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Beijing Forbidden City, the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace. Located in the center of Beijing. Ching Ming, said the Forbidden City in 1925, said before the Forbidden City. Station area of 15 square meters. Is the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex. Is the highest level of ancient Chinese architectural masterpiece

Forbidden City palace building is divided into the northern part of the former southern part of post-sleep. Former are Wo, and in Bulgaria together the three main hall, the emperor towards a receiving Chaohe, drawing ministers and holding large ceremonies where the three main hall and also the tallest building in the Forbidden City, showing their extraordinary the lofty status. After Emperor Qin Shi Huang and Empress, funeral, Fei place to live, the emperor and empress at the central axis of the palace residence, the Palace of the sides, six Eastern Palaces and the Western Hospital said Liu Gong, for the aunt, Princess live. After former sleep, clear division of labor, not easily crossed, it reflects the Chinese ancient hierarchical, differentiated ethics.

Palace of ancient buildings, from the emperor Zhu Di himself planned construction. Largest existing structure of the rigorous, beautiful decoration, heritage of the many unique buildings in China, the world famous palace complex.






















经过两个大门,进入故宫,里面可以看见形形色色的宫殿,他们大大小小、错落有致地分布在皇宫里,宫殿中间有一片大空地,两边有许许多多当年宫女和侍从等人住的房间。最特别和最大气的宫殿就 属太和殿了,它卓尔不群,一看就知道它肯定是用数不清的汗水和黄金堆砌而成的。它就像一个威严的、至高无上的统治者,平静地看着在下面无数仰望着它的人。它那古香古色的建筑格局令人哑然, 巧夺天工的设计一下子让数不胜数的其他宫殿黯然失色。太阳照射在上面的金黄光芒让它光彩夺目,更为它添加了一层神秘地色彩。天上飞着的小鸟好像都在说:“太和殿真漂亮!”







经过两个大门,进入故宫,里面可以看见形形色色的宫殿,他们大大小小、错落有致地分布在皇宫里,宫殿中间有一片大空地,两边有许许多多当年宫女和侍从等人住的房间。最特别和最大气的宫殿就 属太和殿了,它卓尔不群,一看就知道它肯定是用数不清的汗水和黄金堆砌而成的。它就像一个威严的、至高无上的统治者,平静地看着在下面无数仰望着它的人。它那古香古色的建筑格局令人哑然, 巧夺天工的设计一下子让数不胜数的其他宫殿黯然失色。太阳照射在上面的金黄光芒让它光彩夺目,更为它添加了一层神秘地色彩。天上飞着的小鸟好像都在说:“太和殿真漂亮!”





故宫是世界上最大、最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。我们经过玉带桥进入天安门,天安门城楼正中间挂着毛主席的画像,天安门有五个大红门,门前各有一座玉带桥,中间的那个门最大,每扇门上横竖各有9 排金黄色的门钉,我数了数一共有九九八十一个门钉。往前走经过一个广场,就到了紫禁城的正门——午门,这里城墙高大,城门楼非常壮观。我们在午门前买了三张门票,继续向前走,穿过午门,又 是一个大广场,广场上有座金水桥,美丽极了。过了桥经过太和门就是雄伟的太和殿,也叫“金銮殿”,它是故宫中最高大、最壮丽的宫殿。经太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,穿过乾清门,就进入了后宫, 后宫就是皇后居住的后三宫(乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫)和嫔妃居住的东西六宫,俗称“三宫六院”。紫禁城四周都有高约10米的红色宫墙,四角有角楼,最外边有护城河,形成一个长方形的建筑群。

听导游说紫禁城有9999间半房间,只差半间不到一万间,谁知我们在里边转来转去,转了一天,走得腰酸背疼腿抽筋,也没有转完这座城,还有好多地方没有走到呢,但是我实在走不动路了,就在一座 大殿前的条石上躺了一会儿,竟然睡着了。哎!当个皇帝真不容易,在自己家的院子里走上一圈,也能把他累得半死,容易吗?



来到故宫,首先映入眼帘的是午门,午门从前面看有3个门,但从北面看有5个门,前3后5也是有讲究的:中间是御门,原则上只有皇帝走,但还有一个人可以走入,3个人可以走出。1个人可以走入的是 皇后,3个人可以走出的是状元、榜




旭日东升,我们来到了天安门广场,哇!天安门广场好热闹啊!人山人海,我们来到了故宫门口,我就被故宫的气势震撼住了,金碧辉煌的宫殿,火红的宫强,碧绿的围栏,再加上一条条龙盘旋在 上空,真是富丽堂皇、震撼人心。来到故宫内部,房间像星星一样多,数也数不清,曾经有人统计了一下,如果一个婴儿在每个房间住上一天,等待出来时,他已经是个22岁的青年了!我们来到故宫的 后花园,里面的树木真多啊,有龙胆树、有梅花树、有蓝雪花……古木参天,百花齐放、争奇斗艳、百鸟争鸣,美丽极了。溪水的声音清晰可辨,婉转动听,清得可以看见河底的砂石,鱼儿在里面欢 快的游着。看着这幅“画”就好像来到了童话世界,我们又先后参观了护城河、龙椅、寝宫……真是太雄伟了!



故宫是世界上最大、最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。我们经过玉带桥进入天安门,天安门城楼正中间挂着毛主席的画像,天安门有五个大红门,门前各有一座玉带桥,中间的那个门最大,每扇门上横竖各有9 排金黄色的门钉,我数了数一共有九九八十一个门钉。往前走经过一个广场,就到了紫禁城的正门——午门,这里城墙高大,城门楼非常壮观。我们在午门前买了三张门票,继续向前走,穿过午门,又 是一个大广场,广场上有座金水桥,美丽极了。过了桥经过太和门就是雄伟的太和殿,也叫“金銮殿”,它是故宫中最高大、最壮丽的宫殿。经太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,穿过乾清门,就进入了后宫, 后宫就是皇后居住的后三宫(乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫)和嫔妃居住的东西六宫,俗称“三宫六院”。紫禁城四周都有高约10米的红色宫墙,四角有角楼,最外边有护城河,形成一个长方形的建筑群。

听导游说紫禁城有9999间半房间,只差半间不到一万间,谁知我们在里边转来转去,转了一天,走得腰酸背疼腿抽筋,也没有转完这座城,还有好多地方没有走到呢,但是我实在走不动路了,就在一座 大殿前的条石上躺了一会儿,竟然睡着了。哎!当个皇帝真不容易,在自己家的院子里走上一圈,也能把他累得半死,容易吗?


去年清明节放假,我和妈妈去北京探望爸爸,游览了故宫。游人好多啊,人山人海的!我们跟着人潮向前走去,古老的建筑呈现在眼前。高大的宫殿有青白石的底座,黄色的琉璃瓦,金碧辉煌的颜 色,各种龙的图案,威严壮观,气势宏伟。故宫是明清两代帝王和后宫妃嫔居住的地方,是世界上现存规模最大,保存最完整的帝王宫殿,占地面积约有72万多平方米呢!我们参观了太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,就进入了后宫。我们从东六宫进去,一处一处的观赏,隔着护栏看屋内的摆设,呀,破破烂烂的,地方也不像电视里演的那么大,怎么会站下那么多人呢?我疑惑地问妈妈,妈妈说有些珍宝已 流失国外,现放的多是仿古的。我们的视野开阔了,所以会觉得小了。返回时,游了西六宫。累得我坐地上走不动了。



我们先去天安门城楼,妈妈买好了票,我们经过了了几道程序终于上到了了天门城楼,我到了上面以后,里面摆放着天安门建造的历史,和整个故宫的摆放的模型,我们的首都太伟大了,记载着种.种 历史。


游完故宫我们又到了景山。我看见一棵大树,那是明朝最后一位皇帝——崇祯皇帝上吊自杀的地方。我爬到了山顶,看到了美丽的北京城。北京的路都是环着造的,越到里面房子越矮。接着我们还玩了 北海公园。






































Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces. Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from home and abroad. Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnificent treasures will certainly satisfy “modern civilians”.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today。

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City。 It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today。 Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406。 It took 14years to build the Forbidden City。 The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi。 For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne。 In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy。

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) 。 The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace。 Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence。 In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass。 Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments。 The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people。

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic。 Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth。 Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people。 Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture。

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape。 It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west。 It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters。 A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9。 9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex。 Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall。 There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Western Flowery Gate ) to the west, the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east。

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City。 A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed。 Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province。 Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province。 Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China。 Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province。 Timber was cut, processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions。


Ladies and gentlemen:

The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing. It is also known as the Forbidden City in the old days. Actually it was the imperial palace for the emperors and served as both living quarters and the venue of the state administration in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Its name, on the one hand, comes from ancient Chinese astronomers' belief that God's abode or the Purple Palace, the pivot of the celestial world, is located in the Pole Star, at the center of the heavens . Hence, as the Son of God, the emperor should live in the Purple City. On the other hand, except for palace maids, eunuchs and guards, ordinary the Forbidden City and the Purple City.

It took 14 years to complete the magnificent palace. Construction began in 1406 and finished in 1420. The following year, in 1421 the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing. Starting from the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Di to the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty Pu Yi, altogether 24 emperors lived here for a total of 491 years. 14 of then were Ming emperors and 10 were Qing emperors.

The Forbidden City covers an area of 72 hectares with a total floor space of about 163,000 square meters. It is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west with a10-meter high city wall surrounded and encircled by a 52 meter-wide moat. At each corner of the surrounding wall, there is a magnificent watchtower which was heavily guarded in the old days.

The Forbidden City now consists of more than 90 palaces and courtyards, 980 buildings with rooms of 8,704. Most of the structures in the Forbidden City were made of wood with white marble, stone or brick foundations. The building materials were from parts of our country. The timber came from Sichuan, Guizhou, Guandxi, Hunan and Yunnan provinces in southwest China. But in the Qing Dynasty, the timbers were transported from northeast China. Other construction materials, including brick, stone and lime, were used by both Dynasties. The golden bricks that paved the halls were manufactured in Suzhou, refined bricks used to build the foundation of halls were made in Linqing, and lime came from Yizhou. White marble was provided regularly by Fangshan County and glazed tiles by Sanjiadian.

The Forbidden City can be divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The Outer Court consists of three main buildings where the emperors attended the grand of rear three main buildings and the six eastern palaces and six western palaces where the emperor used to handle daily affairs and the living quarters for the emperor, empress and imperial concubines to live in.

The Forbidden City is the best-preserved imperial palace in China and the largest ancient palatial structure in the world. In 1987 it was listed as the world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

The Meridian Gate is the main entrance to the Forbidden City. It is called Meridian Gate because the emperor believed that the meridian line went right through the Forbidden City and his imperial residence was the center of the whole universe. It is 35.6meters high with five towers on the top, so it is also nicknames as the “Five-Phoenix Tower.”

The Meridian Gate was the place to announce the new lunar year calendar on the first day of 10th lunar month every year. Lanterns would also be hung up on the Meridian Gate on the 15th day of the first lunar month during the Ming Dynasty, when all the officials would have a feast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens, when all the officials would have a fast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens would go to the Meridian Gate to look at the beautiful lanterns. When a general returned from battle, the ceremony of “Accepting Captives of War” was held here. The “Court Beating” also took place here.

The gate has five openings. The central passageway was for the emperor exclusively. But apart from the emperor, the empress could use the central passageway on the day of the imperial wedding ceremony. However, after the palace examination, the first top three outstanding scholars were allowed to go through the central gate. The high-ranking civil and military officials went in through the side gate on the east. The two smaller ones on both sides at the corner were for the lowranking officials. During the Palace Examination all the candidates went in from these two side-gates according to the odd number or even number.


Entering the Meridian Gate, there are five marble bridges on the Inner Golden Water River, shaped like a bow. The five marble bridges just look like five arrows reporting symbolically to heaven. The five bridges were supposed to represent the five virtues preached by Confucius-benevolence, righteousness, rite, intelligence and fidelity.

Across the Inner Golden Water Bridge, we get to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. During the Ming and early Qing dynasties, here was the place where the emperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and made decisions here. There are two bronze lions guarding in front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony. The male lion was usually put on the left, playing with an embroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperor's supreme power. The other one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its left paw symbolizing prosperity of the royal family's offsprings.

Across the Gate of Supreme Harmony , we come to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperor's enthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles, and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examination etc. Also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on New Year's Day, Winter solstice and his own birthday.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roof that represents the highest construction rank of all. Now, let's ascend the stairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. On the top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grain measure on the west. The sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuring apparatus used in the old days. The sundial tells the time by seeing the shadow of the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degrees with the graduation on it. The grain measure was used as the national standard measure in agriculture in the old days. Both the grain measure and the sundial were symbols of the emperor's justice and rectitude.

There are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headed tortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. They are both symbols of longevity.

When you look up the building in the Forbidden City, you can see mythical animal statues on the eaves of each building. Originally, there used to be big wooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. Later they were replaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues for better beautification. They are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and people believed that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evil spirits.

Inside of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, you can see the gilded caisson ceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragon playing with a huge pear was called “Xuanyuan Jing”, representing orthodox succession.

This hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. In the old days, the traditional way of the Chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosed by four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55 “rooms” in total. The six columns inside are gilded and painted with coiled dragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

The emperor's throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved in cloud and dragon patterns and gilded. On both sides of the throne are a pair of elephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incense burners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking all the languages of nearby kingdoms. Around the throne stand a pair of bronze cranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. The floor on the ground is paved with “Gold Bricks”, specially made in Suzhou.

The Hall of Middle Harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidic roof standing behind the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This was the place where the emperor would take a short rest before he went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony for grand ceremonies. Every year before the emperor went to the Altars and Temples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

Before the emperor went to the Altar of Agriculture for offering the sacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examined here, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

According to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every ten years. The ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision and approval would also be held here.

Now, we come to the Hall of Preserving Harmony, the last of the three front halls.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, on each New Year's Eve and the 15th day of the lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and military officials and the princes and envoys of the Mongolian nobles and other nationalities. To celebrate the princess's marriage, the emperor would incite the bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for the imperial government to a banquet.

The Imperial Palace Exam was held here once every three years in the Qing dynasty.

Just behind the Hall of Preserving Harmony, there is a big Marble Rampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. It is 16.57 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250 tons.


The Gate of Heavenly Purity, where emperors from Kangxi to Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty sat on the throne hearing reports and making decisions, is the main gate of the Inner Court.

In front of the Palace of Heavenly there is a small miniature gilded pavilion standing on the east is called Jiangshan Pavilion, representing the integrity of the country; the one on the west is called Sheji Pavilion , the God of Land and Grain, a symbol of bumper harvest in agriculture.

The first of the three back palaces, the Palace of Heavenly Purity was where the 14 emperors of the Ming and the first two emperors of the Qing Dynasties lived and handle the daily affairs. It was used as an audience chamber for receiving envoys from vassal states who presented their tributes to the emperor. Here was also the place for holding the mourning service for the deceas【草在結它的種子,風在搖它的葉子。我們站著,不說話,就十分美好。】ed emperor. The famous “banquet of thousand aged people” was held twice here in the Qing Dynasty. The three famous events took place here. They are “the red pill” event, the “palace coup in 1542” and the event of “moving from this palace.”

The plaque inscribed by the first Qing Emperor Shunzhi, hangs over the throne in the palace and reads, “Be Open and Aboveboard.” It enumerates with modesty, the qualities an ideal Son of Heaven should possess. Beginning in the Qianlong's reign, for reasons of security the name of the successor to the throne was not announced publicly, as it had been preciously, but was written instead on two pieces of paper, one kept on the emperor's person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small box that was stored behind this plaque. The box was opened only when the emperor passed away.

The Palace of Union and Peace was the place where the empress held the important ceremonies and her birthday celebration. The empress usually received greetings from the concubines, concubines, princes and princesses on her birthday celebration.

In the Qing Dynasty, the ceremony for examining the tools of picking mulberry was held here one day before the empress went out to offer the sacrifices on the altar for silkworm in spring.

In 1748, Emperor Qianlong kept twenty-five imperial seals in this hall, symbolizing the imperial power of the emperor. Twenty-five was regarded as a heavenly number for the reason of that: if we plus the total odd numbers of one, three, five, seven and nine together, that is twenty-five which means the imperial authority from the heaven and also indicates the Qing dynasty could rule the country for at least twenty-five generations.

The Water Clock is placed on the west side of this building. It is a time-measure, made by the manufacturing office of the Qing Dynasty based on the Western mechanic theory. On the west of this building, there is a 5.6-meter-high large western chiming clock.

There is a plaque hung in the center of this hall, with two Chinese characters “Wu Wei” inscribed on it.

The palace of Earthly Tranquility was used as the residence for the empresses during the Ming and early Qing dynasties. During the Qing dynasty, the western chamber became the wedding chamber for the emperor.

The Imperial Garden is located on the north-south axis almost at the north-south axis almost at the northern end of the Forbidden City. It is rectangular in shape, 90 meters long from north to south and 130 meters wide from east to west, with an area of over 11, 700 square meters.

The Hall of Imperial Peace is the main building in the Imperial Garden and also the only religious building built along the central axis. It is a Taoist temple and inside the hall the statue of the King of Xuan Wu used to be enshrined.

There are four pavilions built on left and right of the Hall of Imperial peace, two on each side, representing the four seasons of the year. Near the north gate in the Imperial Garden, the Imperial View Pavilion stands on an artificial hill of rocks. The rockery is called “Collecting Elegance Hill”,


Hello everyone, I am the guide from the spring travel agency we will visit the Forbidden City, please don't throw rubbish to the Palace Museum tour. Thank you very much! Has now reached the Forbidden City, please don't speak. The Forbidden City in Beijing city center, used to be called the Forbidden City, is the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace, is the world largest living, building the most magnificent, the most complete ancient palace complex. Ming yongle palace was built in four years. Took 14 years to build. Two most of the points of the imperial palace imperial dynasty, the imperial household.

Follow in the etheric and, neutralization, and three main halls as the center, the mandarin, wu and the temple for flank. Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility after for three palace, and the east sixth, west, CiNing sixth, tranquility and palace, palace, imperial garden, etc. I have today a visit to the end. I sincerely hope everyone happy, happy forever thank you!


Everybody is good! I am the guide from China travel company, you can call me “small xuan”. Today, I will accompany you to visit the Palace Museum.

The imperial palace and the Forbidden City, where towering palace, pavilions, white jade railing, red Huang Wa, glittering. The glittering sea of “palace” covers an area of 72 square kilometers, with a construction area of 150000 square meters, there are all kinds of palace in 890, houses nearly 9000.

We went to the place called meridian gate, now is the main gate of the Forbidden City, 38. ChengTai show “concave” glyph, easy to keep difficult tapping, embodies the wisdom of the elders.

Here is the gate, it is the door of the Forbidden City ranks the highest, taihe in front of the Forbidden City's largest bronze lions. The left foot of copper ball copper lion lion, a symbol of the unity; On the right foot on copper lion cubs for female lions, the significance of offspring prosperity. The copper lion is the symbol of supreme imperial power.

The hall of supreme harmony is the highest building in the Forbidden City mid-range. Ming and qing dynasty, the emperor, wedding, conferring the, life will be for the ceremony and flower, such as New Year's day and winter solstice three large sections of the instrument are held here. In the early qing dynasty, held in this position also.

Jinlong decoration glittering inside the hall of supreme harmony, the throne in the middle and later gold lacquer screen, 6 up on both sides of the pillar panlong hypostyle column, and array a treasure like, Angle side, cranes and incense pavilion. Treasure as a symbol of national stability and consolidate regime; Angle of the side is the legendary auspicious animals, cranes symbolize longevity, incense burner mountain strong meaning. Temple top central jinlong bit like treasure sunk panel, orb for xuanyuan mirror, moral monarch collapsed.

Behind and zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace building, please you go to visit!


Everybody is good! I am Forbidden City tourism YanJian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, I want to go with you today Beijing famous scenic spots: the Forbidden City. We went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace.

I mainly introduce the palace first: Beijing's Forbidden City, is one of the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Beijing the imperial palace, the Ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the Forbidden City, beginning in 1925, according to the Forbidden City. Ancestor cheng, Beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of China, has experienced the 24 emperors.

The Palace Museum covers an area of 70 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the Forbidden City around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. The middle of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the Forbidden City is emperor city, outside the imperial city and Beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy. In history, the Forbidden City has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is divided into north and south power at the two parts. Power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the Forbidden City's tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power.

Back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. Power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient Chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. Craftsman will such a large scale of Chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings. The Forbidden City planning and construction of the Ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient Chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient Chinese architectural art. Its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.

篇17: 故宫英语导游词

Dear visitors friends:

Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya.

Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720000, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure.

This is the meridian gate, is the main entrance of the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of “exit the meridian gate beheaded” this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, dont look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace to folk, it gradually became “exit the meridian gate beheaded”?

Dont be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us!

篇18: 故宫英语导游词

Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum tourists sightseeing. Today, I will take you visit the Forbidden City, in the hope that visitors can enjoy me!!!!!!!

The tourists! The Palace Museum is in the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace, the Forbidden City built on the basis of a collection of ancient buildings, collection, imperial palace culture art as one of the large-scale comprehensive museum. The Forbidden City covers an area of about more than 100 square meters, construction area of about 1 square meters. A total of 24 emperors lived in the Forbidden City, the first is the Ming dynasty yongle emperor zhu di, the last one is the qing dynasty xuantong emperor, puyi, ruled the country for 491 years. So the Palace Museum of history is very long!

Visitors, please look up, this is the meridian gate, in ancient times, what kill people to kill in front of the meridian gate! From the meridian gate, we can see the jinshui bridge. From the jinshui bridge in the past, a gate, can see the Palace Museum of taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, is the place where the emperor emperor, very grand. Out of Baohe Palace, a gate of heavenly purity, came to the palace of heavenly purity, this temple and palace of earthly tranquility, legend built the Forbidden City, is in order to world peace, to take these three places? Kun ning door, is the imperial garden, the garden scenery beautiful, there are a number of strange stone, come across these stones, remember pictures to commemorate!

Before the gate is her virginity and creature door, our trip to the Forbidden City is over. Look at this magnificent palace, and some loathe to give up?

篇19: 故宫英语导游词

Each guest hello:

I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start todays trip!

In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era Chinas prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations on the world heritage list.

The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please!

Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of the Palace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy.


Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, guide Lin today, you don't call me leadership oh! I just named Lin tour guide, ha ha!

Today we're going to places of interest, the Palace Museum. In the distance, I first simple introduce the Forbidden City!

Ancient palace called the Forbidden City, because is qingming festival two generations of the palace, so very tall majestic, covers an area of about 70 square meters. The guests in the constitution, may not be able to finish the imperial palace to swim oh, hope everybody can rest in the car, to bound for the 720000 square meters of the Forbidden City.

Previously, spent a lot of people in the Forbidden City, there are general, warriors, maid... Takes tens of thousands of houses, and the ancient science and technology is not developed, not like we just dozens of family a high-rise buildings, and they had to build more than 9000 house hold so many people.

The emperor is in need of protection, the soldiers in the imperial palace is the need to sleep at night, unable to protect. So wise emperor around the Forbidden City built a long a moat 52 meters wide, the enemy ships, also sorry to the moat.

The Palace Museum has been on the world heritage list. There are a lot of foreign tourists, they won't litter graffito of the scribble,. Hope to be Chinese, we say “no” to uncivilized behavior, make our country proud! Prepare to get off...


Everybody is good! I am Forbidden City tourism YanJian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, I want to go with you today Beijing famous scenic spots: the Forbidden City. We went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace.

I mainly introduce the palace first: Beijing's Forbidden City, is one of the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Beijing the imperial palace, the Ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the Forbidden City, beginning in 1925, according to the Forbidden City. Ancestor cheng, Beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of China, has experienced the 24 emperors.

The Palace Museum covers an area of 720xx0 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the Forbidden City around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. The middle of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the Forbidden City is emperor city, outside the imperial city and Beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy. In history, the Forbidden City has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is divided into north and south power at the two parts. Power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the Forbidden City's tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power.

Back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. Power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient Chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. Craftsman will such a large scale of Chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings. The Forbidden City planning and construction of the Ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient Chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient Chinese architectural art. Its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.


Because the Palace Museum is a place of five thousand years of brilliance and ancient culture, so he has long been a tourist attraction in my heart, and this summer vacation I have finally made a dream come true.

In the Beijing I will ride my father and mother went to the 天安门 square, across 天安门 square, the meridian gate of the world-famous greeted the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony majestic, magnificent, colorful glazed tile, such as a long arranged very neat. Curved corner with a monster, four up the eaves of the cock appear grand hall of supreme harmony, to the hall of supreme harmony, seventy-two large andalusite carved dragon painted chicken shows the architecture of the feudal monarchy. The golden roof reflects the majesty and status of the ancient Chinese emperors. The great hall looked solemn and solemn, but the beauty of the appearance was so monotonous and heavy that I was in vain. I don't know why I feel as if a group of puppets are standing respectfully on either side of the house. Incense sticks up in the incense burner, and the emperor sits high in the temple. The Palace Museum, a symbol of the ancient kingship, has been invaded by a brick and a brick. It is far from the palace of Buckingham Palace.

In the afternoon, we in addition to the front door, look back at taihe light standing in 天安门 square, this magnificent buildings, so the layout of the orderly, so solemn, not amazing, hope this trip to the Forbidden City will become my eternal memory.


A Visit to the National Palace Museum

Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs. There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings. My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones' exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things.


Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!



The imperial palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, which is the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex in China. I especially want to know the architecture of ancient palaces and the living environment of ancient emperors.

One weekend in the golden autumn, the sun is the shining and the autumn wind is crisp. My mother and I went to visit the Palace Museum in the center of the city. I was very happy.

Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, “wow! It's so big here!” I couldn't help it. The mother said, “the most spectacular is still in the back!” We first visited the architectural model of the imperial palace and its construction. I know that the imperial palace covers an area of over 720,000 square meters, with more than 9,000 rooms, all wooden structures, and all the wooden structures have no nails. The palace is the blue and white stone base, the tall roof, the yellow glazed tile, the pattern of the dragon everywhere, and decorated with the brilliant color of the golden wall. I observed all the palaces, and found that the palaces were lined up along the north-south axis, and spread out to the sides, to the north and south, and to the right and left. I told mom, I found mother listen to nod a smile, said: “the central axis not only in the Forbidden City, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the drum tower, almost throughout the whole city. It's magnificent, well-planned and spectacular.

We have been visiting the taihe temple from the imperial garden. What a breathtaking view! In the Forbidden City, the most striking is the ”three halls“ : the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of harmony, the hall of protection and the temple. They are all built on the 8-meter-high base of the white jade, which looks like the qiong yuyu in the myth. The first hall of supreme harmony was the most magnificent building. People called it the ”throne room“. It was the place where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It is 28 meters high, 63 meters, 35 meters north and south, and a large pillar with a diameter of 1 meter. Among them, six large pillars, one meter in diameter around the throne, are flat dragon pillars of leached gold. The throne is located at the base of the two meters high in the temple, with the graceful crane and the top of the furnace, followed by a carefully carved screen. The whole hall is decorated with golden walls, which are both majestic and magnificent. The hall of neutralization was the place where the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony to take a rest and exercise etiquette. Baohe and the temple are the place where the emperor gives banquet to the king of the foreign land every New Year. This is just the palace buildings, and house decoration is numerous, the rarities of the mother said: ”these treasures is only part of it, when Chiang kai-shek fled to Taiwan carried away many treasure palace, there are some loss in a foreign country“. I feel sorry for the loss of these treasures. When will these lost treasures return to the embrace of the motherland? I am looking forward to the reunion of Taiwan and mainland as soon as possible.

The visit of the Forbidden City made me linger. The Palace Museum is an unparalleled masterpiece. It is a miracle. Our five thousand years of Chinese culture are profound and profound, and we should be proud and proud to have built such a magnificent palace for the ancients. At the same time, we also have the responsibility to protect these cultural relics from destruction, so that the five thousand years of splendid civilization of the motherland will be handed down.


This winter holiday I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.

The Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture.

From the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!


It was fine for traveling last Sunday . I showed Ann round the museum . she was surprised to see many old things , and she was interested in the King’s hat . She wanted to buy one. I told her it wasn ’t real . Ann kept asking me some other thinges.

When she saw a thing with three legs and a strange top , she stopped to point at in and asked me , “ What is that ? ” “ It is a cup . ” I told her.

We had a good time in the museum.


Because the Palace Museum is a place of five thousand years of brilliance and ancient culture, so he has long been a tourist attraction in my heart, and this summer vacation I have finally made a dream come true.

In Beijing I will ride my father and mother went to the tiananmen square, across tiananmen square, the meridian gate of the world-famous greeted the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony majestic, magnificent, colorful glazed tile, such as a long arranged very neat. Curved corner with a monster, four up the eaves of the cock appear grand hall of supreme harmony, to the hall of supreme harmony, seventy-two large andalusite carved dragon painted chicken shows the architecture of the feudal monarchy. The golden roof reflects the majesty and status of the ancient Chinese emperors. The great hall looked solemn and solemn, but the beauty of the appearance was so monotonous and heavy that I was in vain. I don't know why I feel as if a group of puppets are standing respectfully on either side of the house. Incense sticks up in the incense burner, and the emperor sits high in the temple. The Palace Museum, a symbol of the ancient kingship, has been invaded by a brick and a brick. It is far from the palace of Buckingham Palace.

In the afternoon, we in addition to the front door, look back at taihe light standing in tiananmen square, this magnificent buildings, so the layout of the orderly, so solemn, not amazing, hope this trip to the Forbidden City will become my eternal memory.


I've been to a lot of beautiful places, but in my mind, the most important thing in my mind is the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is a place where the ancient emperor of China can live. The imperial palace has: temple of heaven, echo wall, emperor's study and so on many beautiful places. There are colorful flowers in the temple of heaven, very beautiful. The flowers and grasses and the famous flowers and plants are all numerous and numerous, very beautiful, far from looking like a colorful flower in the open. Like a fairyland on earth. The temple of heaven is not a famous artist.

The echo wall is a miracle of acoustics, which is a masterpiece of ancient craftsman. The wall tiles of the echo wall are not as strong as others. It is specially made in shandong linqing place. The slurry brick is exquisite, and the sound of the metal sound, commonly known as the gold brick. If you shout in the echo wall, the echo will be strong.

It's better to see if you have the chance, and believe that it will make you feel better.


What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years——from1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital, ordered its construction, on which approximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture complex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China.

Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-eave roof covered with yellow glazed tiles.

The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many comparatively small buildings. Symmetrically in the northeastern section lie the six Eastern Palaces and in the northwestern section the six Western Palaces. The Palace area is divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The former consists of the first three main halls, where the emperor received his courtiers and conducted grand ceremonies, while the latter was the living quarters for the imperial residence. At the rear of the Inner Palace is the Imperial Garden where the emperor and his family sought recreation.

The main entrance to the Palace is the Meridian Gate(1), which was so named because the emperor considered himself the ”Son of the Heaven“ and the Palace the center of the universe, hence the north-south axis as the Meridian line going right through the Palace. The gate is crowned with five towers, commonly known as the Five-Phoenix Towers(2), which were installed with drums and bells. When the emperor went to the Temple of Heaven, bells were struck to mark this important occasion. When he went to the Ancestral Temple, it was the drums that were beaten to publicize the event.

Beyond the Meridian Gate unfolds a vast courtyard across which the Inner Golden Water River runs from east to west. The river is spanned by five bridges, which were supposed to be symbols of the five virtues preached by Confucius——benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity(3).

At the north end of the courtyard is a three-tiered white marble terrace, seven meters above the ground, on which, one after another, stand three majestic halls; the Hall of Supreme Harmony(4), the Hall of Complete Harmony(5), and the Hall of Preserving Harmony(6).

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, rectangular in shape, 27 meters in height, 2,300 square meters in area, is the grandest and most important hall in the Palace complex. It is also China's largest existing palace of wood structure and an outstanding example of brilliant color combinations. This hall used to be the throne hall for ceremonies which marked great occasions: the Winter Solstice, the Spring Festival, the emperor's birthday and enthronement, and the dispatch of generals to battles, etc. On such occasions there would be an imperial guard of honor standing in front of the Hall that extended all the way to the Meridian gate.

On the north face of the hall in the center of four coiled-golden dragon columns is the ”Golden Throne“, which was carved out of sandalwood. The throne rests on a two-meter-high platform with a screen behind it. In front of it, to the left and right, stand ornamental cranes, incense burners and other ornaments. The dragon columns entwined with golden dragons measure one meter in diameter. The throne itself, the platform and the screen are all carved with dragon designs. High above the throne is a color-painted coffered ceiling which changes in shape from square to octagonal to circular as it ascends layer upon layer. The utmost central vault is carved with the gilded design of a dragon toying with pearls. when the Emperor mounted the throne, gold bells and jade chimes sounded from the gallery, and clouds of incense rose from the bronze cranes and tortoises and tripods outside the hall on the terrace. The aura of majesty created by the imposing architecture and solemn ritual were designed to keep the subjects of the ”Son of the Heaven" in awe and reverence.

The Hall of Complete Harmony is smaller and square with windows on all sides. Here the emperor rehearsed for ceremonies. It is followed by the Hall of Preserving Harmony in which banquets and imperial examinations were held.

Behind the Hall of Preserving Harmony lies a huge marble ramp with intertwining clouds and dragons carved in relief. The slab, about 6.5 meters long, 3 meters wide and 250 tons in weight, is placed between two flights of marble steps along which the emperor's sedan was carried up or down the terrace. It is the largest piece of stone carving in the Imperial Palace. Quarried in the mountains scores of kilometers southwest of Beijing, this gigantic stone was moved to the city by sliding it over a specially paved ice road in winter. To provide enough water to build the ice road, wells were sunk at very 500 meters along the way.

The three halls of the Inner Palace are replicas of the three halls in the front, but smaller in size. They are the Palace of Heavenly Purity(7), the Hall of Union(8), and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility(9).

The Palace of Heavenly Purity was once the residence of the Ming emperors and the first two of the Qing emperors. Then the Qing Emperor Yong Zheng moved his residence to the Palace of Mental Cultivation and turned it into an audience hall to receive foreign envoys and handled the state affairs. The promotion and demotion of officials were also decided in this hall. After the emperor's death his coffin was placed here for a 49-day period of mourning.

The Palace of Union was the empress's throne room and the Hall of Earthly Tranquility, once a private living room for the empress, was partitioned. The west chamber served religious purposes and the east one was the bridal chamber where the newly married emperor and empress spent their first two nights after their wedding.

The Imperial Garden was laid out during the early Ming dynasty. Hundreds of pines and cypresses offer shade while various flowers give colors to the garden all year round and fill the air with their fragrance. In he center of the garden is the Hall of Imperial Peace, a Daoist temple, with a flat roof slightly sloping down to the four eaves. This type of roof was rare in ancient Chinese architecture. In he northeastern corner of the garden is a rock hill, known as the Hill of the Piled-up Wonders, which is topped with a pavilion. At the foot of the hill are two fountains which jet two columns of water high into the air. It is said that on the ninth night of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the empress would mound the hill to enjoy the autumn scene. It is also believed that climbing to a high place on that day would keep people safe from contagious diseases.

The six Western Palaces were residences for empresses and concubines. They are kept in their original way for show. The six Eastern Palaces were the residences for them too. But now they serve as special museums: the Museum of Bronze, the Museum of Porcelain and the Museum of Arts and Crafts of the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the northeastern-most section of the Inner Palace are the Museum of Traditional Chinese Paintings and the Museum of Jewelry and Treasures where rare pieces of imperial collections are on display.

Now the Forbidden City is no longer forbidding, but inviting. A visit to the Palace Museum will enrich the visitors' knowledge of history, economy, politics, arts as well as architecture in ancient China.


1. the Meridian Gate  午门

2. the Five-Phoenix Towers  五凤楼

3. benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity  仁、义、礼、智、信

4. the Hall of Supreme Harmony  太和殿

5. the Hall of Complete Harmony  中和殿

6. the Hall of Preserving Harmony  保和殿

7. the Palace of Heavenly Purity  乾清宫

8. the Hall of Union  交泰殿

9. the Palace of Earthly Tranquility  坤宁宫












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