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姓 名:

性 别: 女

学 历: 本科 身 高: 162 CM

籍 贯: 深圳 出生年月: 1990-11-25

目前所在地: 深圳

目前所在行业: 石油、化学原料、化学制品制造业

目前所在岗位: 财务/审计/统计类

工作经验: 三年以上

------- 求 职 意 向 -------

寻求职位: 财务人员

求职地区: 深圳

工资待遇: 面议

到岗时间: 随时

发展方向: 希望从事财务工作,在工作中不断地学习,将工作做好,同时找到属于自己的舞台。

------- 自 我 评 价 -------


------- 技 能 专 长 ------

外语能力: 英语 一般

普通话能力: 熟练

技能专长: 1.熟悉财务工作相关业务流程,熟练运用财务软件等相关辅助软件(用友,ERP),能独立完成财务账务处理、国地税申报等相关工作。






7.掌握计算机二级VF运用,熟练掌握Office办公软件、Microsoft word 办公软件、EXECL办公软件。

------- 教 育 培 训 -------

起止时间 就读院校名称 主修专业 学历

.03~.06 长江大学 会计学 大学本科

------- 工 作 经 验 -------

就职公司: **************有限公司 公司行业: 批发和零售

就职时间: 11月到1月 就职部门: 财务部

公司性质: 民营/私营企业/非上市公司 就职职位: 财务主管

工作描述: 参与香港公司注册等相关业务的办理,办理银行开户以及编码器的运用。

就职公司: ******能源有限公司 公司行业: 化工/能源

就职时间: 9月到月 就职部门: 财务部

公司性质: 民营/私营企业/非上市公司 就职职位: 财务主管

工作描述: 相关日常的财务工作管理与开展,参与预控及决策

------- 联 系 方 式 -------

联系电话: ************










求职意向:焊接工程师 焊接工程师 焊接工程师求职地点:山东 青岛 烟台
求职时间:2008-10-16 可到职时间:一个月内
工作经验:一年以内 工资要求:1500-2500
姓 名:KT先生性 别:男

身 高:174 cm 婚姻状况: 未婚
户口所在地:山东 山东现在所在地:山东 山东 
1950.1--1950.1   长春一汽(国有企业)工作职位:实习生    离职原因:没就职工作描述:9月加入佳木斯大学艺术爱好者协会









------- 基 本 资 料 -------

姓 名: 李小姐 性 别: 女

学 历: 本科 出生年月: 1988-08-03

身 高: 165 CM 目前所在地: 福田区

毕业院校: 新疆财经大学

主修专业: 管理学 =>旅游管理

目前所在行业: 房地产业

目前所在岗位: 销售业务类 =>销售类-不限

工作经验: 三年以上 目前年薪 : 5-6万 /年

有效证件: 身份证 证件号码 : ******************

预求职位: 业务员

技能专长: 爱好:看书、旅行

------- 求 职 意 向 -------

寻求职位: 业务员

求职地区: 罗湖区福田区南山区

工资待遇: 8000

到岗时间: 随时

自我评价: 我是一个乐观随和的女孩,待人真诚热情,有责任心;平时喜欢看看、旅行、唱歌;三年的导游工作生涯是我这方面能力的以锻炼,走过许都地方我的`见识与视野也也有所开阔,这对我职业的发展是有利的。

发展方向: 我希望能够在销售行业长期发展,我的优势在于我的亲和力和与人沟通交流的能力。

------- 技 能 专 长 ------

计算机技能: 高校非计算机专业二级 外语能力: 1.英语 ~ 一般 2. ~

普通话能力: 熟练 粤语能力:

------- 教 育 培 训 -------

起止时间 就读院校名称 主修专业 学历

.08~2010.06 新疆财经大学 旅游管理 大学本科

------- 工 作 经 验 (1) -------

就职公司: **************国际旅行社 公司行业: 旅游业

就职时间: 5月到10月 就职部门: 导服中心

公司性质: 民营/私营企业/非上市公司 就职职位: 导游

工作描述: 主要负责来新疆旅游客人的吃、住、行、游、购、娱,行程中的安排景点的讲解介绍

------- 工 作 经 验 (2) -------

就职公司: **************有限公司 公司行业: 建筑/设计/装潢

就职时间: 2010月到5月 就职部门: 房产销售部

公司性质: 民营/私营企业/非上市公司 就职职位: 置业顾问

工作描述: 负责一手房的销售

------- 联 系 方 式 -------

联系电话: 186**********

联络手机: 186**********

电子邮件: **************@126.com



招聘人员和经理对于写好 简历 的建议

A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top “pet peeves” - things they see on resumes and cover letters that make them less interested in speaking with a candidate. These make great examples of how not to write your resume.

在最近的一份对招聘专员和招聘经理的调查中,询问了他们在 简历 和 求职信 上看到的令他们对候选人没兴趣的最差劲的事情。总结如下,这可以帮助你明白在 简历 中哪些不能写:

1.Use of the current “tense” in all jobs on the resume.


2.Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person.


3.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.


4.Use of tiny, tiny fonts (10 pt or less) so as to cram as much information into the resume as possible.


5.Photos on resumes (this is a cultural preference).


6.A listing of their personal interests and activities.


7.Sending a resume attachment named 41808res.doc - use your name or descriptive label.


8.Writing the resume using table formats (columns).


9.Using a resume that is password protected (without sending the password).


10.Including references - but not professional ones - just friends and co-workers.




There is not prepared for interview. (对面试无准备)。当面试官问到某个问题时说:I don’t know for sure. (我不确切知道。)或者显得Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals. (对自己的事业没有安排;没有目标和理想。)


Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon. (不愿从基层干起;要求太多。)或者Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer. ( 只对最佳报酬感兴趣。)



Has a poor personal appearance. (衣着形象不佳。)

Has limp, weak handshake. (握手时软弱无力。)

Don’t talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有食物,不可开口说话。

Don’t blow your nose or use the toothpick at table. 不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙




1.Use of the current “tense” in all jobs on the resume.


2.Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person.


3.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.


4.Use of tiny, tiny fonts (10 pt or less) so as to cram as much information into the resume as possible.


5.Photos on resumes (this is a cultural preference).


6.A listing of their personal interests and activities.


7.Sending a resume attachment named 41808res.doc - use your name or descriptive label.


8.Writing the resume using table formats (columns).


9.Using a resume that is password protected (without sending the password).


10.Including references - but not professional ones - just friends and co-workers.


11.Having no contact information on the resume or including a phone number that is no longer valid.


12.When a candidate's email address is not appropriate for the work environment. Example: BigFoxyMama@.com


13.Resumes that are too long. Most seem to feel that general descriptions pertaining to work history for the last 10 years is sufficient.


14.Resume stuffing, for example, listing of every software application you've ever touched as a “skill”.


15.Education written so its not clear if the degree was obtained.


16.Job hopping, which could be contract positions but it's not explained. (If you have been on short term contracts, make sure you clarify that they are contract jobs).



。当面试官问到某个问题时说:I dont know for sure. (我不确切知道。)或者显得Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals. (对自己的事业没有安排;没有目标和理想。)第二个大忌:Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon. (不愿从基层干起;要求太多。)或者Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer. ( 只对最佳报酬感兴趣,)第三个大忌:不检点自己的一言一行,这些都可能引起别人的注意,影响自己的形象。例:Has a poor personal appearance. (衣着形象不佳。)Has limp, weak handshake. (握手时软弱无力。)Dont talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有食物,不可开口说话。Dont blow your nose or use the toothpick at table. 不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。

篇8:职场英语杂谈 常见礼仪大忌

职场英语杂谈 常见礼仪大忌


In most situations, your image and appearance isn't just part of what defines you;it's the only thing that defines you. People who don't know anything about you are going to fill in the blanks with the only information they have, which is how they see you behave. Regardless of how you think of yourself, one awful social habit can easily become the thing that comes to identify you: Anyone who sees you chewing your food like a cow and acting belligerent toward your waitress is going to remember that stuff far before your job title or sophisticated wit。


No.1Eating with your mouth open


Eating like an animal is simply one of the worst social mistakes you can make. It graduates from merely a bad habit that reflects poorly on you to something that actively disgusts other nearby people trying to enjoy their food. Women in particular find this awful, and it's one of the most common stereotypes of a hopeless, classless guy. This applies to more than just eating for that matter: The term “mouth-breather” is not exactly synonymous with refinement and social graces, so take your cues from that and ditch this habit as soon as humanly possible。



No.2Grooming in public


Public groominginfringes on our shared social contact; whether you think anyone's looking at you or not, it's simply not OK. Virtually anything that you'd normally go into a restroom to do should be confined to one, including cleaning your ears, clipping your fingernails and anything else related to personal hygiene. An old-school take on this would essentially be to keep your hands away from your face entirely when you're in public, but how about this: Don't do anything you wouldn't proudly and unconcernedly do in front of an attractive woman。


No.3Being a gy***ob


Gym etiquette is pretty simple, but that doesn't prevent every gym from suffering its share of inconsiderate gy***obs. These are the guys who monopolize equipment even if they don't appear to be doing much of anything with it, who drop free weights or duffel bags in heavily-trafficked areas where they're likely to kill somebody,and who can't understand (or don't care) that leaving sweat on a bench or machine is gross and inexcusable. One overarching rule will prevent most gy***ovenliness: Don't act like you're the most important person in the world. Act like you share this place with a bunch of people who are paying money to use it-- because, well, you do。




A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top “pet peeves” - things they see on resumes and cover letters that make them less interested in speaking with a candidate. These make great examples of how not to write your resume.

在最近的一份对招聘专员和招聘经理的调查中,询问了他们在 简历 和 求职信 上看到的令他们对候选人没兴趣的最差劲的事情。总结如下,这可以帮助你明白在 简历 中哪些不能写:

1.Use of the current “tense” in all jobs on the resume.


2.Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person.


3.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.


4.Use of tiny, tiny fonts (10 pt or less) so as to cram as much information into the resume as possible.


5.Photos on resumes (this is a cultural preference).


6.A listing of their personal interests and activities.


7.Sending a resume attachment named 41808res.doc - use your name or descriptive label.


8.Writing the resume using table formats (columns).


9.Using a resume that is password protected (without sending the password).


10.Including references - but not professional ones - just friends and co-workers.




Sex: Male

Ethnic: Chinese political

features: members

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate: Marketing

Contact Tel:


Contact Address:

Email Address: jianli.diyifanwen.com

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Institute of Business and Technology, Hebei 1994.9 - .7 Marketing

The course: business economics, management, marketing, consumer psychology, market research, market forecasting, public relations, business negotiations, marketing theory and methods, market information, science, modern advertising, advertising planning, international trade theory and practice, marketing planning, new product development management.

Other: Other training

* English national levels through the examination, have a better ability to read and write English Listening and Speaking

* A driver‘s license

Work experience

* 1997.9 - .9 medical device company

Sales Representative

Responsible for the company in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi and other areas of sales, quarterly sales plan to develop and expand customer base and maintain good relations of cooperation, tracking sales, expected sales target.

* 1998.10 - E-technology companies since

Sales Manager Trainee

Headquarters is responsible for marketing plan development and implementation of timely collection of sales and marketing back to the headquarters of the organization department of training sales staff to learn and expand customer base, sales are expected to complete the goal.


Professional knowledge and practice for many years, I accumulated a wealth of work experience, and have achieved outstanding sales performance. In addition, I also engaged in the training of departmental staff, management has some work experience. I am cheerful personality, positive, willing to communicate with people, likes to meet new challenges.

I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person‘s circumstances).

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!

Look forward to working with your interviews!


Name: diyifanwen


Marital status: single




willing to work as a computer programmer in the well known it industry.


b.tech/b.e. (computers) from xyz university, arizona in

summary of skills and experience

i am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing & developing systems.

pivotal in c, c++, sql, java, html, ms access and photoshop with exposure in windows 9x/ / nt.

computer skills

programming languages: c, c++, sql, java, j2ee (servlet, jdbc, jsp)

databases tools: oracle, ms access

operating systems: windows 9x, xp, , nt

other skills: photoshop, css, html, flash

additional details

academic projects

banking system using c++

duration: jan 06 to may 06

environment: c++

description: designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as debiting or crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.



Name: diyifanwen

Nationality: China

is now the location: Guangzhou

National: Han

Exit and Entry: Qingyuan

size: 167 cm 58 kg

Marital Status: Single

Age: 29-year-old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: sales / marketing categories: Marketing Department / Sales Manager, business / marketing and management / operation of a chain planning manager / director of management operations

Work Experience: 8

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - a week

Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: Company Name: South Korea (strains) of natural cosmetics company Jeju beginning and ending date :20xx-11 20xx-06

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: daily life of service

Positions: director of branches in China

Job Description: 1, is responsible for the construction of the Chinese market channels, face cream, facial mask, soap and other products analysis, promotion planning, market positioning, cosmetics consumption habits and consumer groups, analysis, writing product introductions;

2, responsible for the maintenance of the company focus on customers, to offer promotional programs, the overall operation of the company's marketing strategy to write “the implementation of the system of promotions”;

3, to develop the provincial agents, exhibition planning implementation;

4, the development of Jeju, Korea in 20xx the Chinese market planning and sales promotion planning, dealer-depth interviews, drawing up a “charter agents”;

5, distributors planning the implementation of data collection projects, the establishment of marketing databases;

6, to help solve health permits import of cosmetics.

7, the successful expansion of 600 professional cosmetics traders to conduct business negotiations. The establishment of distribution channels.

8, to sell into Jusco, Watson, to achieve depth of understanding of counters and shelves.

Causes of separation: the reasons for enterprise development

Company Name: Hong Kong hairdressing chain IOU beginning and ending date :20xx-02 ~ 20xx-10

Company nature: Sino-foreign joint ventures in their respective professions: daily life of service

Positions: Chief Operating Officer

Job Description: Duties:

1, is responsible for the development of the Headquarters Group of the overall chain of operations, including investment planning, investment implementation, management, and other stores to join the planning and implementation of monitoring operation;

2, leading the development of the Department of 4 people, 2 Marketing, Finance Department 2, Human Resources 2 operating program of activities to complete the formulation, implementation and monitoring; complete joining of the district to develop the analysis (site), decoration, staff recruitment, shop materials preparation, monitoring of suppliers;

3, market information collection, collation, analysis, statistics;

4, the logistics and inventory, goods traffic is expected to be reasonable, monitoring, adjustment; the financial situation of the monitoring, operating cost control and data analysis;

5, the coordination of operations manager of the dealer management controls, internal and external training programs and the effect of the formulation and implementation of assessment; (external means stores)

6, to write and organize the implementation of “high-performance communication training”, “career planning”, “List Total operating (including investment manuals, recruitment manual, training manuals, site selection manual decoration, logistics management manuals, shop management handbook, etc.)” , “negotiation skills training investment,” “beauty salons financing system,” “beauty salons culture system.”


1, a successful chain of 11 stores to expand, and began operating.

2, lead the Operations Center to create a profit from zero income.

Causes of separation: the abolition of the development direction of

Company Name: Unicom Yellow Pages Information Co., Ltd. beginning and ending date :20xx-02 ~ 20xx-02

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: advertising, planning, marketing

Positions: Director of Marketing Promotion

Job Description: Duties:

1, the planning and implementation of marketing activities, brand promotion projects, research projects, the association of public relations activities;

2, responsible for ad exchange program, the program ad project planning, implementation;

3, is responsible for planning and implementation of market development activities;

4, storage management, document management, data processing and so on, the promotion of economic contracts related to the project of writing.


1, 389 to open up the whole office in Guangzhou and 865 commercial and residential, the implementation of a comprehensive 4-year issue.

2, the performance of the average annual increase of more than 50%.

Leaving reasons: personal development

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Guangdong Institute of Public Administration

Highest level of education: college graduates - 20xx-07-01

Studies by one: the law of the Second Science: Business Administration

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

1994-09 1997-07 Qingyuan City in the first high school graduation certificate

Guangdong Institute of Public Administration 1997-09 20xx-07 Diploma Law

1999-05 1999-05 Dasheng integrated marketing agency market research skills in technical courses

1999-06 1999-06 Colgate - Palmolive Company distribution depth technical courses

20xx-09 20xx-09 School of Management, Hong Kong white-collar world sales techniques Course

20xx-09 20xx-09 School of Management, Hong Kong white-collar world of technical management skills courses

South China University of Technology 20xx-06 20xx-08 marketing courses permit dynamic

20xx-09 20xx-07 control South China University of Technology Institute of the Public Reading MBA in Marketing

Language ability

Foreign Languages: English well

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient

The ability to work and other expertise

1, familiar with the planning and implementation of marketing, sales team training, the shop in charge of training, planning and implementation of exhibitions, print media planning and implementation issues;

2, the brand planning, the operation of franchise systems, market research, legal process, official familiar with the writing;

3, familiar with the brand promotion, market planning, channel development;

4, a pioneering and creativity, can be carried out assessment and analysis of customer, there is the experience of joining the regional investment;

Detailed personal autobiography

A positive attitude, team spirit, conscientious and responsible, independent initiative, critical thinking.












推荐度: 评级1星 评级2星 评级3星 评级4星 评级5星


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