Composer Resume Yjbys Template
Janice Moore
281 Kensington Ave.
Ocala, FL 34843
Piano, Keyboard, Organ, Harp.
Classical, Gospel, Jazz, Other.
Summary of Accomplishments
Noble CauseHollywood Cinemas
Fight for FreedomGaylord Films
The Last HorizonTri Star Pictures
NAs the World MovesCNT
The Johnson’sABS
B.A., Music Composition
Columbia University, New York, NY
Sample recordings available upon request.
Composer Resume Template
Janice Moore
281 Kensington Ave.
Ocala, FL 34843
(612) 555-2872
Piano, Keyboard, Organ, Harp.
Classical, Gospel, Jazz, Other.
Summary of Accomplishments
Noble CauseHollywood Cinemas
Fight for FreedomGaylord Films
The Last HorizonTri Star Pictures
NAs the World MovesCNT
The Johnson’sABS
B.A., Music Composition
Columbia University, New York, NY
Sample recordings available upon request.
Joe Sterling
1147 Hudson Street
Wayne, NJ 07477
Tel: 973-931-4442
Email ID-
Career Objective
Want to work in a challenging work environment to achieve personal and professional growth. Aim to use my knowledge and skills of business intelligence and dataware housing for the progress of the organization.
Knowledge of Cognos software administration, planning and reporting
In-depth knowledge of business intelligence and administration management
Knowledge and experience of data warehousing tools including Abinitio and Informatica
Ability to maintain and control systems, user access and other privileges
Work in accordance with the requirement of the project
Ability to meet deadlines with delivery of quality work
Strong communication skills with all, including on-shore and off shore clients
Ability to coordinate and collaborate with colleagues, clients and the management
Proficient in handling crisis issues
Possess strong analytical reasoning
Educational Qualifications
Master's Degree in Information Technology from XYZ University of Technology, NJ,
Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NJ,
High School Diploma from Aim High School, NJ,
Technical Skills
Data warehousing tools
ETL tools like Informatica and Abinitio
Cognos tool suite EP BI Administration
Cognos8, 8.3, Express, Platform, Report studio, Transformer, Cognos 7.3
Software languages including SQL, Java, C, C++
Operating System and Windows
Microsoft suite
Oracle and Lotus Notes
Professional Experience
Apr to present
ABC Tech. Ltd., NJ
Cognos Administrator
Job responsibilities:
Provide administrating support to data warehousing, database and server technologies
Identify technical need of the organization and the project requirement
Ensure maintenance and control continuity of the Cognos environment
Administered several projects and completed them successfully through 'Cognos Administration' tool
Developed and applied ETL processes in the system
Prepared report and maintained database of application and processes through Cognos
Engaged in project planning, controlling, and writing technical documentation
Arrange all project solution and transfer it to the testing and production unit
Feb - Mar 2009
RST Infotech, NY
Cognos Administrator
Job Responsibilities:
Involved in installation, configuration and maintenance of Cognos Administration tool - 7/7.3
Prepared and maintained complicated reports through the use of Cognos tools
Developed, managed and monitored testing and production environment
Handled multiple projects including over 20 application servers
Administered the quality of data generated and helped to make changes wherever required
Modeled metadata and applied in Cognos framework and reporting
Ensured delivery of project within deadline
Ensured proper scheduling and administration of Cognos connection
Evaluated the overall performance of Cognos suite to meet the business needs
Major Achievements
Received Best Employee Award from ABC Tech Ltd
Personal Details
Name: Joe Sterling
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: January 12, 1986
Nationality: American
Hobbies: Reading technical journals and magazines
Name: Eric Hallen
Designation: Sr. Software Manager
Organization Name: ABC Technologies. Ltd., New York
Telephone Number: 793-XXX- XXXX
Email Id:
和声学是研究多个音共同发声的效果,规律的学问。若将旋律比作“骨”则和 声就是 “肉”,只有有了和声,音响才变得丰满、协和、动听。和声学地位非常重 要,可谓是一切音 乐理论的基础,许多音乐大师都对和声学作出过杰出的供献。但 和声学内容浩繁、规则很多, 不易学好。中篇小说《你别无选择》(刘索拉著,“新 时期争鸣作品”)中的那个教授自称学了 八年还没学好,可见难度之大。但掌握和声 学基本常识得益最大,值得一试。这里简单介绍一 些重要的基本概念和术语。
由根音与上方三度音及上方五度音叠合而成的和弦叫“三和弦”。三和弦是构 成和弦功能的最 基本的和弦,用得最多。按结构分,三和弦有“大三和弦”、“小三和弦”和“减三和弦”(只 有一个)。按功能则可分为“主和弦”(主音为根音的三和弦)、“属和弦”(属音的三和弦)和 “下属和弦”(下属音的三和弦)。此外,每个三和弦又有两个转位和弦。主、属、下属这三个和 弦称作“正三和弦”,其余的四个叫作“副三和弦”。这四个副三和弦又分属“属功能”组和 “下属功能”组。现将自然音阶的七个音所构成的所有原位三和弦分列如下:
1 主和弦 大三 T(或Ⅰ)
2 二级和弦(下属类) 小三 SⅡ
3 三级和弦(属类) 小三 DⅢ
4 下属和弦 大三 S (或Ⅳ)
5 属和弦 大三 D (或Ⅴ)
6 六级和弦(下属类) 小三 SⅥ
7 七级和弦(属类) 减三 DⅦ
(二) 七和弦,九和弦,变和弦
三和弦上再叠加一个三度音(根音的七音)形成的和弦叫作七和弦。七和弦是不协和和弦。最 常用的七和弦是“属七和弦”(属和弦形成的七和弦)。重属和弦、减七和弦也时常碰到。若在七 和弦上再加上一个三度音(即根音的九音)即为九和弦。九和弦也都是不协和和弦。若和弦中除根 音外的某个音不按原规律而变换成另一个 音,这样的和弦叫“变和弦”。九和弦与变和弦的功 能色彩比较特殊且不易把握,故应用较少;简单作品中基本不出现。
和声一般由“高音”、“中音”、“次中音”和“低音”这四个声部构成。在写和声的谱 表里高音部处于最上方,低音部在最下方,中音、次中音部在当中。故常把高音部和低音部这两 个声部统称为“外声部”,而中音和次中音声部则叫作“内声部”。高音部一般是主旋律声部; 两个内声部主要是配置和声,也常被称作“填充声部”。和声在进行、连接中,内声部要求充实平稳,声部间不许交插。低音部始终是和声中的最低音,决定着根音,故它不仅起着基础作用, 而且领导着和声的走向,其作用十分重要。 “四部和声”的写作是作曲的重要技能之一,作品 不论大小,均应以此为起点(主旋律确定之后,即着手和声写作)。配器使和声织体具体化。(由 于不同的乐器分属不同的声部,故总谱可按和声声部写,也可按乐器分组写:如弦乐声部、铜管 乐声部、木管乐声部…)不同作曲家的和声风格往々各异:或富丽堂皇,或雄浑宽厚,或清澈透 明。如瓦格纳的作品即以华丽著称。
和声在乐曲进程中要不断地转换、变化、中止;各声部也要为此恰当地过渡, 连接。因此 这是写和声的基本功。和声进行的基本特点是由“稳定”到“不稳定” 再到“稳定”;由“协 和”到“不协和”再到“协和”的交替循环。其功能进行的 图式为:T-S-T,T-D-T 或T-S-D- T。小说《你别无选择》中多次提到的所谓“功能 圈”就是这个意思。该小说中还提到“解决” 这个术语。这是指不协和和弦(如七和 弦)在进行,连接中向协和和弦转换的方式,其基本法则 是将各声部的音向各自最靠近的协和音过渡,如 7→1;4→3,等;而协和音保持不变。
《你别无选择》中的那个叫森森的高材生热衷于模仿贝多芬,但由于贝多芬“力度盖世” 而使得他成天在钢琴上乱砸以寻求“力度”。他的一句口头禅是“妈的,力度!”通常力度是指 音响强度,用意文表示,如“p”代表“弱”,“f”代表“ 强”,“sf”为“特强”等等。但 这里的力度则是另一个概念,否则用脚踩钢琴那 “力度”一定超过贝多芬。小说中的“力度” 主要指音响效果的力度,即和声的力 度。和声的力度大概与和弦中包含的泛音系列的谐振频谱 有关。因此也就与声部的 数量及音程距离有关。一般说来,小三和弦的力度不如大三和弦;单 音程的力度不 及复音程(超过八度的音程)的力度;协和和弦的力度不如不协和和弦(减和弦除 外) 。所以森森才“在九和弦再叠加一个七和弦”。
Date of Birth:August 23th,1968
Martial Status:Married
Email Address:XXX
June, 1994 - March, 20xx XXXX Business Operation Manager
·Conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.
·Annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.
·Maintaining close relation for solutions promotion and technical advertising.
·Coordinating VIP customers participation of important events.
·Working together otion in China.
·As an interface beter information and making action plan.
·Controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.
·Supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during and , solving problems arising during contract implementation.
December, 1992 - June, 1994 XXX Import & Export Corporation Sales Manager
·In charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.
August, 1988 - June, 1992 University of Post and Telecommunications
Computer & telecommunitcations Bachelor of Computer Engineering
·With the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.
·Graduation Thesis officially published.
·Received University Special English Prize.
·Being the Division Chief of Student Union for ter Service Management, April
·In charge of Internet market segment analysis, and strategy alliance. setting marketing communications strategy and plan.
·Well-established contacts munication skill.
Basic information
Nationality: China
Current Place: Guangzhou
Height/Weight: 156 cm 45 kg
Marital Status: Single
Age: 22 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Domestic Trade: trading staff 、Trade Documentary Assistant: 、Secretary/Office Clerk:
Working life: 0
Title: No title
Job type: full-time
Expected Start date: In two months
Expected salary: ¥1,500--¥2,000
Preferred working place: Guangzhou
Work experience
Company's name: **** Paper Factory Of Dongguan
Begin and end date: -07-2012-08
Enterprise nature: Private enterprises
Industry: Paper Making/Printing
Job Title: storekeeper
Job description: shipment,taking delivery of goods,accounting
Reasons for leaving: schooling
Company's name: **** advertising company of Huizhou
Begin and end date: -07-2011-08
Enterprise nature: Private enterprises
Industry: Advertisement
Job Title: assistant
Job description: Arranging staff,preparing materials etc
Reasons for leaving: schooling
Educational Background
Name of School: Huashang College Guangdong University Of Business Studies
Highest Degree: Bachelor
Date of Graduation: -07-01
Name of Major: International Business
Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate
2011-09 2011-12 Huashang College Guangdong University Of Business Studies International business CET-4
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: good
Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
I can make good use of office software and possess the able of organization and arrangement.Besides,I am responsible and enthusiastic at work.
Name XXX
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1988-04-13
Location Shanghai
Contact No 013000000000
Address www.yjbys.com
E-mail www.yjbys.com
Job Target
Target Industry Computer Services ,Public Relations/ Marketing/ Exhibitions ,Education/Training ,Trading/Import & Export
Target job Executive Assistant/Secretary ,Customer Service Manager ,Customer Relations Management ,Chief Representative ,Business Assistant
Target address Shanghai
Target salary ¥10,000-14,999/Month
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience
/07—Present XXX
Industry: Computer Services Admin Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager Responsibilities & Achievements: Coordinate companywide event (Kick-off meeting, Annual Party & Sports Day); Support group managers and the staff on daily admin work Help manager to manage calendar and coordinate on business travel Set up segment meeting, prepare meeting documents and take minutes (Con call; live meeting; 1:1); Organize kick-off meeting and offsite meeting PO maintenance (negotiate with vendor, place PO, process PO and close PO); Work with Facility Team on office administration; Other tasks assigned by the management team. Report Directly to: Executive Assistant Number of Subordinate: Reference: Emily Han Reason for Leaving: company remove
/03—/08 institut vatel Hotel Management Master Accountancy English communication French communication tourism economics cost control marketing human resource nutrition food hygiene win and bar housekeeping front office management information system food and beverage food production practical course management financial accounting business law hospitality law computer systems tourism and travel enterprise strategy
Position as a staff writer for a major metropolitan newspaper.
• Feature of the Year, 2008, for: Building More Prisons: When Retribution Hinders Rehabilitation.
• Wade Teagle Fellowship in Journalism Studies, 2002
• Morris K. Udall Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Journalism, 2000
Employment History
Harrisburg Patriot News, Harrisburg, PA
Feature Writer, 2007 to Present
Feature reporter, covering political and social issues in the Harrisburg area.
Public Opinion, Chambersburg, PA
Editor: Local News Section, 2003 to 2007
Reported on a variety of stories citywide. Provided daily coverage of major local events.
Athens Journal, Athens, OH
Staff Writer, 2000 to 2003
Covered local sports at high school and college levels. Averaged feature sports stories each week and numerous shorter game summaries.
Covered meetings of the local board of supervisors, courts, and marina governing board. Averaged two stories a week.
Ohio University, Athens, OH
B.A., Journalism, 2000
Morris K. Udall Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Journalism
Date: Oct. 01st
Name in English : XXX
Sex : Female
Date of birth : 1978-10-14
Hukou : Shanghai
Location : Shanghai
Work Experience : >5 years
Current salary : 100,000-150,000 RMB/Year
Mobile : (0)13000000000
E—mail :
Address :
1. Nice Characters Good professional presentation skills.
2. Team work spirit.
3. High liability and Attribution.
4. Be able to work under great pressure.
5. Kinds of hobbies.
Job target:
Target Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology, Medical Facilities/Equipment, Healthcare/ Medicine/ Public Health
Target job: Product/Brand Manager, Product/Brand Supervisor, Business Supervisor/Executive, Product/Brand Executive, Marketing Planning Executive
Target address: Shanghai
Target salary : Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person
To hillock time: The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working experience:
/07—Present XXX
Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
Inner City Dept. Sales Representative/ Executive
Responsibilities & Achievements:
1. Visited the clients periodically and provide outstanding pre-sales & after-sales services, which set up a good relationship with the clients.
2. Quite familiar with the specifications of the products as well as the situation of the responsible hospital, and able to recommend the suitable products to the hospitals.
3. Prepared sales plan according to the assigned sales targets, increased sales to 200% in the responsible areas within first half a year.
Achievements: Prepared sales plan according to the assigned sales targets, increased sales to 200% in the responsible areas within first half a year.
/07—2004/06:Shanghai Own-Medic High-Tech Medical Industrial Co., Ltd
Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
Office Admin Staff/Assistant
Responsibilities & Achievements:
1. Prepare and file daily report and weekly summary on behalf of Sales Director.
2. Assist in arrangement and organization of sales promotion, expenditure budget and effect evaluation.
3. Responsible for liaison with relevant government bureaus & cooperating medical institutions, and keep good communication with doctors.
4. In charge of coordinating among different departments and providing products training service.
5. Engaged in products publication activities, including wording, photography, print, etc, and extending the products’ information timely and correctly.
/09—/02:Zhongshan Hospital, Pediatrics Hospital etc.
Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
Surgical Department, Medicine Department and etc. Doctor, Internal Medicine
Responsibilities & Achievements: Working as an internship.
Achievements: Doing excellent work in my internship and gain praises from the patients and doctors
Education background:
/09—2002/06: Medical Center of Fudan University (Former Shanghai Medical University) Basic Medicine Bachelor
2001/10Certification of intermediate interpreter
2001/01Nationwide Computer Level Test Band2
Language skill:
English: VERY GOOD
To acquire a position with the potential for advancement where I can utilize my knowledge and experience.
Relevant Skills
- Proficient in Windows 95/98/NT, PowerPoint 4.0, WordPerfect 6.1, Excel
- Accustomed to heavy telephone usage
- Experience in creating correspondence from information given
- Typing: 65wpm
Employment History
Mayor Roger Wellington’s Office, Baltimore, MD
Administrative Assistant / Office Manager, - Present
Served as liaison to legislative, district and office staff, as well as media private sector with 28 barangays. Coordinated activities of Governing Board. Oversaw all conference events, including weekly session and annual meeting. Served as primary fundraiser, while maintaining relationships with local, national and regional organizations, media and private sector contracts. Managed and oversaw office budgets and served as liaison to financial officers.
2005 A.A., Business Administration
Hagerstown Business College
Open Door Health Center, Hagerstown, MD
Administrative Assistant, 2002 - 2005
Accountable for record keeping of patients, volunteers and employees. Adept at writing letters for Director and patients. Control records of donations and assist in fund raising ventures.
Personal Information Name: XXX Sex: XXX Age: XXX-year-old
E-mail: XXX Phone: XXX Address: XXX Zip Code: XXX
Work experience:
XXX on 1XXX years - now
Duties: primarily responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear
With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one
Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry
Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels
Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals
Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands
1XXX-XXX Beijing responsible for the management of the sales force and distributors to develop
XXX has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management
XXX is the XXX in sales in 200%
XXX annual sales growth rate for the highest intra-company
XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels
Sales force from the very beginning of XXX to XXX people who
Some former regional distributors XXX to XXX family home development
Educational background
XXX on XXX years - XXX on XXX in XXX Bachelor of Economics and Management
Professional expertise and skills:
Has a wealth of industry sales experience
A world-renowned multinational food company XXX in XXX work experience management experience in
Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet
Years of experience in sales of consumer goods, rich professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.
Over 25 years secretarial/administrative experience.
Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm) Digital DECmate computer,bookkeeping,credit checks,statistical typing.
Extensive business experience including accounting firms,legal firms,financial firms,insurance companies,transportation companies,medical environments,government agencies and non-profit groups.
Offer common sense,ability to take initiative,quality orientation and the ability to see a job thorough.
Outstanding communications skills...Extremely hardworking and dedicated.
MARSTON CONVENT,Laramie,WY,1988-Present
Answer phone,greet visitors and provide information,tours,and literature.Record and monitor thank-you notes for all received donations.Perform light typing,filling,and word processing.
Solicit donations.Monitored the ordering of informative pamphlets,placards,buttons,tee-shirts,etc.
RINALDO RANCH,Laramie,WY,1983-88
Provided word processing,customer relations,some accounts payable processing.Implemented new system for check processing,increased prompt payment of client bills.
WOMANPOWER INC.,Laramie,WY,1975-83
Acted as liaison between public and CEO.
Statistical Typist
Prepared health record documentation of infectious disease patients at State hospital.Managed training of new hires.
An office careers training program in bookkeeping,typing,reception,
word processing,and office procedures.
High School Diploma
Objective is unnecessary because resume illustrates a clear career path.
Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.
Wedlock: Single Nation: Han
Residence: Hunan-Changde Age: 25
Location: Guangdong-Shenzhen Height: 173cm
Sales & Marketing
China Galaxy Securities Co.Ltd.,10-Present
Intern in the Dept. of Investment BankingBeijing
•The Top Security Company in China
•The Only Undergraduate Student Among 15 Interns
•Assist in Market Analysis of Bank of China's IPO Project and Cover the Up-to-date Information of 64 Companies
•Inverstigate the domestic bond market,and translate the bond insurance proposal for Asian Development Bank
•Attain the Knowledge of Accountant.Investment Banking,Information Searching Ability,and Cooperation Skills
CCTV-4 Happy China Program,07-2009,10
Operation AssiatantBeijing
•Selected Potential Foreign Candidate Actors on Campus
•Participated in the Program as a Guest Actress
•Gained the Interpersonal Skills especially with Western People
New Thinking Spoken English Training Center2009,07-2009,08
Spoken English Teacher www. gongzuojianli.comChongqing
•Created a Unique Teaching Method that Incorporates with Dancing,Music and Acting
•Awarded an Excellent Teaching Prize
•Got the Capability as a Supervisor and the Patient Heart to Others
Beijing Language and Culture Univ., Dept. of FinanceGPA:3.6/4-
Bachelor of Science in Finance,Expeced July 2011Teaching Language:EnglishBeijing
Wushan High SchoolRank:7/128-2007
President of the School Student CouncilChongqing
Beijing Language and Culture Univ.Merit Scholarship (awarded to the top **%)
Scholarship on Maths Subject (awarded to only ** among **students)
Scholarship on Excellent Contribution to Student Affairs (awarded to the top **%)
Excellent Student Leader (only **student can get this honor)
Test for English Major Band 4 (TEM 4)Excellent
College English Test Band 6 (CET 6)Pass
Financial English Certificate Test (FECT)Level A
ETS-TOPE,Reading and Speaking Section (TOPE) The Highest Level Master the Use of MS Word,Excel,PowerPoint and MS Project
Psychology, Pedagogic, Music, Dancing, Literature
To obtain a challenging position as a Web Designer within a large exciting company.
Bryer Computer Services, Cambridge, MA
Web Designer
Met and corresponded with clients to determine client needs for company sites.
Created corporate web sites, portals and large-scale web applications.
Developed and designed new web interfaces, layouts and site graphics.
Created and Designed test web sites for sales as well as demonstration purposes.
Comprehensive technical knowledge of HTML programming and JavaScript coding.
Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links
Designed trained users and templates on development of future pages.
Massachusetts Healthcare Co. Inc., Boston MA
- 2000
Web Designer
Developed and maintained intranet and Internet for Company Websites utilizing Dream weaver, HTML, Flash and PhotoShop.
Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.
Developed and designed user-friendly interface for on-line programmes like multi-media systems and web-driven e-mail.
Created graphics including icons and logos using Fireworks and PhotoShop.
Facilitated training on the use of programmes such as Fireworks and Dream Weaver.
Installed shopping carts by use of CGI scripts for business client websites.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Boston, MA
1994 - 1998 BS in Computer Science
Languages: C, HTML and JAVA.
Name: XXX Sex: Female Age:
Address: Suite , No. , Lane , East Hanyang Road, Shanghai
Phone: Mobile: E-mail:
Educational Background:
20xx - 20xx Had studied at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Had obtained a master’s degree.
20xx - 20xx Had studied Japanese language at Japanese Language School.
Career Experience:
June 20xx - Nopany directly opany
l Selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the Marketing Division)
matters e and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the Outsourcing Affairs Division)
l Promotion and co-ordination of ne their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the Nepany)
l In charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance division.
l Research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as munity Health Education,
Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA
EMT-Paramedic/Emergency Room Technician 1998 - Present
Gaithersburg Hospital, Gaithersburg, MD
Emergency Medical Technician 1994 - 1998
Gaithersburg Emergency Team, Gaithersburg, MD
Status: Unmarried
Date of Birth: 1984
Birth Place: Guangdong
E-mail: 500shu
20xx.09—20xx.06 Study in Nanhua collage of industry and commerce
Major: Custom clearance and international freight
In college, I constantly exercise and improve myself, as the number of student leaders position, improve organization and communication skills, Times receive the school reputer Abilities:
Good command MS Office soft declare certificate of qualification: Familiar s, Familiar s of the relevant lamodity inspection and animal and plant quarantine , sanitary inspection
Work Experience
20xx---20xx Work in Guangzhou ** Warehousing Co., Ltd
Job duty: customs declarer&shipping&sales executive
Make and check import and export customs clearance documents,then declaration to customs.2 According to client requirement,, book the air or ship space,arrange truck bring cargo to appointed e and cost of every shipment,meanot the company's image ,expand the customer base, and actively develop neers, complete sales tasks
20xx---20xx Workin Guangzhou ** Electronic Communication Co., Ltd.
Job duty: customs declarer&shipping
1.Check L/C,According to the client requestment to make documents,Including Invoice/ Packing list/ Bill of Lading/CO or FORM A
2.According to client requirement,, book the air or ship space to fos clearance documents
5.Submit the doc municate ability , s commissioner
Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant
20xx-09~20xx-07 ShanXi University of Finance & Economics International Trade Bachelor Degree
20xx-06~20xx-06 Fei Yue Dian Feng Qi Hua About Team Cooperation
Work Experience5 years 0 months panies.
【company name】 (20xx-07~20xx-02)
Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Machine-building,Machine,Heavy industry
Job Title: customs commissioner Positions: Customs commissioner
Job Description: I am in charge of follomunicating pany name】 (20xx-05~20xx-06)
Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Textile industry
Job Title: customs commissioner Positions: Customs commissioner
Job Description: I took responsibility for the pleting the pre-entry, checking , sending the declaration data to the customs and completing customs clearance in counter , until the goods are transported to our munication pany name】 (20xx-04~20xx-01)
Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics
Job Title: customs commissioner Positions: Customs commissioner
Job Description: I took responsibility for the factory's customs clearance , such as importing material, exporting finished goods and scraping pieces of the material and so on. Besides, I undertook some material planning pany name】 (20xx-08~20xx-03)
Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics
Job Title: customs declaration assitant Positions: Export commissioner
Job Description: I took responsability of factroy's all import business,follos s commissioner
Project Description: In order to improve s department puter operation, the target puter automatically calculate, easy to modify and revies and automatic classification and calculation (ie, puter in accordance puter process). After nearly three months of the trial and repeated changes, the three import members can complete the daily plete overtime before.
Special Skills
Professional Title:
Computer Level: intermediate
Computer Skills: I can use EXCEL & WORD proficiently, input character 50-60 per minute.
Strengths: 1.good occupation ethics, good resistance to stress and optimistic and positive attitude;
2.CET-6,customs declaration and inspection qualification certificates;
3.grasp comprehensive knoe valuable experience on all aspects of International trade such as shipping and clearance and inspection. In the future, I hope to achieve success in international business. This is not only my career goal but also interest
Requirements: Be requested indispensable insurance
Self Info.
Self Assessment: As to my major International Trade, I’m familiar s clearance. In everyday life, I have a strong capacity of communication. I enjoy not only the team puter skill and english skill.
I've done it. The most important point is that I have different s qualification certificate 20xx-01-22
inspection qualification certificate 20xx-03-20





