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21. Nowadays, ___________ most parents in China are concerned about is providing the best possible education for their children.

A. where B. what C. which D. how

22. Everyone in the office must attend the meeting tomorrow. There are no ______ allowed.

A. exceptions B. additions C. divisions D. measures

23. As a scientist, he has ______ himself to his research with great energy and passion.

A. appointed B. adjusted C. allocated D. applied

24. Life is a struggle to make the right choices and to achieve liberation from dependence, _________ material ______ psychological.

A. neither; nor B. either; or C. whether; or D. not; but

25. -Have you heard from Mary since she left for Canada last year?

-Yes. She ______ a letter to me recently.

A. writes B. wrote C. has writtenD. had written

26. Scientific researchers are aware that there are many problems ______ they haven’t found answers.

A. for whom B. to whom C. for which D. to which

27. -Listen! The young couple next door are quarrelling again.

-They ______ about who shall do the housework.

A. should be arguing B. should have argued

C. must be arguing D. must have argued

28. -Congratulations on your success in completing the experiment.

-This is really the result we expected to see ______ after so much hard work.

A. achieved B. achieve C. achieving D. to achieve

29. Mr Smith always arrives at his office ______ at 8 o’clock, not a minute early or late.

A. flexibly B. punctually C. fluently D. approximately

30. -Could I book two tickets for Sarah Brightman’s concert?

-Sorry. All the tickets ______.

A. were sold out B. are selling out C. have sold out D. had been sold out

31. Difficult challenges usually ______ the best in many people, which can be seen in this young man.

A. bring aboutB. bring up C. bring forth D. bring out

32. Full exchanges of opinions allowed the two countries to better understand ______ each stood on many issues.

A. whereB. thatC. what D. which

33. ________, I believe, and you will find him very outgoing.

A. Having a talk with Tom B. Given a talk with Tom

C. One talk with Tom D. If you have a talk with Tom

34. -What do you think a true friend is?

-______ stays with you for life.

A. Anyone B. Anyone that C. Someone D. Someone who

35. -Do we offer him the job?

-______ You’re the boss.

A. It’s your call. B. After you. C. Why not? D. It’s great.

答案: 21-25 BADCB 26-30 DCABC 31-35 DACDA



I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while. Yet, I 36 myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many 37 as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package 38 . The queue moved very slowly. My patience ran out and I got 39 . The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my 40 quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.

“Excuse me,” I said, trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move 41 to make room for me to get to the 42 .

I stepped out, complaining about the 43 conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot.

A woman was coming across the lot in my 44 . She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very heavy. I 45 that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. I 46 myself and it wasn’t pretty. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a 47 day. My anger melted away. I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a 48 . So I did what I could in a minute 49 she hurried past me-I smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat 50 . Then her face softened and her shoulders 51 . I saw her take a deep breath. Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.

I continued to smile all the way to my 52 . Wow, it’s amazing what a simple smile can do.

From then on, I became aware of people’s 53 and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that 54 every day to let it 55 me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.

36. A. found B. helped C. troubled D. enjoyed

37. A. things B. packages C. chances D. dollars

38. A. lifted B. cashed C. weighed D. carried

39. A. pleased B. disappointed C. delighted D. annoyed

40. A. business B. choice C. situation D. attitude

41. A. away B. about C. along D. aside

42. A. counter B. cashier C. exit D. entrance

43. A. weather B. service C. work D. shopping

44. A. satisfaction B. decision C. direction D. imagination

45. A. announced B. discovered C. proved D. noticed

46. A. trusted B. recognized C. hid D. persuaded

47. A. rough B. bright C. big D. nice

48. A. gentleman B. stranger C. customer D. passenger

49. A. until B. though C. before D. since

50. A. attracted B. frightened C. cheered D. confused

51. A. trembled B. raised C. relaxed D. tightened

52. A. car B. office C. home D. doctor

53. A. appearances B. reactions C. behaviors D. expressions

54. A. treatment B. awareness C. conclusion D. achievement

55. A. remind B. show C. give D. tell

答案: 36-40 ABCDA 41-45 DCBCD 46-50 BABCD 51-55 CADBA


































与元微之书① 白居易







[注]①唐宪宗元和十年,白居易被贬为江州司马。元微之,即元稹,为白居易好友,当时被贬为通州司马。 ②牵挛乖隔,指各有拘牵,不得相见。 ⑧余习,这里指作诗的习惯。

5.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是( )(3分)

A.人生几何,离阔如此? 阔:宽广

B.形骸且健,方寸甚安 方寸:指心绪

C.又有弟妹六七人提挈同来 提挈:扶助

D.大抵若是,不能殚记 殚:尽,全

6.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法都相同的一组是( )(3分)

A.微之于我也,其若是乎! 若亡郑而有益于君,敢以烦执事

B.且置是事,略叙近怀 然后图南,且适南冥也

C.因置草堂,前有乔松十数株,修竹千余竿 项王即日因留沛公与饮

D.流水周于舍下 州司临门,急于星火

7.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )(3分)


B.白居易叙写读到元稹病危时写给他的书信,吟诵元稹病中“闻君谪九江”时所写的诗作,这既表达了对元稹病况的担忧,又体现了二人是患难相扶的知已。 ,











卖花声 题岳阳楼 张舜民







(1)不以物喜, ; ,处江湖之远则忧其君。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》)

(2)不见复关,泣涕涟涟。 , 。(《诗经?氓》)

(3)连峰去天不盈尺, 。飞湍瀑流争喧Y, 。(李白《蜀道难》)

(4)合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土; , 。(《老子?第六十四章》)





2.牛顿提出太阳和行星间的引力 后,为证明地球表面的重力和地球对月球的引力是同一种力,也遵循这个规律,他进行了“月-地检验”.已知月球的轨道半径约为地球半径的60倍,“月-地检验”是计算月球公转的

A.周期是地球自转周期的 倍 B.向心加速度是自由落体加速度的 倍

C.线速度是地球自转地表线速度的602倍 D.角速度是地球自转地表角速度的602倍













B.F1=G,W1= WG















A.发生的位移相等 B.通过C处的速度相等

C.电势能减少量都为 D.从A运动到C时间之比为









(1)为减少阻力对实验的影响,下列操作可行的是 ▲ .





(2)打B点时,重锤的速度vB为 ▲ .

(3)小明用实验测得数据画出的 图像如图乙所示.图线不过坐标原点的原因是 ▲ .

(4)另有四位同学在图乙的基础上,画出没有阻力时的 图线,并与其比较,其中正确的是 ▲ .


电压U /V 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.70 1.00 1.30 1.70 2.10 2.50

电流I/A 0.00 0.14 0.24 0.26 0.37 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.46


A.滑动变阻器(阻值范围0-10 、额定电流3A)

B.滑动变阻器(阻值范围0- 、额定电流1A)

实验中选择的滑动变阻器是 ▲ .(填写字母序号)


(3)开关闭合前,滑动变阻器的滑片应滑至 ▲ (选填“左”或“右”)端.


(5)他们在U-I图像上找到小灯泡工作电压为2.0V时坐标点,计算此状态的电阻值时,小明提出用图像上该点的曲线斜率表示小灯泡的阻值;小华提出该点与坐标原点连线的斜率表示小灯泡的阻值.你认为 ▲ (选填“小华”或“小明”)的方法正确.



(1)一瓶矿泉水喝完一半之后,把瓶盖拧紧,不久瓶内水的上方形成了水的饱和汽.当温度变化时,瓶内水的饱和汽压与温度变化关系的图像正确的是 ▲ .

(2)带有活塞的气缸中封有一定质量的理想气体,缸内气体从状态A变化到状态B,如图所示。此过程中,气缸单位面积上所受气体分子撞击的作用力 ▲ (选填“变大”、“不变”或“减小”),缸内气体 ▲ (选填“吸收”或“放出”)热量.



(1)如图所示,在一条张紧的绳子上挂几个摆,其中A、B的摆长相等.当A摆振动的时候,通过张紧的绳子给B、C、D摆施加驱动力,使其余各摆做受迫振动.观察B、C、D摆的振动发现 ▲ .

A.C摆的频率最小 B.D摆的周期最大

C.B摆的摆角最大 D.B、C、D的摆角相同

(2)如图所示,宽度为l的宇宙飞船沿其长度方向以速度u(u接近光速c)远离地球,飞船发出频率为 的单色光.地面上的人接收到光的频率

▲ (选填“大于 ”、“等于”或“小于”) ,看到宇宙飞船宽度

▲ (选填“大于 ” 、“等于”或“小于”)l.


12 C.[选修3-5](12分)

(1)如图所示,某原子的三个能级的能量分别为E1、E2和E3.a、b、c 为原子跃迁所发出的三种波长的光,下列判断正确的是 ▲ .

A.E1 >E2>E3

B.(E3-E2)>(E2- E1)



(2)如图所示,x为放射源,L为一纸板,纸板与计数器之间有强磁场B.当强磁场移开时,计数器的计数率不变,说明放射源中没有 ▲ (选填“α”、“β”或“γ”)粒子;将纸板L移开,计数器计数率大幅度上升,这表明放射源中有 ▲ (选填“α”、“β”或“γ”)粒子.



13.如图所示,在以O为圆心的圆形区域内存在垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场,磁感应强度为B=0.2T.AO、CO为圆的两条半径,夹角为120°.一个质量为m=3.2×10-26 kg、电荷量q=-1.6×10-19 C的粒子经电场加速后,从图中A点沿AO进入磁场,最后以v=1.0×105m/s的速度从C点离开磁场.不计粒子的重力.求:




14.如图所示,在竖直平面内有一质量为2m的光滑“∏”形线框EFCD,EF长为L,电阻为r; =2L,电阻不计.FC、ED的上半部分(长为L)处于匀强磁场Ⅰ区域中,且FC、ED的中点与其下边界重合.质量为m、电阻为3r的金属棒用最大拉力为2mg的绝缘细线悬挂着,其两端与C、D两端点接触良好,处在磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场Ⅱ区域中,并可在FC、ED上无摩擦滑动.现将“∏”形线框由静止释放,当EF到达磁场Ⅰ区域的下边界时速度为v,细线刚好断裂,Ⅱ区域内磁场消失.重力加速度为g.求:










题号 1 2 3 4 5

答案 D B D C A


题号 6 7 8 9



10.(8分) (每空2分)

(1)ABC; (2) ;

(3)打下O点时重锤速度不为零; (4)B。

11. (10分)(每空2分)







(1)B (4分)

(2)不变 (2分)

吸收 (2分)



Pa (1分)

由于 Pa ,所以钢瓶在搬运过程中漏气 (2分)


(1)C (4分)

(2)小于 (2分)

等于 (2分)




∠C=45°,应该将入射光线顺时针转过15° (1分)


(1)D (4分)

(2) (2分)




J (2分)

四、计算题: 本题共3小题,共计47分。解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤。只写出最后答案的不能得分。有数值计算的, 答案中必须明确写出数值和单位。

13. (15分) 解析:







(3)由 (2分)

粒子运动的轨道半径 (2分)

圆形磁场的半径为 (3分)


14. (16分)解析:





得到 (2分)


(3)对金属棒CD运动分析: (2分)

对∏形线框运动分析: (2分)

解得: (1分)

相遇时CD棒速度 (1分)

此时动能为 (2分)


15. (16分)解析:




得到 (2分)

即滑块A的下端离P处1.5L处时的速度最大 (1分)


得到 (2分)




(3)要使三个薄木板都能滑出QQ/处,薄木板C中点过QQ/处时它的速度应大于零。薄木板C全部越过PP/前,三木板是相互挤压着,全部在PP/QQ/之间运动无相互作用力,离开QQ/时,三木板是相互分离的。 (2分)





得到x=2.25L (1分)

即释放时,A下端离PP/距离 (1分)



第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



To win an Oscar is an achievement at any age.To do so at 22,as Jennifer Lawrence has,is just amazing.Recently,the American star won Best Actress at this year’s Academy Awards for her role in the film The Silver Linings Playbook.According to Time magazine’s Richard Corliss,Lawrence is that rare young actres s who“lends a mature intelligence to any ro1e”.Though Lawrence has found great success through her big screen work,Lawrence wasn't sure what she really liked doing before the ageof l4.She thought she’d go to college and may be find a career as a doctor or a travel agent.

Lawrence’s two brothers were star athletes and one of them was a straight-A student.Unlike them,she suffered through school,never quite finding where she belonged.However,during a trip to New York,Lawrence suddenly realized that she wanted to be an actress.When she was enjoying the beautiful city,a model seeker asked if he could take her picture,and the next day he called her in for an audition(试镜).

“I read the script(剧本)and it was the first time I had that feeling like I understand this,”Lawrence said.“Within 20 minutes,in the cab ride from the hotel room,I decided I didn’t want to be a model.In fact, I wanted to be an actress.”Having appreciated this young lady’s performance,the agency was so impressed with her reading that they signed her on the spot.But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career.

Lawrence burst onto the Hollywood scene last year with The Hunger Games,which established her as the highest-grossing(票房最高的)female action hero of all time.Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in America”.

61.What can we know about Jennifer Lawrence from Paragraph 3?

A.Her parents were really strict with her.

B.She seemed not to fit in with her school days well.

C.Her school performance made her today's fame.

D.Her two brothers were doing well in all school subjects.

62.Lawrence made up her mind to be all actress because of

A.a model interview

B. her brothers’examples

C.the taxi-ride to her hotel room

D. the beautiful scenery of New York

63.From the text we can know that Lawrence is an actress of great ____________.

A.confidence B.ambition C.independence D.talent

64.What is the best title of the text?

A.Choosing Early B.Acting Wisely

C.Winning Young D.Following Dreams


CHICAGO(Reuters)-Smoking not only can wrinkle(皱纹)the face and turn it yellow―it can do the same to the whole body,researchers reported on Monday.

The study,published in the Archives of Dermatology,shows that smoking affects the skin all over the body-even skin protected from the sun.

“We examined non-facial skin that was protected from the sun,and found that the total number of packs,of cigarette smoked per day and the total years a person has smoked were linked with the amount of skin damage a person experienced,”Dr.Yolanda,who led the study,said in a statement.

“In participants older than 65 years,smokers had significantly more fine wrinkling than nonsmokers.Similar fmdings were seen in participants aged 45 to 65 years.” Yolanda’s team added in their report.

The researchers tested 82 people,smokers and nonsmokers,taking pictures of the inner right arms.They ranged,in age from 22 to 91 and half were smokers.In dependent judges decided how wrinkled each person’s skin was.

When skin is exposed to sunlight,especially the face,it becomes coarse(粗糙的).Wrinkled and discolored with a pale yellow tint,Yolanda's team wrote.

Several previous studies have found that cigarette smoking led to premature(过早的)skin aging asmeasured by facial wrinkles,the study said,but little has been done to measure the aging of skin not exposed to light.

The report did not discuss die mechanism involved but previous research has found that cigarette smoke,among other things,causes blood vessels(血管)beneath the skin to constrict(紧缩),reducing blood supply to the skin.

Smoking can also damage the connective tissue(组织)that supports both die skin and the internal organs.

65. The best title for this passage would be ______________.

A. The danger of smoking B.Smoking causes skin aging

C.Quit smoking for health D.A survey of smokers

66.It can be inferred from the study _____________.

A.smoking won’t affect skin protected from the sun

B.smoking will do damage to skin rather than other organs

C.smokers over 65 usually won’t worry about their skin

D.the age of smokers is not connected,with the result of the test

67. When your skin is exposed to sunlight long,it becomes all of the following but _________.

A.flexible B.coarse C.rough D.discolored

68. According to the passage,how wrinkled a person’s skin is doesn’t relate to ___________.

A.the number of cigarettes a person smokes

B.the kind and characteristics of skin

C.how long a person smokes

D.how long skin is under sunlight

69.From the passage smoking results in skin aging mainly because ____________.

A.it will lower blood supply to skin B.it can make you feel tired

C.it can make skin come off D. it can make blood run faster

70.The main purpose of the passage is to ____________.

A.inform people about the study of skin.

B.advise people how to protect skin

C. warn people not to smoke again

D.introduce a new way of avoid skin aging


The day my husband fell to his death,it started to snow,just like any November day.His body,when I found it,was lightly covered with snow.It snowed almost every day for the next four months,while I sat on the couch and watched it pile up.One morning,I shuffled downstairs and was surprised to see a snow remover clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling(铲)my walk.I dropped to my knees,crawled through the living room.And back up stairs so those good people would not see me.I was embarrassed.My first thought was,how would I ever repay them? I didn’t have the strength to brush my hair let alone shovel someone’s walk.

Before John’s death,I took pride in the fact that I rarely asked for help or favors,I defined myself by my competence and independence.So who was I if I was no longer capable and busy? How could I respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch every day and watch the snowfall?

Learning how to receive the love and support that came my way wasn't easy.Friends cooked forme and l cried because I couldn't even help them set the table.“I'm not usually this lazy,”I wept.Finally,my friend Kathy sat down with me and said,”Mary,cooking for you is not a burden. I love you and I want to do it.It makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”

Over and over,I heard similar emotions from the people who supported me during those dark days.One very wise man told me,“You are not doing nothing.Being fully open to your sorrow may be the hardest work you will everdo.”

I am not the person I once was,but in many ways I have changed for the better.My heart is now filled with thanks for people around me.I have been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom that comes from facing one’s worst fear and walking away whole.I believe there is strength,for sure,in accepting a dark period of our life.

71.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The writer’s friend was unwilling to cook for her.

B.The writer had been busy with her life before.

C.The writer recovered from her sorrow quickly with his friend‘s help.

D.The day her husband died,it was snowing heavily.

72.We can describe the writer before her husband died as the following except ___________.

A.hard-working B.independent C.smart D. capable

73.The underlined word“shuffled”in Para graph 1 probably means ___________.

A.stepped steadily B. walked slowly

C.ran swiftly D.fell sadly

74.We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. the writer found her husband immediately he fell off the roof

B.the writer became strong-willed immediately after John's death

C.the people around the writer were friendly and supported her

D.before John’s death,the writer never asked others for help

75.The writer wrote the passage to ___________.

A.share her sad story with us

B.express her guilty conscience to the people who helped her

C.show her thanks to the people who love and support her

D.tell us the changes she has made because of her husband’s death



Right in front of the Minneapolis Central Library,a row of green bikes sits parked in a special stand.Each bike is designed with the logo“Nice Ride”―the name of the city’s bike-share program.

Nice Ride bikes are a lot like the library books that people come here to borrow.To rent a bike,you simply use your membership card at a Nice Ride bike station.Members can rent one of 1,200 bikes from 138 stations throughout Minnesota's largest city.People use the Nice Ride bikes to go to work,to go out on business,or just to enjoy the city’s many bike paths.

The rise of bike-share programs like Nice Ride is encouraging more people than ever to choose biking over driving.Rising gas prices and concerns about the environment have also gotten people to dust off their bike helmets, pump air into flat tires,and hit the road.

Why ride? Not only is biking good exercise,but switching from a car to a bike also r educes the amount of pollution in the air.Carbon dioxide,a greenhouse gas linked to climate change,is one of the many polluting substances that come out of a car's tallpipe.

Bike-share systems are found around the world in cities like London,Paris,Barcelona,and Melbourne,Australia.The largest program-with 70,000 bikes-is in Wuhan,China.

To make roads fri endlier to non-motorists,the U.S.Department of Transportation has invested more than a billion dollars in cycling and pedestrian projects in recent years.The money went toward building thousands of miles of on-street bike lanes and bike-and pedestrian-only passages called green ways.

76.If one wants to use the bike,it's a must to __________.

A.give away a bicycle B.know Nice Ride well

C.pay the cost in advance D.get a membership card

77. Which of the following can people do with the bikes?

A.Earn a living. B.Enjoy bikeways.

C.Compete in a race. D.Rent them out to others.

78.Paragraph 4 is mainly about _____________。

A.benefits of biking B. pollution caused by cars

C.methods to use the bikes D.ways to reduce pollution

79.Which of the following is true of Nice Ride?

A.It will take the place of taxi companies.

B.China has better public bike systems.

C.It attracts more people to choose biking.

D.The government lacks money to support it.

80.The author's purpose in writing this text is to ______________.

A.spread bike-share programs B.seek advice for Nice Ride ]

C.compare Nice Ride with libraries D.introduce the public bike system





[1]Teenage depression isn't just bad moods and occasional sadness.Depression is a serious problem that impacts on every aspect of a teen’s life.Left untreated,teen depression can lead to problems at home and school,drug abuse,self-loathing…even irreversible(不能挽救的)tragedy such as homicidal violence or suicide.

[2]Fortunately,teena ge depression ______________ and as a concerned parent,teacher,or friend,there are many things you can do to help.You can start by learning the symptoms of depression and expressing concern when you spot warning signs.Talking about the p roblem and offering support can go a lon g way toward getting your teenager back on track.

[3]There are as many misconceptions about teen depression as there are about teenagers in general. Yes,the teen years are tough,but most teens balance the troubles with good friendships,success in school or outside activities,and the development of a strong sense of self.Occasional bad mood or acting out is t o be expected,but depression is something different.Depression can destroy the very essence of a teenager’s personality, causing an overwhelming sense of sadness,despair,or anger.

[4]If you’re unsure whether all adolescent in your life is depressed or just”being a teenager”,consider how long the symptoms have been present,how severe they are,and how different the teen is acting from his or her usual self.While some“growing pains”are to be expected as teenagers fight with the challenges of growing up,dramatic,long lasting changes in personality, mood,or behavior are red flags of a deeper problem.

[5]If you suspect that a teenager in your life is suffering from depression,take action fight away. Depression is very damaging when left untreated,so don’t wait and hope that the symptoms will go away.Even if you’re unsure that depression is the issue,the troublesome behaviors and emotions you’re seeing in your teenager are signs of a problem.Whether or n ot that problem turns out to be depression,it still needs to be addressed ―the sooner the better.

1.What does this passage mainly talk about?(no more than 4 words)


2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)


3. How would a teenage feel if he or she were suffering depression?(no more than 8 words)


4. What are the warnings of worsening depression?(no more than 15 words)


5. What would you do if you found your child with signs of depression?(no more than 8 words)







注意: 1.词数120-150;



Dear Sir Or Madam,

I am Li Hua._____________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ ______


I am looking forward to your early reply.




Ⅰ. 阅读表达 (每小题2分,共10分)

1. Teenage depression. 2. can be treated 3. Very sad, despairing or angry

4. Dramatic, long lasting changes in personality, mood, or behavior

5. Take action right away

Ⅱ. 写作(满分30分)One possible version:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua. I am a student in Class 1, Grade 3. I have read the notice that our school radio station needs two English announcers, so I’m writing to introduce myself.

First of all, I am greatly interested in broadcasting. I have received some professional training in my spare time, hoping that I can work as an announcer in the future. Now I would like to put what I have learned into practice and gain some experience. Besides, I am good at English, especially spoken English. I won first prize in the English Speech Competition last year. So I think I am highly qualified for the job. If I am admitted, I will try my best to serve the students. I sincerely hope that you can give me a chance to work for the school radio station.

I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)


1.I felt ___________ sudden urge to tell him all my problems but I held back because I was afraid that he would make ____________ fun of me.

A.a/ B.the;/ C.a;the D.the;a

2.True happiness does not _____________ the possession of money,but the joy of achievement.

A.contribute to B.lie in C.result in D.add to

3.―Have a break,Amy.You _____________ playing the piano all the morning.

―OK,Mom.I will stop after this piece.

A. are practicing B.have practiced C.ha ve been practicing D practiced

4.The organization ____________ food and blankets collected from all over the world to the people who survived the earthquake.

A.exchanged B.purchased C.govemed D.distributed

5.Today,more people are coming to Beijing,_____________ capital of China,to make ___________better life for themselves.

A.the;the B.the;a C. a;the D.a;a

6.I’m sorry for ____________,but I have anurgent and important thing to talk to you.

A.cutting off B.cutting in C.cutting out D.cutting up

7.His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks. _____________ is no surprise that losing weight is just his dream.

A.Here B.It C.As D.What

8.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _____________ quickly.

A.shuts up B.ends up C.runs out D.turns out

9.―What made her so sad? She kept crying all the time.

― __________ to the ball.

A.Without being invited B.be not invited C.not being invited.D.Having not been invited

10.― Why do you think he is feeling spiritless?

― Because staying uplate makes him at his worst ___________ physical situation.

A.in terms of B.in addition to C.on account of D.regardless of

11.―Did you see the CEO in his office?

―Yes,he _________ by the journalist from BBC.

A.has been interviewed B.is being interviewed

C.had been interviewed D.was being interviewed

12.Just in front of our house___ with a history of 1000 years.

A.does at all tree stand B.stands a tall tree

C.at all tree is standing D.at all tree stands

13.As was expected,that the magazine .Put out the online ___________ mademore readers pay attention to it.

A.version B.conclusion C.admission D.category

14.He felt ___________ of cheating in the exam,deciding never to do such things again.

A.shame B.ashamed C.sorry D. shameful

15.Nuclear radiation is said __________ the biggest health challenge in Japanese Earthquake over the past few months.

A.being B.to be C.to have been D.that it is

16. In spite of the advanced medical technology,many Americans have no ___________ to health care.

A.access B.entrance C.introduction D.devotion

17.Hurricane Sandy,one of the biggest storms ever, hit the East Coast of the US on Oct. 29,___________ transportation.

A.shutting down B.to shut down C.shut down D.to have shut down

18.It was ____________ she lost her job ____________ she realized how important it is that one should study all the time.

A.not until;that B.not until;which C.not until;what D.until;when

19. ___________ we can have clean drinking water lies in ___________ effective measures will be taken by the government about water pollution.

A.Whether;that B.If;that C.Whether;what D.If;what

20. I find that looking after children is a fun and challenging job ___________ you need to be patient and careful.

A.That B.which C.where D.when

21.Our company has now come to the point ____________ we must make some reforms.

A.when B.because C.where D.that

22. A decision was made ____________ those who once cheated to get a position in the company would be fired.

A.whether B.that C.what D.if

23.It was in that small village _____________ was destroyed by the flood ___________ he spent his childhood.

A.which;that B.that:where C,where;that D.that;which

24. Actually,the London Olympic Park is built _____________ there used to be a poor area called East London.

A.what B.when C.where D.why

25.As far as I remember,it was evening ____________ we got to the village that day.

A.before B.since C.that D.until

26. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday.____________,I would have known nothing about it.

A.However B. Otherwise C.Therefore D.Thus

27.―Did you enjoy your journey to the village?

― __________.We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way.

A.Of course B.Quite a lot C.Not exactly D.No problem

28.―What did he become when he grew up?

―A soldier, _________ he had wanted to be very much.

A.that B.who C.what D.which

29.They must have been enjoying themselves there,or they __________ so long.

A.wouldn’t stay B.needn’t have stayed C.wouldn’t have stayed D.couldn’t stay

30.― Tim,I’m sorry.I used your type writer when you were away this afternoon.

― ____________.

A.That’s all fight B.with pleasure C.That depends D.Don’t mention it.




Xinxin,a 12-year-old student from Beijing,enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore.During their visit,he even had the chance to 31 some of Singapore’s sights by himself 32 his father was busy with other things.

Xinxin’s first adventure 33 in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel.He enjoyed swimming and 34 into the water by himself and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was 35 by his father.

The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore 36 a guardian(监护人).He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip.Xinxin volunteered to make his 37 trip by himself.His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch,and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios.He spent a whole day there and had a 38 time.

In an interview with Beijing Evening News,Xinxin’s father said that 39 he was too busy to spend all his time with his son,he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of 40 .Had Xinxin’s mother been there,she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight,the father commented.

31.A.study B.explore C.test D.measure

32.A.while B.until C.before D.unless

33.A.along B.alive C.alone D. lonely

34. A. floating B.surfing C.driving D.diving

35.A.made B.set C.decided D.asked

36.A.under B.behind C.with D.without

37.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

38.A.terrible B,miserable C.fantastic D.flexible

39.A.though B.since C.if D.when

40. A.independence B.daring C.pride D. diligence


As a kid I loved everything about school. I loved books, 41 ,tests and homework.Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle(通道)to receive my 42 .That seemed more appealing even than getting married.But at 15,I had to 43 because my parents 44 afford tuition. My hope of getting a diploma was dead.

Pretty soon,I married. I had three Children,and I thought:“There 45 my diploma.”

Even so,I wanted my children to be educated.But Linda,our youngest child,had juvenile arthritis(幼年型关节炎)inher 46 and knees,which made it 47 her to function(活动)in a normal classroom.

One day,I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses.

“That’s the answer,” I said to myself.Linda always feels 48 in the evening,so I’11just sign her up for night schoo1.

Linda was busy 49 out enrollment(入学)forms when the secretary said:“Mrs Schantz,why don’t you come back to 50 ?”

I 51 :“There’s no way! I’m 55!”

52 he insisted,and before I knew what I had done,I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts.“This is only an experiment,”I 53 him,but he just smiled.To my surprise,both Linda and I thrived(茁壮成长)in evening school. I went back again the next semester,and my grades 54 improved.

It was 55 going to school again,but it was no game.Sitting in a class full of kids was awkward, 56 most of them were respectful and encouraging.During the day,I still had loads of housework to do,But when I was down,Linda encouraged me.“Morn,you can’t 57 now!”And when she was down,I 58 her.Together we saw it through.At last,I got my diploma. 59 ,my classmates voted unanimously(一致地)for me to be class speaker,and I got a $3,000 college scholarship.

Yes,Mom,I was late for school,but I got there 60 .

41.A.parents B.teachers C.trees D.flowers

42.A.job B.present C.certification D.diploma

43.A.drop out B.watch out C.keep out D.find out

44.A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

45.A.goes B.comes C.exists D.breaks

46. A .hands B.head C.eyes D.stomach

47.A.1ikely B.frequent C.easy D.impossible

48.A.Worse B.excited C.better D.annoyed

49.A.giving B.taking C.filling D.sending

50.A.work B.school C.home D.office

51.A.1aughed B.told C.argued D.shouted

52.A.And B.But C.Although D.So

53.A.informed B.asked C.warned D.convinced

54.A.regularly B.happily C.steadily D.naturally

55.A.interesting B.disappointing C.concerned D.exciting

56.A.as if B.even if C.in case D.if only

57.A.continue B.rest C.quit D.hesitate

58.A.raised B.discouraged C.cheered D.defeated

59.A.To my surprise B.To my satisfaction C.To my relief D.To my credit

60.A.naturally B.frequently C.constantly D.eventually










A.宁(níng)愿   引吭(háng)高歌    作祟(suì)     星宿(xiù)

B.倔强(jiàng)  忧心忡忡(chōng)   剽(piāo)窃    载(zài)客

C.应(yīng)届   忍俊不禁(jìn)     干涸(hé)      妥帖(tiē)

D.逶迤(yí)     恣(zì)意妄为      诤(zhèng)谏   挟(xià)持












(1)由于上级部门的严格监管,这个公司厉行节约,一年就从嘴边上    了12万元人民币。

(2)海尔集团非常注重售后服务,三年内产品有问题一律     ,不让顾客再多出一分钱。

(3)     张艺谋在拍摄大制作电影上有成功的经验,北京奥组委委托他主持北京奥运会开幕式的编排工作。

A.节余    包修    基于       B.结余    包修    鉴于

C.节余    保修    鉴于       D.结余    保修    基于









是四君子,真可书史策云。                   ――选自(宋)洪迈《容斋随笔》,有删改。



A.率一岁四五访其庐       率:大概      B.自昼竟夜,殆忘寝食     殆:恐怕

C.虽细事不苟也           苟:马虎      D.辄一扣之               扣:求教


A.①不蕲人之知                         ②项伯乃夜驰之沛公军

B.①不妄与人接                         ②欲呼张良与俱去

C.①与所缺而未知者                     ②重为乡党所笑

D.①苟一日之用足,则玩心坟典           ②此则岳阳楼 之大观也


①蒋君不多与人周旋,而独厚于公              ②王茂刚,居明之林村,在岩壑深处

③廉介有常,安于贫贱               ④一衣与万钟等耳,倘无名受之,是不辨礼义也

⑤每积至数十,辄一扣之,无不迎刃而解   ⑥开门授徒,仅有以自给,非其义一毫不取

A.①②③   B.②③④     C.④⑤⑥     D.③④⑥




















10.补写出下列句中空缺的部分。(任选3题,多选则按前3题计分) (6分)

(1)是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。               ,               。(韩愈《师说》)

(2)戍卒叫,函谷举,              ,              。 (杜牧《阿房宫赋》)

(3)想当年,             ,              。(辛弃疾《永遇乐・京口北固亭怀古》)

(4)亲贤臣,远小人,                  ;亲小人,远贤臣,                  。诸葛亮《出师表》)





1. 在光的双缝干涉实验中,若在光屏处放照相底片,并设法控制入射光线强度和曝光时间,则下列描述中正确的是(   )





2.在电信传输过程中,把传输的电信号加载在高频等幅振荡上的过程叫做(  )

A.调制      B.调频      C.调幅       D.调谐

3.只要知道下列哪一组物理量,就可以估算出气体中分子间的平均距离(  )









--- I’ve got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?

--- ______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.

A. Don’t mention itB. No wonder

C. No problemD. My pleasure

Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story.

A. withoutB. beyond

C. againstD. despite

Think carefully before you answer questions online. You may be ______ into giving away very important personal information.

A. caughtB. addicted

C. seizedD. trapped

The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ______ for it.

A. as much twiceB. much as twice

C. as twice muchD. twice as much

Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often ______ the best qualities of a person.

A. cheer upB. take over

C. bring outD. put away

This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere ______ many others are short of.

A. whereB. when

C. thatD. what

The only problem was ______ we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly and helpful.

A. whyB. whether

C. thatD. how

--- Why didn’t you help the little boy?

--- Oh, he had struggled to his feet ______ I could run over and offered any help.

A. beforeB. after

C. whenD. since

--- Is it convenient to you if I call you up at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning?

--- I’m afraid not. I ______ a meeting then.

A. will have attendedB. was attending

C. will be attendingD. am attending

--- Where will you start your work after graduation?

--- Mum, it’s not been decided yet. I ______ continue my study for a higher degree.

A. needB. must

C. wouldD. might

______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies.

A. Having exposedB. Being exposed

C. To exposeD. Exposed

--- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card?

--- ______ you painted last night? I’m afraid I haven’t seen ______.

A. One ; oneB. The one ; it

C. One ; itD. The one ; that

--- Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I ????? late for the flight yesterday.

--- Don’t mention it.

A. will have beenB. would have been

C. must beD. could be

--- What did she want to know, Tom?

--- She wondered ______ we could complete the experiment.

A. when was itB. it was when that

C. it was whenD. when it was that

--- I’ll pay a visit to Hong Kong. Would you mind keeping an eye on my house?

--- Not at all. ______.

A. I’d rather notB. I’d be happy

C. I’ve no timeD. I’d like to


??? I never knew how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had _______ forgotten, something that happened to me as a child.

One day, as I went to sleep after my sisters and I had said our prayers, I recalled the events of the day and how _______ I had behaved toward Mother. “I must make things right now,” I thought.

Quietly I _______ out of bed and picked up the pencil and paper from the dresser, and then tiptoed into the hall. The _______ from the living room shone dimly. I knew Mother was downstairs still doing some sewing.

I quickly _______ a note asking Mother to excuse me for being so _______. I didn’t want my sisters to know my business so I _______ a postscript, “Please don’t let anyone else see this.” Then I _______ moved into my parents’ bedroom and put the letter under Mother’s pillow.

The next morning when I _______ my bed after breakfast, I ________ found a return note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and ________ me. This became my way of apologizing whenever I talked ________ or disobeyed. Mother always left a return note, but she never ________ our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family. Even when we were ________, she never mentioned them when we sisters ________ our childhood.

When Mother passed away, I had to go through her personal belongings. In her desk was a bundle of notes tied with a faded ribbon. On top was a message in handwriting which read, “In the event of my death, please ________ these.”

I ________ the package and glanced at the handwriting onthe bottom. To my ________, I recognized my childish writing, “PS. Please don’t let anyone else see this. Love, Edie.” I gently placed the unopened bundle in the ________ along with other things for the rubbish burner. “Lord,” I prayed, “make me like ________.”

1.A. longB. hardlyC. neverD. often

2.A. wellB. politelyC. happilyD. badly

3.A. wentB. rushedC. slippedD. moved

4.A. moonB. lightC. gasD. lamp

5.A. foundB. sentC. wroteD. took

6.A. lazyB. lateC. carelessD. naughty

7.A. tookB. addedC. broughtD. placed

8.A. quietlyB. quicklyC. calmlyD. hurriedly

9.A. searchedB. leftC. madeD. folded

10.A. secretlyB. unexpectedlyC. happilyD. fortunately

11.A. favoredB. understoodC. supportedD. forgave

12.A. overB. backC. loudlyD. big

13.A. spoke aboutB. put onC. gave outD. got around

14.A. aloneB. curiousC. olderD. interested

15.A. remindedB. forgotC. missedD. recalled

16.A. keepB. destroyC. hideD. announce

17.A. turned overB. tore openC. looked throughD. picked up

18.A. sadnessB. embarrassmentC. surpriseD. excitement

19.A. drawerB. wastebasketC. bedroomD. dresser

20.A. GodB. an angelC. a birdD. Mother


Below is a web page from www.xxxxxx.com/.

Kid of the Year Photo Contest

Enter your kid’s photo today and win ! We’re giving away 52 weekly $250 prizes from Readers’ Choice votes. PLUS our editors will select one entry (参赛作品) to win our grand prize of $7,000.

Official Contest Rules

No purchase necessary to enter or win. The Kid of the Year Photo Contest entry period begins at 12:00 a.m. March 23, 20xx, and ends on January 21, 20xx (the “Entry Period”). Entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. on January 21, 20xx (“Entry Deadline”). Entries will not be acknowledged or returned.

SPONSOR: Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

ENTRY: There will be two methods of entry.

Share My Entry:

Visit www.parents.com/photos/photo-contests-1/kid-of-the-year/ and click the button to enter. Then complete the registration form and follow the instructions to upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years. Photos must be taken by entrant, non-professional, unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Photos must be .jpeg or .bmp image formats (格式) and cannot exceed 3 MB.

Facebook Entry:

Visit Facebook.com/ParentsMagazine and click the Kid of 20xx tab. Fill out the registration form and upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years. You may provide one description and one album title that will be applied to all photos. Photos must be taken by entrant, non-professional, unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Photos must be .jpeg or .bmp image formats and cannot exceed 3 MB.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, supported or run by, or associated with Facebook. You are providing your information to Parents Magazine and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used to run the promotion and register for Parents.com.

Photos must not contain material that infringes the rights of another, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright violation. Photos must not contain brand names or trademarks.

LIMIT: One entry per household, per eligible (有资格的) child, per week. One weekly prize per child. For entries of more than one eligible child in the household, the entry process must be completed separately for each child. No group entries.

1.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. you should buy something first before you enter the contest

B. your entry will not be returned even if you don’t win the contest

C. you should send your entry before 12:00 p.m. on March 23, 20xx

D. the editors of the contest will decide who will win the 20,000 dollars in prizes

2.Linda, a mother with seven-year-old twins, wants to enter the contest. She MUST ________.

A. provide a description and an album title for the kid’s photos

B. go to Meredith Corporation to fill out the registration forms

C. complete the entry process separately for each of her kids

D. provide the information to Facebook if she chooses Facebook Entry

3.To enter the contest, photos must ________.

A. have won some prize or award

B. be taken by non-professional entrants

C. contain brand names or trademarks

D. contain parents’ personal information

4.What does the underlined word “infringes” mean?

A. violates.B. obtains.

C. grasps.D. cheats.

5.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A. to advertise the website Facebook. com

B. to make profits by attracting photographers’ interest

C. to introduce two methods of entering a photo contest

D. to encourage parents with children to enter a photo contest

??? During this shopping season, salesmen will come up with different strategies to get your business. Many product companies use specific colors to cause positive emotions and compete for a sale. However, sight is not the only sensory (感官的`) retail that companies use. Sounds and smells can also influence consumers’ purchasing decisions.

Nobel Prize-winning research shows that our sense of smell has great power to cause an emotional response. A study published earlier this year compared purchasing in a French flower shop when the smell of lavender (薰衣草) was given off and when it wasn’t. It found that the smell increased the number of consumers’ purchasing items and the amount of their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shoes found that consumers desired the shoes more, and were willing to pay more, when the room had a mixed smell of flowers. Realizing the subconscious impact of smell, many stores apply artificial scents (气味) through their heating and air-conditioning vents (通风口) or place scent machines above their doors. For instance, a coconut scent might make that bikini more appealing as you long for a vacation.

Ever felt frenzied due to a store’s fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece of light music? A retailer’s choice of music can have a big impact on consumers’ moods. One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store. But interestingly, the researchers did not find a difference in sales or customers’ satisfaction. Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music. Just as department stores use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in some areas to appeal to varying consumers.

Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court probably isn’t your best choices as brands like Cinnabon and Panera Bread also use scents as part of their customers’ experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. consumers’ favorite sounds and smells while shopping

B. shopping malls’ strategies for satisfying consumers

C. some special services from super shopping malls

D. two factors affecting consumers’ shopping decisions

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.

B. Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.

C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.

D. The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.

3.How does music have an effect on consumers?

A. It controls consumers’ desire for shopping.

B. It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.

C. It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.

D. Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.

4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “frenzied” in Paragraph 3?

A. Satisfied.B. Depressed.

C. Surprised.D. Excited.

5.What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?

A. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

B. People should spend more time at home with family members.

C. People can choose to get rid of salesmen’s promotion strategies.

D. Smells and sounds are important for consumers’ shopping experience.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child ― a bit of nostalgia (怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.

Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listen-and-repeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing the words.

All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15 minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.

Why Hungarian, you ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.

Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy or memorable tune.

Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburgh’s website Dr. Ludke writes, “This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”

1.The “song” mentioned in the first paragraph is intended to ________.

A. recall the pastB. amuse the readers

C. introduce the topicD. compare the past with the present

2.According to the passage which language doesn’t share the same root with Germanic or Romance languages?

A. HungarianB. Spanish

C. ItalianD. English

3.From the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that ________.

A. singing is the best way to learn a foreign language

B. brain probably works best when foreign language learners sing the words

C. a listen-repeat method is very effective for any language learner

D. Dr. Katie Overy and Dr. Ludke disagree with each other

4.What’s correct about the study undertaken by the researchers at the University of Edinburgh?

A. Altogether twenty adults were tested in the study.

B. People in the 3rd group performed as well as the other 2 groups.

C. People in the 2nd group were asked to speak the words to a beat.

D. In the study 60 adults were divided into 3 groups according to abilities.

5.In which situation can the finding of the research be applied?

A. A mother is going to teach her baby how to speak.

B. A child is going to have his first music lesson.

C. A student is going to learn a new English song.

D. An American is going to learn some Chinese.

With child behavior, there is almost much more than it meets the eye. Because it occurs at so many different levels, child behavior that seems simple at one level can often be much more complex and meaningful at another.

For instance, a little child’s pattern of getting into cupboards, drawers and closed rooms, even after being told not to, is easily considered as bad behavior. When viewed at that level, the pattern is unacceptable and could lead to punishment. But it can be viewed at a more complex and meaningful level, namely child exploration. If a child regularly experiences an angry parent who seems determined to prevent any exploratory activities, the child will decide to continue to achieve future discoveries. When parents view this behavior as born out of natural curiosity rather than simple opposition, they are more likely to accept and appropriately monitor it. Although it may lead to warning responses to ensure the child’s safety, it is less likely to lead to punishment.

There are countless other examples. Holding a goldfish outside its bowl is foolish at one level but also can be seen as a young child’s attempt to express physical affection for a pet. Spending time with friends rather than family is selfish at one level but also indicates a teen’s need for independence.

The point here is that child behavior is often exhibited in simple forms that can appear to be oppositional, selfish or generally unacceptable if viewed only at that basic level. However, when viewed at a more meaningful level, the same apparently simple behavior can be seen as something larger and potentially more adaptive. This doesn’t mean the behavior should be ignored, especially if it is inappropriate. But looking at the bigger picture of a child’s behavior, adults might gain a fuller understanding of what they’re dealing with, which can create more flexibility in how they respond.

1.According to Paragraph 1, we can know that child behavior ________.

A. is very changeableB. is inacceptable

C. occurs at different levelsD. is fully understood by adults

2.The example in Paragraph 2 mainly shows that ________.

A. parents should properly punish child behavior

B. parents should keep children’s safety in mind

C. children’s behavior shows their interests

D. there are different attitudes to child behavior

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A. The child will insist on doing things with determination.

B. The child will have to make frequent decisions.

C. The child will make new discoveries in the future.

D. The child will develop a strong sense of achievement.

4.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A. child behavior usually reflects a child’s need

B. what a child does can mean differently when seen from different aspects

C. children tend to do something to show their dependence to their parents

D. children spending time with friends show their selfishness

5.What does the writer suggest parents should do with a child’s behavior?

A. Have a positive attitude towards it.

B. Ignore the improper behavior.

C. View it at the basic level.

D. Watch over it from head to foot.



I stood at the edge of the cliff. The wind stung my eyes, cutting into my skin. Dark-feathered birds circled the air, swooping (俯冲) low over the ocean every now and then to catch their dinner. Hundreds of feet below, the deep ocean beat against the rough sandy shore. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with excitement ― and at the same time, fear.

Behind me, I heard the rest of the crew start to mutter. I was here for the shooting of a movie as I was one of the lead actors in the film Dangerous Things, and this scene was right in the middle of the climax (故事的高潮). It was vital that this went right.

The director had talked to me about getting a stunt double (替身演员), but I’d persuaded him that I could handle the dive. I’d taken a diving course a few years ago, and I’d been taking swimming lessons since I was five years old. I had been pretty confident that I could do this ― up till now.

Someone called out, “Ceria, you don’t have to do this! Are you sure you want to dive?” It was one of the producers, Callie Evans. I knew I couldn’t turn back now. I couldn’t bear to see the disappointed look on the director’s face when he was told that I couldn’t do it.

At that moment, all my fears and worries broke free. The expectation of adventure and victory seemed to move all the hesitation. I swooped downwards. The air on either side of me cut into my extended arms. I knew that this wonderful feeling of flight would only last a few seconds, yet time seemed to slow down so I could hear the thrilled whoops of my crew and a round of applause that seemed to echo in my pounding ears.

1.At the beginning, how did the author feel about what she was going to do?(No more than 3 words)

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean in English?(No more than 15 words)

3.Why was the author that confident in diving?? (No more than 10 words)

4.What was the crew’s reaction while the author was diving down?? (No more than 10 words)

5.How do you like the author? Please explain why.? (No more than 25 words)


假如你是天津晨光中学的学生李津, 你在互联网上看到关于加拿大Columbia International College将举办冬令营的计划及课程安排的信息,你很感兴趣。现在请你根据以下提示给该学院的Christine写一封信咨询相关情况。








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Dear Ms. Christine,

I am Li Jin, _______________________________________________________________________________








Yours Sincerely

Li Jin
















































钱钟书先生风华一生,不仅在国内,即使是在国外也享有盛誉。有一位外国记者曾说:“到中国来,一是为了看看万里长城,二是为了拜访一下钱钟书先生。”可见先生的影响之大。但面对那些前来拜访的中外人物,先生却常常闭门谢客。美国普林斯顿大学曾邀他讲学,半年即付他1 600万美金,并可携带夫人前往,但却被他婉拒,有人问他,他却说:“我都姓了大半辈子‘钱’了,难道还迷恋这东西吗?”的确,先生虽有一般文人恃才傲物的性格,但却淡泊名利,活得低调。
























边说边走,忽然我发现了前方有一家卖鸭血粉丝汤的,人人都知道南京的鸭血粉丝汤好喝,作为吃货的我怎能不去尝尝呢?(我们要了三碗,不一会热腾腾的鸭血粉丝汤就端了上来。只见晶莹的粉丝浸在米黄色的汤里,红色的鸭血一条条的分散在粉丝上,旁边伴有油果子、香菜和鸭肝、鸭肠等。白红相间,还有黄、灰、绿和米黄色相点缀,再加上一勺红红的辣油飘在汤上,真是令人口水直流。我迫不及待地吃了一口,哇塞!血很新鲜,有一种入口即化的鲜甜,完全不似那种添加了凝固剂的口感木木的血。汤头和一般粉丝汤不一样,不是乳白色的,是清汤,但味道很好。哇塞!这真是人间美味呀! 不尝一尝真是白来南京啊!





























我们要学会欣赏自己,表扬自己,把自己的优点优点成绩满足的事情,统统找出来,在心中“炫耀”一番,重复刺激和暗示自己“我可以” “我能行” “我真行”,就能逐步摆脱“事事不如人,处处难为己”阴影的困扰,就会感到生命有活力,生活有盼头,觉得太阳天天都是新的,从而保持奋发向上的劲头。“天生我才必有用”。自己给自己鼓掌,自己给自己加油,自己给自己戴朵花,自己给自己发锦旗,便能撞击出生命的火花,培养出像欧基米德“给我一个支点,我将挪移地球”的.那种豪迈的自信来!










有这样一个故事:有个青年人常为自己的贫穷而牢X腹。 “你具有如此丰富的财富,为什么还发牢X”一位智者问他说。“它到底在哪里?”青年人急切地问。“你的一双眼睛,只要能给我你的一双眼睛,我就可以把你想得到的东西都给你。” “不,我不能失去眼睛!”青年人回答。 “好,那么,让我要你的一双手吧!对此,我用一袋黄金作补偿。”智者又说。“不,我也不能失去双手。” “既然有一双眼睛,你就可以学习;既然有一双手,你就可以劳动。现在,你自己看到了吧,你有多么丰富的财富啊!”智者微笑着说道。












在这个秋高气爽的十月,我们迎来了伟大祖国67岁诞 辰,又恰逢中秋佳节,更是喜上加喜,在这个欢乐的日子 里,南京又了翻天覆地的变化,楼变高了,山变秀了,路 变宽了,水也变清了。

你瞧!一向我熟悉的山西路广场,现在都已经让我认 不识了。原来凹凸不平的石子路,经过休整,变成了柏油 马路。美丽的山西路广场,就建在这里。广场里有喷泉、草坪、鲜花、假山------让你在这繁华的都市中也能感 受到大自然的气息。

在晚上,如果你来到山西路广场,还可以看见美丽的 灯光艺术隧道和精彩的激光水幕电影,这些都是高科技的 结晶啊!

在湖南路美食一条街上,摆着各式各样的小吃,有羊 肉串、凉粉、冷饮、果汁、牛肉粉丝------引得游人直 掏腰包,喜得那些小商贩乐滋滋地数着票子。看到这些国 泰民安的情景,真是使人其乐融融。

不单单只是山西路广场,南京的许多地方都有着日新 月异的变化。原本荒凉的狮子山,现在已经建成了风景秀 丽的“狮子山公园”,还重新盖了一座“阅江楼”新盖的 五台山广场,里面种满了娇艳的鲜花,碧绿的小草,让人 心旷神怡。

不仅如此,南京市政府为了给市民带来交通便利,建 造了沪宁高速公路、新方立交桥、城西快速通道、汉中路 地下过街道等,还有正在建造中的南京地铁和玄武湖隧 道,这一切都为南京增添了无限风光。






























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