格林童话故事第:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog
“bz592924143”通过精心收集,向本站投稿了7篇格林童话故事第:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog,以下是小编为大家准备的格林童话故事第:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog,希望对大家有帮助。
篇1:格林童话故事第:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog
格林童话故事第107篇:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog
Hans my Hedgehog
Hill and vale do not come together, but the children of men do, good and bad. In this way a shoemaker and a tailor once met with each other in their travels. The tailor was a handsome little fellow who was always merry and full of enjoyment. He saw the shoemaker coming towards him from the other side, and as he observed by his bag what kind of a trade he plied, he sang a little mocking song to him,
“Sew me the seam,
Draw me the thread,
Spread it over with pitch,
Knock the nail on the head.”
The shoemaker, however, could not endure a joke; he pulled a face as if he had drunk vinegar, and made a gesture as if he were about to seize the tailor by the throat. But the little fellow began to laugh, reached him his bottle, and said, “No harm was meant, take a drink, and swallow your anger down.” The shoemaker took a very hearty drink, and the storm on his face began to clear away. He gave the bottle back to the tailor, and said, “I spoke civilly to you; one speaks well after much drinking, but not after much thirst. Shall we travel together?” - “All right,” answered the tailor, “if only it suits you to go into a big town where there is no lack of work.” - “That is just where I want to go,” answered the shoemaker. “In a small nest there is nothing to earn, and in the country, people like to go barefoot.” They travelled therefore onwards together, and always set one foot before the other like a weasel in the snow.
Both of them had time enough, but little to bite and to break. When they reached a town they went about and paid their respects to the tradesmen, and because the tailor looked so lively and merry, and had such pretty red cheeks, every one gave him work willingly, and when luck was good the master's daughters gave him a kiss beneath the porch, as well. When he again fell in with the shoemaker, the tailor had always the most in his bundle. The ill-tempered shoemaker made a wry face, and thought, “The greater the rascal the more the luck,” but the tailor began to laugh and to sing, and shared all he got with his comrade. If a couple of pence jingled in his pockets, he ordered good cheer, and thumped the table in his joy till the glasses danced, and it was lightly come, lightly go, with him.
When they had travelled for some time, they came to a great forest through which passed the road to the capital. Two foot-paths, however, led through it, one of which was a seven days' journey, and the other only two, but neither of the travellers knew which way was the short one. They seated themselves beneath an oak-tree, and took counsel together how they should forecast, and for how many days they should provide themselves with bread. The shoemaker said, “One must look before one leaps, I will take with me bread for a week.” - “What!” said the tailor, “drag bread for seven days on one's back like a beast of burden, and not be able to look about. I shall trust in God, and not trouble myself about anything! The money I have in my pocket is as good in summer as in winter, but in hot weather bread gets dry, and mouldy into the bargain; even my coat does not go as far as it might. Besides, why should we not find the right way? Bread for two days, and that's enough.” Each, therefore, bought his own bread, and then they tried their luck in the forest.
It was as quiet there as in a church. No wind stirred, no brook murmured, no bird sang, and through the thickly-leaved branches no sunbeam forced its way. The shoemaker spoke never a word, the heavy bread weighed down his back until the perspiration streamed down his cross and gloomy face. The tailor, however, was quite merry, he jumped about, whistled on a leaf, or sang a song, and thought to himself, “God in heaven must be pleased to see me so happy.”
This lasted two days, but on the third the forest would not come to an end, and the tailor had eaten up all his bread, so after all his heart sank down a yard deeper. In the meantime he did not lose courage, but relied on God and on his luck. On the third day he lay down in the evening hungry under a tree, and rose again next morning hungry still; so also passed the fourth day, and when the shoemaker seated himself on a fallen tree and devoured his dinner, the tailor was only a looker-on. If he begged for a little piece of bread the other laughed mockingly, and said, “Thou hast always been so merry, now thou canst try for once what it is to be sad: the birds which sing too early in the morning are struck by the hawk in the evening,” In short he was pitiless. But on the fifth morning the poor tailor could no longer stand up, and was hardly able to utter one word for weakness; his cheeks were white, and his eyes red. Then the shoemaker said to him, “I will give thee a bit of bread to-day, but in return for it, I will put out thy right eye.” The unhappy tailor who still wished to save his life, could not do it in any other way; he wept once more with both eyes, and then held them out, and the shoemaker, who had a heart of stone, put out his right eye with a sharp knife. The tailor called to remembrance what his mother had formerly said to him when he had been eating secretly in the pantry. “Eat what one can, and suffer what one must.” When he had consumed his dearly-bought bread, he got on his legs again, forgot his misery and comforted himself with the thought that he could always see enough with one eye. But on the sixth day, hunger made itself felt again, and gnawed him almost to the heart. In the evening he fell down by a tree, and on the seventh morning he could not raise himself up for faintness, and death was close at hand. Then said the shoemaker, “I will show mercy and give thee bread once more, but thou shalt not have it for nothing, I shall put out thy other eye for it.” And now the tailor felt how thoughtless his life had been, prayed to God for forgiveness, and said, “Do what thou wilt, I will bear what I must, but remember that our Lord God does not always look on passively, and that an hour will come when the evil deed which thou hast done to me, and which I have not deserved of thee, will be requited. When times were good with me, I shared what I had with thee. My trade is of that kind that each stitch must always be exactly like the other. If I no longer have my eyes and can sew no more I must go a-begging. At any rate do not leave me here alone when I am blind, or I shall die of hunger.” The shoemaker, however, who had driven God out of his heart, took the knife and put out his left eye. Then he gave him a bit of bread to eat, held out a stick to him, and drew him on behind him.
篇2:格林童话故事第:汉斯成亲Hans married
格林童话故事第83篇:汉斯成亲Hans married
Hans married
There was once upon a time a young peasant named Hans, whose uncle wanted to find him a rich wife. He therefore seated Hans behind the stove, and had it made very hot. Then he fetched a pot of milk and plenty of white bread, gave him a bright newly-coined farthing in his hand, and said, “Hans, hold that farthing fast, crumble the white bread into the milk, and stay where you are, and do not stir from that spot till I come back.” - “Yes,” said Hans, “I will do all that.” Then the wooer put on a pair of old patched trousers, went to a rich peasant's daughter in the next village, and said, “Won't you marry my nephew Hans -- you will get an honest and sensible man who will suit you?” The covetous father asked, “How is it with regard to his means? Has he bread to break?” - “Dear friend,” replied the wooer, “my young nephew has a snug berth, a nice bit of money in hand, and plenty of bread to break, besides he has quite as many patches as I have,” (and as he spoke, he slapped the patches on his trousers, but in that district small pieces of land were called patches also.) “If you will give yourself the trouble to go home with me, you shall see at once that all is as I have said.” Then the miser did not want to lose this good opportunity, and said, “If that is the case, I have nothing further to say against the marriage.”
So the wedding was celebrated on the appointed day, and when the young wife went out of doors to see the bridegroom's property, Hans took off his Sunday coat and put on his patched smock-frock and said, “I might spoil my good coat.” Then together they went out and wherever a boundary line came in sight, or fields and meadows were divided from each other, Hans pointed with his finger and then slapped either a large or a small patch on his smock-frock, and said, “That patch is mine, and that too, my dearest, just look at it,” meaning thereby that his wife should not stare at the broad land, but look at his garment, which was his own.
“Were you indeed at the wedding?” - “Yes, indeed I was there, and in full dress. My head-dress was of snow; then the sun came out, and it was melted. My coat was of cobwebs, and I had to pass by some thorns which tore it off me, my shoes were of glass, and I pushed against a stone and they said, ”Klink,“ and broke in two.
篇3:格林童话故事第:壮士汉斯heroic man Hans
格林童话故事第160篇:壮士汉斯heroic man Hans
heroic man Hans
There were once a man and a woman who had an only child, and lived quite alone in a solitary
valley. It came to pass that the mother once went into the wood to gather branches of fir, and
took with her little Hans, who was just two years old. As it was spring-time, and the child took
pleasure in the many-coloured flowers, she went still further onwards with him into the forest.
Suddenly two robbers sprang out of the thicket, seized the mother and child, and carried them far
away into the black forest, where no one ever came from one year's end to another. The poor
woman urgently begged the robbers to set her and her child free, but their hearts were made of
stone, they would not listen to her prayers and entreaties, and drove her on farther by force. After
they had worked their way through bushes and briars for about two miles, they came to a rock
where there was a door, at which the robbers knocked and it opened at once. They had to go
through a long dark passage, and at last came into a great cavern, which was lighted by a fire
which burnt on the hearth. On the wall hung swords, sabres, and other deadly weapons which
gleamed in the light, and in the midst stood a black table at which four other robbers were sitting
gambling, and the captain sat at the head of it. As soon as he saw the woman he came and spoke
to her, and told her to be at ease and have no fear, they would do nothing to hurt her, but she
must look after the house-keeping, and if she kept everything in order, she should not fare ill with
them. Thereupon they gave her something to eat, and showed her a bed where she might sleep
with her child.
The woman stayed many years with the robbers, and Hans grew tall and strong. His mother told
him stories, and taught him to read an old book of tales about knights which she found in the
cave. When Hans was nine years old, he made himself a strong club out of a branch of fir, hid it
behind the bed, and then went to his mother and said, ”Dear mother, pray tell me who is my
father; I must and will know.“ His mother was silent and would not tell him, that he might not
become home-sick; moreover she knew that the godless robbers would not let him go away, but
it almost broke her heart that Hans should not go to his father. In the night, when the robbers
came home from their robbing expedition, Hans brought out his club, stood before the captain,
and said, ”I now wish to know who is my father, and if thou dost not at once tell me I will strike
thee down.“ Then the captain laughed, and gave Hans such a box on the ear that he rolled under
the table. Hans got up again, held his tongue, and thought, ”I will wait another year and then try
again, perhaps I shall do better then.“ When the year was over, he brought out his club again,
rubbed the dust off it, looked at it well, and said, ”It is a stout strong club.“ At night the robbers
came home, drank one jug of wine after another, and their heads began to be heavy. Then Hans
brought out his club, placed himself before the captain, and asked him who was his father? But
the captain again gave him such a vigorous box on the ear that Hans rolled under the table, but it
was not long before he was up again, and beat the captain and the robbers so with his club, that
they could no longer move either their arms or their legs. His mother stood in a corner full of
admiration of his bravery and strength. When Hans had done his work, he went to his mother,
and said, ”Now I have shown myself to be in earnest, but now I must also know who is my
father.“ ”Dear Hans,“ answered the mother, ”come, we will go and seek him until we find him.“
She took from the captain the key to the entrance-door, and Hans fetched a great meal-sack and
packed into it gold and silver, and whatsoever else he could find that was beautiful, until it was
full, and then he took it on his back. They left the cave, but how Hans did open his eyes when he
came out of the darkness into daylight, and saw the green forest, and the flowers, and the birds,
and the morning sun in the sky. He stood there and wondered at everything just as if he had not
been very wise. His mother looked for the way home, and when they had walked for a couple of
hours, they got safely into their lonely valley and to their little house. The father was sitting in
篇4:格林童话故事第:铁汉斯Iron John
格林童话故事第135篇:铁汉斯Iron John
Iron John
There was once on a time a King who had a great forest near his palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come back. ”Perhaps some accident has befallen him,“ said the King, and the next day he sent out two more huntsmen who were to search for him, but they too stayed away. Then on the third day, he sent for all his huntsmen, and said, ”Scour the whole forest through, and do not give up until ye have found all three.“ But of these also, none came home again, and of the pack of hounds which they had taken with them, none were seen more. From that time forth, no one would any longer venture into the forest, and it lay there in deep stillness and solitude, and nothing was seen of it, but sometimes an eagle or a hawk flying over it. This lasted for many years, when a strange huntsman announced himself to the King as seeking a situation, and offered to go into the dangerous forest. The King, however, would not give his consent, and said, ”It is not safe in there; I fear it would fare with thee no better than with the others, and thou wouldst never come out again.“ The huntsman replied, ”Lord, I will venture it at my own risk, of fear I know nothing.“
The huntsman therefore betook himself with his dog to the forest. It was not long before the dog fell in with some game on the way, and wanted to pursue it; but hardly had the dog run two steps when it stood before a deep pool, could go no farther, and a naked arm stretched itself out of the water, seized it, and drew it under, When the huntsman saw that, he went back and fetched three men to come with buckets and bale out the water. When they could see to the bottom there lay a wild man whose body was brown like rusty iron, and whose hair hung over his face down to his knees. They bound him with cords, and led him away to the castle. There was great astonishment over the wild man; the King, however, had him put in an iron cage in his court-yard, and forbade the door to be opened on pain of death, and the Queen herself was to take the key into her keeping. And from this time forth every one could again go into the forest with safety.
The King had a son of eight years, who was once playing in the court-yard, and while he was playing, his golden ball fell into the cage. The boy ran thither and said, ”Give me my ball out.“ - ”Not till thou hast opened the door for me,“ answered the man. ”No,“ said the boy, ”I will not do that; the King has forbidden it,“ and ran away. The next day he again went and asked for his ball; the wild man said, ”Open my door,“ but the boy would not. On the third day the King had ridden out hunting, and the boy went once more and said, ”I cannot open the door even if I wished, for I have not the key.“ Then the wild man said, ”It lies under thy mother's pillow, thou canst get it there.“ The boy, who wanted to have his ball back, cast all thought to the winds, and brought the key. The door opened with difficulty, and the boy pinched his fingers. When it was open the wild man stepped out, gave him the golden ball, and hurried away. The boy had become afraid; he called and cried after him, ”Oh, wild man, do not go away, or I shall be beaten!“ The wild man turned back, took him up, set him on his shoulder, and went with hasty steps into the forest. When the King came home, he observed the empty cage, and asked the Queen how that had happened? She knew nothing about it, and sought the key, but it was gone. She called the boy, but no one answered. The King sent out people to seek for him in the fields, but they did not find him. Then he could easily guess what had happened, and much grief reigned in the royal court.
篇5:格林童话故事第:铁汉斯Iron John
格林童话故事第135篇:铁汉斯Iron John
Iron John
There was once on a time a King who had a great forest near his palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come back. ”Perhaps some accident has befallen him,“ said the King, and the next day he sent out two more huntsmen who were to search for him, but they too stayed away. Then on the third day, he sent for all his huntsmen, and said, ”Scour the whole forest through, and do not give up until ye have found all three.“ But of these also, none came home again, and of the pack of hounds which they had taken with them, none were seen more. From that time forth, no one would any longer venture into the forest, and it lay there in deep stillness and solitude, and nothing was seen of it, but sometimes an eagle or a hawk flying over it. This lasted for many years, when a strange huntsman announced himself to the King as seeking a situation, and offered to go into the dangerous forest. The King, however, would not give his consent, and said, ”It is not safe in there; I fear it would fare with thee no better than with the others, and thou wouldst never come out again.“ The huntsman replied, ”Lord, I will venture it at my own risk, of fear I know nothing.“
The huntsman therefore betook himself with his dog to the forest. It was not long before the dog fell in with some game on the way, and wanted to pursue it; but hardly had the dog run two steps when it stood before a deep pool, could go no farther, and a naked arm stretched itself out of the water, seized it, and drew it under, When the huntsman saw that, he went back and fetched three men to come with buckets and bale out the water. When they could see to the bottom there lay a wild man whose body was brown like rusty iron, and whose hair hung over his face down to his knees. They bound him with cords, and led him away to the castle. There was great astonishment over the wild man; the King, however, had him put in an iron cage in his court-yard, and forbade the door to be opened on pain of death, and the Queen herself was to take the key into her keeping. And from this time forth every one could again go into the forest with safety.
The King had a son of eight years, who was once playing in the court-yard, and while he was playing, his golden ball fell into the cage. The boy ran thither and said, ”Give me my ball out.“ - ”Not till thou hast opened the door for me,“ answered the man. ”No,“ said the boy, ”I will not do that; the King has forbidden it,“ and ran away. The next day he again went and asked for his ball; the wild man said, ”Open my door,“ but the boy would not. On the third day the King had ridden out hunting, and the boy went once more and said, ”I cannot open the door even if I wished, for I have not the key.“ Then the wild man said, ”It lies under thy mothers pillow, thou canst get it there.“ The boy, who wanted to have his ball back, cast all thought to the winds, and brought the key. The door opened with difficulty, and the boy pinched his fingers. When it was open the wild man stepped out, gave him the golden ball, and hurried away. The boy had become afraid; he called and cried after him, ”Oh, wild man, do not go away, or I shall be beaten!“ The wild man turned back, took him up, set him on his shoulder, and went with hasty steps into the forest. When the King came home, he observed the empty cage, and asked the Queen how that had happened? She knew nothing about it, and sought the key, but it was gone. She called the boy, but no one answered. The King sent out people to seek for him in the fields, but they did not find him. Then he could easily guess what had happened, and much grief reigned in the royal court.
When the wild man had once more reached the dark forest, he took the boy down from his shoulder, and said to him, ”Thou wilt never see thy father and mother again, but I will keep thee with me, for thou hast set me free, and I have compassion on thee. If thou dost all I bid thee, thou shalt fare well. Of treasure and gold have I enough, and more than anyone in the world.“ He made a bed of moss for the boy on which he slept, and the next morning the man took him to a well, and said, ”Behold, the gold well is as bright and clear as crystal, thou shalt sit beside it, and take care that nothing falls into it, or it will be polluted. I will come every evening to see if thou hast obeyed my order.“ The boy placed himself by the margin of the well, and often saw a golden fish or a golden snake show itself therein, and took care that nothing fell in. As he was thus sitting, his finger hurt him so violently that he involuntarily put it in the water. He drew it quickly out again, but saw that it was quite gilded, and whatsoever pains he took to wash the gold off again, all was to no purpose. In the evening Iron John came back, looked at the boy, and said, ”What has happened to the well?“ - ”Nothing, nothing,“ he answered, and held his finger behind his back, that the man might not see it. But he said, ”Thou hast dipped thy finger into the water, this time it may pass, but take care thou dost not again let anything go in.“ By daybreak the boy was already sitting by the well and watching it. His finger hurt him again and he passed it over his head, and then unhappily a hair fell down into the well. He took it quickly out, but it was already quite gilded. Iron John came, and already knew what had happened. ”Thou hast let a hair fall into the well,“ said he. ”I will allow thee to watch by it once more, but if this happens for the third time then the well is polluted, and thou canst no longer remain with me.“
On the third day, the boy sat by the well, and did not stir his finger, however much it hurt him. But the time was long to him, and he looked at the reflection of his face on the surface of the water. And as he still bent down more and more while he was doing so, and trying to look straight into the eyes, his long hair fell down from his shoulders into the water. He raised himself up quickly, but the whole of the hair of his head was already golden and shone like the sun. You may imagine how terrified the poor boy was! He took his pocket-handkerchief and tied it round his head, in order that the man might not see it. When he came he already knew everything, and said, ”Take the handkerchief off.“ Then the golden hair streamed forth, and let the boy excuse himself as he might, it was of no use. ”Thou hast not stood the trial, and canst stay here no longer. Go forth into the world, there thou wilt learn what poverty is. But as thou hast not a bad heart, and as I mean well by thee, there is one thing I will grant thee; if thou fallest into any difficulty, come to the forest and cry, “Iron John,” and then I will come and help thee. My power is great, greater than thou thinkest, and I have gold and silver in abundance.“
Then the Kings son left the forest, and walked by beaten and unbeaten paths ever onwards until at length he reached a great city. There he looked for work, but could find none, and he had learnt nothing by which he could help himself. At length he went to the palace, and asked if they would take him in. The people about court did not at all know what use they could make of him, but they liked him, and told him to stay. At length the cook took him into his service, and said he might carry wood and water, and rake the cinders together. Once when it so happened that no one else was at hand, the cook ordered him to carry the food to the royal table, but as he did not like to let his golden hair be seen, he kept his little cap on. Such a thing as that had never yet come under the Kings notice, and he said, ”When thou comest to the royal table thou must take thy hat off.“ He answered, ”Ah, Lord, I cannot; I have a bad sore place on my head.“ Then the King had the cook called before him and scolded him, and asked how he could take such a boy as that into his service; and that he was to turn him off at once. The cook, however, had pity on him, and exchanged him for the gardeners boy.
And now the boy had to plant and water the garden, hoe and dig, and bear the wind and bad weather. Once in summer when he was working alone in the garden, the day was so warm he took his little cap off that the air might cool him. As the sun shone on his hair it glittered and flashed so that the rays fell into the bed-room of the Kings daughter, and up she sprang to see what that could be. Then she saw the boy, and cried to him, ”Boy, bring me a wreath of flowers.“ He put his cap on with all haste, and gathered wild field-flowers and bound them together. When he was ascending the stairs with them, the gardener met him, and said, ”How canst thou take the Kings daughter a garland of such common flowers? Go quickly, and get another, and seek out the prettiest and rarest.“ - ”Oh, no,“ replied the boy, ”the wild ones have more scent, and will please her better.“ When he got into the room, the Kings daughter said, ”Take thy cap off, it is not seemly to keep it on in my presence.“ He again said, ”I may not, I have a sore head.“ She, however, caught at his cap and pulled it off, and then his golden hair rolled down on his shoulders, and it was splendid to behold. He wanted to run out, but she held him by the arm, and gave him a handful of ducats. With these he departed, but he cared nothing for the gold pieces. He took them to the gardener, and said, ”I present them to thy children, they can play with them.“ The following day the Kings daughter again called to him that he was to bring her a wreath of field-flowers, and when he went in with it, she instantly snatched at his cap, and wanted to take it away from him, but he held it fast with both hands. She again gave him a handful of ducats, but he would not keep them, and gave them to the gardener for playthings for his children. On the third day things went just the same; she could not get his cap away from him, and he would not have her money.
Not long afterwards, the country was overrun by war. The King gathered together his people, and did not know whether or not he could offer any opposition to the enemy, who was superior in strength and had a mighty army. Then said the gardeners boy, ”I am grown up, and will go to the wars also, only give me a horse.“ The others laughed, and said, ”Seek one for thyself when we are gone, we will leave one behind us in the stable for thee.“ When they had gone forth, he went into the stable, and got the horse out; it was lame of one foot, and limped hobblety jig, hobblety jig; nevertheless he mounted it, and rode away to the dark forest. When he came to the outskirts, he called ”Iron John,“ three times so loudly that it echoed through the trees. Thereupon the wild man appeared immediately, and said, ”What dost thou desire?“ - ”I want a strong steed, for I am going to the wars.“ - ”That thou shalt have, and still more than thou askest for.“ Then the wild man went back into the forest, and it was not long before a stable-boy came out of it, who led a horse that snorted with its nostrils, and could hardly be restrained, and behind them followed a great troop of soldiers entirely equipped in iron, and their swords flashed in the sun. The youth made over his three-legged horse to the stable-boy, mounted the other, and rode at the head of the soldiers. When he got near the battle-field a great part of the Kings men had already fallen, and little was wanting to make the rest give way. Then the youth galloped thither with his iron soldiers, broke like a hurricane over the enemy, and beat down all who opposed him. They began to fly, but the youth pursued, and never stopped, until there was not a single man left. Instead, however, of returning to the King, he conducted his troop by bye-ways back to the forest, and called forth Iron John. ”What dost thou desire?“ asked the wild man. ”Take back thy horse and thy troops, and give me my three-legged horse again.“ All that he asked was done, and soon he was riding on his three-legged horse. When the King returned to his palace, his daughter went to meet him, and wished him joy of his victory. ”I am not the one who carried away the victory,“ said he, ”but a stranger knight who came to my assistance with his soldiers.“ The daughter wanted to hear who the strange knight was, but the King did not know, and said, ”He followed the enemy, and I did not see him again.“ She inquired of the gardener where his boy was, but he smiled, and said, ”He has just come home on his three-legged horse, and the others have been mocking him, and crying, “Here comes our hobblety jig back again!” They asked, too, “Under what hedge hast thou been lying sleeping all the time?” He, however, said, “I did the best of all, and it would have gone badly without me.” And then he was still more ridiculed.“
The King said to his daughter, ”I will proclaim a great feast that shall last for three days, and thou shalt throw a golden apple. Perhaps the unknown will come to it.“ When the feast was announced, the youth went out to the forest, and called Iron John. ”What dost thou desire?“ asked he. ”That I may catch the Kings daughters golden apple.“ - ”It is as safe as if thou hadst it already,“ said Iron John. ”Thou shalt likewise have a suit of red armour for the occasion, and ride on a spirited chestnut-horse.“ When the day came, the youth galloped to the spot, took his place amongst the knights, and was recognized by no one. The Kings daughter came forward, and threw a golden apple to the knights, but none of them caught it but he, only as soon as he had it he galloped away.
On the second day Iron John equipped him as a white knight, and gave him a white horse. Again he was the only one who caught the apple, and he did not linger an instant, but galloped off with it. The King grew angry, and said, ”That is not allowed; he must appear before me and tell his name.“ He gave the order that if the knight who caught the apple, should go away again they should pursue him, and if he would not come back willingly, they were to cut him down and stab him.
On the third day, he received from Iron John a suit of black armour and a black horse, and again he caught the apple. But when he was riding off with it, the Kings attendants pursued him, and one of them got so near him that he wounded the youths leg with the point of his sword. The youth nevertheless escaped from them, but his horse leapt so violently that the helmet fell from the youths head, and they could see that he had golden hair. They rode back and announced this to the King.
The following day the Kings daughter asked the gardener about his boy. ”He is at work in the garden; the queer creature has been at the festival too, and only came home yesterday evening; he has likewise shown my children three golden apples which he has won.“
The King had him summoned into his presence, and he came and again had his little cap on his head. But the Kings daughter went up to him and took it off, and then his golden hair fell down over his shoulders, and he was so handsome that all were amazed. ”Art thou the knight who came every day to the festival, always in different colours, and who caught the three golden apples?“ asked the King. ”Yes,“ answered he, ”and here the apples are,“ and he took them out of his pocket, and returned them to the King. ”If you desire further proof, you may see the wound which your people gave me when they followed me. But I am likewise the knight who helped you to your victory over your enemies.“ - ”If thou canst perform such deeds as that, thou art no gardeners boy; tell me, who is thy father?“ - ”My father is a mighty King, and gold have I in plenty as great as I require.“ - ”I well see,“ said the King, ”that I owe thanks to thee; can I do anything to please thee?“ - ”Yes,“ answered he, ”that indeed you can. Give me your daughter to wife.“ The maiden laughed, and said, ”He does not stand much on ceremony, but I have already seen by his golden hair that he was no gardeners boy,“ and then she went and kissed him. His father and mother came to the wedding, and were in great delight, for they had given up all hope of ever seeing their dear son again. And as they were sitting at the marriage-feast, the music suddenly stopped, the doors opened, and a stately King came in with a great retinue. He went up to the youth, embraced him and said, ”I am Iron John, and was by enchantment a wild man, but thou hast set me free; all the treasures which I possess, shall be thy property."
4月,列入《教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心 中小学生阅读指导目录(20版)》。
从18开始,格林兄弟就致力于民间童话和传说的搜集、整理和研究工作,出版了《儿童和家庭童话集》(两卷集)和《德国传说集》(两卷)。雅各布还出版了《德国神话》,威廉出版了《论德国古代民歌》和《德国英雄传说 》。1806—1826年间雅科布同时还研究语言学 ,编写 了4卷巨著《德语语法》,是一部历史语法,后人称为日耳曼格语言的基本教程。1838年底格林兄弟开始编写《德语词典》,1854—1862 年共出版第一至三卷。这项浩大的工程兄弟俩生前未能完成 ,后来德国语言学家继续这项工作,至1961年才全部完成。
格林兄弟对民间文学发生兴趣在一定程度上受浪漫派作家布仑坦诺和阿尔尼姆的影响。他们收集民间童话有一套科学的方法,善于鉴别真伪,他们的童话一方面保持了民间文学原有的特色和风格,同时又进行了提炼和润色,赋予它们以简朴、明快、风趣的形式。这些童话表达了德国人民的心愿、幻想和信仰,反映了德国古老的文化传统和审美观念 。《格林童话集》于1857年格林兄弟生前出了最后一版,共收童话216篇,为世界文学宝 库增添了瑰宝 。格林兄弟在语言学研究方面成果丰硕,他们是日耳曼语言学的奠基人。
篇7:安徒生童话故事第:笨汉汉斯Jack the Dullard
安徒生童话故事第76篇:笨汉汉斯Jack the Dullard
Jack the Dullard
FAR in the interior of the country lay an old baronial hall, and in it lived an old proprietor, who had two sons, which two young men thought themselves too clever by half. They wanted to go out and woo the King’s daughter; for the maiden in question had publicly announced that she would choose for her husband that youth who could arrange his words best.
So these two geniuses prepared themselves a full week for the wooing—this was the longest time that could be granted them; but it was enough, for they had had much preparatory information, and everybody knows how useful that is. One of them knew the whole Latin dictionary by heart, and three whole years of the daily paper of the little town into the bargain, and so well, indeed, that he could repeat it all either backwards or forwards, just as he chose. The other was deeply read in the corporation laws, and knew by heart what every corporation ought to know; and accordingly he thought he could talk of affairs of state, and put his spoke in the wheel in the council. And he knew one thing more: he could embroider suspenders with roses and other flowers, and with arabesques, for he was a tasty, light-fingered fellow.
“I shall win the Princess!” So cried both of them. Therefore their old papa gave to each of them a handsome horse. The youth who knew the dictionary and newspaper by heart had a black horse, and he who knew all about the corporation laws received a milk-white steed. Then they rubbed the corners of their mouths with fish-oil, so that they might become very smooth and glib. All the servants stood below in the courtyard, and looked on while they mounted their horses; and just by chance the third son came up. For the proprietor had really three sons, though nobody counted the third with his brothers, because he was not so learned as they, and indeed he was generally known as “Jack the Dullard.”
“Hallo!” said Jack the Dullard, “where are you going? I declare you have put on your Sunday clothes!”
“We’re going to the King’s court, as suitors to the King’s daughter. Don’t you know the announcement that has been made all through the country?” And they told him all about it.
“My word! I’ll be in it too!” cried Jack the Dullard; and his two brothers burst out laughing at him, and rode away.
“Father, dear,” said Jack, “I must have a horse too. I do feel so desperately inclined to marry! If she accepts me, she accepts me; and if she won’t have me, I’ll have her; but she shall be mine!”
“Don’t talk nonsense,” replied the old gentleman. “You shall have no horse from me. You don’t know how to speak—you can’t arrange your words. Your brothers are very different fellows from you.”
“Well,” quoth Jack the Dullard, “If I can’t have a horse, I’ll take the Billy-goat, who belongs to me, and he can carry me very well!”
And so said, so done. He mounted the Billy-goat, pressed his heels into its sides, and galloped down the high street like a hurricane.
“Hei, houp! that was a ride! Here I come!” shouted Jack the Dullard, and he sang till his voice echoed far and wide.
But his brothers rode slowly on in advance of him. They spoke not a word, for they were thinking about the fine extempore speeches they would have to bring out, and these had to be cleverly prepared beforehand.
“Hallo!” shouted Jack the Dullard. “Here am I! Look what I have found on the high road.” And he showed them what it was, and it was a dead crow.
“Dullard!” exclaimed the brothers, “what are you going to do with that?”
“With the crow? why, I am going to give it to the Princess.”
“Yes, do so,” said they; and they laughed, and rode on.
“Hallo, here I am again! just see what I have found now: you don’t find that on the high road every day!”
And the brothers turned round to see what he could have found now.
“Dullard!” they cried, “that is only an old wooden shoe, and the upper part is missing into the bargain; are you going to give that also to the Princess?”
“Most certainly I shall,” replied Jack the Dullard; and again the brothers laughed and rode on, and thus they got far in advance of him; but—
“Hallo—hop rara!” and there was Jack the Dullard again. “It is getting better and better,” he cried. “Hurrah! it is quite famous.”
“Why, what have you found this time?” inquired the brothers.
“Oh,” said Jack the Dullard, “I can hardly tell you. How glad the Princess will be!”
“Bah!” said the brothers; “that is nothing but clay out of the ditch.”
“Yes, certainly it is,” said Jack the Dullard; “and clay of the finest sort. See, it is so wet, it runs through one’s fingers.” And he filled his pocket with the clay.
But his brothers galloped on till the sparks flew, and consequently they arrived a full hour earlier at the town gate than could Jack. Now at the gate each suitor was provided with a number, and all were placed in rows immediately on their arrival, six in each row, and so closely packed together that they could not move their arms; and that was a prudent arrangement, for they would certainly have come to blows, had they been able, merely because one of them stood before the other.
All the inhabitants of the country round about stood in great crowds around the castle, almost under the very windows, to see the Princess receive the suitors; and as each stepped into the hall, his power of speech seemed to desert him, like the light of a candle that is blown out. Then the Princess would say, “He is of no use! Away with him out of the hall!”
At last the turn came for that brother who knew the dictionary by heart; but he did not know it now; he had absolutely forgotten it altogether; and the boards seemed to re-echo with his footsteps, and the ceiling of the hall was made of looking-glass, so that he saw himself standing on his head; and at the window stood three clerks and a head clerk, and every one of them was writing down every single word that was uttered, so that it might be printed in the newspapers, and sold for a penny at the street corners. It was a terrible ordeal, and they had, moreover, made such a fire in the stove, that the room seemed quite red hot.
“It is dreadfully hot here!” observed the first brother.
“Yes,” replied the Princess, “my father is going to roast young pullets today.”
“Baa!” there he stood like a baa-lamb. He had not been prepared for a speech of this kind, and had not a word to say, though he intended to say something witty. “Baa!”
“He is of no use!” said the Princess. “Away with him!”
And he was obliged to go accordingly. And now the second brother came in.
“It is terribly warm here!” he observed.
“Yes, we’re roasting pullets to-day,” replied the Princess.
“What—what were you—were you pleased to ob—” stammered he—and all the clerks wrote down, “pleased to ob—”
“He is of no use!” said the Princess. “Away with him!”
Now came the turn of Jack the Dullard. He rode into the hall on his goat.
“Well, it’s most abominably hot here.”
“Yes, because I’m roasting young pullets,” replied the Princess.
“Ah, that’s lucky!” exclaimed Jack the Dullard, “for I suppose you’ll let me roast my crow at the same time?”
“With the greatest pleasure,” said the Princess. “But have you anything you can roast it in? for I have neither pot nor pan.”
“Certainly I have!” said Jack. “Here’s a cooking utensil with a tin handle.”
And he brought out the old wooden shoe, and put the crow into it.
“Well, that is a famous dish!” said the Princess. “But what shall we do for sauce?”
“Oh, I have that in my pocket,” said Jack; “I have so much of it that I can afford to throw some away;” and he poured some of the clay out of his pocket.
“I like that!” said the Princess. “You can give an answer, and you have something to say for yourself, and so you shall be my husband. But are you aware that every word we speak is being taken down, and will be published in the paper to-morrow? Look yonder, and you will see in every window three clerks and a head clerk; and the old head clerk is the worst of all, for he can’t understand anything.”
But she only said this to frighten Jack the Dullard; and the clerks gave a great crow of delight, and each one spurted a blot out of his pen on to the floor.
“Oh, those are the gentlemen, are they?” said Jack; “then I will give the best I have to the head clerk.” And he turned out his pockets, and flung the wet clay full in the head clerk’s face.
“That was very cleverly done,” observed the Princess. “I could not have done that; but I shall learn in time.”
And accordingly Jack the Dullard was made a king, and received a crown and a wife, and sat upon a throne. And this report we have wet from the press of the head clerk and the corporation of printers— but they are not to be depended upon in the least.
【格林童话故事第:刺猬汉斯Hans my Hedgehog】相关文章:





