Dear _,
“Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathematicians. The majority of people in my country, South Korea, believe the gender stereotype that women are inherently inferior to men in mathematics. I strongly disagree with this outdated notion. Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematical achievement as men, and I am determined to help disprove gender stereotypes through my example.
Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. Even in elementary school, I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent in mathematical formulas. I devoured as much mathematical information as I could, collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like other students collected stamps. I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledge in high school, when I competed in several national math competitions, including the Korea Mathematical Olympiad. My strong showing in these venues, along with my top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT, bolstered my confidence in my abilities. I was proud to prove to others that I was capable of performing at the highest levels.
Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has been difficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system, which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. More significantly, Korean social biases against women in the fields of math and science have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. Thus, I want to study in the United States, where I will be able follow my dream without these constraints. For about a year, I have taken English language courses at a university in Washington, D.C., where I have gained a glimpse of American academic life from the inside. I am very impressed by American students’ devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’s goals. I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College, which, in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned for its emphasis on cultivating students’ full development, or “cura personalis.” At Boston College, I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellent mathematician.
I am determined to succeed, but I know that I must overcome many challenges. Sometimes, when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman in mathematics, I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now. Armed with a Boston College degree, I will visit my old friend Seung-woo. We will have corresponded over the years, so he’ll already know about the many mathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of the international acclaim they received. I will savor the day when Seung-woo admits that I was correct in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician. I will be proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increased opportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bit wider.
Yours sincerely,
要成为一名成功的科研人员,不仅需要学术潜力,还需要独立的研究能力。学生将通过与学者密切合作培养独立研究的能力。为此,我进入了蛋白质工程与植物遗传工程国家重点实验室,参加了蛋白质结构与功能课题组。现在我与两名研究生合作,其中一名将前往哈佛医学院继续他的研究工作。我们的最终目标是开发出国家863高技术计划支持的新型溶栓药物。(详细请查看Research Experience。)到这里三个月,我已经能够独立完成许多实验,并在科学工作中获得了认真的态度和合作。
3、Max Planck研究奖学金
6、Hanns Seidel海外学生奖学金
Dear xxx,
Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in mychildhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in imagesthat had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream tobuild up in China the same kind of quality human habitat. I believe that thisdream can come true if I get to undertake advanced studies in architecture atyour university.
I am now erecting fundamental building blocks towards the realization of mydream at the Harbin Institute of Technology (known as HIT), from which I amscheduled to graduate next year. This elite institution accepted me in 1995 inrecognition of my strong performance in the National University EntranceExaminations, held once every year nationwide to screen high school graduatesfor higher education. Here, I have received vigorous training in structureengineering, an area of study that is essential to the country's frenziedconstruction industry.
Deeply in love with my chosen area of studies, I have turned my mind intoan engine of creativity during three years of disciplined learning. Courses ofmy major, particularly structure mechanics, architecture material, and survey ofengineering, fascinate me so much that I am sometimes completely enthralled instudying them. Looking now at the reinforced concrete structures around me, Inot only detect the configuration inside easily but also arrive at somepreliminary assessment of its strengths and weaknesses quickly. Everything thatcomes into my sight presents itself in the framework of some form of structure.Carefully groomed as the only child in my family, I cannot stand being thesecond best in any group and situation, especially when it comes to a contest ofintellectual caliber. At HIT, I beat the odds and excelled all most of my fellowstudents in academic studies, making myself the undisputed academic leader ofthe class. Students and faculty alike are so accustomed to my academicexcellence that everybody would be surprised in class if I happen not to be ableto answer a question better than others even once. My motto is : one eithercomes out the first, or he is a failure. The university has awarded me a stringof scholarships and other accolades in praise of my academic achievements.
But I am no bookworm. In fact, I am constantly engaged in a host ofextracurricular activities, for which I have been conferred a SpecialCommendation for Participation in Social Activities. I have run and won theposition of monitor in my class during my first semester, which made me anatural student leader. Active on campus, I was then appointed the recreationofficer of the Student Association, in charge of organizing entertainment andother recreational events for the benefit of the students. I now also serve asthe president of the Society of Student Architects and Engineers. Suchinvolvement in the student affairs has tempered my skills in leadership,organization and communication. But more importantly, it has broadened myhorizon and deepened my insights in terms of what constitutes beauty, grace andstrength, which I believe will always help me in my engineering designs.
I would like to mention here my passion for a uniquely oriental sportcalled weiqi, known as the go in the English parlance. An intricate chess game,it is challenging to even the best and brightest minds. One usually has to be afull-time player to play it well. Not to be daunted, I not only joined the WeiqiClub on campus but also taken part in a national contest, in which I won the12th place and the HIT team I led won the 3rd place. My achievement in the weiqisport testifies to my superior mental power and intellectualresourcefulness.
To tap fully into my intellectual resources, I would like to take up thegreater challenges of helping to design my country's skylines in the 21stcentury. For that, I need better training that what I have received. An Americaneducation will expose mw to new perspectives and endow me with new inspirations.When I get to combine my Chinese perspectives with those of the West, I shouldhave no trouble fulfilling my ambition of cutting one of the best structureengineers in the world. With that, I want to design and build the most beautifulstructures in China.
To ensure both my future and that of my country's construction industry, Isincerely hope that I could be admitted into your university. I am confidentthat, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and withyour kind financial assistance, many people in China will never have to endurethe kind of shabby and inconvenient apartments that I endured as a child.
Yours sincerely,
The most important element of my classroom, my office, or my home is apersonal relationship. I have figured this out on examination of my activitiesin high school (youth group regional president), college (telephone crisiscounselor, resident advisor), or profession (teacher). As a teacher I made apoint of getting to know every student in my classes personally. It quicklybecame my experience that students were more willing to learn, work, and excelwhen they were appreciated as individuals and when they knew that the adult inthe classroom genuinely liked them.
After a few years' experience teaching seniors, I accepted a teaching job atthe middle school with the freshman class that had just learned they would notphysically be moving to the high school. How would I motivate and get to knowthese kids? Everything that I had ever heard about or remembered about 9th grademade me want to turn and run. But what convinced me to take this job wastechnology. In my interview I learned that instead of the library, I was to usethe Internet (the what?). I was told that I would receive a laptop computer(aren't those the things that people with “real” jobs used?) and that the kidscould teach me anything I needed to know.
Computers became my thing. Immediately I began to learn how to surf theInternet from 8th and 9th graders (Sanj and Judy said I was teachers' pet). Mykids opened up and set aside their raging adolescence to use technology to helpme and help each other. As the year with the freshmen continued, I wasoverjoyed. First, my kids and I had the best rapport in years (gosh Miss Glazer,are all of your PowerPoint slides gonna look the same?). Second, my creativityin teaching increased as new doors were opened to me and in turn to my students(conspiracy takes on a whole new meaning when the Internet is your primarysource). Third, I was learning new and exciting things. I had finally found acombination of skills that affected my students in such a positive way that Iknew I had to share my findings.
I have since taken my computer knowledge, instructional design ideas, plus myemphasis on personal relationships and applied it to teachers and students in mydistrict and other districts in the North Texas area.
Through the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Stanford University Ihope to continue on the route that started for me at the middle school. I knowthat I will learn new things and have an opportunity to apply them toeducational settings. I also know that I will be able to establish relationshipswith colleagues, professors, and other students. Although a master's degree isthe short term goal, I believe that my long term goal remains the same as when Ibegan using technology in my classroom three years ago: to see students bettereducated through a curriculum infused with technology by teachers who do notlose sight of the personal relationships that benefit all kids.
This long-term goal may be achieved by working in a single school, a schooldistrict, or an educational center. It may be reached by teaching new teacherson the university level, by instructing at-risk students in a countyafter-school program, or by designing a terrific new classroom model andimplementing it through a regional education lab with a grant from the U.S.Department of Education.
Whatever the job, my aim remains the same and as it did years ago with myfreshmen, I feel certain that I will use any situation to fulfill my goal tobenefit students.
Dear Sir,
I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.
My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.
I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Dear _,
When China, my motherland, is mentioned anywhere in the world, people will naturally awaken association with the exquisite and beautiful chinaware made in China, the country that enjoys a history of porcelain production one thousand years earlier than other countries and a reputation for her elevated art and remarkable craftsmanship. European people attempted at any cost to acquire the technology of porcelain making and at last achieved the satisfaction of this goal from a priest named Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles, thus the present variety and brilliance of chinaware in both China and the West. Nevertheless, in an era of electronics and information today, China has fell far behind the advanced countries in the field of information materials science and engineering, in its research and application as well. As a graduate majored in physics and technology of electronic thin films, I am eager to trace the footprints of Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles so as to bring the advanced technology of material engineering to China by means of studying in your prestigious university for Ph.D. program in the area of material engineering, realizing my dream of being a useful scholar to my motherland.
University of _ is a world-famous university and especially well-known for her intellectual strength in the area of material engineering with her irresistible magnetic power pulling excellent students from all over the world to her. Therefore I justify clear realization of the sharp competition I am confronted with. But with a fine background of education in specialty, a firm foundation in theoretical study, the practical skill in experiment, and the cultured ability to engage myself in independent research work, I have the confidence to meet the challenge from other rival applicants.
In University of _ of China, which enrolls brilliant students from various areas in China with her strength in the area of material science, I accomplished my undergraduate study in the specialty of magnetic materials and components and my graduate study in physics and technology of electronic thin films, in the period of which I kept to be the top student in my class and was awarded the school fellowship every year. I was elected “Graduate with Merit” of my university upon graduation.
Benefiting from the strict training in my university, I gained fair acquaintance with the knowledge and theories in my specialty. Meanwhile, I read various journals and magazines at home and abroad, following the footsteps of the development of new theories and technology. I tried my best to participate in possible experimental work and research work, cultivate my skills in the use, maintenance, and modification of vacuum-evaporation equipment and pulse-laser- deposition equipment, and attend academic workshops and symposiums. The modulation rate of the BST voltage controlled thin film variable capacitor I produced reaches the level of 80%, approximate to the highest level in record so far.
My achievement was highly appreciated by relevant scholars and specialists and I have been invited to participate in various programs experiments. As a result of my persistent effort, I have published “BST Voltage Controlled Microwave Electronic Components” and “STO Pulse-Laser-Deposition Growth of Thin Film” respectively on such kernel academic journals as _ in China, the former article being praised by relevant specialists as “assuming the function of guidance to the application research on BST thin film in China.”
Based upon the confidence of my theoretical background and research capacity, I chose the topic “Production of High-frequency Composite” for my Bachelor’s thesis. On the basis of extensive collection and absorbing of the recent information on magnetic materials and components, I decided to do my research on the project of compounding Co2Z material by applying Y2O3 and Sr2+ and adopting pre-processing technology, in addition to the control of working procedure and temperature point. In consequence, the improvement of magnetic property of the material. In the oral defense of my thesis, the present specialists concluded that the research, measuring high academic significance, was novel in topic selection, logical in argument, and creative in idea. My Bachelor’s thesis was chosen as “Excellent Thesis” of the university through critical assessment.
At present, I am busy with my Master’s thesis “Au/BST/YBCO Ferro-electro Thin Film Voltage Controlled Components.” There exists a great difference between China and Western countries in experimental conditions with regard to BST thin film materials and we cannot produce desirable microwave components with available references nowadays. But the RMS on the surface of the BST thin film I designed and produced is of merely several angstroms , the modulation rate 80%, and the power loss 4‰, which satisfies the need of microwave component production. This achievement is at forefront in China at present.
During this period of study and research, I have deeply felt that my country falls far behind the advanced countries in the area of materials science and an intense need to study the advanced theories and technology in the fullest enforced academic institute. Thus I select University of _ where I believe I can realize my dream. In addition to the unparalleled strength in the area of materials science and technology, University of _ boasts the international background with scholars and students from different regions all over the world, the congenial atmosphere of academic research, and the systematic cultivation of creativity in her students. I am eager to enjoy an opportunity to enrich myself from this valuable academic nutrition and at the same time I hope, on the premise of the improvement of my theoretical construction and of my experimental capacity, to give full play to my initiative and potential strength and in this way to contribute my intelligence to University of _ -+in the participation in relevant research projects.
Yours sincerely,
Dear _,
Since an early age I have had an enthusiasm for learning and knowledge. I find business, finance and economics fascinating and with everything I learn I find I want to know more.
I am currently studying on the second year of a Higher National Diploma in Business and have been elected class spokesperson by both students and lecturers. Before this I was studying accounting with AAT for 2 years and gained an AS level in accounts alongside. To be a chartered accountant is still my ambition; however I find the HND has opened my eyes to economics and other finance related subjects. I find the banking world and the stock market extremely interesting and would relish the chance to be able to speak about it on a more professional level. It never fails to amaze me how decisions made at the top levels can have effects on such a wide range of people and I would be confident to hold such great responsibility. I am glad that the HND has broadened my knowledge of an array of subjects including law and marketing, subjects for which I had little previous interest but which I understand the relevance of now.
In my younger years I gained 3 academic scholarships to The Blue Coat School, Edgbaston, The Royal Wolverhampton School and Haberdashers' Monmouth School for Girls. I gained a further “Bettinson Scholarship” in my final years at Blue Coat, where I also reached Grade 8 Speaking of Verse and Prose with LAMDA and Grade 5 piano aswell as playing for the school netball and rounders teams.
Unfortunately however, my life hasn't always gone as intended. I was placed in care at the age of 14, a pivotal point in my education, when my mother suffered from mental illness. As an only child with no father, I found myself alone. They say every cloud has a silver lining and I have found that to be true, this experience only served to make me more independant, mature, and more determined to realise my potential. Moved from city to city, I have never lost sight of my goals and as a result of my turbulent upbringing, I have developed educational and workplace skills of immeasurable value. A good strategist, I can work around the most unexpected scenarios while keeping a level head, my time management and organisational skills are of a high standard, my interpersonal and public speaking skills have improved considerably as a result of the HND and I work well within a team or individually.
In my spare time I love to keep fit, often visiting the gym and going for runs. I keep up to date with current affairs, regularly checking the news and reading The Economist. I have a passion for films and I enjoy a late night read of an Agatha Christie novel.I love social events and also enjoy cooking, I love a challenge and like to try new things so I often hold small dinner parties for friends.
I am a determined individual who never fails to give 100% and I thoroughly believe my attitude and thirst for knowledge would make me an asset to any learning establishment. It is my opinion that to be successful in academic studies, you must have a genuine passion for the subject, a passion I certainly hold for business and finance studies.
Yours sincerely,
留学贷款的额度不超过国外留学学校录取通知书或其它有效入学证明上载明的报名费,一年内学费、生活费及其它必需费用的等值人民币总和,不超过五十万人民币,最长期限不超过六年 (含六年)。
(1)房产抵押:贷款额不超过经贷款人认可的抵押物价值的 60%;
What excites me about archaeology is the excitement and anticipation from finding those missing pieces of the jigsaw that make up our past. My earliest recollection of archaeology was from 10 years ago when my parents took me on holiday to the Greek island of Kos and whilst there, we visited the Asklepion ruins, and I was amazed by what had remained from Greek times. Being told this place was thousands of years old and that people had worked and lived there fascinated me, and from that moment on I wanted to find out more about how it was possible to discover so much about the past. This began my passion for archaeology. My interest has been further fuelled as I visited numerous other archaeological sites and historical areas over the years, such as the Hardknott Pass Roman Fort. I find it incredible that, by using archaeology and examining even the smallest fragments, the nature of each building can be determined, when there is only a shallow wall visible above the ground.
In particular, I’m most interested in the “hands-on” aspect of archaeology, the digging and discovering of artifacts. Additionally I’m really looking forward to being out in the field and being able to travel and discover the secrets of different places. To increase my knowledge I have read a number of books but my favourites are, ‘Britain AD’ and ‘Britain BC’ by Francis Pryor and ‘Techniques of Archaeological Excavation’ by Philip Barker. It is my ambition to continue my higher education to get a Masters or a PhD, ultimately to become a university lecturer or museum curator.
Most Saturdays, I am a volunteer worker at Flag Fen, Britain’s Bronze Age Centre. Based in the Heritage Centre, my responsibilities have included explaining the site and its history to visitors, and I’m currently involved with the archiving of site’s photo’s and artifacts.
At my secondary school I achieved the Junior Sports Leadership Award from the teaching of team games to children of a local Primary School and I was chosen to be a school prefect. I was part of my school’s netball, hockey and athletics team and participated in various inter house competitions. Whilst at 6th Form I have become my tutor group’s student voice representative on the school council and I also spend some of my lunchtimes supervising younger pupils. I am also currently part of team for promoting Lincolnshire to the younger generation and the Team for Promoting Road Safety. I have also been part of the Grammar School Ladies Rugby Team since joining the school.
Aside from my studies and school activities I have strong interests in reading, sports, music and travel. I enjoy reading a variety of books, ranging from historical biographies to fictional fantasy. As well as being a member of my school’s rugby team, I have also been a player in the Gosberton Poachers, a local hockey team and I am an active member of a successful ten pin bowling team. I enjoy traveling and have been to many different countries, including Spain, France and Greece, and I always make particular effort to learn as much of the local language as I can. At the moment I am learning Italian. Furthermore with an interest in music, I’m learning to play the guitar and in the past I have played tenor horn in a brass band and sung in various choirs.
I have an inquisitive mind, and am extremely interested in archaeology and will work hard to achieve my goals. The prospect of university life excites me and I know the opportunities presented to me and the experiences will be invaluable. University will help me further develop as a person, to become fully independent and fulfil my dreams.
Dear _,
A lot of people assume that to be successful within the dramatic and creative industries, you have to be multi-talented. Walk up on stage with your legs behind your head, singing “I Feel Pretty” whilst somehow managing to tap dance with your remaining limbs and automatically you’re suited for a job in theatre, the lead role in Les Miserables or the perfect person for that new musical that everyone’s talking about. Equally, many people truly believe that to be a famous critic featuring in every literary magazine in Britain you have to have a brain like a thesaurus and to have read everything from Roald Dahl to Nietzsche.
In my eyes, these are positive achievements that will aid you, definitely; but to really achieve something within any industry, creative or otherwise, you need to work at it with everything you’ve got. You don’t have to be a walking dictionary or a ballet dancing prima donna to be what you want to be; you have to be dedicated. That was how I decided to do Expressive Arts at GCSE and Drama and Theatre Studies at A2 Level; I knew that if I kept it at hobby level and took a relaxed attitude towards it, I would never get anywhere. I worked hard and got the best grades that I could: no one could ask more of me, and I didn’t expect them to. My hobbies consisted of singing, tap dancing, acting, creative writing and generally anything that could be construed as creative. It was never enough however, hence why the subjects were perfect for me. I liked seeing results for my passions, and I still feel that way now.
I’ve been doing tap dancing for a year now, and I get a huge satisfaction out of it; whenever I feel any strong emotion that I think will overwhelm me, I just walk into a little practice room and tap dance to my hearts content. It’s incredibly important for me to have an outlet, and tap dancing is just that. I’m not the stereotypical dancer, I don’t eat all the right food and I’m certainly not the shape of a dancer, but I work extremely hard to keep up. I love acting; transforming into someone else simply because I can, and most importantly because I want to is amazing, predominantly because of the variation. I often find myself doing this around the house or walking home; I begin creating a character in my mind, thinking of their given circumstances, how I can transform them into a three-dimensional character in front of me. It makes me feel safe yet exhilarated to know that I have that much control over myself to be able to do that, and then return to being myself two minutes later. Joining the Medway Little Theatre in January will allow me to develop and hone it to become a skill.
Singing is another enthusiasm of mine; it always creates a smile, no matter what. I’ve been part of the Kent Choirs for 6 years; I left last year so that I could concentrate on my A2 Levels fully, though I do wish to return once I’ve settled down at University. It’s always nice to have somewhere familiar to go back to amongst so many new changes. My love for creative writing also began with my love for singing, writing lyrics and music for myself – this soon grew, and I have found that my writing has improved heavily over the years through fiction, auto-biography and poetry, and now want to take this even further, whether academically or within my own spare time.
I took a year out of studying so that I could decipher what I really wanted out of my life; once I had left Sixth Form, I imagined that I would be happy making money and drifting calmly through life… and have come to realise how very wrong I was! I miss the vigour and excitement of learning something new, of reading new literature and drowning quite happily in debates about Shakespeare. It is now that I long to return to what I once loved and worked hard at, and it is now that I’m grasping my opportunities with both hands. Challenges, variation, passion, hard work and dedication are all things that are clamouring to be back into my vocabulary; this is where it starts.
Yours sincerely,
Dear _,
This document is being submitted in support of my application for admission into your program.
Born in June 19_, I grew up in Lanzhou, a city that boasts of a history of thousands of years and a cultural heritage that is as colorful as it is old. Few cities, either in China or beyond, can match it in the richness of architectural styles. Stradding the upper Yellow River that sired the Chinese civilization, Lanzhou prides itself in both her past glory laden in the ancient structures on the north bank and her new found prosperity oozing out of the dazzling high-rises in the south. Although, as a child, I was not always able to articulate my admiration for such striking contrast, I constantly beheld the city's landscape in awe. I began to understand, at that young age, that architecture can be a powerful symbol of culture, a people and the spirit of an era.
My first intellectual mentor, one of my parents' best friends, was an artist seasoned in oil painting and photography. She often brought me with her when she traveled, and it was on these trips that her creative mind worked in full gear. I thus observed how human hands could work wonders by recreating the beauty of natural scenery in the form of sketches, paintings and photos. What was more important, I got to know that there are professions of creative work that calls for imagination and craftsmanship.
Fervent with creative art and fascinated with architectural design, I entered in 1992 into the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University, China's top engineering school, on the strength of my outstanding performance in the highly competitive National University Entrance Examinations.
At Tsinghua, I went through five years of vigorous training and thus acquired exquisite skills in drawing and design. Since I understood from early childhood that inspiration often comes from nature, I traveled far and wide throughout China's vast territory, setting my foot even in outlying Tibet and Xingjiang, both in the country's westernmost interior. These travels allowed me to trace modern China's culture to its different sources, and the variety not only deeply impressed me but also fired my imagination. In my graduation project, Cashi Contemporary Art Museum in Xinjiang, I successfully blended a natural environment into my artistic design by using a system of water circulation to support and sustain the building. As the most significant resource in an agricultural enclave surrounded by desert, water represents hope for both the people and their land. With the water circulation system, the building took on added vitality.
In mid-, I graduated with my B. S. and took a job as a designer with the Beijing-based “company.” My career as an architect thus took off.
Once I have settled into the real world of architectural design, I developed my career path quickly, playing substantial roles in a stream of projects. To date, my most significant responsibility has been to work as a main designer in (a key state) project, in which I led a group of my colleagues in meeting a daunting challenge. In addition to gaining a profound understanding of the technical difficulties necessarily attendant to such large-scale projects, I learned to work effectively within a team that also included my clients and colleagues. The teamwork thus not only strengthened my professional competence at conceptual and technical design but also honed my leadership skills that can be put to good use in other situations. As a result, I now feel even more confident of myself than I was before.
My experience in general, and the six years of frequent traveling in particular, has left an indelible mark on my intellectual development. As I can now readily appreciate a society's cultural, historical and socio-political impact on its architectural styles, I now try to reflect my own cultural and social background in my own designs. These days, I view architecture not just as a career but, more importantly, as an expression of my professional progress, and I fell that it is an view more compatible with Western rather than Chinese pedagogy. In any case, I have already been through China's best school for architectural studies, and I am convince that the further development of my professional qualifications requires more advanced training in a school like yours. I believe that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will endow me with a broader vision and more profound insights, with which I can make still more contribution to my motherland China.
Yours sincerely,
Dear _,
On November 9, 20_, I took my GRE Subject (BIOLOGY) test. Although I it is beyond me to report the exact number of the participants in this specific test the world over, the score I achieved indicated to me that I was above 98%, and according to the analysis by my classmates, this might be the highest score that Chinese students have ever achieved. While I was aware that the importance of any test score as an indicator of one’s scholastic aptitudes should never be over-exaggerated, the result still gave me a tremendous sense of self-pride and self-achievement. I believe that I achieved such a high score not through mere coincidence. Instead, it is the result of my long-time love for and dedicated efforts at biology. With an implicit faith in my knowledge of biology and in my potential to continue to excel others, I here solemnly file this document in an attempt to apply for admission into your esteemed university for a Master’s program in pharmacology.
I am confident in my qualifications as a competitive applicant for your highly respected program, partially because of my unusual interest in pharmacology. As a bridge across medical science and pharmacy, pharmacology plays a vital role in the research on the ways to resist diseases. The exploration and the subsequent elaboration on the mechanism of therapeutic functioning of drugs is a necessary step in the development and application of drugs to overcome diseases. Faced with this academic discipline that is inextricably connected with human life and human welfare, I have always been fascinated by this subject, bent on making my own contributions to the improvement of the quality of human life. Every time I learn about new theories, approaches and developments in biology and pharmacology, I cannot help feeling excited. Each setback I encounter or each success I achieve in my experiments would motivate me to persist and continue. It is this fascination with biology and pharmacology that stands behind my dedicated studies and research in those subjects.
The 4-year comprehensive and systematic study and training in the specialty of pharmacy guaranteed my successful completion of my undergraduate program at the College of Medicine of _ University, the best medical institute in China. In an academic environmental famous for its rigorousness, I established a solid foundation in such diverse fields as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, physiology, and cell biology. As I approached my studies primarily from a problem-oriented manner, devoting much more energy to labwork than to coursework in order to satisfy my curiosity for solving practical problems, my overall GPA is somehow affected, slightly lower than what I would have desired. In my case, GPA, which is purely based on exam scores, does not account much. In retrospect, I have been more concerned with developing my hands-on abilities and on developing an extensive knowledge rather than on intensive test-oriented knowledge. Nevertheless, compared with other students, I am sure that I excel them in terms of experimental skills and the ken of knowledge and, for an undergraduate, a good foundation supported by comprehensive specialized knowledge and strong hands-on abilities are most important for more intensive studies in the future.
I have every reason to believe that my excellent experimental skills and research experience will qualify me to be a helpful research assistant to my future supervisor and to make important research achievements. Even when I was a freshman, I started to work as a research assistant in the laboratory. Over the past four years, I have commanded most of the basic skills necessary for undertaking lab research, such as operations on animals, cell culture, electrophoresis experiments, etc. By far, my most important research experience came from undertaking my graduation project, which exemplified an overall test of experimental techniques. I chose to focus on the Effect of Ye3 on the Cell Apoptosis. The reason for choosing this subject of research is that the study of cell apoptosis has a crucial importance in the treatment of cancer and in maintaining the immunity of those suffering from AIDS. On the premise that rare earth ions are considered capable of entering cells, I decided that my project would concentrate on rare earth ions and their effects on cell nucleus. With extensive experiments, I discovered that, under different circumstances, rare earth ions would produce totally different behavior toward cell apoptosis. When the concentration of rare earth ions is below a certain ultimate limit, the function of the ions changes from that of facilitating cell apoptosis to that of suppressing cell apoptosis. As an initial and tentative study, my research has won very positive comments from my advisor. In undertaking a large quantity of experiments, I not only applied basic operation skills with much dexterity but also acquired many new techniques such as making post-coloring observation of the morphology of cell nucleus through the confocal fluorescence microscope, and performing qualitative testing of cell apoptosis with the help of flow cytometry method (FCM).
Having completed my undergraduate education and acquired necessary qualifications, I would like to pursue a more advanced degree program at The Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine at The University of _. The department, founded in the 1950’s, has been greatly strengthened by the joining of dozens of renowned scholars and specialists over each of the past decade. Its mission, “to educate, create and sustain knowledge concerning the actions and mechanisms of drugs in biology and medicine,“ reflects the Department’s consistent dedication to academic excellence. Your Department fosters research collaborations within the Department as well as with other _ Faculties & Departments, national and international universities and related industries, and is committed to the development of new research areas. I am especially interested in Clinical Pharmacology Research Organization (CPRO) under the leadership of Dr. _.
Your research-oriented program adheres to an “apprenticeship” model of graduate training in which in which graduate students work in close collaboration with a particular Faculty member, their supervisor. Since the matching of research and professional interests between the student and a Faculty member within the Department is paramount, I would like to identify Dr. _ and Dr. X_as either instructor or supervisor with whom I would like to work with. Dr. X_may enlighten me on central nervous system physiology and pharmacology while Dr. X_may instruct me concerning the mechanisms of action and resistance and intracellular pharmacokinetics of antiviral agents. My initial study of their papers and research reveals that their fields of research perfectly parallel my study and research interests. I expect that my Master’s program can ultimately lead to a Ph. D. program.
This Personal Statement is presented by a highly self-motivated Chinese young man who cherishes high academic ambitions, possesses outstanding biology knowledge, and is determined to work harder to make even more proud achievements. For this reason, I hope that my application can be given most serious consideration.
Yours sincerely,
1、奥芬巴 赫设计学院
奥芬巴 赫设计学院是德国一所的的艺术大学,成立于1832年,设有视觉交流学院和产品设计学院。奥芬巴 赫设计学院针对教学方面设计了艺术相关的学科,开设有6个德国本国设计学硕士专业,如艺术、通讯设计、媒体、舞台设计、服装造型和产品设计专业。综合了理论以及设计,经验以及生产,新兴造型技术及传统造型艺术知识。学生可以根据自身的学科以及条件去申请相关专业。
德国艺术院校,哈雷艺术学院,算是一个有特色的艺术大学,曾用名:哈雷艺术和设计学院。也是一个拥有百年历史的艺术学院,这个院校里有一个专门的专业就是书籍艺术专业,这个专业至今还保留着传统的书籍装帧艺术授课。学生在学习艺术史、美学、哲学等课程的基础上,还可以进行字体设计、平面设计、版画印刷和电子媒体等与书籍设计可以自由转换的多项领域课程的学习。同时还要经历最古老的工坊——魏玛Otto Dorfner工作坊书籍装帧工艺的训练实践,以沿袭莱比锡书籍艺术历史脉络,包豪斯教学理念,以及哈雷大学所秉承的传统与现代、艺术与工学相互融合的作坊式的教学模式,而培养了大批来自世界各国的优秀设计人才。
Dear _,
Making an option for an undergraduate specialty is just like making an option for the course of life. It is the greatest joy in life to indulge in the study of the specialty that best suits one‘s taste. The specialty of Economic Information Management specialty is an interdisciplinary faculty that combines the knowledge of computer science, economics and management. It covers three major areas that gallop at the fastest speed and throb synchronically with the pulses of the present-day society. As an interdisciplinary subject, it endeavors to investigate the efficacy of computer application in both economy and management. This perfectly fitted in with my innate quickness of thought and my close concern for reality. For several years in the past, I have experienced many setbacks and frustrations in the process of studying this subject, but I have also experienced the joy, the illumination and the stimulation that it brought me with its rapid development and practical values. Anyway, I will continue to be fascinated by this subject with its endless secrets.
Years of study and research, as well as practical work, have enabled me to develop a superb command of computer technology and its application in management. To me, the subjects on data structure, computer network, target-oriented methods and C++, information systems analysis and designing, trade information and EDI, information economics, industrial enterprise information management, and commercial enterprise information management are the most beautiful flowers in this infinitely beautiful garden of knowledge. They exposed to me a brand-new academic sphere featuring interdependence and common advancement, leaving me completely enamored with the enormous practical value of the computer technology. At present, I have become well versed in many professional skills, including Java Delphi, C / C ++, VB, HTML and JavaScript. In terms of operational system and databanks, I am very skilled in Windows NT, UNIX, MSSQL Server, Sybase and DB2. Due to the nature of the specialty, I must closely follow the latest academic developments, especially in the latest progress of computer technology. I often take an active part in academic meetings and technical training. For example, I was involved in a number of academic events sponsored by CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum, which covered the development of Linux technology in China, network safety and multimedia technologies. Recently, I have conducted a comparative study of several popularly-employed servers and my research findings will soon be published in the China Computer Technology Journal. In addition to this research, my graduation thesis is another fruition of my devoted academic endeavors. It deals with IC card technology and its application. It aims to resolve the safety and the encryption technology of IC card as well as the concrete design of IC card machine room controls. In this project, we studied the working principles of IC card that can be read repetitively as well as an IC card reader capable of repeated reading to realize the functions of online fee calculation through IC card reading technologies. The research findings were subsequently employed in the management of our university‘s own computer center. The judges of my thesis unanimously rated the thesis as thoroughgoing and exhaustive, replete with original concepts, and with very rich values both in theory and in practice.
My interest and industry were well rewarded with outstanding scholastic results. My fellow students were all very brilliant and I was far behind them when I first entered the university. But my dauntless character drove me upward. I later caught up with them and ranked fourth in a class of 46 students. My GPA was 3.4 in the four years of study and was 3.5 in the latter two, showing an upward progress. I scored for four times the highest-grade scholarships and was rated as an outstanding graduate, something very rare in a class. My thesis was also graded ”outstanding."
At the stage of undergraduate studies, I was engaged in specific software development related to my specialty. I realized some financial modules with Visual Foxpro in the E-commerce modular education software. Upon graduation from university, I worked at the Product R&D Department of a very famous computer company mainly involved in the research and development of net banks and online payment. The projects in which I participated at this company include: the R&D of online banking projects of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China, and the R&D of intermediate payment products bys Globalset, QSI and Trintech. In the ISO9000 software quality confirmation work, I was responsible for managing and researching the software quality system standards. In the annual China International Financial Exhibition, I was responsible for organizing and planning. During this period of my work, I have become acquainted with many leading techniques, including the demand analysis, systems designing, software designing and project management for ISO90000 standardized techniques related to the Java Enterprise grade and to Network Safety. My performance has received highly positive comments from my superior.
Nevertheless, in the actual working experience, I have become increasingly aware of the weaknesses of the relevant computer technology in China. In the field of E-commerce, China‘s footsteps of development have been withheld mainly because China has neither E-commerce solutions suitable for its particular conditions nor advanced software and network technologies. There is a big gap between China and advanced western countries in software quality because China has not paid adequate attention to this issue. China has not yet developed relevant intellectual technology or established a complete set of reliable mechanisms with regard to the implementation of software designing, testing and maintenance. I have developed an adequate command of the relevant skills in those aspects and I have always maintained an intense interest in them. I hope that by seeking advanced studies abroad, I will succeed in finding a suitable E-commerce solution for China‘s emerging industry in this field. On the other hand, I will be equipped to make contributions to the development of China‘s software sector, especially to help improve its software quality.
A careful investigation has informed me that your university is a leading university featuring an educational system and research atmosphere far more advanced than those in China and boasting a number of accomplished professors whose academic attainments are also far beyond the reach of their Chinese counterparts. It is my belief that I will acquire the most advanced knowledge in the field of E-commerce and software quality, the kind of knowledge that I exploit to promote the development of China‘s own expertise. I am soberly aware that no one can accomplish tremendous achievements in all fields, but as long as I orientate myself to one field for which I have accumulated considerable expertise and constructed a solid groundwork, I am sure that I will attain a fulfilling career out of it.
Yours sincerely,
Dear XX,
Wandering through the vibrant,bustling streets of Birmingham's city centreI cannot help but look around and see what an incredible impact theever-advancing adventure of businesses and technology has on the world.I amparticularly intrigued by the relationship of various aspects to form complexand successful organisations which can influence decisions on a worldwide scale,and the thought that businesses have an impact on nearly everything withintoday's world.
Throughout my academic career,I have always been resolute and studious.Every academic year,I have taken on more responsibility for my own work byusing various sources.My contribution, in class discussions has constantlyimproved and this due to the fact that I am more committed to develop myknowledge. This has bred confidence within me to speak out in front of the wholeclass.
I have contributed to school life, by setting the tone for the new recruitsin year seven, and acting as a 'model' for other students to follow, in terms ofpunctuality, attendance & wearing appropriate uniform during the school day.I have helped out the school,by supervising during break-times and lunchtimeson many occasions.I attended a two day Challenge of Management conference,which I thoroughly enjoyed which confirmed my interest in having an influence onthe running of a business, in the future.
After,I have completed by degree programme I will have the specialistknowledge underpinned by a broader understanding of how businesses and managersoperate.I intend and will strive for a management/ accountant position with a'never quit' attitude. Global competition, changing technology and the size andcomplexity of modern businesses make the management role especially moredemanding, and presenting rewarding challenges that would test my ability in thebusiness world, and the inspiration would come from the fact that I have theability in my own hands to have a colossal impact in the world.
I also believe that the position of an 'accountant 'would fit the billperfectly equally as a management one. I would surely make the most of this rolefor the reason that I am studying Accounting & Finance in my A LevelBusiness Studies course and I am thoroughly enjoying it.I am reading accountingmaterial that is out of my exam's specification.I firmly believe that I wouldenjoy and shine as an accountant because I would bring my unique analyticalapproach which is crucial for any thriving accountant to approach to theassessment of the financial implications of business plans.
Revolutionary developments also in computing affect every area of modernlife,which fuels me with stimulation to have an impact on this world.I believethat I am equipped after I finish my degree programme to focus my mind on how toprovide computing solutions with resolve to meet the requirements of businessorganisations.Computing for Business also would have the added bonus with theaddition of learning accounting.
I have a great passion for football, a passion that can't be matched and imay not be good enough to crack the business on the pitch yet off it i know ihave the ability to run a club. I remember the disappointment I felt when I sawmy AS results and I am determined to not experience that feeling again for therest of my life.My previous form tutor sent me a card after I left my secondaryschool, it said ' A successful future beckons' and I am motivated to keep itthat way. I am fuelled with determination, almost anger. I don't want to be afailure in the mist.
My earliest childhood memories of going to school was scary, because of thethought of the teachers embarrassing me in front of the class for not knowingthe answers to their questions, and the colour of the light represented the fearof learning. Now, however, I realise now that yellow epitomises the bright andglowing future that is ahead me if I tackle everything I do with perseveranceand tenacity.
The invaluable knowledge i have acquired thus far has served as a steppingstone towards a flourishing and prospectus career in business. I feel that theskills i have acquired through my academic subjects have enabled me to harnessthe skill that will aid me in adding and printing an impact on the corporateworld.
Yours sincerely,





