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从前,在那昆虫王国里,住着一只无恶不做的蝗虫,它绘画昆虫们的家园,欺负森林歌手蟋蟀。有一次,蝴蝶皇后率兵打仗,不小心中了敌人的埋伏,正当皇后面临危险时,蝗虫为了能趁机混入朝廷 、夺取蜜蜂国王的王位,便有它那两把锋利的大刀,杀开了一条血路,就出了皇后,将军的将领看见蝗虫这两把锋利的大刀,吓得目瞪口呆,不敢上前迎战。蝗虫一帆风顺地护送皇后抵达了皇宫。







课题名称:学习领域:造型•表现教学目标:1、知识与技能:能运用昆虫的色彩花纹及形体特征进行造型活动。学习评价词汇:夸张、对称、有趣、可爱、逼真。2、过程与方法: 在欣赏比较重探究昆虫的有关知识。在游戏活动中,尝试画、撕、摆的多种表现方法与体验合作的乐趣。3、情感、态度、价值观:感受多视点的细节观察与表现。教学重点:以多种昆虫造型与合作游戏活动,激发学生的表现兴趣。教学难点:线条的表现方法——疏与密;把握“对称”的概念。教学时数:1课时教学方法:启发谈话法、观察发现法、比较分析法教学准备:课件、教具等。教学过程:一、故事导入:“画家画昆虫的故事”——三国时期画家曹不兴为吴王孙权画屏风,不小心滴了一滴墨在屏风上。怎么办呢?这时,画家灵机一动,把墨点改画成一只小蝇,孙权以为是一只真的飞蝇,挥手去赶,可真奇怪,赶了几次,飞蝇还是不动,仔细一看才明白:这是只画出来的小蝇。师:同学们,这位画家聪明吗?他的画画本领可真高超。今天,我们要向他学习,一起画可爱的“昆虫王国”。(板书课题:昆虫王国)二、课堂发展(一)、看一看:出示图片,引导学生欣赏各种各样的昆虫,感受昆虫有趣的形态。(板书:形态)(二)、学一学:模仿昆虫的动态与造型,观察分析:昆虫的基本特征。(板书:结构:头、胸、腹、六足等,特征:对称。)(三)、赏一赏:美丽的昆虫画。(出示评价语汇:引导学生说出对作品的感受。)1、画家爷爷的作品。2、小朋友的作品。(四)、画一画:画一群昆虫,组成自己喜欢的昆虫王国的画面。1、教师简单示范。2、学生根据各自的体验进行《昆虫王国》的创作活动。(五)、分享评价:1、《小小昆虫展》集体欣赏:引导学生能大胆介绍自己的想法和创意;能欣赏与尊重别人的想法和创意。2、情感教育:爱护环境,爱护益虫。板书设计:


形态  结构  特征


Today, I'm going to show you the famous scenic spot in Hefei - Bao Park.Now, please follow me to have a look!

Before visiting Bao Park, I'd like to give you a brief introduction to BaoGong. Bao Gong, named Zheng and named Xiren, was born in Luzhou Prefecture ofthe Northern Song Dynasty and was a famous official of Zhenzong Renzong in thetwo dynasties. Bao Zheng was born in Xiaobao village, Hefei in 999 ad, and wasadmitted to the imperial examination at the age of 28. However, Bao Zheng oncegave up his chance to become an official. He thought: if a man can't be filialto his parents, how can he be loyal to the imperial court when he becomes anofficial? So Bao Zheng followed the old adage of “parents are here, sons don'ttravel far away”. He was filial for ten years at home. He didn't take up thepost of magistrate of Tianchang until he was 38 years old, and later became anofficial until he was the Deputy Minister of Song Dynasty. Since Bao Zheng was aman of filial piety, an honest and upright official, song Renzong gave him theposthumous title of “filial piety” after his death, and later generationshonored him as Bao Qingtian.

Now we have come to Baogong temple, the first stop of Baogong CulturalPark. The Baogong ancestral hall that you can see is another famous person inHefei, Li Hongzhang, who invested in the reconstruction in 1882. Therefore,there is a saying that “Baojia ancestral hall, Li Jiaxiu” in the mouth of oldHefei. Walking into the Baogong temple, we first see that there are eightcharacters written on the front door of the main hall, which are also a trueportrayal of Baogong's life. Entering the main hall, the air is full of smoke,and the sitting statue of Bao Gong sits in it. With the four characters of“color is right and cold”, the sitting statue of Bao Gong is more dignified. Inthe main hall, there is also a Shifu statue which is said to be one-to-one withthe real man Bao Gong. From this statue, we can easily see that Bao Gong is ascholar of literature and Confucianism who is about 1.6 meters tall and ugly. Hehas a pair of yin and Yang faces that are afraid of ghosts. However, Bao Gong'supright and selfless image has already been deeply reflected in the hearts ofthe people, so Bao Gong is on the stage of drama They are tall, black faced andbearded.

Please look here again: “if there are any officials in the latergenerations who have committed illegal activities, they should not be releasedto their families. After death, they shall not be buried in the tombs. If you donot follow my will, you are not my descendants. It stands on the east wall ofthe hall house to serve as an imperial edict for later generations. ” This isBaogong's family precepts. Baogong used such a strict method as expulsion torestrain his descendants. After the death of Bao Gong, his eldest son, secondson, and eldest grandson were all well-known upright officials at that time, andthey were known as “Bao Gong” in the world. There is also a wax museum in theBaogong ancestral hall, which shows the stories of Baogong's case solving spreadamong the people, such as the case of guilmeian and the case of dalongpao. Butwhat is the history of Baogong like? Please follow me to the historical andcultural corridor of Baogong. In the historical and cultural corridor, we showsuch historical events as “Duanzhou throwing inkstone”, “Luzhou examining uncle”and “sending envoys to Qidan”. There is also a poem written by Bao Gong, Shujunzhaibi: “pure heart is the root cause, straight path is the body plan. Show dryend into a building, fine steel do not hook These two words are exactly themotto of Bao Gong's life

After visiting Baogong temple, please follow me to baoxiaosu cemetery.After entering the cemetery, we went through the gate of Que and the gate ofGod, and then we walked on the Shinto. On both sides of the Shinto, there werewatchposts, stone sheep, stone tiger and stone man. At the end of the Shinto,there was the hall of enjoyment placed by Lord Bao. In the rear of the hall,there is a tombstone of Fangshang style in the Song Dynasty. In front of thetombstone, there is a tablet engraved with ”the tomb of Bao Xiaosu, the Deputyenvoy of song Shumi“, where the remains of Bao Gong are placed. Baogong is notonly respected in China as ”the teacher of politics“; in many countries in Eastand Southeast Asia, Baogong is also respected as a God; in South Korea, twoChinese celebrities are highly respected: one is Confucius, the other isBaogong.

Finally, please follow me to Qingfengge. This song dynasty style pavilionwas built by Hefei people in to commemorate the 1000th anniversary ofBaogong's birth. When you climb on the top of Qingfengge, you can have apanoramic view of ”Baohe Xiuse“, one of the ten sceneries of Hefei


Hefei City, with a long history, was called Luzhou in ancient times, alsoknown as Luyang. It is located in the middle of Anhui Province, between theYangtze River and Huaihe River, and on the North Bank of Chaohu Lake. It governsfour districts of East City, West City, middle city and suburb, and threecounties of Changfeng, Feidong and Feixi. It has a total area of 7266 squarekilometers (458 square kilometers in the urban area) and a population of 4.259million (1.2794 million in the urban area). The city is an old and young citywith wide roads, green trees and beautiful scenery. It has many modern buildingsand places of interest.

As the capital of Anhui Province, Hefei is the center of politics, economy,science and education, culture, information, finance, commerce andtransportation in Anhui Province. It is also a first-class open city in Chinaand an important scientific research and education base in China. It has morethan 30 institutions of higher learning including University of science andtechnology of China. High tech Industrial Park and Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory of University of science and technology are famous at home andabroad. There are different opinions on the origin of the name ”Hefei“. LiDaoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote ”notes to the classic of water“, whichstates: ”the water in summer rises sharply, and Shi He is in Fei, so it iscalled He Fei.“ Generally speaking, Shi Shui is called Nanfei River and Fei Shuiis called Dongfei river. In the Tang Dynasty, someone put forward anothertheory: Feishui flows out of Jiming mountain and flows 20 Li to the north, whichis divided into two parts: one flows southeast (Nanfeihe River) and entersChaohu Lake; the other flows Northwest (Dongfeihe River) and flows 200 Li fromShouchun to Huaihe River. In Erya, it is pointed out that ”returning to thedifferent is the same as being fat“. The two rivers are all called Fei. Theycome from one source and are divided into two, so they are called Hefei. Hefeiis known as ”the old land of the Three Kingdoms and the hometown of Bao Zheng“in the world. It has a strategic position of ”the right throat of Huaihe Riverand the lips and teeth of Jiangnan“. It is often a place for militarystrategists. In the Three Kingdoms period, the battle of Xiaoyaojin, in whichZhang Liao defeated Sun Quan's 100000 troops, took place. More than 20__ yearsago, a commercial metropolis began to form here. In the Qin and Han Dynasties,prefectures and counties were set up here. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, itwas governed by Luzhou Prefecture. In the Republic of China, it was the capitalof Anhui Province. Now it is a commercial city with thousands of scales andmerchants.

Hefei is known as ”green city“ and ”garden city“. Its park around the cityis built on the basis of the ancient city wall of Hefei, along the undulatinghills, plus the original green belt and moat. The total length of the park isabout 9 km, which is divided into six scenic spots, among which the more famousare the Milky Way scenic spot with luxuriant forests and bamboo trees and thesummer river facing the dew; the Xishan Scenic Spot with lakes and mountains andclear water; and the Huanbei scenic spot with verdant trees and evergreen grass.Such a park around the city has no barrier of the city wall and stands facingthe water, which is a charming and beautiful Jiangnan scenery.

In recent years, Hefei's economy has made rapid progress, urbanconstruction is changing with each passing day, the five mile rainbow flies fromeast to west, and the lights of Luzhou are shining. High tech Development Zone,economic and Technological Development Zone, Longgang Industrial Zone and othersurrounding areas. Feishui passes through the city, and the park around the citylooks like a jade necklace; Xiaoyao Gujin, Baohe Xiuse, Yaohai Park and so onare scattered among them like pearls; Chunxiao in Shushan, Baogong cemetery,jiaonu Fanzhong, and the remains of King Wu are wandering among them, which makepeople nostalgic and forget to return.

There are many places of interest in Hefei. Once upon a time, there wereZhenhuai Jiao rhyme, Fancha bell, Cangzhou grass color, jiaonu pine shade,Shushan snow Ji, huaipu Chunrong, Chaohu night moon, four top Chaoxia eightplaces, collectively referred to as ”eight scenes of Luyang“. Among them, thenight moon of Chaohu Lake and the four peaks of morning glow are no longer partof Hefei city; the scenery of Zhenhuai Jiaoyun has disappeared and become ahistorical relic because of the long time and the change of things. Now the mostfamous places of interest are jiaoluotai, Mingjiao temple, Xiaoyaojin andBaogong temple.

The reform and opening up has brought a new era to Hefei. Now, Hefei istaking a brand-new attitude of Science City, industrial city, garden city andhealth city to welcome the world's guests and make friends all over theworld.


Dashushan Forest Park Scenic Spot est situé à 9 km de la banlieue ouest deHefei, à 284 mètres au - dessus du niveau de la montagne n'est pas haute,il y a des immortels pour l'esprit.Le paysage ici est magnifique et les quatresaisons sont dynastie Qing Lu Zhou fuxue Zheng Zhu Xian chantant lamontagne Shu a dit: ”la montagne de printemps est aussi belle que le rire, lamontagne d'été est verte comme le goutte - à - goutte, la montagne d'automne estaussi claire que le maquillage, la lumière de la montagne d'hiver est terne quele désir de dormir, mais aussi couché, de sorte que le Dieu de la neige ouvert,soudainement il y a de la couleur.“Les montagnes du Sichuan sont fascinantes parles pins et les cyprès luxuriants, les fleurs et les herbes exotiques.Enparticulier, un lac artificiel de plus de 20 000 mu de surface d'eau a étéconstruit successivement dans les contreforts des montagnes environnantes,couvrant une superficie de 400 mu de cimetière des martyrs, couvrant unesuperficie de 70 hectares de jardin botanique et de station balnéaire.Plus de 80hectares de pépinières et de fleurs et le parc faunique ”premièregalerie d'art d'Anhui" de 370 mètres de long, la galerie Shushan, le zodiaquechinois, le Centre de tir et de divertissement pitebo paintball, le jardin defleurs de cerisier, le jardin de roses, les érables, etc.Sous ces jardins et cesmares d'eau, la montagne Shushan est de plus en plus charmante et enchanteresse.Le paysage du printemps est particulièrement charmant.Grimpez au Sommet de lamontagne, surplombant au loin, brumeux, brumeux, voiles de pêche indistinctes;promenez - vous dans le jardin forestier au pied de la montagne, les roses etles saules verts, les papillons et les abeilles bruyants, les fleurs et lesombres de bambou, ce qui rend le c?ur zone de développementindustriel de haute technologie Hefei est située à l'est de la montagne Shushan.Un certain nombre de b?timents modernes ont ajouté le rythme de l'époque à lazone région pittoresque de Shushan est déjà un endroit où lesgens peuvent se détendre, visiter et regarder.












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