwork can be and how to delegate tasks to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

As well as spending time both studying and helping to run the business I understand the importance of having time to relax. One of my hobbies that I try to make time for is learning to fly, and gaining my private pilots license. As a child I dreamed of becoming a pilot and luckily its one dream that I’ve managed to follow. I love the freedom that flying gives you and the control that you have when in the air. Training for my private pilots license (PPL) has also involved me taking onboard a lot of responsibility for the safety of those onboard, and those around the aircraft. From ensuring that I carry out the pre-flight checks correctly, and knowing what’s around you both while you’re on the ground and in the air to ensuring that I’m prepared for any eventuality.

I also enjoy both playing and watching tennis. I’ve played in various competitions before, and have helped to umpire junior matches at my club. To ensure that I can fit everything in I’ve had to develop very good time management, prioritising what I need to do efficiently.

I’m looking forward with great anticipation to the challenges that studying for a degree in computer science will bring.

Yours sincerely,












该国还有许多私立院校,无论 公立还是私立院校,对申请者的德语起点要求低,并且提供配套德语培训。只要参加大学附属语言中心一年德语密集培训,通过相应的德语考试就能进入专业就读。


























Dear _,

It’s all about the headline. It’s about getting your point across in the most direct way you can. These personal statements are very good example of this, in just a few lines I have to get my message of why I want do a degree in Journalism across to my prospective universities. That is one of the reasons why I love to write, the challenge of putting over a complex thought or concept to a large audience of people and convey it in such a way everybody will understand it. As the great writer Hemingway once said, “My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.”

My own personal experience of journalism started young, my dad used to write for a magazine and take me with him when he went to interview people, since then I have been fascinated with the industry. When I was 14 I was lucky enough to get a work experience placement at “News International” in Wapping. I got to work on the websites of “FiredUp.com”, “Revolver.com” and “Page3.com” as well as have a tour of the offices of “The Sun”, “News Of The World” and “The Times”, I have also recently been offered a day’s work experience at my local paper and I am currently waiting for news of work experience at the BBC.

I pride myself on being well organised and thorough in my research. I have also developed many skills such as interview techniques and being able to see things from another perspective, a skill I have acquired through Sociology and Communication Studies, analytical skills through Film Studies and Media Studies and I have learnt about analysing and collating numerical data and factual evidence in Psychology. Although I have already completed three A-Levels and two AS Levels, I have taken a year out to study AS French, Sociology and Spanish. I did this in order to improve my grades and to give me a wider choice of qualifications as my previous subjects are all very similar with their syllabus as well the fact multiple languages would be an invaluable advantage to have when working in the area of communication.

Some of my outside interests are music, politics, the Internet and reading. Music in particular is a great love of mine, I regularly attend “gigs” and concerts and have been an active member of the “Sum 41 Street Team” for over a year, this involves spreading publicity through flyers and posters to promote the band, I find it very fulfilling and enjoyable. Another one of my interests is the Internet, I contribute articles to a site dealing with issues such as “top-up fees” and other important student matters, which I enjoy greatly and is helping to improve my knowledge of university for the future. I have a part time job waitressing at a local hotel which I do a few nights a week. It gives me a sense of my own independence and responsibility, I also help my mother at the local Red Cross during half terms and holidays cooking for the elderly and have also recently volunteered to sell Poppies for Remembrance Sunday throughout my town. Another activity of mine is being my tutor group representative for our college’s student council and regularly attend meetings to deal with concerns of the student body.

I am thoughtful, organised and handle pressure well, I love to write and it is my ambition to do so, I believe I can bring many things to the courses I have selected and in turn can get a lot out of them as well.

Yours sincerely,

















Dear _,

A student of the Peking University’s inaugural program of advertising, I am writing in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program of communication studies. With my solid education and my professional experience that is as colorful as it is rare, I believe that, with your seasoned guidance, I can build upon my strong background, for a pioneering career in China’s booming advertising industry.

At Peking University, dubbed the Harvard of China by President Clinton on his recent trip to Chins, I have been a student star on campus due to my outstanding academic performances. When I entered into this university in 1995, I already stood out among my crop of freshmen, having won a total of scores in the 1995 National College Entrance Examinations that was the fifth highest in Beijing. A fervent fan of my chosen subject of studies, I have proved myself as much of an intellectual wizard in higher learning as I was in grade school, as demonstrated by my grades, which placed me at the very top in my class of 23. My GPA in the first three years is 89.5, a rarely seen high grade in PKU. My GPA for core courses is over 90, far higher than that of my fellow students. I was the only one who received 100, the full mark, in two theoretical courses, the advanced mathematics and appreciation of fine arts. In practical courses like computer design, my grades were also high, sometimes as high as 96. In recognition of such stellar performances, I have been named the top student of the department and granted Academic Excellence Scholarships for three consecutive years. I was elected the Student Representative for Academic Affairs.

But I was no bookworm. To broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge, I also chose electives in such fields as Russian Literature and Chinese History. I have spent considerably more time in the library than my classmates. The more I learnt on campus, the more I hoped to see the real world outside the ivory tower. So in the first summer recess, I applied for a temporary job at the Yaxing Advertising Agency, affiliated with the China Sports Daily, when most of my friends and classmates were enjoying themselves at home or traveling around. Appointed as the accounting executive assistant, I helped organize a promotional event for the Atlantic Olympic Games. This job gave me a picture of China’s advertising industry.

In the first semester of the academic year -, I worked part-time with the PKU TV Net, where I was offered a splendid opportunity to improve my ability in journalism. Being a Weekly News broadcaster, I regularly faced tens of thousands of audience, which greatly increased my confidence. I learnt to think independently and cooperate wit others when doing the series reports “PKU students’ life”, a program which was mainly about student recipients of prizes in national and international contests. Conducted with creativity and diligence, the program was placed among the best programs in the PKU TV Net.

Unlike most other students, I have never stopped working while in school. From September 1997 on, I have been working as a research assistant in CCTV’s Qiantu Advertising Company, the sixth biggest in China. My responsibility is to establish a market database. Difficult as it was, I have handled it without a glitch. I have also done part-time work helping to promote the President Food Corporation and served as a research assistant in the S & D Research Agency, a consulting firm specialized in conducting market surveys for multinationals in China.

With special skills in Chinese calligraphy, I taught calligraphy in the China Children’s Center, the best of its kind in China. My students, mostly six to twelve years old, had difficulties in understanding the aesthetics inherent Chinese calligraphy. To help them, I taught them Chinese poems and ancient characters instead of confining myself to only calligraphy. The approach turned out to be very effective, and their skills improved dramatically. In these and other similar experiences, I gained skills of interpersonal communication, particularly in terms of how to understand other people’s problems and how to help them out.

It is in my working experience that I first developed the desire to pursue advanced studies in a quality graduate program in the United States. As an intern with the Dentsu Young & Rubicam Advertising Corporation, one of the world’s largest communications groups, I now witness firsthand the dramatic social and economic changes engendered by the proliferation of digital technologies and increasing corporate globalization. These changes have created the highly sophisticated information society. Trying daily to develop wordings that could catch people’s attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving China’s advertising industry at both theoretical and practical levels. I believe that advertising expertise from such advanced countries as the U. S. and Japan would certainly help China. In order to command such expertise and then introduce it to my country, I am making this application so that I can have a firm grasp of the advanced theories and practices your country has developed in communication field, particularly in respect of advertising.

I believe that my English proficiency is more than sufficient for me to undertake the kind of studies that I am seeking through this application. I have scored well in such English language tests as TIEFL and GRE. As a better indicator of my practical language skills, I just finished translating an English book “The History of Graphic Design” into Chinese together with four other translators, including a professor. My writing, listening and oral English are as good as my reading.

This application is being made with a sense of mission. As an undergraduate, I have learned the basics of advertising, and I would be promising in China as a graduate from one of the country’s best universities. With a booming advertising industry in China, I will surely secure a well-paying job. But I cannot be satisfied unless I can help my country as much I help myself. For that, I wish to enhance my capabilities by pursuing graduate studies in such fields as mass communication, communication studies or media studies at a university in North America, where these genres of studies are much more developed than in China. Whatever program I get in, I would like my studies to be focused on the theories of and practices in advertising. If you find me qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may have.

The University of Hawaii is well known for its unique position as a bridge between east and west. It is well known for its excellence in the communication field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. With students from various nations, it provides its students with a good chance to learn from different cultures. It is an ideal place for communication studies. If I am accepted, I believe I can make quick progress in communication studies in general, and in advertising in particular.

I plan to return to China after the completion of my graduate studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chinese advertising company. In either case, I will bring back what I will have learned. I hope that, when the history of modern advertising in China is written, I will be remembered as one of those who have played a pioneering role in the development of the industry.

Yours sincerely,



























Dear _,

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature…probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of morality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will always be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I think everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about anything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

Yours sincerely,



Dear _,

As a member of the third generation after founding of the People’s Republic of China, I grew up as a witness of the rapid economic development of China as a result of its reform and opening up policy. I consider myself more fortunate than people of my previous generations because today China is experiencing dynamic development and facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges brought by its accession into the WTO and deepening economic globalization.

I was aware of the importance to study economics and management in a diversified cultural environment early in my undergraduate study in business administration. After I started working, I felt more deeply in the urban planning and construction projects I undertook that the rapid development of public transportation boosted material expansion and accelerated the inherent instability in urban life. Endless segmentation has been seen in an extensive range in rapidly emerging residential areas and community construction. This is no doubt the result of the serious lack of scientific planning in urban expansion in China.

As a young man of the largest developing country in the world, I’m more oriented to observation and reflections everyday. I long for opportunities to learn more about western societies and study in an environment that is disparate with China in beliefs and habits because in the mirrors of differences, I will be probably more capable of reflecting on the culture and beliefs of my own nation.

It is because of the above reasons that I’m applying for pursuit of further studies in urban and regional planning (URP) in the University of _. I hope I will be able to learn from the experience, ideas and methodologies of the _ in the field I’m so interested in and combine them with the actual circumstances of China to change the inappropriate practices and concepts in urban planning in China. With the marriage between more internationalized cultures and Chinese traditions, I hope I will be able to find a balance between China’s traditional culture and the modern trend in urban planning and development. I think I already have a clear motif and I have also equipped myself with all the qualities required for successful study and research at your university.

I’m proud to say that I have built for myself a sound specialized theoretical foundation through my four years of study in business administration in _ University. With an average GPA of 83 in four years, I ranked the third in all 100 students of the major. I received Scholarship for Excellent Students many times and I was honored an Excellent Graduate in . I was a top student in the courses of Economics, Management, Statistics, etc. At the same time, I read extensively after class and I studied a full set of curricula offered by _ Business School. I had the notion that economic business is but business competition-based independent practice using pure economic theories or models. But with my deepening of study, I found it is a discipline that incorporates profound philosophical ideas, cultural differences and a wide range of natural sciences. This certainly echoes a well-known saying in _ Business School: doing business is like being a man.

Moreover, I have shown competent research ability in the two specialized academic papers I published. In writing my graduation thesis entitled _, I investigated thirty state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprise and conducted 500 tests and data analysis. Based on a study on the human resource management models in _ and _ enterprises, I have summarized the peculiarities and discrepancies of Chinese enterprises through comparisons. The 25,000-word thesis analyzed moot points including the autonomous power of talents and psychological contract from the perspectives of strategic management, mathematical statistics and cultural operation models. The thesis received a high score of 95 from the assessment panel and was published in _, a core national academic journal. My another thesis entitled _, which discussed the role of personnel tests and evaluation in human resource management in a market economy system from the perspectives of the screening, promotion, training, optimal allocation of personnel and salary package design and pointed out the wrong concepts in personnel evaluation in China and proposed solutions, was published in a top provincial-level journal.

A theory will find its life only in practice. I accumulated more experience in my specialized field of interest in every internship and assignment. During my internship at the Bureau of Forestry of _ City of _ Province from June to September , I collected data and produced statistics on the livestock husbandry and aquiculture of the entire city and made a significant contribution to the 2003- five-year livestock husbandry and aquiculture planning program of _ City. In my internship in the Construction Committee of _ City of _ Province from February to May 2003, I took part in the planning project for a 200,000-square meter _ Residential District. I was specifically responsible for statistical calculation on compliance with national standards of noise control, compliance with national standards in mosquito and fly density and garbage bagging, classification and designated disposal, occurrence of criminal cases, etc. The residential district was honored a “National Leading Residential District” because of its outstanding planning. During this period, I also took part in many other public projects and construction administration. Since my graduation in July 2003, I have been working as a manager of marketing in _ Metal Industry Ltd Company. I successfully fulfilled my responsibility for the processing and selling of 400 tons of refined copper imported from _ and _. I was also responsible for some personnel management work at the company.

Based on my large amount of observation and deepened reflections on a wide variety of issues in practice, I think that China has many wrong concepts and rooms for improvement in URP, e.g. mismatch between autonomous administration of residential areas and government function transformation, lack of attention on community construction in urban-rural connection areas and the unrestrained expansion and irrationality in residential space and communities in urban development planning. While China has its own peculiar circumstances compared with western countries because of its historic and cultural reasons, the learning of more advanced ideas and technologies in the field of urban planning will play an important role in solving the above problems.

The University of _ has a long esteem in URP and it is known widely for its strong faculty. The URP Program is nearly-sufficient with its own planning library and exclusive computer laboratory. I especially extol its efforts to conduct and disseminate research on the “theory and practice” of urban society to plan for more equitable and sustainable communities. I’m equally interested in areas of land use planning, land management, planning process theory, regional planning and economic development and transportation planning. After studying at your university, I will return to China and make more contributions to the prosperous development of China in first decades in the new millennium. I confidently believe that I will become an expert in URP and will have a much more successful career in this field with the amalgamation of the western and oriental cultures deep within me through studying at your university.

Yours sincerely,




1. 可以自费申请留学:直接到个人户籍所在地,带好有关证明材料,即可自行办理留学手续。只要满足条者,都可以申请自费留学进修,这点并不会受其它限制(如学历、年龄等等)

2. 有关硬性规定:在校学生或者是在职员工,先要向所在学校或者单位提出申请,经过学校或者单位签署盖章以后,再带相关材料去申请护照(当地公安部门)。最后去到国家驻华大使馆办理签证:期间需要准备、合法的国外奖学金或者是外汇资助证明、入学许可证、护照、以及外语水平达到该国家要求。






















Dear _,

I first realized I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, because in order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop their personality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to understand these variations. Since beginning the course in College I have been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research, and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour of human and non-human animals. In particular, I am fascinated by the fundamental debates in Psychology, for example the nature nurture debate. A Forensic and Investigative Psychology conference I attended, presented by Professor David Canter, caught my attention as I found it intriguing that people can behave in such a way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. After reading his book, “Mapping Murder”, my interest in abnormality and psychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me to understand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interest in the subject. I enjoy reading about different studies that have been conducted in the past, which I can analyze and evaluate to obtain a more advanced understanding of behaviors exhibited.

As a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or more vulnerable students and to offer them full support. This job requires patience and compassion, along with willingness to help and motivate others. I have received certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality and performing arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything I do. My work experience in the retail industry has given me the chance to develop critical skills which are essential such as; good communication with others, a strong determination to achieve my best and dedication to all work I undertake. As an A2 Psychology student, I received the Student of the Month award for my outstanding enthusiasm, effort and achievement.

Drama & Theatre Studies has given me an alternative perception of human behaviour, the intensity of emotions and the variations inherent in that. Music Technology has helped me develop my analytical and concentration skills. I am also a member of the Student Council, where I represent my fellow students and have a great responsibility to ensure that their views are heard and acted upon.

Yours sincerely,





































































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