“如能引上游丁塘之水,则此湖俨若西湖,而徐州俨若杭州。”这是早在900多年前,北宋大文豪苏东坡在任徐州知州时,站在云龙山上,对着脚下这个小小的湖泊“突发奇想”。可能苏轼本人也不会想到,时隔920__年之后,他的想象变成了现实:1994年,杭州西湖和徐州云龙湖结为姊妹湖。 各位听了这样的介绍千万别说西湖和云龙湖这两姐妹长相差的可是有点远,不过呢,您也许听过一首诗:“水光涟滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”当然这首诗说的不是徐州云龙湖了,是苏轼笔下的杭州西湖美景,但若用它来形容云龙湖,也是非常贴切的。 苏轼在杭州做官时写了上面这首诗,可是他在我们徐州担任知州时也留下了《放鹤亭记》这样的传世美文“__,草木际天,秋冬雪月,千里一色,风雨晦明之间,俯仰百变。”一篇《放鹤亭记》脍炙人口,千古流传,也使云龙山水得以扬名于世。云龙湖东岸绵延三公里的九节云龙山,状若游龙,郁郁葱葱。名胜古迹俯首皆是:兴化禅寺依山而建,内有高达11.5米的北魏时期的石佛,被誉为三砖殿覆三丈佛,令人惊奇;东坡石床、放鹤亭、饮鹤泉等古迹,又让人怀念苏轼的不朽政绩和潇洒逸事;王羲之、黄公望、董其昌、乾隆的四十多方书法碑刻,使青山墨宝飘香。
“如能引上游丁塘之水,则此湖俨若西湖,而徐州俨若杭州。”这是早在900多年前,北宋大文豪苏东坡在任徐州知州时,站在云龙山上,对着脚下这个小小的湖泊“突发奇想”。可能苏轼本人也不会想到,时隔920_年之后,他的想象变成了现实:1994年,杭州西湖和徐州云龙湖结为姊妹湖。 各位听了这样的介绍千万别说西湖和云龙湖这两姐妹长相差的可是有点远,不过呢,您也许听过一首诗:“水光涟滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”当然这首诗说的不是徐州云龙湖了,是苏轼笔下的杭州西湖美景,但若用它来形容云龙湖,也是非常贴切的。 苏轼在杭州做官时写了上面这首诗,可是他在我们徐州担任知州时也留下了《放鹤亭记》这样的传世美文“_,草木际天,秋冬雪月,千里一色,风雨晦明之间,俯仰百变。”一篇《放鹤亭记》脍炙人口,千古流传,也使云龙山水得以扬名于世。云龙湖东岸绵延三公里的九节云龙山,状若游龙,郁郁葱葱。名胜古迹俯首皆是:兴化禅寺依山而建,内有高达11.5米的北魏时期的石佛,被誉为三砖殿覆三丈佛,令人惊奇;东坡石床、放鹤亭、饮鹤泉等古迹,又让人怀念苏轼的不朽政绩和潇洒逸事;王羲之、黄公望、董其昌、乾隆的四十多方书法碑刻,使青山墨宝飘香。
Yunlong Lake, located in the southwest of Xuzhou City, is the main scenicspot of Yunlong scenic spot. In 1984, it was approved as a provincial scenicspot by Jiangsu provincial government. It connects Hanshan in the west,yunlongshan in the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original watersurface is 5.8 square kilometers, and the land is 5.6 square kilometers. It isthe ten sister lake of Hangzhou West Lake, bigger than Hangzhou West Lake, withclear water, green mountains and vast expanse. It is the resplendent pearl ofXuzhou.
Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou is adjacent to Hanshan in the west, Yunlong mountainin the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original water surface is5.8 square kilometers, and the land area is 5.6 square kilometers, including thenewly developed Xiaonanhu scenic spot (with a total area of 1.661 squarekilometers, including water area of 0.962 square kilometers). The water surfacearea of Yunlong Lake has reached 6.76 square kilometers, and the land area is6.3 square kilometers (including Xiaonanhu scenic spot). Bounded by HuzhongRoad, the perimeter of East Lake is about 8.1 km, West Lake is about 7 km, andthe perimeter of the whole lake is about 12 km (excluding Xiaonanhu).
Yunlong Lake is full of mountains and waters, with beautiful scenery,beautiful scenery and brilliant scenery. Since ancient times, the natural beautyof its three green mountains and one city has attracted many tourists. When SuShi, a litterateur of the Northern Song Dynasty, knew Xuzhou, he was fond ofthis lake and had a fantastic idea: “if the water of dingtang Lake in the upperreaches can be diverted, the North Lake will be like Hangzhou.” However, Su Shihad such a wish for thousands of years. Today, with the reform and opening up,it has become a reality. The West Lake is delicate and beautiful; the West Lakeis gentle and solemn; the West Lake is heavy and the Yunlong Lake is light; theWest Lake is deep and the Yunlong Lake is magnanimous. On December 11, 1994,Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became sister lakes.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Xuzhou to watch the 11th Asian Triathlonchampionship. The competition started in 20__ and moved to Yunlong Lake inXuzhou. This is the third time so far.
Triathlon was first proposed by Brigadier General John Collins in 1972. Itis a new type of sports that conquers nature and self. People are required tofinish swimming, cycling and long-distance running in a row. It not onlyrequires athletes to have excellent physical fitness and speed, but also needsto have considerable skills, so it is favored by more and more sports fans.
Today, there are 14 competitors from 14 countries and regions. What theyare going to do is the Olympic standard distance, namely: 1.5km swimming, 40kmcycling and 10km running. We are now watching the competition next to the moonshadow sail scenic spot in the Lakeside Park. In front of us is the ten thousandpeople swimming pool in the East Lake of Yunlong Lake.
Well, with the starting gun, the iron men jumped into the lake one afteranother, and the calm water of the lake suddenly began to boil. Xuzhou YunlongLake scenic spot is surrounded by mountains in the East and West and faces thecity in the north. The lake is vast and beautiful. It is an excellent place fortourism and leisure. With its wide surface and good water quality, it is verysuitable for swimming, rowing and other water sports.
Yunlong Lake was originally named Shigou lake, but later it was named afterthe mountain. When Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, was themagistrate of Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: “if wecan draw water from dingtang Lake in the upper reaches The lake is like the WestLake, while Xuzhou is like Hangzhou. However, Su Shi had no such wish. OnDecember 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became ”sister lakes“.However, the West Lake is charming, while the Cloud Lake is beautiful; the WestLake is gentle, but the Cloud Lake is solemn; the West Lake is thick, but theCloud Lake is light; the West Lake is deep, but the Cloud Lake is magnanimous.Its water area is 5.8 square kilometers. It is divided into East and West Lakesby a willow dike. Around the lake, there are 18 scenic spots, such as ”boatingin the Cloud Lake“, ”water world“, ”ten mile long dike“, ”hanging hook on thelakeside“, ”Fishing Song of lotus wind“, ”apricot blossom and spring rain“,”poetry Gallery of lake and mountain“ and ”charm of strange stones“. The scenicspots are decorated with jade beads and colorful in four seasons.
The building opposite us on the island in the middle of the lake is thelargest freshwater fish palace in Asia. There are exhibition halls for rarefish, ecological simulation hall, tropical fish exhibition hall, Crystal Palaceand video broadcasting hall. There are Chinese sturgeon, alligator, giantsalamander and rouge fish, Japanese carp and Egyptian catfish. A group of fishswim freely with thousands of postures, and people walk among them like they arein a fairyland. Well, now some of the swimmers have finished the swimmingcompetition and started to ride bicycles. They will cycle around the lake eighttimes. They are now the first to come to the ten mile long dike ”Su dike“.Because it was built by Su Dongpo when he knew Xuzhou to prevent the flood ofthe lake and mobilize the people, it has the same name as the ”Su dike“ of theWest Lake in Hangzhou.
On both sides of the levee, there are rows of willows with peach treesbetween them. In early spring, willows are green and peach flowers are scarlet.On the west lake behind the levee, lotus flowers bloom in midsummer everysummer. It is ”peach trees and willows are green on the east bank in spring,lotus flowers are colorful on the south bank in midsummer, maple leaves areburning on the West Bank in late autumn, and pine trees are proud of snow on thenorth bank in winter“. However, the most beautiful time of Cloud Lake is night.There is a saying that ”summer lake is not better than spring lake, Spring Lakeis not better than snow lake, snow lake is not better than dusk Lake“. At thebeginning of the Lantern Festival, Yunlong Lake is extremely enchanting. On thenight of the Mid Autumn Festival, when I boarded the Yunlong mountain viewingplatform, I saw the bright moon in the sky and the bright lights around thelake. The breeze comes slowly, the water waves are rippling slightly, and thelight and moon shadow fluctuate with the waves, as beautiful as gold and brokenjade.
Now the iron men come to the east bank, skim the water park and Jinshantower, and March at the foot of the lush Yunlong mountain. The hillside on theirright is full of apricot flowers, which is called ”Apricot Flower Village“, andSu Dongpo's poem ”apricot flowers are the same color for 30 Li“ is describedhere.
In the middle of spring, the breeze blows, the fallen trees are colorful,and the layers of forest are all dyed. It's really charming. Now the athletesare passing by Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone Museum. Han Dynasty stone relief is oneof the three treasures of Jiangsu Cultural Relics and one of the three uniqueHan Dynasty stones in Xuzhou. Xuzhou is one of the places where the Han Dynastystone carvings are concentrated. More than 700 pieces of Han Dynasty stonecarvings have been unearthed. Covering an area of 10000 square meters, themuseum is composed of a group of buildings imitating the Han and Tang Dynasties.It has a collection of more than 500 pieces of Han Dynasty stone carvings. Fromit, we can not only watch the singing and dancing of the immortal world and theluxury of the rich and noble families, but also see the joys and sorrows of thecommon people and the hardships of labor. Visiting Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone artmuseum is like being in a magnificent historical Gallery, which can bring peopleenlightenment of knowledge and enjoyment of art. OK, let's have a look first andcome back to the game later.
Xuzhou is located in the northwest of Jiangsu Province, at the junction ofJiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces. Its geographical position is veryimportant. It is known as ”the thoroughfare of five provinces“ and ”the placefor military strategists“. It is the junction of the east coast and the centralregion, the Shanghai Economic Zone and the Bohai economic circle. BeijingShanghai railway and Longhai Railway meet here, and Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canalpasses by the city. Highways extend in all directions, and serve as an importantwater and land transportation hub and an important ”crossroads“ for economiclinks between East and West, North and south. It was officially established in1945, and now has jurisdiction over four counties, namely Feng, Pei, Tongshanand Suining, two county-level cities, namely Pizhou and Xinyi, and fivedistricts, namely Yunlong, Gulou, Quanshan, Jiuli and Jiawang. The total area ofthe city is 11258 square kilometers, including 963 square kilometers in theurban area. The total population is more than 9 million, and the annual averagetemperature is 14 ℃.
Xuzhou, with a long history of more than 6000 years, is the oldest city inJiangsu Province. Liu Bang, the first emperor of cloth clothing in China, wasborn and made his fortune in the Han Dynasty. The cultural remains of the HanDynasty in Xuzhou are represented by the ”three wonders of the Han Dynasty“ -Han tombs, Han painted statues, and Han terracotta warriors and horses. Inaddition, the Han Emperor's ancestral mausoleum, Xiang Yu's horse stage, theJiulishan ancient war site where Chu and Han fought fiercely, the place wherethe overlord bid farewell to his concubine, the tomb of Yu's concubine, and thegefengtai where Liu Bang returned to his hometown to sing the famous poem ”songof the wind" for thousands of years. Other cultural relics in Xuzhou includePeng Zujing, Peng zuci, Fanghe Pavilion, Huanglou, Dongpo stone bed, KuaiyaPavilion, cliff inscriptions in Tang Dynasty, swallow tower in Guan Panpan, bigstone Buddha in Northern Wei Dynasty, Xinghua temple, the first temple inNorthern Jiangsu, folk custom museum featuring Ming and Qing dwellings, MemorialTower Garden for martyrs in Huaihai Campaign, etc.
Xuzhou's natural scenery has both the sudden atmosphere of the north andthe beautiful Zhong Ling of the south. The water quality of Yunlong Lake isclear, like a pearl inlaid in the south of the city. The Lushan Mountain ForestPark, the old Yellow River scenery belt, the Yunlong Lakeside Park and manylandscape road projects make Xuzhou full of beautiful scenery.
Xuzhou is gradually becoming a well-known tourist attraction at home andabroad with perfect tourism facilities, continuous improvement of comprehensivetourism reception capacity, continuous growth of tourism reception number andtotal tourism income.





