( ) 1. A. light B. right C. left
( ) 2. A. by B. bus C. but
( ) 3. A. sheep B. stop C. ship
( ) 4. A. postcard B. post office C. teachers’ office
( ) 5. A. tonight B. today C. tomorrow
( ) 1. Amy is going to watch TV.
( ) 2. She is going to visit her uncle.
( ) 3.She is going to see a film with Sarah.
( ) 4.She is going to take a dancing class.
( ) 5. She is going to buy a new word book.
( ) 1. Where is the cinema? A. I’m going to wash my clothes.
( ) 2.How do you come to school? B. It’s near the park.
( ) 3.What are you going to do? C. By bus.
( ) 4.Where are you going? D. At 3 o’clock.
( ) 5.When are you going? E. We’re going to the bookstore.
John: My cousin Jack is going to visit me tomorrow.
Amy: That’s nice! 1
John: We’re going to the cinema. 2 What about you?
Amy: Sounds great! 3
John: You can go to Xinhua Bookstore.
There are lots of comic books.
Amy: 4
John: 5
Amy: Thanks. John: You’re welcome!
I’m Sam. Tomorrow is Saturday. In the morning, my mother is going to clean the room. My father is going to wash his clothes. My sister Alice is going to take a dancing class. I’m going to do my homework.
Then in the afternoon, my family are going to see a film.
( )1. Sam’s mother is going to clean the room.
( )2. Sam’s father is going to watch TV.
( )3. Alice is going to have an art class.
( )4. Sam is going to do his homework.
( )5. In the evening, his family are going to see a film.
Zhang Peng 拜访他的(外)祖父母
Mike 去旅行
John 看电视
Amy 去超市
Sarah and Chen Jie 去看电影
hospital、go straight、ship、visit my grandparents、dictionary
1 、听写词语 .(6 ×0.5= 3 分 )
2 、听短文,按要求填空。( 3 分)
《一本男孩必读的书》是 ____________ ,是 ____ 作家 ____ 写的。书中的主人公是一个 ____________ 的人。这本书告诉我们 _________________ 。
二 、填得准。
1 、仔细辨析并组词。( 5 分)
洛( ) 梁( ) 跌( ) 诚( ) 避( )
络( ) 粱( ) 秩( ) 诫( ) 僻( )
2 、画出正确的读音。( 5 ×0.5= 2.5 分)
给 予( ge ǐ j í )载 重( za ǐ za ì )袒露( l ù l u )倔强( qaing jiang )戛 然( ji á g á )
3 、补充成语。( 1 × 4=4 分)
广结( )( ) ( )( )舌剑 ( )( )顽抗 惊( )万( )
心急( )( ) ( )行( )道 ( )( )泪下 ( ( )而至
4 、照样子写词语。 (12 ×0.5=6 分 )
( 1 )嗷嗷待哺: _____________________________
( 2 )大名鼎鼎: _____________________________
( 3 )东张西望: _____________________________
5 、把正确的词语填在括号里。 (3 ×1.5=4.5 分)
( 1 )( )餐馆的女主人她很疲劳,( )忙来忙去地为老妇人端茶送饭。
( 2 )( )你刻苦练习,琴( )一定能弹好。
( 3 )星期天,我( )要看书,( )要写作业。
6 、把下列歇后语和俗语补充完整。 (10 ×0.5=5)
姜太公钓鱼——( ) 铁杵磨成针——( ) 隔着门缝看人——( ) 猪鼻子插葱——( ) 桂林山水甲天下,( ) 上有( ),下有( )。 东北有三宝:( )、( )、( )。
五岳归来不看山,( )。 世上无难事,( )。
7 、按要求改写句子。 (1 ×7=7)
( 1 )我经常摆弄着奶奶剪的各式各样的窗花。(缩句)
( 2 )花园里的花真香。(改为夸张句)
( 3 )一个具有大无畏冒险进取精神的人,是一个成功者,一个英雄。(改为反问句) ____________________________________________________
( 4 )美丽的大草原一碧千里,到处都是绿色。(修改病句)
( 5 )你是一个深明大义、宽容大度的人我们。(改为感叹句)
( 6 )写一句有关“爱”的比喻句。 _______________________________
( 7 )写一句激励人的话。 _____________________________________
8 、课文内容我知道。 (3+2+3+2+6+5=21 分 )
( 1 )《简 . 爱》作者是 _________, 她是一位在 ______ 中成长的典范,她的生命 ___________ ,像 __________ 的仙人掌花。她的两个妹妹分别写了《 ________ 》和《 _________ 》也震动了世界文坛。
( 2 )史蒂芬.霍金被称为 _______ 。他撰写的 __________ 在全世界拥有无数的读者。他感动大众的精神力量是 ________________________________ 。
( 3 )“而那些远离群体的零零星星的三两棵松树,在灌木丛中鹤立鸡群”。这句话运用了 _____ 的修辞手法。“鹤”指 ___________ ,“鸡”指 __________ 。学了这篇课文告诉我们 _____________________________________ 。
( 4 )通过半学期的学习,我们认识了几位杰出的人物,他们是 ________ 的郑成功, _________ 的哈尔威, ___________ 的.蔺相如, ____________ 的霍金。
( 5 )默写《示儿》: ____________ , ____________ 。 ____________ , ____________ 。这首诗是 ____ 代诗人 ____ 在 ____ 写下的。题目的意思是: ________ 。他在临终前的遗恨是 ____________ ,遗愿是 ______________ 。
( 6 )“骤雨一样,是 ________ ; __________ 一样,是飞扬的流苏;乱蛙一样,是 ________ 的脚步;火花一样,是 _______ ; _________ 一样,是 ________ 。”这句话选自 _____ 写得 ________ ,这句话运用了 ______ 和 ______ 的修辞手法。
(5 分 )
每年的 6 月 5 日 是“世界环境日”,假日你在湖边看一位老人垂钓,这时,一对年轻人经过你的身边,随手往湖里扔了果皮等垃圾,垂钓的老人误以为是你扔的,严厉的批评了你。你应该如何向他解释呢?请想一想,写下来。
乌克兰的基辅市市政厅是一座距今已有100 年的古老建筑。1918 年,十月革命胜利后组建的新政府对它进行了一次全面的(修复修缮),负责(修复修缮)的施工队发现了一件奇怪的事情:大厅中心的支柱和屋顶之间有1 厘米的(缝隙间隙)。这是怎么回事呢?是支柱下沉了还是屋顶变形了?市长波尔金接到报告,立刻派人去把当年负责设计和建造这座大厦的工程师奥罗斯基找来,问他发生了什么事。
奥罗斯基说:“市长先生,什么事情也没发生,当年建成的时候就是这个样子。”市长奇怪了:“建成的时候就是这个样子?支柱没有顶到屋顶,那不是毫无用处吗?”“是的,市长先生,毫无用处。”市长越发地奇怪了:“既然毫无用处,你为什么还要这样设计?难道你觉得大厅里多一根柱子好看吗?你不嫌(qi ānxi án )它碍(ái ài )事吗?”
原来是这么回事!波尔金一下子就明白了奥罗斯基的(意思用意),他在屋顶和支柱之间留了1 厘米(缝隙间隙),是为了日后用它来证明自己原来的设计并没有错。奥罗斯基对这位新市长说:“现在柯蒙早就下台了,我们可以把那根毫无用处的柱子拆掉了。”波尔金(思忖沉思)良久,却说:“不,留着它,还有用处,让以后的市长和所有市政府的官员都能看到它。”
1 、给词语和字选择正确的词语好读音。(9 ×0.3=2.7 分)
2 、画出文中的一个反问句,请把这句话改为陈述句。(2 分)
3 、从“柯蒙市长的柱子”可以看出柯蒙市长是个怎样的人?(1 分)
4 、你认为设计师奥罗斯基是个怎样的一个人?要用关于他行为的例子来说明。(2 分)
5、波尔金市长知道这是根毫无用处的柱子,为什么不拆掉,而把它保留下来?(2 分_______________________________________________________________________
6 、作者为何不用“柯蒙市长的柱子”做题目,而用“市长的柱子”?你体会到了什么(1.3 分)_______________________________________________________________
7 、你会对工程师奥罗斯基说些什么?(1 分)_________________________________
作文。(20 分)
要求:你肯定见过许多的美味佳肴,那就拿起自己的笔,选择自己喜欢的一种美味,介绍给大家。注意要突出美味的色、香、味、形,要按一定的顺序把美味的特点写具体。语句要流畅,叙述有条理。题目自拟。字数450 字。
I. 1. milk 2. wild 3. stress 4. translate 5. calendar
II. 1. unhealthy 2. finishes 3. friendly 4. longer 5. better
1. healthy 2. starts 3. unfriendly 4. shorter 5. worse
IV. I still remember Mr Hunt, my first teacher, though I left our school twenty years ago. He was a short man with a pair of glasses. He was friendly to us all and we always listened to him carefully in class. He always made his classes lively. I heard he was born in a poor family. He often wore old clothes, but he was good at his lessons. He knew much but had no money to go to college. He had to teach science in the small school. We often went to see him during our vacation. He died five years ago, in .
1. first 2. lively 3. poor 4. science 5. vacation
I. 1. differences 2. illness 3. fishing 4. quick 5. balanced
II. 1. A. 在具体某一天用介词on,行为动词go的一般现在时的否定回答,应借助于助动词don't,所以选A。2. B. “照顾某人”应用look after sb.。3. A. 由题意判断,答语应是回答干什么,只有A适合。 4. A. how far用来提问距离,只有A项表示距离。 5. A. 这句话的意思是“这个故事听起来是真的”, sound是系动词,后面应加形容词作表语。
III. 1. What do you often do 2. Where do they always eat 3. How often does she visit her aunt 4. What does he usually do 5. How often do you go to the library?
IV. 1. What did, have 2. didn't do any 3. Does,leave 4. No, they can't 5. How far
V. 1. How often do you drink milk
2. The window stayed open all the night
3. What time are you coming back
4. Let's stop to have a rest
5. I have to go to see the doctor
VI. 1. to play 2. win 3. went 4. become 5. were 6. had 7. to carry 8. play
VIII. One possible version:
Teacher: Next Sunday we are going on a field trip.
Students: What are we going to do?
Teacher: Let's talk about it.
Student A: Let's go swimming. We are good at swimming.
Student B: Why don't we go fishing? Or maybe we can go to the mountains.
Teacher: All right. Let's go to the mountains next Sunday.
一、找出你所听到的内容,填序号 (听一遍)(每小题1分,共10分)
( )1、A.happy B. hungry C.thirsty
( )2、A. forest B.parrot C.rabbit
( )3、A. wet B.hat C.well
( )4、A.China B. Canada C.Australia
( )5、A.just right B. all right C.just now
( )6、A.between B.beside C.behind
( )7、A.art room B.classroom C.library
( )8、A.too cold B.too hot C.too hard
( )9、A.long ears B.a short tail C.a big mouth
( )10、A.look at B.look out C.look for
( )1. A. There’s a radio in Mike’s bedroom. B. There’s a TV in Mike’s bedroom.
C. There isn’t a computer in Mike’s bedroom.
( )2. A. They can skate. B. They have skate shoes.
C. They can’t skate.
( )3. A.They aren’t students. B. They read English in the afternoon.
C. They read English in the evening.
( )4. A. Bobby is not happy, he is afraid. B. Sam is on the swing. Bobby push him.
C. Bobby likes playing the swing. He’s very happy.
( )5. A. Mike and Liu Tao can play football. B. Ben and Liu Tao can play basketball.
C. Mike and Ben can play football.
四、根据所听对话内容,回答问题 (听三遍)(每小题1分,共5分)
1. Where is the Music room? _______________________________________________
2. How many table tennic rooms are there in the building? ________________________
3. Is there a toilet in the building?
4. Where’s the TV room?
5. What’s on the third floor?
1.The girl is i f of the three bears.
2.Nancy’s c is on the s floor.
3.My friend Yang Ling c p the piano w
4. On the f floor, there is an a room
b the m room.
( ) 1. —How many students are there in the classroom? —_______ twenty.
A .There’re B. They’re C .There’s D. These’re
( ) 2. ________ is Helen singing? She’s singing in the music room.
A. What B. Where C. Who D. How
( ) 3. Mike and his friends are singing in the room_____________ their teachers.
A. with B. and C. to D. at
( ) 4. Helen likes . She can many beautiful pictures for us.
A. drawing ; drawing B. draw; draw. C. drawing; draw D. draw; drawing
( ) 5. Sandy’s mother a telescope, but we don’t one.
A. has; has B, have; has C. has; have D. have; have
( ) 6. There isn’t tea in this cup, but there is in that one.
A. any; any B. some; any C. some; some D. any; some
( ) 7. In the US I live on the first floor, but in the UK. The first floor is the floor.
A. first B. second C. third D. ground
( ) 8. Jim and Mary good English and Computer.
A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at
( ) 9. Nancy likes dancing. The twins like dancing, . They have the
same hobby.
A. too; both B. too ; all C. to; both D. to; all
( ) 10. My animal friend has legs arms. What is it?
A. some; some B. no ; or C. no; and D. two; two
1. . I’m afraid.
2.When the summer sun , he carries an umbrella.
3.The rabbit has .
4.Sam is on the swing, he is . Bobby is tired.
5.There’s a glasses of milk .
6.Wow! Nancy, your dress is not too long, not too short. It’s .
7.Mr Brown likes .
8.Wang Bing is surfing the Internet(上网) in the .
9.Miss Li is new here. Let’s her .
10.I have two pets. is a fish, is a dog.
( )1.Let’s go and play football A.I like Chinese, Maths and Art.
( )2. Where are the cakes? B.You can have some cakes.
( )3.Do you have an animal friend? C.It’s Monday.
( )4.I’m hungry, Tina. D.It has four.
( )5.How many legs does a dog have? E.I like skating. X Kb1. C o m
( )6.What do you like doing in winter? F.I can play the piano.
( )7.What a beautiful skirt! G.They’re in the fridge.
( )8.What day is it today? H.Thank you!
( )9.What subjects do you like? I.Yes, I do. I have a fish.
( )10.What can you do? J.That’s a good idea.
swim dance sing skate play football play the piano draw pictures
Gan Shan
1. What can Ben do ?________________________________
2. Can Helen swim?________________________________
3. Can Mike and Gao Shan swim?_________________________________
4.What can Mary play?__________________________________
5. Who can dance?__________________________________
1. A: Welcome to our
B: It’s big and bright.
A: There is a blackboard the two pictures.
B: Do you a TV?
A: No, we . But here is a on the teacher’s desk.
B: What’s on the bookcase ?
A: two balls.
2. I’m sam! I a new friend. Its body is .
It eight . It run. I give It a .
3. A: are the students?
B: They’re in the .
A: Nancy and John like computer games .
A: What Helen doing?
B: She stories.
A: Let’s go and find them.
阅读短文,填写表格。 (每小题1分,共5分 )
Welcome to the zoo. Come and see the Indian elephants and the bald eagles from the US. The bears are waiting(等待) to meet you and the kangaroos from Australia are jumping
with you, the monkeys from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.
Tickets(票): Grown-up(成人)$2.00
Children: Over(超过)12 $1.00 Under 12 Free
Opening time: 9:00a.m.--4:00p.m.
Except(除外)Friday: 10:00a.m.--3:00p.m.
Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food to or go near the animals.
How many
(animals) How much
(Grown-up) How much
(5 years old) Opening time
(Sunday) Closing time
一、找出你所听到的内容,填序号 (听一遍)
1. I’m happy today.
2. The tiger lives in the forest.
3. I can skate well.
4. Wang Bing is from China.
5. The cat is behind the sofa.
6. There are some books in the library.
7. The bed is too hard.
8. The rabbit has two long ears.
9. Look at the blackboard!
10. A:Let’s play football. B: All right.
(A A C A C C C A A B)
1. A: Hi, Mike. Is there a TV in your bedroom?
B: No, there isn’t. But there’s a radio.
2. A: Let’s go and skate.
B: Sorry, we don’t have the skate shoes
3. A: Good afternoon, Gao Shan. B: Good afternoon, Mike.
A: Time to read English. B: OK. Let’s read English together.
4. A: Bobby ,let’s play the swing.
B: All right. Push me Sam.
A: OK.Go! Go! Go!
B: Stop, Sam. Stop! It’s too high. Stop!
5. A: Can you play football, Mike?
B: Yes, I can. And you, Ben?
A: No, I can’t.But, I can play basketball.
B: Good, And Liu Tao can play the football, too. Am I right?
A: Yes.
( A C B A A)
A: Hi, Mr Wang! Welcome to our school.
B: Thank you, Mr Fang. Your school is very beautiful.
A: Thank you. Look, this is a new building.
B: Is there a music room in it?
A: Yes. It’s on the frist floor, between two table tennic rooms.
B: I think the computer rooms are on the third flood.
A: Yes, you’re right.
B: How many are there?
A: Two.
B: How many reading rooms?
A: There is one. It’s on the third floor.
B: Is there a TV room?
A: Yes, there’s a TV room and a library on the second floor.
B: Oh, Great. But where is the toilet?
A: On the second floor. It’s under the Reading room. The library is near the toilet.
B: Thank you.
1. It’s on the frist floor.
2. There are two.
3. Yes, there is.
4. It’s on the second floor./ It’s near the library.
5. There are two computer rooms and a reading room.
1、in front 2、classroom second 3. can play well
4. first art beside music
1. He can sing and play football.
2. No, she can’t.
3. Yes, they can.
4. She can play the piano.
5. Mary can.
1. classroom between have don’t computer There are
2. have hard has legs can cake
3. Where library playing does like likes reading
How many
(animals) How much
(Grown-up) How much
(5 years old) Opening time
(Sunday) Closing time
5 \five 2 free 9:00am 3:00pm
I. 听单词, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听到的单词。(5分)
1. A. back B. milk C. neck D. quick
2. A. wild B. world C. word D. work
3. A. street B. straightC. stress D. stray
4. A. vocabulary B. sightseeing C. badminton D. translate
5. A. kilometer B. invitation C. calendar D. transportation
II. 听单词, 在句子空白处填写你所听到的单词的反义词。(5分)
1. I think the diet is________.
2. The first class ________ at ten to nine.
3. The children think she's ________.
4. Your ruler is ________ than mine.
5. Which camera is ________, this one or that one? IV. 听短文,根据其内容在下面句子的空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母已给出)。(5分)
1. Mr Hunt was the writer's f________ teacher.
2. The children listened to Mr Hunt carefully because he made his classes l______.
3. Mr Hunt couldn't go to college because he was p________.
4. Mr Hunt began to teach s________ after high school.
5. The children often went to see Mr Hunt during their________ .
I. 词汇。(10分)
1. Can you find the______(different) between Lily and Lucy?
2. Many children are away from school because of______(ill).
3. On weekends they often go______(fish).
4. After a______(quickly) breakfast, Tom went to work.
5. It's important to eat a______(balance) diet.
II. 单项选择。(10分)
1.―Do you often go to the movies______Sundays?
―No, we______.
A. on, don't B. on, aren't
C. in, do D. in, don't
2. My father is ill. So I have to look______him at home.
A. for B. after C. up D. at
3. ―What are you doing tomorrow?
―Nothing much.______
A. Only some housework.
B. What would you like?
C. Certainly! Here you are.
D. I'd like to.
4. -How far is the shop from here?
A. It is about five hundred meters
B. It's there
C. It's ten minutes
D. Go down this street
5. The story sounds______.
A. true B. truly
C. are true D. as true
III. 根据答语完成问句。(10分)
1. -____________on weekends?
-I often go to the movies.
2. -____________on Sunday morning?
-They always eat at a restaurant on Sunday morning.
3. -____________?
-She visits her aunt once a week.
4. -____________on weekends?
- He usually goes shopping with his mother.
5. -____________?
-I go to the library once a week.
IV. 句型转换。(10分)
1. Mr Black had to take Tom to the hospital last week. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ Mr Black________ to do last week?
2. They did some work last night. ( 改为否定句)
They________ ________ ________ work last night.
3. She leaves home at eight every day.(改为一般疑问句)
________ she________ home at eight every day?
4. Can they go to the concert? (作否定回答)
________ ,________ ________ .
5. Lin Fei's home is about 10 kilometres away from school.(对划线部分提问)
________ ________ is Lin Fei's home from school?
V. 连词成句, 注意句后的标点符号。(10分)
1. you, often, do, how, milk, drink
__________________________________ ?
2. stayed, all, night, the, window, open, the
__________________________________ .
3. are, coming, what, time, you, back
__________________________________ ?
4. stop, a, let's, have, rest, to
__________________________________ .
5. have, to, go, the, I, doctor, to, see
__________________________________ .
VI. 阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)
Football is a popular sport. World Cup is a game that all the good players want(1)______(play) most. It is held every four years. Only the best team can (2)______(win) the last game.
The World Cup was held in France. Hundreds of thousands of people (3)______(go) to the games or watched them on TV day and night. They hoped that their favorite team would (4)______(become) the world's best one.
Football is a team sport. There are eleven players in each team of a game. The earliest games of football in England (5)______(be) not like what we know today. Games were played between two towns. Each team of the town (6)______(have) more than five hundred players, and each team had to try (7)______(carry) the ball to the other team's town. Today some towns in England still (8)______(play) games like that.
VII. 阅读理解。(10分)
People in many countries are learning English. Some of them are small children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.
Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required (要求) for study. They study their own language and math and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because at colleges or universities some of their books are in English. Some people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
1. Teenagers, adults and___________learn English.
A. workers B. farmers C. children D. people
2. People learn English________.
A. at schools B. over the radio
C. on TV D. not all in the same way
3. Different kinds of people learn English ________.
A. together with other subjects
B. for different reasons
C. for their work
D. for higher studies at college
4. From this passage we know that________.
A. we can learn English easily
B. English is very difficult to learn
C. English is learned by all people in the world
D. English is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it
5. Which of the following is right?________.
A. We don't need to learn any foreign languages
B. We can do well in all our work without English
C. English is the most important subject in schools
D. We should learn English because we need to face the world
VIII. 书面表达。(10分)
I. 1. differences 2. illness 3. fishing 4. quick 5. balanced
II. 1. A. 在具体某一天用介词on,行为动词go的一般现在时的否定回答,应借助于助动词don't,所以选A。2. B. “照顾某人”应用look after sb.。3. A. 由题意判断,答语应是回答干什么,只有A适合。 4. A. how far用来提问距离,只有A项表示距离。 5. A. 这句话的意思是“这个故事听起来是真的”, sound是系动词,后面应加形容词作表语。
III. 1. What do you often do 2. Where do they always eat 3. How often does she visit her aunt 4. What does he usually do 5. How often do you go to the library?
IV. 1. What did, have 2. didn't do any 3. Does,leave 4. No, they can't 5. How far
V. 1. How often do you drink milk
2. The window stayed open all the night
3. What time are you coming back
4. Let's stop to have a rest
5. I have to go to see the doctor
VI. 1. to play 2. win 3. went 4. become 5. were 6. had 7. to carry 8. play
VIII. One possible version:
Teacher: Next Sunday we are going on a field trip.
Students: What are we going to do?
Teacher: Let's talk about it.
Student A: Let's go swimming. We are good at swimming.
Student B: Why don't we go fishing? Or maybe we can go to the mountains.
Teacher: All right. Let's go to the mountains next Sunday.





