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2023-12-23 07:52:46 收藏本文 下载本文





A former Government chief scientist once told me that we should always have a Plan B ready in case Plan A doesn’t work – or doesn’t happen. He was speaking in relation to the possibility of “geo-engineering” the climate if it becomes obvious that global warming is beginning to tip irrevocably towards a potentially dangerous state.

He could only say this once he was out of office of course because the official Government view at the time – as it is now – was that “there is no Plan B” in relation to climate change, that the only conceivable way of avoiding dangerous global temperature increases in the future is to curb the production of greenhouse gas emissions now.

Geo-engineering is defined as the deliberate, large-scale in order to limit undesirable climate change, but it is seen by many as a technical fix too far. At its most outlandish, geo-engineering envisages putting giant mirrors in space to deflect incoming solar radiation, but it also includes more benign interventions, such as solar powered “artificial trees” in the desert for soaking up carbon dioxide in the air.

Despite the official view of there being no Plan B, however, last week’s fifth report by the has placed geo-engineering firmly on the agenda – even if the scientific panel rather denigrates the idea as probably unworkable and potentially dangerous. Nevertheless, for some critics of geo-engineering the mere mention of the concept in such an official and high-profile publication is enough to see red.

Indeed, the Canadian-based ETC Group of environmentalists, perceived a Russian-led conspiracy to subvert the IPCC process. Russia had insisted on the addition of geo-engineering to the report and it is Russia where many geo-engineering projects are being tested, the ETC Group claims.

Before getting carried away with the inclusion for the first time of geo-engineering in an IPCC report, it is worth pointing out that the panel emphasises the inherent flaws of the proposals to counter rising temperatures. Deflecting sunlight with artificially created white clouds over the oceans, for instance, would do nothing to prevent the acidification of the oceans and, if it had to be stopped for any reason, global surface temperatures would soon rise again even higher than before.

In short, if we rely on a technical fix to , rather than addressing the root problem, we could become addicted to the illusion that all is well when, in fact, all that we are doing is delaying the inevitable, while increasing the risk of some serious unintended consequences, which history tells us are never far away from big engineering proposals of this kind.

Take for instance the relatively small-scale geo-engineering project to divert the rivers running into the Aral Sea of the former Soviet Union. Half a century ago the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world with a thriving commercial fishery, but by it had declined to about 10 per cent of its original size, with fishing boats stranded in the middle of a toxic salt pan.

Soviet scientists diverted water from two rivers running into the Aral Sea to irrigate fields of cotton and other crops. But in the end they created a barren, dusty landscape where once there was a sea filled with wildlife. Toxins and salt blown from the Aral’s parched basement even threatened the very crops that the project was meant to generate.

So when some people talk about the possibility of “fixing” the climate with technological interventions rather than cuts in carbon dioxide emissions, let’s not forget history. Perhaps HM Government is right: there is no Plan B.

Talking of carbon dioxide, I have just returned from an interesting visit to the Czech Republic where health tourism, rather than being frowned upon, is positively encouraged.

What has this got to do with carbon dioxide, you may ask? Well one of the more curious, if not bizarre “medical” treatments you can buy is a dip in a dry bath of carbon dioxide. For 20 minutes or so you bathe everything below your waist (fully clothed) in an atmosphere of “natural” carbon dioxide pumped from underground sources.

It is said by those who sell it to cure a range of conditions and even acts like a dose of Viagra. Strictly in the interests of science I volunteered. I intend to publish my findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal – that is if I can find one prepared to overlook my limited set of data points.


1、What is geo-engineering? What are the possible international measures of geo-engineering?

2、What are the views of the critics of geo-engineering?

3、Why does the author introduce the small scale geo-engineering project?

从题目中可以看出,本文的中心词是geo-engineering,文章对geo-engineering还提出了相当的质疑,并提出可以实验小型 geo-engineering。从文章第三段开始,可以找到geo-engineering的定义。接着正好是各国可以采用的'手段和人们提出的质疑。文章后三段相熟了小型的geo-engineering。


Crime control is a pretty complex question, the first step, of course, is deterrence to stop people from committing crime in the first place. That involves the economy. Are there enough jobs for everyone? There should be. And social structure, are there enough support system? And so on. When people are convicted, and put in prison, then the goal should be to have reform programs inside prisons. So they want person comes out, they don’t return to a life of crime. If the education program and drug treatment program have been cut, convicted criminals are not being reformed.




本段词汇较为常见。注意deterrence,意是“威慑,制止”,这里考生也可将名词转译为动词,译为“防止犯罪行为的发生”;另外,convict这个单词意为“判…有罪”,convicted criminals指“囚犯,犯人”。

段落的句子结构较为简单。考生只需注意这个长句:When people are convicted, and put into prison, the goal should be to have reform programs inside prisons, so that when the person comes out, they don't return to a life of crime. 这个句子虽长,但只要理解语义,理清分句之间的逻辑关系,如when引导的是从句,the goal 后面的内容是主句,so that作的是目的状语。划分好结构,再按句子本身的语序进行翻译就可以了。




The causes of inequality are many and varied, and may be broadly grouped into three factors. The first is social condition or family background. In China, for example, someone born and bred in the city usually earns a higher income and enjoys better social services. The second is aptitude. The cleverer or stronger ones usually earn more and enjoy better conditions than the lesser endowed. The final one is ambition and diligence. All things being equal, someone who aims higher and works harder often earns more.


Mass urbanization of the world’s population is an unprecedented trend worldwide. The most important reason why people are moving to cities is economic. People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the 20th century, the major source of employment, full and part-time, was farming. Now, according to recent statistics, no more than 15 percent of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being created in information technology, manufacturing and service areas, such as tourism and financing, and all of these new jobs are in or around major cities.


评析:本题是高口热点话题“城市化”,在9月的高口NTGF部分也涉及到过城市化的问题,前一题的句子翻译S2也提到了“人们搬进大城市的原因,是追求高品质的生活”,而这里主要围绕工作展开。考查词汇都在大纲范围内,像urbanization, manufacturing等都属于常见热词,考生在平时对这些词汇有所积累,翻译起来并不难。相对passage 2, 这段话稍微有点长,这也提醒考生注意平时多练习听写记笔记,熟悉常考话题,这样在考试时才能拿高分。


American mythology loves nothing more than the reluctant hero: the man -- it is usually a man -- whose natural talents have destined him for more than obliging obscurity. George Washington, we are told, was a leader who would have preferred to have been a farmer. Thomas Jefferson, a writer. Martin Luther King, Jr., a preacher. These men were roused from lives of perfunctory achievement, our legends have it, not because they chose their own exceptionalism, but because we, the people, chose it for them. We -- seeing greatness in them that they were too humble to observe themselves -- conferred on them uncommon paths. Historical circumstance became its own call of duty, and the logic of democracy proved itself through the answer.

在美式神话中, 主角通常是那些不知不觉中成为的英雄: 一般而言,他就是一个人, 因禀赋异常, 注定此生不能默默无闻。华盛顿原本更愿意当农民,而不是领导国家; 杰弗逊, 曾立志要成为一名作家; 而马丁路德只是一名牧师.据说是公众要求他们不能敷衍塞责,埋没才华; 是我们要求这些伟人必须要振作起来,追求卓越。我们选择了他们,是因为我们看到他们的伟大,---尽管他们谦虚地认为自己并不出众— 是我们把他们推上了不寻常的人生道路。换言之,历史境遇和民主体制造就了这些英雄。

Neil Armstrong was a hero of this stripe: constitutionally humble, circumstantially noble. Nearly every obituary written for him this weekend has made a point of emphasizing his sense of privacy, his sense of humility, his sense of the ironic ordinary. Armstrong's famous line, maybe or maybe not so humanly flubbed, neatly captures the narrative: One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind. And yet every aspect of Armstrong's life -- a life remembered for one act of bravery but distinguished ultimately by the bravery of banality -- made clear: On that day in 1969, he acted on our behalf, out of a sense of mission that was communal rather than personal. The reluctant hero is also the self-sacrificing hero. The reluctant hero is the charitable hero.

阿姆斯特朗就这种类型的英雄,个性谦卑的他响应时代的号召,成为人类的英雄。本周末,几乎只要是他的讣告,都会提到:阿姆斯特朗深居简出、为人谦虚,以至于让他的平凡变得具有讽刺意味。 他的著名格言,传神地概括了他的壮举,他可能和所有人一样犯错:我的一小步代表了人类的一大步。人类将铭记他的勇敢,但因为他如此毫无顾忌地承认自己的平庸,让他此生并不平凡。1969年的某一天,他代表整个人类完成的使命。不情愿的英雄同时还具有勇于牺牲的精神,仁慈宽厚。


For university graduates, it is always not so easy to find a good job. They often wonder at the large number of employers who do not respond to their applications for jobs. They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all, or at best, an impersonal note ① is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled.

Applicants often have the suspicion that vacancies are taken up by friends and relatives and that advertisements are only put out for show②。 Many of them are tired of writing around③ and feel that if only they could obtain an interview with the right person their application would meet with success.










从80 年代小规模的试验性的①投资到近年来系统化的②投资,这一发展过程说明一个依法执法的稳定的中国增强了外国投资者的信心。《财富》杂志对在中国的外国投资者作了一次最新的调查,调查结果表明,始于1993年的跨国公司的大规模、系统化的投资到将登上一个新的高峰③。





So far, over 200 of Fortune’s top 500 companies have invested in China. By less than a 30-minute drive from the Village.

The Olympic Village will provide safe and comfortable facilities to help athletes achieve their peak performance during the Games. The Residential Quarter located in the western part of the Village consists of apartment buildings, dining halls, and other facilities. The International Quarter located in the eastern part of the Village will provide leisure facilities and cultural activities for athletes. After the Games, the Village will become a residential area.


Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points)

Passage 1 :

Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?

Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.

Passage 2 :

For many years the United States and other nations used gold and silver money. Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values didn’t change until after 1860 when mines in the west of the United States began to produce large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused its price to fall. No longer would fifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold. In 1871, Germany declared that it would no longer support its paper money with silver. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.

Part B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( two passages, each 25 points )

Passage 1 :


Passage 2 : 中华考试网




The Asian economic crisis has put many companies on the edge. Many have been forced to change the way they do business. The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative① leads to underused② people.

The key to increasing employee productivity is through effective management. Managers must recognize that getting employees involved in the solution boost morale③。 The decision making process should be pushed down the ladder. The focus of future organizations will shift to employee involvement, rather than power and control.









The “standard of living” of a country means the average person’ s② share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’ s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on ② money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.

A country’s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them.









Gender equality and women’s development is a lasting theme of mankind’s pursuit of equality and justice, a scale for measuring social progress and an important goal in realizing sustainable development in our world.


Chinese women make up one fifth of the world’s total female population. Gender equality and women’s development in China not only give expression to China’s own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace.


It is obvious to all that, in tandem with rapid economic and social development, great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and women’s development in China over the past two decades.

【In tandem with 】

In tandem with open markets and open trade, the United States led in the promotion of democracy.



At the same time, China is highly aware that, as a developing country with the world’s largest population, and restricted by its limited level of economic and social development, it will continue tobe confronted with new situations and problems in its efforts to promote women’s development. There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in China, and arduous tasks remain to be tackled.


China actively promotes equality in education, adjusting the structure of education, adhering to the principle of gender equality, and working hard to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for both men and women to access education.


The Sixth National Census showed that the average years of schooling for women over the age of six were 8.4 years in , 1.3 years more than in , and the gender gap had narrowed by 0.2 year as compared with 2000.


A network of maternal and child health services covering both urban and rural areas has taken shape in China, with maternity and child care institutions as the core, community-level health care institutionsas the foundation, and large or medium-sized medical institutions and relevant research and teaching institutions as the support.


Women are playing an increasingly prominent unique role in the fostering of social culture, protection of the ecological environment and family management.


In its efforts to advance the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, China will continue implementing the basic national policy of equality between men and women, constantly improve policies and measures in the fields of economy, law, administration and public opinion, safeguard women’s rights and interests in accordance with the law, and work to achieve greater success in the cause of gender equality and women’s development.


China is willing to work with other countries to encourage all social sectors to contribute to the promotion of gender equality and women’s development, to strengthen and expand international exchanges and cooperation, and to contribute further to promoting worldwide equality, development and peace.


China actively implements international conventions and documentsconcerning gender equality and women’s development, takes part in international bilateral and multilateral women’s exchanges and cooperation, strengthens friendly exchanges with women organizations all over the world, and focuses on providing technical training and material assistance to women in developing countries,thus playing an important role in promoting gender equality and women’s development around the globe.


An ecological civilization emerges when human society reaches a certain stage of development. As a new mode of civilization that reflects a level of harmony betweenhumans and nature, ecological civilization represents a major conceptual advance for the development of human civilization.


Building an ecological civilization does not mean that we must abandon industrial civilization and return to a primitive way of living. Rather, it means building a civilized society with developed production, affluent standards of living, and sound ecological environments in accordance with the goals of realizing sustainable development and achieving a state of balance between humans and nature. Therefore, this is a society in which human activities are based on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, and in which human development is governed by the objective laws of nature.


Promoting ecological progress is a basic requirement of putting people first. In maintaining a commitment to putting people first, the first thing we must do is to guarantee the mental and physical wellbeing of the people.


In the past, the public were concerned with having adequate shelter, warm clothes, and enough to eat; now, they have a greater demand for environmental protection. Specifically, they long for agreeable living environments, clean water, fresh air, and safe food that they can trust.


The job of the government is to orient its policies towards the wishes of the people.


Therefore, we must devote major efforts to resolving prominent environmental issues,work constantly to improve the working and living conditions of the people, and continue towin the people’s trust by delivering solid results in our environmental initiatives.


China is a major maritime nation. For this reason, the protection and management of ocean environments has a bearing not only on China’s development, but also on its national security.


We have come to the stage where urgent action must be taken without delay to address the serious problems of air, water, and soil pollution in China. In responding to these problems, we need to identify clear priorities, adopt striking measures, lay an emphasis onthe rectification of pollution, and strive to attain solid results.


China’s water shortages are not only a result of insufficient resources and inadequate water conservancy facilities, but are also due to the effects of pollution.


The establishment of an ecological civilization will call for widespread efforts from society as a whole, and all members of society stand to benefit from sound ecological environments.










(3)2002年6月30日,a公司为上述项目开发与x公司签订了设备购买协议。根据该协议,a公司向ⅹ公司购买用于上述项目开发的设备,总价款为 2000万元。2002年7月10日,a公司收到ⅹ公司运来的上述设备,并于2002年12月25日向ⅹ公司支付上述设备款2000万元。假定该设备只能用于上述项目开发,且无净残值。


































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