1. 不硬性要求的东西最好别写。专业译员的简历一般只分2大块:基本信息(包括姓名和联系方式)和从业资质(教育背景、专业证书、从业经验),至多有对自己容貌特别自信的摆张证件照,多余的一样没有。我这学妹倒好,将自己的性别、年龄、生日、籍贯、党团、身高、体重、血型、住址甚至身份证号都如数家珍写进去了,旁边还放了一张睁一只眼闭一只眼、嘟着小嘴做剪刀手状的俏皮照,让我看后如同五雷轰顶、化作青烟袅袅飘去。如果我是贩卖个人信息的,肯定对这样的简历求之不得。写简历有一大忌:无论是兼职、实习还是求职,除非用人方明确规定或有固定格式,否则一定不要泄露过多个人信息。因为用人方本来不是很介意的东西,如果你事无巨细地如数家珍,很可能造成求职失败——如年龄、地域、相貌甚至星座、血型歧视等。特别是照片,如果没有特殊规定,最好不要放:一者容易为相貌歧视提供口实,二者照片如果失真(如照相水平不佳或PS过)会影响求职者的诚信,三者照片占内存大,容易造成文档不易打开或速度慢。 2. 结合客户需求,提供有用信息。如果我是客户,我只关心译员的教育背景(专业)、外语水平(如获得语言证书)和从业年限、经验等是否符合要求,换句话说就是译员能否“胜任”此次会议。除了这些,你在大学里从事什么学生工作、当过什么干部、获得哪些荣誉和奖学金、平时做过哪些实习和兼职都不是我所关心的。我这个学妹倒好,该写的不写,不该写的写了一大堆,甚至连个人爱好、自我评价都摆上简历,着实令我郁闷。 3. 主题突出,重点鲜明。作为会务组织方,找翻译只是众多工作中的一环。客户不可能有时间逐字逐句研读简历,因此最好做到主题突出、重点鲜明,让人一眼看去就留下深刻印象。我这个学妹倒好,用小四号字密密麻麻写了好几页,行间距又小,也没有什么加粗加重的地方,最关键的是东一榔头西一棒子,想起什么写什么,没有明确的逻辑主线,让我看着十分费力。 其实口译求职简历一点也不难写,大家可以参考下面这个模板。9-11月是口译的旺季,愿好的简历帮你敲开幸运之门,成功带来实践机会!篇2:外贸翻译类英文简历
Curriculum Vitae
Mei Yin Zhen ( Debby Mei)
Personal Information
Contact Details.
Mob: 020-8888888 / 13566666666 E Mail: xxxxxx@hotmail.com
Place of Birth: Changde.Hunan D.O.B Jan 18.1983
Educational Background
Hunan University of Agriculture. Changsha Hunan -
Major: Animal Sciences & Training.
Number Five Middle School, Shi Min. Chengde - 1999
Majors. English: Biology: Physics: Chemistry. Art.
Languages Spoken.
English: competent user in both speaking and reading.
Chinese: Dialects include: Cantonese: Putonghua: Local Changsha and Changde Dialect.
French:planing to learn Frech soon
Computer operation.
Familiar with computer operating,knowledge of software using(e.g. excel,word etc.),web searching skill.
Personal hobby
Surfing internet, thinking, movie, TV show,art, photography,keep study,fashion,chinese handwriting.reading,cooking
Work Experience & History
2003- Well-Max (Guangzhou) ltd.co.
Employed as an Administration Assistant and QC
Duties: Daily report processing, Liaison between various production departments.Web searching and keep contract with Hongkong colleagues and overseas clientetls.
Order Processing for international clients. and check the quality and quantity of products
Human Resources Department Assistant.
Duties: The recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff.and keep daily work,
2004- Wei Lu Electrical (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd.
Employed as a Human Resource Supervisor. :
Duties: Daily reviews of Administrative and Company Regulations and Policies. Recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff. Staff Training and Internal QC enforcement. Evaluation of staff performance. Salary level assessment. Staff Welfare Management.
Good team-building spirit,responsible.
2005- Heng Rong Technics(Guangzhou)Co.Ltd.
Employed as a trading and marketing apartment commissioner.:
Duties:According the order from client.Searching good factory for making products,and get price.Keep good business relationship with cilents,and supply different products to them. searching good client from internet.
2006- HK.GZ JUAO Corporation Economy Counsellor Co.,LTD
Employed as a oversea market commissoner:
Duties:serviceing for chinese facotry,according the product to find good client from guangzhou and internet. And help client to find good products from wholesale market or chinese factory.take client go to factory for check quality and qauntity.do translate for them.and intvite them come to business meeting for checking products.
2007 Australia ACE International Trading Company Guangzhou Office
Employed as merchandising department.
Duties:searching products information from internet or market, get quotation and sample from supplier.Discussing with supplier to get lowest price and good condition. Discussing with boss to choice good factory make sample or make order.follow order and fix problem.take client go to canton fair or market to make order.clearing all file in office.
I sincerely thank you for considering me for the applied Position.
Curriculum Vitae
Mei Yin Zhen ( Debby Mei)
Personal Information
Contact Details.
Mob: 020-8888888 / 13566666666 E Mail: xxxxxx@hotmail.com
Place of Birth: Changde.Hunan D.O.B Jan 18.1983
Educational Background
Hunan University of Agriculture. Changsha Hunan 1999- 2003
Major: Animal Sciences & Training.
Number Five Middle School, Shi Min. Chengde 1997- 1999
Majors. English: Biology: Physics: Chemistry. Art.
Languages Spoken.
English: competent user in both speaking and reading.
Chinese: Dialects include: Cantonese: Putonghua: Local Changsha and Changde Dialect.
French:planing to learn Frech soon
Computer operation.
Familiar with computer operating,knowledge of software using(e.g. excel,word etc.),web searching skill.
Personal hobby
Surfing internet, thinking, movie, TV show,art, photography,keep study,fashion,chinese handwriting.reading,cooking
Work Experience & History
2003- 2004 Well-Max (Guangzhou) ltd.co.
Employed as an Administration Assistant and QC
Duties: Daily report processing, Liaison between various production departments.Web searching and keep contract with Hongkong colleagues and overseas clientetls.
Order Processing for international clients. and check the quality and quantity of products
Human Resources Department Assistant.
Duties: The recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff.and keep daily work,
2004- 2005 Wei Lu Electrical (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd.
Employed as a Human Resource Supervisor. :
Duties: Daily reviews of Administrative and Company Regulations and Policies. Recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff. Staff Training and Internal QC enforcement. Evaluation of staff performance. Salary level assessment. Staff Welfare Management.
Good team-building spirit,responsible.
2005-2006 Heng Rong Technics(Guangzhou)Co.Ltd.
Employed as a trading and marketing apartment commissioner.:
Duties:According the order from client.Searching good factory for making products,and get price.Keep good business relationship with cilents,and supply different products to them. searching good client from internet.
2006-2007 HK.GZ JUAO Corporation Economy Counsellor Co.,LTD
Employed as a oversea market commissoner:
Duties:serviceing for chinese facotry,according the product to find good client from guangzhou and internet. And help client to find good products from wholesale market or chinese factory.take client go to factory for check quality and qauntity.do translate for them.and intvite them come to business meeting for checking products.
2007 Australia ACE International Trading Company Guangzhou Office
Employed as merchandising department.
Duties:searching products information from internet or market, get quotation and sample from supplier.Discussing with supplier to get lowest price and good condition. Discussing with boss to choice good factory make sample or make order.follow order and fix problem.take client go to canton fair or market to make order.clearing all file in office.
I sincerely thank you for considering me for the applied Position.
chinese last first name “english name ”--若没有英文名字,则无需填写
insert address, beijing 1000xx
138-0000-xxxx ÿ xxxx@gmail.com
educational background
university of xxxx, beijing china 9/04–7/08
bachelor of xxxx, major (expected july )
· ranked xx/xxx in class with gpa x.x
· earned what (scholarships) 20xx, 20xx, and 20xx --详细说明所获(最高)奖学金的名称和等级
· (received what awards/honors) --列出在校期间所获(最高)荣誉
language capabilities & business skills
· fluent in english speaking and writing; received high score on english exam (cet-x)
· list any other english tests you have taken e.g. bec
· skilled in microsoft office (word, excel, powerpoint) and list other computer programs
internship and work experience
company name, xxxx, china x/xx–x/xx
(one) of china’s most influential companies in xxxx industry (company-website.com )--对所在公司实习情况做简单描述(一行即可);提供实习公司网站
served as an intern in the xxxx department focused on xxxx
· (power verb + project + result) --按照所提供的格式,描述自己的工作成果(不是工作责任)
· power verb + project + result
· power verb + project + result
company name, xxxx, china x/xx–x/xx
one of china’s most influential companies in xxxx industry (company-website.com)
served as an intern in the xxxx department focused on xxxx
· power verb + project + result
· power verb + project + result共2页,当前第1页1
例如“李扬”:1) Yang LI 2) YANG LI 3) Yang Li 4) Yang Li 5) Li,Yang 6) Li Yang 7) LI Yang
2)地址 3)电话
1)时间要倒序,最近的学历要放在最前面。 2)学校名要大写并加粗,这样便于招聘者迅速识别你的学历。 3)地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。地名后一定写中国。 4)学历,可以把学历名称放在最前。 5)社会工作,担任班干部,只写职务就可以了; 6)奖学金,一般用一句话概括。如果有多个,也争取用一句话概括。 7)成绩,如果不是前五名,建议不写。
1)名称,有四种写法:Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information。
2)语言,有几个层次。“Native speaker of”指母语;从严谨的角度讲,“Fluent in”显得更流利“English as working language”显得不非常流利,但可信度更高;“Some knowledge of”会一些,没有把握的千万别写。
Ⅰ写强项。 Ⅱ要写也只写两到三项。 Ⅲ不具体的爱好不写。
Ⅰ对于新公司、小公司或招聘公司不甚熟悉的'某些行业的公司,为了保险起见都不妨介绍一两句,甚至对于那些业内知名的企业往往也不一定名声在外。求职者一般不会针对每家应聘的公司都量身定做一份专门的简历(tailor-made resume),目前可能只想在行业内跳一跳,但也不排除将来在别的行业发展的可能,所以不妨都略带提一下公司的简介。
Ⅱ有些外国人可能对中国的公司不太知道,因此要介绍一下。千万不要觉得中国的公司很大,别人就一定知道,一不留神,就成了井底之蛙。例如,中国银行叫Bank of China (BOC)。在海外很多银行都知道中国银行,但不少人都误认为中国银行就是中国的中央银行。
Basic information
Sex: Male
National: Han origin: Shaanxi Mizhi
Date of birth: March 1984
Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members
Profession: Electronic and Information Engineering
Education: Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Height: 172cm
Hobbies: computers, sports
Health status: good
Communication Address: Yan'an University XXX postcode: 716000
Major award in the school during the
- school year was outstanding party members Yan'an University
2003-2004 school year to obtain the best students and cadres in Yan'an University and received second-class scholarship
Yan'an University was 2004- individuals in social practice
2004-2005 University of access to good social practice yan'an report
Computer level
Familiar with the principles of computer networks and security components
Has been the National Computer Rank Examination C-2
Familiar with the Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, will use a simple assembly language programming
Familiar with the computer data structure and the basic algorithm, will be a simple C language programming
Database theory, principles of computer communications and multimedia technology to understand
Familiar with the Office family of business software and Visual Basic, Photoshop and other software
The level of expertise
Familiar with the MCS-51 series single-chip microcomputer system and a simple system development
Familiar with the Pspise, EWB, Protel2003 99SE and Matlab software
Familiar with the commonly used electronic equipment and components and application
Social practice
Formed in and year-round to participate in the University of Electronics Association yan'an appliances maintenance obligations
Yan'an University, 2003 to participate in the summer, “science and technology, culture, public health” three rural areas
April 2005 to the transformer factory in Xi'an, Xi'an capacitor plant, Xi'an Software Park, Northwest Polytechnic University “three Air Museum”, SEG Electronic City for a week-long industrial trainee
Yan'an University in 2005 to participate in the summer, “science and technology, culture, public health” three rural areas
In September 2005 Fiberhome Group Co., Ltd. Baoji industrial attachment
Learning: hard careful, diligent in thinking, good at learning new knowledge
Work: a strong sense of responsibility, with strong organizational abilities and excellent sense of cooperation and innovation
Advantages: passion, integrity, good interpersonal skills
Job intentions
Institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions
Electronics, communications, computers and automation in areas such asComputer network system
Courses: circuit analysis of analog circuits digital circuit Automatic Control Engineering English signal high-frequency electronic circuits and systems of digital signal processing computer C language programming of computer communication technology applications based on electromagnetic field and microwave technology database theory and technology of electronic sensors and detection technology curriculum design TV Principle and technical single-chip interface technology theory and computer software based on electronic measurement
Principle and Application of Microcomputer Principles and Applications of analog integrated circuits integrated computer-assisted (e-EDA)
Main Courses
Basic subjects: English Advanced Mathematics Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Drawing the legal basis for general physics ideological and moral cultivation of the political economy of Marxist philosophy outlined in Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought
Experimental Section: Analysis of the experimental electronic measurement circuit experimental physics experiment general digital circuit analog circuit experimental microcomputer experiment experiment experiment high-frequency circuits of color television VB experimental procedure of automatic control engineering experiments on the development of experimental aircraft MATLAB computer experiments based on C language programming experiment experimental monolithic the development of experimental systems
Self-Taught: Modern Communication Principle programmable logic device computer operating system application of multimedia technology
Modern digital system design single-chip micro-computer network technology and application of principles of computer
Fate with the development and progress
Personal Details
Sex: Male
Age: 30 years
Marital Status: Married
Date of Birth: October 5, 1982
Nationality: American
Languages Known: English and Spanish
Hobbies: Trekking and playing guitar
Career Objective
To become a successful Cognos consultant in a reputed information technology company and utilize my experience and technical skills to perform efficiently.
Skills and Proficiencies
Knowledge of Cognos software tools and applications
Possess extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of business intelligence methodologies and data warehousing tools
Plan and implement projects in line with the project requirement and goals
Deliver the project requirements through quality work on time
Communicate fluently and effectively with on-shore and off shore clients
Strong interpersonal skills and ability to use it for maintaining relations with colleagues and clients
Proficient in handling problems/issues and make prompt solutions to resolve them
Possess strong analytical reasoning and ability to lead a team
Work using the best technological practices in the industry
Aware of all the latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos environment
Aware of the competitor's products and software applications and keeping a track of their performance in the market
Technical Skills and Knowledge
Data warehousing and ETL tools
Cognos tool - Cognos8, 8.4 Express, Platform, Report studio and Framework Manager, Powerplay
Software languages including SQL, Java, PL, C, C++
Operating System and Windows
Microsoft suite
Professional Experience
Company- Infotech Ltd., CA
Designation: Sr. Cognos Consultant
Duration- Apr 2003 to present
Job responsibilities:
Provide support to data ware housing and business intelligence applications
Plan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos environment
Maintain one point of contact with the client
Effectively design, deploy and support complicated software
Identify technical need of the organization according to the project requirement
Identify problems and drawbacks in the present processes and provide remedial measures to resolve them
Engaged in writing technical documentation regularly
Test the performance of project and reports
Handle multiple projects and deliver quality work within the deadline
Manage a team through effective leadership strategies
Company- XYZ, CA Designation: Sr. Cognos Consultant Duration- Feb to Mar 2003
Job Responsibilities:
Involve in installation, configuration and maintenance of Cognos environment
Prepare and maintain complicated reports and documentation through the use of Cognos tools
Make necessary changes to the report, as and when required
Develop power cubes with Cognos Powerplay and Framework Models
Ensure delivery of project within the deadline
Evaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos application
Educational Qualifications
Master's Degree in IT Engineering from XYZ University, CA, 2000
Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, CA,
High School Diploma from Aim High School, CA,
Technical training in Business Intelligence and Data warehouse from Hightech Institute, CA, 2000
从申请人角度分类为 new graduate 和experienced job-seeker, 就是对应于咱中国人常说的校园招生和社会招生
我个人觉得咱们研究生跟老板做了若干年,应该从experienced job-seeker的角度来写,
从写作方式分有:functional format, chronological format, 和 chrono-functional format (顾名思义就是前两者结合起来的形式)
个人信息:一般置顶,而且很简单,名字,电话,email, 住址。没有中国常用的性别,籍贯,是否党员之类,记得曾经国大学生辅导中心的老师说过如果写上男女反倒让人觉得有性别歧视之嫌。但是我有见过人简历上面放照片的,顶头一个,我个人很喜欢这种,让人有个感性认识,无论是做科研还是做市场,我觉得都是个很柔和的开端。当然前提是如果地方允许的话,因为简历内容放在一页里面是一个黄金定则,要是你可写的内容很多,就把照片放在封面上去吧。
有一个问题是如果你是广撒网,若干种职位都可以接受,怎么办?这个东东我在外国人的简历样本中没有看到过。人家人少,竞争没有咱中国人激烈。不但要求简历对于position特别有针对性,而且对公司文化都要有针对性。所谓的不同公司,不同简历。但是对于广大中国学生,我们的简历必须具有中国特色。我觉得面对投霸,面霸的竞争,简历很有可能需要添上不同的职位的。具体怎么办?我个人认为,那就把简历写成functional 的形式。分为三块,两个职位的相关经验分开两块,两个职位所能共享的经验放成一块。虽然这种简历形式我认为也可以接受,但是毕竟,投了英文简历就是要去好的外资企业,最好还是找到最适合自己的工作,然后对症下药。
上面都是废话,后来想到有一个更聪明的办法:就是不写这一栏,而且我找到了样板。呵呵,我不写我的objective,你看完我的能力,自己评判我能胜任什么位置。kick the ball 到了对方,强烈推荐!
Summary of Qualification: 这一段的内容说句俗话就是“假大空”,讲点你宏观的能力。现在的中文简历上面,特别是技术类的,很不喜欢说这个。跟人的沟通能力强,工作协调能力强。很多辅导写简历的人说:你要用示例来说服,这种假大空是没有必要的。可惜,大多数样本里面的SOQ都有这些内容。列出三四条,分别讲讲自己的技术实力,沟通能力,管理能力,危机处理能力等等跟position相关的能力。写好的SOQ关键就是让你与众不同!!!写出你的特色,当一个好的project manager,需要最少几十种能力,你能写的就3个!挑出你的特色来!!!一定要真实,
有些人觉得想想招聘的人需要什么特色,实际上,招聘的人需要各种特色的,你只能以己为本。当然有人的简历里面包括SOQ,有人不包括。一般来说,objective和summary二者取一即可。我们讲究总分结构,objective 和summary就是总,反正是要总一下的,要不是让人觉得简历没有灵魂。具体选哪个,看你的喜好了。
某年某月到某年某月,哪里供何职位,下面分条列出:1. 完成什么项目2.负责某些工作3. 用到哪种能力。按时间顺序列出,这是最标准的写法
functional的写法:先分类:computer skills: 按上面同样的格式列出经验。communication skills: 再列。
这个选择方式最好说了,你的经验类型很相似而且你所求的职位对于某种技能特别focus,用第一种形式。你的经验类型很diverse, 而且你所求的职位需要综合技能比较多,用第二种形式。
tip:时间顺序的描写:月/年- present, 我以前喜欢用now,但是现在查,好像还是present 对。
后面一般还会附加一些项目:Professional Development/ achievement(你到哪里做过什么讲座,你做过什么组织的老大, 我个人觉得这一项如果不是特别的吸引人,也可以放到上面去,但是要是显得你很拽,就单独列出来), Language Skills (你会西班牙语,韩语//不要写日语啊。。小心扁你!),Honors (厉害的奖才写,曾经一个让我改简历的,居然把初中的奖项写上去了,我狂晕。。),Education (这个还是必须的,咱中国人才太多,education还是很看重的。),hobby/interests: 这个写不写第一看你牛不牛,要是只是个日常爱好,就要看公司文化喜欢说这个不,有个小技巧,去网上查查有没有公司老大或是部门老大的简历,要是他们有,就说明他们对生活要求比较高。。可以写一下。但是也是放在最后的。。内容不够,第一个删掉的就是这一条。
最后,祝我亲爱的朋友们job hunting 顺利啊!!!现在该是大家大搜捕的时候了,希望你们满载而归!!!
一、英文 简历 撰写注意事项:
二、英文个人 简历 表的基本内容
1、个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permanent Domicile, Nationality, Marital Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.
2、职业意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels
3、资历: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.
4、经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写。
5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, California
Editorial and Marketing Trainee
5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, California
Sales Clerk
5. 文化程度(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。例如:
Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987
Bachelor of Science
Beijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 1985
6.技术资历与特长(Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills)
7.著作及专利(Publications and Patents)
8.社会活动(Social Activity)
9.荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)
10.爱好及兴趣(Hobbies and Interests)
英文简历不同于传统的个人简历,它有自己的格式与制作手法,下面就来详细介绍英文简历的格式结构括页眉部分、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四部分。 1、页眉部分 1)名字,名字有7种写法: 例如...英文简历不同于传统的个人简历,它有自己的格式与制作手法,下面就来详细介绍英文简历的格式结构括页眉部分、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四部分。
1)时间要倒序,最近的学历要放在最前面。 2)学校名要大写并加粗,这样便于招聘者迅速识别你的学历。 3)地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。地名后一定写中国。 4)学历,可以把学历名称放在最前。 5)社会工作,担任班干部,只写职务就可以了; 6)奖学金,一般用一句话概括。如果有多个,也争取用一句话概括。 7)成绩,如果不是前五名,建议不写。
1)名称,有四种写法:Personal,PersonalInformation,OtherInformation,Additional Information。 2)语言,有几个层次。“Nativespeakerof”指母语;从严谨的角度讲,“Fluentin”显得更流利“Englishasworkinglanguage”显得不非常流利,但可信度更高;“Someknowledgeof”会一些,没有把握的千万别写。 3)电脑,如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。 4)资格证书。 5)兴趣爱好 Ⅰ写强项。 Ⅱ要写也只写两到三项。 Ⅲ不具体的爱好不写。 Ⅳ举几个用词。如travel,如果你喜欢旅行,而有些工作需要经常出差,那么你写上travel是非常有利的;有些女性写上cooking,是很实事求是的,也给人以踏实的感觉,对于象秘书这样的职位,总是有好处的。
1)时间 Ⅰ目前的工作要最先写,左侧写时间,如写成1998-present。 Ⅱ以前的工作,只写年份,如1993-1995。
2)公司名:公司名称应大写加粗。 3)地名:地名写法与Education部分相同,这里就不再赘述。 4)职务与部门 Ⅰ从公司名称之后的第二行开始写。 Ⅱ职务与部门应加粗,每个词的第一个字母要大写。
5)工作内容 Ⅰ要用点句(bulletpoint),避免用大段文字。 Ⅱ点句的长度以一行为宜,最多不要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳,最多不超过八句。 Ⅲ点句以动词开始。目前的工作用一般现在时,以前工作用过去时 Ⅳ主要职责与主要成就,初级工作以及开创性不强的工作把主要职责放在前面,而较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把主要成就写在前面。 Ⅴ工作成就要数字化,精确化,避免使用many,alotof,some,several等模糊的词汇,应尽量使用具体的数字,到底管理了多少人,销售额是多少等等。 Ⅵ在同一公司的业绩中,不必拘泥于时间顺序,而应秉持“重要优先”的原则。例如,在成就里可先写最重要的成就;在职责里可先写最高的职位,不要拘泥于倒序或正序的方法。关键是要使雇主在短短几秒钟之内就发现您的最高卖点。
1)教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程都写上,这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 2)奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。 3)拉长句子。每个句子都可加入一些词拉长一些。 4)自然地多换行,多写点句。 5)加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。





