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2022-12-27 07:54:53 收藏本文 下载本文






“如能引上游丁塘之水,则此湖俨若西湖,而徐州俨若杭州。”这是早在900多年前,北宋大文豪苏东坡在任徐州知州时,站在云龙山上,对着脚下这个小小的湖泊“突发奇想”。可能苏轼本人也不会想到,时隔920__年之后,他的想象变成了现实:1994年,杭州西湖和徐州云龙湖结为姊妹湖。 各位听了这样的介绍千万别说西湖和云龙湖这两姐妹长相差的可是有点远,不过呢,您也许听过一首诗:“水光涟滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”当然这首诗说的不是徐州云龙湖了,是苏轼笔下的杭州西湖美景,但若用它来形容云龙湖,也是非常贴切的。 苏轼在杭州做官时写了上面这首诗,可是他在我们徐州担任知州时也留下了《放鹤亭记》这样的传世美文“__,草木际天,秋冬雪月,千里一色,风雨晦明之间,俯仰百变。”一篇《放鹤亭记》脍炙人口,千古流传,也使云龙山水得以扬名于世。云龙湖东岸绵延三公里的九节云龙山,状若游龙,郁郁葱葱。名胜古迹俯首皆是:兴化禅寺依山而建,内有高达11.5米的北魏时期的石佛,被誉为三砖殿覆三丈佛,令人惊奇;东坡石床、放鹤亭、饮鹤泉等古迹,又让人怀念苏轼的不朽政绩和潇洒逸事;王羲之、黄公望、董其昌、乾隆的四十多方书法碑刻,使青山墨宝飘香。








“如能引上游丁塘之水,则此湖俨若西湖,而徐州俨若杭州。”这是早在900多年前,北宋大文豪苏东坡在任徐州知州时,站在云龙山上,对着脚下这个小小的湖泊“突发奇想”。可能苏轼本人也不会想到,时隔920_年之后,他的想象变成了现实:1994年,杭州西湖和徐州云龙湖结为姊妹湖。 各位听了这样的介绍千万别说西湖和云龙湖这两姐妹长相差的可是有点远,不过呢,您也许听过一首诗:“水光涟滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”当然这首诗说的不是徐州云龙湖了,是苏轼笔下的杭州西湖美景,但若用它来形容云龙湖,也是非常贴切的。 苏轼在杭州做官时写了上面这首诗,可是他在我们徐州担任知州时也留下了《放鹤亭记》这样的传世美文“_,草木际天,秋冬雪月,千里一色,风雨晦明之间,俯仰百变。”一篇《放鹤亭记》脍炙人口,千古流传,也使云龙山水得以扬名于世。云龙湖东岸绵延三公里的九节云龙山,状若游龙,郁郁葱葱。名胜古迹俯首皆是:兴化禅寺依山而建,内有高达11.5米的北魏时期的石佛,被誉为三砖殿覆三丈佛,令人惊奇;东坡石床、放鹤亭、饮鹤泉等古迹,又让人怀念苏轼的不朽政绩和潇洒逸事;王羲之、黄公望、董其昌、乾隆的四十多方书法碑刻,使青山墨宝飘香。














Yunlong Lake, located in the southwest of Xuzhou City, is the main scenicspot of Yunlong scenic spot. In 1984, it was approved as a provincial scenicspot by Jiangsu provincial government. It connects Hanshan in the west,yunlongshan in the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original watersurface is 5.8 square kilometers, and the land is 5.6 square kilometers. It isthe ten sister lake of Hangzhou West Lake, bigger than Hangzhou West Lake, withclear water, green mountains and vast expanse. It is the resplendent pearl ofXuzhou.

Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou is adjacent to Hanshan in the west, Yunlong mountainin the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original water surface is5.8 square kilometers, and the land area is 5.6 square kilometers, including thenewly developed Xiaonanhu scenic spot (with a total area of 1.661 squarekilometers, including water area of 0.962 square kilometers). The water surfacearea of Yunlong Lake has reached 6.76 square kilometers, and the land area is6.3 square kilometers (including Xiaonanhu scenic spot). Bounded by HuzhongRoad, the perimeter of East Lake is about 8.1 km, West Lake is about 7 km, andthe perimeter of the whole lake is about 12 km (excluding Xiaonanhu).

Yunlong Lake is full of mountains and waters, with beautiful scenery,beautiful scenery and brilliant scenery. Since ancient times, the natural beautyof its three green mountains and one city has attracted many tourists. When SuShi, a litterateur of the Northern Song Dynasty, knew Xuzhou, he was fond ofthis lake and had a fantastic idea: “if the water of dingtang Lake in the upperreaches can be diverted, the North Lake will be like Hangzhou.” However, Su Shihad such a wish for thousands of years. Today, with the reform and opening up,it has become a reality. The West Lake is delicate and beautiful; the West Lakeis gentle and solemn; the West Lake is heavy and the Yunlong Lake is light; theWest Lake is deep and the Yunlong Lake is magnanimous. On December 11, 1994,Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became sister lakes.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to Xuzhou to watch the 11th Asian Triathlonchampionship. The competition started in 20__ and moved to Yunlong Lake inXuzhou. This is the third time so far.

Triathlon was first proposed by Brigadier General John Collins in 1972. Itis a new type of sports that conquers nature and self. People are required tofinish swimming, cycling and long-distance running in a row. It not onlyrequires athletes to have excellent physical fitness and speed, but also needsto have considerable skills, so it is favored by more and more sports fans.

Today, there are 14 competitors from 14 countries and regions. What theyare going to do is the Olympic standard distance, namely: 1.5km swimming, 40kmcycling and 10km running. We are now watching the competition next to the moonshadow sail scenic spot in the Lakeside Park. In front of us is the ten thousandpeople swimming pool in the East Lake of Yunlong Lake.

Well, with the starting gun, the iron men jumped into the lake one afteranother, and the calm water of the lake suddenly began to boil. Xuzhou YunlongLake scenic spot is surrounded by mountains in the East and West and faces thecity in the north. The lake is vast and beautiful. It is an excellent place fortourism and leisure. With its wide surface and good water quality, it is verysuitable for swimming, rowing and other water sports.

Yunlong Lake was originally named Shigou lake, but later it was named afterthe mountain. When Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, was themagistrate of Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: “if wecan draw water from dingtang Lake in the upper reaches The lake is like the WestLake, while Xuzhou is like Hangzhou. However, Su Shi had no such wish. OnDecember 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became ”sister lakes“.However, the West Lake is charming, while the Cloud Lake is beautiful; the WestLake is gentle, but the Cloud Lake is solemn; the West Lake is thick, but theCloud Lake is light; the West Lake is deep, but the Cloud Lake is magnanimous.Its water area is 5.8 square kilometers. It is divided into East and West Lakesby a willow dike. Around the lake, there are 18 scenic spots, such as ”boatingin the Cloud Lake“, ”water world“, ”ten mile long dike“, ”hanging hook on thelakeside“, ”Fishing Song of lotus wind“, ”apricot blossom and spring rain“,”poetry Gallery of lake and mountain“ and ”charm of strange stones“. The scenicspots are decorated with jade beads and colorful in four seasons.

The building opposite us on the island in the middle of the lake is thelargest freshwater fish palace in Asia. There are exhibition halls for rarefish, ecological simulation hall, tropical fish exhibition hall, Crystal Palaceand video broadcasting hall. There are Chinese sturgeon, alligator, giantsalamander and rouge fish, Japanese carp and Egyptian catfish. A group of fishswim freely with thousands of postures, and people walk among them like they arein a fairyland. Well, now some of the swimmers have finished the swimmingcompetition and started to ride bicycles. They will cycle around the lake eighttimes. They are now the first to come to the ten mile long dike ”Su dike“.Because it was built by Su Dongpo when he knew Xuzhou to prevent the flood ofthe lake and mobilize the people, it has the same name as the ”Su dike“ of theWest Lake in Hangzhou.

On both sides of the levee, there are rows of willows with peach treesbetween them. In early spring, willows are green and peach flowers are scarlet.On the west lake behind the levee, lotus flowers bloom in midsummer everysummer. It is ”peach trees and willows are green on the east bank in spring,lotus flowers are colorful on the south bank in midsummer, maple leaves areburning on the West Bank in late autumn, and pine trees are proud of snow on thenorth bank in winter“. However, the most beautiful time of Cloud Lake is night.There is a saying that ”summer lake is not better than spring lake, Spring Lakeis not better than snow lake, snow lake is not better than dusk Lake“. At thebeginning of the Lantern Festival, Yunlong Lake is extremely enchanting. On thenight of the Mid Autumn Festival, when I boarded the Yunlong mountain viewingplatform, I saw the bright moon in the sky and the bright lights around thelake. The breeze comes slowly, the water waves are rippling slightly, and thelight and moon shadow fluctuate with the waves, as beautiful as gold and brokenjade.

Now the iron men come to the east bank, skim the water park and Jinshantower, and March at the foot of the lush Yunlong mountain. The hillside on theirright is full of apricot flowers, which is called ”Apricot Flower Village“, andSu Dongpo's poem ”apricot flowers are the same color for 30 Li“ is describedhere.

In the middle of spring, the breeze blows, the fallen trees are colorful,and the layers of forest are all dyed. It's really charming. Now the athletesare passing by Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone Museum. Han Dynasty stone relief is oneof the three treasures of Jiangsu Cultural Relics and one of the three uniqueHan Dynasty stones in Xuzhou. Xuzhou is one of the places where the Han Dynastystone carvings are concentrated. More than 700 pieces of Han Dynasty stonecarvings have been unearthed. Covering an area of 10000 square meters, themuseum is composed of a group of buildings imitating the Han and Tang Dynasties.It has a collection of more than 500 pieces of Han Dynasty stone carvings. Fromit, we can not only watch the singing and dancing of the immortal world and theluxury of the rich and noble families, but also see the joys and sorrows of thecommon people and the hardships of labor. Visiting Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone artmuseum is like being in a magnificent historical Gallery, which can bring peopleenlightenment of knowledge and enjoyment of art. OK, let's have a look first andcome back to the game later.


Xuzhou is located in the northwest of Jiangsu Province, at the junction ofJiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces. Its geographical position is veryimportant. It is known as ”the thoroughfare of five provinces“ and ”the placefor military strategists“. It is the junction of the east coast and the centralregion, the Shanghai Economic Zone and the Bohai economic circle. BeijingShanghai railway and Longhai Railway meet here, and Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canalpasses by the city. Highways extend in all directions, and serve as an importantwater and land transportation hub and an important ”crossroads“ for economiclinks between East and West, North and south. It was officially established in1945, and now has jurisdiction over four counties, namely Feng, Pei, Tongshanand Suining, two county-level cities, namely Pizhou and Xinyi, and fivedistricts, namely Yunlong, Gulou, Quanshan, Jiuli and Jiawang. The total area ofthe city is 11258 square kilometers, including 963 square kilometers in theurban area. The total population is more than 9 million, and the annual averagetemperature is 14 ℃.

Xuzhou, with a long history of more than 6000 years, is the oldest city inJiangsu Province. Liu Bang, the first emperor of cloth clothing in China, wasborn and made his fortune in the Han Dynasty. The cultural remains of the HanDynasty in Xuzhou are represented by the ”three wonders of the Han Dynasty“ -Han tombs, Han painted statues, and Han terracotta warriors and horses. Inaddition, the Han Emperor's ancestral mausoleum, Xiang Yu's horse stage, theJiulishan ancient war site where Chu and Han fought fiercely, the place wherethe overlord bid farewell to his concubine, the tomb of Yu's concubine, and thegefengtai where Liu Bang returned to his hometown to sing the famous poem ”songof the wind“ for thousands of years. Other cultural relics in Xuzhou includePeng Zujing, Peng zuci, Fanghe Pavilion, Huanglou, Dongpo stone bed, KuaiyaPavilion, cliff inscriptions in Tang Dynasty, swallow tower in Guan Panpan, bigstone Buddha in Northern Wei Dynasty, Xinghua temple, the first temple inNorthern Jiangsu, folk custom museum featuring Ming and Qing dwellings, MemorialTower Garden for martyrs in Huaihai Campaign, etc.

Xuzhou's natural scenery has both the sudden atmosphere of the north andthe beautiful Zhong Ling of the south. The water quality of Yunlong Lake isclear, like a pearl inlaid in the south of the city. The Lushan Mountain ForestPark, the old Yellow River scenery belt, the Yunlong Lakeside Park and manylandscape road projects make Xuzhou full of beautiful scenery.

Xuzhou is gradually becoming a well-known tourist attraction at home andabroad with perfect tourism facilities, continuous improvement of comprehensivetourism reception capacity, continuous growth of tourism reception number andtotal tourism income.


Yunlong Lake, located in the southwest of Xuzhou City, is the main scenic spot of Yunlong scenic spot. In 1984, it was approved as a provincial scenic spot by Jiangsu provincial government. It connects Hanshan in the west, yunlongshan in the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original water surface is 5.8 square kilometers, and the land is 5.6 square kilometers. It is the ten sister lake of Hangzhou West Lake, bigger than Hangzhou West Lake, with clear water, green mountains and vast expanse. It is the resplendent pearl of Xuzhou.

Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou is adjacent to Hanshan in the west, Yunlong mountain in the East, dashantou and Zhushan in the south. The original water surface is 5.8 square kilometers, and the land area is 5.6 square kilometers, including the newly developed Xiaonanhu scenic spot (with a total area of 1.661 square kilometers, including water area of 0.962 square kilometers). The water surface area of Yunlong Lake has reached 6.76 square kilometers, and the land area is 6.3 square kilometers (including Xiaonanhu scenic spot). Bounded by Huzhong Road, the perimeter of East Lake is about 8.1 km, West Lake is about 7 km, and the perimeter of the whole lake is about 12 km (excluding Xiaonanhu).

Yunlong Lake is full of mountains and waters, with beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery and brilliant scenery. Since ancient times, the natural beauty of its three green mountains and one city has attracted many tourists. When Su Shi, a litterateur of the Northern Song Dynasty, knew Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: ”if the water of dingtang Lake in the upper reaches can be diverted, the North Lake will be like Hangzhou.“ However, Su Shi had such a wish for thousands of years. Today, with the reform and opening up, it has become a reality. The West Lake is delicate and beautiful; the West Lake is gentle and solemn; the West Lake is heavy and the Yunlong Lake is light; the West Lake is deep and the Yunlong Lake is magnanimous. On December 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became sister lakes.


Yunlong Lake scenic spot is located in the southwest of Xuzhou City, with Hanshan mountain in the west, Yunlong mountain in the East, dashantou and Zhushan mountain in the south. It has 5.8 square kilometers of water surface and 6.87 square kilometers of land forest. True mountains and waters, beautiful mountains and waters, beautiful lakes and mountains, brilliant landscapes. Since ancient times, the natural beauty of its three green mountains and one city has attracted many tourists. When Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, was the magistrate of Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: ”if the water of dingtang Lake in the upper reaches can be diverted, then this lake will be like the West Lake, and Xuzhou will be like Hangzhou.“ however, Su Shi had such a wish. It has been a thousand years since the last hatred came true. On December 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became ”sister lakes“.

At present, Yunlong Lake scenic spot has built pavilions and towers, built islands and roads, planted trees and flowers, and decorated elaborately, making Yunlong Lake a comprehensive tourist scenic spot. The south end of Zhongshan Road in the urban area is the gate of Yunlong Lake scenic spot. There are green hills on three sides, green mountains on three sides, and a lake full of waves. You can have a panoramic view, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. Along the lake, there are green grass, peach trees and willows in spring, lotus flowers in midsummer, maple leaves in late autumn, pine trees in winter, spring scenery on the east bank, summer scenery on the south bank, autumn scenery on the West Bank and winter scenery on the north bank. The scenery of the four seasons is bright and colorful.

Yunlong Lake scenic spot is decorated with jade beads and picturesque scenery. In terms of function, the East Lake tourist area is mainly for water activities and sightseeing, the West Lake tourist area is mainly for recuperation and vacation, and Hunan is mainly for entertainment and hotels Taoxia Yanliu, Xinghua Chunyu, Hefeng Yuge, Sugong tower shadow, Shibi liuzhulin Lake tasting, children's interest, Hanbo Feihong, Changdi XueYue, unique fruit tree pot art, water world, ten thousand people swimming, lakeside fishing, sand island leisure, Cloud Lake boating, lake light and shadow, cableway slide. Each scene has its own merits.

Yunlong Lake scenic spot is rich in natural scenery resources and has broad development prospects. It is not only a scenic tourist resort, but also an excellent place for recuperation and vacation. ”The natural beauty has been picturesque, carved and flowered by human beings. A view of the jade looks like a surprise to all, and the heavy make-up makes thousands of families. “The beautiful Yunlong Lake attracts more and more tourists with its unique landscape.


Xuzhou is located in the northwest of Jiangsu Province, at the junction of Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces. Its geographical position is very important. It is known as ”the thoroughfare of five provinces“ and ”the place for military strategists“. It is the junction of the east coast and the central region, the Shanghai Economic Zone and the Bohai economic circle. Beijing Shanghai railway and Longhai Railway meet here, and Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal passes by the city. Highways extend in all directions, and serve as an important water and land transportation hub and an important ”crossroads“ for economic links between East and West, North and south. It was officially established in 1945, and now has jurisdiction over four counties, namely Feng, Pei, Tongshan and Suining, two county-level cities, namely Pizhou and Xinyi, and five districts, namely Yunlong, Gulou, Quanshan, Jiuli and Jiawang. The total area of the city is 11258 square kilometers, including 963 square kilometers in the urban area. The total population is more than 9 million, and the annual average temperature is 14 ℃.

Xuzhou, with a long history of more than 6000 years, is the oldest city in Jiangsu Province. Liu Bang, the first emperor of cloth clothing in China, was born and made his fortune in the Han Dynasty. The cultural remains of the Han Dynasty in Xuzhou are represented by the ”three wonders of the Han Dynasty“ - Han tombs, Han painted statues, and Han terracotta warriors and horses. In addition, the Han Emperor's ancestral mausoleum, Xiang Yu's horse stage, the Jiulishan ancient war site where Chu and Han fought fiercely, the place where the overlord bid farewell to his concubine, the tomb of Yu's concubine, and the gefengtai where Liu Bang returned to his hometown to sing the famous poem ”song of the wind“ for thousands of years. Other cultural relics in Xuzhou include Peng Zujing, Peng zuci, Fanghe Pavilion, Huanglou, Dongpo stone bed, Kuaiya Pavilion, cliff inscriptions in Tang Dynasty, swallow tower in Guan Panpan, big stone Buddha in Northern Wei Dynasty, Xinghua temple, the first temple in Northern Jiangsu, folk custom museum featuring Ming and Qing dwellings, Memorial Tower Garden for martyrs in Huaihai Campaign, etc.

Xuzhou's natural scenery has both the sudden atmosphere of the north and the beautiful Zhong Ling of the south. The water quality of Yunlong Lake is clear, like a pearl inlaid in the south of the city. The Lushan Mountain Forest Park, the old Yellow River scenery belt, the Yunlong Lakeside Park and many landscape road projects make Xuzhou full of beautiful scenery.

Xuzhou is gradually becoming a well-known tourist attraction at home and abroad with perfect tourism facilities, continuous improvement of comprehensive tourism reception capacity, continuous growth of tourism reception number and total tourism income.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are now located in Yunlong Lake scenic area. The total area of Yunlong Lake scenic spot is 11.4 square kilometers, the surrounding mountain forest area is 5.6 square kilometers, and the water surface area of Yunlong Lake is 5.8 square kilometers. One lake has vast waves and green hills on three sides, forming a natural scenery with mountains on three sides and water on one side. If you walk along the lake, the grass on the bank is lush and the willows are green. In April and spring, the peach blossoms and the willows are green. In midsummer, a pool of lotus flowers on the south bank is just blooming, and the pomegranate trees are as red as fire. In late autumn, although there are colorful fallen leaves, there are maple forests all over the mountains. In severe winter, there is a heavy snow all over the country, which shows that the lake is full of green waves and a few red plums.

Yunlong Lake was a depression in ancient times. According to the ancient records of Xuzhou, ”there are two mountains in the East and west of Jiuli in the south of the city, which are commonly known as bojiwa because they are similar to bojiwa“. The wa became a lake for a long time. In the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, because the lake water was often overflowing, it was made into a stone dog Town, so it got the name of shigouhu. It was officially renamed Yunlong Lake in 1963.

”If we can draw water from dingtang in the upper reaches, this lake will be like the West Lake, while Xuzhou will be like Hangzhou.“ As early as 900 years ago, Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, stood on Yunlong mountain when he was the magistrate of Xuzhou, facing the small lake at his feet. Perhaps Su Shi himself would not have thought that after 920 __ years, his imagination became a reality: in 1994, Hangzhou West Lake and Xuzhou Yunlong Lake became sister lakes. After listening to this introduction, you must not say that the two sisters of West Lake and Yunlong Lake are a little far away from each other in appearance. However, you may have heard a poem: ”the water is bright, the sky is clear, and the mountains are clear and rainy. If you compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup. “ Of course, this poem is not about the Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou, but the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou West Lake in Su Shi's works. But it is also very appropriate to use it to describe the Yunlong Lake. Su Shi wrote the above poem when he was an official in Hangzhou, but when he was the magistrate of Xuzhou, he also left a beautiful article like ”the story of the crane Pavilion“ which is handed down from generation to generation: ”at the turn of spring and summer, the grass and trees are in the sky, the snow and moon are in the sky, the wind and rain are in the dark, and the sky is full of changes.“ The story of the crane releasing Pavilion is very popular and has been handed down for thousands of years, which makes Yunlong landscape famous in the world. Jiujie Yunlong mountain, which stretches for three kilometers on the East Bank of Yunlong Lake, is as green as a dragon. There are many places of interest: the Xinghua Buddhist temple is built on the mountain, with a stone Buddha of the Northern Wei Dynasty as high as 11.5 meters, which is known as the three brick hall and three Zhang Buddha; the stone bed of Dongpo, the crane releasing Pavilion, the crane drinking spring and other historical sites also make people Miss Su Shi's immortal achievements and natural and unrestrained anecdotes; the 40 calligraphy inscriptions of Wang Xizhi, Huang Gongwang, Dong Qichang and Qianlong make Qingshan's ink treasures fragrant.

It can be said that Xuzhou and Hangzhou are inextricably linked because Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, first built Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou and accumulated valuable experience before arriving in Hangzhou. This is the historical background why the West Lake is more beautiful than Yunlong Lake. There is a Su Causeway in West Lake of Hangzhou, and there is a Su Causeway in Xuzhou, but it is not in the lake, but a road in Xuzhou City. At that time, Su Dongpo had just arrived in Xuzhou and the Yellow River burst. Xuzhou was besieged by the worst flood in a hundred years for more than 70 days. Later, Su Dongpo built a levee to control the flood, and the water retreated. This levee became a main road in the city, and has been preserved to this day. There is also a place near the ancient Yellow River in Xuzhou where ”the flood falls“. It is said that Su Xiaomei, the sister of Su Dongpo, threw water into the town to retreat the flood in order to retreat the flood. Su Dongpo, who has been the governor of Xuzhou for one year and 11 months, has been praised for his diligence and love of the people for nearly a thousand years. In Xuzhou restaurants, there is also a special dish called ”Dongpo meat“. It is said that in order to thank Su Dongpo, the people piled up the pork into hills. Su Dongpo had to pickle all the meat and ”give it back“ to the people. Xuzhou Dongpo meat is also called ”give back meat“. Please look this way. The tower on our right is called Su Gong tower. It was built in memory of Su Shi.

Yunlong Lake is full of mountains and waters, with beautiful scenery. A jade belt like Huzhong road divides the lake into East Lake and West Lake. The road around the lake is broad and flat, with green willows and green water. On the lake, the sceneries look at each other, scattered all over the place. I think after visiting Yunlong Lake, you will naturally give out such admiration: ”the dyke is full of willows, no less than Hangzhou lake.“.

On the West Bank of the lake, the modern building is the largest freshwater fish palace in Asia. Further on is the Lakeside Park, which is a modern high-tech park integrating sightseeing, catering and vacation. It is 4038 meters long and 140 meters wide, with a total green area of more than 80%. Here will be dynamic and static, natural and artificial carving, garden green space and European architecture clever match together, give people a different style of aesthetic enjoyment.

Next, please get off and have a free tour. We will gather at the East Gate in half an hour.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to Xuzhou to watch the 11th Asian Triathlon championship. The competition started in 20__ and moved to Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou. This is the third time so far.

Triathlon was first proposed by Brigadier General John Collins in 1972. It is a new type of sports that conquers nature and self. People are required to finish swimming, cycling and long-distance running in a row. It not only requires athletes to have excellent physical fitness and speed, but also needs to have considerable skills, so it is favored by more and more sports fans.

Today, there are 14 competitors from 14 countries and regions. What they are going to do is the Olympic standard distance, namely: 1.5km swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running. We are now watching the competition next to the moon shadow sail scenic spot in the Lakeside Park. In front of us is the ten thousand people swimming pool in the East Lake of Yunlong Lake.

Well, with the starting gun, the iron men jumped into the lake one after another, and the calm water of the lake suddenly began to boil. Xuzhou Yunlong Lake scenic spot is surrounded by mountains in the East and West and faces the city in the north. The lake is vast and beautiful. It is an excellent place for tourism and leisure. With its wide surface and good water quality, it is very suitable for swimming, rowing and other water sports.

Yunlong Lake was originally named Shigou lake, but later it was named after the mountain. When Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, was the magistrate of Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: ”if we can draw water from dingtang Lake in the upper reaches The lake is like the West Lake, while Xuzhou is like Hangzhou. However, Su Shi had no such wish. On December 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became “sister lakes”. However, the West Lake is charming, while the Cloud Lake is beautiful; the West Lake is gentle, but the Cloud Lake is solemn; the West Lake is thick, but the Cloud Lake is light; the West Lake is deep, but the Cloud Lake is magnanimous. Its water area is 5.8 square kilometers. It is divided into East and West Lakes by a willow dike. Around the lake, there are 18 scenic spots, such as “boating in the Cloud Lake”, “water world”, “ten mile long dike”, “hanging hook on the lakeside”, “Fishing Song of lotus wind”, “apricot blossom and spring rain”, “poetry Gallery of lake and mountain” and “charm of strange stones”. The scenic spots are decorated with jade beads and colorful in four seasons.

The building opposite us on the island in the middle of the lake is the largest freshwater fish palace in Asia. There are exhibition halls for rare fish, ecological simulation hall, tropical fish exhibition hall, Crystal Palace and video broadcasting hall. There are Chinese sturgeon, alligator, giant salamander and rouge fish, Japanese carp and Egyptian catfish. A group of fish swim freely with thousands of postures, and people walk among them like they are in a fairyland. Well, now some of the swimmers have finished the swimming competition and started to ride bicycles. They will cycle around the lake eight times. They are now the first to come to the ten mile long dike “Su dike”. Because it was built by Su Dongpo when he knew Xuzhou to prevent the flood of the lake and mobilize the people, it has the same name as the “Su dike” of the West Lake in Hangzhou.

On both sides of the levee, there are rows of willows with peach trees between them. In early spring, willows are green and peach flowers are scarlet. On the west lake behind the levee, lotus flowers bloom in midsummer every summer. It is “peach trees and willows are green on the east bank in spring, lotus flowers are colorful on the south bank in midsummer, maple leaves are burning on the West Bank in late autumn, and pine trees are proud of snow on the north bank in winter”. However, the most beautiful time of Cloud Lake is night. There is a saying that “summer lake is not better than spring lake, Spring Lake is not better than snow lake, snow lake is not better than dusk Lake”. At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, Yunlong Lake is extremely enchanting. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, when I boarded the Yunlong mountain viewing platform, I saw the bright moon in the sky and the bright lights around the lake. The breeze comes slowly, the water waves are rippling slightly, and the light and moon shadow fluctuate with the waves, as beautiful as gold and broken jade.

Now the iron men come to the east bank, skim the water park and Jinshan tower, and March at the foot of the lush Yunlong mountain. The hillside on their right is full of apricot flowers, which is called “Apricot Flower Village”, and Su Dongpo's poem “apricot flowers are the same color for 30 Li” is described here.

In the middle of spring, the breeze blows, the fallen trees are colorful, and the layers of forest are all dyed. It's really charming. Now the athletes are passing by Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone Museum. Han Dynasty stone relief is one of the three treasures of Jiangsu Cultural Relics and one of the three unique Han Dynasty stones in Xuzhou. Xuzhou is one of the places where the Han Dynasty stone carvings are concentrated. More than 700 pieces of Han Dynasty stone carvings have been unearthed. Covering an area of 10000 square meters, the museum is composed of a group of buildings imitating the Han and Tang Dynasties. It has a collection of more than 500 pieces of Han Dynasty stone carvings. From it, we can not only watch the singing and dancing of the immortal world and the luxury of the rich and noble families, but also see the joys and sorrows of the common people and the hardships of labor. Visiting Xuzhou Han Dynasty stone art museum is like being in a magnificent historical Gallery, which can bring people enlightenment of knowledge and enjoyment of art. OK, let's have a look first and come back to the game later.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are now located in Yunlong Lake scenic area. Thetotal area of Yunlong Lake scenic spot is 11.4 square kilometers, thesurrounding mountain forest area is 5.6 square kilometers, and the water surfacearea of Yunlong Lake is 5.8 square kilometers. One lake has vast waves and greenhills on three sides, forming a natural scenery with mountains on three sidesand water on one side. If you walk along the lake, the grass on the bank is lushand the willows are green. In April and spring, the peach blossoms and thewillows are green. In midsummer, a pool of lotus flowers on the south bank isjust blooming, and the pomegranate trees are as red as fire. In late autumn,although there are colorful fallen leaves, there are maple forests all over themountains. In severe winter, there is a heavy snow all over the country, whichshows that the lake is full of green waves and a few red plums.

Yunlong Lake was a depression in ancient times. According to the ancientrecords of Xuzhou, “there are two mountains in the East and west of Jiuli in thesouth of the city, which are commonly known as bojiwa because they are similarto bojiwa”. The wa became a lake for a long time. In the Wanli period of theMing Dynasty, because the lake water was often overflowing, it was made into astone dog Town, so it got the name of shigouhu. It was officially renamedYunlong Lake in 1963.

“If we can draw water from dingtang in the upper reaches, this lake will belike the West Lake, while Xuzhou will be like Hangzhou.” As early as 900 yearsago, Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, stood on Yunlongmountain when he was the magistrate of Xuzhou, facing the small lake at hisfeet. Perhaps Su Shi himself would not have thought that after 920 __ years, hisimagination became a reality: in 1994, Hangzhou West Lake and Xuzhou YunlongLake became sister lakes. After listening to this introduction, you must not saythat the two sisters of West Lake and Yunlong Lake are a little far away fromeach other in appearance. However, you may have heard a poem: “the water isbright, the sky is clear, and the mountains are clear and rainy. If you comparethe West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate to wear light andheavy makeup. ” Of course, this poem is not about the Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou,but the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou West Lake in Su Shi's works. But it isalso very appropriate to use it to describe the Yunlong Lake. Su Shi wrote theabove poem when he was an official in Hangzhou, but when he was the magistrateof Xuzhou, he also left a beautiful article like “the story of the cranePavilion” which is handed down from generation to generation: “at the turn ofspring and summer, the grass and trees are in the sky, the snow and moon are inthe sky, the wind and rain are in the dark, and the sky is full of changes.” Thestory of the crane releasing Pavilion is very popular and has been handed downfor thousands of years, which makes Yunlong landscape famous in the world.Jiujie Yunlong mountain, which stretches for three kilometers on the East Bankof Yunlong Lake, is as green as a dragon. There are many places of interest: theXinghua Buddhist temple is built on the mountain, with a stone Buddha of theNorthern Wei Dynasty as high as 11.5 meters, which is known as the three brickhall and three Zhang Buddha; the stone bed of Dongpo, the crane releasingPavilion, the crane drinking spring and other historical sites also make peopleMiss Su Shi's immortal achievements and natural and unrestrained anecdotes; the40 calligraphy inscriptions of Wang Xizhi, Huang Gongwang, Dong Qichang andQianlong make Qingshan's ink treasures fragrant.

It can be said that Xuzhou and Hangzhou are inextricably linked because SuDongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, first built Yunlong Lake inXuzhou and accumulated valuable experience before arriving in Hangzhou. This isthe historical background why the West Lake is more beautiful than Yunlong Lake.There is a Su Causeway in West Lake of Hangzhou, and there is a Su Causeway inXuzhou, but it is not in the lake, but a road in Xuzhou City. At that time, SuDongpo had just arrived in Xuzhou and the Yellow River burst. Xuzhou wasbesieged by the worst flood in a hundred years for more than 70 days. Later, SuDongpo built a levee to control the flood, and the water retreated. This leveebecame a main road in the city, and has been preserved to this day. There isalso a place near the ancient Yellow River in Xuzhou where “the flood falls”. Itis said that Su Xiaomei, the sister of Su Dongpo, threw water into the town toretreat the flood in order to retreat the flood. Su Dongpo, who has been thegovernor of Xuzhou for one year and 11 months, has been praised for hisdiligence and love of the people for nearly a thousand years. In Xuzhourestaurants, there is also a special dish called “Dongpo meat”. It is said thatin order to thank Su Dongpo, the people piled up the pork into hills. Su Dongpohad to pickle all the meat and “give it back” to the people. Xuzhou Dongpo meatis also called “give back meat”. Please look this way. The tower on our right iscalled Su Gong tower. It was built in memory of Su Shi.

Yunlong Lake is full of mountains and waters, with beautiful scenery. Ajade belt like Huzhong road divides the lake into East Lake and West Lake. Theroad around the lake is broad and flat, with green willows and green water. Onthe lake, the sceneries look at each other, scattered all over the place. Ithink after visiting Yunlong Lake, you will naturally give out such admiration:“the dyke is full of willows, no less than Hangzhou lake.”.

On the West Bank of the lake, the modern building is the largest freshwaterfish palace in Asia. Further on is the Lakeside Park, which is a modernhigh-tech park integrating sightseeing, catering and vacation. It is 4038 meterslong and 140 meters wide, with a total green area of more than 80%. Here will bedynamic and static, natural and artificial carving, garden green space andEuropean architecture clever match together, give people a different style ofaesthetic enjoyment.

Next, please get off and have a free tour. We will gather at the East Gatein half an hour.


Yunlong Lake scenic spot is located in the southwest of Xuzhou City, withHanshan mountain in the west, Yunlong mountain in the East, dashantou andZhushan mountain in the south. It has 5.8 square kilometers of water surface and6.87 square kilometers of land forest. True mountains and waters, beautifulmountains and waters, beautiful lakes and mountains, brilliant landscapes. Sinceancient times, the natural beauty of its three green mountains and one city hasattracted many tourists. When Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, wasthe magistrate of Xuzhou, he was fond of this lake and had a fantastic idea: “ifthe water of dingtang Lake in the upper reaches can be diverted, then this lakewill be like the West Lake, and Xuzhou will be like Hangzhou.” however, Su Shihad such a wish. It has been a thousand years since the last hatred came true.On December 11, 1994, Yunlong Lake and Hangzhou West Lake became “sisterlakes”.

At present, Yunlong Lake scenic spot has built pavilions and towers, builtislands and roads, planted trees and flowers, and decorated elaborately, makingYunlong Lake a comprehensive tourist scenic spot. The south end of ZhongshanRoad in the urban area is the gate of Yunlong Lake scenic spot. There are greenhills on three sides, green mountains on three sides, and a lake full of waves.You can have a panoramic view, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. Along thelake, there are green grass, peach trees and willows in spring, lotus flowers inmidsummer, maple leaves in late autumn, pine trees in winter, spring scenery onthe east bank, summer scenery on the south bank, autumn scenery on the West Bankand winter scenery on the north bank. The scenery of the four seasons is brightand colorful.

Yunlong Lake scenic spot is decorated with jade beads and picturesquescenery. In terms of function, the East Lake tourist area is mainly for wateractivities and sightseeing, the West Lake tourist area is mainly forrecuperation and vacation, and Hunan is mainly for entertainment and hotelsTaoxia Yanliu, Xinghua Chunyu, Hefeng Yuge, Sugong tower shadow, Shibi liuzhulinLake tasting, children's interest, Hanbo Feihong, Changdi XueYue, unique fruittree pot art, water world, ten thousand people swimming, lakeside fishing, sandisland leisure, Cloud Lake boating, lake light and shadow, cableway slide. Eachscene has its own merits.

Yunlong Lake scenic spot is rich in natural scenery resources and has broaddevelopment prospects. It is not only a scenic tourist resort, but also anexcellent place for recuperation and vacation. “The natural beauty has beenpicturesque, carved and flowered by human beings. A view of the jade looks likea surprise to all, and the heavy make-up makes thousands of families. ”Thebeautiful Yunlong Lake attracts more and more tourists with its uniquelandscape.



现在展现在大家面前的这尊青石雕塑,叫“扶犁开耕,”它是我们农耕文化园的标志性建筑!俗话说 “春种一粒籽,秋收万担粮。“扶犁开耕预示着一年农事的开始,也象征着秋天收获的起点。大家要有兴趣,可在此留影纪念。
































































云龙湖位于徐州城区西南部,是徐州云龙湖风景区主要景点, 原名“簸箕洼”,云龙湖东靠云龙山,西依韩山、天齐山。南偎泉山、珠山。三面环山,一面临城。云龙湖原水面5.8平方公里,陆地5.6平方公里。以湖中路为界,东湖周长约8.1公里,西湖长约7公里,全湖周长约12公里。若包括上小南湖景区(总面积1.661平方公里,其中水域面积0.962平方公里),云龙湖水面面积已达到6.76平方公里,陆地面积6.3平方公里。云龙湖是徐州最优秀的自然景观,也是徐州的标志性景点之一。


簸箕洼 云龙湖的《圆梦园记》碑载:“云龙湖原为一环山负郭之洼地,其形如簸箕,故名簸箕洼。”簸箕,乃三面有帮一面缺口,百姓簸麦簸米去糠瘪之粒的家庭用具。云龙湖东有云龙山,南有大山头、拉犁山,西有韩山,惟北缺一口,其形如簸箕。故依其形而名“簸箕洼”。据说“簸箕洼”之名已有千年以上的历史。 石沟湖 苏轼任徐州知州时,时从宾佐僚吏游览云龙山、云龙湖。站在山上或湖边,放眼眺望,一片洼地,犹如一条大沟,其沟三面环山,一面临城。苏轼《答王定民》诗中曰:“笔中好在留台寺,遥知旗队到石沟。”石沟就是指云龙湖。故以形而名“石沟湖”。后讹传为“石狗湖”。“石沟湖”之名已有近千年的历史。 石狗湖 据《徐州风物志》载:“石狗湖,多雨时南山之水尽汇于此,积久不退,昔人作石狗镇之,故名石狗湖。”另相传,明万历年间,云龙湖边住一老石匠,石匠养一条相依为命的大黑狗。一天大黑狗被一财主打死剥皮为己治病。老石匠悲痛之余到云龙山上找了一块大石头,按大黑狗的`模样刻一石狗置于湖边,石狗不仅能看家护院,而且湖涝时能吸水,湖旱时能吐水,百姓旱涝保收,石狗成了神狗。人们为纪念石狗,就把这湖叫石狗湖。“石狗湖”之名也有四百多年的历史。多少年来,湖虽几经开掘疏浚,但尚未见到石狗,但愿有朝一日,石狗能重见天日。 尔家川 北宋元丰二年(1079)三月,苏轼由徐州调任湖州之际感慨万千,他在《罢徐州,往南京(商丘),马上走笔寄子由诗五首》中,倾诉了自己对徐州父老的深情,对徐州风光的依恋。第五首中有:“卜田向何许,石佛山南路。下有尔家川,千畦种p。”之诗句。诗句中的石佛山就是指云龙山,尔家川就是指云龙湖,故云龙湖又有“尔家川”之别名。 苏伯湖 云龙湖的《重修云龙湖碑记》载:“云龙湖向以石狗湖之名,上承玉带河,溯源拔剑泉,下与奎河相通,雅称苏伯湖,以缅东坡治水之功也。”《新千年整理版―――徐州府志》载:“城西南三里,有石狗湖(古曰簸箕洼。明潘季驯挑奎河,起苏伯湖,盖新此湖也。)”又载:“河臣潘季驯挑魁山支河,起苏伯湖入小河即此。”苏轼任徐州知州时曾言:“若引上游丁塘之水注之,则此湖俨若西湖。”苏轼曾率徐州百姓治湖,开辟了拔剑泉通往石沟湖的水道,但他的愿望未能实现便抱憾离徐,为缅怀苏轼当年的治水之功,故云龙湖又有“苏伯湖”之雅称。 云龙湖 《重修云龙湖碑记》载:“徐州市人民政府于1958年浚湖工,清淤叠堤,穿渠起闸,军民劳作,两易寒暑,八里长堤北卧,万亩绿波荡漾。1960年2月工竣之日,始有云龙湖之新称。”山以龙名酷肖其形,水以龙名画其神越。





主词条:徐州云龙湖风景区 云龙湖景点玉缀珠联,风物如画。以功能论,东湖游览区以水上活动和参观游览为主,西湖游览区以疗养度假为主,湖南则主要以娱乐及宾馆为主,以水相划又有水中景与水边景为分,一十八景,景景相望,各有千秋。云龙湖十八景: 桃霞烟柳、杏花春雨、荷风渔歌、苏公塔影、石壁留踪、临湖尝鲜、儿童稚趣、寒波飞鸿、长堤雪月、别有洞天、果树盆艺、水上世界、万人游波、湖滨垂钓、沙岛渡闲、云湖泛舟、湖光灯影、索道滑道。




宋苏轼《送蜀人张师厚赴殿试二首》 云龙山下试春衣,放鹤亭前送落辉;一色杏花三十里,新郎君去马如飞。 元代萨都剌《木兰花慢・彭城怀古》 古徐州形胜,销磨尽,几英雄。想铁甲重瞳,乌骓汗血,玉帐连空。楚歌八千兵散,料梦魂,应不到江东。空有黄河玉带,乱山回合云龙。 汉家陵阕起秋风,黍禾满关中,更戏马台荒,画眉人远,燕子楼空。人生百年如寄,且开怀,一饮尽千盅。回首荒城斜日,倚栏目送飞鸿。 清代杨淮《流碧泉诗》 苔遥踏新绿,缓步龙山曲。清泉石罅中,澹澹流碧玉。酌之深我心,冷澈沁肌骨。微雨济阳春,含生尽可欲。藉草泉之侧,悠然散遐瞩。 清代刘星炜《驾幸云龙赋》 云容容兮龙蜿蜿,山有石兮水有澜。驾飞泷兮履m瘢眺芳胜兮睇洪河。麦浮浪兮水不波,歌G乃兮舞婆娑。徐之人兮惬所祈,听长笛兮衣羽衣,晨候仗兮夕食甫归。 当代张思桥《念奴娇・云龙湖感怀》 乱云腾水,起兴处、烟树遍横山岭。忆昔风流,今只剩、湖上波涛万顷。暂与鸥盟,繁华忘却,过眼游鳞影。长堤连碧,更向尘世高咏。 吊尽千古情怀,料坡公笑我,盈虚谁证?季子台空,多少事、且共荒丘相并。便问英雄,大风歌未绝,铁蹄声迥。夕阳归去,望来山色皆净。 当代薛刚《云龙湖赋》 流光驳映,泛碧空以浚遐;长波汗漫,纳日月而张翕。接韩山而卧云龙,带拉犁而背广陆。源拔剑以滥觞,汲玉带而显扬。注黄奎以澄澈,淮海之灵长。帝乡佳境,徐国新奇。比迹西湖而缔绸缪,抗拟震泽而冠江淮。仁山钟灵,智水毓秀;吐吸千里,溉济六幽。春秋反复,烽烟未改龙山;新故革鼎,风雨今鉴云湖。 三山雄峙,岫岭横翠。亭榭间立,琼桥通曲。虹梁浮以横亘,梵塔杰而高峙。抚熙华之阳景,惟此岸之觉春。蜂蝶振而垂矜,莺燕啭而雾集。]f喈喈,载飞载扬;交交黄鸟,载飞载止。兰既滋之九畹,蕙亦树以百亩。桃李灼灼之华,梅棣夭夭之实。琪草离离,绿竹猗猗,葛覃兮,桑梓沃若。树衍文王之囿,氓庶乐只;花迷潘岳之园,孟母擅爱。澄岚沁溢,霏蕤流香,磊落蔓延乎渚岸,岂言语之可尽状也! 于时顿步遥临,风生未已。仰观无垠,俯察长流。柳倒影而似龙卧,山浸影而压浮萍。水痕渐落而白石凿凿,浮藻萦缧而暗潮隐隐。霞布水阴,山晓映而逾近;云罗阒间,树高净而弥深。恍恍乎水光一色,涵虚万顷;浩浩乎凭虚独立,遂感千般。混遐迩以弥天,澈表里而茹碧。水以浩淼,似镜似璃;波晃晃而潋滟,乍合乍散。绝游氛之错落,虽丝尘而不染。俄沦漪以漾云,扬涓浍而沃日。忽涟漪之徐虚,跳沫散漫;若沈璧之呈祥,浮光乐透。驰迤靡而带远山,骋观决眦;渺烟柳而没苏堤,引领凝息。引裾曳曳而风满袖,飞廉奔属;绿水溶溶而荡尘喧,神光离合。葭芦采采而丛错,野凫颉颃而波摇三分;菡萏葳蕤而纷委,蛙蛤蹈跃而春碎一尺。 鹤鸣于九皋之上,遥和钟鼓;鱼潜于渊薮之下,似惊舟迹。涵泳羡游鳞之轻,可知庄周之乐;落啄观翔鸥之悠,遂通鲁直之醉。冲融无杜少陵之哀愀,袅窕多苏子瞻之狂简。眺烟波而容与,顿思先哲;适清以濯缨,易忏平生。聚飞动,多仙林之逸禽;泛雅静,繁阆苑之奇葩。采d荇蓼,乐南浦之窈窕;考行h潦,泛有匪之君子。焕大块之无形,杂要妙于一勺。神淹留而披襟,步踟蹰而忘归。乐溢于表,延袤于十里,荡漾乎八方。 意已满载乎寸眸,万象既临;情乃遽溢于尺波,玉湖是鉴。波往波还,以阅苍山;人聚人散,风月依然。夫怀庙堂之志者,心沉恋于魏阙;息大千之机者,情必放于自然。是以范蠡偕侣归舟,陶潜采菊南山。古人云:仁者乐山,智者乐水。净情于山水者,能尽其心,故能知其性,故能知万物之性也。志缘山而旷迈,心缘水而澄湛,徜徉于云龙三山一水之间,能不忘迹乎江湖?












久以前,东海龙王 敖广的八王子敖虬已经成年,尚未婚配。 龙王在四海出榜觅媳,选了众多美女,不是欠聪慧,就是少娴淑,敖虬没有一个中意的。











姑娘扬起头,笑吟吟地说:“家父‘肩挑日月’。”八王子心里暗笑:这丫头好大的口气。便又问道:“那 令堂大人又做些什么呢?”姑娘笑着做了一个手势:“我母亲‘手转乾坤’!”





姑娘听了格格一笑:“公子大概是出来寻访什么的吧?好,那我也有个打一物的谜语,想请公子赐教。”说着便用银铃似的声音,念出一首“ 自度曲”来:






姑娘说:“公子若是猜出来了,我请你到 寒舍去,喝芝麻豆子茶。”




八王子在姑娘家里盘桓了一日,看到姑娘孝敬父母,贤淑能干,更加 喜不自胜,便辞别姑娘,回到东海,向老龙王禀告。老龙王听了八王子的细说,也非常高兴,于是请来南岳祝融爷爷做媒,定了这门亲事。


成亲那天,老龙王发出几百份请帖,四海的龙子龙孙,都争着要来看这漂亮聪慧的新娘。这天,主人和宾客一共来了九百九十九条蛟龙,这小小格塘又如何能容纳得下?老龙王只好作起法来,向格塘吹了一口气,这池塘立即向四周扩大了十几里,眼前出现了一个烟波浩渺的大湖。那天,湖上鼓乐喧天,热闹非凡。九百多条蛟龙,齐声向老龙王和八王子祝贺。老龙王得意地向来宾们介绍了这位好媳妇。他说:“今天,应该说是‘千龙盛会’。我这媳妇,也可算是 人中之龙呵!哈哈,哈哈!”

从此,这湖就叫“千龙湖”。八王子和那位心爱的姑娘,就住在湖畔,辛勤耕耘,种花种竹;挽清风明月,播人间芬芳。于是,就留下了今天的“芳竹园”、“ 水云轩”、“翠薇居”,还有“龙湖菜园”、“江南牧场”,形成了“秋荷送爽”、“白鹭 来仪”、“风帆引雨”、“岸柳生烟”的景点。他们夫妻俩在这里日出而作, 日落而息,用自己的辛劳,播种幸福,引来甘泉,也引来了各路神仙纷纷到此游历盘桓。于是,这里的泉水草木,都沾了仙气。据说,喝了这里的水,可以心想事成, 延年益寿。









照片中另外一个娭毑就是summer了,这个女人性格太直,脾气有点冲,不太喜欢办公室里的工作。昨天是她在公司的最后一天,自己辞职后准备开一个tea shop。唯有茶才能激起她的兴趣,祝愿她生意红火!






























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