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2024-01-31 07:53:05 收藏本文 下载本文




Dear Sir or Madam,

I am with great pleasure to submit this personal statement in support of my application for continuing my university education in your esteemed university and wish you could give my application a positive and favorable assessment.

Currently, I am a junior student in International College of Hubei Normal University majoring in Accounting. Thus, I have obtained great knowledge about business for the past three years. Depending on that, I have determined to pursue a Bachelor degree at your distinguished university. There are there reasons leading to me choose business, the most important reason is that I am very interested in business. In my opinion, handling good business is the same as successful work of art. That’s an exciting thing. The second reason is that I have already learnt it for three years, so I want to broaden my knowledge about business which will benefit my future life. The third reason is that I want to become a successful business lady which is my dream all the time.

To be honesty, I am an average student but I have diligent and strong confident heart. I believe that a good attitude can change bad situation. So I am always keeping a positive attitude on my life. I never ever give up any chance of promoting my study. During my three years in Hubei Normal University,I never fail a class and always do my best for assignment. However,in my mind, social activity is as the same important as class study. In my spare time, I took part in student union and took charge of minister in arts department. Our well-organized activities attracted many students to practice themselves. Last summer, I joined the Work and Travel Programme to be a staff in an American company for three months. I made good use of that chance to improve my oral English and tasted western culture. I think I can understand and adapt to a foreign culture in a short period.

I firmly believe that anyone could acquire success by their right way and fighting. This is one of the reasons why I want to go abroad. What’s more, I want to taste and accept some western education. I hope that I can learn more differences between Chinese and British university education and widen my horizon. Furthermore,as we know, UK is a very modern country. It owns the most advanced education system and top universities in the world. And graceful school environments deeply attract me. By the way, if I can learn in your university I would cherish and appreciate this chance. In the future, I also mean to apply Master’s Degree in UK. But after that, I will go back to my country and look for a job related to business.

I really want to own a colorful campus life in your school, further develop my overall capabilities including organizational ability, teamwork spirit etc. I believe I can adapt to a foreign life and acquire best degree. With all the above mentioned, in terms of my understanding of business and my enthusiasm for it, I hope that I can be up to the standard of the admission requirements in your university. I believe that my strong interest in this subject. last, my positive attitude and comprehensive ability will facilitate my successful completion of the proposed program. Thank you for your time!











国际学生申请新西兰签证之前必需具备经审核有效的医疗旅行保险,一般学校默认使用Allianz Studentsafe Insurance,学生也可以选择其他的医疗旅行保险。同时,某些院校的学费中包含了国际学生保险,某些院校则需要学生自行购买,请认真查阅院校的录取通知书








新西兰的研究生课程包括Master Degree, Postgraduate diploma, postgraduate certificate,其中postgraduate diploma为研究生课程的年,入学要求为IELTS6.5,其中梅西大学的Business and Administration可以接受任何本科专业的毕业生(有学士学位),次课程有不同的专业方向,如Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, International Business等。

















































研究生预科文凭(Graduate Diploma):新西兰留学读研选择此类型即学士后文凭,一年的全日制课程,主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生而设置的,修读其所选专业在新西兰大学里才有设置、在中国没有修读过的的部分本科课程,该文凭与学士学位的就读领域与专业并不一定要相同。


研究生文凭(Postgraduate Diploma):一年的'全日制课程,主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生设计的,该文凭与学士学位的就读领域或专业一定要相同,修读课程相当于新西兰硕士课程第一年。


硕士学位(Master):此类主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生设计的,第一年是研究生文凭(Postgraduate Diploma),第二年是硕士(Master Degree)。对于本科欲转专业的申请人而言如果在新西兰留学生活完成硕士学位可能时间要三年之久。














新西兰承袭了英国教育制度的传统,教学质量优异。并且新西兰重视环境规划与保护,非常适合留学生的学习和生活。在各个国家的留学费用大涨的时候,选择移民政策利好,费用相对低廉的新西兰,不失为学生以及家长的上策之选。而对于拿到大学录取通知书的同学,只剩办理签证就可赴新西兰留学了。 几个要点分析:一个完整的签证申请书应包括以下几个重要内容:








2、审核申请人的资金来源。一般情况下要求提供真实的银行存款证明书,银行存款历史至提交申请签证书之日不得少于6个月;也可提供真实的银行利息清单。如 果申请人的资金提供者属私企、法人,需出具企业营业执照、税务登记证、企业所得税税率证明、财务运营情况的凭证及企业所在地的官方有效证明;如果申请人的 资金提供者属股东,需出具股东证明、至提交申请之日起过去12个月的银行对账单及过去12个月的交割单;如果申请人的资金提供者是雇员,需提供所在单位加 盖公章的官方工作证明书(并要人事、财务部门的主要负责人签字)、近期的工资单、工资账户存折、个人所得税税率证明、所在单位营业执照的复印件;申请人资 金若需担保,要填写《学生资金担保表》并由担保人所在国的银行如实反映其财务状况。对于无法说明大笔资金来源的或以朋友刚还借款来搪塞的,拒签的可能性最大。




Dear _,

Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting. This also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and also during the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSE English.

Last year and this year I have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and A-level General Studies. My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. Specifically, I am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence.

I also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. I have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become “intelligent” given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire “common sense” (as discussed in Hubert Dreyfus's book “What Computers Still Can't Do”). I have been exploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing). The bottom line is that I want to be a part of this exciting field.

Over the summer I traveled to Russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring a very different part of the world. My other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness. Ever since the start of sixth form I have been a successful member of the college football team. I have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixth form. I also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college. In addition to pursuing my academic studies I would like to continue some of these sports at university.

Yours sincerely,










































Dear x,

For example, you may choose to write on a social issue

about which you are passionate, an experience that has greatly influencedyour life or taught you a valuable lesson, or about a challenge you haveovercome. These are only suggestions, however; the choice of topic is yours.

“Saudi Arabia? That''s a country Daddy? Where is it? Is it going to be likeit is here? Are there going to be playgrounds and ice cream?”

Those were just a few of the thoughts that began circulating through myseven- year old mind. I was born in upstate New York and raised in Maryland, yetof Lebanese origin. Out of nowhere, I learned that I would soon have to leave myfriends and the only place I had ever known existed; it turned my world upsidedown. I was just like any other seven-year old girl; obsessed with Barbies,playing dress-up with my mother''s clothes and jauntily leading a carefree life.I was a very curious young child, always feeling the need to know somethingabout everything. I was outgoing and sometimes a bit obnoxious, but then againwho wasn''t at the age of seven? Soon after I learned of our move to SaudiArabia, everything changed.

I arrived in Saudi Arabia and experienced extreme culture shock. I learnedthat in public, women have to be covered from head to toe by wearing what theSaudis call an “abaya”, which is a black cloak or gown that completely coversthe female body. Women are not allowed to drive, work, or closely interact withmen, and the weather is unbearably hot 11 months a year. The people spoke alanguage unfathomable to me and I was on the verge of a breakdown. In thisstrange, new country, I felt like a completely different person. I knewabsolutely no one. I went from being a happy, outgoing little girl to a girlwith no friends and no knowledge of anything around her, which of course was acompletely alien experience for me. What could Saudi Arabia possibly offer me?Was I ever going to learn to tolerate the vastly contrasting culture andlifestyle? The moment I saw the endless cascading mounds of sand and barrenearth, I was convinced that there was no way I was ever going to make friendswith people who were at home in this desolate and backwards country, whononetheless spoke a language completely foreign to me. I remember cryingeveryday, begging my parents to take me back home; a place where I was perfectlyhappy with everything and never complained. Soon enough however, I was placed inan American school in the middle of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Over the years, I metpeople who had also just moved from their countries and we all turned to eachother to share our thoughts and experiences in our new “home.” Up until theninth grade, I remained a shy and reserved individual, as there wasn''t much fora young girl to do in a strict and religious country like Saudi Arabia; or so Ithought. It was not until my freshman year that I broke out of my tiny,introverted bubble and began taking an active role in my school surroundings. Ibegan getting myself involved in competitive school team sports such asbasketball and soccer; went on an international study trip with the school toSwitzerland and traveled around the kingdom as a member of Saudi Arabia''sAll-Kingdom Band playing the trombone with proud fluency. I even managed toacquire the country''s native language, Arabic, and began to learn more about myreligion - Islam. I soon established friendships with individuals from variouscountries such as Canada, Egypt, Jordan, United States of America, South Africa,Brazil and Pakistan, just to name a few. The people helped me adjust to thecountry, despite its desert-like climate and strict rules. Over time, we sharedaspects of our cultures and traditions, in addition to realizing that we allhave our similarities and differences. We developed a profound tolerance andrespect for the country we were currently living in. I soon realized that therelationships I had developed in this country were the friendships that I wouldvalue and cherish the most in the future. All of us being foreigners in SaudiArabia led us to come closer together and to confide in one another. I wasslowly becoming my younger self again; outgoing, active and most importantly,happy. Looking back at my experience in Saudi Arabia, I have become aware ofwhat the country has offered me and I find myself taking back the feelings ofresentment that I had towards my parents for moving to this country, as well asthe harsh feelings I first developed towards the country itself.

After living in Saudi Arabia for approximately eleven years, I am happy tosay that I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the country, and haverealized that during my years in Saudi Arabia, I have had a unique opportunityto live overseas and meet people from different backgrounds, religions, andcultures. As a guest in the country, I have learned that Saudi Arabia hasoffered me the opportunity to experience a culture that is different from my ownin many ways, and this opportunity has allowed me to be open and to accept andtolerate different perspectives, traditions and beliefs. My exposure to thesedifferent nationalities in Saudi Arabia has built on my foundations of culturalawareness, rather than laying the cornerstone for it. I now see Saudi Arabia ina completely different light than when I had first moved to the country. I nolonger see it as a country that is part of the world, but a country that hasbrought the world to me.

Yours sincerely,




Dear _,

In this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound transformation. Any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international level. By now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and China ’s accession into the WTO has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development potential. But at the same time China is bound to an important obligation—its solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the WTO member countries. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for China to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is achieved.

Against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually eliminated. The intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global scale. How to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face. It is precisely based on this recognition that I, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a master’s program in management whereby I may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective management.

My four-year undergraduate program in Broadcast and Television Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Information Communication of _ University of Science and Technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical experience. I have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent No. 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic practices. As vice head of our university’s TV station, I produced a great number of special feature programs. I interned at a local newspaper office and at _ Provincial TV Station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic reporting. I was the assistant producer of a special show about _ Province in a serial program “Across China” by _’s Phoenix Cable TV. Through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and TV producer, I have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal communication. In addition, I have a unique advantage—I have done a second degree in English for Science and Technology. Those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program.

As a sophomore, I started my bi-degree program in business administration. I prized this important opportunity as I discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest lies. In this program, I have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Market Planning. My academic performance in this program is equally satisfactory. In May , as one of a few student delegates, I participated in the Third MBA Development Forum of China held in the City of _ . I helped my advisor prepare his presentation and I also interviewed leading scholars and experts on MBA in our country. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives.

My distinguished academic performance in the first three years has qualified me for a direct master’s program in journalism in my Alma Mater. However, I am very clear about my academic interest and my future career objectives. Therefore I have relinquished the offer in favor of applying for a more advanced education in management. As a discipline western in origin, management science is undoubtedly a field of study whose teaching and research western universities are most good at. Therefore, I am determined to apply for a Master’s program The London School of Economics and Political Science,arguably the better of the best western universities in social sciences. Your esteemed university enjoys a unique academic position and an unparalleled academic reputation in the western world, with a large number of leading scholars working in their respective fields. Situated in London where one can witness distinctive cultural parallelism, it will not only teach me the most updated professional knowledge but also ample sociological understanding of its cultural diversity.

In my proposed study, I will contribute my research talents because I possess experience of participating in a major research project. For an entire year from December 2002 to December , as the sole undergraduate of the research group, I took part in the Study of _ City’s Specialized Water Management System, which is part of the country’s “863” key scientific and technological research program undertaken by _ Bluewater Science and Technology Company. I performed field study of the water resources in the _ region of _ City and the wealth of statistics that I collected and codified provided valuable reference materials for the entire research group. In addition, I proposed that BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)could be employed to construct a small-scale waste-water treatment plant. The most important role I played was the substantive research I carried out for the topic on Lake Management System and the research report that I co-authored. Prof. _X, the leader of the research group, praised me as “demonstrating impressive professional dedication and sound research potential, with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.”

I have lived a colorful extracurricular life. Learning dancing in my childhood, I became the leader of the dancing team of our university’s art troupe, and launched traveling performances in neighboring provinces. Representing _ Province, I participated in China ’s First National Dancing Contest for University Students, at which I won the third prize. Moreover, as a key member on the Student Management Committee of our university’s library, I organized a campus-wide book-reading festival. In , as one of the five delegates of our university, I attended the New Millennium Administrative Elites Training Program jointly sponsored by _ Chinese University and _ General Chamber of Commerce. I have been working as a secretary at the International Exchange Department of _ University of Science and Technology where I am responsible for receiving foreign delegations, offering consultations and arranging lectures and academic conference. Based on those experiences, I will continue contributing my extracurricular talents.

In this age of increasing specialization, I hope to develop myself into a specialist on human resource management with the best training from one of the world’s best academic institutes. Therefore, receiving a quality education from _ will be a vital step to my personal and career development and to the fulfillment of this long-cherished aspiration of mine.

Yours sincerely,




























Dear _,

I first realised I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, because in order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop their personality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to understand these variations. Since beginning the course in College I have been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research, and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour of human and non-human animals. In particular, I am fascinated by the fundamental debates in Psychology, for example the nature nurture debate. A Forensic and Investigative Psychology conference I attended, presented by Professor David Canter, caught my attention as I found it intriguing that people can behave in such a way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. After reading his book, “Mapping Murder”, my interest in abnormality and psychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me to understand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interest in the subject. I enjoy reading about different studies that have been conducted in the past, which I can analyse and evaluate to obtain a more advanced understanding of behaviours exhibited.

As a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or more vulnerable students and to offer them full support. This job requires patience and compassion, along with willingness to help and motivate others. I have received certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality and performing arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything I do. My work experience in the retail industry has given me the chance to develop critical skills which are essential such as; good communication with others, a strong determination to achieve my best and dedication to all work I undertake. As an A2 Psychology student, I received the Student of the Month award for my outstanding enthusiasm, effort and achievement. Drama & Theatre Studies has given me an alternative perception of human behaviour, the intensity of emotions and the variations inherent in that. Music Technology has helped me develop my analytical and concentration skills. I am also a member of the Student Council, where I represent my fellow students and have a great responsibility to ensure that their views are heard and acted upon.

I enjoy reading a range of books from novels to biographies as well as books to support my academic studies. Currently I am reading “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins to support my understanding of Evolutionary Psychology. I find it fascinating that natural and sexual selection can provide ultimate explanations for the behaviour of animals, including humans. I also enjoy sports, such as swimming, cricket, tennis and hockey, resulting in my competitive nature and desire to succeed. I have had a variety of part time jobs in which I have had to work with the public and satisfy their needs whilst working under pressure to complete assorted tasks. Although I am looking forward to going to university, I have decided to take a gap year and hopefully attend Camp America, where I would work with young people as a Counsellor, ensuring their health and safety, and keeping them entertained. My role will depend on my ability to have strong authority but also an approachable manner at all times and I am confident I can carry out the role with the utmost professionalism. I am eager to study Psychology in as much depth as possible, and I intend to practise a career in the fields I am particularly interested in - Clinical and Pathological Psychology. I believe that I will make an outstanding undergraduate who will appreciate having the opportunity to study and expand my knowledge in a reputable learning environment.

Yours sincerely,






























Dear _,

In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I am enclosing the following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.

I was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province in China on November 8, 1969. Later, my family moved to Beijing where I grew up. I am from a family of academics. My father is a professor of linguistics and Chief of the University Journal Agency of Beijing Language and Culture University (formerly Beijing Language Institute). My mother is a professor at the same university and teaches Chinese as a foreign language. From 1991 to 1993, my mother taught Chinese at Wittenberg University, Ohio and Indiana University at Bloomington. She encouraged me to apply for admission to advanced programs in the U.S.

I graduated from high school in 1988, and received the highest scores in my school at the National Entrance Examination for Universities. This made me an “Honor Student” at the national level. Upon acceptance to Beijing Language and Culture University, my major became English, with minors in linguistics, French and computer science. I was awarded consecutive scholarships for all four years in college. During my college years, I became more and more interested in linguistics. My senior year was largely devoted to topics in linguistics, and my required thesis work focused on the influence of cultural and educational factors upon the Chinese and English languages.

After college, Beijing Science & Technology University employed me. For the first year and a half I was assigned to a project aimed at creating improved computer program for idiomatic English-Chinese & Chinese-English translations. This project proved me with considerable experience linguistics, and further improved my understanding of the subtleties of both English and Chinese.

Since the project completion, I have been teaching intensive English courses at Beijing Science and Technology University. Since July of 1993, I have taught English listening comprehension at Beijing Language and Culture University. The latter classes are part of a program that provides adult Chinese professionals with opportunity to improve their English.

My interest in linguistics is initially based on my desire to better comprehend the English language, and, in the process, learn more about my own language. China is now opening and engaging in ever expanding cultural and financial relations with the English-speaking countries of the West. It has struck me, as it may have occurred to many of my compatriots that negotiations to bring about these new and improved relations sometimes break down because of mutual ignorance about each other’s languages. I am aware that this has been a popular problem for study, among Americans engaging in business and other fields, but I am not aware of any serious attempt to research this problem from a Chinese point of view.

Through my work in the U.S., I would hope to contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent in the deep differences between the two languages.

I recognize that a thesis project in most graduate schools is chosen after on has studied in various programs in a department and after extensive discussion with one’s professors. Nevertheless, I would hope that investigating socio-cultural differences between English and Chinese might be considered a suitable topic. Such a study would focus on the cultural, historical, traditional and educational factors, which influence the two languages, and significantly contribute to possible misinterpretations.

My long-term plan is to continue working on comparative aspects of English and Chinese linguistics. I strongly desire to work in an academic environment combining teaching, research and writing.

I heard that your English/Linguistics Department has a reputation for academic excellence. I am applying to your program because I desire the best education possible for my professional career.

Yours sincerely,





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Dear _,

For example, you may choose to write on a social issue

about which you are passionate, an experience that has greatly influenced your life or taught you a valuable lesson, or about a challenge you have overcome. These are only suggestions, however; the choice of topic is yours.

“Saudi Arabia? That''s a country Daddy? Where is it? Is it going to be like it is here? Are there going to be playgrounds and ice cream?”

Those were just a few of the thoughts that began circulating through my seven- year old mind. I was born in upstate New York and raised in Maryland, yet of Lebanese origin. Out of nowhere, I learned that I would soon have to leave my friends and the only place I had ever known existed; it turned my world upside down. I was just like any other seven-year old girl; obsessed with Barbies, playing dress-up with my mother''s clothes and jauntily leading a carefree life. I was a very curious young child, always feeling the need to know something about everything. I was outgoing and sometimes a bit obnoxious, but then again who wasn''t at the age of seven? Soon after I learned of our move to Saudi Arabia, everything changed.

I arrived in Saudi Arabia and experienced extreme culture shock. I learned that in public, women have to be covered from head to toe by wearing what the Saudis call an “abaya”, which is a black cloak or gown that completely covers the female body. Women are not allowed to drive, work, or closely interact with men, and the weather is unbearably hot 11 months a year. The people spoke a language unfathomable to me and I was on the verge of a breakdown. In this strange, new country, I felt like a completely different person. I knew absolutely no one. I went from being a happy, outgoing little girl to a girl with no friends and no knowledge of anything around her, which of course was a completely alien experience for me. What could Saudi Arabia possibly offer me? Was I ever going to learn to tolerate the vastly contrasting culture and lifestyle? The moment I saw the endless cascading mounds of sand and barren earth, I was convinced that there was no way I was ever going to make friends with people who were at home in this desolate and backwards country, who nonetheless spoke a language completely foreign to me. I remember crying everyday, begging my parents to take me back home; a place where I was perfectly happy with everything and never complained. Soon enough however, I was placed in an American school in the middle of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Over the years, I met people who had also just moved from their countries and we all turned to each other to share our thoughts and experiences in our new “home.” Up until the ninth grade, I remained a shy and reserved individual, as there wasn''t much for a young girl to do in a strict and religious country like Saudi Arabia; or so I thought. It was not until my freshman year that I broke out of my tiny, introverted bubble and began taking an active role in my school surroundings. I began getting myself involved in competitive school team sports such as basketball and soccer; went on an international study trip with the school to Switzerland and traveled around the kingdom as a member of Saudi Arabia''s All-Kingdom Band playing the trombone with proud fluency. I even managed to acquire the country''s native language, Arabic, and began to learn more about my religion - Islam. I soon established friendships with individuals from various countries such as Canada, Egypt, Jordan, United States of America, South Africa, Brazil and Pakistan, just to name a few. The people helped me adjust to the country, despite its desert-like climate and strict rules. Over time, we shared aspects of our cultures and traditions, in addition to realizing that we all have our similarities and differences. We developed a profound tolerance and respect for the country we were currently living in. I soon realized that the relationships I had developed in this country were the friendships that I would value and cherish the most in the future. All of us being foreigners in Saudi Arabia led us to come closer together and to confide in one another. I was slowly becoming my younger self again; outgoing, active and most importantly, happy. Looking back at my experience in Saudi Arabia, I have become aware of what the country has offered me and I find myself taking back the feelings of resentment that I had towards my parents for moving to this country, as well as the harsh feelings I first developed towards the country itself.

After living in Saudi Arabia for approximately eleven years, I am happy to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the country, and have realized that during my years in Saudi Arabia, I have had a unique opportunity to live overseas and meet people from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. As a guest in the country, I have learned that Saudi Arabia has offered me the opportunity to experience a culture that is different from my own in many ways, and this opportunity has allowed me to be open and to accept and tolerate different perspectives, traditions and beliefs. My exposure to these different nationalities in Saudi Arabia has built on my foundations of cultural awareness, rather than laying the cornerstone for it. I now see Saudi Arabia in a completely different light than when I had first moved to the country. I no longer see it as a country that is part of the world, but a country that has brought the world to me.

Yours sincerely,




















Dear _,

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. An interesting quote from Malcolm X, who also claimed, Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world. I wish to combine these two passions and follow my ambition to become a journalist by continuing my studies into Higher Education. It is well known that power attracts and I, like many others, have become enchanted by the power of the written and spoken word. This fascination has created a deep interest in writing, and Journalism provides the perfect outlet to develop my skills.

Ive heard enough about the media industry to realise that experience is everything, and as Sixth Form Reporter on the College committee, I gain regular experience of journalistic writing and meeting deadlines. I have written for the official college Network, which is sent home to parents, and the Student Newspaper.

When selecting my A Level subjects, I seemed drawn to essay based courses. I enjoy writing and the courses undoubtedly helped my writing skills. However, I was required to make the opening of a film in Media, which was an experience to say the least! It increased my interest in Broadcast Journalism. Until that moment, I only had eyes for Print. Creative writing has always been one of my favourite aspects of English, and the coursework gave me the chance to write in whichever style I chose, one piece was a newspaper feature on Chelsea Football Club. I have always been interested in Sports Writing and Im considering specialising in it at a later date. I have chosen to continue four of my five AS Levels onto A2, even though it was not necessary. I have always found Psychology quite challenging as it involves deep levels of critical analysis, so I decided to carry on as I find it extremely intriguing. The different theories as to why humans do the things they do, attract me because I am interested in how people act, though one could hardly call me an anthropologist! My main priorities are English, Media and Sociology as I feel they will aid me most in my ambition, although I still find Psychology a fascinating subject.

I have often said that nothing is impossible, yet asking me to name my favourite book is asking too much. Some much-loved literature includes The Hobbit, Gone With The Wind, and Jane Eyre. In my opinion a good novel should evoke a variety of emotions from beginning to end. Music may not be my first love, but it is definitely one of my passions; I have high passes in grade 3 flute, singing, and grade 5 piano. Like my literary tastes, my choice of music is eclectic; I like anything from hip-hop to classical, soul to rock, and past to present. I also love Black history, musicals, and icons of film and music, such as Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon, and Sinatra. Lennon once said, We all want to change the world, I empathise with this view and seek to achieve it using my chosen profession and the power of the media.

Yours sincerely,


































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