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Sadulate v.谄媚,奉承 | cringe v.畏缩,谄媚,奉承 | cringing adj.n.谄媚(的),奉承(的) fulsomeness n.虚情,谄媚 | obsequious adj.逢迎的,谄媚的 | sycophantic adj.拍马的,谄媚的 toady n.谄媚者,马屁精 | claqueur n 喝彩者,谄媚者 | blarney n 奉承话,媚 fawn n.未满周岁的小鹿,v.巴结,奉承 | fawning adj.奉承的 | palaver n.v.空谈,奉承 caress n 爱抚,拥抱v 爱抚,抱,怜爱,奉承 | complaisance n.迁就,奉承 complaisant adj.顺从的,讨好的 | cultivate v.种植,向…讨好 | ingratiate v.逢迎,讨好 ingratiating adj.讨好的,谄媚的 | propitiate v.讨好,抚慰 | propitiatory adj.讨好的,调解的 smarmy adj 迎奉的,讨好的 | grovel v.摇尾乞怜


discourse n.演讲,论述 | disquisition n.长篇演讲,专题论文 | oration n.正式演说,演讲 text n.(演讲等)原文 | oratory n 演讲术,祈祷室,雄辩的演讲  | forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛 podium n.讲坛,指挥台 | rostrum n 讲坛 | n 讲坛,演讲坛 n 讲坛,演讲坛 | elocution n.演说术 eloquent adj.雄辩的,演说动人的 | extemporize v.即席演说 | heroics n.装腔作势的演说或行为 monologue n.独白,个人长篇演说 | screed n.冗长的演说,长篇大论的文章 diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说 | harangue n.长篇演说 tirade n.长篇的攻击性演说 | valediction n.告别演说,告别词 | talkthon n 冗长的讨论或演说



bogus adj.假装的,假的 | ersatz adj.代用的,假的 | fictitious adj.假的、虚构的 phony adj.假的,伪造的 | pretended adj.假的,虚伪的 | spurious adj.假的,伪造的 postiche adj 伪造的,假的 | dummy n 傀儡,假人,哑巴a 虚拟的,假的,虚构的 | mendacity n.虚假 counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 | fake v.伪造,佯装 | forge n.铁匠铺,v.锤炼,伪造 forger n.伪造者,打铁匠 | forgery n.伪造(物) | rig v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造 skulduggery n.舞弊,作假 | jobbery n 营私舞弊,假公济私 | adulterate v.掺假 simper v.傻笑、假笑 | smirk v.假笑,得意地笑 | feint v.n.佯攻,佯击 shammer n 骗子,假冒者 | illusory adj.虚幻的 | imaginary adj.虚构的


affectation n.做作,虚假 | affected adj.不自然的,假装的 | feign v.假装,伪装 feigned adj.假装的,不真诚的 | simulate v.假装,模仿 acting n 演戏,行为,假装a 代理的,临时的,演出用的 | fulsome adj.虚情假意的,丰满的 pretence n虚伪,借口 | jesuitical adj 阴险的,虚伪的 | belie v.掩饰,证明为假 disguise v.假扮,掩饰 | perjure v.作伪证,发假誓 | perjury n.伪证,假誓 camouflage n.v.掩饰,伪装 | masquerade n.化装舞会,v.伪装 mimicry n.模仿,(动物等)拟态伪装 | ostensible adj.表面上的,伪装的 simulated adj.伪装的,模仿的 | sham n.假货,虚假,v.伪装


hypothesis n.假设,假说 | hypothetical adj.假说的,臆说的 | posit v.假定,认为 postulate v.假定,要求 | presumable adj.可能的,可假定的 | presumption n.假定,冒昧 presupposition n.预先假定,臆测 | conjecture v.n.推测,臆测 | extrapolate v.预测,推测 speculation n.思索,推测,投机 | supposition n.猜想,推测 | surmise n.v.推测、猜测



dislodge v.逐出,取出 | eject v.喷出、逐出 | evict v.(依法)驱逐 | exile v.n.放逐 expatriate v.驱逐出国,脱离国籍 | expel v.排出,开除 | expulsion n.驱逐,开除 | ostracize v.放逐,排斥 ostracism n 贝壳流放,放逐,排斥 | repulse v.n驱逐,击退,厌恶 repulsive adj.令人厌恶的,驱逐的 | banish v 放逐,摒弃 | oust v 逐出,夺取,驱逐 deportation n 驱逐,放逐 | exclude v.排斥,排除 | exclusion n.拒绝,排斥


adorn v.装饰 | adornment n.装饰,装饰品 | arabesque n.蔓藤图饰 baroque n. adj.(艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过份雕琢的 | earring n.耳环,耳饰 embellish v.装饰

润饰 | embroider v.刺绣,修饰 | embroidery n.刺绣(品),润色 frieze n.(在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)横条,饰带 | garnish v.装饰(于食品上) illumination n.照明,古书上的图案、装饰 | ornate adj.华美的,充满装饰的 trinket n.小装饰品,不值钱的珠宝 | bedaub v 弄污,乱涂,过分的装饰 prink v 装饰,打扮,用嘴喙理(羽毛)  | preen v.整理羽毛,(人)打扮修饰 clinquant adj 装饰得金光闪闪的 n 仿金箔  | wainscot n 护壁板,adj 用……装饰 inlaid a 嵌入的,镶嵌的,镶饰的 | enamel n 珐琅,瓷釉 v 涂以瓷釉,彩饰 | vignette n小装饰图案,小品文 upholstery n.室内装潢品(地毯,窗帘等)


articulate v.清楚说话,接合 | clarification n.解释,澄清 | clarity n.清楚 definition n.(轮廓等)清晰,定义 | enunciate v.发音,(清楚地)表达 | explicit adj.清楚明确的 expressly adv.清楚地,特意地 | intelligible adj.可了解的,清晰的 manifest adj.明白的v.载货清单 | manifestation n 显示,证明,示威运动 elaborate v.详尽地说明,阐明 | perspicuity n 明晰,明了,简明 | elaboration n详细说明,细致的工作 elucidate v.阐明说明 | enunciation n.阐明,发表 | evince v.表明,表示



receptive knowledge的形成取决与在知道一个单词的“长相”的情况下,回忆起单词的“意思”。而productive knowledge则需要训练知道一个意思,找一个具有“合适长相”的单词来表述这个意思。通常情况下,我们在背单词的时候喜欢通过词形去回想词义,因为英语中同义词近义词现象比较严重。


2. productive词汇

即gre考试写作词汇,在你的记忆中是和其他很多常用的关联词汇有丰富的联系的,很多单词在你的脑海里都是以这种方式存在的,即language network。当你在写句子的时候,如果你写到这些有关联的词汇的话,这些词汇本身会.想起更多的写作词汇。

一个简单的例子就是,有些时候,我们可能发现自己一直在说费话,但是说话的内容我们自己都不知道。这就是因为这种language network的存在.你在语言中的用词。




2.进行meaning negotiation practice

如果你还没有掌握一个单词,你可以进行meaning negotiation practice。在学习一个单词的时候,找很多这个单词的例句,通过例句不断猜测单词的意思,直到你找到了一个可以在所有的例句中都解释的通的意思,然后再去看答案。这种方式会促使你更加注意一个词汇的context和collocation,更加有助于你对于一个单词的language network的形成。






The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.


Ever since the appearance of convenient printing method and huge libraries, modern education became possible. Since then, the process of accumulation of knowledge was greatly accelerated, for mankind's knowledge storation can be developed in a systematic way. Education's function is to prepare our youth for the future by lending them the ability to discover mysteries of the world themselves or from books. The history of the human race gives us the impression that the major benefit we get from the academic training is the ability to perceive the world in different ways.

The most primitive form of education, which helped our ancestors, the cavemen, to survive in the harsh conditions during the pioneering period of human history, already possessed the power to change people's perspective. When a child learnt how to make a fire, he was brought to a brand new world, in which he was no longer the game of wild animals and the weakest creature facing the mightiness of nature. He could better understand and conquer the surroundings; the long winter, might have been one of the dangerous enemies in his eyes, seemed weaker since the fire he made could ensure him the victory. Once we have the ability to harness more power, we regard the nature in new ways; we used to have to adapt to the nature absolutely, however,today we could transform it to certain extends.

It is the coming of science and many other realms that truly and profoundly changed our view of the world. We can see further and deeper, thanks to the inventions of macroscope and microscope. But that is hardly the whole thing the science has presented in front of us. Science, widely taught in every secondary school around the world, not only allows us to see what we couldn't see before, but also allows us to get new information and knowledge from that we could see before. Only when a student finishes his course in basic physics, could he understand why some things are hot while others are cooler, and could he know what happens during the cooling down of a cup of hot water. What we observe does not change; nevertheless, the knowledge we learn from changes because of the new power science gives us. The study of science enables us to learn the truths behind the complex phenomena and to use the truths learnt to serve the mankind.

The study of diverse disciplines not only provides us with the ability to learn more, but also the intentions to think more and seek for the general principles. The study of philosophy, histories, classics, and other disciplines deepens our thoughts rather than broadening our scopes. Let's take philosophy for example, which inspires us to dig more deeply in our thoughts and hones our ability to form a correct judgment of our situations and our worlds. We may encounter the death of others, however, we won't understand the life and the death, were it not for the study of philosophy. We will also get more from the reading of all the good books, which is just like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. We may not see more, but we inspect more; we may not hear more, but we listen to more. This best demonstrates the power of these disciplines and the value of studying them.

Human, the most intelligent, and rational beings on the Earth, stands in the dominant position of our world for thousands of years. We cannot make the wildest guess at what our world would like without the different realms of our thoughts and the education imparting these treasures to our descendants. Different fields of study give us different perspectives of this world, only when we properly and usefully assimilate the various discoveries in myriad disciplines, could we form a most brilliant picture of our today and of our tomorrow.


What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open―but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.


What does most human beings want is not discovery and change but reassurance.Although discoveries and changes are the real impetuses of human civilization, most people prefer reassurance than innovations and changes in that in this world most people are conservative and the discoveries and changes would sometimes harm some ones' benefit, which based on the obsolete systems.

On the one hand, in fact, most people value what they have obtained much more than what would be gain through new ways. This conservative kind of thinking in some sense is very common indeed since trying new ways always means taking risks of losing the present benefit. Take many Chinese workers for example. In China now,during the transformation of economy system, many factories and companies are under the danger of bankruptcy due to their rigid ways of thinking. And the workers in these companies or factories do not have positive attitudes neither. They ignore, or we can say give up, the better chance such as leave the old companies and find a new one which would be more suitable or quite for a short time to study some new skills; but stay where they are to wait for reassurance from the companies or government. the reason for this kind of behaviors is that they are fear for losing the jobs, whish however have little points after all. Simply put, they think they can survive if they keep the salary, but maybe lose everything when taking risks. Actually, these people fail to see the wealth behind changes and discoveries. No pain, no gain. One reluctantly loses something, he/she would not gain more important and valuable.

On the other hand, discoveries and changes would bring new systems and value and moral standards, which would necessarily break the outdated ones. In this sense,discoveries and changes could harm some ones or some classes' benefit. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the resistance against new things and the preference of reassurance to the obsolete system. The Industry Revolution is just a case in point.

The significant change had brought human beings into a new stage of both material and spirit; but during the revolution, many people hold the point of view that the change is very dangerous to human civilization. Such individuals included peasants,old noble men and some government officials. The fundamental reason for this situation was that such a profound and overall change shook the old social and economy system and thus those depended on such a system felt they were threatened.

For example, the peasants lost their lands and the old noble men lost their taxes from the peasants; even the government officials, were in the fear of losing their positions.Thereby, for the men who would still receive benefit from the obsolete system, they would prefer reassurance than changes and discoveries.

It is true that sometimes changes and discoveries would bring some damage to the present society; yet they would automatically build a new one full of vigor and creativity. So people should not be restrained with the conservative ideas and open their minds to see the future benefit they would gain from the new system built by changes and discoveries. Anyway, new things are always prior to the old ones.





这就是为什么Barron’s Word List虽然比“红宝书”词汇量少一倍,考试中命中率却高许多的原因。

























malicious a恶意的,怨毒的

malign v诽谤,中伤;a邪恶的

malinger v装病以逃避工作

malleable a可塑的,易改变的

malpractice n玩忽职守,渎职

mammal n哺乳动物

mammoth a巨大的

mandate n命令,指令

mandatory a命令的,强迫的

mangle v毁损;撕成碎片,压碎

mania n癫狂;狂热

manifest a显然的

manifestation n表明,显示

manifesto n宣言,声明

manifold a繁多的;多种的

manipulate v操纵

manipulative a操纵别人的,老于世故的

mannered a做作的

mansion n公馆;大厦

mantle n披风,斗篷;v覆盖

manumit v解放(奴隶)

manure n粪肥;v给…施肥

manuscript n手稿;手抄本

maple n枫树

mar v破坏,损伤

marble n大理石

mare n母马,母驴

margarine n人造黄油

margin n页边空白;差额;利润

marginal a书页空白处的;不重要的

marine a海的;海中的

marionette n木偶

marital a婚姻的

maritime a沿海的;海上的

marked a明显的;被监视的

maroon n/a栗色(的)

marsh n沼泽地,湿地

marshal v整理,安排,设置


marsupial n/a有袋动物(的)

martial a战争的,军事的

martyr n烈士,殉道者

marvel v对…感到惊异;n奇迹

mash v捣成糊状

mask n假面具;v隐藏(感情)

mason n泥瓦匠,石匠

masquerade n化装舞会;v伪装

massacre n大屠杀

massive a巨大的,厚重的

mast n船桅,旗杆

masticate v咀嚼;把…磨成浆

mate n伙伴;配偶;v交配

materialize v赋予形体,使具体化;实现

maternal a母性的

matrix n模子;矩阵

mattress n床垫

mature a成熟的;深思熟虑的

maturity n成熟,完备

maudlin a感情脆弱的,爱哭的

maul v撕裂皮肉,伤害

mauve a淡紫色的

maven n专家,内行

maverick n想法与众不同的人

mawkish a自作多情的;淡而无味的,令人作呕的

maximize v使增至最大限度

maze n迷宫

meager a贫乏的;削瘦的

mean a卑贱的,吝啬的

meander v蜿蜒而流;漫步

measly a患麻疹的;小得可怜的

measured a精确的;慎重的

mechanical a机械的,机械制造的

mechanics n力学

mechanism n结构,机制

medal n奖牌,勋章

meddle v干涉,干预

meddlesome a爱管闲事的



















pirate n海盗,剽窃者v盗印;掠夺

pirouette n/v(舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋转 35

pistol n手枪

pitch n沥青,柏油;音调

pitcher n有柄水罐

pitfall n陷阱,未料到的危险或困难

pith n精髓,要点

pithiness n简洁

pithy a(讲话或文章)简练的

pitiful a值得同情的,可怜的

pittance n微薄的薪俸,少量的收入

placate v抚慰,平息(愤怒)

placebo n安慰剂

placid a安静的,平和的

plagiarism n剽窃,抄袭

plagiarize v剽窃,抄袭

plague n瘟疫;讨厌的人或物v烦扰

plain a简单的;清楚的;n平原

plaintiff n原告

plaintive a可怜的,伤心的

plait n发辫;v编成辫

plane n刨子;平面;v刨

planet n行星

plangent a轰鸣的;悲哀的

plankton n浮游生物

plaque n匾;血小板

plaster n灰泥,石膏;v抹灰泥

plateau n高原;平稳的状态

platitude n陈词滥调

platonic a理论的;纯精神上的

plaudit v喝彩,赞扬

plausible a似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的

plead v恳求,提出…为理由

pleat n(衣服上的)褶

pledge n誓言,保证;v发誓

plenitude n完全;大量

plethora n过量,过剩

pliable a易弯的,柔软的

pliant a易受影响的;易弯的


plight n困境,苦境

plinth n柱脚,底座

plod v重步走;吃力地干

plot n情节;阴谋;策划

plough n犁;v犁地

ploy n花招,策略

pluck n在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量

plumb adv精确地;v深入了解;测水深

plumber n管子工,铅管工

plume n羽毛v整理羽毛;搔首弄姿

plummet v垂直或突然坠下

plunder v抢劫,掠夺

plunge v投入;俯冲

plush a豪华的

plutocracy n财阀统治

pod n豆荚;v剥掉(豆荚)

podiatrist n足医

podium n讲坛,指挥台

poignant a伤心的;尖锐的

poise v使相等,使平衡;n泰然自若,镇定

poisonous a有毒的;有害的

poke v刺,戳;嘲弄

polar a地极的,两极的;磁极的

polarity n极端性,二极分化

polarize v使…两极分化

polemic n争论,论战

polemical a挑起论战的

polish v把…擦光亮,抛光;n上光剂;(态度等)优雅

poll n民意测验;选举投票

pollen n花粉

pollinate v给…授粉

pollster n民意测验家

pomposity n自大的行为,傲慢,自命不凡

pompous a自大的

poncho n斗篷;雨衣

ponder v仔细考虑

ponderable a可估量的

ponderous a笨重的,笨拙的

pontifical a自以为是的;武断的






这样,单词之间建立联系后,不拿书本的时候你也能利用这些联系不断地想单词,当某一个单词记不起来时,就要注意了。不妨看后面的单词时,就不断地想前面学过的单词, 中有哪些类似的,或意思相反的,把有联系的单词的页数写在单词旁,每当看到这个单词时,总想起和它有关的单词,想不起时再根据页数翻看。如果有印象而想不起来,就在笔记本上记一笔,下次补上。




1.founder /‘fa?nd?/ vi. 沉没;失败;倒塌;变跛 n. 建立者;创始人

源自found 建立,建设。

2.circumscribe /?s?k?m’sra?b/ vt. 划定…范围;限制,限定


3.impede /?m’pid/ vt. 阻止;妨碍;阻碍


4.heterodox /‘h?t?r?'dɑks/ adj. 异端的


5.belie /b?’la?/ vt. 掩饰;与…不符

be-=强调,lie 说谎;强调通过说谎来掩饰。

6.esoteric /??s?’t?r?k/ adj. 秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的

eso-源自希腊语,表示within, ter-表示比较级,因此表示,限于内部人士的,即“秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的”。注意有一个形近词 exoteric adj. 开放的;外界的;通俗的;这里的exo-=outer,outside. 所以两个词,只差一个字母,意思却完全相反!!!

7.vanguard /?v?nɡɑrd/ n. 尖兵;先头部队;先导

van-是advance的缩写,表示提前的,guard 保卫,因此表示“在前面做保卫工作的”,引申为“先头部队,先导”。

8.antipathy /?n’t?p?θi/ n. 反感, 厌恶;憎恶的对象


9.precarious /pr?’k?r?r??s/ adj. 依靠机会的; 不确定的;不安全的; 不稳固的

如果通过词根记忆,pre-=在……之前,cari-=dear,-ous为形容词后缀,因此表示的是“在尊贵的人面前”的一种状态,即“恳求,祈求,依附于他人的”,引申为“依靠机会的,不稳固的”。这个词更好的记忆方法,建议通过联想记忆法记忆:pre-=在……之前,car 汽车,在汽车前面的,引申为“不安全的,不稳固的”。

10.amiable /‘em??bl/ adj. 好脾气的, 和蔼的

am-=amour,爱,喜欢;-ible 表示能够,因此这个词表示“可以爱的,有能力去爱的,愿意去爱的”,引申为“好脾气的,和蔼的”。


1.adroit /?’dr??t/ adj. 敏捷的,灵巧的;熟练的

a-=to, droit-来自direct的法语变体,指直的,正确的,引申为“敏捷的,灵巧的”。

2.onerous /‘ɑn?r?s/ adj. 繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的

源自名字onus 负担,义务。可以通过联想记忆onus,分开两部分,正好是on和us;加在我们身上的,引申义“负担,义务”。

3.proliferate /pr?’l?f?'ret/ vi. 激增; (迅速)繁殖; 增生


4.venial /‘vin??l/ adj. (错误、罪过等)轻微的,可原谅的


5.precipitate /pr?’s?p?tet/ vt. (突如其来地)使发生; 促成 adj.


6.succinct /s?k’s??kt/ adj. 简洁的;简明的;紧身的

suc-=sub, cinct-=bind,这个词的根本含义是“把垂在下面的东西(最开始就是指裙子)收起来,使其简洁”,现在直接用来表示“简洁的,简明的,紧身的”。

7.volatile /‘vɑl?tl/ adj. 爆炸性的;不稳定的;反覆无常的

vol-=飞,轻盈,-ile为形容词后缀,因此这个词的根本含义是“飞来飞去的”,引申为“不稳定的,反复无常的”。同根词 volant adj. 会飞的,迅速的; volleyball 排球。现在是不是很好理解了~

8.piquant /‘pik?nt/ adj. 辛辣的,开胃的,刺激的

源自动词pique vt. 刺激,激怒;n.生气;愠怒;源自法语piquer,叮、咬、刺;同源词有peak,可以帮助记忆。

9.sentimental /‘s?nt?'m?ntl/ adj. 伤感的, 多愁善感的

sent-=sense,感觉,因此sentimental 表示“多愁善感”。

10.artifice /‘ɑrt?f?s/ n. 诡计;欺骗;巧妙的办法

art-作为词根,表示skill;fic-=make,do;因此artifice 表示,有技术地做事情,玩弄手段,即“诡计,欺骗”。




charades n.用动作等表演的字谜游戏

conundrum n.谜语(双关的谜)

rebus n.(以音、画等提示的)字谜,画谜

sphinx n.狮身人面像,谜一样的人

enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事

enigmatic adj.神秘的,难解的



peppery adj.胡椒味的,暴躁的

petulant adj.性急的,暴躁的

testy adj.性急的,暴躁的

cantankerous adj.脾气坏的,好争吵的

fractious adj.(脾气)易怒的,好争吵的

inflammable adj.可燃的,易激怒的

irascible adj.易发怒的.

irate a.发怒的.

irritable adj.易怒的,易受刺激的

irritate v.激怒,刺激

liverish adj.患病的(尤指暴食所至),易怒的

pettish adj.易怒的,使性子的

peevish adj.坏脾气的,易怒的

pique n. v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦、愤怒

rage n.盛怒,极怒

rampage v.狂暴地乱冲,n.暴怒

spleenish adj.脾气坏的,易怒的

splenetic adj.脾气暴的,易怒的

tantrum n.勃然大怒,脾气发作

umbrage n.不快,愤怒

waspish adj.易怒的,尖刻的

wrath n.愤怒,大怒

apoplectic adj 中风的,易怒的

morose adj.脾气坏的,不高兴的

snappish adj.脾气暴燥的

surly adj 脾气暴躁的,阴沉的

touchy adj.敏感的,易发脾气的

ill-tempered a. 脾气暴躁的

bad-tempered a. 脾气不好的

short-tempered a. 脾气坏的,易怒的,懦弱,胆怯

cowardice n.胆小,懦弱

craven adj.懦弱的,畏缩的

gutless adj.没有勇气的,懦怯的

poltroon n.懦夫

pusillanimous adj.懦弱的,胆小的

recreant n.懦夫,叛徒 adj.胆怯的

spineless adj.没骨气的,懦弱的

dastard adj 懦夫,胆小的人

bashful adj.害羞的,羞怯的

nerveless adj.无力的,无勇气的

tremulous adj.颤动的,不安的

timid adj. 胆小的,羞怯的

timorous adj.胆小的,胆怯的

eerie adj 胆怯的,引起恐惧的

boggle v.畏缩不前,不敢想像

cower v.畏缩,蜷缩

cringe v.畏缩,谄媚,奉承

daunt v.使胆怯,使畏缩

flinch v.畏缩,退缩

recoil v.退却,退缩

quail v.畏惧,颤抖

wince v.避开,畏缩

milksop n.懦弱的人



dipsomania n.嗜酒狂

kleptomania n.盗窃癖

megalomania n.自大狂

pyromania n.纵火狂

monomania n. 对一事的热狂,偏执狂

mania n.癫狂,狂热

maniacal adj.发狂的,狂热的

ardor n.热情,狂热

berserk adj.狂怒的,疯狂的

delirium n.精神错乱,发狂

fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚

fanatic adj.狂热的,盲信的 n.狂热者

fanaticism n.狂热 盲信

frantic adj.疯狂的,狂乱的

insane adj.疯狂的

insanity n.疯狂,愚昧

lunacy n.疯狂,愚行

paranoia n.偏执狂,多疑症

paranoid adj.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的

possessed adj.疯狂的

queer adj.奇怪的,疯狂的

rabid adj.患狂犬病的,疯的,失去理性的

tempestuous adj狂暴的

voyeur n.窥淫狂者,窥隐私者

zealot n.狂热份子,热心者

unhinge v 使发狂,使错乱


adage n.格言,古训

aphorism n.格言

dictum n.格言、声明

gnome n.地下宝藏的守护神,地精,格言

gnomic adj.格言的,精辟的

maxim n.格言,普遍真理

motto n.座右铭,箴言

precept n.箴言,格言

epigram n.警句,讽刺短诗

epigrammatic adj.警句的

phrase n.警句,乐句,短语




extemporize v.即席演说

impromptu adj.即席的,即兴的

improvise v.即席而作(adj. improvised)

improvisation n.即席创作

ad-lib v.即兴演唱,临时穿插,信口说出

extemporaneous a.无准备的,即席的,临时的

offhand adj. adv.即时的,即席的,无准备的

unrehearsed adj.未经预演的


douse v.把…浸入水中,用水泼

drenched adj.湿透的

soak v.浸泡,渗透

soaked adj.湿透的

sodden adj.浸透了的

soggy adj.湿透的,濡湿的

souse v.浸在水中,使湿透

steep v.浸泡,浸透

logged adj 笨重的,湿透的

immerse v.浸入,沉浸于

immersion n.沉入,浸入

macerate v.浸软,消瘦


breach v.毁坏,泄密 n.缺口

cleavage n.裂缝,分裂

cleft n.裂缝

crease n.折缝,皱痕

crevice n.缺口,裂缝

fissure n.裂缝,裂隙

gash n.深长的伤口,裂缝

hiatus n.空隙,裂缝

interstice n.细裂缝,空隙

rent n.裂缝,(意见)分歧

rift n.裂缝,隙缝

slot n 水沟,缝,狭槽,足迹

slit v.撕裂n.裂口,裂缝

rimose adj. 裂缝的,多裂口的

chink n.隙缝,裂口 n./v. 丁当作响,破裂

seam n.缝、接缝

seamstress n.女裁缝

stitch n.(缝纫时的)一针, 一钩 v.缝合

suture n.缝线v.缝合

darn v.缝补,补缀

laceration n.撕裂,裂口

gap n.缝隙,缺口,间断

chasm n.深坑,裂口

indent v.切割成锯齿状

indented adj.锯齿状的

indentation n.锯齿状,缺口

jagged adj.锯齿状的,不整齐的

serrated adj.示齿状的

serration n锯齿状,锯齿状突起

dent n.缺口,凹痕, v.弄凹

nick n.小伤口,刻痕

notch n.V字形刻痕,山间窄路

notched adj.有凹口的,有缺口的



bug n.臭虫,窃听器

fetid adj.(水等)有恶臭的

flagrant adj.臭的,恶名昭彰的

foul adj.恶臭的,邪恶的,v.弄脏 n.(体育等)犯规

malodorous adj.有臭味的、不合法的

noisome adj.恶臭的,令人不快的

notoriety n.臭名昭彰

notorious adj.臭名昭著的,著名的

putrid adj.腐臭的

skunk n.臭鼬,黄鼠狼

stench n.臭气,恶臭

stink v.n.发臭,臭味

rancid adj.不新鲜的,变味的

reek n. 臭气 v.发臭气

stale adj.不新鲜的,陈腐的


abolition n.废除,革除

abrogate v.废止,废除

desuetude n.废止,不用

relinquish v.放弃,废除

repeal v.废除(法律)

rescind v.废除,取消

revocable adj.可废除的

revocation n.废弃,取消

revoke v.废除,取消

defeasible adj. 可以废除的

annul v.宣告无效,取消

invalid adj.无效力的

invalidate v.使无效力,证明无效

neutralize v.使无效,中和

nullify v.使无效,抵消

nullity n.无效,无兴趣

paralyze v.使瘫痪,? 使无效


attic n.阁楼,顶楼

garret n.阁楼、顶楼小室

loft n.阁楼,顶楼

spire n.(教堂)尖顶,尖塔,高点

steeple n.尖塔,尖阁

minaret n.叫拜楼(伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔)

pinnacle n.尖塔,山峰

turret n.塔楼,角塔

pylon n.高压电线架,桥塔

guy n.(铁塔等的)支索,牵索



asylum n.避难所,庇护所

harbor n.港,避难所 v.包庇,隐匿

haven n.安息所,避难所

sanctuary n.圣堂,避难所

ark n.方舟,避难所


carnage n.大屠杀,残杀

decimate v.毁掉大部分,大量杀死

hecatomb n.大屠杀,百牛大祭

holocaust n.大屠杀,浩劫

massacre n.大屠杀,大败

pogrom n 大屠杀


abandon v.n.放弃,放纵

bacchanal n.(行为放纵的)狂欢会

bacchanalian adj.狂欢的,行为放纵的

carouse v.n.狂饮寻乐

carousal n.欢闹的酒宴

debauch v.使放荡,堕落

debauchery n.放荡,沉缅酒色

incontinent adj.无力控制(自己)的,纵欲的

intemperate adj.无节制的,放纵的

laxity n.松弛,放纵

lechery n.好色,纵欲

liberated adj.无拘束的,放纵的

libertine n.性行为放纵者,浪荡子

licentious adj.纵欲的,放肆的

rambunctious adj.喧闹的,放纵的

saturnalia n.纵情狂欢

wanton adj.顽皮的,放纵的

spree n 狂欢,纵乐,宴会

voluptuous adj.撩人的,沉溺酒色的

voluptuary n.耽于逸乐的人

lascivious adj.淫乱的,好色的

lecherous adj.好色的

lewd adj.好色的,猥亵的

libidinous adj.性欲强的,好色的

lubricious adj.光滑的,好色的

prurient adj.好色的,淫乱的

prurience n.好色,淫乱

salacious adj.好色的,淫荡的.

salacity n.好色,淫荡

sensual adj.肉欲的、淫荡的

sensuality n.淫荡、好色

excesses n.过份荒淫的行为

smutty adj.淫秽的

voyeur n.窥淫狂者,窥隐私者

obscene adj 淫秽的

risque adj 下流的,淫猥的

bawdy adj 淫猥的、下流的

prodigality n放荡,淫逸,挥霍浪费,慷慨,丰富

immoral adj.不道德的,淫荡的

reprobate v.谴责,指责.adj.n.堕落的(人)

ignoble adj.卑鄙的,下流的

ribald adj.下流的,粗鄙的

scurrilous adj.下流的、恶言毁谤的

vulgar adj.无教养的,下流的

cad n. 卑鄙的男人,下流人,无赖

indelicate a.下流的,无教养的,卑鄙的,不雅的

lust n.强烈的欲望

dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的

raffish adj.轻浮的,放荡的

profligate adj.挥金如土的 n.挥霍者,放荡者

sybaritic adj 奢侈享乐的

epicurean adj.好享乐的享乐主义的

hedonism n.享乐主义,享乐

hedonistic adj.享乐的






2. 擅于利用空余时间记gre考试词汇







mold n模子;(美)霉;v塑造

molding n装饰线条;铸造物

moldy a发霉的

molecule n分子

mollify v安慰,安抚

mollycoddle v过分爱惜,娇惯;n娇生惯养的人

molt v换羽,脱毛;n换羽(期),脱毛(期)

molten v熔化;a熔化的

moment n瞬间;重要

momentous a极重要的,严重的

momentum n推进力,势头

monarch n君主,帝王

monarchy n君主制

monetary a货币的

mongrel n杂种动物;混血儿

monochromatic a单色的

monochrome a单色的,单色画的

monocle n单片眼镜

monogamy n一夫一妻制

monolithic a巨石的,巨大的

monologue n独白;个人长篇演说

monomania n偏狂症,狂热病

monopoly n专利权,垄断

monotonous a单调的,无聊的

monotony n单调,千篇 一律

monsoon n季雨,季风

montage n蒙;拼集画

monumental a极大的;纪念碑的

morale n士气,精神力量

moralistic a道学气的

moratorium n停止偿付;禁止活动

morbid a病态的,不正常的

mordant a讥讽的,尖酸的

mores n风俗习惯,道德观念

moribund a即将结束的;垂死的

morose a阴郁的

morsel n一小块(食物);小量

mortality n死亡率


mortar n小臼,乳钵;迫击炮

mortgage n抵押贷款v用…作抵押

mortification n耻辱,屈辱

mortify v使屈辱,使痛心

mortuary n停尸间,太平间

mosaic n马赛克;镶嵌细工

mosque n清真寺

mosquito n蚊子

mote n微粒,微尘

motif n(作品)主题,主旨

motility n运动性

motley a混杂的;杂色的

mottled a有杂色的,斑驳的

motto n座右铭;箴言

mountainous a多山的;巨大的

mourn v哀悼,哀伤

mournful a悲伤的

movement n(交响乐)乐章

muffle v使声音降低;裹住

muffled a(声音)压低的

muffler n消音器;围巾

mulish a骡一样的,执拗的

multiple a多样的,多重的

multiplicity n多样性

multiply v乘;增加;繁殖

mumble v咕哝,含糊不清地说

mundane a现世的,世俗的

municipality n市;市政当局

munificence n慷慨,宽宏大量

munition n军火,弹药

mural a墙壁的;n壁画

murky a黑暗的;朦胧的

murmur v柔声地说,喃喃而言

muscle n肌肉;肌肉的力量

muscular a肌肉的;强健的

muse v沉思,冥想

mushroom n蘑菇;v雨后春笋般迅速发展

musicologist n音乐学者



abase v.贬抑,使卑下

belittle v.轻视,贬抑

condescension n.自以为高人一等,贬低(别人)

debase v.贬低,贬损

decry v.责难,贬低(价值)

demean v.贬抑,降低

depreciate v.贬低,贬值

derogate v.贬低,诽谤

detractor v.贬低者

disparage v.贬抑,? 轻蔑

epithet n.(贬低人的)短语或形容词

pejorative adj.带有轻蔑意义的,? 贬低的

downplay v.贬低,? 低估

underrate v.低估,估计过低,看轻

contempt n.轻视,? 鄙视

contemptible adj.令人轻视的

disdain v.轻视、鄙视

disdainful adj.鄙视的

scorn n.v.轻蔑、瞧不? 起

misprision n.轻视,? 蔑视

despise vt.轻视

slight v.\n. 轻蔑,怠慢 a.轻微的,纤细的

flout v.蔑视,? 违抗

defiance n.蔑视,挑衅

sneer v.嘲笑,? 鄙视

degrade v.降格,? 降级

demote v.降级,? 降职

relegate v.降级,? 贬谪


adulate v.谄媚,奉承

cringe v.畏缩,谄媚,奉承

cringing adj.n.谄媚(的),奉承(的)

fulsomeness n.虚情,谄媚

obsequious adj.逢迎的,谄媚的

sycophantic adj.拍马的,谄媚的

toady n.谄媚者,马屁精

claqueur n.喝采者,谄媚者

blarney n 奉承话,谄媚

fawn n.未满周岁的小鹿,v.巴结,奉承

fawning adj.奉承的

palaver n.v.空谈,奉承

caress n.爱抚,拥抱 v. 爱抚,抱,怜爱,奉承

complaisance n.迁就,奉承

complaisant adj.顺从的,讨好的

cultivate v.种植,向…讨好

ingratiate v.逢迎,? 讨好

ingratiating adj.讨好的,? 谄媚的

propitiate v.讨好,抚慰

propitiatory adj.讨好的,调解的

smarmy adj 迎奉的,? 讨好的

grovel v.摇尾乞怜,? 奴颜婢膝



compunction n.懊悔,良心不安

contrite adj.悔罪的,痛悔的

contrition n.悔罪,痛悔

lamentable adj.令人惋惜的,悔恨的

penitent adj.后悔的,忏悔的

impenitent adj.不悔悟的

remorse n.懊悔,悔恨

repent v.懊悔,后悔

repentance n.悔恨

repentant adj.对…感到悔恨的

rue n.后悔,遗憾.

rueful adj.后悔的,? 遗憾的

guilt n.罪行,? 内疚


infidelity n.不忠实,不贞

perfidious adj.不忠的,背信弃义的

perfidy n.不忠,背叛

betray v.背叛,暴露

mutineer n.反叛者,背叛者

mutinous adj.加入叛变的,反抗的

treachery n.阴险,背叛

tergiversate v.变节,背叛

rat v.背叛,背信

convert v.使改变(信仰等)n.改变信仰的人

disaffected adj.(政治上)不满的,叛离的

disaffection n.政治上不满,叛离

proselyte n.皈依者,改变宗教信仰者

recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰)

recantation n.改变宗教信仰

recreant n.懦夫,叛徒 adj.胆怯的

renegade n.叛教者,叛徒

quisling n.卖国贼,内奸

traitor n.卖国贼,叛徒

tergiversate v.变节,背叛

apostasy n.背教,脱党

apostate n.背教者,变节者

defect n.缺点,瑕疵 v.变节,脱党

defection n.脱党,变节












berate v.猛烈责骂

castigate v.惩治,严责

castigation n.申斥,强烈反对

censure n.v.责难,非难

chastise v.严厉惩罚,遣责

chide v.叱责,指责

condemn v.极力谴责,判刑(死刑等)

condemnation n.谴责,定罪

culpable adj.有罪的,该受谴责的

decry v.责难,贬低(价值)

denounce v.指责,揭发

flak n.高射炮,指责

flay v.剥皮,诈取,严厉指责

fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责

fulmination n.抨击,谴责

impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑

obloquy n.大骂,斥责

rail n.栏杆,铁轨,v.咒骂,猛烈指责

rebuke v.指责,谴责

recriminate v.反责,反控

reprehend v.谴责,责难

reprehensible adj.应受谴责的

reprimand n.v.训诫,谴责

reproach n.谴责,责骂

irreproachable adj.不可指责的,无过失的

reprobate v.谴责,指责.adj.n.堕落的(人)

reproof n.斥责,责备

reprove v责骂,申斥

stricture n.谴责,严厉,束缚

upbraid v.斥责,责骂

vituperative adj.辱骂的,责骂的

dyslogistic adj 指责的,骂人的

objurgate v 怒斥,谴责

arraign v 指责,传讯,弹劾

scarification n 严厉批评,苛责

rap v 严厉指责

twit v 责备,挖苦

animadvert v 苛责,非难

browbeat v(用神情、言词) 威吓; 严词厉色地斥责

culpability n 可责,有罪性,有过失

assail v.抨击,猛攻

diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说

invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂

potshot n\v 乱射,射击,肆意抨击

excoriate v.撕去皮, 严厉批评

pan v.严厉批评,n.平底锅



heresy n.异端邪说

heretic n.异教徒

heretical adj.异端邪说的

heterodox adj.异端的,非正统的

heterodoxy n.异端邪说

infidel n.不信教者,异教徒

pagan n.没有宗教信仰的人,异教徒

paganism n.异教(信仰)

heathen n 异教徒,不信教的人


motley adj.混杂的,杂色的

mottled adj.有杂色的,斑驳的

pied adj.杂色的

dappled adj.有斑点的,斑驳的

variegated adj.斑驳的,形形色色的

roan n.杂色马

piebald a.花斑的 n.花马

brindled a.有斑的,有斑纹的

multicolored adj.多色的


banister n.(楼梯的)栏杆

barricade v.n.设栅阻挡,栅栏

coop n.(鸡、)笼、栏

corral n.(牛、马等)畜栏

fold n.羊栏,畜栏,v.折叠

byre n 牛栏,牛棚

grille n.(银行,邮局柜台上的)铁栅

hurdle n.跳栏,障碍

palings n.篱笆,木栅栏

pen n.围栏, 监禁

rail n.栏杆,铁轨,v.咒骂,猛烈指责

stockade n.栅栏, 围栏

palisade n 篱笆,栅栏

aviary n.大鸟笼,鸟舍?

apiary n. 养蜂场

hive n.蜂房,忙碌之地

kennel n.狗舍,狗窝

lair n.野兽的巢穴, 躲藏处

roost v.n.栖息,鸟巢

nidus n 巢, 孵卵所













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