--by Jonathan Aaron
Blondin made a fortune walking back and forth
over Niagara Falls on a tightrope—blindfolded,
or inside a sack, or pushing a wheelbarrow, or perched on stilts,
or lugging a man on his back. Once, halfway across,
he sat down to cook and eat an omelette.
Houdini, dumped into Lake Michigan chained
and locked in a weighted trunk, swam back to the boat
a few moments later. He could swallow more than a hundred needles
and some thread, then pull from between his lips
the needles dangling at even intervals.
I can close my eyes and see your house
explode in a brilliant flash, silently,
with a complete absence of vibration. And when I open them again,
my heart in my mouth, everything is standing
just as before, but not as if nothing had happened.
by Spencer Reece
I was a full-time house sitter. I had no title.
I lived in a farmhouse, on a small hill,
surrounded by 100 acres. All was still.
The fields were in a government program
that paid farmers to abandon them. Perfect.
I overlooked Union Lake, a small lake,
with a small ugly island in the middle
a sort of mistake, a cluster of dead elms
encircled by marsh, resembling a smear
of oil paint left to congeal on a palette.
Pesticides farmers sprayed on their crops
over the years had drained into the lake
and made the water black, the fish shake.
About the family that built the house
I knew nothing. Built in 1865,
perhaps they came after the Civil War?
It was a simple house. Two stories.
Six rooms. Every wall crooked.
Before the house, Indians camped there.
If you listened you could hear them.
On Sunday afternoons in early June,
the sun would burnish the interiors.
Shafts of light fell across the rooms.
An old gray cat sparred his mote-swirls.
Up a tiny staircase, ladder steep,
I was often found, adrift, half asleep.
I forgot words, where I lived, my dreams.
Mirrors around the house, those streams,
ran out of gossip. The walls absorbed me.
There was every indication I was safe there.
Outside, children sang, sweetening the air:
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream . . .
their fingers marrying each other with ease
as the dark built its scaffolding above the trees.
Peonies spoiled, dye ran from their centers.
Often, the lawn was covered by a fine soft rain.
Days disappeared as quickly as they came.
The children receded. The moon rose.
Cows paused on the wild green plain
of all that land still left uncommercialized.
Three years I had there. Alone. At peace.
Often I awoke as the light began to cease.
The house breathed and shook like a lover
as I took for myself time needed to recover.
The Nightjar
We loved our nightjar, but she would not stay with us.
We had found her lying as dead, but soft and warm,
Under the apple tree beside the old thatched wall.
Two days we kept her in a basket by the fire,
Fed her and thought she well might live ? till suddenly
I the very moment of most confiding hope
She arised herself all tense, qivered and drooped and died.
Tears sprang into my eyes- why not? The heart of man
Soon sets itself to love a living companion,
The more so if by chance it asks some care of him.
And this one had the kind of loveliness that goes
Far deeper than the optic nerve- full fathom five
To the soul抯ocean cave, where Wonder and Reason
Tell their alternate dreams of how the world was made.
So wonderful she was-her wings the wings of night
But powdered here and therewith tiny golden clouds
And wave-line markings like sea-ripples on the sand.
O how I wish I might never forget that bird-
But even now, like all beauty of earth,
She is fading from me into the dusk of Time.
National Poetry Month
by Elaine Equi
When a poem speaks by itself,it has a spark
and can be considered part of a divine conversation.
Sometimes the poem weaves like a basket around two loaves of yellow bread.
“Break off a piece of this April with its raisin nipples,” it says.
“And chew them slowly under your pillow. You belong in bed with me.”
On the other hand,when a poem speaks in the voice of a celebrity
it is called television or a movie. “There is nothing to see,”
say Robert De Niro,though his poem bleeds all along the edges
like a puddle crudely outlined with yellow tape
at the crime scene of spring.
“It is an old poem,” he adds.
“And besides,I was very young when I made it.”
by Mark Ford
Unwinding in a cavernous bodega he suddenly
Burst out:——Barman, these tumblers empty themselves
And yet I persist; I am wedged in the giant eye
Of an invisible needle. Walking through doors
Or into them, listening to anecdotes or myself spinning
A yarn, I realize my doom is never to forget
My lost bearings. In medias res we begin
And end: I was born, and then my body unfurled
As if to illustrate a few tiny but effective words
But——oh my oh my——avaunt. I peered
Forth, stupefied, from the bushes as the sun set
Behind distant hills. A pair of hungry owls
Saluted the arrival of webby darkness; the dew
Descended upon the creeping ferns. At first
My sticky blood refused to flow, gathering instead
In wax-like drops and pools; mixed with water and a dram
Of colourless alcohol it thinned and reluctantly
Ebbed away. I lay emptied as a fallen
Leaf until startled awake by a blinding flash
Of dry lightning, and the onset of this terrible thirst.
Traveling through the Dark
by William Stafford
Traveling through the dark I found a deer
dead on the edge of the Wilson River road.
It is usually best to roll them into the canyon:
that road is narrow; to swerve might make more dead.
By glow of the tail-light I stumbled back of the car
and stood by the heap, a doe, a recent killing;
she had stiffened already, almost cold.
I dragged her off; she was large in the belly.
My fingers touching her side brought me the reason
her side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting,
alive, still, never to be born.
Beside that mountain road I hesitated.
The car aimed ahead its lowered parking lights;
under the hood purred the steady engine.
I stood in the glare of the warm exhaust turning red;
around our group I could hear the wilderness listen.
I thought hard for us all——my only swerving,
then pushed her over the edge into the river.
篇7:英文面试更看重Soft Skills
GE(中国)邬女士表示:“英文面试不是单纯的语言技能的考查,而是对应聘者综合素质的考查,用人单位不会在英语语法和发音上吹毛求疵。科学的面试会把case study(团队考查)和face to face (一对一面试)结合进行,给所有人展示自我的机会。当然,英文棒很容易吸引考官的目光。”
外企在面试中特别注重对学生Soft skills的考查,Soft skills翻译成中文即为“软技能”它包括交流和沟通能力、协同作战能力、理解力、危机处理能力和自信程度等非专业技术能力,体现人的情商和逆商。英文口语水平高,体现出应聘者的语言能力强和自信;如果水平很一般,但仍然能够泰然自若地完成面试,同样也证明了应聘者的良好的心理状态。
A小姐 北京师范大学 GE面试归来
Son and Daughter
对他说:How lovely your son is? (你儿子很可爱啊?)
他说了一句,我立马倒下:She is my daughter.那是我女儿?
我只好自圆其说:Like a son. 长得挺像儿子的。
Am I unreasonablet
面试官上来就对我说:What can I do for yout
我说:I’m nervous.我紧张。
他瞪大了眼睛看着我:Whyt为什么? Am I unreasonablet(不通情达理,不正常t)
Partner问:Have you applied the other 3? and why do you choose KPMGt (申请过四大的其他三家吗?为何选择毕马威?)
我说:No,I only applied KPWC? no PMG? sorry KPMG……..(没有,我只申请了KPWC,不是PMG,抱歉是KPMG。)
Team sports help to develop a child's social skills.
With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.
Doctors do not always have good communication skills.
He believes he has the skills to take the club forward.
This race will be the ultimate test of your skill.
篇9:Networking Skills
Networking Skills
“The people you meet today can be your single greatest resource for success tomorrow. No matter whom you are or what your goals may be, there will always be somebody somewhere in a position to help you. The secret is to have as many of those helpers as possible available to draw upon when the need arises”
Places to Network
Restaurants Bars Clubs Civic Groups Church Work Meetings Online Professional Associations SchoolSteps for a Successful Initial Meeting
Smile A good smile puts both parties at ease Shake Hands Shake hands using a firm yet not overbearing grip Call the person you met by name Will help you remember the persons name Makes the person feel that they are important Compliment often People love to receive compliments Give people your undivided attention Don’t over do it! 10 minutes is long enough for a first meetingWhat do we talk about?
Guidelines for conversation:
Find a common ground Don’t be eager, be honest Be confident Always have an opinion Blend in Leave on a good noteWhen should I follow up with a contact?
Following up on a monthly basis is the norm for proper networking.
Remember: The goal of networking is to establish a contact. A person who can assist you in advancing your professional life.
Basic Etiquette
“Basic etiquette is an important part of presenting a positive image to your boss or to your clients or customers.”
What if something gets stuck in your mouth?
The rule is that it should come out of your mouth the way it came in.
If it went in by hand it should come out by hand.
If it went in with a spoon or fork it should come out with a spoon or fork.
The only exception are bones which may be removed by hand.
What do I order at a restaurant?
Order something that is modestly priced.
Don’t order something that is messy.
Don’t order alcohol.
If you aren’t sure ask your host to recommend something.
Who pays the Bill?
If you are invited for a meal you are not expected to pay.
If I have a 9:00am appointment what time should I arrive?
You should arrive between 8:50am-9:00am. Lateness is unacceptable.
If I am invited to my employers home what should I bring?
Flowers, plants, chocolate, wine, and alcohol are all acceptable gifts.
How should I dress for a meeting if there is no mention of dress code?
When in doubt, you should dress as if you were attending a formal business meeting.
If I am at a bar or cocktail party, what hand should I hold my drink in?
You should always hold your drink with your left hand. This will allow you to shake with your right.
Is it ok to “get drunk” at the company Christmas party?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Consumption in excess of two alcoholic beverages is frowned upon in most social circles.
篇10:Job Skills
Job Skills
Before you begin to write a resume, you may want to assess whether or not you have the job skills necessary for the industry you're interested in. As background reading, click on the first link below, which will take you to an article about employability and the SCANS foundation skills and competencies.
The second link will help you identify your stage in work and your SCANS skills.
Building on the first two links, the third will help you develop your own skills profile based on your “ideal” job announcement.
篇11:Interview skills
Interview skills
Interview is possibly your first interaction with the candidates. It is decisive toselect the right person on board; it is also the first step for you to integrate the
potential candidates as the first impression is lasting. The following site
provides you with some information on selection method.
Selection Methods
1. The most classic selection method
is the structured personnel interview. Important, however, is that interviewers
are trained in interviewing techniques.
All candidates are interviewed with the same questions in order to improve
comparability. For that reason, one should always rely on an interview
question guideline, prepared precisely for the job requisition in question,
when preparing for an interview.
Structured Interview
Interview method based on the “Behaviour triangle”
When using interview questions, we intend to find out whether or not a
candidate covers the competencies outlined in the job profile. For evaluation
of the relevant competencies from the competency framework, the candidate
is confronted with behaviour based questions. Here we analyse experiences
from the past. The candidate is asked to describe a situation he or she
experienced, his or her own behaviour as well as the outcome of the situation
and his or her participation in it. An evaluation which allows to anticipate future
behaviour in comparable situations is only possible if all of the three
components (Situation, behaviour, result) are answered. Hypothetical
situations (Could you imagine....?) do not yield valid results.
Please describe a recent team session you found especially productive.
(Situation) What made this session
(Behaviour) What was your share in
achieving this result?
(Outcome) What was the result?
Some help to assist with interviewing:
Examples for behaviour according to the capabilities of the Siemens
Competency Framework
Behaviour-Based Interview Questions For Capabilities defined by the
Siemens Competency Framework
For a structured interview preparation online check our
Recruiting Interview Tool.
2. Assessment Centres
Several persons observe a group of candidates as they work on different
assignments and simulations. These ACs have advantages like
more objective evaluation of competencies
candidates can be compared,
but require a homogeneous group of candidates (8-12 persons). They
show a high acceptance among graduates and apprentices. However,
they cannot substitute personal interviews.
篇12:Negotiation Skills
Negotiation Skills
I have writen down some parts of the negotiation lecture given by Larry Loftus from P&G.
First-Planning Questions
What is most important, target or limits? Both. Target is your dream, and limit is the most you will pay before you give up. They are related, but muse be argued independently.
Which is most motivating in a negotiation, the “desire to gain” or the “fear for loss”?Why? Both are key motiviators to achieve full influence. At this section, Larry give us a splendid example frome his family.
Better to pre-plan concessions or stay flexible? Pre-plan so not influenced by excess emotion.
Second-Planning-Key to Winning!
Define Objective & Analyze Environment
Plan to Create Advantageous Relationships
Identify Stengths & weakness (& Strategies)
Determine Goals (with targets & Limits)
Analyze Alternatives Develop Best Options
Question Other Leverage Arear Action Steps
Great Negation Metting Poles & Plan Tactics
Opening Agerda
Last-That is -
The best Negotiation is On Planing - good planning, detail planning throughly and board planning. Please really listen to other side.
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