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2022-05-31 10:01:08 收藏本文 下载本文














1. 0—1分钟


2. 1—20分钟



3. 20—40分钟


4. 40-55分钟。 重复以上步骤。但注意到了55分钟时立刻转入最后一个阶段。 5. 55-58分钟。根据一些基本原则(选项中核心词的识别)快速完成Matching

6. 58-60分钟。誊写答题卡。



(1) What are candidates required to do? 考试要求

This task type requires candidates to answer questions about details in the passage. Questions usually relate to factual information. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the Answer Sheet.

(2) How many words are candidates asked to write? 字数要求

Often the instructions will state ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, but sometimes ‘ONE word’, or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. Numbers can be written using figures or words.

(3) Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words字数限制

Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s).

(4) What about contractions or hyphenated words? 缩写和连字符号

Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

(5) What skills are tested in this task type? 测试技能

This task type tests candidates’ ability to locate and understand precise information in the passage.

(6) Are the questions in text order? 题目顺序

The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.

(7) What text type is this task type used with? 文章类型

It is most likely to be used with a passage that contains a lot of factual information and detail.


①是非辩误永平行。是非辨误题,也叫判断题,是英国剑桥出题方的拿手好戏,通常每次阅读都会如约而至。看到该题型时,应第一时间带是非题型的第一个题目去文章阅读,直到该 题型结束为止。带着推—平行层

②主题一步一停歇。雅思阅读中,该题型所给出的选项,虽然有关键词可以用,但关键词没有顺序,对错相间,是无法带着推的,唯一有效的方法就是将它与其他题型兼容,在读完每 一段之后,回到该题型当中,选出正确的答案,直到最后一个主题命题段落。故而,名为一步(即一段)一回首,一停歇。没带也没推—非平行

③匹配狭义做蹲点,匹配段意两步歇。如果题型内部没有顺序,启航时不带关键词;匹配狭义和匹配段意就是这种情况。所以匹配狭义是遇到大写,时间也就是原文的绝对考点地段做 精读,名为蹲点;而匹配段意内部也是没有顺序的,只能采取与主题题相似的方法,读完一段话之后,回到题干当中,在回顾原文段落的同时,反映出段落和意思之间的吻合程度,理想停顿时 间为:两段话一回首,查找匹配段意,名为两步一停歇。没带也没推—非平行

④原词、沾边作概括,情景一致是突破。提高雅思阅读过程当中,填空题如果能够快速找到,将会节省相当大的时间。填空题分为自选式(自己在原文选词)和备选式(题干中给出备选 单词)两种,前者要求所填的正确答案必然为原文的原词,即原封不动,即使名词单复数;而后者则需要只要被选答案中有词或表达与考生期待相符即可,有时为原文原词,相似词,或者相关 词,再者词形变化,共四类,总归—沾边就算对。两种比较而言,自选式在出题情景上要求更加严格,原文出题地段要与题干所在句子讲同样一件事情,这被叫做情景一致。

⑤填空选择收尾做,跳读通读要选择。如果题型答案一般出现在文章内容后部,启航时不带关键词,这是因为考官通常把收尾的填空选择放置在文章的最后几段(通常为倒数第三段话 开始作为收尾填空选择的命题地段);不过,如果填空选择位于其他的位置,比如第一个或者中间题型,则要在一开始读文章就把它们作为平行层处理了。

关于雅思阅读提高方法,如果没有段意匹配,在理论上说都可以采用跳读法(带着关键词查找出题的准确定位);反过来说,如果有该题型,则要全文通读,至少直到该题型结束的段落 之前,读文章时应高度警觉。







anthropology is the scientific study of man. 由定义可知,anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。

In slang the term “jam” constitutes a state of being in which a personfinds himself or herself in a difficult situation. 同样,从上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。

定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to,be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute等。



同位语Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are tospeak and read intelligently.



Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics of electronic circuits.

由同位语我们很快猜出生词capacitance词义---电容量。需要注意的是:同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other,say i. e.等副词或短语出现。

定语从句Krabacber suffers from SAD, which is short for seasonal affective disorder,a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings.

根据生词SAD后面定语从句which is short for seasonal affective disorder和同位语a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings,我们可以推断出SAD含义,即“季节性情绪紊乱症”。


The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were inthe past.







Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast,is quite humble and modest.

该例中supercilious对许多人来说可能是个生词,但是句中短语in contrast,(相对照的,相对比的)可以提示我们supercilious和后面词组humble and modest(谦卑又谦虚)是对比关系。分析出这种关系后,我们便能猜出supercilious意为“目空一切的,傲慢的”。

表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要是unlike,not,but,however,despite,in spite of,in contrast和while引导的并列句等。

A good supervisor can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones.




Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk与生词loquacious之间的比较关系。以此可以推断出loquacious词义为“健谈的”。

表示比较关系的词和短语主要是similarly,like,just as,also等。




Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.


There were so many demonstrators in the Red Square that he had to elbow hisway through the crowd.





Although he often had the opportunity, Mr. Tritt was never able to steal money from a customer. This would have endangered his position at the bank,and he did not want to jeopardize his future.

作者为避免重复使用endanger一词,用其同义词jeopardize来替代它,由此推知其词义为“使。 . .陷入危险,危及、危害”。

Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. Theyalso regard drinking as harmful.




Husband:it‘s really cold out tonight.Wife: Sure it is. My hands are practically numb.How about lighting the furnace?


The snake slithered through the grass.




He fell into a ditch and lay there, semiconscious, for a few minutes.根据词根conscious(清醒的,有意识的),结合前缀semi(半,部分的,不完全的),我们便可猜出semiconscious词义“半清醒的,半昏迷的”。

I‘m illiterate about such things.词根literate意为“有文化修养的,通晓的”,前缀il表示否定,因此illiterate指“一窍不通,不知道的”。


Insecticide is applied where it is needed.后缀cide表示“杀者,杀灭剂”,结合大家熟悉的词根insect(昆虫),不难猜出insecticide意为“杀虫剂”。

Then the vapor may change into droplets.后缀let表示“小的”,词根drop指“滴,滴状物”。将两个意思结合起来,便可推断出droplet词义“小滴,微滴”。


Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output.Hightlight或许是一个生词,但是分析该词结构后,就能推测出其含义。它是由high(高的,强的)和light(光线)两部分组成,合在一起便是“以强光照射,使突出”的意思。

Bullfight is very popular in Spain.Bull(公牛)和fight(打,搏斗)结合在一起,指一种在西班牙颇为流行的体育运动---斗牛。






。我们常说雅思阅读考试已经进入到“后雅思时代”,雅思阅读回归到了考查大家对文本本身的理解上。所以前几年雅思培训的技巧现在已经不是很奏效了。比如以前技巧性很强的对错无判断题出题频率大大下降。再比如headings题,以前那种单纯在每段首二末句找主题句,然后选小标题的做法也早已过时。因为首先,headings题对应的文章段落有相当一部分没有主题句,而且给出的小标题有可能很隐蔽,没有包含对应段落的单词,也有可能是对段落的部分概括。这样的出题方式体现出今天的雅思阅读考试考查大家扫描每段主要信息的能力,即扫描大量具体信息后概括总结的能力,这就决定了大家以后看文章做题要以文章为本,从根本上扎实的提高阅读能力,改进阅读方法,当然这并不是说每个句子都要仔细读。总之,提高了阅读能力,不光 Headings和Matching能够攻破,做其他题目来也会有种“按图索骥,顺藤摸瓜”的感觉。发挥真题的最大效用

剑桥雅思系列的阅读文章和题目需要“多遍使用”才能最大化的发挥它的作用。第一遍,限时做题,进行模考演练,既能测试自己的水平,又能保持好的临战状态。第二遍,做完题后,准确的核对答案,并将每个题在文章中的依据标示出来,思考为什么做错,找出原因,思考以后如何改进做题方法;对于做 对的题,也要思考自己做题是的判断依据和思考过程,加强答对题的思维和感觉。第三遍,找出所有题目在原文中的同义替换或者叫“重现”,最好能写在一个本子上,这样既扩大词汇量,增加表达的丰富性,同时能够掌握雅思考试常考的同义替换方式,比如同义词替换、词性转换、句子语法结构的转变等等。第四遍,把雅思阅读文章作为单词书使用,也就是把里面常出现的学术性词汇和每篇文章的主题词汇总结一下,记忆时把它放在句子中去理解、记忆,这同时也是分析长难句的过程,经过这个分析句子-理解记忆单词的过程,就会发现你的阅读能力会有实质性的提高!吃透句子,改善方法




要想提高阅读能力,一是要有相对扎实的基础,那就是语法和词汇,这是基本功;第二,要养成好的阅读习惯,我经常提到“三不原则”,不查词典、不动手动脚(意思是不要用手指扫描句子)、不出声,养成了好的阅读习惯,阅读速度、对原文的理解能力都会大大提高!对于写作范文,建议记一下里面好的句型,比如当你看到 “Not only are large differences between the two economies but these gaps are widening.”就可以把not only 引导的倒装句型提取出来,把gaps are widening总结下来,吸收为自己的表达。再比如看到“Under no circumstances are passengers allowed to smoke in the air-conditioned bus.”就可以吧under no circumstances are sb. allowed to 总结下来。另外,学习范文的全文结构和每一段的论证方法对自己写作文也是很有帮助的。

而针对那些刚刚接触雅思考试的同学则可先选择难度合适的文章,比如二十一世纪报上的文章。接下来,第一遍用比较快的速度浏览文章,掌握每一段的主要信息和文章的脉络结构,在这种快速阅读的情况下,若碰到长难句,重点读主句的主谓结构,像定语从句或者其它修饰性成分可以一带而过。然后,可以回过头来,细致的阅读文章,一是检验自己第一遍快速阅读理解的内容是否准确,另外是查一下重要词汇,总结一下常用的句型。按照这个办法,每天坚持看几篇文章,不出一个月,阅读能力肯定会获得很大的进步。把雅思视为知己而非敌人    要考好雅思,就要“喜欢”上雅思。其实很简单,第一,你要试着培养对英语的兴趣,当然可以从各个方面培养,比如听歌看电影看美剧、记忆单词、看自己喜欢的文章以及和外国人交流,刚开始要有耐心,慢慢的会有成就感的!第二,雅思考试是国际英语语言测试,考查手法很科学,就是听说读 写的能力。所以如果你不急着要雅思成绩,可以先放一下雅思,多看些英文报纸杂志,多听些广播或者趣味性材料,通过这种在现实生活中应用英语的过程,听说读写能力会有质的飞跃,同时也会觉得雅思考查的就是你平日积累的能力和知识。雅思嘛,“雅而思之”,做过题后,看过文章后,完全可以回过头来分析一下文章思路,欣赏好的句子和词汇,在百科全书上查阅一下自己不熟悉的东西,你就会感到备考雅思其乐无穷!雅思考场到时也是舒展自己才华的舞台了!














Diners are being asked to sign a waiver before eating a fiery chilli burger - after it put five people in hospital.


The _X Hot Chilli Burger - dubbed the hottest dish in Britain - is served to over 18s only at Burger Off in Sussex.

这款被称为英国最辣的热辣汉堡,是苏塞克斯郡汉堡店Burger Off 的料理,仅卖给18岁以上的成年人。

It is topped with chilli sauce worth a staggering 9.2million on the Scoville scale - a measure of the 'hotness' of foods. In contrast, the average chilli pepper comes in at just 500 Scoville Heat Units.


One diner was taken to hospital with a suspected perforated bowel after eating the spicy dish, while four others were admitted for treatment on the same night for suspected anaphylactic shock.


Now, restaurant owner Nick Gambardella is asking customers to sign a legal disclaimer that prevents them from suing him if they fall victim to the red-hot burger.


The document reads: 'I the undersigned accept all responsibility for any effects incured due to the consumtion of the above mentioned _X Hot Chilli Burger and release Burger Off, its owner and staff from any liability.'

声明中写道:“我签署同意,在Burger Off食用热辣汉堡所带来的一切后果责任由我个人承担,餐厅和餐厅老板、服务员免责。”

Mr Gambardella, 55, said he was 'amazed' that he was allowed to sell such a spicy burger - adding: 'It has been a massive hit with the customers'.


'I have to admit I’ve not dared to try one of these burgers myself as they are so spicy,' he said. 'One guy came in and he was just a little bit cocky and when he left he was admitted to hospital because prior to eating the burger he had a stomach ulcerand we believe it perforated his bowel. He wasn’t in a good way but he pulled through.


The burger, which is on sale for only £3.90, features sauce based on a Piri Piri chilli concentrate, created through steaming and later infused with carbon dioxide.


So far, only 59 out of 3,000 challengers have succeeded in eating the entire dish. Many of the burger's conquerors have taken to Twitter and The Burger Off Facebook page to spread the word of their victory.

截至目前,3000名挑战者仅有59位成功吃完整个汉堡。许多挑战成功者在推特和Burger Off餐厅的脸书页面上炫耀自己的胜利。

Mr Gambardella said the burger had caused customers to adopt a number of undignified coping mechanisms, including stripping naked, begging for mercy, punching windows and vomiting.


It has also left many diners suffering from anaphylactic shock - a severe allergic reaction that can cause swelling, rashes and difficulty breathing.


'The burgers are cooked properly - it’s the sauce that is maybe too hot to handle,' said Mr Gambardella.



In , China achieved a record-breaking high for its film industry's box-office revenues, which officially register at 21.769 billion yuan ($3.59 billion). But according to Wang Changtian, CEO of Enlight, that was at least 5 billion yuan short of the real number. Other experts put the gap at 2.4 billion, explaining the reported box-office figure at 10 percent less than the real one. That gap is someone's windfall, illegally pocketed by cinema owners and operators, professionally known as film exhibitors. And the regulating agency is getting tough on this kind of theft.

Wang Changtian has reasons to be angry. Over the Lunar New Year season that has recently wound down, he received on his microblog numerous audience reports, complete with photos, of tickets to Dad, Where Are We Going?, a runaway hit his company distributes. The tickets had no movie title printed on them or the prices printed were lower than what was actually paid by the moviegoers - all signs that the movie's revenues were not correctly registered.

The earliest manifestation of the shady practice of “box-office stealing” loomed a few years ago when individual moviegoers posted suspicious tickets online. Tickets of this type usually had movie title “A” computer-printed on it, but the printed title was scratched out by hand and title “B” written in. Fingers were pointed at the producer or distributor of title A, but more likely it was the movie theater that was behind it. The reason could be simple: Film A gives the exhibitor a larger share of the revenue than film B.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Industry insiders reveal it was much worse before computer systems were installed in the nation's cinemas, and of course, before social media websites turned everyone into a potential reporter of such business deceit. As a matter of fact, some cinema investors were not even aware that they had to split their revenue with other parties. “This phenomenon started from the age of planned economy,” says Mao Yu, deputy director of the Film Bureau, a branch of the regulating agency.

But it may have turned from guerrilla tactics to larger-scale con games. For group purchases, violators would not even issue tickets, essentially not reporting a single cent of revenue from a whole screening. Since a representative of the group usually deals with the cinema, unless he or she specifically demands a printed ticket for each member of the group, all of them would be in the dark about income reporting from the cinema to the distributor.

Another trick lies in membership dues, which are often collected up front. When a paid member reimburses for a ticket, it may have only the screening room on it, and the exhibitors can choose to credit it to any movie they like, or not to any movie, in which case they pocket 100 percent of the revenue.

Some cinemas would go as far as investing in a separate point-of-sale computer system so that each ticket buyer gets the right ticket, but none of the data shows up on the centralized system. Instead, another set of credible purchase data would be put in the correct system, but with lower attendance.

Both distributors and exhibitors that I spoke to agree that cheating is much less rampant than before, say a dozen years ago, and now is mostly limited to third and fourth-tier cities. China Film Group, the nation's largest film production and distribution company, heads a consortium with several major private companies that hires 1,000 people to monitor cinemas nationwide, and Huaxia, another State-owned company, has a smaller army of 800.

However, there are situations even these sharp-eyed monitors can do little about. For example, if a cinema sells a ticket for 80 yuan, which is normal for primetime, but gives away a free popcorn, it may attribute as much as 60 yuan of the ticket price to the popcorn, leaving only 20 as the ticket price. But it can argue that 20 yuan is the minimum price for this particular film agreed upon by both sides and therefore it does not violate any rule.

A similar scheme was employed when Transformers 3 was bundled with Yang Shanzhou, a very small film with little box-office potential, making the latter into a strange film with eye-popping revenue (79 million yuan) but disproportionately fewer people who actually bothered to see it. There were sporadic online complaints about the practice even though consumers did not pay more for the package deal.

The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, the regulating agency, announced measures in late January to curb under-reporting and cheating on box-office revenues. A special fund is set up to subsidize the upgrading of computer software at point of sale. The current system was installed in and “cannot keep up with the new situation”, in the words of Jiang Tao, director of the fund. “The new system will fix loopholes and shorten the reporting window to only 10 minutes after a sale is made instead of waiting till next noon, which is the current reporting lapse in time, which leaves room for manipulation. The national platform will be ready by May and the cinema side will complete their upgrading by October.”

Apart from putting a stamp of authorization on all sales systems, SAPPRFT insists that all film tickets carry correct prices and movie admission. But conspicuously absent are concrete penalties for violations. The software upgrade will certainly be a great help, admit distributors and exhibitors, but it may not be enough.

“The cost of violation is still too low. If you're caught under-reporting 10 tickets, all you need to do is make up for the shortfall,” says Huang Ziyan, vice-president of Le Vision Pictures in charge of sales.

Cao Yong, a manager with the Huaxing UME cinema chain, suggests that violators should have their business license revoked. “Cinemas invest tens of millions of yuan and, with punishment of this severity, it would not make sense for them to steal 80,000 or 100,000 yuan from the box office.”

Other ideas have been floated such as the use of an infra-red camera that automatically scans a movie theater for attendance. The technology has been available for eight or nine years and it claims to have 95 percent accuracy. But it has never been put into use.

Filmmakers are reluctant to stand firm when they become victims because they do not want to offend the exhibition branch of the business chain - the branch that deals directly with end users. Some say they are no longer sad at the irregularity, but have come to the stage of despair.

This time it's for real, and “we'll cleanse the industry of this illegal and irregular behavior”, says Zhang Hongsen, director of SAPPRFT's Film Bureau.


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, China's largest e-commerce vendor, has officially confirmed it will hold an initial public offering in the United States, the company has announced.

The decision will “make [Alibaba] a more global company and enhance the company’s transparency, as well as allow the company to continue to pursue our long-term vision and ideals,” according to a company statement sent on Sunday to China Daily.

It did not specify which bourse it will choose to float its shares, or give a detailed timetable.

Alibaba said that, should circumstances permit in the future, it will work towards toward extending its public status in China’s capital market in order to share its growth with the Chinese people.

The company also expressed gratitude towards those in Hong Kong who have supported Alibaba Group, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which shut the door on a potential listing last September.

“We respect the viewpoints and policies of Hong Kong and will continue to pay close attention to and support the process of innovation and development of Hong Kong,” the statement added.

Hong Kong regulators rejected Alibaba's IPO because of the firm's special request to keep a shareholder structure which would have allowed a group of top managers and founders to nominate and control the company's board of directors.

The unique requirement went against the exchange's one-share-one-vote principle.

The statement puts an end to rampant rumors about Alibaba’s choice of listing venue.

For example, the firm's recent purchase of a stake in a Hong Kong-listed company prompted speculation that Alibaba might use the deal to go public.

Analysts polled by Reuters have put Alibaba's market value at around $140 billion and the value of the IPO at $15 billion. If successful, it will go public in the world's biggest listing since Facebook Inc's debut in .

The announcement came just two days after micro-blogging service Sina Weibo filed to raise $500 million via a US IPO. Alibaba holds 18 percent of Sina Weibo's shares.












We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? Most of it has to do with attitude. Here are 13 things to remember when life gets rough:


1. What is, is


Buddha’s famous saying tells us: “It is your resistance to ‘what is’ that causes your suffering.” Think about that for a minute. It means that our suffering only occurs when we resist how things are. If you can change something, then take action! Change it! But if you can’t change it, then you have two choices: (1) either accept it and let go of the negativity, or (2) make yourself miserable by obsessing over it.


2. It’s only a problem if you think it’s a problem


Many times, we are our own worst enemy. Happiness is really dependent on perspective. If you think something is a problem, then your thoughts and emotions will be negative. But if you think it’s something you can learn from, then suddenly, it’s not a problem anymore.


3. If you want things to change, you need to start with changing yourself


Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Don’t you know people whose lives are chaotic and stressful? And isn’t that largely because they feel chaotic inside? Yes, it is. We like to think that changing our circumstances will change us. But we have it backwards—we need to change ourselves first before our circumstances will change.


4. There is no such thing as failure—only learning opportunities


You should just wipe the word “failure” right out of your vocabulary. All great people who have ever achieved anything have “failed” over and over. In fact, I think it was Thomas Edison who said something like, “I did not fail at inventing the light bulb, I just first found 99 ways that it didn’t work.” Take your so-called “failures” and learn something from them. Learn how to do it better next time.


5. If you don’t get something you want, it just means something better is coming


That’s hard to believe sometimes, I know. But it’s true. Usually, when you look back at your life, you will be able to see why it was actually a good thing that something didn’t work out. Maybe the job you didn’t get would have made you spend more time away from your family, but the job you did get was more flexible. Just have faith that everything happens exactly the way it’s supposed to.




A woman in Canada called the emergency services after mistaking her neighbor’s noisy toilet efforts for a violent disturbance.


The woman was worried her neighbour was in trouble after hearing loud yelling and shouting at 5am.


Police officers rushed to the scene and found the man had only been on the toilet.


The officers asked him to keep the noise down for his future endeavors.



A robber in a hurry struck at three banks along a stretch of Kings Highway in Brooklyn in a span of about 30 minutes on Friday afternoon, the police said。

In the first and third robberies, tellers handed over cash to the robber, the police said, but he left empty-handed in the second encounter。

The police do not believe that the man displayed a weapon, though they were still gathering information late Friday afternoon。

The mini-crime wave began at around 2:15 p.m., when the robber entered a branch of the Apple Bank at 1321 Kings Highway. He handed a teller a note, was given some money and left, the police said。

About 15 minutes later, the man walked into a Capital One branch at 1226 Kings Highway, the police said, and handed over a note, but did not get any cash。

About 2:40 p.m., the suspect entered an HSBC bank branch at 1621 Kings Highway. Again, a note was handed over and he obtained some money, the police said。

The robber’s spree shows “a certain amount of perseverance,” said Thomas W. McKenna, a retired first-grade detective with the New York police。

“It’s very unusual for a guy to do three banks in a row, that close together, and to stay in the same area。”

Mr. McKenna added: “He’s looking for a score, there’s no doubt about that. And he’s nonsectarian about which bank he goes to. “Any bank is open play for him。”

The robber was described as Hispanic, about 5-foot-7, and 150 pounds. He wore black pants, a red shirt and a red baseball hat。

Bill Giannopoulos, owner of Madison Florist

and Decorators, across Kings Highway from the Apple Bank branch, said he did not realize anything was happening until the street was swarming with police officers and a helicopter was circling overhead。

“It’s scary,” he said. “I don’t know what’s happening in the neighborhood。”






South Korea has appointed a team of people to scan the internet for suicide-related material as part of a move to cut suicide rates.

The 100-strong group of watchdogs is made up of a cross-section of society, including students, housewives and mental health specialists.

South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, with 40 people taking their own lives each day.

The government says a rise in harmful web material is a contributing factor.

The watchdogs will monitor blogs and social media sites for any material that helps or encourages people to plan their own deaths.

It is thought young people often trawl the internet for companions with whom to make pacts.

A Seoul city government spokesman told the South Korean news agency Yonhap that suicide ”is no longer an individual problem but rather a social issue that we must all take part in to resolve“.

There are five times as many suicides in South Korea as there were a generation ago, according to the government.

Many blame the rise on the country's high-pressure education system, as many of those who commit suicide are students, says the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul.

Others believe the rise is a result of the country's rapid economic growth, which has led to some of the longest working hours in the developed world, she says.

Over the last year, various schemes have been introduced to try to reduce the figures.

Phones linked to emergency helplines have been installed on Seoul's major bridges, and a team of rescue workers patrol the Han River.














1.Poor quality of sleep 睡眠质量差

It doesn't matter how long you sleep for if you're it's low-quality rest; you'll just wake up tired. Poor-quality sleep can be caused by factors such as sleeping with a pet, drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day, or having too much noise in the background。


2.Waking up in the wrong phase 起床的时间不对

Your sleep is split into cycles, and you might've woken up during the non-REM stage, which is a state of very deep sleep. Try to shoot for waking up during a REM phase, because then your body will be better prepared to wake up。

睡眠也是有不同周期的。如果你在非快速眼动阶段(non-REM stage),即深睡眠时期醒过来,那么就会觉得好像没睡醒一样。所以,要尽量在快速眼动睡眠(REM)阶段醒过来,这样你就能为起床做好更充分的准备。

3.Medication hangover 药物副作用

The effects of certain medications that cause drowsiness can linger until the next morning. Check with your doctor to see if you can adjust the dosage or change medications。


4.Medical condition 身体状况

Certain medical conditions like sleep apnea can disrupt your night's rest. Disorders like depression can also cause you feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess。


5.Your body clock is not in sync 生物钟不协调

If you've been keeping an erratic sleep schedule, then your body will probably need time to adjust to waking up at a certain time during the morning. Try to make a more regular schedule, and you'll probably see a difference in how you feel in the morning。




Zhang Yeju, a law student at China University of Political Scienceand Law was greeted by another student on his way to class. Theproblem was Zhang, 19, did not know the guy at all。


While they talked about the weather Zhang tried hard to recallthe stranger’s name before the duo enter the same classroom。


“I felt a bit embarrassed when I chatted with him withoutknowing his name,” said Zhang。


Accordingto Zhang this was not the first time he’s had a “strangerencounter” on campus。


There are 60 people in his class, but Zhang knows the names offewer than 30 of them after a year of study。


According to a recent survey conducted by MyCOS HR DigitalInformation Co, a consulting firm on higher education, about 40percent of students in university admitted that they have problemswith interpersonal relationships。


Zhang Jitao, associate professor of sociology at HubeiUniversity, sees a new trend on campus: to have smaller circles offriends who are more diverse and unique。


“Having your life revolve around a small group of friendsmight have a negative impact on one’s future career after school,”said Zhang to Chutian Metropolitan Daily。


However, students seem not to worry about it at all。


Qin Yuanyuan, 20, a junior biology major at Guangxi Universitysees no need to expand his social circle when he has access to theInternet。


“The Internet has developed so well that I can get nearlyeverything online. I don’t need to gain knowledge, get informationor have fun with friends around. Instead, I can make friendsonline,” said Qin。


The more time students spent on the Internet, the less theypaid attention to those around them, said Li Zixun, of thepsychology department of Beijing-based China-Japan FriendshipHospital。


But Li considers it is not always a bad thing for students tolive independently in campus。


“This generation does not rely on social contacts to make themfeel secure. They can live independently without having anyrelationships. It is an advantage in cultivating diverse thoughtsamong young people,” said Li。


He Xiao, a freshman at Hubei University, agrees. He thinks aslong as one enjoys friendships and share similar interests andattitudes, it is not necessary to have a wide range ofacquaintances。


“For me, having several friends to play basketball with andhave midnight snacks with are enough. I think the most importantthing is that you can have fun,” said the 19-year-old computerscience major。


According to psychologist Li Zixun from Beijing, heavypressure on students is fueling the estrangement on campus。


“When young people spend so much time and energy studying, itis common to pay less attention to others,” said Li. “Socializingalso requires time and energy。”




Cheap signs scattered on lawns and along the corners of busy intersections are hard to miss.To city officials,the signs are costly litter that requires city workers to pick them up.


Putting them up is deemed a crime as well,albeit a relatively minor offense that carries a fine of up to $250 in Hollywood,Fla.


While stopping for a red light a few months ago, Hollywood Mayor Peter Bober studied the ghastly signs and came to a realization that would help him stop them from spreading:The criminals had left their calling cards in the form of business phone numbers.


”These people want us to call them, so let's call them so often util it makes their heads spin,“said Bober, who bought a $300 software program in March that robocalls the businesses.The number of the calls has gone up as high as 20 calls per program, made to 90 businesses per day.


In , Bober held a citywide contest, offering $500 in non-public funds to whoever collected the most signs.The signs disappeared overnight, with the winning resident collecting nearly 500 of them.Yet over time,the city was again plagued by signs cluttering the sights.


”For two whole years,I was asking myself what to do,“the mayor said. The robocalls,which leave pre-recorded messages,have been so successful that city officials say certain areas have seen a 90 percent reduction in signs .




According to a new proposal, Guangzhou minors will no longer be able to get either plastic surgery or tattoos.


The proposed law is currently under formulation and will take effect in , according to Peng Qu, director of the Community and Rights Department in the Guangzhou Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League.


”Minors are going through a stage of growth and development and cosmetic surgery simply has a bad effect on teenage health. That is the biggest problem when they decide to get plastic surgery or tattoos,“ he said.”Moreover, their ideas, views and values can be easily distorted, which will then remain an obstacle throughout their lives.“


At the legislative level,and with the exception of Taiwan,no Chinese provinces or regions have issued such a regulation.


In ,Taiwan implemented a law that any people or agencies caught helping teens get tattoos or body piercings, would be in violation of civil law. Parents could even require compensation from those so-called helping hands and hold them accountable for the laser-removal fees.


If any agencies were to violate the law again, they could be liable for up to three years in prison.




One of the intriguing things about a relationship is figuring out the exact words that will woo him, wow her, and win his heart. Here are some suggestions for the men and women in your life.


1. “Yes.”


And we are not talking about the obvious “yes.” Men want love too, and emotional intimacy, and the security that comes with committed partnership. And it all begins with a positive response from the woman he wants. “Yes, I noticed you too.” “Yes, here is my phone number.” “Yes, I’d love to meet you for dinner.” Both men and women love someone who is willing to try new things, go to new places, and have a “yes” attitude in general.

此处我们说的可不只是简单的同意“好的”哦。男人也渴望被爱,需要亲密感情,以及伴侣关系带来的安全感。只要心爱的女人给予肯定的回应,对他说:“对,我也注意到你了哦”;“给,这是我的电话号码”或 “嗯,非常乐意跟您共进晚餐”,他就会得到满足。一般,男人女人都爱跟态度积极、勇于尝试新事物新地方的人交往。

2. “I’d rather be with you … ”


... than do whatever it is that’s keeping you apart at the moment. Let’s face it, these days, life moves at a crazy pace. The demands of work, family, friends—and even mundane tasks like grocery shopping—can consume every spare minute. It’s easy to let optional items, like time together, slip to the bottom of the “to do” list. But even when unavoidable things get in the way, your partner likes to hear that they are also important to you.


3. “Are you free Saturday night?”


Date nights are important—even if you have been together for years. A man also likes to be pursued as much as he likes to pursue, so don’t be afraid to ask him out once in a while, ladies. Don’t ever stop carving out that quality time for each other.


4. “There’s something you do that I find adorable.”


When you notice—and love—something about your partner that isn’t obvious to world, it tells them you’re interested enough in them to pay attention to the small things. It also confirms the intimate nature of your relationship. Be aware of the cute, charming things they do that you find irresistible. Then tell them what you admire!


5. “That looks good on you.”


This is not a revelation, but how many of us forget to acknowledge our loved ones when they are looking good? It is well understood that women appreciate positive feedback about their appearance—but so do men. He wants to look good … and often works hard to get there. How nice to be told sometimes that it’s working.


6. “You know what? You are right.”


The ability to admit when we are wrong, and give credit to your partner when they are right, is BIG! It’s not easy to put our ego’s aside, but it’s important to be able to do so, because a relationship is not about winning.


7. “I really like your friends (or kids or family members).”


Most women are communal creatures, and relationships are very important to them. So it means a lot when you say something wonderful about the people she loves. Tell her you think her dad is wise, or one of her kids is especially talented, or her close friend is fun to be with. By complimenting the people closest to your partner, you’re affirming them as well.




What's the greatest invention since sliced cheese? Wait: Why is sliced cheese so great in the first place? Here are 14 inventions that REALLY changed the world -- cheese not included.


Bicycle (1861)

The French vélocipède, invented in 1861 by Pierre Marchaux, is widely considered to be the first true bicycle. There are a billion bicycles now worldwide, twice as many as automobiles.



Aspirin (1899)

The first recorded use of Aspirin-like remedies goes back to nearly 500 BC when Hippocrates, the ”father of modern medicine,“ wrote about treating such symptoms as headaches, pains, and fevers using willow bark and leaves -- which contain salicylic acid.

The formula was perfected in 1899 by a French chemist who developed acetylsalicylic acid, which maintained the benefits of pure salicylic acid with less severe side effects. By 1899, Bayer was selling it around the world.




Wheel (3500-3350 BC)

The invention of the wheel has been pivotal for technology in general, setting the foundation for future developments such as the water wheel, the cogwheel, and the spinning wheel. Modern descendants include the propeller, the jet engine, and the turbine. Pictured is the Wheel of the Etruscan chariot (ca. 530 BC)



Bra (Early 1900s)

Mary Phelps Jacob was looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous and sometimes unsightly corset. She ended up creating a bra using a handkerchief and ribbon. Jacob was awarded a patent in 1914 and would later sell her business to Warner Brothers Corset Company for $1,500.



Flush Toilet (1596)

Various versions of flushing toilets were used as far back as the 26th century BC in the Indus Valley, where the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro had a flush toilet in almost every house, attached to a sophisticated sewage system. The true prelude to the modern flush toilet began in 1596 when Sir John Harington installed his version of a flush system for the Queen of England.



Thermometer (16th Century)

The word thermometer (in its French form) first appeared in 1624 in La Récréation Mathématique by J. Leurechon, who describes one with a scale of 8 degrees. But each inventor and each thermometer was unique -- there was no standard scale. Finally in 1724 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit produced a temperature scale which now (slightly adjusted) bears his name. Pictured is a classic Galileo model.


温度计一词最初是以法文La Récréation Mathématique的形式出现的,1624年J?劳伊雷肖恩首次用该词来指代有8个刻度的温度计。不过每个发明家和他们的温度计都很独特,也没有标准的度量标准。在1724年丹尼尔?盖布瑞尔?华伦海特制出了一种温度度标,经过略微改动后就是今天以他的名字命名的华氏温度。图中是传统的伽利略温度计的模型。

Radio (1895)

Though guys like James Clerk Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison all made important contributions to the development of radio technology, it was Guglielmo Marconi who built a wireless system capable of transmitting signals at long distances in 1895.




The theory of time running out was devised by researchers from two Spanish universities trying to explain why the universe appeared to be spreading continuously and accelerating。“时间耗尽”理论由两名来自西班牙大学的研究者提出,他们试图解释宇宙为何不断膨胀,为何不断加速。

Observations of supernovae, or exploding stars, found the movement of light indicated they were moving faster than those nearer to the centre of the universe。之前,科学家观察超新星或恒星的爆炸之后,发现光的运动频率暗示着它们比那些靠近宇宙中心的恒星运行得更快。

But the scientists claimed the accepted theory of an opposite force to gravity, known as dark energy, was wrong, and said the reality was that the growth of the universe was slowing。但是,这两名科学家声称当前流行的“重力相反力”理论,也就是“暗能量”理论是错误的。他们还说,事实上,宇宙的增长速度在减缓。

Professor Jose Senovilla, Marc Mars and Raul Vera from the University of the Basque Country and the University of Salamanca said the deceleration of time was so gradual, it was imperceptible to humans。毕尔巴鄂市巴斯克地区大学的琼斯·瑟诺维拉教授和萨勒曼卡大学的劳尔·维拉教授说时间减速是一个逐步的过程,而且人类无法感知。

Their proposal, published in the journal Physical Review D, claimed dark energy does not exist and that time was winding down to the point when it would finally grind to a halt long after the planet ceased to exist。他们的理论发表在《物理评论(基本粒子、场论、宇宙学)》上,文章说宇宙中不存在暗能量。当地球消失后,时间也会一点点变慢,最终完全停止。




推出这款汉堡的餐厅名叫Beer & Buns,将于本月底在The Court酒店开业。而这款汉堡也将努力摘获该市最贵汉堡的称号。“一开始我们想售价999刀的,但鬼才会买呢。” 酒店高管Abigail Tan说,“后来我们还是觉得250刀最合理,应该会有不少人想买,还可以几个人一起分着吃”

其实只要两种食材,这款汉堡尝起来就够棒了,这也是这款汉堡的小瑕疵。因为厨师Wisit Panpinyo太突出烟肉和鹅肝的味道使得鱼子酱的味道几乎被彻底掩盖了。

而如果有客人不愿意花这么多钱买一个汉堡,该餐厅还推出了一系列泛亚洲食品比如售价12到17刀的汉堡。其实这不是款天价汉堡。Serendipity 3餐厅曾推出过一款售价295刀的汉堡,其中包含了松露,鱼子酱,黄金甚至一个钻石牙签,但其中一部分被捐给了慈善机构。在这款汉堡面市两年后,666汉堡快车推出了一款名为 “Douche Burger” 的产品,其中包含了龙虾,鱼子酱,松露,鹅肝和金箔,并售价666刀,但这家店很快就倒闭了。

最早的天价汉堡源自,一个名叫Daniel Boulud的厨师将鹅肝和排骨融入了汉堡的制作。目前这款汉堡仍售价32刀,但含有松露的款则要售价140刀。

Does the Hamburglar know about this?

A Midtown restaurant will sell a $250 hamburger — an umami bomb comprised of Kobe beef, foie gras, crispy pancetta, white truffles and caviar.

Ketchup and mayonnaise are complimentary.

The Indulgence Burger at Beer & Buns, which will open later this month in The Court Hotel, is the latest mound of beef hoping to land the title of “most expensive burger” in the city.

”We thought about charging $999 for it, but realized no one would buy that,“ says Abigail Tan, an executive with the hotel company. ”For $250, someone may buy it and split it up.“

There’s certainly enough flavor for two — and that’s part of the problem. Chef Wisit Panpinyo’s concoction is so rich with pancetta and foie that you don’t even taste the caviar.

For those who aren't willing to shell out a couple of hundred on a hamburger, the restaurant will offer several pan-Asian inspired burgers and sliders, which range from about $12 to $17.

It's not the first time burger prices have been overcooked. Serendipity 3 offers a $295 patty with truffles, caviar, gold and even a diamond toothpick — but a portion of the price is set aside as a donation to the Bowery Mission.

Two years ago, the 666 Burger food truck sold a “Douche Burger” of lobster, caviar, truffles, foie gras and gold leaf for $666. But the truck is closed until May.

The original expensive burger was created by chef Daniel Boulud in , when he combined foie gras and ground short ribs at db Bistro Moderne. The dish is still on the menu for $32 — but the truffle version is $140.


Many of us spend the bulk of our day peering at computer screens. Reading this article means there's a good chance you're looking at one right now.


But does looking at a computer screen damage your eyes? Brisbane optometry professor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens ”harmful“ to our eyes.

看电脑屏幕真的会伤害我们的视力吗?布里斯班眼科教授Nathan Efron并不这样认为。

But he admits if you use one a lot, you increase your risk of becoming slightly more short-sighted –where your eyes focus well only on close objects while more distant objects appear blurred. This is especially the case for children and young adults, whose eyes are still developing.


In the shorter term, prolonged viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision defects more noticeable. It can also give you what is sometimes known as ”computer vision syndrome“ – eye strain, headaches, gritty eyes and blurry vision. But this is only temporary and can be minimised by:


Adjusting the screen display so the contrast is high and the brightness feels comfortable.


Having lighting that does not produce glare on the screen.


Giving your eyes regular rests from looking at the screen (The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer use. It's a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks.)




As you get older, it feels like time tends to move faster. As Dan Ariely explains over at The Wall Street Journal, we tend to fall into familiar routines as we age and that makes time move quickly.


We perceive time something like a stack of memories, so the less new experiences you have, the less likely you are to fill in those memories with interesting things.


Time does go by (or, more accurately, it feels as if time is going by) more quickly the older we get.


In the first few years of our lives, anything we sense or do is brand new, and many of our experiences are unique, so they remain firmly in our memories. But as the years go by, we encounter fewer and fewer new experiences—both because we have already accomplished a lot and because we become slaves to our daily routines.


For example, try to remember what happened to you every day last week,chances are that nothing extraordinary happened, so you will be hard-pressed to recall the specific things you did on Monday, Tuesday, etc.


What can we do about this? Maybe we need some new app that will encourage us to try out new experiences, point out things we've never done, recommend dishes we've never tasted and suggest places we've never been. Such an app could make our lives more varied, prod us to try new things, slow down the passage of time and increase our happiness.


Until such an app arrives, try to do at least one new thing every week.It's not too difficult to push yourself to do new things.



A Justin Bieber superfan has lost more than eight stone in a bid to make her pop star idol notice her.


Now weighing in at 10.5 stone Bryanna Debinder, 20, shed an incredible 122 lbs in just a year after becoming jealous of the slim girls who were pulled on stage by Bieber during his concerts.


'Every time I saw him pull up a pretty, slim girl on stage, I just thought: 'that should be me',' said Bryanna, of Temple, near Reading, Pennsylvania.


'Everyone deserves a chance to be noticed by the person they love, and I'm his biggest fan.


The Penn State University psychology student's obsession with Bieber, also 20, began when she saw him on MTV in .


As the then clean-cut pop star crooned to his platinum-selling single 'One Time', Bryanna fell in love and there began an obsession that would change her life.

当时长相清秀的流行歌手比伯深情演唱了白金单曲《One Time》,布里安娜陷入了爱河,并开始完全痴迷并从此改变了她的生活。


Shades of Red


For centuries, red has meant passion. People who are partial to shades of red, from apple and rose red to tomato and fire engine, generally are optimistic, outgoing and, well, passionate about life。


Shades of Blue


Are you blue? Those who lean toward blue generally are calm, compassionate and follow a steady course. Reminiscent of both sky and sea, shades of blue appeal to those with peaceful and quiet personalities。


Shades of Green


Green sends out natural vibes in a big way, and people who want to be surrounded by shades of green tend to like balance and can be counted on to be civilized。


Shades of Yellow


It's a cliche that yellow is sunny, and those who pick shades of this color for their decor tend to be sunny, too. But they go a lot deeper than that: People who love yellow also tend to be intellectual and adventurous and place a high value on freedom。


Shades of Purple


From lavender to eggplant, plum and dark regal purple, shades of this mix of blue and red add drama and flair to any decor. Purple lovers tend to be artistic and unconventional。




Renowned for both its sexiness and class, black is best used in small doses in decor lest its powerful aura overwhelm the space. Lovers of all things black tend to impress in an understated way and generally promote the idea that they aren't telling all。


Shades of White


People who choose white for their surroundings likely believe that ”pure as the driven snow“ is more than a cliche. Using shades of white is a clue to a personality that finds comfort in simplicity and sees the world through a youthful, innocent lens。


Shades of Orange


A space filled with shades of orange exudes vitality and cheer. The people who decorate rooms with orange hues tend to be outgoing, social and easy to be with, even if they do like to be the center of attention。



1. Immature woman will spend their parents' money;

Mature woman will spend their own money or the man's money.



2. Immature woman chooses the dignity of life in frony of life, dignity and the burden;

Mature woman would choose the burden.



3. Immature woman chooses friendship from love when the conflict happens;

Mature woman would choose marriage.



4. Mature woman likes to talk self-centered;

Mature woman talk all the time taking others' feelings into consideration.



5. Immature woman will always check a man's cellphone text messages only to gey herself angry.

Mature woman would forbear their own curiosity to preserve the family's integrity and spiritual calmness.



6. Immature woman only wants to gain from marriage;

Mature woman learns to respect and understanding in marriage.



7. Immature woman abuses the husband's mistress when he has an extramarital affair;

Mature woman refelects on herself the moment she discovers her husband has an extramarital affair.



8. Immature woman tends toquarrel with her husband when he is impetuous.

Mature woman will try everything she could to release his pressure.



9. Immature woman enjoy a long-term Cold War with her husband.

Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband.



10. Immature woman will resolutely defend her husband.

Mature women will give a man some space and he can be a degree of relaxation.








5.5分在口语得分的解释是什么?Survival English。有这个分数在国外生存没有问题,但是很难适应高等教育当中大量的研讨课,因为在这种课堂当中,要用十分具体、准确的英语表达深入性的研究观点。




举个例子,考官问:“Is there anything on the wall of your apartment/flat? ”



再举个例子,考官问:“How has your hometown changed in recent years?”



如果大家是中文考官来判断一下,谁的中文表达描述能力更好,更愿意跟谁聊天?肯定是 “B”. 所以英文跟中文是一个道理,说得越具体越详细越能体现你的表达能力和描述能力。








在日常会话中我们发现外国人的表达其实并不复杂,但听着却显得层次分明,原因便在于他们作为native speaker地道的语音和自然的节奏停顿。我们总是习惯于将中文语境下的停顿迁移到英语中,但真正能够说好英语,需要的是英语语境下的恰当停顿,这点是我们最需要模仿和学习的。



























































“Research in Britain has shown that“green consumers”continue to flourish as a significantsgroupsamongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.”Based upon this passage, you will never be asked a question like:

“There has been a continued presence of“green consumers”in the British market because of…”

A. the rise of the Green party.

B. Concern with glob












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