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NSEFC2B Unit 16 全单元教案

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NSEFC2B Unit 16 全单元教案



第一单元 文化与生活 本单元主要讲文化的内涵(本质、形式、特点)、影响(作用) 知识要点分析 1、内涵(本质、形式、特点)   (1)内涵:“文化”是相对于经济、政治而言的人类全部精神活动及其产品。其中,既包括世界观、人生观、价值观等具有意识形态性质的部分,又包括自然科学和技术、语言和文字等非意识形态的部分。   (2)本质:文化是一种精神现象   (3)形式:思想、理论、信念、信仰、道德、教育、科学、文学、艺术等。 (4)特点:①文化是人类社会特有的现象:文化是由人所创造、为人所特有的,纯粹“自然”的东西不能称为文化,有了人类社会才有文化,文化是人们社会实践的产物。 ② 每个人所具有的文化素养不是天生的,也不是在后天自发形成的。文化素养的形成,离不开生活、实践和教育。 ③人们的精神活动离不开物质活动;社会文化和精神产品离不开物质载体。 2、影响(对社会、对个人)   A 对社会的影响(作用): 文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量,对社会发展产生深刻的影响。先进的、健康的文化对社会的发展产生巨大的促进作用;反动的、腐朽没落的文化则对社会的发展起着重大的阻碍作用。 (1)  文化对政治具有反作用,给予政治以重大影响。(文化与经济相互交融) (2)  文化对经济具有反作用,给予经济以重大影响。(文化与政治相互交融 (3)  文化对综合国力的影响:当今世界,各国之间综合国力竞争日趋激烈。文化在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。文化的力量,深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中,成为综合国力的重要标志。 B对个人的影响(作用)   (1)影响方式:来自于特定的文化环境,来自于各种形式的文化活动   (2)影响内容:文化影响人们的交往行为和交往方式。文化影响人们的实践活动、认识活动和思维方式   (3)影响特点:①潜移默化的影响:参加健康向上的文化活动,能够使人得到精神上的愉悦、情操上的陶冶,提高人的审美水平、道德素养。这些文化影响既通过潜移默化的方式发生,又是人们自觉学习、主动感悟文化熏陶的结果。因此,要积极参加健康向上的文化活动。 ②深远持久的影响:文化对人的交往方式、思维方式、生活方式的影响是深远持久的。世界观、人生观、价值观对人的综合素质和终身发展产生深远而持久的影响。 (4)影响的双重性:落后的、腐朽的文化腐蚀人的精神世界,对个人发展起阻碍作用; 优秀文化塑造人生:①优秀文化能丰富人的精神世界:人创造了文化,文化也在塑造着人。优秀文化能够丰富人的精神世界。积极参加健康有益的文化活动,不断丰富自身的精神世界,是培养健全人格的重要途径。 ②优秀文化能增强人的精神力量:优秀文化作品,总能以其特有的感染力和感召力,使人深受震撼、力量倍增,成为照亮人们心灵的火炬、引领人们前进的旗帜。而由此产生的精神力量,往往历久不衰,激励人们不断创造美好幸福的生活。  ③优秀文化能促进人的全面发展:人的全面发展,表现在人的思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质等符方面得到全面提高。优秀文化为人的健康成长提供不可缺少的精神食 第二单元 文化传承与创新复习要点 本单元主要讲文化发展的一般规律 知识要点分析  一、文化的发展 1、发展历程 :文化传承 (1)  横向:文化传播 ①前提条件:文化的多样性   A含义:我们所说的文化多样性,主要是指民族文化的多样性。 B主要例证:民族节日:蕴涵着民族生活中的风土人情、宗教信仰和道德伦理等文化因素,是一个民族历史文化的长期积淀。庆祝民族节日,是民族文化的集中展示,也是民族情感的集中表达。文化遗产:地位和意义:文化遗产,是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志。文化遗产不仅对于研究人类文明的演进具有重要意义,而且对于展现世界文化的多样性具有独特作用,它们是人类共同的文化财富,要保护文化遗产。 C文化是民族的,又是世界的:世界文化是由不同民族、不同国家的文化共同构成的,文化是世界性与民族性的统一。各民族间经济的和政治的、历史的和地理的.等多种因素的不同,决定了各民族文化之间存在着的差异,(即文化的民族性),所以,文化是民族的,(即各民族都有自己的文化个性和特征)。又由于世界各民族的社会实践有其共性,有普遍的规律,在实践中产生和发展的不同民族文化也有共性和普遍规律,即文化的世界性。所以,文化又是世界的。 D对待文化多样性的正确态度、原则及意义:正确态度:既要认同本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化。不同民族之间,应该相互尊重,在发展本民族文化的同时,共同维护、促进文化的多样性。 尊重文化多样性的意义:a尊重文化多样性是发展本民族文化的内在要求。各民族只有人口多少和发展程度上的区别,绝无高低优劣之分。每个民族的文化都有自己的精粹,每个民族的文化精粹都是这个民族历史发展的产物和人民智慧的结晶。b尊重文化化多样,是实现世界文化繁荣的必然要求。一个民族的文化成就,不仅属于这个民族,而也属于整个世界。总之,尊重和保存不同的民族文化,是人类生存和发展的基础。坚持原则:承认世界文化的多样性,尊重不同民族的文化,必须遵循各国文化一律平等的原则。这就要求我们在文化交流中,要尊重差异,理解个性,和平共处,共同促进世界文化的繁荣。反对盲目自大、贬低、排斥异文化,或者妄自菲薄、盲目崇拜异文化的错误倾向。  ②含义及手段:文化交流的过程,就是文化传播的过程。人们通过一定的方式传递知识、信息、观念、情感和信仰,以及与此相关的所有社会交往活动,都可视为文化传播。 传媒大体经历了口语、文字、印刷、电子和网络等到发展阶段,但是新的传媒出现,并不意味着旧的传媒的消失。传媒真正开始面向大众传递信息,是以印刷媒体的推广为标志的。 大众传媒:现代文化传播的手段:现代社会中的传媒有报刊、广播、电视、网络等多种形式。 依托现代信息技术,大众传媒能够最大程度地超越时空的局限,汇集来自世界各地的信息,日益显示出文化传递、沟通、共享的强大功能,已成为文化传播的主要手段。 ③主要途径:a商业活动。b人口迁徙。c教育:教育是文化传播的又一重要途径。人们通过学习各种文化课程,能够获得不同的文化知识。文化传播是教育的重要功能。 ④重要意义:有利于满足人类生存和发展的现实需要;有利于促进文化的交流与融合,实现世界文化的繁荣;有利于推动人类文化的创新与发展。 (2) 纵向:文化继承 :1)前提条件:传统文化:A含义及特点:①传统文化具有相对的稳定性。②传统文化具有鲜明的民族性 B继承性的表现:传统习俗,传统建筑,传统文艺和传统思想  C影响及态度:双重影响:传统文化的相应内容如果能顺应社会生活的变迁,不断满足人们日益增长的精神需求,就能对社会与人的发展起臭味相投作用。反之,如果一成不变,传统文化也会阻碍社会进步、妨害人的发展的消极作用。正确态度:“取其精华,去其糟粕”,批判地继承,古为今用。 2)继承与创新的关系:a继承是发展的必要前提,发展是继承的必然要求。b二者是一个过程的两个方面。c文化传承就是在继承的基础上发展,在发展的过程中继承。 (3)  发展实质:文化创新 :A文化创新与社会实践的关系:社会实践是文化创新的基础(来源;动力;目的和标准);文化创新对社会实践有反作用  B文化创新的原因:必要性:a是社会实践发展的必然要求b是文化自身发展的内在动力重要性。  重要性a创新,是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。b文化创新可以推动社会实践的发展。推动社会实践的发展,促进人的全面发展,是文化创新的根本目的,也是检验文化创新的标准所在。c文化创新能够促进民族文化的繁荣。 C文化创新的途径:①根本途径(实践):社会实践是文化创新的源泉、动力和基础。立足于社会实践,是文化创新的基本要求,也是文化创新的根本途径。②基本途径之一(古今):文化创新必须批判地继承传统文化,做到“取其精华,去其糟粕”,“推陈出新、革故鼎新”。努力为传统文化注入时代精神。③基本途径之二(中外):加强不同民族文化的交流、借鉴与融合,做到博采众长。学习、借鉴其他民族文化的优秀文化成果要以我为主、为我所用。④坚持正确方向,反对错误倾向:文化创新要把握好当代文化(今)与传统文化(古)、民族文化(中)与外来文化(外)的关系。反对“守旧主义”和“封闭主义”,反对“民族虚无主义”和“历史虚无主义”。  3、影响因素:(1)社会制度的更替:每当社会制度发生新旧更替时,文化也会以一个新的文化形态取代旧的文化形态过程。代表新的政治、经济力量的新文化,通过反对代表旧的政治经济力量的旧文化节的斗争,有力地促进文化的进步。 (2)科学技术的进步,是促进经济发展的重要因素,也是推动文化发展的重要因素。当代信息技术进步和运用,使得收集、选择、传递等文化资源的手段和方式发生了根本的变革,极大促进文化的传播、继承和发展。 (3)思想运动的变革往往成为社会变革的先导,不同的思想文化在思想运动中相互撞击,从而催生社会变革,也促进文化的发展。 (4)教育:教育是人类特有的传承文化的能动性活动,具有选择、传递、创造文化的特定功能,在人的教化与培育上始终扮演着重要的角色。随着教育方式的不断变革,教育在人类文化的传承中将产生越来越大的影响。 第三单元知识要点复习一、中华文化的基本特征:1、源远流长 2、博大精深。 1、源远流长 (1)发展历程:   (2)主要见证:①汉字:文字是文化的基本载体。文字的发明,使人类文明得以传承,标志着人类进入文明时代。汉字为书写中华文化,传承中华文明,发挥了巨大的作用。今天为中华各族人民所通用,是中华文明的重要标识。 ②史书典籍

篇2:NSEFC2B Unit 16 全单元教案

Unit 16 The United States of America

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The United States of America is a developed country and also a booming country,which has a history of only 200~300 years.After the USA was founded,the American Civil War broke out in 1861,which brought suffering to the people of the USA,especially those in the South.Rebuilding the South became an essential task at that time.This unit mainly talks about the rebuilding and development of the American South.And Atlanta is a good illustration.It also deals with the bison on the plains of America.Because the bison was killed in huge numbers by European settlers,the balance of the whole wildlife was destroyed.After learning the unit,we let the students learn about the early history of America.Besides,some useful expressions and phrases should be mastered,and Non-finite verbs need to be reviewed,especially their passive forms.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about the USA.

2.Practise describing places.

3.Review Non-finite Verbs(2).

4.Write a comparison essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.The American Civil War

The war of 1861~1865 between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) is also called the War between the States or the War of the Rebellion.There were many causes,of which the most important were disagreement over slavery,and the quarrel concerning Federal control and States’ Rights.The direct cause of the war was the election of Lincoln as President;this was followed by the secession of the southern states from the Union and the founding of the Confederacy,with Jefferson Davis as its President.The North had many advantages,a far greater population,more railway lines,and more factories.But the Confederates fought hard and were at first successful:they won the battles of Bull Run and Fredericksburg;but then Lee was defeated at Gettysburg and the Union army led by Grant won control of Mississippi.Admiral Farragant forced New Orleans to surrender:Texas,Arkansas and Louisiana were cut off from the rest of the Confederacy.After the Union won the Vicksburg campaign,Sherman made his march through Georgia to the sea,and Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatton Court House,Virginia,on April 9,1865.Lincoln was assassinated in the same month.Slavery was declared unconstitutional.The period after the war (Reconstruction),when the South was occupied by the Worth,left bitterness that has not yet entirely vanished.During Reconstruction the southern states were admitted back into the Union.

2.The War of American Independence

(Also called the Revolutionary War 1775~1783)

The struggle of the thirteen British colonies in North America for independence ended in the forming of the USA.The main causes of the war were taxes imposed by the British government,e.g.the Stamp Tax of 1765 and the Tea Tax.The colonies rebelled in 1775;the first shots were fired at Lexington,and the First battle was faught at Bunker Hill.The continental Congress appointed General Washington as leader of its forces,and issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.General Burgoyne led a British army down from Canada but was forced to surrender at Saratoga (Oct.1777).He was supposed to meet the army of General Howe,who managed to occupy Philadelphia.Washington spent the hard winter of 1777~1778 at Valley Forge,and had difficulty in keeping his men together,France (1778),Spain (1779)and the Netherlands (1780)joined the war against Britain.British forces under Cornwallis won victories in the South where Britain had some popular support,but Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown,Virginia,and forced to surrender (Oct.19/1781),which practically brought the war to an end.At sea,Britain had to fight to keep her naval supremacy,but after Yorktown the American ports were lost one by one.The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris,1783,which recognized the independence of the USA.

3.Slavery in the United States

The African ancestors (祖先) of today’s black Americans were brought to the US as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.They worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic (经济) system (体制) of the South.

Slaves did not have the right of people;according to the law,they were a “thing” which belonged to the person who bought them.They had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.They were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in very unhealthy conditions.Their owners had complete power over them.They could be bought and sold like animals.At the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.Slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.Slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owners.After the Civil War,one free slave reported that his owner killed an older slave who was teaching him to read.In theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished.In practice,however,the law meant nothing.

Opposition to slavery began very early in the history of the US-in 1671-but little progress was made until the beginning of the nineteenth century.By 1804 slavery was illegal (非法的) in the northern states.But it continued,and even grew,in the southern states,which depended on cotton for their economic wealth.Slavery,ended in the South only after the Civil War.For blacks,however,the end of slavery was only a beginning,the late beginning of a long and difficult struggle for true justice.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn about the USA.

2.Do some listening.

3.Practise describing places to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising describing places using the following useful sentence patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.How to help the students carry out the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Discussion to help the students learn about the US.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student have a chance to work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

T:Now,let’s begin our class.First,I’ll give you some information about the history of a country.Please guess which country it is.Listen carefully.It is a very young country in the world,which has only a history of 200~300 years.Most people in the country are immigrates The head office of the UN was set up there.Two World Wars didn’t take place there.Now it is the strongest country of the world.Can you guess it?

Ss:Yes.The USA.

Step Ⅲ Warming-up

T:You’re right.Today we’re going to learn Unit 16 The United States of America (Bb:Unit 16 The United States of America).Now,let’s have a quiz to see how much you know about the USA.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Decide if the following sentences are true or false.Write“T”or“F”in the brackets.

1.New York is the largest state in the US. ( )

2.Most state names come from Spanish or English. ( )

3.Atlanta is known as the“Big Apple”. ( )

4.The Constitution was written in 1779. ( )

5.There are 52 stars on the American flag. ( )

6.George Washington was the first American President. ( )

7.The first settlers arrived in North America about 30 000 years ago. ( )

8.The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world. ( )

T:Well,please do it by yourselves.After a while,I’ll check your answers.Is that clear?


(After a few minutes,teacher checks the students’ answers.)

T:The first one,true or false?


T:Please correct it.

S1:New York is the largest city in the US.

T:Good.The second one?


T:What about the third one?

S3:False.New York is known as the “Big Apple”.

Suggested answers:

4.F The Constitution was written in 1787.

5.F There are 50 stars on the American flag.



8.F The Mississippi is one of the important rivers in the world.

T:A good job!Now,open your books and turn to Page 41.Please look at the map of the USA and find out the following cities and states:New York,Washington,Florida,Taxas, California,Alaska.

(A few minutes later,teacher says the following.)

T:Please look at the first picture.What place is it?Any volunteer?

S4:It is the famous White House,where the president of the US works and lives with his family.

T:Do you know how it got its name?


T:Who knows?

S5:At first,it was made of gray stone and called the President’s Palace.During the war of 1812,it was burned by British soldiers.Afterwards,it was rebuilt.The walls were painted white to cover up marks left by the fire.Then people began calling the President’s Palace the White House.The name caught on and has remained in use ever since.

T:Wonderful!Next,let’s look at the second picture.It is a famous city,which is it?

S6:New York.

T:Right.Can you guess when the picture was taken?

S6:I think it was taken before the date September 11,.

T:How do you know?

S6:Because in the picture,we can see many skyscrapers.Among them,the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building are most famous,but now the World Trade Centre has already gone.It was exploded by terrorists.

T:Oh,What a pity!Do you know anything else about New York?


T:New York is America’s cultural capital,where there is the statue of Liberty,the skyscrapers,了the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue,and the many theatres on Broadway.Manhattan,the smallest island in New York,is the real centre of the city.When people say “New York City” they usually mean Manhattan.In 1605,the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland.They bought the island from the American Indians for a few glass necklaces,worth about $26.The most crowded part of New York is perhaps Harlem,where most Black Americans live.The crime rate is among the highest in the Western world.I hope one day some of you will have a chance to visit it.Do you have enough confidence?


T:OK.Now,work in pairs or groups.Make a list of things you know about the USA and what you’d like to know more about.(Teacher may encourage the students to make a chart.Several minutes later,teacher collects their charts.)

Sample diagram:

Step Ⅳ Listening

T:OK.We have talked more about the USA.Now let’s listen to a radio programme about New York to help Wang Xiao correct the errors in her notes.Turn to the next page.Let’s look at Ex.1 in the listening part.Here are the notes taken by Wang Xiao after he listens to a radio programme about New York.First read it by yourself.Then I’ll play the tape for you to listen.After that,please correct his errors.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.After playing it,teacher gives the students one or two minutes to do Ex.1.At last,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

T:OK.Now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions.Before listening,you need to go through with the questions.(Teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions.Then play the tape for the second time.After that,give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.)

T:Well done.Please listen to Part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in Ex.3.

(Teacher deals with Ex.3 in the same way.If necessary,play the tape again.)

Step Ⅴ Speaking

T:Everyone loves his own hometown,which is beautiful in their hearts.Now,let’s talk about our hometown.Tell me where your hometown is,Wang Kai.

S7:My hometown lies on the plain of North China.

T:Are there any mountains,rivers or forests?

S7:Yes.There is the famous Mount Taihang to the west,Fenhe River in the centre and a railway from Datong to Fenglingdu across my hometown.

T:What does the landscape look like?

S7:Very beautiful.There are thick forests,clean rivers and pleasant climate.Resources of minerals are also rich,which is called “the Sea of Coal”.Many places of interest,like the ancient city Pingyao,Yungang Rock Cave and Mount Wutai are famous in the world.

T:Well done!Now,look at the last part-Speaking at Page 42.Let’s do some speaking.Choose one of the cards and ask each other questions.You can use a map to help you.Before speaking,please look at the sentence patterns on the screen.They may be of great help to you.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Can you make a sentence using each sentence pattern on the screen?


T:Who can try the first sentence pattern?

S8:How tall is the building?

T:Yes.Answer the question,please.

S8:It’s about 100 feet tall.

T:Very good.Make a sentence with the next sentence pattern.Any volunteer?

S9:There is a famous mountain in the north.

T:OK.Sit down,please.The last one?

S10:It looks like a bird’s nest.

T:Good job!Now,work in pairs to talk about your hometown.Ater a while,I’ll ask some students to act out their dialogues before the class.Are you clear about that?



(Teacher goes among the students and joins them.)

T:(After a few minutes)Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to act out your dialogue in front of the class?

(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)

Sample dialogue:

A:Could you tell me where your hometown is?

B:My hometown is on the plain of North China,which has a population of 5 000.

A:Is it beautiful?

B:Yes.It lies to the east of Mount Taihang and west of Haihe River.The railway from Beijing to Guangzhou crosses it.There is fertile land,rich resources,simple people and developed trade.It is a brilliant pearl on the plain.

A:Very beautiful!Would you like to take me to visit your hometown if possible?

B:Of course.I’m glad to act as your guide.What about your hometown?

A:On the Loess Plateau lies my hometown.

B:The Loess Plateau?It must be very inaccessible and backward.

A:No.My hometown is not far from the Yellow River,which is more than 5 000 metres long.The traffic is convenient,four seasons clear,climate cool and resources of minerals rich,like coal,iron…I believe my hometown will become more beautiful in the near future.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly learnt something about the USA by speaking and listening.Besides,we’ve talked about our hometown using the useful sentence patterns,such as:How long/wide/high/tall is the…?It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,surf the Internet to get more information about the USA,such as the history of the USA.At last,don’t forget to preview the reading passage.That’s all for today.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The First Period

Useful Sentence Patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

deal with,burn down,aim at,in honour of,in vain,proud of,be determined to do,once again

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Help the students learn about the American South.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Master the useful phrases appearing in the reading passage correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students understand the reading material better.

2.How to make the students finish the concerned exercises after reading.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast-reading to help the students get the general idea of the text.

2.Careful-reading to get some detailed information about the passage.

3.Discussion to help the students finish the concerned exercises.

4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:In the last period,we talked about our hometown.I have felt that everyone loves his/her hometown,but do you know what your hometown looked like 20~30 years ago?

S1:I have ever heard about it from my Dad.

T:Please tell us about your hometown in the past.We are glad to learn about it.

S1:Thirty years ago,my hometown was very poor.People lived a hard life.There was not enough food and clothing.The living conditions were also very bad.At night,they had to light up the oil lamp to give light.There was almost no entertainment for them then.

T:It seems that they did live a hard life.Now we have said “Goodbye” to the times.Happy life does not come easily,so we should value it.Meanwhile,we shouldn’t forget the past.

Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

T:Now,please turn to Page 43 and look at Ex.1 in Prereading.Make a simple timeline of your cities or villages.Make a list of important events and changes and discuss causes and effects in groups of four.While discussing,you may consider the following areas:employment,education,

population,buildings and streets.Five minutes later,I’ll ask some students to report their answers.Is that clear?


T:OK.You can begin.

(Teacher goes among the students and joins them in their discussion.)

T:(Five minutes later)Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to report your result of your discussion?

S2:(The student first shows his timeline to the class and then says the following.)

…before 1945…1945…1958…1978…now

Before the year 1945,our village was very poor.Most people there were illiterate persons.They lived in old and shabby houses.They worked for landlords.In 1945,the village was liberated.They had their own fields and had the right to receive education.In 1958,an agricultural producers’ cooperative was founded.They built houses made of earth and wood.Their life improved.The population began to grow.The land reform system was carried out in 1978.Some of them began to open up factories and do business.Life was becoming richer and richer.They moved into new houses made of bricks and tiles.Now people there have become much richer.They build villas and buy their own cars.Mud roads have been replaced by cement roads.Their factories are doing well,attracting people from different places.Among the young,college students are becoming more and more.Some of them have returned to the village to work.

T:Well done!What do you think are the reasons for the changes?

S2:The leadership of the Party and the Reform and openning Policy.

T:Quite right.Now let’s turn our attention to the USA.Yesterday I asked you to surf the Internet to get some information about the history of the USA.Have you finished it?


T:OK.Let’s do an exercise to see whether you’ve learnt about the history of it.Please look at the screen and put the events in the box in the correct place on the timeline.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

…30 000 years ago…1492…1861…1930s…1960s…

1.The American Civil War

2.The Great Depression

3.The Civil Rights Movements

4.The arrival of native Americans

5.The arrival of European settlers

(Teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare.Then check their answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

…30 000 years ago…1492…18611…1930s…1960s

4 5 1 2 3

T:Good.Now let’s learn more about the American south,which is important to the USA.

Step Ⅳ Reading

T:Now,open your books and turn to Page 43.Let’s learn the passage about the American South.Before reading,Let’s learn the new words in this passage.

(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

T:Please read the passage quickly and then answer the question:Atlanta is a representative of the American South.Why?

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answer.)

T:Who’d like to have a try?One student only needs to find out one point.

S3:Like many of its sister cities in the South,Atlanta was burnt down in the Civil War.When rebuilt,the city had only $1.64.

T:Anything else?

S4:In only five years,most of the city had been rebuilt and Atlanta began to grow.

S5:In Atlanta,Dr. Martin Luther King organised non-violent demonstrations and in the end segregation disappeared.Atlanta was becoming a successful city proud of its cultural diversity.

S6:Modern Atlanta is becoming a booming business centre and the home of the largest and most successful companies in America.

T:Yes,you’re right.Now,read the passage carefully and finish Ex.1 in Post-reading.After that,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

1-b 2-c 3-d 4-e 5-a

T:Well.You’ve understood the text better.Next,please look at the screen and finish the exercise.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks with the right phrases.

deal with burn down aim at in honour of in vain proud of

once again be determined to

1.We are______ ______our great socialist motherland.

2.We______ ______ ______fulfil the task.

3.They have learnt to______ ______various problems.

4.Washington,a state in the United States,was named______ ______ ______one of the greatest American presidents.

5.All our work was______ ______.

6.She took exercise every morning,______ ______losing weight.

7.Many houses______ ______ ______in the big fire.

8.Please read the passage______ ______.

Suggested answers:

1.proud of 2.are determined to 3.deal with 4.in honour of 5.in vain 6.aiming at 7.were burnt down 8.once again

Step Ⅴ Listening and Consolidation

T:OK.Now you’ve been familiar with the passage,so close your books and let’s listen to the tape.After that,finish the exercise on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and turns on the recorder.After listening,teacher gives the students a few minutes to do it and then checks the answers with the whole class.)

The information below is from the reading passage.Read them and decide if they are true or false.Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true.If it is false,write “F” and correct the error.

1.( )Ever since the Civil War,the South has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past.

2.( )In 1864,when the new mayor of Atlanta started working,the city had a lot of money.

3.( )In 10 years,most of the city had been rebuilt and Atlanta began to grow again.

4.( )After segregation disappeared,Atlanta was becoming a successful city proud of its cultural diversity.

5.( )Atlanta is a representative of the new South,a place where fear and doubt have replaced hope and faith.

6.( )Today,the South is known for its beautiful scenery.

Suggested answers:


2.F In 1864,when the new mayor of Atlanta started working,the city had only $1.64.

3.F In only five years,most of the city had been rebuilt and Atlanta began to grow again.


5.F Atlanta is a representative of the new South,a place where hope and faith have replaced fear and doubt.

6.F Today,the South is known for its hospitality.

Step Ⅵ Post-reading

T:Well,let’s discuss some questions.Turn to Page 45 and finish Ex.2 in Post-reading by discussing in groups of four.After that,I’ll ask some of you to report the results.Is that clear?


T:(Several minutes later)Who’d like to answer the first question?


(The question is similar to the one asked at the beginning,so the answer to it is omitted.)

T:Good.The second one,who can try it?

S8:In the Civil War.Atlanta was destroyed.Rebuilding the city needed a lot of money,but at that time it had only $1.64.During the time the city was being rebuilt,the people of it met with the Depression.In the 1960s,Atlanta saw a series of fierce fights against segregation.

T:You’re right.The last question?


Suggested answer:

A culturally diverse population

Advantages Disadvantages

They can learn from each other for common progress.Their culture has great vitality. Different cultural background,moral concepts and living habits make them not be able to better understand each other and sometimes even lead to conflicts.

Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve learnt about the history of the USA,especially the American South.Atlanta is a representative of the new South,which is now a booming business centre and the home of some largest and most successful companies in America.Besides,we’ve learnt some useful phrases,such as deal with,burn down,aim at,in honour of…(Teacher writes them on the Bb.)After class,try to make some sentences with them to consolidate them.At the end,remember to preview the next part-Language Study.That’s all for today.See you next time!

Ss:See you next time!

Step Ⅷ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Second Period

Useful Expressions:

deal with burn down aim at in honour of in vain proud of be determined to once again

Step Ⅸ Record after Teaching

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the new words appearing in the last period.

2.Do some exercises using the rules of word formation.

3.Review Non-finite Verbs.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to use the rules of word formation to do some concerned exercises.

2.Master Non-finite verbs better,especially their passive forms.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to use the rules of word formation to do some exercises.

2.How to use the passive forms of Non-finite verbs correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Revision to consolidate the new words appearing in the last period.

2.Giving examples to help the students finish some exercises in Word Study.

3.Explanations to help the students master Non-finite Verbs better.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last period,we learnt some useful phrases.Have you mastered them?


T:OK.I’ll ask some students to make sentences with them.One student,one sentence.Don’t repeat.Is that clear?


T:Now,let’s begin.Li Ming.try to make a sentence with a phrase.

S1:The teacher asked me to say my answer once again.

S2:Xiao Wang is determined to work hard from now on.

S3:How do you deal with the problem?

S4:I don’t know at whom your remarks were aimed.

S5:We held a conference in honour of the great writer Lu Xun.

S6:Many buildings were burnt down in the big fire.

S7:I’m proud of my school.

S8:All his efforts were in vain.

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:Thank you for your performances.Yesterday we also learnt some new words.Have you learnt them by heart?Let’s have a dictation.Please take out a piece of paper and write down the words in English that I read in Chinese.Can you understand me?


(Teacher begins to read out the Chinese meanings of the following words:central,civil,former,greedy,fierce,mental,physical.After that,teacher says the following:)

T:Now exchange your paper with your partner to check them.

(After a while)Have you finished?


T:Now,please give your paper back to your partner.Look at the words written on your paper.Tell me what they have in common.

Ss:They are all adjectives.

T:Yes.Now,let’s do an exercise on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.Hubei and Hunan are two provinces that lie in______China.

2.______rights refer to the rights that people have within a society,for example,the freedom of speech,the right to vote and the right to equal treatment.

3.After going to college,Samuel still keeps in touch with his______classmates.They get together every summer vacation,talking about school life and their plans for the future.

4.Some people are______for money and some for power.

5.The fightings between the two countries have become much______since the 1980s.

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives on your paper.Some may not be used.After a while,I’ll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.central 2.Civil 3.former 4.greedy 5.fiercer

T:You all did very well.Please open your books and turn to Page 45.Finish Ex.2 in Word Study.You may use the rules of word formation to help you.First do it by yourself,and then check your answers with your partner.Finally,check your answers with the screen.(After the students have finished and checked them with their partners,teacher shows the following on the screen.)


hard hardship

willing willingness

commerce commercial

poor poverty


suffer suffering

begin beginning

depress depression

reconstruct reconstruction

destroy destruction


slow slowly

social socially

economic economically

sure surely

rapid rapidly

greedy greedily

T:Now,let’s look at Ex.1.Pick out one word from each group that is different.Before doing,I’ll give you an example first.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:injustice impossible unhappy important disappear,and then says the following.)Look at the blackboard,please.Here are five words.Among them one word is different from the others.Can you pick it out?

S9:The word “important” is different from the others.

T:Pleae tell us why it is different.

S9:I use the rules of word formation to pick it out.Because these words are all with some negative prefixes except “important”.The word “important” cannot be divided into two parts “im+portant”,if so,it will not be a complete word and lost its meaning.Am I right?

T:Yes.you’re right.Do you know how to do the exercise?


T:OK.Now,please do it quickly.After a while,I’ll ask some students to say your answers and explain them.(A few minutes later.)Are you ready now?


T:The first group,Wang Li,please.

S10:“Heater”is different from the others.Because each of these words has an suffix “-er”,but their meanings are different.All the words refer to a person except “heater”,which refers to a thing.

T:Good.Let’s go on.The second one,Li Jun,please.

S11:The word “respect” is different.Because the word cannot be divided into two parts “re+spect”,if so,its meaning is lost,while the other words are made up of two parts:re+construction/cover/place/build.The prefix “re-” means “again”.

T:Quite right.Next student,go on,please.

S12:“Monument” is different from the others.Because we know when we add the suffix “-ment” to a verb,the verb will be changed into a noun,while the word “monument” doesn’t belong to the case.

S13:“Post-war”is different.Because the prefixes“non-,un-,in-”in these words all mean “not”,while the prefix“post-”in the word“post-war”means“after”.

S14:The word “entry” is different from the other words.Except “entry”,the others are adjectives.They all have a suffix “-y”,while “entry” doesn’t have.The “-y” in the word is not a suffix.

S15:“Display” is different.We know “dis-” is a negative prefix,meaning “not”.When we add the prefix to a word,the word’s meaning is opposite,while “display” is not the opposite of the word “play”.

T:You all did very well.

Step Ⅳ Grammer

T:Now,please look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

It is impossible that lost time can be made up.

2.Rules are made so that they can not be broken.

3.I don’t mind their inviting him.

4.She enjoys their interviewing her.

Rewrite the sentences on the screen using the correct non-finite passive form.Before doing them,let’s review non-finite verbs together.

T and Ss:The verb that cannot be used as the predicate is called the non-finite verb.The “v.-ing,v.-ed or to do cannot act as the predicate,so we call them the non-finite verb.”

T:OK.Do you know the passive form of the non-finite verb?

S16:The passive form of them is separately “being done” “or“to be done”.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)

T:Very good.Please finish the sentences on the screen.After a while,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

1.It is impossible for lost time to be made up.

2.Rules are made to be broken.

3.I don’t mind his being invited.

4.She enjoys being interviewed.

T:Well done!Turn to Page 46 and do Ex.1 in Grammar.Rewrite the following sentences using the correct non-finite passive form.Before doing it,you can go through with the given example first.Five minutes later,I’ll check the answers with the whole class.Is that clear?


T:OK.You can begin.

(After five minutes,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.I expected to be told more about the south of the US.

2.I don’t want to be bothered by anyone.

3.I don’t mind bad things being said about me by him.

4.I want myself to be left alone.

5.He insists on him being shown respect by us.

6.Will they allow the book to be taken out of the library by anyone?

T:Well,let’s go on with Ex.2.Read the article and then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in the brackets.First do it by yourself.Then check the answers with your partner.Finally,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

interested,knowing,to know,seeing,flying,to solve,looking,looking for,to put,to look/looking,to find,check,to interview,amazing

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:Now,let’s do an exercise to consolidate the grammar item-Non-finite Verbs,especially their passive forms.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Put the sentences into English using the correct non-finite passive form.






Suggested answers:

1.The boy dislikes being asked in class by the teacher.

2.I hope to be recommended for the job.

3.She doesn’t mind her being left alone at home.

4.As a child,teachers often asked every text to be learnt by heart.

5.She insisted on her being shown around the school.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this period,we’ve reviewed some new words appearing in the last period and done some exercises about word formation.We’ve also reviewed the Non-finite Verb,especially its passive form.After class,you should do more exercises to consolidate what we’ve learnt in class.At the end,prepare for the next period.That’s all.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Third Period

Ⅰ.injustice impossible unhappy important disappear

Ⅱ.Grammar:Non-finite Verbs

v.-ing→being done

to do→to be done

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

(1)Words:plain kilogram clothing chief afterwards widespread rot supply chain willing category

(2)Phrases:in huge numbers from…(time)on/onwards make agreements with die out in turn have an effect on

2.Review Non-finite Verbs and words used to discribe a place.

3.Train the students’ integrating skills,especially writing skill.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Master the following useful phrases:

in huge numbers from…(time)on/onwards

make agreements with die out in turn

have an effect on

2.Learn to write a comparison essay.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students understand the passage better.

2.How to help the students finish the task of writing.

Teaching methods:

1.Revision to consolidate what we’ve learnt in the unit.

2.Fast and careful reading to help the students understand the passage better.

3.Discussion to help the students prepare for writing.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:Yesterday we reviewed Non-finite Verbs,especially their passive forms.Do you remember that?


T:Very good.Li lin,can you tell us how to change “to do” and “doing” into their passive forms?

S1:The passive from of “to do” is “to be done”,while the passive form of “doing” is “being done”.

T:Can you make sentences with “to be done” and “being done”?

S1:I don’t want to be misunderstood by others.I don’t mind Li Ping being recommended as our monitor instead of me.

T:Well done!So much for revision.

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:In the second period,we talked about the history of the USA.We know that native Americans were the first settlers on the plains of America.Today we’re going to read a passage to learn about the plains of America.Before reading,let’s learn the new words first.(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class and makes some explanations if necessary.After that,teacher says the following:)

T:Now,please look at the picture on the screen.(Show the picture on the screen.)

T:Do you know what the animal is called?


T:Its name is bison.It is a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America.Would you like to know more about the bison?


T:OK.Please open your books at Page 46.Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans unfairly?

2.What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains?

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Well,stop please!Have you found the answers?


T:Li Tao,answer the first question,please.

S2:The settlers killed them,forced them to leave their hunting grounds,broke agreements they had made,forced them onto poor land,and killed most of the bison on which Native Americans had relied for food.

T:Right.Ther second one?Liu Wei,please.

S3:The killing of large numbers of bison changed the whole wildlife chain on the plains.

T:Good.Now,read the passage carefully again and do the exercise on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Tick the sentences that are true and correct the false ones.

1.( )The first settlers on the plains were farmers.

2.( )Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers.

3.( )The settlers did not deal honestly with the native Americans.

4.( )Settlers ended up with better land than the native Americans.

5.( )Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the native Americans.

After reading,first do it by yourself,and then check your answers with your partner.At last,I’ll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.F The first settlers on the plains were native Americans who lived by gathering roots,nuts and wild fruits and hunting wild animals.

2.F They were forced to move away.



5.F Native Americans made use of the whole animal when they killed it,but later settlers took only the skins of the bison.

T:You all did a good job!Now,you’ve understood the passage better.Please look at the screen.Let’s learn some useful expressions in it.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and explains the use of them to the students.)

1.in huge numbers:in big/large/great numbers

e.g.Food supplies are coming in large numbers.One afternoon I saw ants coming out in huge numbers.

2.a shoulder-height:height from the ground to the shoulder.This is the common way of measuring many large animals,e.g.horses,cattle,deer.


e.g.from now on/onwards from 1980 onwards

From 1990 onwards the city began to take on a new look.

4.make/come to/arrive at/sign an agreement/agreements with sb.

e.g.China made an agreement on anti-terrorism with the five countries in the Middle Asia.

5.in turn

e.g.The teacher asked his students to speak in turn.

6.die out

e.g.Many animals are dying out because of pollution and killing.

7.have an effect on/upon

e.g.The cold in spring usually has a bad effect on the growth of plants.

The medicine had no side effects on your body.

(Bb:in huge numbers,a shoulder-height,from…(time)on/onwards,make agreements with sb.,die out,in turn,have an effect on).

T:OK.Now I’ll give you more time to reread the last paragraph and then complete the diagram on the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

(1)kill (2)bison waste (3)Bison (4)soil (5)grass (6)insects (7)birds


T:Well,let’s listen to the tape without looking at your books,trying to remember everything.Then do another exercise on the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Put the sentences in the correct order according to your knowledge about the wildlife.

( )A So there was not enough bison waste to improve the soil.

( )B The plants were getting fewer and fewer.

( )C Millions of bison were killed by settlers.

( )D The soil became poorer,and supported fewer plants.

( )E The insects living on the plants died out.

( )F The wolves and other animals that lived on birds and prairie dogs would have to starve.

( )G With less insects birds couldn’t get enough food and neither could prairie dogs.

Suggested answers:

A-(2) B-(4) C-(1) D-(3) E-(5) F-(7) G-(6)

Step Ⅳ Preparation for Writing

T:In the first period,we talked about our hometown,we’ve also learned some useful expressions to describe our hometown.Do you still remember them?


T:Very good.Now,please work in pairs to complete the form on the screen using your knowledge about describing a place.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Category Examples of words and phrases






Culture Economy

Suggested answers:

Position:in the north/south of…;in Asia/Europe/America,province

Area:km2,with an area of…


Population:million,billion,thousand,hundred,big,with a population of


Culture and Economy:developed,developing,prosperous,industry,agriculture,business,tourism

Step Ⅴ Writing

T:OK.Today we’re going to write a comparison essay.By comparison,we’ll make people from different countries learn about our country.Before writing,you need to know how to write an essay of this kind.Now,turn to Page 48.Read the tips aloud and learn how to write a comparison essay.

(Teacher gives the students a few minutes to read the tips and then deals with the writing part.)

T:Now imagine that an American middle school student has sent you an e-mail asking for help.The American student has been asked to write about different parts of China.Write a letter to him and compare China and the USA.You can use information at Page 48 from this table if you wish.First,discuss with your partner what to write and make lists of the important similarities and differences.Then,begin to write it on your paper.After finishing it,exchange your writing with your partner and correct the mistakes in it.At last,I’ll ask some students to read out your essay before the class if time permits.Is that clear?


T:OK.You can begin.

One possible sample:

Dear ××,

Thank you for your sending me the e-mail.I’ve read it.I’m glad to know you’re interested in China.I’ll try my best to help you learn about China.I hope the letter is of great help to you.

The USA and the PRC are both large countries.Some things about the two countries are similar,while other things are different.

The two countries are about the same size,but the PRC is a little larger with an area of 9.6 million km2.However,the population of PRC is many times larger.It has a population of nearly 1.3 billion but the USA has only about 283 million.This means that there is much more space in the USA for its population.

Many different languages are spoken in China,for example Chinese,Mongolian,Zhuang,etc.In the USA many different languages are also spoken,but the main ones are English and Spanish.Both countries have many different minority groups.For example,in the PRC there are the Miao,the Hui and the Uighurs.The USA has a large black population,and there are also many people from Central America.There is a small Chinese population in the USA too.

Three of the important cities in the USA are New York,the largest city in the USA,Washington,the capital,and Los Angeles.In the PRC there are many cities with large populations.Among the best known are Beijing,the capital,Tianjin,Chongqing and Shanghai,the largest city in the PRC.

Best wishes.



Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the contents in the last periods by doing some exercises.We’ve also read a passage about the bison on the plains of America and learnt some useful phrases in it.At last,we’ve learnt to write a comparison essay-the USA and China.When writing a comparison essay,we can consider the following:area,population,language,minority groups and Important cities.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,review the whole unit.If you haven’t finished your letter,go on with it.So much for today.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.Useful Phrases:

in huge numbers a shoulder-height from…(time) on/onwards make agreements with

die out in turn have an effect on

Ⅱ.How to write a comparison essay

Area Population Languages Minority groups Important cities

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Fifth Period

Non-finite Verbs

Teaching Aim:

Revise the Non-finite Verbs and Non-finite passive form.Get the students to do some exercises to master its usage,and correct the common mistakes that students make when doing exercises.

Teaching Important Point:

Master the usage of the Non-finite verb form,especially how to choose the correct form when we use it.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to choose the correct form when the v.-ing form is used as adverbial and how to change the v.-ing form into a clause.

Teaching Methods:

Review inductive,discussion methods.

Teaching Aids:

1.the blackboard

2.the multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

(Greet the students as usual.)

T:In this class,we’ll discuss how to use the Non-finite Verb.Let’s divide it into three parts,i.e.the Infinitive,the v.-ing and the Past Participle.Then we’ll do some exercises to master its usage and at last we’ll do a test.OK.Let’s study the first part: The Infinitive (Write them on the blackboard.)

Step Ⅱ Discussion

(Teacher lets students look at some sentences on the screen and pay attention to the under lined phrases.)

T:Please look at these sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

I want to go shopping.(object)

2. To answer the question is not easy.(subject)

3.Would you like anything to drink?(attribute)

4.He went to help the farmers. (adverbial)

5.She wanted you to ring her.(object complement)

As you know,the infinitives in these sentences are used as subject,object,object complement,attribute and adverbial for purpose.Maybe some of them are hard for you to master,but in fact they are very important.

Step Ⅲ Summary the Forms,the Tenses

and the Usages of the Infinitive and the

Infinitive Phrase

T:Today let’s sum up and review the forms and usages of the Infinitives.Please look at the diagram on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Forms of the Infinitive

Active Passive

Indefinite to do to be done

Perfect to have done to have been done

Continuous to be doing --

Perfect continuous to have been doing --

Negative form not/never to do

T:The tenses of the infinitive express time relatively to that of the predicate verb.If the action expressed by the infinitive is of the same time as or of later time than that expressed by the predicate verb,the infinitive or continuous forms should be used.If the action expressed by the infinitive is of earlier time than that expressd by the predicated verb,the perfect infinitive should be used.Please look at the examples on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

I hope to visit Beijing again.=I hope that I’ll visit Beijing again.

He seemed to have known this.=It seemed that he had known this.

He seems to be studying hard.=It seems that he is studying hard.


(1)The Infinitive without “to” is used after the verbs:make,have,let,feel,listen to,hear,watch,look at,see,notice,observe,etc.

(Write them on the blackboard.)

e.g.We saw him cross the street.

I listened to her sing a song.

But in the Passive Voice,the infinitive with “to” must be used.

e.g.He was seen to cross the street.

She was heard to open the door.

(2)The infinitive can be with “to”or without “to” after the verb “help”.

e.g.He helped me(to)carry the books upstairs.

Step Ⅳ Consolidation and Practice

T:Now you have known the usages of the Infinitive.Let’s do some exercise.Please look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks:

1.They asked me______it a secret.

A.to keep B.keeping C.to be kept D.kept

2.The doctor did everything he could______the patient.

A.save B.to save C.saving D.saved

3.They don’t need______so early this time.

A.leave B.left C.to leave D.leaving

4.Could you lend me a pen______?

A.to write B.to write by C.to write in D.to write with

5.It was foolish______you to give up what you rightly owned.

A.for B.of C.about D.from

6.Last summer I took a course on______.

A.how to make dresses B.how dresses he made

C.how to be made dresses D.how dresses to be made

7.Tom kept quiet about the accident______lose his job.

A.so not as to B.so as not to C.so as to not D.not so as to

8.-The light in the office is still on.

-Oh,I forgot______.

A.turning it off B.turn it off C.to turn it off D.having turned it off

9.We agreed______here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met

10.John was made______the truck for a week as a punishment.

A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A

T:Now let’s deal with Part 2:the v.-ing(Write it on the blackboard)Please look at the screen.Pay attention to the function of the underlined parts.(Show them on the screen.)

1.Beating a child will do more harm than good.

2.I hate writing letters.

3.Do you mind my making a suggestion?

4.I’m looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.

5.Your hair needs cutting.(=Your hair needs to be cut.)

T:Who can tell us the function of the v.-ing in each sentence?Please try your best.

S1:I’ll try.No.1,“beating” is used as subject.No.2,3,4,5,all the v.-ing are used as objects.

T:Can we transform the second sentence into “I hate to write letters”?

Ss:No,we can’t.

T:You’re right.In English,the v.-ing is only used after some verbs,they are:admit,avoid consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse feellike,finish,give up,can’t help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,suggest,understand.(Write them on the Bb.)

e.g.Have you considered getting a job in the city?I enjoy travelling abroad.


When the v.-ing is used after “need,require and want”,it can express the passive meaning.

e.g.The garden needs watering.(=The garden needs to be watered.)

T:Now,look at some other sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.The train standing at Platform Eight is for Wuhan.

2.People shopping carry many plastic bags.

3.Hearing the noise,they immediately rushed out of the room.

4.Having graduated from the college,he went to a factory.

Have a discussion in groups of four and then find out the function of the v.-ing(or present participle)in each sentence.

(Teacher goes among the students to help them.)

(A few minutes later)

T:OK.Who wants to say?

S2:Let me try.In No.1 and 2,the v.-ing is used as attribute.In No.3 and 4,the v.-ing is used as adverbial.

T:You’re right.We should notice No.3 and 4.When the action takes place at the same time or immediately before the action indicated by the main verb,we use the v.-ing form.When the action has been finished before the action indicated by the main verb,we should use the perfect participle-having done.Is that clear?


Step Ⅴ Practice

T:Now,let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen,please.Change the clause into a v.-ing form in each sentence.You can make any change if necessary.You may discuss in pairs.

(Show the following on the blackboard)

1.As Peter was feeling ill,he decided to stay at home.

2.When I had finished my homework,I began to preview my lessons.

3.If you heat water,you can change it into steam.

4.They stood at the east end of the bridge and waited for the bus.

Suggested answers:

1.Being ill,Peter decided to stay at home.

2.Having finished my homework,I began to preview my lessons.

3.Heating water,you can change it into steam.

4.They stood at the east end of the bridge,waiting for the bus.

T:From the sentences above,we can see that the v.-ing form can be used to express cause(1),time(2),condition(3)and manner or accompanied situation(4).Generally speaking,when the v.-ing form is used to express cause,time or condition,it is often put before the main clause;when it is used to express manner or accompanied situation,it is often put after the main clause.Are you clear about it?


Step Ⅵ Consolidation

T:Now let’s do some exercises on the screen.You can discuss in pairs.Then I’ll check the answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Complete these sentences with the given words using the v.-ing forms:

1.______a brave woman,the servant let him into the castle.(be)

2.______fire to the castle,the two escaped into the woods.(set)

3.With his heart______hard,he knocked at the door.(beat)

4.______for three days,the revolutionary arrived at the castle.(travel)

5.While______near the gates,he saw a vegetable cart coming along the road.(wait)

Suggested answers:

1.Being 2.Having set 3.beating 4.Having travelled 5.waiting

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Now let’s look at the third part:Past Participle.(Write them on the blackboard.)

We know that the Past Participle can be used as attribute to modify a noun.Now look at these sentences.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.The stolen car was found by the police last night.

2.I received the letter written by my old friend Jane.

T:Can you tell us the difference between the Past Participles used in these two sentences?

S3:Let me try.The Past Participle in the first sentence is put before the noun it modifies,but the one in the second sentence is put after the noun it modifies.

T:Yes,you’re right.Does anyone know why?

S4:I think it’s because in the first sentence,the Past Participle is only one word,but in the second sentence,it’s a Past Participle phrase.

T:That’s right.Now,look at some different sentences.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Don’t speak until spoken to.

2.Given more time,we could do the work better.

3.Destroyed by the earthquake,the house had to be rebuilt.

T:What are these Past Participles used as?

Ss:They’re all used as adverbial.

T:Yes.You’re right.And we know that the Past Participle as Adverbial can express different adverbials,such as time,cause,condition,manner.Do you know what the Past Participle in each sentence expresses?Who knows?

S5:The Past Participle in the first sentence expresses time.The second one expresses condition.And the last one expresses cause.

T:Let’s look at the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

1.Seen from the hill,our school looks more beautiful.

2.Seeing from the hill,we can see our beautiful school.

T:Look at these two sentences carefully.Who can tell us the difference between them?

S6:The first sentence uses the Past Participle as the Adverbial while the second sentence uses the Present Participle as the Adverbial.

T:Good.Do you know why?

S7:Because the subject in the first sentence is “our school”,but in the second sentence the subject is “we”.

T:Very good.When we are using Participles,we should pay attention to the subjects in the sentences,and the Participle we use must have the same logical subject as the subject in the sentence.If the subject in the sentence receives the action,we should use the Past Participle as Adverbial;if the subject in the sentence does the action,we should use the Present Participle as Adverbial.Is that clear?


Step Ⅶ Practice

T:OK.Now,look at the screen.Let’s do some more exercises.You may discuss with your partner.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.As soon as she entered the room,the girl caught sight of the flowers______by her mother.

A.buying B.being bough C.were bought D.bought

2.______along the street,he came across his old friend.

A.Walking B.Walked C.Walk D.To walk

3.The man______Li Ming used to live here.

A.called B.calling C.to call D.call

4.The sports meet______last week is very important.

A.holding B.being held C.held D.hold

Suggested answers:

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C

Step Ⅷ Test

T:That’s all for the three parts.Now let’s have a test.You have to do it by yourself.After a while,I’ll check the answers.Look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.______the past,our life is much better.

A.Comparing with B.Be compared

C.To compare with D.Compared with

2.I went to see him,______him out.

A.finding B.find C.only to find D.to finding

3.He was so foolish______his car unlocked.

A.to leave B.that leave C.as to leave D.for him to leave

4.Why do you stand and watch the milk______over?

A.boiling B.boiled C.from boiling D.having been boiled

5.I regret______you that we are unable to offer you employment.

A.informing B.having informed

C.to inform D.to informing

6.Excuse me,but it’s time to have your temperature______.

A.taking B.to be taken C.take D.taken

7.This book is worthy of______twice.

A.reading B.read C.having read D.being read

8.______from space,the earth,with water______seventy percent of its surface,looks like a blue ball.

A.Seen;covered B.Seen;covering

C.Seeing;covering D.Seeing;covered

9.Why do you have the lights______all night long?

A.burn B.to burn C.burning D.burned

10.______in the heavy snow,he walked into a shop.

A.Having caught B.To be caught C.Having been caught D.Catching

Suggested answers:

1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C

Step Ⅸ Homework

T:After class,you should do more exercises to master them.OK.Time is up.So much for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅹ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Fifth Period

Non-finite Verbs

Ⅰ.The Infinitive

make,have,let,feel,listen to,hear,watch,look at,see,notice,observe etc.

Ⅱ.The v.-ing

admit,avoid,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,feel like,finish,give up,can’t help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,suggest,understand

Ⅲ.Past Participle

1.Seen from the hill,our school looks more beautiful.

2.Seeing from the hill,we can see our beautiful school.

Step Ⅺ Record after Teaching

篇3:NSEFC2B Unit 15 全单元教案

Unit 15 Destinations

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

More and more people like going on a trip to a faraway destination with the development of society.But before we start,we should know more about the destination we have chosen.This unit is arranged about the central topic-Destinations.In Warming up,teacher will ask students to talk about the routes and more places in the world,improving the students’ geography know ledge.In studying the reading material “Destinations”,the students will know more sights in the world and other things with the help of the teacher.By studying this unit,students will also know that finding out more about the destination is not only a good way to save money and avoid problems,it can also be a lot of fun.As to Grammar-Non-finite Verbs,a number of exercises are arranged.After doing them,students will master some knowledge of the Infinitive,the v.-ing and the Past Participle,and know how to use them.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about travel and cities.

2.Practise making complaints.

3.Review the Non-finite Verbs(1):-ing,-ed,to do…

4.Write a descriptive essay/paragraph.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.How to plan Your Trip

People are always telling us that“getting there is half the fun”.But is it true?Is it always true?Of course,we can all remember many enjoyable trips we have taken.But haven’t we all taken a trip that wasn’t fun at all?Can we ever forget the time when we just wanted to come home?

The fact is,some people who travel for pleasure get no pleasure from it at all.Others,who travel because they must travel,have a lot of fun doing it.What makes one trip more enjoyable than another?

The answer is planning.Any trip can be enjoyable if it is well planned.Every minute that you spend planning your trip may save you ten minutes of trouble during your trip.It may also add an hour of pleasure!


Before you take any trip,the first question to ask yourself is:How much can I spend?When you decide on a figure,write it down.Now you can decide where,when,and how to go.At home,you can find out what it costs to travel anywhere in the world.Just pick up the phone and call a travel agent(旅行社).

In Season(旅游旺季),Off Season(旅游淡季)

Many resorts(旅游胜地) nd cities around the world are popular during some months of the year and less popular during other months.Find out if the places you are visiting have an “in” season and“off”season.This may help you to decide when you want to go.

There are some very good reasons to travel during the off season.Usually everything is much cheaper.It is also less crowded,of course.If you don’t have a lot of money-or if you don’t like crowds of tourists(游客)-go in the off season.

Some places are not as exciting during the off season.The weather may be too cold or too hot.The beaches may be closed.Hotels and restaurants(餐馆) ay be shut.Be sure to find out before you go.

Passports(护照),Visas(签证) nd Health Certificates(健康证明)

It is not hard to get a passport,but you should ask for one a few months before you begin your journey.To get one you must have your birth certificate or another legal document(合法文件) o prove that you are a citizen(公民).

Sometimes you need a visa to visit a country.If a visa is necessary,you can ask for one at the country’s embassy(大使馆).Sometimes getting a visa takes many months,so it is very important to plan early.The same is true for health certificates.For this information it is a good idea to call or write the embassies.You may also get a lot of other useful information from them.

Now that you have planned your trip,you are ready to take it.Should you expect any surprise?Of course you should.Let’s just hope they’re pleasant ones!

2.Future Travel:Teleportation

Science has changed the way we live and the way we think.New inventions and discoveries have made it possible for us to think about the world in new ways.The means of transportation-bikes,cars,airplanes-we use today are good examples.They are based on the idea that transportation means moving something from one place to another-on a bike,in a car or by plane.This takes time,of course,and we can only travel as fast as the laws of physics allow.It will be difficult to travel much faster than today’s airplanes and to travel very far,such as to the stars or to other planets.

Now,scientists believe that we might be able to send things from one place to another without actually moving them through space.This sounds strange,but a new way of transportation may become possible in the future.

Teleportation is a combination of sending information through telephones or the Internet and transportation.With normal transportation,for example by car or plane,a person or thing is moved from point A to point B.With teleportation,a person or thing is taken apart at point A and put together again at point B.If teleportation becomes possible,we may be able to travel faster and farther than we could ever imagine.

In the 1990s,scientists discovered that teleportation was possible.Experiments showed that teleportation could be done,but the thing being teleported was destroyed on the way.So far,scientists have only been able to teleport photons-particles(粒子) hat carry light-and laser beams(激光).What about teleportation of human beings?Teleporting a human being would be very difficult since there are so many parts in a human body.Even the smallest mistake could cause serious problems with the person’s mind or body.

There is still a long way from being able to use teleportation to move human beings,but what we used to think was impossible does now seem possible.What we know and what we imagine often work together:the more we know,the more we can imagine,and the more we imagine,the more we can learn.Science is the tool that we use to make our dreams become real and to build a new world with our ideas.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

(1)New words:


(2)Everyday English:

I’m sorry to say…

I’m so sorry.

I hate to have to say this,but…

Could you do something about…?

Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

Why don’t you do something about it?

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

3.Get the students to talk about travel and cities.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Finish the task of listening to train the students’ listening ability.

2.Finish the task of making complaints to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Free talk,listening and speaking to train the students’ ability to use English.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in



T:Sit down,please.First I want to ask you a simple question:what would you like to do most during holidays?

Ss:Traveling/Reading books/Watching TV…

T:Yes.Most of you like traveling.Where have you been to?


T:Is there anybody who has been to a foreign country for travel?


T:Do you hope to travel around the world?

Ss:Yes,of course.

T:Then you must know some famous cities in the world.Tell me their names,please.

Ss:Paris,Moscow,Sydney,San Francisco,Berlin…

T:Oh.So many!And they are all world-famous travel destinations.Today,we’ll begin to learn Unit 15 Destinations.(Bb:Unit 15 Destinations)It’s a good chance to talk about travel and cities.Are you interested?


T:First let’s learn some new words for this period.

(Teacher shows the following words on the screen and asks one student to read them.Then ask the whole class to read together after him/her.)

△complaint /km′pleint/ n.投诉;申诉;抱怨,表示不满

△Iraq/i′ra:k/ n.伊拉克

△Mexico/′meksiku/ n.墨西哥

△Greenland/′gri:nlnd/ n.格陵兰

airline/′e′lain/ n.航空公司;航线

uncomfortable /n′kmftbl/ adj.不服的,令人不自在的

△wanderlust /′wdndlst/ n.漫游癖

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:OK.Now please open your books at Page 33 and look at the first part-Warming up.Imagine that you are offered a free ticket that lets you travel around the world and make five stops along the way.Can you follow me?


T:OK.Now,please work in pairs to tell each other where would you go and why.At the same time,draw your flight line in the box on the right and mark the cities you want to visit on the map.A few minutes later,I’ll ask some students to talk about your travel plan.Is everything clear?


(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among the class to see their work.At the end,teacher asks some students to talk about their plans.)

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:Now,let’s come to the second part-Listening.First,look at the following pictures taken of some foreign cities.Look at the first picture taken of Greece.What part of Greece do you think the picture shows?Any volunteer?

S1:I think it is the Egean Sea that the picture shows.

T:Then look at the second picture taken of Iraq.What can you see in it?


(Teacher and the students talk about the pictures briefly.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:OK.Now,let’s listen to the tape and do some exercises.The first time I play the tape,just listen to get the general idea.The second time,write down the answers.If there is difficulty in writing down the answers,I’ll play it again.At the end,we’ll check the answers together.Is that clear?


(Teacher begins to play the tape.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:We’ve talked a lot about travel and cities.However,while you are traveling,you may come across some problems unexpectedly,which could take place in the airline,the hotel or the restaurant.Can you guess what problems would occur?

Ss:Luggage is lost./The plane is late./The food is terrible…

T:What shall we do if we come across such problems?

Ss:Go to the manager and complain to him/her of the problems.

T:How do you think he/she will deal with the problems?

Ss:First,he/she may explain,apologize or argue.Then/he/she will do something about the problems.

T:Yes.If I were the manager,I would do like that as I see fit.Do you understand “see fit”?


T:“See fit” means “consider it correct,convenient or acceptable.”We can also use“think fit” to express the same meaning.For example,“Do as you think fit.”Do you understand?


T:OK.Now,please look at the last part-Speaking.Here are three situations about problems with services given to you.First,read the situations.Then choose one of them to act it out with your partner according to the role cards.Besides,don’t forget to study the useful expressions below the role cards and use them in your dialogue if possible.Is everything clear?


T:Well.Begin your work now.A few minutes later,I’ll ask some pairs to act out your dialogues before class.

A sample dialogue:

Student A:Manager Student B:Guest

A:How do you feel to live in our hotel?

B:On the whole,not so bad,but the room I am living in faces a noisy street,and I’m a light sleeper,so it is impossible for me to fall asleep.Could you please do something about it?

A:I’m so sorry.I’ll make an arrangement for you as soon as possible.Anything else?

B:I hate to have to say this,but the bed in my room makes me feel uncomfortable.

A:That’s too bad.I’ll settle this problem at once.

B:It’s very kind of you.Oh,by the way,would you please send someone to have a check on the supply of the hot water?There is no hot water at all.

A:I see.I’ll do that.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:Thank you for your wonderful performance.Now,let’s see what we’ve done in this class.First,we’ve talked about travel and cities.Second,we’ve practised listening.Third,we’ve talked about problems with services one may come across while travelling and practised making complaints.Of course,we’ve learned some useful expressions,such as “I’m sorry to say…”,“I hate to have to say this,but…”,“Could you do something about…?”…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,practise them more and preview the next part-Reading.That’s all for today.See you.

Ss:See you.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the lackboard

Unit 15 Destinations

The First Period

I’m sorry to say…

I hate to have to say this,but…

Could you do something about…?

I’m so sorry.

Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

Why don’t you do something about it?

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:

every now and then, phenomenon,Brazil, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude,breath-taking,downhill,inexpensive,feast,dip,gym,shore

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Get the students to learn about some big cities in the world.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to use the following useful phrases:

every now and then,get tired of,cool off,itch for,take a dip,work out

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly,especially the following sentences:

1.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

2.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

3.a feast for the eyes.

4.…Should you have enough money left after a day…,you can…

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2.Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3.Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4.Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading

T:Yesterday,we talked much about travel and cities.We know there are many big cities worth visiting in the world.Can you tell me what a tourist needs to know about the chosen destination before going there?

Ss:Climate,food,transportation,attractions and so on.

T:Quite right.All of them are very important for a tourist to travel happily.Now,imagine that a person from another country is going to visit your town for the first time.He or she has asked you to tell him or her about the important things a tourist needs to know.Can you follow me?


(Teacher shows a chart on the screen.)

Area Very Important Important Not so important




T:Well,here’s a chart on the screen.First,use it to make an outline of what you would tell him or her.Then show your outline to your partner and explain what you have chosen and why.Is everything clear?


T:OK.Begin your work.

(Teacher goes among the students to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to talk about their outline.)

Step Ⅲ Presentation for Reading

T:Today we’re going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts-Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.First I’ll show you a travel programme about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Watch it and listen to the explanations carefully.

(Teacher plays the teaching CD for the students.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:How do you like Rio de Janeiro?

Ss:It’s amazing/attractive/wonderful/beautiful/exciting…

T:I agree with you.Well,now let’s learn some new words.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the words on the screen and deals with them with brief explanations.Then ask them to read for a while.)

every now and then不时地

△itch/it/ n.&vi. 渴望;痒

phenomenon/f′nominn/ n.现象;奇迹

△Rio de Janeiro/′riudd′niru/ n.里约热内卢(巴西港市)

Brazil /br′zil/ n.巴西

△stretch/stret/ vt.&vi. 展开;伸展;延伸

△Cariocas/kri′uks/ n.里约热内卢人

downtown/daun′taun/ n.&adj. 城市商业区(的)

△historical/ht′starikl/ adj.具有历史意义的

commercial/k′ml/ adj.商业性的;商务的;商业的

△Copacabana/kup′kbn/ n.科帕卡巴纳(巴西著名海滩)


△hundredth/′hndrd/ n.&adj. 第一百(个);第一百的

get tired of对……感到厌倦;对……失去兴趣

avenue/′vnju/ n.(城市中的)大街;通道;(通往乡间的)小路

disappointed/,dis′pintid/ adj. 失望的;沮丧的


△Kitzbuhel/kitsbjul/ n.基茨比厄(奥地利城市)

△paradise/,齪rdaiz/ n.乐园;天堂

△skier/ski:/ n.滑雪者

altitude/′ltitju:d/ n.纬度

surrounding/′s′raundi/ adj.&n.周围(的);环绕(的);环境;周围的情况

guarantee/,grn′ti/ vt.保证……免受损失或伤害;确保

breath-taking/′breteiki/ adj.壮观的;激动人心的;惊险的

△resort/ri′zt/ n.胜地;常去之地

downhill/,daun′hil/ adj. 快速下降滑雪的;下坡的;倾斜的

inexpensive/,inik′spensiv/ adj.廉价的;便宜的

feast/′fist/ n.(感官、精神等的)享受;盛宴

dip/dip/ n.(在江河湖海中)洗澡;游泳;蘸湿

gym/dim/ n.体育馆

shore/ (r)/ n.滨;岸

Step Ⅳ Reading

T:OK.Now please read the text quickly and find the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen,and the students begin to read the text.)

1.What is Rio de Janeiro famous for?

2.What does the word“Cariocas”mean?

3:Why do people visit Kitzbuhel?

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:OK,everyone.Have you found the answers?


T:Who’d like to answer the first question?Any volunteer?

S1:Rio de Janeiro is famous for its modern malls,theme parks and beautiful beaches.

T:Right.Sit down,please.The second one.

S2:“Cariocas”means the people of Rio de Janeiro.

T:Good.Sit down,please.The last one.

S3:People visit Kitzbuhel because it is a world-class ski resort,a paradise for skiers.

T:Well done.Now,please re-read the text carefully and further understand it.Pay special attention to the phrases or sentences on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

2.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

3.…a feast for the eyes.

4.Should you have enough energy left,…

After reading,work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences mean.If you have any difficulty in explaining them,please ask me.You can begin now.

(A few minutes later,teacher begins to check the answers.)

T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?


T:Li Dong,can you explain the first sentence?

S4:Yes.It means that Kitzbuhel is a wonderful place for people who ski.



Suggested answers:

2.Walking through downtown can help to learn about the history of Rio from what you see.

3.A lively mix of old village culture and excitement of an international tourist area.

4.If you should have enough energy left,…

Step Ⅴ Language Study

T:Well,you’ve been familiar with the passage.Let’s learn some useful phrases.Please look at the screen and do the exercise.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using the right phrases in the text.

1.She______cooking for her family.

2.She can’t resist her______travelling.

3.______she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep.

4.Let the hot pie______before serving.

5.I______regularly to keep fit.

6.In summer,it is fun to______in a pool.

(Teacher allows the students enough time to prepare first.Then check the answers with the whole class and write the phrases on the blackboard.)

Suggested answers:

1.got tired of 2.itch for 3.Every now and then 4.cool off 5.work out 6.take a dip

Step Ⅵ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Now,I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat,paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Then read it aloud for a while.

Step Ⅶ Consolidation

T:OK,everyone.Stop reading.Look at the third exercise in Post-reading.Use the cards to decide where you would like to go according to the information from the text.Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel?Make your decision and explain to your partner why you have chosen this destination.Is everything clear?


(A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to talk about their decisions.)

T:Attention,please.Are you ready now?


T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your decision?Any volunteer?

S5:I’d like to go to Rio de Janeiro for a travel.First,I’m interested in the foreign countries’ history and culture.Downtown Rio is the city’s cultural and historical heart.Second,it’s convenient to enjoy the sand and sun on Copacabana,which is not far from downtown.Third,one of the world’s festivals-Carnival is also attractive.

T:Wonderful.Who’d like to talk about Kitzbuhel?

S6:I’d prefer to go to Kitzbuhel.First,I like adventure.Second,I’m interested in skiing.Third,it has different scenery from what other places have.I think it is not only a paradise for skiers,but also for young people.

T:Well done.Thank you.

Step Ⅷ Summary and Homework

T:Well,let’s come back from Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel to see what we’ve learnt in this class.First,we’ve learnt about some foreign countries’ culture and history by reading the text.Second,we’ve learnt some useful expressions.After class,please read the text again and use the chart from the Pre-reading to analyse the text about Rio de Janeiro.Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text.What are some similarities and differences?What might be some reasons for the similarities and differences?Are you clear about that?


T:That’s all for today.See you next day.

Ss:See you next day.

Step Ⅸ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 15 Destinations

The Second Period

every now and then itch for

get tired ofcool off

take a dipwork out

cStep Ⅹ Record after Teaching

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

2.Review Non-finite Verbs(1):-ing,-ed,to do.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students guess the missing word in a sentence to improve their ability to master new words.

2.Help the students finish each exercise correctly to revise Non-finite Verbs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Master the uses of the three kinds of Non-finite Verbs correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.

2.Practising to make the students master the Non-finite Verbs correctly.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Word Study

T:Yesterday,we read the text about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Do you still remember something about them?


T:Well,now please look at the statements on the screen and tell whether they are true or false according to the text.If they’re false,correct them.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and checks the answers with the whole class.)

1.Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s second largest city.

2.Copacabana,perhaps the most famous of all beaches,is far away from downtown.

3.The best time to visit Rio is in March,but the biggest tourism season comes around June or July.

4.Cariocas are well known for their big heart and friendliness.

5.Rio de Janeiro is a paradise for skiers.

6.The good weather and breath-taking scenery make Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort.

7.The world’s best and fastest skiers gather here twice a year to try their daring in the downhill race that every skier wants to win.

Suggested answers:


False:2.far→only a few bus stops

3.March→June or July;June or July→March

5.Rio de Janeiro→Kitzbuhel


T:Well done.Besides,we’ve learnt some useful words in the text.Have you really mastered them?Please open your books at Page 37.Look at the first part of Language Study-Word Study.Let’s do Exercise 1 first.Fill in the blanks with words from the text.You’re given three minutes to do it.Then check your answers with your partner.At the end,I’ll collect the right answers from you.See what I mean.


Suggested answers:

1.altitude 2.avenue 3.reminds 4.feast 5.dip

T:Well done.Next,let’s do Exercise 2.Read and understand the following passage carefully to see if there is a mistake in each line.If there is,find it and correct it.You can begin now.Five minutes later,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:









Step Ⅲ Revision of Grammar

T:OK.So much for Word Study.Let’s revise the Grammar-Non-finite Verbs.Look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

to do

1.The first thing would be to decide where to go.

2.The most important thing would be for you to decide where to go.


1.Every now and then we get the itch for travelling.

2.Kitzbuhel has the most challenging and exciting downhill slopes for skiers in the world.

3.Few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.


1.Amazed by the beautiful scenery at Copacabana Beach,he decided to come again next year.

2.Known as Carnival,the festival attracts visitors from all over the world.

Study the sentences and tell the functions of the Non-finite Verbs.Wang Xia,try the first pair of sentences.

S1:“to do” is used as Predicative in both of them.

T:You are right.Sit down,please.Are there any other function of “to do”?And what functions?

Ss:Yes.Subject,Object,Object Complement,Attribute and Adverbial.

T:Quite right.Yang Xia,what about “-ing”?

S2:In these three sentences,“-ing” is separately used as Object,Attribute and Adverbial.

T:Do you agree with her?And do you know some other functions?

Ss:Yes.Subject,Predicative and Object Complement.

T:Very good.Shi Hui,the last pair.

S3:“-ed”is used as Adverbial in both sentences.Besides,it can be used as Predicative,Object Complement and Attribute.

T:Well done.Sit down,please.

Step Ⅳ Practice

T:Next,let’s do some exercises.Look at the sentences on the screen and point out the function of the“-ing”form in each sentence.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the exercise orally with the whole class.)

Point out the function of the -ing form in each sentence.

1.Doing nothing is doing ill.

2.Be careful!The falling stones might hit you.

3.When you hang wet clothes near a fire,you will see steam coming from them.

4.Not knowing much English,I found it hard to understand them.

5.While walking along the shore,we saw that the water was very dirty.

6.Playing tricks on others is something we should never do.

7.Babies like tearing paper into pieces.

8.They went out of the club,talking and laughing loudly.

Suggested answers:

1.Subject,Predicative 2.Attribute 3.Object Complement 4.Adverbial 5.Adverbial 6.Subject 7.Object 8.Adverbial

T:Well done.Now,please open your books at Page 38 and do Exercise 2.First,do it by yourself after learning the examples.Then,check the answers with your partner.At the end,I’ll collect your right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.Being very brave,he went into the cave alone to look for his friend.

2.Being quite ill,she could not visit her friend in England.

3.Being an experienced traveller,he knows how to plan a trip.

4.The girls attending the sick all come from the countryside.

5.When hearing the music,he began to miss his hometown.

6.Seeing the flame on top of the mountain,they knew that another war would begin soon.

7.When driving to the airport,he hit a boy on a bike.

8.Having got married,he lived separately from his parents.

T:You did a good job.Now,please look at the two groups of words on the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:



T:Can you tell the different usages of these two groups of words?Any volunteer?

S4:Yes.I can.We use the first group of words to say how we feel about something and use the second group of words to talk about the person or thing that makes us feel interested,surprised,etc.

T:You are right.Sit down,please.Both of the two groups are used like Adjectives to refer to a state or a quality,not an action.Do you agree with me?

(Teacher writes two incompleted sentences on the blackboard again.

It is important______us to learn English well.

It is clever______you not to tell him the news.)

T:Now,look at this pair of sentences and fill in the blanks.Yao Yue,you try,please.

S5:The first one is“for”;the second one is“of”.

T:Can you explain why?

S6:The first sentence talks about something people do;the second sentence talks about people who do something.

T:How do you know what the sentences talk about?

S5:According to the adjectives as Predictive in the sentences,such as important and clever.

T:Quite right.Thank you.Now,please look at the screen and do the exercise on it.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and allows the students enough time to prepare.At the end,check the answers with the whole class.)

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.Point it out and correct it.

1.Having travelled a lot in China this year,I am getting tiring of travelling now.

2.We had to waiting three hours to get the ticket to Harbin.

3.Although the unboiling water looks clean,I prefer not to drink it.

4.I’m sorry to tell you that none of the banks I spoke to were interesting in this project.

5.It is tired to climb to the top of the mountain.

6.It is not enough to simply decide where you want to go.It is also important of you to consider when and how you want to travel.

Suggested answers:

1.tiring→tired 2.waiting→wait 3.unboiling→unboiled 4.interesting→interested 5.tired→tiring 6.of→for

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the new words in the text.In addition,we’ve revised Non-finite Verbs(1)--ing,-ed and to do,especially,we’ve done a lot of practice to master the usages of them.After class,do more practice.The more you practise,the better you will master them.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the


Unit 15 Destinations

The Third Period



for/of:It is important for us to learn English well.

It is clever of you not to tell him the news.

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following new words:


2.Train the students’ integrating skills,especially reading and writing skills.

3.Get the students to learn how to make a plan for a travel.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Get the students to understand the text exactly,especially the following words and phrases:

rate,make one’s own arrangements,seasoned,travel light,sights

2.Help the students write a travel brochure well.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students master the ways of writing a better descriptive essay/paragraph.

Teaching Methods:

1.Asking-and-answering activity to check the students’ understanding of the text.

2.Inductive and imitative methods to train the students’ writing ability.

3.Individual,pair or group work to finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday,we reviewed the use of Non-finitive Verbs-to do,-ing,-ed.Now,let’s do an exercise to see if you have really mastered them.Look at the screen.

(Shows the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences using to do,-ing or -ed according to the meanings of the first sentences.

1.It is important that you should decide where to go.

→It is important___________________.

2.You didn’t give up the opportunity of going abroad for further education.I think you are wise.

→It is wise___________________.

3.Since he could not find his passport,he could not go on the trip.

→___________________,he could not go on the trip.

4.If they had been given better attention,the cabbages could have grown better.

→___________________,the cabbages could have grown better.

5.As they were influenced by his example,they performed countless good deeds.

→___________________,they performed countless good deeds.

6.When he saw those pictures,he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days they spent together.

→___________________,he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days they spent together.

(Teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare.Then check the answers orally with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

1.for you to decide where to go

2.of you not to give up the opportunity to go abroad for further education

3.Not finding his passport

4.Given better attention

5.Influenced by his example

6.Seeing those pictures

T:Besides,we’ve learnt a lot of words to describe an international trip in this unit.Which words in the text can help you describe an international trip?

Ss:Beautiful/modern/cultural/historical/perfect/attractive/paradise/breath-taking scenery /

a world-class resort/challenging and exciting/a feast for eyes…(Bb:beautiful…)

T:Yes,so many.Today,we’re going to read another passage about travel.It will provide you some useful travel tips and practical advice.First,let’s learn the new words in this period.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the words as usual.)

budget/′bdt/ n.预算;预算案

rate /ret/ n.价格;费用;速度;效率

visa/′v:z/ n.签证

arrangement/′reindmnt/ n.安排;准备工作;整理

passport/′pa:聅p凯聇/ n.护照;过境通行证

cheque/tek/ n.支票

△photocopy/′futukopi/ n.&vt.复印(件)

currency/′krnst/ n.货币;通货

sight/sat/ n.景象,情景;视力,视觉

seasoned/′siznd/ adj. 有经验的

accommodation/km′den/ n.住处;膳宿

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Well.Now please open your books at Page 38.Read each paragraph quickly and try to find out what tips and advice the writer gives us.See what I mean?


(The students begin to read.A few minutes later,teacher begins to check their understanding of the text.)

T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?


T:Now,I’ll collect the tips and advice the writer gives us.One student,one tip or one piece of advice,OK?


T:Who’d like to be the first?

S1:Find out more about the destination you have chosen before you go to save money and avoid problems.

S2:Consider when and how you want to travel and you’d better ask travel agents for help.

S3:Bring some cash besides credit cards.

S4:Keep your passport and money in a safe place and make photocopies of all important documents before you leave.

S5:Buy foreign currency at home.If you must exchange money during your vacation,do it in banks not on the street or with strangers.

S6:Plan a pleasant,interesting and comfortable trip.Travel light if possible.

T:Very good.Thank you,boys and girls.Now,please re-read it carefully and further understand it.Then work in pairs to finish the Exercises 1~3 after the text.

(The students begin to re-read.Several minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.save money and avoid problems


3.travel with as little luggage as possible

Step Ⅳ.Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Very good.You’ve understood the text exactly.Now,I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat,paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then read it aloud for a while.

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:OK,everyone.Stop reading.Now you’ve been very familiar with the text.Here is a question for you to discuss.Listen carefully!Which travel tip do you think is the most useful?And why?Are you clear about that?


T:Work in groups of four and discuss for a few minutes.Then I’ll ask some students to say your opinions.You can begin now.

(A few minutes later.)

T:OK.Are you ready now?


T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your opinions?Any volunteer?

S1:I think the tip about money is the most useful.It reminds travellers of avoiding bringing too much money.Instead,credit cards could be a better choice.In particular,travellers should not forget to have all important documents photo copied before leaving in case you might lose them.

S2:I think planning and packing is the most useful.For any thing,well-prepared is half of success.You’d better plan it in advance in order to avoid problems and save money or time.


Step Ⅵ Writing

T:Well,in order to have a pleasant and interesting trip,you’d better have the tips and advice in mind.Now,please read the travel brochure in writing quickly and find out what information it describes.

(The students begin to read it quickly and answer the teacher’s question as soon as they finish reading it.)

Ss:It describes transport,accommodation,attractions and activities for travelling to Thailand.(Bb:…)

T:Quite right.Now you’ve known how to write a travel brochure.Work in pairs.Choose your favourite destination and write a travel brochure in which you describe the place,suggest activities and provide travel tips.Can you follow me?


T:When you finish your brochure,show it to the rest of the class and try to persuade them to visit your destination.Is everything clear?


(The students begin to work.Teacher may give them advice to help them write a good travel brochure while going among the students.)

Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve not only got some travel experience by reading the travel tips and the practical advice,but also learnt how to write a descriptive essay like a brochure.After class,please review what we’ve learnt in this class and preview the next unit.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅷ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 15 Destinations

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.Words to describe an international trip:

beautiful/modern/cultural/historical/perfect/attractive/paradise/breath-taking scenery/

a world-class resort/challenging/exciting/a feast for eyes…

Ⅱ.How to write a travel brochure:


Step Ⅸ Record after Teaching

篇4:NSEFC2B Unit 20 全单元教案

Unit 20 Archaeology

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

Archaeological discoveries play an important part in the study of the history and culture of a country and at the same time can help us solve many mysteries.This unit mainly talks about two important archaeological discoveries:the King of Stonehenge in England and the Jinsha Ruins and the Sanxingdui Ruins Site in Sichuan Province.The discovery of the King of Stonehenge makes archaeologists think people in the Bronze Age had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe.While the unearthed Jinsha Ruins again proved that it is likely that roots of Chinese culture are in Sichuan.They all have a historical significance on the study of the history and culture of the two countries.Besides,we need to review the use of “it”,especially when it is used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about archaeological discoveries.

2.Express curiosity.

3.Review the use of “It”.

4.Create a flow chart.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1. Underwater Archaeology

The year was 1960.The eight team members were divers and scientists.The ancient wreck(船的残骸)was buried in the sands below the warm coastal waters off Turkey.Underwater archaeology was about to be born.

Archaeology is the study of ancient life,or how people lived thousands of years ago.The work of the archaeologist is to find and recover objects made by these ancient people and figure out how the objects were used.

The archaeologists on the team that found the ancient wreck usually worked on dry land.They knew the scientific methods used in dry-land archaeology.By adapting,or changing,these methods,the archaeologists could use them under water.After diving into the sea,the group used underwater cameras to take pictures of the wreck and its treasures.Next,they drew maps on plastic tablets to show where each object was located.Then,they used a tool that gently sucked the sand away from the treasures.Large objects were placed in baskets,which were brought up to the surface.Very heavy objects were pulled up with the aid of a balloon.

The recovered objects were put in a museum in Turkey.Archaeologists then brought the photos,drawings,and maps to the United States for further research.After seven years of study,the scientists learned that the wreck was 3 200 years old.

2.Spanish scientists dig up a monster of a bone

Spanish researchers digging in a semi-desert part of eastern Spain have found a bone from an animal more than 30 metres in length and weighing 50 tons.The upper leg bone measures 1.85 metres and weighs 150 kilograms.This indicated that it came from the equivalent of a male elephant.

Scientists believe the bone came from a Sauropod,a lizard-like dinosaur that lived from 145 to 65 million years BC.

If these guesses are confirmed,it would be the largest dinosaur discovered in Europe.

It could possibly be as big as a champion heavy weight like Argentinausorus,found in South America,which from the evidence of a foot and three ribs,was probably longer than 35 metres.

The four-legged Sauropods,which had tiny brains,vast stomachs and long necks and tails,are believed to have been vegetarians,eating large trees the way people crunch celery sticks.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words:

archaeology archaeological archaeologist curiosity decoration unearth spear artefact

2.Do some listening.

3.Learn to express curiosity.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.

2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about archaeological discoveries and practising expressing curiosity.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Looking at some pictures to arouse the students’ interest in archaeology.

2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

CStep Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

CStep Ⅱ Lead-in

T:As we all know,China is a country with an ancient civilization.It has a long history and brilliant culture.Do you know in what ways we can learn about its history and culture?

S1:Reading books.

S2:Watching TV.

S3:Learning from the teacher in class.

S4:Surfing the Internet.

T:Anything else?


T:We can also go to the museum to visit the unearthed cultural relics,can’t we?


T:Now,please look at the two pictures on the screen and tell me what you see in the pictures.

(Teacher shows the screen.)

S5:They are:terracotta warriors and horses and inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells.

T:You’re right.Terracotta warriors and horses is a symbol of the powerful Qin Dynasty,while inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells are embryonic forms of Chinese characters.The great archaeological discoveries play an important part in learning about China.

CStep Ⅲ Warming up

T:Today let’s talk about archaeology Unit 20 (Bb:Unit 20 Archaeology).Before talking,please look at the new words.

(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

T:OK.Now open your books and turn to Page 73.Look at the four pictures and tell us what you can see in each picture.

S6:I can see an axe in the first picture.It is a kind of tool used by people of the Stone Age.

T:Right.How about the second one?

S7:In the second picture is a bronze tripod,which is an ancient cooking vessel of that period.

T:Good.The third picture.Li Ping,try please.

S8:This is a painting on silk of the Han Dynasty.

T:Yeah.The last one?

S9:I think the last picture is a work of China made in the Tang Dynasty.

T:Anything else about the last picture?

S10:I guess it is made of tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty.

T:Well done.We know that the life of people is different during the different periods.Now let’s describe the life of people during the periods mentioned above.You can describe it according to the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.What did they eat?

2.Where did they live?

3.What did their homes look like?

4.What kind of tools did they use?

5.What objects have we found from their age?

6.What kind of entertainment did they have?

First discuss the questions with your partner,and then complete the chart at Page 73.A few minutes later,I’ll collect your answers.Is that clear?


T:(Five minutes later.)Are you ready now?(Ss:Yes.)Now,let’s describe the life of people in the Stone Age together.

T and Ss:The people of the Stone Age ate wild fruits and animals.They usually lived in caves.They used bones of animals,fur and pottery to decorate their caves.The tools they used were mainly stones,sticks and bones of animals.They used bones of animals to make necklaces and bone pins.They were able to make jades.The entertainment for them was to shout and dance with rhythm together.

T:OK.Who’d like to describe the life of people in the Bronze Age,the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty one by one like what we did just now?


Suggested answers:

Stone Age Bronze Age Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty

Food wild fruits, wild animals grain,wheat,rice,bean,domestic,animals,meat,broomcorn,millet wheat,rice,wine,vegetables,sugar pancake,tea,spinach,wine

Housing caves houses made of mud and straw houses made of bricks and tiles houses made of bricks and tiles palaces

HomeDecoration Bones of animals, fur, pottery, jade bronze mirrors,bronze jade silk,stone and brick statues, wood statues,frescoes china,pottery,jade,silk

Tools stones, sticks, bones, axes made of stone knives, sickles, axes, fishhooks iron objects,ploughs,hoes Quyuan ploughs,tools used to lift water by water-wheel

Artefacts necklaces made of bones,bone pins,pottery,jade bronze tripods and quadripods,textile,embroidery silk, paintings on silk, stone, brick and wood statues tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty,China

Entertain-ment shouting and dancing with rhythm singing,dancing,drinking wine playing the instruments acrobatic show having a swing,boat race,playing polo

T:We know there are many important discoveries from these different periods.Please look at the following four pictures.Can you tell us where they were unearthed and where we can go and see them?Discuss in groups of four.After a few minutes,I’ll ask some students to talk about them.Is that clear?


(Teacher shows the four pictures on the screen.)

1 3

2 4

T:Liu Qian,talk about the first picture,please.


Suggested answers:

Picture 1:The picture shows the serials bells of the Warring States,which was unearthed in Sui County of Hubei Province.If you want to see it,you can go to Hubei Province.

Picture 2:This is the famous Dunhuang frescoes,which lie in Dunhuang of Gansu Province.They were painted in the Tang Dynasty.We can go to Dunhuang of Gansu Province to enjoy them.

Picture 3:This is a skull of a Peking ape-man,living in the Stone Age.Archaeologists found it in Zhoukou of Beijing.We may go to the Chinese History Museum to see it.

Picture 4:This is a work of coloured pottery.The persons were performing acrobatics.It was made in the Han Dynasty and unearthed in Luoyang of Henan Province.Luoyang is the place where you can enjoy the work of coloured pottery.

CStep Ⅳ Listening

T:Now,let’s do some listening.Look at the Listening part at Page 74.Listen to the tape carefully and try to make a drawing of the tool.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen for the first time.After that,give the students one or two minutes to draw it.If they have some difficulty with it,play the tape again and stop where there are important information related to the drawing.At last,check the drawing with the whole class.)

T:Good.Now,let’s go on with the exercises in Listening.Please listen to the tape again and then finish Ex.2 and 3 in turn.

(Teacher plays it again and gives the students enough time to write down some important information.Finally check the answers with the whole class.After that,let the students discuss Ex.4 in groups of four and check them.)

CStep Ⅴ Speaking

T:OK.In our daily life,we often come across the topic that we’re interested in and we’re anxious to get some information about it.In order to get some suggestions from others,how do you express your curiosity?Now, look at the screen.These are very useful expressions.You should remember them and use them freely.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

I wonder what/who…

I really want to know…

I’m curious to…

I’d love to know…

I wonder if/whether…

What I’d really like to find out is…

I’m curious about…

I’d like to know more about…

(Teacher goes through the useful expressions with the whole class.)

T:Now,let’s listen to a dialogue between Student A and Student B.Student A talks about a topic he/she is interested in,while Student B gives suggestions.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:Well,open your books and turn to Page 74.Look at Speaking.Please underline the sentences used to express curiosity.After a while.I’ll ask one of you to read out the sentences.Do you understand?


T:(After a while)Have you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Any volunteer?

S12:I’d like to know more about…

I wonder what…

I’d love to know…

What I’d really like to find out is…

T:Quite right.Please practise the dialogue with your partner for a while.After that,I’ll ask some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class.Is that clear?


(Several minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class.)

T:Thank your for your excellent performances.

CStep Ⅵ Practice

T:Now,let’s do some speaking practice.Work in pairs or groups and talk about archaeological finds,such as artefacts,tombs or unearthed towns.You can use the expressions we learnt just now to help you carry out the task of speaking.Five minutes later,I’ll ask some pairs to perform their dialogues before the class.

One possible dialogue:

A:Hi!Jack.Have you heard of the Sanxingdui Ruins Site?

B:Yes.It’s in Guanghan of Sichuan Province.

A:I want to know when it was discovered?

B:In the spring of 1929.

A:Can you tell me who found it?

B:Yes.It’s a farmer’s son who found it.

A:I’m curious about how he found it.

B:He found it by chance.When he and his father were working in the field,he dug up a round piece of jade.Then they found a hole filled with more than 400 jade objects.

A:Oh,so strange!What I’d really like to know is what effects its discovery will have on the study of Chinese history and culture.

B:I think it must have important effects.It is said that it has become one of the cultural relics of the world.

A:Great!I’d like to know more about it.

B:You can surf the Internet or go to visit it yourself.

CStep Ⅶ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve talked about archaeological discoveries and learnt about the life of people during the different periods.We’ve also done some listening practice and speaking practice.In the Speaking part,we’ve mainly learnt to express curiosity using the useful expressions.These expressions are:I wonder what/who…I’m curious to…I wonder if…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,practise them more.Besides,remember to prepare for the next period.OK.That’s all.Class is over.

CStep Ⅷ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 20 Archaeology

The First Period

Useful Expressions:

I wonder what/who…

I really want to know…

I’m curious to…

I’d love to know…

I wonder if/whether…

What I’d really like to find out is…

I’m curious about…

I’d like to know more about…

CStep Ⅸ Record after Teaching

篇5:新课标unit4 Earthquakes 全单元教案

1. Knowledge:

Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.



1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. train the students’ listening ability.

3. Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information.

4. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.


1. Know the damage that an earthquake

2. Know the ways to reduce the losses of an earthquake.

Teaching important points

Train the students’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.


Train the students’ listening ability.

Step1 Warming-up

T: Do you know what happened in the Indian Ocean at the end of last year? It shocked or we can say frightened the whole world.

S: A terrible tsunami broke out there on 26th December. More than 200 000 people were killed.

T: Yes. It is said that it is the biggest in the fore decades. A tsunami is an undersea earthquake. Then have you heard of any land earthquakes? Would you please list some?

S: We can often hear that earthquakes occur in Japan. In 1906, an earthquake struck San Francisco, USA. About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires. And as many as 250 000 people lost homes.

T: But do you know any famous earthquakes that happened in our county?

S: The Tangshan Earthquake that happened in 1976.

T: Can you tell me what mighty happen in an earthquake? You may look at the two pictures on Page 25.

Step 2 Listening

T: Before we learn the passage about an earthquake, let’s first know why there are earthquakes in the world. So let’s do some listening on Page 62. listen to the tape for the first time and try to get a general idea of the passage.

Listen to the tape and check the answers.( It is about the cause of earthquakes and how we can reduce losses from them.)

T: Listen to the tape for the second time and judge whether the statements in Part 1 are true of false.

T: Let’s check the answers. Listen again and try to correct the statements that are false.

T: Listen again and try to complete the table in Part 2.

A few minutes later, check the answers.

Step 3 Homework

1. Preview the reading passage on Page 26 and do exercise I in the part “Learning about language”.

2. Ask the to look for more ways of reducing losses from earthquakes. The students can go to the library or use the Internet to search for information. After searching for the information, each group should make a poster, informing people how to reduce the losses of an earthquake.

Record after teaching :


The Second Period


Learn some new, phrases and some new sentence patterns.


1. learn some detailed information about an earthquake.

2. improve the students’ reading ability.

3. train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening.

4. train the students’ speaking ability.


1. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

2. Know the deadliness of an earthquake and the signs before an earthquake is coming.

3. Learn from the bravery of people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city.

Teaching important points:

1 The new words and expressions.

2. Learn some detailed information about an earthquake.

3. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

4. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching difficulties:

1 Words: shake, burst, rise, destroy, shock, fresh, injure

2. Phrases: right away, at an end

3. Sentence patterns:

(1) It seemed/ seems that…

(2) The number of sb./sth. Reached/reaches…

(3)All hope was not lost.

4. Improve the students’ reading ability.

5. Train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Pre-reading

T: Suppose you are warned of a coming earthquake. Now you have time to take only one thing. Tell your partner what you will take and the reason.

T: If an earthquake is around the corner, there must be some abnormal phenomena. Carefully look at the four pictures on Page 25 and try to describe what you have seen.

Step2 Listening

T: Everyone knows that an earthquake is very terrible. Today, we will learn something about the strongest earthquake in China’s history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976. First listen to the tape with your textbooks closed and check whether the following statements are true or false. If it is false, try to correct it.

1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. (F)

2. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T)

3. More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake. (F)

4. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. (T)

5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan. (F)

Step 3 Reading

1. Finish Part 1-2 in Comprehending on Page 27.

2. Finish Part 3 in Comprehending on Page 27.

3. Read the passage again to get important information about Tangshan Earthquake and fill in the blanks. ( 百思英语 Page 44 )

Step 4 Speaking or Reading aloud

If your students are good at English, ask them to do this exercise:

Suppose one of you was a newspaper reporter, and the other was a witness of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Now the newspaper reporter is asking the witness some questions. Work in pairs please.

If your students are very poor in English, ask them to do this exercise:

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow in order to let them know how to read the text.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the text several times.

2. Do exercise 3 on Page 28.

3. Do exercise 2 on Page 28 in the exercise book and hang it in tomorrow.

4. Learn some words and phrases in this unit and make some sentences with them. ( Ss’ Book, Page 82-84)

Record after teaching :


The Third Period


1. words: crack, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, last

2. phrases: at an end, right away, dig out

3. sentence patterns:

All hope was not lost.


1. Train the students’ ability to read different numbers in English.

2. Learn the usage of some difficult words and expressions.

3. Train the students’ ability to remove the difficulties while reading.


1. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

2. Know the deadliness of an earthquake and the signs before an earthquake is coming.

3. Learn from the bravery of people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city.

Teaching important points:

1. Train the students’ ability to read different numbers in English.

2. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

Teaching difficulties:

1. The explanation of some difficult words and expressions.

2. Train the students’ ability to remove the difficulties while reading.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1.T: In the last period , we learned something about the terrible Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, which is the deadliest earthquake in China’s history. Now I am going to ask you some questions based on the Reading passage.

(1)What did people in Tangshan see in the sky before the earthquake?

(2)What did people notice in the wells?

(3)Did people pay any attention to these abnormal phenomena?

(4)When did the earthquake begin?

(5)Were there any aftershocks?

(6)Did the survivors deny the city and go to live in other places?

2. Check the homework (Ex2 on P28). Ask them to recite it after class.

Step 2 Learning about Numbers

Turn to Page 28 and look at Part 3. Match each word to the number that has the same meaning. Allow the students several minutes to finish the task. Check the answers.

Step 3 Important points

Ask the students to turn to Page 82. Ask some students to make some sentences with the words or phrases. Deal with some difficulties. You can add more phrases.

Step 4 homework

In order to master the usage of these words and expressions, please do some related exercises.

1. Finish off the two parts in Using Words and Expressions on Page 63.

2. Translate the sentences on Page 63 into English. Write the English sentences in one of your exercise book and hand it in tomorrow.

Record after teaching :


The Fourth Period


1. Learn the Attributive Clause.

2. Learn the difference between Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.


1. Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.

2. Train the students’ ability to report what others have said.


Train the students’ ability to cooperate with each other.

Teaching important points:

1. Learn the Attributive Clause.

2. Train the students’ ability to report what others have said.

Teaching difficulties:

Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Grammar

( The teacher writes the sentence “ Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.” On the blackboard before class begins.)

T: Please look at the sentence on the blackboard, paying special attention to the underlined part. What kind of clause is it?

Ss: The Attributive Clause.

T: Yes. The Attributive Clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing ) the speaker means.

e.g. The woman who lives next door is a teacher.

A sentence with an attributive clause contains two shorter sentences. In the sentence above, the two short sentences are: “ The woman is a teacher.” And “ The woman lives next door.” The Attributive Clause is the answer to the question: Which woman is a teacher?

Would you try to divide the sample sentence on the blackboard into two short sentences?

T: That’s right. Now try to find all the sentences with Attributive Clauses in the reading passage and divide each sentence into two short sentences.

T: Next I will say something about the common relative pronouns.

“Who” is used for people. “Which” is used for things. “That” is used for things or people. “Whose” is used instead of his/her/their/somebody’s. “Whom” is quite formal, and in most cases it is all right to use who instead. But when whom has a preposition before it, it cannot be replaced by who.

Step 3 Practice

1. Now look at Part 2 in Discovering Useful Structures on Page 28. try to complete each sentence using that, which, who, or whose.

Let the students do this exercise and check the answers.

2.Do more exercises in Ex 3 on Page51 in《导学》

Step 4 Homework

After class, read the passage on Page 64. It’s about advice on how to protect your home from an earthquake. Complete the sentences below, using who, whom, which, that or whose.

Record after teaching;



The Fifth Period


1. Know how to write a speech.

2. Know how to write a newspaper story.


1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Train the students’ ability to search for doing something.

3. Train the students’ ability to do things step by step.


1. Honor the great people of Tangshan.

2. Learn to cooperate to each other.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Train the students’ ability to search for doing something.

Teaching Difficulties:

1. Know how to write a speech.

2. Know how to write a newspaper story.

3. Learn to cooperate to each other.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

T: In the last period, we learned the Attributive Clause and how to choose a proper relative pronoun. Now let’s check your homework exercises. Please open your textbooks and turn to Page 64. Look at Part 1 in Using Structures. I will ask some of you to read the sentences out.

(The teacher corrects mistakes if there are any.)

Step 2 Reading and Writing

T: Read the letter on Page 29.In the blank at the beginning of the letter, write the last number of the year it is now. Then in the blank near the end of the letter, use a number to say how many years ago the quake happened.

(After several minutes, the teacher checks the answers with the class.)

T: Suppose you are the student who was invited to give the speech. What should you include in your speech?

(Students give their different answers.)

T: Yes, while writing, don’t forget to contain the information. Now I will give you 15 minutes to write the speech. You can follow the points in part 3 on this page.

(While the students are writing, the teacher gets around the classroom and helps the students to deal with any difficulties that they have.)

(After 15 minutes)

T: Are there any volunteers to read his or her speech?

( If there is nobody, the teacher asks one to read, and give some assessments.)

Step 3 Speaking

T: Imagine that after your speech, Zhangsha asks you to give a short talk about the new stamps about Tangshan to honor the city. First, ask and answer the following questions in pairs.

(1) What do these stamps show?

(2) Do you think these stamps are very important and why?

(3) Will you collect these stamps? Why and why not?

(After the students ask and answer these questions in pairs.)

T: Now try to fill in the lines in the little talk. You can use some of the answers to the questions.

T: Next I will ask one of you to read the little talk.

Step 4 Writing

T: By now you have learned writing a speech and a little talk. Now you are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happed in your hometown. First, let’s learn some skills of writing newspaper stories. Before you write, you should write an outline. This is very useful. Today, we will learn how to write an outline. Please turn to Page 31. Read the instructions in bold and pay attention to some questions I prepared to you.

Q1: Why is an outline important?

Q2: What should an outline include?

Q3: Why is a headline important?

Q4: What are the steps to finish a newspaper story?

Q5: What is the feature of a newspaper story?

Suggested answers:

1. Because an outline will prepare you to write a better story.

2. A good outline should have a headline, a list of main ideas and a list of important details.

3. A headline can tell the readers what the topic is, so it can attract the readers’ attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline.

4. First, organize the main ideas. Next, put some details into each paragraph.

5. A newspaper story gives the most important news first and the least important news last.

T: Now let’s read the example of a newspaper story. Try to find the headline, main idea and details of each paragraph. You may work in groups of three.

(After several minutes, the teacher asks the students the following questions :)

Q1: What is the headline of the newspaper story?

Q2: What is the main idea?

Q3: What is the detailed information?

T: Now turn to Page 32 and check your main ideals and detailed information.

Step 5 Homework

T: So now you know how to write a passage step by step. Prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily. Use the example to help you to organize your outline. You can first have a discussion with your partner and decide which event you will write about. Try to write down the title, main ideas and detailed information. Then put them into a short passage.

Record after teaching:


The Sixth Period


Learn a passage about the San Francisco Earthquake


1. Learn to compare two similar passages.

2. Train the students’ listening ability.


1. Learn to cooperate with others.

2. Learn from the bravery of the people of San Francisco to face the reality.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Learn a passage about the San Francisco Earthquake

Teaching Difficulties:

Learn to compare two similar passages.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

T: In the second period of this unit, you learnt some detailed information about the Tangshan Eearthquake. Can you use several sentences to summarize the passage?

S: Let me have a try. The terrible earthquake struck the city of Tangshan while people were sleeping. More than 400 000 people were killed or injured in the quake. After the quake, people found nearly everything was destroyed. But people in Tangshan didn’t lose heart. They rebuilt the city with the help of soldiers.

T: Quite good.

Step 2 Reading and Comparing

T: In the first period, we also talked about the earthquakes that happened in San Francisco. Today, we will learn a passage titled “The Story of an Eyewitness”, which is about the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906. It was written by Jake London, who was a famous American writer.

T: First read the passage carefully. While reading, please think about the following questions:

(1) How did the author feel about the earthquake?

(2) How did the author feel about the people of San Francisco?

(Ss read the passage, then the teacher asks someone to give their answers and checks the answers)

(Answers will vary.)

T: Quite good. You can keep your own answers as long as you think they are reasonable and you can find proofs from the passage.

Read the first paragraph in this passage .Then go back and read again the first paragraph of the passage on Page 26. Compare the ways both writers give you details about the earthquakes. Try to finish the 4 exercises on Page 66. You may discuss in group of three.

(Ss read the two passage and finish the exercises.)

(Then the teacher checks the answers.)

T: Next I will play the tape of this passage for you to listen. Please pay special attention to the intonation.

(After listening.)

T: Now I will give you several minutes to read the third paragraph with feelings.

Step 3 Listening

T: Just now we learned a passage written by an eyewitness about the terrible San Francisco earthquake in 1906. Now we will listen to a story told by a man who was a survivor of the earthquake. Listen to the tape the first time, and try to tell whether the statements in part 1 are true or false.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and finish the task.)

(After listening, the teacher checks the answers with the class.)

T: Now let’s listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions in Part 2.

(After listening, the teacher checks the answers)

T: While listening to the tape, you should not only pay attention to the contents, but also the pronunciation and intonation. The sentences in Part 3 show us the sequence. I will play the tape again, you should mark liaison and incomplete explosion in these sentences. Then practice reading them aloud.

Step 4 Homework

T: In this class we read and listened to two stories ,both of which are about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The stories are true and were written for the Museum of the City of San Francisco. The museum has many such personal accounts and photos at www.Sfmuseum.Org/1906/06.html. If you are interested in them, you can surf in the site I’ve given to you.

Record after teaching:


The Seventh Period


1. Learn how to make an earthquake plan.

2. Learn what to contain in a personal earthquake bag.


1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Train the students’ speaking ability.

3. Learn to find reasons for their choices.

4. Learn to sum up what they have learned in the unit.


Learn to cooperate with others.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Difficulties:

Learn to find reasons for their choices.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Listening

T: These days Earthquakes are always our central topic. We have learned many things about it. Up till now, earthquakes are difficult to predict. We can hardly avoid an earthquake. But actually we can do things to reduce the losses of an earthquake. Let’s look at the form on Page 66 and have a discussion about the earthquake plan with your partner.

( Ss give their answers)

T: What should you do if you are outside?

(Ss give their answers)

T: What should you do if you are in the living room?

(different answers)

T: What should you do if you are in the house room?

(different answers)

T: Next we are going to listen to the tape and write down the three “things” that are mentioned.

(After listening, teacher checks the answers with the students.)

T: Then let’s listen again. This time you should write down more details about each of the “things”.

(After listening, teacher checks the answers with the class. Play the tape again if necessary.)

Step 3 Speaking

T: You know every family should have an earthquake bag, in which there are enough things that you can use in case of an earthquake. Here we have a list of possible items for the personal earthquake bag. Choose only eight things, which you think are the most essential, from the list. They must last you five days. Discuss with your partner.

(After several minutes.)

T: Now join another pair and discuss your choices. Put all the things you agree on into a final list. Discuss the other items explaining your reasons and trying to agree which ones are the most suitable.

(After several minutes.)

T: Each group should choose one representative. Now be prepared to present your list to the class and give your reasons for each choice.

Step 4 Learning Tip

T: In order to learn a language well, you should do a lot of practice, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Only when we understand what is said to us can we have a conversation with somebody. So listening to English is very important. After class, you should listen to the English news on CCTV International. You will not only get a lot of information about what is happening around the world, but also improve your listening and learn more English words and expressions. At the same, you will improve your pronunciation and intonation.

Step 5 Summing up

T: Now let’s sum up what you have learnt in this unit. Work with your partner. First write down what you have learned about earthquakes. Then write down the verbs, nouns, expressions and new grammar items that you have learned from this unit.

Step 6 Homework

1. Review Unit 4. .

2. Preview Unit 5.

Record after teaching:


The End

篇6:NSEFC2B Unit 20 全单元教案

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review some new words appearing in the last period.

2.Review the use of “It”.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Review the words used as a noun or a verb appearing in the reading passage and learn to complete sentences with their correct form…

2.Master the use of “It”.

Teaching Difficult Point:

The usage of “it” used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause,especially in the following sentence structure:

It is said/believed/reported/thought/known…that…

Teaching Methods:

1.Revision to help the students consolidate the words learnt in the last period.

2.Practise to help the students review the use of “It”.

3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

CStep Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

CStep Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last period,we read a passage about the King of Stonehenge.Have you remembered anything about it?Who can retell the text briefly?

S1:Let me try.On May 3,,archaeologists found a grave of a man in England.Buried with him were some tools…

T:Very good.Thank you for your performance.

CStep Ⅲ Word Study

T:In the reading passage we’ve learnt,there are some words which mean the same as the definitions I’ll give you.Now,listen to me carefully and then find the words and read them out.One student,one word.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s begin.No 1:the ruler of an empire,higher than a king.


T:Yes.No 2:the clothes that people wear.


T:Good.No 3:a long stick with a sharp point,used as a weapon.


T:No.Think it over.


T:Yes.Let’s go on.It means a deep round bowl used for cooking.Which word is it?

S6:I think the word is “pot”,isn’t it?

T:Yes.No 5:a thin weapon that you shoot with a bow.


T:Right.The last one:the amount of space between two places.

S8:The word should be “distance”.

T:Very good.Now,please look at the screen.These words can be used as a noun or a verb.Can you say their meanings in Chinese?(Teacher shows the screen and let the students speak together.Meanwhile,give answers on the screen.)

T:Now,let’s do an exercise.Open your books at Page 77.Look at Ex.2 in Word Study.Complete the sentences with their correct form and change them into Chinese.I’ll give you a few minutes to prepare.After that,I’ll ask some students to do them.

T:OK.Time is up.Have you finished?


T:Well.The first one.Any volunteer?

S9:The first blank should be filled in “date” used as a noun,while the second should be filled in “dates” used as a verb.Its Chinese meaning is:日期是5月3日,考古学家在英格兰发现了一个男人的坟墓,此墓的历史可追溯到公元前大约23。

T:Very good.The second one?


Suggested answers:











CStep Ⅳ Grammar

(Teacher shows some sentences on the screen.)

T:Do the sentences A and B in each pair have the same meaning?

Ss:Yes.Both of the two sentences in each pair have the same meaning.

T:Are there any differences?Who’d like to try the first pair?

S10:The subject of Sentence A is an infinitive phrase,while that of Sentence B is “It”.In Sentence B,“It” is used in the subject position to stand for the infinitive phrase.The reason why the sentence is written like that is that we want to keep the balance of the sentence.Am I right?

T:Yes.you’re right.Sentence B is more usual in everyday English.The second pair,Li Ping,try please.

S11:In Sentence A,the subject is a that-clause,while the subject of Sentence B is “It”,which is used in the subject position to stand for a clause.

T:Very good.The sentence structure “It is+adj.+an infinitive/a clause”is very useful in learning English.(Teacher writes the sentence structure on the blackboard.)Can you make a sentence with the sentence structure?

S12:Let me try.It is dangerous to go out alone at night.

T:Good.Wang Wei,make a sentence with the structure.

S13:It is natural that a child should love its mother.

(Teacher writes the two sentences the students made on the blackboard.)

T:Well done.Now.let’s do an exercise.Turn to Page 78 and look at Ex.1 in Grammar.Rewrite the following sentences using “it”.Five minutes later,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

1.It is a great honour for me to be able to join in the archaeological research project.

2.Thanks to modern technology,it is possible to find out more facts about the man buried in the grave.

3.It is still unknown whether the man organised the construction of Stonehenge.

4.It is a mystery how early men constructed Stonehenge without the use of modern technology.

T:You all did very well.Now,please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

In this pair,Sentence A and Sentence B have the same meaning.Sentence A includes a very useful sentence structure.Do you know what it is?

Ss:Yes.It is:It be+p.p.+that-clause.

(Teacher writes it on the blackboard.)

T:Look at the blackboard,please.Here “It”is also used in the subject position to stand for a clause,but it is different from what we reviewed just now.Is that so?


T:The sentence pattern “It be+p.p.+that-clause”can often be changed into the sentence structure “People+vt.+that-clause”.The past participles used like that in the sentence structure are: reported, believed, thought, proven, known, hoped, suggested, etc.

(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)

T:Are you clear about that?


T:OK.Let’s do Ex.2 at Page 78.First do them by yourself,then check your answers with your partner.After a while,I’ll ask some of you to read out your sentences.

Suggested answers:

1.It was said that it was an important archaeological discovery.

2.It was reported that this man had been called the King of Stonehenge.

3.It is believed that the two gold earrings found on the man are the oldest gold ever found in Britain.

4.It is thought that European culture and techniques were brought to Britain through trade instead of war.

5.It has been proven that the copper knives came from Spain and Western France.

6.It is unknown to us how these huge stones were transported over a distance of 380 kilometres.

CStep Ⅴ Consolidation

T:Now,please look at the screen.Translate the sentences into English using “it”.







Suggested answers:

1.It was reported that dozens of children died in the accident.

2.Is it possible that computers can take the place of human beings?

3.It is important that the experiment result should be checked.

4.It is difficult for you to deal with such a problem.

5.It is dangerous to go to swim in the sea alone.

6.It is well known that China is a country with an ancient civilization.

CStep Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed some new words appearing in the last period,especially some words used as noun or verb.We’ve also reviewed the use of “it”,which is used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.After class,you need to do more exercises to consolidate what we’ve reviewed about the use of “it”.Besides,prepare for the next period.That’s all.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

CStep Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 20 Archaeology

The Third Period

Grammar:The use of “It”

Ⅰ.It is+adj.+an infinitive/a clause.

e.g.It is dangerous to go out alone at night.

It is natural that a child should love its mother.

Ⅱ.It be+玴.p.(said,reported,believed,thought,proved,known,hoped,suggested,etc.)+that-clause.

(=People say/report/believe/think…that-clause.)

CStep Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

root,ivory,jade,site,climate,mask,accompany,warmly,precious,triangle,dig up,remind…of,belong to

2.Review the language points and the use of “It” in this unit.

3.Train the students’ integrating skills,especially writing skill.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Useful expressions:

dig up,remind…of,belong to

2.Learn to create a flow chart.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students understand the passage better.

2.How to create a flow chart.

Teaching Methods:

1.Revision to help the students consolidate the language points of this unit.

2.Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly.

3.Discussion to help the students finish the task of writing.

4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

CStep Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

CStep Ⅱ Revision

T:Yesterday we reviewed the use of “it”,especially its usage used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.Now,please look at the screen.I’ll see whether you’ve mastered it.After a while,I’ll collect your answers.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences,paying attention to the use of “it”.

1.______(据说)that this book has been translated into many different languages.

2.______(很可能)that your team will win.

3.______(很遗憾)that he can’t pass the English test.

4.It is important ______(我们学好英语).

5.______(直到250年后)that they formed a single state.

6.______(是1990年)that I graduated from the university.

Suggested answers:

1.It is said

2.It is possible/likely

3.It’s a pity

4.for us to learn English well

5.It was not until 250 years later

6.It was in 1990

T:You all did a good job.Please look at the fifth and the sixth sentence on the screen again.Tell me the use of “it” in the two sentences.Any volunteer?

S1:Here “it” is used for emphasis.

T:You’re right.The two sentences are emphatic construction,emphasizing adverbials of time“not until 250 years later”and “in 1990”.The emphatic construction is:It is/was…that/who…This structure can be used to emphasize almost any part of the sentence.(Bb:It is/was…that/who…)

Can you give another example?

S2:It was in the street that I saw Li Ping yesterday.

T:Very good.If we emphasize the subject,the object or the adverbial of time,how should we rewrite your sentence?Who can try?

S3:If we emphasize the subject of the sentence,we should say “It was I who saw Li Ping in the street yesterday”.The sentence “It was Li Ping that I saw in the street yesterday.”is used to emphasize the object.If emphasizing the adverbial of time,we should say “It was yesterday that I saw Li Ping in the street”.Am I right?

T:Yes,you’re quite right.

CStep Ⅲ Reading

T:OK.So much for revision.China is a country with a long history.It has brilliant culture of about 5 000 years.Do you know roots of Chinese culture?

Ss:We don’t know.

T:Now,let’s read a passage about roots of Chinese culture.First,let’s deal with the new words appearing in the text together.

(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

T:OK.Open your books at Page 78.Please read the passage quickly and answer the questions on the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.Why did Jinsha village became famous all over China in ?

2.How did Sanxingdui first discovered?

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Who’d like to answer the first question?

S4:Because archaeologists discovered more than a thousand cultural relics,including gold,jade,bronze and stone objects as well as nearly a ton of ivory.These will serve as the important materials for the study of local geography,climate and environment in ancient times.

T:Anything else?

S5:Because many of the relics there look very much like those found at Sanxingdui.Archaeologists now think that the Jinsha Ruins may have been the political and cultural centre of the ancient Shu Kingdom,which moved from Sanxingdui to Chengdu about 3 000 years ago.

T:Very good.The second one,any volunteer?

S6:In the spring of 1929,a farmer in today’s Nanxing Town was working in the fields when his son dug up a round piece of jade.They found a hole filled with more than 400 jade objects.

T:You’re right.Now,read the whole passage carefully again and then answer some detailed questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.Who was the first to discover the Jinsha Ruins and when?

2.Before the Jinsha Ruins was found,archaeologists believed how long the history of Sichuan was?

3.Since 1929,what have been unearthed in Sanxingdui Ruins Site?

4.What do archaeologists hope to discorer in the future?

T:(Some minutes later.)Are you ready?


T:OK.Who’d like to answer the first question?

S7:On February 8,2001,construction workers from a local company found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building road there.

T:Good.The second one,Who can try?

S8:Before the discoveries in the Jinsha Ruins,it was believed that Sichuan only had a history of about 2 300 years.

T:OK.How about the third one?

S9:Since 1929,more than 10 000 relics dating back to between 5000BC and 3000BC have been discovered.53 holes were dug up and over 1 200 pieces,including bronze and gold masks,bronze objects and images,jade and ivory had been found.

T:Well done.The last one,Zhang Jun,please.

S10:They hope to discover some of the mysterious palaces,tombs of kings and bronze and jade workshops.

T:A good job!You’re all very careful.Now,please look at the screen.There are some useful expressions to master.(Teacher shows the screen.)

1.The photo reminds me of childhood.

2.At the Jinsha Ruins,archaeologists dug up many precious relics.

3.The house doesn’t belong to me.

4.It looks like rain.

5.He must have been there before.

6.They may not have caught the train.

(Bb:remind…of,dig up,belong to,look like,must have done,may have done)

T:Now,you’re familiar with the reading passage.Next,let’s look at the picture.

(Teacher shows the picture on the screen.)

This is a precious bronze statue,which was unearthed in the Sanxingdui Ruins Site.Please enjoy it for a while.(Teacher gives the students two minutes to enjoy it.)

CStep Ⅳ Writing

T:OK.So much for reading.Archaeological discoveries play an important part in learning about the history and culture of a country,so everyone has the duty to protect them after they are unearthed.Stealing cultural relics is illegal by law.As a citizen,what should we do to protect our country’s relics?Talk about it in groups of four.After a while,I’ll ask some students to report their results.Is that clear?


T:(After a few minutes.)Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)OK.Wang Li,tell us what you’re going to do to protect our country’s relics?

S11:Observe the law about the preservation of cultural relics.If we find someone stealing cultural relics.We should call the police at once.

T:Good.Anything else?

S12:Learn about cultural relics.

T:Yes,you’re right.Now,imagine you have discovered some old things under the ground,what should you do to protect them?Please create a flow chart showing the things you should do and the things you should not do.Before creating your flow chart,please turn to Page 80.Study the flow chart on the left and the tips on the right with your partner.Then try to create your own chart.After a few minutes,I’ll collect your charts.Let’s see who creates it best.Do you understand?


A suggested flow chart:

CStep Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the use of “it” by doing exercises.We’ve also read a passage about roots of Chinese culture and learnt some useful expressions.After class,you should do more exercises to consolidate what we’ve learnt in class.As cultural relics are very important in learning about the history and culture of a country,we must protect them.In this class,we’ve learnt to create a flow chart to tell everyone what we should do and should not do.Up to now,we’ve finished the whole unit.Can you find some words used to described archaeological discoveries?After class,please finish the homework.At last,review all the language points of this unit.So much for today.Class is over.


CStep Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 20 Archaeology

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.The use of “it”used for emphasis

It is/was…that/who…

Ⅱ.Useful expressions:

remind…of,dig up,belong to,look like,must have done,may have done

CStep Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Fifth Period

The Use of “It”

Teaching Aims:

Revise and sum up the use of “it”.

Teaching Important Point:

Master the use of “it”,especially the emphatic use and the use as a preparatory subject or a preparatory object.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to master the use of “it”correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Having a little quiz to revise the common use of “it”.

2.Inductive method to go through some important sentence patterns with “it”.

3.Practice to consolidate the use of “it”.

Teaching Aids:

1.a projector and some slides

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

CStep Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

CStep Ⅱ Test

T:In the last two periods,we revised the use of “it”.Now let’s have a test.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Tell what the word “it” refers to and its functions:

1.It’s difficult to remember all their names.

2.It’s very quiet in the cafe.

3.It rained for three days.

4.He made it clear that he didn’t want to speak to me.

5.It was nice seeing you.

6.It was on Tuesday that Mrs Smith came.

7.It’s three miles to the nearest garage.

8.A tall man stood up and shook hands.It was Captain Lawie.

9.I hear you bought a new bike.Can you show it to me?

10.It was five o’clock when we got back home yesterday.

T:Now I’ll give you three minutes to write down your answers on a piece of paper.Then let’s check the answers together.

(Ss can exchange their papers for comment and correction.)

Suggested answers:

1.a preparatory subject for an infinitive

2.refer to the present situation

3.refer to weather

4.a preparatory object

5.a preparatory subject for an “-ing” form

6.emphasize the adverbial of time

7.refer to distance

8.refer to a person when we are identifying somebody(saying who somebody is)

9.refer to the word “bike” mentioned earlier

10.refer to time

CStep Ⅲ Revision and Induction

T:Well done.You are already familiar with the common use of “it”.Next,let’s revise some important sentence patterns.Now,let’s do an exercise.Look at the screen.

Complete the sentences,paying attention to the structures of them and the use of “it”.

1.______(据报道)that dozens of children died in the accident.

2.______(真遗憾)that he can’t swim at his age.

3.______(很可能)that they will beat us tonight.

4.______(看来)that he enjoys pop songs very much.

5.______(仍然是一个问题)when we shall have our sports meet.

6.______(还不确定)whether he can attend this conference or not.

7.______(不要紧/没关系)whether we go together or separately.

8.It’s up to you ______(决定是否接受这项工作)。

9.It is important ______(我们学英语).

10.It is kind ______(你们帮助我).

11.It took me five days ______(解决这个问题).

12.It’s no use ______(与她争论).

T:Now please work in pairs to do it and you can write down the answers on a piece of paper.Then I’ll check your answers.(If necessary,teacher may give some explanations.)

Suggested answers:

1.It was reported…

[It be+p.p.(known,thought,told,believed,hoped…)+that-clause]

2.It is a pity…

[It be+n.(an honour,a good thing,a fact,a surprise…)+that-clause]

3.It is likely…

[It be+adj.(wonderful,true,important,surprising,clear…)+that-clause]

4.It seems…

[It seems/appears/happens+that-clause]

5.It is still a question…

[It be+n.+wh-/how-clause]

6.It is uncertain…

[It be+adj.(not decided,uncertain)+wh-/how-clause]

7.It doesn’t matter…

[It doesn’t matter(It’s no wonder;It doesn’t make too much difference…)+wh-/how-clause]

8.…to decide whether to take the job or not

[It’s up to sb.to do sth.]

9.…for us to learn English

[It be+adj.(difficult,easy,hard,important…)for sb.to do sth.]

10.…of you to help me

[It be+adj.(kind,nice,brave,clever,stupid…)of sb.to do sth.]

11.…to solve the problem.

[It takes(took)sb.…to do sth.]

12.…arguing with her

[It’s no use(no good,useless)doing sth.]

(Teacher writes the structures on the Bb one by one while checking the answers.)

T:Look at the blackboard now.In all these structures,“it”is used as preparatory subjects.Can you tell me the real subjects in them?

Ss:Yes.Infinitives,-ing forms and clauses.

T:Quite right.You should remember and often use these structures.Besides,“it” can be used in some other structures to express “time”.Let’s do another exercise on the screen.

Complete the sentences

1.______(已经有三年了)since his father passed away.

2.______(不久)the police arrived.

3.______(已经八点了)when we got home.

4.______(该……的时候了)she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.

5.______(这是第一次)that these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.

6.______(我们该)to go to school.

(Ss prepare first.Then teacher checks the answers and sums up the structures with the whole class.At the same time,teacher writes the structures on the blackboard.)

Suggested answers:

1.It is/has been three years…

[It be+some time+since…]

2.It was not long before…

[It be(not)+long(days,weeks,months…)before…]

3.It was already eight o’clock…

[It be+definite time+when…]

4.It is(high)time(that)…

[It be(high)time+(that)…]

5.It is the first time…

[It be+the first(second,third…)time+that-clause]

6.It is time for us…

[It be time for sb.to do sth.]

T:Well,we also know that “it”can be used as an preparatory object.Let’s do an exercise.Look at the screen.

Rewrite the following sentences,using“it”as a preparatory object.

1.To make others laugh is difficult.(I found…)

2.To help him is my duty.(I consider…)

3.That we should keep calm is important.(I think…)

4.That he objected to the proposal is clear.(I made…)

T:Now I want some of you to rewrite the sentences one by one.Li Hao,the first one.

S1:I found it difficult to make others laugh.

T:The second one,Wang Hua.

S2:I consider it my duty to help him.


S3:I think it important that we should keep calm.

S4:I made it clear that he objected to the proposal.

T:Well done.From these sentences,we know that the commonest structure with “it” as a preparatory object is “subject+vt.+it+adj./n.+to do sth./that-clause.Some verbs like “find,feel,think,consider,make”are often used in this structure.Are you clear about it?


(Bb:subject+vt.+it+adj./n.+to do sth./that-clause)

T:Well,besides the use as a preparatory subject or object,we all know “it” can be used to give special emphasis to almost any part of a sentence except the verb.Can you tell me the emphatic structure?

Ss:Yes.It is “It be+the emphasized part+who/that…”.

(Teacher writes the structure on the blackboard.)

T:Quite right.Now let’s look at the screen and do another exercise.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Correct mistakes if there are any.

1.It is he that I want to see.

2.It is I who is leaving for London next week.

3.It was on Tuesday when Mrs Smith came.

T:Who’d like to do the first one?Any volunteer?

S1:Let me try,“him” should be used instead of “he”,because the emphasized part is an object.

T:Quite right.The second one?

S2:“is” after “who” should be replaced by “am” to agree with “I” in person and number.


S3:“when” should be replaced by “that” to give special emphasis to the adverbial of time.

T:You are all right.You’ve mastered this sentence structure very well.Now I will show you some other sentences.(Teacher shows them on the screen.)

1.It is my turn.

2.Let’s call it a day.

3.If the teacher sees you doing that,you will catch it.

4.Go ahead,we’ll make it in the end.

5.-I will study hard in the future.

-That’s it.

6.Take it easy.

T:Now please look at the sentences on the screen.I’d like you to translate them into Chinese.Any volunteer?








T:Very good.We can see in these sentences,“it” has no special meaning.Is that clear?


T:Well,now let’s do more exercises to further master the use of “it”.

CStep Ⅳ Practice

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Choose the best answers:

1.Is______necessary to complete the design before National Day?

A.this B.that C.it D.he

2.She heard a terrible noise,______brought her heart into her mouth.

A.it B.which C.this D.that

3.Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but ______didn’t help.

A.he B.which C.she D.it

4.______is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A.There B.This C.That D.It

5.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have______?

A.it B.those C.one D.them

6.-Why don’t you take a little break?

-Didn’t we just have ______.

A.that B.this C.one D.it

7.I don’t think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A.this B.that C.its D.it

8.-He was nearly drowned once.

-When was ______?

-______was in when he was in middle school.

A.that;It B.this;This C.this;It D.that;This

9.The weather turned out to be very good,______was more than we had expected.

A.what B.which C.that D.it

10.Was ______ that I saw last night at the concert?

A.it you B.not you C.you D.that yourself

(Teacher gives the Ss some minutes to prepare,then checks the answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

1~5 CBDDC 6~10 CDABA

CStep Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we revised the use of “it” by doing some exercises,especially the use as a preparatory subject or object and the emphatic use of “it”.After class,you should practise more and try to use the sentence structures on the blackboard.Are you clear about it?


T:So much for today.Bye.


CStep Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 20 Archaeology

The Fifth Period

The Use of “it”

Ⅰ.Preparatory Subject

1.It be+p.p./n./adj.+that-clause

2.It seems/appears/happens+that-clause

3.It be+n./adj.+wh-/how-clause

4.It doesn’t matter(It’s no wonder…)+wh-/how-clause

5.It’s up to sb.to do sth.

6.It be+adj.+for/of sb.to do sth.

7.It takes sb.…to do sth.

8.It’s no use doing…

Ⅱ.Structures to express “time”

1.It be+…+since…

2.It be(not)+long(days,weeks…)+before…

3.It be+…when…

4.It be (high)time(that)…

5.It be the first(second…)time+that-clause

6.It be time for sb.to do sth.

Ⅲ.Preparatory Object

Subject+vt.+it+adj.+to do sth./that-clause

Ⅳ.The Emphatic Use

It be+…+who/that…

CStep Ⅶ Record after Teaching

篇7:NSEFC2B Unit 19 全单元教案

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The Merchant of Venice is the most outstanding “romantic” comedy written by William Shakespeare, the greatest British playwright and poet of Renaissance. This play is mainly about the process of a story that Shylock, a cruel and greedy moneylender, is punished by Antonio, a merchant of Venice, with the help of his friends-Portia and Bassanio. The central theme of the play is the triumph of love(between Portia and Bassanio)and friendship(between Antonio and Bassanio)over insatiable greed and brutality(as presented by Shylock).A happy ending is brought about when Shylock is punished.Here we can see the true progressive significance of The Merchant of Venice and of its author:consistent hatred for the oppressors and sympathy for the oppressed.Meanwhile,it provides us an opportunity to learn some language points as well as revising Direct and Indirect speech.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about Shakespeare and his plays.

2.Learn to recount detail in conversation.

3.Review Direct and Indirect Speech.

4.Write a short play.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.William Shakespeare

For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest post and dramatist(剧作家).Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him,that of William Shakespeare.Every Englishman has some knowledge,however slight,of the work of our greatest writer.All of us use words,phrases and quotations(引用语)from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-speaking people.Most of the time we probably don’t know the source of the words we use,rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!

Shakespeare,more perhaps than any other writer,made full use of the great resources of the English language.Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! There is probably no better way for foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it.Such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects(方面)of English usage,and the meaning of many words,have changed since Shakespeare’s Day.

It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town,but of this we cannot be sure.We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children,a boy and two girls.We know he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces.But this is almost all that we do know.

However,what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its products,the plays and the poems.For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing(理论化)about the plays.Sometimes,indeed,it seems that the the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

Fortunately this is not likely to happen. Shakespeare’s poetry and Shakespeare’s people (Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet, Falstaff and all the others)have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature(文学)everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.


The play Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s tragedies(悲剧).It was written in 1601~1602 and first published in 1603.

The action of the play is laid in medieval(中世纪的)Denmark.The King suddenly dies.Gertrude,Queen of Denmark,within two months marries the new king,Claudius,brother of her husband.

The son of the late king,Hamlet,returns from the university,where he has received his education.Heavy is the heart of the young man.The country is in a state of unrest.There is said to be war.He thinks his father was murdered but he does not dare to tell others.One night Hamlet dreams of his father.He talks to his father,who tells his son he has been murdered by his brother Claudius.Hamlet hates the murderer very much and he decides to kill Claudius.

The ghost made a sign to Hamlet

that he should go with him

The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius is increasing.Claudius pays close attention to Hamlet.Hamlet pretends to have gone mad.

To expose Claudius,Hamlet thinks of a plan:a group of actors are engaged to perform a play which recalls his father’s murder.When Claudius appears deeply affected by the performance and leaves the hall before the play is ended,Hamlet knows he is right.To get rid of Hamlet,Claudius sends off Hamlet to England with his two men,who used to be Hamlet’s friends and now are ordered to spy on him and kill him.

While at sea,Hamlet discovers a letter,in which Claudius orders the two men to kill him.Hamlet manages to escape from the ship and returns to his homeland,Denmark.

In the end,Claudius is killed by Hamlet.His mother is poisoned and dies.If you want to know whether Hamlet is alive or not,Please read the play or see the film.

But soon Laertes made

a deadly stroke at Hamlet

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

(1)Words and phrases:

merchant,duke,masterpiece,mercy,enemy,pay back,as well as,after all

(2)Everyday English:

Correct me if I’m wrong,but…

One of the most important facts is…

As far as I know,…

You shouldn’t forget that…

You could,for example,say…

After all,…

What shouldn’t be forgotten is…

The way I would go about it…

But in this particular case…

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.

2.Improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.

2.How to get the students to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Talking,speaking and listening to improve the students’ ability to use English.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.

T:Sit down,please.Class begin.First,please tell me if you are interested in plays,especially some of the world-famous plays.


T:There was a great British playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature.He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life.Here’s a picture of him.Do you know who he is?

(Teacher shows the picture.)

Ss:William Shakespeare.

(Bb:William Shakespeare)

T:Quite right.He lived from 1564 to 1616(Bb:1564~1616).He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance(14th~16th centuries)in Europe.As a playwright,he wrote tragedies,comedies,historical plays.As a poet,he wrote narrative poems and sonnets.Can you follow me?


T:Today,we are going to learn Unit 19.The Merchant of Venice (Bb:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice).In the first period of this unit,we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as 玊he Merchant of Venice.獸irst,Let’s learn some new words and phrases.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)

merchant/′m/ n. 商人

△Venice/′vens/ n. 威尼斯(意大利港口城市)




△Shylock/′a /夏洛克(男子名)

pay back 偿还;报答

△ducat/′d/ n. 古时候在欧洲通用的金币

duke/dju:k/n. 公爵

masterpiece/′mstpis/ n. 杰作;最佳作品

mercy/′msI/n. 怜悯;仁慈

△revenge/rI′vend/ n. 复仇;报复

enemy/′enmI/ n. 敌人

as far as 到目前为止;就某种程度或范围而言

after all 毕竟

Bb:pay back,as far as,after all)

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:Well.Now please open your books at Page 65.Look at Warming up.Look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one.Try to understand each one of them.Then tell from which plays,of which the titles are below the pictures,they come.Work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.

(A few minutes later.)

T:Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to have a try?Any volunteer?

S1:The first one and the third one are from Hamlet; the second one from/King Henry Ⅳ;the fourth one Romeo and Juliet;the last one Troilus and Cressida.

T:You did a good job.Sit down,please.Then what do you think these famous words mean?Can you explain them in English?

Ss:Yes.But not clearly and exactly.

T:So,let me explain them to you.Listen carefully and tell which one I am referring to.Do you see my point?


T:No.1:Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy?Refuse your family for my love.

Ss:“Romeo,Romeo,why are you Romeo?Deny your father,and refuse your name…”

T:No.2:That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die,that is,to take action or to do nothing.

Ss:“To be or not to be;that is a question.”

T:No.3:It is best not to lend(money) to others and not to borrow from others.When we lend something.We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

Ss:“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

T:No.4:A person who has great responsibilities,such as a king,is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

Ss:“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

T:No.5:Empty words,not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

Ss:“Words,words,only words,no matter from heart.”

T:Great.However,I still want to suggest you find these plays,from which the quotations come from,to read or watch them if you haven’t before.Do you think so?


T:What other plays of Shakespeare do you know?

Ss: Twelfth Night; King Lear; Othello…

(Teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)

T:Can you explain what they are about?Choose one of them and have a try.Any volunteer?

S2:I’d like to talk about Othello.Othello,a dark-faced Moor,serves as a capable general in Venice and wins the love of a beautiful,strong-minded girl Desdemona,daughter of a senator.Her father objects to her secret marriage with the Moor,but Othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the Turks,and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and Othello goes to war on the island of Cyprus,accompanied by his new bride.After their arrival there,the Turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over,but one of the officers under Othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the Moor’s happiness by convincing him of Desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him.Othello falls into the trap,kills Desdemona,and finds out the truth at last and kills himself.The officer under Othello is shipped back to Venice after his villainy is exposed to await fit punishment.

T:Anybody else?

S3:I’d like to talk about…

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:Well done.We’ve talked much about Shakespeare and his plays.Next,let’s listen to the introduction to The Merchant of Venice,the most outstanding “romantic” comedy.It will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it.Can you follow me?


T:OK.Now please look at the Listening part at Page 66.First,read through the questions in Exercise 1.Then listen to the tape to find the answers.

(Teacher allows the Students a few minutes to prepare,and then plays the tape.After that,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

Ex.1 1.Venice

2.three months

3.three thousands ducats

4.a pound of his flesh

T:Well done.Now please read through the requirements of Exercise 2.Then I’ll play the tape again for you to finish the following chart.

(After the Students prepare for a while,teacher begins to play the tape.At the end,check the answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:Up to now,we’ve learnt much about Shakespeare and his plays.Can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece,Han Mei?

S4:The ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

T:Can you give some examples shown in The Merchant of Venice?Any volunteer?

S5:Mercy versus revenge and love versus money.

T:Quite right.Now,please read the two situations in Speaking first.Then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong.Are you clear about that?


T:And behind the situation,there are some useful expressions.Study them first,then use them in your dialogue if possible.Do you remember?


(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)

Sample dialogues:

Situation 1

A:In The Merchant of Venice,Shylock gets the chance to kill Antonio,and he would.What’s even more,he refuses the Duke’s persuasion to have mercy on Antonio.But when the the roles are turned around,the Duke shows mercy to Shylock despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?

B:In my opinion,people should be kind and mercyful.The punishment on my enemy should depends on the situation.If he tries to correct his fault and is able to get along well with me in future,I will forgive him.After all,a friend is better than an enemy.

A:I agree with you.What shouldn’t be forgotten is that all the things has a limited line.

B:How do you like the play The Merchant of Venice?Have you read any other plays of Shakespeare?

A:It’s worth reading.The ideas behind it are still important to today’s people.Besides,I’ve read Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and so on.

B:Great!Would you like to tell me the stories some day?

A:No problem.

Situation 2

A:You know,in The Merchant of Venice,Bassanio cann’t marry Portia because he doesn’t have enough money.What a pity!And this happens everywhere around the world.What do you think about a situation like that?

B:From my point of view,love is more important than money.If money is lost,we can earn it by our hands.However,if love is lost,it can never be back again.

A:Money is necessary,but not the most important.Money can bring you many things,but it can not buy you happiness.

B:Yes.Great minds think alike.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly talked about Shakespeare and his plays.While we were doing each task,we’ve learnt some useful expressions,such as pay back,as far as,after all.After class,I hope you can practise using them again.Besides,remember to preview the Reading part in this unit.So much for today.Goodbye.


Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the


Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The First Period

Ⅰ.William Shakespeare (1564~1616)

King Henry Ⅳ/Hamlet/Romeo and Juliet/Troilus and Cressida/Twelfth Night/King Lear/Othello


pay back,as well as,after all

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:




tear up,have mercy on,offer up,be seated

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Learn to recount detail in conversation.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Useful words and phrases:

have mercy on,anymore,tear up,offer up,be seated,pay back

2.Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Help the students understand the play exactly,especially the following sentences.

1.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

2.I offer you ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.

Teaching Methods:

1.Asking-and-answering before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.

2.Fast and careful reading to train the students’ reading ability.

3.Discussion after reading to make the students further understand what they’ve read.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading

T:Yesterday,we learned a lot about William Shakespeare and his plays.Who’d like to tell the titles of his four great tragedies?Volunteers?

S1:Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth.

T:Thank you.Sit down,please.And he also wrote some romantic comedies.Which is the most outstanding one?

Ss:The Merchant of Venice.

T:Tell the names of the main characters in the play.


T:Well.Now look at the screen and match the people in Column A with the instructions in Column B.

(Show the screen and ask the students to do it together.)

1.Antonio A.the Magnifico

2.Shylock B.a merchant

3.Bassanio C.Antonio’s friend

4.Portia D.a moneylender

5.Duke E.Bassanio’s wife

Suggested answers:

1-B 2-D 3-C 4-E 5-A

T:After Portia knows that Antonio has to give Shylock a pound of his flesh,she thinks up a plan to save Antonio.What do you think Portia will do to save Antonio?

S2:I think she will give Shylock much more money than what Antonio borrowed from him.

T:Will Shylock accept her money?

S2:Maybe.He is greedy.

T:It sounds reasonable.Is there anyone who has a different opinion?

S3:I think she will try to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio.

T:Will she succeed?Don’t forget he is cruel and he hated Antonio.Who has read this play?Tell us what Portia does to save Antonio.

S4:She pretends to be a judge and arrives at the court of the Duke.

T:Thank you.Sit down,please.Today,we’re going to read this play,The Merchant of Venice.After reading it,we’ll know what happened in the court.First,let’s learn some new words and expressions.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)

have mercy on 对……表示怜悯

weakness/′wiknIs/ n. 软弱;弱点

anymore/′enI′m/ adv. 不再

greatness/′greItnIs/ n. 伟大

judgement/′ddmnt/ n. 判决;判断

gentleman/′gentlm迹/ n. 绅士

envy/′envI/玽t.& n. 妒忌;羡慕

troublesome/′trblsm/ adj. 令人烦恼的;讨厌的

merciful/′msIfl/ adj. 仁慈的;宽大的

gentle/′ɡentl/ adj. 温柔的;柔和的;有教养的

bless/bles/ vt. 祝福,保佑

tear up 撕毁;取消(合同等)

swear/swe/vt.& vi. 发誓;宣誓

offer up 献出;献上

surgeon/′sdn/ n. 外科医生

△sentence/′sentns/ n. 判决

declare/dI′kle/ vt. 宣布;宣称

court/kt/ n. 法庭

△scale/skeIl/n. 天平盘;称盘

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Well.Now please turn to Page 67.Read the play quickly and find out what she does when she arrives at the court.You can begin to read it now.

(After a few minutes,teacher checks the answer.)

T:OK.Everyone,I think you must have found the answer.Who’d like to tell me?

S5:She tries to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio and accept the money offered by Bassanio.

T:Does she succeed?


T:What does she do next?

S5:She has to allow Shylock to take his pound of flesh from Antonio’s breast.

T:Thank you.Sit down,please.Do you agree with him/her?


T:Well done.You’ve understood it well.Now please read it carefully again and further understand it.At the same time,find out all the useful phrases.A few minutes later,I’ll collect them from you.

(After a few minutes,teacher collects and writes them on the blackboard.After that,teacher deals with some language problems.)

T:Look at the blackboard,please.All these phrases are important and useful.You must remember them and try to use them.Do you remember?


T:Besides,there are some other language points which are useful but difficult to understand.I’ll explain them to you.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and explains to the students.)

1.anymore=any more

e.g.She doesn’t live here anymore.

Are they producing this machine anymore?

2.may/might as well do sth.

e.g.Since nobody else wants the job,we might as well let him have it.

All the pubs are closing.We may as well go home.

3.If you offered me…,I would still take…

(Note:if=even if)

e.g.If she is poor,she’s honest at least.

If the sun were to rise in the west,I would not break my word.

4.be seated

e.g.He then asked me to be seated.

She seated herself on the sofa.

She saw a few people seated on the bench at the back of the classroom.

5.…how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


e.g.I’ll come when I’m needed.

She’ll be able to give you help when necessary.

6.I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrow.

e.g.The new building is four times the size of the old one.

The street is three times the length of that one.

The room is twice the size of that one.

(=The room is as twice large as that one.)


e.g.Have you paid(me)back the money you owe me yet?

I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.

Rose doesn’t know how to pay him back for his help.

(Bb:anymore=any more,may/might as well do sth.,be seated,if=even if,when=if,times,pay back)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:OK.Now I’ll play the tape of the text.First,listen and follow.Then,listen and repeat.Meanwhile,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Is everything clear?


(Teacher begins to play the tape.A few minutes later,teacher deals with the next part.)

Step Ⅴ Post-reading

T:Now,you must have understood the play more exactly.Let’s have a discussion about it.Please turn to Page 69.Look at the questions in Post-reading and work in groups of four to discuss them.After a while,I’ll ask some of you to report to the rest of the class.Begin to work now.

Suggested answers:

1.She is clever and learned.

2.He is cruel.

3.Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.

4.(A)Literally, with the heart which he shall cut out of my body; (B)metaphorically, whole-heartedly, willingly.

5.①Usually,things are weighed with a balance.

Weighs go into the left scale and things go into the right scale.

②She wants to remind Shylock that he must cut exactly a pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.

③The deeper meaning of the balance is justice.

In Portia’s court of law,morals are weighed.

6.Duke speaks to Antonio

Shylock speaks to Duke

Bassanio speaks to Antonio

Portia speaks to Bassanio

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we have mainly read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.While reading it,we’ve also learned some useful words and expressions and sentences.After class,read the text again and revise what we’ve learnt in this class.That’s all for today.See you!

Ss:See you!

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Second Period


anymore=any more

if=even if



show mercy on,may/might as well do sth.,according to,cut off,tear up,offer up,do the deed,be seated,

take sb.in one’s arms

Ⅲ.Sentence patterns:

A is three (four,etc.)times the size(height,etc.)of B.

cStep Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

justice,murder,go down on knees,punishment,immediately,order,sword,conflict,complex

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Train the students’ ability to write a play.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on knees

2.Help the students finish the task of writing a play.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students write a play.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening before reading to get the general idea of the text.

2.Asking-and-answering after reading to make the students understand the detailed in formation.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

4.Performing to make the class lively and interesting.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday,we read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.獳ntonio’s trial was taking place at the court.Do you still remember what happened at the court?Wang Hai,could you please retell the story in the first part?

S1:Yes.At the court,the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio,but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh.Even if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed,Shylock would not change his mind.While the Duke was wondering what to do,Portia arrived,pretending to be a famous lawyer.At first,Portia also tried to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and take more than three times his money.But Shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio,so Portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.

T:Well done.Sit down,please.Will Shylock get his pound of flesh?Let’s go back to the court.First,listen to the tape of the second part of the play.Try to find out what will happen to Antonio and Shylock at last.Begin to listen!

(Teacher plays the tape and checks the answer at the end.)

T:Have you found out the answer?


T:Who’d like to have a try?

S2:Shylock will not get Antonio’s flesh.He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

T:(To the other students)Is that right?


T:OK.Now let’s learn the new words.Then read the play.Look at the screen,please.

(Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.)

justice/dstIs/ n. 公正;正义

murder/′m:d/ vt. 谋杀

go down on knees 跪下

punishment/′pnImnt/ n. 惩罚

immediately/I′mi:dItlI/玜dv. 立刻;马上

order/′:d/ vt. 命令;下令

sword/s:d/ n. 剑;刀

conflict/′knflIkt/ n. 冲突;战斗

complex/′kmpleks/ adj. 错综复杂的;难解的

△tragedy/′trddI/ n. 悲剧

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Now,please open your books at Page 71.Read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Show the screen.)

1.How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?

2.What does Portia say when Shylock finally agrees to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?

3.What is the result of the trial?Does the story have a happy ending?

(Teacher allows the students some time to read the play and prepare for the questions.At the end,ask some students to answer the questions.)

Suggested answers:

1.Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall.So Shylock gives in.

2.She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.

3.Antonio is saved.Shylock gets punished.The story has a happy ending.

(After checking the answers,teacher deals with some language points.)

T:Well done.You’ve understood it better.Now let’s learn some useful words and phrases in it.Look at the screen.(Show the screen.)


e.g.We shall start for Beijing tomorrow.(future use)

You shall have a nice present for your birthday.(promise)

You shall be sorry for what you have done,I tell you.(warning)

When he comes in nobody shall say a word.(order)

Nothing shall stop us from carrying out his plan.(decision)

2.at the mercy of

e.g.They were lost at sea, at the mercy of the winds and the waves.

3.go down on one’s knees

e.g.They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


e.g.The prisoner begged (the judge) for mercy.

(Bb:shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for)

Step Ⅳ Writing

T:Well,we’ve read The Merchant of Venice.It has a happy ending.Can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?


T:Why do you think it is a comedy?

Ss:Because the Good wins,and the Bad loses.

T:You are right.Now,please turn to Page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.

(Teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:Today,another trial took place between two women.They are arguing about a baby.How did the story occur?And what would they do?Please read the passage in Writing at Page 71 and find out who wins the trial,the Good or the Bad?You can begin now.

(After the students finish reading the passage.Teacher checks the answer.)

T:OK.Everyone,have you found out the answer?Who wins?

Ss:Yes.The Good wins.

T:Quite right.Now,please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story.Give names to the King,the two mothers and the children.There is also a character to play the role of the soldier.If you like,you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers.Can you follow me?


T:Besides,find a good title for your play.Do you remember?


T:OK.Begin to prepare now.Five minutes later,I’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.

A sample play:

Clever King Charles


Sarah(Sa):the woman whose baby is living

Deborah(D):the woman whose baby is dead

Charles(C):the King

Emma(E):a friend of the two women

Simon(S):a soldier of the King

(Inside King Charles’ palace)

C:What is your quarrel?

Sa:O King!I have a baby.And Deborah has a baby.One baby is dead.The dead baby looks like Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took my baby when her baby died.

D:O King!Sarah is angry because her baby is dead.She came to see my baby.When she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.

E:O King!I saw the two babies.I think the dead baby is Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took Sarah’s baby in the night,when Sarah was asleep.

C:Call the swordsman.Tell him to bring his sword.

(A man comes in.He has a big sword in his hand.)

S:O King!Here is the swordsman.

C:Bring the baby here.(A servant takes Deborah’s baby and brings it to the King.)I am a just King.I do not know whose baby this is.I do not know if this is Deborah’s baby or Sarah’s baby.But I must be just to each of you.I will take this baby and cut it into two halves.Then Sarah can have half of the baby,and Deborah can have half.

D:Yes,yes,the King is a good King.Cut the baby in halves.

Sa:But the baby will die!

C:Yes,the baby will die.But you shall each have one half of the baby.So you will not quarrel any more.

Sa:O King!Save my baby.Do not cut the baby.Give the baby to Deborah.Let the baby live.

C:Give the baby to Sarah.Sarah wants the baby to live.So I know that Sarah is the mother.Deborah is a bad woman.She took Sarah’s baby.

(Two men take Deborah away.)

E:The King is a just King.O good King Charles!Clever King Charles!

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we read the second part of The Merchant of Venice and learned to write a play.By doing this,we’ve learned some useful words and phrases,and our skill in using language has be well developed.After class,practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Third Period

Ⅰ.Words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for

Ⅱ.Tips of getting the main point of a play

a conflict between the Good and the Bad

→complex problems and relationship

→struggle between them

→a higher,wise character to find the solution

→the Good wins,and the Bad loses

→a comedy

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the words and phrases appearing in the last two periods.

2.Review Direct and Indirect Speech.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Get the students to master the words and phrases correctly.

2.Get the students to master the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Help the students master the changes of the pronouns,tenses,adverbials in the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech.

Teaching Methods:

1.Practising to finish the tasks in Word Study and in Grammar.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class and finish each exercise better.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last few periods,we’ve learn more about one of Shakespeares’ plays-The Merchant of Venice.What have you learnt from it?

Ss:The Good will be able to defeat the Bad at last.Justice is supported by everyone.

T:Quite right.Besides,we’ve learnt some useful phrases. I’ll give you a dictation of them. Please take out a piece of paper.Hu Yue,please come to the blackboard.…Are you ready?


T:OK.Let’s begin…

(Teacher begins to give the dictation and after that,checks the answers with the whole class.)

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:Well done.Now please open your books at Page 69.Look at Word Study in this unit.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the text.You’d better read each sentence to see which phrase fits the description first.Then fill in the blanks according to the meaning.See what I mean?


T:OK.You can begin now.First by yourself.Then check your answers with your partner.At last,I’ll collect the right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.all believed

2.pay back

3.show mercy to

4.offered,tear up

5.offer up

6.As far as

Step Ⅳ Grammar

T:Next,let’s come to Grammar.We all know in The Merchant of Venice,Shylock insisted on taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh according to the agreement between them.Why did Antonio borrow money from Shylock?

Ss:To help his friend Bassanio,who had no money to marry Portia,a rich and beautiful lady.

T:Quite right.Now,please turn to Page 71 and read the material in the box.Then work in pairs to change it into dialogues.

Act 1:The dialogue between Bassanio and Antonio.

Act 2:The dialogue between Antonio,Shylock and Bassanio.Do you see what I mean?


(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among the students to see how they are going on.At last,teacher asks some pairs to act out their dialogues.)

Sample dialogues:

Act 1:(B=Bassanio;A=Antonio)

B:Antonio,I want to tell you a good piece of news that I am in love with Portia,a rich and beautiful lady.

A:Does she love you?

B:She loves me too.

A:Then why don’t you get married?

B:I can not ask her to marry me because I have no money.I wonder if you can lend me three thousand ducats.

A:I’d like to help you,but all my ship are at sea.I have no money at present.

Act 2:(S=Shylock)

A:Shylock,I want to know if I can borrow some money from you.

S:I agree to lend you the money on one condition.If you don’t pay the money back at the end of three months,I’ll have the right to have a pound of your flesh to be cut off from any part of your body.

A:OK.I would accept these terms.

B:Please,Antonio,don’t accept these terms.

A:Don’t worry.I’ll take his offer and sign the agreement.

T:Wonderful.You did a good job.Next,let’s look at the second exercise.Here are two letters.One is the letter that Antonio wrote to Bassanio.The other one is the letter from the lawyer to the Duke.By reading them,you’ll know more about the play.Are you interested?


T:Now,begin to read.After that,change them into Indirect Speech.Then correct mistakes each other.At the end,I’ll ask some students to read to the class.Is everything clear?


Suggested answers:

Letter 1:

Bassanio received a letter from Antonio.In the letter,Antonio said that all his ships were lost at sea and that now he had to pay Shylock with a pound of his flesh according to their agreement.Antonio also said how he wished to see Bassanio before he died,since it was impossible that he should live in paying Shylock.Antonio told Bassanio to forget about the letter if his love for Antonio was not enough to lead him there.

Letter 2:

Doctor Bellario wrote in his letter that he was very ill.He said that when the Duke’s letter (had) reached him,he(had)had with him a learned young doctor from Rome and that he had told the doctor about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.He wrote to the Duke they had studied many law books and the doctor knew what he would say.He asked the Duke to let the doctor stand in his place and give judgement.He told the Duke that he had never known so young a body with so wise a head though he was young.

(After checking the students’work,teacher deals with some language points.)

T:Well done.Next,let’s learn some useful expressions.Look at the screen,please.

(Teacher shows the screen.)

1.be in love with/fall in love with

e.g.They have been in love with each other since they met for the first time.

The first time Peter met Alice at a party,he fell in love with her.

2.on one condition/on condition that

e.g.He was allowed to go swimming on condition that he kept near the other boys.

I’ll come on condition that John is invited,too.


e.g.Did you notice that you made so serious a mistake?

It is too difficult a book for beginners.

How wonderful a plan it would be!

(Bb:be/fall in love with,on one condition/on condition that,so/how/too+adj.+a(n)+n.)

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:OK.So much for the language points.In order that you can master Direct and Indirect Speech better,especially the way to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.I’ll give you another exercise.Look at the sentences on the screen and complete them.

(Show the screen.)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.“Do not be so bitter,”the Duke said to Shylock.

→The Duke asked Shylock______.

2.“Do all men kill the things they do not love?”Bassanio said.

→Bassanio asked______.

3.“Antonio is my enemy and I hate him,”Shylock said.

→Shylock said______.

4.“Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth,”Portia said.

→Portia said______.

Suggested answers:

1.not to be so bitter

2.if all men killed the things they did not love

3.Antonio was his enemy and he hated him

4.mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly revised the words and phrases learned in the play.In particular,we’ve revised Direct and Indirect Speech by doing some exercises.You should pay special attention to the changes of the pronoun,tenses and adverbial in the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech,and you should be able to use some sentence structures freely such as “tell sb. to do…”“ask sb.to do…”and “say that…”.(Write the structures on the blackboard.)For today’s homework:Retell the story of The Merchant of Venice.You can use the words and phrases on the screen.You’d better copy them down.

(Show the screen.)

Retell the play The Merchant of Venice,using the following words and phrases:

be in love with,ask…for help,scold…for,on condition that,pay back,cut off,get married,be lost at sea,have mercy on,be seated,do the deed,be allowed to,drop,ask for,insist on,at the mercy of,according to,be taken away

That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.Useful phrases

be/fall in love with

on one condition

on condition that


Ⅱ.Direct and Indirect Speech

tell/ask sb.(not) to do sth.

say that-clause

ask wh-/how+clause

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Fifth Period

Indirect Speech

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students further to know and understand how to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

2.Help the students remember all kinds of changes when we change a Direct Speech into an Indirect Speech so that they can use them freely.

Teaching Important Point:

The changes of pronouns,verbs,adverbials of time and places.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to change some special sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to make the students gain new insights through restudying old materials.

2.Pair work or group work to enable every student to work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

T:In this class,we’ll review the Indirect Speech.Then we’ll do some exercises.At last we’ll have a test.First look at the screen,and finish the exercises.If you’re not sure about your answers,you can have a discussion in pairs.

(Show the following on the multimedia.)

Put these sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.“I have left my pen in your room,”he said.

2.“Did you see her last night?”he said.

3.She said,“Where can they find a taxi?”

4.The teacher said,“Give me some chalk.”

5.“Don’t waste your time,”I said to him.

(A moment later,check the answers.Teacher may ask some students to say their answers one by one.)

Suggested answers:

1.He told me that he had left his pen in my room.

2.He asked(me) whether I had seen her the night before.

3.She asked where they could find a taxi.

4.The teacher asked me to give him some chalk.

5.I advised him not to waste his time.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Discussion

T:Well done!As we all know,when we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,there are some changes in the sentence.Now,please look at the screen.Discuss in pairs and fill in the form.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Pronouns this






this morning


last night

the day before yesterday

three days ago


next week

yesterday morning

yesterday afternoon

the day after tomorrow


Verbs come







Tenses(with the verb “keep”

as an example)


be (am/is/are)keeping

have kept

had kept

will keep

(The teacher goes around the class and corrects the mistakes the students make.At last,show the answers on the screen for students to check their answers.)

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

Pronouns this

these that






this morning


last night

the day before yesterday

three days ago


next week

yesterday morning

yesterday afternoon

the day after tomorrow

here then

that night

that day

that morning

the day before

the night before

two days before

three days before

the next/following day

the next/following week

the morning before

the afternoon before

in two days’s time

two days after


Verbs come






will go




must/had to






have kept

had kept

will keep kept

was(were) keeping

had kept

had kept

would keep

T:Now,look at the screen,please.Put the sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.I said,“I shall be there.”

2.He said,“I shall be there.”

3.“The earth goes round the sun,”the teacher said.

4.“Let’s go to the park on Sunday,”he said.

5.Mother said,“Let’s not go to bed until Smith comes back.”

T:(A few minutes later) Now,who can give the answer to the first sentence?…

S1:I said that I should be there.

S2:He said that he would be there.

S3:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.

T:In the first sentence,there’s no change of pronoun,so“shall” should be changed into “should”.In the second sentence,the pronoun has changed,so “shall”should be changed to “would”.The third sentence expresses a truth that the earth always goes round the sun,so the verb in Indirect Speech remains to be “goes”.Is that clear?


T:Now,look at the fourth sentence,please.Here,“Let’s do…”or “Let sb.do…”can be expressed with the phrased:(sb.)suggested that…;…suggest doing…;…say that…;insist that…;insist that…;insist on doing…,etc.Do you understand?


T:OK.Who will try this one?

S4:He suggested that they (should) go to the park on Sunday.

S5:He suggested going to the park on Sunday.

T:Good.Both of your answers are correct.Now,who wants to do the last one?

S6:Mother suggested that they should not go to bed until Smith came back.

T:Good.Who has a different answer?

S7:Mother suggested their not going to bed until Smith came back.

T:Is his/her answer right?


T:Very good.Please look at the sentences on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)

1.“I am off to the pictures.Where are you going?”

2.“Will you come out tonight?”“No.”

T:When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,if there are two sentences,we should add a word,a group of words or a sentence to make the Indirect Speech smooth.Do you understand?


T:OK.Who wants to try the first sentence?

S8:He said he was off to the pictures and wanted to know where I was going.

T:Good.Now,who wants to try the second sentence?

S9:He asked me if I would go out that night,but I said (told him) I wouldn’t.


Step Ⅲ Consolidation

T:Please change the sentences on the screen into Indirect Speech.After you finish,you may check your answers in pairs.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

1.“I wish you health and success in the new year,”she said.

2.The teacher said to Tom,“Be careful,think before you answer.”

3.He asked,“Are you sure your mother will come?”

4.“What shall I do with your mail when you’re away?”

5.“Is the book open or closed?”

6.“He didn’t like music,did he?”Jack asked.

7.“I won’t be free tonight.I’ll be giving the students a lecture,”he said.

(A moment later,ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.

Step Ⅳ Test

T:Now,let’s have a test.Look at the screen.

Change the following from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,Indirect speech into Direct Speech:

1.“You needn’t have come over,”she said to John.

2.The teacher said, “I’ll try to give you some easier examples tomorrow morning.”

3.He said that this was his fault and promised to be more careful next time.

4.“Where have you been all the time and what have you been doing?”Jack asked me.

5.“Are you sure they will agree to come this evening?”she asked me.

6.They asked the teacher whether he could go to their bedroom that night to help them with their English grammar.

7.“Go at once,”the officer said to his man.

8.He asked me to go there again the next day.

(A few minutes later,check the answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

1.She said to John that he needn’t have gone there.

2.The teacher said that he would try to give us some easier examples the next morning.

3.“This is my fault and I will be more careful next time,”he said.

4.Jack asked me where I had been all the time,and what I had been doing.

5.She asked me whether I was sure they would agree to come that evening.

6.“Could/Can you go to our bedroom tonight to help us with our English grammar?”they asked the teacher.

7.The officer ordered his men to go at once.

8.“Come here again tomorrow,”said he.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:Today we’ve reviewed the Indirect Speech.When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,we should pay attention to the changes of pronouns,adverbials,verbs and tenses,especially to the changes of personal pronouns.After class,review the Indirect Speech,discuss the exercises we’ve done in class and use Indirect Speech as much as possible to master it better.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Fifth Period

Indirect Speech

1.She said she wished us health and success in the new year.

2.The teacher told Tom to be careful and think before he answered.

3.He asked whether I was sure my mother would come.

4.He asked me what he should do with my mail when I was away.

5.He asked me if/whether the book was open or closed.

6.Jack asked whether he liked music.

7.He said he was not free that night,because he was going to give the students a lecture.

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

篇8:NSEFC2B Unit 11 全单元教案

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

Science and technology are part of productive forces.The modern society has proved it.As we all see now,scientific achievements have changed the whole world and made people break away from ignorance and backwardness.The society has made great progress.This unit is arranged around the central topic-scientific achievement.In Warming up,there are several pictures asking students to talk about the most significant scientific achievements.The Speaking part introduces four different scientists who want to get money to complete their projects which are very helpful to human beings.The reading material-Zhongguancun,which is called China’s Silicon Valley,is the new centre for Chinese science and technology.By studying this unit,students also know that Chinese history is filled with great achievements in science and technology.In particular,since the year 1995 the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education” and this has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.This unit presents four such results in Integrating Skills.As to Grammar-Word Formation,teacher should let students master some knowledge of forming a word,and know how to use stems and affixes to form a compound.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about science and scientific achievement.

2.Practise expressing intentions and wishes.

3.Learn about Word Formation(1).

4.Write a persuasion essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.The Influence of the Computer

About ten years ago,the computer was a strange machine.Not many people understood it.Not many people said yes to it.Today,much of that is changing.The first computer system was introduced for use in business in the mid-1950s.Since then,the number of computer systems used in business,governments,and institutions(公共机构) has grown rapidly.In 1975,about 250 000 systems were in use in the United States.This figure is growing by tens of thousands every year.

The electronic computer is an important factor in our lives.Each year we use computers more and more to help us to collect data and to provide us with information.At one time,people thought computers were only useful for banks,department stores,and governments.But today the rapidly increasing number of computers are used for many other purposes.

Have you ever stopped to think how you are affected by computer?The clothes you wear were probably made with the help of a computer.The newspaper you read could have been edited and typed by a computer.Even radio programs are often prepared by computers.

Computers today are playing important roles in education,transportation and medicine.They are used to predict the weather,to examine the ocean,and to develop defence systems.They are being used by businesses,governments,and institutions.There is no reason to think that their use will decrease(减少).Computers will become a greater part of our lives.

The influence of the computer is great.The list of its uses could go on and on.Although the first computer was only introduced in the mid-1950s,computers now affect millions of people in countless ways every day.

2.The Information Revolution

The information revolution:How does it concern you?Computers Are Changing Your World.

Ten years ago,in 1986,desktop computers were just beginning to make their entrance into the world of business.Now,they are invading(涌入) the family home at a rapid pace.More importantly,however,they are also changing the way we look at the world.The information superhighway is now open to increasing numbers of ordinary people.The superhighway is providing ordinary people with immediate access to a huge amount of information.It is also giving them almost unlimited opportunities of communication with people around the world.Ordinary people now have power to gain knowledge and to link up with so many fellow citizen of the world.This has never happened before in the history of the human race.

Information Superhighway

The global computer network is called the Internet.Large computers(called servers) from all over the world have been link up with satellites.From their home,ordinary people use their computers and their telephone lines to link up to these server computers.They can then access computers overseas and find information on almost any topic they can think of.They can read foreign newspapers,find out about the latest trends in music,films,books and fashion through library catalogues(目录),and find research data on almost any subject.

Other Activities on the Internet

If the Internet users have a credit card(信用卡),they can shop for goods and services from the other side of the world.They can also join thousands of newsgroups (called “bulletin boards”,that is electronic message centres kept in computers).In these newsgroups,the Internet users can take part in discussions on many different topics with computers users around the world.

It is also possible to send letters electronically to people overseas through this computer network.This function of the computer is called “e-mail” or “electronic mail”.The letters sent arrive almost instantly at the recipient’s(接受者) server computer on the other side of the world.The cost of sending the e-mail is a fraction(小部分) of the cost of an airmail letter,a fax or a telephone conversation.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following.

(1)New words:


(2)Everyday English:

If I got the money,I would…

My plan is to…

I hope that…

I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

3.Talk about science and scientific achievement,urging the students to further understand the significance of science and scientific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Finish the task of listening to train the students’ listening ability.

2.Practise expressing intentions and wishes to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students talk in English about science and scientific achievement freely.

2.How to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking smoothly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening and speaking to train the students’ ability to use English.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in



T:Sit down,please.Glad to be here with you again.Did you have a good holiday?


T:Have you gone anywhere to see some of your friends or relatives?


T:Have you found their life happier and richer than before?

Ss:Yes.Much happier and richer than before.Their life is changing year by year.

T:I’m glad to hear that.Now let’s watch some programmes.

(Teacher turns on the multimedia.First,show the students a recorded programme in which the students can see the hard life people lived in the past.Then show them a programme in which people live a happy and modern life.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:Well.Who’d like to describe what you saw in the programmes?Any volunteer?

S:Let me have a try.In the programmes,we found people’s life has been greatly improved.Modern life is quite different from the past life.Years ago,people…,but now,…

T:Yes.People’s life has been changed.What about the world?

Ss:The world has also been changed.

T:What has changed the world?

Ss:Scientific achievement.

T:Yes.With the development of science and technology,the world is changing day by day.Today,we’re going to learn Unit 11 Scientific achievement (Bb:Unit 11 Scientific achievement)First,let’s learn some new words.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)

engineering /,endI′nIrI/ n. 工程;工程学;设计;建造

solar /′sl(r)/ adj. 太阳的;日光的

significant /sIɡ′nIfIknt/ adj. 意义重大的;重要的;有意义的

mankind /,mn′kaInd/ n. 人类

△Neil Armstrong /′nil′mstr/ 尼尔阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员)

△Alexander G Bell /,lIg′znd′di′bel/ 亚历山大贝尔(美国发明家)

△Ray Tomlinson /′reI′tmlInsn/ 雷汤姆林森(美国计算机工程师)

constitution /knstI′tjun/ n. 宪法

△eureka /j′rik/ interj. 我找到了!

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:Now,please tell us what scientific achievements you think have changed the world?

Ss:Electricity,cars,aeroplanes,telephones,radio and television.

T:Anything else?

Ss:The Theory of Gravity,the Internet,solar energy…

T:Quite right.Besides,some other ones like genetic engineering and cloning are also changing the world.

(Teacher writes all the scientific achievements mentioned above on the blackboard and says the following.)

T:Now,please look at the blackboard and tell which one do you think is the most significant?And why?

S1:I think electricity is the most significant,because it is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.

S2:I think solar energy is the most significant,because it helps us save lots of natural sources of energy like coals,electricity,natural gas and oil.

S3:I think cars and aeroplanes are the most significant.They make the world a smaller place,which makes many things easy to do.

S4:I think the achievement of Genetic Engineering is significant.Not only has it given a glimpse into the extraordinary complexity of the structure of human DNA but it has also demonstrated the huge potential of cooperative scientific endeavour organized on an international basis.It has already produced important medical breakthroughs.


T:Wonderful.You all did a good job.Are there any other scientific achievements that you think are important?What are they?

Ss:The invention of steam engine,the discovery of “uranium” the invention of computer,the invention of telephone…

T:Do these achievements have anything in common?


T:What do they have in common?

Ss:They are all important and useful for the development of mankind and society.

T:That’s right.Next,let’s do some listening about scientific achievement.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:The listening material contains two parts.You are going to hear some words said by some famous people at the time when they achieved success.Can you follow me?


T:Well,now look at the chart in Exercise 1 at the top of Page 2 quickly.Then I’ll play the first part of the tape for you to complete it.After that,I’ll check your answers.

(After checking the answers to Exercise 1,teacher goes on to deal with Exercise 2)

T:Well done.Now,listen to Part 2 and complete the sentences in Exercise 2.If necessary,I’ll play it twice for you to finish or check your answers.OK?


T:I’ll play it.Listen carefully!

(At last,teacher deals with Exercise 3.)

T:OK.So much for the tape.Now imagine you were the first person on Mars,or the first cloned human being or the first person to travel in time,what would you say?Any volunteer?

S1:If I were the first person on Mars,I would say “I’m here from the earth.”…


T:Wonderful.If you want to do research about something,besides hard work,what else do you need?

Ss:Modern equipment and money,especially money.You get enough money,and then you get the equipment you need.Funds are essential for doing research.

T:You are right.Now,please look at the Speaking part.

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:Here are four scientists who want to get money to complete their project.Each scientist will have to introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important.Now,I’ll put you in groups of five to have a discussion.Four group members represent scientists;one member will listen to all the scientists and ask questions.At the end of the discussion,he or she must decide who will get the money and why.Is everything clear?


T:And following the situation,there are some useful expressions.You can use them to express your intentions and wishes.Let’s go through them together before your discussion.

(Teacher and the students go through the expressions.After that,teacher puts the students in groups of five and gets them to prepare for a few minutes.At the end,teacher asks one or two groups to report their work to the rest of the class.)

A sample dialogue:

Organizer:Now,everybody is here.Who’d like to be the first to make a statement on this project?

Dr Wilson:I and my team are working on a cure for AIDS.As you know,the number of people infected with AIDS is keeping increasing at an astonishing speed.Some of them are facing death.As a result,we have to find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible.But,right now,the lack of money is a big problem.If we got enough money,we would complete the first stage of our project in the near future.

Organizer:I see.Dr Jones,how about you?

Dr Jones:At present,we are also facing the same problem of lacking money.My research project is about cloning and how to use new technology to cure disease.Today,more and more patients are expecting to get organ transplant in order to prolong their lives.I wish what I am doing could help them.

Organizer:I understand.Dr Smith,could you please give me your opinions on your project?

Dr Smith:For humankind on the earth,food is a fundamental factor,and as the population keeps growing,per capitation resourse of people is becoming less and less.My plan is to develop new technology that will make it possible to grow food with very little water. However, currently, the shortage of money prevents my work from further going.I hope you can give me a hand on my project.

Organizer:It sounds a good idea.Dr Winfrey,it’s your turn now.

Dr Winfrey:It’s ceaseless for human beings to explore the universe.That’s why we are urgent to know what the Mars looks like and if there is any life on it.I’m thinking of sending a manned spaceship to Mars.Nevertheless,this huge project will surely cost a large sum of money.And I don’t think we can get to the aim without your support.

Organizer:So,everyone has finished their statements on their own project.Frankly speaking,they all sound tempting to me,but I’m more inclined to the project suggested by Dr Smith.From my point of view,it’s more closely related to the daily life of people and in accord with the actual condition of our country.I’d like to pour money into his project.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly talked about scientific achievement.Centering on this topic,we did some listening and speaking.This way,we’ve learnt more about science and scientific achievement.Moreover,we’ve learnt some useful expressions to express intentions and wishes,such as “If I got the money,I would…;My plan is to…;…”(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,try to practise using them and preview the reading part.So much for today.Goodbye,everyone.


Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The First Period

Ⅰ.Scientific achievement:

electricity,cars,aeroplanes,radio and television,the Internet,cloning,genetic engineering,the Theory of Gravity,nuclear science,solar energy

Ⅱ.How to express intentions and wishes:

If I got the money,I would…

My plan is to…

I hope that…

I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases.

likely,zone,private,grasp,master,perfect,arrange,set foot(in),rely on,failure,locate,valley

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Get the students to learn about Zhongguancun-China’s Silicon Valley.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to use the following:


in store,set foot in(on),rely on,come to life,put forward

(2)Sentence patterns:

It is likely that…

…makes it clear that…

2.Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students understand the reading material exactly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.

2.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

3.Careful reading to get the detailed information.

4.Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading

T:Yesterday,we talked about science and scientific achievement.We know scientific achievements can not only make our life better,but also change the world.Science makes the world become a smaller place.Science and scientific achievement promote the development of mankind and society.Is that so?


T:However,to achieve success in science research is not easy.It needs to work whole- heartedly.It also needs support and good environment.Now,please look at the questions on the screen and work in pairs or groups to discuss them.Let’s go through them first.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.If you wanted to do research or start a company,what kind of support and environment would you need?

2.What is it that makes a scientific achievement important?

3.Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?

(Teacher and the students go through the questions together.Then the students begin to discuss them for a few minutes.At the end,teacher checks their work briefly.)

T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?


T:Who’d like to talk about the first question briefly?Any volunteer?

S1:If I wanted to do research or start a company,the support and environment I would need are as follows:1.a proper site;2.enough money;3.support from family and friends;4.modern equipment;5.good working conditions where what I’ve learnt can be fully used.

T:Well done.The second question?

S2:The scientific achievement can better serve the society and promote the development of society.

T:Great.The last one?

S3:Because scientists expect to realize their own value and make a due contribution to the society.It’s worth spending so much time on great work.

T:Well,you all did a good job.As is known to everyone,science and technology in our country is rapidly developing.And it is also well-known that there is a new centre for Chinese science and technology in Beijing.What is the name of the center?


T:Quite right.Today we’re going to read a passage about it.First,let’s learn the new words.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.)

likely /′laIklI/ adj. 可能的;预期的

△economic // adj. 经济的;经济学的;有实用价值的

zone /zn/ n. 区;区域;地带

△hi-tech /′haItek/ n. 高科技;高技术(=high technology)

△private /′praIvIt/ adj. 私立的;私人的;非公开的

△technological /,tekn′ldIkl/ adj. 技术(学)的;工艺(学)的

△overseas /,v′siz/ adj. (在)海外的;(在)国外的 adv. 在海外;在国外

grasp /rsp/ vt. 抓住;抓牢;理解

master /′mst (r)/ n. 硕士;(男)主人;能手

perfect /′pfIkt/ adj. 完美的;理想的;绝对的

arrange /肌洌end/ vt. 安排;筹划;整理;布置

set foot(in) 到达;进入;踏上

△IT /aI′ti/ abbr.(=information technology) 信息技术;信息产业

△Lenovo /l′nv/ n. 联想公司

△Founder /′fand (r)/ n. 方正公司

rely /rI′laI/ vi. 依靠;依赖;信赖;指望

rely on 依靠;依赖;信赖;指望

failure /′feIlj (r)/ n. 失败;失败的人(事)

locate /l′keIt/ vt. (常用被动语态)把……设置在;使……坐落于;指出……的位置

△silicon /′sIlIkn/ n. 硅

valley /′vlI/ n. 低凹处(尤指波谷);山谷;溪谷

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Well,now please open your books at Page 3.Read the passage-Zhongguancun quickly in four minutes and find out the answers to the following two questions:

1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?

2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?

(Teacher writes the two questions above on the blackboard.Four minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Well.Time is up.Are you ready now?


T:Wei Hua,can you answer the first question?

S4:Yes.It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success.

T:Quite right.Hu Yue,try the second question.

S5:One is “Relying on science,technology,and knowledge to increase economic power.”The other is “Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.”

T:Well done.Now,please read the passage carefully again.Pay attention to some detailed information.Then work in pairs to finish the first exercise in Post-reading.

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.A B C 2.D 3.C D 4.B 5.C D

T:Well done.You’ve understood it better.However,in order that you can use the language freely and correctly.I’ll explain some phrases and sentences to you.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and explains them to the students.)

1.in store(for sb./sth.):coming in the future;about to happen

e.g.There is a surprise in store for you.

I can see trouble in store.

2.set foot in/on sth.:enter or visit(a place);arrive

e.g.Don’t ever set foot in this house again!

Who was the first man to set foot on the moon.

3.rely on/upon:depend on…

e.g.Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help.

You can rely on it that it will rain this week.

4.come to life:back to normal state,esp. of mind

e.g.As soon as the mother came to life,she cried for her daughter.

After three hours’ saving,the injured man came to life.

5.It is likely that…(Note:likely→probable)

e.g. It is very likely that she’ll ring me tonight.

It isn’t likely to rain.

She is very likely to ring me tonight.

6.…make it clear that…

(Note:make→cause…to be or become…)

e.g.She made it clear that she objected to the proposal.

She made clear her objections.

(Bb:in store,set foot in/on,rely on/upon,come to life,It is likely that,…make it clear that…)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:OK.Now,please listen to the tape of the passage,paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then read it aloud by yourselves and try to understand the phrases and sentences learnt just now.See what I mean?


(Teacher begins to play the tape.)

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve learned more about Zhongguancun by reading the passage.As a new center of science and technology,it is known to the world.It is said that it is called “China’s Silicon Valley”.Do you know “Silicon Valley”?Where is it?

Ss:Yes.In the USA.

T:How much do you know about it?Any volunteer?

S6:It is home to the high-tech industry.Thousands of high technology companies are headquartered there.

T:Yes.After class,use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two areas.How are they similar or different?Do you see my point?


T:Besides,we’ve learnt some useful phrases and sentences.Remember to review the use of them.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The Second Period


1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?

2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?


in store,set foot in/on,rely on/upon,come to life

Ⅲ.Sentence patterns:

1.It is likely that…

2.…make it clear that…

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words:


2.Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

3.Learn about Word Formation.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn some words which are closest in meaning.

2.Study the ways of forming a word.

3.Study the meaning of some affixes and stems.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students master some knowledge of Word Formation.

Teaching Methods:

1.Doing exercises to review the learnt words.

2.Studying and practising to master the ways of forming a word.

3.Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last period,we read the passage Zhongguancun and learned much about it.Now,can you tell me something about it?Han Fei,you try,please.

S1:Zhongguancun,in Beijing’s Haidian District,is the new centre for Chinese science and technology.The centre itself got started in the early 1980s and was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s.Then it quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry.A growing number of overseas have returned to China and grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at Zhongguancun.Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.Today,there are more than 8 000 hi-tech companies in Zhongguancun,more than half of which are IT companies.What has made Zhongguancun a success is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill.

T:Very good.Thank you.Sit down,please.We all know Zhongguancun is the leader of China’s hi-tech industry as Silicon Valley in the USA.So sometimes it is called China’s Silicon Valley.In the last class,I asked you to use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two areas.Now who’d like to tell us how similar or different they are?Any volunteer?

S2:Both Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley are home to Internet industry as well as hi-tech companies,most of which are founded by students,faculty and staff members from the surrounding universities.However,as a fledgling hi-tech community,Zhongguancun has many differences from Silicon Valley.Silicon Valley has evolved a culture that is tuned to market-driven innovation,while in Zhongguancun,innovation is still largely driven by technology.In addition,investors in Silicon Valley are frequently an integral parts of companies day-to-day operations.While in Zhongguancun,investors has been used only as a source of financing.

T:Nice work.Besides,we learned some new words in the passage.Do you still remember them?Let’s do an exercise.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Find the right explanation for each word.

1.zone 2.significant 3.institute 4.achievement 5.announce 6.grasp 7.giant 8.perfect

A.something you have worked hard for and done well

B.to say something in public

C.to take hold of something firmly

D.a group of people who want to study a special thing,or the building used by such a group

E.without any fault or bad points

F.large and important;having a special meaning

G:unusually large person,animal,plant,business organization,etc.

H.area or region with a particular feature or use

T:Find the right explanation for each of the words.I give you two minutes to prepare.Then I’ll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.-H 2.-F 3.-D 4.-A 5.-B 6.-C 7.-G 8.-E

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:Well done.Now,please open your books at Page 5.We’ll deal with Word Study.First,Word Study.Then,Word Formation.Look at the exercise in Word Study now.Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.First,do it by yourself.Then check the answers with your partner.In the end,I’ll collect the right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C

Step Ⅳ Word Formation

T:Now,let’s study Word Formation.First,look at the words on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)








e-school=electronic school

IT=information technology

CSA=Chinese Space Agency

T:You are given two minutes to study the words and find out the ways of forming a word.Then I’ll ask some students to explain how they are formed.

(Two minutes later.)

T:Time is up.Are you ready?


T:Chen Wei,you try,please.

S:Some of them are formed with prefixes in front of the stems,such as “international” and “telephone”,while some of them are formed with suffixes at the end of the stems,such as “extremely” and “manned”.Both of these two ways of forming a word are called derivation.


T:Very good.Sit down,please.Liu Hui,can you have a try?

S:OK.“mankind” and “broadband” are compounds,composed of two words,“hi-tech” and “e-school” are short forms of compounds;“IT” and “CSA” are also short forms.

(Bb:compounds:mankind,broadband short forms:hi-tech,e-school,IT,CSA)

T:Well done.Sit down,please.Is everything clear?


T:OK.Now,please look at the stems and affixes on the screen.Match each of them with the right meaning on the right.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

trans- carry

-graph see

tele- below

super- life

co- together/with

vis- more than usual

bio- far

sub- across

-port- riting

T:You are given two minutes to prepare.Then I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

trans-=across tele-=far

co-=together/with bio-=life

vis-=see -graph=writing

-port-=carry sub-=below

super-=more than usual

T:Well done.I think you’ve learnt more about Word Formation,including the ways of forming a word and the meanings of some stems and affixes.This will make it easy for you to guess the meaning of words using context clues.Please look at the screen.Let’s do another exercise.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Use context clues and what you know about word parts to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1.______ Many countries import most of the oil they use.

2.______He studied biophysics at college.

3.______It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.

4.______All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.

5.______My cousin has an excellent voice.Her dream is to become a superstar.

(Teacher asks some students to do it.One student,one sentence.)

Suggested answers:

1.进口 2.生命物理 3.合作 4.运输 5.超级歌星

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:OK.Now please open your books at Page 6 and look at Part 4.Read the news article and tell how the words in bold are formed.First,look at the given example to make sure you know how to do it.Then work in pairs to finish it.After a few minutes,I’ll check your answers.See what I mean?


Suggested answers:









Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Well.Let’s see what we’ve learnt in this class.First,we’ve reviewed the words learnt in the last period.Then,we’ve learnt about Word Formation(1).We’ve learnt some ways of forming a word,such as derivation,compound and short form.This way,we know how to guess new words according to the meanings of the stems and affixes as well as the context clues.After class,please review what we’ve learnt in this class and preview the next part in this unit-Integrating Skills.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The Third Period

Word Formation(1)

Ways of forming a word:



c.short form:hi-tech,e-school,IT,CSA

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

boom,put forward,breakthrough,agency,announce,evolution,supercomputer

2.Train the students’ integrating skills,especially reading and writing skills.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students understand the passages exactly and master the following words and phrases:put forward,aim at,announce,map out

2.Learn to write a persuasion essay to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students finish the task of writing.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast and then careful reading to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Learning tips to help the students learn to write a persuasion essay.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday,we learned a lot about Word Formation.We know some words are derivatives,some are compounds,and others are short forms.Can you give me some examples for each way of forming a word?Give a few derivations,please?


T:Some compounds?


T:Some short forms?


T:You all did a good job.Now,please look at the screen and do the exercise.Three minutes later,I’ll check your answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Study the sentences and guess the meaning of each underlined word.Explain how the word is formed.

1.The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.

2.She has written good essays before,but this one is substandard.

3.He is a kind of intellectual superman.

4.The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate (with each other).

5.Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

6.Have you read an e-book?

7.When did China join the WTO?

8.They helped us to map out a long-term plan.

Suggested answers:

1.output=out+put 产量

2.substandard=sub-+standard 低于标准的,不够标准的

3.superman=super-+man 超人

4.intercommunicate=inter-+communicate 互相联系

5.transplant=trans-+plant 移植

6.e-book=electronic+book 电子图书

7.WTO=World Trade Organization 世贸组织

8.long-term=long+term 长期的

T:Well done.In this unit,we’ve learned much about science and scientific achievement.Can you give an example of scientific achievement of China?

Ss:On Oct.15,,Shenzhou Ⅴ was successfully sent up into space,realizing the Chinese dream of manned space flight.

T:Yes.It’s really a significant science achievement.Since the early 1990s,China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technological development.In many fields,China has achieved great success.Today,we’ve going to read about some scientific achievements in China.First,let’s learn the new words.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with the new words.)

boom /bu:m/ n. (经济、工商业等的)繁荣(期),迅速发展期;(营业等的)激增

put forward 提出;建议;推荐

△rejuvenate /rI′du:vneIt/ vt. 使返老还童;使恢复(青春)活力

breakthrough /′breIk,ru:/ n. (知识或技术领域的)重大突破;重大进展(发现);(军事上的)突围

△impressive /Im′presIv/ adj. 激动人心的;感人的;给人深刻印象的

agency /′eIdnsI/ n.(行政或职能)机构;代理机构

announce /′nans/ vt. 宣布,宣告

△genome /′di:nm/ n. 基因组;染色体组

△element /′elImnt/ n. 元素;要素;组成部分

evolution /i:v′lu:n/ n. 发展;展开

△byte /baIt/ n. [计]字节;比特

supercomputer /,sjupkm′pjut (r)/ n. 超级计算机

△humanoid /′hjumnId/ adj. 具有人的形状或特点的;类人的

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:OK.Now please open your books at Page 7.Look at Reading and Writing.Read each passage quickly and find out the answers to the following two questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?

2.Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?

(After a while,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Have you found the answers?


T:Who’d like to answer the first question?

S4:The plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.

T:Quite right.The other question?

S5:Exploring space,genetic research,computer engineering and medical science.

(Teacher writes the answers above on the blackboard.)

T:Nice work.Now,please read the passages again carefully,trying to understand them more exactly and pay attention to some detailed information.After that,work in groups to complete the chart after the passages according to what you’ve learnt from the text.After four minutes,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

Exploring space

Achievements:The Chinese space Agency has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series.

Importance:The rockets are used to prepare for the nation’s first manned space flight.

Genetic research

Achievements:Chinese scientists have completed mapping out their part of the international human genetic project.

Importance:It has proved that Chinese scientists are among the world’s best.It helps to solve the mysteries of life.

Computer engineering

Achievements:Chinese computer engineers have developed the supercomputer Shenwei.

Importance:The nation’s first humanoid robot has been built.

Medical science

Achievements:Scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells.

Importance:The breakthrough makes the cure of deadly disease possible.

(After that,teacher deals with the language points.)

T:Nice work.I think you must have understood the text very well.Now,let’s learn some useful words and expressions.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and gives brief explanations to make sure the students understand how to use them correctly.)

1.put forward:advance,propose or suggest sth. for discussion

e.g.He is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform.

2.aim at:intend or try to do sth.

e.g.We must aim at increasing exports.

3.announce:make(sth.) known publicly

e.g.They announced their engagement to the family.

Have they announced when the race will begin?

4.map out:present sth. in detail

e.g.He mapped out his ideas on the news project.

(Bb:put forward,aim at,announce,map out)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Now,I’ll play the tape for you to listen.The first time,listen and follow.The second time,listen and repeat.Is that clear?


(Teacher begins to play the tape.)

Step Ⅴ Writing

T:Well,up to now,we’ve read a lot about scientific achievements.Which words in the text can we use to describe scientific achievements?Prepare for a few minutes.Then I’ll collect them from you.

Suggested words:


(Then teacher deals with Writing.)

T:Very good.Now,please look at the Writing part.You’ve been asked by the magazine Modern Science to help them choose the greatest scientific achievement ever.Write a short essay,telling them which achievement you have chosen and explaining why you think that it is the most important.Are you clear about what to do now?


T:In order that you can write your essay better.You’d better read and study the tips at Page 8 carefully before writing your essay.You can begin now.If time permits,I’ll ask some students to read their essay to the rest of the class.A sample essay:

The publication of the detailed structure of 99% of the human genome is the culmination of one of the largest scientific undertakings in history.Initiated in 1990,the Human Genome Project involved the cooperative work of hundreds of scientists in 20 sequencing centres in countries including China,France,Germany,Great Britain,Japan and the United States.

The achievement is important.Not only has it given a glimpse into the extraordinary complexity of the structure of human DNA but it has also demonstrated the huge potential of cooperative scientific endeavour organized on an international basis.

Moreover,the project’s completion has already produced medical breakthrough,scientists assert that the achievement can assist research into cancers such as leukemia,and may also extend far beyond to the other deadly diseases.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Now let’s see what we’ve learnt in this class.First,we’ve read about some China’s significant achievements in science and technology.We know Chinese history is filled with great achievements,not only in the past,but also today.Science and technology makes a country richer and stronger.Science and technology also makes society develop and progress.Do you think so?


T:Second,we’ve practised writing a persuasion essay.We can use some words to describe scientific achievement.Moreover,we’ve learnt some useful words and phrases such as put forward,announce…After class,please practise more to develop your ability to use English.So much for today.Goodbye.


Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The Fourth Period


exploring space

genetic research

computer engineering

medical science

Ⅱ.Words and phrases:

put forward

aim at


map out

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

篇9:人教版高一unit 2全单元教案

Step I : Warming Up介绍世界英语,要求学生 区分英美语单词。

Step II: Pre-reading 在激活学生已有知识的同时引导学生为下一步的阅读做好准备。

Step III: Reading

Task 1:Reading and choose the correct answers.

Task 2:Read and summarize the main idea of each

Paragraph. ( work in groups of four )

Para.1 the extension of English in the world

Para.2 Native speaker can understand each other but not everything.

Para.3 the development of English as native language

Para.4 English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.

Task 3: Analyze the text

Part one (Para.1): the extension of English in the world

Part Two( Para.2.3.&4)English changes when its culture communicate with others.Step IV. Post-reading ( work in groups of four ) Help the students deal with the new language points.

Homework: P11-12 Learning about the Language Ex 1,2,The first period: Extensive reading

Teaching materials:( P11-12 Learning about the language ,P51-52 Reading Task )

Step I. Check the words and expressions .

(P11&12 Discovering useful words and phrases part 1,2,3&4)

Step II. Listen and find the British and American

Which are different but have the same meaning.

( work in pairs)P12 part 5

Step III. Pre-reading

Step IV. Reading and talking( P13)

Task1 : Read and answer questions:

Task2: Read and fill in the map.

辩别southeast ,northeast ,southwest, northwest,south,east, west, north.

Step IV. Homework:

Read the passage on P52 and fill in the table.The third period: Listening

Teaching materials:

Step I. Check the homework.( the passage on P52 and fill in the table.)

Step II. Listen and answer questions.(P14)

Step III. Listen and write AE words.( P48)

Step IV. Listen and discuss in groups ,write a short list of reasons why English is spoken in

So many places.(p51 Listening task)

Step IV. Homework:write a short list of reasons why English is spoken in So many places.

The fourth period: Grammar

Teaching materials: P12 Discovering useful structure, P50 Using Structures , P15 Speaking

Step I.

The fifth period:Speaking

Teaching materials:Talking on P48-49

project on p53--54The sixth period: Writing

Teaching materials: Speaking task on P52

Writing task on P53The seventh period: Summing up


3.Do some exercises about sentence transformation.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to improve the students' listening ability.

2.How to help the students ideas freely.

Teaching Difficult Point

1.How to use different words to express one's idea.


I. Greetings and Revision

morning, everyone.

In this class, I want to check your homework first. Then learn the new words and expressions of this period. The teacher gives the explanations and examples

II. Warming up

Now, I'll ask you some questions.

The first question is: How many countries and regions are there in the world?

(About two hundred.)

T: How many languages are there in the world?

(It's hard to say. I learned from a magazine that there were more than three thousand. Perhaps more than five thousand)

It was thought that there were more than three thousand before. But it is found in recent years that there are more than five thousand languages in the world. Only thirteen languages are used by above 55 million people. My next question is: How many languages are used as the working languages of the United Nations?

: They are five. French, Russian, Spanish. English and Chinese.

In this unit, we'll talk about English.

Read the text on this Page and have a discussion with your partner. Discuss the questions in the text: What is it that Joe can't find in the bathroom? Why can't he find it? Who can tell us the answer question? :It is the toilet. Why can't he find it? Perhaps when Joe says“ bathroom he means a place where there is But in Nancy's eyes, it is where people can only have a bath. Am I right? As we know, Joe is an American, so he speaks American English. While Nancy is English, he speaks British English. That's to say, there are some slight differences between British English and American English. We'll discuss this further in the fourth period. You can read it after class to see how much you can under- stand it.

III. Listening :

Let's do listening. Please turn to Page9. Look at the picture and read the requirement. Do you know what you should do you listen to the tape? : Yes. I'll play the tape twice. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it. While I play it for the second time, write Some necessary information on a piece of paper and then discuss the answers with your partner. ( At last the teacher asks students to read their answers. )

Step iV. Speaking

Please look at Speaking on Page 9

Practise the following dialogues with your partner and act them out. Then complete the sentences below the dialogues.

Now let's complete

Harry asked Mr Smith to spell that name. He also asked her to repeat the address. Mr Smith told buy her some Harry not to forget to buy ketchup on her way

We've just acted out two dialogues. Now make another dialogue using the situation similiar to the one above. I'll ask some students to act it out in three minutes. Three students a group. Let's begin.

Step VI. Consolidation

(The teacher writes the following sentences on the blackboard. )

Look at the blackboard. There are five groups of sentences. Complete one of them according to the other. Do it by yourselves. We'll check the answers

Suggested answers

1. ”Don't drink too much,“ he said.

2. Jack told his brother to turn off the light before he slept.

3. ”Will you please help me to make a kite?“ the little girl said.

4. He asked Tom to buy a pen for him.

5. He told me to be quiet.

StepVII. Summary and Homework

Listen to some materials and do some exercises about sentence transformation. Please learn the sentences by heart.

(Pointing to the blackboard. )After class, do more practice as we did in class and try to speak more English as you can. That's all for today. Class

Unit2 Second Teaching Aims

1. Learn the text” English around the world“.

2. Get the students to master the useful expressions in the text.

3. Train the students to read the text

4. correct pronunciation and intonation.

5. How to improve the students' ability to read an article.

6. How to get the students to master the useful expressions.

Teaching Difficult Point:

The use of some useful expressions.

1. Fast-reading to train students' reading speed.

2. Reading comprehension getting the students to grasp the main idea

3. Practise what they've learned.

Teaching Procedures

Step I ~ Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

The teacher checks the students' homework and gives explanations

Step 1I ~ Preparation for reading

(The teacher and the students learn the new words and expressions of this period together and the teacher explains some of them . )

Please answer my questions.

The first question is:

What language has the largest number of speakers?

The second question: What language is the most widely spoken and used?

English. How many languages do you say ? I speak Chinese and English.

:Which is your native language?

(SB: My native language is Chinese. )

T If you speak more than one language, in what situations do you use the languages? : (I'm learning English. I can speak English and Chinese. I'll speak English in everyday life and use it as much as I can. As long as the person I speak to understand English, I will talk to him in English. I think it is a good way to practise my English. At the same time, his or her English can be improved, too, if he is learning English, too. I'll speak Chinese to anyone who can only speak Chinese.)

Step III. Fast-reading

As we know, English is the most widely used language. In this period, we'll talk about English. Please open your books at Page 10. Read the text” English around the world “fast and think about the three questions on the screen. ( The teacher shows the

screen. ) Do it by yourselves and write the answers on a piece of paper. I'll collect the first five pieces and see who can answer them quickly and correctly. Do you understand what I mean?

Answer the following questions:

1. How many countries are there where the majority of the people speak English?

2. How is English used in Hongkong?

3. What language should we use on Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world?

(The students read the text and discuss the questions. The teacher goes among the students and joins the students in the discussion. Then the teacher collects the first five pieces of answers, examines them and gives them back to the students. While doing this. Point out any mistakes the students make and let them correct the mistakes by themselves. We can use English to communicate with people everywhere around the world through the Internet.

Are there any different ideas?

Step IV. Reading

Now read the text carefully and discuss the questions on the screen.

(Show the screen. )

answer the following questions:

1.How many people use English their mother tongue?

2.How many people learn English as a second language?

3.In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of five countries.

4.How is English used in countries such:: as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Philippines?

5.How many people learn English as a foreign language?

6.Why is it becoming more and morel important to have a good knowledge: of English?

Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.

One student, one question. Volunteers !

1. More than 375 million people use English as their mother tongue.

2. The number of people learning English as a second language and the number of people using it as mother tongue are almost the same.

3. In England, America, Canada, Australia, South Africa etc. , we can find most native speakers of English.

4. In those countries, people perhaps speak the language of their own country at home with their family, but the language of the government, schools, newspapers and TV is English.

5. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.

6. Because English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world. It is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism. We can listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet.

Well done! That shows you have a clear understanding of the text. Look at the screen again. I'll explain some expressions and language points all around the world.,

all over the world

the majority of..

the greater number /amount (esp. of people) the number of ” number: figures“

e. g. The number of students absent is 6. a number of: several, many e. g. A number of students were absent yesterday.

in total: when all have been added up.

In total, there must have been 20 000 people one's mother tongue: one's native language.

communicate with: communicate, to::

make ( news, opinions, feelings, etc. ) known. (The teacher answer the raised by the students. )

Step V. Listening and Read Aloud

Let's listen to the tape. I'll play the tape twice. When I first play it, just listen. When I play it for the second time, listen and repeat it. After that, read the text aloud. Are you clear?

(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat. While the students read, the teacher goes among the students to correct the students' mistakes in pronunciation, intonation and stress. )

Step VI. Post-reading and Practice

Please turn to Page 11. Let's do Part 2, Complete the following summary with proper words. Pair work. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Later, we'll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

useful language; Britain; America; mother

tongue; learn English; foreign language; is; used; trade; tourism; businessmen; tourists; speak; English; family; communicating

Now let's do an exercise. You should do it like this: try to find useful expressions in the text and make sentences with them in groups of four. One student, one sentence. Do it by turns. Are you clear? Now I'll ask some students to make sentences. One sentence at a time. please give us your sentence. I'll take a sentence with the phrase”

all around the world“.

We Chinese people have friends all around the world.

T: Please go on !

the majority of:

The majority of class passed the exam.

in total:

In total, there must have been 500 students there.

one's mother tongue:

Mr Smith comes from the US and English is his mother tongue.

the number of:

The number of the school is increasing has lives here quite a Sm:

such as:

Boys such as John and James are very friendly. :

develop into:

Seeds develop into plants.

:without doing:

He said this seriously without smiling. :

communicate with:

The two friends hadn't communicated with each other for years. :

through the Internet:

He communicated with his friends in the US through the Internet.

have a good knowledge of:

You have a good knowledge of English. (The teacher writes the useful phrases above on the blackboard. )

Step ~. Summary and Homework

T: Today we've learned an article about English. After class, you should read the text again to get the idea of the text further and try to master the useful expressions appearing in the text. Today's homework: Tell your classmates something about English in your own words. If you have any difficulty. Please read Part 2. Post-reading on

Page 11. That's all for today. Class is over... Step vm. The DesignWriting

Unit 2 English around the world

The Second Period

Useful Phrases:

all around the world such as the majority of develop into in total without doing

one's mother tongue communicate with the number of through the Internet

a number of have a good knowledge of

Step IX. Record after Teaching

Unit2 The Third Period

Teaching Aims

Review some useful words in the text. Learn and master the sentence patterns which express an order and a request, and their different features.

Teaching Important Point

Point out the features of an order which uses the imperative, namely ”tell/order sb. to do sth. “and of a request--which uses a question form or an imperative, very polite, ask sb. to do sth.” reaching Difficult Point How to change orders and requests ported orders and requests. Teaching Methods: Inductive method and talking method to give the students a clear picture of what they should master. Practice to make the students remember what they've learned. Pair work and group work student active in class. Teaching Aids a projector and some slides. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

The teacher checks the students' home-

work--let some students say something

about English in their own words. If they

have some difficulty. Part 2 in Post-read-

ing on Page 11 may give them some help. ~F Step I] ~ Word Study

T:Please turn to Page 11. Let's do Word Study. Match the words and phrase on the left with their meanings on the right. Do it with your partner. In a few minutes, we'll check the answers. (A few minutes later. )Now I'll ask SA and Se to give their answers. SA, read the meaning on the right. One item at a time. S~,give the right word or phrase for each item. Are you clear?

Step II Grammar

(Teacher says to SA:Stand up. Open the door. Look outside. Now close the door. Teacher says to SB: Sit down, please. Could you lend me your pen? Can you show me your book?) T: What did I say to SA?

Ss:Stand up./Open the door./Now close the door.

T: What did I say to Se?

Look out

Could you lend me your pen?

Can you show me your book?

T: What was the difference between what I said to Student A and what I said to Student B? S.. You told/ordered Student A to stand up/open the door/look outside/close the door. (They may say these in Chinese. )

T: What about Student B? What did I say?

S: You asked Student B to sit down/lend

you his (her) pen/show you his (her)


T.. You are right. I told/ordered Student

A to stand up etc. I asked Student B to

lend me his(her) pen, etc. In fact, what

I said to Student A is an order. What I

said to Student B is a request. Its pat-

terns are like this:

Orders and Re- quests: Direct speech: (Orders) Do..., please. ? /Will you. Would you... ? Indirect speech .. (Orders) dered sb. else to do sth. sb. told/ordered sb. else not to do sth. (Requests) :sb. asked sb. else to do sth. sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. (Write them on the blackboard. ) OK. Now I'm going to show you some sentences. If it's an order, write “Order' in your exercise books. If it's a request, write” Request“. (Show the following sentences on screen. )

Make sure the door is open. Can you lend me ten yuan? Could you help me with my work, please? Don't play games in the classroom. Will you close the window, please? No smoking. (Ask some students to answer which sentences are orders, which are re- quests. ) Suggested answers Orders: 1,4,6 Requests: 2,3,5 T: From these sentences, we can draw such conclusions. If a sentence is an order, it often uses an imperative, namely, ”sh. told/ordered sh. else to do sth. “If a sentence is a request, it often uses a question form or an imperative, but very politely, namely, ”sb. asked sb. else to do sth. “But we should pay more attention to the negative construction. Its reported orders and requests should be like these. ”sh. told/ordered sb. else not to do sth.“ ”sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. '

Now open your books. Turn to Page 11. Look at Part 2 in Language Study

Grammar. In Part 1 in Gram- mar, which sentences are orders? Sc: Sentences 2,3 and 6 are orders

T: Which sentences are requests?

SD :Sentences 1,4 and 5 are requests.

T: Now turn to Page 12. Look at Part 2.

In Part 2, the three sentences are all indirect speech. Change them into direct speech, please. Pair work or group work.

(After the students' discussion. )

T: Please give us your sentences. Who

SE: The landlady asked him to put the coat in the closet.

“Will you please put your coat closet? ”said the landlady.

The landlady asked him not to on the peg.

“Will you please not put it peg?” asked the landlady.

Please go on.

The commander ordered to stand still.

“Don't move, ”the commander said to the soldiers.

Step IV. Practice

(The teacher shows the screen. )

Look at the screen. Let's practise orders and requests in pairs. You may notice on the left, under the word “Don'ts”, there are three orders, under them there are three requests. On the right, under the word “Dos”, there are

three orders, under them there are three requests. First we are going to practise the orders. I can give you an example. Look at the six orders. In Direct Speech, I can say “Watch the teacher carefully. Don't come into the lab without a teacher. ”In reported order. I can say“ She told us to watch the

teacher carefully. She told us not to come into the lab without a teacher.”

After you practise the orders, you may practise the requests. Are you clear?

Now let's begin.(Give the students practise them, then their practice. )

Suggested answers:

Indirect Speech:

1. He told us not to come into the lab

without a teacher.

2. He told us not to touch anything in the tab. 3. He told us not

4. He told us to fully.

5. He told to smoke. watch the teacher dip our fingers

6. He told us to suck our fingers.

7. He asked us not to put anything basin.

8. He asked us not to talk so loudly.

9. He asked us not to leave the books in the lab.

10. He asked us to write our answers on the blackboard.

11. He asked us to tidy the lab after the experiment. He told us cupboards. to put everything

Step V. Summary and Homework

In this class, we've reviewed some new words and, mainly done some exercises about orders and requests. In direct speech, they are ... (Pointing to the blackboard. )In the indirect speech, they are ... (Pointing to the black- board. )Please remember these sentence patterns.

Today's homework: Part 3 on Page 12. That's all for to- day. Class is over... Suggested answers to Part 3 on Page 12. She told us not to make too much noise. She told us not to forget to put our umbrellas in the stand. She told us not to room. She told us not to stay up too late. She asked us to buy some bread for her. She asked us to help her tidy the room. She asked us to speak quietly on phone. She asked us to turn down the radio. ~

Step VI. The Design of the Writing

Unit 2 English around the world

The Third Period

Orders and Requests: Direct speech: (Orders) Do- Do..., please. Don't... Can(Will) you do'“ ? (Requests) Could(Would) you please do... ? Indirect Speech.- (Orders) sb. dered sb. else to do sth. sb. told/ordered sb. else not to close. (Requests)sb. asked sb. else to do sth. sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. Record after Teaching

Unit2 The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims

Learn the text to get the students know about the differences between American English and British English.

Get the students to master the words and expressions of the text.

Teaching Important Points

Improve the students' reading

Improve the students' writing ability.

Get the students to know about American English and British English.

Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve the students' writing ability. Teaching Methods

Fast-reading and students' reading ability. Practice and pair work or group work.

Teaching Aids 1. a recorder 2. a projector and some slides Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

T: In this period, I'm going to check your homework first. Then we'll learn a text: American English and British English. We'll do some exercises about it as well. At last, we'll go over Check2 point of this unit. Now take out your exercise-books, please,. (The teacher checks homework. )

(The teacher and the students go over the new words and expressions of this period. The teacher gives explanations when necessary. )

Step ]I. Fast Reading

:English is a young language. It grew from other languages, such as German and French. People began to write it down only six hundred years ago. Now it is spoken by people all over the world. From the last period we know there are more than 42 countries where the majority of people speak English. However English is not exactly the same in different countries. American people speak English, but it is a bit different from British English. Today, we are going to read about these differences. Please turn to Page 12. Read the text fast and find the answers to the questions on the screen. Do it as fast as possible and write your answers on a piece of pa- per. I'll collect the first five pieces. (The teacher shows the screen. ) Answer the following questions: 1. What is American English for “think” ? What did Noah Webster do make American English from British English?

T: Who will give us the first answer?

SA :I'll try. In American English “I guess” is used instead of “I think”.

T: Quite right. What is the second?

SB: He changed the spelling of many words.

Step III. Reading

T: Now read the text again. Read it carefully and discuss the following questions on the screen with your partner. Write your answers on a piece of paper. In a few minutes, I'll ask some pairs to give us the answers. (The teacher shows the screen. Answer the following questions..

1. When did America become an independent country?

2. Where did the word“ fall” (meaning: “autumn”)first come from?

3. Can you give some examples to show spelling differences between American and British English?

4. Is there any difference in written English in the two countries?

5. What differences are there in spoken English in the two countries?

6. Do you think that people from Britain and America can understand each! other?

7. Why do you think so?

8. How did the differences between British and American English come about?

9. Which do you prefer, American English or British English? Why?

(The teacher goes among the students, joins in the students' discussion and answers the students' questions. ) (A few minutes later. ) T: Have you finished? (Ss: Yes. ) Give us your answers, please. One student, one

question, Volunteers !

1. In 1776, America became an independent country.

2. The word “fall” first came from England.

3. Yes, I can. For example, the words “colour, centre and travelled' in British English are spelt” color, center and traveled 'in American English.

4. Yes, In written English there are some spelling differences between British English and American English. And in some cases, different words are used for the same thing.

5. Some words are pronounced differently in the two countries. For example, Americans say dance(daens], and in southern England they say. In America they pronounce not[-nat~; in southern England they say[-not~,and son on.

6. Yes. Though there are many spelling differences, people from the two countries don't have much difficulty in understanding each other because written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America.

7. There is no quick answer to this question. When people from England travelled to other countries, they took the English language with them. At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in England, but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another. At last the English language became two variants --British English and American English.

8. I prefer American English to British English because American English is easier to understand./I prefer British English to American English because British English sounds more beautiful.

Now look at the screen again. I'll explain some words and expressions of the text so that you can use them freely. Please listen to me carefully.

Notes to the text:

1. come about--happen, take place

e. g. When John woke up, he was in the hospital, but he didn't know how that had come about.

2.stay vi. --keep, remain

e. g. The door stayed open all

3. end up with--finish with

e. g. The party ended up singing of Liu Huan.

(The teacher answers any questions asked by the students. )

Turn to Page 13, please. Look at the exercise behind the text. Choose the correct answers to the following questions, according to the text. Have a discussion with your partner. You'd better close your books when you discuss them. If you have anything uncertain, you can look up the concerned information in the text.

Suggested answers ..

1. C~2. B~3. C;4. D~5. D

Step IV. Listening and Reading Aloud

T.. Let's listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it.

When I play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear?

(The teacher plays the tape for students to listen.) students read the text, the teacher

goes among the students and corrects the students' mistakes in pronunciation Intonation and stress. )

Step V. Reading and Writing

Now look at Reading and Writing on Page 13. Read the paragraph about American English and fill in the chart.

First read the passage, please. Then do it in groups. Write your answers on a

piece of paper. Later, we'll check the answers.

Suggested answers

│Words │Borrowed from

│cent │old French

│Florida │Spanish

│howl │American Indian


Do you have anything you don't understand?

(SK raises his hand. )

Step VI. Checkpoint

T: Please turn to Page 14. Look at Check

point 2. The first part should be done like this: For each pair of sentences, complete one of them according to the other. Then find useful expressions from the text and make sentences with them. Group work. Later we'll check the answers(The students prepare the exercises and the teacher helps them to find useful expressions in the text. )

(After a few minutes. )Have you finished?

Complete the sentences. Who'll give us the answers?

the differences between A and B:

There are many differences between Model A and Model B.

come about: How did the come about?

in the same way:

I worked out the problem. And my brother did it in the same way, too.

end up with: We ended with a song.

different from:

more or less:

Mary made some mistakes, but her answers were more or less right.

have difficulty in doing:

I have some difficulty in finishing the exercises. :

a great many:

There are a great many new words in the article. I can't read it.

(The teacher writes the useful expressions on the blackboard. )

Step VI. Summary and Homework

In this class, we've learned the differences between American English and British English. Please sum up them. One student, one item. Think it over In spelling, they are different. ample, colour, centre-.. In spoken English, they For example, dance, not Some words are different. Sp: Americans say “I guess”, while..' T: Are there any differences in written English?

Sq: Written same in English. English is more or less the both British and American (The teacher writes those above on the blackboard. )

T: There are a number of expressions in the text. You should remember them and use them in your everyday life.

Today's homework: Write a short passage, comparing American and British English or

dialects in Chinese. Besides, read the tips on Page 14 carefully and use them when possible. That's all for today....

One possible version:

American English and British English

There are some differences between British English and American English. Where are the differences? Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America. But in the spoken language the differences are greater. Americans say fast[-fa2st~, while in England they say [-fa:st~. There are some other differences. For example, in America, they say “fall, store, right away”, while people from Britain say “autumn, shop, at once”. However, people from the two countries the Blackboard

Unit 2 English around the

The Fourth Period

Useful expressions:

the difference between A and B;

come about;

in the same way;

end up with;

different from;

more or less;

have difficulty::

in doing sth.

Step IX. Record after Teaching

Names for Americans and Europeans Usually Europeans and Americans take two or three names., the first(given, Christian) name, the middle name and the family (surname) name. The first ( given, Christian) name is that given at baptism, as distinct from the family name(surname). Surname--a name attached to a person, e, g. by reason of his occupation or place of birth or residence, later develops into such a family name.


Unit 12 Teachers’ Paper

Background knowledge:

Distance learning

A type of education, typically college-level, where students work on their own at home or at the office and communicate with faculty and other students via e-mail, electronic forums, videoconferencing, chat rooms, bulletin boards, instant messaging and other forms of computer-based communication.

Most distance learning programs include a computer-based training (CBT) system and communications tools to produce a virtual classroom. Because the Internet and World Wide Web are accessible from virtually all computer platforms, they serve as the foundation for many distance learning systems.

The Hope Project

Education plays an important part in modern life. However, in some poor areas, many children can't afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school. At the same time, our country is not able to invest too much in it. Under this condition, the Hope Project if carried out.

The Hope Project if of great necessity to our country. In the first place, it will create conditions for the children to go back to school. Secondly, it can make more people educated. Thus, is may indirectly lead to the improvement of people's standards of life.

In my opinion, the Hope Project is of great importance to our country, I hope that with this help more and more children can get the opportunity to be educated.

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESC0) is one of 18 specialized agencies within the United Nations System. It was established on November 16, 1945, as much of the world was emerging from the devastation of the Second World War. Canada was one of the 20 founding members. UNESCO was formed to create an organization that would embody a genuine culture of peace by promoting collaboration among nations through education, the sciences, culture, and communication and information.

UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue and cooperation between the peoples of the world, based upon commonly shared values and respect for individual civilizations and cultures. The Organization also serves as a clearinghouse to share knowledge and ideas with its 190 Member States and six Associate Members. Through diverse and extensive strategies and projects, UNESCO is is actively pursuing the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, placing particular emphasis on initiatives which focus on eradicating poverty; achieving universal primary education and eliminating gender disparity in education; helping countries to implement national strategies for sustainable development; and halting the loss of environmental resources.

Since its inception , UNESCO has worked to inspire, encourage and sustain the principles of democracy, cooperation, non-violence, respect for human rights and cultural diversity. As the developing countries of the world struggle to find their place, as globalization continues to grow and the world moves rapidly towards knowledge based societies, the work of UNESCO becomes ever more vital. Through its efforts in the sectors of education, science, culture, information and communication, UNESCO is committed to attaining an ambitious goal: to build peace in the minds of men.

Period 1: Words and Expressions

New words:

1. load n.


The truck was carrying a load of bananas. 这辆卡车装着一车香蕉。

We have to make three loads of the cargo. 我们得把货物分装三车。


I’ve ordered two lorry-loads of sand. 我已定购了两卡车沙子。


I have a fairly light teaching load this term. 这个学期我的教学负担相当轻。

(4.) (常与of连用)大量,许多 (a load of/loads of )

To the reader's disappointment, the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish. 这期杂志上的主要文章废话连篇,使读者大失所望。


(1.)(常与up, with连用)装,装满,载满

We loaded the truck with bananas. 我们把香蕉装上卡车。

(2.) 装上(弹匣、胶卷)

Don’t move! The gun is loaded. 别动!这支枪是上了膛的。

workload n. 1. 工作量, 工作负担

She has a very heavy workload. 她的工作负担很重。

2. strict adj.

(1.) 严格的,严厉的 (规则或行为)(+with)

Our teacher is strict; we have to do what she says.


(2.) 精确的;完整的

He made a strict analysis of the experiment.


strict → n. strictness

1) 严格说来 strictly speaking

2) be strict with somebody

Our teacher is strict with us. 我们老师对我们很严格。

3) be strict in something

Mr. Li is strict in his own work. 李先生对自己的工作很严格。

We should be strict with ourselves in everything.(我们应该事事都严格要求自己)

3. compulsory adj. 义务的;强制的;强迫的

Education is compulsory for all children in Britain between the age of 5 and 16. 在英国5岁到16岁的儿童都要接受义务教育。

4. commitment n.

(1.) 承诺;

The general has repeated his commitment to holding elections as soon as possible.



I've taken on too many commitments.



The company’s success this year would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of the staff.


make a commitment


China has made a commitment to do all it can to help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.

5. sceptical adj. 怀疑的

Everyone says our team will win, but I’m skeptical of/about it.


6. tendency n.

(1.) 倾向;趋势

① (+to, towards) There is an increasing tendency towards the use of firearms by criminals. 罪犯使用枪械的趋势在上升。

② (+to v. ) There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices. 人们在家里而不是在办公室工作的趋势日益增长。

(2.) 癖好,秉性

①(+to, towards) He’s always had a tendency to /towards frivolity.


②(+to v. )The teacher criticized his tendency to view world affairs purely in terms of the East-West conflicts.


7. expand vi.& vt.

(1) 扩大,膨胀,增强,使扩大 expand reproduction 扩大再生产


1) The bird expanded his wings into the blue sky.

2) This factory has expanded to the river.

3) Metals expand when (it is) heated.

4) The flowers expand in the sunshine.

The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve.


(2.) 详述(故事,论证等),引申

I don’t quite follow your reasoning. Can you expand (on it)?


You’ll have to expand your argument if you want to convince me.

你如果想使我信服, 就必须详述你的论点。

(3.) Vi. (人)变得更友善更健谈

He expanded a little when he had had a drink, and started to talk more freely.


8. distribute vt.

(1.) 分发,分配某事物 (+sth. to/among sb./sth.)

The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by. 示威者向行人分发传单。

(2.) 使(某事物)散开,散布

Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed.



distribution n.

(1.) 分发,分配(多作不可数名词)

The boys complained that the distribution of prizes was unfair.


(2.) 分布,散布(多作不可数名词)

The pine-tree has a very wide distribution.


9. corporation n.

(1.) 公司;企业 John works for a large American chemical corporation.


(2.) 市政府

The corporation has decided that no heavy-duty trucks are permitted to pass through the centre of the city during rush hours.



corporate adj.

(1.) 社团的;团体的

corporate responsibility, action, etc 共同的责任,行动等

(2.) 市政府的;公司的

Corporate executives usually have high salaries. 公司里的管理人员一般享有高薪。

10. donate vt. 捐赠;赠送

The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital. 这个商人捐给医院很多钱。

Many more warm-hearted people donated blood to the poor girl.


In his will, he volunteered to donated his body to medicine.



donation n. 捐赠;捐赠品;捐款

She made a donation of $ 1,000 to the Children’s Hospital.

她捐了1,000 美元给儿童医院。

11. curriculum n. 课程

Is German on your school’s curriculum? 你们学校有德语课吗?

12. ministry n


(1.) (政府的)部

My brother works in the Ministry of National Defense.


(2.) the ministry [GP] 神职界;(全体)牧师

His parents intended him for the ministry. 他的父母有意让他当牧师。

13. aspect n.

(1.) 方面

He mentioned only one aspect of the problem. 他只提到问题的一个方面。

(2.) 容貌,表情

He was serious of aspect but wholly undistinguished.


(3.) (房屋、门窗等的)朝向

She prefers a house with a southern aspect.


14. profession n.

(1.) 专业,职业(尤指受过专门训练的,如法律、教学等)

He is a lawyer by profession.



His profession of concern did not seem sincere.


拓展:professional adj.

(1.)从事专门职业的 A lawyer is a professional man. 律师是从事专门职业的人。

(2.) 职业的,专业的

For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard.


15. alongside

(1.) prep 在…旁边;与…并排

The car drew up alongside the kerb. 小汽车在路边停下来。

(2.) adv. 横靠着;沿着;傍着

We brought our boat alongside. 我们把船靠边。

16. advocate

vt. 拥护;提倡; 主张

He advocates building more schools. 他主张多建几所学校。


I am not a strong advocate of “English only” in the reading class.


17. restriction

n. 限制;约束

There is a restriction against smoking in schools.



vt. 限制;限定

He restricts himself to two cigarettes a day.


18. schedule

n. 时间表;进度表;程序表

The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends.




(1.) [U] 赠送,引见,提出,出席,演出

They are preparing for the presentation of a new musical.


(2.) [U] 赠送,引见,提出,出席,演出等的方式

She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.


(3.) [C] 所赠送,引见,提出,出席,演出的事物,赠品,礼物,(尤指经仪式)授予之物

The queen will make the presentation herself. 女王将亲自授予礼品。




How many people were present at the meeting? 会议有多少人出席?

(2) 现在的;现存的

What is your present job? 你现在的工作是什么?


(1.) 赠予;颁予

They presented flowers to their teacher. 他们献花给老师。

The mayor presented a silver cup to the winner. 市长把银杯授予了获胜者。


The committee is presenting its investigation report next week.


The baker presented his bill. 面包师呈上帐单。

(3.) 表示;呈现

He presented his apologies. 他表示道歉。

(4.) 演出;公演

The theatre company is presenting 'Romeo and Julia' by Shakespeare next week.


(5.) 介绍;引见;举荐

May I present Mr Robinson to you? 可否让我向你介绍罗宾逊先生?

The new ambassador was presented to the president. 新大使被引见给总统。

(6.) 展现

He always presents a calm smiling face. 他总是展现出平和的微笑。

(7.) 表现;造成

Money presents no difficulty to them. 资金对他们来说不成问题。


Reading comprehension:

1. Pre-reading:

Look around our school and decide what are needed to run a school.

2. Skimming:

Choose the best heading for each paragraph in the text.

3. Fast reading.(True or False)

1) By the year every Chinese child had had nine years of compulsory education.

2) There are 113 million children not in school today.

3) The UNESCO made a goal called “ Education for All ”.

4) It is important to create a positive attitude in agriculture areas, because it is not easy to change traditional ideas there.

5) How people are distributed can not affect the education system.

6) Children from countryside usually can continue their study. Boys and girls have equal chances of education.

7) To equip schools, some developing countries rely almost completely on aid from other countries and international organizations.

8) China doesn’t receive help from some organisations.

9) Distance learning is only used in Australia.

10) In the least developed nations of Africa, “ Education for All ” will be a huge task.


4. Careful reading(Answer the following questions.)

1. Why did the Chinese government introduce a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education?

(Because the Chinese government realises that the future welfare of its citizens is closely linked to education.)

2. Do all girls and boys in China share the same opportunity to accept education? Why (not)?

(No. In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls.)

3. What’s your understanding of the title “Education for all”?

(Complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by .)

4. The success of a country in bringing education to all depends on the economy . Does this mean rich nations in the world don’t face education problems?

(No, it doesn’t. Even the richest nation in the world faces problems. e.g. the USA found that it is not easy to make sure that every student receives the same quality of teaching.)

5. Close test:

__________, it is important to _____a positive attitude. In areas where agriculture _______ ___________, people do not ______________ education, and parents _____________ anything that _____ children _________ their work on the farm. China and other countries found that even when children from the countryside ____ start school, they _________________ to be ______ and often _______ later. In some cultures parents ____ particularly __________ send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys __________ girls.

(To begin with; reate; plays an important role; attach importance to; are sceptical of; takes away from; do; have a tendency to; absent; drop out; are unwilling to; rather than)

Language study in reading


1. It is reported that 99% of school-age children in China attended primary school by .

It is reported (said, thought, hoped and etc) that … 句型结构,通常表达“据报道(据说,人们认为,人们希望等)”,其中句首的it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句内容。

e.g. It is hoped that the children will carry on our family traditions.


2. In China, as in other countries, the government realizes that the future welfare of its citizens is closely linked to education.

be linked to 与……连接(相关)的。

e.g. The island will be linked to the mainland by a new bridge.


3.to begin with


I’m not going. To begin with I haven’t a ticket, and secondly I don’t like the play. 我不去。一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。

(2.) 起初

To begin with he had no money, but later he became quite rich.


4. In areas where agriculture plays an important role, people do not attach importance to education, and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on farm.


attach ... to ...(加于……之上)和be sceptical of(对……抱着怀疑的态 度)是固定短语。

e.g. No blame attaches to him for the accident. 这个事故他没有受到责备。

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.


5.drop out

(1.) (从活动、竞赛中)退出

Since his defeat he’s dropped out of politics. 他失败后就不再从事政治活动了。

(2.) 中途退学,辍学

She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later.


其它词组:drop behind 落后

drop by 顺便访问:停下做短暂访问

drop off 睡着;减少

drop in 顺便走访, 不预先通知的拜访

(3) drop out (of) 退出,辍学

To our great surprise, he decided to drop out of politics.(退出政治)

What do you think we should do to prevent the children from dropping our of school?


“drop” phrases:

drop behind 落后,落伍

drop in on sb. at a place 顺便走访

drop into 跌入,落下,不知不觉

1) If I have time, I’m sure to _______________ you. (drop in on)

2) With the meeting going on , most of them _________________ sleep.(dropped into)

3) During the journey, Tom and Tim _________________the rest of the teammates.(dropped behind)

6. In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls.

be unwilling to do 不愿意……; rather than 胜于

e.g. Much to our surprise, he was unwilling to accept our advice.


These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.


7. To solve this, Australia uses “distance learning” methods, where the students have lessons by two-way radio and mail.

to solve this是目的状语提前,表示强调;另外句中where引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰说明methods;此类定语从句比较特别,因为其中的引导词并非表示地点的名词,类似的名词还有case, situation, condition等。

e.g. Can you think of a situation where this idiom can be used?


8. rely on/upon sb. /sth. to do sth.

(1.) 依赖,指望某人、某事物

I relied on your coming early. 我指望你早点来。

(2) 信任、依赖某人/某事物

You can rely on me to keep your secret. 你尽管相信我一定为你保密。

You can rely on it that I can finish the work on time. 你相信我好了,我会及时完成工作的。

9. In these countries, where some people do not even have fresh water or basic health care, reaching the target of “Education for All” will be a huge task, despite help from the international community.

where引导非限定性定语从句;reaching短语是句子的主语,despite是介词,其意义为“不管, 尽管, 不论”。

e.g. Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.


Integrating Skills

How We Learn

1. obtain vt., vi. 得到,获得

I haven't been able to obtain that book.


辨析:get, obtain, acquire, gain, win, earn这组动词的一般含义是“得到”。


The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts.


Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information.



I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.



After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.



During that time, she so gained my aunt's confidence that she was put in charge of the domestic staff.


A penny saved is a penny gained.



It seemed certain that this would win the prize.


This invariably wins them the love and respect of others.



His achievements earned him respect and admiration.


Some of them have come home for a few days' hard-earned leave.


2. evident

1. adj.明显的

It's evident that you are tired. 显然你累了。

辨析:evident, obvious, clear, plain这组形容词都有“清楚的”或“明显的”意思。


It's evident that someone has been here. 显然有人来过这里。


The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen.


注:此句中的obvious 换用evident则更确切。

He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious (though not perhaps strictly scientific) link with our ancestral past.

它们是恐怖电影和惊险小说中的老一套的怪物,并且与我们的祖先有着明显的(虽然可能没有科学的) 联系。

clear(以及常见的plain)是口语中常用词,其含义为“清楚易懂”。clear 除了“清楚的”,“清晰的”之外,还有许多其他含义。如“流畅的”,“无障碍的”等。

The water of the lake is as clear as glass. 湖水清彻如同明镜。

He gave a clear answer to the direct question.



如:a plain face(一个普通的或不漂亮的面孔)

The letter was written in plain English. 那封信是用浅显的英语写的。

3. select

(1.) vt. 挑选,选择;择优 (select sb./sth. as sth. )

I was selected for the team. 我被选入这个队。

(2.) adj.挑选的,精选的, 择优的

a select group of top scientists 最优秀科学家小组

a film shown to a select audience 给内部观众反映的影片

辨析:choose, select, elect, pick



We do not choose survival as a value; it chooses us.



Four skiers will be selected to represent each country.



I elected not to go. 我决定不去。

4. suit


(1). 满足;取悦;适意;对…方便

It suits me if you come to work at eight o'clock. 如果你八点来上班我就满意了。

(2.) 适合,适当 That dress suits you. 那套衣服你穿起来挺合适。


(1). 一套衣服, 套装

a business suit 一套西装

(2). 诉讼

bring a suit against sb. 控告某人




1) This hat matches your jacket perfectly.

2) The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wife’s age.

3) These shoes don’t fit me-Have you got a large size?

4) This climate doesn’t suit her.(agree with)


Unit 11

Word study:

1. stick with: 忠于,支持,和…在一起

I know you are new in this job, but stick with me and you’ll be all right.


We stuck with him as our candidate.


be stuck with sth./sb.被…缠住

Bill left and I was stuck with the debt. 债务缠身


stick out伸出,坚持到底,忍下去

stick up竖立,向上突出

stick to: 坚持(原则,计划,决定,意见),继续干,坚持干

He is still sticking to his story that his car was stolen and later returned.


2.through thick and thin 同甘共苦,祸福与共,忠贞不渝

I’ll going to love you through thick and thin no matter what happens


A true friend sticks though thick and thin.



v. 1) 怀疑;猜疑;不信任,常用于suspect sb. of sth.

We suspected him of removing the cashbox.


He was suspected and accused of selling states secrets.



suspect sth

suspect sb. to do

suspect sb. to be…

suspect that clause

If you don’t go, they’ll suspect something.


I suspect him to have done it.


I suspect him to be the pickpocket.


I strongly suspect that they’re trying to get rid of me.


n. 嫌疑犯, 可疑对象

The police are questioning two suspects.


adj. 不可靠的,不可信的,可能有假的,可疑的

His statements are suspect. 他的说法不可靠。

4.for the sake of 由于某种缘故,也可以说 for sb.’s sake 意为看在某人份上

Stop crying, for God’s sake.


He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health.


I’ll help you for your sister’s sake.



for one’s own sake 为了自身的缘故,为了自身的利益

for the sake of it 因为自己喜欢,由于自身的缘故

for the sake of argument 为了便于讨论(非正式)

I just like car trips for my own sake.


I am sure she agrees with you really---she just likes arguing for the sake of it.


5. individual

adj.1) 个别的,个体的,单独的,作定语

She didn’t read well so her teacher gave her individual help.


2) 独特的,有特性的,有个性的

Alice has an individual style of arranging her hair.


n. 个人,个体,个别的人,是可数名词

Handwriting varies from individual to individual.


6.expectation n.

1) (u) 此时常与介词of连用,表示“期望,希望;预计”。常以every, great, little, no, utmost作修饰语

It greatly surpassed my utmost expectation.




Our Party has great expectations of you young people.


He has expectations from a rich uncle.


fall short of/not come up to sb’s expectations 为臻理想

His film performance didn’t come up to our expectations.


7.embarrass vt.(尤用语被动语态)


I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.



be embarrassed by lack of money.



embarrassing adj.令人困窘的,令人尴尬的

embarrassment n.


Vt.1).辞去,放弃 后面一般接表示职务的名词

Robert resigned the Chairmanship.



I resign my children to your care.


3) resign oneself to do顺从于,屈从于

You must resign yourself to waiting a bit longer.


vi. 1). 辞职

She resigned from the government.



resign to sb’s will 屈从于某人的意志

resignation n.

7. pursue vt.

1) 从事,进行,实行

Many people went to pursue their studies abroad in those days.



The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.



Bad luck pursued us all through the year.


Pursue the path you have been treading and you will do well.


The boy pursued his father with questions.


9.. complement

vt. 与(某事物)结合(相辅相成)

His business skill complements her flair for design.


n. 1)~ to 相配合的事物,补充物,补足物

Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.



We’ve taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year.



subject complement 主语补足语


1) vt/vi 拒绝(接受某物),谢绝

decline an invitation to dinner 谢绝宴请

I invited her to join us, but she declined.


He declined to discuss his plans.


2)vi. 变小,变弱,变少

Her influence declined after she lost the election.


3).n. ~ (in sth.) (力量,权力,数量等的)削减

a decline in population/prices/popularity人口/价格/声望的降低


fall/go into a decline 失去力量,影响

After his wife’s death, he fell into a decline.


on the decline 在削减,在衰退

The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.


Warming-up, listening and speaking

1. While working there you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products that are prepared in its kitchens and will be delivered to the customers.


1) take measures to do sth.= take steps to do sth.采取措施干某事

What measures were taken to prevent fires?


get/take the measure of sb.= take/ get sb.’s measure


Before I could get in, he had taken my measure.


measurement n.

(u) 测量,计量

We can know the size of something by means of measurement.


(c) 丈量的结果

What are the measurements of the living room?



vt. 保证,保证发生/获得,

ensure sth.

ensure sb. sth.

ensure doing dth

endure that clause

ensure sb. against sth.保证不,安全,确保不

I cannot ensure his being on time.


All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure their safety.


The present contract cannot ensure you a job.


We should ensure workers against accidents.



比较ensure, insure 和assure

在美国英语中,endure=insure,即insure 也可以用来作“保证”“确保”,此时用法与ensure同

More care will insure you against making so many mistakes.



The actress insured her life for one hundred thousand dollars.


assure 表示“向…保证”,“肯定地说”

I assure you that you are mistakn.


The doctor assured me that the injury was not serious.



assure 和insure 还可作“确保”“保障”

assure/insure peace 保障和平

assure/insure security 保障安全

2.What is the moment for you to pull out of a friendship?


pull out of 从…中退出

They are trying to pull out of the agreement.


The project became so expensive that we had to pull out of it.



pull down 毁坏,摧毁(如旧建筑物)

pull (sth) over (使车辆等)闪到一边

pull … up (使车)停下,纠正某人

Reading and Integrating skills

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Get the Ss to read the two passages, knowing something about the key to success and improving their reading ability.

2. Get the Ss to know some important words, phrases and sentences.

Teaching difficult points:

Phrases: stick with through thick and thin for the sake of attach to

live up to hands-on …


1. Especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that.

2. Each offers gifts and processes that complement the others, contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the ‘whole’ is a team, a class, a family or a society.

Time allocations: 3 periods

Step I lead in

T: I want to move this desk to the 4th floor. But I can’t do it by myself. Who can help me? ( a student comes) we two did this job together. and what we can call the job?

-----it is team work.

T: where else do we need team work?

-----football, basketball, rugby, working…

Step 2 fast-reading what is team work? ( Para. 2)

Step 3 careful- reading

what kinds of team do the writer write? try to compare them.

Rugby team Project team

Similarities team work: individual people brought together, common goal , has a clear role, cooperate

Differences 1. made up of a certain number

2. goal---to win a match

3. members have different skills

4. coach

5. atmosphere

6. members should respect, help and support each other 1. members: people of different personalities and abilities (Para. 7)

2. take into account how each individual member works best

Step 4. Summary : ask students to divide the passage into 3 parts.

part 1: Para 1-2 general introduction of team work

part 2: Para 3-6 sports teams ( rugby teams)

part 3: Para 7-10 project teams

Step 5. Further understanding

Para1: 1. Especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that.


Para3: 2. It is important that all members of the team feel that each of them makes an equal contribution and that they help and support each other.

Para6: 3. As with sports teams, group work can …when group members respect…, while the work division…at the right level in the role that is …

Para7: 4. 整个段落用了三种不同的表达方式表达类似的意思

people who… people…are the ones… some are…

Step 5. record after teaching

Language points

1. What if you feel comfortable about doing a task by yourself?(P94 Para1)


What if you should fall sick?

What if he gets angry?



only if 只有

if only要是…就好了

as if 好像

2. Although the coach is usually not counted as a team member, his role is to discuss

strategy and make decisions about the composition of team.(P94 Para3)



v. 1): 把…看作…,常与as连用,此时as可省

I count him (as) one of my closest friends.


I am afraid we must count him (as) missing.


2). 起作用,是重要的,应予重视

For them what counted is money.


It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

重要的不是你读了多少书, 而是你读的是什么书。

3). 把…计算在内

Six people are on the trip if you count the children.


There are ten guests, not counting the members of the family.


4). 数数,点数

I counted all the people; there were fifty present.


3. As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect, help and support each other.(P94 Para6)


as with

1). 正如…一样

As with hiking, you should always think about your safety.


2)就…而言,至于…,类似用法有as to ;as for

Kitty’s got so thin, And as for Carl, he always seems to be ill.

Kitty长的瘦小,至于Carl, 他好象总是在生病。

He was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.


4. Teams requires leaders and people who creates ideas

团队需要领袖以及出主意的人。(P95 Para7).

require: v. 需要,要求

require sth.

require doing sth/ to be done

require sb. to do sth.

require that (should) + do

That matter requires careful thought.


This wall requires repairing/ to be repaired.


His health requires that he (should) go to bed early.


The police required him to keep it a secret.


5.People full of action and ideas are often the ones to bring new energy to the group, while people who are mainly listening and commenting are often the ones to keep an eye on procedures that must be followed.

那些富于实干和思路开阔的人常常是给小组以新的活力的人,而那些主要是倾听或评论的人则常常是监管工作流程的人。(P95 Para7)

keep an eye on 或keep one’s eye on 照料,留神,密切注意,也可以说成keep a watch/ look out on

Can you keep an eye on my suitcase for a minute.


They kept a close watch on his activities.



keep one’s eyes open for;

keep an eye out for

keep one’s eyes peeled/skinned for


have an eye for 对…有鉴赏眼光

shut/close one’s eyes to 不理会,闭眼不见

an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,报复

get the eye 引人注目

catch one’s eyes 引起注意

by all eyes 聚精会神地

fix one’s eyes on 盯着

6. Working in a team, we have to taken into account how each individual member works best. 在团队中工作,我们必须考虑个人如何充分地发挥作用。(P95 Para8)

take sth. into account 考虑,

take account of sth.

take sth. into consideration

We must take local conditions into account.


There are the factors we must take into consideration.


7. As the years went by, she worked in many places…(P97 Para2)


go by

1) (时间)过去

Two years went by.



Tom usually goes by the theatre on his way to school.



You should go entirely by what the doctor says.



You can’t go by what he says--- he’s very untrustworthy.


8.She decided to put that money to good use. (P98 Para2)


put… to use 利用,使用,也可以说成 put…into use

We must put everything to its best use.



put to bed/sleep 使睡着

put to test 考虑

put to flight 使逃走

put to trouble 造成麻烦

put to inconvenience 造成不便

put to sea 出海

The enemies were soon put to flight.


One of these pills will put you to sleep in an hour.


11. Many people tend to listen to their parents or to their teachers and they often have expectations that are hard to live up to. (P98 Para3)


live up to 依照某事物行事,表现出符号某事物的标准

He didn’t pass the NMET, failing to live up to his parents’ expectations.


12. Not going to university is not a shame.(P98 Para4)


feel shame (at/for) 感到羞耻

put…to shame 使感到羞耻,使蒙羞

bring shame on sb. 给某人带来耻辱

What a shame to do sth.

What a shame that…

It’s a shame (that)…

It’s a shame to do sth.

13. We make the most of our special talent and interests.(P98 Para)

make the most of =make the best use of


make use of 利用,使用

make good/full use of 好好利用,充分利用

We’ve got one day in Paris, so we’d better make the most of it.


篇12:数学 - 小学数学第二册全册教案-第六单元

数学 - 人教版小学数学第二册全册教案-第六单元


第六单元 单元教学计划

单元教学内容:第六单元 100以内的加减法


































































NO 2

教学内容:整十数加减整十数的练习课(P58 4—7T)










20+60 80+10 20+50

70-20 60-30 90-60


3+2+4 1+3+4 7+2+10

10-5-2 6-2-3 15-5-2


































1、40+30 90-50 100-80

95-5 80-80 60+6

40+20+8 80-50+4

40+50-30 90-60-10

(1) 记时,独立计算,集体订正

(2) 师:说一说,40+30=?你是怎样想的?用小棒摆一摆,在小组里说出计算方法。

(3) 指名说出计算方法,还有谁的方法不同的?



40+30 90-50 100-80

95-5 80-80 60+6

40+20+8 80-50+4

40+50-30 90-60-10



10+40+30 40+20+30

70-40-30 60-20-30


1、(课件出示P60 9T)













(1) 在小组里提出问题,并自己解答。

(2) 全班反馈,说出你的问题和算式。

(3) 说一说你是怎么算出来的?





教学内容:两位数加一位数和整十数(P61例1和练习十一 1~4T)









1、30+6 5+20 60+4 9+40

30+60 50+20 60+40 50+50



今天学校新到了一批书,老师打算发给同学们,我们班有 个同学,我们先算算有多少本书,看够不够发给同学们。





















(2)指名说53+4 和20+67是怎么计算的?











教学内容:一位数加整十数(进位) (P62例2及做一做,练习十一5~71T)










8+5 7+8 6+8

5+7 4+9 7+3


20+9 2+60 69+30

25+4 62+3 52+20



















教学内容:练习课(P64 8T至12T)









23+7 75+9 8+23

56+9 50+5 48+5

79+5 42+50 5+44


9+27 6+27 6+30

9+30 14+6 54+5

36+5 46+3 33+7






















教学内容:综合练习课(P65练习十一的 13T到17T及思考题)









25+7 70+9 21+8 32+9

2+55 59+9 4+66 9+91

38+7 67+4 43+2 79+7


60-30 50-40 63-3 86-6

45+4 59+10 4+58 63+8






23+7 75+9 8+23

56+9 50+5 48+6

76+5 42+50 5+44










42+671+9 7+80

80-60 68+5 15-9

9+72 37-4 48-6


练习十一 的第17题。




































1、完成P68 的做一做的第一题



2、独立完成P69 练习十二的1—3题。












13-7 15-6 17-8

78-8 45-30 97-7






































练习课 (练习十二的4—13题和思考题)








32-5 46-9 29-8 62-40

50-6 45-30 24-5 91-7













4、完成教科书上P70 的第8题




6、完成P70 的第10题


三、独立完成P70 11—13题



教学内容:比多少的应用题(P72 的例3、例4及做一做)











1、提出问题 (对回答问题好的同学给他们组奖一朵小红花)













2、做一做 (电脑出示:P72:做一做)



















篇13:数学 - 小学数学第二册全册教案-第五单元

数学 - 人教版小学数学第二册全册教案-第五单元
















教学内容:义务教材第46页的第例1----------例4 (认识人民币)




2、知道元、角、分之间的十进制关系,懂得1元=10角、1 角=10分,学会兑换人民币,知道人民币的功用。





教学准备:CAI课件一套 常用的面额的人民币(不同版本的)





1、参观文具店回答问题 (CAI演示)












师:(指纸币)你用什么方法记住这些的纸币,把你的想法在小组内交流。( 学生活动后,汇报识别方法)

师:像100元、50元、20元、10元、5元、2元、、1元在读时有一个相同处是什么?所以它们的单位是元,那你能说说看5角、2角、1角、5分、2分、1分的单位是什么? (学生口答)












(学生回答,老师板书:1元=10角 1角=10分)

问:你知道1元=( )分吗?








(1)学生独立操作,订正 (学生上台操作)




























1、3元=( )角 50角=( )元

2、8元=( )角 70角=( )元








(1) 课件演示例7第一小题。








































































1元8角=( )角 12角=( )元( )角

1元3角=( )角 15角=( )元( )角




















2元=20角 0.5元=5角 20角—5角=15角=1元5角。






(2) “买上面3种物品”一共用了多少钱?同一桌同学讨论一下如何列式计算?钱该怎么拿?教师根据学生回答板书:3角+2角+6角=11角=1元1角

(3) 抢答比赛:付给售货员2元钱买以上3种物品,应找回多少钱?



(1)可以买( )块这样的橡皮。

(2)如果买一把尺子,应找回( )角。

(3)要买一把小刀,还差( )角。


(5)小丽只买了一个文具,就把钱花光了,这个文具是( )。

篇14:高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案

人教版高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案

Unit 3 Computers Period 1: Listening & Speaking GOALS: 1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning   TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step1. revision 1. check the homework exercises. 1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education. It has been reported that free education will be offered to children. 2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book. It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us. 3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week. I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week. 2. Question: What can computers be used as? Step2. Lead-in As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT? (TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……) Step3. Listening (SB) 1.       Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ? 2. While-listening: Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.) Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together. Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages TV You can both listen and watch. You cannot write to friends. Web You can find information. It is very expensive. Radio You can listen to English. You cannot watch a film. Book You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date. 3. Post-listening: 1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expression_r_rs.    I think that….    In my opinion, ….    I believe that….    I agree because….    I disagree because….    I’ve decided that…. 2) (group work): Discussion : Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.) Step4. Speaking 1. Pre-speaking Say: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you. 2. While-speaking 1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why. Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …) Language input: Useful expression_r_rs (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.)   Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinion I think that … , because … Perhaps, but what if / about …? First, … Have you thought about …? One reason is that … What makes you think that …? I think it is better because… I don’t like it because….   (Pair work )Use the expression_r_rs to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions. 2) Oral report: (individual work ) Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that… 3. Post-speaking Conclusion―What useful expression_r_r do we use to make a decision and reason? (In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.) Step5. Homework Page 22. writing: Write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expression_r_rs that have been mentioned above. in your report.           Period 2: Reading and speaking & Writing Goals: 1.       Learn a reading passage to learn about a football android called Andy. 2.       Improve students’ reading ability. 3.       Design an android. 4.       Write a passage about the problems that the android might have while he/she is serving people. Teaching procedures:   Step1: Lead-in Show the first picture and tell the students that computers could be put into androids or robots. Present “android”.    Tell the students: Androids are always with us! The students may disagree. Show pictures of Atom and Doraemon. Say: they are androids with magical power.     Continue to show pictures of nursery maid androids and tell the students androids can be made to look after humans. Then ask: But can you imagine androids can play football? Maybe you are curious about it. I will show you a video that androids play football.     Let the students watch the video and tell them: oday I would like to introduce an android family member to you .His name is Andy. Present the reading passage’s topic: Andy---the Android. Step2: Reading:     Let the students read the passage. Carry out the tasks below: Task1: Answer the questions below: 1. Who is Andy? What is he good at? (He is an android. And he is good at playing football) 2. What helps him to move and think like a human? (His computer helps him to move and think like a human.) 3. What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year? Why? (She thinks the team cheated because they had a new kind of programmer, which had just been developed before the competition.) 4. What does the programmer do to Andy? (She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.) Task2: Fill in the blanks The story is about the _____ called ____, who is good at____________. And his__________ makes him think and move like a ______. However, they _____ in the _________ hosted in the USA, because the other team had a new kind of_______. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his _________ and _______ some new moves. Task3: Language points: 1. I think we can work together to create even better software. even = much    用于强调比较的.程度 2. In a way, my programmer is like my coach. in a way    在某种程度上… in the way    挡道,造成障碍 in this way    用这种方法 Fill in the blank: 1). ________it was one of our biggest mistakes. 2). You can finish your work                   . 3). Your bike is                   .Move it away. 3. In this way, I can make up new moves. make up    编写,补上 4. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about. after all    毕竟 with the help of sb./sth.    在…的帮助之下= with one’s/ sth’s help Step3 Speaking    Tell the students that we already have many different kinds of androids i




第三单元 学情分析


10 惊弓之鸟


听到弦响 掉了下来

(1)指名读第一行 正音 齐读













































(2)指名几个同学说说 ,其余生用心听,并于听后评评议议,于评评议议中得到提升。































第三课时 (我的发现、成语故事)














































篇16:SEFC 高一unit5全单元的教案[四课时]

Unit 5 The silver screen

Period 1 Warming-up and speaking

Teaching Aims:

Goal: 1.In this lesson, students will enhance their speaking abilities through talking about films.

2. In this lesson, students will practice their skills of interviewing.


1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures.

2. In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.

Teaching Important Points:

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

Activity1: Greetings

T: Class begins. Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang!

Activity 2: Talk about the types of film

T: Ok, class, do you like seeing films?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great minds think alike (英雄所见略同). I also like seeing films. What kind of film do you like? Let’s enjoy some film posters first.

(Show the posters on the screen)

T: Do you like these posters? Maybe except the last one. It is a bit terrible, right? Ok, the first poster tells a story of a lovely pig, and his name is “麦兜”. So, this kind of film is called cartoon film. Can you give any other examples? Such as “Finding Nemo” and Shrek. The second one is “E.T.”, so it’s science fiction film”. I think you’re very familiar with the third one, it’s “我的野蛮女友”, so it is a love story. The fourth one is “古墓丽影”, so it is adventure film. The fifth one is the latest Jackie Chan’s film, it’s “New Police Story”. We call it action film. Ok, now let’s come to the last one. It looks very terrible, right? So, it’s horrible film.

T: Which kind do you like best? Maybe most of girls like love stories, such as “Titanic”, while boys like action films, such as “New Police Story”.

T: Ok, ××, which film impressed you most? Why? Who is your favorite actor/actress? What do you think of him/her?

(Ask 2-3 students to answer)

Activity 3:Talk about the film posters

T: Ok, class. Just now we’ve talked something about “The silver screen”, it means “银屏” in Chinese. You know I’m also a movie fan. I like collecting film posters. I want to share them with you. Do you want to have a look?

(Show the film poster “Stuart Little”, and stick it on the blackboard)

T: Who is he? In Chinese we call him “精灵鼠小弟”. Yes, he is Stuart Little. Do you like him? I think he is so lovely! What is he different from other mice? He can speak, think and do everything a person can do. He has fingers, legs and he wears clothes and a hat. What clothes does he wear?

Ss: He wears a yellow T-shirt, a red sweater and blue trousers.

T: Yes, and he wears a pair of sport shoes. Maybe they are made in Wenzhou. He is so cool, right? What’s under his feet?

Ss: It’s a beautiful skateboard.

T: Ok, can you guess what is he going to do?

Ss: ……

T: Maybe he is going to rescue his friend, the little bird Margalo, from the mouth of Falco. Then what kind of film do you think this is?

Ss: It’s a cartoon film.

T: Very good. Now, I want to show you some other posters. Please open your books and turn to page 29. There are four film posters on the book. Please discuss them with your partner, asking as many questions as you can. You also can ask these questions on the screen.

Q1: What can you see in the poster?

Q2: What does he/she wear?

Q3: What’s the color of his/her clothes?

Q4: What is happening in this scene?

Q5: What do you think happens before this scene?

Q6: What do you think happens after this scene?

Q7: What kind of film do you think this is?

(Explain the first one to the students, then give students 3 minutes to prepare and ask 3 pairs to act them out)

Step 2: Speaking

Activity 1: Enjoy the video of “The Matrix”

T: Boys and girls, because all of you have done a good job, so I want to give you a reward. Now I will show you something interesting, please enjoy it.

(Show the video of “The Matrix”, about 2 minutes)

Activity 2: Introduce the two famous film stars to the students

T: What’s the name of this film?


T: Yes, it’s “The Matrix”. Do you like “Neo”? (Show his photos on the screen) I think he is pretty handsome. Do you know the actor’s name? He is “Keanu Reeves”. Before this class, I’ve heard a wonderful news: Keanu Reeves will come to China today with another famous American actress Meryl Streep. They will take part in CCTV’s interview program---Life of Art. To your surprise, Zhujun will choose our classroom to interview them and he will give the chance to you. You’re so lucky, right? I think we must make full preparation of it. Ok, please turn to page 30, read the two biographies first, and find out the difficult points. I will explain to you later.

(Give students 2 minutes to read, and then explain some language points)

Language points:

1.While still a student, ……= while she was still a student, ……

2.Play roles in : act roles in …

3.Meryl Streep made her first film, called Julia in 1977.

Called = which was called Julia

Activity 3: Interview the two famous film stars

T: Ok, now please read the two biographies again, and think out as many questions as you can. What you want to ask these two superstars? You can discuss with your partner and write the questions on the paper. If you like, you also can use the questions on the screen.


Can you tell us something about the place where you grew up?

Can you tell us something about the time where you were young? What were your dreams? What made you decide to become an actor/actress?

What did you do next? Were there any special reasons why you started working in film?

What roles did you act?

How long have you been working as an actor/actress?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What will you do if you are not an actor/actress?

When will you get married?

(Give students enough time to prepare)

T: Are you ready? Now I will act as Meryl Streep. You can ask any questions if you like. Hands up please!

(Give students 3 minutes to ask questions)

T: You have done a very good job. Let’s stop here. Now I’d like to choose a boy to act as Keanu Reeves. Who’d like to try?

(Choose a boy to act as Keanu Reeves, and ask him to come to the blackboard)

Step 3: Summary

T: Ok, Let’s stop here. In this class, we’ve talked about some famous films, actors and actresses. I’m very glad to see that all of you have done a good job. Ok, today’s homework:

1. Talk about your favorite film with your partner in English by using the sentences we have learned today.

2.Preview the reading part “Getting to know Steven Spielberg”.

Period 2 Reading

Getting to know Steven Spielberg

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ reading ability.

2. Learn the following words and phrases: scene, script, academy, studio, take off, blockbuster, cut…into pieces, dinosaur, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, in the end

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.

2. Learn and master the following phrases: work on, take off, cut…into pieces, hit, go wrong, in the end, owe…to…

Teaching Different Points:

1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases: be afraid of doing sth. /be afraid to do sth. , high/highly

2. Learn the following sentence pattern: …love and friendship are the most important things in life.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed information in the text.

3. Explanation for students to master some language points.

Teaching Aids:

1. A computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Pre-reading

T: In the last period, we learned something about the silver screen (write on the Bb). Now, let’s play a game. Please tell me something about the silver screen. I’ll divide you into 2 groups. These two are group A; these two are group B. Let’s have a competition. See, which group will win? Are you clear? Now I will give you an example first. For example: director. Let’s begin.

Bb: G.B. G.A.


(make) film/movie actor

scene actress

script Silver screen studio

(win) award (play, take, act) role

Oscar/Academy Award Hollywood


(Play the game and decide which group is the winner)

T: Ok, just now we listed many things that are related to the Silver screen. Can you tell me which is the most important one?

Ss: …

T: In my opinion, I think director is the most important one. We can say director is the soul of a film. Do you know any Chinese director? Who are they?

Ss: Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhangzhang, and Feng Xiaogang…

T: Very good. Now I want to introduce an American director to you. Listen to me carefully and guess who he is? He is one of the top directors in the world. He is also a producer. He won 2 Oscar Awards for Best Director. Some of his films are very familiar to us, such as: Jurassic Park, E.T., Saving Private Ryan. And he found the Dream Work SKG. Who is he?

Ss: He is “Steven Spielberg”.

T: Very good. Do you like him? Now let’s learn something more about him. Please open your books and turn to page 31: “Getting to know Steven Spielberg”.

Step 3: Reading

Activity 1: Fast-reading

T: Please mark the paragraphs first. Now, please read the whole text as quickly as you can and answer the questions on the screen.


1. What was Spielberg’s dream?

2. How many films are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

(Teacher gives students 5 minutes to read the passage and then asks some students to answer the questions.)

Suggested answers:

1. His dream was to go the Film Academy.

2. Five. They are “Jaws”, “E.T.”, “Jurassic Park”, “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan”.

Activity 2: Careful-reading

T: Now we have a general idea of Steven Spielberg. Next, let’s learn more details about him. Please read the first 2 paragraphs slowly and carefully and fill in the table on the screen.

Name Sex







(Ask a group of students to answer)

T: You’ve done a very good job. Now please think over this question: “Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?”

(Ask one student to answer)

Suggested answer:

3. Because his grades were too low.

T: In these two paragraphs, we should pay attention to the phrase “take off”, it has many meanings, such as “脱掉,(飞机)起飞”, here it means “success”, “成功”.

e.g.: I hear the business is really taking off.

T: Now please read the following 4 paragraphs carefully and finish the table on page 32, the second exercise. What are these films about? You can discuss with your partner.

Jaws (1975)

E.T. (1982)

Jurassic Park (1993)

Schindler’s List (1993)

Saving Private Ryan

(Teacher gives students 2 minutes to prepare, and then ask someone to answer)

T: You have done a good job. Next, let’s think about this question: “Why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?”

(Answer this question together)

Suggested answer:

4. Because they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.

(Teacher explains the language points of these 4 paragraphs to the students: be afraid to do sth/of doing sth, be afraid of doing sth/be afraid +that clause, cut…into pieces, do research, go wrong)

T: Ok, class, by now we’ve already known something about Spielberg’s life and his films. There is a Chinese saying: “There is always a woman behind a successful man.” Right? Let’s see who is the woman behind Spielberg? Please read the last paragraph carefully and answer the question: “How important is Spielberg’s family to his career?”

(Teacher gives students 1 minute to prepare)

T: Ok, what’s the name of Spielberg’s wife?

Ss: She is Cate Capshaw.

T: Then how important is his family to Spielberg’s career?

(Ask one student to answer this question)

Suggested answer:

5.He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. That’s the secret of his success.

T: Here “owe…to…” means “把…归功于某人”.

Step 4: Post-reading

T: Ok, by now we’ve learned the whole passage. We know Spielberg’s family, childhood, grades, jobs, dream and most important: his films. Now please think over the question: What have you learned from reading about Spielberg? Or what should you do if you want to be success? You can discuss it with your partner.

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare and ask some students to give their opinions.)

Suggested answers:

What we learn about Steven Spielberg is that his passion for film, hard work and perseverance have made him who he is.

Remember: Working hard and believing in your dream will make your dream come true.

Step 5: Summary

T: That’s all for today. At last, let’s enjoy a film, which was directed by Steven Spielberg.

(Enjoy the video of “Minority Report”, about 2 minutes.)

Step 6: Homework

1.Finish the Word study on page 32.

2.Finish Vocabulary 1 on page 110.

3.Find out the Attributive Clauses in the text.

Period 3 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the text learned in the last period.

2. Learn the Attributive Clause with prepositions.

3. Learn the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why”.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The usages of “prep. + the relative pronoun”.

2. The usages and functions of the relative adverbs.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. The choice of the prepositions in the Attributive Clause.

2. The choice of the relative adverbs.

Teaching Methods:

1. Consolidate the words learnt using the review method.

2. Learn some usages of Attributive Clause using explanation and inductive methods.

3. Individual or pair works to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. A computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Retell

T: In the last period, we’ve learned something about Steven Spielberg. Do you still remember him? Now, I’d like someone retell the text. You can use the information on the screen if you like.

NameSteven Spielberg Sex Male

Year of Birth 1946 Place of Birth Cincinnati, Ohio

Occupation Director, producer and screenwriter

1958(twelve) Made his first real film

1959(thirteen) Won a prize for a short film

1962(sixteen) Made a film called Firelight

DreamGo to the Film Academy

Jobs Got a small job at a film studio

FilmsJaws (1975), ET (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), Schindler’s List (1993),Saving Private Ryan (1998)

(Teacher asks a student to retell the text)

Step 3: Revision

T: In the last unit, we have learned the usages of the relative pronouns. Can you tell me how many relative pronouns are there? What are they?

Ss: Five. They are “who, whom, whose, that and which”.

T: Right. Now let’s do an exercise to review them. Look at the screen please.

Choose the proper relative pronouns to fill in the blanks.

1. October 1, 1949 is the day______ we’ll never forget.

A. when B. whose C. that D. it

2. Is this the shop_______ sells children’s clothing?

A. which B. where C. in which D. what

3. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone______ family was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

4. Do you know the boy_______ is standing at the gate of our school?

A. who B. which C. whom D. whose

5. All_______ glitters is not gold.

A. that B. which C. / D. what

6. The woman_______ you saw just now is my aunt.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

(Teacher asks the students to give the answers. If they make mistakes, teacher points them out and corrects them.)

Suggested answers:

1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.B

Step 4: Grammar Study

Activity 1: Learn “preposition + whom/which”

T: The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions. When they are used as the objects of prepositions, the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to. The preposition usually follows the verb in spoken English. “Who” “whom” “that” or “which” can be used and they are usually omitted in spoke English. If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun, “which” or “whom” can only be used and they cannot be omitted. That is “preposition + whom/which”. Please look at the examples on the screen.

e.g. 1. A. The woman who/whom Spielberg is married to is an actress.

B. The woman to whom Spielberg is married is an actress.

2.A. The person (who/that/whom) you should write to is Mr. Ball.]

B. The person to whom you should write is Mr. Ball.

T: Then, how can we choose the proper preposition? First, we can find out which verb the preposition is used with in the clause. Second, we can find out which noun or pronoun the clause modifies. Third, we can find out the meaning of the clause. Ok, I’ll show you some examples to make you clear. Please open your books and turn to page 33. Look at the examples of exercise 3.

e.g.: The painting at which I looked was painted by Vincent van Gogh.

The girl with whom you talked at the meeting is a college student.

(Explain the two examples to the students.)

T: Are you clear? Now please finish exercise 3 within 2 minutes.

(Ask a group of students to answer)

Activity 2: Check the Attributive Clauses in the reading passage.

T: Next, let’s check the Attributive Clauses in the text. See, who will do the best job? Have you finished?

(Finds out the Attributive Clauses with the students and points out their mistakes.)

Activity 3: Learn the relative adverbs

T: We’ve mastered the usages of relative pronouns. Next, we’ll learn the usages of the relative adverbs: “where, when and why”. “When” is used for time, “where” for place and “why” for reason.

e.g.: Jurassic Park is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs.

1958 was the year when Spielberg made his first real film.

The reason why Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low.

(Explain these sentences to the students)

T: Are you clear? Ok, now let’s do the first exercise on page 33.

(Check the answers with the students)

T: But we also should pay attention to some special cases. Look at the examples on the screen.

e.g. 1. Hangzhou is the place _______ I visited last summer.

2.Hangzhou is the place _______I went last summer.

3.The reason_______ she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn’t let her.

A. what B. why C. that D. as

(Explain these sentences to the students)

Suggested answers:

1. which/that 2 where 3. C

Activity 4: Learn “relative adverbs = preposition+ which”

T: The relative adverbs “when” “where” and “why” can be replaced by “preposition + which”.

When = in /on/at/during which

Where = in /at/on/ which

Why = for which

T: Then, how can we choose the right preposition? It depends on the noun or pronoun that the Attributive Clause modifies. Are you clear? Let’s look at some examples on the screen.

e.g. The reason ____________ Peter is so happy is that he passed the exam.

I remember the day ___________ my father died. I was only ten years old at that time.

I will go back to the place _____________ I grew up and live there forever.

Suggested answers:

1. why/for which 2. when/on which 3.where/in(at)which

T: Now let’s finish the second exercise on page33. Please do it carefully.

(Check the answers one by one)

Step 5: Homework

T: That’s all for today. Your homework:

1.Finish the Grammar parts of your workbook.

2.Preview the Integrating Skills “Not One Less”.

Period 4 Listening and Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to improve students’ listening ability.

2.How to make comments and give opinions.

3.How to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening and answer activity to help the students go through with the listening text.

2.Asking –and-answer activity to go through the reading material.

3.Individual or group work to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Listening

Activity 1: Pre-listening

T: In this unit, we’ve learned many things about the Silver screen, the films, the actors/actresses and the director-Steven Spielberg. What we have learned from him is that working hard and believing in your dream will make your dream come true. Today, I want to introduce Mr. Malcolm Langland, a famous actor to you. He is also such kind of person. Let’s listen to an interview of Mr. Langland. See, what had happened on him? And how he insisted on his dream?

Activity 2: While-listening

T: When you listen for the first time, please finish the exercises on the screen. Remember to take notes when you listen to the tape.

Choose the right answers:

1. What was Mr. Malcolm’s dream when he was young? ( )

A. He dreamt of being a teacher.

B. He dreamt of being a lawyer.

C. He dreamt of being a film star.

2. Why didn’t Mr.Langland study art? ( )

A. He had no chance.

B. His father did not want him to study art.

C. He liked law better than art.

3. When did Mr. Langland decide to become an actor? ( )

A. Before he joined the Student Club.

B. When he met his wife at the Student Club.

C. After he graduated from the school.

(Check the answers with the students)T: Now let’s listen again. This time please finish filling in the blanks on the screen. Before you do it, please read these questions carefully.

(Teacher gives students 1 minute to read)

T: Now, let’s begin. I’ll pause after important sentences.

Listen to the interview with Mr. Malcolm Langland and answer the following questions:

1.What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?

It was _______________ far from the _________.

2. What did he want to be when he was a student?

When Malcolm was young he wanted to be ___________.

3. What was the reason why Malcolm studied law?

The reason is ____________ wanted him to ___________.4. When did Malcolm really start his career in the theatre?

When he met __________, he started his career in the theatre.

5. Why was the film called The Dream Machine important to Malcolm?

It was important because he did not have any _____________.

(Check the answers with the students, and let them listen again if necessary.)

Step 3: Integrating Skills

T: Are you tired or not? Anyway, let’s relax for a while. Let’s enjoy some beautiful film posters.

(Show 4 film posters on the screen)

T: What’s the name of them?

Ss: They are “My father and Mother”, “Lover”, “Raise the Red Lanterns” and “Happy Time”.

T: Do you know who is the director of these 4 films? He is Zhang Yimou. Do you like him?

(Show some photos and biography of Zhang Yimou on the screen.)

Ss: …

T: Anyway, today I will introduce one of his films to you, that is “Not One Less”. Please open your books and turn to page 34. Read the whole passage by yourself. When you read, think out these 2 questions:

1.What kind of story is it?

2.Does it have a happy ending?

(Teacher gives students 4 minutes to read and then ask two students to answers the questions)

Suggested answers:

1.A moving but simple story.

2.Yes. The film has a happy ending.

T: Now please read the whole passage again and finish the table on page 35. You can discuss it with your partner.

Title: Director:

What’s the film about? Tell the story in your own words.

Does the film have a happy ending? Why?

What do you think about the story of the film? Why?

How do you feel about the ending of the film? Why?

(Ask some students to answer the questions first, and then give them the reference answer)

T: Did you see the film “Trueman’s Show” this Tuesday night? Have you written a review about it? How do you write a review in Chinese?

Ss: …

T: Ok, now let’s see how shall we write a review in English? Let’s look at the tips on page35 first.

(Explain the tips to the students)

T: Are you clear about it? Ok, now let’s look at the table above again. If we combine the answers together, you will find that is a review of “Not One Less”. Have you found it? Now I want to show you a review of the film “The Princess Diaries” to give you a deep impression.

(Show the film review on the screen)

Step 4: Homework

T: Ok, class over. Your homework: please write a review on the film you saw. You can use the structure on the screen.

1.The story is about___________.

2.I think the story is___________.

The actors/actresses are__________.

The ending of the film is__________.

The plot(情节) is________________.

The scenes(场景) are______________.

3.In a word, I think it is a ________ film. I (don’t) think that it is worth seeing.



浙教版一(上)《品德与生活》全册教案 (第三单元)    1.我的爸爸和妈妈 (第一课时)  教学目标: 1、  能向同学介绍自己的爸爸妈妈。 2、  通过参与或回忆各种亲子活动,了解自己的爸爸妈妈。 3、  体会到父母和子女之间最真挚、最温馨的亲情。   教学重点:介绍自己的爸爸妈妈,增进了解。 教学难点:体会到父母和子女之间最真挚、最温馨的亲情。 教学准备:⒈课前,请学生了解自己父母的喜好等。⒉一家人的生活照片,或是单照也可以。   ⒊请爸爸妈妈完成一张调查问卷。   教学过程:   教学环节   教师活动   学生活动   设计意图 多媒体使用 一、  猜   谜   导   入 ⒈小朋友们,你们已经学习了汉语拼音,今天老师带来一首和拼音有关的儿歌,儿歌里藏着一个字,看看你们能把它拼出来吗?(出示儿歌) 爸爸是个长长的j,做事总爱争第一, 妈妈是个小小的i,做事总是很细心, 我是一个大大的a,是个快乐的小娃娃。 这藏着的字就是――     ⒉小朋友们猜对了,这就是j-i-ā  (家)     ⒊引出课题。 爸爸、妈妈、我组成了一个快乐幸福的家。今天这节课,我们就来把自己的爸爸妈妈介绍给其他小朋友认识,好吗?(出示课题) ⒈学生思考猜谜                   ⒉学生一起拼读。       ⒊学生读课题。   用猜谜语引入,既能能马上把学生的注意力吸引过来,又能以此为契机,引出“家”的概念。         通过教师的小结,引出学习的任务:介绍自己的爸爸妈妈。     单击,出示第2张幻灯片,出现猜谜语的界面。点击播放图标,播放谜语的录音。 `二、全 家 福 大 展 台   ⒈介绍爸爸妈妈。 ⑴我们在向其他小朋友介绍自己的爸爸妈妈的时候,可以从哪些方面来介绍?   ⑵师小结:小朋友,其实我们可以从很多方面来介绍爸爸妈妈,今天这节课,我们从爸爸妈妈的名字、年龄、工作、爱好、兴趣这些方面来介绍,好吗?   ⑶下面就请你把自己的爸爸妈妈介绍给你的同桌认识。(主要是爸爸妈妈的名字、年龄、工作单位)(师巡回)   ⑷刚才我们向同桌介绍了自己的爸爸妈妈,现在我们把爸爸妈妈介绍给全班小朋友,好吗?     ⑴学生可以讨论后再全班交流。             ⑵同桌开始交流。     ⑶学生拿着全家福上台来介绍自己的爸爸妈妈。 先给学生一个大致的介绍方向,这样学生介绍起来,就不会偏离话题。 在小组交流的前提下,通过照片的展示,进行全班交流。 老师在学生交流的时候进行巡回,可以了解大致的内容。                    切换到实物投影仪 ⒉介绍爸爸妈妈的其它情况。 ⑴今天,也有一个小朋友要向我们来介绍自己的爸爸妈妈,你们想认识吗?   ⑵播放一段录像。   ⑶刚才,这位小朋友向我们介绍了平时他们一家人喜欢的一些活动,我们小朋友平时跟爸爸妈妈在一起时也肯定会有很多活动,请你回忆一下,向我们作个介绍,好吗?   ⑷过渡:小朋友们介绍得多好啊,这说明我们对自己的爸爸妈妈也是非常了解的。那你对自己的爸爸妈妈到底有多少了解呢?我们来玩个游戏吧!         学生观看录像。     四人小组交流。   全班交流、介绍。     通过录像,把学生的介绍过渡到介绍爸爸妈妈的爱好、兴趣上来,从而引起学生的回忆,引导学生介绍自己家庭的一些亲子活动,来感受家庭的幸福、温馨。         切回到计算机上,单击,播放录像。      三、默 契 大 考 验                    四、总 结   ⒈教师出示游戏的问题。     ⒉答对的奖励一个红苹果。     ⒊大致地了解一下学生的红苹果的数量,然后交流学生的苹果情况。   ⒋师小结:今天,你得到的红苹果越多,说明你对自己的爸爸妈妈了解得越多。如果你的红苹果得到的比较少,那你在今后的生活中可要做个细心的`人的,多去了解一下自己的爸爸妈妈。     今天,我们向其他小朋友介绍了自己的爸爸妈妈,我们不仅更加熟悉了自己的爸爸妈妈,还熟悉了其他小朋友的爸爸妈妈,我们的收获很大。 ⒈学生在空白的问卷上写下答案。   ⒉全部答完后,打开信封,与家长的答案进行校对。   ⒊学生统计自己得到的红苹果。   这样的活动,学生比较喜欢,如果放在家长开放日进行教学,家长和学生之间,就更加容易互动了。 通过活动,来了解学生和父母之间的了解程度。                         单击,出现游戏题目的幻灯片。                                                                                                                                                     (第二课时) 1、了解父母的样子及性格。 2、  找到自己哪些地方像父母。 3、  增进对父母的自豪感。   教学重点:找与父母相似的地方。   教学难点: 引导学生找出与父母性格上相似的优点。   教学准备: ⒈和爸爸妈妈的生活照片(单照也可以)。 ⒉小镜子一面。 ⒊了解父母其它部位的特点,如:鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴、痣等等,找找自己与父母相象的地方。         教学环节     教师活动   学生活动   设计意图 多媒体使用       一、回 忆 导 入   ⒈上一节课,我们向小朋友介绍了自己的爸爸妈妈,让其他小朋友对自己的爸爸妈妈也有了一定的了解。今天这节课,我们继续来学习《我的爸爸和妈妈》。   ⒉教师出示课题。           ⒈学生齐读课题。     承接上节课的内容,说明这节课的主要内容。      二、游 戏 大 考 验                                     ⒈我们每天和爸爸妈妈在一起,对爸爸妈妈已经很熟悉了,那么爸爸妈妈长什么样子呢?     ⒉(投影出示班里其中一位学生的全家福)我们来看看**的爸爸妈妈长什么样子的? (教师适机追问:谁的爸爸也是戴眼镜的?谁的妈妈也是长头发的?)     ⒊出示父子(女)或母子(女)长得很相像的爸爸或妈妈的照片,请学生猜猜是班内哪个小朋友的爸爸或妈妈?     ⒋你为什么能猜出来?     学生回忆爸爸妈妈的样子。     学生会说:**的爸爸是戴眼镜的,我看到**爸爸很瘦,**的妈妈是长头发,**的妈妈的眼睛很大,很有神……     学生猜。         请学生说说理由。       教师的适机追问,学生的参与范围就增大了。                   引出“我像爸爸,我像妈妈”     ⒌师根据学生的介绍作补充,还可让其他学生判断一下这位学生像谁?哪里像?     ⒍是的。爸爸妈妈把你们生下来,你们与爸爸妈妈有着血缘关系。 所以,你又像爸爸,又像妈妈。这就是一家人呀!   请学生在四人小组内介绍后再全班交流。 (生把“全家福”放在实物投影机上,边展示边介绍。)         找找自己哪些地方长得像爸爸妈妈,为下面的改诗作好准备。 切换到实物投影仪。     三、  学习诗 歌       ⒈出示书上的图片和诗歌。(诗歌配上学生感兴趣的音乐,)老师范读一遍。     ⒉全班交流自己哪些地方长的最像自己的爸爸妈妈。     ⒊除了样子,实际上我们小朋友的有些性格也是很像自己的爸爸妈妈的。请你自己对照一下,你的哪些性格、脾气或是爱好像爸爸妈妈的?     ⒋引导学生重编诗歌。 请学生跟着老师读一遍。(学生会读会背以后,可以边读边跳起来)   对着小镜子,看着全家照,找找自己的样子哪些地方长得像爸爸妈妈。     回忆自己的性格、脾气,想一想,像谁?       学生重编诗歌。 (配着音乐,学生一起说说、跳跳)                               通过重编诗歌,让学生明白,自己有这么多地方像爸爸妈妈,从而达成教学目标。 单击,出现诗园的界面。                                                               &nb

篇18:高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案

高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案

牛津高中模块4全单元教案 Unit 2 Sporting events Period 1  Welcome to the unit教案 Teaching Aims: 1. Participate in a discussion to find out why sports are popular around the world. 2. Develop students’ speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion. Teaching Important Point: Develop students’ speaking ability. Teaching Methods: Individual,  pair or group discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. The multimedia 2. The blackboard Teaching Procedures; Step 1  Greeting and Lead-in 1. Do you like sports? What sports can you play?2. What sports do you know?Who is your favorite sportsperson? 4. Do you like playing sports? How much time do you usually spend exercising or doing sports every week? Stpe 2  Welcome to the unit  Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost everyday. Look at the following pictures. Are you familiar with these sports? 1. table tennis Can you play table tennis? Do you like it? Is it your favourite sport? Why? 2. Wrestling How much do you know about wrestling? (a short introduction of wrestling) 3. Boxing Do you like watching it? (a short introduction of boxing) 4. In your opinion, do you think these Sports are too violent?5.Kung fu is a traditional sport in China? Are you interested in it? 6.Which do you prefer, Kung fu or boxing? 7.Itroduction of gymnastics and diving. Step 3  Pair Work 1. To become a professional gymnast or a diver, you have to sacrifice(牺牲) a lot. What do you think these sacrifices would include?(group discussion) 2.basketball and football, which do you prefer? 3.No matter what kind of sport you take part in ,what are the basic qualities you need to possess in order to be successful in that sport?) (video of Jordan) Step 4  Group Work1. Why do you think sport is so popular?2. How often do you play sport? What sports do you usually play?3. What is your favourite sport? Why?Step 5  Homework 1.Find more information about the business of sport. 2.Preview reading text. Unit 2 Sporting events Reading  Period 1  Teaching Aims: 1. Check and enhance students’ reading abilities. 2. Train Ss to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to adopt different reading strategies. Teaching important points: 1. Help Ss know some background knowledge about the history and the development of the Olympic Games about. 2. Help them learn some language items. Teaching difficult points: 1. how to read a speech 2. how to grasp the new words. Teaching methods: 1. Improve the students’ reading comprehension. 1. Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt. 2. Discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching aids: 1. the multi-media 2. the blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step 1.lead in 1. Talk about the Olympics: ask some questions. 2. Encourage the students to share their information they have already know and to express their opinions freely.. Step 2. Reading 1. Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the three questions in Part A. 2. Ask Ss to reread the passage and do C1 individually. 3. Get Ss to scan the article again and do C2. 4. Help Ss to get the idea of the reading strategies. 5. Ask Ss to answer four questions: 1).What characteristics do the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics share? 2).What are the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? 3).Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan are mentioned in the passage. What do these two sports people have in common? 4).Do you think Chinese athletes such as Deng Yaping and LiuXiang  are as great as Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan? Step 3. Language items. 1. Do D in class. 2. Do E in class Step 4. Homework. 1. Do Part E. 2. Prepare for the language items. Period 2  Language Focus Teaching aims: 1.  To understand new words, phrases and sentence patterns in the reading passage; 1. To learn how to use them. Teaching Important Points: 1. To help the students to understand the text better. 2. To help the students master the use of some important language points. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. The usage of some words, phrases and sentence patterns. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Lead-in  Discuss the following questions: 1.Do you think the Olympic Games help countries and people live peacefully side by side? 2.Who do you think are the greatest Olympic athletes and why? 3.What kind of example do you think athletes like Liu Xiang and Muhammad Ali have set for young people around the world?Step 2 Words and phrases to be learned Delighted, significance, briefly, compete, allow, honourable, no matter what, separate, side by side, light, be recognized as, record, contribution, absence, attempt Step 3 Practice Do PartA1and A2 on page98 Step 5 Assignments: 1. Keep in mind the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns and know how to use them. 2. Finish some additional exercises Brief teaching plan  Teaching Objectives: 1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary by applying the rules of making compound words. 2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to Olympic sports. 3. To improve students’ speaking ability.   Teaching Important and Difficult Point: To master the formation rules of compound words.  Teaching Approaches: Task-based approaches  Form of Activities: Individual, pair or group work ..  Teaching Aids: The multimedia and the blackboard  Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Lead-in Ask the students to read the following dialogue: A: Did you know that Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win a gold medal for the men’s 110-metre hurdles in the Olympic Games? B. Yes! Everyone knows that he is a very hard-working sportsperson. He is a well-trained winner. Let the students study the italicized words and ask them two questions: 1. Do you know the meanings of the words? 2. Do you know how the words are made? Give them a few minutes to think. They may discuss with their partners if necessary. 110-metre(n.)--- 110 (num.), meter (n.) hard-working (adj.)--- hard (adv.), working(v-ing) sportsperson (n.)--- sports(n.), person(n.) well-trained (adj.)--- well(adv.), trained (v-ed) Step 2. Compound words 1. Tell students that the above words are called compound words. Ask them to give the definition of a compound word: A compound word is made when two or more than two words are joined together to form a new word. 2. Ask students to think about other words that are created this way. Organize them into groups of four and have a competition. Write all the compound words that students can think of on the blackboard. The winning group is the one that comes up with the most words. 3. Have students study the words that they have listed and then read the words on page26 to understand the formation rules of compound adjectives and compound nouns.  To form compound adjectives: Formation Compound (adj.) adj.+n.+-ed  warm-hearted, cold-blooded adj.+v-ing  easy-going, ordinary-looking adv.+v-ing  hard-working, long-lasting n.+adj.  tax-free, world-famous n.+v-ed  air-conditioned, man-made adj.+ v-ed  Soft-boiled, well-paid adv.+ v-ed  Well-educated, well-paid To form compound nouns: Formation Compound n.+n. handbag, bookmark, website, motherland n.+ v-ing sightseeing, window-shopping, house-keeping 4. Ask the students to match the words in column A with the ones in column B. A  B 1.black  a. room 2.broad  b. eyed 3.every  c. cast 4.bed  d. case 5.blue  e. where 6.suit f. board . 7.radio g. ground 8.bus h. throw 9.reading  i. driver 10.passer  j. by 11.play  k. paper 12.over  l. active 13.news m. room 5. Ask the students to translate the words into Chinese. Explain that some English wo

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