Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or well be educat!
The Law is:1.student cant say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question!
2.student cant eat anything in the classroom,in order to keep the classroom clean!
3.we cant run and fight witheach other in the teaching bulding!
4.we cant speak to lould in the reading room!
In my opinion,i think school should do this,if we dont do like this,its bad for school and us,and if we do like this,may be our school will better and better!So i agree it,athough someone think that its so seorious!
Like every country has laws. Our school also has school rules. Students must get to school on time. They should wear school uniforms on weekdays. They shouldnt bring some things to school, such as, dangerous knives, cell phones and so on. They should respect each other and they shouldnt fight. If they go to school by bikes, their bikes should have brakes and bells.
Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear schooluniforms at school. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class.
Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We ought to keepquiet in the library. Getting along well with our classmates is necessary.
Besides, we must always be on time for school.
I think its important for students to follow the school rules. But we dontlike to wear school uniforms all the time. Each of us is not the same and welike to be different from each other.
Are you allowed to get the ears pierced at your school ? Are you allowed to bring mobile phones to school ?
There are many strict rules in my school.For example,we are not allowed to run in the hallway.And we are not allowed to come late to school.We are allowed to get the ears pierced and bring mobile phones to school,too. But we can play basketball and bring drinks to school.We can be allowed to run and do other exercises at school.And we can be allowed to bring dictionaries to school,too.
Though my school rules are strict,we must obey the school rules all the time!
篇6:作文 学校的规则
作文 学校的规则
学 校 的 规 则南皮县博古于小学三年级 孙国遥
班主任刘老师的经常批评教育我,现在,我上课不再左瞧右看了,下课了,我有不会的题就会问一问于芮同学和老师 ,解决完了,再去和朋友们一起活动。在操场上,我小心的玩投沙包、跳绳、跳高。有一次上体育课,体育老师说,县里要组织体育项目抽考,,但具体时间没定。体育老师要我们做操,训练要抽考的体育项目,累得我们腰酸背痛。
我一直很疑惑学校与学校之间的战争。小学每年开学就看到学校那门口用红纸黑字大大写着 喜讯 然后后面就就密密麻麻的写这今年考三A 的多少人, 二A 的多少人。看的我很想发笑。
这次毕业成绩我光荣的进了 三A 名单,而老陈也是。这基本是没什么悬念的事了,我一直有很敏锐的直觉,每次都能依照考试难度判断分数,在知道分数那天,我还在老家痛快的玩着,妈妈在电话里头声音小,不过好像有点委屈的埋怨我,你也别应得哪么平淡吧,为这成绩。我的头发都白了好多。我笑嘻嘻的回应,那知道我这成绩有没有头发瞬间变白的感觉。
后来就是学校, 三A 成绩选学校还是有一定悬念。而且在位居第一第二的公立学校还要再靠一次,不仅如此,还要划片。我这片区域不知是风水不好还是什么的。我家那划片的地区是全省最差的学校,用老师的话说,你闭这眼睛都能考上。
那段选学校的时间我一直发牢骚,老爸老妈啊,为了我的前途应该马上搬家。而十中也是不惜浪费纸张大力宣传, 最后还把我们学校那些在范围内那些成绩不错的.人聚集起来,在那里去他们学校听他们说了他们学校如何好如何好。最后还说在根据我们毕业成绩看看能不能组成一个实验班。说的我内心有点动摇,但我爸又说,那里不住校,每天走来走去怪麻烦的。接着有把海口那些学校分析的头头是到,说其实现在要是划区的话,那第一二的学校今年也不怎么好了,主要是人很乱,好的不好的混进去了。我只好连连点头称是,在心里嘀咕,干嘛不改行当律师,难怪那么会谈生意。
后来老爸一板断定,去 双岛 。那时我活活呛了一口。
在这里我隆重介绍, 双岛 是我省的私立学校,说是私立,其实是贵族学校。每当放学的时候,哪里就不乏出现一些 奥迪宝马 。我妈工作的地方就在旁边,那时有时上下班高潮,每次搞的老妈心烦。回家直抱怨,为此我也对那所学校结了无形的仇恨。
Since we went to school, we have been educated to be polite, no matter to the young or old people. People follow the manner rules and have a nice communication between each other, but some people ignore the rules and they treat their rude behaviors as something cool. Today, people advocate the individuality, so the young generation wants to do something different and catch people's attention. For example, they don't care other people's feeling and criticize others as they like, or just interrupt when other people is talking, they just show what they want to say and they believe they are special and cool. This is very rude behavior that they don't respect others and have the wrong idea about individuality. We can do something special on the base of respect others and follow the rules, or we are just the rude people.
Since we went to school, we have been educated to be polite, no matter tothe young or old people. People follow the manner rules and have a nicecommunication between each other, but some people ignore the rules and theytreat their rude behaviors as something cool. Today, people advocate theindividuality, so the young generation wants to do something different and catchpeople's attention. For example, they don't care other people's feeling andcriticize others as they like, or just interrupt when other people is talking,they just show what they want to say and they believe they are special and cool.This is very rude behavior that they don't respect others and have the wrongidea about individuality. We can do something special on the base of respectothers and follow the rules, or we are just the rude people.
Traffic safety is everybodys business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. They dont slow down while approaching crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.
A country its laws and a family has its rules.My family also has some rules.
For example ,there are important rules in my house .First of all,I have to be home by 10:00 pm.I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true.Next ,Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights.In my opinoin,I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights.Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way.Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club.My parents think that only bad for my studying.They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.
There is good say “Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,”but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.
Following the rules can make the world in order, so that everyone's timewon't be wasted. But there are always some people try to break the rules, justto show how different they are, some even think it is cool to do it. Recently, ayoung guy was riding his sliding plate in the railway station. He ignored thestaffs' warning and just kept the way he was. He even shouted at the staff. Atlast, when policeman came, he apologized and promised would not do it again.What a rude boy. He only thought about himself and ignored the rules. What hedid wasted everybody's time. Breaking the rule only got himself a badreputation.
Nowadays, smart phone has been part of our life. We can see people lowingdown their heads and playing smart phones all the time. When people are walkingon the street, the traffic regulations are no longer their first concern. It isso dangerous for them to keep their attention on the phone. Dutch officersfigured out a new rule to let people realize the traffic lights. On the ground,the traffic light can be seen. What a smart idea. When people are watching smartphones, they can see the lights, too. At the same time, we need to think aboutthe problem that whether our life is controlled by the technology.
《中华人民共和国宪法》规定: 国家推广全国通用的普通话。 作为承担着培养祖国接班人重任的学校,校园就理所当然地成为推广普通话、运用规范字的重要场所。教师也理所当然地成为说普通话、用规范字的先行者。使用普通话也是提高师生综合素质的重要途径。
使用规范字,是国家法律的规定,也是教育教学的重要手段。教师不仅要通过教学,教会学生使用规范字,还应该通过传授知识培养学生从小养成书写规范字的良好习惯。教师在教学过程中书写一手漂亮的规范字,还可以提高学生的学习积极性,也可以为学生书写规范字起到表率作用。美观规范的字体还能满足学生的欣赏欲望。学生在耳濡目染中,在接受知识的过程中,也能自觉养成写规范字的良好习惯,因为 榜样的力量是无穷的 。为此,学校还要求教师,坚持粉笔、钢笔规范字的练习,进行板报、规范字的比赛,并进行评比、打分、相互学习。通过以上活动的'开展,教师们书写规范字的水平大大提高,写规范字已在教学中习惯成自然。在学生的评语上、作业批语上,板报、专栏上教师们漂亮、规范的字体都受到了学生、家长和上级领导的好评和称赞。教学中教师们规范字体的板书,也为同学们坚持写规范字作出了榜样。
在校园,我想:那是我们再也熟悉不过的一个学习天地.校园生活是多姿多彩的. 但是,没有规矩不成方圆 为加强校园管理,促进校园文明建设,创造安全、整洁、优美、文明的学习工作和生活环境,需要对校园管理作出如下规定:
全校师生员工须凭校徽、工作证、学生证等有效证件,家属、临时工须出示 出入证 方可进入校园。任何单位和个人,应自觉维护公共场所的设施设备和卫生。爱护校园内树木花草,有禁入标记的绿地不得入内,不准攀枝摘花。生活垃圾要倒入垃圾箱内,建筑垃圾应及时清运校外。任何人不得将家禽及宠物带入校园内。
任何单位和个人,不得在公告栏以外的建筑物和设施以及树木上涂写、刻画、张贴广告等宣传品。任何单位和个人,除学校规定的商业网点外,不得在校园内无证经商,不准任意摆摊设点和串楼叫卖。学生必须严格遵守宿舍管理规定。遵守作息时间。因故迟归者,应凭有关证件办理登记手续后进入 宿舍。如发现爬越围墙,棚杆进入宿舍的,将严肃处理。
以上规定,请全校师生员工自觉遵守。如有违反,巡逻督导人员应给予登记劝导,批评教育,责令纠正。情节严重的将按规定给予处罚。 让我们共同努力,把校园变成安全、整洁、优美、文明的乐园。





