20分册版260元认字教材教案与作业单 教学进度安排(参考) 分册版教材的1册有145个字,2册有159个字。3-6册每课32个字(16个词语)。 进度安排:一周上两次课,每次课1小时15分。具体安排如下: 第一次 1册1~8课 第二次 1册9~14课 第三次 2册1-~3课 第四次 2册4-~10课 第五次 复习1册的145个字 第六次 复习2册的159个字 第七次 3册1~2课 第八次 3册3~4课 第九次 3册5~6课 第十次 3册7~8课 第十一次 3册9~11课 第十二次 复习3册1~6课 第十三次 复习3册7~11课 第十四次 4册1~2课 第十五次 4册3~4课 第十六次 4册5~6课 第十七次 4册7~8课 第十八次 4册9~10课 第十九次 复习4册1~5课 第二十次 复习4册6~10课 第二十一次 5册1~2课 第二十二次 5册3~4课 第二十三次 5册5~6课 第二十四次 5册7~8课 第二十五次 5册10~11课 第二十六次 复习5册1~5课 第二十七次 复习5册6~10课 第二十八次 6册1~3课 第二十九次 6册4~6课 第三十次 6册7~9课 第三十一次 6册10课加结业式 备注:1、各地培训学校如果学期制度不同,可以参照以上标准自己调整进度安排; 2、分册版教材特别适合于幼儿园使用,建议从中班或大班开始,根据年龄,可以按以下安排学期进度: 方式一(中班开始学):中班――1、2册 大班上――3、4册 大班下――5、6册 方式二(大班开始学):大班上――1、2、3册 大班下――4、5、6册 260元分册版认字教案 第一课时 学习内容: 第1册1-8课,人―点(卡片1―75页的71个字)。 教学准备: 1―75页的大图卡、一株禾苗、作业纸、奖花、磁铁或胶布。 教学过程: 一、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读1―8课的字71个。先把卡片分成以下三部分,先学习A-B部分,再学习C部分。 A.山石亭花草叶竹水土瓜月云风雨雪方圆高长弓勺面豆气 B.头鼻耳牙舌心手马牛羊鱼鸟虫一二三四五六七八九十 C.人大天小尖, 木林森禾米果 刀分半点田苗 电雷日目口足 二、课前诱导。 表扬坐端正的同学,告诉他们:从今天起老师就把你们当作小学生了。小学生要做到两条: 1、上课坐端正。 2、眼睛看老师。 对做得好的同学进行表扬,奖给他们一个大拇指,一堂课得到三个大拇指就可以得到一朵奖花,特别好的就奖励两朵奖花。得到20―30朵奖花(具体数量由各教学点老师统一确定)就可以换一个奖品(出示奖品)。 三、学习过程 1.学习A-B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.讲解中国字的奥妙,字像图,图像字。让学生看看像不像?发现有点像的举手,发现很像的手举高。这个环节要尽量鼓励学生发现字图相似的地方。 4.选出“头鼻耳牙舌心手”这些字,做游戏。让学生看反面的字,动动这个部位。 5.学习C部分,要一字一字比较,并可以伴上动作。 6.把所有的词语连起来读一遍。 四、发作业纸。(发给学生之前告诉家长下面的话。)作业单附后。 ● 给家长的话:今天学到了75页,共71个字。回家后首先把所学75页的卡片剪开,再打乱顺序。从今天开始,每天都要督促孩子温习认字作业,时间15―20分钟。孩子是非常可塑的,学习兴趣是靠培养的,回去以后按照作业纸复习,每天的作业完成了,在相应的一栏后面打个勾。温习时第一天先看图读,再读反面。第二天起先读反面,读不出马上看正面,加深大脑对图的印象。不要让孩子想一想,想一想的,这样会浪费时间,效果也不好。看图会读是关键,因为直映法依赖的'就是图,靠联想图来认识汉字的,因此看图读一定要熟练。一看图就能突口而出,而不是想一想才读出来。每天一定要学20分钟,一定要每天复习,一天都不能落下,三个月大部分孩子都可以学会1500个字。如果不复习,三个月要学会1500个字肯定不可能。 ● 给孩子的话:回家以后按照作业纸每天复习20分钟左右,要主动复习。主动的表现为①爸爸、妈妈叫你认字了,就很高兴地开始认字。②爸爸、妈妈不在家里能够自己复习。③爸爸、妈妈下班回来了,就主动地读给他们听,读不出的词语问爸爸、妈妈。主动复习的又可以奖励三朵奖花,不主动的就没有奖花了。把奖花贴在阅读书封页的反面,贴满20―30朵奖花(具体数量由各教学点老师统一确定)就可以换一个奖品(出示奖品)。 ● 给老师的话:老师在上课过程中,始终要关注每一个孩子的注意力,如果有孩子跑神了,一定要及时地把他们拉回来。要把课堂的每个环节都控制得有条不紊。 五、发奖花。 附:家长复习注意事项 1、教材一定要剪开,学习效果才会好。 2、部分幼儿未必能在当节课完全掌握生字,家长不要着急,可多重复复习的(一)、(二)、(三)步骤,慢慢就会掌握下来。 3、由于每个儿童的直映能力发育程度不同,每个班约有10%―15%的孩子直映能力特别强,复习后能够掌握80%―90%;大部分的孩子只要求掌握60%就达标了。但老师上课已经将词语在孩子脑里留下深刻印象,他(她)们在以后的阅读和复习中会逐渐加深对这些字的吸收。 4、每位儿童的记忆都有遗忘规则,家长应坚持按照老师的布置及时复习和巩固。孩子上同样老师的课,回家复习不同,学习效果就会大不相同。 第二课时 学习内容:第1册9-14课,出―中(卡片77―145页的74个字)。 教学准备:77―145页的大图卡、作业纸、奖花、磁铁或胶布。 教学过程: 一、鼓励。 1. 收作业纸。上课前收作业纸,个别表扬并给每个学生1~3个“奖花”。 “奖花”贴在游戏册的封页的反面。 2. 表扬。根据作业纸上的反馈情况,上课时表扬学生在家里的表现。每个同学都要表扬,可以分层次表扬,先表扬表现一般的同学,他们已经能看图读出生字,不看图也能读出一部分了。基本上达到了老师的要求。再表扬比较好的同学,他们已经能不看图读生字了,最后表扬很好的同学,他们不仅能读生字了,在家里学习很主动,并请这些同学到台上来,给他们热烈的掌声,再奖给他们每人一个“奖花”。从而引导所有孩子在家里要自觉主动地复习。 二、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读9―14课的字74个。先把卡片分成以下三部分。 A.车门井床伞包布皮书画光衣毛巾工厂灭火灰尘中 B.出里外开关多少上下弯直来去吃喝立坐走飞看问哭笑 C.灯裙袜裤鞋帽家爷奶妈爸哥弟姐妹我他她你男女前后左右东西南北入 三、学习过程 1.学习A部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.学习B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 4.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍,边读边让学生做动作。 5.讲解中国字的奥妙,字像图,图像字。让学生看看像不像?发现有点像的举手,发现很像的手举高。 这个环节要尽量鼓励学生发现字图相似的地方。 5.学习C部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 6.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 7.把所有的词语连起来读一遍。 四、发作业纸。作业单附后。 五、发奖花。告诉孩子,把1~2课的生字都认出来了,下节课就可以得到一张小奖状了(出示奖状给学生看),在家里主动学习的还可以得到奖花,下节课学完时就可以换奖品了。 ● 给家长的话:在家里温习时,第1天先看图读字,再读反面的字;第2天先读反面的字,再看正面一下。第3天,读反面的字,读不出再看正面一下。每天要坚持20分钟复习。 ● 给老师的话:对上课注意力不太集中的孩子,更要去关注他。只要他一有好的表现,就马上加大力度表扬他。如果他不专心了,没有坐正,马上说:“某某同学马上坐好了。也可以表扬坐得好的同学,来影响他。” 第三课时 学习内容:第2册1-3课,“外婆―糕点”,共69张卡片。 教学准备:大图卡、作业纸、奖花、黄瓜三条、刨刀一个、盘子一个、牙签一包、餐巾纸。 教学过程: 一、鼓励。 1. 收作业纸。上课前收作业纸,个别表扬并给每个学生1~3个“奖花”。 “奖花”贴在游戏册的封页的反面。 2. 表扬。(同上) 二、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读1―3课的字69个。先把卡片分成以下三部分。 A.外婆 宋爷爷 俞奶奶 李妈妈 陈爸爸 刘哥哥 徐弟弟 吴姐姐 郭妹妹 赵伯伯 胡叔叔 章阿姨 男孩 女儿 他们 我和她 今天 上午 读书 题目 图画 直线 圆圈 问号 下课 骑马 钓鱼 开枪 B.头发 笑脸 鼻孔 眼睛 耳朵 牙齿 嘴巴 双手 左脚 右腿 C.门铃 立正 弯腰 您好 请坐 喝茶 给你不尖 看见 哭喊 纱布 回家 电视 入迷 足球 中国 北京 高兴 半空 汤勺 羊肉 豆芽 冬瓜 西红柿 面条 吃饭 床铺 玉米 草莓 苹果 糕点 三、学习过程 1.学习A部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.学习B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍,边读边让学生做动作。 4.学习C部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 5.把所有的词语连起来读一遍。 四、思维训练:吃黄瓜。(可以更换) 作用:①调节课堂气氛。②让学生在紧张的认字之后放松、休息一下。③进行想象力、观察力、注意力、记忆力、逻辑思维等能力的训练。 目的:训练观察力、记忆力、注意力、语言表达能力和思维的条理性。 内容:看黄瓜,说黄瓜,吃黄瓜。把黄瓜的形状、颜色、味道看清楚,说清楚。 过程:&篇2:直映认字数码版教材教案与作业单
2007年直映认字数码版教材教案与作业单 教学进度安排 直映认字数码版教材的1单元有145个字,2单元有159个字,3单元11课,每课32个字(16个词),4-6单元每课32个字(16个词语)。 进度安排:一周上两次课,每次课1小时15分。具体安排如下: 第一次 第1单元1―5课 第二次 第1单元6―10课 第三次 第2单元11-13课 第四次 第2单元14-20课 第五次 复习1单元的145个字 第六次 复习2单元的146个字 第七次 第3单元21―22课 第八次 第3单元23-24课 第九次 第3单元25-26课 第十次 第3单元27-28课 第十一次 第3单元29-31课 第十二次 复习第3单元21-26课 第十三次 复习第3单元27-31课 第十四次 第4单元32―33课 第十五次 第4单元34-35课 第十六次 第4单元36-37课 第十七次 第4单元38-39课 第十八次 第4单元40-41课 第十九次 复习第4单元32-36课 第二十次 复习第4单元37-41课 第二十一次 第5单元42―43课 第二十二次 第5单元44―45课 第二十三次 第5单元46―47课 第二十四次 第5单元48―49课 第二十五次 第5单元50―51课 第二十六次 复习第5单元42-46课 第二十七次 复习第5单元47-51课 第二十八次 第6单元52―54课 第二十九次 第6单元55―57课 第三十次 第6单元58―60课 第三十一次 第6单元61课加结业式 运用直映数码学习笔配合数码教材,促进学生学习效果 直映数码教材配合直映数码笔,可以实现教材同步发声,有效提高孩子学习效果,教师介绍数码笔的方式如下: 1、从第二节课开始,教师提前15-20分钟到教室,准备2套直映数码笔和小音箱,让提前到班的学生先使用数码笔进行上节课内容的复习,教师先作简单演示,让孩子自己进行课本点读。 2、第二节开课头五分钟,老师将数码笔连上小音箱,用数码笔进行全班带读,帮助学生进行上节课内容复习。 3、第二节课尾10分钟,教师将家长集中在班上,向家长介绍并演示数码笔的使用方法,建议家长采用数码笔在家给孩子复习,特别针对家长没有空辅导孩子的,可以让数码笔起到替代家长的作用。 4、开学以后的若干节课均可采用以上方法建议家长使用数码笔。 直映认字数码版教案 第一课时 学习内容: 第1单元1―5课,人―点(卡片1―70页的70个字)。 教学准备: 1―70页的大图卡、一株禾苗、作业纸、奖花、磁铁或胶布。 教学过程: 一、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读1―5课的字70个。先把卡片分成以下三部分,先学习A-B部分,再学习C部分。 A.山石亭花草叶竹水土瓜月云风雨雪方圆高长弓勺面豆气 B.头鼻耳牙舌心手马牛羊鱼鸟虫一二三四五六七八九十 C.人大天小尖, 木林森禾米果 刀分半点田苗 电雷日目口足 二、课前诱导。 表扬坐端正的同学,告诉他们:从今天起老师就把你们当作小学生了。小学生要做到两条: 1、上课坐端正。 2、眼睛看老师。 对做得好的同学进行表扬,奖给他们一个大拇指,一堂课得到三个大拇指就可以得到一朵奖花,特别好的就奖励两朵奖花。得到20―30朵奖花(具体数量由各教学点老师统一确定)就可以换一个奖品(出示奖品)。 三、学习过程 1.学习A-B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.讲解中国字的奥妙,字像图,图像字。让学生看看像不像?发现有点像的举手,发现很像的手举高。这个环节要尽量鼓励学生发现字图相似的地方。 4.选出“头鼻耳牙舌心手”这些字,做游戏。让学生看反面的字,动动这个部位。 5.学习C部分,要一字一字比较,并可以伴上动作。 6.把所有的'词语连起来读一遍。 四、发作业纸。(发给学生之前告诉家长下面的话。)作业单附后。 ● 给家长的话:今天学到了70页,共70个字。回家后首先用数码笔点读数码书中对应的带图字卡,做到发音准确、印象深刻,再把配套字卡书中所学70张卡片剪开,打乱顺序。从今天开始,每天都要督促孩子温习认字作业,时间15―20分钟。孩子是非常可塑的,学习兴趣是靠培养的,回去以后按照作业纸复习,每天的作业完成了,在相应的一栏后面打个勾。温习时第一天先看图读,再读反面。第二天起先读反面,读不出马上看正面,加深大脑对图的印象。不要让孩子想一想,想一想的,这样会浪费时间,效果也不好。看图会读是关键,因为直映法依赖的就是图,靠联想图来认识汉字的,因此看图读一定要熟练。一看图就能突口而出,而不是想一想才读出来。每天一定要学20分钟,一定要每天复习,一天都不能落下,三个月大部分孩子都可以学会1500个字。如果不复习,三个月要学会1500个字肯定不可能。 ● 给孩子的话:回家以后按照作业纸每天复习20分钟左右,要主动复习。主动的表现为①爸爸、妈妈叫你认字了,就很高兴地开始认字。②爸爸、妈妈不在家里能够自己复习。③爸爸、妈妈下班回来了,就主动地读给他们听,读不出的词语问爸爸、妈妈。主动复习的又可以奖励三朵奖花,不主动的就没有奖花了。把奖花贴在阅读书封页的反面,贴满20―30朵奖花(具体数量由各教学点老师统一确定)就可以换一个奖品(出示奖品)。 ● 给老师的话:老师在上课过程中,始终要关注每一个孩子的注意力,如果有孩子跑神了,一定要及时地把他们拉回来。要把课堂的每个环节都控制得有条不紊。 五、发奖花。 第二课时 学习内容:第1单元6―10课,出―中(卡片71―146页的75个字)。 教学准备:71―146页的大图卡、作业纸、奖花、磁铁或胶布。 教学过程: 一、鼓励。 1. 收作业纸。上课前收作业纸,个别表扬并给每个学生1~3个“奖花”。 “奖花”贴在阅读书的封页的反面。 2. 表扬。根据作业纸上的反馈情况,上课时表扬学生在家里的表现。每个同学都要表扬,可以分层次表扬,先表扬表现一般的同学,他们已经能看图读出生字,不看图也能读出一部分了。基本上达到了老师的要求。再表扬比较好的同学,他们已经能不看图读生字了,最后表扬很好的同学,他们不仅能读生字了,在家里学习很主动,并请这些同学到台上来,给他们热烈的掌声,再奖给他们每人一个“奖花”。从而引导所有孩子在家里要自觉主动地复习。 二、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读6-10课的字75个。先把卡片分成以下三部分。 A.车门井床伞包布皮书画光衣毛巾工厂灭火灰尘中 B.出里外开关多少上下弯直来去吃喝立坐走飞看问哭笑 C.灯裙袜裤鞋帽家爷奶妈爸哥弟姐妹我他她你男女前后左右东西南北入 三、学习过程 1.学习A部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.学习B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 4.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍,边读边让学生做动作。 5.讲解中国字的奥妙,字像图,图像字。让学生看看像不像?发现有点像的举手,发现很像的手举高。 这个环节要尽量鼓励学生发现字图相似的地方。 5.学习C部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 6.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 7.把所有的词语连起来读一遍。 四、发作业纸。作业单附后。 五、发奖花。告诉孩子,把第一课第二课学的生字都认出来了,下节课就可以得到一张小奖状了(出示奖状给学生看),在家里主动学习的还可以得到奖花,下节课学完时就可以换奖品了。 ● 给家长的话:在家里温习时,第1天先看图读字,再读反面的字;第2天先读反面的字,再看正面一下。第3天,读反面的字,读不出再看正面一下。每天要坚持20分钟复习。 ● 给老师的话:对上课注意力不太集中的孩子,更要去关注他。只要他一有好的表现,就马上加大力度表扬他。如果他不专心了,没有坐正,马上说:“某某同学马上坐好了。也可以表扬坐得好的同学,来影响他。” 第三课时 学习内容:第2单元11-13课,“外婆―糕点”,共69张卡片。 教学准备:大图卡、作业纸、奖花、黄瓜三条、刨刀一个、盘子一个、牙签一包、餐巾纸。 教学过程: 一、鼓励。 1. 收作业纸。上课前收作业纸,个别表扬并给每个学生1~3个“奖花”。 “奖花”贴在阅读书的封页的反面。 2. 表扬。(同上) 二、认字准备。 用带图的大卡片认读11-13课的词语69个。先把卡片分成以下三部分。 A.外婆 宋爷爷 俞奶奶 李妈妈 陈爸爸 刘哥哥 徐弟弟 吴姐姐 郭妹妹 赵伯伯 胡叔叔 章阿姨 男孩 女儿 他们 我和她 今天 上午 读书 题目 图画 直线 圆圈 问号 下课 骑马 钓鱼 开枪 B.头发 笑脸 鼻孔 眼睛 耳朵 牙齿 嘴巴 双手 左脚 右腿 C.门铃 立正 弯腰 您好 请坐 喝茶 给你不尖 看见 哭喊 纱布 回家 电视 入迷 足球 中国 北京 高兴 半空 汤勺 羊肉 豆芽 冬瓜 西红柿 面条 吃饭 床铺 玉米 草莓 苹果 糕点 三、学习过程 1.学习A部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。 2.读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 3.学习B部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍,边读边让学生做动作。 4.学习C部分,老师出示一张一张的教学卡片快速地讲解读生字1―2遍,学生跟读。读完以后,再看图连起来读一遍。读的时候学生先读一遍,老师跟读一遍。 5.把所有的词语连起来读一遍。 四、思维训练:吃黄瓜。(可以更换) 作用:①调节课堂气氛。②让学生在紧张的认字之后放松、休息一下。③进行想象力、观察力、注意力、记忆力、逻辑思维等能力的训练。 目的:训练观察力篇3:高一必修4 Unit5教材分析与reading教案(新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)
1. 单元教学目标
技能目标Skill Goals
Talk about different types of theme parks in different cultures
Show people around a place and give directions
Study word formation
Write an introduction to a place with detailed explanations
II. 目标语言
Expressions used to show people around a place
We are happy to show you ...
Over there is the ...
Down the path you can see ...
The main idea/ theme in the park is ...
You will enjoy doing/ seeing ...
Expressions used to ask the way and give directions
Can/ Could you show me where ... is?
Can/ Could you tell me the way to ... ?
How can we get to ... ?
How far is/ are the ...?
You can reach ... by bus/ subway/ ...
Go along/ down ... and turn left/ right at the ... crossing.
It is just behind/ next to/ opposite the ... , you can’t miss it.
It is about ... minutes’ walk/ bus ride.
It is about ... meters away.
1. 四会词汇
theme, amuse, amusement, various, variety, rides, shuttle, charge, admission, profit, souvenir, athletic, brand, equipment, sneaker, minority, fantasy, settler, experiment, advance, advanced, technique, test, cloth, Brazil, jungle, creature, up-to-date, excitement, volunteer, translator
2. 认读词汇
Ferris wheel, roller coaster, involve, fantasyland, marine, imaginary, imagination, vary, Futuroscope, mysterious, T-Rex combination
3. 词组
theme parks, provide ... with ... , such as, such ... that ... , a variety of, base on/ upon, involve ... in, come to life, get close to, take an active part in, go on a trip
结构 Word Formation
子 1.Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.
2. Though parks share this basic purpose, they find various ways to meet this need.
3. They are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around.
4. These new parks have a variety of things to see and do.
5. Theme parks have a certain idea - a certain theme - that the whole park is based on.
6. Its purpose is to involve visitors in physical exercise and athletic competition.
7. ..., and there are future parks, where people can go on imaginary trips to space and use advanced computer techniques to experience life in the future.
8. Science and technology-based theme parks like Futuroscope provide up-to-date information, hands-on learning and lots of fun and excitement.
III. 教材分析和教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元以Theme parks 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解分散于世界各地的各种各样的主题公园,学会向别人介绍某个景点的大体情况,以及计划各项活动,同时培养学生对世界及生活的热爱。
1.1 Warming up通过向学生呈现四个风格各异的世界著名主题公园,激发学生学习本单元的兴趣。
1.2 Pre-reading 通过学生对主题公园里活动的想象,交流了解主题公园的有关知识。
1.3 Reading 通过介绍世界各地形式各异的主题公园概况,使学生了解风格迥异的各国主题公园。
1.4 Comprehending 让学生从文章的标题及各段大意来整体理解课文。
1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。
Discovering useful words and expressions 中的练习1是以给出意思写出相对应词汇的形式考查对文章中重要词汇及短语的理解。练习2 是以短文填词完型的形式考查对练习1中词汇的运用。练习4则以完成句子的形式考查学生对get/ be closer to这一短语不同意义及用法的准确运用。
Discovering useful structures 是通过填表格的练习方式向学生呈现英语词汇不同的构词法(合成及派生)。
1.6 Using Language 分为四个部分练习听、说、读、写。
1) Listening练习听力可配合Listening on P69 in Workbook及Listening Task on P73 进行。
2) Reading and speaking这是一篇泛读文章,介绍更新奇的主题公园(观察未来)。然后让学生练习朗读课文的第二段,注意个别特殊的发音方式。接着把(观察未来)公园的各项活动性质归类及解释理由。然后根据自己对文章的理解为该主题公园绘制一张地图。最后分别说出(观察未来)主题公园会让你体验到的三种时间及空间的经历。
3) Writing要求介绍某一主题公园的概况,包括种类,方位,各活动项目及门票收费。
4) Speaking根据所准备的公园概况介绍写一段
2. 教材重组
2.1 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Warming-up, Reading, Comprehending合在一起设计成一节“精读课”。
2.2 Learning about Language, Using Structures 和Workbook中的Using words and expressions, Using structures合在一起,设计成一节“语法课”(既有词汇又有语法)。
2.3 将Using Language 中的Listening, Workbook 中的Listening 和Listening task 整合成一节“听力课”。
2.4 将Reading and speaking,Workbook 中的Reading task整合为一节“泛读课”,旨在从整体上理解课文,作为对本单元话题“主题公园”的知识扩充。
2.5 将Speaking, Workbook 中的Talking 和Speaking task整合为一节“口语课”。
2.6 将Using Language 中的Writing和Workbook中的Writing task 整合成一节“写作课”。
3. 课型设计与设时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六个课时教完。)
1st period Intensive Reading
2nd period Language Study
3rd period Listening
4th period Extensive Reading
5th period Speaking
6th period Writing
IV. 分课时教案
The First Period Intensive Reading
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on, involve ... in, athletic, brand, equipment, sneakers, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to, settlers, take an active part in, experiment, advanced, technique
b. 重点句子
1) In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit.
2) They are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around.
3) The big companies that own theme parks expect to make a profit not just by the charges for admission, but also by selling souvenirs in their shops and advertising them on television.
4) The park is named after Walt Disney, the famous film maker.
5) Disneyland has exciting rides, visits to castles and chances to get close to life-size cartoon figures.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Learn how to generalize and compare the similarities and differences.
Teaching important points 教学重点
To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to give a general instruction/ description of a place.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Teaching aids 教具准备
A recorder and a computer.
Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式
Step I Revision
T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! First let’s have a dictation about the words and phrases in Unit 4. Take out a piece of paper, please.
major, local, represent, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, strange, express, be likely to, general, avoid spoken, misunderstand, punish, at ease
T: Now, hand in your paper please; I’ll check your work after class.
Step II Warming up
T: Let’s look at the pictures on P33. These are four pictures of different parks - A garden in Suzhou, Hyde Park in London, World Waterpark in Canada, Disneyland. What kind of parks are they?
S1: I think A garden in Suzhou is a place when people have a walk in their spare time to enjoy the beautiful trees, flowers, lakes, stones, buildings and relax themselves.
T: What about Hyde Park in London? What kind of park is it?
S2: Hyde Park is a famous park in the world, so I’ve read it in magazines. It is the most well-known park in London. It used to be a hunting park for the Royal family in the 18th Century. Now it is open to the public and people can enjoy themselves there with the various activities, including horse-riding. It’s best-known for the Speaker’s Corner where people can make speeches and express their view points freely.
T: Very good. So what about World Waterpark in Canada?
S3: I haven’t heard of this park before. I guess it is a park where people can take part in all kinds of activities in water.
T: Good guessing. And I am sure all of you have heard of Disneyland.
S4: Yes, it is the oldest theme park in the world and I think it is the most popular park in the world too. In the Disneyland, people can not only enjoy the exciting activities there, but also get close to the life-size cartoon characters like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, which appear in some of Walt Disney’s famous cartoon films. Luckily for us, a new Disneyland is being built in Hong Kong, so a few years later, we will have the chance to go and experience the excitement of this wonderful place in the world.
T: Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance?
Sa: Of course I would go to Disneyland. I have watched so much about it on TV and I’ve been dreaming about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them.
Sb: I would like to go to Waterpark, because I like swimming and I like to take part in the activities in water in this park.
Sc: I would go to Hyde Park. I want to go horse-riding, and above all, have the experience of making a speech in front of a crowd of people like a president. That’ll be really exciting.
Step III Reading
T: It’s interesting to listen to your ideas. Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks. The title is THEME PARKS-FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I would like you to read the passage quickly for the first time to get a general idea of the passage. At the same time, please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
(3 minutes later)
T: Have you got the main idea of the passage? Who can tell me the topic sentences of six paragraphs?
Topic sentences
Paragraph 1. Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.
Paragraph 2. In recent decades, however, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.
Paragraph 3. Theme parks have a certain idea-a certain theme-that the whole park is based on.
Paragraph 4. Some are history or culture theme parks.
Paragraph 5. The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland, built near Los Angeles, California in 1955.
Paragraph 6. Other theme parks including marine or ocean parks, science theme parks, and future theme parks.
T: After the first reading, we have all got a general idea of the passage. So I would like you to read it carefully again and try to find the answers to these detailed questions.
Teacher shows the questions on the screen.
1. What is the basic purpose of theme parks? What do people do there?
2. Do these parks charge people for admission?
3. What is the purpose of a theme park?
4. What is the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park?
Differences Ordinary parks Theme parks
5. What activities will be offered to visitors in a sports theme park?
6. Can they do shopping there? What can they buy?
7. What can visitors see and do in history or culture theme parks?
8. What is Disneyland like? What can visitors do there?
9. What can people do in marine or ocean theme parks, science theme parks and future theme parks?
(10 minutes later)
T: Have you got the answers? I would like some of you to answer the questions. Let’s listen and check whether they have got them correctly.
Teachers check some students for the answers.
suggested answers
1. The basic purpose of a park is to provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit. And families go there to have picnics or have fun together in other ways.
2. These parks charge people little or no money for admission.
3. The purpose of a theme park is to provide entertainment.
4. See the following table.
Differences Ordinary parks Theme parks
Activities rides such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round of a roller coaster. a variety of things to see and do
Size usually not very large huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around
Facilities no restaurants or hotels restaurants, hotels and shops
Charges charge little or none charge for admission
Souvenirs sell no souvenirs sell souvenirs in their shops
5. A sports theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch.
6. Yes. They can buy sports equipment or clothing, such as basketballs, footballs, sneakers and so on.
7. Visitors can see how our ancestors dressed, worked and lived; and how special groups of people dress today, what they eat and what their homes look like. They might go for rides on animals, help cook cultural foods or have their pictures taken in the clothing of emperors or of minority people.
8. Disneyland is so different from other parks that it seemed like a place of fantasy. Visitors can enjoy seeing the characters from Disney films, go on exciting rides, visits to castles and get close to life-size cartoon figures. They can also see model villages of life in the past which show how the early settlers in America lived.
9. People can see and swim with dolphins and learn about ocean life in an ocean park; They can take an active part in experiments in a science theme park; They can go on imaginary trips to space and use advanced computer techniques to experience life in the future park.
Step IV Comprehending (P34)
Part 1
T: Let’s look back at the title of the passage. THEME PARKS- FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. Why does the writer think that theme parks are places fun and more than fun? I would like you to think about this question and tell me your opinions.
S: In my opinion, it means that theme parks are more than amusement parks with rides, such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round or a roller coaster, they are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around, and they have a lot of things to see and do. So they are places fun and more than fun.
Part 2
T: We have read about some of the different theme parks in the world. Have you ever thought of this question: Why do people build so many different theme parks? I would like you to have a class discussion and tell me 3 purposes for people building theme parks according to this passage.
(Some time later)
T: Please express your ideas.
Suggested answers
Purpose 1 : to provide entertainment.
Explanation 1: because they have a variety of things to see and do.
Purpose 2: to make a profit by charging for admission and selling souvenirs.
Explanation 2: because they all charge money for admission of the hotels, restaurants, and for the rides and shows in the parks as well, and they sell a lot of souvenirs.
Purpose 3: to provide people with some unusual experiences.
Explanation 3: because there are parks for people to experience the life in the past, in the future, in the ocean and so on.
Part 3
T: Let’s sum up the main idea of each paragraph.
Suggested answers
Paragraph 1: Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.
Paragraph 2: Theme parks have been designed to provide entertainment with a variety of things to see and do.
Paragraph 3: Theme parks have a certain idea/ theme that the whole park is based on.
Paragraph 4: The history and culture theme parks.
Paragraph 5: The Disneyland.
Paragraph 6: The ocean parks and the science theme parks.
Theme of the passage: Theme parks
Step V Discussion
T: If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go the theme parks to enjoy the exciting experiences? Give reasons for your choice.
a) Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Each group tries to reach an agreement and to collect as many reasons as possible from the group members.
b) After the discussion, the teacher asks a student from each of the groups to report the decision of their group and to give their reasons for the decision.
Step VI Homework
Remember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.
Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.
篇4:高一必修4 Unit3教材分析与speaking教案(新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标Skill Goals
Talk about different types of humour; a taste of English humour
Learn how to express one’s emotions
Learn the -ing form as the Predicative, Attribute && Object Complement
Learn to write humorous stories
II. 目标语言
功 能 句 式 情感(Emotions)
I enjoy this very much because ...
I laugh at that kind of thing because ...
This is fun because ...
How wonderful/ surprising!
It surprises me that ...
I’m pleased we were both amused at ...
I felt happy because ...
It’s amusing that ...
词 汇
1. 四会词汇
slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, failure, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, bottom, chew, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense
2. 认知词汇
verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, Charlie Chaplin, Edward Lear, bump, poverty, charming, tramp, lace, enjoyment, Oscar, costume, Sherlock Holmes
3. 词组
be content with, badly off, pick out, star in, knock into
语 法 构词法:名词与形容词之间的转化 动词的-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法(The -ing form as predicative, attribute and object complement)
重 点 句 子 Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17
Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life ... P17
He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17
But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.
Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P18
That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P18
He solved it by using nonverbal humour. P18
Their job is “panning for gold”. P18
Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P18
Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组
1.1 WARMING UP中提出了三个问题:How many kinds of humour do you know?Do you know these kinds of humour? Do you have other kinds of humour in China?这三个问题直指本单元中心话题,为下一步的阅读理解作了准备。
1.2 PRE-READING在WARMING UP 的基础上提出了另外三个问题:What do you like to laugh at? What does humour mean? Is humour always kind?这三个问题进一步让学生了解幽默的含义,即把缺陷与完美、荒唐与合理、愚笨与机敏等两极对立的属性不动声色地结合起来,在对立统一中见其深刻的意义。
1.3 READING以美国著名喜剧大师Charlie Chaplin的表演为例,为学生展示了幽默的内涵。第一段以常见的踩香蕉皮滑倒为例,指出了幽默的内涵之一:“Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves”.从第二段开始介绍卓别林以其独特的表现方式成为著名的幽默大师,文中列举了两部他的喜剧片,一部是The Little Trump,另一部是The Gold Rush。前者以其穿着及行为而受到了人们的喜爱;后者通过吃皮鞋这一片段,让人领略了他的无与伦比的想象力与幽默感。卓别林将滑稽的相貌、夸张的穿戴和离奇的想象完美地结合起来,出于现实而又超脱现实。令人在捧腹大笑的同时,感到了他对待苦难的积极态度,和对下层小人物的同情。这篇文章揭示了幽默的内涵,给学生留下了思考的余地:Is humour always kind?
1.4 COMPREHENDING分为两部分。第一部分以填写表格的形式让学生练习写阅读笔记,同时提示他们人物传记的写法,让学生了解文章结构。第二部分练习课文中出现的生词。
1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分强调用英语来解释词汇,并在实际情景中使用所学词汇。 语法部分主要通过大量的例句和习题来实现让学生自主学习的目的,总结-ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。
1.6 USING LANGUAGE部分, 从听、说、读、写四个方面来学习和巩固所学语言知识,全面体现语言运用能力。
2. 教材重组
2.1 将WARMING UP(P17), READING(P22)与SPEAKING(P23)整合在一起上一堂口语课。
2.2 将PRE-READING,READING (P17), COMPREHENDING (P18)及LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE中的练习一和练习二整合在一起上一堂阅读课。从字、词、句、和篇章几个方面掌握目标语言。
2.3 将LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE (P20)中的剩余练习及USING LANGUAGE (P56)中的所有练习整合成语法课来练习ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。
2.4 将LISTENING(P23), LISTENING(P55) 和LISTENING TASK(P58)整合在一起上一堂听力课。
2.6 将USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS(P56),READING TASK(P59),PROJECT(P61)和 SUMMING UP(P24)整合在一起上一堂复习课,总结这个单元所学全部内容。
3. 课时分配
1st period Speaking
2nd period Reading
3rd period Grammar
4th period Listening
5th period Writing
6th period Summary
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇
verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, pancakes, mountainous, whisper
b. 重点句型
I think how short life is and how long the universe has lasted. P22
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
a. Help the students learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humour, and then find their differences.
b. Let the students listen, read, and then imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Using pictures, discussion, reading and imitation.
Teaching aids 教学准备
A recorder and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
Step ⅠRevision
Have a dictation about the words and expressions that appeared in Unit 2.
Step Ⅱ Warming up
Start the new unit by showing the students a picture:
T: Look! What do you think of the picture?
Ss: It’s very funny! A wolf or a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep!
T: Yeah! It’s so funny that we cannot help laughing about their acting. It makes us feel nice. Today, we are going to learn something about humour. The title is A taste of English humour. Do you know something about English humour?
S1: I’m sorry.
S2: I know an English humour.
T: Really? Please read it to us.
S2: I’ll try. One day a patient went to see his doctor. He said to the doctor: “Doctor, I see double.” The doctor said: “Sit on the chair please.” And then the patient asked the doctor: “Which one?”
T: That’s really interesting! Thank you! In fact this is a kind of English humour, which we call verbal joke. Ok, here are some pictures. Look, who are they?
(1) (2) (3) (4)
S3: It’s Charlie Chaplin. And I know picture one is from a film called The Gold Rush.
T: Right. Who know the man in picture 3?
S4: I dare say that everyone know him. He’s Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.
T: You are right. He’s now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. And how about the last one?
S5: It’s difficult to say. I guess he’s an American because the picture behind him looks like an American flag.
T: Right. He is Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Do you know something about him?
S6: He liked to make jokes with other people.
T: Have you once read some?
S6: Only a few.
T: Can you bring us some next time?
S6: Let me try.
T: OK, now, let’s look at the chart on Page 17. What does it tell us?
S7: From the table we can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humour; Mr. Bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny stories. But I don’t know Edward Lear.
T: Right. Edward Lear is a famous British poet. His poems are funny. But they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. Here is one of his short poems. Please look at the screen:
There was an old Man with a bread
There was an old man with a bread,
Who said, “It’s just as I feared!
Two owls and a hen,
Four larks and a wren,
Have all built their nests in my bread!”
T: In these two poems we can see that Edward Lear used a kind of magnification to make his poem funny. But because the sense of humour of English and Chinese is different, sometimes what they feel funny would not sound funny to us. But if you want to make fun of one of your friends, you can send them to him/her. They will be surprise to see these. Well, do you know these persons in the pictures? What are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny stories or funny poems?
(1) (2) (3) (4)
S8: Picture 1 is Chen Peisi. I think he is famous for his mime and farce.
S9: Picture 2 is Zhao Benshan. He is famous for his Xiao pin. And he is also for his mime, I think.
S10: The two persons in picture 4 are Liu Quanhe and Liu Quanlin. They are good at Ya ju (哑剧).
T: Do you know the third person? No? He is the famous cross talk actor-Hou Baolin. When he was living, he was the most popular actor. Many of his works are the classic. OK, now can you finish the last column of the chart?
The Suggested answers:
English humour
Mime and farce
Verbal jokes
Funny stories
Funny poems Chinese humour
Pantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全林
Funny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山
Cross talk 侯宝林、马季
Doggerel (打油诗)
Step Ⅲ Reading on P22
The purpose of this reading is to introduce the kind of humour we can laugh at -verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let the students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation.
T: Well, boys and girls, just now we learned something about English and Chinese jokes. Now let’s read some English jokes on Page 22. I’ll give three minutes for you to read them and then match the joke with the explanation. If you like, you may have a discussion. And then we’ll check the answer. OK, read them.
The students read and finish their task, and the teacher can show some other jokes on the screen. After they have finished the task, check the answer and ask them to enjoy the jokes on the screen.
T: Have you finished the reading? Are the jokes funny?
Ss: Yes, they are very funny. We’ve never found that English jokes so funny.
T: What’s the answer?
S11: The answer is 1 to B, 2 to C and 3 to A.
T: Good. Now, please look at the screen. Here are more jokes on it. Read them and enjoy them. If you have some troubles in understanding, discuss, or ask me.
Give the students some time to read the jokes.
Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.
Doctor: When did this happen?
Patient: When did what happen?
Anisha: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.
Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank god.
Anisha: Then I’ll pay the fees to god.
A man with two red ears went to see his doctor.
Doctor: What happened to your ears?
Man: I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.
Doctor: Oh Dear! But ... what happened to your other ear?
Man: The scoundrel (恶棍) called back!
T: Funny?
Ss: We’re laughing to death!
T: Don’t do that, another joke is waiting for you. Please read the neat joke on Page 22. And then finish the question followed.
Give the students three minutes to do it.
T: Now decide which of these two kinds of jokes you like better. Give your reason.
S12: I find the first kind jokes are easier to understand.
S13: Those jokes on the screen are the funnies ones, I think.
S14: We must understand the background of the funny story at first, and then we can know what a humor Sherlock Holmes was. I think to understand this kind of jokes needs wisdom to understand. We must know that he was a detective, so he was always thinking of the things such as stealing.
T: What you said is reasonable. Now let’s listen to the tape, pay attention to the intonation, and try to bring out the humorous meaning.
If time permits, the teacher can ask some students to act out the jokes.
Step IV Speaking
T: Now, we’ve learned some jokes and listened to some too. How about speaking out what you feel funny in class? I’ll give you five minutes to prepare this task, and then ask some of you to tell us your story. There are some steps for you to finish the task. If you think they are useful, follow them.
Five minutes later.
S15: My story is one day Lian Hong was standing by the window, talking with other students. Ren Xinglian came up. She wanted to make a joke with Lian and gave her a surprise. So she rushed towards Lian and kicked her at the same. But to all of us surprise, Ren slipped on the floor! Everybody laughed to bend their backs, me too.
T: Me too! OK, this class is full of joy. We know that in our life, there are full of happiness, sorrows, boredoms, and joys. When we meet with sorrows or boredoms, don’t forget to read these jokes. Maybe they can bring you sunshine. Am I right?
Ss: Yes. Thank you.
Step V Homework
T: Today’s homework is to preview the Reading material and finish the Comprehending ahead. And I have a wish that at the beginning of each class, one of our classmates can give us a joke, to bring smile into the classroom. Do you agree?
Ss: That’s a good idea.
T: Let’s begin from Group one. One of you will tell a joke to us at the beginning of next class. Don’t forget it. Ok, class is over. See you next time.
Ss: See you.
篇5:高一必修4 Unit2 教材分析与reading教案(新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)
Unit 2 Working the land
技能目标Skill Goals
Talk about agriculture: a pioneer in farming -Yuan Longping
Talk about organic farming & green food
How to write a brief summary
Try to consolidate how to express suggestions & advice
Master the usage of the -ing form as the subject and object
Learn how to design English posters
II. 目标语言
式 建议( Suggestions & advice)
I would rather ...
If I have a choice I’d choose because ...
I don’t like ... because ...
You need to ...
I’d prefer ... because ...
May I suggest ...
It’s a great pity that ...
Let me suggest Leng Jianli because...
Should I/We ...?
Perhaps we should consider Leng Jianli because...
It’s better to ...
But what/how about ...
汇 1. 四会词汇
hunger, sunburn, struggle, super, output, expand, circulate, satisfied, equip, freedom, violin, motorcycle, grain, export, suitable, chemical, confuse, mineral, reduce, supply, bacteria, pest, level, whatever, summary, exchange, nutrition, certain
2. 认读词汇
hybrid, strain, sorghum, peanut, darken, organic, fertilizer, fertile, soybean
3. 词组
rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, would rather, refer to, search for, thanks to, rather than, with the hope of ...
法 动词的 -ing 形式作主语和宾语的用法
(The -ing form as the subject & object)
a. Wishing for things, however, costs nothing.
b. His other hobbies include playing mah-jong,swimming and reading.
重 点 句 子 1. However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10
2.His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10
3. Wishing for things, however, costs nothing.P10
4. It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. P13
5. Putting this in their fields, they argue, makes the soil ... P13
6. This is important because developing a healthy soil reduces diseases ...P13
7. However, using chemical fertilizers is a big problem. P13
8. Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crops every two or three years.P14
9. These put the minerals back into the soil, making it rich and healthy ...P14
10. ... make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a ...P14
11. He advised farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops. P52
12. He suggested changing crops in the field every year. P52
Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元的中心话题是“农业”, 学生通过讨论和阅读了解有关农业、农村和农作物种植的内容。让学生了解农业在整个人类生活中的重要性,了解农村生活,了解中国农民的生活现状,提高他们对农业的认识,并且帮助他们更深刻地理解农业科学家袁隆平的科学研究的价值。同时让学生了解organic farming 以及它对人们生活的重要性,进一步扩大学生的关于农业方面的词汇量,并通过写一则海报提高学生的写作水平。
1.1 WARMING-UP 通过提问有关农业、农村和农作物种植的内容,让学生谈谈自己对农村和农业劳动的认识或经验。教师可通过讨论让学生互相学习,相互交流经验以增加他们的农业知识。
1.2 PRE-READING 部分有两组问题。在第一组问题中,讨论大米在东亚和东南亚国家人民生活中的重要性;而第二组问题则提出世界部分地区所面临的饥饿问题。由此激发学生对世界的关注,培养学生的同情心。
1.3 READING 部分介绍中国著名的农业科学家袁隆平的生平和他的杂交水稻。第一段描述了袁博士的外表--他更象一个农民而不象一个科学家,农村就是他做科研的殿堂。他的科研成果就是超级杂交水稻。 第二段描述他的家庭出身,学业,献身水稻科研的原因及所取得的成就。第三段告诉我们袁博士过着跟普通人一样的生活却干着伟大的事业。即使在功成名就之后,他也淡泊名利, 有着无私奉献的高尚精神。
1.4 COMPREHENDING 部分设计了三个练习。第一个是判断练习,学生根据课文中理解和收集的信息做出判断,甚至通过讨论才能做出判断。第二个是词语理解题。第三个练习提出问题,要求学生在阅读课文后作出回答,以检验他们的理解力和训练他们的归纳总结能力。
1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 部分学习本单元重点词汇和语法项目。词语学习部分采用给出词义而让学生从课文中找出与之匹配的词,然后用所找的词汇完成第二个练习中的短文,以及用课文中意义相近的词汇替换练习三句中划线部分。通过这三种练习帮助学生理解并能熟练应用课文中所学的词汇。语法部分通过从课文中找同义句引出动词的-ing 形式,教师此时可引导学生找出其他的句子,以启发学生理解-ing形式的句法功能。练习二通过模仿例句,用-ing形式做主语代替动词不定式改写句子。练习三要求学生连接短语造句,让学生学习ing形式作宾语的用法,并列举后面接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词。练习四则训练学生v-ing形式在实际生活中的应用能力。练习五则设计了一个游戏以丰富学生的想象力。
1.6 USING LANGUAGE 部分综合训练学生的听说读写能力。第一部分读写结合,学生先阅读文章,文章写的是 Organic Farming or green food,读完后要求学生写一个摘要。在此教师要首先强调写摘要时学生一定要抓住文章的主题并且运用所学的重要词语。听力部分通过回答问题来提高学生的理解能力和理解的正确性。Reading, speaking and writing 部分把读,说和写有机地结合在一起。假设你是一个“绿色食品” farmer,通过背景阅读,你要有充分的理由,利用所提供的句型,以对话的形式说服他人购买你的食品。最后为你的食品设计一个有说服力的广告。
1.7 SUMMING UP部分要求学生归纳总结本单元内容、词汇和语法结构三个方面。
1.8 LEARNING TIPS 部分对如何提高表达能力提出建议。
2. 教材重组
2.1 把Warming up 和Pre-reading 作为reading 的导入内容,将这三部分与Comprehending整合成一节阅读课。
2.2 将 Learning about Language on Page 11, USING STRUCTURES (P50)设计成一节词汇和语法课。
2.3 将 Using Language 中的 Reading 和 READING TASK in Workbook (P51) 还有USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS on P51设计成一节泛读课。
2.4 将Using Language 中的Listening(P14),LISTENING TASK(P50)和LISTENING(P48)设计成一节听力课。
2.5 将 Speaking and Writing(P15)和SPEAKING AND WRITING TASK(P53)及TALKING(P48)设计成一节写作课。
3. 课型设计与课时分配 (经过教材分析,本单元可用五课时完成。)
1st period Reading
2nd period Words and grammar
3rd period Reading
4th period Listening
5th period Writing
6th period Summary
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Reading
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target Language 目标语言
a. 词汇和短语
sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather than
b. 重点句子
This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. P10
He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10
He also doesn’t care about being famous. P10
He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. P10
His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10
Wishing for things, however, costs nothing. P10
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problem-starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help Ss learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.
Teaching important points 教学重点
a. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.
b. Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.
c. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
a. How to help students learn more about agriculture.
b. Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Talking, questioning-and-answering activity and reading.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式
Step Ⅰ Greeting and leading in
T: Hello, everyone.
Ss: Hello, teacher.
T: In last unit we learnt some great women. Today we’ll learn a famous man. Who will it be? At first let’s look at the two pictures on Page 9. What are the people doing?
Ss: They are planting rice.
T: Can you tell me something about rice?
S: Rice grows in the south.
S: But in some place of the north we can also find rice.
T: Yeah. You are right. In fact rice is a cereal grain that has been grown for at least 5,000 years and is eaten by 2.4 billion people everyday throughout the world. In Australia, farmers have had to struggle with their harsh environment to grow rice.
Ss: Really?
Step Ⅱ Warming up
T: Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?
S: I have ever grown corn and potatoes. In autumn, my father and I ploughed the soil deep for the first time, then in the next spring, we ploughed the soil for a second time, this time I put the corn seeds into the tunnel following my father. Finally my father covered the corn seeds by ploughing again.
S: I never grow any plant. I’d like to plant sunflowers. They look beautiful. They always face the sun when they are young. I dig some holes in my garden, put some sunflower seeds in them, water them and finally cover them with some more soil.
T: Very well. Have you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there?
S5: Yes, I went there to see my grandfather. In the village I played with other boys in the little stream and caught little fish. I even helped my grandfather get in the corn by cutting the corn stems, which made me tired.
T: Are you from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming?
S: Yes, my father is a farmer. In my view, farming is hard work. People have to plant crops, smooth away weeds and get in the crops at the right time. They have to get up early to work in the field so as to protect themselves from the sunshine.
T: That’s right. In the north, the biggest worry that farmers have is the drought. When it doesn’t rain, and they can’t irrigate the crops, the crops will die and they will have nothing after hard working.
Step Ⅲ Pre-reading
The purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.
T: Food is the basic need for man. Rice is a main food in all Eastern Asian and Southeastern Asian countries. It is said that there are 2.4 billion people to eat rice everyday throughout the world. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?
S: I think if that happened, people there would suffer from starvation. They would be panic and the whole country would get into trouble. Maybe the situation that human beings eat human beings will happen.
T: That’s too terrible. But this kind of thing once happened in history. Well, if you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world, what would you do?
S: I would invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.
S: I’ll make a kind of fertilizer to give rice enough nutrition and let them grow quickly and have high product. But first without pollution to our environment.
T: A great idea! Your idea is just the same with Dr Yuan Longping. Do you know Yuan Longping?
S: I heard that he is an expert on agriculture.
T: Yeah, today we are going to read a passage about him. Let’s see how he helped the world to solve the problem- starvation. Please open your books to Page 9.
Step Ⅳ Fast Reading
The reading material is about an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard at a new strain of rice. It has proved so successful that his technology spread into other countries. The purpose of fast reading is to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. So in this step, teacher can design some questions for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.
T: Please scan the passage and find out the answers to the questions on the screen. Then I’d like to ask you to answer them.
Show the questions on the screen and give students three minutes to read the text quickly.
1. What does Dr Yuan look like?
2. What’s his achievement?
3. What do you think of him?
Three minutes later.
T: Now who’s the first volunteer to answer Question 1?
S: He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farmer than a scientist.
T: Good! What about his achievement?
S: He grows what is called super hybrid rice, which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. Thanks to his research, the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger. Using his hybrid rice farmers’ producing harvests twice as large as before.
T: What do you think of Dr Yuan?
S: It isn’t a quick question. I think Dr Yuan doesn’t like money. He gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. He doesn’t like fame too. Because he feels it gives him less freedom to do his research, and he would rather keep time for his hobbies. Besides, he is a man with colourful dreams. He wants to produce a kind of rice that could feed more people, and he can export his rice so that it can be grown all of the world.
T: I think that your eyes are like a scanning machine. You can find so many good points of Dr Yuan Longping in such a short time. That’s very good. But I can describe Dr Yuan in one word. Guess which word?
S: I don’t know.
T: Wise. In this world, many people warship material and fame. But just as you said Dr Yuan didn’t like money and fame. Because he knows he can’t own these things forever. All the money and fames are chains, which can trip a person’s happiness and freedom. So he is a wise man. Giving up all the fame and money means liberation. Here I’d like to praise him using a Chinese poem. That is “有如莲花出于水, 又如日月不住空。”. Don’t you agree with me?
Ss: Yes, we agree with you.
T: Thank you. Now let’s read the text again to find the main idea of the text. Doing this we can find how the writer designed the text. This can give us an idea to write an biography.
Step Ⅴ Careful Reading and Explanation
Give students 3 minutes to read and find the main idea of the text. While students are doing this, teacher can show the chart on the screen. After they have finished their task, ask them to look at the screen and fill in it.
T: Well. In last unit, we learn how to make a poster to tell everyone about a theme. Do you remember? Make a large heading, then make a smaller heading giving a little more information. Write down most of the information using the smallest size writing. Now, let’s practice it again. Look at the chart on the screen, in which I have written the large heading of each paragraph. What you should do is to fill in the smaller headings to finish the poster. Now, let’s begin. You may work in pairs to have a discussion to see what you should fill in. Should I give you some suggestions to finish this task?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK, 5 minutes is enough, I think.
Show the chart on the screen:
1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.
2. His biography.
3. His personality.
4. His dreams.
Five minutes later, teacher can ask some of them to fulfil the chart. They can use words, phrases, or sentences to do this. Here is a sample for teacher to refer to.
1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.
1) A scientist works the land.
2) Sunburnt face and arms, slim, strong body.
3) Grow hybrid rice.
4) The first agricultural pioneer.
2. His biography.
1) In 1931, born.
2) In 1953, graduated and devoted his life to finding ways to grow rice.
3) Last year, twenty billion tons of rice was produced. Now, Dr Yuan is circulating his knowledge.
3. His personality.
He is satisfied with his life. Because he doesn’t like
money and fame.
4. His dreams.
1) The first dream.
2) The second dream.
T: Wonderful! I believe that you have mastered the way to write a biography. Now do you have any trouble in understanding the sentences? Please go ahead.
S1: Yes, I don’t understand the sentence “... for that’s how he regards himself”.
S2: Can you explain the sentence “... has more, rather than fewer troubles.”?
T: OK, the phrase, “how he regards himself”, means how he thinks of himself. It refers to a person’s self-image; while“... has more, rather than fewer troubles” means that you expect fewer troubles but in fact you get more than you thought you would.
T: Now please look at the screen. Here are some explanations about the boldface words in our text. Copy the English explanation of these words and read the examples.
Show the following points on the screen.
1. struggle v to make great efforts
e.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.
I’m struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.
2. sunburnt adj sun-tanned
e.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.
3. super adj (infml) excellent; splendid
e.g. You’ll like her, she’s super.
You look super in your new clothes.
It was super of you to help.
4. expand v
(cause sth to) become greater in size, number or importance
e.g. Metals expand when they are heated.
Why not try to expand your story into a novel?
5. circulate v
(cause sth to ) pass from one person, place, etc to another
e.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.
Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.
The news of the enemy’s defeat quickly circulated round the town.
6. equip v
supply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)
e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.
They can’t afford to equip their army properly.
Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
7. export v
send (goods) to another country for sale
e.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.
This company has a large home market but doesn’t export.
8. rid ... of make sb/ sth free from (sb/ sth unpleasant)
e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.
The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.
9. lead ... a life, live ... a life
e.g. Now we are leading a happy life.
In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.
10. be satisfied with, be content with
e.g. The young lady isn’t satisfied with the peaceful life.
Are you satisfied with his answers?
11. would rather, prefer to
e.g. I’d rather walk than take a bus.
I’d rather you knew that now, than afterwards.
Step Ⅵ Listening and Post-reading
At first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in Comprehending. In Step Ⅳ and Ⅴ, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teacher can choose some questions to do. For Ex 1 and 2, teacher can leave some time for students to finish and then check the answers with the whole class.
Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework
T: Today we talked about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist. Of course we have learned some words and expressions about farming. Please try to grasp these words and expressions after class. Now please look at the poem on the screen:
Farmers weeding at noon,
Sweat down the field soon.
Who knows food on a tray,
Due to their toiling day?
T: Do you know it? Read it and say what does it mean?
Ss: Of course. It’s 悯农 written by Li Shen.
T: Right. The title is A HARD - WORKING FARMER. This is my gift to you. Please read it together. OK, hope you can remember it when you are having your dinners. Besides, I’d like you to think: even if Dr Yuan’s dreams come true, can this really solve the starvation? Why? This is the homework. Think it over. Next time I’ll ask some of you to give your opinion in the class. Another one is to finish the exercises in Learning about Language. Exercise 1, 2 and 3 are about useful words and expressions. Finish them. Next time we’ll check the answers. Ok, class is over. See you next time.
Retell the text in about 150 words.
1. Use the first person to retell the story.
2. Try to use the proper conjunctions.
3. Refer to the chart while retelling.
4. The possible version below can be used as a material for both retelling and dictation.
One possible version:
I’m Yuan Longping. Look at my sunburnt face and arms and my slim, strong body and you will think I’m more like a farmer than a scientist. In fact I have struggled for the past five decades to help farmers. In 1974, I began to grow a so-called super hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.
I was born into a poor farmer’s family in 1931. When I was young, I saw many people go hungry often. So I have devoted myself to finding ways to increasing rice harvest without expanding the area of fields since I graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. Now more than 60 % of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain. I am circulating this knowledge in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase their harvest. Perhaps you think I am rich. Actually I live a simple life. I care little for money. In my opinion a person with too much money will have more troubles. I don’t want to be famous because I prefer to have more time to do my research. In my free time I love listening to music, playing mah-jong and reading. I once had a dream, in which I saw rice plants as tall as sorghum and each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Now I have another dream-to export my rice so that it can be grown all over the world.
篇6:高一必修4 Unit4教材分析与speaking教案(新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)
Unit 4 Body language
技能目标 Skill Goals
Talk about body language: cultural differences and intercultural communication
Practise talking about prohibition & warning as well as obligation
Learn to use the -ing form as the Attribute && Adverbial
Learn to write a diary that showing the observation of how body language helps in communication
II. 目标语言
式 Talk about body language
What is the purpose of language?
What do you think “body language” means?
How can you tell if someone is sad or happy even if they do not speak?
How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language?
Why do we need to study body language?
Talk about cultural differences && intercultural communication
What do British people often do when they meet strangers?
What do French people often do when they meet people they know?
Why should we be careful about our own body language?
Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them?
汇 1. 四会词汇
major, local, represent, curious, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, cheek, stranger, spoken, express, action, Jordan, nod, general, avoid, comedy, misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish
2. 认读词汇
Garcia, Julia, learned, unspoken, posture, Ahmed Aziz, Coulon, Muslim, frown, threaten
3. 词组
be likely to, at ease, an exciting experience for, not all ..., introduce oneself to sb
法 4. 重点词汇
represent, introduce, approach, touch, express, nod, avoid, misunderstand, punish, general, curious, similar, expression, agreement, gesture, action
The -ing form as the attribute && adverbial
Finding out in the reading text sentences with present participle(s) used as the attribute or adverbial.
1. The -ing form as the attribute
They are visitors coming from several other countries, ...
His nose touches Mr. Cook’s moving hand, ...
This is an exciting experience for you, ...
2. The -ing form as the adverbial
... so you stand watching and listening.
Four people enter looking around in a curious way.
You see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from Mr. Garcia.
The visitor from Japan comes in smiling at the same time as George Cook from Canada.
重 点 句 子 1. They will be meeting at a major hotel with local business people and people who represent the Chinese government. P25
2. The first person who arrives is Mr. Garcia from Columbia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. P26
3. You think that there may have been a mistake. P26
4. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. P26
5. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or posture. P26
6. People from places like Spain, Italy or ... others closely and are more likely to touch them. P26
7. ... nodding the head shows agreement, while shaking
the head means that you do not agree, ... P30
Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元以Body Language--“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。本单元的语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕“体态语”这一中心话题设计的,旨在通过单元教学,用听、说、读、写、做(表演)等多种形式,让学生正确认识和掌握“体态语”在交际中的作用和意义,使学生明确“体态语”在人类交际中的重要性,了解“体态语”在不同民族、不同文化交际中的多样性;使学生在今后的日常生活、学习、工作和交往中尽量减少或避免运用“体态语”时可能产生的误解,提高他们的“语言交际”能力和“非语言交际”能力。
1.1 WARMING UP 以列表对比(填充及增补)的形式,并通过WARMING UP的活动,让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。同时,学生在听、说、做(即表演“体态语”的动作)中能够增进对语言交际的感性认识,为他们在阅读过程中上升到对语言交际的理性认识打下基础。
1.2 PRE-READING 通过提供三个关于不同文化背景下“体态语”的问题,启发学生思考我们所学习的“语言”的目的、形式、功能。通过引导学生联系自己日常生活的实际,提高学生努力学习英语的积极性和自觉性;同时培养学生留心社会、关注生活的洞察力,为引导学生进一步“阅读”作好准备。
1.3 READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。学生也可以结合自己在语言交际中所遇到的实际例子来进一步理解“交际,毫无问题可言吗?”这一主题。
1.4 COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。
1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分由“本单元重点词汇英文释义”,“词语填空”和“词性变换”三项内容构成,语法部分由两大方面组成:一是让学生自己通过在课文中寻找相关语法的句子并按其语法功能分类,二是根据学生的认知规律安排该语法项目的练习让学生进行操练。整个项目通过三个练习和一个游戏,以及语法结构讲练,进一步巩固本单元所学词汇(尤其是课文中的黑体字),学习“现在分词”结构用作定语和状语,并通过操练,以收到“学以致用”、“熟练生巧”的效果。
1.6 USING LANGUAGE 通过增加阅读篇目“Showing Our Feelings”来拓展学生在“体态语”方面的知识视野,并通过“True” or “False”判断练习和问题讨论,使学生进一步明确“体态语”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用。同时要让学生认真对待自己的“体态语”,并在日常交际中“听其言”(Listen to them)、“观其行”(Watch them)。此外,该部分还通过听、说、读、写四个方面来巩固本单元所学内容和语言交际项目。
1.7 SUMMING UP 师生从话题、词汇和结构三个方面来共同总结本单元所学的单词和短语,语言及语法项目,总结本单元所学的主要内容和收获。
1.8 LEARNING TIPS 建议学生关注实用交际技巧,学会“体态语”;建议学生在看英语电影时或与以英语为母语的人士交谈时,观察对方面部表情和体态姿势,观察对方的“言”、“行”,进而形成有效的口笔头语言及“体态语”的交际能力。
2. 教材重组
2.1 听力:Using language中的Listening, Workbook中的Listening和Listening Task这三部分的任务及话题较为接近,将这三个部分整合在一起上一堂听力课。
2.2 口语:Warming up, Using language中的Reading and Talking, Speaking和Workbook中的Talking,Speaking Task以及Learning about language中的Discovering useful words and expressions 4, “Play a game in group of four”均紧扣本单元话题,同时涉及到本单元的功能句,教师可指导学生通过“说”(用英语发出与“体态语”相关的指令)与“做”(用“体态语”表达指令)结合来进行口语训练,这将是一节生动有趣的口语课。
2.3 精读:把Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending三部分整合为一节阅读课。
2.4 泛读:把Using Language中的Reading和Workbook中的Reading Task整合为一节拓展学生视野的泛读课。
2.5 语言学习:深入处理Learning about language中的Discovering useful words and expressions, Discovering useful structures; Workbook中的Using Words and Expressions和Using Structures。重点学习Discovering useful structures中“-ing (现在分词)”在句中做定语和状语的用法。
2.6 语言运用:处理Using Language中的Reading and Writing和Workbook中的Writing Task。指导学生写一篇有关“The Body Language I Know”短文,反映其在不同文化背景、不同语言环境中的运用情况,及所造成的理解上的困难、障碍甚至误解等。
3. 课型设计与课时分配
1st period Speaking
2nd period Reading (I)
3rd period Reading(II)
4th period Language Study
5th period Listening
6th period Writing
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target Language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish
b. 重点句型或交际用语
Act out the following meanings, please.
Please guess what I mean.
Please show the actions, using body language.
Now it is your turn to show the action / gesture.
Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.
Please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.
2. Ability goals能力目标
a. Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.
b. Enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.
c. Enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
a. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.
b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.
Teaching important points教学重点
a. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.
b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
a. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.
b. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.
Teaching methods教学方法
a. Individual work, pair work and group work.
b. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.
Teaching aids教具准备
A computer, a projector and some pictures.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Lead-in
The teacher shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of .
Ss: Yes, Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.
T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of the program. Her name is Tai Lihua(邰丽华). She is called a Fairy of Peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. You know she is a deaf girl, but she is a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. She studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. She was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. She is deaf and dumb. But how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? She loves life very much. We should learn from her spirit. Besides her hard working, body language plays a very important part in her life. We are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. So we should pay more attention to learning body languages.
Step II Introduction
T: Now let’s do some TPR (Total Physical Response) activities together, I hope you will enjoy them and have fun as well.
Touch your head / face / eyes / nose / mouth / ears / cheeks / forehead / shoulders / stomach / legs / feet / toes ...
Shake your head / arm / hand ...
Wave your arm / hand ...
Open your eyes / arms /mouth ...
Close your eyes / mouth ...
Twist your wrist / waist.
Cross your arms / fingers.
Nod your head. Bow your head.
Make a face to each other.
Bend / cry / shout / scream / smile / laugh ...
T: All right. Now let’s do them a little bit difficult. Let’s play a game together. Those who fail to follow the rule of the game will be dropped out. The game is: “Simon says”. For example, if I say “Simon says, touch your head”, then you touch your head. If not, you shouldn’t touch your head but remain still. Clear? Ready? Now let’s start.
3 or 5 minutes for the game.
T: Ok. It’s time to take up the lesson. Please look at the screen. Let’s take a look at the following gestures:
Gesture Action Meaning
A handshake You are welcome.
A clap of hand Come on; be cheerful.
A V-shape of the fore-finger and middle finger May you succeed!
Or congratulations on your success!
A half-closed hand with thumb down I am not in favor of your idea or I’ll have to refuse you.
A wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowl She is worried.
Tears coming out of his eyes. He is very sad.
All smiles on her face She is very happy.
Waving their hands They are waving goodbye to people around.
A hand stretched out forward with strength He is stopping a tank.
People jump with their both hands stretched open in the air. They are cheering for the victory.
T: What are the actions of the above gestures? What do they mean?
S4: The first gesture is a handshake, which means “You’re welcome”.
S5: The second is a handclap, which means “Come on” or “Be cheerful” or something like that.
S6: The third one is a V-shaped posture of the first finger and the middle finger, which suggests a wish for the other or others to succeed.
S7: The fourth is a half-closed hand with the thumb down. It means the one who gives this gesture is against the other’s idea or simply refuses the request.
S8: The fifth is a worried look of a woman. She wrinkles her brows or frowns. It also seems that she scowls. It shows that she is worried or sad. In other words, she is unhappy.
S9: The sixth is a man shedding tears. Tears were running down his cheeks. He is very sad for losing his relatives or sad for his failure.
S10: The seventh is a smiling face. It is easy to see that she is very happy.
S11: The eighth is a gesture of waving hands. They are waving goodbye to people who are around to see them off.
S12: The ninth is a hand stretched out forward with great strength. The boy is trying to stop a tank from entering into his homeland.
S13: The tenth is hands stretched out upward. They are all very cheerful. They are wild with joy; maybe they have just won a game. So we can see that they are cheering for their victory.
T: You have all done a good job. So you see that there are many cases or situations in which body language can convey meanings as well as spoken or written languages. If you want to know more about it, let’s come to Unit 4 Body Language.
Step Ⅲ Practice
T: Look at the chart on Page 25. Here is a list. On the left side are feelings or ideas. You are asked to add three of your own. Make notes on the right side of the chart and then act them out to see how you would make someone understand these feelings and ideas without speaking. Do it with your partner first. And then some of you will be asked to the front of the classroom to act them out.
Meaning Action
1. You are welcome. A smile and a handshake.
2. I am worried. A frowned or upset look.
3. I ate too much Putting a hand on the stomach, patting or rubbing.
4. I am sorry that I did something wrong. Drooping or hanging the head.
5. I’m so happy. A loud laughter with a shining face or smiling with arms open and head back.
6. You did a good job. A thumb up.
7. You are angry. Turning your back to someone on purpose.
8. Stop here. Putting the left palm on the forefinger of the right hand.
The students can be allowed to act out the feelings or ideas without following the order in the chart so that it may be more challenging as well as more interesting.
Step Ⅳ Time for Fun
T: Now let’s play a game in groups of four. One thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. When the one chooses the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds. Clear?
Ss: Yes. That’s funny!
T: Try to make the situations as interesting and enjoyable as you can. And show the situation as lively as possible. Besides, make sure that everyone has a turn.
Ss: All right.
S1: What are you likely to do if it rains?
(Actions) S2: reads a book;
S3: puts on a raincoat;
S4: cleans the house.
S1: Ok. I think S3 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.
S3: What are you likely to do if the river floods?
(Actions) S1: runs away as fast as he can;
S2: helps the younger or elder to escape as soon as possible;
S4: climbs on to a tree.
S3: Ok. I think S2 seems the most likely, so it is her turn.
S2: What are you likely to do if the house catches fire?
(Actions) S1: fetches some water;
S3: tries to put it out with blooms;
S4: runs away as quickly as he can.
S2: Ok. I think S4 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.
S4: What are you likely to do if you meet with a fierce dog?
(Actions) S1: remains where he is and bends down, looking at the dog;
S3: tries to scare it away with small stones;
S4: runs away as quickly as possible.
S2: Ok. I think S1 seems the most likely, so we all have done a good job.
T: Yes. I couldn’t agree with you. Now, one more group.
Step V Talking
Get the students to work in pairs. The situation is that you are worried about Lin Pei, who is not friendly any more, and does not want to talk to you or her other friends. She seems to be sad. She stays alone. She is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her. She doesn’t seem to care about how she looks and behaves.
T: Now class, work in pair. Discuss Lin Pei’s behavior. Think about the problems she might have. Describe her “body language” or the behavior that shows how she feels. Three minutes for you.
T: All right, who’d like to describe or act out Lin Pei’s behavior?
S1: I think there is something wrong with her. When I saw her recently, she would turn away from me and would not speak to me. (Miming the action)
S2: Yes, when I saw her in class, she looked as if she had been crying. And she would not even look at me. She just looked straight out of the window. She seemed as if she could see nobody in her eyes. (Miming the action)
S3: I quite agree. When I met her at the school gate and tried to have a word with her, she just bent down her head and passed me as if she hadn’t noticed me. (Miming the action)
S4: I couldn’t agree with you more! This morning, when I went close to her, trying to start a conversation between us, she crossed her arms in front of her and didn’t look at me. And then she turned away immediately. (Miming the action)
T: Good job. Now class, let’s try to think of a way to help her out, OK?
Ss: Yes, Sir.
Step Ⅵ Role Play (Speaking task on P67)
T: Now, there’s still a little time left. Let’s come to Speaking Task on Page 67. We’re given two situations. For each situation, prepare a role-play with your partner. Use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas. Then explain to the class what the differences are in Western and Chinese languages, and what they mean. The first two sentences have been given in the text.
Work in pairs
1. You fall and hurt your foot while you are hiking on a
lonely path. You need help, and see someone in the distance.
S1-You, S2-Passer-by
S1: Help! Help! Please come over here! (waving and crooking your hand toward the place where you are lying)
S2: What do you want? I can’t hear you! (hand behind your ear)
S1: Can you see me? Please come here! (waving and crooking your hand again toward the place where you are lying)
S2: Why? I can’t understand you. (with a forefinger on the right side of the head)
S1: I hurt my foot when I fell. (pointing to your injured foot)
S2: All right. I am coming! (running)
Work in group of three
2. You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges. You only know a little English and want to know where you can get them and how much they cost.
S1-You, S2-Passer-by, S3-Shopkeeper
S1: Can you help me please? I need some tea and some oranges. (smiling and leaning forward)
S2: Pardon? What do you need?
S1: Tea (taking out the little sample) and oranges (using thumb and the forefinger to form a round shape). Where can I get some? (miming the question)
S2: Oh, this is tea. And some oranges, right?
S1: (Nodding your head) Yes. Where can I buy some? (repeating the mime)
S2: (Showing the way) This way, please.
S1: Thanks. (acting out the Chinese way to show thanks)
S2: Here you are.
(They are entering the grocery store.)
S3: Can I help you?
S2: He wants to buy some tea and oranges.
S3: No problem. (To S1) How much tea do you need? And how many oranges?
S1: (Sticking out five fingers to show half kilo of tea, and two hands to show ten oranges)
S3: Here you are.
S1: How much are they? ( drawing the sign of the US dollar-$)
S3: (Working on the calculator) $9 in all including taxes.
S1: Here is ten dollars. (handing the ten-dollar note)
S3: Here is the change.
S1: Thanks. (nodding your thanks) Bye!
Step Ⅶ Homework
1. Team work: Discuss the importance of body language.
2. Go over the Reading:
1) Communication: No Problem?
2) Showing our feeling.
T: I think you must have known something about these pictures. Yes, they are from a program of CCTV, the Evening Party Celebrating the Spring Festival of 2005, the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster. I think that was the best program. Do you remember the name of this program?
篇7:必修4 unit 3 教材分析与练习(新课标版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)
第三单元 感受英语幽默
Part 1 Text Explanation 单元内容详解
Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road①? If you do②, you are not alone. Some humour can be cruel but some people seem to enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck at times③. Perhaps it makes us feel more content with ④our life because we feel there is someone else worse off ⑤than ourselves.
However, some actors can astonish⑥ us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. Charlie Chaplin was just such ⑦an actor. He was born in poverty⑧ in 1889 and at that time films were silent. He became famous for using a particular⑨ form of acting, including⑩ mime and farce. His entertaining⑾ silent movies are still popular today. His charming character The Little Tramp is well known throughout the world⑿. He played a poor and homeless⒀ person, who wore large trousers, worn-out⒁ shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick⒂. This character was a social failure⒃ but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determination⒄ in overcoming difficulties ⒅and being kind even when people were unkind to him.
So how did he make a sad situation entertaining? Imagine⒆ you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe⒇. How would you make eating a boiled shoe funny? That was the problem facing(21) Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films The Gold Rush. He solved it by using nonverbal humour and this(22)is how it was done.
The film is set in (23)California in the middle of the nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed there in search of(24) it. In the film. Chaplin and his friend are in California, too. Their job is “panning for gold”(25). They wash sand from the river in a pan of water, and expect to pick up (26)gold, but they have been not fortunate enough(27) to find any. Instead they are caught on(28) the edge of a mountain in a snowstorm in a small wooden house, where they have nothing to eat. They are so hungry that (29) they have to boil a pair of leather shoes in a pan and eat it. Chaplin sits down at the table(30) with his plate and drinking cup. First he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were(31)spaghetti. Then he cuts off(32) the leather top of the shoe, treating it as if it were the finest meat(33). Finally he tries cutting and eating(34) the bottom of the shoe. You can imagine how difficult it is to chew, but he seems to eat every mouthful(35) with great enjoyment. He makes it seem as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! How hungry would you have to be to eat a shoe?
Chaplin produced, directed(36), and wrote the movies he starred (37)in. In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his lifetime outstanding work. He lived the last years of his life (38) in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.
3.He was in such a hurry that he bumping into an old lady.
A knocked into(39) B came across (40) C waved goodbye D looked up at
4.The problem Charlie Chaplin was having to deal with(41) would not go away(42).
A practicing B preferring to talk to C trying to understand D facing
①a. see sb. doing意为“看到某人正在做”。现在分词在结构中作宾语补足语表示主动或正在进行。如果宾语与后面的宾语补足语存在逻辑上的主谓关系,且宾补所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,宾补就用现在分词。常见的用现在分词作宾补的结构有:get / leave / keep / set / catch / have sb. doing; see / find / watch / feel / hear / listen to / discover sb. doing 如:
He kept me waiting the whole morning.
I heard her singing an English song when I passed by her room yesterday.
It’s wrong of you to leave the machine running.
Don’t have the water running all the time.
The clerk caught the girl stealing in the supermarket.
b. 过去分词作补语:如果补语与宾语具有逻辑上的动宾关系,宾补的动作具有“完成”概念,或宾补表示已经存在的状态,就用过去分词作宾补表示被动或完成。常见的用过去分词作宾补的结构有:keep / leave / have / get sth. done; find / see / discover / observe / notice / hear sth. done; make oneself done如:
I have never heard the song sung in English.
I heard the English song sung many times.
The guests left most of the dishes untouched, because they didn’t taste delicious.
Tom had his leg broken while playing football.
I’ll have my bike repaired tomorrow.
c. 不定式作宾补时有两类:
a) 带to的不定式作宾补。很多动词如allow, order, force, permit, tell, want, wish, forbid, advise, persuade, warn等后面作宾补的不定式都带to。 如:
He didn't allow us to smoke in his house.
He left, leaving me to do all the rest work.
We hurriedly ended our meeting, leaving many problems to be settled.
The general ordered his men to withdraw in three hours.
b) 不带to的不定式作宾补。使役动词make, have, let等后面作宾补的不定式不带to,表示让某人主动做某事;感官动词see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, notice等后面作宾补的不定式不带to,表示看到或听到事情发生的全过程。但在被动语态中,动词不定式的符号to要还原。如:
He always makes his sister cry, but today he was made to cry by his sister.
He made a face and made everybody laugh.
I heard her sing a English song just now.
Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.
②a. do在上下文中代替句中的主要动词,避免重复。动词的替代词通常是实意动词。如果被替代的动词是及物的,则替代词后面须跟宾语。动词替代词可与情态动词连用,在否定句和疑问句中有时还须引进助动词do的适当形式。如:
I finished my job before they did.
In the earliest times, people couldn’t count as we do now.
---- Do you like Beijing?
---- Yes, I do.
Mary studies modern history and she doesn’t do modern language.
He knows how to drive a car, doesn't he?
You should tell us the truth, if you don’t , you will be punished.
b. do与so搭配的复合动词do so,既可以替代动宾结构,也可以替代动状结构。如:
He said he would tell me the news, but he didn’t do so.
He smokes a lot. Does his brother do so?
…Jane is crying for some more cakes in the kichen.
…Yes, but her little brother isn’t doing so.
c. 代动词do还可以与so搭配,构成两个意义不同的常用句型:“So+do+主语”和“So +主语+do”,这两个句型常用于简短反应。
a) “So+do+主语”表示上面的情况同样适用于另一个对象。在这一结构中,主语与上文的主语不同。如:
…I like playing football.
…So do I.
…He went to Changzhou last week.
…So did I.
注〕如果上文表示否定意义,在简短反应中则用“Neither/Nor+do+主语”。此时do 是助动词。如:
…He doesn’t speak Russian.
…Neither/Nor do I.
b) “So +主语+do”表示对别人所说的情况加以肯定,这时,主语与上文的主语相同。如:
…The students work hard.
…So they do.
…He does well in English.
…So he does.
③a. at times意为“时常,有时”,相当于sometimes。如:
At times I go out to the beach.
He writes to me at times.
At times I go by car.
b. 关于time的常用词组有:
in no time 立刻;马上
at no time 决不;在什么时候也不(当at no time位于句首时,该句须用倒装语序)
at the same time 同时
at one’s time of life 在某人的年纪
at a time 一次;同时
at one time 从前;曾有一时(常与过去式连用)
( at ) any time 随时(at可省略)
any time 哪里,哪里;随时效劳(是用来回答别人道谢的话)
at all times 经常;老是(= always )
behind time 晚点,迟到
from time to time 有时;时常
out of time 过时
for the time being 暂时
in time of 在……的时候
in one’s own time 在某人的业余时间
give sb a rough time (使某人)受折磨
time and time again 一次又一次
once upon a time 从前
many a time 许多次
have a good time 玩的开心
kill time 消磨时间
take one’s time 不着急
ahead of time 提前
some time 一段时间;一些时候
sometime 将来某个时候
sometimes 偶尔;有时
some times 若干次
c. time除了能作名词,表示“时间、时刻、次数、倍数”外,还能作及物动词使用,表示“安排好时间、为(比赛或选手)计时”。如:
He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark .
You have timed your holiday cleverly-the weather is at its best.
His remark was badly timed.
Kick-off is timed for 2:30.
This egg is hard-you didn’t time it properly.
Time how long it takes me to do two lengths of the pool.
d. time的常用句型有:
a). It’s time for sth . 或 It’s time ( for sb . ) to do sth . 意为“该是……的时候了”。如:
It’s time for dinner .
It’s time for children to go to bed .
It is time to go to school.
b). It’s ( high/about ) time ( that ) sb . did/should do sth . 意为“该是……的时候了”。该句型中的that 从句需要用虚拟语气,谓语动词常用过去式,也可用should+动词原形(此处should不可省略)。如:
It’s high time that we should start.
It’s time that we devoted ourselves to our country .
It’s time that I should go to fetch my daughter.
It’s about time that stopped fooling around and started looking for a job。
c). This is the time when sb . should do sth . 或The time has come when sb . should do sth . 这两个句型也用来表示“该是……的时候了”,when 引导的定语从句用陈述语气或“should + 动词原形”的形式。如:
This is the time when you should get up .
The time has come when we should part from each other.
The time has come when you should tell me all the truth.
d). every ( each , any , next , first , last ) time 作连词使用,引导时间状语从句。如:
Every ( Each ) time I saw him , I found him to be taller .
The last ( first ) time I went to China , I visited Shanghai .
Next time you see him, tell him the truth.
Any time you need help, please tell me.
e). by the time 引导时间状语从句时,意为“到……时为止”,主句一定要用完成时态。如:
By the time he was twelve , Edison had built a chemistry lab for himself 。
By the time you saw me, I had had five hamburgers.
By the time he went to school, he had leaned more than 3000 words by heart.
f). This is the first ( second , last ) time ( that ) sb . has done sth . 意为:是某人第几次……。在该句型中,this 可以由that 或it 替换;从句中的谓语动词必须用完成式,且要与主句谓语动词be 的时态保持一致。如:
This is the third time I have been to Beijing .
That wasn’t the first time Linda had taken too many pills .
It will be the fifth time that he will have been invited to such a meeting .
g). 三倍以上倍数的表达方式常用以下几种句型:
A is times + as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as + B
A is times + 形容词或副词的比较级 + than + B .
A is times + the + 名词 + of + B . 如:
The sitting room is 3 times as large as the kitchen .
Your bag is three times larger than mine .
Your cake is twice the size of mine .
My school is one third the size of yours.
④a. be content with/to do 意为“知足;满足,满意;愉快”。content此处为形容词,常作表语。如:
Are you content with your present salary?
Now that she has apologized, I am content.
He is content to stay in his present job.
He is content to remain where he is now.
He was content that the thing had happened.
I am very content with my life at present.
She seems content to sit in front of the television all night.
b. content作及物动词意为“使满意;使满足,使不复有所求”常用于词组content oneself with,意为“满足或满意于某事物(虽然可能有更高的要求)”。如:
Simple praise is enough to content him.
As there is no cream, we’ll have to content ourselves with black coffee.
As the TV’s broken, you’ll have to content yourself with listening to the radio.
c. content作名词, 表示“所容纳的东西,所含之物,内容(指书内全部章节);目录”时应用其复数形式contents。如:
Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.
The drawer had been emptied of its contents.
She hadn’t read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.
At the front of the book is a table of contents, giving details of what is in the book.
d. content表示“实质内容,要旨;意义;容量;容积;含量,成分”时,常用单数形式。如:
In my opinion, the movie lacks content.
Her life only had content when she was with him.
Oranges have a high vitamin C content.
Food with a high fat content is not good for our health.
e. content 作不可数名词意为“满足,满意”。如:
He takes content in nothing.
Can’t you see the quiet content of the well-fed child?
⑤a. be worse off意为“比以前更穷,更不愉快、更不健康等”。其反义词组为be better off意为“较好的;较明智的”。如:
The increase in taxes means that we’ll be £30 a month worse off.
I’ve only broken my arm; other patients are far worse off than me.
He’d be better off going to the police about it.
b. worse still相当于what’s worse, 意为“更糟的是”,作插入语,修饰全句。如:
Worse still, the lion could even carry off the baby in its month.
In the earthquake, many houses were destroyed. Worse still, lots of people lost their lives.
It was dark that night. Worse still, it was snowing hard.
We were very tired at that time, and what's worse, it was raining heavily.
c. to make matters/things worse意为“使情况更危险或更困难”。如:
To make matters worse, he refused to apologize.
He was very rude to the Customs officer, which of course made things even worse.
My car broke down on my way home. To make things worse, it began to rain heavily.
⑥ a. astonish是个及物动词,意为“使惊讶,吃惊,震惊”。如:
The news astonished everybody.
It astonishes me that no one has thought of this before.
He was astonished to hear he had got the job.
It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.
b. astonished是形容词常作表语,意为“感到惊讶,吃惊”。be astonished to do sth./at sth./ that…解释为“……感到惊讶”,如:
We astonished to hear the loud sound.
I was astonished that he appeared at the party.
Everybody was astonished at the news.
He was astonished to see his father.
You look astonished at my appearance.
c. astonishing为形容词,意为“使人惊讶的,惊人的”。如:
I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play.
There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.
It was such an astonishing performance for such a young musician.
d. astonishment是astonish的名词形式。意为“惊讶,惊奇”。如:
Imagine my astonishment when Peter walked in!
To my astonishment it had completely disappeared.
He looked at me in astonishment.
⑦a. such这里为形容词,意为“如此的,这样的”。修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a(an)之前,
若名词前有one,no,any,some, all, many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后。如:
He's such a man.
One such table is enough.
There is no such thing.
b. such位于句首时, 句子须全部倒装,此句型中的such是 指示代词,多被认为是表语,所以such后的be动词应与其后的真正的主语保持一致。如:
Such is my hope for the future.
Such were the facts.
Such are the facts, no one can deny them.
Such is Albert, a simple man.
c. such sth. that…,such sth. as…句型意为“下述一类的;(象后面提及的)那样的,这样的,如此的”;还可意为“(重要性、价值等)达到那种程度的”。如从句不缺少句子成分,用that引导,表示“如此…以至于”;如从句中缺少句子成分,用as引导,表示“像…一样的“像……”。如:
Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.
Such advice as he was given proved almost worthless.
The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo.
He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.
She is such a good teacher just as we expect.
d. 用于某些短语中,如:such as表示列举,有“例如、诸如”等意思,as such则是“作为一个…,本身;按照某词通用的或严格的词义”等意思,such and such意为“某某,这种那种的”等意思。如:
I like drinks such as tea and soda.
Wild flowers such orchids and primroses are becoming rare.
Wealth as such doesn't matter much.
I can’t call my book a best seller as such but it’s very popular.
Such and such results follow from such and such causes.
e.so与such的用法区别由so与such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。如:
so + adj. such + a(n) + n.
so + adj. + a(n) + n. such + n. (pl.)
so + adj. + n. (pl.) such +n. (pl.)
so + adj. + n. [不可数] such +n. [不可数]
so foolish such a fool
so nice a flowersuch a nice flower
so many/ few flowers such nice flowers
so much/little money. such rapid progress
so many people such a lot of people
He is so clever that he could work out such a difficult problem.
Jack ran so fast that he could catch up with the bus.
David is so good a player that he has fans all over the world.
There were so many people in the street that it was impossible for him to find the lost child.
She is such a nice girl that everyone loves her.
He had made such great progress that he passed all his exams.
⑧ a. in poverty意为“处于贫困之中”。介词in加名词多用于表静态状况,如安全、危险、健康、涉及人的情绪等。意为“在……状况中;在……情况下”。如:
in trouble 陷入困境;
in danger 处于危险中;
in order 有序,有条理;
in surprise 惊讶地;
in silence 默默地;
in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落等等。
in peace平静地
in a mess 乱七八糟
in rags (穿得)破破烂烂
in poor health 健康欠佳
in good repair 保存良好
in fun 开玩笑地
in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地
in ruins 呈废墟状态
in anger 愤怒地
in a rage 愤怒之中
She went to school in a hurry.
The city was in ruins after the war.
Are you in poor health? You don’t look well.
Even he is in poverty, he is always ready to help others.
b. on加名词用语表示动态,如正在从事某种活动或处于某种运动状态之中。如:
on business 出差;
on a visit 在访问;
on show 在上映;
on strike 在罢工;
on watch 在站岗/放哨;
on fire 在着火;
on vacation/holiday 在度假,等等。如:
Are there any live fish on sale in the market?
The house is on fire.
The president is on a visit to Paris.
⑨ a . particular为形容词,意为“非一般的,特别的,特殊的;个别的,个人的;难以满足的,挑剔的”。In particular是习语,意为“尤其,特别”。如:
She took particular care not to overcook the meat.
He is a particular friend of mine.
Is there any particular color you would prefer?
She is very particular about what she wears.
She is a very particular person.
The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.
---Is there anything in particular you’d like for dinner?
---No, nothing in particular.
b. particular作名词时常用复数形式,意为“信息,事项,细节”。如:
Her account is correct in every particular/all particulars.
He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
The policeman wrote down his particulars, ie his names, address, etc.
c. especially/ particularly/ specially三词的区别。
particularly 为副词,意为“尤其;格外地”,通常以不寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处。它可和especially通用,但更强调“与众不同”;especially 是副词意为“格外地、主要地、尤其”,用于强调某种特别感受,起突出强调的作用。指与其他同类相比,某人(物)情况达到异常的程度。常在介词或连词前常用;副词specially意为“为了某一特别的目的;专门”,多指为一特别目的而作。如:
This handbook is particularly useful for middle school students.
I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good.
Be particularly careful when driving at night.
The sight here is very beautiful, especially when there is fog.
I came here specially to see you.
Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall.
This time I came back specially to see my family, especially my little daughter who was ill.
These shoes were specially made for you.
I like all the subjects, especially English and math.
I like the beauty of the countryside, especially when spring comes.
This book is specially written for children.
⑩a. including是现在分词作介词意为“包含;包括”,后接名词。included置于名词后,相当于including+名词。如:
Everyone here took part in the fight against the flood, including old people.
Everybody had something to say, me included/ including me.
Many people like the book, including me (或 me included.)
Tom took away all his things, including his books (或his books included.)
Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth, including my mother .
I have to prepare food for seven people, including me.
我必须准备包括自己在内 7 个人的食物。
The band played many songs, including some of my favorites
Sales up to and including last month amounted to £10,000.
b. include与contain的区别:
include 是动词,意为“包含(某人/某事物);包括”;contain为动词,意为“包含,容纳” 。contain和 include 虽然都有“包含”的意思,但 contain 可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 则只是包含一部分。可以这样说,include 着重“被包含者只是整体中的一部分”。contain 着重“内有”。如:
The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities besides the Hans.
The parcel contained a dictionary.
The parcel included a dictionary.
The tour includes a visit to Paris.
The basket contains a variety of fruits.
The jar contains ten glasses of water.
The price includes both house and furniture.
I include him among my friends.
c.分词可以作介词用的词有concerning关于; considering考虑到,就…而言; regarding关于; respecting关于; compared to/with与…相比; owing to “由于……因为……”; given考虑; judging from从…来判断;等等。如:
Considering his age, he is tall.
Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
She’s very active, considering her age.
I have nothing to say concerning his speech.
I hear he is more than 70, but he is still very strong, considering his age.
听说他已经 70 多岁了,但从他的年纪来看,他仍然很结实。
Considering ( that ) he did not study hard, he did well on the test.
Compared with / to her mother, she is tall.
Owing to unfavorable weather, I was unable to carry on with it.
Judging from / by what he said, he must be an honest man.
Judging from / by his accent, he must be from Guangdong province.
Regarding this point, he is correct.
Respecting your salary, we shall come to a decision later.
Concerning your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable.
Given that they are inexperienced, they have done a good job.
Given his support, I think we'll win the election.
Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.
Give the opportunity, he might well have become an outstanding artist.
Given their inexperience, they have done a good jib.
Given his age, he is rather healthy.
Allowing for / Considering traffic delays, it will take you an hour to get there.
I will agree to go provided / providing that my expenses are paid.
We can all leave together ---assuming(that) / supposing (that )the others aren't late.
⑾a. entertaining是形容词,意为“使人愉快的,有趣的”。如:
He is the most entertaining guest.
We saw a very entertaining film yesterday.
b. entertain是动词,意为“招待,款待某人;使某人快乐; 愿意考虑某事物”。如:
I don’t entertain very often.
They do a lot of entertaining.
They entertained us to dinner last night.
Could you entertain the children for an hour, while I make supper.
He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.
He refused to entertain our proposal.
c. entertainment为名词,意为“招待,款待,娱乐”。如:
He fell in the water, much to the entertainment of the children.
The local entertainments are listed in the newspaper.
He often goes to places of entertainment to kill time.
⑿a. throughout是介词,意为“遍及,遍布;贯穿(场所,时间之中),从头到尾”。比through更强调“完全”。throughout常等于all through。throughout the world意为“全世界”。如:
They went on working all through the night.
=They went on working throughout the night.
I remained silent throughout.
The ring is gold throughout.
The new epidemic spread throughout the country.
They searched for the lost child throughout the day.
National Day was celebrated throughout the country.
This feeling persisted throughout the day.
b. throughout还可作副词,意为“各方面,各处;在某事的整个期间”。如:
The house was printed green throughout.
Certain names in the book were underlined throughout.
I watched the film and cried throughout.
c. through作介词,意为“穿过,通过;或(指方法,手段等)以、用、凭借、通过;从开始到结束,在…期间等”。如:
The river runs through our village.
Light comes in through the window.
We sold the car through advertising in the local paper.
Their success was achieved through hard work.
He worked all through the summer.
The exhibit will be open Tuesday through Saturday.
I was in college from 1977 through 1981.
d. through作副词意为“通过,穿过;彻底地,完全地;接通”。如:
I read the book through.
He was wet through.
Can you put me through to Mr. Jones?
The door opened and we went through.
The gap in the fence wasn’t big enough to get through.
Those boards are rotten through and through.
e. through还可作形容词,意为“直达的,直通的(相当于direct);完成的,结束的”。如:
We took a through train to London.
When you are through in the kitchen, let me know.
⒀a. homeless为形容词,意为“无家可归的”。-less为否定后缀。如:
countless 不可数的
wireless 无线的
ceaseless 不停止的
careless 粗心的
b. 否定前缀:在英语中,有一些表示否定意义的前缀,在表示否定意义的时候,它们的用法基本相同,可译成汉语“非”、“无”、“不(是)”、“未”等。但这些前缀的来源以及接在后面的词有一定的差别。此外,除了表示否定意义外,它们各自还可表示其他的意义。下面分别作简单介绍。
a) un-:来源于希腊语。可加在形容词现在分词和过去分词前构成形容词;加在副词前构成副词加在名词前构成名词。如:
unafraid 不怕的,无惧色的
unaware 不知道的,不注意的
unclean 不干净的,肮脏的
unhappy 不幸福的,不快乐的
uninteresting 无趣味的,乏味的
unknown 不知的;未知的;无名的
unmarried 未婚的
uncommonly 不普通地;不平凡地
unemployment 失业
unrest 不宁,不安;**,骚动
b) non-:来源于罗曼语。加在形容词动词和名词前构成形容词、名词。如: nondestructive 非破坏性的
nondollar 非美元的;非美无区的
noneffective 无效力的,不起作用的
nonstop 不停的,不断的
nonconductor 非导体,绝缘体
nonsmoker 非吸烟者
c) dis-:来源于罗曼语。加在形容词、动词和名词前。如:
disloyal 不忠诚的
dishonest 不老实的
disagree 不同意、不一致、不符
dislike 不喜欢,厌恶
displeasure 不愉快,不满、生气
d) in-:来源于拉丁语。加在形容词、现在分词、过去分词、名词前。如:
incorrect 不正确的,错误的
inconvenient 不方便的
inexpensive 花费不多的;人格公道的
invalid 无效的
injustice 非正义;不公正
instability 不稳定性;不坚决
e) il-:来源于拉丁语。用在以字母“I”开始的词前面, 后可接形容词现在分词、过去分词、名词。如:
illegal 不合法的、非法的
illiterate 文盲的;无知的
illogical 不合逻辑的,缺乏逻辑的
illiquid 非现金的;无流动资金的
illiteracy 文盲,无知
f) im-:来源于拉丁语。用在以字母“b”、“p”、“m”开始的词前面,后可接形容词、名词。如:
imbalance 不平衡,不均衡
immeasurable 无法计量的
immemorial 无法追忆的
impassable 不能通行的
imperfect 不完美的
impossible 不可能的
g) ir-:来源于拉丁语。用在以字母“r”开始的形容词前。如:
irregular 不规则的,不规律的
irrecoverable 能恢复的
irresponsible 不承担现任的,不需负责任的
irreplaceable 不能替代的;不能恢复原状的
c. 否定前缀表示“否定”以外的其他意义。
a) “un-”表示下列意义时来源于日耳曼语,可以在动词或名词前构成动词, 有四种意义,如:
unsay 收回,取消(前言)
unclose 打开
unseal 开启......的封印;拆(信);使解除束缚
unarm 解除......的开装,缴......的械
unbuild 拆毁;摧毁
unseat 剥夺....的席位;使失去资格;使退位
unsex 使失去性功能;使失去性别特征(尤指女性)
vunman 使失去男子汉气概;阉割;撤去(船只或舰队)的人员
unhand 把手从......移开;放掉
unbosom 吐露(心事),暴露(思想)
unearth 发掘;掘出
unloose 松开;解放,释放
b) “non-”的两种新义:
nonbook 毫无文学价值、滥竽充数的书
non-friend 假朋友
nonperson 被认为不存在的人:( 由于政治或意识形态原因而)被排除在考虑之外的人(也可用unperson)
nonevent 被期望但未实现(或结果使人扫兴)的事
non-hero=anti-hero 非传统式英雄,
nonnovel 不能按传统创作法写成的小说
discharge 卸货;排出(气体等)
discolour (使)变色,(使)褪色
discourage 使泄气,使失去信心
dishearten 使失去勇气,使沮丧 , 使失去信心
displace 移植,转移
inclose(=enclose) 围住;圈起;关闭住
income 收入,收益
vinflow 流入
inland 内地的,内陆的
inside 里面,内部
inlet 进口,人口
e)“im-”表示“向......内”、“向......上 ”“向......”。如:
imbed(=embed) 栽种(花等):埋置:把......嵌入
inmigrate (从国外)移来;移居入境
immerge 浸入;专心,埋头
impark把 (动物)围在园内
immixture 混合;卷入
irrigation 灌溉;水利
irruption 侵入,闯入
d. 在学习这些前缀时,必须注意以下点:
easy 容易的
uneasy 心神不安的:忧虑的:担心的
canny 聪明的,精明的
uncanny 神秘的;怪模样的
b) 一般来说,“un-”加在本族语词汇前,而“in ”加在外来语词汇前。但有时候“un-”加在形容词词前,而“in”则加在相对应的以拉丁语结尾的名词前。如:
unable (不能的,无能的,无能为力的)--inability.
unjust (非正义的,不公正的)一injustice.
unequal (不平等的)--inequality.
c) 以“-ed”结尾的词只跟“un-”,以“-ing”结尾的词也跟“un-”。如:
undigested 未消化的:未充分理解的--
indigestible 无法消化的
uncompleted 为完成的
incomplete 不完全的;未完成的
undetermined 为确定的--
indeterminate 不完善的,无法决定的
irredeemable 不能赎回的,不能偿还的
unceasing 不停的,不断的
incessant 不停的,不断的,连续的,频繁的
undiscriminating 不加区别的,无鉴赏的--
indiscriminate 不加区别的,无选择的。
d) “un-”和“non-”虽都是表示否定意义的前缀,但“un-”的否定语气要比“non-”强。另在表示二者互相比较时,“non-”通常和“un-”的意思相反。如:
a non-scientific-book 一本与科学不相关的书(可能是小说或传记)
an unscientific book 一本科学水平低的书。
e) 要特别注意接“dis-”和“un-”的一些词的词性与词义。如:
unable adj.不能的,不会的;无能力的;无能为力的
disable vt.使无能为力;使伤残
unlike a .不同的,不相似的/prep.不象,与......不同
dislike vt./n.不喜爱,厌恶
uncover vt.揭开......的盖子;移......覆盖物;使露出
discover vt.发现,看出
unclose vt.打开
disclose vt.揭开;揭发;透露,泄露
inclose vt.围住;圈起;关闭住
⒁ a. worn-out是复合形容词在句中定语或表语。意为“使(某物)用的不能再用,用坏或耗尽;疲惫的”。wear (sth./sb. ) out 为动词词组,意为“穿坏;穿旧;用尽”。 如:
The little girl is playing with a worn-out toy.
Your suit is almost worn out.
Cheap socks wear out quickly.
I’m worn out by the hard work.
This machine is worn out and will have to be replaced.
I wore out two pairs of boots on the walking tour.
Her patience was at last worn out.
Just listening to his silly chatter wears me out.
They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields.
b. wear (sth./sb.)down 意为“(使某物)用薄,用坏或用旧;使(某人/物)衰弱”。如:
The tread on the tyres has been worn down to a dangerous level.
She was worn down by overwork.
The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy’s resistance.
c. wear (sth.) off意为“(使某物)逐渐消失或除去”。如:
The dishwasher has worn the glaze off the china.
The novelty will soon wear off.
The pain is slowly wearing off.
⒂ a. walking stick意为“拐杖”。-ing形式表示“供作……之用”(used for)的意思,这类作定语的-ing形式称之为动名词,动名词作定语表示名词的属性或事物的用途。如:
drinking water 饮用水
reading material 阅读材料
opening speech 开幕词
listening aid 助听器
a waiting room 候车/诊室
a swimming pool 游泳池
a sleeping car 卧铺车
teaching method 教学方法
freezing point 冰点
fighting post 战斗岗位
No one is allowed to speak aloud in the reading room.
There is a swimming pool in our school.
b. –ing形式表示“……的”意思,称之为现在分词。现在分词作定语对被修饰词进行限定或描绘,相当于一个定语从句。单个的现在分词作定语则主要是表示被修饰词正在做什么。如:
a walking child 走路的孩子
working people 劳动人民
the rising sun 正在升起的太阳
the falling leaf 正在飘落的树叶
sleeping child 熟睡的孩子
developing countries 发展中国家
running water 自来水
c. 单个分词作定语,分词一般说来写在被修饰的名词、代词之前;分词短语作定语时,分词放在被修饰词之后。现在分词作定语,主要说明“正在进行的动作”或是“一个在现在或过去某段时间内的经常化动作” 。另外,分词作定语还有“being + 过去分词”的形式。这种表达形式的意义是“分词动作正在进行;但分词动作与其所修饰的词之间是动宾关系” 。如:
The man sitting in the corner is my brother.
The girl standing by her mother looked very timid.
The cloverleaf intersection being built is designed by a young man .
The topics being discussed everywhere recently is concerned about the Olympics .最近到处在议论的话题都与两千年奥运会有关。
Who is the comrade standing by the door?
They lived in a house facing south.
[注] –ing分词还可以作非限制性定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,常用逗号和句子其它部分分开。如:
The words, usually dealing with current work, were mostly written by himself.
When she appeared, John, wearing a dirty and worn-out overcoat, ran to her with joy.
d. 如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/no +thing/body/one所构成的复合代词或指示代词those等时,即使一个单一的分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词的后面。如:
Is there anything unsolved?
There is noting changed here since I left this town.
There is nobody living in the old house.
⒃ a. failure既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。要通过语境,分析语义。此文中意为“失败者、失败的事例”是可数名词。failure作“失败”解时为不可数名词。类似的抽象名词还有:success, pleasure, honour, favour, surprise, help, pity, joy, delight, interest, fit, shame, etc.如:
Failure is the mother of success.
Success came after many failures.
He was a failure as a teacher.
She was upset by her failure in the exam.
The project was a complete failure.
b. fail是failure的动词形式,意为“失败,不及格”。作不及物动词时,常用搭配有fail in 表示“在某方面不成功,考试不及格”;fail to do表示“不能,没有”。fail作及物动词时意为“不能,忘记,没有让…通过考试;使失望,有负于等等。”如:
The student failed in the examination.
I failed to understand it.
He never fails to write to his mother every week.
She has been failing in health.
He failed his driving-test.
The examiners failed half the candidates.
Several banks failed during the depression.
⒄ a. determination是名词,意为“决心,决定;(对某事物的)确定,决心;(数量,质量等的)测定,计算。”如:
He is a leader with courage and determination.
His determination to marry her is now much stronger than ever.
She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success.
I appreciate her dogged determination to learn English.
I’m not sure of the determination of the ship’s position.
b. determine是动词,意为“决定,判断,测定;使决意;查明,确定。”如:
He determined that he would leave.
His advice determined me to delay no more.
The policeman wanted to determine all the facts.
She determined to go that very afternoon.
We should determine the date in time.
c. determine to do与be determined to do都意为“决心做。”但前者表动作,后者表状态。determine on (doing) sth.意为“决定(做)某事。”如:
we are determined to get the work done before Friday.
We have determined to get the work done before Friday.
We determined on an early start.
⒅ a. overcome为动词,其过去式及过去分词分别为overcame, overcome。意为“战胜,克服;(感情等)压倒,使受不了。”如:
He’s trying to overcome his fear of flying.
He overcome a strong temptation to run away.
We shall overcome.
The old woman was overcome by gas fumes.]
He was overcome by anger.
We’ll overcome that difficulty when we get to it.
She was overcome with the emotion.
You must overcome your bad habits.
The fire was completely overcome by daybreak.
b. 动词词组come over (to…) (from…)意为“(通常为远处)来到另一地”;come over sb.意为“(某种)感觉刺激或影响某人”;come over (to sth.)意为“改变立场或意见等”。如:
Why don’t you come over to England for a holiday.
I will come over and see you after work.
Her grandparents came over to America from Ireland during the famine.
A fit of dizziness came over her.
I can’t think what came over me.
She will never come over to our side.
⒆ a. imagine用作及物动词,意为“想像”“设想”。如:
Imagine that you are in London.
It is difficult to imagine their sufferings.
Can you imagine life without electricity?
Imagine a house with a big garden.
She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.
b. imagine作及物动词用,意为“料想”“设想”“想到”。如:
I can’t imagine living anywhere but England.
I couldn’t imagine his saying so.
I can’t imagine that anyone one cares what I do.
c. imagine用作及物动词,意为“猜想”“认为”
I imagine she must be very tired after her journey
I imagine that he’ll be there.
I can’t imagine what you mean.
I can’t imagine what she looks like.
[注] imagine 用作及物动词时,其后的宾语可能是名词、代词、动名词、宾语从句或复合宾语,但不能直接接不定式作宾语。
d. imagine与guess, suppose的区别:
I like to imagine myself flying a plane.
Can you guess what my weight is?
You have guessed right.
Let’s suppose that the news is right.
Can you guess his age?
Let us suppose that we had not helped him, what would have happened?
⒇ 过去分词作定语
a. a boiled shoe意为“一只煮熟的鞋子”。此处boiled是过去分词作定语。过去分词作定语表示动作在谓语动作之前发生,已经完成并具有被动意义。有时也不表示时间性。作定语的过去分词一般由及物动词变来,因为只有及物动词才有被动意义。如:
Where are the reserved seats? (=Where are the seats which have been reserved?)
The funds raised (= which have been raised) are mainly used for helping the homeless.
This book, written (= which is written) in simple English, is suitable for beginners.
This is a pressing problem. (=This is a problem which is pressing.)
He is a teacher loved by his students.
They decided to change the material used.
The student dressed in white is my daughter.
b. 单个过去分词前加一名词或副词,常用连字符将它们连接起来构成一个复合形容词,放其修饰的名词前,作前置定语。分词前加的名词表示分词的动作或行为主体,所加的副词表示方式、时间、程度、性质等意义。如:
This is a state-owned factory.
This is our school-run factory.
The newly-built building is our office building.
c. 有些不及物动词的过去分词作定语,一般作前置定语,它不表示被动意义,只表示主动意义,强调动作完成。不能像及物动词的过去分词那样放在名词后面作定语。这类过去分词常作前置修饰语。常用的这一类词有:fallen, faded, returned, retired, risen, grown up, vanished等。如:
There are a lot of fallen leaves in autumn.
The film describes the story about the police who pursue an escaped man.
This is the wounded soldier.
This is the soldier wounded in the battle.
We needed much more qualified workers.
My friend is a returned student.
(21) facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films此处是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰名词the problem,相当于一个定语从句的作用。即the problem which faced Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films。现在分词作定语表示“正在进行的动作”,现在分词可以单独作定语,也可以构成合成词作定语,但在更多的情况下是分词短语作定语,包括限定性和非限定性(用逗号与其他部分分开),在意义上相当于一个定语从句。现在分词作定语通常带有主动意义和未完成意义。如:
In the following years he worked even harder.
The man speaking to the teacher is our monitor's father.
The man following was obviously in a hurry.
They acted just like a conquering army.
Do you know the man standing over there by the motorcar?
Last night, we caught a thief stealing John's bike.
(22)a. this此处为指示代词。代替上文的he solved it by using nonverbal humour。表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词叫做指示代词。指示代词有: this这个; that那个; these这些; those那些; it那个,这个; Such如此的,如此的事物; same同样的,同样的事物。指示代词this,these,that,those在句中的用法相当于名词和形容词,可用作主语、表语、宾语和定语。如:
This is a plane.
Oh,it's not that.
How do you like these?
This book is about Chinese traditional medicine.这是一本关于中医的书。(作定语)
b. 指示代词this,these,that, those的其它用法。
a) This (these)常用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物,that(those)则常用来指时间或空间上较远的事物。如:
This is a sickle and that is an axe.
These days are cold.
In those days the poor people had a hard time.
b) 有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this和these则指下面将要讲到的事物。如:
I had a bad cold. That's why I didn't come.
Those two statements are not true.
What I want to say is this:Pronunciation is very important in learning English.
Chairman Mao honored Liu Hulan with these words:“A great life A glorious death”.毛主席用下面的话表彰刘胡兰:“生的伟大,死的光荣。”
c) 有时为了避免重复提到过的名词,常可用that或those代替。如:
The climate of shenyang is just as good as that of Beijing.
The county's grain output of 1981 was double that of 1970.
这个县1987年的粮食产量比1980年增加一倍。(that代替grain output)
Television sets made in Nanjing are just as good as those made in Shanghai.
南京出产的电视机和上海的一样好。(those代替television sets)
d) This和that有时作状语用,表示“程度”,意谓“这么”和“那么”。如:
The book is about this thick.
I don't want that much.
e) 指示代词在作主语时可指物也可指人,但作其他句子成分时只能指物,不能指人,如:
That is my teacher.
那是我的老师。( that作主语,指人)
He is going to marry this girl.
I bought this.
f) That和those可作定语从句的先行词,但this和 these不能,同时,在作先行词时,只有those可指人,如:
He admired that which looked beautiful.
He admired those who looked beautiful.
He admired those who danced well.
He admired those which looked beautiful.
c. it指人时亦用作指示代词。指示代词it在汉语中不必译出。 如:
Who is it?
―it's me.
Oh, it's you,Lao Wang.
d. such和same也是指示代词,其单、复数的形式相同。它们在句中可用作定语、主语、宾语、表语等成分。如:
The foreign Visitors said they had never seen such a beautiful city before.外宾说他们从来没有看过这样美丽的城市。
We are not talking about the same thing.
Such were his words.
The same can be said of the Other article.
Take from the drawer such as you need.
His name and mine are the same.
(23)a. set为动词,意为“设置(戏剧,小说等)的背景”。be set in 的意思为“以……为背景;(戏剧、影片)的背景是”。如:
The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.
The novel is set in pre-war London.
The novel is set in Shanghai in the 1930’s.
The play is set in the early days of World War Two.
b. set about与set out都可表示“着手做某事”。但set about短语中因为about为介词,所以一般后接名词或动名词,不接不定式;set out后一般接不定式,不接动名词。set out/off还可表示“出发,动身”。其后一般接介词for表目的地。如:
I don’t know how to set about this job.
I’ll set about preparing supper.
She set about the business of cleaning the house.
We need to set about finding a solution.
That winter we set out to write a history of the Party.
She set out to break the world record.
They succeeded in what they set out to do.
They set out on the last stage of their journey.
Then he set out/off for Paris.
c. set out还表示“安排,摆放,陈列”或“(有条理地)陈述、阐明”。如:
We’ll need to set out some chairs for the meeting.
Her work is always very well set out.
He set out his objections to the plan.
She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
d. set的其他短语:
(24) a. in search of意为“搜寻,寻找”。此处的search为名词。in (one’s) search for 和 in search of都意为“寻找”、“寻求”,在句中既可作状语,也可作表语。注意两个短语介词的搭配,如果名词search前带有限定词a,the或one’s后面一般用介词for,如果search前不带限定词,后面一般用介词of。如:
The husband joined the wife in her search for the unknown element.
Some birds fly south in search of winter sun.
They started at once in search of the missing child.
Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease.
We should go in search of a cheap hotel.
b. search做动词时意为“搜寻、搜查”。search的宾语一般是被搜查的人或某一场所,而不是所要寻找的东西。search for相当于look for。search for的宾语一般为要找的东西,而不是被搜查的人或场所。如:
We searched around for hours, but couldn’t find the book.
The policeman searched the woods for escaped prisoners.
The police searched her for drugs.
I searched my memory, but couldn’t remember her name.
I searched through the drawers for the missing papers.
The villagers are searching for the missing child.
Mary searched the dictionary for the use of a word.
They searched every room for the missing papers.
The policeman searched the thief to see what he had in his pockets.
(25) a. panning for gold此处为动名词做表语,意为“淘金”。pan此处为动词, 意为“用淘盘淘”。动名词作表语,表示抽象的一般性的行为。如:
Our work is serving the people.
His hobby is collecting stamps.
Seeing is believing.
My hobby is growing flowers.
What I thought most was going to France.
My favorite sport is playing table tennis.
b. 动词-ing 形式作表语通常表示主语所具有的特性, 称之为现在分词。现在分词相当于形容词。能够用于表语的现在分词常见的有:amusing 有趣的; astonishing 令人惊讶的; confusing 迷惑的; discouraging 令人丧气的; disappointing 令人扫兴的; couraging 令人鼓舞的; exciting 令人兴奋的; interesting 有趣的; missing 不见的; moving 动人的; promising 大有希望的; shocking 令人震惊的; puzzling 莫名其妙的; surprising 令人奇怪的。如:
The colour is pleasing to the eyes.
The film is frightening.
Traveling is interesting but tiring.
The argument is very convincing.
c. 分词做表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词做表语,一种是过去分词做表语,这两者区别是考试中经常考到的地方。一般来说,表示心理状态的动词如excite,interest等都是及物动词,汉语意思不是“激动”,“高兴”,而是“使激动”、“使高兴”,因而现在分词应该是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”;过去分词则是“感到激动的”和“感到高兴的”。所以,凡表示“令人……的”都是-ing形式。凡是表示“感到……”都用-ed形式。换句话说,若人对……感兴趣,就是somebody is interested in...;若人/物本身有兴趣时,就是说sb./sth. is interesting.这类词常见的有:
interesting使人感到高兴 interested感到高兴的
exciting令人激动的 excited感到激动的
delighting令人高兴的 delighted感到高兴的
disappointing令人失望的 disappointed感到失望的
encouraging令人鼓舞的 encouraged感到鼓舞的
pleasing令人愉快的 pleased感到愉快的
puzzling令人费解的 puzzled感到费解的
satisfying令人满意的 satisfied感到满意的
surprising令人惊异的 surprised感到惊异的
篇8:北师大版小学数学六年级下册总复习空间与图形部分教材分析 教案教学设计(北师大版六年级总复习)
归昌中心小学 刘明
第6 题鼓励学生先画一画,再进行交流。在b点比在a点看到的范围大,体会越高看到的范围越大。
第7题是复习远的面积公式的推导的内容,远的面积公式的推导利用了“以直代曲、以有限逼近无限”的 方法。鼓励学生回顾这一过程,并说说圆的面积公式。
篇9:Unit 1 School Life 教材非常讲解与练习(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)
第一单元 学校生活
I. Overview 概要
This unit introduces and develops the theme of school life. In Welcome to the unit, students will be presented with four different aspects of school life in the UK and are asked to compare the differences between high schools in the UK and in China. The Reading text deals with an article from a school magazine which gives us specific information about what school life in the UK is really like. Word Power focuses on words and phrases related to school facilities, with relevant exercises to strengthen students' ability to use these phrases. In Grammar and usage, students will learn what an attributive clause is and what relative pronouns and relative adverbs function as in this clause. They will learn in what circumstances that, which, who, whom or whose are used. Following is the Task section dealing with reporting school activities, in which students will practise the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the Project section, students will be asked to read two texts about school clubs and design an attractive poster for a new school club.
II. Main points 重点
attend, earn, respect, achieve, grade, literature, average, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, immediately, develop, display, speech, attention, please, cover, regret, inform, run, approve, broadcast, preparation, close, continue, generation, require, scary, nature
for free, pay attention to, make preparations for
1. Introduction to attributive clauses
She was the teacher who taught us English Literature.
2. Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, and whose
All my classmates enjoyed the cake that/which I made.
The girl that/who/whom you have just seen is very good at English. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane.
1. What is …like?
2. It is difficult to do sth.
Part 1 Welcome to the Unit
1. Read a magazine article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school clubs. 读一篇有关在英国生活的杂志文章和两篇有关学校俱乐部的文章。
在本句中,life的意思是 “生活”,不可数;但表示“一种生活”时为可数名词。如:
⑴. What do you expect? That’s life!
⑵.The accident changed my whole outlook on life.
⑶.“Life's but a walking shadow”(Shakespeare)
⑷. Drugs and violence are deeply rooted in American life
⑸.She led a good, long life.
⑹. She led an easy life on that island.
Life还可以是 “生命, , 一生, 寿命, 生命力, 传记”的意思。指“生命”既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。当泛指与非生命体(如木头,金属等)相对而言的“生命”时,为不可数名词;指具体的人或动植物的“生命,性命”时为可数名词。指“一生, 寿命,传记”为可数名词。指“生命力,活力”为不可数名词。
⑴. The motionless body showed no sign of life.
⑵. He went mad towards the end of his life.
⑶. Three lives were lost (ie Three people died) in the accident.
⑷. Cats are supposed to have nine lives.
⑸. I’ve lived all my life here.
⑹. Nothing improved throughout the life of the present government.
⑺. He is writing a life of Newton.
⑻. Children are always full of life.
come to life 变活泼
walk of life 行业,职业
a matter of life and death生死攸关的事
true to life 逼真的
lead a dog’s life过狗一般的生活(长期忧虑,痛苦或悲伤)
lay down one’s life for为…献生
a life class真人模特儿写生课
life span/ life expectancy寿命
⑴. No ______ were lost in the flood.
A. life B. lives C. live D. lifes
⑵. Everyone leads ________ in the new society.
A. a happy life B. happy living C. happy lives D. happy life
⑴.B 本题中life是指具体的人或动植物的“生命,性命”,为可数名词。后面的谓语为were lost,故本题答案应为life的复数。
⑵.A 本题中life表示“一种生活”,本句意思为“在新社会中每个人都过着幸福的生活。”
2. Read a magazine article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school club. 读一篇有关在英国生活的杂志文章和两篇有关学校俱乐部的文章。
在本句中,other的意思是 “其他的, 另外的”。它的基本用法如下:
other(只作定语) +不可数名词
限定词+ other+可数名词单数 (注意:限定词不可少)
常用的限定词有:the, any, one, no, some ,every及my, his, her, your等
⑴. He likes traveling abroad and learning about other people's customs and traditions.
⑵. He enjoys spending other people’s money.
⑶. Are there any other people we should speak to?
⑷. Put it in your other hand.
⑸. She said she had no other trouble.
构成:“one… , and the other” 表示两者中的“一个,另一个”
the other
+复数名词= the others 表示“其余的全部”
⑴. One took a taxi, and the other walked home.
⑵. After her departure the other people (=the others) went on with the discussion.
others (泛指其余的,不可作定语)
构成“some…; …others…”
⑴. I only know about this book, but there might be others (= other books). (做主语)
⑵. Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.
单独使用=the other+复数名词(做主语或宾语)
the others(特指其余的全部)
构成“some/many…; …the others…
⑴. I shall wait until the others come back.. (做主语)
⑵. I can’t do the fourth and fifth questions but I’ve done all the others. (做宾语)
⑶. She gave me some books last week and promised to bring the others on Wednesday.
*1. The post office is on other side of the street. (应为:the other)
*2. Where are the others photos? (应为:…the other photos?)
other 后面跟单数名词时,其前面必须有限定词,因此,句1 中的other要改为the other。
(the )others不可作定语,the other才可作定语,因此,句2 中的要改为the other。
⑴. Some people like to stay t home on Sunday, but ______ like to go to the cinema.
A. another B. other C. others D. other one
⑵. Sara has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she would like to read ______ stories by writers from ______ countries.
A. some; any B. other; some C. some; other D. others; other
⑶. I don’t like this wine; I like ______ wine.
A. some other B. some others C. other D. another
⑴. C 因为but引导的并列句中的谓语动词用的是复数形式,而选项A表达的是单数含义,B项other不能单独做主语, D项是明显错误;只有others可以单独做主语,因此答案为C项。
⑵. C 本题意思为“Sara已经读过美国作家的许多故事,现在她想读除美国以外的其它一些作家的故事。” others只能用做代词,后面不能加名词,故排除D项。any在肯定句中表“任一”的意思,应跟单数名词,故排除A项。B项不符合题意。所以本题选C。
⑶. A 本题意思为“我不喜欢这种酒,我喜欢其他一些酒。” others只能用做代词,后面不能跟名词,故排除B项。another后面应跟单数可数名词,排除D项。other 后面跟单数名词时,其前面必须有限定词,故排除C项。
3.Report your school activities to your class teacher把你的学校活动向班主任报告。
在本句中,report的意思是 “(以口头或书面形式) 报告或报道”。 Report的搭配一般为:
sth. (to sb.) 向…汇报; 向…告发
on sth./sb. 就…进行报道
report + (to sb.) +clause向…宣布
doing sth 报告作了某事
sb. / sth +adj.
⑴.Tom reported his discoveries to the professor.
⑵.Police reported the closure of the road. (=police reported that the road was closed.)
⑶.He reported on recent development.
⑷.If you don’t mind your behavior, I will report your lateness to the manager.
⑸.Spies reported seeing a build-up of soldiers.
⑹.He was reported missing in action.
⑴. We rang the insurance company________ the theft.
A. report on B. to report to C. to report on D. to report
(1) D
注意不能说report sb sth.。这一类的词还有say, explain, read, sing等。 Report sb. 意思为告发某人。Report to sb. 意思为向某人报告。本题的意思为打电话给保险公司告发那个小偷。
a weather report天气预报 make a report 做报告
a school report 学校成绩报告单 be of good (ill) report 声誉好(不好)
It is reported that…据说,据报道
4. Lockers for every student. 每人一个衣物柜。
every 是“每一,所有的。一切的”之意,可与可数名词的单数连用。它的基本用法如下:
⑴. Every child loved their dogs.
⑵. Watch his every step and you will know how to do it.
⑶. Not every student can be hardworking.
= Every student can not be hardworking.
⑷. The Olympic Games are held every four years (=every fourth year).
⑸. The conference takes place every other/second year.
*1.There are many televisions here. Every has its own number.
*2. I go to the supermarket every three day.
*3. Have you got every thing you need?
不可单独做主语,因此,句1中的Every应改为:Each或Every one。
5.Fewer students in each class. 每个班级有较少的学生。
each of +限定词(the/物主代词/these/those)+复数名词
each of +人称代词宾格
⑴. Each member of the party must do their (=his or her) share.
⑵. Each of the companies supports a poor child.
⑶. Each of them shook hands with me.
⑷. On his arrival, he phoned each of us.
be 动词+ each
⑴. They each work hard at their lessons.
⑵. These students have each made some progress.
⑶. They will each return to their own school teams.
⑷. The tourists were each tired with the long trip.
⑴. Each has their own room.
⑵. Mr. Green has five children. Each has their own hobbies.
1.跟动词搭配时,应遵守:“行为动词do前,be 后,第一助动词后”的原则。
2.跟名词搭配时,应遵守:“each+名词,each of+限定词+名词”的原则。
* 1. The students each has their own room. (应为:have )
* 2. Each of children has passed the exam. (应为:the/these children )
* 3. Each my children gave me gifts. (应为:Each child 或Each of my children )
* 4. These boys each were certain of what they had said. (应为:were each )
在句1中,谓语(has)应和主语(The students)一致;each不是主语,而是同位语。
在句2中,each of 不可以直接跟名词,名词前应该加上限定词才可以与each of搭配。在句3中,each不可以和“限定词+名词”搭配,它可以直接跟名词。在句4中,each不可以放在be动词(am ,.is , are , was , were)前面,只可以置于其后。
⑴. We _______ our own attitude to bringing up children.
A. each have B. has each C. each has D. have each
⑵. I’ve invited _______ friends in turn.
A. each my B. each of C. my each D. each of my
⑶. ---Which of the tree ways shall I take to the village?
---_______ way as you like.
A. Each B. Every C. Any D. Either
⑴.A 该题是each与行为动词搭配,应遵守do前be后原则,故排除B和D;主语(we)谓语(have)一致,应此选A。
⑵.D 该题是each 与名词搭配,应遵守“each+名词,each of+限定词+名词”原则,故选D。
⑶.C either只能用于两者情况,故排除D;从结构上看,A,B,C皆可选,但从意思上考虑,each和every都表示“每个”,不合题意,故只能选C。
6.At ease with our teacher. 轻松地与老师在一起。
ease的意思是:“不费力, 悠闲”。它常构成短语:
with ease 轻易地,不费劲地
at (one’s) ease 悠闲的,自在的,舒适的
⑴. Her mind was at (her) ease knowing that the children were safe.
⑵. She soon put/set me at ease (= made me relaxed)
⑶. She won the 400m race with ease.
⑷. She rose through the ranks with apparent ease.
ease可作动词用,意思为“减轻,舒缓; 使安心,使宽慰”例如:
⑴. She shifted position so as to ease her back.
⑵. He eased his conscience by returning the stolen money.
7.Do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students? 你了解中国的中学生与英国的中学生学校生活的其它区别吗?
在本句中,know of的意思是“知道,了解”。要掌握know of的用法,首先必须知道know的用法。know是个状态动词,不可用进行时态。常用搭配如下:
sth. 知道(某事),认识(某人)
know + wh-从句
⑴. Do you know the answer to the question?
⑵. They know (that) they will be well paid if they work hard.
⑶. Do you know where the conference is to be held ?
⑷. She doesn’t know how to drive a car.
⑸. She didn’t know who to ask advice from.
⑹. Do you know of any good way to solve the problem?
know sb/sth. 认识某人;知道某个事实
know of/about sb/sth. 了解/听说过某人某事
⑴. Do you know his telephone number?
⑵. A--- Do you know the top student in Class one? 你认识一班的那位尖子学生吗?
B--- No, but I know of/about him. 不认识,但我了解他的情况。
8.Do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students? 你了解中国的中学生与英国的中学生学校生活的其它区别吗?
在本句中,difference的意思是“不同之处,区别”。当它表示“差异,差别”时为不可数名词; 表示“不同之处”为可数名词。
⑴ What's the difference between an ape and a monkey?
⑵ There are many significant differences between the two languages.
make a (big) difference ( make all the difference) 起作用,有影响
tell the difference(s) between A and B 分清A与B之间的区别
differ in sth. 在…不同
differ from sb. /sth 与…不同
differ v. 常见的用法为 differ on sth. 在…方面不同意
differ with sb. on sth 在…方面不同意某人
⑴.It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.
⑵.It makes a difference which you choose.
⑶.Can you tell the difference in structure between the two machines?
different (adj.) 不同的 常用句型为:
A is different from B in sth.
A and B are (very/completely/entirely/ quite)different in…
⑴. My opinion is different from yours.
⑵. City life and country life is/are quite different in many aspects.
what is…like?
9.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是怎样的?
在本句中,“What is …...like?”是“……怎么样?”的意思。它的基本用法如下:
What is…like? 问人的性格脾气和外貌
1. What’s the weather like today? (=How is the weather today?)
2. What was the weather like yesterday?(=How was the weather yesterday?)
3. ---You've met Ben's girlfriend, haven't you? What's she like?
---She is slim and easy to get on with.
4. ---What’s your new classroom like?
---It’s bright and clean and well designed.
与“What is…like?”类似的句型还有:
What is/are sb.? 用于询问职业、地位等场合,但并不是很有礼貌的说法。因此,当直接问对方时,最好说:What do you do for a living?
⑴. What is your friend that came here this morning?
⑵. ---What’s your father? ---He is a lawyer.
How is/are sb.? 用于询问身体健康状况。
⑴. ---How is your father? ---He is very well.
---你父亲身体怎样? ---他很好。
How is/are sth.? 用于询问变化的事物,如暂时的情况、情绪等。也可用于询问人们对所经历过的事有什么反应。
⑴. How is work these days?近来工作情况如何?
⑵. How was the film? 这部电影怎么样?(问你感受如何)
⑶. ---How is your new job? ---Great! ---你的新工作怎么样?---好得很。
*1. ---How is your mother? ---She is a very nice person.
*2. How is the educational system in your country?
*3. How was the weather like?
在句1中,“How is your mother?”问的是健康状况,因此,“She is a very nice person.”是答非所问。
句2的意思是:“贵国的教育制度怎样?”这属于事物的性质或持久特征,应用“What is…like?”来询问。
句3是在询问天气,应该说:“what was the weather like?”或“How was the weather?”
⑴. ---My English teacher is easy to get along with. ________ ?
---She is kind and patient, but strict in our lessons.
A. How is yours B. What is yours
C. What is yours like D. What does yours
⑵.---What’s the man talking to your mother?
A. He is a doctor. B. He is very well
C. He is tall and strong. D. He is always ready to help others.
⑴. C 根据回答:“She is kind and patient, but strict in our lessons.”可知,问句应该是询问人的性格特征的。故答案应是A项。
⑵. A 问句“What’s the man talking to your mother?”的意思是:“那边和你妈妈谈话的人是从事什么工作的?”,故答案应是A项。
⑴. Do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?
In the UK the architecture of school buildings is very different to that of our country. It’s rare to see tall buildings on UK school campuses while in China many high schools have structures that are like skyscrapers. In the UK there are lockers in the classroom for students’ belongings but in our classroom there are not. In the UK students are encouraged to participate in class discussion and teachers try to find ways to the keep the atmosphere lively. In most cases, teachers treat students as their equals. There are fewer students in each class. The students don’t have as many exams as the students in British. They have more free time to go to different activities. In China, however, it’s difficult for teachers to try to innovative teaching methods because of the large number of students. Even if teachers succeed, they still have to resist pressure from the present education system, which is test-oriented. High school students are pressurized into studying for lots of exams, depriving them of free time to nurture their interests in different areas. They have more homework to do, and they stay in their school for a much longer time every day. Their British counterparts are lucky, as they have more free time to develop their potential and socialize with their peers.
⑵. What kind of school activities do you enjoy?
Generally speaking, I don’t like to learn things in a parrot-fashion. If I were a teacher, I would assign students homework that needs critical thinking and imagination. For example, I would ask them to find the connection between different phenomena in history and society and write what they thought, or go to nature to find the secrets of nature, instead of giving a standard answer.
⑶. What’s your dream school life like?
My ideal school life would be something like this: teachers and students are friends; students are treated as individuals instead of mass-product; students must think critically and are motivated to succeed by their teachers; the curriculum is flexible and can be adapted to suit the strengths and special knowledge of the teacher; the school offer a variety of subjects instead of just entrance-examination-oriented the subjects.
三 同步非常测试
1. You can ask him again if you like, but it won't make any ________(作用,影响)he'll still say so.
2. The “the __________(一代)gap” means the difference in attitude, or lack of understanding, between young people and older people.
1. After __________ (经历)so many defeats, he feels that victory is so sweet.
2. There are three __________(德国人)sitting under the tree, talking and laughing.
3. Do you have anything __________ (可用的)to help him out of trouble?
1. I want you to report me on progress every Friday.
2. Is there any significant difference in quality among these two items?
3. Putting up some new wallpaper has made all the differences for the place.
4. Do you know that where the Post Office is?
5. If it will ease with your mind, I'll have a word with Charlotte for you.
6. Each and every one of the flowers have its own color and smell.
7. There is a shop every a few meters along the road.
8. A simple mixture of glucose and water can save life in many parts of the world.
9. I would like saying a big thank-you to everyone who's helped to make our wedding such a special occasion!
10. Which do you enjoy spending your weekend, fishing or shopping?
It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. 1 I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed 2 . I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls 3 their souls belonged to the 4 .
I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man 5 in front of it. “I'm Steve”, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I can't talk with you. I'm 6 ”, he said. He was chatting online with somebody---probably someone he didn't know---and, 7 , he was playing a computer game-a war game. I was 8 .
Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried 9 to speak to that computer geek (怪人), ___10___ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was ___11 . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “ 12 !”
I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I ____13____ , and saw nobody showed any interest.
____14____, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more 15 having a relationship with the 16 , particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to 17 the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 18 with people.
I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn't even 19 that the coffee was bad, _20 Steve didn't notice there was a person next to him.
1.A.Before B.Since C.Although D.While
2.A.pain B.loneliness C.sadness D.fear
3.A.because B.when C.until D.unless
4.A.home B.world C.Net D.Cafe
5.A.sleeping B.laughing C.sitting D.learning
6.A.busy B.thirsty C.tired D.sick
7.A.first of all B.just then C.at the same time D.by that time
8.A.surprised B.delighted C.moved D.frightened
9.A.once B.again C.first D.even
10.A.but B.so C.if D.or
11.A.excited B.respected C.frightening D.unhappy
12.A.Shut up B.Enjoy yourself C.Leave me alone D.Help me out
13.A.walked about B.walked out C.raised my hand D.raised my head
14.A.From then on B.At that moment C.In all D.Above all
15.A.interested in B.tired of C.careful about D.troubled by
16.A.computer B.soul C.shop D.geek
17.A.tell B.plan C.imagine D.design
18.A.other than B.instead of C.except for D.as well as
19.A.pretend B.understand C.insist D.realize
20.A.as if IV B.just as C.just after D.even though
IV. 对话首字母填空
M: Would you please tell me what you were doing when the accident happened and what you saw?
W: Yes, I was d________ home from work. It was about 5:15, and there was a blue car in front of me. We were both driving along Harbor Road w________ a small white Ford suddenly shot out of the side read. It shot right in front of the blue car. The driver tried to stop, but it was impossible. He r__________ into the white Ford.
M: What’s the s__________ of the car in front of you when the accident happened?
W: The blue car? Thirty miles an hour. Certainly no m___________ than that.
M: And the white Ford shot out without any w_____________?
W: Yes, that's right.
M: How can you make s________ that the blue car was only doing thirty?
W: Because I was only doing thirty, and the blue car wasn't going any f________ than I was.
M: Are you sure of that? Absolutely positive?
W: Yes, I am. I'm positive.
M: How can you be so positive? Were you looking at your speed meter when the accident happened?
W: Of course not. I was looking at the road ahead. That's how I m_________ to see the accident.
M: Well, if you were not looking at your speed meter how can you possibly be sure how fast you were going?
W: Because I never go faster than 30 on that road. It's a___________ law--that's why.
I. 单词拼写
1. difference 2. generation 3. experiencing 4. Germans 5. available
1. report后加to (report to sb. sth / report sth to sb. 意思为“向某人报告某事”)
2. among改为 between (“说出A和B之间的区别”应为“tell the difference / differences between A and B”)
3. differences改为 difference ;for改为 to (此句中的difference意思为“关系,影响”,可用作单数或不可数名词,不用复数;made all the difference to sb. /sth 意思为“对…有作用,有影响”。)
4. 去掉that (此句中know的宾语为where引导的宾语从句)
5. 去掉with (此句中ease your mind的ease为及物动词,意思为“缓解,使…轻松”)
6. Have改为 has (“Each and every one of+复数名词”应用单数谓语)
7. 去掉a (every few meters意思为 “每几米”)
8. life改为 lives (此处life指具体的人或动植物的“生命,性命”,为可数名词)
9. saying 改为 to say (would like后可加名词做宾语,若接动词,应用动词不定式)
10. spending改为 to spend (此处to spend your weekend为目的状语)
1. D 由I was waiting for my drink知为 “在我等我的饮料的时间里”, while为最佳。
2. B 虽然酒吧里有其他人,但我仍然感觉到孤独。
3. A 我仍然感觉到孤独是因为我虽然能看到他们的身体,但不能感觉他们的灵魂。因为他们的灵魂属于电脑网络。
4. C net指“网络”,home 指“家”,Café指“酒吧,此文中为网吧”,world指“世界”,根据文章意思,C为最佳答案。
5. C 根据上下文,此处应为“一个人坐在电脑前”
6. A 根据上下文,此处应为“坐在电脑前的这个人正忙于网络聊天”
7. C 根据上下文,此处应为“坐在电脑前的这个人正忙于网络聊天并同时在打网络游戏,因此特别的忙。”
8. A surprised 惊讶的 frightened 受惊的,害怕的 moved 感动的 delighted高兴的,根据上下文,此处应为作者看到这情况觉得很惊讶。
9. B 作者看到这情况觉得很惊讶,疑惑为什么Steve不愿跟我说话,于是再试(again)。
10. A 但是Steve仍不回答。
11. D 这时作者感到悲哀;“frightening”使人害怕的,与题意不符。
12. C Shut up 闭嘴;Help me out 帮帮我;Leave me alone 别管我;Enjoy yourself玩得开心;根据上下文,此处应为Steve不愿跟作者说话,叫他“别管我”。
13. D 作者这时抬起头看其他人是否在看我。
14. B 没人注意我,此时我明白了网吧的每个人都在网络上聊着天。
15. A 他们对我这个实实在在的人不感兴趣,却对与电脑聊天更感兴趣。
16. A 他们对我这个实实在在的人不感兴趣,却对与电脑聊天更感兴趣。
17. C 作者评论说他不能想象如果人们不愿与人交流,宁愿与机器交流,将来会是什么情形。
18. B 根据上下文可知。
19. D 作者由于担心而陷入沉思,没有意识到咖啡已坏,就象网吧的人都没意识到我的存在一样。
20. B as if 似乎,仿佛;just as 正如;even though即使;just after 就在…之后
driving, when, ran, speed, more, warning, sure, faster, managed, against





