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目录 4-5

中文摘要 5-7

Abstract 7-8

第一章 绪论 9-11

一、论文选题理由及意义 9

二、研究材料和研究内容 9-10

三、研究创新点及方法 10-11

第二章 宋词简介 11-15

一、词的起源 11-12

二、词调词牌 12-13

三、词韵 13-15

第三章 具体词谱格式分析 15-187


二、侧犯 17-21

三、御街行 21-31

四、金人捧露盘 31-41

五、蓦山溪 41-56

六、一丛花 56-58


八、最高楼 75-93

九、新荷叶 93-102

十、斗百花 102-110

十一、满路花 110-130

十二、早梅芳 130-136

十三、洞仙歌 136-187

第四章 具体词谱用韵分析 187-204

第五章 结语 204-209

参考文献 209-212

攻读学位期间发表的学术论著 212-213

致谢 213


致谢 3-4

摘要 4-5

Abstract 5

前言 8-16

0.1 选题依据 8

0.2 研究现状 8-14

0.2.1 量词的研究现状 8-13

0.2.2 器官名量词的研究现状 13-14

0.2.3 既往研究的成就与不足 14

0.3 相关概念界定 14-15

0.4 研究方法、语料来源及意义 15-16

0.4.1 拟采取的研究方法 15

0.4.2 语料来源 15

0.4.3 选题意义 15-16

第一章 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”的语义研究 16-36

1.1 器官名量词“口”的语义研究 16-27

1.1.1 器官名量词“口”的语义原型 16-17

1.1.2 器官名量词“口”的语义演变过程 17-27

1.2 器官名量词“嘴”的语义研究 27-32

1.2.1 器官名量词“嘴”的语义原型 27-28

1.2.2 器官名量词“嘴”的语义演变过程 28-32

1.3 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”的语义对比 32-36

1.3.1 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”的语义相似之处 32-33

1.3.2 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”的语义不同之处 33-34

1.3.3 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”的语义演变规律 34-36

第二章 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”构成短语中心语的研究 36-45

2.1 中心语对量词“口”与“嘴”的制约 36-42

2.1.1 中心语为名词 37-40

2.1.2 中心语为形容词 40-42

2.2 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”对中心语的选择 42-45

2.2.1 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”对中心语选择的相同点 43

2.2.2 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”对中心语选择的不同点 43-45

第三章 器官名量词“口”与“嘴”构成短语中限定词 Q 的研究 45-53

3.1 Q 为基数词 45-49

3.1.1 Q 选择“一”或“满”的情况分析 45-48

3.1.2 Q 为任意系数词语 48-49

3.1.3 Q 为位数词 49

3.2 Q 为序数词 49-50

3.3 Q 为概数词语 50-52

3.3.1 标记添加法 50-51

3.3.2 数字并用法 51-52

3.4 小结 52-53

结语 53-55

攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 55-56

参考文献 56-59


中文摘要 4-6

Abstract 6-7

第1章 绪论 11-19

1.1 新闻发言人 11-12

1.2 新闻发言人的发展历程 12-13

1.2.1 新闻发言人的产生和发展 12-13

1.2.2 新闻发言人及新闻发言人制度面临的挑战 13

1.3 政府新闻发言人的主要职责与基本素质 13-15

1.3.1 主要职责 13-14

1.3.2 基本素质 14-15

1.4 新闻发言人相关研究回顾 15-17

1.4.1 从语言策略方面 15-17

1.4.2 从语体风格方面 17

1.4.3 从修辞特征方面 17

1.5 本研究的意义与局限 17-19

第2章 新闻发言人语言的倾向性 19-33

2.1 语音 19-22

2.1.1 语气、语调 20-21

2.1.2 话语停顿 21-22

2.2 词汇 22-27

2.2.1 口语词与书面语词的结合使用 23-25

2.2.2 数量词的使用 25-26

2.2.3 俗语的使用 26-27

2.3 句式 27-32

2.3.1 长短句结合使用 28

2.3.2 问句的使用 28-30

2.3.3 固定句式 30-32

2.4 体态语 32-33

第3章 新闻发言人语言策略分析 33-44

3.1 会话含义分析 33-42

3.1.1 合作原则与合作准则 33-35

3.1.2 回避与告知策略 35-37

3.1.3 语用含糊 37-42

3.2 言语交际意图 42-44

第4章 新闻发言人语言风格的形成 44-52

4.1 新闻发言人个人素养的影响 44-46

4.2 文化语境的制约 46-47

4.3 新闻发言人的话语角色 47-52

4.3.1 新闻发言人的话语角色冲突 48-50

4.3.2 新闻发言人的话语角色转换 50-52

第5章 新闻发言人语言的创新与发展 52-55

5.1 新闻发言人语言的创新性 52

5.2 新闻发言人语言的发展新动向 52-55

结语 55-56

参考文献 56-60

作者简介 60-61

后记 61


摘要 4-5

Abstract 5

目录 6-8

Contents 8-10

引言 10-14

(一) 前期研究成果综述 10-13

(二) 本文的基本思路和研究方法 13-14

一、《现汉》(6)中新增词语简介 14-22

(一) 《现汉》(6)新增词语的音节及词性分布情况 14-18

1. 单音节新增词语 14

2. 双音节新增词语 14-15

3. 三音节新增词语 15-16

4. 四音节新增词语 16-17

5. 五音节新增词语 17

6. 六音节新增词语 17

7. 七音节以上新增词语 17-18

(二) 《现汉》(6)新增词语所涉及的语义领域 18-22

1. 经济类新增词语 18

2. 法律类新增词语 18-19

3. 艺术类新增词语 19

4. 教体类新增词语 19

5. 交通类新增词语 19

6. 房屋建筑类新增词语 19-20

7. 环境保护类新增词语 20

8. 社会生活类新增词语 20

9. 社会群体类新增词语 20-21

10. 社会保障新增词语 21-22

二、《现汉》(6)新增词语的来源与生成途径 22-27

(一) 《现汉》(6)新增词语的来源 22-24

1. 源于方言的新增词语 22-23

2. 源于外语的新增词语 23-24

(二) 《现汉》(6)新增词语的构成方式 24-27

1. 《现汉》(6)增收的缩略词 24

2. 《现汉》(6)增收的字母词 24-25

3. 传统构词法构成的其他词语 25-27

三、《现汉》(6)新增词语反映的社会文化现象 27-36

(一) 语言与社会共变 27-30

1. 新的.现实现象出现及人类认识深化为新词新语 27-28

2. 音节数、词性、语义领域反映的语言与社会共变关系 28-30

(二) 汉语与外语的接触 30-31

(三) 方言与普通话的互动 31-36

1. 《现汉》(6)反映的方言与普通话的互动关系 32

2. 《现汉》(6)反映的部分方言的方言活力 32-36

四、《现汉》(6)反映的规范意识 36-42

(一) 《现汉》(6)动态反映社会语言生活 36-38

(二) 《现汉》(6)科学的语言使用规范观 38-39

(三) 《现汉》(6)关于异形词的处理 39-40

(四) 《现汉》(6)反映的词、语意识 40-42

结语 42-43

参考文献 43-46

致谢 46-47

作者攻读学位期间的学术成果 47-48



第一部分 福建特色农产品概述













































第二部分 福建特色农产品贸易现状分析





























































三部分 福建农产品贸易发展趋势分析



























第四部分 福建特色农产品国际市场竞争力情况分析






































第五部分 促进福建特色农产品贸易的对策思路






















I 、产生主要原因有以下方面:



II 、建立健全农产品贸易绿色壁垒预警机制









I 、提出如下特色农产品质量标准体系模型:














II 、同时在执行标准化经营过程中应加强以下方面基础工作:











一 中国汽车产业政策的保护

(一) 汽车产业政策的现状:政府垄断性管理。在政策导向,资金,新产品审批等方面进一步向三大集团倾斜。由于旧体制项目审批目录管理的种种限制,一批行业外汽车企业生产的轿车,如吉利,悦达等,尽管物美价廉有市场尽管环保安全双双达标,新产品却无法投产销售。另外,一些地方的汽车企业投入产出的效率效益,是靠地方保护主义来维持的。












第1章 绪论9-17

1.1 引言9-11

1.2 现浇混凝土空心板的发展及研究概况11-14

1.2.1 现浇空心板的产生和发展11-13

1.2.2 现浇空心板的设计理论13-14

1.3 现浇混凝土空心板挠度的研究现状14-15

1.4 本文的主要研究工作15-17

第2章 现浇砼空心板的弹性理论分析17-33

2.1 概述17-18

2.2 弹性薄板的内力分析18-22

2.3 混凝土空心板的两向刚度22-28

2.4 里茨法求解薄板弯曲问题28-32

2.4.1 板的边界条件28-30

2.4.2 里茨法求解30-32

2.5 本章小结32-33

第3章 现浇混凝土空心板的挠度计算33-49

3.1 概述33-34

3.2 国家规程的分析方法34-35

3.3 现浇混凝土空心板的弹性挠度35-42

3.3.1 正交各向异性空心板的弹性挠度36-39

3.3.2 各向同性空心板的弹性挠度39-42

3.4 现浇砼空心板弹塑性阶段挠度42-48

3.4.1 关于混凝土的变形模量42-43

3.4.2 关于混凝土开裂后的截面惯性矩43-44

3.4.3 现浇砼空心板弹塑性阶段刚度44-46

3.4.4 现浇砼空心板弹塑性阶段挠度计算46-48

3.5 本章小结48-49

第4章 现浇混凝土空心板的挠度控制研究49-62

4.1 引言49

4.2 预应力的引入49-53

4.2.1 预应力度50

4.2.2 预应力损失50-51

4.2.3 预应力的等效荷载与反拱51-53

4.3 荷载变换53-56

4.3.1 荷载变换法53-54

4.3.2 面荷载转换为短向的线荷载54-56

4.3.3 面荷载转换为长向的线荷载56

4.4 挠度控制56-59

4.4.1 确定目标挠度值57

4.4.2 确定预应力的大小57-58






学术论文格式范文(1):对社会科学、自然科学、技术开发研究、综合科学的论述说理文章,通过运用概念、判断、推理、证明或反驳等逻辑思维手段.来分析表达科学研究中的成果。它或是论述创新性研究工作成果的书面文件,或是某些实验性、理论性、观测性的新知识的科学客观记录,或是应用已知的科学原理在技术研究开发中取得新进展的理论总结。按课题性质可分为基础理论研究、实验[试验]研究、应用开发研究等几种类型。其基本要求是:①要有创新。论文作者要学会对科研文献的归纳、综合和利用.在此基础上再进行创造性的劳动;②理论性。在感性认识的基础上进行理性的演化,运用科学的逻辑思维方法.经过归纳处理形成理论的概念和系统、得到事物的发生、发展和变化的规律性。③实事求是。论文所表达的内容要有真实性。科学即求实。④论文规范。写作格式规范,语言明确简洁、条理层次分明、图解形象、论述严谨、客观、通顺、准确。 学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或预测性上具有的新的科学研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录,或是某种已知原理应用于实际上取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流、讨论或学术刊物上发表,或用作其他用途的书面文件。 在社会科学领域,人们通常把表达科研成果的论文称为学术论文。 具有四大特点:①学术性 ②科学性 ③创造性 ④理论性














学位论文原创性声明...... 1

学位论文版权使用授权书.... 1

摘 要...... 1

ABSTRACT ......... 2

第 1 章 绪论........ 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 ......... 1

1.1.1 研究背景......... 1

1.1.2 研究意义......... 2

1.2 国内外文献综述 ......... 2

1.2.1 国外文献综述....... 2

1.2.2 国内文献综述....... 5

1.3 研究内容与方法 ......... 6

1.3.1 研究内容......... 6

1.3.2 研究方法......... 7

1.4 主要工作和创新 ......... 7

1.5 论文的基本结构 ......... 8

第 2 章 品牌与品牌战略的理论概述.... 9

2.1 品牌的概述 ..... 9

2.2 品牌战略理论概述 ......... 10

2.2.1 品牌战略的定义....... 10

2.2.2 品牌战略的内容....... 11

2.2.3 品牌战略的意义....... 12

2.3 小结 ......... 12

第 3 章 商业银行品牌与品牌战略理论概述........ 13

3.1 商业银行品牌 ..... 13

3.1.1 商业银行的整体品牌..... 13

3.1.2 商业银行产品和服务的.品牌..... 15

3.2 商业银行品牌战略理论 ....... 16

3.3 小结 ......... 21

第 4 章 案例、模型与数据分析.... 23

4.1 案例分析—招商银行的品牌成功之策 ....... 23

4.2 模型分析—银行品牌价值与净利润之间的关系 ......... 26

4.3 数据分析—银行品牌价值与市值的关系 ......... 29

4.4 小结 ......... 30

第 5 章 商业银行品牌战略实施现状及存在的问题........ 31

5.1 商业银行品牌战略实施现状 ..... 31

5.1.1 品牌创新....... 31

5.1.2 品牌形象....... 32

5.1.3 品牌保护....... 32

5.2 商业银行品牌战略中存在的问题 ......... 32

5.2.1 缺乏全方位的品牌意识....... 33

5.2.2 银行品牌缺乏深厚的文化底蕴,文化含量不足,忽视品牌整体形象... 35

5.2.3 品牌市场细分及定位不准确、银行产品与服务同质化......... 37

5.2.4 品牌宣传策略单一、趋同,忽视公益营销..... 38

5.3 小结 ......... 39

第 6 章 商业银行实施品牌战略的对策研究........ 40

6.1 强化品牌意识,重视品牌的塑造和保护 ......... 40

6.1.1 提高品牌塑造意识......... 40

6.1.2 提高品牌服务意识......... 40

6.1.3 提高品牌保护意识......... 40

6.2 丰富银行品牌的文化内涵,注重商业银行整体品牌形象 ..... 41

6.2.1 继续推行 CIS 塑造......... 41

6.2.2 提炼品牌文化含量......... 41

6.2.3 转变银行服务理念,重视整体品牌形象......... 42

6.3 注重市场细分,实现品牌定位的差异化,突出品牌个性 ..... 42

6.3.1 注重市场细分..... 42

6.3.2 明确品牌定位..... 43

6.3.3 打造个性品牌..... 43

6.4 品牌宣传力求多元化,重视公益营销 ....... 43

6.5 小结 ......... 45

结论与展望........ 46

1、结论 .... 46

2、展望 .... 46

参考文献...... 47


攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和其它科研情况.... 52


摘 要.....I

Abstract........ II

第 1 章 绪论...... 1

1.1 课题研究的背景....... 1

1.1.1 问题的提出........ 1

1.1.2 研究目的及意义...... 1

1.1.3 课题研究的主要方法.... 2

1.2 国内外相关研究现状及其分析....... 3

1.2.1 国外研究现状及其分析....... 4

1.2.2 国内研究现状及其分析....... 4

第 2 章 基本概念及理论基础........ 7

2.1 基本概念....... 7

2.1.1 品牌的概念....... 7

2.1.2 大学品牌的概念.....8

2.1.3 大学文化的内涵.....9

2.2 理论基础..... 10

2.2.1 市场营销理论......... 10

2.2.2 高校战略管理理论........11

2.2.3 大学德育理论......... 12

2.3 本章小结...... 12

第 3 章 品牌战略与大学文化建设的关系及问题研究........ 13

3.1 新环境下大学文化建设面临的挑战.... 13

3.1.1 经济全球化的冲击....... 13

3.1.2 高等教育大众化阶段提出新要求....... 14

3.1.3 现代大学发展的促成.........14

3.1.4 市场需求的驱动.....15

3.2 品牌战略与大学文化建设的关系........ 16

3.2.1 品牌形象的塑造与弘扬大学精神文化..... 16

3.2.2 品牌体系的建立与优化大学制度文化..... 17

3.2.3 品牌战略的提升与提升大学物质文化..... 19

3.2.4 品牌管理的维护与发展大学行为文化....... 19

3.3 塑造大学品牌在大学文化建设中存在的问题...... 20

3.3.1 品牌意识淡薄,忽视精神文化的建设..... 20

3.3.2 品牌定位不准,未能形成制度文化体系....... 21


致谢 5-6

摘要 6-7

目录 8-9

一、绪论 9-19

1.1 研讨的背景及研讨意义 9-11

1.2 研讨现状 11-17

1.2.1 现场测量法 12-13

1.2.2 数值模仿法 13-17 基于天文信息零碎的数值模仿办法 14-15 基于陆地模型的数值模仿办法 15-17

1.3 次要内容和创新点 17-19

1.3.1 次要内容 17-18

1.3.2 次要创新点 18-19

二、网箱阻流作用水槽实验和实际根底 19-27

2.1 网箱的阻流作用实验研讨 19-24

2.1.1 无底方形网箱流场散布的水槽实验 20-22

2.1.2 单片网衣流场散布水槽实验 22-24

2.2 网箱受水流作用力的计算办法 24-26

2.3 本章小结 26-27

三、数值办法 27-33

3.1 湍流模型 27-29

3.2 多孔介质模型 29-30

3.3 多孔介质模型系数确定 30-31

3.4 边界条件与网格划分 31-32

3.5 数值计算 32

3.6 本章小结 32-33

四、模型的验证 33-38

4.1 单片网衣的模仿验证 33-35

4.2 无底方形网箱的数值模仿验证 35-37

4.3 本章小结 37-38

五、方形网箱流场和颗粒物沉降模仿 38-48

5.1 方形网箱的流场数值模仿与剖析 38-43

5.2 颗粒物在方形网箱流场中沉降数值模仿 43-47

5.2.1 方型网箱流场中的'颗粒物沉降模仿 44-46

5.2.2 密度、外形对颗粒物沉降迁移的影响模仿研讨 46-47

5.3 本章小结 47-48

六、结论和瞻望 48-50

6.1 结论 48-49

6.2 瞻望 49-50

参考文献 50-54

作者简介 54


摘要 5-7

目录 10-13

第1章 绪论 13-20

1.1 前言 13-15

1.1.1 研讨背景 13-15

1.1.2 研讨目的与意义 15

1.2 研讨内容 15-20

1.2.1 本文研讨剖析思绪与框架 15-16

1.2.2 论文采用的研讨办法 16-18

1.2.3 本文的组织构造 18-20

第2章 我国 B2C 购物网站的概略及在线评价的引见 20-29

2.1 我国 B2C 购物网站的'概略 20-25

2.1.1 电子商务以及 B2C 的定义 20-23

2.1.2 我国 B2C 购物网站的运营现状与市场格式 23-25

2.1.3 本文 B2C 购物网站的研讨对象 25

2.2 B2C 购物网站用户在线商品评价的情况 25-29

2.2.1 在线商品评价的定义 25-26

2.2.2 商品评价的分类与构造 26-27

2.2.3 研讨 B2C 购物网站商品评价的范围及意义 27-29

第3章 B2C 购物网站商品评价的效应研讨的实际根底与文献综述 29-41

3.1 商品评价效应的根本定义 29-30

3.2 网络购物信息抓取技术的开展及文献综述 30-31

3.2.1 中文网络信息抓取技术的开展历程 30-31

3.2.2 中文网络信息抓取技术的相关文献综述 31

3.3 在线口碑效应实际与从众效应实际 31-34

3.3.1 在线口碑实际 31-33

3.3.2 从众效应实际与综述 33-34

3.4 网络购物在线评价信息的效应研讨实际及文献综述 34-41

3.4.1 购物网站用户商品评价研讨的特征选取 36-37

3.4.2 购物网站用户在线商品评价研讨的技术和办法 37

3.4.3 本论文所用的研讨办法与技术 37-38

3.4.4 购物网站用户在线商品评价效应研讨的文献综述 38-41

第4章 B2C 购物网站数据信息的采集与要素量化 41-57

4.1 网络信息抓取技术和工具的开展 41-44

4.1.1 常用的网络信息抓取工具 41-44

4.1.2 网络信息抓取工具的选取(MetaSeeker) 44

4.2 B2C 购物网站在线商品评价信息和征询信息的抓取 44-51

4.2.1 B2C 购物网站在线商品评价信息的构造 44-47

4.2.2 B2C 购物网站征询信息的构造 47

4.2.3 B2C 购物网站在线商品评价信息和征询信息的抓取进程 47-51

4.3 B2C 购物网站在线商品评价信息和征询信息的要素量化 51-55

4.3.1 京东商城在线商品评价信息的要素量化 51-54

4.3.2 京东商城征询信息的要素量化 54-55

4.4 本章小结 55-57

第5章 B2C 购物网站在线信息的初步剖析 57-82

5.1 网络购物用户的区域散布、会员等级以及消费品牌的研讨 57-67

5.1.1 网络购物用户会员等级以及消费才能省份散布剖析 57-61

5.1.2 不同等级网络购物会员用户对手机品牌的购置状况 61-67

5.2 网络购物用户的征询、购置行爲以及对商品停止评论等行爲规律研讨 67-79

5.2.1 网络购物用户征询、购置、评价工夫特征 68-72

5.2.2 网络购物用户征询与购置行爲关系剖析 72-73

5.2.3 网络购物用户购置行爲与在线宣布评价行爲的关系剖析 73-75

5.2.4 在线评价信息购置与评价工夫差的多元线性回归剖析 75-79

5.3 本章小结 79-82

第6章 B2C 网络购物用户商品评价效应的相关实证研讨 82-113

6.1 网络购物用户在线评价和征询信息的关注焦点研讨 82-96

6.1.1 因子剖析实际引见 82-84

6.1.2 在线评价信息的因子剖析 84-89

6.1.3 征询信息的因子剖析 89-96

6.2 在线评价信息对销售量的影响 96-109

6.2.1 根本变量的定义与描绘以及相关的根本假定 97-99

6.2.2 在线评价信息对销售量的影响 99-106

6.2.3 本节小结 106-109

6.3 本章小结 109-113

第7章 B2C 网络购物用户商品评价的效应研讨的总结及前景预测 113-118

7.1 本文的研讨结论 113-115

7.2 依据研讨后果给网络商家提出合理的建议 115-116

7.3 本文的创新之处 116

7.4 本文的缺乏之处以及进一步研讨的方向 116-118

参考文献 118-127

附录A 127-130

致谢 130-132



空间词语是认知语言学研究的热点之一。本文在前人研究的基础上,借助认知主义的观点和方法对现代汉语空间词语中的七组空间维度词语进行了语义分析。这七组空间维度词语是:“大、小”,“长、短”,“宽、窄”,“高、低”,“厚、簿”,“粗、细”,“深、浅”。文章主要分两部分分别对上述空间维度词语在始原域中的实指义和目标域中的隐喻义分别进行了分析。 通过对其实指义的分析,我们认识到,空间维度词语是一个既相互联系又相互区别的统一整体,它们既有大致相同的.共同的说明和表达的对象,又各有侧重,各有不同。 通过对空间维度词语在目标域中隐喻义的分析,我们看到空间维度词语除了表示空间维度概念以外,还可以表示时间、声音、年龄、颜色、气味、智力、地位、学问、感情、品质、力量等抽象概念。特定的维度词语对特定的抽象概念的说明与其在始原域中的实指意义密切相关。 通过本文的写作,我们认认到,从认知角度可以对很多语言现象作出合理的说明和解释。同时,我们认为从认知角度进行语言间的对比研究也是可行的。


引 言9-65

1 空间维度词语的实指义10-36

1.1 “大、小”10-14

1.1.0 释义10

1.1.1 “大、小”与物体的维度突显10-11

1.1.2 “大、小”所说明的事物的典型形状11-12

1.1.3 “大、小”与其它空间维度词语义对立项数的不同12

1.1.4 “大、小”与物体的维度突显数量12-14

1.2 “长、短”14-17

1.2.0 释义14

1.2.1 对“长、短”释义的三点说明14-15

1.2.2 “长、短”概念与维度突显15

1.2.3 维度突显的分类15

1.2.4 距离体现方式15-16

1.2.5 “长、短”与维度突显的数量16-17

1.3 “高、低(矮)”17-21

1.3.0 释义17

1.3.1 “高”的两个含义17

1.3.2 “低”、“矮”的区别17-18

1.3.3 “高、低”维度的方向18

1.3.4 影响“高、低”使用的心理变量18-21

1.3.5 “高、低”维度词语在始原域内部的投射21

1.4 “宽、窄”21-25

1.4.0 释义21-22

1.4.1 “宽、窄”维度的方向性22-23

1.4.2 维度之间的优势关系对“宽、窄”维度不决定作用23-25

1.5 “厚、薄”25-26

1.5.0 释义25

1.5.1 与“高、低”相比突显度较小25

1.5.2 “厚、薄”对方向的忽略,对形状的要求25-26

1.5.3 “厚、薄”对[+固态]性的要求26

1.6 “粗、细”26-33

1.6.0 释义26-27

1.6.1 “粗、细”维度的常态和异态27

1.6.2 “粗、细”维度对“长、短”维度的依存关系27-28

1.6.3 “粗、细”和“长、短”的组配规律28-30

1.6.4 “粗、细”维度与“长、短”维度的分离30-31

1.6.5 “粗、细”维度对“大、小”维度和数量维度的蕴含31-33

1.7 “深、浅”33-36

1.7.0 释义33

1.7.1 “深、浅”维度与“高、低”维度的关系33

1.7.2 “深、浅”的方向性33



空间词语是认知语言学研究的热点之一。本文在前人研究的基础上,借助认知主义的观点和方法对现代汉语空间词语中的七组空间维度词语进行了语义分析。这七组空间维度词语是:“大、小”,“长、短”,“宽、窄”,“高、低”,“厚、簿”,“粗、细”,“深、浅”。文章主要分两部分分别对上述空间维度词语在始原域中的实指义和目标域中的隐喻义分别进行了分析。 通过对其实指义的分析,我们认识到,空间维度词语是一个既相互联系又相互区别的统一整体,它们既有大致相同的共同的说明和表达的对象,又各有侧重,各有不同。 通过对空间维度词语在目标域中隐喻义的分析,我们看到空间维度词语除了表示空间维度概念以外,还可以表示时间、声音、年龄、颜色、气味、智力、地位、学问、感情、品质、力量等抽象概念。特定的维度词语对特定的抽象概念的说明与其在始原域中的实指意义密切相关。 通过本文的写作,我们认认到,从认知角度可以对很多语言现象作出合理的说明和解释。同时,我们认为从认知角度进行语言间的对比研究也是可行的。

引 言9-65

1 空间维度词语的实指义10-36

1.1 “大、小”10-14

1.1.0 释义10

1.1.1 “大、小”与物体的维度突显10-11

1.1.2 “大、小”所说明的事物的典型形状11-12

1.1.3 “大、小”与其它空间维度词语义对立项数的不同12

1.1.4 “大、小”与物体的维度突显数量12-14

1.2 “长、短”14-17

1.2.0 释义14

1.2.1 对“长、短”释义的三点说明14-15

1.2.2 “长、短”概念与维度突显15

1.2.3 维度突显的分类15

1.2.4 距离体现方式15-16

1.2.5 “长、短”与维度突显的数量16-17

1.3 “高、低(矮)”17-21

1.3.0 释义17

1.3.1 “高”的两个含义17

1.3.2 “低”、“矮”的区别17-18

1.3.3 “高、低”维度的方向18

1.3.4 影响“高、低”使用的心理变量18-21

1.3.5 “高、低”维度词语在始原域内部的投射21

1.4 “宽、窄”21-25

1.4.0 释义21-22

1.4.1 “宽、窄”维度的方向性22-23

1.4.2 维度之间的优势关系对“宽、窄”维度不决定作用23-25

1.5 “厚、薄”25-26

1.5.0 释义25

1.5.1 与“高、低”相比突显度较小25

1.5.2 “厚、薄”对方向的忽略,对形状的要求25-26

1.5.3 “厚、薄”对[+固态]性的要求26

1.6 “粗、细”26-33

1.6.0 释义26-27

1.6.1 “粗、细”维度的常态和异态27

1.6.2 “粗、细”维度对“长、短”维度的依存关系27-28

1.6.3 “粗、细”和“长、短”的组配规律28-30

1.6.4 “粗、细”维度与“长、短”维度的`分离30-31

1.6.5 “粗、细”维度对“大、小”维度和数量维度的蕴含31-33

1.7 “深、浅”33-36

1.7.0 释义33

1.7.1 “深、浅”维度与“高、低”维度的关系33

1.7.2 “深、浅”的方向性33

1.7.3 “深、浅”表达事物的本体特征33-35

1.7.4 方向和参照面的投射35-36

2 空间维度词语的隐喻义36-58

2.1 “大、小”的隐喻义37-47

2.1.1 表示时间37-38

2.1.2 表示年龄38-40

2.1.3 表示声音、气味40

2.1.4 表示颜色40-41

2.1.5 表示数字、数量41

2.1.6 表示现象41-43

2.1.7 表示其它抽象概念43-45

2.1.8 与表人名词组合45-47

2.2 “长、短”的隐喻义47-48

2.2.1 表示时间及与时间相关的声音、寿命、篇幅、内容等47-48

2.2.2 表示能力、品质、性格等48

2.3 “高、低”的隐喻义48-51

2.3.1 表示声音48-49

2.3.2 表示年龄49-50

2.3.3 表示其它抽象概念50-51

2.4 “宽、窄”的隐喻义51-53

2.4.1 表示时间51-52

2.4.2 表示心胸、气量等52-53

2.4.3 表示用度等53

2.5 “厚、薄”的隐喻义53-55

2.5.1 指自然现象53

2.5.2 表示品质等53-54

2.5.3 表示礼物54-55

2.6 “粗、细”的隐喻义55-56

2.6.1 表示声音55

2.6.2 表示心智、性格、品质、言语等55-56

2.7 “深、浅”的隐喻义56-58

2.7.1 表示时间56-57

2.7.2 表示颜色57

2.7.3 表示其它抽象概念57-58

3 结语58-65






The progress of economic globalization has greatly hit the social life.

Advertising has become an important way of modern marketing and has attractedmerchants and the company. As people's consciousness worldwide enhances, manyproducts and services of advertising will be translated into other languages forpromotion to explore overseas markets. Advertising, as an effective way ofdisseminating brand information, has penetrated into many aspects of social life, andit plays a bridge role in connection and communication. Since China's accession tothe WTO, its connection with the world gets even closer. More and moreinternational enterprises and product brands come into China's huge market.

Translation of products and services for overseas consumers is not only the functionof promoting consumption, but also the effect of external publicity. In the globalmarket, advertising translation not only brings an opportunity for advertising, butalso has brings the huge challenge. Therefore, mastery of both Chinese and Englishadvertising translation is particularly important.

Skopos theory is the foundation and the core theory of functionalism. Skopostheory holds that the process of the whole translation behavior is determined to thepurpose of translation action, that is, the end justifies the means. The purpose of thetranslation behavior is the core element which determines the translation process.

Advertising translation has a strong purpose. What is more important toadvertising translation is whether translation can convey the purpose of source textand achieve the anticipated target of the source text, so as to attract the attention offoreign customers to induce their consumption desire, eventually to incur purchasebehavior.


1 Advertising Translation Studies in the West.

Advertising translation was mentioned in translation studies for the first time inHurbin's (1972) article “Peut-on traduire la langue de la publicé” (Can OneTranslate the Language of Advertising?)。 At that time, linguistics was the dominanthumanistic discipline, meanwhile, linguistics made translating a code-switchingoperation. Equivalence-based linguistic approaches mainly focus on the source text.

Hurhin argued that for one source text, there are several translations, and thetranslators chose which translation is the most appropriate one. Hurbin also pointedthat if glossaries of advertising language is compiled, this was made easier. So thetranslators will be easy to find the most appropriate equivalent expressions betweenthe source and the target text.

In Candace Seguinot's (1995) article “Translation and Advertising: GoingGlobal in Cultural Functions of Translation”. The main opinion of which is thatacross cultural boundaries, there is an understanding of culture and semioticsappearing in the marketing of goods and services. It goes well beyond both languageand design.

Another representative article “Advertising: a five-stage strategy for translationin Translation” as Intercultural Communication which is edited by C. Nord et al. Thearticle is published by Smith & Klein-Braley 。 In this article, they conduct acontrastive analysis of English and German advertising. Then they developedtaxonomy of strategies for the analysis of advertising translation.

Up to now, the book which maybe the only one published exclusively onadvertisement translation is Translation Practices in International Advertisingwritten by Mathieu Guidere ()。 This book mainly talks about various aspects ofadvertising translation in international market and mainly concerns the globaladvertising of multinational companies, because they need to translate their productsinformation into other languages. The author analyzes some examples in advertisingtranslation and he shows readers some essential problems in current translation ideas.

This book introduced the strategies of translation which are implemented by the multinational firms to break into new markets.

2 Advertising Translation Studies in China.

Domestic advertising translation studies officially started in 1990s. In terms ofresearch contents, the initial studies mainly focused on the discussion about specificadvertising translation of idioms and the existing problems in Chinese-Englishadvertising translation. That was the primary stage. Years later, advertisingtranslation principle and criteria became the research themes. People hold the viewthat, advertising translation should give attention to in many aspects, such as text,language beauty, consumer psychology. Researchers illustrated their respectivepoints of view from different angles. Since the late 90s, although the discussion oftranslation principle and criteria were still mentioned, the researchers' attention weregradually focused on translation of difficult parts in advertising, such as therhetorical devices, emotional transmission, brand image and trademark reproduction ,etc. In terms of research methods, domestic advertising translation study mainly usesthe inductive method and the case study. Nevertheless, in recent years, researchersbegin to use the theory achievements of pragmatics and other related disciplines toanalyze different kinds of problems in advertising translation, and then put forwardsome translation strategies.

As early as 1992, Li Fan proposed the development of the advertising languageposed a severe challenge to advertising translation. The artful advertisings require thetranslator to break hard the tradition of the original, boldly innovate, and improve thequality of translation. There are three reasons for flexible advertising translation: 1)the purpose of advertising is to induce consumer to purchase products. Text is justmeans, so translations do not have to stick to the text equivalent; 2) the feature ofadvertising language is vivid, which is the essence of advertising language. If thetranslation is not bold to change, there will be no magic translation; 3) formulaicexpressions are common use in advertising, if not alternative, it may be translatedinto foreign stereotyped writing (黎凡 1992:29-31)。 At the same time, researchersthought in terms of some specific advertisements, flexible translation seems to be theonly way, especially in the four kinds of advertising: 1) advertising used of witty and polished words; 2) advertising used of brand name; 3) advertising used of puns; 4)advertising with strong national culture color.

In order to achieve concise expression, attract more readers' attention, facilitatereaders recognize and remember, advertising writing should follow the KISSprinciple, namely, “keep it short and sweet” (郭可 1992:57-64)。 A great number ofstudies on advertising translation are associated with concise problem. Ding Shude isdedicated to his studies. He holds that: 1) Chinese advertising often uses modifiers toemphasis, product characteristics, while English advertising is simple words, mainlywith oral type. a lot of subject-predicative phrases in Chinese can be directlytranslated into adjectives English , such as 速度快、效率高、行动灵活 can betranslated into “fast, efficient and handy”; 2) There are a large number of the fourwords in Chinese advertising structure, which bring parallelism and overlapping tostrengthen language, but there is no such characteristic in English. InChinese-English translation should hold the center, around the center word leads toall aspects; 3) there are often loose sentences, which express a large amount ofinformation in Chinese advertising. Translation should be concise and compact,strengthen the logic; 4) Chinese advertising commonly uses formulaic expressions.

Translation should be fascinating, considering the overall rhetorical, but not stackrhetoric. Good English advertising language is not many words, but it is impressive(丁树德 1995: 42-43)。 Cao Shunfa also takes a large number of examples of bothEnglish-Chinese translation two aspects show that based on the principle of simple,the translation of advertising language should strive to use the most simple languageto express the most complex meaning, to make it easy to be remembered (曹顺发: 43-45)。

Equivalence theory is based on Nida's equivalence translation theory. On thisbasis, some researchers point out that commercial advertising translation is mainlyon the equivalence of semantic, social and cultural, and stylistic aspect. 1) Thesemantic equivalence. This is the most basic and important equivalence. From wordto chapter, in order to achieve the semantic equivalence, the first thing to thetranslator is that he must determine the meaning of the translation unit in context.

The translator should pay attention to avoid leading ambiguity and interpretingwithout real understanding; 2) social and cultural equivalence. Translation is to introduce foreign culture. Due to the restriction of cultural differences and languageform, there is rarely a pair of words between English and Chinese, so the social andcultural factors should be considered in the translation equivalence. Strong culturalcolor of idioms, allusions, such as proper nouns in the translation should be adjusted,translate its true meaning; 3) the stylistic equivalence. One of the translation task isto reproduce the original style and literary style, keep the spirit and the form of theoriginal (蒋磊 1994:38-41)。 By contrast, other equivalence theory researchers are morevalued function equivalence. They think advertising translation should be followedby the equivalent principle on the basis of functional equivalence, and notconstrained by the original text expression (苏淑惠 :51-56)。

Some researchers point out that the aesthetic factors play a significant role incommercial advertising. Studies show that if there are connotation aesthetics andlanguage aesthetics, the advertising will be successful. Connotation aestheticsinclude the beauty of artistic conception, image, emotion and culture; languageaesthetics include the beauty of concise, word, sentence, phonology and rhetoric. Sotranslation should reproduce the original beauty, and extend when necessary, makethe translation have the same publicity effect with the original text ( 汪文格:86-89)。 They think that successful advertising is art fused of aesthetics,linguistics and psychology. In cross-cultural communication, when the literalmeaning and aesthetic feeling of advertising conflicts, the translator should abandonform, and reproduce the aesthetic feeling to strengthen its charisma and allure,achieve communicative effect. So advertising translation should adhere to theprinciple of dialectical unification of loyal and creative, organic combination ofequivalent and aesthetics (唐艳芳 :112-116)。

Some researchers argue that advertising communication task restricts the choiceof language. Advertising style brings out concise and implicit characteristics.

Creative advertising language and translation should show the characteristics in theaspects of words, grammar, and rhetoric and culture psychology. Perform goodstheme accurately, make the audience psychological resonance and have a buyingdesire (谢建平2002:37-40)。

The doctrine is not opposed to each other. They were essentially complementedeach other and fusion of each other. If advertising translation cannot be promotional, it will not be adopted. David Ogilvy said that advertising is not a kind of art form. Hedidn't want to hear others praise his advertising how creative. He just hopes it canattract people to purchase goods (David Ogilvy 2003)。

Since the early 90s, discussion about advertising translation methods appearedin foreign language periodicals, such as Chinese Translation. Li Xiangde points outthat four words phrase translations from Chinese into English can adopt threemethods: Literal translation, free translation and rhetorical translation. Literaltranslation is a corresponding structure. Free translation makes a little ellipsis,supplemented or sequential adjustment with the original text. Rhetoric translationusing rhetoric methods to make advertising language more vivid and attractive toconsumers (李祥德 1990:13-16)。

Jiang Lei summed up that there are four ways of advertising translation. Theyare literal translation, liberal translation, modeling translation and translation. Literaltranslation refers to retain the original text characteristics from content to culture.

Free translation refers to keep content and abandon the translation form. Modelingtranslation directly uses ready-made advertising formulas which are corresponding tothe original form. Translation means in accordance with the target language habits,translate from the angle of view, the actual situation and image (蒋磊 1994:38-41)。

Yang Quan Hong's article in science and technology of China points out thatdue to the particularity of international advertising, the translation should be differentfrom the traditional translation. As the supplement of routine advertising translation,the author put forward interpretation translation, namely, in order to adapt to thedestination market, recreate in target language against its original shape.

Interpretation translation helps across barriers in worldwide advertising translation,and it is conducive to make full use of its advantages in language translation (杨全红:16-19)。

Meng Lin and Zhan Jinghui analyze the types of puns in advertising, namely,homophonic puns, semantic puns, grammatical puns and idioms or colloquialismspun. They put forward the five kinds of punning translation (孟琳、詹晶辉 2001:48-51)。

In advertising translation, trademark translation is an important part. In terms ofits principle, researchers are generally recognized that it should be concise and vividas. Brevity is intended to facilitate the recognition memory. Vividness is to keep the brand image, maintain consistency of the global image. Two points are decided bythe inherent requirement of trademark function. According to the principle ofaesthetics, Hu Kaibao and Chen Zai Quan point out that the trademark translationshould be having popular beauty, simple beauty, strange beauty, rhyme beauty andartistic conception. Making trademark translation has affinity, arouse consumersdream, enhance their desire (胡开宝、陈在权 2000:51-53)。

Li Kexing summarizes Hong Kong enterprise and brand name translationprinciples and methods, proposes that from the perspective of a large number ofestablished translation, translator pursues four principles: considering both of soundand meaning; transliteration; avoid using ordinary common words (because thetrademark translation takes ordinary vocabulary exacerbate Chinese phenomenon ofpolysemy, negative social communication); avoid cultural taboos.

Jiang Lei from the perspective of social pragmatics, in view of theChinese-English cultural differences caused by the pragmatic failures in trademarktranslation, Jiang Lei puts forward five pragmatic translation strategies: 1.Highlightthe expressive function of a trademark; Show the national culture and seize theassociative meaning; 3.Picked up the auspicious beg, cater to consumer psychology;4.Cut accurate market positioning and pursuit of new business concepts; 5.Payattention to the cultural empathy and conform to the aesthetic psychological (蒋磊2002:52-56)。 This paper is full of examples. Jiang emphasizes the importance ofbrand translation in the cross-cultural barriers.


David Ogilvy,(2003),《奥格威谈广告》。北京:机械工业出版社。

Guidere, Mathieu. Translation Practices in International Advertising. TranslationJournal, 2001(5)Gutt, Ernst-August. (2001)。 Translation and Relevance-Cognition and Context.

Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Educaiton Press.

Hurbin, Pieerr. (1972)。 Peut-on traduire la Langue de la Publicé (Can One Translatethe Language of Advertisement)。 Babel: International Journal of Translation.

Leech, Geoffrey. (1974)。 Semantics. London: Longman Group.

Munday, Jeremy. (2001)。 Introducing Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.

Nord, Christine. (2001)。 Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Shanghai ForeignLanguage Educaiton Press.

Reiss, Katharina. ()。 Translation Criticism: The Potentials & Limitations.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Educaiton Press.

Seguinot, Candace. (1995) Translation and Advertising: Going Global in CulturalFunctions of Translation. In Schaffner, C., Kelly-Holmes, H. (Eds.), CulturalFunctions of Translation. Multilingual Matters.

Smith, V. and C. Klein-Braley. (1997)。 Advertising: A five-stage strategy fortranslation. In C. Nord et al. (Eds), Translation as Intercultural Communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins.


Chapter One provides a brief background on the study. It introduces and explains the necessity of the study.

Chapter Two reviews relevant research related to advertising translation. Itintroduces the related research studies of advertising translation in China and west.

Chapter Three presents the theoretical framework which is the fundamentaltheoretical guidance of the thesis. It reviews the background and the development ofthe Skopos theory, and introduces three principles of the Skopos theory: the Skoposrule, the coherence rule and fidelity rule.

Chapter Four introduces gives a general introduction of advertising and majorlanguage features of English advertising.

Chapter Five expounds and proves the applicability of the Skopos theory toEnglish-Chinese advertising translation and explores specific translation strategies toEnglish-Chinese advertising translation under the guidance of the Skopos theory.

Chapter Six is conclusion of the entire thesis. Through the above analysis andresearch, this thesis concludes that on the basis of the Skopos theory,English-Chinese translation can be effectively guided. Meanwhile, the thesis alsopoints out the shortages of the study.


Skopos Theory


there are some analyses or comments in the thesis which may not beprofound because of limitation of advertising knowledge and practical workingexperience in the advertising field. However, in the future, more efforts will be madeto probe into the topic of advertising translation.


Meanwhile, English advertising is different from other literary translation. English advertising has its particular purpose and unique rhetorical features. To makethe target readers or consumers feel the charm of the source text, and finally promotethe goal of sale, translator should use flexible translation according to the differentrhetoric characteristics.


摘要 3-4

abstract 4

第1章 绪论 7-14

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 7

1.2 虚拟实训室概述及国内外研究现状 7-11

1.2.1 虚拟实训室概述及特点 7-9

1.2.2 虚拟实训室国内外研究现状 9-11

1.3 研究目标、研究内容及创新点 11-13

1.3.1 研究目标及内容 11-12

1.3.2 创新点 12-13

1.4 论文组织结构 13

1.5 本章小结 13-14

第2章 虚拟实训系统开发平台和系统框架 14-23

2.1 开发平台介绍 14-20

2.1.1 模型构建工具 14-15

2.1.2 模型渲染工具 15-16

2.1.3 虚拟现实工具 16-18

2.1.4 虚拟实训开发工具 virtools 简介 18-20

2.2 数控加工虚拟实训系统的总体开发流程 20-22

2.2.1 实训系统功能分析 20

2.2.2 总体开发流程 20-22

2.2.3 系统的结构 22

2.3 本章小结 22-23

第3章 关键算法的设计与实现 23-37

3.1 几何变换算法与实现 23-27

3.1.1 几何变换的原理 23-24

3.1.2 几何变换的实现 24-27

3.2 粒子系统算法与实现 27-30

3.2.1 粒子系统的原理 27-29

3.2.2 粒子系统的实现 29-30

3.3 碰撞检测算法与实现 30-34

3.3.1 碰撞检测的原理 30-33

3.3.2 碰撞检测的实现 33-34

3.4 阴影渲染算法与实现 34-36

3.4.1 阴影计算的原理 34-35

3.4.2 阴影绘制的实现 35-36

3.5 本章小结 36-37

第4章 虚拟实训系统模型的构建 37-46

4.1 虚拟实训场景、设备及人物模型的创建 37-42

4.1.1 实训场景及设备模型的建立 37-39

4.1.2 虚拟人物模型建立 39-42

4.2 三维虚拟场景和实体模型的优化 42-44

4.3 三维模型格式转换与输出 44-45

4.4 本章小结 45-46

第5章 虚拟实训系统关键功能的实现 46-67

5.1 实训场景、机床模型的导入及调整 46-47

5.1.1 场景及模型的导入 46-47

5.1.2 场景及模型的调整 47

5.2 系统漫游功能与实现 47-54

5.2.1 漫游跟踪定位技术分析 47-49

5.2.2 漫游功能的实现 49-52

5.2.3 虚拟人物动作及行为控制 52-54

5.3 虚拟实训系统的仿真加工的实现 54-66

5.3.1 虚拟系统交互界面的实现 54-56

5.3.2 虚拟机床加工仿真的实现 56-66

5.4 本章小结 66-67

第6章 总结与展望 67-69

6.1 工作总结 67

6.2 不足与展望 67-69

致谢 69-70

参考文献 70-72

攻读学位期间的研究成果 72













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